Why The Potters Believed Remus Was Their Traitor

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2022
  • Why The Potters Believed Remus Was Their Traitor.
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  • @shoresean1237
    @shoresean1237 Рік тому +64

    I know reason is the first thing to fly out the window in a time of war, but the fact that a likely Voldemort ally was Fenrir Greyback should have helped the others realize Remus was not likely to join up with the side of the man who deliberately ruined his life.

    • @nealmccorkle3681
      @nealmccorkle3681 Рік тому +4

      Anytime in a war of species, it is assumed that each species will put aside internal squabbles. Lupin could have found acceptance among other werewolves instead of hiding what he was to try and live a normal wizarding life. Not many were both skilled enough legilimens to know that he was truly coming at them face value and about his secret.

  • @paulyb7267
    @paulyb7267 Рік тому +45

    Wtf this is false, the Potters never suspected Remus of being the spy. It was only Sirius that suspected Remus of being the spy. Remus even tells Harry in Deathly Hallows that James would have regarded it as the height of dishonor to mistrust friends.

  • @sifilore9462
    @sifilore9462 Рік тому +67

    We can indirectly but effectively blame Umbridge, cause she was the one who created the Anti-Werewolf Legislation of why they joined Voldemort. I looked it up, it wasn’t cause of fear like most people, it was her own discrimination towards half-breeds.

    • @bellaknightR597
      @bellaknightR597 Рік тому +10

      Of course Umbridge is to blame

    • @rzk2f875
      @rzk2f875 Рік тому

      Umbridge sucks!

    • @pokebreederrichard1200
      @pokebreederrichard1200 Рік тому +3

      But it was Newt scamander who created the werewolf registration act which led to the hate of the human forms of the werewolves.

    • @camwyn256
      @camwyn256 Рік тому +4

      @@pokebreederrichard1200 ripples in a pond

    • @camwyn256
      @camwyn256 Рік тому

      @@bellaknightR597 Six Degrees of Separation

  • @katholmes7112
    @katholmes7112 Рік тому +20

    It never made sense they believed Lupin was the traitor. By this point in their lives only one of their friends had proven he was actually capable of murder and that was Sirius. Great video as always.

    • @schris3
      @schris3 Рік тому +5

      You might be correct except for the fact that James was the target and it should have been quite obvious how much Sirius cared for him to the point that is absolutely laughable that they even suspected him for the betrayal even if the evidence pointed to him. The same evidence was kinda sketchy.

    • @katholmes7112
      @katholmes7112 Рік тому +5

      Strange how implicitly they believed in Peter yet doubted Lupin isn't it?

  • @thirteenthandy
    @thirteenthandy Рік тому +12

    Very accurate and insightful video. This breaks down their character motivations very deftly. While the three became unregistered animagi for Lupin, it was a bit more complicated than that if you look at their motivations. James did it for Remus. Sirius did it because James wanted to do it and also to be a rebel lawbreaker with a secret identity. It was a lark, and it was exciting. Peter did it because he didn't want to be left behind, and also because he was pressured into it.

  • @paulcowlishaw
    @paulcowlishaw Рік тому +14

    Listening to your channel has got me reading the books again. I'm up to the fourth book.

    • @katholmes7112
      @katholmes7112 Рік тому +3

      The third and fourth books are my favorites. 😊

    • @paulcowlishaw
      @paulcowlishaw Рік тому +4

      @@katholmes7112 I started re reading them and stopped half way through the third. But picked it up again and finished it off and now I'm on the fourth about 19 chapters in.

    • @ButterflySimmer
      @ButterflySimmer Рік тому

      Enjoy the books 😍

  • @supermadhawk100
    @supermadhawk100 Рік тому +13

    I love this and you made great points. James, was the main reason why they were friends without James I'm not sure if they wouldn't be friends and I understand why Remus and Sirus had doubts each other

  • @turdferguson9356
    @turdferguson9356 Рік тому +7

    "Well you'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you Remus?"

  • @davidkennedy8929
    @davidkennedy8929 Рік тому +6

    Another good video, always a good watch.

  • @Skyflame_
    @Skyflame_ Рік тому +6

    I have to disagree this time. You said that Remus, Sirius and Peter were friends with James but not each other. As a theory, that's okay. The argument for that theory was that Sirius nearly made werewolf Remus kill Snape, wasn't it? But I'm pretty sure that's just because Sirius is... Sirius. He doesn't always think his actions through. I think it was like: "Oh, this could be pretty fun and it may hurt Snape so he gets what he deserves, let's do this."
    The marauders have shared the same room and have been together through the seven Hogwarts years and after, nearly aaaaalll the time. And in every scene we have, they seem to be four friends. Sure, Sirius and James were the closest but it is just logical to assume everyone was friends with everyone.
    Besides, Sirius and Peter also became animagi for Remus which took them three years of reading books and so on. Sirius and reading books, spending so much time to learn that stuff - that proves he cared for Remus.
    But why did Sirius suspect Remus if they were so close?
    First of all the questions was not IF there is a traitor but WHO is the traitor. And yes, that werewolf thing is true and I guess that made at least some if not many members of the order think that Remus was the one. So I think Sirius was influenced by them (first defending Remus, later starting to doubt Remus). And as we know, Peter is way cleverer than we thought. If many don't trust Remus - which is of course good for Peter because he is scared as hell that they identify him as the traitor - why don't strengthen that doubt in Remus? Maybe just with a few words or a story he made up, maybe even by leading Remus into a trap so that he appears guilty. Imo, that seems like a logic explanation and fits Peter because it is quite similar to what he did with Sirius in the end.
    And even if not: Knowing that there is a spy, knowing that Remus had a motive for it and hearing members of the order accuse Remus to be the spy on and on, for weeks or even months - I think that makes it pretty natural to start doubting (especially if Peter supported that doubt etc).
    James was more naïve than Sirius and had more fate in his friends. But Sirius had a dark childhood and he started early on to doubt his parents and what they believe in. He already knew what it is like to lose trust in someone you believed in. And with that happened, you start to doubt ealier the next time.
    That seems at least pretty logical to me 😊 I hope you understood what I mean - as you probably noticed, English is not my native tongue.
    Have a nice day 🤗

  • @Mr_E_1087
    @Mr_E_1087 Рік тому +1

    Thank you so much for continuing to make Harry Potter videos! It's obvious that you have a real passion for the series, as do your subscribers and fans. You always have new and unique topics to bring to your viewers and I'm sure I can speak for most of us... we appreciate what you do! Keep it up Dean and have a great day🧙🏼‍♂️🔮🪄 Mischief Managed

  • @dramaturge231
    @dramaturge231 Рік тому +1

    Wow, this is really perspicacious. Thanks, Dean!

  • @schris3
    @schris3 Рік тому +26

    I doubt Sirius started to suspect Remus due to his werewolf status, it was mostly because Remus was always a bit of a coward. Although Peter was seemingly very cowardly, for the same reason Sirius thought Peter wouldn't have the guts to go to Voldemort in the first place. Of course Sirius had always looked down on Peter.

    • @ConstanzaRigazio
      @ConstanzaRigazio Рік тому +10

      I don’t think Remus was a coward, I think he was the only one who wasn’t as reckless as James and Sirius.

    • @schris3
      @schris3 Рік тому +1

      @@ConstanzaRigazio Yes, he's a coward, Remus even acknowledged that he never really standed up to his friends about their bullying to Snape, and let's not forget he was about to walk out from Tonks and their baby.

  • @giannagarda7598
    @giannagarda7598 Рік тому +1

    The imperius curse was circulating a lot around that time - Pettigrew may have cast it on the Marauders and created all that mistrust. He fooled everyone - even himself.

  • @Historyfan476AD
    @Historyfan476AD Рік тому +5

    To be fair to Sirius the reasons why he thought it could be Remus does make sense and is logical, Sadly though the thoughts were miss guided and blind to the true traitor and Rat in their mists, The coward and not the Wild wolf man is who betrayed them. Though choosing Peter to be your secret keeper does not make sense to me either since he is too weak and cowardly to trust with such a vital secret even if He is a old school friend. Sirius or Dumbledore were the only real right choices for that position.
    Title would better be Sirius believed rather than the Potters.

    • @paulyb7267
      @paulyb7267 Рік тому +1

      But the Potters never suspected Remus of being the spy. It is only mentioned in the books that it was only Sirius that suspected Remus of being the spy. Remus even tells Harry in Deathly Hallows that James would have regarded it as the height of dishonor to mistrust friends.

    • @Historyfan476AD
      @Historyfan476AD Рік тому

      @@paulyb7267 Yeah I got caught out by that and thought it was a odd title for the video, we never got to hear James opinion on Remus at this time really. But I still stand by the idea of putting Rat man as the secret keeper was a bad idea.

  • @annaathey8827
    @annaathey8827 Рік тому +1

    I really appreciate your re-written book quote endings 😜

  • @barbarabrockphotography7264
    @barbarabrockphotography7264 Рік тому +4

    Great video as usual. Where did the clips of the marauders come from? It looks like a video to watch.

    • @layneathebutterfly4959
      @layneathebutterfly4959 Рік тому +2

      Severus Snape and the marauders.
      Higley recommend it. It's awesome! And there is an audio continuation over on spotify as a podcast /audio theater. It's really good

  • @michaelodonnell824
    @michaelodonnell824 Рік тому +16

    There is another possible reason - studies show that after a group excludes its most hated "Member" rather than the Group becoming Stronger or Closer, they immediately begin to Target another Group member for exclusion.
    James and Sirius were and remained unrepentant and unreformed Bullies (both until the day they died). Having succeeded in ridding their lives of the Hated Snape, who were they next going to Target? They actually had two options, the weakling Peter Pettigrew OR the Werewolf Remus Lupin. But here's the thing about Bullies - Bullies like appreciative audiences and that was ALWAYS Peter's role (see Snape's Worst Memory), so the only real Target available was the Werewolf.
    Their Bullying lead to their downfall.
    From a slightly different perspective, why didn't the escaped Sirius immediately seek out his ONLY remaining Friend (he was well aware that Pettigrew was the Traitor, so why make his lonely way to Hogwarts, rather than trying to connect up with and reconcile with Remus? Was he too ashamed of the tactics and actions he used to exclude Remus in the first place?

    • @lilyrose0116
      @lilyrose0116 Рік тому +6

      Exactly! Everyone always claimed that James & Sirius "outgrew" their bullying days and mature. No, they didn't... they just turned their attention to others, to the battlefield, to excluding their friends, etc. They protected the ones they loved and those that mattered to them. Anyone else was disposable to them.

    • @ConstanzaRigazio
      @ConstanzaRigazio Рік тому +8

      I like this take. James and Sirius weren’t completely on Remus’s side because he was the only one who dared to question the reckless and sometimes aggressive things they did.

    • @paulyb7267
      @paulyb7267 Рік тому +5

      Wtf this is false, the Potters never suspected Remus of being the spy. It is only mentioned in the books that it was only Sirius that suspected Remus of being the spy. Remus even tells Harry in Deathly Hallows that James would have regarded it as the height of dishonor to mistrust friends.

    • @MrEnte3000
      @MrEnte3000 Рік тому +3

      "James and Sirius were and remained unrepentant and unreformed Bullies (both until the day they died)"
      Not true, though.

    • @lilyrose0116
      @lilyrose0116 Рік тому +2

      @@paulyb7267 Remus will always see the good in people, that's his nature. A true friend would not allow Remus to be isolated from the Order and he would have done all he could to change Sirius' mind of not suspecting Remus. James did neither of these things.

  • @Octolicia
    @Octolicia Рік тому +2

    James was the light in Sirius's dark pure blood supremacy environment in which he was forced to live in until he ran away. Even though James was mean with some students, Severus Snape on top of the list, he valued friendship and wanted to help his friends: Sirius was invited to live with James, James gave Remus money so that he could live without having to find a job... We can all agree that Peter is a selfish coward: He didn't value anything but himself and power, the power of others. But...I'm sure if he had opened up to James he would've find a way to help him.

  • @H0uxdubxston
    @H0uxdubxston Рік тому

    Love your videos! Where do you get the video clips from? Like in this video how you used what looked to be a young James, sirius, and Remus talking about something. I've seen the fanfilm of the dark lord with descendents of other houses, but are there more fanfilms I don't know about?

  • @tylersmith9465
    @tylersmith9465 Рік тому +2

    Only Sirius was the only one who thought Remus was untrustworthy 💭

  • @tapuchris3329
    @tapuchris3329 Рік тому +2

    There is no good or evil, there is only Harry Potter Folklore, and his awesome videos.

  • @himanya2923
    @himanya2923 Рік тому +2

    Me throughout the video : storming my brain with theories
    Me when the quote came up : 😍
    Me when the quote ended : 🙁

  • @whiteowl4097
    @whiteowl4097 Рік тому

    Where did you get some of the movie clips? Is it a fan created movie? If so can you let us know what site we can view it on?

  • @chaosphoenix89
    @chaosphoenix89 Рік тому +1

    Question: where do you get the footage for the Younger versions of the Marauders, I've also seen you use footage for Younger Narcissa and Bellatrix, I've been curious as to where it comes from

    • @chaosphoenix89
      @chaosphoenix89 Рік тому +1

      @@Florence9a9machine thank you so much! I will check them out

  • @Warsage29
    @Warsage29 Рік тому

    I never thought I would see the day this channel would resort to clickbaiting

  • @tylersmith9465
    @tylersmith9465 Рік тому

    The clips were great 👍

  • @EdgedShadow
    @EdgedShadow Рік тому

    What are the videos of the young Maruders from? A fan film?

  • @leonorakristinerozalinamll9473

    Where can I watch The Marauders movie?

  • @sarahglover3286
    @sarahglover3286 Рік тому +1

    Before watching: Partly process of elimination, they didn't think Pettigrew was smart or brave enough to be a double agent and James trusted Sirius explicitly. Partly werewolves are never trusted anyway, other werewolves were joining Voldemort so its not impossible to believe he would (proven by the fact he was able to join them as a double agent in the second wizarding war)!

  • @jaredquinney204
    @jaredquinney204 Рік тому

    I never even thought about this

  • @ztltdktdkrdkrzirzitdsrirzi2898

    From what movie or tv series are the clips of Remus, Sirius, James and Peter being young?

  • @TheSaneHatter
    @TheSaneHatter Рік тому

    On the subject of how the Wizarding War led to lethal duels between people who'd known each other all their lives, I'd like to point out that you'd find a similar dynamic at work if you read about the American Civil War: there were generals and officers on both the Union and Confederate sides who'd known each other from their days at West Point, often quite closely, and it affected their lives and their wartime actions quite a bit.

  • @bluejayyankeeworkshop5830
    @bluejayyankeeworkshop5830 Рік тому +2

    Let's get some up votes going on this one
    (1.)Why did Voldemort pick the potters over the long bottoms
    I've never heard any explanation of this on what made Voldemort think one choice was better than the other

    • @graceweiland6089
      @graceweiland6089 Рік тому +1

      Snape heard only part if the prophecy the night it was given to Dumbledore, and told Voldemort. Snape assumed it was about the Potters and asked Dumbledore to protect Lily. Snape telling Voldy that he thought it was about the Potters is what brought the prophecy to fruition

    • @acousticks526
      @acousticks526 Рік тому

      Well maybe because half-bloods are more powerful than purebloods? i mean come on, the most powerful wizards are usually half bloods: tom riddle, albus dumbledore, and harry potter

  • @grec.
    @grec. Рік тому +1

    Ah. It makes sense that if it was believed that Sirius betrayed Lily and James and Petter, then why Lupin was going to be loyal? Even more so being a wearwolf. Because the 4 of them where known to be extremely closed friends.

  • @Octolicia
    @Octolicia Рік тому

    5:00 : Well you can't blame him. Sirius grew in a family who where pureblood supremacist... even though he didn't shared their pureblood supremacism view, he didn't grew with things like compassion toward others.

  • @CharmeIeon
    @CharmeIeon Рік тому

    that is hard to believe his friendship meant a lot to him

  • @jonwashburn7999
    @jonwashburn7999 Рік тому

    I had wondered about this.

  • @tylersmith9465
    @tylersmith9465 Рік тому +1

    The weasels took in Peter the murder and didn’t even know it

  • @paulcowlishaw
    @paulcowlishaw Рік тому +4

    I've thought of something. When Mad Eye Moody/Barty Crouch JR killed Barty Crouch Sr would Mad Eyes Soul split or Barty Jr soul split??? Please answer it Dean.

    • @indedgames4359
      @indedgames4359 Рік тому +3

      Not necesary as ther is a rituel rowling never revealed . I asume persobly only once you Do it befor the first kill will the soul Start spliting why killing

    • @paulcowlishaw
      @paulcowlishaw Рік тому +1

      @@indedgames4359 it's just a thought I had last night

    • @Martyn_Wolf
      @Martyn_Wolf Рік тому +1

      It would of been Barty Jr's soul that split, the body may have changed the soul remains.
      In Book 2 Ron n Harry still react to what Malfoy says the same as they would if they weren't under the Polyjucie potion. They had to pretend to act like Crabb n Goyale.

    • @Martyn_Wolf
      @Martyn_Wolf Рік тому +1

      @@indedgames4359 It's mentioned bt Slughorn that the ACT of murder/killing is what rips the soul.
      It's never been stated if the split soul needs to be put into a container of one kills/murders a person. That's only to be done if one is making a Horcux to our knowledge.
      Dumbldore did mention to Snape "only you know if helping a dying man will split your soul" which to me suggests that there has to be a certain level of intention when killing someone for it to rip the soul.

    • @nealmccorkle3681
      @nealmccorkle3681 Рік тому +2

      Barty. Just because you are under a spell to mimic someone else doesn't mean that you actually BECOME them.

  • @BigPapaMuse
    @BigPapaMuse Рік тому +2


  • @tylersmith9465
    @tylersmith9465 Рік тому +2

    It was wrong of James to bully snape

    • @kazuhachi952
      @kazuhachi952 Рік тому +1

      He regretted it in his adult life.

  • @elizabethoneill8612
    @elizabethoneill8612 Рік тому +1

    Snape also could've hurt or kill Remus with the killing curse

  • @elizabethoneill8612
    @elizabethoneill8612 Рік тому +2

    No, Sirius was a bad person at a young age just like James was and Remus wasn't all that good either, and Peter was just a two faced traitor and a coward

  • @maketycry3952
    @maketycry3952 Рік тому

    OMG you scared me with that last line yes of course I’ll like and subscribe just don’t turn into Voldemort!

  • @AaronJamesMediaProductions
    @AaronJamesMediaProductions Рік тому +1

    Why did you stop uploading to your cobra Kai channel?

  • @malachifranco7594
    @malachifranco7594 Рік тому

  • @pentegarn1
    @pentegarn1 Рік тому

    ok, now that you've ruined my life with this video. lol

  • @jayduffy5532
    @jayduffy5532 Рік тому

    You have to remember Remus was a after product of greybacks and you could never really forget your sire so to speak plus black may have no love of his family but their beliefs had to have been ingrained deep into his very pysche so there will be A LOT of miss trust and speculation on whose sided with who of course Sirius chose wrongly in the cowardly rat wormtail only cause he was 100 % human and as for the whole Snape deal that is his black upbringing you destroy your enemy to hell with others if you take one down and causes a domino effect to take out other enemies the better for you as a black make them think not just to not cross you bit also to have some fear of you the better off you are

  • @francisgrizzlysmit4715
    @francisgrizzlysmit4715 Рік тому +1

    have to disagree some what it wasn't that simple

  • @elizabethoneill8612
    @elizabethoneill8612 Рік тому

    Yes Sirius was deadly wrong for trusting Peter

  • @oliviaschreuder7471
    @oliviaschreuder7471 Рік тому

    Idk I feel like there’s genuinely not enough evidence to suggest wolfstar ISNT a thing..

  • @tylersmith9465
    @tylersmith9465 Рік тому

    Remus and Sirius would be dead or in Azkaban if Someone else got involved in that 💀

  • @tylersmith9465
    @tylersmith9465 Рік тому

    It was wrong of Sirius to use Remus condition to kill snape😑

  • @ethanalgicosathlonchannel1110
    @ethanalgicosathlonchannel1110 Рік тому +4


  • @catkingdom412
    @catkingdom412 Рік тому


  • @JasonFoks
    @JasonFoks Рік тому +3

    Nice 1st

  • @nealmccorkle3681
    @nealmccorkle3681 Рік тому

    I think you are dead on here.