Obscuritè when upgraded gets about 40% crit rate. If you give veyle Soren he also doubles crit rate on times when engaged giving it upwards of 80% crit rate
About Obscurité, if we look purely at stats, yes I agree with your tier placing. However, for functionality, easy S-tier, possibly OP/broken. You place Soren on Veyle with a crit engrave & Hold Out and you can practically solo maps with Bonded Shield because of the 80-100% Crits you’ll be doing on Maddening. Of course this is only with DLC but is absolutely insane.
With Obscurité you specifically need a Crit Engraving and Soren engaged to take advantage of it. Soren doubles a Dragon character's total crit rate, so the dark tome's 10 is an extra 20%. Pair it with Corrin or Camilla's engraving and you have 80% crit rate on Veyle already before counting in stats. Otherwise it's just a worse Bolganone by itself like you said.
On top of this, if you give veyle hold out combined with flares 50% health regen shes a enemy phase machine. As long as no one hits her with a longbow.
the average fe fan struggling to pronounce Fólkvangr, Nóatún, and Hliõskjálf: fire emblem heroes: Lyfjaberg, Geirskögul, Sökkvabekkr, Ljósálfar, Dökkálfar, Dökkálfheimr, Ljósálfheimr, Mögprasir, Auto-Lofnheiõr, Niõavellir Sprig, Lyngheiör, Jötnar bow, Skinfaxi, Hrímfaxi, Grim Brokkr, and Körmt, with many more that I can't type with this keyboard, hell a few I had to type with a wrong symbol
Nice list! You can still die with Nosferatu if you get doubled because the second hit will come after you heal, which means you end combat with 1 hp. The next unit that attacks you can kill you.
Yeah I don’t think thoron is 3 range in Awakening and also can double so that’s why Robin’s is like that, but they should’ve used Arcthunder or something, since that isn’t in this game, so it’d be way less confusing lol
For Engage tomes like Rexcalibur you kind of have to consider abilities together with them since they come together in one package anyway. Soren's Keen insight gives +5 might on effective (which I think also scales with the x3 effective damage multiplier), so you can easily oneshot even high Res Griffins with Rexcalibur that other Wind tomes can't. The difference is more noticeable in Fell Xenologue where stats and levels are fixed.
I also think with Rexcalibur you need to at least consider how it enables Qi Adept Soren builds, which get 100% of the damage dealt by tomes. Rexcalibur single-handedly is necessary for these builds, as otherwise Qi Adept classes don’t have tomes. Sure, Soren!Veyle is better, but that’s only a thing for 4 chapters and any Paralogues you delay until then
One thing I'll say about Shine is that a lot of skirmishes actually make the map dark, so if you're doing those on hard or normal it's definitely way more useful. Otherwise, on maddening, your only access to skirmishes is in the divine paralogues and fell xenologues which are unbelievably easy anyway (except now, thanks to the fell xenologue, corrupt wyvern enemies spawn in skirmishes)
Sometimes, Excalibur lets me double where Bolganone won’t, getting me a kill. It depends on if I want to feed someone else. Just my own personal experience running both on Sage Anna.
11:52 I guess this was pre-recorded because with whole Soren debacle from yesterday this is a rather insane argument. That said your argument on Obscurite's Weight is spot-on, tho this tome was probably made for Sombron, not Veyle, lol. It would probably be an A-rank tome because the work is being put on by Soren and the engraving.
Yeah, I did this before my Soren Journey lmao. I can definitely improve at responding to things and I need to be more curious/ask more questions when people suggest things or give pushback or feedback.
Self-criticism is always a step in the right direction. Having watched so many of your videos before, you were always curious on builds/stuff you hadn't tried and were eager to test them (and that is one of your main strengths), so your reaction felt out of place. I'm glad you are being more open-minded about it instead of reacting negatively, keep the good work!
You had a tier list in another video about units (forget exactly which one). VERY CONVENIENTLY, you had the class names below the unit's icon. THAT IS ENORMOUSLY HELPFUL. Many tier lists of this type (especially FE, where the units are hard-to-decipher sprites) use some icon of which they're all similar. Then they proceed NOT to label the icons, necessitating the viewer be constantly engaged with the audio and video. Some folks might want to just listen and read another browser tab or whatever, then check back. Seeing a bunch of different-colored books in B tier doesn't tell me much, because I don't know the difference between the blue-colored books and the red-colored book. Rant over. Pardon me, please. At any rate, thanks for the video!
7:07 For that I've found giving it a Micaiah engrave works out great as a tome to slap on staff users (example, Hortensia) to give them a chance to fight a bit.
Surge / Elsurge is the most disappointing new tome they added, but i like the concept of cannot miss tomes to deal with enemy dodge tanks. What I would change to Surge and Elsurge is make it a 1-2 range tome instead of only 1 range, it still cannot miss no matter what, but it gains the line "Cannot Follow-Up." This way it deals with those high avoid units which you cannot double anyways. I would also change wind magic from effective to fliers to high base crit rate with low might at 1-2 range, just like in Shadows of Valentia, so that Fire is basic magic, Electric is inaccurate long range artillery magic, Wind is killer magic, and Surge is accuracy and low damage magic; giving all the magic a proper purpose to why they should be used over another tome. I would also give the Surge line A rank tomes like Bolganone, Thoron, and Excalibur so that it properly scales into late and end game when you need it the most to deal with high avoid enemies.
benefit to rexcalibur, is you can have soren on a unit that doesn't have excalibur and can use it while engaged. also saved you upgrade costs from excalibur that you can put on bolganone
What makes rexcalibur even better is that it has 25 more hit than excalibur (and 5 more crit). Griffin Knights are extremely fast which means they have high avoid. Sages don't have the best dex. And the unique magic classes (Ivy and Celine) have low dex as well. So while they can one shot griffins, they often miss without some engrave help. Rexcalibur makes the griffin kills much more consistent
Awakening Thoron is 1-2 range and works like Bolganone, most fire emblems the magic is the same between each other. Shadows of Valentia has the unique magic where Fire is basic, Electric is 1-3 range and no follow up, and Wind is low might with high crit rate killer magic at 1-2 range like fire. I like Shadows of Valentia the best and Engage took from that, but they made wind effective vs fliers rather than killer magic.
Random 5 second idea for bows if we brought back the magic triangle. We obviously just need a third triangle with Fists, Daggers, and Bows. Idk what direction it would go in, but 3 triangles is obviously the solution.
fire emblem has a history of naming weapons after greek mythology, feh does it most often but things like mjolner (thunder tome named after thor’s hammer) are in geneology
Slowly but surely youre realizing the power soren has. One of the most popular veyle builds involves him, and her exclusive tome (and it is a crit build!) Also, soren comes with the skill keen insight, which grants an additional 7 damage when using effective weapons. It is insanely powerful, enough to OHKO Griffons on maddening.
I had a lot of units die in my maddening run so when i got veyle i just gave her my unused byelth ring so she could do the four way dance and never really invested or used her beyond that. Since she was my only S rank tome user i also just gave her nova and then in the endgame with Byleth's added range she was able to one round armour knights with nova from like 4 range which was stupid helpful
Though you can apply any tome to Anima Focus since they are specifically Soren's weapons feel like it's worth calling out Rexcalibur also inflicts mov -2 and Bolting hit -20
I hate to admit to myself that I'm a dummy. But I'm surprised that I never notice that each tome/spell book has its own sigil. I usually thought it's a copy and paste of 4 different symbols on multiple Fire Emblem spell books. (Minus personal or legendary spell books from different FE games.) But in this case; each spell book/tomes design is unique. I'm not just dumbfounded by this revelation, I am quite impressed by this attention to detail. 😄
Hlidskjalf is pronounced as HLITH-skyahlf. By the way, both Hlidskjalf and Élivágar are from Norse Mythology. Hlidskjalf is Odin's throne while Élivágar are the ice waves or rivers that existed in the primordial void, Ginnungagap during the beginning of the world. Also both are Veronica's weapons from Fire Emblem: Heroes.
It's really sad that both of Celica's Engage tomes badically get matched or out preformed by a Bolganone+1 imo. I wish they were stronger in comparison.
Between Mage Cannoneer and Bolting, Intelligent Systems is definitely trying to balance true artillery magic for the next fire emblem with no weapon durability
Since we have daggers and fists/gauntlets now we can bring back the magic triangle and make a new bow>dagger>fist>bow triangle and have three weapon triangles
Why are all these tomes so similar looking, like if I just saw this list at the end without hearing you placing them where you did, I would have no clue what they all are lol. That being said, I do like that almost every tome has viability depending on where your at in the game and how you use them
My hardest chapter is chapter 21 and training units for chapter 21 like jade taking arrows and hortensina I used jean as my healer but I have one flyer that being chole so I’m lvling her up for the corrin heals
@@leoerus That and both Vajra-Mushti and Sword of the Creator getting boosted by strength if they do so that is why And nice Icon it works for your comment
I really like the weapon triangle in Fate where tome beats bows beats shuriken... Really weird that they don't bring it back and just change shuriken to dagger but nope, instead we have fist beating them all for some weird reason
Bolganone is A tier, Thoron and Nova are S tier Nova is a brave tome, does not really need explanation. Thoron I find way more useful as it is safe damage and does more damage than Bolganone most of the time and that Bolganone is mostly only used to kill armoured units, where as Thoron you can always use and use safely every turn.
oh to add something, I have an idea for a magic triangleish wind advantage to fire, because blow out candles, thunder advantage against wind because idk pokemon, fire advantage against thunder because... idk that just feels like it makes sense dark magic has advantage against all that because dark magic surge has advantage against dark magic because like surge of light or smthn, but the 3 "base" ones, thunder, wind, fire, all have advantage against surge
Thanks IS for making any silver tier weapon useless unless its brave on a tank lol. Bolganone fits the silver is worthless tier cuz of its abysmal hitrate and weight making it so much worse than a +3 elfire or a levin sword its a waste of time to bother with Bolganone.
Agreed with Coffee here, there should have been magic types ala GBA. GBA had the best for magic, imo. Magic suffered an L for diversity imo. Anima was the balanced type, Light was the fast and subversive type, and Dark was the unga bunga type. And now, magic in Engage suffered the same fate as Phys attacks in Persona 4, being lumped together in one type. Which I am not too fond of.
Excalibur is trash, only 10 might, 1 less than Elfire and weights 2 more. Only 80% hit compared to Bolganone 85% and you wouldn't likely engrave in a tome that is inferior to Elfire/Bolganone against everything but fliers. You also get it pretty late in C20 from Griss unless you reforge Elwind into one. You should have far better options to ORKO fliers like Silver/Radiant bow or a Hurricane Axe, which all come with superior might that gets tripled compared to Excalibur which is tied with a Steel bow. It's also nearly impossible for Mage knight to double Griffins as they have 32 spd base cap, C23 Griffins already have 34-36 AS for example
Engage enemy fliers are bulky enough there's little reason to not have Excalibur in people's inventories. It's the difference between most mages doing 15 and 35 damage to them. You have inventory enough for you mages to have all of Bolganone , Excalibur, and Thoron anyway.
Lol it has been 5 days, I am currently halfway through my 7 man run and would need to make another new save file then speed through the xenologues on normal to immediately resume beating the game on maddening with the new units, test those units, etc.
Fire is objectively a bad tome, but I do use it on my Ivy build. She has Celica's ring, draconic hex and speed +5. I use echoes, deal first hit with fire (because of it's high accuracy), and then finish the enemy with nova.
Don't worry, it's just a big spoon
She wanted to absorb its powers of WINDSWEEP
Obscuritè when upgraded gets about 40% crit rate. If you give veyle Soren he also doubles crit rate on times when engaged giving it upwards of 80% crit rate
Wait why didn’t I know he doubles crit rate
@@rhettmitchell it only activates on dragons
I cried when he said how good nosferatu can be when Obscurite is that but can crit with Soren and a crit engraving
This is what makes Veyle one of my MVPs right next to Panette.
And that's just Obscurité alone, let's add Veyle's own crit rate into the mix... oops all crits.
I thought Veronica’s staff was considered a magical axe with how any unit hold it.
The game says it's a tome, despite everyone using axe animations
If you want to go even further
It's a Staff Wielded like an Axe that deals Magic Damage and is considered a Tome :>
Hilthskjalf, for the purposes of, like, Tome Precision etc, is considered a Tome.
About Obscurité, if we look purely at stats, yes I agree with your tier placing. However, for functionality, easy S-tier, possibly OP/broken.
You place Soren on Veyle with a crit engrave & Hold Out and you can practically solo maps with Bonded Shield because of the 80-100% Crits you’ll be doing on Maddening. Of course this is only with DLC but is absolutely insane.
For Soren Veyle crit build I agree it moves up
With Obscurité you specifically need a Crit Engraving and Soren engaged to take advantage of it. Soren doubles a Dragon character's total crit rate, so the dark tome's 10 is an extra 20%. Pair it with Corrin or Camilla's engraving and you have 80% crit rate on Veyle already before counting in stats.
Otherwise it's just a worse Bolganone by itself like you said.
On top of this, if you give veyle hold out combined with flares 50% health regen shes a enemy phase machine. As long as no one hits her with a longbow.
the average fe fan struggling to pronounce Fólkvangr, Nóatún, and Hliõskjálf:
fire emblem heroes: Lyfjaberg, Geirskögul, Sökkvabekkr, Ljósálfar, Dökkálfar, Dökkálfheimr, Ljósálfheimr, Mögprasir, Auto-Lofnheiõr, Niõavellir Sprig, Lyngheiör, Jötnar bow, Skinfaxi, Hrímfaxi, Grim Brokkr, and Körmt, with many more that I can't type with this keyboard, hell a few I had to type with a wrong symbol
Nice list!
You can still die with Nosferatu if you get doubled because the second hit will come after you heal, which means you end combat with 1 hp. The next unit that attacks you can kill you.
To truly understand Obscurite, one must run full degen Veyle. Camilla engrave, Soren emblem, Hold Out, Vantage. Consistent 88-100% crit rates.
Saving this build to try it later
Thanks! I love veyle, currently on my dlc run and will def check this out , much love from alabama.
@@kiretan8599 insert one of the many Alabama jokes here
Yeah I don’t think thoron is 3 range in Awakening and also can double so that’s why Robin’s is like that, but they should’ve used Arcthunder or something, since that isn’t in this game, so it’d be way less confusing lol
it isn't 3 range in awakening.
also ngl they should have given nos to chrobin because nos tanking beyond deletes the game
For Engage tomes like Rexcalibur you kind of have to consider abilities together with them since they come together in one package anyway. Soren's Keen insight gives +5 might on effective (which I think also scales with the x3 effective damage multiplier), so you can easily oneshot even high Res Griffins with Rexcalibur that other Wind tomes can't.
The difference is more noticeable in Fell Xenologue where stats and levels are fixed.
I also think with Rexcalibur you need to at least consider how it enables Qi Adept Soren builds, which get 100% of the damage dealt by tomes. Rexcalibur single-handedly is necessary for these builds, as otherwise Qi Adept classes don’t have tomes. Sure, Soren!Veyle is better, but that’s only a thing for 4 chapters and any Paralogues you delay until then
True, this does scale well into FX which matters on Maddening runs of it.
One thing I'll say about Shine is that a lot of skirmishes actually make the map dark, so if you're doing those on hard or normal it's definitely way more useful. Otherwise, on maddening, your only access to skirmishes is in the divine paralogues and fell xenologues which are unbelievably easy anyway (except now, thanks to the fell xenologue, corrupt wyvern enemies spawn in skirmishes)
Sometimes, Excalibur lets me double where Bolganone won’t, getting me a kill. It depends on if I want to feed someone else. Just my own personal experience running both on Sage Anna.
I miss the magic triangle so hard.
Same, it was cool while it lasted
I love bolgagone, i always make sure to use it to last hit sigurd 🎉
Man, i love your videos and drawing on your knowledge and experience in my runs
11:52 I guess this was pre-recorded because with whole Soren debacle from yesterday this is a rather insane argument. That said your argument on Obscurite's Weight is spot-on, tho this tome was probably made for Sombron, not Veyle, lol. It would probably be an A-rank tome because the work is being put on by Soren and the engraving.
Yeah, I did this before my Soren Journey lmao. I can definitely improve at responding to things and I need to be more curious/ask more questions when people suggest things or give pushback or feedback.
Self-criticism is always a step in the right direction. Having watched so many of your videos before, you were always curious on builds/stuff you hadn't tried and were eager to test them (and that is one of your main strengths), so your reaction felt out of place. I'm glad you are being more open-minded about it instead of reacting negatively, keep the good work!
Rexcalibur with higher weight over excalibur doesnt matter as much since soren gives you speed and you still get the healing if needed
Also his point on rexcalibur being used on anyone is bolstered by sorens bo us damage on effective damage
Soren does not give speed, it would be awesome if he did, but I think it’s just mag, dex, res
@@elijah7744s oh right, i mistook his buff with the other emblem. He gives res not speed
You had a tier list in another video about units (forget exactly which one). VERY CONVENIENTLY, you had the class names below the unit's icon. THAT IS ENORMOUSLY HELPFUL. Many tier lists of this type (especially FE, where the units are hard-to-decipher sprites) use some icon of which they're all similar. Then they proceed NOT to label the icons, necessitating the viewer be constantly engaged with the audio and video. Some folks might want to just listen and read another browser tab or whatever, then check back. Seeing a bunch of different-colored books in B tier doesn't tell me much, because I don't know the difference between the blue-colored books and the red-colored book.
Rant over. Pardon me, please.
At any rate, thanks for the video!
Elsurge is good for dodgy sages that move without attacking but get targeted.
7:07 For that I've found giving it a Micaiah engrave works out great as a tome to slap on staff users (example, Hortensia) to give them a chance to fight a bit.
Surge / Elsurge is the most disappointing new tome they added, but i like the concept of cannot miss tomes to deal with enemy dodge tanks.
What I would change to Surge and Elsurge is make it a 1-2 range tome instead of only 1 range, it still cannot miss no matter what, but it gains the line "Cannot Follow-Up." This way it deals with those high avoid units which you cannot double anyways. I would also change wind magic from effective to fliers to high base crit rate with low might at 1-2 range, just like in Shadows of Valentia, so that Fire is basic magic, Electric is inaccurate long range artillery magic, Wind is killer magic, and Surge is accuracy and low damage magic; giving all the magic a proper purpose to why they should be used over another tome.
I would also give the Surge line A rank tomes like Bolganone, Thoron, and Excalibur so that it properly scales into late and end game when you need it the most to deal with high avoid enemies.
Thank you for ranking these books so that my chef vander can learn how to cook on my next run.
The thumbnail is a work of art. Also, Obscurite on a Vantage Veyle is broken.
Thanks for this guide I learned Elsurge/Byleth and Obscurite/Soren is a thing
17:26 diarrhea beam S tier
Nosferatu has always been busted in fire emblem, Engage is the most balanced version
benefit to rexcalibur, is you can have soren on a unit that doesn't have excalibur and can use it while engaged. also saved you upgrade costs from excalibur that you can put on bolganone
What makes rexcalibur even better is that it has 25 more hit than excalibur (and 5 more crit). Griffin Knights are extremely fast which means they have high avoid. Sages don't have the best dex. And the unique magic classes (Ivy and Celine) have low dex as well. So while they can one shot griffins, they often miss without some engrave help. Rexcalibur makes the griffin kills much more consistent
Awakening Thoron is 1-2 range and works like Bolganone, most fire emblems the magic is the same between each other.
Shadows of Valentia has the unique magic where Fire is basic, Electric is 1-3 range and no follow up, and Wind is low might with high crit rate killer magic at 1-2 range like fire. I like Shadows of Valentia the best and Engage took from that, but they made wind effective vs fliers rather than killer magic.
The chocolate tome is funny because I tend to crit with it very often.
Random 5 second idea for bows if we brought back the magic triangle. We obviously just need a third triangle with Fists, Daggers, and Bows. Idk what direction it would go in, but 3 triangles is obviously the solution.
fire emblem has a history of naming weapons after greek mythology, feh does it most often but things like mjolner (thunder tome named after thor’s hammer) are in geneology
Slowly but surely youre realizing the power soren has. One of the most popular veyle builds involves him, and her exclusive tome (and it is a crit build!) Also, soren comes with the skill keen insight, which grants an additional 7 damage when using effective weapons. It is insanely powerful, enough to OHKO Griffons on maddening.
Bolting + Draconic Hex + Dancer is a long range debuff artillery. The bad hit rate can easily be mitigated by Hit+ skill
Honestly, any Support hit buffs should be enough
@@luminary6818 Hitting Flying or dagger base class is still a pain tho
I had a lot of units die in my maddening run so when i got veyle i just gave her my unused byelth ring so she could do the four way dance and never really invested or used her beyond that. Since she was my only S rank tome user i also just gave her nova and then in the endgame with Byleth's added range she was able to one round armour knights with nova from like 4 range which was stupid helpful
Though you can apply any tome to Anima Focus since they are specifically Soren's weapons feel like it's worth calling out Rexcalibur also inflicts mov -2 and Bolting hit -20
I hate to admit to myself that I'm a dummy. But I'm surprised that I never notice that each tome/spell book has its own sigil. I usually thought it's a copy and paste of 4 different symbols on multiple Fire Emblem spell books. (Minus personal or legendary spell books from different FE games.)
But in this case; each spell book/tomes design is unique. I'm not just dumbfounded by this revelation, I am quite impressed by this attention to detail. 😄
That's an amazing thumbnail LOL
This time around the character is eating a not food item lol
Now that you bring up nosferstu face tanking you know what cawfee NATION wants next.
Im running like 4 tome user with enchanter doing weapon surge on Bolganone. Its so stupid since you get +5 might
Hlidskjalf is pronounced as HLITH-skyahlf.
By the way, both Hlidskjalf and Élivágar are from Norse Mythology. Hlidskjalf is Odin's throne while Élivágar are the ice waves or rivers that existed in the primordial void, Ginnungagap during the beginning of the world. Also both are Veronica's weapons from Fire Emblem: Heroes.
Wind spells and seraphim with keen insight+ can do a lot of damage. My Citrinne in dlc was hitting for 60 per hit
I noticed if you use echo(on celica) with nova it is really good
It's really sad that both of Celica's Engage tomes badically get matched or out preformed by a Bolganone+1 imo. I wish they were stronger in comparison.
Between Mage Cannoneer and Bolting, Intelligent Systems is definitely trying to balance true artillery magic for the next fire emblem with no weapon durability
Since we have daggers and fists/gauntlets now we can bring back the magic triangle and make a new bow>dagger>fist>bow triangle and have three weapon triangles
Oh and I remember how Tellius used to have the wind>thunder>fire triangle so that might complicate things in the anima departement
Then we can have a weapon triangle triangle if we really wanted for that weapon triangle inception
I see the books and think they all look the same
Why are all these tomes so similar looking, like if I just saw this list at the end without hearing you placing them where you did, I would have no clue what they all are lol. That being said, I do like that almost every tome has viability depending on where your at in the game and how you use them
Excalibur with giga excalibur is very nice
A tome for true Giga Chads
as a nosferatu enjoyer myself i came to report that smash weapons are the only way to mess up, and punches
I like surge/elsurge, especially when the unit using it is ENGAGED with Byleth.
staff tier list ! :]
My hardest chapter is chapter 21 and training units for chapter 21 like jade taking arrows and hortensina I used jean as my healer but I have one flyer that being chole so I’m lvling her up for the corrin heals
Silly Lollipop :3
And yeah, no magic in this game sucks, they're all rather good/decent.
Curious why they are always eating their weapons? Lol
I heard the Egg say Something like it’s pronounced heel-yor-scalf Apparently it’s icelandlandic
i dont like magic except to hit with thoron and run with canter.
Idk why, but Iced Coffee saying suspect is worse than if he said sus
I wouldnt place nosferatu so high. If a unit doubles you then u stay at 1 health and the next unit can kill you.
Just don't get doubled
Obscurity looks cool though.
Spoiler Xenologue character
Emblem Byleth
Mag +3 Spd +3 Lck +12
Str/Def +5
Spd/Dex +5
Hp: 43
Bld: 11
Str: 24 (+5) 29
Mag: 51 (+3) 54
Dex: 32 (+5) 37
Spd: 28 (+8) 36
Def: 20 (+5) 25
Res: 47
Lck: 32 (+12) 44
Nova +5 Academy engraving
Mt: 10
Wt: 16
Hit: 115
Avo: 10
Crit: 20
Ddg: 30
Rng 1-2 but with Thyrsus 3-4
That is my Nova unit
Why str + def??? Just for the def?
@@leoerus That and both Vajra-Mushti
and Sword of the Creator getting boosted by strength if they do so that is why
And nice Icon it works for your comment
I really like the weapon triangle in Fate where tome beats bows beats shuriken... Really weird that they don't bring it back and just change shuriken to dagger but nope, instead we have fist beating them all for some weird reason
Bolganone is A tier, Thoron and Nova are S tier
Nova is a brave tome, does not really need explanation.
Thoron I find way more useful as it is safe damage and does more damage than Bolganone most of the time and that Bolganone is mostly only used to kill armoured units, where as Thoron you can always use and use safely every turn.
oh to add something, I have an idea for a magic triangleish
wind advantage to fire, because blow out candles, thunder advantage against wind because idk pokemon, fire advantage against thunder because... idk that just feels like it makes sense
dark magic has advantage against all that because dark magic
surge has advantage against dark magic because like surge of light or smthn, but the 3 "base" ones, thunder, wind, fire, all have advantage against surge
Thanks IS for making any silver tier weapon useless unless its brave on a tank lol. Bolganone fits the silver is worthless tier cuz of its abysmal hitrate and weight making it so much worse than a +3 elfire or a levin sword its a waste of time to bother with Bolganone.
Agreed with Coffee here, there should have been magic types ala GBA. GBA had the best for magic, imo.
Magic suffered an L for diversity imo. Anima was the balanced type, Light was the fast and subversive type, and Dark was the unga bunga type.
And now, magic in Engage suffered the same fate as Phys attacks in Persona 4, being lumped together in one type. Which I am not too fond of.
Given that you have to engage to Nosferaru in the first place, surely any mage that can use the stronger Bolg + Soren’s lifesteal is better?
Sure, but imagine having TWO Nos mages :)
@@IcedCoffeeGaming Tempting, but popping miciah for nos to kill people vs popping her to five-man teleport etc
Excalibur is trash, only 10 might, 1 less than Elfire and weights 2 more.
Only 80% hit compared to Bolganone 85% and you wouldn't likely engrave in a tome that is inferior to Elfire/Bolganone against everything but fliers.
You also get it pretty late in C20 from Griss unless you reforge Elwind into one.
You should have far better options to ORKO fliers like Silver/Radiant bow or a Hurricane Axe, which all come with superior might that gets tripled compared to Excalibur which is tied with a Steel bow.
It's also nearly impossible for Mage knight to double Griffins as they have 32 spd base cap, C23 Griffins already have 34-36 AS for example
Engage enemy fliers are bulky enough there's little reason to not have Excalibur in people's inventories. It's the difference between most mages doing 15 and 35 damage to them. You have inventory enough for you mages to have all of Bolganone , Excalibur, and Thoron anyway.
DLC Character guides when 😠😠
Lol it has been 5 days, I am currently halfway through my 7 man run and would need to make another new save file then speed through the xenologues on normal to immediately resume beating the game on maddening with the new units, test those units, etc.
@@IcedCoffeeGaming Just know nobody’s got anything like that out yet 😜
elsurge byleth is kinda dumb becuse if your useing byleth your not missing
tomes are cool
Fire is objectively a bad tome, but I do use it on my Ivy build. She has Celica's ring, draconic hex and speed +5. I use echoes, deal first hit with fire (because of it's high accuracy), and then finish the enemy with nova.