Keep going, keep doing what you like. Don't get influenced by any negativity or low numbers or any other things. You see, most people when they want to do something new, or start a business, or just be themselves, they are stopped by others who tell them that it is not possible, or that it is stupid to do it. Most of them are just jealous or envious. Then.. they go on with their shitty life. It is a good thing for you that you have realized these things even at 28. Many people wake up later or even when it's too late. Keep it up!
Keep going, keep doing what you like. Don't get influenced by any negativity or low numbers or any other things. You see, most people when they want to do something new, or start a business, or just be themselves, they are stopped by others who tell them that it is not possible, or that it is stupid to do it. Most of them are just jealous or envious. Then.. they go on with their shitty life. It is a good thing for you that you have realized these things even at 28. Many people wake up later or even when it's too late. Keep it up!