Chronic Illness and Exercising??

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • Those of you with chronic illnesses, how do you exercise if you are able to? If you aren't how do you cope with it?


  • @angelEDSer
    @angelEDSer 14 років тому

    I do physical therapy exercises. Plus, I've been well enough to garden. Be careful with yoga and stretching. Core muscle strengthening is terrific!!! I know when I am in so much pain and fatigue, the exercise is out the window. I try to force myself to do some though. I'm tying to do more exercise to keep my muscles from cramping up!

  • @DarkWaterfall
    @DarkWaterfall  14 років тому

    @77095070 Hi there, it's amazing that you are still able to do all those things! Unfortunately, my joints deteriorated, ligaments & tendons stretched out, developed osteoarthritis & osteoporosis, & left unable to walk 100yds on my best days. EDS varies from person to person & it is very much like a spectrum. I had always been a very active person, purple belt in karate, rode bikes, kayaked, you name it I did it. Taking it easy is necessary for people with my level of involvement.

  • @zujiawu
    @zujiawu 11 років тому

    Thanks for uploading all the videos. Theraband or Exercise bands are good. Hand bicycles can work too. You can also trying hitting an inflatable punching bag. I'm a gym teacher, so feel free to ask me about exercise. Hope you're doing well.

  • @123dietdrpepper
    @123dietdrpepper 14 років тому

    I actually an aquabelt that goes around your waist & acts as a flotation that holds you up in the deep end of pool. So the top part of your body is outside the pool & the legs are suspended under the water. This allows you to walk, run, & stretch in mid air without alot of pressure on your muscles & joints. I started out doing 5 minutes for one week & added 5 min each week thereafter. Now I can be in the pool for over an hour.
    Also purchase some elastic bands & do light stretches w/ them.

  • @DarkWaterfall
    @DarkWaterfall  14 років тому

    @angelEDSer Yea, my muscles get very, very, sore from lack of use, and I also get the "jimmy legs." I am VERY careful with yoga. I only do floor exercise and things I know that would overstretch or sub/dis my joints. It's not like I am doing Sun Salutations or a full Lotus, which I could bend into, just wouldnt be pretty... haha.

  • @longlakeshore
    @longlakeshore 13 років тому

    I don't have EDS, so I'm not limited by hypermobility issues. I've had chronic myofacial pain since I was 7, which became severe after surgery when I was 21. I am now 49. For exercise, I hit the bike path everyday for a 15 mile pedal. Wind on my face intensifies pain, but I push through it because the benefits of exercise are so dramatic: less depression, less fatigue and better quality sleep. Can't ride when it's below 70F. It's just too painful. So I become a lump each winter.

  • @DarkWaterfall
    @DarkWaterfall  14 років тому

    @angel19love Oh he's great! I have a video of him from the 4th of July playing in the water that I need to upload. It's awesome!

  • @DarkWaterfall
    @DarkWaterfall  14 років тому

    @BuddyBoy091994 I'm not able to walk much :-(. I get tachycardia and all fainty and weak, which is a big problem when it comes to exercise. I have a book called "Yoga Rx" and it has a section for those with arthritis that is very very gentle. The stretching stuff I don't is even gentler! Ha.

  • @DarkWaterfall
    @DarkWaterfall  14 років тому

    @engodo2525 Wow you sound like me! Although, the hyperadrenergic POTS hasn't been officially confirmed I am being treated for it. I have slight Chiari, My blood tests should be in soon. I've started on mestinon and have been feeling better, and do some easy cardio on the Wii Fit. I would like to get a recumbent bike or eliptical. I think a treadmill would be too much impact on my already destroyed joints, esp. the ankles. They are basically in a state of chronic subluxation/dislocation.

  • @WackyLisa
    @WackyLisa 14 років тому

    Exercise is hard. I like yoga but I had to stop because I wasn't being good to my joints. I try to do PT exercises with varying success. When I was doing weight training I was doing much better even with the dysaut.
    Summer is horrible for me so most things slide then. But then we get snowed in and my DH gets too sick to drive in the winter. So, I do what I can at home and that leaves the pool and gym out.

  • @engodo2525
    @engodo2525 14 років тому

    In someplace with lots of AC in afternoon/night, either recumbent bike while watching Netflix or I get up and my brother takes me to the gym that for us is across the field infront of us so I walk on their treadmil slowly with their AC built in. I just do cardio- we need any extra calf muscle and cardio enduranc we can get(Ive got EDS, hyperadrenic POTS, chemical sensitivy, post Chiari, ect...) I failed trying exercising ALOT but just kept trying over and over with time.

  • @DarkWaterfall
    @DarkWaterfall  14 років тому

    @ohawkins08 I get horrible tachycardia when I try to exercise. I've been cut off from PT because of it. I was on Verapamil for a little while, I think it's a calcium channel blocker? My blood presser dropped even LOWER and I was always motion sick from it. I haven't tried a beta-blocker yet, but I am still waiting for some test result from the dysaut specialist, and I have a follow up in August with him. Hopefuly there is somthing that can help. I miss PT, I was doing great with Aqua Therapy.

  • @angel19love
    @angel19love 14 років тому

    how is you dog?