Claude: To think you're able to muscle yourself this far, I'm surprised! But I can't give you the magic mirror! ---- クロード「まさかこんなところまでやってくるとは、驚きマッスル!鏡に渡すことはでキンニク!」
Rouge: Thank you for showing the way. Now I'll bring the battle to an end. Come on! Trump: It's a match! ---- ルージュ「道案内ご苦労さん!!そろそろ決着をつけさせてもらうよっ!!いざ! トランプ「勝負だあ〜!」
Rouge: The seal of the remnants seems to have broken with the power of the Magic Mirror. I won't let anybody go farther! ---- ルージュ「魔鏡の力で、遺跡の封印が解けたようだね。ここから先へは行かせないよ!」
Og name
High energy
Other boss version is my fave, but this one got stuck in my mind in the past week.
Claude: To think you're able to muscle yourself this far, I'm surprised! But I can't give you the magic mirror!
Rouge: Thank you for showing the way. Now I'll bring the battle to an end. Come on!
Trump: It's a match!
Rouge: Do you think you can beat me? Claude and Ace, finish them off!
ルージュ「このルージュ様に勝てると思うのかい? クロード!エース!やっておしまい!」
Rouge: The seal of the remnants seems to have broken with the power of the Magic Mirror. I won't let anybody go farther!