▶︎ Are you ready to build wealth that allows you create financial freedom for you and your family or even work part time as a teacher!? Your first step is managing your money NOW. Get instant access to my step by step money managing budget program: www.highvibeteaching.com/money-management-makeover-sales-page
I so agree with the divided attention when teaching whole group because of being so aware of which students are not truly looking or focusing like you want them to and that really affects how you present the material. I have done the same thing the last two years that I started teaching third through fifth grade math classes and this year I will be doing fifth and sixth grade math classes so I’m going to continue, creating some of my own videos and it’s unfortunate that we can’t see yours here but I like the 4-problem as well and the template. Thank you so much for this video and sharing.
I was really interested to see your videos, but the videos at the link are set to private. Is there another way to view them. Thanks for being willing to share!
▶︎ Are you ready to build wealth that allows you create financial freedom for you and your family or even work part time as a teacher!? Your first step is managing your money NOW. Get instant access to my step by step money managing budget program: www.highvibeteaching.com/money-management-makeover-sales-page
I so agree with the divided attention when teaching whole group because of being so aware of which students are not truly looking or focusing like you want them to and that really affects how you present the material. I have done the same thing the last two years that I started teaching third through fifth grade math classes and this year I will be doing fifth and sixth grade math classes so I’m going to continue, creating some of my own videos and it’s unfortunate that we can’t see yours here but I like the 4-problem as well and the template. Thank you so much for this video and sharing.
This sounds so helpful, would love to access your freebie if you are still able to share it. First year teaching 5th, it will be really helpful.
This is great! Thank you for sharing. What do your early finishers do?
They did a math game like prodigy!
This was great --thank you for posting! do you have any more updates on this process? 🎉
It was great! & if I were staying in teaching, I would have done it again!
I was really interested to see your videos, but the videos at the link are set to private. Is there another way to view them. Thanks for being willing to share!
Sorry, the district shut down my UA-cam Channel because I no longer work with them
The link doesn't work.. I am I missing something. Thank you for all you do.
Thank you for letting me know! Here is the link!
Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.
The link is in private...I found this strategy really interesting but they cant be accessed
Yes I had to take it off because I am no longer employed at the district as a teacher. Thinking of a way to put the resource videos on my website.
Your link to the videos does not work. It´s so great that you wanted to share them! Thanks!
Thank you for letting me know! Here is the link!
What do you and the students do for the rest of the math block?
I check them one by one and then the students work on math fluency and unfinished work :)