Best Sci Fi Storytime 1432 - Fist of God || HFY || Human Disaster : Remember Us

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024


  • @jimschuler8830
    @jimschuler8830 2 роки тому +47

    To be fair, we do throw rocks really well.

  • @noneofyourbuisness1679
    @noneofyourbuisness1679 2 роки тому +25

    Never underestimate how hard humans are willing to throw rocks - or anything else, for that matter

  • @chrisdufresne9359
    @chrisdufresne9359 2 роки тому +22

    Our last line of defense was so dangerous that we built it at the very heart of our system. I want to know how much damage Luna took and what effects it had on holy Earth.

    • @sylviarohge4204
      @sylviarohge4204 2 роки тому +3

      The moon already seemed to have been "melted" by the alien attack.
      The impact itself should generate extreme amounts of gamma rays.
      If the enemy fleet was between the moon and earth, it might be possible to hit just the fleet with little splash damage to the moon and earth.
      Gamma radiation, on the other hand, could cause serious damage to the side of the earth facing the impact.
      Especially at the location "closest" to the impact.
      The further away from the point of impact, and in connection with the curvature of the earth's surface, the gamma-ray burst decreases comparatively quickly, since it has to traverse more and more atmosphere from the point of impact before it hits the surface.
      So the earth will suffer damage, but in view of a "war of extermination" this damage is small and probably quite bearable.

    • @RomanvonUngernSternbergnrmfvus
      @RomanvonUngernSternbergnrmfvus 2 роки тому +4

      I’ve been saying for years that Luna should be converted to a weapons platform and the sun converted into a generator/doomsday bomb to start things off.

    • @chrisdufresne9359
      @chrisdufresne9359 2 роки тому

      @@sylviarohge4204 Molten isn't annihilated

    • @sylviarohge4204
      @sylviarohge4204 2 роки тому +1

      However, it can be assumed that there are no more bases or life on the moon.
      Any human presence there is annihilated.

    • @chrisdufresne9359
      @chrisdufresne9359 2 роки тому

      @@sylviarohge4204 I was more concerned with the effect on Earrhs tides.

  • @Ryu_D
    @Ryu_D 2 роки тому +13

    Thank you for the video. We're a very emotional race. We are capable of feats of both great good, and great evil, and we have evolved to surpass all our limits when pushed to the edge. But when we are pushed beyond that edge, there is nothing that we can not, or would not do. Be wary of the wrath of man, for once kindled, even death may not stay out hands. ... Dang, I really started feeling morbidly poetic there. Hope it wasn't too corny. Lol.

    • @taitano12
      @taitano12 2 роки тому +2

      Honestly, it wasn't long enough.

    • @Ryu_D
      @Ryu_D 2 роки тому +1

      @@taitano12 I'm not sure how much farther I can go while keeping the tone. I'd need to go into specifics at some point, and given how existential it's meant to be, I'm not sure it would keep the tone very well if I started into actual details. It might be good to put into a somber moment in one story or another, as a way of showing a character's reflection upon events, or maybe as a lead into a story if I can ease into the details while keeping the tone shift slow and steady. Maybe adding in general outcomes for different races who pushed humanity too far and payed for it, leading into, well, it could be a few things, a history lesson, a speech before/after a grand battle, or perhaps make a jarring switch into the middle of a battle, showing the first person perspective of a soldier on either side of a conflict with humanity involved after being pushed too far. I'm not really sure where I'd take it, but feel free to use it for your own story if you feel like it. It's not exactly a new concept, a lot of it inspired by the stories on this very channel, but I felt like putting it into my own words for some reason. *Shrugs* Anyway, if you have any advice on where you think I should take the story, please let me know. If nothing else, I like discussing story ideas. :)

    • @gmailquinn
      @gmailquinn 2 роки тому +1

      even one death learned to fear us: human medics are scary

  • @SiegeTF
    @SiegeTF 2 роки тому +7

    And lo, as fire rained down from the heavens, he beheld the lord of all, and knew that he was dead.

    • @AgroSquerril
      @AgroSquerril  2 роки тому +2


    • @henrypaleveda7760
      @henrypaleveda7760 2 роки тому

      "he's the god of nothing, if that's all that you can see" Aqua Lung is a kickass album (I know you weren't quoting it).

  • @bendover9813
    @bendover9813 2 роки тому +6

    Damn bro, this is written like a movie script, I can’t bear it lmao. Reminds me of theatre read through a back in highschool, this needs acting put to it

  • @TheLazyComet
    @TheLazyComet 2 роки тому +2

    Rock beats scissors and even paper or rock when thrown hard and fast enough

  • @willgallatin2802
    @willgallatin2802 2 роки тому +2

    Yes the primates will yeet anything. If it is to large to use a manipulator on, they'll find an inventive way to add kinetic energy.

  • @discusmaximus
    @discusmaximus Місяць тому

    For the Algorithm, For the Author(s), For the Narrator, Agro Squirrel !!!

  • @grogvaughan5649
    @grogvaughan5649 Рік тому

    "If we can't defend Earth, we can Damn well Avenge it."

  • @Shadow.Dragon
    @Shadow.Dragon Рік тому

    The Aliens learned, first hand, that Humans know how to throw "rocks" really, really well!


    Bless the Squerril
    Bless the Author

  • @kleinjahr
    @kleinjahr 2 роки тому +2

    I am Shiva destroyer of worlds, monkey throws rock.

  • @СергійСавелов
    @СергійСавелов 4 місяці тому

    Once again, we have a story that ends on a cliffhanger.
    Once again, it is a oneshot.

  • @robertbemis9800
    @robertbemis9800 2 роки тому +2

    Monkey throw rock
    Monkey break

  • @seanrobert9661
    @seanrobert9661 2 роки тому +2

    [first documented contact]

    • @chetw3139
      @chetw3139 2 роки тому

      Indeed, you do have the first comment.

  • @NerdyWordyMatt
    @NerdyWordyMatt 2 роки тому

    That was bloody excellent

  • @davidatkinson47
    @davidatkinson47 2 роки тому +5

    Seems a little bit hurried, this time, Agro. Not to be offensive in any way, but I think slow down. Maybe not, your doctor knows best, maybe this was how you meant to read it. Along those lines, I'm glad you're doing better. Don't jeopardize this, in any case. Keep this up, man! That's what you do, now!

  • @marvinjohnson2488
    @marvinjohnson2488 2 роки тому

    Monkey throws rocks,very hard,very fast. Ook,Ook,Ook. For the algorithm

  • @RealArcalian
    @RealArcalian 2 роки тому

    Greetings, Mentlegent!
    For the Rhythm that is Algo
    NEVER push us into a corner.

  • @yomogami4561
    @yomogami4561 Рік тому

    interesting story and i'd like to see and follow-up
    thanks for the narration

  • @JoinedSouls
    @JoinedSouls 2 роки тому

    monkey throw rock, money smash!

  • @WiredTurkey316
    @WiredTurkey316 2 роки тому

    F*** yeah

  • @macpurdy
    @macpurdy 2 роки тому +1

    For the algorithm and the narrator.

  • @allenmorgan1007
    @allenmorgan1007 2 роки тому

    For the Algorithm, For the Author(s), For the Disembodied Voice!

  • @genericuser984
    @genericuser984 2 роки тому


  • @asandrewsilvaw
    @asandrewsilvaw 2 роки тому

    For the algorithm

  • @elfeater1760
    @elfeater1760 2 роки тому +2

    For the Algorithm11!

  • @josmeijers2818
    @josmeijers2818 2 роки тому

    F.T.A !

  • @The_evil_knight
    @The_evil_knight 2 роки тому +1

    Is the slug moving at 2X the speed of light?

    • @alendonvaldor5808
      @alendonvaldor5808 2 роки тому +1

      They mentioned a warp bubble. So I assume they made that giant ass piece of good news go at least the speed of light. I am assuming the station was hidden in Jupiter's orbit, where there are so damn many moons a station could be overlooked, it would take roughly three times the speed of light to hit Earth's orbit in nine minutes. Of course of they hid in the Oort cloud, that number gets even more insane.Considering the Oort cloud is 1.6 light-years from the sun. That.... Distance in 8 minutes would rip the universe a new one.

    • @jimschuler8830
      @jimschuler8830 2 роки тому +2

      Station is in orbit around the Sun. It takes eight minutes for light to travel from the Sun's surface to Earth. Transit time for the projectile was nine minutes, during which it was still accelerating. Just a little slower than c.

    • @Snipergoat1
      @Snipergoat1 2 роки тому

      @@jimschuler8830 That was my first thought but then I realized it was accelerating. If it required 9 minutes to travel 8 light minutes there is no way to do that under constant acceleration without exceeding c unless it started it's journey at near c anyway. He did mention a warp bubble though, so maybe there was some Albecurrie drive like fuckery going on. Although that would not increase its inertial energy beyond what it would have in realspace, it might have been used to beat the energy weapons in the speed department. It could also explain the ship ripping wave of spacetime rolling off the impact.

    • @sylviarohge4204
      @sylviarohge4204 2 роки тому

      If it's a localized gravity wave, you could use it like a tractor for another object.
      If it were possible to control the acceleration of the gravity wave and the gravitational pull of the gravity wave were exactly that of the acceleration of the same wave, an object attached behind this wave would be constantly accelerated.
      The question would then be how to keep such a wave upright even after it has been shot.
      However, an attached object could then be accelerated to almost the speed of light.

    • @alendonvaldor5808
      @alendonvaldor5808 2 роки тому +1

      Seeing all these comments is why I love this community XD

  • @RadarLeon
    @RadarLeon 2 роки тому

    I'm kinda curious what if humans created a micro black hole that would normally dissapate in seconds but launched it in a sun so that it could pull in mass would it be able to self sustain

    • @Lilith_TheDireGay
      @Lilith_TheDireGay 2 роки тому

      Probably not,the size of the black hole also determines the rate of material it can pull in

    • @RadarLeon
      @RadarLeon 2 роки тому

      @@Lilith_TheDireGay probably just was curious if a self sustaining reaction could be made to occur though not tue best line of thought

    • @jimschuler8830
      @jimschuler8830 2 роки тому

      Keep in mind black holes are not magic. They possess no more gravitational pull than the mass of what formed them. Turning the Sun into a black hole would just turn out the lights.
      That said, you could theoretically use a black hole to cause a star to go supernova. But it's not going to be a micro one.

    • @johncochran8497
      @johncochran8497 Рік тому

      You might want to read "The Neutronium Alchemist" by Peter F Hamilton.
      Let's just say that if you have the choice of a black hole, or just barely not a black hole, you might be surprised at which does more damage.

  • @Kirsten2933
    @Kirsten2933 2 роки тому

    like 452

  • @merlinwizard1000
    @merlinwizard1000 Рік тому

    67th, 19 February 2023

  • @justsomeguywithahandlebarm2456
    @justsomeguywithahandlebarm2456 2 роки тому +1

    For rye algorithm and good morning from the eu

  • @jimmycoyote74
    @jimmycoyote74 2 роки тому

    For the algorithm