The double barred cross on Wallachia's flag was associated with the Orthodox Church, not with Catholicism in the mainstream sense of the word. An alternative to the "Liberty, justice, fraternity" interpretation that I commonly hear about and hold true is that the blue stands for the clear sky, the yellow for the rich fields and the red for the blood our people spilled throughout the ages, to make up modern-day Romania. Great video!
"blue stands for the clear sky, the yellow for the rich fields and the red for the blood our people spilled throughout the ages " this symbolism is so wide spread , that even some organizations use it to explain their colors.
2:15 The reason why Moldavia used a bull on their flag is becayse a legend says that Dragoş (Dragosh), the man who created the nation beat the bull in a hunting campaign with his she-dog named Molda, who died in the battle with the bull. Dragoș named the country Moldavia (the romanians call this Moldova), so bassically,Moldavia is called after a dog.
*I also forgot to mention that this is not an ordinary bull, is a species of bulls which, at least in Europe, exist just in Romania and Poland. The romanians call it "zimbru" which is a wild kind of bull
I have a good friend who's Romanian, I loveeee Romanians they're like the unicorns of Europe LOL they're so unique with their culture language and gene pool
There is a folk story about the flag too. One leader of the romanian army had 3 daughters and when it was time to go to war, each one gave him a tissue. The bigger one gave him a fine, blue tissue, the middle one gave him a golden, yellow piece of cloth but the smaller daughter had only a simple white one. She was sad about that but the father cheered her up and put her white tissue in the chest pocket, at his heart, then went to war. No one heard about him for a while then someone found him dead on the field, shot in his chest. The white tissue, which he liked the most, turned red due to his blood. The man who found him took the 3 cloths and put together the flag of Romania.
That cross is not Catholic it is Orthodox. Romanians are the only romance language speaking people who are not traditionaly Catholic. But the Pope did like Drácula for his killing of many muslims.
This is the last time I will say it. The man who killed most Ottomans or muslims how you want to call them was called "Vlad Tepes" and "Dracula" is someone else, Vlad Tepes was a normal human, not like Dracula!
Vlad Țepeș was the dankest thief rekter in Romanian history, he'd penetrate ANY thief, with a fucking WOOD SPIKE, through their ASS, out their MOUTH. Dracula is a vampire, the first vampire, made by Romanians, and has nothing to do with history, besides the fact that he's the first vampire.
@@panhandlesomen the flag of Chad is actually a tribute to the French, they just look the same because Romania had a communist flag instead of the modern one, not everything is on the European side
Some say that the three colours date back to 1600 when Michael the Brave, one of our most reconizeble lider united for 1 year Moldova, Wallachia and Transilvanya, a fact wich many tend to forget. Other than that, this is the best video about Romania on internet. Congrats and thank you.
sunt oltean si il consider pe Mihai Viteazu unul din cele mai slabe personaje istorice romanesti. si daca asociezi tricolorul cu perioada aia, ori nu cunosti istoria, ori ti s-a prezentat istorie contrafacuta cum de obicei se intampla in institutiile de invatamant de pe aici, ori mananci rahat cu polonicul.
@@cuoreazzuro cum poti spune ca Mihai Viteazul e unul dintre cele mai slabe personaje istorice cand el este PRIMUL voievod care a reusit sa uneasca toate 3 teritorii romanesti, fiind efectiv inconjurat de state muult mai puternice ca el, Imperiul Otoman, Regatul Ungar si Regatul Poloniei ?? Si in plus, Andrei Pop a zis doar ca se mai spune ca steagul are origini din acea vreme, nu ca a venit profesorul de istorie la ei in clasa si le-a zis "daca nu ziceti ca steagul nostru e de pre vremea lu Mihai Viteazul, aveti 4!" sau ceva de genu. Deci pe langa faptu ca esti praf la engleza, esri praf la tot, olteanule cum zici tu, ca-l faci de ras pe Mihai Viteazul numai pentru ca esti
Mihai Viteazu nu a unit nimic. a CUCERIT. Si a fost atat de priceput la politics incat ce a construit el (fara urma de indoiala pentru propriul beneficiu) a zi-mi tu ca te pricepi la istorie. Ideea de unitate nationala si de natiune romana a aparut mult mai tarziu. Nu poti vorbi de natiunea romana inainte de Scoala Ardeleana. sunt praf la istorie dar macar pun lucrurile in context si din cand in cand imi folosesc si bibilica. nu accept sa mi se vare istorie pe gat si sa o repet ca papagalul.
Correction It was called the Peoples republic of romania for 8 months then switched To the Socialist Republic of Romania. FUN FACT: In 1991 Chad tried to change Romania's flag at the UN (even though Romania had this flag before Chad was a French Colony)
Actually, no. The People's Republic of Romania became the Socialist Republic of Romania when Nicolae Ceaușescu became the president, or better saying, the dictator that ruled over Romania at that time (1965-1989)
the people`s republic of romania was from 1948 to 1965 from 1965 to 1989 it was called the socialist republic of romania no correction and apparently someone didn`t go to school
I also think that Blue stands for the Black Sea and Danube, Yellow stands for the rich fields and rich gold reserves, Red stands for the blood of romanians ancestors
O înveți prost, daca o înveți de la el. Există școala, există manuale scrise de istorici. Băiete, doar o mica parte din acest video e la subiect și adevărată.
The historical Moldova united with Wallachia in 1859 and formed Romania. The Republic of Moldova of today was formed in 1924, and it is just a portion of what was the medieval Moldova, the eastern part, called Basarabia.
In 1924, the Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was created on the Eastern bank of the river Dniester (ro: Nistru). It was meant to be a propagandistic territory, in order to attract "socialist workers" from Bessarabia. Same as Karelian SSR with the purpose of propagadistically targeting the Eastern part of Finland, same as Belarussian SSR targeting the Eastern part of then-Poland (inhabited by Slavic people). Please, check a map in order to see the exact territory of the interwar Moldavian ASSR. Then, in 1940, Moldavian ASSR was used by Soviet administration in order to annex to it Bessarabia and Northern Bukowina in order to create a full Soviet republic (Moldavian SSR), not a devolved Autonomous one. It was Khrushchev (Ukrainian ethnic) that proposed Stalin the dismantlement of the territory snatched from Romania, for the benefit of Ukrainian SSR. Therefore, the territories marked by Khrushchev as "majority Ukrainian" were carved out of the newly captured territory and include din Ukrainian SSR (Northern Bukowin, Hertza and its surrounding area, 2/3 of former Khotin County in Northern Bessarabia and another territory carved out of Southern Bessarabia). The remaining territory was annexed to Moldavian ASSR with was upgraded to a SSR. But wait! Khrushchev also saw "Ukrainian ethnic majority" in the interwar Moldavian ASSR! Therefore, he proposed the carving out of about 2/3 of the Md ASSR and its annexation to Ukr SSR. From the original Moldavian ASSR remained only a strip along the Eastern bank of the river Dniester. Stalin approved it all. Hence: the extended territory of Ukrainian SSR and a new map for the newest republic, Moldavian SSR. Moldavian SSR had a short life at first, only one year (1940-1941), being reattached to Romania. Nazi Germany offered Romania Transdniestria (ro: Transnistria), the entire territory between the rivers Dniester and Bug. But this is another story. Anyway, the territory of the former interwar Moldavian ASSR became part of the new Transnistrian Guvernorate, under Romanian administration (but not integrated in proper Romania!), between 1941-1944. In 1944, with a Red Army on advance dismantled the Transdnestrian Guvernorate and reannexed Bessarabia, Northern Bukowina and Hertza and its surroundings to USSR, thus reinstating 1940-1941 borders (USSR-Romanian international border and Ukr SSR-Md SSR Soviet-internal border). In 1948, the Soviet-puppet government of Romania "renegociated" Romanian border with USSR, "willingly" offering USSR several islets on the Chilia branch of the Danube river and the Serpents' Island. This small snippets of land were annexed to Ukrainian SSR (same Khrushchev as territorial management advisor...). The current Republic of Moldova has the exact borders of Moldavian SSR had between 1940-1941 and 1944-1991 (until Rep. of Moldova became an independent state). About 98% of the territory of the original Md ASSR (1924-1940) that was included in the then-new Md SSR (meaning that stripe of land along the Eastern bank of the Dniester river) seceeded in 1990 from Md SSR as Transdniestria. Since then, it exists as a separatist territory, under its own independent administration, but unrecognized by any UN member state (only recognized by Abkhazia, Sourthern Ossetia and Artsakh aka Nagorno-Karabakh). (Leaving aside any subjectivity on the matter, this is the raw reality). Rep. of Moldova claims the territory as its own, Transnistria claims the territory as an independent country of its own. During the Transdniestrian conflict, the separation line between Rep, of Moldova proper and Transnistria fluctuated, as a regular frontline. After the fighting ceased, the line of control did not strictly followed the river Dniester: separatists also occupied the city of Tighina (aka Bender) + its surroundings and the village of Chițcani + its surroundings, but lost to Moldavian govermental troops the control of the Coșnița, Doroțcaia and Cocieri villages + their surroundings (all near the city of Dubăsari). I don't claim of having the whole truth, but the all-sides accepted reason for which the current Transnistria is Russian-language majority is the fact that in 1990, under the then-rumoured future independence of Moldavian SSR and its rumoured later attachement to Romania, there were fears among Russian ethnics that the Romanian authorities along with "angry" mobs of Romanian ethnics living in Bessarabia will kill Russian ethnics. Several small community conflicts fueled these fears and, therefore, some Russian ethnics moved East of the river Dniester, were the ethnic balance was more inclined in the favor of the Russian ethnics. Same fears but in reverse circulated among Romanian ethnics living in the so-called Transdniestrian Strip, that "angry" mobs of Russian ethnics will kill them, so they fled West the river Dniester. Same fears were among Ukrainian ethnics living in Moldavian SSR, so some of them moved into the Transdniestrian Strip. This facts (as stated, accepted as mere "disinformation" and "stupidity" by all sides) are the reason why the current secessionist Transinstria has three official languages: Russian, Ukrainian and the Soviet-propaganda invented "Moldavian" language (mainly Romanian language with several regionalistic expression/words, but written in Cyrillic alphabet). There you have it. The history of the borders of Russian-controlled Moldavian ASSR > Moldavian SSR > Rep. of Moldova.
nice video. as a Romanian, I never knew much about the details of the colours chosen tbh. I always thought the Romanian Kingdom was inspired by the French Revolution and adopted the same tricolor design but with yellow in the middle instead of white, of course. this also why the painting of the Romanian lady with the flag looks very similar to the French one. France was a very popular country in the history of Romania at some point in late 19th and early 20th centuries.
@@confuseddog6746 France is famous for its French Revolution and inspired many other smaller countries in Europe to no longer be subjects/vassal states of powerful empires. in case of Romania, we Romanians fought against the Ottoman Empire for independence. Greeks, Serbs, Bulgarians as well.
Blue for the sky and seas and rivers yellow for the fields of wheat and the richness of its mountains red represents the blood of the warriors that fought for our country this is my opinion but the 3 provinces sounds as legit as this one
The Neolithic temple at Parta, Romania, about 8000 years old, had as symbols a female deity and a bull. The temple also served as a solar calendar. This ancient culture is probably the origin of the bull, the sun and the moon in Romania's coat of arms for each the historic regions of Wallachia, Moldova and Transylvania ( ). The Wallachian coat of arms (the raven/eagle holding a cross with the sun and moon on each side ) is directly inspired from the Basarab family ( ) and it shows both the Christian symbol and the symbols of the Neolithic culture. Today, Romania is a majority Christian country, but there are also many pre-Christian holidays and traditions (originating in the ancient culture I mentioned above) which celebrate the changing of the seasons. Imho, the reference at 1:18 to a "red double cross & star" is incorrect, because the Wallachian coat of arms always includes both the sun and the moon and a simple Christian cross - at least in the depictions I have seen. Loved the video, thanks!
As a romanian , I was allways told that the blue stands for the sky and sea , the yellow for the wheat fields and the red for the blood of the nation's heros
On the flag of Moldova is the auroch (Latin "Bos primigenius" or primordial bull), which is perhaps an ancestor of the modern European bison. From what I know, the colours blue, yellow and red were used on Dacian flags. In the sixth century, emperor Justinian united Dacia Ripensis and Dacia Mediteraneea and used blue, yellow and red for the coat of arms of the province. The idea of blue, yellow and red as a flag for the united Transylvania, Wallachia and Moldova was promoted by Michael the Brave around 1600, and it was indeed to represent each principality/historical province with its predominant colour.
1. The Dacians never used what we would identify today as flags. 2. Neither Dacia Ripensis nor Dacia Mediterranea were on land that would become Romania save for a few settlements along the banks of the Danube. These provinces were almost entirely in what is now Bulgaria and Serbia. 3. Justinian I never "united" the two provinces that have nothing to do with Romania. 4. Quit talking out of your ass.
@@TheWoollyFrogThis combination of colours could very well have been attached to the Dacian standard. In any case, this Dacian "draco" went on to be adopted by Roman legions and in the Roman military archives 'Notitia Dignitarium" we have mentioned the combination blue, yellow and red. Romanians actually lived in modern day Serbia and Bulgaria as well. For many centuries they were a discriminated majority in the province of Timoc (Serbia) and they asked to be united with Romania after WWI, but that didn't happen. Many Romanians lived in Bulgaria, there was even a medieval Romanian-Bulgarian state in the twelfth-thirteenth century. People in medieval times and up to Michael the Brave's time often referred to what is now Romania as Dacia, and we can see that on some of the maps of the period. Michael the Brave probably knew about that, but regardless, he used blue, yellow and red on diplomas given to people he named as high ranking officials, such as Preda Buzescu as the "mare ban" of Craiova. It is a combination of colours that also existed on miniatures of religious books, in paintings or embroidery.
Are you talking about the shields in Notitia Dignitarium? Then, yes, those colour combinations are there along with many other colours that you ignore. And the Romanian-Bulgarian state? You mean the Second Bulgarian Empire where Vlahs were a minority ruled over by Slavs? Yes, Vlahs did live in Thrace and Macedonia before and after migrating further north across the Danube. The idea of national colours or national flags did not exist in those times. Any such stories that justify the selection of these 3 colours prior to the 19th century are driven by nationalistic confirmation bias.
Quite simply because some voivodes liked them and the sultan approved their use on the Wallachian battle flag. There is no grand reason. And as is the case with many other things in Romanian history, we can't be sure of certain origins.
When I started school, I had the "honor" of learning from a ex-comunist teacher, she told us that the BLUE represents the blue, clear skyes of the country, the YELLOW stands for the fields of grains we have and the RED is the blood sacrificed by our ancestors during the wars held to defend the land.
I'm romanian, and i wanna say something about semnification of the flag: Blue-the sky/ocean Yellow-wheat/gold Red-the blood shared from the battles. SORRY FOR GRAMATICAL MISTAKES
You are Portuguese, it is understandable why you did not start much later with our flags, and by the way Valah is composed of two words "Val" or "Bal" (big) and ah (shore), which means the inhabitants of the Great Danube Shore
I am romanian and blue means water ,lakes , river and the sea .Yellow means the gold and the Vegetables (grâu, I forgot how to say it).And red means the blood of our dead warriors .(sangele care a fost varsat)
6:20 no no no no! the collors haven't that meaning! blue is for sea and rivers (and aslo Danube), yellow is for lands and farms and red is for the blood that we lost in the wars!
Great and concise video! Bravo! However, as a Romanian heraldist and vexillologist that has studied the flags and symbols of the Principality of Transylvania through the ages, I am very much interested in the flag that you present as "verified". In 1711 and 1765, respectively, Transylvania received a coat of arms, but not a flag. Historically, the Count of the Saxons had a personal flag of different colours, but with their personal coat of arms and the arms of the principality in the middle. Such examples can be seen in Sibiu's Brukenthal Museum.
The bull referred to is in fact more like a buffalo. Zimbrul lui Dragos- hunted by the first founder of the voivode's seat (descalecat) at Baia. Molda- beleived by some to be the name of his best dog that drowned taking the beast down. Now old lands of the principality are mainly divided between Moldova W of Prut->Romania, E Prut-Rep. ->Moldova, N parts of Bucovina and W Black Sea shore to Nistru-> Ukraine
Nice video , i am romanian and i can say you did a good joob :D , and one more thing, we were thought in school that blue is the watter ( rivers , lakes, sea) that Romania has , yellow stands for tha lands and red for the blood of our ancestors that died for this land :D
Blue symbolizes the sea and the sky (the Danube Delta and the Black Sea) yellow symbolizes the sun and the and the fields of golden wheat, and red symbolizes the blood shed by ancestors in battles
No man red it's from blood of our heroes , yellow it's from weath because it whas the most powerful from europa ,and blue it's from sky and waters. I AM FROM ROMANIA AND TANX FOR THE VIDEO (SORRY FOR MY ENGLISH)
I learned from school and my family that blue is for sky and rivers yellow is for our wheet plants and red is for the blood of oursoldiers oh and everybody from my village (Dealu) say that Ceaucescu leaded us good
Actually Romanian history dates back to the Dacians which inhabited the general region about 1200-600 BC. Some recent human artifacts even date back 10,000 BC.
Dacians which inhabited the general region SINCE 1200-600 BC (and at least until 4th century after Christ - the free Dacians). In 10,000 BC those were not Dacians.
Only a little nerdy correction: People's Republic of Romania was renamed 1965 into Socialist Republic of Romania (Republica Socialistă România, RSR). :)
1:55 Why Catholic? The region has been Orthodox for the entirety of its existence. 2:40 Was it an eagle or a raven? The Corvin family (hint hint) had a lgend about a raven stealing a precious ring, chasing the bird all the way to Transilvania, then somehow becoming lords of the land they 'found'. Much like Moldova's auroch bull, chased by Dragosh who then somehow became the first lord/prince/voivode of Moldova... 7:15 Yeah, stretching the flag to 2,000 years ago is pure bull. There's a minority of people in Romania who want EVERYTHING to be Dacian; a history professor nicknamed them "dacopathic".
Great video, but Moldavia's flag featured an aurochs or wisent [head], not a bull and it can be traced back to medieval Maramureș, at the time part of the Kingdom of Hungary, from where the founders of Moldavia came from. Also, the 1821 Uprising was not against the Ottomans, but against the Greek Phanariots who ruled over Wallachia and Moldavia.
In 1967 there was a minor change to the flag of Romania the communist simbol remained the same but on instead of RPR (republica populara romana-people's republic of Romania) to RSR (Republica socialista Romania-Socialist republic of Romania) that change came in with the entrance in power of Nicolae Ceasescu and I have something else to say the first two explenations we're correct but there is a meaning to our flag which we are presented to in school blue for the danube rivers and sky yellow for the yellow-ish mountains (they're not yellow but welcome to Romania) and red blood of those who fought for the freedom (did I surprised you? I don't think so) i know minor change in 1967 but the more you know and great video nice job mate!
dude you made video for greece now for romania but where is the video about bulgaria i am from bulgaria come on you even made something for macedonia but nothing for bulgaria :,(
Well I was told that the blue means liberty, the gold means well... gold and the fertile land and the red means the blood soldiers have spilled when they died for the country.
It's actually Blue=the sky Yellow=plants (probably wheat) or the sun that warms them Red=the blood of the soldiers who fighted for romania's independence
@@Bogdan-uu5oe pe steagul italienilor găsești verdele (Green) și Italia nu e' un stat mai puțin corupt decât România. Ai uitat unde sa inventat mafia? 🤔
The double barred cross on Wallachia's flag was associated with the Orthodox Church, not with Catholicism in the mainstream sense of the word.
An alternative to the "Liberty, justice, fraternity" interpretation that I commonly hear about and hold true is that the blue stands for the clear sky, the yellow for the rich fields and the red for the blood our people spilled throughout the ages, to make up modern-day Romania.
Great video!
well we do have rich fields and blue skies :D
Probably, he didn't play Europe Universalis, the game where, that sign represents clearly Orthodoxy.
"blue stands for the clear sky, the yellow for the rich fields and the red for the blood our people spilled throughout the ages " this symbolism is so wide spread , that even some organizations use it to explain their colors.
Very true
Blue is water
2:15 The reason why Moldavia used a bull on their flag is becayse a legend says that Dragoş (Dragosh), the man who created the nation beat the bull in a hunting campaign with his she-dog named Molda, who died in the battle with the bull. Dragoș named the country Moldavia (the romanians call this Moldova), so bassically,Moldavia is called after a dog.
At least was a great dog
*I also forgot to mention that this is not an ordinary bull, is a species of bulls which, at least in Europe, exist just in Romania and Poland. The romanians call it "zimbru" which is a wild kind of bull
zimbru is in all of scandinavia, and even free not just in preservation, but yeah, it's a little bit different than E. European zimbru...
And the bull was actually named "Bour", a species of bull that once lived in the area, but sadly dissapeard.
It's an extinct kind of bull. It doesn't exits any more. It was called auroch.
I have a good friend who's Romanian, I loveeee Romanians they're like the unicorns of Europe LOL they're so unique with their culture language and gene pool
Thank you so much! Love from Romania!
I'm from Romania
There is a folk story about the flag too. One leader of the romanian army had 3 daughters and when it was time to go to war, each one gave him a tissue. The bigger one gave him a fine, blue tissue, the middle one gave him a golden, yellow piece of cloth but the smaller daughter had only a simple white one. She was sad about that but the father cheered her up and put her white tissue in the chest pocket, at his heart, then went to war. No one heard about him for a while then someone found him dead on the field, shot in his chest. The white tissue, which he liked the most, turned red due to his blood. The man who found him took the 3 cloths and put together the flag of Romania.
Is roman si nu ştiam asta ...
@@datboi3136 eu o stiu de la grădiniță, fiecare cu educatia lui.
@@InGGneruYTB şi inca o mai ti minte ? :)
@@datboi3136 Da
I am Romanian and this is a great video!👍👍👍
me toooo
Filip Marian Bogdan și eu sunt Bogdan
That cross is not Catholic it is Orthodox. Romanians are the only romance language speaking people who are not traditionaly Catholic. But the Pope did like Drácula for his killing of many muslims.
This is the last time I will say it. The man who killed most Ottomans or muslims how you want to call them was called "Vlad Tepes" and "Dracula" is someone else, Vlad Tepes was a normal human, not like Dracula!
Vlad Țepeș was the dankest thief rekter in Romanian history, he'd penetrate ANY thief, with a fucking WOOD SPIKE, through their ASS, out their MOUTH. Dracula is a vampire, the first vampire, made by Romanians, and has nothing to do with history, besides the fact that he's the first vampire.
Orthodoxy is catholic, ffs. Ask your priest or just google it!
@@d3rky916 His name was Vlad Drăculea actually.
@@zuraorokamono204 I know, I am romanian. But everony calls him Vlad Țepeș.
Do the same thing with Chad...oh wait...
Lol its just steal XD
@@panhandlesomen the flag of Chad is actually a tribute to the French, they just look the same because Romania had a communist flag instead of the modern one, not everything is on the European side
Chad actually has a flag history though
Ne Intalnim si aici =))
românia are steag frumos
Some say that the three colours date back to 1600 when Michael the Brave, one of our most reconizeble lider united for 1 year Moldova, Wallachia and Transilvanya, a fact wich many tend to forget.
Other than that, this is the best video about Romania on internet.
Congrats and thank you.
One month, not one year. Ups, ai gresit, nu-i nmk
sunt oltean si il consider pe Mihai Viteazu unul din cele mai slabe personaje istorice romanesti. si daca asociezi tricolorul cu perioada aia, ori nu cunosti istoria, ori ti s-a prezentat istorie contrafacuta cum de obicei se intampla in institutiile de invatamant de pe aici, ori mananci rahat cu polonicul.
@@cuoreazzuro cum poti spune ca Mihai Viteazul e unul dintre cele mai slabe personaje istorice cand el este PRIMUL voievod care a reusit sa uneasca toate 3 teritorii romanesti, fiind efectiv inconjurat de state muult mai puternice ca el, Imperiul Otoman, Regatul Ungar si Regatul Poloniei ?? Si in plus, Andrei Pop a zis doar ca se mai spune ca steagul are origini din acea vreme, nu ca a venit profesorul de istorie la ei in clasa si le-a zis "daca nu ziceti ca steagul nostru e de pre vremea lu Mihai Viteazul, aveti 4!" sau ceva de genu. Deci pe langa faptu ca esti praf la engleza, esri praf la tot, olteanule cum zici tu, ca-l faci de ras pe Mihai Viteazul numai pentru ca esti
@@cuoreazzuro fiecare cu parerea lui.
BTW Tricolorul chiar este asemant cu Mihai.
Io-s Ardelean.
Mihai Viteazu nu a unit nimic. a CUCERIT. Si a fost atat de priceput la politics incat ce a construit el (fara urma de indoiala pentru propriul beneficiu) a zi-mi tu ca te pricepi la istorie. Ideea de unitate nationala si de natiune romana a aparut mult mai tarziu. Nu poti vorbi de natiunea romana inainte de Scoala Ardeleana. sunt praf la istorie dar macar pun lucrurile in context si din cand in cand imi folosesc si bibilica. nu accept sa mi se vare istorie pe gat si sa o repet ca papagalul.
excelent video! mulțumim! 🇷🇴
Correction It was called the Peoples republic of romania for 8 months then switched To the Socialist Republic of Romania. FUN FACT: In 1991 Chad tried to change Romania's flag at the UN (even though Romania had this flag before Chad was a French Colony)
Actually, no. The People's Republic of Romania became the Socialist Republic of Romania when Nicolae Ceaușescu became the president, or better saying, the dictator that ruled over Romania at that time (1965-1989)
1965 - 1989 you mean ?
@@grumpybollox7949 oh yeah, sorry for my mistake
It was called the Peoples republic of Romania from 1948 to 1965
the people`s republic of romania was from 1948 to 1965
from 1965 to 1989 it was called the socialist republic of romania
no correction
and apparently someone didn`t go to school
honestly, i dont understand why you dont have 100k subscribers right now. keep up this amazing work brother
Romania is good, so is your video.
Now lets go back to protesting.
BlueTheBerry Don’t let the will to protest die! It really makes a difference!
Some days ago somebody tried to assasinate Dragnea, but failed:(
@@manualofalternativemusic Somebody doesnt know english.
@@inconickuous547 :)))))))
@Wallachian Knight ce?
On the first map Montenegro is not part of Serbia! I myself am Serbian, but that map is not true. Good video though, love to our brothers Rumanesc
Sending back positive Karma
I fuking love you you know that ?
Mennnn kosvo is serbia, bosnia is serbia, balkan is serbia, the universe is serbia and God is serb.
we romanians salute you
It's an older map when the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro still existed.
I also think that Blue stands for the Black Sea and Danube, Yellow stands for the rich fields and rich gold reserves, Red stands for the blood of romanians ancestors
Bulgaria next? I mean u will get 10 mins 100% xd good vid btw
И аз искам видео за българия ( want video for bulgaria too)
Nu pot să cred că învăț istoria României de la un străin !
I can't believe I am learning the history of Romania from a stranger !
mai stai si pe la scoala,zic...
Și eu
O înveți prost, daca o înveți de la el. Există școala, există manuale scrise de istorici. Băiete, doar o mica parte din acest video e la subiect și adevărată.
Iti recomand sa citesti Istoria romanilor de Neagu Djuvara.
Che vach
The historical Moldova united with Wallachia in 1859 and formed Romania. The Republic of Moldova of today was formed in 1924, and it is just a portion of what was the medieval Moldova, the eastern part, called Basarabia.
1924? You mean 1990 maybe, in 1924 it was part of Greater Romania.
In 1924, the Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was created on the Eastern bank of the river Dniester (ro: Nistru). It was meant to be a propagandistic territory, in order to attract "socialist workers" from Bessarabia. Same as Karelian SSR with the purpose of propagadistically targeting the Eastern part of Finland, same as Belarussian SSR targeting the Eastern part of then-Poland (inhabited by Slavic people).
Please, check a map in order to see the exact territory of the interwar Moldavian ASSR.
Then, in 1940, Moldavian ASSR was used by Soviet administration in order to annex to it Bessarabia and Northern Bukowina in order to create a full Soviet republic (Moldavian SSR), not a devolved Autonomous one. It was Khrushchev (Ukrainian ethnic) that proposed Stalin the dismantlement of the territory snatched from Romania, for the benefit of Ukrainian SSR. Therefore, the territories marked by Khrushchev as "majority Ukrainian" were carved out of the newly captured territory and include din Ukrainian SSR (Northern Bukowin, Hertza and its surrounding area, 2/3 of former Khotin County in Northern Bessarabia and another territory carved out of Southern Bessarabia). The remaining territory was annexed to Moldavian ASSR with was upgraded to a SSR. But wait! Khrushchev also saw "Ukrainian ethnic majority" in the interwar Moldavian ASSR! Therefore, he proposed the carving out of about 2/3 of the Md ASSR and its annexation to Ukr SSR. From the original Moldavian ASSR remained only a strip along the Eastern bank of the river Dniester. Stalin approved it all. Hence: the extended territory of Ukrainian SSR and a new map for the newest republic, Moldavian SSR.
Moldavian SSR had a short life at first, only one year (1940-1941), being reattached to Romania. Nazi Germany offered Romania Transdniestria (ro: Transnistria), the entire territory between the rivers Dniester and Bug. But this is another story. Anyway, the territory of the former interwar Moldavian ASSR became part of the new Transnistrian Guvernorate, under Romanian administration (but not integrated in proper Romania!), between 1941-1944.
In 1944, with a Red Army on advance dismantled the Transdnestrian Guvernorate and reannexed Bessarabia, Northern Bukowina and Hertza and its surroundings to USSR, thus reinstating 1940-1941 borders (USSR-Romanian international border and Ukr SSR-Md SSR Soviet-internal border). In 1948, the Soviet-puppet government of Romania "renegociated" Romanian border with USSR, "willingly" offering USSR several islets on the Chilia branch of the Danube river and the Serpents' Island. This small snippets of land were annexed to Ukrainian SSR (same Khrushchev as territorial management advisor...).
The current Republic of Moldova has the exact borders of Moldavian SSR had between 1940-1941 and 1944-1991 (until Rep. of Moldova became an independent state). About 98% of the territory of the original Md ASSR (1924-1940) that was included in the then-new Md SSR (meaning that stripe of land along the Eastern bank of the Dniester river) seceeded in 1990 from Md SSR as Transdniestria. Since then, it exists as a separatist territory, under its own independent administration, but unrecognized by any UN member state (only recognized by Abkhazia, Sourthern Ossetia and Artsakh aka Nagorno-Karabakh). (Leaving aside any subjectivity on the matter, this is the raw reality). Rep. of Moldova claims the territory as its own, Transnistria claims the territory as an independent country of its own. During the Transdniestrian conflict, the separation line between Rep, of Moldova proper and Transnistria fluctuated, as a regular frontline. After the fighting ceased, the line of control did not strictly followed the river Dniester: separatists also occupied the city of Tighina (aka Bender) + its surroundings and the village of Chițcani + its surroundings, but lost to Moldavian govermental troops the control of the Coșnița, Doroțcaia and Cocieri villages + their surroundings (all near the city of Dubăsari).
I don't claim of having the whole truth, but the all-sides accepted reason for which the current Transnistria is Russian-language majority is the fact that in 1990, under the then-rumoured future independence of Moldavian SSR and its rumoured later attachement to Romania, there were fears among Russian ethnics that the Romanian authorities along with "angry" mobs of Romanian ethnics living in Bessarabia will kill Russian ethnics. Several small community conflicts fueled these fears and, therefore, some Russian ethnics moved East of the river Dniester, were the ethnic balance was more inclined in the favor of the Russian ethnics. Same fears but in reverse circulated among Romanian ethnics living in the so-called Transdniestrian Strip, that "angry" mobs of Russian ethnics will kill them, so they fled West the river Dniester. Same fears were among Ukrainian ethnics living in Moldavian SSR, so some of them moved into the Transdniestrian Strip. This facts (as stated, accepted as mere "disinformation" and "stupidity" by all sides) are the reason why the current secessionist Transinstria has three official languages: Russian, Ukrainian and the Soviet-propaganda invented "Moldavian" language (mainly Romanian language with several regionalistic expression/words, but written in Cyrillic alphabet).
There you have it. The history of the borders of Russian-controlled Moldavian ASSR > Moldavian SSR > Rep. of Moldova.
@@laurentiupopa79 it was today's transnistria, not Moldova
Moldavia didn't have a bull. It had an auroch.
Im from Romana. HI!
Love Romania from PSD
@IranianGames love from Romania to Iran
Nice that you put on background Romanian Anthem 👍🏼
Hello I am Romanian
Legionary Romanian flag (Iron Guard): can I into video?
General Knowledge: no.
It wasn't an official flag but I think it should have been mentioned
nice video.
as a Romanian, I never knew much about the details of the colours chosen tbh.
I always thought the Romanian Kingdom was inspired by the French Revolution and adopted the same tricolor design but with yellow in the middle instead of white, of course.
this also why the painting of the Romanian lady with the flag looks very similar to the French one.
France was a very popular country in the history of Romania at some point in late 19th and early 20th centuries.
how is it even related to the french revolution
@@confuseddog6746 France is famous for its French Revolution and inspired many other smaller countries in Europe to no longer be subjects/vassal states of powerful empires.
in case of Romania, we Romanians fought against the Ottoman Empire for independence. Greeks, Serbs, Bulgarians as well.
Congrats for this great video !
Blue for the sky and seas and rivers
yellow for the fields of wheat and the richness of its mountains
red represents the blood of the warriors that fought for our country
this is my opinion but the 3 provinces sounds as legit as this one
That is what I learnt in school as well :)))
Great video!
Great video, thanks a lot! 🇷🇴
God bless Romania ! 🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴
6:27 blue - the Sky
Yellow - the lands with hei
Red - the blood left by the war
Almost every medieval country-uses a bird
Moldavia- *uses a bull*
Portugal uses a shield xd
*I said almost every medieval country*
*but only moldova from what i know uses a bull*
I know
Medieval bulgaria also used a bull for some time. A very angry bull
Actually that's an Auroch.
I want to copyright strike Chad for stealing OUR flag!
Yes me.
The Real Eugenia Le dăm strike :))))
Cn e cu mn pentru atacarea Ciadului
Eu sunt.
Actual Wallachian flag (5:52) Was instead of yellow blue, but the same flag of wallachia, yellow for Transilvanya and red for Moldavia.
The Neolithic temple at Parta, Romania, about 8000 years old, had as symbols a female deity and a bull. The temple also served as a solar calendar. This ancient culture is probably the origin of the bull, the sun and the moon in Romania's coat of arms for each the historic regions of Wallachia, Moldova and Transylvania ( ). The Wallachian coat of arms (the raven/eagle holding a cross with the sun and moon on each side ) is directly inspired from the Basarab family ( ) and it shows both the Christian symbol and the symbols of the Neolithic culture. Today, Romania is a majority Christian country, but there are also many pre-Christian holidays and traditions (originating in the ancient culture I mentioned above) which celebrate the changing of the seasons. Imho, the reference at 1:18 to a "red double cross & star" is incorrect, because the Wallachian coat of arms always includes both the sun and the moon and a simple Christian cross - at least in the depictions I have seen. Loved the video, thanks!
Another very good video!
Good explainations, top👏
Do the Yugoslav countries, please!
As a romanian , I was allways told that the blue stands for the sky and sea , the yellow for the wheat fields and the red for the blood of the nation's heros
On the flag of Moldova is the auroch (Latin "Bos primigenius" or primordial bull), which is perhaps an ancestor of the modern European bison. From what I know, the colours blue, yellow and red were used on Dacian flags. In the sixth century, emperor Justinian united Dacia Ripensis and Dacia Mediteraneea and used blue, yellow and red for the coat of arms of the province. The idea of blue, yellow and red as a flag for the united Transylvania, Wallachia and Moldova was promoted by Michael the Brave around 1600, and it was indeed to represent each principality/historical province with its predominant colour.
1. The Dacians never used what we would identify today as flags.
2. Neither Dacia Ripensis nor Dacia Mediterranea were on land that would become Romania save for a few settlements along the banks of the Danube. These provinces were almost entirely in what is now Bulgaria and Serbia.
3. Justinian I never "united" the two provinces that have nothing to do with Romania.
4. Quit talking out of your ass.
@@TheWoollyFrogThis combination of colours could very well have been attached to the Dacian standard. In any case, this Dacian "draco" went on to be adopted by Roman legions and in the Roman military archives 'Notitia Dignitarium" we have mentioned the combination blue, yellow and red.
Romanians actually lived in modern day Serbia and Bulgaria as well. For many centuries they were a discriminated majority in the province of Timoc (Serbia) and they asked to be united with Romania after WWI, but that didn't happen. Many Romanians lived in Bulgaria, there was even a medieval Romanian-Bulgarian state in the twelfth-thirteenth century.
People in medieval times and up to Michael the Brave's time often referred to what is now Romania as Dacia, and we can see that on some of the maps of the period. Michael the Brave probably knew about that, but regardless, he used blue, yellow and red on diplomas given to people he named as high ranking officials, such as Preda Buzescu as the "mare ban" of Craiova. It is a combination of colours that also existed on miniatures of religious books, in paintings or embroidery.
Are you talking about the shields in Notitia Dignitarium? Then, yes, those colour combinations are there along with many other colours that you ignore. And the Romanian-Bulgarian state? You mean the Second Bulgarian Empire where Vlahs were a minority ruled over by Slavs? Yes, Vlahs did live in Thrace and Macedonia before and after migrating further north across the Danube. The idea of national colours or national flags did not exist in those times. Any such stories that justify the selection of these 3 colours prior to the 19th century are driven by nationalistic confirmation bias.
@@TheWoollyFrog Then why did they select these colours in the nineteenth century ?
Quite simply because some voivodes liked them and the sultan approved their use on the Wallachian battle flag. There is no grand reason. And as is the case with many other things in Romanian history, we can't be sure of certain origins.
Nice job *:)*
When I started school, I had the "honor" of learning from a ex-comunist teacher, she told us that the BLUE represents the blue, clear skyes of the country, the YELLOW stands for the fields of grains we have and the RED is the blood sacrificed by our ancestors during the wars held to defend the land.
Va ce îmi place când ne vorbesc de bine străini
Ma simt excelent
Like daca simți la fel
Ii dau lai lu mata
Transylvania was also part of AustriaHungary for a big amount of history
Nicely done !
Great video, Croatia next?
( thank you for the video ).👍👍😍😍🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴
Best explication ever bro! Respect!!!
nice video man gg
I'm romanian, and i wanna say something about semnification of the flag: Blue-the sky/ocean
Red-the blood shared from the battles.
You are Portuguese, it is understandable why you did not start much later with our flags, and by the way Valah is composed of two words "Val" or "Bal" (big) and ah (shore), which means the inhabitants of the Great Danube Shore
This channel have to have more subscribers.
I am lusobrazilian but i go often in romania i love the carpaten
Much love from targu jiu ✌🏼
I am romanian and blue means water ,lakes , river and the sea .Yellow means the gold and the Vegetables (grâu, I forgot how to say it).And red means the blood of our dead warriors .(sangele care a fost varsat)
6:20 no no no no! the collors haven't that meaning! blue is for sea and rivers (and aslo Danube), yellow is for lands and farms and red is for the blood that we lost in the wars!
100% accurate
And Green is for honest "politicians"
Red is for Muie Dragnea
@@thenamelessone7343 lol =))
Very good video, like from Romania
Very good video. You documented very well. I just subscribed.
Hello! I am Romanian and this is a nice and accurate video
it was a counterrevolution after if was the apparent overthrow of a butcher
Great and concise video! Bravo!
However, as a Romanian heraldist and vexillologist that has studied the flags and symbols of the Principality of Transylvania through the ages, I am very much interested in the flag that you present as "verified". In 1711 and 1765, respectively, Transylvania received a coat of arms, but not a flag. Historically, the Count of the Saxons had a personal flag of different colours, but with their personal coat of arms and the arms of the principality in the middle. Such examples can be seen in Sibiu's Brukenthal Museum.
Hello from Chad 🇷🇴
Moldova a part of romania
And near it *republic of moldova*
Roma Channel they are the same bessarabia will come home soon mark my words
Bulgaria nеxt?
I want to mention that on the Moldovian flag there isn't a bull's head, but an aurochs head, latin: Bos Primigenius, which now is extinct.
The colors are like this:
Blue = The blue clear sky
Yellow = The grain from the good soil
Red = The blood from our people lost in batlles !
Great video
The bull referred to is in fact more like a buffalo. Zimbrul lui Dragos- hunted by the first founder of the voivode's seat (descalecat) at Baia. Molda- beleived by some to be the name of his best dog that drowned taking the beast down. Now old lands of the principality are mainly divided between Moldova W of Prut->Romania, E Prut-Rep. ->Moldova, N parts of Bucovina and W Black Sea shore to Nistru-> Ukraine
Nice video , i am romanian and i can say you did a good joob :D , and one more thing, we were thought in school that blue is the watter ( rivers , lakes, sea) that Romania has , yellow stands for tha lands and red for the blood of our ancestors that died for this land :D
Fun with flags remind me of big bang theory
Always interesting to know some facts about Romania, I have some family members from there.
Blue symbolizes the sea and the sky (the Danube Delta and the Black Sea) yellow symbolizes the sun and the and the fields of golden wheat, and red symbolizes the blood shed by ancestors in battles
I know because I learned this from the kindergarten and I’m Romanian and I live in Romania, I LOVE ROMANIA, I appreciate your video
Very cool 👏👏👏👍
I am not really interested in flags, but your videos make me interested! 😂
No man red it's from blood of our heroes , yellow it's from weath because it whas the most powerful from europa ,and blue it's from sky and waters. I AM FROM ROMANIA AND TANX FOR THE VIDEO (SORRY FOR MY ENGLISH)
Dacia had a "flag" too but it was a wolf head on a stick
The Dacian Draco was a religious symbol flown into battle. National flags did not exist back then and neither did nations.
@@TheWoollyFrog the term of nation as we know it didnt exist well into medieval times
The green on the flag stands for honesty and honor
I learned from school and my family that blue is for sky and rivers yellow is for our wheet plants and red is for the blood of oursoldiers oh and everybody from my village (Dealu) say that Ceaucescu leaded us good
Red-Roșu -Sangele eroilor
Yellow-Galben-Bogatile (sau Soarele)
Blue-Albastru-apele(sau cerul)
7:45 moldova IS romania and romania IS moldova! We are brothers prevented from uniting by russians.
Actually Romanian history dates back to the Dacians which inhabited the general region about 1200-600 BC. Some recent human artifacts even date back 10,000 BC.
Dacians which inhabited the general region SINCE 1200-600 BC (and at least until 4th century after Christ - the free Dacians). In 10,000 BC those were not Dacians.
normal republic of moldova has like the same flag . they are like a little brother
Only a little nerdy correction: People's Republic of Romania was renamed 1965 into Socialist Republic of Romania (Republica Socialistă România, RSR). :)
This is the reason I didn't attend History class
bro you underrated af
what about the star in the birds mouth at the beggining? you didnt explain about that. does it have something to do with judaism?
I thought Fun With Flags was Sheldon Cooper's show.
1:55 Why Catholic? The region has been Orthodox for the entirety of its existence.
2:40 Was it an eagle or a raven? The Corvin family (hint hint) had a lgend about a raven stealing a precious ring, chasing the bird all the way to Transilvania, then somehow becoming lords of the land they 'found'. Much like Moldova's auroch bull, chased by Dragosh who then somehow became the first lord/prince/voivode of Moldova...
7:15 Yeah, stretching the flag to 2,000 years ago is pure bull. There's a minority of people in Romania who want EVERYTHING to be Dacian; a history professor nicknamed them "dacopathic".
6:13 Isnt it blue: sky yellow: wheat red: blood thats what i learned
well im romanian and THANK you sir
Blue is water!
Yellow means crops!
Red is blood!
Great video, but Moldavia's flag featured an aurochs or wisent [head], not a bull and it can be traced back to medieval Maramureș, at the time part of the Kingdom of Hungary, from where the founders of Moldavia came from. Also, the 1821 Uprising was not against the Ottomans, but against the Greek Phanariots who ruled over Wallachia and Moldavia.
in 44 BC was the first "romania" named Dacia
m i the only 1 who have now inminde "bazinga"?
In 1967 there was a minor change to the flag of Romania the communist simbol remained the same but on instead of RPR (republica populara romana-people's republic of Romania) to RSR (Republica socialista Romania-Socialist republic of Romania) that change came in with the entrance in power of Nicolae Ceasescu and I have something else to say the first two explenations we're correct but there is a meaning to our flag which we are presented to in school blue for the danube rivers and sky yellow for the yellow-ish mountains (they're not yellow but welcome to Romania) and red blood of those who fought for the freedom (did I surprised you? I don't think so) i know minor change in 1967 but the more you know and great video nice job mate!
dude you made video for greece now for romania but where is the video about bulgaria i am from bulgaria come on you even made something for macedonia but nothing for bulgaria :,(
Wait a little bit my yogurt boy
@@UnchiuBaros Lol we have good yougurt but that doesnt mean everyone in bulgaria is yougurt freak i even dont like yougurt at all
@@iangeorge5079 i know but i a mini meme soooooo why not
Well I was told that the blue means liberty, the gold means well... gold and the fertile land and the red means the blood soldiers have spilled when they died for the country.
Im filipino but i am a romanian speaker
Men there was 2 flags in the ussr period 1 with dej geoghe and 2 with ceausescu.
Red is for the blood yellow is for the gold and blue is for the sky
Hey! I live in Moldova!
It's actually
Blue=the sky
Yellow=plants (probably wheat) or the sun that warms them
Red=the blood of the soldiers who fighted for romania's independence
People of romania in 1989: JOS COMUNISMUL
Ceausescu: angry comunist noises
Blue= the clear sky
Yellow= the rich of the land
Red= the blood of our fallen
That's all
Green = honest politicians.
@@Bogdan-uu5oe pe steagul italienilor găsești verdele (Green) și Italia nu e' un stat mai puțin corupt decât România.
Ai uitat unde sa inventat mafia? 🤔
@@Volkyno Era vorba doar pentru noi =)).
Catholic orthodox cross*
Not a bull, it's an auroch!*