Thank you for the patience people- this one was rough to get out. Apologies for the late release but I hope you enjoy this one! Community Reaction should be coming soon so stay tuned!
By soon, you mean how soon? Sorry just holding off some stuff to watch cuz I needa watch the community reaction while I do my school work. Btw keep up the good work. Much appreciated
I think it was Peter Capaldi who said that the reason why he loves Doctor Who so much is because fundamentally it represents life and death. Each doctor has their time and each doctor has to eventually leave to make space for the next one. That's why regeneration itself has a very unique bittersweet feeling. It's the painful loss of someone juxtaposed with the exciting feeling of meeting someone completely new. One of my favourite parts of the show is experiencing a doctor make the ultimate sacrifice and I feel like the main reason as to why I don't resonate with the bi-generation is that it takes away from the one painful consequence of regenerating. A form of death. At least if the fourteenth doctor had to leave the tardis behind to fully commit to healing himself there still would have been a significant weight from this episode. Instead it leaves me with the feeling that he's cheated would could have been a final triumphant death and just what for. So that american audiences can more easily start from 15. So that DT can stay lingering about forever in case ratings get low again. Or was it all because now that RTD has a hugely increased budgets and way less limitations he's struggling to find his footing in how to best utilise the power he wields.
True, hopefully though it's a 'one time' thing. After all it's supposed to be a and I think perhaps because the Toymaker's Domain was still lingering that it allowed this become Which may have only happened because The Doctor invoked superstition at the 'edge of the Universe' which allowed Toymaker to come into the Universe. [Note below is kinda rambly. Feel free to ignore.] Without Toymaker and his Domain now fading/faded it's unlikely if this theory is true for Bi-Generation to ever reoccur. -That said perhaps it may still exist, but be a 'rare' thing or something. Perhaps there are consequences to the events from the 60th that result in more superstitious, myth like stuff becoming real. That'd be something cool for the Doctor have to fix, restore proper structure to the Universe or something.
I agree the toymaker taunting the doctor with "that's alright then" didn't make much sense as the 11th and 12th doctors both had time to grieve, and had even took a break from adventures before the events of both the snowman, and the pilot.
He was also on Trenzalore for hundreds of years, and spends 24 years on Darillium with River Song. He clearly has had down time! I think it is a metafictional comment on the show itself rather than the character.
@@markpostgate2551 I mean he spent hundreds of years defending Trenzalore, he didn't have all that much time to rest as he was constantly protecting the town called Christmas. And who knows what happened during the Darillium.
I think the regeneration process has only been a consistent process from 8 to 13. Before 8, regeneration always seemed to be experimental each time. Especially 4 into 5. Let's not forget the Watcher.
I suppose I agree- in that the 2nd, 3rd and 4th regeneration have "gimmicks" that make them special but technically the 1st Doctor was natural and of old age, the 5th Doctor's was natural and died due to poisoning and the 6th Doctor's was natural and due to banging his head (lame). 7 got shot and 8 drank a potion. They haven't really been all that experimental in the past because regeneration as a concept is timeless and honestly quite a flawless system in keeping the show going
I think Donna was right on why 10's face came back; it was for the rehab element. If 12 took the face of the dude from The Fires of Pompeii as a reminder to "always save someone" then I don't think it's wild that the Doctor took the face of 10, who initially didn't want to let go, to truly stop and face his trauma so he can finally move on. I also think this is why the "just let it go" line is in The Star Beast, as clunky as the delivery of it was. I also think the duplicated Tardis works for the rehab too. I think 14 just spending time with Donna and then dying and regenerating into 15 in a time loop is fine, but I think 14 "de-generating" and going back through every Doctor and meeting their companions is the true rehab process. The other Tardis would be essential for this. Because he'd only be with Donna and the companions on present day otherwise. The Doctor even said in "Wild Blue Yonder" that he'd be okay in "a million years" and hell, maybe the rehab timeline really is that long with him "de-generating". Lol. It would be like The War Doctor. None of the old faces that he becomes for the rehab would be "The Doctor" so Ncuti would still be the 15th Doctor even if this process took place. Because of this, I think the bigeneration now adds a gap to the Doctor's timeline in the rehab years. It adds an element of mystery, like what RTD did with the gap between 8 and 9 and the time war. I ultimately think that's why RTD added it here. We'll have to see tho. The fact we're having any of these discussions is proof that there's a lot going on here. Lmao I do also think the 3 parts of the 60th feel like one thematically coherent movie to book end "Modern" and "old" Who. The Star Beast is about identity, Wild Blue Yonder is about how sometimes problems can be so hard to deal with that they take time, and can't be immediately solved (the "not things" using the pairs fast thinking against them, them being defeated by a slow, gradual process), and then The Giggle connects these two episodes by being about healing from trauma. The giggle in the TVs causes humanity to listen to its base instincts and to always want to "win" and be correct. The Doctor has been doing this with his regenerations as he's just continued to move forward and listen to his base instincts that he can't truly deal with what's happened in his life. So the 60th anniversary trilogy is about how one can find their "identity" through "slow healing" if they disregard their "base instincts" and take the time needed to truly heal.
I need a little more than that sadly for me to be convinced. If he needed to learn the lesson about going home to a family, surely he should've become 11 again and gone back to Amy and Rory? Not counting the Tylers, they're the only family dynamic he's been a part of in New Who. And there's much more "unfinished business" there too. If it really is as simple as "it happened because it did" then as I said, I'd rather we'd simply skipped over it to get to the new stuff
@@dwfan91- I think he might revisit multiple faces. Again, I don't think this rehab is exclusive to chillin with Donna. If it was, I'd agree with you. But I think they gave him a Tardis to really tell us that wasn't the case.
@@dwfan91- I believe Donna is the perfect choice for him to go back to because, as he stated, they were best friends. Along with that her timeline is open ended, he left her on earth, easily able to see but never goes back to her until now. For Amy and Rory, he was apart of their lives so much that he’d risk contradicting the timeline going back to them. He can’t go to them after the angel because of all the time crap happening in that period so the tardis can’t get there. The process is absolutely needed in my opinion and yes I know doctor who is a tv show where you should be able to escape reality, but that doesn’t make good tv, good characters. If he just regeneated normally without dealing with the trauma of ‘decimating creation’ as he (14) himself puts it, 15 would have to deal with that grief and that wouldn’t be healthy, nor good tv as it shows no growth. Giving 15 a clean slate by saying he’s a future regeneration is the kindest thing they can do for him.
My interpretation of the canon reason for the Bi-generation was that it was a result of what 14 says at the very end of Wild Blue Yonder: They've allowed a superstition to enter the timeline. I assumed that Bi-generations were some sort of legendary occurrences reduced to myth in Gallefrey's History, which became possible during Wild Blue Yonder. That said, it doesn't make the ending any less strange, or really justify it. In fact, if that line about Superstition is the reason, it's strange more of the episode didn't lean into it. Superstition could have been grounds on which the Doctor fought the toymaker on, rather than the interesting-yet-anticlimactic game of catch. Furthermore, if the superstition idea was tied into the origins of the Toy Maker and the extra dimensional race he's part of may have made for a stronger episode overall, seeing as the 11th Doctor had a good episode about the power of suggestion. On a different note, it was really refreshing to hear you call out Whittaker's doctor for being the first attempt at a Doctor without emotional baggage. That was what I liked about her so much and it really bothered me that nobody really seemed to pick that up.
I'm personally still dealing with the fact that 14's sonic could draw up shields like some Harry potter bs and it won't ever be mentioned again cause we're stuck with a remote.
I get why people are worried about the bigeneration causing some fans to splinter off from Ncuti’s doctor but either way I really don’t think RTD is gonna be quick to bring Tennant back in a significant way (from what I’ve seen in interviews) so even if those same Ten and Fourteen fans are waiting around for him to come back it’s really on them (they were probably waiting from the first time David Tennant left too) The script of The Giggle definitely did depend a lot on Ncuti’s performance outdoing Tennant’s which I dunno if that’s bravery or RTD having complete faith in Ncuti or foolish hope lol
I know what you mean about Ncuti somewhat feeling like a “gimmick” doctor like fugitive or war. However, I sorta feel like as long as you watch the episode in the right way, David Tennant is the gimmick doctor. As soon as they split I try to watch it as if 14 is just some weird fragment and not the actual doctor anymore.
It didn’t feel like it was portrayed like that to me. I already accepted Ncuti as the new doctor ever since his “what the hell is going on here” from the trailers but I feel plenty of people will understand the show making him be the copy, instead of David. The could’ve fixed this by having Ncuti regenerate but then David pops out of him instead. Or just make up a better timey wimey explanation to having them both exist.
It's weird how they imply 14 doesn't slow down anyway. Like he is still secretly having adventures in the Tardis without Donna's knowledge, and when Donna says he doesn't have to stay forever he cryptically says we'll see.
my opinion from the last video still stands, I beg Russel drips some extra joy into my dying mouth and gives us a multi-doctor episode with 14 in series 15 or something.
15:41 - Tbf Donna never hated UNIT, she was just critical of the way they treated the workforce back in the 2000s but other than that, she and The Doctor still complied with them alongside Martha. Considering it’s been 15 years now, Donna getting a job with them works since she needs the money and has been financially tight for a while now. It seemed like Donna might already know Shirley due to UNIT already looking after Wilf as established in The Star Beast although I question whether they kept their distance from her because of the memory wipe thing but it wasn’t made clear on that end. But the point is that UNIT isn’t the same as it was back then. It’s definitely changed since Kate took over from Colonel Mace so it makes sense for Kate to reach out to companions who feel lost or traumatised. Recruiting to help protect the earth makes sense. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re all joining UNIT either as Ace and Tegan were freelance. I’d also argue that Mel’s return was actually handled well. Sure she didn’t get to be as proactive as Tegan or Ace in POTD but her return feels more natural here what with her computer skills being utilised here which is already better and more than what she was given in Classic Who and her brief catch up with The Doctor provided good context of where she’s at now. I thought this was better than Ace and Tegan awkwardly meeting 13 and Yaz. To me, it never made sense for Tegan to be mad at The Doctor when she was the one who decided to leave him and I don’t like how Ace just reverted back to her younger 80s self after what they had established with her in the books and other material. The meetings they had with the hologram doctors was fine but they hardly had the time to interact with 13 herself whereas 14 at least got a decent bit of time to catch up with Mel. Also Martha went freelance as Mickey convinced her to in The End of Time so it makes sense for her to not be here as she’s no longer with UNIT. Although I guess we’ll see if that changes if the rumoured UNIT spin off turns out to be true.
I definitely prefer Mel in Classic Who to here. Season 23 and 4 are arguably the weakest seasons of classic but they're better than this mini arc imo. When it comes to UNIT, I suppose this is an issue with New Who as a whole but it can't seem to decide on whether they're morally good or not. It doesn't have that balance that Seasons 7-13 had. On what you say about Ace reverting to her 80s self- thats good. All of the original stuff with Ace was great and ever since RTD retconned it in SJA with that namedrop it all went downhill. Ace being in business meetings... I can't think of a worse ending for that character, terrible. Of course these are just my opinions, I'm glad you can find some meaning in this ending, have a nice headcanon all that, it's good to see people enjoy Doctor Who
Only half way through the video and even though I often disagree with your opinions on this show, I appreciate your videos. You’re definitely changing the scene of doctor who UA-cam. Keep it up man!
“I’m satisfied… I can stop watching.” 😐 Damn, you put into words, the feeling I’ve been having since I watched the last special. Not childish take as far as I’m concerned, since you nailed it and made me go “oh wow, he’s talking about me” heh
I'm glad - Btw when I said childish I wasn't calling people who were satisfied childish, it was moreso me talking on myself, but considering there are people out there who feel that way, it means I wasn't far off! I hope if you really are satisfied to stop keeping up with the new show that you can still stick around to hear me talk about the old stuff😅
@@dwfan91- oh yeah, no worries… heh I knew what you meant .. thinking it was “simplistic” mebbe, compared to the depth that hardcore whovians dive into things But I dunno… as much as I’m kinda “good” when it comes to the essential “end” of “MY doctors” heheh a lot quotes here… But yeah, Christopher, David, Matt, and to an extent, Peter… I’m kinda okay with an “end” for them. Not only am I gonna be fine(ish) if I never watch another episode, I’ll admit that it *could* make it easier for me to watch at least a few of the new episodes, to give it a chance, as I can think of it almost as “something else” if that makes sense. But I do think you’re right though… plenty of people will definitely accept that as a conclusion they can jump off from, and not “risk” what happens next :)
When 14 says leaving the Tardis would hurt to much, 15 should have said something like you'll get it back one day confirming 15 is from the future. Also I don't see that line from the Toymaker as retconing the timeless child
I personally saw it that way and in the commentary RTD confirmed that it was him retconning the timeless child/dr being half human but I suppose it is vague enough to be ignored if you want
@@dwfan91- I haven't seen any quotes of him saying that, but I have seen things to do with 15 that him and Ruby will bond because they are both don't know where they're from which suggests the timeless child is continuing which I don't have a massive problem with. That also suggests that 15 doctor will still have the baggage of not knowing where he's from
Brilliant video, only just survived the week without the dwfan91 content, very nearly perished. Hope you're doing all good man!! Also I want to thank you for your brief explanation of doctor who, you have gotten my friend massively intrigued by classic doctor who. Bro has never shown this passion for anything doctor who before, congratulations.
the goat is back can't wait for the community video, I pretty much agree with everything you've said this video, my only wish from the doctor who series at this point is just to get an explanation for the bi regeneration
I think the reason why the toy maker says “well that’s alright then” is to basically mock the doctor, after the doctor corrects him on what happens to his companions, he says that because it seems like the doctor is saying that to try and justify what happened to them if that makes sense, like it’s just him being sarcastic
I'm ngl though its just not a very good argument from the Toymaker. Getting to live a happy life in the past is a far better fate than just dying. Clara became literally immortal (until she chooses not to be.) Bill also had her happily ever after. Even all of the Chibnall companions ended on good terms too.
I wonder if we'll ever get another doctor without baggage. All three show runners of new who wrote episodes during the first Russel T Davies era, and the show could end up repeating the same archetype of doctor again and again.
I do believe ‘the timeless child’ is still being adhered to. I don’t think Russell has retconned it. I saw somewhere that it’s still unfortunately canon. 😞 Loved the vid also btw! 👏🏻
It's canon in the way that everything is canon- headcanons. While not specifically de-confirmed, the line is in there intentionally to allow people to de-canonise it if they want. Its what we call a "soft retcon"
@@dwfan91- Nah not really, RTD has said he has no intention of retconning it and it will play into Ncuti's era too, with Ruby since there are some major parallels with her and the Timeless Child story.
I do agree that Power of the Doctor is the stronger regeneration/anniversary story though this was still great but one thing really bothers me (well actually two but we'll get there): why is Kate Stewart being referred to as "Kate Lethbridge-Stewart", she dropped the Lethbridge professionally due to not wanting special favours because of her family connection. Now if she decided to start using Lethbridge that's fine but like there's not a story where this happens, we never see this happen! It really bothers me, I know it's a small thing ultimately but it does bother me. The second thing is: they didn't explain why the Doctor's clothes changed and that drives me up the wall!! And I'm fine with the Bigeneration, the story seems to imply that 14 will eventually become Ncuti's Doctor and be brought back to the point of the Bigen though this story is way more vague about it than it should be...
Boy do I have good news for you... And on the second half of your comment- Honestly, same. I think you can tell when I make the videos that I am much more passionate about certain other eras of Doctor Who
The "Well thats alright then" is supposed to be a reference that the endings to those companions still caused them a LOT of trauma. Despite them having "good" endings. They didnt really.
I don’t agree with all of your takes, but as always, I thoroughly enjoyed this review. Appreciate the detail you went into with specific topics. Twitter’s gonna love this one….
I agree with many of your comments here. I’m not keen on the Bi-regeneration at all. It takes all the impact out of the fact that the Doctor needs to let go and change. This is turning the Doctor into a tapeworm and not technically regenerating and renewing him. The Toymaker should have been glitching the Doctors regenerations and that way we could have had multiple Doctors appear. I feel let down by these Anniversary specials. I’ve never been hugely keen on RTD as he tends to humanise the Doctor too much. Why would the Doctor get his old face back because he’s tired makes no sense at all. The Doctor has all of time and space to rest in. You’ve pointed out brilliantly the problems with RTD’s writing and I hope he lets other writers into the show otherwise I fear RTD will spoil it completely. It’s so good to hear such a wonderful balanced view on Doctor Who.
I think the bigeneration is a one-off because 14 commented in the episode how it's a myth, but because of the toymakers' influence, the impossible becomes possible. That's my explanation. Hopefully, it's not a permanent thing because that opens a whole can of worms that I'd rather not have to try and understand.
I think if the doctor settled down in the past on earth instead of the present or even the future, It’d be more fun, I think it’d feel a lot better and be more fun
personally this is one of the weaker anniversary specials, in my opinion to be a good anniversary special the story should acknowledge the past (which it does well), be a blockbuster special (which it does well), and set up something interesting for the future (which it doesn't do that well)
I actually kinda like the "soft reboots" Doctor Who does every now n' then. It reminds me of the Heaven Sent quote, "How many seconds in eternity?" It really does signify the show, all these "epic events", and "All New Relaunches" are just seconds. for me, when The Day of The Doctor aired that was EPIC, unironically so. And then the show just kept going, and 10 years later, and 20, 30, 40, 50 years down the line, it'll just be viewed as a second, a significant second, but just a second in eternity that is hopefully, this show. It's quaint. As a comic fan, I love this even more because it takes the idea of a long-running, almost infinite story and makes it the premise of the show, The Doctor will never truly die, and something that could only really work in live action, because of how integral the actors are to this show. Anyways, these specials were a bit disappointing, but on a macro scale, I kinda love them. This wild story about one of The Doctor's old faces coming back and splitting off, getting some closure while The Doctor goes on adventuring will, in 5-10 years, just be "a thing" that happened where the next wild crazy new event or relaunch will happen.
Since they continued to say mavity thru the episode,i feel its gonna lead up to something, either in series 1 with Ncuti,or David will be in a spinoff and it comes up..cause after the episoe gets going,donna and the dr both say mavity,an dont even blink!!🤔
i don't get how the 14th is supposed to regen into the 15th, like it makes sense thematically but i saw the 15th doctor be born right there so how tf is the 14th gonna regenerate into him? i feel like there's an obvious answer im missing here
I want to believe that at some point , in some way 14 and 15 will join together as one again with 15 being the only doctor. After all the bi- generation is the unexpected result of the toymaker actions and personally i don't like the idea of bi- generation as canon, that would devalues a lot of stuff.
I think the point about Ncuti having his moment "stolen" is pretty interesting and it got me thinking about a couple things. 1. I would have preferred one tweak to the regeneration scene, just that they focused on 15 and let them have a moment before maybe zooming or panning out to show that 14 is still there. I think that would have been better than the splitting visual; someone must have written that out and thought it was such a cool visual they couldn't bring themselves to cut it. I still think that Ncuti's performance was so full of life and panache that he ends up owning that scene and all the subsequent ones anyways. 2. At first I kind of liked the idea that the parts of the Doctor that were still processing the Time War, the Flux, loss of companions and 3k years of adventures manifested themselves as 14 in order to get a chance to split off and finally slow down, heal, enjoy what they were working so hard to protect. But that idea does kind of imply that 15 is only a "part" of the Doctor; the term bi-generation almost implies 14 and 15 are two "half"s of a whole? It opens up kind of an interesting possibility of the Doctor talking to and being there to support themself; 14 giving 15 advice and encouragement, 15 having a little more emotional strength to support 14 as they process their feelings. Kind of a very literal depiction of how we can seek support and strength from within. I like that messaging but it still sort of means 15 doesn't get to be a "full" Doctor, right? That they're just one of two parts? I'm thinking the Who team will elaborate on this and am interested to see where it goes. 14 and 15 coming back together as one Doctor definitely makes the most sense. Having two, separate, complete Doctors feels like it could end up in some weird places. Can they just keep budding off new Doctors like they're a sea sponge? Wouldn't there eventually be a planet of Oops, All Doctors? Let's see what they do with it. I doubt things will be left without justification and additional details. And I have a feeling whatever they come up with, I'll be here for it. The Giggle has gotten me the most excited I've been for Who since I started. Feeling very positive about the future of the show.
Bringing back David Tennant and Catherine Tate seems to be part of the BBC's plan to resurrect doctor who after the 13th Doctor era was unsuccessful. So, the 60th specials were not 100% RTD's creative vision. I don't want to seem like I'm making excuses for RTD, I wholeheartedly believe this from watching interviews.
I personally disagree that the decision to bring DT back was due to anything in the 13th Doctor's era. The change was made before S13 timeline wise so it would be hard for anyone to call the era a success or failure at that point.
I appreciate your viewpoint I just don't agree with hardly any of it. Donna literally spelled out why he returned. And the idea that the Doctor had somehow healed from all these events and yet at the same time 13 legit ran from anyone or anything that might've created a genuine emotion.
From what I saw Ncuti was busy with other stuff and RTD didn’t want us to wait that long for new DW so that’s why DT came back but idk how truthful that is. I agree with the bi generation thing and I feel like this new doctor is a completely new one it’s not their OG body or Tardis it’s like a clone of the Doctor. I saw somewhere RTD jokely or not jokely saying that this caused all previous docs to bigenerate and I hate that idea as much as I love old doctors coming back and I am begging for a DW anthology series where old docs come back for special eps.
David Tennant's Doctor coming back was definitely explained by Donna and the 15th Doctor in the last 10 mins of the episode. The Doctor had gone through a lot of lost and trauma ever since losing Gallifrey. Added to that are the lost of his companions, his conflict on his true identity and the flux. As 15 and Donna pointed out, 14 kept running non stop, not having time to process all that had happened. So in order for 15 to have a clean slate when it come to his emotional and mental well being, 14 needs to stop and have the adventure that he thought he could never have, a peaceful life with Donna and her family. "We're Time Lords, we're doing rehab out of order." I'm pretty sure Tennant's Doctor and Donna will be back for new adventures, but that will not happen any time soon. Right now is the 15th Doctor that's in the limelight.
The 60th Specials exist for a few reasons: -Ncuti was busy filming other things and was unavailable. Making him The Doctor for the 60th anniversary would have put a lot of pressure on him to perform well, which would have been unfair, think how difficult it is for a new Doctor anyway and times that by lets say 60. -RTD, David Tennant and Catherine Tate all wanted to work together again after the covid Doctor Who rewatches, short stories, etc. -David Tennant wanted to play The Doctor again. -Tennant is arguably the most popular Doctor ever and gave the series a big ratings/marketing boost for the 60th and a lot of people are now actively going to continue watching Gatwa after seeing him alongside Tennant and how well they got along on screen. -Fans would be in uproar about not having anything big to commemorate the anniversary, if you think they wouldnt have, your lying to yourself. -Having nothing would indicate that the next series is going to be better than ever if its taking so long. The Wild Blue Yonder didn't show anything and people went crazy with theories so when they actually watched it some (not me) were left disappointed.
This is all stuff I have said in the lead up to the release of the specials but I think the point still stands: the episodes themselves could craft a storyline that justifies their existence within the show's universe. Instead it feels like we took a VERY long detour to get back to square 1
@@dwfan91- How do you justify the existence of a piece of entertainment, its meant to entertain and it did just that. What about every episode of Doctor Who that doesnt tie into the series arc, the entire Who EU, are all those stories pointless, do they not have a right to exist? Doctor Who isn't preventing a real world disaster, its a TV show that people enjoy and lets face it, without it on theres not really all that much to scratch the itch of having something fun to watch on a Saturday night.
@@AgherDeadpan Well if you tease us as viewers with a bunch of mystery boxes of course we're going to be less than satisfied when they amount to nothing😂
@@dwfan91- There was a reason given in The Giggle though so it did amount to something in the end, just not what you personally wanted it to be. It wasn't nothing, nothing would have been not mentioning it or resolving it all. Its basically like someone expecting that Matt Smith to be in The Wild Blue Yonder and when he isn't they're disappointed, but thats not a fault of the show its the fault of the viewer expecting something that fits with their theory despite they're being no evidence to support it. Sometimes the reason for something happening is simplest one. The reason The Curator looks like 4 is one line of dialogue, why should this be any different.
i hope fourteen reappears in 15 s grand finale to die after being a lot with donna,donna s family and mel,because two doctors cant long forever if fans dont want to and maybe after dying he is 15 from the giggle in some way,i dont know ,just a theory
After a week I still don't care much for the idea of bi-generation and honestly I feel like it was any other versions of The Doctor that split off (i.e. 11 and 12 or 12 and 13) it would have a lot more negative reaction, but it's a version of Tennant's Doctor so it's held to a different standard. Also I don't think 14 really deserved the numbered designation. There really isn't much that separates 14 from 10 other than they're older so it's really more like 10-2, 10.5, 10 Squared?? Should have just been given a word designation like "The War Doctor" or "The Fugitive Doctor" and left the 14 designation for Ncuti.
David Tenant came back cuz no one watched Jodie Whittaker. David is an easy cash grab. i watched all of Jodie's first series and didnt like it and have not heard a peep from anyone about DW from anyone until David came back. They were not get ting the views they wanted/needed with Jodie. not because she was bad, but because the writing for her episodes were wack af.
Adore hesring your voice ... Lovely to hear ...i hated these specials sadly .... I too have had awful few months snd sadly i couldnt lose myself into this universe loke i did eith previous erss this felt superficial ... I feel the historical bitd lsck how clever the chibnalls and moffs inclusion of historicals with plot pibotal importance ....RTD1 Was kostly if it was historical it was stuck in that era ....moff ad chibnall morpged the show beyond thst formula now RTD tried to do it really felt superficial and purposeless rwally ....not authentic enoigh ss those eras not a tennant fan so of vourse o was going to feel distsnce but the way it was delivered didnt help ....ncuti was the only good bit imo bar prsctical effects ....three hours relying on 10 mins of screen time uou say these three jours jidt happened ....we let it happen ...and they mesn nothing going forward on s mostly clean slate ...just bizarre ?!
ima be real donna should have taken the red bean when doctor should have regened after seeing it getting over all his shit and becoming 15th using regen to save donna and when they both play the game againest the toy maker ez fix
The 14th Doctor is currently also able to go to New York in the Tardis (as discussed at the dinner table end scene). So I'd much rather watch the 14th, with Donna and Wilf visiting Amy, Rory & River Song than abandon them and follow the 15th.
Did you notice how the doctor and the toy master were shocked by the “He will cheat” comment. But didn’t the doctor cheat in the 1960’s episode by throwing the toy masters voice - that’s a blatant cheat as moving someone else’s pieces!
Yeah I always felt that, so was surprised when the Doctor acts offended and gives a rational reason as what that's not the case. The game of catch was a bit lame though haha@@dwfan91-
Davies is too busy thinking about how to stick WOKE and LGBT preaching into his writing!! hes going to get DW cancelled! the viewing figures dropped again for the final episode!!! not a good sign!!
Thank you for the patience people- this one was rough to get out. Apologies for the late release but I hope you enjoy this one! Community Reaction should be coming soon so stay tuned!
Dude you're good. You're spoiling us with this upload schedule lol Keep it up. Best Goated Whotuber on UA-cam
By soon, you mean how soon? Sorry just holding off some stuff to watch cuz I needa watch the community reaction while I do my school work. Btw keep up the good work. Much appreciated
@@ViralSlices like tomorrow hopefully
@@ctargtar Thank you so much my friend🥹
Could you make a playlist off all the music you use I really like all of the music you use and don’t know where to give them
I think it was Peter Capaldi who said that the reason why he loves Doctor Who so much is because fundamentally it represents life and death. Each doctor has their time and each doctor has to eventually leave to make space for the next one. That's why regeneration itself has a very unique bittersweet feeling. It's the painful loss of someone juxtaposed with the exciting feeling of meeting someone completely new. One of my favourite parts of the show is experiencing a doctor make the ultimate sacrifice and I feel like the main reason as to why I don't resonate with the bi-generation is that it takes away from the one painful consequence of regenerating. A form of death. At least if the fourteenth doctor had to leave the tardis behind to fully commit to healing himself there still would have been a significant weight from this episode. Instead it leaves me with the feeling that he's cheated would could have been a final triumphant death and just what for. So that american audiences can more easily start from 15. So that DT can stay lingering about forever in case ratings get low again. Or was it all because now that RTD has a hugely increased budgets and way less limitations he's struggling to find his footing in how to best utilise the power he wields.
You put it beautifully
True, hopefully though it's a 'one time' thing. After all it's supposed to be a and I think perhaps because the Toymaker's Domain was still lingering that it allowed this become Which may have only happened because The Doctor invoked superstition at the 'edge of the Universe' which allowed Toymaker to come into the Universe.
[Note below is kinda rambly. Feel free to ignore.]
Without Toymaker and his Domain now fading/faded it's unlikely if this theory is true for Bi-Generation to ever reoccur.
-That said perhaps it may still exist, but be a 'rare' thing or something. Perhaps there are consequences to the events from the 60th that result in more superstitious, myth like stuff becoming real.
That'd be something cool for the Doctor have to fix, restore proper structure to the Universe or something.
Couldn’t agree more
Totally agree
Yeah but 14 gonna have to regenerate eventually. It works if it’s only a one time thing.
I agree the toymaker taunting the doctor with "that's alright then" didn't make much sense as the 11th and 12th doctors both had time to grieve, and had even took a break from adventures before the events of both the snowman, and the pilot.
But on the other hand I liked seeing the companions in puppet form.
He was also on Trenzalore for hundreds of years, and spends 24 years on Darillium with River Song. He clearly has had down time!
I think it is a metafictional comment on the show itself rather than the character.
@@markpostgate2551 I mean he spent hundreds of years defending Trenzalore, he didn't have all that much time to rest as he was constantly protecting the town called Christmas. And who knows what happened during the Darillium.
I think the regeneration process has only been a consistent process from 8 to 13. Before 8, regeneration always seemed to be experimental each time. Especially 4 into 5. Let's not forget the Watcher.
I suppose I agree- in that the 2nd, 3rd and 4th regeneration have "gimmicks" that make them special but technically the 1st Doctor was natural and of old age, the 5th Doctor's was natural and died due to poisoning and the 6th Doctor's was natural and due to banging his head (lame). 7 got shot and 8 drank a potion. They haven't really been all that experimental in the past because regeneration as a concept is timeless and honestly quite a flawless system in keeping the show going
I think Donna was right on why 10's face came back; it was for the rehab element. If 12 took the face of the dude from The Fires of Pompeii as a reminder to "always save someone" then I don't think it's wild that the Doctor took the face of 10, who initially didn't want to let go, to truly stop and face his trauma so he can finally move on. I also think this is why the "just let it go" line is in The Star Beast, as clunky as the delivery of it was.
I also think the duplicated Tardis works for the rehab too. I think 14 just spending time with Donna and then dying and regenerating into 15 in a time loop is fine, but I think 14 "de-generating" and going back through every Doctor and meeting their companions is the true rehab process. The other Tardis would be essential for this. Because he'd only be with Donna and the companions on present day otherwise. The Doctor even said in "Wild Blue Yonder" that he'd be okay in "a million years" and hell, maybe the rehab timeline really is that long with him "de-generating". Lol. It would be like The War Doctor. None of the old faces that he becomes for the rehab would be "The Doctor" so Ncuti would still be the 15th Doctor even if this process took place.
Because of this, I think the bigeneration now adds a gap to the Doctor's timeline in the rehab years. It adds an element of mystery, like what RTD did with the gap between 8 and 9 and the time war. I ultimately think that's why RTD added it here. We'll have to see tho. The fact we're having any of these discussions is proof that there's a lot going on here. Lmao
I do also think the 3 parts of the 60th feel like one thematically coherent movie to book end "Modern" and "old" Who. The Star Beast is about identity, Wild Blue Yonder is about how sometimes problems can be so hard to deal with that they take time, and can't be immediately solved (the "not things" using the pairs fast thinking against them, them being defeated by a slow, gradual process), and then The Giggle connects these two episodes by being about healing from trauma. The giggle in the TVs causes humanity to listen to its base instincts and to always want to "win" and be correct. The Doctor has been doing this with his regenerations as he's just continued to move forward and listen to his base instincts that he can't truly deal with what's happened in his life. So the 60th anniversary trilogy is about how one can find their "identity" through "slow healing" if they disregard their "base instincts" and take the time needed to truly heal.
I need a little more than that sadly for me to be convinced. If he needed to learn the lesson about going home to a family, surely he should've become 11 again and gone back to Amy and Rory? Not counting the Tylers, they're the only family dynamic he's been a part of in New Who. And there's much more "unfinished business" there too. If it really is as simple as "it happened because it did" then as I said, I'd rather we'd simply skipped over it to get to the new stuff
ooo that's a really interesting insight, i feel like u might b right . ig we'll just have to wait and see tho !!
@@dwfan91- I think he might revisit multiple faces. Again, I don't think this rehab is exclusive to chillin with Donna. If it was, I'd agree with you. But I think they gave him a Tardis to really tell us that wasn't the case.
@@dwfan91- I believe Donna is the perfect choice for him to go back to because, as he stated, they were best friends. Along with that her timeline is open ended, he left her on earth, easily able to see but never goes back to her until now. For Amy and Rory, he was apart of their lives so much that he’d risk contradicting the timeline going back to them. He can’t go to them after the angel because of all the time crap happening in that period so the tardis can’t get there.
The process is absolutely needed in my opinion and yes I know doctor who is a tv show where you should be able to escape reality, but that doesn’t make good tv, good characters. If he just regeneated normally without dealing with the trauma of ‘decimating creation’ as he (14) himself puts it, 15 would have to deal with that grief and that wouldn’t be healthy, nor good tv as it shows no growth. Giving 15 a clean slate by saying he’s a future regeneration is the kindest thing they can do for him.
@@The_Sovereign_JDB i disagree
My interpretation of the canon reason for the Bi-generation was that it was a result of what 14 says at the very end of Wild Blue Yonder: They've allowed a superstition to enter the timeline. I assumed that Bi-generations were some sort of legendary occurrences reduced to myth in Gallefrey's History, which became possible during Wild Blue Yonder. That said, it doesn't make the ending any less strange, or really justify it. In fact, if that line about Superstition is the reason, it's strange more of the episode didn't lean into it. Superstition could have been grounds on which the Doctor fought the toymaker on, rather than the interesting-yet-anticlimactic game of catch. Furthermore, if the superstition idea was tied into the origins of the Toy Maker and the extra dimensional race he's part of may have made for a stronger episode overall, seeing as the 11th Doctor had a good episode about the power of suggestion.
On a different note, it was really refreshing to hear you call out Whittaker's doctor for being the first attempt at a Doctor without emotional baggage. That was what I liked about her so much and it really bothered me that nobody really seemed to pick that up.
I'm personally still dealing with the fact that 14's sonic could draw up shields like some Harry potter bs and it won't ever be mentioned again cause we're stuck with a remote.
Bring something up, never mention it again, tease new thing, repeat
I think because we were gonna get a new sonic with 15 they gave that temporary sonic all these powers just for the 60th.
I get why people are worried about the bigeneration causing some fans to splinter off from Ncuti’s doctor but either way I really don’t think RTD is gonna be quick to bring Tennant back in a significant way (from what I’ve seen in interviews) so even if those same Ten and Fourteen fans are waiting around for him to come back it’s really on them (they were probably waiting from the first time David Tennant left too)
The script of The Giggle definitely did depend a lot on Ncuti’s performance outdoing Tennant’s which I dunno if that’s bravery or RTD having complete faith in Ncuti or foolish hope lol
I know what you mean about Ncuti somewhat feeling like a “gimmick” doctor like fugitive or war. However, I sorta feel like as long as you watch the episode in the right way, David Tennant is the gimmick doctor. As soon as they split I try to watch it as if 14 is just some weird fragment and not the actual doctor anymore.
yep definite agree
It didn’t feel like it was portrayed like that to me. I already accepted Ncuti as the new doctor ever since his “what the hell is going on here” from the trailers but I feel plenty of people will understand the show making him be the copy, instead of David. The could’ve fixed this by having Ncuti regenerate but then David pops out of him instead. Or just make up a better timey wimey explanation to having them both exist.
the doctor settling down with donnas family is character assassination, and a rehash of the clone doctor that is with Rose in the parallel universe
It's weird how they imply 14 doesn't slow down anyway. Like he is still secretly having adventures in the Tardis without Donna's knowledge, and when Donna says he doesn't have to stay forever he cryptically says we'll see.
When he hits you with that Stooky Bill giggle
my opinion from the last video still stands, I beg Russel drips some extra joy into my dying mouth and gives us a multi-doctor episode with 14 in series 15 or something.
15:41 - Tbf Donna never hated UNIT, she was just critical of the way they treated the workforce back in the 2000s but other than that, she and The Doctor still complied with them alongside Martha. Considering it’s been 15 years now, Donna getting a job with them works since she needs the money and has been financially tight for a while now. It seemed like Donna might already know Shirley due to UNIT already looking after Wilf as established in The Star Beast although I question whether they kept their distance from her because of the memory wipe thing but it wasn’t made clear on that end. But the point is that UNIT isn’t the same as it was back then. It’s definitely changed since Kate took over from Colonel Mace so it makes sense for Kate to reach out to companions who feel lost or traumatised. Recruiting to help protect the earth makes sense. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re all joining UNIT either as Ace and Tegan were freelance.
I’d also argue that Mel’s return was actually handled well. Sure she didn’t get to be as proactive as Tegan or Ace in POTD but her return feels more natural here what with her computer skills being utilised here which is already better and more than what she was given in Classic Who and her brief catch up with The Doctor provided good context of where she’s at now. I thought this was better than Ace and Tegan awkwardly meeting 13 and Yaz. To me, it never made sense for Tegan to be mad at The Doctor when she was the one who decided to leave him and I don’t like how Ace just reverted back to her younger 80s self after what they had established with her in the books and other material. The meetings they had with the hologram doctors was fine but they hardly had the time to interact with 13 herself whereas 14 at least got a decent bit of time to catch up with Mel. Also Martha went freelance as Mickey convinced her to in The End of Time so it makes sense for her to not be here as she’s no longer with UNIT. Although I guess we’ll see if that changes if the rumoured UNIT spin off turns out to be true.
I definitely prefer Mel in Classic Who to here. Season 23 and 4 are arguably the weakest seasons of classic but they're better than this mini arc imo. When it comes to UNIT, I suppose this is an issue with New Who as a whole but it can't seem to decide on whether they're morally good or not. It doesn't have that balance that Seasons 7-13 had. On what you say about Ace reverting to her 80s self- thats good. All of the original stuff with Ace was great and ever since RTD retconned it in SJA with that namedrop it all went downhill. Ace being in business meetings... I can't think of a worse ending for that character, terrible. Of course these are just my opinions, I'm glad you can find some meaning in this ending, have a nice headcanon all that, it's good to see people enjoy Doctor Who
Only half way through the video and even though I often disagree with your opinions on this show, I appreciate your videos. You’re definitely changing the scene of doctor who UA-cam. Keep it up man!
Thank you my friend🫡
“I’m satisfied… I can stop watching.” 😐 Damn, you put into words, the feeling I’ve been having since I watched the last special. Not childish take as far as I’m concerned, since you nailed it and made me go “oh wow, he’s talking about me” heh
I'm glad - Btw when I said childish I wasn't calling people who were satisfied childish, it was moreso me talking on myself, but considering there are people out there who feel that way, it means I wasn't far off! I hope if you really are satisfied to stop keeping up with the new show that you can still stick around to hear me talk about the old stuff😅
@@dwfan91- oh yeah, no worries… heh I knew what you meant .. thinking it was “simplistic” mebbe, compared to the depth that hardcore whovians dive into things
But I dunno… as much as I’m kinda “good” when it comes to the essential “end” of “MY doctors” heheh a lot quotes here…
But yeah, Christopher, David, Matt, and to an extent, Peter… I’m kinda okay with an “end” for them. Not only am I gonna be fine(ish) if I never watch another episode, I’ll admit that it *could* make it easier for me to watch at least a few of the new episodes, to give it a chance, as I can think of it almost as “something else” if that makes sense.
But I do think you’re right though… plenty of people will definitely accept that as a conclusion they can jump off from, and not “risk” what happens next :)
When 14 says leaving the Tardis would hurt to much, 15 should have said something like you'll get it back one day confirming 15 is from the future. Also I don't see that line from the Toymaker as retconing the timeless child
I personally saw it that way and in the commentary RTD confirmed that it was him retconning the timeless child/dr being half human but I suppose it is vague enough to be ignored if you want
@@dwfan91- I haven't seen any quotes of him saying that, but I have seen things to do with 15 that him and Ruby will bond because they are both don't know where they're from which suggests the timeless child is continuing which I don't have a massive problem with. That also suggests that 15 doctor will still have the baggage of not knowing where he's from
Yeah I watched this with 6 of my friends and we all laughed when Kate hugged 14 because we all thought she was gonna slap him
Brilliant video, only just survived the week without the dwfan91 content, very nearly perished. Hope you're doing all good man!!
Also I want to thank you for your brief explanation of doctor who, you have gotten my friend massively intrigued by classic doctor who. Bro has never shown this passion for anything doctor who before, congratulations.
LETS GO, thank you so much for the kind words as always man🫡
the goat is back can't wait for the community video, I pretty much agree with everything you've said this video, my only wish from the doctor who series at this point is just to get an explanation for the bi regeneration
I think the reason why the toy maker says “well that’s alright then” is to basically mock the doctor, after the doctor corrects him on what happens to his companions, he says that because it seems like the doctor is saying that to try and justify what happened to them if that makes sense, like it’s just him being sarcastic
I'm ngl though its just not a very good argument from the Toymaker. Getting to live a happy life in the past is a far better fate than just dying. Clara became literally immortal (until she chooses not to be.) Bill also had her happily ever after. Even all of the Chibnall companions ended on good terms too.
Bigeneration would immediately have been less bad if one of the doctors in that bigeneration wouldn"t have been David Tennant
I mean 12 did live forever in that weird diamond wall groundhog day thing
I wonder if we'll ever get another doctor without baggage. All three show runners of new who wrote episodes during the first Russel T Davies era, and the show could end up repeating the same archetype of doctor again and again.
I do believe ‘the timeless child’ is still being adhered to. I don’t think Russell has retconned it. I saw somewhere that it’s still unfortunately canon. 😞 Loved the vid also btw! 👏🏻
It's canon in the way that everything is canon- headcanons. While not specifically de-confirmed, the line is in there intentionally to allow people to de-canonise it if they want. Its what we call a "soft retcon"
@@dwfan91- Nah not really, RTD has said he has no intention of retconning it and it will play into Ncuti's era too, with Ruby since there are some major parallels with her and the Timeless Child story.
What you on about, the Toymaker didn't cheat in the game of cutting the deck, he got a King due to chance.
I do agree that Power of the Doctor is the stronger regeneration/anniversary story though this was still great but one thing really bothers me (well actually two but we'll get there): why is Kate Stewart being referred to as "Kate Lethbridge-Stewart", she dropped the Lethbridge professionally due to not wanting special favours because of her family connection. Now if she decided to start using Lethbridge that's fine but like there's not a story where this happens, we never see this happen! It really bothers me, I know it's a small thing ultimately but it does bother me. The second thing is: they didn't explain why the Doctor's clothes changed and that drives me up the wall!!
And I'm fine with the Bigeneration, the story seems to imply that 14 will eventually become Ncuti's Doctor and be brought back to the point of the Bigen though this story is way more vague about it than it should be...
I don't think we're getting any answers for the questions raised by these specials😭
Great video! Lot it as always. Can we get some more classic who videos? I did really like to see more of that kinda content :)
Boy do I have good news for you... And on the second half of your comment- Honestly, same. I think you can tell when I make the videos that I am much more passionate about certain other eras of Doctor Who
The "Well thats alright then" is supposed to be a reference that the endings to those companions still caused them a LOT of trauma. Despite them having "good" endings. They didnt really.
True, definitely true
I don’t agree with all of your takes, but as always, I thoroughly enjoyed this review. Appreciate the detail you went into with specific topics.
Twitter’s gonna love this one….
I doubt anyone on twitter watches my videos😂
@@dwfan91- tbh, jokes aside, twitter seems very fond of you haha
@@MrGreaves oh really? thats nice
Shout out to the handsome bloke who made the drawing
I agree with many of your comments here. I’m not keen on the Bi-regeneration at all. It takes all the impact out of the fact that the Doctor needs to let go and change. This is turning the Doctor into a tapeworm and not technically regenerating and renewing him. The Toymaker should have been glitching the Doctors regenerations and that way we could have had multiple Doctors appear. I feel let down by these Anniversary specials. I’ve never been hugely keen on RTD as he tends to humanise the Doctor too much. Why would the Doctor get his old face back because he’s tired makes no sense at all. The Doctor has all of time and space to rest in. You’ve pointed out brilliantly the problems with RTD’s writing and I hope he lets other writers into the show otherwise I fear RTD will spoil it completely. It’s so good to hear such a wonderful balanced view on Doctor Who.
Beeing a DW fan is like living in some kind of toxic or abusive relationship. Some just didn't noticed yet.
And i'm on it too. 😢
I have no idea who’s supposed to be the abuser in this scenario and that makes it so much funnier
If Doctor Who canon (already an oxymoron) never expanded, the only thing the sonic screwdriver could do is unscrew screws.
I get the point you're making but at this point with the sonic screwdriver, we kinda needa tune that back a bit its getting out of hand😂
@@dwfan91-Will have to wait and see what 15's sonic is capable of - maybe they'll tone it down a bit..
Hey DF what's you're opinion on the new Sonic Screwdriver and are you going to make a video about it?
I think the bigeneration is a one-off because 14 commented in the episode how it's a myth, but because of the toymakers' influence, the impossible becomes possible. That's my explanation. Hopefully, it's not a permanent thing because that opens a whole can of worms that I'd rather not have to try and understand.
I think Jenny will end up being the timeless child - the Doctor creates himself
I had the same feeling about the Phlynx and Mr Smith
I only hope he doesn't end up secretly evil..
Evil like Mr Smith :00
I think if the doctor settled down in the past on earth instead of the present or even the future, It’d be more fun, I think it’d feel a lot better and be more fun
definite agree
When will we get a profile pic!???
14's adventures in aisle 7 of Tesco ... riveting ... 😏🙄😏 ...
personally this is one of the weaker anniversary specials, in my opinion to be a good anniversary special the story should acknowledge the past (which it does well), be a blockbuster special (which it does well), and set up something interesting for the future (which it doesn't do that well)
I actually kinda like the "soft reboots" Doctor Who does every now n' then. It reminds me of the Heaven Sent quote, "How many seconds in eternity?" It really does signify the show, all these "epic events", and "All New Relaunches" are just seconds. for me, when The Day of The Doctor aired that was EPIC, unironically so. And then the show just kept going, and 10 years later, and 20, 30, 40, 50 years down the line, it'll just be viewed as a second, a significant second, but just a second in eternity that is hopefully, this show. It's quaint.
As a comic fan, I love this even more because it takes the idea of a long-running, almost infinite story and makes it the premise of the show, The Doctor will never truly die, and something that could only really work in live action, because of how integral the actors are to this show.
Anyways, these specials were a bit disappointing, but on a macro scale, I kinda love them. This wild story about one of The Doctor's old faces coming back and splitting off, getting some closure while The Doctor goes on adventuring will, in 5-10 years, just be "a thing" that happened where the next wild crazy new event or relaunch will happen.
I completely agree- it's also why I don't like the idea of a definitive "ending" for Doctor Who. Not really what the show's about in my opinion
The Trilogic Game in The Celestial Toymaker was intended to be cerebral. The two games here, not so much.
Since they continued to say mavity thru the episode,i feel its gonna lead up to something, either in series 1 with Ncuti,or David will be in a spinoff and it comes up..cause after the episoe gets going,donna and the dr both say mavity,an dont even blink!!🤔
i don't get how the 14th is supposed to regen into the 15th, like it makes sense thematically but i saw the 15th doctor be born right there so how tf is the 14th gonna regenerate into him? i feel like there's an obvious answer im missing here
the implication is that he goes back in time and puts himself in the bigeneration
I want to believe that at some point , in some way 14 and 15 will join together as one again with 15 being the only doctor. After all the bi- generation is the unexpected result of the toymaker actions and personally i don't like the idea of bi- generation as canon, that would devalues a lot of stuff.
love your vids! even though i don't always agree i know that i can rely on your content to be AWESOME
Thank you!
I think the point about Ncuti having his moment "stolen" is pretty interesting and it got me thinking about a couple things.
1. I would have preferred one tweak to the regeneration scene, just that they focused on 15 and let them have a moment before maybe zooming or panning out to show that 14 is still there. I think that would have been better than the splitting visual; someone must have written that out and thought it was such a cool visual they couldn't bring themselves to cut it.
I still think that Ncuti's performance was so full of life and panache that he ends up owning that scene and all the subsequent ones anyways.
2. At first I kind of liked the idea that the parts of the Doctor that were still processing the Time War, the Flux, loss of companions and 3k years of adventures manifested themselves as 14 in order to get a chance to split off and finally slow down, heal, enjoy what they were working so hard to protect. But that idea does kind of imply that 15 is only a "part" of the Doctor; the term bi-generation almost implies 14 and 15 are two "half"s of a whole? It opens up kind of an interesting possibility of the Doctor talking to and being there to support themself; 14 giving 15 advice and encouragement, 15 having a little more emotional strength to support 14 as they process their feelings. Kind of a very literal depiction of how we can seek support and strength from within. I like that messaging but it still sort of means 15 doesn't get to be a "full" Doctor, right? That they're just one of two parts?
I'm thinking the Who team will elaborate on this and am interested to see where it goes. 14 and 15 coming back together as one Doctor definitely makes the most sense. Having two, separate, complete Doctors feels like it could end up in some weird places. Can they just keep budding off new Doctors like they're a sea sponge? Wouldn't there eventually be a planet of Oops, All Doctors?
Let's see what they do with it. I doubt things will be left without justification and additional details. And I have a feeling whatever they come up with, I'll be here for it. The Giggle has gotten me the most excited I've been for Who since I started. Feeling very positive about the future of the show.
With the personality of the 15th, I can see 11th and 15th meeting up sometime in the future, though that's just me prolly. lol
That'd honestly be phonomenal
Bringing back David Tennant and Catherine Tate seems to be part of the BBC's plan to resurrect doctor who after the 13th Doctor era was unsuccessful. So, the 60th specials were not 100% RTD's creative vision. I don't want to seem like I'm making excuses for RTD, I wholeheartedly believe this from watching interviews.
I personally disagree that the decision to bring DT back was due to anything in the 13th Doctor's era. The change was made before S13 timeline wise so it would be hard for anyone to call the era a success or failure at that point.
Idk if the guy who did the diagram does physics but that looks a lot like a Feynman diagram
I appreciate your viewpoint I just don't agree with hardly any of it. Donna literally spelled out why he returned. And the idea that the Doctor had somehow healed from all these events and yet at the same time 13 legit ran from anyone or anything that might've created a genuine emotion.
From what I saw Ncuti was busy with other stuff and RTD didn’t want us to wait that long for new DW so that’s why DT came back but idk how truthful that is. I agree with the bi generation thing and I feel like this new doctor is a completely new one it’s not their OG body or Tardis it’s like a clone of the Doctor. I saw somewhere RTD jokely or not jokely saying that this caused all previous docs to bigenerate and I hate that idea as much as I love old doctors coming back and I am begging for a DW anthology series where old docs come back for special eps.
David Tennant's Doctor coming back was definitely explained by Donna and the 15th Doctor in the last 10 mins of the episode. The Doctor had gone through a lot of lost and trauma ever since losing Gallifrey. Added to that are the lost of his companions, his conflict on his true identity and the flux. As 15 and Donna pointed out, 14 kept running non stop, not having time to process all that had happened. So in order for 15 to have a clean slate when it come to his emotional and mental well being, 14 needs to stop and have the adventure that he thought he could never have, a peaceful life with Donna and her family.
"We're Time Lords, we're doing rehab out of order."
I'm pretty sure Tennant's Doctor and Donna will be back for new adventures, but that will not happen any time soon. Right now is the 15th Doctor that's in the limelight.
The split TARDIS thing can be traced back to The Five Doctors!
well... not exactly😅
21:09 I'm at work and laughing like a maniac
merry Christmas 😃
Merry Christmas!🎉🎁
3:57 I don’t understand the teaser 😂
i think i used the wrong image lmao
@@dwfan91- GOATED VIDEO
Nautique wasn't available that's it
The 60th Specials exist for a few reasons:
-Ncuti was busy filming other things and was unavailable. Making him The Doctor for the 60th anniversary would have put a lot of pressure on him to perform well, which would have been unfair, think how difficult it is for a new Doctor anyway and times that by lets say 60.
-RTD, David Tennant and Catherine Tate all wanted to work together again after the covid Doctor Who rewatches, short stories, etc.
-David Tennant wanted to play The Doctor again.
-Tennant is arguably the most popular Doctor ever and gave the series a big ratings/marketing boost for the 60th and a lot of people are now actively going to continue watching Gatwa after seeing him alongside Tennant and how well they got along on screen.
-Fans would be in uproar about not having anything big to commemorate the anniversary, if you think they wouldnt have, your lying to yourself.
-Having nothing would indicate that the next series is going to be better than ever if its taking so long. The Wild Blue Yonder didn't show anything and people went crazy with theories so when they actually watched it some (not me) were left disappointed.
This is all stuff I have said in the lead up to the release of the specials but I think the point still stands: the episodes themselves could craft a storyline that justifies their existence within the show's universe. Instead it feels like we took a VERY long detour to get back to square 1
but the actual specials themselves dont explain in-universe.
@@dwfan91- How do you justify the existence of a piece of entertainment, its meant to entertain and it did just that. What about every episode of Doctor Who that doesnt tie into the series arc, the entire Who EU, are all those stories pointless, do they not have a right to exist?
Doctor Who isn't preventing a real world disaster, its a TV show that people enjoy and lets face it, without it on theres not really all that much to scratch the itch of having something fun to watch on a Saturday night.
@@AgherDeadpan Well if you tease us as viewers with a bunch of mystery boxes of course we're going to be less than satisfied when they amount to nothing😂
@@dwfan91- There was a reason given in The Giggle though so it did amount to something in the end, just not what you personally wanted it to be. It wasn't nothing, nothing would have been not mentioning it or resolving it all.
Its basically like someone expecting that Matt Smith to be in The Wild Blue Yonder and when he isn't they're disappointed, but thats not a fault of the show its the fault of the viewer expecting something that fits with their theory despite they're being no evidence to support it.
Sometimes the reason for something happening is simplest one. The reason The Curator looks like 4 is one line of dialogue, why should this be any different.
i hope fourteen reappears in 15 s grand finale to die after being a lot with donna,donna s family and mel,because two doctors cant long forever if fans dont want to and maybe after dying he is 15 from the giggle in some way,i dont know ,just a theory
After a week I still don't care much for the idea of bi-generation and honestly I feel like it was any other versions of The Doctor that split off (i.e. 11 and 12 or 12 and 13) it would have a lot more negative reaction, but it's a version of Tennant's Doctor so it's held to a different standard.
Also I don't think 14 really deserved the numbered designation. There really isn't much that separates 14 from 10 other than they're older so it's really more like 10-2, 10.5, 10 Squared?? Should have just been given a word designation like "The War Doctor" or "The Fugitive Doctor" and left the 14 designation for Ncuti.
Ncuti was busy with other projects so they used david instead of not having a special
Very true
14s tardis will eventually become 15s and will merge with the tardis in the same way 14 will
your vids are goated
YOU🫵 are goated
David Tenant came back cuz no one watched Jodie Whittaker. David is an easy cash grab. i watched all of Jodie's first series and didnt like it and have not heard a peep from anyone about DW from anyone until David came back. They were not get ting the views they wanted/needed with Jodie. not because she was bad, but because the writing for her episodes were wack af.
npc ahh comment😭
Adore hesring your voice ... Lovely to hear ...i hated these specials sadly .... I too have had awful few months snd sadly i couldnt lose myself into this universe loke i did eith previous erss this felt superficial ... I feel the historical bitd lsck how clever the chibnalls and moffs inclusion of historicals with plot pibotal importance ....RTD1 Was kostly if it was historical it was stuck in that era ....moff ad chibnall morpged the show beyond thst formula now RTD tried to do it really felt superficial and purposeless rwally ....not authentic enoigh ss those eras not a tennant fan so of vourse o was going to feel distsnce but the way it was delivered didnt help ....ncuti was the only good bit imo bar prsctical effects ....three hours relying on 10 mins of screen time uou say these three jours jidt happened ....we let it happen ...and they mesn nothing going forward on s mostly clean slate ...just bizarre ?!
ima be real
donna should have taken the red bean
when doctor should have regened after seeing it
getting over all his shit and becoming 15th
using regen to save donna and when they both play the game againest the toy maker
ez fix
good video!
Looking forward to yours too my friend!
The 14th Doctor is currently also able to go to New York in the Tardis (as discussed at the dinner table end scene).
So I'd much rather watch the 14th, with Donna and Wilf visiting Amy, Rory & River Song than abandon them and follow the 15th.
Did you notice how the doctor and the toy master were shocked by the “He will cheat” comment. But didn’t the doctor cheat in the 1960’s episode by throwing the toy masters voice - that’s a blatant cheat as moving someone else’s pieces!
The Doctor and the Toymaker both cheat😂 the toymaker specifically rigs all the games
Yeah I always felt that, so was surprised when the Doctor acts offended and gives a rational reason as what that's not the case. The game of catch was a bit lame though haha@@dwfan91-
Davies is too busy thinking about how to stick WOKE and LGBT preaching into his writing!! hes going to get DW cancelled! the viewing figures dropped again for the final episode!!! not a good sign!!
eh i dont think viewing figures matter that much
@@dwfan91- not if you are the BBC and collect peoples licence money! You can do whatever you want
@@Gibson1976uk well exactly, the numbers are meaningless, especially as a denoter of quality