I got this with discount from Real Merch and then Master Replicas has this 50% off less than 2 weeks later. i do like it but really only got it to finish the Enterprises in XL. The XL's were never £30 to £40 when sold at full price. They were £49.99 for years and then went £54.99. MR are selling those with the old packaging at a £59.99 price. The newer packaging started at £59.99 and ended at £64.99 from Eaglemoss..
I like this as a future starship design. On the size of the nacelles and pylons, it’s purely a scale issue. The pylons are as thick as the D’s nacelles, definitely not flimsy, this ship is massive and I love it. It makes sense that as starfleet explores new galaxies they need more crew and resources,the J is essentially a mobile starbase. I’d love to see some interiors to match the scale of this thing.
Not a super fan of the design but it is cool but I would expect that nacelles would be unnecessary in the future because given in the 24th century many races don't use them.
I got this with discount from Real Merch and then Master Replicas has this 50% off less than 2 weeks later. i do like it but really only got it to finish the Enterprises in XL.
The XL's were never £30 to £40 when sold at full price. They were £49.99 for years and then went £54.99. MR are selling those with the old packaging at a £59.99 price. The newer packaging started at £59.99 and ended at £64.99 from Eaglemoss..
I like this as a future starship design. On the size of the nacelles and pylons, it’s purely a scale issue. The pylons are as thick as the D’s nacelles, definitely not flimsy, this ship is massive and I love it. It makes sense that as starfleet explores new galaxies they need more crew and resources,the J is essentially a mobile starbase. I’d love to see some interiors to match the scale of this thing.
Not a super fan of the design but it is cool but I would expect that nacelles would be unnecessary in the future because given in the 24th century many races don't use them.
It sucks that they didn't put the registry on the front just above the deflector. The promo images have it, but oh well.
The model does have it.
@@nicholasgarratt5646 Not that I could see in this video.
Yeah that scale is not correct in the image. the NX-01 is 225 metres long, the J is 3219 metres (3.2km) long
The ship is Horrible ..Period*
The reason why the J is so much bigger than a lot of the rest is because the J is actually a mobile base it's a carrier