Seeing the guy who dressed as Pattern and the guy who met his wife at a signing both get tickets was awesome to see live. The hall was a lot louder than the video picks up!
On question 29, for SURE. Brandon was so desperately not trying to give anything away with his face on that one, he immediately took a long sip of water 😅🤣
Arcane not only was self funded by Riot but they had also been working with the animation company specifically already for over a decade on other League related stuff. It was a fusion of two highly passionate companies and Brandon is right thet it isnt just paying enough money.
any studio who is worth the money and talent should take on the Cosmere or stormlight just to show the world how amazing it could be. Live action I just don't think is it. Sanderson just needs to be patient and he will find the right team and studio if they are passionate enough.
The description timestamps miss questions 39 (1:09:36), 42 (1:13:33), and 48 (1:20:34), so 39-40, 41-45, and 46-49 are actually 40-41, 43-47, and 49-52. Question 1 3:15 - Have you ever RAFOed a question because it gave you an idea? Question 2 4:14 - Do all abstract ideas appear in the Cognitive Realm, e.g. well-known stories? 5:17 - Is there a spren of calculus? Question 3 5:58 - If you had Lift's powers, which food would be your go-to fuel? Question 4 7:13 - Would a generational ship appear in the Cognitive Realm? Question 5 8:47 - What were your inspirations for Moash? Question 6 10:27 - How widely used are BEUs as a measurement? Question 7 12:04 - Why are some magic systems more location-based? Question 8 13:14 - Does crem contain any godmetal? Question 9 16:04 - Why couldn't Susebron Awaken without speaking, if Commands can be signed? Question 10 17:37 - Could a Hemalurgic spike retrieve Allomantic powers from a sunheart of an Allomancer? Question 11 18:28 - Has Sixteen from Rhythm of War appeared in any other book? Question 12 19:02 - Have you given any thought to in-world musicals? Question 13 20:53 - Can you tell us anything about the linguistic traits of the Dawnchant? Question 14 23:09 - Who might narrate the Stormlight Archive audiobooks if Michael and Kate no longer could? 25:42 - Having seen Arcane, have you considered adapting Stormlight in animation? 29:13 - Which Cosmere series do you want adapted first? Question 15 32:29 - Is the number of Unmade connected to the number of Heralds or Desolations? Question 16 34:59 - Can a Scadrian Shard see what's on a computer screen? 35:18 - Could they change the words on it? 36:15 - Could an Allomancer alter a computer's contents? Question 17 37:24 - Are the Shards still connected to Adonalsium? 37:55 - Why is Awakening a recent development on Nalthis? Question 18 38:50 - What's the best word for "of the Cosmere"? 39:33 - Could a Knight Radiant use Division to break a Nahel bond? (Brandon mishears this question as using Division to split an atom.) Question 19 40:45 - What led to the feud between Kiin and Eventeo? Who was in the right? Question 20 41:56 - Will we get the Warbreaker sequel anytime soon? Question 21 43:44 - Would a concept losing popularity kill its associated spren? Question 22 45:19 - Are there resonances between Invested Arts from different planets? Question 23 49:18 - Could the Southerners have tricked the Northerners into thinking the Bands of Mourning were drained? Question 24 50:12 - Was Rsyn's Dawnshard involved in the origins of the Nahel Bond? Question 25 50:38 - Would you ever do a Cosmere set of Magic: The Gathering cards? Question 26 54:42 - Which Herald was the easiest to break? Question 27 56:01 - Is Lift's magical metabolism related to how Scadrians burn metals? Question 28 56:57 - Could a Seeker detect users of Investiture other than Metalborns? Question 29 58:31 - Is Shallan related to Chanarach? Question 30 58:58 - What would happen if a Herald fell into a black hole? Question 31 1:00:24 - What does chasmfiend social behaviour look like? Question 32 1:01:03 - Have any Sleepless appeared yet on Scadrial? Question 33 1:01:48 - Can larkins consume all forms of Investiture? What do they do with it? Question 34 1:03:20 - Do Canticle's rings indicate who created the planet, and/or why? 1:03:49 - Are the unusual spectral outputs of godmetals due to the Gabor limit, and if so, are there phase shifts to distinguish different Shards? (I may have misinterpreted this question, I have some elementary physics knowledge but I'm no expert) Question 35 1:04:35 - Have any members of the Court of Gods visited Roshar? Question 36 1:05:22 - What inspired the scene of Shallan and Kaladin in the chasms? Question 37 1:07:18 - Do Steelpushing or Ironpulling occur naturally anywhere on Scadrial? 1:07:42 - Will Stormlight still escape a gemstone encased in aluminium? Question 38 1:09:01 - Could a Fifth Ideal Bondsmith reforge Adonalsium? Question 39 1:09:52 - How are Rosharan gemstones associated with their specific colours? Question 40 1:12:01 - Which Stormlight character could, as a POV, change our perspective the most? Question 41 1:13:05 - Would Antistormlight be dangerous to any of the Dawnshards? Question 42 1:13:50 - Is Rock named after any of the rocks Tien finds? 1:14:05 - What are the City of Shadows and the City of Storms? Question 43 1:15:56 - If a kandra ate a child, could they "grow up" that body by using new bones? 1:16:28 - Did this happen to Shallan? Question 44 1:17:25 - If an Aviar's Spiritual Aspect was altered, would that alter the ability it grants? 1:17:47 - If Lift ate an Aviar, would she get additional abilities? Question 45 1:18:41 - In Aether of Night, two Aethers combine. Could this happen in modern cosmere canon? Question 46 1:19:25 - How many abs does Taln have? 1:19:34 - Will we ever see giant robots in the cosmere? Question 47 1:20:14 - Can my wife and I get a picture with you? Question 48 1:20:51 - Could a Bondsmith reforge a splintered Shard? 1:21:21 - Why did statue-Hoid have six eggs on him? Question 49 1:21:46 - Who is Hoid's audience for telling Tress's story? 1:22:44 - Does everyone have Breath, or just Nalthians? Question 50 1:23:25 - Many cosmere stories involve plot-central comedic/annoying characters. Is this Whimsy's influence? Question 51 1:25:07 - Can the Surge of Gravitation dilate time? Question 52 1:26:06 - Can two people form a Nahel bond to the same spren at the same time? 1:26:25 - Did breaking a Nahel bond damage a spren before the Recreance? Can/could Ba-Ado-Mishram help?
i've only read mistborne so watching this was a bit like watching a roman and an ancient mandarin debate Mesopotamian history. but it was fun to see how invested everyone is.
I just picked up mistborn trilogy 1 after watching your BYU lectures and getting hooked on intentionally blank. I know i shouldn't be watching the spoiler Q & A before reading everything but I can't resist! I'm getting hyped to catch-up! Starting with Fallen Empires has been a great introduction into the cosmere and I could totally see it being an animated movie or short-series! P.S. Happy Birthday!
Question 18. I think Brandon assumed a different question was being asked. Clarification is needed. He started speaking before she finished saying "break a Nahel-Bond" and instead he explained that you could perform nuclear fission. While this is impressive it's not the same thing as an anti-bondsmith as she was implying.
I don't know who you are questioner number 36 but when you started talking about your favorite scene I tough about the exact same one and was very surprised someone else had the same favorite scene. Thank you for asking that question.
I love the word slip of Chasm Friends! I know it wasn't intentional, but I want a shirt that says "Chasm Friends not Chasm Fiends." The 1980s Mistcloak is amazing! 1:25:08 we learned more about that one.
Ahhhhhhhhh, this is so great! :D Not having been able to go, I REALLY love these videos! I just hope y'all put out a video eventually from the Worldhopper Ball!
The number of times I smiled during this video makes me smile. Such a great community. Everyone is so polite. God, how I want to be a part of dragonsteel.
My copy of Wind and Truth just arrived in the post. I previously listened to books 1 - 3.5 on audiobook and got the paperback of RoW. This time I went for the full hardback experience. I knew it was gonna be big, but I was not expecting that behemoth! 😂 On another note, I recently found out I share the day of my birth with Brandon Sanderson and Jeremy Soule (music composer of Morrowind, Skyrim, Neverwinter Nights etc.) I know it means nothing to anyone else, but to me that’s pretty damn cool!
At 39:45 she was talking about splitting Nahel Bonds, not atoms, Brandon kinda jumped the gun on that one. I was really wondering lately if there was such a thing like "spiritual division" (in contrast as spiritual adhesion for creating connections), would be really interesting if you could, for example, break the connection a spren has to Roshar so they can worldhop.
By the way, Im one of those remotest fans of your coz I'm from the Philippines, that's why even by chance, you find some times to answer my question. Thank you and God bless
Happy birthday Brandon!! Thank you so much, your books are some ot my favorites works of art. Have a great Koloss Head-Munching Day! Edit: Whoever made the timestamps for the questions within the video thank you!
15:15 Translation: "I didn't plan for this to be a plot point at all, but yes, there would need to be in order for Roshar to work how the plot needs it to."
Finaly!! I can seat down and watch this 4 days l8r after download, big video. Yay!!( nothing against that) My thoghts so far, i love how sanderson gives a meaningfull times worth to each question cuz i think he knows how much it means to each person who is asking. His not like ' yes, next question' his interections with fans are very good. 😊
Couldn't agree more!! Steven has such a good range of voices and tones, No.1 in my opinion though I do love Micheal Kramer and Kate Reading, also Rupert Degas who did a version of kingkiller chronicals and metro 2033 is really good 👍
@17thshard i know your here somewhere. You gotta start a question board with polling so people can crowd source the most collectively important questions. Its not out yet and this will probably be learned in ilses of the emberdark but im curious as to how shard guns will manage ammo, is it the same shot every time or is there a limit based the beu of the bonded spren?
I really liked the narrator for Warbreaker. I was really hoping she’d do Tress when it was first announced, but would love to hear more from her in the Cosmere. Also Travis Baldree as just generally an amazing VA with a wide range (watch his excellent video on doing female voices as a guy)
Not as many spicy questions in this one as others, I think everyone was theory'd out ahead of WaT. Not many isn't none though. --------- in Crem? Does the way he answers microkinesis/division answer imply we might see Lightweaver lasers at some point? The way he answers the question about the Bands...Hm. Probably a few other good ones I forgot.
Yeah, there were a lot of people who just scanned the QR code and asked non-spoiler questions. I think they should have to submit the question when they scan the code and then Brandon’s team can make sure it is juicy/no duplicates.
@@Panamaniac3D Yeah, being there in person it is a bit annoying the amount of time that gets spent on non-spoiler stuff at the spoiler Q&A. Like I understand if it's a question you've wanted to ask and this is your only chance and all, it's just that I'm always hoping to hear a question I hadn't thought of and maybe get an answer, rather than "what about adaptations?" for the millionth time
@ totally agree. I was there in person as well and what really bugged me is the number of people asking 2-3 questions. Only one or two of those were two-part questions where the second question depends on the first, the rest of them were people just trying to hog the time a little longer (often for a dumb question) because they didn’t know when they would ever be able to ask it.
I would be FASCINATED to see how Jeff Hayes would do narrating a Sanderson book. Like, just try a one off. I think he's just so, so incredibly talented but also I'm not a huge fan of most of the stuff he's narrated (except Dungeon Crawler Carl of course), so I'm excited to see how he could approach a Sanderson epic
Brandon, I don’t have somewhere else to write this, so here you go: I am listening to Wind and Truth and I’m basically in tears over here. Thank you for the most amazing books I’ve ever read, you are a brilliant artist, scholar, and therapist for many. I cannot express how much I’ve adored these stories. Thank you for
According to Hemingway, there is what we so called tip of the ice philosophy in writing which you devour a massive of reading materials and digest them into singular idea. Which means you have to read a lot in order to produce something a bit little. By the way, like your work a lot and I'm starting to be your loyal and clingy fan much as I say. But, im just super curious if you likewise read non-fiction books such as intellectual ones together with the fictions and what are those materials which enable you to produce amazing stories.
Referring to question 14. As an anime fan I can think of several studios who I believe would be passionate about adapting an epic fantasy. Toei is the first one that comes to mind since One Piece is getting close to ending. Actually I would love to be a fly on the wall if Brandon and Oda ever meet.
Aside from Michael and Kate--who are fantastic and I adore with my whole heart--I think the best narrator around right now is Jeff Hays (from Dungeon Crawler Carl fame.) It's not even close.
18:44 my personal Theory is that 16 is one of the people who used the Power at the Well of Ascension before Rashek created The Final Empire and through that has been Invested enough to reach the Ageless Tier…
Seeing the guy who dressed as Pattern and the guy who met his wife at a signing both get tickets was awesome to see live. The hall was a lot louder than the video picks up!
The Pattern moment was delightful!
@@Trisjack20 It was! He was part of a pack of Patterns, too. Think about 6-7 of them, who'd all "hmm" together whenever someone asked for a picture.
@@SciFifan1995that's awesome!!
Pattern is questioner 22 if anyone is wondering.
Watching this after finishing Wind and Truth is hilarious. I'm sure Brandon was chuckling hard to himself when answering some of those questions.
👀 oh???
Absolutely with question 4 I can feel it
On question 29, for SURE. Brandon was so desperately not trying to give anything away with his face on that one, he immediately took a long sip of water 😅🤣
Question 39 👀
“You’re gonna have some moons hit it…” and that look 👀 on question 8
Arcane not only was self funded by Riot but they had also been working with the animation company specifically already for over a decade on other League related stuff. It was a fusion of two highly passionate companies and Brandon is right thet it isnt just paying enough money.
any studio who is worth the money and talent should take on the Cosmere or stormlight just to show the world how amazing it could be. Live action I just don't think is it. Sanderson just needs to be patient and he will find the right team and studio if they are passionate enough.
Amazon should consider doing a series like Secret Level, but as a teaser for novels.
And Julia 13:34
1:12:00 "If you got a viewpoint from Tanavast"
Love it!
WIND AND TRUTH SPOILER-MAJOR REVELATION FROM END SECTION: was there every a stormfather POV? Because If so, we pretty much already had a Tanavast POV
@@stevencooney3347 WaT spoiler: Technically all Tanavast Povs are kinda Stormfather povs
@@stevencooney3347 this was the night before WaT released, so he knew we were about to get the Tanavast POV when he said that
Wind and Truth readers be like....
I LOVE how the next person in like was like "hey man id love to see tanavast's pov some time" like 😭😭
Man, question #34 really is one of those Cosmere questions that gets memed about and I looooove it. Especially that he was right 😂
His question lost me completely live, I sort of follow it now but I don't know enough about those aspects of physics to really 'get it'.
I actually saw a skit on UA-cam about that few days before the QA video. I was like that's is no longer meme lol.
The description timestamps miss questions 39 (1:09:36), 42 (1:13:33), and 48 (1:20:34), so 39-40, 41-45, and 46-49 are actually 40-41, 43-47, and 49-52.
Question 1
3:15 - Have you ever RAFOed a question because it gave you an idea?
Question 2
4:14 - Do all abstract ideas appear in the Cognitive Realm, e.g. well-known stories?
5:17 - Is there a spren of calculus?
Question 3
5:58 - If you had Lift's powers, which food would be your go-to fuel?
Question 4
7:13 - Would a generational ship appear in the Cognitive Realm?
Question 5
8:47 - What were your inspirations for Moash?
Question 6
10:27 - How widely used are BEUs as a measurement?
Question 7
12:04 - Why are some magic systems more location-based?
Question 8
13:14 - Does crem contain any godmetal?
Question 9
16:04 - Why couldn't Susebron Awaken without speaking, if Commands can be signed?
Question 10
17:37 - Could a Hemalurgic spike retrieve Allomantic powers from a sunheart of an Allomancer?
Question 11
18:28 - Has Sixteen from Rhythm of War appeared in any other book?
Question 12
19:02 - Have you given any thought to in-world musicals?
Question 13
20:53 - Can you tell us anything about the linguistic traits of the Dawnchant?
Question 14
23:09 - Who might narrate the Stormlight Archive audiobooks if Michael and Kate no longer could?
25:42 - Having seen Arcane, have you considered adapting Stormlight in animation?
29:13 - Which Cosmere series do you want adapted first?
Question 15
32:29 - Is the number of Unmade connected to the number of Heralds or Desolations?
Question 16
34:59 - Can a Scadrian Shard see what's on a computer screen?
35:18 - Could they change the words on it?
36:15 - Could an Allomancer alter a computer's contents?
Question 17
37:24 - Are the Shards still connected to Adonalsium?
37:55 - Why is Awakening a recent development on Nalthis?
Question 18
38:50 - What's the best word for "of the Cosmere"?
39:33 - Could a Knight Radiant use Division to break a Nahel bond?
(Brandon mishears this question as using Division to split an atom.)
Question 19
40:45 - What led to the feud between Kiin and Eventeo? Who was in the right?
Question 20
41:56 - Will we get the Warbreaker sequel anytime soon?
Question 21
43:44 - Would a concept losing popularity kill its associated spren?
Question 22
45:19 - Are there resonances between Invested Arts from different planets?
Question 23
49:18 - Could the Southerners have tricked the Northerners into thinking the Bands of Mourning were drained?
Question 24
50:12 - Was Rsyn's Dawnshard involved in the origins of the Nahel Bond?
Question 25
50:38 - Would you ever do a Cosmere set of Magic: The Gathering cards?
Question 26
54:42 - Which Herald was the easiest to break?
Question 27
56:01 - Is Lift's magical metabolism related to how Scadrians burn metals?
Question 28
56:57 - Could a Seeker detect users of Investiture other than Metalborns?
Question 29
58:31 - Is Shallan related to Chanarach?
Question 30
58:58 - What would happen if a Herald fell into a black hole?
Question 31
1:00:24 - What does chasmfiend social behaviour look like?
Question 32
1:01:03 - Have any Sleepless appeared yet on Scadrial?
Question 33
1:01:48 - Can larkins consume all forms of Investiture? What do they do with it?
Question 34
1:03:20 - Do Canticle's rings indicate who created the planet, and/or why?
1:03:49 - Are the unusual spectral outputs of godmetals due to the Gabor limit, and if so, are there phase shifts to distinguish different Shards?
(I may have misinterpreted this question, I have some elementary physics knowledge but I'm no expert)
Question 35
1:04:35 - Have any members of the Court of Gods visited Roshar?
Question 36
1:05:22 - What inspired the scene of Shallan and Kaladin in the chasms?
Question 37
1:07:18 - Do Steelpushing or Ironpulling occur naturally anywhere on Scadrial?
1:07:42 - Will Stormlight still escape a gemstone encased in aluminium?
Question 38
1:09:01 - Could a Fifth Ideal Bondsmith reforge Adonalsium?
Question 39
1:09:52 - How are Rosharan gemstones associated with their specific colours?
Question 40
1:12:01 - Which Stormlight character could, as a POV, change our perspective the most?
Question 41
1:13:05 - Would Antistormlight be dangerous to any of the Dawnshards?
Question 42
1:13:50 - Is Rock named after any of the rocks Tien finds?
1:14:05 - What are the City of Shadows and the City of Storms?
Question 43
1:15:56 - If a kandra ate a child, could they "grow up" that body by using new bones?
1:16:28 - Did this happen to Shallan?
Question 44
1:17:25 - If an Aviar's Spiritual Aspect was altered, would that alter the ability it grants?
1:17:47 - If Lift ate an Aviar, would she get additional abilities?
Question 45
1:18:41 - In Aether of Night, two Aethers combine. Could this happen in modern cosmere canon?
Question 46
1:19:25 - How many abs does Taln have?
1:19:34 - Will we ever see giant robots in the cosmere?
Question 47
1:20:14 - Can my wife and I get a picture with you?
Question 48
1:20:51 - Could a Bondsmith reforge a splintered Shard?
1:21:21 - Why did statue-Hoid have six eggs on him?
Question 49
1:21:46 - Who is Hoid's audience for telling Tress's story?
1:22:44 - Does everyone have Breath, or just Nalthians?
Question 50
1:23:25 - Many cosmere stories involve plot-central comedic/annoying characters. Is this Whimsy's influence?
Question 51
1:25:07 - Can the Surge of Gravitation dilate time?
Question 52
1:26:06 - Can two people form a Nahel bond to the same spren at the same time?
1:26:25 - Did breaking a Nahel bond damage a spren before the Recreance? Can/could Ba-Ado-Mishram help?
i've only read mistborne so watching this was a bit like watching a roman and an ancient mandarin debate Mesopotamian history. but it was fun to see how invested everyone is.
So awesome to be at my first in-person Spoiler Q&A! Thank you so much for everything you do, Brandon!
I am very happy Brando Sando fan, but @ 46:05 ... my heart! GO BRANDO!
That was my friend! I even gave him the question he asked lmao
@@blacknight1234567 You going to the World-hopper ball?
@@blacknight1234567 You going to the Worldhopper ball?
@@ocheonuh6788 i didn't, didn't sound for me
what an awesome moment holy
Pattern getting those Worldhopper ball tickets was EPIC!!!
Happy Birthday, Brandon! Enjoy time off with you family.
That Golden Ticket move was smooth! Oooff
No Mating!
@@MoviesNStuffyou beautiful human, thank you for the laugh 😂
The narrator for the sunlit man was awesome and I hope you work with him more in the future
I love Steven pacey, he did first law by joe abacrombie, I'd love to see him take on some of Brandon's work.
I just picked up mistborn trilogy 1 after watching your BYU lectures and getting hooked on intentionally blank. I know i shouldn't be watching the spoiler Q & A before reading everything but I can't resist! I'm getting hyped to catch-up! Starting with Fallen Empires has been a great introduction into the cosmere and I could totally see it being an animated movie or short-series! P.S. Happy Birthday!
have fun on Mistborn, I started there and I am completely immersed in the Cosmere. Enjoy it!
Question 18. I think Brandon assumed a different question was being asked. Clarification is needed.
He started speaking before she finished saying "break a Nahel-Bond" and instead he explained that you could perform nuclear fission. While this is impressive it's not the same thing as an anti-bondsmith as she was implying.
Massively agree. I think he thought she was going to say atom and nuclear explosions
57:08 A good analogy for this is that you can't see how much gas a car has but you can hear the engine running.
What a legend. I don't know any other author who engages on this level.
Happy birthday, Brandon! 🎉
Hope you have a wonderful day of much-earned rest!
Happy Birthday Breandon, thank you for the wonderful stories you share!
0:03 "Minions! Tonight, we steal the moon!"
That was truly an enlightening Q&A. I think I have read just about everything from the Cosmere, but you still managed to shock me a couple of times.
happy birthday brandon!! happy koloss head munching day fandom
I don't know who you are questioner number 36 but when you started talking about your favorite scene I tough about the exact same one and was very surprised someone else had the same favorite scene. Thank you for asking that question.
25:36 Please continue to bring William DeMeritt on board for more Cosmere works. His work on Sunlit was very good, and a refreshing change of pace
I love the word slip of Chasm Friends! I know it wasn't intentional, but I want a shirt that says "Chasm Friends not Chasm Fiends."
The 1980s Mistcloak is amazing!
1:25:08 we learned more about that one.
Happy birthday to Brandon! I hope it is celebrated with much joy
(I haven't started Words of Radiance, Sadeas, I am COMING FOR YOU)
Ahhhhhhhhh, this is so great! :D Not having been able to go, I REALLY love these videos! I just hope y'all put out a video eventually from the Worldhopper Ball!
Question 23's answer: "Yes, that's possible." No further comment except for an exceptionally smug looking grin from Sanderson! 🤣
The number of times I smiled during this video makes me smile. Such a great community. Everyone is so polite. God, how I want to be a part of dragonsteel.
Oh what i would give to come to these. You are a true inspiration Brandon
The dead pixels from the camera is making me think my screen is dirty
This hits so different if you've read WaT.
Question 30
Happy birthday Brandon!!
Happy birthday, Brandon!
My copy of Wind and Truth just arrived in the post. I previously listened to books 1 - 3.5 on audiobook and got the paperback of RoW. This time I went for the full hardback experience. I knew it was gonna be big, but I was not expecting that behemoth! 😂 On another note, I recently found out I share the day of my birth with Brandon Sanderson and Jeremy Soule (music composer of Morrowind, Skyrim, Neverwinter Nights etc.) I know it means nothing to anyone else, but to me that’s pretty damn cool!
Me too! I always thought I didn’t have any cool celebrity birthday twins but boy was I wrong.
I have been looking forward to this. 😊
Happy birthday 🎁🎂🎈🎉 Brandon Sanderson !!!! 🥳🥳🥳
At 39:45 she was talking about splitting Nahel Bonds, not atoms, Brandon kinda jumped the gun on that one. I was really wondering lately if there was such a thing like "spiritual division" (in contrast as spiritual adhesion for creating connections), would be really interesting if you could, for example, break the connection a spren has to Roshar so they can worldhop.
Or in a more evil way, break a knight's connection with their spren
Wanted to ask exactly that, thanks
By the way, Im one of those remotest fans of your coz I'm from the Philippines, that's why even by chance, you find some times to answer my question. Thank you and God bless
Brandon gives out free tickets:
Happy birthday! Hope you had a lovely day!
Happy Birthday Brandon❤
That Pattern cosplay was 👌
happy birthday Brandon! thank you for your books!
Happy 49th, Brando Sando!
It was fantastic being there! I was in the front row on the left side
It'd be so cool to get a cosmere book done by Travis Baldree
Happy birthday Brandon!! Thank you so much, your books are some ot my favorites works of art. Have a great Koloss Head-Munching Day!
Edit: Whoever made the timestamps for the questions within the video thank you!
Probably Adam. He has a good team for sure.
15:15 Translation: "I didn't plan for this to be a plot point at all, but yes, there would need to be in order for Roshar to work how the plot needs it to."
Finaly!! I can seat down and watch this 4 days l8r after download, big video. Yay!!( nothing against that) My thoghts so far, i love how sanderson gives a meaningfull times worth to each question cuz i think he knows how much it means to each person who is asking. His not like ' yes, next question' his interections with fans are very good. 😊
Happy birthday Brando Sando!
so good! Brandon on fire!
LOL that guy at 17:30 is going IN with that question!
It's my wife's birthday today as well. Happy birthday.
I'm curious what kind of person would go to Nexus without having widely read Sanderson's work, but it's good to have the spoiler warning for UA-cam.
My thoughts:
The boyfriend/girlfriend of a mad fan.
A brand new fan who is absolutely loving the books but only started in June.
My girlfriend, if I ever find one.
Ps if you are a single girl "how you doing?"
For the narrators, Michael and Kate for sure but also James marsters!!
Steven Pacey narrated Joe Abercrombie's First Law trilogy and it was hands down one of the best narrations I've ever heard
Took me a bit to get used to his tone, but he is a fantastic narrator.
Hard agree
Couldn't agree more!! Steven has such a good range of voices and tones, No.1 in my opinion though I do love Micheal Kramer and Kate Reading, also Rupert Degas who did a version of kingkiller chronicals and metro 2033 is really good 👍
@17thshard i know your here somewhere. You gotta start a question board with polling so people can crowd source the most collectively important questions.
Its not out yet and this will probably be learned in ilses of the emberdark but im curious as to how shard guns will manage ammo, is it the same shot every time or is there a limit based the beu of the bonded spren?
I NEED to hear William DeMeritt's voice in the Cosmere more please!!
I really liked the narrator for Warbreaker. I was really hoping she’d do Tress when it was first announced, but would love to hear more from her in the Cosmere.
Also Travis Baldree as just generally an amazing VA with a wide range (watch his excellent video on doing female voices as a guy)
❤❤❤ thank you, for Wind and Truth
1.22.00 "idk that's why I'm asking" 😭😭😭😭
Not as many spicy questions in this one as others, I think everyone was theory'd out ahead of WaT. Not many isn't none though. --------- in Crem? Does the way he answers microkinesis/division answer imply we might see Lightweaver lasers at some point? The way he answers the question about the Bands...Hm. Probably a few other good ones I forgot.
Yeah, there were a lot of people who just scanned the QR code and asked non-spoiler questions. I think they should have to submit the question when they scan the code and then Brandon’s team can make sure it is juicy/no duplicates.
If you've read Dragonsteel Prime, we are definitely getting lightweaver lasers
@@Panamaniac3D Yeah, being there in person it is a bit annoying the amount of time that gets spent on non-spoiler stuff at the spoiler Q&A. Like I understand if it's a question you've wanted to ask and this is your only chance and all, it's just that I'm always hoping to hear a question I hadn't thought of and maybe get an answer, rather than "what about adaptations?" for the millionth time
@@hannahcseipert4654 I mean, I certainly hope non-canon Yolish lightweaving isn't different enough from Radiant lightweaving that it's still possible.
@ totally agree. I was there in person as well and what really bugged me is the number of people asking 2-3 questions. Only one or two of those were two-part questions where the second question depends on the first, the rest of them were people just trying to hog the time a little longer (often for a dumb question) because they didn’t know when they would ever be able to ask it.
I would be FASCINATED to see how Jeff Hayes would do narrating a Sanderson book. Like, just try a one off. I think he's just so, so incredibly talented but also I'm not a huge fan of most of the stuff he's narrated (except Dungeon Crawler Carl of course), so I'm excited to see how he could approach a Sanderson epic
Travis Baldree would also absolutely kill it, though I know the man is infinitely busy.
That was such a good video😊. The patern costume was amazing!! Well deservd tiket!!😮
Happy Birthday Brandon 🎉
Question 41 shallan rafo was crazy
Mind blown by this...
I’m so confused at how shallan could be a kandra?
1:04:00 nerdiest question I ever heard, good job 😂
just here waiting for more skyward books 🙏
The woman with the baby and the list of questions 😂 this fanbase - i love it
24:20 Get us a round of James Marstars doing a book.
YES! This. Very much this!…
Brandon, I don’t have somewhere else to write this, so here you go:
I am listening to Wind and Truth and I’m basically in tears over here. Thank you for the most amazing books I’ve ever read, you are a brilliant artist, scholar, and therapist for many.
I cannot express how much I’ve adored these stories. Thank you for
Happy birthday 🎉!!!
Question 8: So is crem Honor's "Godmetal" then? Or maybe it's a biproduct of extremely metallic water in the highstom.
Shout out to Them white dots on the camera made me think my phone screen broken
Hearing the occasional almost Wind and Truth spoilers is very fun
I love the voice for the skyward books! Suzy jackson
Waiting to watch this until after I got to Wind and Truth made for some amusing moments.
I just consumed Perfect State again, and I had the fun idea that the entire Cosmere is the personal State of Hoid. 😁
According to Hemingway, there is what we so called tip of the ice philosophy in writing which you devour a massive of reading materials and digest them into singular idea. Which means you have to read a lot in order to produce something a bit little. By the way, like your work a lot and I'm starting to be your loyal and clingy fan much as I say. But, im just super curious if you likewise read non-fiction books such as intellectual ones together with the fictions and what are those materials which enable you to produce amazing stories.
Question 14: "Yeah, I have two really quick questions" ... ... ... longest answers in the entire QA!
Question 39: "Hmm, yes, this might be an interesting POV" This is a RAFO, even though he didn't label it as such...
Referring to question 14. As an anime fan I can think of several studios who I believe would be passionate about adapting an epic fantasy. Toei is the first one that comes to mind since One Piece is getting close to ending. Actually I would love to be a fly on the wall if Brandon and Oda ever meet.
Aside from Michael and Kate--who are fantastic and I adore with my whole heart--I think the best narrator around right now is Jeff Hays (from Dungeon Crawler Carl fame.) It's not even close.
Happy birthday brandon
18:44 my personal Theory is that 16 is one of the people who used the Power at the Well of Ascension before Rashek created The Final Empire and through that has been Invested enough to reach the Ageless Tier…
Cheeky Brandon 😂 Answer to Question 39. I see what you did there 😏
Question 42, What if we put used hemalurgy on Aviars!
Didn't even go into what is we made a spike from an aviar and put it in a human...
Whimsy is my favorite shard.
I really wish that the non-spoiler questions would be asked at a non-spoiler event.
Happy Head Munching Day! 🎉🎂🧌
Can a light weaver make a powerful laser?
Pattern 10/10 ❤
Just listened to Wind and Truth audiobook.... why do I feel like I missed a whole bunch of stuff between the last book and this one?