I would have said Canticle with Threnody in second, but I forgot about the whole "Threnody got so bad the Threnodites think Canticle, the world were sunlight is instant death, is safer" thing
@@SoundblasterYT The seems to be the problem with all of these comparisons. A better criterian for comparison needs to be used, though I'm not sure what
Just a quick note: the quote from Brandon at the end of the video that the most dangerous planet is Threnody was before Sunlit Man came out, so no conclusions should be drawn from it when comparing Canticle and Threnody. Other than that, amazing video!
Canticle inhabitants are descendants from Threnody refugees, I think it speaks volumes about how dangerous Threnody is that people saw a planet where you have to constanly outrun daylight to not die and said "Yep, way safer, we are moving"
It's funny that since Daniel Greenes Roshar take, there has been an entire book released that's basically a guy from Roshar getting dropped on Canticle and thinking "wow, this is BAD". Those poor Threnodites lol, out of the frying pan into the fire (literally).
Good ranking, though I do think you understate the danger of Roshar a little. You mention at various points that a human randomly dropped onto the world wouldn't know about the dangers in this world or that world. Well, a human randomly dropped onto Roshar, even on places where the highstorms aren't massively deadly ultra-hurricanes, _doesn't know about highstorms_ and doesn't know the tricks the locals use to shelter from them. There are good reasons why people on Earth don't like being caught out in a normal thunderstorm, chief among them being that it can kill you, either directly (lightning) or long-term through the enervating and sickening effects of exposure. It's definitely nowhere near as bad as places like Canticle or Threnody, but it would still be a *severely* awful place to get dropped.
I’m glad you liked the video! I also think I may have understated the danger of Rosharan storms, but I think this is because I neglected to even mention the Everstorm. I mostly did this to avoid story spoilers. I do think that most people on earth understand storms. Even if someone hasn’t experienced a hurricane personally, they still know what a storm is and that the power and danger varies from storm to storm. I personally think that a normal human from earth seeing a storm wall approach would understand that it’s a massive and powerful storm, but I agree with you that they probably wouldn’t know just how significant of a shelter they’d need to survive it.
@@jasonioan i mean, the books say that soliders use hollows in ditches if despate and carts are seen as good enough protectoin, so you don't need a significant shelter to survive it
@@jasonioan Yeah it's fair to not mention the Everstorm because of spoilers, but its not like this is supposed to be a spoiler free video. You mention scadrial being an earth analogue in this video, but that is very much not true in the original trilogy(until the end of hero of ages), and this is just one of many examples in this vid. This is definitely a nitpick, and I recognize that, but the reason I'm bringing it up at all is because your spoiler policy is arbitrary and it is hindering this video because you want to talk about spoilers and, at the same time, you want to have this video be accessible for people who haven't read the books. It can't be both, you have to make a decision. Not talking about the Everstorm in this specific video is WILD, as it directly connects to the topic at hand. Anyways, I hope this criticism was constructive. Sorry if it wasn't.
@@trolledchaos6531 that’s a fair critique. I was (and to some extent still am) working on a cohesive spoiler policy. This was the first cosmere video essay style video I made. Severity of the Everstorm varies greatly. It’s most deadly when combined with a high storm. I think this possibility what bump it up a spot in the list, but nothing too crazy.
Tbh it's probably Lumar in Tress. Like, especially if you don't know about the spores and tried to get to a different island, you would be killed quite fast
Great assessment. Your number 1&2 worst places were the ones I thought of immediately. YT keeps recommending you and I like the videos I've seen. You've earned a new subscriber.
I know you eliminated Braize, but I think there has been enough written about it to give you an idea of what you would be dealing with. It would win. By a lot.
I agree that we have seen a bit from Braize, far more than a place like Yolen for example. The reason I eliminated Braize was because I’m not sure how much of what goes on there happens in the physical vs the cognitive realm. If Kaladins dream is any indication, there doesn’t appear to be anything living on planet in the physical realm.
Few points: 1. I would put Roshar higher a little, simply because "normal" human would not know about Highstorms, and also wildlife is completly alien, so normal human would not know how to aproach it. 2. I would put First of the Sun lower. Maybe even lower than Roshar. For what we can see, Pantheon Islands seems to be more exeption than rule. 3. I would split Komashi similar to Scadrial. Post Machine Komashi is the lowest level, but Machine Komashi is almost Threnody level. And I agree Threnody is top, that was also my first thought.
The production value of this is excellent! Loved the animated planets, the staged books where all themed beautifully, all well done. Thoroughly enjoyed this entire video, and discovered some new Cosmere artists!
If I recall correctly, in Tress of the Emerald Sea it is mentioned that the spores die also with time, meaning that the big islands (which iirc is also implied to be far away from the moons, and thus the direct spore falls) with lakes on them probably have dead spores on them just from time.
good video and list I would put era 1 scadrial way higher, its in contention for the top spot imo. just because at least even in threnody and canticle people are still living, they can still adapt to live there. but for scadrial you literally need to be genetically modified to live in the planet. so its by far the most dangerous however the counterargument here is that like you said there is a part of the world where non modified humans can live so if you get dropped there you have more of a chance than canticle or threnody.
Funnily enough, I believe I would have a high chance of surviving on Threnody. I can’t light a fire, or hunt, and I don’t often run. I do have a rather fast walking speed, and I carry my iPad everywhere, but I don’t know if electricity works on Threnody, and even if it does it isn’t exactly a flame.
Valid. I feel like for most people it would be the first encounter with a shade that does them in. A cluster of ghosts with glowing eyes appear in front of them and fight or flight kicks in. Either option likely ends in death. Electricity would work there, you just probably wouldn’t be able to recharge your iPad. But you’re right. For you specifically Canticle would probably be more dangerous due to the inevitability of it.
Agreed. If I did this video again, Era 1 Scadrial would be higher on the list, I think. Having been near Jasper National Park in Canada during it's crazy wildfire this summer I've now experienced ash falling from the sky and it's NOT a fun time.
I'm not gonna make another list in the comments, but there are four planets where I think you missed something: 1. Roshar. It's not gonna kill you very quickly, which is what you're comparing here, but long term I believe it's the most difficult to survive, except for planets that just kill you by default. Got surprised by highstorm? Likely dead. Got surprised by Everstorm? Likely dead. Also there is pretty bad war raging on entire world, so you're likely getting enslaved, killed, conscripted or something sooner or later. On most other worlds, you just need to meet somebody friendly and learn the rules to survive, on Roshar, it'll only be beginning of your problems. That is of course, unless we think about Roshar before action of the books, but I think it makes more sense to analyze situation in period we now something about, and very... unpleasant in long term situation should be mentioned at least. 2. Scadrial of Era 1 is one of the worst planets, and maybe even the worst in terms of dying quickly. The atmosphere straight up isn't gonna support your life, you're gonna die relatively quickly and painfully, no excuses. It's not extremely bad air that's gonna make it hard to breath and sick. Emperor literally needed to significantly change human biology so that they may survive. Also, unlike on other of the most dangerous planets, there is no hope of getting some help, maybe if you happen to drop in front of the Emperor while he is having good day he may be able to save your life. Or maybe not. 3. First of the Sun. I haven't read this book, but from what you said, there are some relatively dangerous and active predators here. It hardly sounds more dangerous than basically any other Cosmere planet, I'm sure there are reasons for it to be this high, but you could've explained them better. 4. Threnody. It's scary. It's gotten much more scary later, but if you drop to the Forests of Hell it is entirely possible that you either will meet somebody who helps you survive, or just by accident won't break the rules, if you don't have means to make fire or it is warm enough that you don't have to, and you decide to hide instead of run, maybe after noticing the shades aren't attacking you instantly. You're probably gonna die, but unless Evil happens (?) there is to significant chance of survival to put it on the first spot.
If we include era 1 scadrial as different from its time as an earth analogue, I feel that Roshar during a desolation would be higher up the list. Not as bad as Canticle or Threnody, but with the fused actively perpetuating a genocide against humans, I don’t think it would be at all that low.
Roshar just keeps getting harder and harder to rank. Perhaps when we get some new planets I’ll need to make a new video and shuffle some things around.
That's a cool and very plausible idea. Endowment seemed pretty ok with Odium going after Ambition stating that they're all better off and "good riddance". Maybe the evil is the best possible outcome for the larger cosmere involving the power of Ambition.
alright, here's the thing. On Threnody, it's at least possible to stumble through and not break the Three SImple Rules. It's not *likely* , but it is *possible.* On Canticle, the sun's gonna getcha no matter what. Nomad *barely* got to hitch a ride on a ship, and he had the advantage of being turbo-Invested. If it's just some average Joe without any extra Investiture, that visit has a hardcoded time limit, and it's not very long.
All of these things are true. What pushes Threnody over the edge for me though is that the Threnodites and Canticle thought that Canticle was a better place to be than Threnody. Thanks for the comment, and I hope you enjoyed the rest of the video!
According to 17 shard math, Rroshar is around 90% ocean, and these are probably filled with casmfeind relatives. Ambient danger is eminent unless you are on the continent of Roshar in the Ocean world of Roshar.
I dont know i still give the first place to the one where the maximum lifespan of any human without advanced air travel technology is 5 hours. At least in the other planets you have a small chance to survive.
Yeah....Roshar is not the most dangerous planet by far. threnody is liteartlly dying with a entire contieint lost and only some sparce safe forts to live in
I read from one of the interludes, but it doesn’t include any story spoilers. I discuss some geography and the fauna, but I do not talk about elements of the story at all.
The Roshar we see at the start of the books is the most peaceful the planet has ever been. But for much of its history, and now the forseeable future, Desolations make the planet much more dangerous, especially for humans. Desolation Roshar deserves consideration. Still probably not the most dangerous. But certainly not as dismissable.
That would be awesome! I'd also love to see a sort of "Beginners guide to Cosmere Planets". Especially with your graphics and explanations. It makes it really easy to conceptualize and understand!
You see, having started reading The Stormlight Archive first, I would’ve said that Roshar was. And then I learned of Canticle. And then I learned of Threnody. And yeah, Threnody is far far more dangerous than Canticle or Roshar, and I haven’t even read any books that are set on Threnody, only Sunlit man which references it. So yeah, Top three most dangerous and in order are Threnody, Canticle/Braize, Roshar.
It really is just luck of the draw. That’s also why we had the “dominant terrestrial ecosystem rule” highstorms are only unreasonably dangerous in the eastern part of Roshar.
I think we saw the Ever storm in RoW pretty well when Moash was out in it. It was windy, and way more lightning-stormy than what we have on Earth (lake Maracaibo excluded) but he was just vibing out there. It seems like everstorms are probably low-grade hurricane level but High storms are like tear your skin off level. I agree there's a steep learning curve when you drop on roshar, but more dangerous than Canticle or Threnody? If you can protect yourself from a high storm with a hollow in the rock, it doesn't hold a candle to the entire planet's face melting like on Canticle.
I think I would put canticle over threnody for the inevitability of death that canticle offers. With threnody you very well might break one of the rules within hours of landing, but you also might not. If someone doesn't have the tools to make fire most aren't going to be able to do the two sticks together or something, so then it's just a question of spilling blood or running at night. Again, both are relatively likely to happen if you don't know the rules, but you also just might luck into not doing those. With Canticle you are dead in a day no matter what. Also, in regards to those on Canticle choosing it over Threnody, that's likely due to them having the capability of outrunning the dawn. If you're just a normal person without a ship, you're going to die unless you get lucky and get picked up by a settlement.
I think that you should be taking this from the perspective of someone who's read up on the world but hasn't practiced surviving there. Because like half of these are guaranteed death, just a matter of when.
Maybe? The thing is though that nothing alive actually lives on Braize. The only “living” things that are there are in the cognitive realm. The souls of the fused. No plants, no animals. Just a barren wasteland. To be considered for the video I decided that one of the baseline criteria was that there had to be life on a planet to be considered in the first place.
@jasonioan oh see this is what proves you know way more of the cosmere than me. I knew they traveled from Braize to Roshar thru the cognitive or spiritual realm (i.e. storm light comes thru the storm Father, everstorm, and perpendicularaties) but I also thought they meant they leave on Braize. I can't remember where, I think ROW they mentioned hunting down the heralds. I always assumed they meant on the physical planet not is cognitive counter part. But hey thanks for engaging with the comment. Loved the video.
Yes, sort of. But that was just a vision/nightmare. The physical realm of Braize can't support complex life at all and was disqualified from the list. It would be like including Mars on the list just because it's technically in the habitable zone.
I would have said Canticle with Threnody in second, but I forgot about the whole "Threnody got so bad the Threnodites think Canticle, the world were sunlight is instant death, is safer" thing
But the Canticleans have technology a random human wouldn't have
@@SoundblasterYT The seems to be the problem with all of these comparisons. A better criterian for comparison needs to be used, though I'm not sure what
My gut reaction to the question was instantly Threnody. It's the scary world for a reason
Canticle 🤑
@@arkana9684that was my first thought. Then I remembered the people left there left Threnody. And considered it a major upgrade.
@@haggis0257 probably its because we still dont know all of threnody
The visuals in this video are legitimately a service to the Cosmere fan base, thank you!!
I agree! I love that all the artists are credited, I definitely plan on checking out their work!
100% 🥳
Person: Which cosmere world would you like to go to?
Me: No.
Probably Scadrial era 2 or 3
@@arkana9684Remember in TLM when a major city was almost nuked?
@@MistbornTaylor I am in Shadows of self 😔
I'd live on Sel(Elantris)
Just a quick note: the quote from Brandon at the end of the video that the most dangerous planet is Threnody was before Sunlit Man came out, so no conclusions should be drawn from it when comparing Canticle and Threnody.
Other than that, amazing video!
Canticle inhabitants are descendants from Threnody refugees, I think it speaks volumes about how dangerous Threnody is that people saw a planet where you have to constanly outrun daylight to not die and said "Yep, way safer, we are moving"
It's funny that since Daniel Greenes Roshar take, there has been an entire book released that's basically a guy from Roshar getting dropped on Canticle and thinking "wow, this is BAD". Those poor Threnodites lol, out of the frying pan into the fire (literally).
For real lol. I’m pretty sure his pick for most dangerous would be different now
Good ranking, though I do think you understate the danger of Roshar a little. You mention at various points that a human randomly dropped onto the world wouldn't know about the dangers in this world or that world. Well, a human randomly dropped onto Roshar, even on places where the highstorms aren't massively deadly ultra-hurricanes, _doesn't know about highstorms_ and doesn't know the tricks the locals use to shelter from them. There are good reasons why people on Earth don't like being caught out in a normal thunderstorm, chief among them being that it can kill you, either directly (lightning) or long-term through the enervating and sickening effects of exposure.
It's definitely nowhere near as bad as places like Canticle or Threnody, but it would still be a *severely* awful place to get dropped.
I’m glad you liked the video! I also think I may have understated the danger of Rosharan storms, but I think this is because I neglected to even mention the Everstorm. I mostly did this to avoid story spoilers.
I do think that most people on earth understand storms. Even if someone hasn’t experienced a hurricane personally, they still know what a storm is and that the power and danger varies from storm to storm. I personally think that a normal human from earth seeing a storm wall approach would understand that it’s a massive and powerful storm, but I agree with you that they probably wouldn’t know just how significant of a shelter they’d need to survive it.
@@jasonioan i mean, the books say that soliders use hollows in ditches if despate and carts are seen as good enough protectoin, so you don't need a significant shelter to survive it
@@jasonioan Yeah it's fair to not mention the Everstorm because of spoilers, but its not like this is supposed to be a spoiler free video. You mention scadrial being an earth analogue in this video, but that is very much not true in the original trilogy(until the end of hero of ages), and this is just one of many examples in this vid. This is definitely a nitpick, and I recognize that, but the reason I'm bringing it up at all is because your spoiler policy is arbitrary and it is hindering this video because you want to talk about spoilers and, at the same time, you want to have this video be accessible for people who haven't read the books. It can't be both, you have to make a decision. Not talking about the Everstorm in this specific video is WILD, as it directly connects to the topic at hand. Anyways, I hope this criticism was constructive. Sorry if it wasn't.
@@trolledchaos6531 that’s a fair critique. I was (and to some extent still am) working on a cohesive spoiler policy. This was the first cosmere video essay style video I made.
Severity of the Everstorm varies greatly. It’s most deadly when combined with a high storm. I think this possibility what bump it up a spot in the list, but nothing too crazy.
@@stevenhedge2850Don’t they need to lock the carts to the ground to prevent them from flying off in highstorms though?
Good news! The giant ravens are apparently not extinct, according to a recent wob 8:50
Yahoo! I hope to see giant ravens again soon then!
This is the most wholesome ecological news I have heard today
I wonder if you can take one to the Pantheon Islands and make it into an Aviar 😂😅
Tbh it's probably Lumar in Tress. Like, especially if you don't know about the spores and tried to get to a different island, you would be killed quite fast
I had the same exact thought at the panel when I heard him say that
I’m glad someone else here remembers
Great assessment. Your number 1&2 worst places were the ones I thought of immediately. YT keeps recommending you and I like the videos I've seen. You've earned a new subscriber.
Welcome! I’m glad you like the videos you’ve seen so far.
This is actually really well edited! Great job! Love the video!
Threnody was my guess.
It really does make the most sense imo
Crazily underrated channel. Thank you for your content.
I appreciate that!
I saw the title and immediately said Threnody. I’m glad to know other people share my opinion!
I know you eliminated Braize, but I think there has been enough written about it to give you an idea of what you would be dealing with. It would win. By a lot.
I agree that we have seen a bit from Braize, far more than a place like Yolen for example. The reason I eliminated Braize was because I’m not sure how much of what goes on there happens in the physical vs the cognitive realm. If Kaladins dream is any indication, there doesn’t appear to be anything living on planet in the physical realm.
Braize is directly unhabitable for humans
Love it! The planet models are awesome!
Glad you like them!
@@jasonioan Yeah they're sweet! You killed it dude!
Few points:
1. I would put Roshar higher a little, simply because "normal" human would not know about Highstorms, and also wildlife is completly alien, so normal human would not know how to aproach it.
2. I would put First of the Sun lower. Maybe even lower than Roshar. For what we can see, Pantheon Islands seems to be more exeption than rule.
3. I would split Komashi similar to Scadrial. Post Machine Komashi is the lowest level, but Machine Komashi is almost Threnody level.
And I agree Threnody is top, that was also my first thought.
Love all the art that's included! And the table top photography is really well done! Did you do that all yourself?
Thank you! I made the animations (the planets and the motion graphics)! I also did the flat lay photography as well!
@@jasonioan Wow that's super impressive! I bet that took a ton of time to do everything!
@@jasonioan That's crazy hahaha Love the attention to detail!
The production value of this is excellent! Loved the animated planets, the staged books where all themed beautifully, all well done. Thoroughly enjoyed this entire video, and discovered some new Cosmere artists!
Thank you! I'm glad the planets are getting some love!
Damn I didn’t know that Threnody had the caspian sea.
Whose to say, lol.
But yeah, I kinda just ripped that feature straight from earth. Most of the planets are a reworked and repainted earth texture.
the editing is amazing. great video!
Glad you liked it!!
If I recall correctly, in Tress of the Emerald Sea it is mentioned that the spores die also with time, meaning that the big islands (which iirc is also implied to be far away from the moons, and thus the direct spore falls) with lakes on them probably have dead spores on them just from time.
the shots of you opening the books to look for the quotes are insane, all of them! The attention to detail put into them is nuts
Thank you! I want to make sure my videos are something I can be proud of! I'm glad you appreciate it!
Immediate guess is threnody, it's literally called hell
Loving the cosmere content
good video and list I would put era 1 scadrial way higher, its in contention for the top spot imo. just because at least even in threnody and canticle people are still living, they can still adapt to live there. but for scadrial you literally need to be genetically modified to live in the planet. so its by far the most dangerous however the counterargument here is that like you said there is a part of the world where non modified humans can live so if you get dropped there you have more of a chance than canticle or threnody.
Funnily enough, I believe I would have a high chance of surviving on Threnody. I can’t light a fire, or hunt, and I don’t often run. I do have a rather fast walking speed, and I carry my iPad everywhere, but I don’t know if electricity works on Threnody, and even if it does it isn’t exactly a flame.
Valid. I feel like for most people it would be the first encounter with a shade that does them in. A cluster of ghosts with glowing eyes appear in front of them and fight or flight kicks in. Either option likely ends in death.
Electricity would work there, you just probably wouldn’t be able to recharge your iPad. But you’re right. For you specifically Canticle would probably be more dangerous due to the inevitability of it.
Saw the thumbnail and instantly thought Threnody
Just discover your channel, great videos!!!
Welcome aboard! I'm glad you enjoyed my videos.
Pre-Harmony Scardiel was very lethal.
Agreed. If I did this video again, Era 1 Scadrial would be higher on the list, I think. Having been near Jasper National Park in Canada during it's crazy wildfire this summer I've now experienced ash falling from the sky and it's NOT a fun time.
My immediate thought was Threnody! lol
Threnody was the first place my mind went when I read your thumbnail.😁👍
Brando Sando with a Canticle in the backpack 🤑
I'm not gonna make another list in the comments, but there are four planets where I think you missed something:
1. Roshar. It's not gonna kill you very quickly, which is what you're comparing here, but long term I believe it's the most difficult to survive, except for planets that just kill you by default. Got surprised by highstorm? Likely dead. Got surprised by Everstorm? Likely dead. Also there is pretty bad war raging on entire world, so you're likely getting enslaved, killed, conscripted or something sooner or later. On most other worlds, you just need to meet somebody friendly and learn the rules to survive, on Roshar, it'll only be beginning of your problems. That is of course, unless we think about Roshar before action of the books, but I think it makes more sense to analyze situation in period we now something about, and very... unpleasant in long term situation should be mentioned at least.
2. Scadrial of Era 1 is one of the worst planets, and maybe even the worst in terms of dying quickly. The atmosphere straight up isn't gonna support your life, you're gonna die relatively quickly and painfully, no excuses. It's not extremely bad air that's gonna make it hard to breath and sick. Emperor literally needed to significantly change human biology so that they may survive. Also, unlike on other of the most dangerous planets, there is no hope of getting some help, maybe if you happen to drop in front of the Emperor while he is having good day he may be able to save your life. Or maybe not.
3. First of the Sun. I haven't read this book, but from what you said, there are some relatively dangerous and active predators here. It hardly sounds more dangerous than basically any other Cosmere planet, I'm sure there are reasons for it to be this high, but you could've explained them better.
4. Threnody. It's scary. It's gotten much more scary later, but if you drop to the Forests of Hell it is entirely possible that you either will meet somebody who helps you survive, or just by accident won't break the rules, if you don't have means to make fire or it is warm enough that you don't have to, and you decide to hide instead of run, maybe after noticing the shades aren't attacking you instantly. You're probably gonna die, but unless Evil happens (?) there is to significant chance of survival to put it on the first spot.
3. I'd say the predators on the pantheon islands are THE most dangerous predators seen in the cosmere.
If we include era 1 scadrial as different from its time as an earth analogue, I feel that Roshar during a desolation would be higher up the list. Not as bad as Canticle or Threnody, but with the fused actively perpetuating a genocide against humans, I don’t think it would be at all that low.
Roshar just keeps getting harder and harder to rank. Perhaps when we get some new planets I’ll need to make a new video and shuffle some things around.
My first thought is canticle, but maybe braize. Pretty sure we went there in Kal's vision from Odium.
I think "The Evil" must be the splinters of Ambition. Raw Ambition given form.
That's a cool and very plausible idea. Endowment seemed pretty ok with Odium going after Ambition stating that they're all better off and "good riddance". Maybe the evil is the best possible outcome for the larger cosmere involving the power of Ambition.
And Homeland must be the place where Odium splintered Ambition!
Definitely agree the Threnody is the most dangerous.
I'm glad we're in agreement. I'm looking forward to learning more about the evil someday
alright, here's the thing. On Threnody, it's at least possible to stumble through and not break the Three SImple Rules. It's not *likely* , but it is *possible.* On Canticle, the sun's gonna getcha no matter what. Nomad *barely* got to hitch a ride on a ship, and he had the advantage of being turbo-Invested. If it's just some average Joe without any extra Investiture, that visit has a hardcoded time limit, and it's not very long.
All of these things are true. What pushes Threnody over the edge for me though is that the Threnodites and Canticle thought that Canticle was a better place to be than Threnody. Thanks for the comment, and I hope you enjoyed the rest of the video!
Yesterday I read Shadows for Silence in the Forest of Hell for the forst time and I immediately thought Threnody 😂
Roshar is like the least dangerous planet of its system
So true hahaha!
According to 17 shard math, Rroshar is around 90% ocean, and these are probably filled with casmfeind relatives.
Ambient danger is eminent unless you are on the continent of Roshar in the Ocean world of Roshar.
You're not wrong, but that's why I specified dominant terrestrial ecosystem 👉😎👉
I dont know i still give the first place to the one where the maximum lifespan of any human without advanced air travel technology is 5 hours. At least in the other planets you have a small chance to survive.
Yeah....Roshar is not the most dangerous planet by far. threnody is liteartlly dying with a entire contieint lost and only some sparce safe forts to live in
@jasonioan are there stormlight spoilers here? I've read everything else and want to watch the video, but don't want to spoil the main plot
I read from one of the interludes, but it doesn’t include any story spoilers. I discuss some geography and the fauna, but I do not talk about elements of the story at all.
The Roshar we see at the start of the books is the most peaceful the planet has ever been.
But for much of its history, and now the forseeable future, Desolations make the planet much more dangerous, especially for humans.
Desolation Roshar deserves consideration. Still probably not the most dangerous. But certainly not as dismissable.
Have you considered making videos of each planet in a sort of 360 view?
That would be awesome! I'd also love to see a sort of "Beginners guide to Cosmere Planets". Especially with your graphics and explanations. It makes it really easy to conceptualize and understand!
Oh I'd kill for that. I get so confused with how many planets there are
Canticle has to be up there
You see, having started reading The Stormlight Archive first, I would’ve said that Roshar was. And then I learned of Canticle. And then I learned of Threnody. And yeah, Threnody is far far more dangerous than Canticle or Roshar, and I haven’t even read any books that are set on Threnody, only Sunlit man which references it. So yeah, Top three most dangerous and in order are Threnody, Canticle/Braize, Roshar.
0:40 if you just spawned on it in a random location your probably gonna die to one of the storms day 1
It really is just luck of the draw. That’s also why we had the “dominant terrestrial ecosystem rule” highstorms are only unreasonably dangerous in the eastern part of Roshar.
@@jasonioan everstorm will also kill you
In the west
I think we saw the Ever storm in RoW pretty well when Moash was out in it. It was windy, and way more lightning-stormy than what we have on Earth (lake Maracaibo excluded) but he was just vibing out there. It seems like everstorms are probably low-grade hurricane level but High storms are like tear your skin off level.
I agree there's a steep learning curve when you drop on roshar, but more dangerous than Canticle or Threnody? If you can protect yourself from a high storm with a hollow in the rock, it doesn't hold a candle to the entire planet's face melting like on Canticle.
@jessehughes8274 odium didn't want to kill moash your not an ally so you get the full force of the ever storm
Canticle up there
I knew Threnody would be the most dangerous
I think I would put canticle over threnody for the inevitability of death that canticle offers. With threnody you very well might break one of the rules within hours of landing, but you also might not. If someone doesn't have the tools to make fire most aren't going to be able to do the two sticks together or something, so then it's just a question of spilling blood or running at night. Again, both are relatively likely to happen if you don't know the rules, but you also just might luck into not doing those.
With Canticle you are dead in a day no matter what.
Also, in regards to those on Canticle choosing it over Threnody, that's likely due to them having the capability of outrunning the dawn. If you're just a normal person without a ship, you're going to die unless you get lucky and get picked up by a settlement.
That's a reasonable way to think of things. Ultimately they were pretty close and I went back and forth when I was making the list.
@@jasonioan understandable. They both sound terrible 😄
I think that you should be taking this from the perspective of someone who's read up on the world but hasn't practiced surviving there. Because like half of these are guaranteed death, just a matter of when.
If you take a piss in the curtsa would it attract the vines?
Perhaps if you're lucky lol
Fucking wow never realized that Threnody was so damn bad
Isn't the extreme heat on Canticle the result of
The atmosphere being an investiture resistor much like an incandescent filament?
9:19 Walta
I only really know the rosharan system but wouldn't it be Braize?
Maybe? The thing is though that nothing alive actually lives on Braize. The only “living” things that are there are in the cognitive realm. The souls of the fused. No plants, no animals. Just a barren wasteland.
To be considered for the video I decided that one of the baseline criteria was that there had to be life on a planet to be considered in the first place.
@jasonioan oh see this is what proves you know way more of the cosmere than me. I knew they traveled from Braize to Roshar thru the cognitive or spiritual realm (i.e. storm light comes thru the storm Father, everstorm, and perpendicularaties) but I also thought they meant they leave on Braize. I can't remember where, I think ROW they mentioned hunting down the heralds. I always assumed they meant on the physical planet not is cognitive counter part. But hey thanks for engaging with the comment. Loved the video.
can someone enlighten me which book those Khriss notes are from?
Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere collection.
Okay but when is Daniel Green going to respond to this.??
Didn't Odium send Kaladin's soul to Braize to torment him?
Yes, sort of. But that was just a vision/nightmare. The physical realm of Braize can't support complex life at all and was disqualified from the list. It would be like including Mars on the list just because it's technically in the habitable zone.
I have more chances to survive a Highstorm week in Roshar than any night in threnody 😂 that place is Bloodborne on steroids
Canticle… the answer is Canticle.
Possibly. I think it and Threnody are very close and arguments could be made for either
@ no contest. Follow the rules and you’ll be fine on Thenody. Canticle is a death trap.
Daniel isn't very deep in the cosmere. He's a fan, but a shallow one