Praise the lord Coming from Hindu background, thanks for saving power of God and now iam convert and happy catholic, on fire for the salvation of soul. We were taught to put our hands together 🙏🏻 like this while praying, it’s so simple just see our blessed mother when ever she appeared, her head was bowed and with folded hands she prays, I just follow her. Thanks 🙏🏻dear Excellency.
this is such nonsense - they don't even follow God's Bible nor His Ten Commandments and he's making a video about whether or not to 'hold hands'. smh. catholicism is such a lost system. i pray the Christian Bible is read and studied, before the end gets here - which is very soon.
@@tony1685 You might want to research exactly where your "Christian Bible" came from. The Bible was assembled by the One True Holy and Apostolic Church.
@@justinhannan3809 nonsense Justin - my Bible was written by Jews - save Nebuchadnezzar and Luke. my Bible was written to Jews - until Gentiles were grafted into the plan of salvation. my Bible was written in the era of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter and Paul - this was 3oo+ years *Before* catholicism was created. and there is absolutely NOTHING Holy about an institution which teaches contrary God's Word - catholicism promotes sin. *Happy Sabbath!!!* i pray church tomorrow morning is a blessing to all who know God and love Christ!
I was always taught that when the priest raises his hands to the oran position that he is doing this to pray for the entire congregation and that the congregation is not to imitate what the priest’s role is in the mass. Therefore I do not raise my hands during the Our Father.
This is absolutely correct. The priest celebrant and the laity have different jobs and play different roles in the celebration of the Mass. There are certain prayers, rubrics, and pistures reserved only for the priest. There also certain prayers, rubrics, and postures reserved only for the laity. Even the deacons don't do or say what is reserved for the priest celebrant during the Mass. The Mass is a ritual. Rituals have specific ways to be performed.
Concur - it's tantamount to pretending to be priests. In a Vatican document it is referred to as 'quasi-presiding'. Gestures and Postures at Mass is a series of youtube videos well worth watching - this particular subject is included in the coverage.
I had a lady next to me speaking louder ( the prayers and replies etc ) than the priest during Mass - the priests need to ask these loud people to stop disrupting the Mass with extremely loud voices and the gestures - the smooching at the sign of peace - the holding hands - why are so many doing this ?
Simple: do what the rubrics say. Set pride aside. Follow humbly in trust our good shepherds whom the Good Shepherd has appointed. Thanks very much, Archbishop!
The parish I used to attend had a Franciscan pastor. He wanted everyone to raise their hands during the Our Father. He also cried on the altar when Hillary Clinton lost the Presidential Election & she is one of the most pro abortion politicians in America along with the Catholics Biden, Pelosi & Durbin. It may not matter where your hands are when you pray if you don't believe in the sanctity of human life. That's just my opinion, though.
It really is about pride, isn't it? There are those who believe that the way they've been doing it is either correct, or acceptable, or that it doesn't matter, have made it about them and their disobedience isn't a big deal. And still there are also those who don't believe that the Church has a right to tell them what to do or how to do it or what to believe and why. Kind of sad, isn't it?
@@slschoon that's why, despite the tendency of many parishioners to become understandably focused on the celebrant, his personality, his words, behavior, virtues, and faults, it's a massive mistake which can understandably scandalise the laity and other clergy. I, too, have suffered plenty from being scandalised over a few decades as have countless other Catholics over the centuries. Listing them here will accomplish nothing. I no longer seek much human consolation, though prayers are always in order, because Christ is my consolation, His sacred heart. This leads me to the solution to the problem of scandal, particularly from priests while in Mass. The solution is to focus on Christ in the Word and the Eucharist. He alone, not the priest, is your consolation, strength, source of virtue and sanctification. This requires repeated effort and it's not easy, but it is the solution. If, on the other hand, one lets himself become dependant and centered upon the priest, his heart will rise and fall with the impression he has of the priest. Insofar as one notices the faults and sins of priests, consider that God is allowing you to see this so that you will pray for the priest's repentance and conversion. This can be a heavy cross, which is why we must beg Christ to help us carry our little crosses. He allows these so that we have the opportunities to grow in virtues and share in the sufferings of Christ. Be strong in Him and rejoice! Now imagine how you would feel if you were among the good angels who did not rebel against God in Heaven when when Lucifer and one-third of the angels did rebel and became devils. As a good angel, you might be scandalized that God could allow some of your fellow angels to rebel against God. Part of our test on Earth is to withstand the scandals of the clergy. In closing, I leave you with the words of Saint Teresa of Avila: Let nothing disturb you, Let nothing frighten you, All things are passing away: God never changes. Patience obtains all things Whoever has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices.
@@MM22272 This is in line with Canon Law thru the ages. I would add if someone who is disorded is in loco parentis it doesn't invalidate parenting itself
I was away from the Mass for many years. When I returned to the church, I thought this holding hands and raising hands and gathering in circles was so bizarre. I needed to find out the truth and found out about the Missal and the rubrics.
Ithink the less activity during Mass is good ,it is in this quiet time we can reflect on the Mass itself . After Mass is the time to greet friends and family. Afew Sundays ago I saw to young boys recieve Communion going down the aisle they were laughing at each other not really sure what to do with the Host. Now these boys were about the age of 8 or 9 and surely should have known better I stopped the two of then and gently told them no you need to respect what you have been given...I missed talking with the adult that brought them to Church ,but did Peak with our Parish Priest about the incident he thanked me and assured he would make sure the young people are receiving the Host after it is given to them. I have always appreciated receiving on my tongue instead of the hand so now I recieve only on my tongue thank--you
Of course silence is part, a very important one, of every celebration of the Mass. When one is at the foot of the cross, gazing at the Crucified Lord, a lot of times reverent silence is the only fitting response - not songs, not audible prayers. Very sad that the Mass, the re-presentation of Jesus' passion, death and resurrection, has been, more often than not, reduced to a gathering, a banquet and a meal.
It seems to have become prevalent for people to mimic the gestures of the priest during the Our Father, in responding to "Peace be with you" by raising hands at "And also with you," during the doxology after the Our Father "For the kingdom and the power ....." Because of Covid we stopped shaking hands and nodding to one another was prevalent, but more and more people are flashing the "peace" sign with index and middle fingers like leftover hippies. We can also go on and on about all of the different flavors of "genuflecting" that people are doing.
People holding their hands or raising their hands during the prayer bothers me every time I see it. But I'm still really glad that these people are in church. The things that really bother me are people clapping at the end of mass, talking/making side comments during mass, and socializing in the nave. But again, I'm still glad that these people are in church.
Thank You Archbishop Pettipas! I now understand the raising of hands etc. are not of the official liturgy! More people need to see your video to understand what they are during mass.
As he mentions, do as is stated in the Roman Missal and add no more. If a Deacon raises their arms and in some cases makes the movements of a musical conductor even, it is to be ignored. Put your hands together in prayer as stated in the Roman Missal.
Unfortunately some priests are confused and even encourage people to raise their hands. But all the books I've read say that this posture is for the priest alone. I do not raise my hands.
My pastor even did a homily on it. 10 minutes later when the Our Father was being said, the same people were still holding hands/holding their hands out. They either are directly rebelling or they were just not listening.
@@sld7262 I've never heard of a priest encouraging the lay faithful to raise their hands or do anything that is uniquely and specifically reserved for the priest celebrant. Not saying it hasn't happened, but every priest who is ordained has been taught the proper way.
@@mathieuconklin3146 sadly, many Catholics . . . especially cradle Catholics, never give their obedience to the Church serious consideration. They don't understand the authority that Jesus left His one. Holy, catholic, and Apostolic Church, or what that even means. Many don't realize that in order to be Catholic we must be obedient. The rules apply to us all, and not just those who choose to follow them. I dare say that the vast majority of Catholics have never even heard of the General Instruction for the Roman Missal, let alone know that it our guide book.
@@jeffscully50613 I should clarify, my pastor gave a homily on not doing the Oran's posture during the Our Father. Unfortunately, the distinction between laity and priest and their roles is muddled - that is intentional by the modernists.
As a low creature of the Almighty Father I see no value in distracting myself and others from focus on Him alone. I'm not a consecrated priest and have no need to raise my hands in prayer rather I feel it extremely necessary to be humble. As for the sign of peace...immediately following the Highest Gift of the Consecration and in preparation of recieving the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ it's terribly distracting and disrespectful to our Savior to take a break and jumble ourselves by shaking hands, throwing peace signs across the church, waving like we're at a parade and all the other things we's not a CYO basketball game, it's the House of the Lord and the highest point of the Sacrifice of the Mass and should be of our lives.
I feel the same. And i wish i had more opportunities....such as DAILY... to attend the TLM. Though, i am grateful to our Bishop for the ones he allows. Too much room for distractions away from our Lord in the NO.
@@franp5607 spoken like a typical uneducated Protestant who does not understand church history and yet is an expert on the Bible. Who do you think gave us the Bible? The CATHOLIC CHURCH
@@franp5607 please come home to the one True Faith. You're being deceived. In protestantism can you explain Eucharist miracles, the Miracle of the sun at Fatima, the saints that have been blessed with the Sacred Wounds of Christ and many many more apparitions and miracles? How about casting out demons? You don't have the blessing of the Father outside of the Catholic Faith. If you want to talk about the Pope, what about him? He's a broken soul just like the rest of us. Take the hand of Mary in the Rosary and she will lead to her beloved Son. She absolutely is the Virgin Mother of God.
Cristo Rey, it's the correct way not Christo, if you say it in Spanish sounds like Shristo Rey. Kristo Rey was my home parish where my parents got married and all 4 of us got baptized. ⛪🤴
Thank you, Archbishop Gerard Pettipas for clarifying these gestures during the celebration of the holy mass. By the way, we met during the 10th World Meeting of Families last June 22-26 at the Vatican in Rome. We interviewed you at the gate while waiting for our conference kit at opening day. Good to see & hear you via your youtube channel! Thanks & God bless! Demy & Sylvia Chavez from the Philippines.
Thank you, Archbishop! My guess is that the Missal is the same for the States as in Canada, and sometimes I think maybe I'm out of touch with hands clasped, but kept doing it based on what I saw the Deacon and Alter-boy doing. When my wife is with me on Sunday, we succumbed to the "everyone else is doing it this way", but just explained to her why we shouldn't...we can hold hands going across the parking lot!
I always see a lot of abuses at Mass and it bothers me. I think these things have creeped in over the years and there hasn't been anyone to correct them. That reminds me of something I saw recently. One thing that really bothers me is very few Catholics genuflect anymore. Before Mass one Sunday this guy was instructing the congregation on when and how to. He covered every occasion. When Mass was over I noticed as before very few were genuflecting. Sad. Only 30% believe in the real presence anymore. Maybe that's why.
@@williamcabell142 So the Catholics who do not observe the TLM have not really been Catholic for 50 years? I am 69. Nothing changed for me in my beliefs when the Latin Mass was changed to the vernacular. The 10 Commandments, the 7 sacraments, The Gifts of the Holy Spirit and everything I had learned before the vernacular were the same. Also, maybe look up why the Mass was changed to Latin ( vulgate ) from Greek around 400AD. It wasn’t because it was considered “ holier “.
From Melbourne Australia, thank you for your clear direction and instruction. We, the laity, need more such direction from our Bishops. God bless you Your Grace.
@@mpkropf5062 Sorry, but mass is mass. It's Christ's holy and profound sacrifice. There is no such thing as 'TLM', the Roman Rite is the Roman Rite. Making constant distinctions is very divisive.
@@mpkropf5062 you are making vast generalisations. I have attended mass in many places and have never seen a ‘rush’. My father recalls mass in his youth (recited in Latin) as often very rushed and some priests who said them had a poor understanding of ecclesiastical Latin. I go to mass to participate in Christ’s sacrifice, I don’t gauge how long each prayer is or the volume of incense used.
Thank GOD , I go to Latin Mass . No threat is , no bongos etc . Closing and denying the sacraments during COVID …. While Walmart and licor stores were open .
I can’t put my finger on the name of which apparition, but Our Lady specifically asked us not to use distractions like these during The Holy Mass. The Blessed Mother called Holding hands during the Our Father and the sign of peace distractions from the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It's like Covid Hibernating at home keeping away from covid if we can and not spreading it has been depressing. We need to all be doing the same thing at church. EVERYTHING. Kneeling, sign of cross, bowing, listening praying ect, saying the rosary, ect ect. Helps us to be better Catholics and closer to Jesus thru Mary. GOD BLESS YOU. AND THANKS FOR THE HELP
Before the pandemic my policy is keep your hands to yourself now after more so. I received my first Communion in May 1953. I stayed in the church until I late teen an attended the Latin Mass. Then I left for many years 2000. Since I have been back I have never considered drinking from the Cup I always considered it unsanitary. Now that the pandemic over let's learn our lessons and yes keep your hand to y I yourself at Mass.
Me from standing up after singing amen to moving back my chapel veil (i move it forward to cover my face during the transubstantiation) to receive communion: 🙏. My hands never move. I don’t break my praying to offer sign of peace. We should be worshipping God not talking to each other Last part i got from Father Adam who was the priest at St Joseph's in Crescent City
As I Protestant I really appreciate how this message was communicated. The comments are filled with people who are full of hate, pride and ignorance just as are many Protestant church goers. Christ is not in them. The Archbishop made clear distinction between what is appropriate during corporate rites vs private prayer and worship. As someone investigating why one should convert, it is alarming that so many within the Church do not hold to its beliefs. It is also saddening that such are considered to be in communion with the Church while truly devout servants of Christ are outside of it as Protestants. Who then truly is in communion with Christ?
Thank you Your Grace for this clarity! There is great Wisdom in the Church and following her simple instructions can really enrich the Faithful. Pax et Bonum 🙏💕
I find that when I raise my outstretched hands during the Lord's prayer I feel a holy even divine power in it. So naturally it must be denied to the faithful.
Thank you for speaking the truth about the Our Father and what to do. I am almost 70. I was taught in the first grade that we are there serving God and that we should fold our hands and recite this prayer speaking directly to God in a reverent manner as if only He and I were there not including the disturbance of those around us. We were to keep focused in God. That becomes difficult to do when someone is grabbing you hand. The other disturbing is the addition of the Protestant ending to the Lords Prayer. Even though they are beautiful reaffirming words, Jesus did not give them to us. I choose to omit the Protestant part.
You're almost 70, Margaret...and I'm almost 72! Since discovering the false doctrine, man-made-up teachings of the Catholic church at age 59 when I was Born Again (John chapter 3) I now, and only now after almost 6 decades in the catholic church know Jesus, God The Father and The Holy Spirit...and that "knowing" is all and everything I live for and live in. I pray for all to come to this saving knowledge of Christ because God's Will is for all of us to be saved. May God bless you and all, especially my catholic family and friends. 🙏🙏🙏🙏♥️✝️
General Instruction of the Roman Missal references the orans posture with the phrase “with hands extended.” It is instructed to be done twenty-eight times and is used as a direction ONLY for the priest(s)-the laity are never directed to pray “with hands extended.” Given that it is clearly a directive in the GIRM, to add it to any other part of the liturgy would be a violation of the above stated liturgical rule.
I'm confused and would appreciate the Archbishop explaining why the celebrant uses the orans posture during the recitation of the Our Father. The other times this posture is used during Mass is when the priest, as celebrant, offers prayers on behalf of the congregation, instead of prayer with it. During these prayers, the congregation participates through silent interiorization concluded by a vocal "Amen." However, this is not the case as the congregation joins with the celebrant in the recitation of the Our Father.
The raising of hands is the gesture of a priest with consecrated hands.. not for the laity. The same with handling the Eucharist. And don’t grab my hand during the Our Father.. put your hands together and pray
Holding and/or extending hands during the Lord’s Prayer was copied from the Protestant church, just like adding “for the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours”. The “peace be with you” handshake, hug, etc only really takes away from the sanctity of the Holy Mass. I miss traditional mass.
I often wonder, if it's not appropriate for the layity to hold hands or raise their hands, why don't priests tell the people? I see it everywhere but nobody says anything.
Thanks very much Archbishop for that clear answer. I’ve got a follow up. Why do some parishes sing the out father, doesn’t the lead in say, “We dare to pray”? Shouldn’t we be singing our hymns and praying our prayers? If this is incorrect, why is it so prevalent? These are some of the reasons people are so frustrated with the Novus Ordo Mass.
This was answered in the EWTN program called Web of Faith by Father John Trigilio and Father Robert Levis but unfortunately I cannot find a replay of it. They answered this question in-depth, way better than this prelate did.
When the lay people started lifting their hands with the priest there was an article in the Western Catholic Reporter addressing this. The answer was that when the priest lifts his hands, arms out - that is called the orans position and only the priest does it - the rest of the lay faithful should fold their hands in a prayerful position. I will smile at people at the sign of peace but I find it very distracting and there are parishioners still shaking hands at the 3rd recitation of "Lamb of God" 5:17
Excellent presentation. There is no instruction the the General Instruction for the Roman Missal that specifies a posture for the laity during the Our Father prayer. However, it is rare for the Missal to prescribe (or proscribe) particular postures for the laity. It has extremely detailed instructions for the postures of the ministers, and these should be followed with devotion. As long as they are not disturbing others or the liturgy, laity should assume whatever posture helps them worship Christ.
Just feel like ranting. Why oh why??? I quit going to my church and go to a different Roman Catholic Church because of how parishioners are acting. They do hand holding, stretch out arms and the music is unreal! Loud drums, guitars I mean you'd think you were at a concert! They applaud. It makes me so sad. Everyone seems to like it and follows along but I don't and quit going there. Traditional mass is for me with a simple choir that sings off key most of the times! Thank you for this video Father and the great comments! God Bless Everyone 🙏
Where I go to mass the priest says the "Our Father " we, the laity, simply respond "Sed libera nos a malo", then the priest, in a low voice, says Amen.
@@maryprochilo4498 it's in the "Mass of the Ages" the traditional Holy Sacrifice the Church offered for centuries until 1969-70 When the Vatican chose to destroy it, and now pope Francis is doubling down on the destruction. Pray for the Church !
@@johngermain3076 yes...and he does not have the power to take away something that belongs to the church. So also pray for the bishops that are following him 🙏
When Jesus gave His gift of peace, He said that it is not peace as the world gives. I understood this to mean not the sort of peace as the hippies 60s, but the deep internal and rational peace which would ground the disciples even unto martyrdom.
If the Church wants consistency in what the people are supposed to do, then put laminated copies of what to do in the pews. We had them with the old Latin Mass. In the Ukrainian Catholic Church, which I attended for a great part of my life, there is a small book with the entire Mass ( plus the Funeral Rites, among other devotional events ) in which “ stand “ “ sit “ “ kneel “ are printed clearly, along with other instructions such as “ sung “. Makes things much easier all round. By the way, there is also a lot of beating of the breast throughout. If you say the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, there is a part of the Divine Liturgy - Holy God, Holy and Mighty etc. - that we beat out breasts to. Been doing that since a little girl ( now 69 )
Purchase a Weekday or Sunday Missal. They're relatively inexpensive and have all of this information and more. Or you can find this information online. There are several fantastic "teaching Masses" on UA-cam. Do a search for teaching Mass. The information is out there. We can't expect the Church to spoonfeed 1.2 billion Catholics.
@@ferrariguy6389 In the Ukrainian Church, books for The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom are in the pews. So you don’t have to purchase a missal for each year and you don’t have to worry about forgetting it. They make it simple and easy!! I get the readings for Mass everyday online.
If we had more clergy with such courage to speak clearly on these things, we might not have the majority of Catholics worshipping in ways other than what is prescribed.
If we had more clergy period. The harvest is great but the laborers are few. Celibacy delivers Catholics to the Pentecostals.. And the devil laughs and laughs .
Correct posture is hands folded. We, as music ministers, were instructed in this as well as what sort of music is correct to use during and before and after Mass. The sign of peace is an add on also. It completely distracts from the Mass.
The sign of peace goes back to the Apostles, and the Earliest Church. Read St. Justin Martyr's book First Apopogia. Here is part of Chapter 65 which explains that part of the Mass. But we, after we have thus washed him who has been convinced and has assented to our teaching, bring him to the place where those who are called brethren are assembled, in order that we may offer hearty prayers in common for ourselves and for the baptized [illuminated] person, and for all others in every place, that we may be counted worthy, now that we have learned the truth, by our works also to be found good citizens and keepers of the commandments, so that we may be saved with an everlasting salvation. Having ended the prayers, we salute one another with a kiss. There is then brought to the president of the brethren bread and a cup of wine mixed with water; and he taking them, gives praise and glory to the Father of the universe, through the name of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, and offers thanks at considerable length for our being counted worthy to receive these things at His hands. And when he has concluded the prayers and thanksgivings, all the people present express their assent by saying Amen.
The Orans position, with hands spread open in supplication, the priest does on our behalf. We, the lay faithful, are not expected to to assume the orans position. The only notable exception may be found in the rubrics of the Zaire Rite, the only known example of an inculturation of the Holy Mass in Ordinary Form.
It does not bother me how people stand or how they wish people upon their neighbors, but some parishes have slaughtered the music. As a former music director, I know there are rules on how we sing at church. For example, if the Gloria is not sung…it should be omitted. But priests and parishes do it all the time. Also, we should not pick and choose verses from a hymn. A hymn is a complete thought and/or prayer and should not be cherry-picked like [again] Protestant churches do.
I'm from Ireland and can give you my experience. During mass, Irish born people keep their hands classed during the Lords prayer and traditionally shake hands at the sign of peace. However, many philippinos reach out in a sort of charismatic manner. I just presumed it was equally valid form..
The prayer position in which both hands are placed one inside the other does not appear in the Bible. However, there are many passages that testify that people have always prayed with their hands raised. This is the most common and widespread prayer posture in the Bible. So why should we do anything else?
The sign of peace is so distracting, especially when the previous pastor at my parish encouraged everyone to "wave to the people watching the livestream." Yes, the thrice holy God is present on the altar, and countless angels are bowing down to him in adoration. Let's all turn our backs on him and wave to sister M. in France!
And that priest's encouragement was contrary to the instructions, which direct that all are to make a sign of peace "sibi invicem," which I think is best translated "one with the other," or "each mutually." The phrase implies that the sign is given from one person to another, not from one generally to all. It is an individual thing. There is a further implication that the peace is signed only to those who are immediately adjacent. To move about, exchanging the sign with this person and then that, and then the next, and the next, and so on is not what the rubric says to do. Later: I was quoting from the first edition of the General Instruction. The current edition is more forceful. The relevant direction is at paragraph 82, which ends with this sentence: "Convenit tamen ut unusquisque solummodo sibi propinquioribus sobrie pacem significet." The phrase "sibi propinquioribus" means, very exactly "next to each other." It is strictly contrary to the stated rubrics to reach into the next pew or across the aisle or wave to distant persons, or to leave one's place to exchange the greeting of peace.
I always found it distracting when people would leave the pew and shake hands with everyone they knew. The liturgy continues and they are still bopping around.
I've been Catholic for my entire life (64+ years). I was never taught to use the Orans posture during the Our Father or at any other time. I don't know how or when or why it even became a thing. I suspect it is a Protestant thing and converts to the Catholic Church may have started it, and cradle Catholics must have thought it looked good, or that they are now teaching it in RCIA or something. The other (or another) one that bothers me is when the priest celebrant says, "Lift up your hearts," and the laity reply, "We lift them up to the Lord . . . " and they raise their hands like they are serving up their hearts on a platter. We are NOT supposed to raise our hands like that. Many also do this when the priest celebrant says, "The Lord be with you," and the laity replay, ". . . and with your spirit." No. No. No. Please STOP DOING THIS!
@@Veritas1234 when you do not follow the rules and instructions we have for the Mass you make it all about you and not about being part of the Body of Christ and the glorification of God.
@@Veritas1234 some things are right and something’s are wrong; just because everyone does it, doesn’t make it right. Humble yourself and do the right thing. It’s that simple.
Interesting and helpful explanation. Thank you Archbishop. So basically we should follow what the Missal says. If it’s not in the Missal we shouldn’t be adding it in ourselves. Seems simple enough. What I have noticed, as a new convert, is that some Catholics seem to be worshipping the ritual as much or more than God Himself. That is troubling, as it reminds me of what the Pharisees were doing, and for which our Lord reprimanded them.
Devout Catholics don't "worship the ritual", but devout Catholics are aware that it is important to follow the traditions of the Church. The Church existed before the New Testament. Therefore, the traditions of the Church matter! St. Peter and the Apostles set up the Mass to be completed in a specific way as guided by the Holy Spirit. Things set by God should NOT be changed by man. There has been too much of those arbitrary changes and that is why this Bishop clarified something that 100 years ago a 5 year old would have known. Vatican II is not the original Catholic Church and until God makes a formal announcement that he is changing from the directions He gave to St. Peter, no Pope, Bishop, or priest has the right to change it. Man changes his life for God, God does not change His rules to accommodate the "modern" man.
@@kateh2354 What early sources do we have for the specifics of celebration of the Mass that confirm that the traditional Latin Mass was established by St Peter? I’ve read the writings of the Apostolic Fathers and the Didache but I don’t see the early church’s celebration of the Mass being as elaborate as the TLM in the early days of the church. I’m interested in learning more. Thanks
I'm sorry for that and it is true beloved. As a lifelong Catholic it bothers me too how much especially American Catholics seem to worship the ritual (idolatry) and not through the liturgy to worship God. The latin Mass is not ordained by God as the only or correct form, it is one form and one that won out in the 1500's crushing the hundreds of other liturgical forms throughout the world. It was good to pray together in the universal church until the people grew farther away and the performance became an act of the priest and choir and servers. To insist that the Eucharist is stuck in that form is idolatrous. The apostles didn't worship in Latin nor many of the Fathers. We need to get back to what the Eucharist is about and not what it looks like, that is scarily fanatical and culturally imposing. The church for centuries was united worshipping in many forms and thats why I am glad our pope has spoken about the false worship of rituals over the living power f the ritual and its meaning. God bless you and welcome home, its a mess but its home!
@@RedRiverMan well think about this. The Lord chastise the Novus Ordo Catholics by cancelling public Masses. And then the Novus Ordo Catholics had to complied with the Demonic Restrictions, especially wearing the Demonic Masks. So if you truly want the pandemic to end than you need to Return to the Traditional Latin Mass. And acknowledge that what you feel is wrong.
Bring back the mass of the ages, the mass that made countless saints, the mass that is infinitely pleasing to God: The traditional mass. Leave the Novus Ordo to the protestants
One thing you should not do is give Communion in the hand. This is a great sacrilege if you believe that the host is the Body, Blood, Soul and divinity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Where do these practices come from! No need to raise up hands during the "Our Father," no need to hold hands, no need to touch hands during the "sign of peace." Why not make an announcement during mass that these gesture are not acceptable!
Thank you! Now if you can get the parishioners to dress properly when attending mass; women should NOT wear short skirts, low cut tops nor wear shorts and flip flops. Equally men should wear pants and shoes and neither should wear anything distracting.
When you look at early artwork in the catacombs and in other places, you see the early Christians holding up their hands in the Orans posture. It is a very ancient tradition, and it's not "Protestant" as many like to believe. It is even a continuation of Judaism since this was practiced even beforehand. Paul even says in Timothy, "Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing". Some people say that the Orans posture is only for the priests, but as seen by the artwork and found in scripture, it is for everyone. Personally, I don't really like to do the Orans pose in church, however, I don't look down on the people who do it. They are doing nothing wrong.
@@jeffscully50613 Thanks Jeff, I've heard of the Roman Missal. It says nothing about whether or not the laity should or should not use the orans. As I said, this is not reserved for the priest. It's okay if you don't want to do it, as I said I myself am not really into doing this posture. However, I only share my opinion so that you may perhaps change your mind and not be angered at the parishioners around you.,hands%20outstretched%20sideways%2C%20palms%20up.
The Novus Ordo allows all sorts of abuses which call attention to the person of the congregant or the priest, making the sanctuary a stage and the priest a performer. That is why this form of mess should be avoided at all costs.
Rev Father the practice here in Ireland is at variance to what you state in your video. The Nicene Creed is NEVER SAID RIGHT BY IRISH PRIESTS; “For us men and for our salvation” but “Men” is omitted thereby making it a invalid mass. In fact the only priest that said it correctly was Fr Blount the American priest who visited Knock Shrine last Sunday. Also the Lord prayer that we Roman Catholic recite is at variance with the Original Text as stated in the Vulgate Holy Bible. Can you discuss why ? If the Lord Jesus told us how to pray, why would mortal men change the text of that prayer. ❤
The sign of peace makes sense because one very often kisses/hugs family members (depending like it says on culture) but not so much strangers or people know more formally like a teacher, classmate, or a business associate who may be attending mass together and vice versa it would be a little odd to more formally shake hands with family members or your best friend or godparent.
Not everything is literal: when is says "You are the salt of the earth", it doesn't mean we, God's people, are NaCl or the thing that goes next to the pepper shaker. Allow for reason when reading the Bible. Always.
The instruction in the Missal says clearly about the posture of the presiding priest during the Our Father prayer, but did not give instructions about the posture of the laity which is vague.
@@cjosephwu if it doesn't say to do it, don't do it. It doesn't say stand on your head either. It says for the priest to use the Orans posture. It says that certain postures are reserved for the priest only.
Vatican 2 said "according to the custom and cultures of the people, so the Babel babble consequences again. ✌️So to one culture (🙄 stoned hippies) this sign of peace was 2 fingers at the silent generation and the draft in the 60's. To the silent generation that was a former victory sign which was co-opted by left wing terrorist organisations globally in the 70's. Was used in one specific culture for centuries as a warding off obscene gesture. Has its roots in high magic ritual. Ah, liberation theology again. Noice.
I have found that to keep the eyes down and the hands clasped does not allow for people to communicate the hand shake of peace to you. Individuals can go up-and-down the aisles if they desire. But we can focus on Our Savior.
I don’t think they were kissing on the mouth ! Actually from Jewish teachings Greetings with a kiss didn’t mean actually kissing but shaking hands or fist bumps! So people are taking it out of context when they quote scripture about the holy kiss! Because they don’t know the first Christian ( Jewish) culture!
i dont understand why is it that when priests see this going on during the Mass, they dont address it to clarify what we should all be doing. We look confused from the outside looking in..
Thank you Archbishop. It is really simple. Our books tell us what to do, but most don't use the books! Will you pray and fast about state of Michigan's proposal 3 on abortion, and for a new, prolife governor? It's a horrible bill, the worst yet. Please spread the word. Jesus said "certain demons" can only be rid through prayer and fasting, combined. Certainly, abortion is a "certain demon", clinging for decades. Don't think many Michiganders see the stakes, innocent lives, to begin with. Our Blessed Mother has said fasting has waned. Please see facts on fasting, as given by Mary, at Mejugorje. Thanks. Don't ask for something, ask for everything! God is huge.
I was raised by just holding your own hands and praying during mass. Here in the states they all hold hands or lift their hands up. I personally don’t like it much and just fold my hands. All the saints are even depicted like that holding their hands. I’m not sure where the practice started with raising your hands up. To each their own though. I think it’s personal
Here’s the answer: I would say, only go to the Latin mass. Why? Because the new mass was made hastily, parts of it scribed on a paper towel in a cafe, made by consulting and making concessions to please protestants (heretics), and it lacks in exclusively exclaiming Christ as Victim, meaning that mass is propitiatory. This taking away is diabolical. So priests saying the new mass do not know the fullness of their priesthood, so they cannot transmit the fullness of Christ’s spirit (the Holy Ghost) and His divine teaching to the faithful. Why? Because they don’t know it if they’re saying the new mass only. The new mass is lacking gravely, extraordinarily, which makes it dangerous for your soul. Remember this, duplicity and any ambiguity is not of God. Our faith is crystal clear. God bless you.
I liked it better when no one had to do the sign of peace . I especially dislike the peace sign ✌🏽 that many do towards each other . It’s done at a specially prayerful time of mass and I never like it . I also dislike the holding hands during out father - oh I forgot the actual smooching at the sign of peace that many do. Heading to sspx next weekend . Sigh
So I am confused, you speak of how the missal does not state how one is to give each other the sign of peace (waving, shaking hands, high five, kissing the one next to you, hugging etc.) but as long as you follow what the "local customs" are is fine, which to me could be practically anything. The giving each other the "sign of peace" is a result of the protestant influence of vatican II which has lead to a collapse of the lack of reverence towards the presence of God in the Eucharist, and instead has put the emphasis on "MAN"
Pre-1958, only the Priest would recite the Our Father. And, since he as offering this prayer on behalf of the congregation, his hands would be in the orans (hands raised) position. When they made the change that everyone should recite the Our Father, Holy Mother Church did not tell priests to stop putting their hands in the orans position (though, strictly, they should have ... since the was no longer offering that prayer on behalf of the congregation). But there is absolutely no reason for people to put their hands in the orans position, much less hold hands.
Put your hands together and pray.
Hello 👋 There
How are you doing?
You are not praying to the person beside you ! If you want to live like a Protestant go to their churches don’t bring Protestantism into the Mass!!!
Praise the lord
Coming from Hindu background, thanks for saving power of God and now iam convert and happy catholic, on fire for the salvation of soul.
We were taught to put our hands together 🙏🏻 like this while praying, it’s so simple just see our blessed mother when ever she appeared, her head was bowed and with folded hands she prays, I just follow her.
Thanks 🙏🏻dear Excellency.
All the blessing for you&family.
Welcome to the kingdom of God. Blessings to you and all your family.
this is such nonsense - they don't even follow God's Bible nor His Ten Commandments and he's making a video about whether or not to 'hold hands'.
smh. catholicism is such a lost system. i pray the Christian Bible is read and studied, before the end gets here - which is very soon.
@@tony1685 You might want to research exactly where your "Christian Bible" came from. The Bible was assembled by the One True Holy and Apostolic Church.
@@justinhannan3809 nonsense Justin - my Bible was written by Jews - save Nebuchadnezzar and Luke.
my Bible was written to Jews - until Gentiles were grafted into the plan of salvation.
my Bible was written in the era of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter and Paul - this was 3oo+ years *Before* catholicism was created.
and there is absolutely NOTHING Holy about an institution which teaches contrary God's Word - catholicism promotes sin.
*Happy Sabbath!!!*
i pray church tomorrow morning is a blessing to all who know God and love Christ!
I was always taught that when the priest raises his hands to the oran position that he is doing this to pray for the entire congregation and that the congregation is not to imitate what the priest’s role is in the mass. Therefore I do not raise my hands during the Our Father.
This is absolutely correct.
The priest celebrant and the laity have different jobs and play different roles in the celebration of the Mass. There are certain prayers, rubrics, and pistures reserved only for the priest. There also certain prayers, rubrics, and postures reserved only for the laity. Even the deacons don't do or say what is reserved for the priest celebrant during the Mass.
The Mass is a ritual. Rituals have specific ways to be performed.
Concur - it's tantamount to pretending to be priests. In a Vatican document it is referred to as 'quasi-presiding'. Gestures and Postures at Mass is a series of youtube videos well worth watching - this particular subject is included in the coverage.
Completely correct, the posture is the priest's
I had a lady next to me speaking louder ( the prayers and replies etc ) than the priest during Mass - the priests need to ask these loud people to stop disrupting the Mass with extremely loud voices and the gestures - the smooching at the sign of peace - the holding hands - why are so many doing this ?
Simple: do what the rubrics say. Set pride aside. Follow humbly in trust our good shepherds whom the Good Shepherd has appointed. Thanks very much, Archbishop!
Humility is the greatest gift, it is the prelude to all the graces.
The parish I used to attend had a Franciscan pastor. He wanted everyone to raise their hands during the Our Father. He also cried on the altar when Hillary Clinton lost the Presidential Election & she is one of the most pro abortion politicians in America along with the Catholics Biden, Pelosi & Durbin. It may not matter where your hands are when you pray if you don't believe in the sanctity of human life. That's just my opinion, though.
It really is about pride, isn't it?
There are those who believe that the way they've been doing it is either correct, or acceptable, or that it doesn't matter, have made it about them and their disobedience isn't a big deal. And still there are also those who don't believe that the Church has a right to tell them what to do or how to do it or what to believe and why. Kind of sad, isn't it?
@@slschoon that's why, despite the tendency of many parishioners to become understandably focused on the celebrant, his personality, his words, behavior, virtues, and faults, it's a massive mistake which can understandably scandalise the laity and other clergy. I, too, have suffered plenty from being scandalised over a few decades as have countless other Catholics over the centuries. Listing them here will accomplish nothing. I no longer seek much human consolation, though prayers are always in order, because Christ is my consolation, His sacred heart.
This leads me to the solution to the problem of scandal, particularly from priests while in Mass. The solution is to focus on Christ in the Word and the Eucharist. He alone, not the priest, is your consolation, strength, source of virtue and sanctification. This requires repeated effort and it's not easy, but it is the solution. If, on the other hand, one lets himself become dependant and centered upon the priest, his heart will rise and fall with the impression he has of the priest.
Insofar as one notices the faults and sins of priests, consider that God is allowing you to see this so that you will pray for the priest's repentance and conversion. This can be a heavy cross, which is why we must beg Christ to help us carry our little crosses. He allows these so that we have the opportunities to grow in virtues and share in the sufferings of Christ. Be strong in Him and rejoice!
Now imagine how you would feel if you were among the good angels who did not rebel against God in Heaven when when Lucifer and one-third of the angels did rebel and became devils. As a good angel, you might be scandalized that God could allow some of your fellow angels to rebel against God. Part of our test on Earth is to withstand the scandals of the clergy. In closing, I leave you with the words of Saint Teresa of Avila:
Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things
Whoever has God lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.
@@MM22272 This is in line with Canon Law thru the ages.
I would add if someone who is disorded is in loco parentis it doesn't invalidate parenting itself
During Our Father we must put our hands together like we do before (prayer position)
Who said?
No you don't. You pray whatever way you feel most comfortable praying.
I was taught do what the deacon does; he never raises his hands for the Our Father, he has prayer hands 🙏🏻
Nothing like 2 false options. Don't buy the premise. Palms together and fingertip to fingertip as Catholics have done for centuries.
@@themonsterunderyourbed9408 This is exactly the problem. "Whatever you feel most comfortable doing."
Thank you. You are right Father, no one should touch others hands .
Yes let's make sure the church is void of human interaction
I was away from the Mass for many years. When I returned to the church, I thought this holding hands and raising hands and gathering in circles was so bizarre. I needed to find out the truth and found out about the Missal and the rubrics.
gathering in circles??? When does that happen?
This explanation was clear, cogent, and helpful, Your Eminence. Gratias tibi!
it was clear, but it's clearly not Christianity, sadly.
catholicism has the masses deceived and in darkness.
Repent and leave The Catholic Church and its false doctrine!
Ithink the less activity during Mass is good ,it is in this quiet time we can reflect on the Mass itself .
After Mass is the time to greet friends and family.
Afew Sundays ago I saw to young boys recieve Communion
going down the aisle they were laughing at each other not really sure what to do with the Host. Now these boys were about the age of 8 or 9 and surely should have known better I stopped the two of then and gently told them no you need to respect what you have been given...I missed talking with the adult that brought them to Church ,but did Peak with our Parish Priest about the incident he thanked me and assured he would make sure the young people are receiving the Host after it is given to them. I have always appreciated receiving on my tongue instead of the hand so now I recieve only on my tongue thank--you
Mass is communal prayer not personal prayer time. Its when you open ur mouth and participate in the songs and responses, not a time to be quiet
Of course silence is part, a very important one, of every celebration of the Mass. When one is at the foot of the cross, gazing at the Crucified Lord, a lot of times reverent silence is the only fitting response - not songs, not audible prayers.
Very sad that the Mass, the re-presentation of Jesus' passion, death and resurrection, has been, more often than not, reduced to a gathering, a banquet and a meal.
I’m in my eighties and have never ever raised my hands, and I never will.
It seems to have become prevalent for people to mimic the gestures of the priest during the Our Father, in responding to "Peace be with you" by raising hands at "And also with you," during the doxology after the Our Father "For the kingdom and the power ....." Because of Covid we stopped shaking hands and nodding to one another was prevalent, but more and more people are flashing the "peace" sign with index and middle fingers like leftover hippies. We can also go on and on about all of the different flavors of "genuflecting" that people are doing.
Thank you !
People holding their hands or raising their hands during the prayer bothers me every time I see it. But I'm still really glad that these people are in church.
The things that really bother me are people clapping at the end of mass, talking/making side comments during mass, and socializing in the nave. But again, I'm still glad that these people are in church.
I sing louder when people start talking after mass
Thank You Archbishop Pettipas! I now understand the raising of hands etc. are not of the official liturgy! More people need to see your video to understand what they are during mass.
From 1960 to 1969 I was taught by the Sisters of Saint Joseph in Valley Stream NY. I still do it their way.
This is so helpful. I've heard that the congregation should follow what the Deacon does and not the Priest. This has been very helpful for me.
As he mentions, do as is stated in the Roman Missal and add no more. If a Deacon raises their arms and in some cases makes the movements of a musical conductor even, it is to be ignored. Put your hands together in prayer as stated in the Roman Missal.
Do this 🙏 and only this🙏
90% of my church throw their arm up , look like morons.
ALL Pastors should occasionally take a few moments to instruct the faithful in the proper rubrics!!
Unfortunately some priests are confused and even encourage people to raise their hands. But all the books I've read say that this posture is for the priest alone. I do not raise my hands.
My pastor even did a homily on it. 10 minutes later when the Our Father was being said, the same people were still holding hands/holding their hands out. They either are directly rebelling or they were just not listening.
@@sld7262 I've never heard of a priest encouraging the lay faithful to raise their hands or do anything that is uniquely and specifically reserved for the priest celebrant. Not saying it hasn't happened, but every priest who is ordained has been taught the proper way.
@@mathieuconklin3146 sadly, many Catholics . . . especially cradle Catholics, never give their obedience to the Church serious consideration. They don't understand the authority that Jesus left His one. Holy, catholic, and Apostolic Church, or what that even means.
Many don't realize that in order to be Catholic we must be obedient. The rules apply to us all, and not just those who choose to follow them.
I dare say that the vast majority of Catholics have never even heard of the General Instruction for the Roman Missal, let alone know that it our guide book.
@@jeffscully50613 I should clarify, my pastor gave a homily on not doing the Oran's posture during the Our Father. Unfortunately, the distinction between laity and priest and their roles is muddled - that is intentional by the modernists.
As a low creature of the Almighty Father I see no value in distracting myself and others from focus on Him alone. I'm not a consecrated priest and have no need to raise my hands in prayer rather I feel it extremely necessary to be humble. As for the sign of peace...immediately following the Highest Gift of the Consecration and in preparation of recieving the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ it's terribly distracting and disrespectful to our Savior to take a break and jumble ourselves by shaking hands, throwing peace signs across the church, waving like we're at a parade and all the other things we's not a CYO basketball game, it's the House of the Lord and the highest point of the Sacrifice of the Mass and should be of our lives.
At the traditional latin mass there is no such distraction, you can relax and focus on the Lord alone
Amen, I believe that same way
I feel the same. And i wish i had more opportunities....such as DAILY... to attend the TLM. Though, i am grateful to our Bishop for the ones he allows. Too much room for distractions away from our Lord in the NO.
@@franp5607 spoken like a typical uneducated Protestant who does not understand church history and yet is an expert on the Bible. Who do you think gave us the Bible? The CATHOLIC CHURCH
@@franp5607 please come home to the one True Faith. You're being deceived. In protestantism can you explain Eucharist miracles, the Miracle of the sun at Fatima, the saints that have been blessed with the Sacred Wounds of Christ and many many more apparitions and miracles? How about casting out demons? You don't have the blessing of the Father outside of the Catholic Faith. If you want to talk about the Pope, what about him? He's a broken soul just like the rest of us. Take the hand of Mary in the Rosary and she will lead to her beloved Son. She absolutely is the Virgin Mother of God.
Thank you your Excellency , this was something I have wondered about through out my life as a practicing Catholic. Viva Christo Rey!
Cristo Rey, it's the correct way not Christo, if you say it in Spanish sounds like Shristo Rey. Kristo Rey was my home parish where my parents got married and all 4 of us got baptized. ⛪🤴
catholicism isn't Christianity, Sir - please study the Christian Bible.
Repent and leave The Catholic Church and its false doctrine!
@@tony1685 you mean the catholic bible ?
@@maz7958 no Sir, i mean the Christian Bible.
catholic 'bible' has missing verses and added apocrypha.
Thank you, Archbishop Gerard Pettipas for clarifying these gestures during the celebration of the holy mass. By the way, we met during the 10th World Meeting of Families last June 22-26 at the Vatican in Rome. We interviewed you at the gate while waiting for our conference kit at opening day. Good to see & hear you via your youtube channel! Thanks & God bless! Demy & Sylvia Chavez from the Philippines.
Thank you bishop. God bless you
Thanks be to God for the correction.
Hey Mary
How are you doing?
Thank you, Archbishop! My guess is that the Missal is the same for the States as in Canada, and sometimes I think maybe I'm out of touch with hands clasped, but kept doing it based on what I saw the Deacon and Alter-boy doing. When my wife is with me on Sunday, we succumbed to the "everyone else is doing it this way", but just explained to her why we shouldn't...we can hold hands going across the parking lot!
I always see a lot of abuses at Mass and it bothers me. I think these things have creeped in over the years and there hasn't been anyone to correct them. That reminds me of something I saw recently. One thing that really bothers me is very few Catholics genuflect anymore. Before Mass one Sunday this guy was instructing the congregation on when and how to. He covered every occasion. When Mass was over I noticed as before very few were genuflecting. Sad. Only 30% believe in the real presence anymore. Maybe that's why.
It is a sad day when Catholics have to be taught to genuflect. It was taken as common practice at one time.
Ya think! Glad you woke up! It’s been prostituted for 50 years!
There is no genuflecting in the Ukrainian Catholic Church. Before and entering the pew, you bow your head and make the Sign of the Cross.
@@williamcabell142 So the Catholics who do not observe the TLM have not really been Catholic for 50 years?
I am 69. Nothing changed for me in my beliefs when the Latin Mass was changed to the vernacular.
The 10 Commandments, the 7 sacraments,
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit and everything I had learned before the vernacular were the same.
Also, maybe look up why the Mass was changed to Latin ( vulgate ) from Greek around 400AD.
It wasn’t because it was considered “ holier “.
@@pjsmith4369 Translate to reverence.
Oh yes they both do.
From Melbourne Australia, thank you for your clear direction and instruction. We, the laity, need more such direction from our Bishops. God bless you Your Grace.
No sign of peace..I bow my head the entire time... thankfully I left that parish and attend a Latin rite...all adoration and worship to God
Are you saying that because we don't attend Latin Mass that we don't give all worship to God? That's a problem. Our Mass is the same.
@@mpkropf5062 Sorry, but mass is mass. It's Christ's holy and profound sacrifice. There is no such thing as 'TLM', the Roman Rite is the Roman Rite. Making constant distinctions is very divisive.
@@mpkropf5062 you are making vast generalisations. I have attended mass in many places and have never seen a ‘rush’. My father recalls mass in his youth (recited in Latin) as often very rushed and some priests who said them had a poor understanding of ecclesiastical Latin. I go to mass to participate in Christ’s sacrifice, I don’t gauge how long each prayer is or the volume of incense used.
Thank GOD , I go to Latin Mass . No threat is , no bongos etc .
Closing and denying the sacraments during COVID …. While Walmart and licor stores were open .
Hello Nina
How are you doing?
Abortion mills were also opened.
I can’t put my finger on the name of which apparition, but Our Lady specifically asked us not to use distractions like these during The Holy Mass. The Blessed Mother called Holding hands during the Our Father and the sign of peace distractions from the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It's like Covid Hibernating at home keeping away from covid if we can and not spreading it has been depressing. We need to all be doing the same thing at church. EVERYTHING. Kneeling, sign of cross, bowing, listening praying ect, saying the rosary, ect ect. Helps us to be better Catholics and closer to Jesus thru Mary. GOD BLESS YOU. AND THANKS FOR THE HELP
Let them dictate to you, the Chicom virus does not and has not altered anything at our SSPX parish
Before the pandemic my policy is keep your hands to yourself now after more so. I received my first Communion in May 1953. I stayed in the church until I late teen an attended the Latin Mass. Then I left for many years 2000. Since I have been back I have never considered drinking from the Cup I always considered it unsanitary. Now that the pandemic over let's learn our lessons and yes keep your hand to y I yourself at Mass.
Thank you Archbishop, appreciate this, and it answered a couple of questions for me .
God Bless you 🙏♥️
Repent and leave The Catholic Church and its false doctrine!
Thank you, Your Excellency.
Thankyou for some clarity!
Me from standing up after singing amen to moving back my chapel veil (i move it forward to cover my face during the transubstantiation) to receive communion: 🙏. My hands never move. I don’t break my praying to offer sign of peace. We should be worshipping God not talking to each other
Last part i got from Father Adam who was the priest at St Joseph's in Crescent City
Thank you, Archbishop!
As I Protestant I really appreciate how this message was communicated. The comments are filled with people who are full of hate, pride and ignorance just as are many Protestant church goers. Christ is not in them.
The Archbishop made clear distinction between what is appropriate during corporate rites vs private prayer and worship.
As someone investigating why one should convert, it is alarming that so many within the Church do not hold to its beliefs. It is also saddening that such are considered to be in communion with the Church while truly devout servants of Christ are outside of it as Protestants. Who then truly is in communion with Christ?
Many were not catechized correctly and don’t even know why we should do things a certain way. That’s why many follow Traditional or Latin Mass.
Thank you Your Grace for this clarity! There is great Wisdom in the Church and following her simple instructions can really enrich the Faithful.
Pax et Bonum 🙏💕
Thank you father
I find that when I raise my outstretched hands during the Lord's prayer I feel a holy even divine power in it. So naturally it must be denied to the faithful.
Thank you for speaking the truth about the Our Father and what to do. I am almost 70. I was taught in the first grade that we are there serving God and that we should fold our hands and recite this prayer speaking directly to God in a reverent manner as if only He and I were there not including the disturbance of those around us. We were to keep focused in God. That becomes difficult to do when someone is grabbing you hand. The other disturbing is the addition of the Protestant ending to the Lords Prayer. Even though they are beautiful reaffirming words, Jesus did not give them to us. I choose to omit the Protestant part.
I went to Catholic school in first grade
??? The ending Doxology to the Our Father is found in the Didache. Protestants didn't invent it...
good for you for respecting the Traditions of the Catholic Church.
You're almost 70, Margaret...and I'm almost 72! Since discovering the false doctrine, man-made-up teachings of the Catholic church at age 59 when I was Born Again (John chapter 3) I now, and only now after almost 6 decades in the catholic church know Jesus, God The Father and The Holy Spirit...and that "knowing" is all and everything I live for and live in. I pray for all to come to this saving knowledge of Christ because God's Will is for all of us to be saved. May God bless you and all, especially my catholic family and friends. 🙏🙏🙏🙏♥️✝️
@@franp5607 that's a shame that you were led away from the One True Catholic Church. You can only be saved by Christ in His Catholic Church.
Isn't the orans posture reserved for the celebrant?
General Instruction of the Roman Missal references the orans posture with the phrase “with hands extended.” It is instructed to be done twenty-eight times and is used as a direction ONLY for the priest(s)-the laity are never directed to pray “with hands extended.” Given that it is clearly a directive in the GIRM, to add it to any other part of the liturgy would be a violation of the above stated liturgical rule.
I'm confused and would appreciate the Archbishop explaining why the celebrant uses the orans posture during the recitation of the Our Father. The other times this posture is used during Mass is when the priest, as celebrant, offers prayers on behalf of the congregation, instead of prayer with it. During these prayers, the congregation participates through silent interiorization concluded by a vocal "Amen." However, this is not the case as the congregation joins with the celebrant in the recitation of the Our Father.
The raising of hands is the gesture of a priest with consecrated hands.. not for the laity. The same with handling the Eucharist. And don’t grab my hand during the Our Father.. put your hands together and pray
But the old christian tradition raising their hands in oran posture during praying our father symbolizes that you submitted yourself to the lord
We need this like we need food.
Thank you BISHOP
Very helpful. Thank you.
Holding and/or extending hands during the Lord’s Prayer was copied from the Protestant church, just like adding “for the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours”.
The “peace be with you” handshake, hug, etc only really takes away from the sanctity of the Holy Mass.
I miss traditional mass.
I often wonder, if it's not appropriate for the layity to hold hands or raise their hands, why don't priests tell the people? I see it everywhere but nobody says anything.
Some I've seen during mass, sign of peace, reciting the Our Father, parents - families holding hands also kissing one another.
Thanks very much Archbishop for that clear answer. I’ve got a follow up. Why do some parishes sing the out father, doesn’t the lead in say, “We dare to pray”? Shouldn’t we be singing our hymns and praying our prayers? If this is incorrect, why is it so prevalent? These are some of the reasons people are so frustrated with the Novus Ordo Mass.
No the Pater Noster/Our Father is traditionally sung in Latin or in the vernacular on Sundays or Feasts.
This was answered in the EWTN program called Web of Faith by Father John Trigilio and Father Robert Levis but unfortunately I cannot find a replay of it. They answered this question in-depth, way better than this prelate did.
And this is why I attend the TLM...the true mass of the ages.
@@jjwurtz Traditional Latin Mass
Which The Pope just BANNED this year.
@@patrickdoyle3525 If you have an sspx or fssp church in your area, then you can still enjoy the TLM...luckily I have both 🤗
@@patrickdoyle3525 the Pope does not have the authority to ban the TLM
Thank you for your clear teaching. God bless you
I always bow my head and fold my hands
not proper - oh we love that - words have meaning - thank you very much Archbishop
So good. Thank you Archbishop. =)
Why doesn't the Church return to the Tridentine holy Sacrifice of the Mass???
When the lay people started lifting their hands with the priest there was an article in the Western Catholic Reporter addressing this. The answer was that when the priest lifts his hands, arms out - that is called the orans position and only the priest does it - the rest of the lay faithful should fold their hands in a prayerful position. I will smile at people at the sign of peace but I find it very distracting and there are parishioners still shaking hands at the 3rd recitation of "Lamb of God" 5:17
Excellent presentation.
There is no instruction the the General Instruction for the Roman Missal that specifies a posture for the laity during the Our Father prayer. However, it is rare for the Missal to prescribe (or proscribe) particular postures for the laity. It has extremely detailed instructions for the postures of the ministers, and these should be followed with devotion.
As long as they are not disturbing others or the liturgy, laity should assume whatever posture helps them worship Christ.
Just feel like ranting. Why oh why??? I quit going to my church and go to a different Roman Catholic Church because of how parishioners are acting. They do hand holding, stretch out arms and the music is unreal! Loud drums, guitars I mean you'd think you were at a concert! They applaud. It makes me so sad. Everyone seems to like it and follows along but I don't and quit going there. Traditional mass is for me with a simple choir that sings off key most of the times! Thank you for this video Father and the great comments! God Bless Everyone 🙏
Hey Shelly
Where I go to mass the priest says the "Our Father " we, the laity, simply respond "Sed libera nos a malo", then the priest, in a low voice, says Amen.
Is this in a new mass or Latin? I like it 👌
@@maryprochilo4498 it's in the "Mass of the Ages" the traditional Holy Sacrifice the Church offered for centuries until 1969-70 When the Vatican chose to destroy it, and now pope Francis is doubling down on the destruction.
Pray for the Church !
@@johngermain3076 yes...and he does not have the power to take away something that belongs to the church. So also pray for the bishops that are following him 🙏
@@maryprochilo4498 Most importantly, pray for the bishops opposing him. They need strength and protection against this wicked regime
@@mathieuconklin3146 yes 🙏🙏🙏
When Jesus gave His gift of peace, He said that it is not peace as the world gives. I understood this to mean not the sort of peace as the hippies 60s, but the deep internal and rational peace which would ground the disciples even unto martyrdom.
Hello@Donna Golder
How are you doing?
If the Church wants consistency in what the people are supposed to do, then put laminated copies of what to do in the pews.
We had them with the old Latin Mass.
In the Ukrainian Catholic Church, which I attended for a great part of my life, there is a small book with the entire Mass ( plus the Funeral Rites, among other devotional events ) in which “ stand “ “ sit “ “ kneel “
are printed clearly, along with other instructions such as “ sung “.
Makes things much easier all round.
By the way, there is also a lot of beating of the breast throughout.
If you say the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, there is a part of the Divine Liturgy - Holy God, Holy and Mighty etc. - that we beat out breasts to. Been doing that since a little girl ( now 69 )
Purchase a Weekday or Sunday Missal. They're relatively inexpensive and have all of this information and more. Or you can find this information online.
There are several fantastic "teaching Masses" on UA-cam. Do a search for teaching Mass.
The information is out there. We can't expect the Church to spoonfeed 1.2 billion Catholics.
Makes too much sense.
@@ferrariguy6389 In the Ukrainian Church, books for The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom are in the pews. So you don’t have to purchase a missal for each year and you don’t have to worry about forgetting it.
They make it simple and easy!!
I get the readings for Mass everyday online.
Good sheeple
If we had more clergy with such courage to speak clearly on these things, we might not have the majority of Catholics worshipping in ways other than what is prescribed.
If we had more clergy period. The harvest is great but the laborers are few. Celibacy delivers Catholics to the Pentecostals.. And the devil laughs and laughs .
Correct posture is hands folded. We, as music ministers, were instructed in this as well as what sort of music is correct to use during and before and after Mass. The sign of peace is an add on also. It completely distracts from the Mass.
The sign of peace goes back to the Apostles, and the Earliest Church.
Read St. Justin Martyr's book First Apopogia. Here is part of Chapter 65 which explains that part of the Mass.
But we, after we have thus washed him who has been convinced and has assented to our teaching, bring him to the place where those who are called brethren are assembled, in order that we may offer hearty prayers in common for ourselves and for the baptized [illuminated] person, and for all others in every place, that we may be counted worthy, now that we have learned the truth, by our works also to be found good citizens and keepers of the commandments, so that we may be saved with an everlasting salvation. Having ended the prayers, we salute one another with a kiss. There is then brought to the president of the brethren bread and a cup of wine mixed with water; and he taking them, gives praise and glory to the Father of the universe, through the name of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, and offers thanks at considerable length for our being counted worthy to receive these things at His hands. And when he has concluded the prayers and thanksgivings, all the people present express their assent by saying Amen.
The Orans position, with hands spread open in supplication, the priest does on our behalf. We, the lay faithful, are not expected to to assume the orans position. The only notable exception may be found in the rubrics of the Zaire Rite, the only known example of an inculturation of the Holy Mass in Ordinary Form.
It does not bother me how people stand or how they wish people upon their neighbors, but some parishes have slaughtered the music. As a former music director, I know there are rules on how we sing at church. For example, if the Gloria is not sung…it should be omitted. But priests and parishes do it all the time. Also, we should not pick and choose verses from a hymn. A hymn is a complete thought and/or prayer and should not be cherry-picked like [again] Protestant churches do.
I'm from Ireland and can give you my experience. During mass, Irish born people keep their hands classed during the Lords prayer and traditionally shake hands at the sign of peace.
However, many philippinos reach out in a sort of charismatic manner. I just presumed it was equally valid form..
Another Irish man here, I've seen some Irish do it but probably coming from a charismatic movement.
Off topic, I noticed that wine(out of chalice or tiny cups) is no longer offered.
And indeed, the money only belongs to the church. God Bless!
The prayer position in which both hands are placed one inside the other does not appear in the Bible. However, there are many passages that testify that people have always prayed with their hands raised. This is the most common and widespread prayer posture in the Bible. So why should we do anything else?
There is no tradition of this in the Catholic Mass.Save that stuff for prayer groups etc.
The sign of peace is so distracting, especially when the previous pastor at my parish encouraged everyone to "wave to the people watching the livestream." Yes, the thrice holy God is present on the altar, and countless angels are bowing down to him in adoration. Let's all turn our backs on him and wave to sister M. in France!
And that priest's encouragement was contrary to the instructions, which direct that all are to make a sign of peace "sibi invicem," which I think is best translated "one with the other," or "each mutually." The phrase implies that the sign is given from one person to another, not from one generally to all. It is an individual thing. There is a further implication that the peace is signed only to those who are immediately adjacent. To move about, exchanging the sign with this person and then that, and then the next, and the next, and so on is not what the rubric says to do.
Later: I was quoting from the first edition of the General Instruction. The current edition is more forceful. The relevant direction is at paragraph 82, which ends with this sentence: "Convenit tamen ut unusquisque solummodo sibi propinquioribus sobrie pacem significet."
The phrase "sibi propinquioribus" means, very exactly "next to each other." It is strictly contrary to the stated rubrics to reach into the next pew or across the aisle or wave to distant persons, or to leave one's place to exchange the greeting of peace.
Change parish if that’s happening
I always found it distracting when people would leave the pew and shake hands with everyone they knew. The liturgy continues and they are still bopping around.
Hello@Wendy Jennings
How are you doing?
I agree 110%
Hello Margaret
How are you doing?
I started not raising my hands during Our Father. I didn't know about this until recently
I have also. The only one in the whole church.
The Priest usually says just before it "Let us Pray"
That is the proper way to pray.
I've been Catholic for my entire life (64+ years). I was never taught to use the Orans posture during the Our Father or at any other time. I don't know how or when or why it even became a thing. I suspect it is a Protestant thing and converts to the Catholic Church may have started it, and cradle Catholics must have thought it looked good, or that they are now teaching it in RCIA or something.
The other (or another) one that bothers me is when the priest celebrant says, "Lift up your hearts," and the laity reply, "We lift them up to the Lord . . . " and they raise their hands like they are serving up their hearts on a platter. We are NOT supposed to raise our hands like that.
Many also do this when the priest celebrant says, "The Lord be with you," and the laity replay, ". . . and with your spirit." No. No. No. Please STOP DOING THIS!
@@jeffscully50613 I do all that stuff. Who cares?
@@Veritas1234 when you do not follow the rules and instructions we have for the Mass you make it all about you and not about being part of the Body of Christ and the glorification of God.
@@Veritas1234 some things are right and something’s are wrong; just because everyone does it, doesn’t make it right. Humble yourself and do the right thing. It’s that simple.
None of these confusing gestures happen in the TLM
Interesting and helpful explanation. Thank you Archbishop. So basically we should follow what the Missal says. If it’s not in the Missal we shouldn’t be adding it in ourselves. Seems simple enough.
What I have noticed, as a new convert, is that some Catholics seem to be worshipping the ritual as much or more than God Himself. That is troubling, as it reminds me of what the Pharisees were doing, and for which our Lord reprimanded them.
Devout Catholics don't "worship the ritual", but devout Catholics are aware that it is important to follow the traditions of the Church. The Church existed before the New Testament. Therefore, the traditions of the Church matter! St. Peter and the Apostles set up the Mass to be completed in a specific way as guided by the Holy Spirit. Things set by God should NOT be changed by man. There has been too much of those arbitrary changes and that is why this Bishop clarified something that 100 years ago a 5 year old would have known. Vatican II is not the original Catholic Church and until God makes a formal announcement that he is changing from the directions He gave to St. Peter, no Pope, Bishop, or priest has the right to change it. Man changes his life for God, God does not change His rules to accommodate the "modern" man.
@@kateh2354 What early sources do we have for the specifics of celebration of the Mass that confirm that the traditional Latin Mass was established by St Peter? I’ve read the writings of the Apostolic Fathers and the Didache but I don’t see the early church’s celebration of the Mass being as elaborate as the TLM in the early days of the church. I’m interested in learning more. Thanks
@@ChaChaDancin try to find something on the Council of Trent.
I'm sorry for that and it is true beloved. As a lifelong Catholic it bothers me too how much especially American Catholics seem to worship the ritual (idolatry) and not through the liturgy to worship God. The latin Mass is not ordained by God as the only or correct form, it is one form and one that won out in the 1500's crushing the hundreds of other liturgical forms throughout the world. It was good to pray together in the universal church until the people grew farther away and the performance became an act of the priest and choir and servers. To insist that the Eucharist is stuck in that form is idolatrous. The apostles didn't worship in Latin nor many of the Fathers. We need to get back to what the Eucharist is about and not what it looks like, that is scarily fanatical and culturally imposing. The church for centuries was united worshipping in many forms and thats why I am glad our pope has spoken about the false worship of rituals over the living power f the ritual and its meaning. God bless you and welcome home, its a mess but its home!
@@RedRiverMan well think about this. The Lord chastise the Novus Ordo Catholics by cancelling public Masses. And then the Novus Ordo Catholics had to complied with the Demonic Restrictions, especially wearing the Demonic Masks. So if you truly want the pandemic to end than you need to Return to the Traditional Latin Mass. And acknowledge that what you feel is wrong.
Bring back the mass of the ages, the mass that made countless saints, the mass that is infinitely pleasing to God: The traditional mass. Leave the Novus Ordo to the protestants
One thing you should not do is give Communion in the hand. This is a great sacrilege if you believe that the host is the Body, Blood, Soul and divinity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Where do these practices come from! No need to raise up hands during the "Our Father," no need to hold hands, no need to touch hands during the "sign of peace." Why not make an announcement during mass that these gesture are not acceptable!
No one should mimic the priest's movements (bowing, praying with palms upward, etc).
Thank you! Now if you can get the parishioners to dress properly when attending mass; women should NOT wear short skirts, low cut tops nor wear shorts and flip flops. Equally men should wear pants and shoes and neither should wear anything distracting.
When you look at early artwork in the catacombs and in other places, you see the early Christians holding up their hands in the Orans posture. It is a very ancient tradition, and it's not "Protestant" as many like to believe. It is even a continuation of Judaism since this was practiced even beforehand. Paul even says in Timothy, "Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing". Some people say that the Orans posture is only for the priests, but as seen by the artwork and found in scripture, it is for everyone.
Personally, I don't really like to do the Orans pose in church, however, I don't look down on the people who do it. They are doing nothing wrong.
According to the Catholic Church it is wrong to use any of the postures reserved for the priest celebrant. The Orans posture is one of these.
@@jeffscully50613 The Orans posture is not reserved for priests though. It is something that priests do, but it is not reserved solely for priests.
@@krimbii read the General Instruction or the Roman Missal. It comes from the Vatican.
@@jeffscully50613 Thanks Jeff, I've heard of the Roman Missal. It says nothing about whether or not the laity should or should not use the orans. As I said, this is not reserved for the priest. It's okay if you don't want to do it, as I said I myself am not really into doing this posture. However, I only share my opinion so that you may perhaps change your mind and not be angered at the parishioners around you.,hands%20outstretched%20sideways%2C%20palms%20up.
@@jeffscully50613 You'll have to show me the specific part where it says the laity should not use the orans pose.
Hi I’m in Canberra Australia and our A Bishop encourages us to raise our hands and pray like the early Christians, so it’s become the norm
The Novus Ordo allows all sorts of abuses which call attention to the person of the congregant or the priest, making the sanctuary a stage and the priest a performer. That is why this form of mess should be avoided at all costs.
What if you don't have a Latin Mass near you, or cannot drive to get to one?
@@taraelizabethdensley9475 Make a spiritual communion.
Rev Father the practice here in Ireland is at variance to what you state in your video. The Nicene Creed is NEVER SAID RIGHT BY IRISH PRIESTS; “For us men and for our salvation” but “Men” is omitted thereby making it a invalid mass. In fact the only priest that said it correctly was Fr Blount the American priest who visited Knock Shrine last Sunday. Also the Lord prayer that we Roman Catholic recite is at variance with the Original Text as stated in the Vulgate Holy Bible. Can you discuss why ? If the Lord Jesus told us how to pray, why would mortal men change the text of that prayer. ❤
The sign of peace makes sense because one very often kisses/hugs family members (depending like it says on culture) but not so much strangers or people know more formally like a teacher, classmate, or a business associate who may be attending mass together and vice versa it would be a little odd to more formally shake hands with family members or your best friend or godparent.
No kissing should be done in the Mass!! It’s sick and very Protestant!! Doesn’t belong in RC Church!
1 Timothy 2:8 - Therefore I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and dissension.
Not everything is literal: when is says "You are the salt of the earth", it doesn't mean we, God's people, are NaCl or the thing that goes next to the pepper shaker. Allow for reason when reading the Bible. Always.
@@mariaw.4780 good one. I'm guessing he is a Protestant, or Protestant convert.
The instruction in the Missal says clearly about the posture of the presiding priest during the Our Father prayer, but did not give instructions about the posture of the laity which is vague.
@@cjosephwu if it doesn't say to do it, don't do it. It doesn't say stand on your head either. It says for the priest to use the Orans posture. It says that certain postures are reserved for the priest only.
@@cjosephwu if there is no prescribed rubric we are to do nothing.
We ARE NOT supposed to to any posture or say any prayer reserved for the priests.
I find the peace sign ✌️ so disingenuous. It’s one of my pet peeves along with people raising their hands during the Our Father.
Vatican 2 said "according to the custom and cultures of the people, so the Babel babble consequences again.
✌️So to one culture (🙄 stoned hippies) this sign of peace was 2 fingers at the silent generation and the draft in the 60's. To the silent generation that was a former victory sign which was co-opted by left wing terrorist organisations globally in the 70's. Was used in one specific culture for centuries as a warding off obscene gesture. Has its roots in high magic ritual. Ah, liberation theology again.
One finger works.
I have found that to keep the eyes down and the hands clasped does not allow for people to communicate the hand shake of peace to you. Individuals can go up-and-down the aisles if they desire. But we can focus on Our Savior.
What about the kiss of the peace as apostles and the early church practiced.
I don’t think they were kissing on the mouth ! Actually from Jewish teachings Greetings with a kiss didn’t mean actually kissing but shaking hands or fist bumps! So people are taking it out of context when they quote scripture about the holy kiss! Because they don’t know the first Christian ( Jewish) culture!
i dont understand why is it that when priests see this going on during the Mass, they dont address it to clarify what we should all be doing. We look confused from the outside looking in..
Some of them seem to not know. Some actually encourage it.
Thank you Archbishop. It is really simple. Our books tell us what to do, but most don't use the books! Will you pray and fast about state of Michigan's proposal 3 on abortion, and for a new, prolife governor? It's a horrible bill, the worst yet. Please spread the word. Jesus said "certain demons" can only be rid through prayer and fasting, combined. Certainly, abortion is a "certain demon", clinging for decades. Don't think many Michiganders see the stakes, innocent lives, to begin with. Our Blessed Mother has said fasting has waned. Please see facts on fasting, as given by Mary, at Mejugorje. Thanks. Don't ask for something, ask for everything! God is huge.
I have never, ever seen people hold hands during the Our Father.
I was raised by just holding your own hands and praying during mass. Here in the states they all hold hands or lift their hands up. I personally don’t like it much and just fold my hands. All the saints are even depicted like that holding their hands. I’m not sure where the practice started with raising your hands up. To each their own though. I think it’s personal
We use to hold hands at church but covid, winter illnesses, put a stop it it. It's OK but summer is too hot holding hands
I saw it tonight at Mass.
@@marykopydlowski6037 that's why Our Lord chastise us with the "pandemic".
@@Kitiwake must be an American thing
Here’s the answer: I would say, only go to the Latin mass. Why? Because the new mass was made hastily, parts of it scribed on a paper towel in a cafe, made by consulting and making concessions to please protestants (heretics), and it lacks in exclusively exclaiming Christ as Victim, meaning that mass is propitiatory. This taking away is diabolical. So priests saying the new mass do not know the fullness of their priesthood, so they cannot transmit the fullness of Christ’s spirit (the Holy Ghost) and His divine teaching to the faithful. Why? Because they don’t know it if they’re saying the new mass only. The new mass is lacking gravely, extraordinarily, which makes it dangerous for your soul.
Remember this, duplicity and any ambiguity is not of God. Our faith is crystal clear. God bless you.
I liked it better when no one had to do the sign of peace . I especially dislike the peace sign ✌🏽 that many do towards each other . It’s done at a specially prayerful time of mass and I never like it . I also dislike the holding hands during out father - oh I forgot the actual smooching at the sign of peace that many do. Heading to sspx next weekend . Sigh
I agree. The sign of peace is poorly placed within the context of the mass.
Thank you...this really has bugged me...I know it's wrong yet I see 75 percent of my church raising hands...why doesn't the priest say something?
So I am confused, you speak of how the missal does not state how one is to give each other the sign of peace (waving, shaking hands, high five, kissing the one next to you, hugging etc.) but as long as you follow what the "local customs" are is fine, which to me could be practically anything. The giving each other the "sign of peace" is a result of the protestant influence of vatican II which has lead to a collapse of the lack of reverence towards the presence of God in the Eucharist, and instead has put the emphasis on "MAN"
Holding hand or raising hands during Our Father is a mark of Protestantism and is NOT acceptable in the RC Church.
Pre-1958, only the Priest would recite the Our Father. And, since he as offering this prayer on behalf of the congregation, his hands would be in the orans (hands raised) position. When they made the change that everyone should recite the Our Father, Holy Mother Church did not tell priests to stop putting their hands in the orans position (though, strictly, they should have ... since the was no longer offering that prayer on behalf of the congregation). But there is absolutely no reason for people to put their hands in the orans position, much less hold hands.
neither fold hands in an attitude of prayer.
I hate the holding hands and greeting, people, . One reason why I don't go anymore.
Remember if you don’t go anywhere it’s considered a mortal sin! Find a traditional mass!
The weakest excuse