What No One Will Tell You About Switzerland.

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @maheshs2559
    @maheshs2559 3 роки тому +26

    Nice video Frieshia! Even as a long term resident here in Switzerland I learnt some new facts. The great thing is that even foreign residents (at least in geneva canton) can vote on certain issues such as the expansion of parks and green spaces or new city projects. In many nationwide referendums, the French cantons often adopt a more liberal stance as opposed to the more conservative minded swiss-Germans. People really treat animals like kings and queens here. Dog owners have to pay a small annual tax for keeping a dog and usually take out pet health insurance a dog owner liability insurance in case their dog messes up somebody’s garden, chews their shoes or decides to go for a bite. 😁Also in some swiss neighborhoods it’s forbidden to take a shower or flush the toilet after 10pm or do laundry on a Sunday as it can disturb the neighbours’ peace 😅

    • @kashutosh9132
      @kashutosh9132 3 роки тому +1

      Lol 😆
      Can't do laundry or flush after 10 pm

    • @maheshs2559
      @maheshs2559 3 роки тому +1

      @@kashutosh9132 yes also I learnt that you can’t hang washing outside or in the balcony where it can be seen by neighbours. Basically it shouldn’t be in public view to spoil aesthetics. 😁

    • @kashutosh9132
      @kashutosh9132 3 роки тому

      Bhaiya,it's really strange for me
      Can I ask one thing,all these things you mentioned,are these paractises enforced by society or the govt(local,city municipality kind)

    • @maheshs2559
      @maheshs2559 3 роки тому

      @@kashutosh9132 a lot of it is actually house or apartment rules most of which are common throughout the country from what I understand. Some aspects may also derive from swiss tenancy law

    • @stallonegodinho6296
      @stallonegodinho6296 3 роки тому

      What's wrong with Germans being conservative?

  • @shauryapratapsingh6052
    @shauryapratapsingh6052 3 роки тому +36

    One of the reason for direct democracy in Switzerland is less population ...we can have it in himachal pradesh, ladakh, uttrakhand ( my state 😊), Sikkim and some north eastern states...infact himachal pradesh is larger than Switzer land in size but have same population... himachal is also in top of hdi ranking in india ...and now also it has vaccinated 100% of its eligible population 👏...

    • @udayanbadola7077
      @udayanbadola7077 3 роки тому +1

      Imagine what kind of our demands are gonna be 😂

    • @yourneighbour304
      @yourneighbour304 3 роки тому

      Exactly, we really need to dicentralise our system, which will make direct democracy a possibility in my states and districts as many states are too big .

    • @dramakun4931
      @dramakun4931 3 роки тому +6

      Indeed I,m from Himachal and I hv never saw slum in my life and 5% of poverty rate in Himachal is just because of immigrants from Bihar up and nepal
      As a labour I live in village but our life is just like city we hv good roads and even street lights
      And my whole district is poverty free since 2009

    • @christheswiss390
      @christheswiss390 3 роки тому +3

      You write: "One of the reason for direct democracy in Switzerland is less population".
      Your statement is VERY incorrect and could not be further from the truth. The Swiss FEDERAL system is highly decentrlized, so the nucleus of the political power lies with the citizens in the towns and communities. Therefore, the Swiss political system is highly scaleable and could be adopted by any country in the world. Case in point? The Swiss population has grown almost 100% from 40 years ago. This massive population growth had NO effect whatsoever on the scaleable political system and no adjustments had to be made to the federal system at all. The Swiss still go vote every 3 months on town, state AND national affairs and there is no issue with the number of inhabitants participating in the votes. Voting can be done by mail and also physically at a voting booth. All voting booths (always municipal) ALWAYS close at 10 or 11 am on Sunday morning and ALL votes are fully and finally counted and results are communicated via the media by 5 pm Sunday ON THE DAY OF THE VOTE. ALWAYS. With ZERO exceptions. Highly scaleable.
      The reason no other country has this level of direct democvracy (Town, state AND National)? Because political parties will NEVER give up their power to dominate and manipulate the people of their respective countries. The Swiss took that power away from the political parties 150 years ago and will NEVER give it back. This is also the main reason why the Swiss will never succumb to the anti-democratic EU rule of law and oppression!

    • @prasanna3378
      @prasanna3378 Рік тому

      *I have been calling for a form of Direct Democracy that's is close enough to Swiss Model but perhaps even better. I call it "Direct Consensus Democracy." It's a merger of Swiss Model, Nunavut Model, and ancient actual Greek and Roman model of real Democracy. I suppose most of the people visiting here are highly educated and intellectual enough. Can you really think you could stand for any Political Party through out our history ? We all know why politicians are so eager to hold power, it's for money and bending the system to their knees. Does Political Parties really stand for Democracy ! of all things ! Are they so generous and so genuinely eager to come to the Power just to do "Good" ! We are so grateful ! Because if that was to be the case then Politicians must come down from some Utopian Paradise that they are so selflessly interested to do "good" to us, that they're leaving their carrier, personal life and all self interests ! And people call Direct Democracy an Utopia ! huh ! Our Representative Democracy is rightfully being labeled as "Partial Democracy", or "Electoral Autocracy", and our country is being called "Partly Free." And that's true ! Not only for our country, but for even the most of the developed countries like US who follow "Representative Democracy". It's just a half way from Autocratic Monarchy to "Real Democracy." It's a lie to musk the fact that "Representative Democracy" is really nothing but "Majoritarian Partial Electoral Autocracy." We use to have monarchs who could run the nations according to them for 40-50 years. Now every five years we give "Power" to some personnel, often the same set of personnel, and we call it Democracy. But those personnel with "Power" still holds the actual power to do however it suits them, with consulting the millions of people that their decisions are going to impact, for five years. And every five year we get the chance to select the "better of the worst". that's all there's to this pseudo Democracy, or this "Terminal-pseudo-Dictatorship". We often "Vote" ! But do we really have a "Voice" ! Are we really "Free" ! Does anyone ever ask "us" before drafting or passing a legislation ! the how is it "by the people, for the people, to the people" ! LIE. We have NO OPTION but to trust a few high and mightiest to make decisions for us. No one ever asked "You." There's no option in the "Democratic System" for your voice to be heard for real, unless you go through the mountaineering hustle of gathering up thousands of other people and take it to the streets and still it's at best a bet. And this they call "Freedom" ! This's (the joke of) "Representative Democracy" for you. And this "Electoral Autocracy" hasn't been established today all of a sudden. Although this hold absolutely true today, it has been this way for as long as one common man can imagine. Under all regimes, at all level, be it left, right, center, lower class politics or upper class politics, Capitalism or Communism, PEOPLE NEVER EVER HAD THEIR OWN VOICE, and you know, YOU NEVER WILL. Cause no one else can ever represent YOU. They ask for you "vote" ! Never for your "opinion". it's their decision at the parliament, it's not yours. You are not even allowed in assembly my fellow citizens of democracy !*
      *And she says at the end of the video that, direct democracy is not good for country like India ! Because votes can be bought because of poverty and undereducation ! As if it's not happening right now ! What worse can it get ! It's Democracy we are talking about, plain, simple Democracy, and have everything that we could possibly require to run real Democracy, from bottom up.*
      *Get this straight folk, only those oppose the idea of Direct Democracy, the Real Democracy who don't actually believe in Democracy for real. Even if it's you who oppose Direct Democracy, it's only means they/you do not actually believe in Democracy.*
      *Some people cannot digest Direct Democracy, for whatever reason it may be, positive or negative, only because they don't really believe that "Democracy can Deliver."*
      Here's one article explaining the outline of the idea of #DirectConsensusDemocracy

  • @Momo_21424
    @Momo_21424 3 роки тому +6

    Hi Freishia, I would love to see more such videos in future videos. Thanks.

  • @reshmasahoo8855
    @reshmasahoo8855 3 роки тому +10

    You taught us so many things Freishia , Thank you so much 💓 Happy Teacher’s Day😊💖💛

  • @harirajan2705
    @harirajan2705 3 роки тому +1

    Man very impressive very good presentation skills for sure. Job well done.

    @VIJAYPM-YT 3 роки тому

    Great content!

  • @AjitJoshi686
    @AjitJoshi686 3 роки тому +1

    Sometimes the direct democracy results in things like women not getting rights to votes much later than rest of world.

    • @christheswiss390
      @christheswiss390 3 роки тому +1

      You are very wrong about your assumption, but that seems to be in line with many "contributions" coming from a country that is mired in unspeakable poverty, antiquated "rituals", widespread and dibilitating corruption and destitution at a scale unfathomable to a modern, educated person.
      Perhaps that's why your country is so trapped in medieval times and CANNOT modernize itself - because its people have such a skewed and unrealistic view of the world?
      BTW, by when will your country have not only overcome the blatent patriarchy favoring abortion of females, but also given you a democracy that allows you to actually INFLUENCE political decisions rather than being hostages of your own political parties and being forced to watch as pathertic bystanders as your politicians doi whatever they want? And you're worried about something that happened in Switzerland 50 years ago and was seemingly not very detrimental to it's skyrocketing economic success, while your own counmtry, due to its lack of abilities and skills, is falling further and further behind on ALL international rankings??
      Are you aware that tiny Switzerland with just 8.5 million inhabitants has one university in the top ten of the world (ETH) and three universities in the top 30 of the world, while your own country has - wait for it..... NONE !!??
      I'll happily explain the reason for the voters declining womens voting rights in 1971(!), if you can explain why your country continues to look the other way with abortions of females, with regards to public rapes and hangings of females and to claiming to abolish the inhumane caste system, when if fact it is thriving as never before? Please also include your assessment by which milenium India will have overcome its mind boggling public corruption paralysis.

    • @AjitJoshi686
      @AjitJoshi686 3 роки тому

      @@christheswiss390 The discussion is about direct democracy vs representative democracy. I am glad you are trying to compare Swiss model with Indian model when I thought you were more richer and educated then your neighbors like Germany, France or Italy still your model of democracy failed to give rights to your women till 1971.

    • @christheswiss390
      @christheswiss390 3 роки тому

      @@AjitJoshi686 You are commenting on events that happened 70 years ago. Since then, India has not even achieved BASIC direct democracy. Your country's "model of democracy" failed to give you and your people in 2021! even basic democratic rights; you are all still sheep, relegated to voting for their corrupt shepards every few years, and in between these elections, have NOTHING to say at all but are pilferaged by their elected officials. In Switzerland, every man and woman can vote on - and even propose - individual laws and their decision becomes legally binding and part of the constitution. So in comparison, India has not achieved ANY modernization of its antiquated "democratic" system in the past 70 years. Most people would call that pathetic. But I know, when you're from a medieval country, you have a tendancy to want to overcompensate by pointing out "issues" from 70 years ago in another country that dominates your own failed nation in every single metric being recorded. Well - if it makes you feel better or even helps you get out of the selfdestructive rut and finally elevate your country to where the rest of the world has been for decades - then by all means, keep talking about an issue that is meaningless - and that you clearly know nothing in depth about, apart from a few words grasped from some chat forums.
      Focussing on meaningless nonsense with (self perceived) sophisticated language while failing to grasp even basic fundamentals and improve its own predicament is what seems to be the dominant sport in India since 100 years, and you don't look much like you're the one that's going to change that either.
      In case you hadn't noticed: listening to someone from India wax on about women rights in Switzerland is almost comical - were it not for the unspeakable crimes your people commit daily on thousands of women and unborn female fetuses In India.
      Perhaps I can help you a bit with your heavily distorted view of reality. Have you ever heard of the Human Developement Index (HDI) compiled by the United Nations annually? It's a system used to determine how developed a nation is along a broad range of metrics. Guess which nation - of ALL nations on the planet you feel so compelled to comment on - is ranked 2nd in this metric, DESPITE having only given women voting rights in 1971? Wow - how did they EVER DO that?
      Now compare that obvious progress to your failed nation: guess which nation belongs to the "SH nation category" and ranks 131st of 189 nations covered in the 2020 analysis? And you as a member of THAT country are commenting on the 2nd ranked country. 😂 🤣 Perhaps you can see why your "argumentation" seems a bit pathetic? It most certainly doesn't come across as "sophisticated". qed

  • @vijayupendrakumarthakar6861
    @vijayupendrakumarthakar6861 3 роки тому +34

    I m so fortunate to study in Switzerland. Luzern. It’s a nice video if you could have mentioned about CERN - god particle it’s one of the greatest discovery of mankind.

    • @div2954
      @div2954 3 роки тому +1

      CERN, is it the biggest PARTICLE PHYSICS LABORATORY of the world?

    • @gorajoo2975
      @gorajoo2975 3 роки тому

      @@div2954 The largest one is in Texas,USA.It is called Superconducting Super Collider

    • @div2954
      @div2954 3 роки тому

      @@gorajoo2975 Thanks

    • @maheshs2559
      @maheshs2559 3 роки тому

      Yes CERN is huge but the buildings are so non obvious from outside (except for globe shape structure) and just blends into the countryside you would miss it easily. The collider where the action happens of course is all underground crossing the border between France and Switzerland.

  • @freishia
    @freishia  3 роки тому +6

    Course Link- freishiawhack.graphy.com/courses/frankly-with-freishia-the-art-of-communicating
    Schedule is 6-7pm on these dates
    25th -26th September
    2nd - 3rd Oct
    All recordings will be available post the session

    • @alternatename
      @alternatename 3 роки тому

      If you could mention the time schedule (days and timing of the live classes) it'll be easier to decide if the course is feasible or not. 😊😊

    • @freishia
      @freishia  3 роки тому

      Done ☑️

  • @Vcool09
    @Vcool09 3 роки тому +8

    So what's wrong in not building minarets in Switzerland..

    • @christheswiss390
      @christheswiss390 3 роки тому +1

      Fully agree. Best decision by the Swiss sovereign since rejecting EEC (and thus EU) membership. Most Swiss truly thought about and understood the deeper issues attached to the building of Minaretts. Most foreigners haven't, since they will never (in their governed and nanny-state driven lives) be asked for their legally binding opinions on anything of importance, except for which corrupt president to vote for in the next election.

  • @alikazmi6597
    @alikazmi6597 3 роки тому +11

    There system of education is also exceptional.
    Swiss banks.
    Hafley and other state of the art R&D companies with excellent work ethics.

  • @avantikarana455
    @avantikarana455 3 роки тому +11

    Hi freisha
    I have been following you since my college days. I missed your channel in btw when you were not active. It's so good to see you again. I really feel you must have more subscribers. Thank you for working hard ❤️ coming back and working even more harder

  • @stallonegodinho6296
    @stallonegodinho6296 3 роки тому +3

    As if free money(universal basic income) is given without additional taxes as well as beuracratic costs and administration costs.
    Swiss voters are smart not to ask for free money.

  • @bilalhafeez7242
    @bilalhafeez7242 3 роки тому +5

    how expressive she speaks,....absorbed so intimate that I focus none other but her words and expressions

  • @VaibhavGuptaisawesome
    @VaibhavGuptaisawesome 3 роки тому +2

    I'm just still surprised as to why you aren't blowing up. You speak in English. You have amazing content. Anyone who clicks on the video should watch it. And you've been doing this amazing content for years.

  • @thomasvogel8799
    @thomasvogel8799 3 роки тому +3

    Looking out my balcony in switzerland. I can see the alps in the far cause we have hight limits on buildings and no high towers with people screaming from top and disturbing my peacefull live. Very nice

  • @saurabhdhingraa
    @saurabhdhingraa 3 роки тому +2

    India shouldn't adopt a direct democracy but governments should definitely hold surveys about various issues regularly so that we don't need protests to tell them what we want.

  • @meetviraj
    @meetviraj 3 роки тому +3

    DIrect democracy is a very risky thing, Its suitable to only highly educated population because people tend to vote for Popular but not correct choice.
    Ex- hatret for some community
    Too much burden on govt finances etc
    Not suitable for India

    • @yourneighbour304
      @yourneighbour304 3 роки тому

      Not suitable for india as a whole and with the current scenario. But we can test it with a dicentralise manner in some districts when the population is educated enough. I think it can work for india if we can discentralise the system and educate the population well.

  • @FrankNadarStudios
    @FrankNadarStudios 3 роки тому +10

    Our government's #1 Rule is to keep the Poor people poor

    • @dramakun4931
      @dramakun4931 3 роки тому

      Reason is federal government

    • @dramakun4931
      @dramakun4931 3 роки тому

      Only some states allow union government schemes in their states

    • @nooffenseplease3987
      @nooffenseplease3987 3 роки тому

      @@dramakun4931 We have mix of federal and unitary government . As per the research and evidence , federal system is most preferred in india . And Most of indian state like Kerala , Goa , Tamilnadu , Maharashtra , delhi ,etc are best performing state due to their regional politics due to federal system . Most of Union territory have small population size and was ruled by IAS officer . State like Uttarpradesh , Madhya Pradesh , Rajasthan , bihar etc are considered as poor state of india , and they have one thing in common having central politics or major political party ruling them like BJP , CONG , instead of regional .

    • @nooffenseplease3987
      @nooffenseplease3987 3 роки тому

      @@dramakun4931 " Some state allow union government scheme in their state " is false propaganda . Every state give two types of taxes state taxes and central taxes , ruling government gets state taxes for development , whereas the union government gets central taxes , which is used by Governor of the state . So if the scheme of central government is insufficient than , it is fault of central government , not a state government , the Governor of state has responsibility of central scheme , not a CM of that state . This how bureaucracy works in india .

    • @nooffenseplease3987
      @nooffenseplease3987 3 роки тому

      @@dramakun4931 I can give you another example like CGST and SGST , they together make GST . Both are collecting taxes from you , but the SGST will be used by CM and CGST By PM and governor .

  • @dukeraoul815
    @dukeraoul815 3 роки тому +1

    Tax evasion is not possible anymore since AEOI.+ Neutrality was forced on switzerland by the Congress of Vienna in the 19th century.good video btw!

  • @87hiten
    @87hiten 3 роки тому +1

    Direct democracy works when most citizens are graduated .India only has 8.17% of its population as graduates

  • @gomesajay
    @gomesajay 3 роки тому +5

    Well researched. Keep it up!

  • @g.nithinreddy7787
    @g.nithinreddy7787 3 роки тому +3

    Yes utopia

  • @TheSupernovic
    @TheSupernovic 3 роки тому +4

    Very interesting video, would love to go to Switzerland one day!

  • @joeljason3507
    @joeljason3507 3 роки тому +16

    Investing in crypto is the best way to earn financial freedom.

    • @markthomas7482
      @markthomas7482 3 роки тому

      Without doubt crypto is so money making.

    • @gimgim3428
      @gimgim3428 3 роки тому

      I could invest in Crypto but always got confused by it’s volatility in nature

    • @user-ln7tc9bd9c
      @user-ln7tc9bd9c 3 роки тому

      @@gimgim3428 that won't bother you if you trade with a professional like Mr Jay Frank.

    • @elizabethgreen9045
      @elizabethgreen9045 3 роки тому

      Count me in, I’m placing my trades with Expert Jay Frank ASAP.

    • @user-yt9qi3qb2s
      @user-yt9qi3qb2s 3 роки тому

      After watching several UA-cam tutorial videos about trading I was still making losses until Mr Jay started managing my investment now I make $10,567 weekly.

  • @prithwirajsaha6475
    @prithwirajsaha6475 3 роки тому +2

    I love it when you speak in Hinglish(a mix of both Hindi and English).

  • @a-listnitin8144
    @a-listnitin8144 3 роки тому +4

    Bang on!!

  • @packetloss6278
    @packetloss6278 3 роки тому +3

    The video was wonderful and very informative. You should also see Jonny Harris's video if you haven't already (It is also a very informative video on switzerland)

  • @thesusmitaplace9082
    @thesusmitaplace9082 3 роки тому +2

    You are From CIA, right?

  • @nivakalita5697
    @nivakalita5697 3 роки тому +3

    Hi Freishia, I have been following your channel for the last six months . I think you deserve millions of subscribers n views as you are doing a great job. And we should learn so many things from other countries like Denmark, Finland, Sweden etc.
    Scandinavian countries are always at the top of any indexes, especially in happiness index, maybe because they have less population.

  • @ImKevin
    @ImKevin 3 роки тому +1

    Hello freisha ! I really enjoy your videos. Idk if its just me that notices but sometimes, you switch over to your native tongue nd back to English . It's funny because I am paying close attention to you speaking and then as you are speaking in your language, Im not processing why I am not understanding what I THINK is you still speaking English. Don't take this the wrong way, its just funny to me, felt like sharing lol.

    • @freishia
      @freishia  3 роки тому

      No worries since I am from India I tend to do that . Sorry I didn’t realise that it would trouble some of my non Hindi speaking global audiences too

  • @chiaracavanelli9584
    @chiaracavanelli9584 3 роки тому +1

    the army has removed all explosives from roads and tunnels since 2014.

  • @daviddegenhardt5420
    @daviddegenhardt5420 10 місяців тому

    Regarding the exploding tunnels, the Swiss army actually removed all the explosives a couple of years back. The infrastructure is still in place and maintained though, so it could put all the explosives back in at the slightest indication of tensions rising.

  • @abhinabdas1092
    @abhinabdas1092 3 роки тому +3

    Bhutan and Switzerland are the utopian countries in the world.
    Japan, Israel , New Zealand and Canada has the potential to become utopian countries

    • @karthickeyan1955
      @karthickeyan1955 3 роки тому

      What does it mean ? Utopian?

    • @karthickeyan1955
      @karthickeyan1955 3 роки тому

      @Jaydeep Varia tnq bro is that foreign word ?

    • @creativeembargo
      @creativeembargo 3 роки тому +2

      Of course, Switzerland is not perfect at all, there's a lot of things we can improve on. But you are right there are some nations that are super safe and great. Don't forget to put Denmark, Norway, Japan, and South Korea on the list. :)

  • @amankumar-zx1eo
    @amankumar-zx1eo 3 роки тому +2

    Wow,please make this kind of vedio about other nations as well.like japan

  • @zoranznidaric4518
    @zoranznidaric4518 2 роки тому

    Advanced, first world countries looks good outside, but they are not so nice inside ... northern countries are emotionally cold. Here in Mediterranean, people have less salary, but houses and interior is much more beautiful
    In Northern countries, parents can easily lose their children taken by social service. People, there are more groups of individuals that don't cooperate much with each other. Family is weak, people are too much into job and earning money.

  • @himalayapictures
    @himalayapictures 3 роки тому +1

    Jamahariya by Gaddafi is kinda like this ...DIRECT DEMOCRACY... 😜

  • @abhishekpatil07
    @abhishekpatil07 3 роки тому +3

    love this!

  • @arshishsurti653
    @arshishsurti653 3 роки тому +3

    Love the video!

  • @div2954
    @div2954 3 роки тому +2

    Switzerland is one of the few RICH EUROPEAN COUNTRIES who haven't looted money.
    Northern Switzerland has GERMAN TOUCH in their language like in Zürich.
    Western Switzerland has a FRENCH TOUCH in their language like in Geneva.
    Southern Switzerland has a Italian TOUCH in their language like in Lugano.

    • @GraemeMarkNI
      @GraemeMarkNI 3 роки тому +3

      They’re happy to bank other people’s looted money though 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @div2954
      @div2954 3 роки тому

      @@GraemeMarkNI Yes

    • @creativeembargo
      @creativeembargo 3 роки тому

      @@GraemeMarkNI Not anymore, everything changed back in 2008.

  • @dramakun4931
    @dramakun4931 3 роки тому

    It will not help india but
    But china model or canadian or Spanish model can help india

  • @jasimuddindewan1418
    @jasimuddindewan1418 3 роки тому +2

    This is a very helpful video

  • @hemanthharshith3154
    @hemanthharshith3154 3 роки тому +2

    2nd comment

  • @ap7987
    @ap7987 3 роки тому +2


  • @VideoUpload_007
    @VideoUpload_007 3 роки тому +2


  • @AryanSingh-qg8ke
    @AryanSingh-qg8ke 3 роки тому

    Highly under subscribed channel

  • @subhadeepbanerjee225
    @subhadeepbanerjee225 3 роки тому +2

    1st view 😂😂

  • @techknow9237
    @techknow9237 3 роки тому +3

    A educated disciplined culture and identity is what works. Do not let relgions and backward cultures and Woke, BLM, Cancel Culture, Lefty Liberlism dictate to people and governments.

  • @DeepakKashyap-gi9xp
    @DeepakKashyap-gi9xp 2 роки тому

    I don't think this will work in India

  • @vinodterry2212
    @vinodterry2212 3 роки тому +1

    CIAO looks like Freishia can speak Italian too ...

  • @mercurious6699
    @mercurious6699 3 роки тому +1

    Fascinating video, always enjoy the video content, thank you

  • @Stockmarketlover1987
    @Stockmarketlover1987 3 роки тому

    How sweet your voice

  • @anweshaagt
    @anweshaagt 2 роки тому

    Love ur video ❤️❤️

  • @thedarkknight1865
    @thedarkknight1865 3 роки тому +1

    Good information

  • @divalight2996
    @divalight2996 2 роки тому

    Nice 👍

  • @AryanSingh-qg8ke
    @AryanSingh-qg8ke 3 роки тому

    Better than Dhruv Rathee💯

  • @jayshriy2671
    @jayshriy2671 3 роки тому +1


  • @nikhildeshmukh6221
    @nikhildeshmukh6221 3 роки тому

    Make video of current religious hatred within country.....and role of social media on it

  • @sanjaygowda1143
    @sanjaygowda1143 3 роки тому

    Yeah I learned many things but we not campred to them. Because we living in unity in diversity.

  • @hilly_billy9531
    @hilly_billy9531 3 роки тому

    Call Neville Shah on the show and discuss Parsi Food. BTW Bawa loves Khichdi Sas.

  • @subeerdey905
    @subeerdey905 3 роки тому +1

    I am in love with your vocabulary

    • @freishia
      @freishia  3 роки тому +1

      Thank you ....glad you learnt a few new words :)

  • @prasanna3378
    @prasanna3378 Рік тому

    *I have been calling for a form of Direct Democracy that's is close enough to Swiss Model but perhaps even better. I call it "Direct Consensus Democracy." It's a merger of Swiss Model, Nunavut Model, and ancient actual Greek and Roman model of real Democracy. I suppose most of the people visiting here are highly educated and intellectual enough. Can you really think you could stand for any Political Party through out our history ? We all know why politicians are so eager to hold power, it's for money and bending the system to their knees. Does Political Parties really stand for Democracy ! of all things ! Are they so generous and so genuinely eager to come to the Power just to do "Good" ! We are so grateful ! Because if that was to be the case then Politicians must come down from some Utopian Paradise that they are so selflessly interested to do "good" to us, that they're leaving their carrier, personal life and all self interests ! And people call Direct Democracy an Utopia ! huh ! Our Representative Democracy is rightfully being labeled as "Partial Democracy", or "Electoral Autocracy", and our country is being called "Partly Free." And that's true ! Not only for our country, but for even the most of the developed countries like US who follow "Representative Democracy". It's just a half way from Autocratic Monarchy to "Real Democracy." It's a lie to musk the fact that "Representative Democracy" is really nothing but "Majoritarian Partial Electoral Autocracy." We use to have monarchs who could run the nations according to them for 40-50 years. Now every five years we give "Power" to some personnel, often the same set of personnel, and we call it Democracy. But those personnel with "Power" still holds the actual power to do however it suits them, with consulting the millions of people that their decisions are going to impact, for five years. And every five year we get the chance to select the "better of the worst". that's all there's to this pseudo Democracy, or this "Terminal-pseudo-Dictatorship". We often "Vote" ! But do we really have a "Voice" ! Are we really "Free" ! Does anyone ever ask "us" before drafting or passing a legislation ! the how is it "by the people, for the people, to the people" ! LIE. We have NO OPTION but to trust a few high and mightiest to make decisions for us. No one ever asked "You." There's no option in the "Democratic System" for your voice to be heard for real, unless you go through the mountaineering hustle of gathering up thousands of other people and take it to the streets and still it's at best a bet. And this they call "Freedom" ! This's (the joke of) "Representative Democracy" for you. And this "Electoral Autocracy" hasn't been established today all of a sudden. Although this hold absolutely true today, it has been this way for as long as one common man can imagine. Under all regimes, at all level, be it left, right, center, lower class politics or upper class politics, Capitalism or Communism, PEOPLE NEVER EVER HAD THEIR OWN VOICE, and you know, YOU NEVER WILL. Cause no one else can ever represent YOU. They ask for you "vote" ! Never for your "opinion". it's their decision at the parliament, it's not yours. You are not even allowed in assembly my fellow citizens of democracy !*
    *And she says at the end of the video that, direct democracy is not good for country like India ! Because votes can be bought because of poverty and undereducation ! As if it's not happening right now ! What worse can it get ! It's Democracy we are talking about, plain, simple Democracy, and have everything that we could possibly require to run real Democracy, from bottom up.*
    *Get this straight folk, only those oppose the idea of Direct Democracy, the Real Democracy who don't actually believe in Democracy for real. Even if it's you who oppose Direct Democracy, it's only means they/you do not actually believe in Democracy.*
    *Some people cannot digest Direct Democracy, for whatever reason it may be, positive or negative, only because they don't really believe that "Democracy can Deliver."*
    #imagine *it's easy if you try.* #powertothepeople
    Here's one article explaining the outline of the idea of #DirectConsensusDemocracy

  • @GraemeMarkNI
    @GraemeMarkNI 3 роки тому

    Should I learn Hindi just to undestand Whack videos?! 😅

    • @freishia
      @freishia  3 роки тому +1

      Or you can read the subtitles for the 2 hindi lines i have used :)

  • @gorajoo2975
    @gorajoo2975 3 роки тому +17

    Freishia,democracy emphasizes more on quantity than quality.The Swiss population is monocultural,just like Japan.India is a multicultural and mutifaceted nation.And,public transportation in Switzerland is very expensive.People there are not easy to make friends with.
    Meanwhile,I like the way you present facts in simple words ,making it easier to understand things.

    • @toffeeFairy
      @toffeeFairy 3 роки тому +7

      The Swiss population is monocultural, im sorry, they are very not a monoculture. Not only are there 3 major regions with different langauges, they are split in religion as well and have fought a few wars with each other over it. 25% of its current population isn't swiss and over 50% have foreign roots. Mostly from Portugal, Kosovo, Italy, Germany and so on. The only thing they seemingly can agree upon is that they hate each other just slightly less than the rest of the world.
      While India certainly has way more different cultures, its also nearly 100x bigger in land and population.

    • @gorajoo2975
      @gorajoo2975 3 роки тому +1

      @@toffeeFairy Swiss "multiculturalism" recognises only European cultures.Is it open to Far Eastern ,South Asian or Middle Eastern culture ?No.Hence, Switzerland is Eurocentric, meaning a monocultural nation

    • @sangeetanarendrasingh5416
      @sangeetanarendrasingh5416 3 роки тому +4

      @@gorajoo2975 Then india is also monocultural by that definition

    • @creativeembargo
      @creativeembargo 3 роки тому +1

      @@gorajoo2975 By your definition, India must be a homogeneous country too.

    • @gorajoo2975
      @gorajoo2975 3 роки тому +2

      @@sangeetanarendrasingh5416 No.India do not have a common language.National level meetings are conducted in English.In India, there are descendants of Arabs,Hebrews,Macedonians,Central Asians,Persians,Tibetans
      and many more.No one is considered an immigrant in India.In Switzerland,as an Indian,no matter how long you live there,you are still considered an immigrant.If you look at how rich Indian culture,architecture and attire are,you can see contributions from different communities.Can you see such diversity in Swiss Land ?If you take a very broad look at humanity,all of us came from Africa.So,do you call yourself an African?Finally,India itself is a term created by the British.Can you find the word "India" in any of our ancient literature? That's how open-minded we are to others

  • @Pradeev
    @Pradeev 3 роки тому +4

    Its worth mentioning about their banks and how they earn dirty money from other country's hardship. By safely storing black money, they are hindering other country's progress. Swiss, being a country with so much of income, should be ethical and not hide the black money to other countries.

    • @rohithninan8785
      @rohithninan8785 3 роки тому +1

      I don’t think you know why black money is stored in Swiss banks. It is not like they get some kind of sadistic happiness by hiding information from countries. It is bcos of the strict privacy laws there. And it is not just limited to banks, it extends to the internet too. Facilitating Black money just happens to be one of the few disadvantage of an otherwise excelent system.

    • @nivakalita5697
      @nivakalita5697 3 роки тому +2

      I agree whatever you said but I think we can't blame Switzerland for this because those people who deposit their money in Swiss banks they never think about their countries people so why Switzerland bothering for other countries' peoples' well being and money.

    • @Pradeev
      @Pradeev 3 роки тому

      @@nivakalita5697 I feel robbers will not be responsible. But banks and governments should not allow robbers to rob.. :)

    • @Pradeev
      @Pradeev 3 роки тому

      @@rohithninan8785 I am not sure if those banks hide account details of Swiss citizens from Swiss government. I have seen a documentary long back where an ex-employee of such bank said he didn't feel that the bank is ethical and resigned. But the bank people chased/followed him for few years to ensure he is not leaking the secrets. Following a person is intervening their privacy.

    • @rohithninan8785
      @rohithninan8785 3 роки тому

      @@Pradeev Not if that person himself has millions of people’s privacy at stake. Confidentiality is part of their contract and they can get sued if they break it. And no the government cannot access it, without the court’s approval. And that approval is very difficult to get. That’s why you’ll find many privacy oriented VPNs and Mail providers boasting that their whole infrastructure is located in Switzerland, bcos they cant be forced to give up data, even to domestic or international governments, unless the court approves it, and that happens only in extraordinary circumstances.

  • @gauravbhardwaj3762
    @gauravbhardwaj3762 3 роки тому +1

    We dont need to learn anything from them..r social and demograhy is diff from them

    • @bobbyarora5641
      @bobbyarora5641 3 роки тому +1

      Sorry but we cant learn anything from anybody .....

    • @udayanbadola7077
      @udayanbadola7077 3 роки тому


    • @yourneighbour304
      @yourneighbour304 3 роки тому +2

      This thinking right here has kept our country backwards. We aren't even motivated and curious enough to progress with all the same old excuses

    • @bobbyarora5641
      @bobbyarora5641 3 роки тому +1

      @@yourneighbour304 very true