It still baffles me that the devs decided _LAPIS_ would be the unit to demonstrate Smashing weapons. On my run, she ran up to an enemy, got wrecked, then smashed them away for negligible damage.
I guess he never really tried the biting blade as it is almost as light as the iron swore with everything else better, it can act first and double, clearly not F tier
Your content is entertaining enough for me to watch it even though I finished the game like around 10 times and don't even need the guides love it. That soundboard never misses btw okay and oops being my personal favorites.
Bro it took me too long to figure out that killing edge was actually the better version of Wo Dao, I was so confused as to why it seemed so much worse and why we got it so early lol. Also, if you fully upgrade it and give it the marth engraving, Liberation actually stayed as my main weapon for Alear all the way through the final map, and it stayed one rounding nearly everything. But obv that requires full investment into it and arguably putting the best engraving onto it
I am hoping for the next Fire Emblem is that S tier weapons they make more exciting to use and get them a lot sooner rather than only able to use them for the final chapter which is not even that hard to begin with.
For the Wo Dao vs Killing Edge, the Wo Dao is better on a less accurate unit with high strength like Diamant 3ho can already hit hard but have lower dex caps/growths. It also gains more crit by forging then the Killing Edge, though it still ends up 5 crit less if you compare +5 versions. It's other use case is really low build units as it's quite a bit lighter.
@aprinnyonbreak1290 I was thinking Etie on a sword class, primarily, Louis probably as well. It could also just be that they just whooped the weapon design between the two of them.
@@timm8998 Except for where it is. I almost never reach for a putty knife when I'm at work, I don't usually need it. But I do have one for when it's the right tool. Even if it's months between uses. This is the same kind of thing.
Levin Sword HAS to be top of S-tier. With the DLC you can get one super early through steel sword refine and use it on celine, but admittedly its not that strong early. But if you go sword griffin knight Chloe (optional Soren/Chrom Ring), and levin sword mage knight Pandreo, it 1 rounds everything, and can break axes which no other tome can do. If you watch Verve's LTC run, he uses the Georgios in a super interesting way, which is to use it as the Lodestar Rush weapon to basically 1 shot any boss, including 1 life of the final boss. its definitely S tier even though its niche, when you have Marth.
The thing is, with DLC (the 20 silver) any weapon u upgrade will 1 shot enemies. A steel lance/sword/dagger +4 will 1 shot everything too. That is also why the DLC pretty much trivializes maddening.
Importantly, you get a free Brave Sword from Brodia level 4 donation, which, if you're playing the donation game properly, you should reach pretty early. I think this partly changes the meta around swords because +2 brave sword isn't even expensive and sword power is attainable even without dlc if you make good use of the well. Personally, I think of the 3 FEH weapons, the axe stands out as the strongest, since the later refinements give more might. As a result, I don't upgrade the FEH sword at all.
Spoiler for endgame I don’t know why people give Wille Glanz crap. It’s a 1-2 range sword exclusive to Alear. Alear’s Magic Stat isn’t good enough to use the Levin Sword that well.
The sword comes right near the end of the game (bad availability) It's pretty inaccurate (70 base hit) Expensive upgrades That's what I can remember off the top of my head
@@AshenDust_Yeah. I usually use Axe Hero Alear instead of Divine Dragon Alear. Axes > Arts So Wille Glanz is a solid weapon. It's no Ragnell or Binding Blade though.
@@ResurgentRaven But with the Fire Engraving it is a monster Mt: 16 Hit: 100 Crit: 20 Wt: 9 Avo: 20 Ddg: 20 My squad/party Alear Divine Dragon Emblem one of the Hero's rings with Fire on Wille Glanze Alfred Avenir Emblem Roy with Binding on Brave Lance Celine Vidame Emblem Marth Beginnings on Excalibur or Levin sword Diamont Successeur Emblem Ike with skills Heavy Attack Dual Assist Radiance on Georgios Alcryst Tireur d'élite Emblem Lyn Blazeing on Lendabair Ivy Lindwurm Emblem Celica Echoes on Excalibur Hortensia Sleipnir Rider Emblem Micaiah Dawn on Elthunder Timerra Picket Emblem Lief with skills Heavy Attack Dual Assist Genealogy on Venomous Fogado Cupido Emblem Eirika Sacred on Brave Bow Veyle Fell Child Emblem Corrin Fates on Obscurité Nel Fell Child Emblem Sigurd Holy on Fell Ruinston or Représailles Rafal Fell Child Emblem Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude Rivals on Fell Ruinstone or Revanche Seadal Dancer Emblem Lucina Awakening on Flashing Fist art Gregory Sage Emblem Byleth Academy on Nova
I upgraded my first Killing Edge into a Wo Dao because I thought I was clever and going all in and it was so bad I got confusion and just stopped using crit weapons for the rest of the run, lol. Liberation is prrobably being a little undervalued here. For 6 silver and a little bit of other stuff you get an 11 Mt 105 hit 6 wt weapon that also speeds your engage meter along. That means Alear loses 2 speed to Liberation or 7 to a steel sword (that's all of his speed). Maybe it's not worth upgrading because the issue is MOSTLY fixed after promotion, but even then you're looking at losing 0 speed with liberation vs. losing 2 with a steel sword at level 11 post promotion on fixed growths. Caladbolg is a Diamant weapon, pretty perfect for him really, By the time you get it he should either be at 12 build or close to it and will have S rank in Swords due to successor. At which point it's just a weightless 15 mt sword, so fantastic even without upgrades. Sword Power hasn't got a lot of disussion I think because before the well it just wasn't a feasible skill to get. Probably changes a lot though.Adding ten to weapon MT all of a sudden makes other concerns way more important that MT for those characters.
I think one thing interesting to note about Steel Blade is that there’s a lot of B Swords classes in the game. Avenir, Cupido, Vidame, Non Sword Prof GK + Wyvern + Wolf Knight + MK, and Sword Prof Bow Knight. When planning to use a sword emblem (which is like half the emblems) on any of these classes, it gives access to toolbox wyrmslayer (although sword emblems generally have an anti dragon option anyway) and armorslayer, but also best damage available in steel blade in engage attacks so it’s actually pretty common to see steel blade as best option in those cases.
I think Armorslayer may be too high. I’ve had trouble getting my units to double armors with it because of the weight . This is early game when we don’t have as much access to magic, and after chapter 11, we have more magical attacks at our disposal. Also I do think being S rank for swords should count against since the only class for them is either Swordmaster or Successeur Diamant unless you have innate Sword proficiency on Paladin or Griffon.
Pretty good list. For Willie Glanz, Id say its pretty decent because it gives Alear at least a strong range option, which Alear doesnt have for the entire game. But yeah, like you said, its availability is so bad. I did try Wo Dao a playthrough, just to see if it was as bad as it seems. I used it on Lapis, which honestly, made it a bit better, since her builds not the best and she can wield it. I never +5d it, but I did +4 it early (this was on maddening). And it allowed my Lapis Wolf Knight to do respectable damage sometimes with crits. But yeah, in the end, the only thing noteworthy about it is if a unit cant really wield Killing Edge, then they can wield Wo Dao, and thats about it. Lol Its quite bad. I mean, I made use of it all the way through maddening, but still bad.
Candy sword is actually great and should be part of the meta. Same with any candy weapon. So here's what you do: Put it on every sword unit that is NOT in use. Then you can give their old weapons to your used characters, or sell them, or dump them into the well. This way your unused characters will still participate in arena battles and be easy wins for extra exp and sp gain with sp conversion, without wasting an actually combat worthy weapon.
Killing edge go brr. It's my main character's go to weapon. I maxed it out and slapped a engraving that boosted its power, and now I cut down anything that isn't a armored unit
I came across this looking for some opinions because I'm researching/spreadsheeting the best weapons to invest in so I can be more efficient in my next run, and wanted to correct something that was said that is a surprisingly common misconception. Steel weapons cost equivalent of 3.4 silver to +3 or 14 silver to +5, while Silver weapons cost equivalent of 2 silver to +1 and 11 silver to +3. This means that silver weapons are actually cheaper to forge to the same level of comparable steel while still having more investment potential left. Also Killing Edge +5 is only 1 Mt lower than Steel Sword +5, it's at least equal to if not better than steel on any character that doesn't have the build for silver.
@@silversword404 Alear's sword is after the second last chapter of the game. DLC now out, all items, levels, and classes are fixed - only customization is non-force deploy units, emblems, and any inherited skills you had on the character
Wo Dao is just a really weird weapon in general. When I got Kagetsu, I was like "Why does this suck??" And more insult to injury, I'm sure you get a Killing Edge BEFORE a Wo Dao. Why IS, whyyy???
I always use killing edge as alear weapon early game. It has decent might and crit chance. Without wrath or other crit modifier, you'll get around 40-50% chance early to mid game which is more than enough for occasional crits that could help you beat enemies. The refinement is also cheap, you could get it to +5 with no issue before ch 10. Levin sword is bonkers, objectively better than flame lance. I don't know why flame lance is designed like that
The main story wyrms are technically fell dragons, so you can still hit them with effectiveness from a wyrm slayer, by using Engage+, not sure how much that comes up though.
You actually don't have to run wrath with a killing edge. a crit engrave is good enough and it only has 1 less might than a steel sword when both are at plus 3 which is all you need anyways and its not a high investment at all. I actually find brave weapons extremely underwhelming for the most part unless its brave lance timerra or brave bow alcryst. Its too playerphase oriented and brave weapons don't double on enemy phase while dealing so much less damage, their weights are absurd like brave sword is 13 weight and their whole thing is quading but is quading useful enough to sacrifice enemy phase while a killing edge might randomly crit on enemy phase in retaliation and then you kill an enemy the steel sword might not have as crits do *3 damage and if you don't crit you do relatively similar damage to a steel sword. I feel like you underestimate the power of killing edge a bit. With the well i would even say crit builds are even stronger than they were before now as there are many damage increasing skills available to you now. The probability of getting crits is already high with corrin and camilla engravings on a killing edge which will be 65% chance so wrath isn't a necessity unless you want more consistency i guess but even without wrath its fairly consistent and this 65% chance is without calculating a unit's individual crit rates from their dex stat as well.
I have unlocked Sword power 3/lance power 3 on a no DLC base game run by using the well before CH10. You T3 your first well and T4 the rest and you can easily hit sword power 3 on at least one unit. In my most recent run I was able to get Sword/Lance power 3 and sword power 1 on 3 different units (without DLC SP books).
I can't decide if THIS is the best or I should use THIS, Because THIS is much better. Seriously there should be the names of the weapons otherwise THIS is the best one indeed.
I don't agree with some point of your tier liste espacially for Wille Glanz and Wo Dao, those two are almost perfect for class like Divine Dragon, Griffin Knight, Swordmaster or Hero
I mostly agree with this list. I don't think you need to run wrath for a killer weapon. I've had excellent results running them with alacrity. Get 70% crit with some refinement and an engraving, then you've got about a 90% chance of at least 1 crit, likely preventing retaliation. The damage output is pretty similar to quading with a brave weapon, but it's much easier to achieve due to the lower weight, has a little more power, is a little less reliable, and doesn't enhance activation abilities. They also make good enemy phase weapons for tanks. They can take what would be chip damage, even from a smash weapon, and turn it into kills (sometimes) while still doing decent chip even when it fails to crit. The only 2 swords I disagree with by more than 1 tier are the wyrmslayer and armorslayer. The Wyrmslayer is very simple. For the main chapters, it only works on Wyverns, which are also weak to bows and wind magic. They're also surprisingly fast this game, making them hard to double, so they're still tough to 1 round. Wyverns are also just, not super common. The armorslayer has some more complex issues. Long story short: Diamant is the first unit that can double with it due to his high build. Solm has almost no armored enemies. Starting with the ship level, even at +5, armored enemies are bulky enough that it's going to require some extra tricks, chain attacks, damage engravings, substantial power boosting emblems, to be able to 1 round armored enemies. In chapter 21, you need to hit 77 P attack to 1 round a general. A +5 armorslayer, with a +1 damage engraving gets you... 45. So for a natural 1 round (no chain attacks, defense penetration, etc.) you'd need a whopping 32 strength. Not something you tend to see until end game. It can still be a legit piece of a toolkit. You can do 1 rounding by adding in chain attacks, Eirika, or chip damage from another source. Or run an engraving with more than +1 Mt and just have a way to deal with the severe drawbacks (Emblem of Dragon or Strength's Dodge penalty could be ignored by an Alacrity set and then trading the weapon off if there are still enemies present for example.) Overall though, armored units go down really easy through magic, and armor slayers really require some tricks to get to 1 rounding enemies in a way you'd like them to. I think the armorslayer is something of a niche pick throughout most of the game. Not a bad idea to have one on somebody, but the role it performs is situational, and even then, it's not a magic bullet.
You get Willie Glanz so unfortunately late I always forget to equip it for the final map lol. Also i wish Wo Dao and Killing Edge had switched stats because Wo Dao has better aesthetics and i wish i could use it instead
I have to say Armorslayer is B imo, solely because the game gives so so many armored weapons on engages, and they weigh less. There's still situations where Armorslayers work, such as not having engage up or being a bind rung user, but that's why I think B is where I rank it. It certainly is not a bad weapon, but there's so many ways of doing what it wants to do with other weapons that weigh you down less in the early/midgame.
@Pandamonium same. Reduces speed by less, targets rez, can be attained by chapter 6, and 1-2 rng vs 1 rng locked. I am a fan of Levin Sword. Also, fire works just as well a lot of the times. But there are times when it can come in handy. Chapter 9 has so many armors, I can see it being used there for good effect.
I want to like the S tier weapons but they are so expensive. The Hero weapons are so good, Levin is way too good, and slayer weapons have their specific uses but are very good at what they do. I tend to go for Brave or Steel/Killing in general depending on the unit. Brave for heavy hitters, while Killer is my second go to unless they have a build issue then it's Steel.
Yeh I agree, killer weapons are my go to after early game too, with a crit engrave. Before that and also without crit engrave it is steel weapons. And some high str chars can use a brave weapon. And then ofc 1 levin sword user.
I'm setting up a Maddening run planning to use Silver Blade with the Dawn Engraving on Swordmaster Boucheron. Gonna see how that works out using dodge tanking to negate the heavy downside. Also as an aside, gonna try out theif Goldmary.
I did this with Hero Lapis. She also got Perceptive and Avoid +10 early on in the game. Also paired well with her personal skill. She was pretty much unhittable, especially so on player phase, and chunked just about every enemy I pointed her at for at least half of their HP. Didn't care about the weight being higher than her build, or the enemies attempting to hit her first. I remember people saying Lapis is a bad character to show off Smash weapons as a tutorial when you get her because of her Build. But speed is the other stat that mitigates weapon weight and she has a ton of that. Even when she's equipped with a Smash weapon, she only gets doubled by the fastest of enemy classes. And those double just about everybody on Maddening.
@HAVIC101XXX Could stick Hector on thst build now, add extra damage for the weapon weight being over he build. That's the reason I'm thinking of doing this with Boucheron though, he has a native 20% build growth.
Can you make a guide on how to build axe units? Swords & lances come naturally to me, every axe unit I inherit dies and idk how to make my current units efficient on them
Caladbolg is fair, but if briontac and revalanche aren't A and S tier I'm gonna flip. Briontac is a great spear Revalanche is just broken and upgrades well Edit:Killer weapons are great on fliers, particularly gryffyn knight
A +3 armor slayer is effectively 32 might vs armor. The +5 one is 42 might, plus strength in both cases. So probably? On someone with 30 str the +3 is 62 damage, up to 72 with sword power 5. Even against 50 def, that'll do 22x2 damage.
@@IamHattman I guess I just didn’t want to invest in upgrading it when I can just use magic. The base damage really start to fall off mid game. Also it takes up one extra inventory space.
@@dsch772 armorslayer doesn’t even need more then plus 2 to stay relevant as a flex weapon on sword users. You can use magic for sure, but having it also just allows your sword users to deal with them extremely easily. Also I’m not sure why inventory space is even part of the discussion. Outside of staff users and mages. Most other units will have 1 or 2 slots that go completely unused.
The S-rank sword is so underwhelming, it costs so much more to max forge up and will only have 2 more might than a max forged silver, and the 5 more hit and 10 more crit are rather moot points since sword users aren't going to have that much of an issue with hitting compared to other weapon types and crit, in this game, typically only matters in crit builds.
you can easily find a guide online on how to, basically download FEH to your phone, link your nintendo acc to FEH acc, after a bunch of steps you should be able to claim free stuff on FEH
seem to be 2 options 1 creat a fire emblem heroes account and get the code, there are some videos about it 2 this i saw it somewhere else and you just need to wait 30 mins as of this writing, so wave 4 is released and it suppose to give the feh weapons without linking to feh(as i said saw it somewhere that it will be a sort of free update)
What is your opinion of Libération becoming like the Tomes? Example from Fire to Elfire to Bolganone? With better effects? From Fills Engage meter by one when the user attacks and defeats a foe in a single turn to a max of five when ranked up to D to S tier? And the same with Wille Glanz? For example to me it sounds like what would be a better Libération. It keeps its 1 to 2 range and it has the ability of Libération. What is your opinion on those versions I put out?
Maxing your bond with a ring reduces the engage meter by 1. Alears canon class adds 1 extra meter to every combat. So if you kill with the weapon you get 3 pips with the cost being reduced by 1. Liberation should never give more lmao. Alear can already basically chain engage if done correctly.
@@SH1NK1R01 I know that but I just thought to put it out there what I would do to change Libération to make it and Wille Glanz better and bump up there ranks
Framme is good because her growth rates are well suited for Martial Master and the Qi Adept-type is good solely for its unique bonus with Bonded Shield, whereas the only other two units in the game that come as Qi Adept are Jean and Seadall. The latter spends every turn dancing as its action, and the former wants to be on a different class to be optimal.
I don't know if I can trust your tier list until you do a food weapon only run
It still baffles me that the devs decided _LAPIS_ would be the unit to demonstrate Smashing weapons. On my run, she ran up to an enemy, got wrecked, then smashed them away for negligible damage.
Your Engage videos are second to none
Keep up the good work
Thanks m8 :) your comments are second to none
Fire Emblem: Biting Blade S tier
I guess he never really tried the biting blade as it is almost as light as the iron swore with everything else better, it can act first and double, clearly not F tier
The Killing Edge has to be my favorite, it look the COOLEST and it the best a Killing Edge ever looked. It also allows for high chance at Critting.
I think it looks too close to wrymslayer, if wrymslayer was closer to Awakening’s rendition then I’d agree with you.
Your content is entertaining enough for me to watch it even though I finished the game like around 10 times and don't even need the guides love it. That soundboard never misses btw okay and oops being my personal favorites.
I like how the chocolate sword look like the Buster sword to some degree.
That's EXACTLY what I thought! XD
Bro it took me too long to figure out that killing edge was actually the better version of Wo Dao, I was so confused as to why it seemed so much worse and why we got it so early lol. Also, if you fully upgrade it and give it the marth engraving, Liberation actually stayed as my main weapon for Alear all the way through the final map, and it stayed one rounding nearly everything. But obv that requires full investment into it and arguably putting the best engraving onto it
I am hoping for the next Fire Emblem is that S tier weapons they make more exciting to use and get them a lot sooner rather than only able to use them for the final chapter which is not even that hard to begin with.
coffee bros ENGAGE
Just clicked on the video. If the levin sword isn’t S tier, I’m doing a lythos only run next time I play maddening
For the Wo Dao vs Killing Edge, the Wo Dao is better on a less accurate unit with high strength like Diamant 3ho can already hit hard but have lower dex caps/growths. It also gains more crit by forging then the Killing Edge, though it still ends up 5 crit less if you compare +5 versions.
It's other use case is really low build units as it's quite a bit lighter.
Huh... who else would it be great for then? Panette if you decided to change her class I guess?
High strength, low dex and build.
That's an awkward combo.
Panette and Rosado, maybe? Their dex isn't BAD, but...?
@aprinnyonbreak1290 I was thinking Etie on a sword class, primarily, Louis probably as well. It could also just be that they just whooped the weapon design between the two of them.
Killing edge is good on pretty much all sword users. Wo dao is good on almost none, worthless weapon.
@@timm8998 Except for where it is. I almost never reach for a putty knife when I'm at work, I don't usually need it. But I do have one for when it's the right tool. Even if it's months between uses. This is the same kind of thing.
Levin Sword HAS to be top of S-tier. With the DLC you can get one super early through steel sword refine and use it on celine, but admittedly its not that strong early. But if you go sword griffin knight Chloe (optional Soren/Chrom Ring), and levin sword mage knight Pandreo, it 1 rounds everything, and can break axes which no other tome can do.
If you watch Verve's LTC run, he uses the Georgios in a super interesting way, which is to use it as the Lodestar Rush weapon to basically 1 shot any boss, including 1 life of the final boss.
its definitely S tier even though its niche, when you have Marth.
The thing is, with DLC (the 20 silver) any weapon u upgrade will 1 shot enemies. A steel lance/sword/dagger +4 will 1 shot everything too. That is also why the DLC pretty much trivializes maddening.
Importantly, you get a free Brave Sword from Brodia level 4 donation, which, if you're playing the donation game properly, you should reach pretty early. I think this partly changes the meta around swords because +2 brave sword isn't even expensive and sword power is attainable even without dlc if you make good use of the well.
Personally, I think of the 3 FEH weapons, the axe stands out as the strongest, since the later refinements give more might. As a result, I don't upgrade the FEH sword at all.
Spoiler for endgame
I don’t know why people give Wille Glanz crap. It’s a 1-2 range sword exclusive to Alear. Alear’s Magic Stat isn’t good enough to use the Levin Sword that well.
The sword comes right near the end of the game (bad availability)
It's pretty inaccurate (70 base hit)
Expensive upgrades
That's what I can remember off the top of my head
@@yes1667 those are fair points. Especially the availability.
It’s great for default class Alear, but most people use another class that has other 2 range options
@@AshenDust_Yeah. I usually use Axe Hero Alear instead of Divine Dragon Alear.
Axes > Arts
So Wille Glanz is a solid weapon. It's no Ragnell or Binding Blade though.
@@ResurgentRaven But with the Fire Engraving it is a monster
Mt: 16
Hit: 100
Crit: 20
Wt: 9
Avo: 20
Ddg: 20
My squad/party
Alear Divine Dragon Emblem one of the Hero's rings with Fire on Wille Glanze
Alfred Avenir Emblem Roy with Binding on Brave Lance
Celine Vidame Emblem Marth Beginnings on Excalibur or Levin sword
Diamont Successeur Emblem Ike with skills Heavy Attack Dual Assist Radiance on Georgios
Alcryst Tireur d'élite Emblem Lyn Blazeing on Lendabair
Ivy Lindwurm Emblem Celica Echoes on Excalibur
Hortensia Sleipnir Rider Emblem Micaiah Dawn on Elthunder
Timerra Picket Emblem Lief with skills Heavy Attack Dual Assist Genealogy on Venomous
Fogado Cupido Emblem Eirika Sacred on Brave Bow
Veyle Fell Child Emblem Corrin Fates on Obscurité
Nel Fell Child Emblem Sigurd Holy on Fell Ruinston or Représailles
Rafal Fell Child Emblem Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude Rivals on Fell Ruinstone or Revanche
Seadal Dancer Emblem Lucina Awakening on Flashing Fist art
Gregory Sage Emblem Byleth Academy on Nova
I upgraded my first Killing Edge into a Wo Dao because I thought I was clever and going all in and it was so bad I got confusion and just stopped using crit weapons for the rest of the run, lol.
Liberation is prrobably being a little undervalued here. For 6 silver and a little bit of other stuff you get an 11 Mt 105 hit 6 wt weapon that also speeds your engage meter along. That means Alear loses 2 speed to Liberation or 7 to a steel sword (that's all of his speed). Maybe it's not worth upgrading because the issue is MOSTLY fixed after promotion, but even then you're looking at losing 0 speed with liberation vs. losing 2 with a steel sword at level 11 post promotion on fixed growths.
Caladbolg is a Diamant weapon, pretty perfect for him really, By the time you get it he should either be at 12 build or close to it and will have S rank in Swords due to successor. At which point it's just a weightless 15 mt sword, so fantastic even without upgrades.
Sword Power hasn't got a lot of disussion I think because before the well it just wasn't a feasible skill to get. Probably changes a lot though.Adding ten to weapon MT all of a sudden makes other concerns way more important that MT for those characters.
I think one thing interesting to note about Steel Blade is that there’s a lot of B Swords classes in the game.
Avenir, Cupido, Vidame, Non Sword Prof GK + Wyvern + Wolf Knight + MK, and Sword Prof Bow Knight.
When planning to use a sword emblem (which is like half the emblems) on any of these classes, it gives access to toolbox wyrmslayer (although sword emblems generally have an anti dragon option anyway) and armorslayer, but also best damage available in steel blade in engage attacks so it’s actually pretty common to see steel blade as best option in those cases.
Stack Wyrmslayers with Engage+, and suddenly everyone can body the final boss... It's hilarious
I think Armorslayer may be too high. I’ve had trouble getting my units to double armors with it because of the weight . This is early game when we don’t have as much access to magic, and after chapter 11, we have more magical attacks at our disposal. Also I do think being S rank for swords should count against since the only class for them is either Swordmaster or Successeur Diamant unless you have innate Sword proficiency on Paladin or Griffon.
Pretty good list. For Willie Glanz, Id say its pretty decent because it gives Alear at least a strong range option, which Alear doesnt have for the entire game. But yeah, like you said, its availability is so bad. I did try Wo Dao a playthrough, just to see if it was as bad as it seems. I used it on Lapis, which honestly, made it a bit better, since her builds not the best and she can wield it. I never +5d it, but I did +4 it early (this was on maddening). And it allowed my Lapis Wolf Knight to do respectable damage sometimes with crits. But yeah, in the end, the only thing noteworthy about it is if a unit cant really wield Killing Edge, then they can wield Wo Dao, and thats about it. Lol Its quite bad. I mean, I made use of it all the way through maddening, but still bad.
Honestly I just like having 2nd opinion on this game because I make such noob decisions, even on weapon decisions
Candy sword is actually great and should be part of the meta. Same with any candy weapon.
So here's what you do:
Put it on every sword unit that is NOT in use. Then you can give their old weapons to your used characters, or sell them, or dump them into the well. This way your unused characters will still participate in arena battles and be easy wins for extra exp and sp gain with sp conversion, without wasting an actually combat worthy weapon.
Would have liked you to mention Liberations very low resource requirement to max it out other than that great tier list
Killing edge go brr. It's my main character's go to weapon. I maxed it out and slapped a engraving that boosted its power, and now I cut down anything that isn't a armored unit
I came across this looking for some opinions because I'm researching/spreadsheeting the best weapons to invest in so I can be more efficient in my next run, and wanted to correct something that was said that is a surprisingly common misconception. Steel weapons cost equivalent of 3.4 silver to +3 or 14 silver to +5, while Silver weapons cost equivalent of 2 silver to +1 and 11 silver to +3. This means that silver weapons are actually cheaper to forge to the same level of comparable steel while still having more investment potential left.
Also Killing Edge +5 is only 1 Mt lower than Steel Sword +5, it's at least equal to if not better than steel on any character that doesn't have the build for silver.
Alear's sword is basically for post game only
Though, on a completed save i think you can use it in the story DLC
Nah, it’s good all throughout, you just need to forge it. I gave it the academy engrave and it was really good. My Alear became a dodgetank
@@silversword404 Alear's sword is after the second last chapter of the game.
DLC now out, all items, levels, and classes are fixed - only customization is non-force deploy units, emblems, and any inherited skills you had on the character
@@MasterStacona oh
Wo Dao is just a really weird weapon in general. When I got Kagetsu, I was like "Why does this suck??" And more insult to injury, I'm sure you get a Killing Edge BEFORE a Wo Dao. Why IS, whyyy???
At least it's free basically 🤷
@@vicentesanchezjr.3877 Yeah. It's a free 2000 gold or so to sell lol
Or free to throw into the well~
I always use killing edge as alear weapon early game. It has decent might and crit chance. Without wrath or other crit modifier, you'll get around 40-50% chance early to mid game which is more than enough for occasional crits that could help you beat enemies. The refinement is also cheap, you could get it to +5 with no issue before ch 10.
Levin sword is bonkers, objectively better than flame lance. I don't know why flame lance is designed like that
The main story wyrms are technically fell dragons, so you can still hit them with effectiveness from a wyrm slayer, by using Engage+, not sure how much that comes up though.
banger intro
I can't wait for the spear and axe tier
You actually don't have to run wrath with a killing edge. a crit engrave is good enough and it only has 1 less might than a steel sword when both are at plus 3 which is all you need anyways and its not a high investment at all. I actually find brave weapons extremely underwhelming for the most part unless its brave lance timerra or brave bow alcryst. Its too playerphase oriented and brave weapons don't double on enemy phase while dealing so much less damage, their weights are absurd like brave sword is 13 weight and their whole thing is quading but is quading useful enough to sacrifice enemy phase while a killing edge might randomly crit on enemy phase in retaliation and then you kill an enemy the steel sword might not have as crits do *3 damage and if you don't crit you do relatively similar damage to a steel sword. I feel like you underestimate the power of killing edge a bit. With the well i would even say crit builds are even stronger than they were before now as there are many damage increasing skills available to you now. The probability of getting crits is already high with corrin and camilla engravings on a killing edge which will be 65% chance so wrath isn't a necessity unless you want more consistency i guess but even without wrath its fairly consistent and this 65% chance is without calculating a unit's individual crit rates from their dex stat as well.
Wo Dao should have been a heavy weapon - still not sure if I'd run it, but at least it would have its own niche instead of being a worse killing edge
Yes you can use sword power with levin sword... but you get sword power sooo late though. Until then it'll just be a slightly better elfire.
I have unlocked Sword power 3/lance power 3 on a no DLC base game run by using the well before CH10. You T3 your first well and T4 the rest and you can easily hit sword power 3 on at least one unit. In my most recent run I was able to get Sword/Lance power 3 and sword power 1 on 3 different units (without DLC SP books).
I can't decide if THIS is the best or I should use THIS, Because THIS is much better. Seriously there should be the names of the weapons otherwise THIS is the best one indeed.
I don't agree with some point of your tier liste espacially for Wille Glanz and Wo Dao, those two are almost perfect for class like Divine Dragon, Griffin Knight, Swordmaster or Hero
I mostly agree with this list.
I don't think you need to run wrath for a killer weapon. I've had excellent results running them with alacrity. Get 70% crit with some refinement and an engraving, then you've got about a 90% chance of at least 1 crit, likely preventing retaliation. The damage output is pretty similar to quading with a brave weapon, but it's much easier to achieve due to the lower weight, has a little more power, is a little less reliable, and doesn't enhance activation abilities. They also make good enemy phase weapons for tanks. They can take what would be chip damage, even from a smash weapon, and turn it into kills (sometimes) while still doing decent chip even when it fails to crit.
The only 2 swords I disagree with by more than 1 tier are the wyrmslayer and armorslayer.
The Wyrmslayer is very simple. For the main chapters, it only works on Wyverns, which are also weak to bows and wind magic. They're also surprisingly fast this game, making them hard to double, so they're still tough to 1 round. Wyverns are also just, not super common.
The armorslayer has some more complex issues.
Long story short: Diamant is the first unit that can double with it due to his high build.
Solm has almost no armored enemies.
Starting with the ship level, even at +5, armored enemies are bulky enough that it's going to require some extra tricks, chain attacks, damage engravings, substantial power boosting emblems, to be able to 1 round armored enemies. In chapter 21, you need to hit 77 P attack to 1 round a general. A +5 armorslayer, with a +1 damage engraving gets you... 45. So for a natural 1 round (no chain attacks, defense penetration, etc.) you'd need a whopping 32 strength. Not something you tend to see until end game.
It can still be a legit piece of a toolkit. You can do 1 rounding by adding in chain attacks, Eirika, or chip damage from another source. Or run an engraving with more than +1 Mt and just have a way to deal with the severe drawbacks (Emblem of Dragon or Strength's Dodge penalty could be ignored by an Alacrity set and then trading the weapon off if there are still enemies present for example.)
Overall though, armored units go down really easy through magic, and armor slayers really require some tricks to get to 1 rounding enemies in a way you'd like them to. I think the armorslayer is something of a niche pick throughout most of the game. Not a bad idea to have one on somebody, but the role it performs is situational, and even then, it's not a magic bullet.
if biting blade keep its stats but change its ability to that of fruit knife from fates (restore 10 hp per turn when equiped), would it be good?
You get Willie Glanz so unfortunately late I always forget to equip it for the final map lol. Also i wish Wo Dao and Killing Edge had switched stats because Wo Dao has better aesthetics and i wish i could use it instead
I have to say Armorslayer is B imo, solely because the game gives so so many armored weapons on engages, and they weigh less.
There's still situations where Armorslayers work, such as not having engage up or being a bind rung user, but that's why I think B is where I rank it. It certainly is not a bad weapon, but there's so many ways of doing what it wants to do with other weapons that weigh you down less in the early/midgame.
I found that Levin Sword even on physical units like Dragon Alear would do roughly equal or more damage against armors, on top of more range.
@Pandamonium same. Reduces speed by less, targets rez, can be attained by chapter 6, and 1-2 rng vs 1 rng locked. I am a fan of Levin Sword. Also, fire works just as well a lot of the times.
But there are times when it can come in handy. Chapter 9 has so many armors, I can see it being used there for good effect.
Willie Glanz is F-tier just for the name.
Engage weapons when
Alear as paladin uses S-rank swords
There aren't any smash food weapons in the game and their stats are basically better iron weapons for being d rank weapons
I want to like the S tier weapons but they are so expensive. The Hero weapons are so good, Levin is way too good, and slayer weapons have their specific uses but are very good at what they do. I tend to go for Brave or Steel/Killing in general depending on the unit. Brave for heavy hitters, while Killer is my second go to unless they have a build issue then it's Steel.
Yeh I agree, killer weapons are my go to after early game too, with a crit engrave. Before that and also without crit engrave it is steel weapons. And some high str chars can use a brave weapon. And then ofc 1 levin sword user.
I'm setting up a Maddening run planning to use Silver Blade with the Dawn Engraving on Swordmaster Boucheron. Gonna see how that works out using dodge tanking to negate the heavy downside.
Also as an aside, gonna try out theif Goldmary.
Doesn't dawn tank the damage too much? Seems more like a pegasis Knight engrave to get the weight down to their build and beef up their avoid
starphere and sigurds engrave might be better.
Bouche is about to really struggle on swordmaster lol
I did this with Hero Lapis. She also got Perceptive and Avoid +10 early on in the game. Also paired well with her personal skill. She was pretty much unhittable, especially so on player phase, and chunked just about every enemy I pointed her at for at least half of their HP. Didn't care about the weight being higher than her build, or the enemies attempting to hit her first.
I remember people saying Lapis is a bad character to show off Smash weapons as a tutorial when you get her because of her Build. But speed is the other stat that mitigates weapon weight and she has a ton of that. Even when she's equipped with a Smash weapon, she only gets doubled by the fastest of enemy classes. And those double just about everybody on Maddening.
@HAVIC101XXX Could stick Hector on thst build now, add extra damage for the weapon weight being over he build.
That's the reason I'm thinking of doing this with Boucheron though, he has a native 20% build growth.
Can you make a guide on how to build axe units? Swords & lances come naturally to me, every axe unit I inherit dies and idk how to make my current units efficient on them
Uh, craft a +3 killer axe and put on panette/kagetsu warrior or wyvern lord. There really isnt much to build :D
Why the pitch change on the intro 😂 regardless, I like it.
Caladbolg is fair, but if briontac and revalanche aren't A and S tier I'm gonna flip.
Briontac is a great spear
Revalanche is just broken and upgrades well
Edit:Killer weapons are great on fliers, particularly gryffyn knight
How do you keep a straight face while saying the name "Willy glands"?
People use armor effective weapons? Do they actually even do damage given the amount of defense enemy armor units have?
A +3 armor slayer is effectively 32 might vs armor. The +5 one is 42 might, plus strength in both cases. So probably? On someone with 30 str the +3 is 62 damage, up to 72 with sword power 5. Even against 50 def, that'll do 22x2 damage.
@@IamHattman I guess I just didn’t want to invest in upgrading it when I can just use magic. The base damage really start to fall off mid game. Also it takes up one extra inventory space.
@@dsch772 I just used mine on Alear, kept it in the Convoy.
@@dsch772 armorslayer doesn’t even need more then plus 2 to stay relevant as a flex weapon on sword users. You can use magic for sure, but having it also just allows your sword users to deal with them extremely easily. Also I’m not sure why inventory space is even part of the discussion. Outside of staff users and mages. Most other units will have 1 or 2 slots that go completely unused.
@@SH1NK1R01 Cause I don't run dedicated sword users I guess?
The S-rank sword is so underwhelming, it costs so much more to max forge up and will only have 2 more might than a max forged silver, and the 5 more hit and 10 more crit are rather moot points since sword users aren't going to have that much of an issue with hitting compared to other weapon types and crit, in this game, typically only matters in crit builds.
I don’t care, I’m gonna beat Sambrom with the Chocolate Blade
steel blade is good for magic lodestar rush on celine
Dumb question how do you get the fire emblem heroes weapon in game
You can probably find a video on UA-cam, but I just googled it and found a guide pretty quickly. It takes like 10 minutes to do all of it
you can easily find a guide online on how to, basically download FEH to your phone, link your nintendo acc to FEH acc, after a bunch of steps you should be able to claim free stuff on FEH
seem to be 2 options
1 creat a fire emblem heroes account and get the code, there are some videos about it
2 this i saw it somewhere else and you just need to wait 30 mins as of this writing, so wave 4 is released and it suppose to give the feh weapons without linking to feh(as i said saw it somewhere that it will be a sort of free update)
Fire Emblem naming conventions are so goofy 😂 a Steel Sword should be a lighter version of an Iron Sword, not the other way around
What is your opinion of Libération becoming like the Tomes? Example from Fire to Elfire to Bolganone?
With better effects? From Fills Engage meter by one when the user attacks and defeats a foe in a single turn to a max of five when ranked up to D to S tier?
And the same with Wille Glanz? For example to me it sounds like what would be a better Libération. It keeps its 1 to 2 range and it has the ability of Libération. What is your opinion on those versions I put out?
Maxing your bond with a ring reduces the engage meter by 1. Alears canon class adds 1 extra meter to every combat. So if you kill with the weapon you get 3 pips with the cost being reduced by 1. Liberation should never give more lmao. Alear can already basically chain engage if done correctly.
@@SH1NK1R01 I know that but I just thought to put it out there what I would do to change Libération to make it and Wille Glanz better and bump up there ranks
Why are you using Framme so much in your thumbnails 😳
She's unironically good as a Lucina bonded shielder.
Check his Framme video from a couple days ago, goes into depth on why Framme is good.
Framme is good because her growth rates are well suited for Martial Master and the Qi Adept-type is good solely for its unique bonus with Bonded Shield, whereas the only other two units in the game that come as Qi Adept are Jean and Seadall. The latter spends every turn dancing as its action, and the former wants to be on a different class to be optimal.
Why do you care?
@@jackmanleblanc2518 She is the best