HotBurger122 you could but you can’t bring them inside your house and wash your hands with soil and water after touching dogs so....get your mans best friends:)
I never understood why dogs are soo controversial in Islam. They save lives, hunt, work, play and are the best company for free. Yes, my dog is my avatar. I bathe her after a long walk, brush her teeth and keep her vaccinated. Though I'm not Muslim, this is something that I have longed to understand.
Ok. Thank you for taking the time to explain something that I was not clear on. Even in Christian societies animal abuse exists. Unfortunately, this is indicative that darkness exists alongside light in humanity.
Sohail Altaf maybe becaus u have shi3a believs! u denayin most of sunai hadiths so,,pls bro dont try 2arguee wth mslm brther and ask how its kufr ....subhan allah ! okay u are well knowlege abt islam?,,show us how most of hadiths wer made up
My intention is not to offend you and it does not matter if you are Shia or Sunni or something else , I'm also not knowledgeable in Islam but I read, ponder and ask question which quran demands of us all Now for starters take the dog situation , quran mentions dogs 3 times in quran Positively, especially in the story of the "men of the cave" where God says the dog will go to heaven Compare it with any Hadith, they all contradicts quran by calling dogs evil etc, in one sahih Hadith angel Gabriel asked Fatima to send the dog outside of the house since angel can't enter a house where dogs live :) I don't know abt u but I rather follow quran the word of God
@@limitedoriginz6109 Oh yes. They can get rabies and Also they can carry toxoplasmosis. I know that as a fact. I know people that got toxoplasmosis due to cats.
Thank You!! I live in Muslim neighborhood most of my life, and I have a Siberian Husky. Some are terrified even to come close, some come close but tell me they are not allowed to even touch the dog, not to mention own one. I will share this video .. I'm familiar with Holy Quran .. and I did not see anywhere in it saying that dogs are devil's spawns..nothing bad about dogs... all creatures made by God. Thank you for this video.
@@muhammadsulaiman73 But I don't think that rlly counts since it isn't in the Kur'an ?I have a pet dog and I'm muslim, we keep him inside but in a seperate room where we don't prey
Doggo 123 he still roams around the house even if he doesn’t its still haram inside the house only for good reasons hunting which is haram now cuz ur killing animals for food while u can go buy it from a store and for guarding or for disabled people it is mentioned some in quran and some in hadeeth auran wouldnt make sense without hadeeth cuz it explains the quran basically
My daughter wants a theropy dog. She has extreme anxiety. A dog would really help her and a dog would help her connect her to people. I just knew dogs would go to heaven ☺.
@kingdfs bro, shut the ---- up. she didn't ask you, no one wanted your opinion. no one needs your opinion. she doesn't need therapy, you do. go to therapy. i need therapy because of you now, you ruined my life because of your comment.
i rlly want a dog but my mom doesnt want one my dad says its okay :( i want a kangal or a german shepherd:( when i live alone i will buy a dog and i will help dogs:)
That's very disrespectful to other people. If you're actually 'religious', why do you act like this? Getting a German shepherd is in the same league as getting a rifle.
@@kjell159 Not true!Gsd can be AMAZING pets and it doesn't say in the Kur'an that dogs aren't allowed!I have a big dog and I'm a muslim, I pray and fast and everything.Just because you own a dog doesn't make you "not religious"
German Shepherds are the best dogs. Have one and love it. Very friendly , very calm, loving and at the same time protective too. Since it’s a smart animal, it understands what to do and when to do. Dogs allow people to become more active, fit, loving, caring, organised and there’s many benefits. So don’t label German shepherds as rifles . Because that’s insane. Your judging blindly just like others judge Islam blindly.
@@Doggo-og9ip Well luckily for us muslims we don't only follow the qur'an, we follow the sunnah of prophet Muhammad (SAW) too. And there are many hadiths that say you should not have a dog in your house. According to Islaamic Shareeah, it is not permitted to keep a dog except within narrowly-defined limits, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) explained: "Whoever keeps a dog, his good deeds will decrease every day by one qeeraat (a unit of measurement), unless it is a dog for farming or herding. Whoever keeps a dog in his house is denied the blessing of the angels presence in his house, as the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog." (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 3225). If you have a outside place then you have dogs there like many muslims with dogs do but they aren't allowed to enter your house.
Some dogs, I believe are angels in disguise. Many have saved people. Some have instincts to serve and work and love it. They give therapy and can save lives.
Llyne M I’m sorry but in Islam dogs are one of the most common form of djinn (not saying I don’t love them I have down them just they don’t come inside my house;they have a pretty nice kennel) and angels are in the forms of birds.
My parents had a dog for many years. My dad always get up at fajr to go to the mosque . The dog also started barking as soon as the dog heard the adhan. The dog kept barking, actually it is like the dog imitated the call to the prayer (Adhan). The dog kept repeating after the adhan and no one could sleep because of the dog imitating the Adhan. I don’t leave with my parents anymore, but my sister does she told me the story. My sister said she will get up every day to pray for fajr everyday on time and everyone in the family because of the dog. Also, the dog follow my dad to the mosque every fajr time and wait for him, after the prayer, they come home together. This dog imitated the call for prayer and go to the mosque with my dad every fajr. The dog finally gets sick, the Vet who took care of the dog gave up because the wound smell terrible and the dog become very sick, the vet didn’t show up. Finally my dad put gloves on and took care of the dog wound and with my sister help my dad everyday do the treatment. That last few month, they took good care of the dog, finally the dog passed away. My sister told me she had a dream where she saw the prophet Muhammad (Salalah Alahi Wasalam) sitting on the prayer carpet with my dad both sitting, very close next to each other their knees touching each other as the way we sit when praying . My sister said she was sitting on the corner looking at my dad and the prophet( PBUH) , there was someone introducing her to our prophet(SAW). The person said you know him? This is our prophet(SAW). And the prophet (SAW) said to my dad, to open the door that someone is at the door who want to thanks my dad. My dad asked my sister to open the door. Here is the dog that passed away walking through the door come and shakes my dad hand and thanks him for the good care my dad gave to the dog . The dog walked like a human being on 2 feet with a clothes on in a healthy good shape as described my sister. My sister said that she saw in her dream the prophet(SAW) because of the dog that she help my dad to care for. And many people in the family was saying to Get ride of the dog when its wound was very smelly and bad. But they spend times and money to care for the dog.
If Muslims in Turkey and Albania, for example, cannot only coexist with dogs but thrive with them as companions, so can everyone else. In Albania, which is majority Muslim, even the owner-less street dogs are tagged and no one - NO ONE - messes with them. In Turkey, if you told them that Kangals and other Anatolian shepherds had to be done away with, they would tell you to go to hell - and mean it!
@Dollar Decade TV There is nothing in the Quran bad about dogs so it’s not the word of god. Don’t talk with such arrogance. As for the Hadith, not only do they contradict the Quran they also contradict each other.
Sunan an-Nasa'i Hadith no 4276 Grade : Sahih "Ibn As-Sabbaq said: "Maimunah told me that Jibril, peace be upon him, said to the Messenger of Allah 'We (Angles) do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture, The next day the Messenger of Allah commanded that all dogs be killed, even small dogs."'
@jerry. Brother Islam is a faith of fitra, it aligns with our natural instincts. You may find peace and harmony, I would encourage you stay open minded and continue this journey of discovery. If you reach a point to part of family in islam. You will be welcomed by all brothers and sisters.
Dogs are the truest most loyal and faithful friends. They'll do anything to protect their human family. They'll show you love and uplift you if you're sad.
Sunan an-Nasa'i Hadith no 4276 Grade : Sahih "Ibn As-Sabbaq said: "Maimunah told me that Jibril, peace be upon him, said to the Messenger of Allah 'We (Angles) do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture, The next day the Messenger of Allah commanded that all dogs be killed, even small dogs."'
lmao i love how this whole comments section is filled with people who are filled with hate for religion when really all this is, is a video questioning misconceptions held within the islamic community for hundreds of years. there really is no need for social activism here, if you really wanted your comments to be 'positive criticism' you would realise there are many more productive and mature ways of achieving your goals, for example, holding public debates and so forth. now stop being angry and insulting every comment you see and go outside and smell the fresh air or something. its better for you than all the unnecessary hate y'all are spreading :)
You know a person by how they treat animals. You know a dog probably senses their evil instantly that's Why they don't like them. Even the dog doesn't want to be owned by one anyways.
Thank you very much. I run a group supporting Muslims with disabilities in my country. This was very informative and helped me to explain to people so that those who need disability assistance dogs are not judged and do not have these essential services taken away from them when they try to attend Muslim places, gatherings etc. Assistance dogs are an essential service that allows the disabled to do things you take for granted every day - be part of the community, leave their house, go to work, go to school, pick up things they have dropped, open a door, be aware that someone is at their door or the fire alarm has gone off, and so much more. Never judge someone's need for an assistance dog when you know nothing of how important it is to them.
Yes. Loyal and unconditionally your friend for life. Dogs are the most wonderful being in the world and I am PROUD of MYSELF for being able to see and live that.
The stubborns of some people is past delusion !! God said !! Your trained animals !!! What kind of human trains an animal and don’t get attached to it ?!! We can eat what they catch with their mouth !!! A dog is the only animal mentioned in Quran that he will go to haven !! Surat el khaff , yet comments on here !!! Dogs are haram duhhhhh
Deez Nuts do we need to change our cloth if our dog hug us? There could be saliva stick in our cloth. Please help me answer i want to know since i also raise a dog
ULTIM8STUCH is your life that sad that you have to comment on a Muslim comment section through a computer 🤷🏾♂️ If you don’t like Muslims why are you watching this you fool 🤦🏾♂️
usa killed 1000000 at one's ,,without even seen them! so pls dont try 2 put ur nose in things ur so far away frm the truth and islam never said that so pls shut up
Hello Remi, do not like killing full stop. usa sucks as does every fascist form of behaviour. Force upon children is abhorrent to me. I did not have a doctrine told to me at birth. My father told me Bible stories when I was a child. He was a pacifist. I too am a pacifist. I am a retired nurse. I heal people. I am entitled to my opinion. I live in a free land where I am not told what or how to think or what or how to believe. My father did not have a stick in the house but spanked me when I was bad as a child. Islam may be a better way of life but I have this photo of a gathering of your Mullahs and they are all driving Rolls Royce Limousines. John Lennon tried to imagine a world with no religion. Why do you think it exists? Do you know how old I am? Tell me something about yourself if you wish. The man in the film is a good man and explained himself well. I wish all men were like him. So today you learn about what is objective and balanced against that which is emotive and immature. Learn to observe the inner shakras. Feel their temperatures and vibrations. No I will never shut up. My mother will not allow me to. She said that I must never stop teaching my thoughts because they are special. Like yours they are made in heaven. Peace:)
Rod Kerkhoven hello rod first my dad never spnked me wth stick so pls dont put ur sad story in this subject kay ,,stop showin ur negatif emotions,,,and u live in a free land bcs the willin of god wich is u should thanks him,,ther wer good ppl who lived in ur land b4 right? and they had wars ! doestn mean that god is makin trials 2human?,,anyway this is beyond ur understandin ,,as muslim i dont care abt mulah drivin even if he fly! u see whats all mulh story to do with our subject ,,imean bcs his afgani or arab he shouldnt drive? maybe bcs u havin shit life makes u jalouse or hater 4 bloody materials? and 4me sccew j lennon ,,ppl or may i say messengrs did tell the truth but only fews believed so ur singer does not count and no matter hw old u are wih all my respect does not makes u wiser if u insist to be arrogant ,my religion makes me undrstand my purpos on his earth not gettin older in age and yet still askin question abt stupid idea of world without religion s hat cunt of j lennon said !
This video was in response to something else on facebook i.e. a facebook link. The people from the Koran Speaks were good enough to supply me with the video that states that the Prophet 'peace be upon him' one day ordered dogs to be killed. This is a direct quote from the film that the good people at the Koran Speaks sent me and is contained within the first minute of his dialogue. Is that what you need to know? I can only deduce that the Koran contains this note. It is interesting to read that some of the Christian Bibles curse the dog to hell at the very end verse. I own four dogs and greatly appreciate their company. Their spirits are free from the corruption and blood lust from the war mongering monkeys that have been responsible for so much suffering, cruelty, and death for the last 5,000 years. How come you people only speak in short phrases. Don't you like to communicate. If my answer makes you angry, then you must look inside of you. I merely write back. My finders push keys on the keyboard. My feelings are placid and my emotions are in full control of the left brain. Do you know what I mean? You have attitude and you leave yourselves open to put downs. Like 'look, s/he is being emotional again. Do they teach psychology over there? Maybe we can help each other if you leave out religion. I am a pacifist how about you?
I'm a muslim & i have a small dog i keep him inside. I've had him for 10 years. He's a part of the family. when its bedtime i put him inside his cage in closet and he sleeps. i bathe him, feed him, i look after him like its my child. I love him! hes my buddy. Now, whenever i pray i take the dog out of the room and lock the door so he wont come after me, then i continue my prayer, I heard that is haram to keep a dog inside. But i dont understand why? Dogs are created by allah too all animals are created by allah. Now idk if is really true that is haram, but as long as u make whudu and keep dog out of sight while making a prayer its OKAY! He's just a small dog for gods sake. humans, animals,birds, creatures were all created By God!
bububu yes i have an Education. Do you? What kind of human being are you? Dogs are natures creatures, everyone owns a dog. Yes i know muslims are not allowed to keep dog inside bc the angels wont enter the house.. But my question for you is who are you to judge me? Are you god Astagfirullah, No ur not. Dont judge others!! And who in the world has sex with their dog? Or call dogs their lover? I never heard of that in my life. You need to stop judging others! If i want my dog inside, he will be inside to stay warm no matter what. You are nobody to me and u need to mind ur own bizness. I am a muslim i have a small dog hes my baby! Hes my bestfriend. A companion. I pray 5 times a day and im happy to be a muslim. U can say whatever u want ur opinion doesnt matter. Allah created animals their all his he created all of that. And us humans we have a heart we can love animals. Humans. Creatures.
Since This IS Islamic issue I don't see why a non muslim should even bring a hate comment here . bc For me, as A Muslim I don"t comment on any post or video to do with CHRISTIANITY, JUDIASM, HINDUISM OR EVEN BUDHISM. BC my religion teaches me to respect other faiths and their people.I KNOW WHERE I BELONG AND I AM SATISFIED WITH IT. I DNT NEED TO PUT A HATE COMMENT ABOUT OTHER FAITHS. ALL IN ALL I don"t see a reason as to why u come here to vomit ur hatred. I HOPE UR PARENTS ONCE TOLD SOMETHING ABOUT RESPECT AND DISCIPLINE!
Llyne M To be honest the quran has translations and everything u read is not direct! In ISLAM there is tax in Islam therefore Muslims pay ZAKAT OR SADAQA BUT A NON MUSLIM WILL PAY SOME MONEY IN FORM OF TAX! As they say little knowledge is poisonous! learn more about ISLAM and dnt be brainwashed by media! In the HISTORY There is no non muslim whois killed unless he/she was attacking MUSLIMS! Even u u will not spare any one who attacks and Muslims are like u! ISLAM is peaceful if u follow IT in the proper way but the moment u use it in da wrong way it is like a fire!. I can explain why ISLAM IS PEACEFUL IF U remove all those prejudices and misconceptions u have. I am MUSLIM AND MUSLIM! MY good friends are christians and hve no problem with them bc i dnt hve Phd in hatred as u may do
Noor Ali your "religion" tells you to oppress, subdue, enslave or kill everyone who does not believe exactly as you do, including Muslims of different sects, which is evident by the 800 million dead in the name of Islamic expansion and Muslims are still doing it. That's why non-muslims want to teach you about how evil Islam is and encourage you all to find a way to God, not muhammad's version which served his psychotic agenda.
Noor, your religion does NOT teach you to respect other faiths. Indeed, you regard disbelievers as "the worst of created beings." (Quran 98:6). Noor, would you regard another religion that had written in its holy book, "Muslims are the worst of created beings," as a religion of HATE? So now you understand why your own religion is a religion of hate.
Rubia, let me provide some context. Quran 4:56: "Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our verses - We will drive them into a Fire. Every time their skins are roasted through We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment." Your god hates disbelievers so much that he intends to torture them by repeatedly burning their skins off. As a follower of Muhammad, you approve of this hideous torture. Rubia, does your god make a mistake in hating the disbelievers? Yes or no? At this point in your life, Rubia, you approve of torture for people simply because they disbelieve the messages of your "messenger of Allah." Do you torture people who refuse to believe your messages? Yes or no? If you do not, could you please explain why people who refuse to believe Muhammad's messages deserve to be tortured?
+Barry Lab I don't care, dogs are faithful than 70% of the human so please! And I didn't mention wth other people does or not? They can do whatever they want and keep following their scriptures, but If keeping a dog makes me bad in a muslims' s eye I don't even care about it. I don't give a damn! I love my pets that's all I care about. :)
Dogs are one of the greatest gifts to mankind. I have two and cant imagine life without them. As a muslim, its a very serious and basic requirement of my faith to meet and exceed providing them with adequate care, just like any creature.
Speaking as an atheist who lives with two dogs that I would rate above many people, I have to say that Dr Ally speaks with clarity and reason. I do find religion interesting and this is the sort of person I could have an open and honest debate with. You’re a credit to your faith. Peace :)
I'm a Muslim living in a very Western society (basically the only Muslim of my generation in my town). I'm so fed up of all the standard viewpoints, this guy is the person I've started listening to and finally feel like I've found someone who explains the religion in a way that I'm happy to accept.
Koolkid 67 We all have to share this planet, my friend. I probably don’t believe in your god and you probably don’t believe in my position, but we can still be kind to each other. This makes the world a nicer place for everyone.
I like Shabir! I agree with him 100% on this issue. I converted from an Arab Christian family and LOOOVE dogs. I would never pretend to dislike them just because many Muslims feel its their religious "duty" to dislike dogs.
I am here because today I saw a Muslim man(stranger) in front of a park and I was watching from my balcony tied a street dog and kicked him rigoursly, when I shouted from my balcony he ran away *** I felt so bad for the dog *** Later that day I gave him something to eat ***And now he come everyday
Abdul Basir Al-Armini he might have just being going by the Sahih Muslim, which most Muslims seem to believe in. In 3809 and 5511, it clearly explains that Muhammad believed that dogs and images prevented the great Archangels from entering houses, so he ordered the slaughter of dogs. That’s also why playing with dolls is haram, and why dogs are considered unclean to be in house. So Muhammad had them all slaughtered until the people complained too much, so he allowed dogs for the purposes of hunting and work-dogs..
Asking for dogs in different languages: English: Mom I want a dog... She: Ok ;) Italian: Mamma voglio un cane... She: Ok ;) Middle East: Baba I want a dog... Him: We already got you ya kelb
I am a new muslim convert. I converted to Islam on 1st Ramadan. Everything is going extremely fine but there is one concern. I have a pet dog at my home and many of my muslim friends say that give your dog to shelter or my salah would not be accepted at all. And one of my friend say that if dogs saliva touches me once then i am impure for 40 days. So in this 40 days none of my prayers and duas and charities will hold no meaning at all... I am really depressed because of this so please can you suggest me what is right???
Please Brother,Don't give up your dog and don't pay heed to what they say that once your dog licked you are impure for 40 days. I would like to point you out that According to one of the 4 school of thoughts of Islam which is Maliki, Saliva of dog is not considered impure. Obviously when food is involved and all, you need to clean. That's it. Don't fell in this stereotypes that many of our brothers and sisters have regarding dog. I invite you to check out Dr Bilal Philips video regarding this matter.
For those who say islam came to oppress dogs, tell them about the authentic narration about the kindness of a man who felt thirsty and went down into a well to get himself water to drink. After having drank it, he saw a dog nearby almost dying of thirst and said: "surely this dog must be thirsty just like I was a minute ago", so he went down into the well again to get water for the dog. And because of this kindness Allaah entered him paradise.
Thank you. I myself have wondered about it a lot---Allah has created this animal for total servitude to a man---his children his family---its loyalty is without question---it will give its life away for the family without question. One of my dogs fought with a cobra snake than had come out in the back yard---the dog fought against it---even though it got bitten many a time---but it killed the snake---. We tried our best to save the dog but could not---. This is an animal that when he sees you is beyond itself with joy and is literally sad when you leave at home alone---. There is no way that this animal is restricted to be kept---.
I'm a Muslim I adore my dog❤🐾🐾 he is everything to me I have a Chiweenie Chihuahua/ Jack Russell mix.. nobody can .. say anything different I adore my dog he is my world!!!!.. and I don't care what anybody thinks!!!!
I have 3 German Shepherds and I love them - they are part of my family and I love them - could not live without them. they are more faithful and sincere than 99% of the human beings Ive met!
@@hggfhh4449 Muslims don't hate dogs. Prophet Muhammad said 1 person went to heaven just for feeding a dog! But he also said that dogs' saliva is impure because of rabies. Do you guys have any idea of what rabies is? Any medical doctor from a 3rd world country would give you the same advice. I have lost a relative because of a stray dog who came into contact with a child.. It's certain death endless suffering 😢.
Good to know this Br. Shabir. You always dispel myths and those "man made" traditions which people mix up with "religion". Thank you for clearing the air. Salaams!
It's not just in Islam - in rural communities - dogs guard property & livestock, they're not really pets, they're working dogs, hunting dogs etc, they are kept in kennels/doghouses outdoors, never allowed indoors, never allowed on furniture, in the kitchen or in bedrooms & never get treated like substitute animals.
Sahih al-Bukhari » Beginning of Creation - كتاب بدء الخلق Narrated Abu Talha: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Angels do not enter a house that has either a dog or a picture in it." حَدَّثَنَا عَلِيُّ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ، حَدَّثَنَا سُفْيَانُ، قَالَ حَفِظْتُهُ مِنَ الزُّهْرِيِّ كَمَا أَنَّكَ هَا هُنَا أَخْبَرَنِي عُبَيْدُ اللَّهِ عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ عَنْ أَبِي طَلْحَةَ ـ رضى الله عنهم ـ عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ " لاَ تَدْخُلُ الْمَلاَئِكَةُ بَيْتًا فِيهِ كَلْبٌ وَلاَ صُورَةٌ ".
Dr. Ally is a wise, incredibly intelligent man!!! May ALL Muslims have the opportunity to hear his views, thoughts, interpretations and scientific evidence.
Sunan an-Nasa'i Hadith no 4276 Grade : Sahih "Ibn As-Sabbaq said: "Maimunah told me that Jibril, peace be upon him, said to the Messenger of Allah 'We (Angles) do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture, The next day the Messenger of Allah commanded that all dogs be killed, even small dogs."'
@@non_muslim_ This saddens me, personally, because I love dogs because they give unconditional love, loyalty and unwavering support. When I look into my dog's eyes, I see G*d. I see superior spiritual greatness. I see understanding and tolerance. I see patience and kindness.
JUST A GUY WITH AUTISM dogs arent made for being pets exactly they r for hunting guarding and to help disabled people thats their use kind of pets and they have to be outside but if a guy is blind and needs the dog inside the house its halal
But keeping dog as a pet or even inside the house is HARAM, you can not say that Allah know's best, because Allah give us a brain to use, their saliva is impure.
@@BRUH13S0 all Muslims should know this life is a test it’s a test by Allah to see how strong our imam is in a world full with prohibited stuff Allah wants to see if you don’t partake in prohibited stuff for sake of allah such as Alcohol you may have many friends drink it and it may intrigue you but it’s a test allah wants to se will you let this drink come in between you and your rules because it is stayed in Jannah there is a river of Alcohol.
When a recent convert asked Sheik Nazim what he should do with his dog he was told, "Set him free." The mureed then asked "What if he wont leave?" Efendi says "Give him a happy life."
So grateful for this common sense response. Due to misconceptions about dogs, people in some Muslim communities think it is permissible to abuse them. Dogs are viewed as a cursed animal. So much ignorance.
So how come I never see a Muslim with a dog? And never see one at the dog park? You say you have no problems with dogs but you actions speak louder then words. Here in the west we love our dogs and they become part of our family. You people had better get used to that, or move back. Got more if you want. Or you could just google "muslims playing with dogs"
First image shows guide dogs. The lady to the right is blind. The second image is from a campaign called I want to touch a dog. This is not the same as owning a dog that lives in the family home. I'm sure the rest of the images you have found are from the same campaign. But I could be wrong. You are correct tho they are playing with dogs but what I think Beerrunner81 is trying to say is he has never seen a Muslim own a dog. I too also believe this. When I lived in Birmingham in the UK I would walk my German Shepherd in the local park (Cannonhill Park) which was used by many people. But I always found I got a negative response from the Muslim community. An unwelcome feeling even tho it was a public park. Muhammad do you own a dog ?
vwbeetleb0b They may use a dogs to help the blind or to hunt. But will the dog sleep at the foot of there bed? I don't think so. My dogs are my best friends, they are part of my family. My dogs have my back. Muhammad I also want to know. Do you own a dog?
I'm pretty sure I deleted my comment. Remember everyone there's no reason to be rude to people just because you disagree. Some just had questions as myself that's all. Be civil remain respectful. Later 😘
Yasmin..your comment is commendable ..wonder why people make bad comments about others and obviously for selfish reasons more often than not....difference of opinion on some issues should not be insulted especially when they hold earlier opinion which is safer
The dog in Surah Al-Kahf The name of the dog was Qitmeer, it was said that he was the hunting dog of one of the people or that he was the dog of the king’s cook, who shared the religious views of these young muslim men, and brought his dog with him. Imaam Ibn Kathir (rahimahullah) says in his famous Tafseer: Ibn Jurayj said “He was guarding the door for them.” It was his nature and habit to lie down at their door as if guarding them. He was sitting outside the entrance of the cave, because the angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog, as was reported in As-Saheeh, nor do they enter a house in which there is an image, a person in state of ritual impurity or a disbeliever, as was narrated in the Hasan Hadith. The blessing they enjoyed extended to their dog, so the sleep that overtook them overtook him too. This is the benefit of accompanying good people, and so this dog attained fame and stature. Source: Tafseer Ibn Katheer Soorah Al-Kahf
Not religious, but I do read and try to educate myself. Read all of the info he talked about and had the same thought process as he did. Now this was only one topic I heard him discuss, by it feels like this person knows his religion better than most.
Well it's prohibited to have Dogs as a pet inside the House Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (saws) said, “He who keeps a dog, will lose out of his good deeds equal to one Qirat every day, except one who keeps it for guarding the fields or the herd.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. In a another narration of Muslim, the Messenger of Allah (saws) is reported to have said: “He who keeps a dog for any reason other than to guard his property (lands) or his flock of sheep, his good deeds equal to two Qirat will be deducted every day.” The following hadith explains exactly what a qirat is. The Prophet was asked, ‘What are two Qirat?’ He replied, “Equal to two huge mountains.” Related by Bukhari and Muslim. Ibn Al-Mughaffal reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, ordered the killing of dogs and then he said, “What is the matter with them? What is the matter with dogs?” Then he granted concession for the use of dogs for hunting and herding. The Prophet said, “If a dog licks your vessel, then wash it seven times and rub it with earth on the eighth time.” Source: Sahih Muslim 280 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Imam Muslim The Prophet (pbuh) said: “The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or an image.” Grade : Sahih (Darussalam) Reference : Sunan an-Nasa’i 5347 In-book reference : Book 48, Hadith 308.
@@AbdiAneed there is a Hadith regarding a infidel women saving a dog from dying who fell in the well and she was granted heaven all sins forgiven because of this kind gesture but still doesn't make dogs permisible, Don't take 5h!t here when you have no research at all, you can have dogs for protection outside the house or for a cattle of sheeps or goats or your chickens if you live in a wild forest or area where wild animals are threatening life of other animals or human beings to scare them away, use them as guards or for protection, not as your pets which you can touch and take inside house, Again do not talk before you know 5h!t properly 🤦🏻♂️🤌🏻🤫
Jazak Allah Khair. Thank you very much. I have tried to explain this before to people who have been extremely negative about dogs. Thank you very much for this tool with which to open their minds.
I just can't see how dogs are haram to us for gods sake people the Quran which is our guide doesn't say anything bad about dogs then how's it still haram? Just cause a sheikh said is haram without backing it up with a strong prove doesn't mean its, remember the Quran teaches us everything.
Being an American with a Palestinian father and a American mother. I always thought my Arab family hated dogs because they were used at weapons during war. Also rabid dogs and cats would roam the refugee camps and hurt kids instilling something. I like the defense he gives towards the dog. Dogs were nanny's for a long time. That is what the boys in the cave had, a nanny dog like the dog from Peter pan.
Salam. My family keeps dogs to protect our sheep and cats from coyotes because we live in rural Arizona...we don't allow dogs in the house, they are perfectly fine living outside.
1202 Program Alarm No need to have that mindset, we are not All the same."caveman religion" people unfortunetly understand in different ways, i Will adopt a dog Soon and keep It inside as a part of the family, and im a muslim. God teaches me to love every creature, we are All different, others get easily manipulated. I'd just rly like you to calm down and stop thinking a muslim or a bunch of muslims represent the whole of Islam.
When I was in Syria, I met a lot of muslims who were afraid of dogs because of lack of exposure... and talked about their lack of cleanliness. I slept with the local dogs on purpose. The one homeless female dog who wandered near my home was incredibly friendly, and everybody I had met talked about how her willingness to approach was a sign of rabies and aggression. She was always wagging her tail and would approach with a happy pant, but wouldnt get closer than 5 meters, unless you had food... or had regularly given her food. It was incredibly rewarding when she would come to me at night and curl up by me. The Gûndî looked at me like I was crazy, but I was also the only person who could "tame" this dog. I always quoted the verse where the prostitute went to heaven just for giving a thirsty dog water. And made sure that my willingness to help extended to every neighbor I had. Eventually, I was just the crazy american jew who acted weird, but still justified his weirdness with Islam... and they let me be myself.
To be honest this is the first time that I saw that much honest and well educated person all Muslims should first read Quran before say something about dogs wish you all the best
I just can’t understand how people keep hating on a innocent animal that doesn’t understand why people are hating on them like just stop if quran said that dogs are haram then they’re haram but in quran god didn’t say that so i will follow the quran not hadith
Exactly, Follow the Qur'an that's it as we believe it is God's words. In hadiths themselves, they can be contradictions as it's people who have written them according to what they heard.
What about keeping dogs as pets, I live with my mum and I'm trying to convince her dogs are okay but she just tries to follow every single rule of her religion even though she loves dogs, So no matter what kind of logic I present to her about dogs, she won't accept. So are dogs okay to have as pets?
***** It comes from I heard Allah's Apostle(P.B.U.H) saying; "Angels (of Mercy) do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or a picture of a living creature (a human being or an animal)." [Hadith - Bukhari 3:515 also That the Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever acquires a dog - with the exception of a dog to guard livestock, a hunting dog, or a farm dog - each day a Qirat is deducted from his reward. Abu Dawood
+nancejo Aisha was a 9 year old child when the perverted old false prophet ravished her. There is no morality in such a religion. The whole Quran is Satanic.
+Sh Kh Only those whose false prophet was deceived by Satan are the ones who worship Satan. Flee your error before it is too late. Its better to worship Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat than Satan you call Allah.
A point I have never heard Muslims bring up, is that it is actually cruel to keep a dog who serves no function. It is the nature of a dog is to perform some sort of duty. A dog who simply sits around being pampered all the time will be bored and miserable. The Islamic guidance is in the best interest of the dog, and leads to them having a happier life.
What? Many breeds were literally bred for the sole purpose of being the human's company. Your great idea is to kill them off perhaps? Or dump them in shelters? They are family members, and give great emotional support. Think before you suggest such cruel thing.
@@Draco19970125 You are making an incorrect assumption about my meaning. (In classic Internet style) The job of the breeds of whom you speak, is to be companions. So they still perform a job, and that job gives them a sense of pur
@@OneTheBlue well they did have a purpose until dog shows existed and people thought that deformities were cute. Technically every dog is a guard either it be metaphorically or literally. A dog can guard the perimeter of a house whether that be outside or inside because either way if an interior gets in they're not going to come out in the same way. A dog can protect you from your emotional demons like depression
Asalamwalakum I was wondering if you could have another dialog with Shabir Ally on this topic. (More in depth) I do beileve what he says is true, just want some more facts concerning certian hadith in authentic books (Bukhari) which state; dogs without a purpose can take away two good deeds daily if owned, and also another hadith that states angels don't come into a house that has a dog. Thanks for always being very islamicly informative. -Adam P.S. I wasn't sure where to ask a question In Sha Allah this is fine.
Dogs have been faithful companions of men for perhaps 20,000 years, long before the birth of Muhammad. Dr. Ally is a good fellow for giving this explanation. I'm not Muslim but my respects.
Did you not even read the Quran to know what was in it before Shabir made you aware???? Please do not get the following breeds as your first dog. Do not get German SHEPHARD, huskies, pitbulls, Dalmatians, Rottweilers , bul dogs any type of shepherds etc. boxers are ok, but a lot of training and patience is required. Beagles are one of the easier breeds. Try rescue dogs.
Well then Why do so many other muslims believe different. Like your Dr Nair and so many others. I have dogs and everytime a muslim sees them,,,they freak out and run away.
I've had to go both ways for me I own a little 8 lb chihuahua terrier mix goes with me everywhere from Walmart to the mall and I've had some Muslim people approached me and asked them randomly because they seen them around a lot and others who do act very skittish and very nervous around him that case I make sure I get a grip of his leash and I tell them that he is well behaved and will not bark or bite and I try to move away to make them feel more comfortable out of respect
hud4094 no cuz it's hateful. We true Muslims don't do things like that. we don't spread hate not do kill people. I love my religion regardless of how any one feels.
You should look into Abraham. He is the guy god told to write the religion. All the Abraham religions were created from him. All the Abraham religions admit this fact.
Christians Jews Muslims and Pagans are all part of the Abraham religion and are the same thing written by different men at different times for different reasons.
And also because of this disgusting practice which is Polygamy(peace be upon this). The ratio of violent and tolerant Moslems are growing. Thus, terror attacks are more frequent. Well again none of that matters because the people are to tolerant and think of multiculturalism as Europe's goal. I mean let's teach everyone how to hunt infidels and haram every logic that stands out Islam. I would prefer to be called names as long I contributed something for the betterment of society.
Here’s a little comparison I did between my dog and mohamed. Hope you guys like it. My Dog. Mohamed Child r4p3 No Yes Murd3r. No. Yes Necrophilia. No. Yes Cross dress. No. Yes Hatred. No. Yes Loyalty. Yes. No Kindness. Yes. No I think my dog comes out on top
I think in the same way! Today, i rescued a beautiful puppy on my way back to home from walk, but i came to know that it will prevent angel of blessings from coming inside the home. Then! I searched for this video and i m truely satisfied. Being superstition is the symbol of your weak belief! Allah has created all the living and non living things in a beautiful way. So, it doesn't make sense that we should hate dogs as they are faithful to us and being living with humans from the very old times!
@@Adam-im6xg , That's just crazy talk. Seriously THINK...God created dog he created all animals for humans and Adam gave them their names. You need to research with an open heart and a pure heart and you need to pray and ask God to bless you with the truth. May you be blessed and find salvation through Yeshua hamashiach. God Bless you friend.
This guys super smart. Im not even Muslim but hes a true academic scholar. As well as a Quranic one. There seems to be a lot of fake Scholars in islam as in all relgions. But he seems to be taking this really seriously and looking at things level headedly
Legit searched
“How to convince Muslim parents to get a dog” and got this lmao
Saaaaame brooo😂😂😂
Get new parents.
@@nexusclarum8000 LOL
HotBurger122 you could but you can’t bring them inside your house and wash your hands with soil and water after touching dogs so....get your mans best friends:)
Lukman Hakim soil!? I just know u wash 7 times with W A T E R
I never understood why dogs are soo controversial in Islam. They save lives, hunt, work, play and are the best company for free. Yes, my dog is my avatar. I bathe her after a long walk, brush her teeth and keep her vaccinated. Though I'm not Muslim, this is something that I have longed to understand.
Ok. Thank you for taking the time to explain something that I was not clear on. Even in Christian societies animal abuse exists. Unfortunately, this is indicative that darkness exists alongside light in humanity.
I don't think all hadiths are made up but most are, please elaborate how not believing in hadiths is kufr?
Sohail Altaf maybe becaus u have shi3a believs! u denayin most of sunai hadiths so,,pls bro dont try 2arguee wth mslm brther and ask how its kufr ....subhan allah ! okay u are well knowlege abt islam?,,show us how most of hadiths wer made up
My intention is not to offend you and it does not matter if you are Shia or Sunni or something else , I'm also not knowledgeable in Islam but I read, ponder and ask question which quran demands of us all
Now for starters take the dog situation , quran mentions dogs 3 times in quran Positively, especially in the story of the "men of the cave" where God says the dog will go to heaven
Compare it with any Hadith, they all contradicts quran by calling dogs evil etc, in one sahih Hadith angel Gabriel asked Fatima to send the dog outside of the house since angel can't enter a house where dogs live :)
I don't know abt u but I rather follow quran the word of God
Why do you expect anything to make sense within Islam? It's a religion for god's sake
"How should Muslims view dogs?"
This applies to life.
Islam is about doing what Allah commands and following the practices of the Messanger(SAW).
@@AhmedHassan-vo5fz 🤦♀️
@@AhmedHassan-vo5fz 🤦
@@AhmedHassan-vo5fz and Allah has nothing against dogs
the only shiekh that speaks sense in my opinion mashallah
NatureNurture yes
Sammy N not really, a lot of sheikhs are pretty superstitious
@@Mo74mmad example?
Islam is about worshiping Allah. If Allah commands something, you are meant to do it whether it makes sense or not.
@@AhmedHassan-vo5fzvery true akhi
Came to hear dog hate, left with respect.
dog's tongue contains something dangerous in Islam that is unclean
@Omah Daton Cats too! Toxoplasmosis, also hidrofoby too because they eat rats.
Andrea C Placencia No
@@limitedoriginz6109 Oh yes. They can get rabies and Also they can carry toxoplasmosis. I know that as a fact. I know people that got toxoplasmosis due to cats.
Andrea C Placencia then explain to me how I have a cat and don't have the disease you're talking about
I must say this preacher is very clear and concise in his explanation regarding dogs. Great work
He doesn't speak opinion. He speaks scripture! He is the best of this generation, completely biased!
Dogs are much better than you 🐖🐖🐖
Thank You!! I live in Muslim neighborhood most of my life, and I have a Siberian Husky. Some are terrified even to come close, some come close but tell me they are not allowed to even touch the dog, not to mention own one. I will share this video .. I'm familiar with Holy Quran .. and I did not see anywhere in it saying that dogs are devil's spawns..nothing bad about dogs... all creatures made by God. Thank you for this video.
Dont keep if you have no reason
But if you do then that is 100% okayyyyyyy
@@muhammadsulaiman73 But I don't think that rlly counts since it isn't in the Kur'an ?I have a pet dog and I'm muslim, we keep him inside but in a seperate room where we don't prey
Yes same thing happened to me also
@anonymous guy u are 100% correct but some will not accept that is a problem
Doggo 123 he still roams around the house even if he doesn’t its still haram inside the house only for good reasons hunting which is haram now cuz ur killing animals for food while u can go buy it from a store and for guarding or for disabled people it is mentioned some in quran and some in hadeeth auran wouldnt make sense without hadeeth cuz it explains the quran basically
My daughter wants a theropy dog. She has extreme anxiety. A dog would really help her and a dog would help her connect her to people. I just knew dogs would go to heaven ☺.
@kingdfs bro, shut the ---- up. she didn't ask you, no one wanted your opinion. no one needs your opinion. she doesn't need therapy, you do. go to therapy.
i need therapy because of you now, you ruined my life because of your comment.
@Rockshy agreeing, the daughter needs help from humans to battle her anxiety, but a dog would help with it too.
@Bones Ally just said that in the Koran it says that the dog that saved the kids in the cave went to heaven
@Rockshy you have no idea what you’re talking about
@Rockshy bro are you dumb
i rlly want a dog but my mom doesnt want one my dad says its okay :( i want a kangal or a german shepherd:(
when i live alone i will buy a dog and i will help dogs:)
If ur muslim u can keep him in a room where you don't prey!I do that😊
That's very disrespectful to other people.
If you're actually 'religious', why do you act like this?
Getting a German shepherd is in the same league as getting a rifle.
@@kjell159 Not true!Gsd can be AMAZING pets and it doesn't say in the Kur'an that dogs aren't allowed!I have a big dog and I'm a muslim, I pray and fast and everything.Just because you own a dog doesn't make you "not religious"
German Shepherds are the best dogs. Have one and love it. Very friendly , very calm, loving and at the same time protective too. Since it’s a smart animal, it understands what to do and when to do. Dogs allow people to become more active, fit, loving, caring, organised and there’s many benefits. So don’t label German shepherds as rifles . Because that’s insane. Your judging blindly just like others judge Islam blindly.
@@Doggo-og9ip Well luckily for us muslims we don't only follow the qur'an, we follow the sunnah of prophet Muhammad (SAW) too. And there are many hadiths that say you should not have a dog in your house.
According to Islaamic Shareeah, it is not permitted to keep a dog except within narrowly-defined limits, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) explained: "Whoever keeps a dog, his good deeds will decrease every day by one qeeraat (a unit of measurement), unless it is a dog for farming or herding.
Whoever keeps a dog in his house is denied the blessing of the angels presence in his house, as the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog." (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 3225).
If you have a outside place then you have dogs there like many muslims with dogs do but they aren't allowed to enter your house.
Some dogs, I believe are angels in disguise. Many have saved people. Some have instincts to serve and work and love it. They give therapy and can save lives.
Angels... Soldiers of heaven. That's why Muslims fear them.
um.....angel-dogs? please take your meds
Llyne M I’m sorry but in Islam dogs are one of the most common form of djinn (not saying I don’t love them I have down them just they don’t come inside my house;they have a pretty nice kennel) and angels are in the forms of birds.
After seeing this comment I am truly greatful of being a Muslim
@@trumpisapig9064 Some people plain go overboard when it comes to animals but will have less than a drop of concern for fellow humans.
JUST love ANYTHING with a beating heart ! THEY matter as much as you do !
love you to such great words of wisdom
What about surah 98 verse 6 that says jews and Christians are the worst of creatures? Or sahih muslium 4016 that says to kill dogs?
@@momil9272 no we can't eat bacon we still love the animal not the meat
@@hggfhh4449 those are media or Americans fault tommorow I just readed all the verse and everything of Qur'an so it's a misconseption 😉
@@poorcrafter1451 you are right its the futball players in djiboutises fault i readed all haiths hadiths and it is all kosher 😏
My parents had a dog for many years. My dad always get up at fajr to go to the mosque . The dog also started barking as soon as the dog heard the adhan. The dog kept barking, actually it is like the dog imitated the call to the prayer (Adhan). The dog kept repeating after the adhan and no one could sleep because of the dog imitating the Adhan. I don’t leave with my parents anymore, but my sister does she told me the story. My sister said she will get up every day to pray for fajr everyday on time and everyone in the family because of the dog. Also, the dog follow my dad to the mosque every fajr time and wait for him, after the prayer, they come home together. This dog imitated the call for prayer and go to the mosque with my dad every fajr. The dog finally gets sick, the Vet who took care of the dog gave up because the wound smell terrible and the dog become very sick, the vet didn’t show up. Finally my dad put gloves on and took care of the dog wound and with my sister help my dad everyday do the treatment. That last few month, they took good care of the dog, finally the dog passed away. My sister told me she had a dream where she saw the prophet Muhammad (Salalah Alahi Wasalam) sitting on the prayer carpet with my dad both sitting, very close next to each other their knees touching each other as the way we sit when praying . My sister said she was sitting on the corner looking at my dad and the prophet( PBUH) , there was someone introducing her to our prophet(SAW). The person said you know him? This is our prophet(SAW). And the prophet (SAW) said to my dad, to open the door that someone is at the door who want to thanks my dad. My dad asked my sister to open the door. Here is the dog that passed away walking through the door come and shakes my dad hand and thanks him for the good care my dad gave to the dog . The dog walked like a human being on 2 feet with a clothes on in a healthy good shape as described my sister. My sister said that she saw in her dream the prophet(SAW) because of the dog that she help my dad to care for. And many people in the family was saying to Get ride of the dog when its wound was very smelly and bad. But they spend times and money to care for the dog.
Wow 🥺 Masha Allah 💖
Wow 🥺
If Muslims in Turkey and Albania, for example, cannot only coexist with dogs but thrive with them as companions, so can everyone else. In Albania, which is majority Muslim, even the owner-less street dogs are tagged and no one - NO ONE - messes with them. In Turkey, if you told them that Kangals and other Anatolian shepherds had to be done away with, they would tell you to go to hell - and mean it!
There's a HUGE difference between the word of god and man's interpretation of it. 90% of beliefs are created by men. Trust love only, god is love.
100% of belief is created by man.
@Dollar Decade TV There is nothing in the Quran bad about dogs so it’s not the word of god. Don’t talk with such arrogance. As for the Hadith, not only do they contradict the Quran they also contradict each other.
@@alihijazi2655 Are you a muslim?
@@alihijazi2655 If you were you would know that every letter of the quran is Allah Ta’Ala’s word.
@@youraveragesecuritysergean7247 what are u talking about. OFC I am Muslim. I am talking about Hadith, not Quran
I am a non believer in all religions but find this man very wise in what he says.
Sunan an-Nasa'i Hadith no 4276
Grade : Sahih
"Ibn As-Sabbaq said: "Maimunah told me that Jibril, peace be upon him, said to the Messenger of Allah 'We (Angles) do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture, The next day the Messenger of Allah commanded that all dogs be killed, even small dogs."'
@jerry. Brother Islam is a faith of fitra, it aligns with our natural instincts. You may find peace and harmony, I would encourage you stay open minded and continue this journey of discovery. If you reach a point to part of family in islam. You will be welcomed by all brothers and sisters.
Wow this is very dangerous understanding. No prophet did not ask all dogs to be killed,
Dogs are the truest most loyal and faithful friends. They'll do anything to protect their human family. They'll show you love and uplift you if you're sad.
Sunan an-Nasa'i Hadith no 4276
Grade : Sahih
"Ibn As-Sabbaq said: "Maimunah told me that Jibril, peace be upon him, said to the Messenger of Allah 'We (Angles) do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture, The next day the Messenger of Allah commanded that all dogs be killed, even small dogs."'
@@non_muslim_ thanks god i am not muslim so i can keep my doggy with me
lmao i love how this whole comments section is filled with people who are filled with hate for religion when really all this is, is a video questioning misconceptions held within the islamic community for hundreds of years. there really is no need for social activism here, if you really wanted your comments to be 'positive criticism' you would realise there are many more productive and mature ways of achieving your goals, for example, holding public debates and so forth. now stop being angry and insulting every comment you see and go outside and smell the fresh air or something. its better for you than all the unnecessary hate y'all are spreading :)
Thanks 😊
Hani A. Well put.
And I was doing just that, going and criticizing every hateful comment. Yeah your right, I should leave these people and go breath fresh air.
Hani A. Not the comment related but love your pfp- oh and yeah I agree
A dog is the best faithfull friend there is!
Nina Love the horse
You know a person by how they treat animals. You know a dog probably senses their evil instantly that's Why they don't like them. Even the dog doesn't want to be owned by one anyways.
Suzanne Moore Also, take a look at how babies are killed in burma, they are hacked up into peices or skinned alive till death for being muslim.
How can Muslim progress with this mentality!
Nina Love and they give unconditional love too!
Thank you very much. I run a group supporting Muslims with disabilities in my country. This was very informative and helped me to explain to people so that those who need disability assistance dogs are not judged and do not have these essential services taken away from them when they try to attend Muslim places, gatherings etc. Assistance dogs are an essential service that allows the disabled to do things you take for granted every day - be part of the community, leave their house, go to work, go to school, pick up things they have dropped, open a door, be aware that someone is at their door or the fire alarm has gone off, and so much more. Never judge someone's need for an assistance dog when you know nothing of how important it is to them.
Dogs are courageous and loyal. Muslims may reflect on the story of the noble dog Al-Kahfi
Man will never find a friend as intelligent and as faithful as the Dog... Thank you Dr.Shabbir for clearing that up 👍
@@zephyrr108 Cats will eat your body when you die and forget about you.
@@turtletoons1016 Same with dogs.
Yes. Loyal and unconditionally your friend for life. Dogs are the most wonderful being in the world and I am PROUD of MYSELF for being able to see and live that.
@@Xyandzaxislearn more about dogs. You can literally see them remorseful when their owners die
I am so happy I found that video I loved dogs my whole life but didn’t own one cuz of that I thought it was haram.... but now I’m getting a puppy
It is haram to keep a dog inside, they never said that it is halal. They talked about the misconceptions of dogs in islam.
It’s najas
Dog is still haram
Use it as a work dog and keep it outside, remember it’s a dog not a human.
The stubborns of some people is past delusion !! God said !! Your trained animals !!! What kind of human trains an animal and don’t get attached to it ?!! We can eat what they catch with their mouth !!! A dog is the only animal mentioned in Quran that he will go to haven !! Surat el khaff , yet comments on here !!! Dogs are haram duhhhhh
I like this brother, mashallah hes very inteligent and has common sense which alot of other people seem to lack
Deez Nuts do we need to change our cloth if our dog hug us? There could be saliva stick in our cloth. Please help me answer i want to know since i also raise a dog
Common sense lmao . Believes in a storybook written by a peadophilic war mungering murderer .
@@LifesAbe-ach say it for urself lol
ULTIM8STUCH is your life that sad that you have to comment on a Muslim comment section through a computer 🤷🏾♂️ If you don’t like Muslims why are you watching this you fool 🤦🏾♂️
@@LifesAbe-ach he wasn't a paedophilic and the muslim verses that say it are self-contradictory.
Finally a man with culture and logic
How can you kill an animal that smiles at you and then wags its tail just in case you missed it.
usa killed 1000000 at one's ,,without even seen them! so pls dont try 2 put ur nose in things ur so far away frm the truth and islam never said that so pls shut up
Hello Remi, do not like killing full stop. usa sucks as does every fascist form of behaviour. Force upon children is abhorrent to me. I did not have a doctrine told to me at birth. My father told me Bible stories when I was a child. He was a pacifist. I too am a pacifist. I am a retired nurse. I heal people. I am entitled to my opinion. I live in a free land where I am not told what or how to think or what or how to believe. My father did not have a stick in the house but spanked me when I was bad as a child. Islam may be a better way of life but I have this photo of a gathering of your Mullahs and they are all driving Rolls Royce Limousines. John Lennon tried to imagine a world with no religion. Why do you think it exists? Do you know how old I am? Tell me something about yourself if you wish. The man in the film is a good man and explained himself well. I wish all men were like him. So today you learn about what is objective and balanced against that which is emotive and immature. Learn to observe the inner shakras. Feel their temperatures and vibrations. No I will never shut up. My mother will not allow me to. She said that I must never stop teaching my thoughts because they are special. Like yours they are made in heaven. Peace:)
Rod Kerkhoven hello rod first my dad never spnked me wth stick so pls dont put ur sad story in this subject kay ,,stop showin ur negatif emotions,,,and u live in a free land bcs the willin of god wich is u should thanks him,,ther wer good ppl who lived in ur land b4 right? and they had wars ! doestn mean that god is makin trials 2human?,,anyway this is beyond ur understandin ,,as muslim i dont care abt mulah drivin even if he fly! u see whats all mulh story to do with our subject ,,imean bcs his afgani or arab he shouldnt drive? maybe bcs u havin shit life makes u jalouse or hater 4 bloody materials? and 4me sccew j lennon ,,ppl or may i say messengrs did tell the truth but only fews believed so ur singer does not count and no matter hw old u are wih all my respect does not makes u wiser if u insist to be arrogant ,my religion makes me undrstand my purpos on his earth not gettin older in age and yet still askin question abt stupid idea of world without religion s hat cunt of j lennon said !
Where did the information of killing come from ??
Just watch the video one time and if you don't still understand ask. B4 talking anyhow okk?
This video was in response to something else on facebook i.e. a facebook link. The people from the Koran Speaks were good enough to supply me with the video that states that the Prophet 'peace be upon him' one day ordered dogs to be killed. This is a direct quote from the film that the good people at the Koran Speaks sent me and is contained within the first minute of his dialogue. Is that what you need to know? I can only deduce that the Koran contains this note. It is interesting to read that some of the Christian Bibles curse the dog to hell at the very end verse.
I own four dogs and greatly appreciate their company. Their spirits are free from the corruption and blood lust from the war mongering monkeys that have been responsible for so much suffering, cruelty, and death for the last 5,000 years.
How come you people only speak in short phrases. Don't you like to communicate. If my answer makes you angry, then you must look inside of you. I merely write back. My finders push keys on the keyboard. My feelings are placid and my emotions are in full control of the left brain. Do you know what I mean? You have attitude and you leave yourselves open to put downs. Like 'look, s/he is being emotional again. Do they teach psychology over there? Maybe we can help each other if you leave out religion. I am a pacifist how about you?
I'm a muslim & i have a small dog i keep him inside. I've had him for 10 years. He's a part of the family. when its bedtime i put him inside his cage in closet and he sleeps. i bathe him, feed him, i look after him like its my child. I love him! hes my buddy. Now, whenever i pray i take the dog out of the room and lock the door so he wont come after me, then i continue my prayer, I heard that is haram to keep a dog inside. But i dont understand why? Dogs are created by allah too all animals are created by allah. Now idk if is really true that is haram, but as long as u make whudu and keep dog out of sight while making a prayer its OKAY! He's just a small dog for gods sake. humans, animals,birds, creatures were all created By God!
+Mrs. Fabulous Well it seems you're not following the Koran, hadiths, Sira? Maybe you can tell us where Muhammad says you 'can' keep dogs for a pet?
+Mrs. Fabulous Also, your picture is viewed in public, where you not wearing a head covering?
+Mrs. Fabulous your not allowed to have dogs living inside the house, this keeps the angels from entering your home
+TRUTH BE TOLD Okay i know that. but my dog is part of the family for 10 yrs i can't just kick him out, i dont have that kind of heart.
bububu yes i have an Education. Do you? What kind of human being are you? Dogs are natures creatures, everyone owns a dog. Yes i know muslims are not allowed to keep dog inside bc the angels wont enter the house.. But my question for you is who are you to judge me? Are you god Astagfirullah, No ur not. Dont judge others!! And who in the world has sex with their dog? Or call dogs their lover? I never heard of that in my life. You need to stop judging others! If i want my dog inside, he will be inside to stay warm no matter what. You are nobody to me and u need to mind ur own bizness. I am a muslim i have a small dog hes my baby! Hes my bestfriend. A companion. I pray 5 times a day and im happy to be a muslim. U can say whatever u want ur opinion doesnt matter. Allah created animals their all his he created all of that. And us humans we have a heart we can love animals. Humans. Creatures.
actually, all dogs go to heaven
Betog34 read the scriptures
Why bother when there is a much more insightful cartoon which illustrates that, yes in fact all dogs do go to heaven.
No none of them do
youssef kayass All animals go to heaven, in fact animals worship allah, and fear Allah (S) more than humans.
Paul No, they go too.
Since This IS Islamic issue I don't see why a non muslim should even bring a hate comment here . bc For me, as A Muslim I don"t comment on any post or video to do with CHRISTIANITY, JUDIASM, HINDUISM OR EVEN BUDHISM. BC my religion teaches me to respect other faiths and their people.I KNOW WHERE I BELONG AND I AM SATISFIED WITH IT. I DNT NEED TO PUT A HATE COMMENT ABOUT OTHER FAITHS. ALL IN ALL I don"t see a reason as to why u come here to vomit ur hatred.
Llyne M To be honest the quran has translations and everything u read is not direct! In ISLAM there is tax in Islam therefore Muslims pay ZAKAT OR SADAQA BUT A NON MUSLIM WILL PAY SOME MONEY IN FORM OF TAX!
As they say little knowledge is poisonous! learn more about ISLAM and dnt be brainwashed by media!
In the HISTORY There is no non muslim whois killed unless he/she was attacking MUSLIMS!
Even u u will not spare any one who attacks and Muslims are like u!
ISLAM is peaceful if u follow IT in the proper way but the moment u use it in da wrong way it is like a fire!.
I can explain why ISLAM IS PEACEFUL IF U remove all those prejudices and misconceptions u have.
MY good friends are christians and hve no problem with them bc i dnt hve Phd in hatred as u may do
Noor Ali your "religion" tells you to oppress, subdue, enslave or kill everyone who does not believe exactly as you do, including Muslims of different sects, which is evident by the 800 million dead in the name of Islamic expansion and Muslims are still doing it. That's why non-muslims want to teach you about how evil Islam is and encourage you all to find a way to God, not muhammad's version which served his psychotic agenda.
Noor, your religion does NOT teach you to respect other faiths. Indeed, you regard disbelievers as "the worst of created beings." (Quran 98:6). Noor, would you regard another religion that had written in its holy book, "Muslims are the worst of created beings," as a religion of HATE? So now you understand why your own religion is a religion of hate.
Herman47 no context mentioned tells us about your little knowledge...go and read the context
Rubia, let me provide some context. Quran 4:56: "Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our verses - We will drive them into a Fire. Every time their skins are roasted through We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment." Your god hates disbelievers so much that he intends to torture them by repeatedly burning their skins off. As a follower of Muhammad, you approve of this hideous torture. Rubia, does your god make a mistake in hating the disbelievers? Yes or no? At this point in your life, Rubia, you approve of torture for people simply because they disbelieve the messages of your "messenger of Allah." Do you torture people who refuse to believe your messages? Yes or no? If you do not, could you please explain why people who refuse to believe Muhammad's messages deserve to be tortured?
ohhh please.. I'm Muslim but I keep dogs.. I have one Husky.. and I love him alot
+Barry Lab I don't care, dogs are faithful than 70% of the human so please! And I didn't mention wth other people does or not? They can do whatever they want and keep following their scriptures, but If keeping a dog makes me bad in a muslims' s eye I don't even care about it. I don't give a damn! I love my pets that's all I care about. :)
+Barry Lab and I'll rather get rid of the 7th century religion but not my dog.. Thank you :)
+Zeisha Ahmed zeisha umm you can still be a Muslim just join quranism this guy is trying to turn you away from Islam.
Zeisha Theturtlegirl wow
wow I can't believe what I just read.
Dogs are one of the greatest gifts to mankind. I have two and cant imagine life without them. As a muslim, its a very serious and basic requirement of my faith to meet and exceed providing them with adequate care, just like any creature.
Speaking as an atheist who lives with two dogs that I would rate above many people, I have to say that Dr Ally speaks with clarity and reason.
I do find religion interesting and this is the sort of person I could have an open and honest debate with.
You’re a credit to your faith.
Peace :)
I'm a Muslim living in a very Western society (basically the only Muslim of my generation in my town). I'm so fed up of all the standard viewpoints, this guy is the person I've started listening to and finally feel like I've found someone who explains the religion in a way that I'm happy to accept.
Witts End its really nice seeing atheists/non muslims view islam in a non bias or open way
Koolkid 67 We all have to share this planet, my friend. I probably don’t believe in your god and you probably don’t believe in my position, but we can still be kind to each other.
This makes the world a nicer place for everyone.
I'm a Muslim I have a dog
Kontro Werk wow no love for the dog
Zaed Ahmed me too
Zaed Ahmed if it's in the house u are wrong
+MOMBASSA GROUP LLC you are demented and will never be allowed in heaven.
Kontro Werk you dumb your dog need love
I like Shabir! I agree with him 100% on this issue. I converted from an Arab Christian family and LOOOVE dogs. I would never pretend to dislike them just because many Muslims feel its their religious "duty" to dislike dogs.
I am here because today I saw a Muslim man(stranger) in front of a park and I was watching from my balcony tied a street dog and kicked him rigoursly, when I shouted from my balcony he ran away
*** I felt so bad for the dog
*** Later that day I gave him something to eat
***And now he come everyday
He was not a Muslim
Abdul Basir Al-Armini he might have just being going by the Sahih Muslim, which most Muslims seem to believe in.
In 3809 and 5511, it clearly explains that Muhammad believed that dogs and images prevented the great Archangels from entering houses, so he ordered the slaughter of dogs. That’s also why playing with dolls is haram, and why dogs are considered unclean to be in house. So Muhammad had them all slaughtered until the people complained too much, so he allowed dogs for the purposes of hunting and work-dogs..
Johan Liebert May Allah reward you
I believe that is a lie because you dislike muslims
Asking for dogs in different languages:
English: Mom I want a dog...
She: Ok ;)
Italian: Mamma voglio un cane...
She: Ok ;)
Middle East: Baba I want a dog...
Him: We already got you ya kelb
so true... exactly what my mum said 😂
Just reading past the comments and saw this. It made my day haha
I am a new muslim convert. I converted to Islam on 1st Ramadan. Everything is going extremely fine but there is one concern. I have a pet dog at my home and many of my muslim friends say that give your dog to shelter or my salah would not be accepted at all. And one of my friend say that if dogs saliva touches me once then i am impure for 40 days. So in this 40 days none of my prayers and duas and charities will hold no meaning at all... I am really depressed because of this so please can you suggest me what is right???
Please Brother,Don't give up your dog and don't pay heed to what they say that once your dog licked you are impure for 40 days. I would like to point you out that According to one of the 4 school of thoughts of Islam which is Maliki, Saliva of dog is not considered impure. Obviously when food is involved and all, you need to clean. That's it. Don't fell in this stereotypes that many of our brothers and sisters have regarding dog. I invite you to check out Dr Bilal Philips video regarding this matter.
The angels won’t visit your home if you have a dog as a pet that’s what I saw when I researched
For those who say islam came to oppress dogs, tell them about the authentic narration about the kindness of a man who felt thirsty and went down into a well to get himself water to drink. After having drank it, he saw a dog nearby almost dying of thirst and said: "surely this dog must be thirsty just like I was a minute ago", so he went down into the well again to get water for the dog. And because of this kindness Allaah entered him paradise.
@Rockshy Those are the rules of men, not God. The Hadith is not the same as the Quran, just as the Talmud is not the same as the Torah.
Thank you. I myself have wondered about it a lot---Allah has created this animal for total servitude to a man---his children his family---its loyalty is without question---it will give its life away for the family without question.
One of my dogs fought with a cobra snake than had come out in the back yard---the dog fought against it---even though it got bitten many a time---but it killed the snake---. We tried our best to save the dog but could not---.
This is an animal that when he sees you is beyond itself with joy and is literally sad when you leave at home alone---. There is no way that this animal is restricted to be kept---.
Vic Multani that was a beautiful reminder of how pure dogs’ souls are.
Very well said....all texts are written with a social context in mind.
Huge respect for him ❤
I'm Muslim and I have a dog it is not haram
Moussa Diab yes it's not Haram but shud be kept away from house because it prevent angels from entering and also reduces your reward for salah
Dogs prevent angels from entering the home? That is the single dumbest thing I have read on the internet all week. Congratulations!
C R Typical.. You look at some muslims, and you judge all muslim based on that.
Moussa Diab Dont say that unless you know for sure from Quran or Hadith
Moussa Diab nobody says haram for raising a dog, but what about saliva? How to treat it's saliva after touching it?
I'm a Muslim I adore my dog❤🐾🐾 he is everything to me I have a Chiweenie Chihuahua/ Jack Russell mix.. nobody can .. say anything different I adore my dog he is my world!!!!.. and I don't care what anybody thinks!!!!
Good for you are better than your profit he said to kill dogs.
Sahih muslim 5511
I have 3 German Shepherds and I love them - they are part of my family and I love them - could not live without them. they are more faithful and sincere than 99% of the human beings Ive met!
Muslims don't hate dogs. Prophet Muhammad said 1 person went to heaven just for feeding a dog! But he also said that dogs' saliva is impure because of rabies. Do you guys have any idea of what rabies is? Any medical doctor from a 3rd world country would give you the same advice. I have lost a relative because of a stray dog who came into contact with a child.. It's certain death endless suffering 😢.
@@aldenpadilla1773 fundamental muslims are commanded to kill dogs who do not have a special purpose
Good to know this Br. Shabir. You always dispel myths and those "man made" traditions which people mix up with "religion". Thank you for clearing the air. Salaams!
It's not just in Islam - in rural communities - dogs guard property & livestock, they're not really pets, they're working dogs, hunting dogs etc, they are kept in kennels/doghouses outdoors, never allowed indoors, never allowed on furniture, in the kitchen or in bedrooms & never get treated like substitute animals.
Sahih al-Bukhari » Beginning of Creation - كتاب بدء الخلق Narrated Abu Talha: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Angels do not enter a house that has either a dog or a picture in it." حَدَّثَنَا عَلِيُّ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ، حَدَّثَنَا سُفْيَانُ، قَالَ حَفِظْتُهُ مِنَ الزُّهْرِيِّ كَمَا أَنَّكَ هَا هُنَا أَخْبَرَنِي عُبَيْدُ اللَّهِ عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ عَنْ أَبِي طَلْحَةَ ـ رضى الله عنهم ـ عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ " لاَ تَدْخُلُ الْمَلاَئِكَةُ بَيْتًا فِيهِ كَلْبٌ وَلاَ صُورَةٌ ".
Dr. Ally is a wise, incredibly intelligent man!!! May ALL Muslims have the opportunity to hear his views, thoughts, interpretations and scientific evidence.
Sunan an-Nasa'i Hadith no 4276
Grade : Sahih
"Ibn As-Sabbaq said: "Maimunah told me that Jibril, peace be upon him, said to the Messenger of Allah 'We (Angles) do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a picture, The next day the Messenger of Allah commanded that all dogs be killed, even small dogs."'
@@non_muslim_ This saddens me, personally, because I love dogs because they give unconditional love, loyalty and unwavering support. When I look into my dog's eyes, I see G*d. I see superior spiritual greatness. I see understanding and tolerance. I see patience and kindness.
@@truecynic1270 are you muslim?
@@truecynic1270 Now dogs become Evil because allah said that in Scriptures right???
At least we still have genuine scolers.
Dogs are Allah's creation
Just use your own common sense
Dogs are allowed.
Allah knows best.
Even Satan is created by Allah... What do you say abt it?
@@abc-ox3zl well I say it's different cause guess what, why did God make dogs as pets why did dog's creat dogs as family? how do you say about that?
JUST A GUY WITH AUTISM dogs arent made for being pets exactly they r for hunting guarding and to help disabled people thats their use kind of pets and they have to be outside but if a guy is blind and needs the dog inside the house its halal
But keeping dog as a pet or even inside the house is HARAM, you can not say that Allah know's best, because Allah give us a brain to use, their saliva is impure.
@@BRUH13S0 all Muslims should know this life is a test it’s a test by Allah to see how strong our imam is in a world full with prohibited stuff Allah wants to see if you don’t partake in prohibited stuff for sake of allah such as Alcohol you may have many friends drink it and it may intrigue you but it’s a test allah wants to se will you let this drink come in between you and your rules because it is stayed in Jannah there is a river of Alcohol.
Such a fresh wonderful outlook on coexisting with dogs. Thanks, Dr. Shabir.
When a recent convert asked Sheik Nazim what he should do with his dog he was told, "Set him free." The mureed then asked "What if he wont leave?" Efendi says "Give him a happy life."
So grateful for this common sense response. Due to misconceptions about dogs, people in some Muslim communities think it is permissible to abuse them. Dogs are viewed as a cursed animal. So much ignorance.
every animal is a angel in my book
Thank you so much for these clarifications. I personally love dogs.
So how come I never see a Muslim with a dog? And never see one at the dog park? You say you have no problems with dogs but you actions speak louder then words. Here in the west we love our dogs and they become part of our family. You people had better get used to that, or move back.
Yeah I've met a nice Muslim lady who runs an animal shelter for cats and dogs... One of the dogs was called Boo Boo.
Got more if you want. Or you could just google "muslims playing with dogs"
Muhammad Ibrahim
I seen the other pictures after googling it. They were not nice. You picked the best ones. the rest of mean. Taqiyya
First image shows guide dogs. The lady to the right is blind. The second image is from a campaign called I want to touch a dog. This is not the same as owning a dog that lives in the family home. I'm sure the rest of the images you have found are from the same campaign. But I could be wrong. You are correct tho they are playing with dogs but what I think Beerrunner81 is trying to say is he has never seen a Muslim own a dog. I too also believe this. When I lived in Birmingham in the UK I would walk my German Shepherd in the local park (Cannonhill Park) which was used by many people. But I always found I got a negative response from the Muslim community. An unwelcome feeling even tho it was a public park. Muhammad do you own a dog ?
They may use a dogs to help the blind or to hunt. But will the dog sleep at the foot of there bed? I don't think so. My dogs are my best friends, they are part of my family. My dogs have my back. Muhammad I also want to know. Do you own a dog?
This gentleman speaks without an attitude.He is so composed & knowdgeable
The most sensible opinion.Allah bless you
I have a dog for emotional support because I experience depression. Way more important than guarding and hunting!
That in itself is a form of guarding, your dog is guarding you from yourself
@@nisrrah8198 so is halal if i was depressed and him make md more active and happy ?
If dog saliva is impure, then the same would be true for all pets and animals. Why the exclusion?
I'm pretty sure I deleted my comment. Remember everyone there's no reason to be rude to people just because you disagree. Some just had questions as myself that's all. Be civil remain respectful. Later 😘
Yasmin..your comment is commendable ..wonder why people make bad comments about others and obviously for selfish reasons more often than not....difference of opinion on some issues should not be insulted especially when they hold earlier opinion which is safer
The dog in Surah Al-Kahf
The name of the dog was Qitmeer, it was said that he was the hunting dog of one of the people or that he was the dog of the king’s cook, who shared the religious views of these young muslim men, and brought his dog with him.
Imaam Ibn Kathir (rahimahullah) says in his famous Tafseer:
Ibn Jurayj said
“He was guarding the door for them.”
It was his nature and habit to lie down at their door as if guarding them. He was sitting outside the entrance of the cave, because the angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog, as was reported in As-Saheeh, nor do they enter a house in which there is an image, a person in state of ritual impurity or a disbeliever, as was narrated in the Hasan Hadith.
The blessing they enjoyed extended to their dog, so the sleep that overtook them overtook him too. This is the benefit of accompanying good people, and so this dog attained fame and stature.
Source: Tafseer Ibn Katheer Soorah Al-Kahf
Not religious, but I do read and try to educate myself. Read all of the info he talked about and had the same thought process as he did. Now this was only one topic I heard him discuss, by it feels like this person knows his religion better than most.
Well it's prohibited to have Dogs as a pet inside the House
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (saws) said, “He who keeps a dog, will lose out of his good deeds equal to one Qirat every day, except one who keeps it for guarding the fields or the herd.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
In a another narration of Muslim, the Messenger of Allah (saws) is reported to have said: “He who keeps a dog for any reason other than to guard his property (lands) or his flock of sheep, his good deeds equal to two Qirat will be deducted every day.”
The following hadith explains exactly what a qirat is. The Prophet was asked, ‘What are two Qirat?’ He replied, “Equal to two huge mountains.” Related by Bukhari and Muslim.
Ibn Al-Mughaffal reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, ordered the killing of dogs and then he said, “What is the matter with them? What is the matter with dogs?” Then he granted concession for the use of dogs for hunting and herding. The Prophet said, “If a dog licks your vessel, then wash it seven times and rub it with earth on the eighth time.” Source: Sahih Muslim 280 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Imam Muslim
The Prophet (pbuh) said: “The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or an image.”
Grade : Sahih (Darussalam) Reference : Sunan an-Nasa’i 5347 In-book reference : Book 48, Hadith 308.
Hadiths are fanfics.
The Quran says a dog was with the people in the cave and then your hadith says they're not clean. Obviously your hadith is wrong
@@AbdiAneed well that cave wasn't a holy place you dumb @$$ 🤦🏻♂️🤌🏻🤫
@@AbdiAneed there is a Hadith regarding a infidel women saving a dog from dying who fell in the well and she was granted heaven all sins forgiven because of this kind gesture but still doesn't make dogs permisible,
Don't take 5h!t here when you have no research at all, you can have dogs for protection outside the house or for a cattle of sheeps or goats or your chickens if you live in a wild forest or area where wild animals are threatening life of other animals or human beings to scare them away, use them as guards or for protection, not as your pets which you can touch and take inside house,
Again do not talk before you know 5h!t properly 🤦🏻♂️🤌🏻🤫
@@NaveedAalam no hadiths over ride the Quran. If the Quran allows it, then all hadiths are negate relating to it
Jazak Allah Khair. Thank you very much. I have tried to explain this before to people who have been extremely negative about dogs. Thank you very much for this tool with which to open their minds.
I just can't see how dogs are haram to us for gods sake people the Quran which is our guide doesn't say anything bad about dogs then how's it still haram?
Just cause a sheikh said is haram without backing it up with a strong prove doesn't mean its, remember the Quran teaches us everything.
+nopotential Us Is referring to Muslims and everything is referring to the religion of Islam The Quran teaches Muslims about everything in Islam.
Being an American with a Palestinian father and a American mother. I always thought my Arab family hated dogs because they were used at weapons during war. Also rabid dogs and cats would roam the refugee camps and hurt kids instilling something. I like the defense he gives towards the dog. Dogs were nanny's for a long time. That is what the boys in the cave had, a nanny dog like the dog from Peter pan.
This channel is gold. MasyaaAllah
Salam. My family keeps dogs to protect our sheep and cats from coyotes because we live in rural Arizona...we don't allow dogs in the house, they are perfectly fine living outside.
Good for you. As for the rest of us who don't follow your caveman religion, we love to keep our dogs indoors as one of the family.
Deen Over Dunya No, I’m not mad. Just stating facts.
Deen Over Dunya triggered what? I’m not sure what you mean, please clarify.
1202 Program Alarm No need to have that mindset, we are not All the same."caveman religion" people unfortunetly understand in different ways, i Will adopt a dog Soon and keep It inside as a part of the family, and im a muslim. God teaches me to love every creature, we are All different, others get easily manipulated. I'd just rly like you to calm down and stop thinking a muslim or a bunch of muslims represent the whole of Islam.
Saphy well yours is the most refreshing post I’ve read today!
This guy does talk a lot of sense and applies reason to a lot of things great work keep it up
thank you very much for this info, it helps me a lot. Assalamualaikum.
When I was in Syria, I met a lot of muslims who were afraid of dogs because of lack of exposure... and talked about their lack of cleanliness.
I slept with the local dogs on purpose. The one homeless female dog who wandered near my home was incredibly friendly, and everybody I had met talked about how her willingness to approach was a sign of rabies and aggression. She was always wagging her tail and would approach with a happy pant, but wouldnt get closer than 5 meters, unless you had food... or had regularly given her food.
It was incredibly rewarding when she would come to me at night and curl up by me. The Gûndî looked at me like I was crazy, but I was also the only person who could "tame" this dog.
I always quoted the verse where the prostitute went to heaven just for giving a thirsty dog water. And made sure that my willingness to help extended to every neighbor I had. Eventually, I was just the crazy american jew who acted weird, but still justified his weirdness with Islam... and they let me be myself.
Imam Malik had said dogs are pure and nothing wrong with having a dog but a lot of muslim don't know that
A lot know as well
Dogs are more faithful than humans, and they don't need to grow long beards to be pious.
I love this Imam.
To be honest this is the first time that I saw that much honest and well educated person all Muslims should first read Quran before say something about dogs wish you all the best
I just can’t understand how people keep hating on a innocent animal that doesn’t understand why people are hating on them like just stop if quran said that dogs are haram then they’re haram but in quran god didn’t say that so i will follow the quran not hadith
Exactly, Follow the Qur'an that's it as we believe it is God's words. In hadiths themselves, they can be contradictions as it's people who have written them according to what they heard.
What about keeping dogs as pets, I live with my mum and I'm trying to convince her dogs are okay but she just tries to follow every single rule of her religion even though she loves dogs, So no matter what kind of logic I present to her about dogs, she won't accept. So are dogs okay to have as pets?
***** It comes from I heard Allah's Apostle(P.B.U.H) saying; "Angels (of Mercy) do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or a picture of a living creature (a human being or an animal)." [Hadith - Bukhari 3:515 also That the Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever acquires a dog - with the exception of a dog to guard livestock, a hunting dog, or a farm dog - each day a Qirat is deducted from his reward. Abu Dawood
+Sh Kh I am not so stupid as to believe a pedophile is a prophet. Do you find this pig porn while you are searching for child porn?
+Sh Kh so you refute that Muhamhead was a pedophile as reported by Aisha and recorded in Bukhari, Muslim and Dawud?
+nancejo Aisha was a 9 year old child when the perverted old false prophet ravished her. There is no morality in such a religion. The whole Quran is Satanic.
+Sh Kh Only those whose false prophet was deceived by Satan are the ones who worship Satan. Flee your error before it is too late. Its better to worship Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat than Satan you call Allah.
It was always a solid no growing up, thanks for this
(3:34)...this bit made me laugh...
Salaams to Shabir Ali!
A point I have never heard Muslims bring up, is that it is actually cruel to keep a dog who serves no function. It is the nature of a dog is to perform some sort of duty. A dog who simply sits around being pampered all the time will be bored and miserable. The Islamic guidance is in the best interest of the dog, and leads to them having a happier life.
What? Many breeds were literally bred for the sole purpose of being the human's company. Your great idea is to kill them off perhaps? Or dump them in shelters? They are family members, and give great emotional support. Think before you suggest such cruel thing.
@@Draco19970125 You are making an incorrect assumption about my meaning. (In classic Internet style) The job of the breeds of whom you speak, is to be companions. So they still perform a job, and that job gives them a sense of pur
@@OneTheBlue well they did have a purpose until dog shows existed and people thought that deformities were cute. Technically every dog is a guard either it be metaphorically or literally. A dog can guard the perimeter of a house whether that be outside or inside because either way if an interior gets in they're not going to come out in the same way. A dog can protect you from your emotional demons like depression
I don’t like it if Muslims hate dogs... They cheer you up, keep you confident, help you... Cats will just ignore you and they think you don’t exist.
Asalamwalakum I was wondering if you could have another dialog with Shabir Ally on this topic. (More in depth) I do beileve what he says is true, just want some more facts concerning certian hadith in authentic books (Bukhari) which state; dogs without a purpose can take away two good deeds daily if owned, and also another hadith that states angels don't come into a house that has a dog. Thanks for always being very islamicly informative.
P.S. I wasn't sure where to ask a question In Sha Allah this is fine.
yes this one sits on my mind too.. I have a dog
Thank you for expelling this issues. I still can't justify dirty looks I get when walking a dog...
jamesaellis just don’t take it inside your house and it’s halal
You can keep it in your house, don’t listen to that person^ as long as you pray in a separate room, you are fine
Such a shame that this doesn't appear to be the mainstream view.
Who cares tho. Allah doesn't forbid it go get a puppy
A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.
I left Islam because they hate dogs. Best thing I ever did! Dogs are heavenly friends!
"I love my dog" Yusuf Islam
Proud Muslim, Proud Akita Inu holder. Best guard dog ever. The thief comes in, but not out ☠️😅
finally an educated muslim
Shabir Ally is one of the make sense Muslim on UA-cam, praise God.
Dogs have been faithful companions of men for perhaps 20,000 years, long before the birth of Muhammad. Dr. Ally is a good fellow for giving this explanation. I'm not Muslim but my respects.
thanks shiekh I really love dogs but I always hear how they are unclean but now am gonna adopt a dog.
Did you not even read the Quran to know what was in it before Shabir made you aware???? Please do not get the following breeds as your first dog. Do not get German SHEPHARD, huskies, pitbulls, Dalmatians, Rottweilers , bul dogs any type of shepherds etc. boxers are ok, but a lot of training and patience is required. Beagles are one of the easier breeds. Try rescue dogs.
Mubarak Ali Adopt one. If you save any animals live you will get rewards.
Well then Why do so many other muslims believe different. Like your Dr Nair and so many others. I have dogs and everytime a muslim sees them,,,they freak out and run away.
lol...I know. I'm Muslim and I see it a lot. it's mostly culture teaching ignorant views
Well good to know, rare.
Dude wen i say im ok with dogs doesnt mean its alrite to have a dog without a valid reason. Why you putting words into my sentence Barry Lab
They say it's perfect and flawless. In your dreams
I've had to go both ways for me I own a little 8 lb chihuahua terrier mix goes with me everywhere from Walmart to the mall and I've had some Muslim people approached me and asked them randomly because they seen them around a lot and others who do act very skittish and very nervous around him that case I make sure I get a grip of his leash and I tell them that he is well behaved and will not bark or bite and I try to move away to make them feel more comfortable out of respect
Yall need to stop bashing Islam
hud4094 no cuz it's hateful. We true Muslims don't do things like that. we don't spread hate not do kill people. I love my religion regardless of how any one feels.
You should look into Abraham. He is the guy god told to write the religion. All the Abraham religions were created from him. All the Abraham religions admit this fact.
Christians Jews Muslims and Pagans are all part of the Abraham religion and are the same thing written by different men at different times for different reasons.
Islam needs to stop bashing dogs!
And also because of this disgusting practice which is Polygamy(peace be upon this). The ratio of violent and tolerant Moslems are growing. Thus, terror attacks are more frequent.
Well again none of that matters because the people are to tolerant and think of multiculturalism as Europe's goal. I mean let's teach everyone how to hunt infidels and haram every logic that stands out Islam.
I would prefer to be called names as long I contributed something for the betterment of society.
I like this approach, finally they are letting the Quran Speak
Here’s a little comparison I did between my dog and mohamed. Hope you guys like it.
My Dog. Mohamed
Child r4p3 No Yes
Murd3r. No. Yes
Necrophilia. No. Yes
Cross dress. No. Yes
Hatred. No. Yes
Loyalty. Yes. No
Kindness. Yes. No
I think my dog comes out on top
Dogs are men best friends .
I think in the same way! Today, i rescued a beautiful puppy on my way back to home from walk, but i came to know that it will prevent angel of blessings from coming inside the home. Then! I searched for this video and i m truely satisfied.
Being superstition is the symbol of your weak belief! Allah has created all the living and non living things in a beautiful way. So, it doesn't make sense that we should hate dogs as they are faithful to us and being living with humans from the very old times!
@@Noone-ve6zb take him to vet for a check up
😓im also take a puppy i though only the angel dont come inside to house but also is haram .. im confuse now
I always knew in my heart dogs go to Heaven 💖💖💖
kxr they turn into sand
@@Adam-im6xg , That's just crazy talk. Seriously THINK...God created dog he created all animals for humans and Adam gave them their names. You need to research with an open heart and a pure heart and you need to pray and ask God to bless you with the truth. May you be blessed and find salvation through Yeshua hamashiach. God Bless you friend.
This guys super smart. Im not even Muslim but hes a true academic scholar. As well as a Quranic one. There seems to be a lot of fake Scholars in islam as in all relgions. But he seems to be taking this really seriously and looking at things level headedly
02:25 don’t get twisted. Meat in dogs shall be purified with heat by cooking therefore that will kill off all the impurities
and dogs smell very erly cancer and save life
gatta salvatore how do they save life by detecting cancer,what will they do take u to the cancer specialist?