I worked for 19yrs in a retail tropical nursery. Loved it, most of the time. What never failed to exasperate me was explaining over and over again to customers, 'where do the bugs come from?' I'd start off nice: Bugs are a part of the natural world and they are everywhere. They will find your plant. Customers would insist there was no way bugs could get inside their home, these pests must have come from the plant we bought here 6 months ago! After discussing various remedies and the importance of providing the best possible environments for their plants, I'd share some cold, hard truths with them. Insect eggs can be brought in on the soles of your shoes, on your pant legs, on the bottom of a shopping bag. Ever received a bouquet of flowers? An easter lily? A poinsettia? Ever had a guest come over who recently walked through a store that sold plants? Do you live in a building with common areas such as parking lots, lobbies, elevators or trash room? Bugs are gonna happen and you can either deal with it or not. I don't care anymore. I'm retired.
Not to mention someone showing a picture of their plant that is mostly mealy bugs with some plant matter and saying they weren’t there last week. Or someone telling me they don’t know how they got thrips but in the same conversation telling me what vases they use for their garden roses. Bugs are part of the party Linda. (I also used to work in plants/floral)
Houseplants literally my life. About a year ago my plants started dying. Some were 30 years old and some were new. I realized that the plants in my aquarium and the plants in the guest bedroom were fine and the only difference was I closed the vent to the bedroom and the aquarium had its own air supply. I had a heating come out and check and poisonous gas was leaking from the furnace! The only reason we weren't dead was a mistake when the old furnace was installed that allowed the gas to vent into the attic .
A quick tip for pest control to avoid a weekly trip to the sink for cleaning. I keep a watercolor pen on each cabinet, they can be filled with alcohol/water mix. I look over plants and if I spot a bug (especially mealies) I dab that critter and move on. Over time as nothing gets out of control my workload has lessens.
I'm definitely seeing a LOT of plant influencers feel this plant burnout and have been making videos recently about downsizing and reevaluating their collections and their connection to the hobby in general. It's so easy to accumulate until you realize you're in over your head! I'm in the middle of a much-needed downsize as well and it's good to check in with yourself and your collection periodically throughout the year! Thanks for this video, it feels very relevant
Last year they were all downsizing and talking about burnout at the same time. It was just another internet trend as they've all stuffed their homes to the brim again.
i just moved and had to make some choices. i gave away all my large philos and now have mostly just (84)hoyas, and alocasia and anthurium. losing the big ones was kind hard but it left me with room for smaller and more manageable plants. i was able to add about ten hoyas to the collection since the move. and they yale up less room than my squami did.
Gardener here, indoors and out. Plants never fail to bring me joy. I have been caring for houseplants for 57 years now and it has enriched my life. So nice to see you again Nick,I wish you smooth sailing through life.....
Thanks, I enjoyed this. Yep, bugs. Every time you open an external door, or a window, they will come in. They get in your hair, on your clothes, anything - if they can, they will. I've always had plants in my home. When I worked at Habitat in the '70s we had big monstera and philodendron in pots on each floor, and 3 huge ferns hanging from the ceiling. I think that started my passion. At home I had cacti (too painful and mum hated them); African violets (had to brush the dust and stuff off the leaves every week, much too tedious at 22); epiphytic cacti (too big). For the last 20+ years it's been orchids, cool growers in the greenhouse (about 200 of those), warmer ones in the house (probably 60-70, but some are in terrariums so they're watered automatically). I also have a few green plants (monstera, hoya...), oh, and I've just fallen back in love with African violets so now also have a small (so far!) stash of young ones and no idea where to put them when they get a bit bigger. Indoors I've been fairly lucky with the orchids. I won't use bugs indoors, but I do spray in the bathroom with door closed and the window open. Red spider mite used to be a big problem but is easy to kill now rather than just control, but my pet hates are mealy bug (straight in the bin); greenfly (they are born pregnant and reproduce faster than I can spray) and, something a friend gave me on some phalaenopsis, called Boisduval scale - you don't want that, trust me. Nobody wants that. Despite unpotting, spraying plants from top to bottom, sterilising pots and mounts and repotting in fresh compost, as well as replacing the tomato house they were growing in, the bugs survived. I lost about £500s worth of orchids and I was not happy. My own fault, I should have quarantine them, but I didn't. One learns, sometimes the hard way. Now everything is quarantined. I have plants I know need watering daily, but I don't always do them. Many plants would rather be underwatered than overwatered, but orchids that come from damp places, or are mounted on bark, cork and twigs, need to be kept constantly moist. I can't always find the enthusiasm - and I must remember that just because it's raining hard enough to refloat the Ark outside doesn't mean it is wet in the greenhouse! Despite all the trials, I once spent 6 months in a flat where I had just one plant (an epiphyllum I grew from seed) and I nearly went mad. I had to get out and get a place with a garden and space for plants inside. I can't live happily without plants, and cats, around me and I never again intend to.
Hey Nick, inspired by your plant un-haul I just got rid of about 10 plants in my home that looked sad, sick, infested etc. I especially got rid of the non-pet friendly ones, since my cat started eating them and my cats health comes before my plants on the priority list. And yes, it felt very liberating to get rid of these, even if some of them were expensive and I've loved them for years before now. Now, I don't have many plants, but I very much enjoy the ones that are here. Thanks for the inspiration/motivating me to finally do it! :)
I live somewhere where fungus gnats are common, so they're in and out the house because you can't live in a hermetically sealed house. I control the situation with an indoor bog garden full of carnivorous plants with uncovered top of planting medium, and cover the medium, whether soil or moss, with either an inch of aquarium gravel or wood chip respectively. The interruption of their life cycle is very effective. Keeping
I've always enjoyed your videos but they've been really exceptionally good lately! Plants are just plants but your personality really shines. Thank you (and Muffin, and the leaf bucket) for giving us such great content!
There are days when I look at my droopy plants justifying that it’s better to let them dry out than over water 🤣. I think I’ve watch a plant die, every day telling myself that I have to remember to water it tomorrow.
It's so nice seeing so many plant influencers talk about burnout/downsizing their collections. I live alone and work (away from home) full time so balancing work + pet care + hobbies + relationships + plant care has been a LOT recently and I really needed the reminder that everyone struggles and that downsizing isn't failure 😅
I came here to say that I’ve really, REALLY loved your last few videos and how it feels like you are reinvigorated, so fun, so sassy… and then Muffin came in and that is truly most important to me!!! So thank you for muffin content and muffin content only ;)
I don't have pest issues because my plants are covered in tiny black spiders. The spiders came after I had issues with aphids. I've only gotten bitten 4-5 time 😅
I have a dying plant just wilting away that I pass by everyday 🤣 I don’t have a bunch of plants, but just because I’m not in the mood to deal with it, it’s life is hanging in the balance lol For the windowsills have you have thought of using a liner? Not sure what it would exactly be called but like a mat that you can cut to the shape of the windowsill or even like a cute cloth/towel? Or will that maybe affect the plants absorbing water?
I'm so glad you're making content again ❤ you were one of the very first people I stumbled upon in the plant community and I love everything you've put out. I used your plant mounting video as inspiration and it was a great way to get my partner involved in my hobby since he built the boards lol Take care and happy New year! It's great to have you back 🎉
I experienced my first plant burnout this past winter my i do y have nearly as many plants as you do but i have anound 50 indoors and 30 out side. It gets a little crazy in the winter but i have done good fo rthe past 4 years and most of the plants made it through.
I tried having this hobby. Then thripses came into my house. Almost one and a half year later I still find one every now and then. I even managed to infect plants at friends houses and it makes me feel bad. I think they are gone now but Im afraid theyres just one left somewhere. Spider mites or fungus gnats are one thing but thripses will just not go away. And I have yet to find a decent straight forward solution. I had to throw away some really valuable old plants. And the one thing I learnt from them is. DO NOT think that because your one plant is on the other side of the house they won't get there. They will. And you have to cure your entire house. Still got sachets everywhere.
This is my first time viewing your channel, Nick, and I'm so glad that I found you. This video is just SO refreshing. It sort of comes down to 'it's okay to not be okay'. I am so relieved to hear that. I'm quite the newby and have been soaking up plant education since mid-summer. They do bring me so much happiness and add a relaxation factor to my life. I went through the new plant parent thing of almost loving my plants to death by water. Learned my lesson there, though. Now I'm on the right track and would rather see a little droop than rotten roots. I just counted yesterday and have 33 plants. I'm going to try and rest easy with that number for the time being. (Who do I think I'm kidding!) Some days, I just don't feel "it" to do plant care, and I was so glad to hear you say that you feel the same at times. My frustration with myself over that issue has now been validated by you. I can put myself into a good guilt trip but no longer. Telling myself it's not the end of the world and there are more to be had if they don't survive. They're supposed to be a pleasure, not a pain!! Thanks, Nick, for teaching me this. ❤ 😊 Love your vibe, sense of humor, and sense of reality! I'm definitely subscribing! 🤗
When I had a lot of houseplants, I got spider mites every winter. I also had fungus gnats at times until I started to water my plants with water, I'd soaked a mosquito dunk in. A lot of times I just put them in the shower and washed off the pests. It helped to manage them. Having plants, a garden, lots of pets or animals. It's messy and a lot of work that people rarely show or talk about online. Real life is messy, and things die. I gave up and moved to the subtropics where I can garden outside all year long. I don't even have houseplants anymore, I still enjoy the content though! 😁
During the height of the pandemic when I started growing plants I had roughly 67 and was miserable. Watering took like 2 days and I was constantly experiencing plant burnout. I then got rid of them and brought it down to 32. It has since climbed back up to 42. I will definitely get rid of some again if I feel stress in caring for them
I want to see the weekly dead plant find. Yes i just had to replace the window sills in the bed rooms. We have three vacuums. I know you understand. Great video.
honestly i think the most important lesson by far to learn and to accept is that its really not a big deal if a plant dies. you should rather think buying plants like this: if you buy a new plant and you bring it home, consider it dead by that point and your money is gone and if however it will survive a long time, its a bonus. that way it feels way better when most of the plants survive instead of a few dying. but anyways. it really is not a big deal. if you ONLY have like super rare plants at home that cost like 200$ a piece+ , well thats on you really. i say yes, have like a handful of more expensive plants you really make sure they are fine, and have the rest be like cheaper stuff. and with cheap i dont even mean boring, you can get really cool cuttings from local people for a few bucks. i love syngonium albos for example, they are not boring at all, yet a cutting is like 2 bucks. if some of those plants die... yeah its sad but quite honestly? you can just buy a new one because they re rather cheap and enjoying the process of growing it is allways fun. see every plant as a challenge. ''how long can it survive'' and next time it ll survive for longer then. the other day i had a small monstera albo dying on me because i did something i shouldnt have done and it sucks, but lets be real, those guys arent that expensive anymore and i can just get a new one for like 25-30 Euros, it really isnt THAT of a huge deal. its plants, they live, they die.
I agree so many influencers houses are too clean for plants lol I've thought that for ages! There's one woman (I can't remember her name) but every corner of her house is pristine and nothing is ever wrong with her plants and I was like 'NO THIS IS NOT MY JAM' immediately 😂 My favourite videos are like when Harli's tent flooded or moving vlogs cause they're actually somewhat realistic for me and make me feel not so alone and messy. Clair (jungle haven) is quite good at showing mess and has a. big 'chaotic cupboard of chaos' as she calls it . I just like honesty and you are really right in saying it is so hard and pests are always a thing. I now have less than 100 plants (I had almost 280 at one point) and pests were too crazy for me. I would love you to collaborate with some other plant people Nick, I love your vibe and I love seeing plant meet ups/virtual plant meets!!!!
lol about waiting for the plants to die... i had a staghorn fern that was just never happy, so i finally gave up and was just waiting for it to die. that thing held on for more than a year without water. i finally put it outside in the winter cold STILL WITH GREEN LEAVES but it finally succumbed to the cold....
Thank you. I needed to hear all of this. I'm in Minneapolis, it's been getting to -20 for the past few days, Ihave seasonal depression on top of my usual depression. My plants make me very happy but right now, it's a struggle to care for them. I've gone weeks without watering (yet some of them hang on). But I feel such guilt about it. Hearing someone say "It's ok" meant so much. Thank you.
Hang in there! We have friends that live outside of Minneapolis and I can't imagine how one even leaves the house in that weather! And I always say the ones that survive my neglect or over love of watering, those are just the plants meant for you 🫶 like I ain't getting a calathea anytime soon 🤣🤷🏼♀️ just not for me
So true! I have a lot of succulents and cacti which don't need water very often but I also have a lot of tropicals which do need more water. Your pains are my pains too my friend. ❤ This is a necessary video.
Im almost at 30 plants & im at that point where i want to get rid of some. With a 2 year old as well, its not worth the stress. Im about to say goodbye to this peperomia and one of my bops and maybee my polka dot plant. Thank you for the transparency ❤
In a video by Sydney Plant Guy, he said it's a bit offensive when people ask him what his secret is because that question undermines all his hard work. But...sure sure.. and I still would love to know the secret or secrets because that is just not the average experience. It must be location or something...I don't know. And I used to feel to so guilty throwing plants out but not anymore. Thank you for normalizing these things.
If I'm not excited to see what a plant does next, I sell it to someone who will appreciate it more. I'll take time to learn a plant and study it, and if it's not an absolute favorite of mine, someone else can enjoy it instead. With the plants I use for terrarium workshops, I keep them in clear plastic salad containers with lids. These function as self-watering terrariums and the plants stay safe from bugs in there. If a plant gets bugs, it gets sent to plastic bag jail. I'm also very careful to make sure any one plant's leaves aren't touching any other plant's leaves. When plants aren't touching, it's much harder for bugs to spread. When I get new plants, they get a bath with insecticidal soap. I never use it as a spray though, cause that's just not thorough enough. It's always more of a dunk or a washcloth situation.
I have been growing massive numbers houseplants indoors and huge gardens outdoors for more years than you've been alive. This video is a must watch especially for all those who climbed aboard the houseplant train during COVID and got obsessed and overwhelmed. A few of the so-called influencers, as you note, don't tell the whole story, or else they are complaining about having pests and having neglected this or that...and now I see sort of New Years resolutions about downsizing their 'collections' because yeah, they can't manage them. One of the things I like about your video here is that you acknowledge that bugs happen. It's a fact of life, and if people don't want pests, they ought not have living plants. Thanks, Nick, for what you do.
thanks for your honesty....just starting to feel ok with pitching a plant that I am trying to piece together....no stress anymore....just throw it away
Listened to this video while finally watering my Houseplant collection... two went to the trash, and countless dead leaves were removed and/or collected from the group. Helps knowing I'm not alone. Plant burn out is a thing.. I've probably killed half my collection in the last year... but friends still come over and say my house is plant goals.. 🤣 so I still have plenty. Maybe this spring, I'll build my collection back up. Warm weather is so much easier. Love your videos!
I HAVE A BUCKET TOO! it's gone from being trash to being a challenge. Just how much can I get in there? I play the What was that? game with myself when I look in it. Thank you Nick for being so transparent . It's refreshing. We are kindred spirits
Spot on on everything 😂 Last year i had a thrips infestation on my ENTIRE 200 PLANT ORCHID COLLECTION. I was able to get it under control but man, it was stressful. As a fellow content creator i make videos on orchids i kill. Things are definitely not always perfect, and it can be overwhelming, but when you see new blooms it's always really nice ❤️
I had thrips on my 200 plant collection toooo 😭😭 it was a 2 year battle and im down to 45ish plants. Lots of tears, lots of lessons learned. No more thrips to my knowledge but what a horrible time. Im so so sorry to hear about your orchid collection 😢 glad you had success in the end!
I’ve over 150 plants and today I’m just having a bad day with them. Some ones I can’t make fit in the house or look pretty, like they just look like they’re just randomly sitting there, not part of the decor. Want to try sell some but I can’t bring myself to!
I can relate! I have a robot vac that helps the floor situation AND I have a hand-held rechargeable mini vac that I use on my surfaces (including my makeup area, kitchen counter, and stove) and those 2 items have been game changers. Also, I recommend one of those plastic floor mats that are really for wet boots for the window sills. They have a lip around the edge so water spillage stays contained and you can get them in off-white so they’re discrete… then, if they get dirty, just vacuum them… or shower them off if necessary, but that’s more work if you ask me.
I found out I'm allergic to house plant mold last year. With a daily headache I had to eliminate some, and found a friend that got a trunk load of plants! There are still some that have sentimental value I will keep forever, but others I don't care if they die. Thank you for sharing this. I needed to hear the no one is perfect thing today. Can't wait for more content, love your stuff!
Just a thought, you could always get air plants, lithops, or succulents planted in very gritty soil. Sorry to hear about the allergy! You could also grow rooted cuttings in water that way you have plants with less risk of mold.
Try semi-hydro! I use Leca for most of my house plants and I love it so much I'll never go back. My vacuum cleaner is also breathing a sigh of relief. 😂
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Nick, did I miss when you told us you now work for a lighting company? How do you like it? And it's been about a year now? You had me laughing here and there during the video. But you are right, it once again happened to me. For a couple of weeks too long I've just looked at my plants and saw some take a bit of a dive. One I think I may have completely lost. I'll see when I take a dive at it. But for the most part the rest were OK. I realize the heating in my home is drying my plants out faster than I think. But still I was in a mood for about 2 weeks not watering any plants. Now I've already started getting to the business of cleaning, saving plants. I'm not sure if it's plant burnout or I just don't feel like doing any plant care. But one thing I'm training myself to do is focus on plants that need water care before any other kinds of plants because of some alarm I see. I do have a ziplock bag to put plant trash in when I clean up plants. I do not yet have to clean up the floors or sills on a regular basis because of dying leaves or stems. I do have way more than 5 plants though. I'm aiming for 300 plants and that is my cap. No way I can do 4, 5, 6 hundred plants. Just no way. To thine own self be true I say and I've have set my cap. Still, indoor plant life is Beautiful and I pray I will always need to want it that way. If for some reason that changes, because you just can't predict the future and what can happen to make drastic changes, it's OK. Nothing last forever and perhaps in time the love will come back stronger than ever. But for right now Nick, I'm working my way to 300 plants and the love is there. I must add, I've also been loving going to plant swaps here in NYC. So much fun and pleasantness. Always good to see and hear from you Nick. Remember the God of Heaven who loves you. Take care now!.
Your comments on this video and the Plant Purge one are on point! I also started my plant journey in my late 20s, both indoor and outdoors, and a decade or two later it has blown up. The reward is still much, much greater than the frustrations with the constant cleaning, the plant leaf pile, and oh the pests. It’s all rovided me new skill sets. Now friends call me when they are unsure about their plants health. Plants provide humans with so much and we must learn to respect their werk in keeping our ecosystems in check rather then what they do for us. I hope my kid also develops the same gardening skills too, just as you learned from your family Nick. Thanks for continuing to share you insights with us.
Your shirt brings out your eye color. I sometimes wonder why I got so many plants. Thay are my babies tho. I let them raise themselves sometime and at other times, I'm a helicopter mom. Pests...uggh. i really enjoy your new content!
Thanks for the realness Nick 😂 I don't feel as bad about the water damage and holes in the ceiling and walls in my apartments 😂😂😂😂 Question: Do you own any lipstick plants that are living? If you do, can you please do a video on your success having a lipstick plant? 😂😂😂😂😂 It's my absolute favorite plant that never lives 😂😂😂 I've gone through 4 . I live in New York, and I know your seasons are the same as mine.
I have friends who call me a plant daddy but they don't understand that I barely have rare plants so I don't feel obligated to try to keep plants that refuse to thrive. No hesitation throwing away plants I'm tired of looking at. Also, Nick!, Get shelf/drawer liners for your window sills. You can cut them to fit and don't need to think about the paint or wood etc ever again.
Nick this video was hilarious. Just what I needed. I loved the dead leaf bucket. I use empty Kleenex boxes in each of the rooms with plants so no one else really sees them. Crazy. Keep up your videos as I love them.
For several years I lived in a rowhouse that had one large front window, and no other natural light. My poor plants were all stuffed onto the window seat at that front window, right next to the front door. My plants got SO MANY pests in that location. Not to mention the draft from that 3D window in a early 20th century Baltimore rowhouse.
YES!! THE LEAF BUCKET LOL!! I thought I was the only one!! I love this video! I needed this today. I want to get rid of more plants in my collection to make room for the ones that really bring me joy ..... but I always hesitate before giving or throwing it away, then I feel guilty .... then I just keep it .... which leads to more stress ..... Before I sat down and clicked this video I was literally going through my plants and thinking .... ugh I want to get rid of you and you and you .... your video was my sign I needed to let them go!! THANK YOU!!
I don’t particularly have burnout yet, BUT I’ve been really picky about the plants I add to my already large collection. Really just succulent/Hoyas have been added in the past few months because they’re low maintenance. I don’t buy any plants that need a ton of attention anymore. Plants that like to be neglected makes up most of my collection at this point! I have a leaf bucket! It’s just a little weird shaped cache pot that doesn’t fit any nursery pots so now it’s a leaf bucket, it’s the best!
I’ve been taking a break from house plant content for bit. You’re looking a lot happier than back when I stepped away! I’m glad you’re still here making content.
Just gotta say, I was so distracted looking at your eyes in this video... Mesmerizing! 💙👀😂 Seriously though, I'm seeing a lot of planty content creators purging plants and downsizing. For a while a wanted to buy every plant I saw someone feature but I found if I would just wait a couple weeks I would come to my senses and realize I didn't have room or conditions to make every plant happy. Not to mention how quickly plant prices fluctuate. Now I have a nice, easy-going collection that I enjoy caring for and can manage without much stress. 🙌👍
Oh, Nick! Thanks for yet another insightful, honest, and as always, snarky video. I, too, keep finding mystery loose potting soil on the floor and think that there must be some kind of small critters in my pots excavating their homes. And, most importantly, I have two black cats also. Their vet and the Humane Society from which they were adopted, told us that black cats and dogs are the last to find homes because they aren't "flashy and interesting" enough! Can you believe it? We're on our fifth set of black cats in thirty years and wouldn't trade them for anything else! You were the first influencer I ever watched about plants and I'm so glad since you never try to make anyone feel inadequate or a failure. Keep it up!
Oh!!! Windowsill's my tip is this! Get a giant roll of cabinet liner for like your kitchen drawers and such. It's like puffed up thin plastic and cut one long stip of it to size to protect the wood from scratching thats what I have found that works beautifully. Then every couple of months I just replace it out with another cutting from the same roll. It's a insta fix for a renter if you plan ahead. :)
Your honesty about the realities of having hundreds of houseplants is refreshing and eye-opening! 🌿💡 It's not all picture-perfect, and your insights provide a realistic perspective. Thanks for sharing the untold side of being a plant enthusiast!
So happy you are back on a regular basis! One of the first and favorites of my follows. Oh, and plant burn out is certainly real, just coming off a long stint of it and falling in love again
I love this. I started keeping plants and got quickly overwhelmed. I ride the wave and I remind myself that this hobby is for my pleasure and not to trigger panic attacks 😂
Glad you're back! Always enjoy your content. I have minimized my collection (still have a lot), but am more selective these days when I do purchase anything new. As beautiful the displays at the nursery...no more Calethea, no more Alocasia, I want plants that last years, not months (or less...lol!). And if I do slack off (as we all do), I need forgiving plants that will bounce back. Bottom line, I am only growing plants that thrive in my home's natural environment rather than trying to create an environment that the plant requires.
Yep, agree no alocasias or calatheas. They are too hard for my personality and type A behavior. I now enjoy my "common" plants just like before. I can go on vacation and not worry about plants or anything. It is simply freedom. I don't even have a cell phone with me!
This sounds so recognizable, there are always some plants in my house that need some tlc. However, I'm the kind of person that really can't throw away a plant. So at the moment I have a 1 meter aquarium just filled with plant cuttings of plants that were not making it. The winter dip is also very recognizable, especially because the plants don't recover for months at a time especially when I watter a plant just before a cold snap, suddenly it doesn't take up the water anymore, roots start to rot and the plant wilts away, so frustrating. But it's all worth it come spring when everything comes back to life .
What serendipitous timing! This is my first time seeing one of your videos, and I was just spiraling about some of my favorites. A cold front has made it nearly impossible to keep the house warm enough and humid enough. You're right. This shouldn't cause more stress. Thank you for sharing your experiences!
Hello fellow Pennsylvanian! Great video. I go through spurts of buying and re-homing my plants once I no longer feel joy with their presence. I used to feel guilty about not trying to resuscitate the ones that want to be finicky and cause me issues but I've gotten over it. Now i give them a stern warning to get their shit together or their days are numbered! I'm currently making room because I'm heading to Terrain on Saturday and I will inevitably find one (or two or ten) new plants that I "just have to bring home" ! 😊
Ooo I hope you found something good at Terrain! Whenever I go there, I always have to stop in Lin Villa as well, as both of those places are the only two in the area that buy from the broker that I used to buy from (and loved and miss!).
@NickPileggiPlants I ventured the nasty icy roads, and I went. The food was amazing and of course I found a new plant baby... a massive Philodendron Summer Glory 😍 a few months ago I rescued a pathetic Philo Florida Green from Home Depot and I brought it back to life. It quickly became one of my favorites. This Summer Glory will give it a run for its money! I've never been to Lin Villa but next time I'm in the area, I will definitely check it out ! Keep the videos coming. I love them!
Hey Nick, don't know if you've already tried but you can use cork or ceramic tiles to line your window sill pretty cheaply. I'd guess something like microfiber cloth (maybe velcroed down to enable laundry) would work too? (cut up a cheap bath microfiber towel for super cheap, cloths work out more expensive) If you feel like Daddy Big Bucks you could use those diatomaceous Earth mat things Tik Tok seems to love? A lot of people use cork mats but a pack of cork tiles is way cheaper
Anything absorbent will draw water out of the plant pot, thus increasing the need to water more frequently. I use cork mats, but only under saucers - not under the pot itself for the same reason.
@@msscamp100 Absolutely! I should've said that. All mine are in pot covers so it's not something I've ever had to worry about but you're 100% right if you're using a pot with drainage holes exposed
👏 👏👏👏👏 Having large plant collection and struggles. The day to day maintenance isn’t always going to be perfect. I can’t tell you the last time I saw 100% pest free home. The point of collecting plants is to bring you joy.
Love your talked about sweeping up leaves and dirt. Sometimes I feel I have more leaves and dirt to sweep up in my house than I do outside. Really so true what you said. Love your show.
Amen on a pest collector plant! I have only one left from the plague last year spider mites and mealy bugs went ham. Now my only fussy one left is my huge Polly that I thought was not going to make it but it’s been rocking on in the new era
I worked for 19yrs in a retail tropical nursery. Loved it, most of the time. What never failed to exasperate me was explaining over and over again to customers, 'where do the bugs come from?' I'd start off nice: Bugs are a part of the natural world and they are everywhere. They will find your plant. Customers would insist there was no way bugs could get inside their home, these pests must have come from the plant we bought here 6 months ago! After discussing various remedies and the importance of providing the best possible environments for their plants, I'd share some cold, hard truths with them. Insect eggs can be brought in on the soles of your shoes, on your pant legs, on the bottom of a shopping bag. Ever received a bouquet of flowers? An easter lily? A poinsettia? Ever had a guest come over who recently walked through a store that sold plants? Do you live in a building with common areas such as parking lots, lobbies, elevators or trash room? Bugs are gonna happen and you can either deal with it or not. I don't care anymore. I'm retired.
Love the ending 😂
What was your "Go To" for the hitchhikers?
I found mealybugs on an apple! It grossed me out, but they live on plants, so… they were soon dead and the apple was eaten.
Not to mention someone showing a picture of their plant that is mostly mealy bugs with some plant matter and saying they weren’t there last week.
Or someone telling me they don’t know how they got thrips but in the same conversation telling me what vases they use for their garden roses.
Bugs are part of the party Linda.
(I also used to work in plants/floral)
Never heard truer words! Oof, I feel the PTSD rushing in 🥵
Houseplants literally my life. About a year ago my plants started dying. Some were 30 years old and some were new. I realized that the plants in my aquarium and the plants in the guest bedroom were fine and the only difference was I closed the vent to the bedroom and the aquarium had its own air supply. I had a heating come out and check and poisonous gas was leaking from the furnace!
The only reason we weren't dead was a mistake when the old furnace was installed that allowed the gas to vent into the attic .
A quick tip for pest control to avoid a weekly trip to the sink for cleaning. I keep a watercolor pen on each cabinet, they can be filled with alcohol/water mix. I look over plants and if I spot a bug (especially mealies) I dab that critter and move on. Over time as nothing gets out of control my workload has lessens.
that is a brilliant idea
I have pest and I have those pens and that honestly sounds kinda fun like I’m just painting it out the picture 😂 thanks for the idea!
I'm definitely seeing a LOT of plant influencers feel this plant burnout and have been making videos recently about downsizing and reevaluating their collections and their connection to the hobby in general. It's so easy to accumulate until you realize you're in over your head! I'm in the middle of a much-needed downsize as well and it's good to check in with yourself and your collection periodically throughout the year! Thanks for this video, it feels very relevant
Last year they were all downsizing and talking about burnout at the same time. It was just another internet trend as they've all stuffed their homes to the brim again.
i just moved and had to make some choices. i gave away all my large philos and now have mostly just (84)hoyas, and alocasia and anthurium. losing the big ones was kind hard but it left me with room for smaller and more manageable plants. i was able to add about ten hoyas to the collection since the move. and they yale up less room than my squami did.
I fully agree! And now, I can replace all those plants with a few (emphasis on A FEW) easy plants to bring the beauty back in!
Gardener here, indoors and out. Plants never fail to bring me joy. I have been caring for houseplants for 57 years now and it has enriched my life. So nice to see you again Nick,I wish you smooth sailing through life.....
Thank you! 💚🪴
Thanks, I enjoyed this. Yep, bugs. Every time you open an external door, or a window, they will come in. They get in your hair, on your clothes, anything - if they can, they will. I've always had plants in my home. When I worked at Habitat in the '70s we had big monstera and philodendron in pots on each floor, and 3 huge ferns hanging from the ceiling. I think that started my passion. At home I had cacti (too painful and mum hated them); African violets (had to brush the dust and stuff off the leaves every week, much too tedious at 22); epiphytic cacti (too big). For the last 20+ years it's been orchids, cool growers in the greenhouse (about 200 of those), warmer ones in the house (probably 60-70, but some are in terrariums so they're watered automatically). I also have a few green plants (monstera, hoya...), oh, and I've just fallen back in love with African violets so now also have a small (so far!) stash of young ones and no idea where to put them when they get a bit bigger.
Indoors I've been fairly lucky with the orchids. I won't use bugs indoors, but I do spray in the bathroom with door closed and the window open. Red spider mite used to be a big problem but is easy to kill now rather than just control, but my pet hates are mealy bug (straight in the bin); greenfly (they are born pregnant and reproduce faster than I can spray) and, something a friend gave me on some phalaenopsis, called Boisduval scale - you don't want that, trust me. Nobody wants that. Despite unpotting, spraying plants from top to bottom, sterilising pots and mounts and repotting in fresh compost, as well as replacing the tomato house they were growing in, the bugs survived. I lost about £500s worth of orchids and I was not happy. My own fault, I should have quarantine them, but I didn't. One learns, sometimes the hard way. Now everything is quarantined.
I have plants I know need watering daily, but I don't always do them. Many plants would rather be underwatered than overwatered, but orchids that come from damp places, or are mounted on bark, cork and twigs, need to be kept constantly moist. I can't always find the enthusiasm - and I must remember that just because it's raining hard enough to refloat the Ark outside doesn't mean it is wet in the greenhouse!
Despite all the trials, I once spent 6 months in a flat where I had just one plant (an epiphyllum I grew from seed) and I nearly went mad. I had to get out and get a place with a garden and space for plants inside. I can't live happily without plants, and cats, around me and I never again intend to.
Hey Nick, inspired by your plant un-haul I just got rid of about 10 plants in my home that looked sad, sick, infested etc. I especially got rid of the non-pet friendly ones, since my cat started eating them and my cats health comes before my plants on the priority list. And yes, it felt very liberating to get rid of these, even if some of them were expensive and I've loved them for years before now. Now, I don't have many plants, but I very much enjoy the ones that are here. Thanks for the inspiration/motivating me to finally do it! :)
I live somewhere where fungus gnats are common, so they're in and out the house because you can't live in a hermetically sealed house. I control the situation with an indoor bog garden full of carnivorous plants with uncovered top of planting medium, and cover the medium, whether soil or moss, with either an inch of aquarium gravel or wood chip respectively. The interruption of their life cycle is very effective.
I've always enjoyed your videos but they've been really exceptionally good lately! Plants are just plants but your personality really shines. Thank you (and Muffin, and the leaf bucket) for giving us such great content!
Aw thank you so much 🥲💚
There are days when I look at my droopy plants justifying that it’s better to let them dry out than over water 🤣. I think I’ve watch a plant die, every day telling myself that I have to remember to water it tomorrow.
Me too! Every. Single. Day. 😅
Yyyyyup, lol, I feel you there 😅
It's so nice seeing so many plant influencers talk about burnout/downsizing their collections. I live alone and work (away from home) full time so balancing work + pet care + hobbies + relationships + plant care has been a LOT recently and I really needed the reminder that everyone struggles and that downsizing isn't failure 😅
Tending for plants is self care, but so is getting rid of them!
I came here to say that I’ve really, REALLY loved your last few videos and how it feels like you are reinvigorated, so fun, so sassy… and then Muffin came in and that is truly most important to me!!! So thank you for muffin content and muffin content only ;)
😂💚 Thanks so much!! I love to hear that 🤗
I don't have pest issues because my plants are covered in tiny black spiders. The spiders came after I had issues with aphids. I've only gotten bitten 4-5 time 😅
I have a dying plant just wilting away that I pass by everyday 🤣 I don’t have a bunch of plants, but just because I’m not in the mood to deal with it, it’s life is hanging in the balance lol
For the windowsills have you have thought of using a liner? Not sure what it would exactly be called but like a mat that you can cut to the shape of the windowsill or even like a cute cloth/towel? Or will that maybe affect the plants absorbing water?
I'm so glad you're making content again ❤ you were one of the very first people I stumbled upon in the plant community and I love everything you've put out. I used your plant mounting video as inspiration and it was a great way to get my partner involved in my hobby since he built the boards lol
Take care and happy New year! It's great to have you back 🎉
Oh that makes me so happy to hear! Thanks for the support over the years 💚
I experienced my first plant burnout this past winter my i do y have nearly as many plants as you do but i have anound 50 indoors and 30 out side. It gets a little crazy in the winter but i have done good fo rthe past 4 years and most of the plants made it through.
Omg haha! I love this video cz it took me a hot minute to make peace with the fact that not everything would always be perfect with my plants! 😅
I tried having this hobby. Then thripses came into my house. Almost one and a half year later I still find one every now and then. I even managed to infect plants at friends houses and it makes me feel bad. I think they are gone now but Im afraid theyres just one left somewhere.
Spider mites or fungus gnats are one thing but thripses will just not go away. And I have yet to find a decent straight forward solution. I had to throw away some really valuable old plants. And the one thing I learnt from them is. DO NOT think that because your one plant is on the other side of the house they won't get there. They will. And you have to cure your entire house. Still got sachets everywhere.
This is my first time viewing your channel, Nick, and I'm so glad that I found you. This video is just SO refreshing. It sort of comes down to 'it's okay to not be okay'. I am so relieved to hear that. I'm quite the newby and have been soaking up plant education since mid-summer. They do bring me so much happiness and add a relaxation factor to my life. I went through the new plant parent thing of almost loving my plants to death by water. Learned my lesson there, though. Now I'm on the right track and would rather see a little droop than rotten roots. I just counted yesterday and have 33 plants. I'm going to try and rest easy with that number for the time being. (Who do I think I'm kidding!)
Some days, I just don't feel "it" to do plant care, and I was so glad to hear you say that you feel the same at times. My frustration with myself over that issue has now been validated by you. I can put myself into a good guilt trip but no longer. Telling myself it's not the end of the world and there are more to be had if they don't survive. They're supposed to be a pleasure, not a pain!! Thanks, Nick, for teaching me this. ❤ 😊
Love your vibe, sense of humor, and sense of reality! I'm definitely subscribing! 🤗
When I had a lot of houseplants, I got spider mites every winter. I also had fungus gnats at times until I started to water my plants with water, I'd soaked a mosquito dunk in. A lot of times I just put them in the shower and washed off the pests. It helped to manage them. Having plants, a garden, lots of pets or animals. It's messy and a lot of work that people rarely show or talk about online. Real life is messy, and things die. I gave up and moved to the subtropics where I can garden outside all year long. I don't even have houseplants anymore, I still enjoy the content though! 😁
During the height of the pandemic when I started growing plants I had roughly 67 and was miserable. Watering took like 2 days and I was constantly experiencing plant burnout. I then got rid of them and brought it down to 32. It has since climbed back up to 42. I will definitely get rid of some again if I feel stress in caring for them
It's a balancing act, for sure!
I want to see the weekly dead plant find. Yes i just had to replace the window sills in the bed rooms. We have three vacuums. I know you understand. Great video.
honestly i think the most important lesson by far to learn and to accept is that its really not a big deal if a plant dies. you should rather think buying plants like this: if you buy a new plant and you bring it home, consider it dead by that point and your money is gone and if however it will survive a long time, its a bonus. that way it feels way better when most of the plants survive instead of a few dying. but anyways. it really is not a big deal. if you ONLY have like super rare plants at home that cost like 200$ a piece+ , well thats on you really. i say yes, have like a handful of more expensive plants you really make sure they are fine, and have the rest be like cheaper stuff. and with cheap i dont even mean boring, you can get really cool cuttings from local people for a few bucks. i love syngonium albos for example, they are not boring at all, yet a cutting is like 2 bucks. if some of those plants die... yeah its sad but quite honestly? you can just buy a new one because they re rather cheap and enjoying the process of growing it is allways fun. see every plant as a challenge. ''how long can it survive'' and next time it ll survive for longer then.
the other day i had a small monstera albo dying on me because i did something i shouldnt have done and it sucks, but lets be real, those guys arent that expensive anymore and i can just get a new one for like 25-30 Euros, it really isnt THAT of a huge deal.
its plants, they live, they die.
I agree so many influencers houses are too clean for plants lol I've thought that for ages! There's one woman (I can't remember her name) but every corner of her house is pristine and nothing is ever wrong with her plants and I was like 'NO THIS IS NOT MY JAM' immediately 😂 My favourite videos are like when Harli's tent flooded or moving vlogs cause they're actually somewhat realistic for me and make me feel not so alone and messy. Clair (jungle haven) is quite good at showing mess and has a. big 'chaotic cupboard of chaos' as she calls it . I just like honesty and you are really right in saying it is so hard and pests are always a thing. I now have less than 100 plants (I had almost 280 at one point) and pests were too crazy for me. I would love you to collaborate with some other plant people Nick, I love your vibe and I love seeing plant meet ups/virtual plant meets!!!!
lol about waiting for the plants to die... i had a staghorn fern that was just never happy, so i finally gave up and was just waiting for it to die. that thing held on for more than a year without water. i finally put it outside in the winter cold STILL WITH GREEN LEAVES but it finally succumbed to the cold....
I bought a roll end of carpet to put on my window shelves so I dont leave marks or rot the window sills.
Thank you. I needed to hear all of this. I'm in Minneapolis, it's been getting to -20 for the past few days, Ihave seasonal depression on top of my usual depression. My plants make me very happy but right now, it's a struggle to care for them. I've gone weeks without watering (yet some of them hang on). But I feel such guilt about it. Hearing someone say "It's ok" meant so much. Thank you.
Hang in there! We have friends that live outside of Minneapolis and I can't imagine how one even leaves the house in that weather! And I always say the ones that survive my neglect or over love of watering, those are just the plants meant for you 🫶 like I ain't getting a calathea anytime soon 🤣🤷🏼♀️ just not for me
It is okay! Your struggle does not define you!
This is the toughest time of year! Hang in there 💚😄
So true! I have a lot of succulents and cacti which don't need water very often but I also have a lot of tropicals which do need more water. Your pains are my pains too my friend. ❤ This is a necessary video.
Im almost at 30 plants & im at that point where i want to get rid of some. With a 2 year old as well, its not worth the stress. Im about to say goodbye to this peperomia and one of my bops and maybee my polka dot plant. Thank you for the transparency ❤
In a video by Sydney Plant Guy, he said it's a bit offensive when people ask him what his secret is because that question undermines all his hard work. But...sure sure.. and I still would love to know the secret or secrets because that is just not the average experience. It must be location or something...I don't know. And I used to feel to so guilty throwing plants out but not anymore. Thank you for normalizing these things.
i think his secret is that he lives in australia lol. my new england ass could NEVER have that many happy anthuriums
Thank you Nick for this reassuring video! The message of - You are doing the best you can do - very comforting!
If I'm not excited to see what a plant does next, I sell it to someone who will appreciate it more. I'll take time to learn a plant and study it, and if it's not an absolute favorite of mine, someone else can enjoy it instead.
With the plants I use for terrarium workshops, I keep them in clear plastic salad containers with lids. These function as self-watering terrariums and the plants stay safe from bugs in there. If a plant gets bugs, it gets sent to plastic bag jail. I'm also very careful to make sure any one plant's leaves aren't touching any other plant's leaves. When plants aren't touching, it's much harder for bugs to spread.
When I get new plants, they get a bath with insecticidal soap. I never use it as a spray though, cause that's just not thorough enough. It's always more of a dunk or a washcloth situation.
Glad you’re back
YAY sooo glad you're back!!!💚😻🪴
I have been growing massive numbers houseplants indoors and huge gardens outdoors for more years than you've been alive. This video is a must watch especially for all those who climbed aboard the houseplant train during COVID and got obsessed and overwhelmed. A few of the so-called influencers, as you note, don't tell the whole story, or else they are complaining about having pests and having neglected this or that...and now I see sort of New Years resolutions about downsizing their 'collections' because yeah, they can't manage them. One of the things I like about your video here is that you acknowledge that bugs happen. It's a fact of life, and if people don't want pests, they ought not have living plants. Thanks, Nick, for what you do.
Thanks! I'm glad to hear it 💚😄🪴
thanks for your honesty....just starting to feel ok with pitching a plant that I am trying to piece together....no stress anymore....just throw it away
Listened to this video while finally watering my Houseplant collection... two went to the trash, and countless dead leaves were removed and/or collected from the group. Helps knowing I'm not alone. Plant burn out is a thing.. I've probably killed half my collection in the last year... but friends still come over and say my house is plant goals.. 🤣 so I still have plenty. Maybe this spring, I'll build my collection back up. Warm weather is so much easier.
Love your videos!
I HAVE A BUCKET TOO! it's gone from being trash to being a challenge. Just how much can I get in there? I play the What was that? game with myself when I look in it. Thank you Nick for being so transparent . It's refreshing. We are kindred spirits
😂 I'll have to start playing that game, too
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE THIS NEW STYLE! & YOU TOLD NO LIES!
I've been good at throwing away problem plants. Had a beautiful hoya that kept getting mealy, so it was gone.
Hi muffin..looking forward ti what’s coming❤❤
We love to see this ♥️ good to see you back Nick
Yeeeeey you and Muffin are back!!! Can't wait to see more video's. Greetings from the Netherlands.
Spot on on everything 😂 Last year i had a thrips infestation on my ENTIRE 200 PLANT ORCHID COLLECTION. I was able to get it under control but man, it was stressful. As a fellow content creator i make videos on orchids i kill. Things are definitely not always perfect, and it can be overwhelming, but when you see new blooms it's always really nice ❤️
I had thrips on my 200 plant collection toooo 😭😭 it was a 2 year battle and im down to 45ish plants. Lots of tears, lots of lessons learned. No more thrips to my knowledge but what a horrible time. Im so so sorry to hear about your orchid collection 😢 glad you had success in the end!
I’ve over 150 plants and today I’m just having a bad day with them. Some ones I can’t make fit in the house or look pretty, like they just look like they’re just randomly sitting there, not part of the decor. Want to try sell some but I can’t bring myself to!
I totally feel that. Maybe consider switching up the planters, grouping different ones together, or maybe even planting some together!
I can relate! I have a robot vac that helps the floor situation AND I have a hand-held rechargeable mini vac that I use on my surfaces (including my makeup area, kitchen counter, and stove) and those 2 items have been game changers. Also, I recommend one of those plastic floor mats that are really for wet boots for the window sills. They have a lip around the edge so water spillage stays contained and you can get them in off-white so they’re discrete… then, if they get dirty, just vacuum them… or shower them off if necessary, but that’s more work if you ask me.
That's such a great idea!!
I found out I'm allergic to house plant mold last year. With a daily headache I had to eliminate some, and found a friend that got a trunk load of plants! There are still some that have sentimental value I will keep forever, but others I don't care if they die. Thank you for sharing this. I needed to hear the no one is perfect thing today. Can't wait for more content, love your stuff!
Just a thought, you could always get air plants, lithops, or succulents planted in very gritty soil. Sorry to hear about the allergy! You could also grow rooted cuttings in water that way you have plants with less risk of mold.
Try semi-hydro! I use Leca for most of my house plants and I love it so much I'll never go back. My vacuum cleaner is also breathing a sigh of relief. 😂
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Nick, did I miss when you told us you now work for a lighting company? How do you like it? And it's been about a year now? You had me laughing here and there during the video. But you are right, it once again happened to me. For a couple of weeks too long I've just looked at my plants and saw some take a bit of a dive. One I think I may have completely lost. I'll see when I take a dive at it. But for the most part the rest were OK. I realize the heating in my home is drying my plants out faster than I think. But still I was in a mood for about 2 weeks not watering any plants. Now I've already started getting to the business of cleaning, saving plants. I'm not sure if it's plant burnout or I just don't feel like doing any plant care. But one thing I'm training myself to do is focus on plants that need water care before any other kinds of plants because of some alarm I see. I do have a ziplock bag to put plant trash in when I clean up plants. I do not yet have to clean up the floors or sills on a regular basis because of dying leaves or stems. I do have way more than 5 plants though. I'm aiming for 300 plants and that is my cap. No way I can do 4, 5, 6 hundred plants. Just no way. To thine own self be true I say and I've have set my cap. Still, indoor plant life is Beautiful and I pray I will always need to want it that way. If for some reason that changes, because you just can't predict the future and what can happen to make drastic changes, it's OK. Nothing last forever and perhaps in time the love will come back stronger than ever. But for right now Nick, I'm working my way to 300 plants and the love is there. I must add, I've also been loving going to plant swaps here in NYC. So much fun and pleasantness. Always good to see and hear from you Nick. Remember the God of Heaven who loves you. Take care now!.
Thank you - I got two I’m looking at right now that might not make it . They had a good run
Good Lord, I'v missed ur sass! Welcome back! Have always 🤎ed ur channel❣
P. S.
Most definately have a leaf bucket! Don't we all?
Thanks! 💚☺️
Your comments on this video and the Plant Purge one are on point! I also started my plant journey in my late 20s, both indoor and outdoors, and a decade or two later it has blown up. The reward is still much, much greater than the frustrations with the constant cleaning, the plant leaf pile, and oh the pests. It’s all rovided me new skill sets. Now friends call me when they are unsure about their plants health. Plants provide humans with so much and we must learn to respect their werk in keeping our ecosystems in check rather then what they do for us. I hope my kid also develops the same gardening skills too, just as you learned from your family Nick. Thanks for continuing to share you insights with us.
I totally agree! You gain A LOT from growing plants -- even if said plant does end up in the trash! 😅
Your shirt brings out your eye color. I sometimes wonder why I got so many plants. Thay are my babies tho. I let them raise themselves sometime and at other times, I'm a helicopter mom. Pests...uggh. i really enjoy your new content!
Thanks for the realness Nick 😂 I don't feel as bad about the water damage and holes in the ceiling and walls in my apartments 😂😂😂😂
Question: Do you own any lipstick plants that are living? If you do, can you please do a video on your success having a lipstick plant? 😂😂😂😂😂
It's my absolute favorite plant that never lives 😂😂😂 I've gone through 4 .
I live in New York, and I know your seasons are the same as mine.
Nick! You'll always be my favorite 💝 thanks for keeping it real
Yes! I have a leaf pot! Lol
I thought it was just me lol
Luv ❤ this video Hillarious 😂 .All points so true !!!
Thank you for sharing beautiful and amazing plants lovely collection beautiful houseplants lovely collection beautiful
Such an important topic! Thank you!
So true... Just went through the lack of motivation cause I was sick and it's dark outside. Appreciate the truth.....
I have friends who call me a plant daddy but they don't understand that I barely have rare plants so I don't feel obligated to try to keep plants that refuse to thrive. No hesitation throwing away plants I'm tired of looking at.
Also, Nick!, Get shelf/drawer liners for your window sills. You can cut them to fit and don't need to think about the paint or wood etc ever again.
Love the new content. Very funny.
Nick this video was hilarious. Just what I needed. I loved the dead leaf bucket. I use empty Kleenex boxes in each of the rooms with plants so no one else really sees them. Crazy. Keep up your videos as I love them.
Thank you for this refreshing take on plant parenthood.
So good! Thanks. Spot on!
For several years I lived in a rowhouse that had one large front window, and no other natural light. My poor plants were all stuffed onto the window seat at that front window, right next to the front door. My plants got SO MANY pests in that location.
Not to mention the draft from that 3D window in a early 20th century Baltimore rowhouse.
YES!! THE LEAF BUCKET LOL!! I thought I was the only one!! I love this video! I needed this today. I want to get rid of more plants in my collection to make room for the ones that really bring me joy ..... but I always hesitate before giving or throwing it away, then I feel guilty .... then I just keep it .... which leads to more stress ..... Before I sat down and clicked this video I was literally going through my plants and thinking .... ugh I want to get rid of you and you and you .... your video was my sign I needed to let them go!! THANK YOU!!
I feel you there! Lately I've just felt the need to rip that band-aid right off!
I’m scalded by this tea! Mama! I’ve had plants a tad longer(1985) but yes to all that mess! 💚😎💚
In your nearly 40 years of plant care what’re some things you’ve learned as your biggest tips?! If you don’t mind? ❤
💚💚 that sounds like quite the plant journey, then!
@@NickPileggiPlantsaka old lol - I don’t mind, it’s been a good journey and it warms my heart to see new plant lovers always converting 😎
Yay! More content! 💚💚
Great perspective Nick!
Love this! More of the realness!
I don’t particularly have burnout yet, BUT I’ve been really picky about the plants I add to my already large collection. Really just succulent/Hoyas have been added in the past few months because they’re low maintenance. I don’t buy any plants that need a ton of attention anymore. Plants that like to be neglected makes up most of my collection at this point!
I have a leaf bucket! It’s just a little weird shaped cache pot that doesn’t fit any nursery pots so now it’s a leaf bucket, it’s the best!
Thank you for this. I'm going through a depressive episode and you can definitely tell from my lack of care for my plants. Some days I just can't.
I feel you there! Hang in there!
Yessss!!! A leaf bucket!!! I do the exact same thing lol
I’ve been taking a break from house plant content for bit. You’re looking a lot happier than back when I stepped away! I’m glad you’re still here making content.
So entertaining, and true with humor😄🙌I loved watching🥰🙏
Just gotta say, I was so distracted looking at your eyes in this video... Mesmerizing! 💙👀😂 Seriously though, I'm seeing a lot of planty content creators purging plants and downsizing. For a while a wanted to buy every plant I saw someone feature but I found if I would just wait a couple weeks I would come to my senses and realize I didn't have room or conditions to make every plant happy. Not to mention how quickly plant prices fluctuate. Now I have a nice, easy-going collection that I enjoy caring for and can manage without much stress. 🙌👍
Thanks!! 💚🥹 and that is the way to do it!!
Oh, Nick! Thanks for yet another insightful, honest, and as always, snarky video. I, too, keep finding mystery loose potting soil on the floor and think that there must be some kind of small critters in my pots excavating their homes. And, most importantly, I have two black cats also. Their vet and the Humane Society from which they were adopted, told us that black cats and dogs are the last to find homes because they aren't "flashy and interesting" enough! Can you believe it? We're on our fifth set of black cats in thirty years and wouldn't trade them for anything else! You were the first influencer I ever watched about plants and I'm so glad since you never try to make anyone feel inadequate or a failure. Keep it up!
knowing we all have our leaf buckets is so comforting somehow
Oh!!! Windowsill's my tip is this! Get a giant roll of cabinet liner for like your kitchen drawers and such. It's like puffed up thin plastic and cut one long stip of it to size to protect the wood from scratching thats what I have found that works beautifully. Then every couple of months I just replace it out with another cutting from the same roll. It's a insta fix for a renter if you plan ahead. :)
That is a great tip! Thanks!!
You crack me up Nick. This new dual camera editing is hilarious. Your analogy of plants sending out signals to pests like a backyard barbecue!!! 🤣😂
Yeah that was a good one!
I'm so glad you're enjoying it 🤗
Danke für das tolle und ehrliche Video. 😊
Your honesty about the realities of having hundreds of houseplants is refreshing and eye-opening! 🌿💡 It's not all picture-perfect, and your insights provide a realistic perspective. Thanks for sharing the untold side of being a plant enthusiast!
This new style of content from you is IT. Keep it up ❤
Love your vibe ,Nick
Yay Muffin! And I LOVE the sassy nature of your videos lately!
So happy you are back on a regular basis! One of the first and favorites of my follows. Oh, and plant burn out is certainly real, just coming off a long stint of it and falling in love again
I love this. I started keeping plants and got quickly overwhelmed. I ride the wave and I remind myself that this hobby is for my pleasure and not to trigger panic attacks 😂
Aah! Precious kitty at the end there!
Love the leaf bucket decor! Thanks for keeping it real!
Glad you're back! Always enjoy your content. I have minimized my collection (still have a lot), but am more selective these days when I do purchase anything new. As beautiful the displays at the nursery...no more Calethea, no more Alocasia, I want plants that last years, not months (or less...lol!). And if I do slack off (as we all do), I need forgiving plants that will bounce back. Bottom line, I am only growing plants that thrive in my home's natural environment rather than trying to create an environment that the plant requires.
Yep, agree no alocasias or calatheas. They are too hard for my personality and type A behavior. I now enjoy my "common" plants just like before. I can go on vacation and not worry about plants or anything. It is simply freedom. I don't even have a cell phone with me!
@@jackiewhitney5031 exactly! We can go on vacation!!
This sounds so recognizable, there are always some plants in my house that need some tlc. However, I'm the kind of person that really can't throw away a plant. So at the moment I have a 1 meter aquarium just filled with plant cuttings of plants that were not making it. The winter dip is also very recognizable, especially because the plants don't recover for months at a time especially when I watter a plant just before a cold snap, suddenly it doesn't take up the water anymore, roots start to rot and the plant wilts away, so frustrating. But it's all worth it come spring when everything comes back to life .
What serendipitous timing! This is my first time seeing one of your videos, and I was just spiraling about some of my favorites. A cold front has made it nearly impossible to keep the house warm enough and humid enough.
You're right. This shouldn't cause more stress. Thank you for sharing your experiences!
Welcome! 💚🪴
I’m loving the new level of sass in the last couple videos! Keep it coming!
Hello fellow Pennsylvanian! Great video. I go through spurts of buying and re-homing my plants once I no longer feel joy with their presence. I used to feel guilty about not trying to resuscitate the ones that want to be finicky and cause me issues but I've gotten over it. Now i give them a stern warning to get their shit together or their days are numbered! I'm currently making room because I'm heading to Terrain on Saturday and I will inevitably find one (or two or ten) new plants that I "just have to bring home" ! 😊
Ooo I hope you found something good at Terrain! Whenever I go there, I always have to stop in Lin Villa as well, as both of those places are the only two in the area that buy from the broker that I used to buy from (and loved and miss!).
@NickPileggiPlants I ventured the nasty icy roads, and I went. The food was amazing and of course I found a new plant baby... a massive Philodendron Summer Glory 😍 a few months ago I rescued a pathetic Philo Florida Green from Home Depot and I brought it back to life. It quickly became one of my favorites. This Summer Glory will give it a run for its money!
I've never been to Lin Villa but next time I'm in the area, I will definitely check it out !
Keep the videos coming. I love them!
Hey Nick, don't know if you've already tried but you can use cork or ceramic tiles to line your window sill pretty cheaply. I'd guess something like microfiber cloth (maybe velcroed down to enable laundry) would work too? (cut up a cheap bath microfiber towel for super cheap, cloths work out more expensive) If you feel like Daddy Big Bucks you could use those diatomaceous Earth mat things Tik Tok seems to love? A lot of people use cork mats but a pack of cork tiles is way cheaper
Anything absorbent will draw water out of the plant pot, thus increasing the need to water more frequently. I use cork mats, but only under saucers - not under the pot itself for the same reason.
@@msscamp100 Absolutely! I should've said that. All mine are in pot covers so it's not something I've ever had to worry about but you're 100% right if you're using a pot with drainage holes exposed
These are some great tips! Thanks for sharing! 🪴💚
👏 👏👏👏👏 Having large plant collection and struggles. The day to day maintenance isn’t always going to be perfect. I can’t tell you the last time I saw 100% pest free home. The point of collecting plants is to bring you joy.
I think I experienced a pest-free home for maybe a week or two back in 2015... 😅
Love your talked about sweeping up leaves and dirt. Sometimes I feel I have more leaves and dirt to sweep up in my house than I do outside. Really so true what you said. Love your show.
Amen on a pest collector plant! I have only one left from the plague last year spider mites and mealy bugs went ham. Now my only fussy one left is my huge Polly that I thought was not going to make it but it’s been rocking on in the new era
Love all the videos lately!
Thanks! I'm really glad to hear it!
THANK YOU for 🫗 the tea. I needed this validation. I shame myself all too often for killing certain things.