The "men-only-cafes" you mentioned are not unique to Turkey, they exist in Greece in Italy as well. And they're not strictly "men only", any women can go there, but they'd be looked at as a polar bear in the Sahara. edit: mostly retired old men hang out there and play cards 😆
Mostly old people is going there and The Place is headquarter for them.They are speaking there Politic,economic,problem of some country and They like play a game for example okey,card game,lottery.We are saying in Turkish language "Kıraathane"
Ugh I really hate the cafés .They put their chair in the middle of pavement.As a woman i feel uncomfortable when i walk through the pavement . In my hometown men-only-cáfes located transverse 😂 If i prefer to walk through across pavement there is men-only-cafes too
Hi im a Swedish citizen for 20 years. There is man only cafes in Sweden too, you are mistaken normal Cafe with man-cafe. They drink beer and watch football. But woman is allowed but woman don't go there, same in Turkey. In Sweden doner served same as in Turkey, i think it is different in germany because people demand salad in it. In Sweden houses have names and numbers too. Yes we have corner shops, and big markets too, not only one type as communist russia :)) Yogurt is fruit yogurt here, people know Turkish yogurt as Greek yogurt unfortunately. Basement flats, because Turkey has many hills in cities, this is why apartment flats are in basement or even more below. Germany is a flat country. Card board police man you can see here in Sweden shopping centre entrances, to stop theft. French fries in Turkish breakfast is new, we never had it 10 years ago. We've got many fizzy waters in Sweden, fruit ones or vitamin ones. All other things you said i agree with you :))
Never heard or neither had French fries at breakfast. Been to many breakfast places but not even once I have witnessed they serve French fries. What are you guys on for god’s sake? 😂
Well it kinda make sense to eat french fries at breakfast because if you are gonna have carbs breakfast is the perfect time to have it to start your day and have energy
Doener was a product developped in Germany !!!Here you can eat the original! The first was made in Berlin in the70 of a turkish migrant. Salad was always!!!!! a part of this fastfood. These , in Sweden or in Turkey too... without salad are not the original Doener... they are different variations
@@mrsreal5665 Original doner was served in the restaurants, and Turks always eat salad with their meal but as a separate dish. So, Turkish immigrant combined both meat and salad as a fast food sandwich. Fast food was not very popular in Turkey in the 1970's as the pace of life was not that fast.
Ne güzel bir sürpriz! What a nice surprise! I am an old German lady (60+) and fell in love with Turkey in 1982. Never met so welcoming and warmhearted people around the Mediterranean Sea. Discovered the "green paradise" DALYAN - it became my "second home" in countless holidays. I even went to Turkish lessons to be able to communicate with the people there - and your nice video with Turkish subtitles helps me to improve my knowledge. Tes,ekkürler - Thanks - Danke!
I'm a Brazilian who used to live in Germany and I'm really passionate about Turkey, a country that I've been four times and hope to have the experience of living there for a while as well. It's a country where I feel me at home, besides culture, nature and food I really enjoy the company of Turkish people. I'm currently learning Turkish to make the most of my upcoming trips and possible long stay in the future. Congrats for the video, so cool to compare the differences!
@@ozcan5704 Soda ve maden suyu farkı var. Almanya'da zengin yeraltı kaynak suları var mıdır bilmiyorum ama Türkiye'de var, biz onu içiyor. Bu hanımefendi de içine gaz basılmış suları içiyor.
As for as I know, the sparkling waters sold in big bottles in Germany are just water with carbon-dioxide added artificially, similar to soda drinks like Sprite, while "maden suyu" in Turkey is a natural water with very high mineral values, hence they are more expensive than water. Living in Germany for 2 years, I couldn't get used to that water with gas. For me the water is something to "bottom up."
As a non religious turk who grew up in istanbul, I've never once turned down the music for the call to prayer. I've never even seen anyone doing that in my entire life, and I'm over 50. But I suppose more traditional/religious types do that, I personally am hearing about this for the first time!
I grew up in a non religious family and they always turned it off a bit when we pass by car near a graveyard. Never seen my parents prayed or in mosque etc. I think it is about pre islamic beliefs more than islamic ones.
when I lived in germany, I had the same problem with pillows. They are huge and SQUARE shaped. so if you put your head on upper/middle area you get pillow on your neck and chest (which is so uncomfortable), but if you put your head on lower area why do you even have the rest of the pillow? square pillows are the bane of my existence.
14:13 I think it's because we are using a different word for "toast machine" and it's called "ekmek kızartma makinesi" literally means "bread fryer". If you ask for a "toast machine" in Turkey you will get a "sandwich maker". If you really want to get a "toast machine" you need to ask "ekmek kızartma makinesi" and it's also common in Turkey.
@@msimsek42 Erkeklere özel kafe var ama kadınların yok diyor videoda. Ben de dedim ki Kadınlar evde buluşuyor, evden kocalarını atıp eve arkadaşlarını çağırıyorlar dedim.
There is a cafe "Hanımlar Aile Çay Bahçesi" in Manisa, Türkiye. There are only women in there and you can find it if you go to Ulupark. English name of there is "Ladies Family Tea Garden"
Garıların altın günleri var, o da 'women only cafes', erkekleri eve 5 metreden fazla yaklaştırmazlar. Gomşulara sor bak vardır kesin bi altın günü, birine gatıl.
Aslında erkek kafesi diye birşey yok . Sadece çay içip gazete okuyan , ardından zaman geçirmek için arkadaşlarıyla kumar oynayan adamlar var . Kadınlar da gidebilir ama bu aktiviteleri yapan kadın bulmak zor 😂
Kırmızı olma sebebi baharatlı olduğu için, millet olarak sevdiğimiz için. Sucuklarda da öyle. Ama tabi artık kırmızı olma sebebi içindeki et olmayan şeyi gizlemek ve et tadı vermek için. Yurt dışında saf et olduğu için ve baharat katılmadığı için sosisler açık renklidir. Kesersen sosisi içindeki nerdeyse eti görürsün.Birde onlarda sanırım bizim sucuklardan yok. Not:Ne kadar çok “için” yazmışım)
Actually, i think there are social events that only women are allowed in. They r called "gün" ör"altın günü" but instead of cafes, they take place at a different house every time
Also, the mineral water in Turkey, are waters directly from mineral resources, in Europe the mineral water tastes like tap water carbonated, I saw in restaurants in different countries they use soda streams to carbonate the tap water so that's not mineral water, that is why it's more expensive than water in Turkey cuz they only sell natural direct bottled from the source.
Habe deine Videos gesehen und es fasziniert und macht mich als Deutsch-Türke glücklich von einem deutschen die türkischen Schönheiten und Sehenswürdigkeiten zu hören ohne irgendwelche rassistische Vorwürfe. Ich hoffe deine Zeit in der Türkei wird dir weiter hin gelingen und übrigens in Deutschland gibt es auch in Kinos Untertiteln meistens bei ausländischen orientalischen Filmen.
There woman only cafes in black sea area for example in Giresun Görele. Men not allowed to go in In Giresun Görele gibt es auch Frauen Kafes. Hier sind Männer unerwünscht
Actually, there's no such thing as "man only cafe" in Turkey. There are some types cafes which women don't have interested and there are nothing to do for women. It's like, If you're a women you don't go to a strip club usually. Those cafes usually only serve black tea and people play card games. Yes, only tea, card games and small talk and intense bad language:) Its not forbidden to women, they just don't go there because it's nonsense:) In fact, most of man, (I mean very MOST of man) never go to those local cafes. Again, because it's nonsense for most people and it's quiet old fashion and subculture thing. Some old generation retired people still likes it.
Ich bin Türkin, lebe in Österreich und wusste nicht den Unterschied zwischen Tekel und Bakkal 🤦♀️😂 so viele Sachen hast du so schön erklärt und eine andere Perspektive uns gegeben, dankee! Finde toll das du so ein Video gedreht hast! Wünsch dir alles Gute ♡
Vielleicht können Außenstehende das manchmal besser betrachten. Ist genauso wie Einwanderer in Österreich und Deutschland manche Sachen sehen können die Deutsche oder Österreicher nicht sehen können :D.
You mentioned about Kahvehane which is geniunely ''Kıraathane'' that means ''Okumaevi/ reading house'' . In the Ottoman era, men go those reading houses and they read or some Hatib (reader) read books for them mostly the religious ones. They read books and drink Turkish coffee or tea. This is why we call it Kahvehane or originaly and officially Kıraathane
Kiraathane means Reading House. However, Kahvehane means Coffee House. We use a similar word in Persian. Qahveh-Khaneh, Qahveh: Coffee and Khaneh means house. Kiraat is an Arabic root word means Reading.
@@dinazormuhittin706 bileni var bilmeyeni var, arkadaş da zaten bu kanalı izleyip Türkiye hakkında bir kaç bilgi toplamak isteyenlere de yaymış, güzel işte
You dont have to turn of the music while call of prayer.. In old times there was no speaker and the people turned of every sound that every one can hear the call.. Thats the humor..
Toast machine is called 'ekmek kizartma makinesi' in Turkish. And many households have it. But what we call a 'tost' is a bit different than what people call a 'toast' in other countries. But you can find those anywhere you go in Turkey.
There is a difference between mineral water and carbonated water. In Europe you order carbonated water which is much cheaper. In Turkey we order mineral water, obviously it is more expensive than carbonated water.
@@aguli7889 Avrupalılar, ABD, Avustralya ve neredeyse tüm Batı kültürü sadece tuvalet kağıdı kullanıyor. O yüzden geçen yıl marketlerde tuvalet kağıdı alma çılgınlığı yaşandı. Bulamazlarsa su kullanabileceklerini hiç öğrenmemişler, duymamışlar, kültürlerinde yok. Su ile temizlik tüm Asya ülkelerinde yaygın, Japonlar, Koreliler, Çinliler tarihleri daha köklü, geleneklerini anne babadan genç kuşaklara öğreten ve daha duygusal yaşayan, insan ilişkilerine önem veren toplumlarız. O yüzden de Batı'da bireyselcilik, soğukluk varken, bizde Anadolu'da her evde misafirperverlik gösterilir. Farklı olarak Balkanlar ve Rusya doğuyla yakın ilişkileri sayesinde arada kalabilmiş, bizlerden bu adetleri bir parça kapmış, o yüzden de Batı ülkeleri Rusları ve Ortodoks Balkan ülkelerini Avrupalı kabul etmez. Avrupa'nın kendisi bir kültür ve amaç birliği içinde hareket eder, farklı olanları ise her zaman dışlar ve küçük görürler. Elbette bu kanal gibi Türkiye'ye gelip bizleri çok seven yabancılar da var, ama devlet kültürü ön yargı ve düşmanlık üzerine kurulu, o yüzden sürekli Avrupa Birliği liderlerinden düşmanca açıklamalar duyuyoruz, asla doğuyla bütünleşmeyi düşünemiyorlar, kendilerini bizlerden üstün görmekten vazgeçmeyecekler.
There are not only movies with subtitles in the cinemas. It's up to you, you have always two options at the cinemas. You can watch the movies with it original languages and subtitles or you can watch the movie in Turkish. You have to say it at the kiosk before you buy your ticket for the movie. There are 7-10 cinemas in the same.complex
The cat noise at 03:26 that you hear is not a problem or crazy sound, that is seasonal flirting call for ladies/gentlmens mean like ''Yea i am here ladies/gentlmans, who wants to join me?''
Bu ülkenin bı genci olarak bizimde yurt dışındaki çeşitliliği ve insanları kesfetmemiz gerektiği yerde çalışmak zorunda birakilmamiz ve daha söylenicek çok sözün olması
There is not women only cafe, but culturally women have "gün" (home meetings) :) and of course we need come through this behavior in towns and villages, I hope.
*I don't know about the current situation of the men-only cafes but they were using as a labor market in the past for people who don't have a regular job. That's why men meet at those cafes because they are looking for a job for the next day.*
There is no such thing currently, however you are right about rural areas where such a cafe would be the center of the village in the past and this would function also as a means of recruitment of sorts. The main reason however was and still is socializing and it is a healthier choice to let's say bars or pubs like in the west if you ask me.
If I remember correctly, Having french fries for breakfast has actually started with Turks living in Germany, visiting Turkey in summertime and would ask host family if they have fries as an option. At the time frozen fries were even not very popular, and fries were not something people would have regularly whether they eat at home or outside, so this tradition came from Turks living in Europe in general.
05:55 Germans are practices, Turks are emotional Again, you have prepared a very nice and creative list, you tell that very sweetly. You are always positive and smiling. I will tell about the events from a historical and social perspective. 02:12 No, you don't have to turn off the music. In the last 20 years, it has spread in many places, especially through the stricter conservative Islamic sects of Southeast Anatolia, and people comply with the pressure from the neighborhood. I was born in Ankara, throughout my childhood and youth, nobody thought of turning off the radio or TV or lowering their voice while calling the call to prayer. But when I came to Istanbul in the early 2000s, I was faced with this pressure, especially by people of Southeast origin. This topic and men's-only coffeehouses are actually about the land. In the Aegean region and Marmara, the land is fertile, men and women work together and are mostly equal. However, except for some fertile plains in the Southeast and Central Anatolia in the East, the soil is unproductive and living conditions are very harsh. In this case, as muscle power is required, a society where men are dominated and women do not have the right to speak emerges. You also have well-cultivated fertile soils in Germany. The Protestant faith also creates more equal conditions between men and women compared to other sects. On the other hand, in Catholic Italy / Sicily or in the central part of Spain there are again unproductive lands and male-dominated society. 06:20 Tekel (It means monopoly in Turkish) was actually the name of the state-owned cigarette and alcoholic beverage production facility in the past. People who wanted to sell Tekel products would apply to them and buy dealerships. Later, it was privatized during the AKP period and sales permission rules were tightened. As someone who does not like too much alcohol, I am satisfied with the rules that prevent young people from reaching easily. However, excessive hikes to alcohol and cigarettes increase illegal consumption and the deaths of addicts from counterfeit alcohol. It is necessary to find the middle way. Basket tradition: actually exists in all Mediterranean countries. If you've watched the movies by Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni, it is the same on the streets of Rome, in Greece and France. Basement windows: in big cities such as Istanbul in Turkey after 1980 experienced problems finding the house. A large number of people migrated from Anatolia to big cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, Adana and Bursa, which created a huge demand for houses. Unlike the Soviet countries of the same period, we do not have much many collective housing, especially in cities such as Istanbul, private enterprises build the houses. This has led to the creation of flats all over the building, including the basements, and the construction of houses that fit every budget. Tea cultivation was brought to Turkey by Ataturk. He has done very well and tea is very suitable for growing in the Black Sea region. Before that, there was only Turkish coffee coming from Yemen. First, he was aims to increase domestic consumption, he encouraged Turkish people to consume more tea, thus, he aspire to make tea producers make good money and spread tea production area. And he did very well in this goal. Today, tea is drunk in every household in Turkey. The sausage is actually coming from Europe to Turkey in 1945, perhaps it came from Germany. We traditionally have sucuk and pastirma. Maybe they are produced only in red so that they are not incompatible with them. In the 1990s, the sale of sausages in the open was banned under European Union harmonization laws. Before that, I remember from my childhood everywhere there were very nice sausages just like you eat in Germany. They were replaced by packaged and tasteless ones in supermarkets. Paying the postman: This is just like the Tekel issue. In the past, PTT was the only state-owned postal company, first a lot of private competitors emerged doing the same job during the privatization spree, then the government started using PTT for all government payments. Now PTT branches are operated privately like Franchising, but the management is still in the Goverment, it is quite complicated but yes, it has also been a very useful thing.
There are two wrong infos here. First of, Turks weren't introduced to tea (çay) just newly in the 20th century. And neither was the local cultivation of tea as new as you are describing here, it was much earlier in the late 19th century by Sultan Abdülhamid II. Tea was commonly consumed by Turks far earlier than coffee for probably thousand years since our origin in the Central Asia was close to the actual places where it was grown. Hoca Ahmed Yesevi is said to be the first documented Turkic drinker of tea. And to this day we still have throughout rural Turkey especially in the southern region illegal imports of good Sri Lankan tea, which is for many far better than what is grown locally in the Black Sea area. I am from such a province of Turkey and we definitely prefer Sri lankan (Ceylon old name) tea. Second. These cafes are EVERYWHERE in Turkey. Not just "fertile" areas or such a thing. Also, your theory doesn't even make sense. Most agricultural regions you don't have the luxury of only employing the men. Hell even teenagers are needed for most work, so of course women are of course common in working these fields. This got nothing to do with men needing a place to socialize. In the west you have pub and bar culture, in Germany they are called Kneipe, where it's mostly men who drink some beer after work or in retirement. And in the south and east, it's such tea houses or cafes. Hard labour or easy lands are pretty much irrelevant to this whole sociological phenomenon.
@@minzblatt Dedikleriniz doğru olabilir, geçmiş bir tarihte son Osmanlı Padişahlarına çayı tattırmış olabilirler. Ancak monarşi gibi az sayıda kişiden halka inmesi ve bugün ülkemizde her evde her gün bardak bardak tüketilmesi Atatürk döneminde gerçekleşmiş bir olay. İkinci olarak Orta Asya'da Türk ve Moğolların bugünkü çay tüketimine bakarak yanlış bir çıkarım yapıyorsunuz. Evet örneğin Moğollar sütün içine siyah çay taneleri ve tuz ekleyerek kahvaltılarında özel bir çay tüketirler. Ama bu çay 13. yy'da Çin'den onlara gelmiştir. Yani özellikle Oğuz Türkleri olarak bizler 9 ve 10. yüzyıllar arası Anadolu'ya göç ederken, onlar o topraklarda kalmışlar. Farklı coğrafyalar farklı tarihlerde siyah çayla karşılaşmış ve geleneksel yemek kültürüne katmış. Moğol kültürüne ilgi duyarsanız, misafire koku koklamaktan, geleneksel şarkı söyleme şekillerine kadar bir çok adeti ya Çinliler ya da Ruslarla etkileşimlerinden almış ve kendi kültürlerine katmışlardır. Kahve kültürü ve verimli arazi konusunu çok acayip bir şekilde anlamışsınız, nasıl böyle bir çıkarım yaptığınıza şaşırdım kaldım. Sosyolojiye ya da tarihe ilgi duyarsanız bilirsiniz, toplumların gelişmesi ve günlük hayatın kavgası dışında sanatla ve bilimle ilgilenmesi ancak tarımsal üretimde artı değer yaratarak ya da başka halkı köle olarak kullanmasıyla gerçekleşebilir. İşte Antik Yunan uygarlığında ve Roma'da fethettikleri yerlerden getirdikleri kölelerin çalışıp üretmesiyle elde edilen zenginlik sayesinde bu kadar güzel heykeller, felsefe ve bilimsel gelişme yaşanmış. Ya da her yakın eski imparatorluğun tarihine bakarsanız fetihlerle gelen zenginlik veya Nil Nehri gibi sulama tekniklerinin sağladığı bollukla bir yükseliş yaşadığını görürsünüz. Kısaca toplumsal yaşamla toprağın verimliliği doğru orantılıdır. Düşük verimli ve çorak arazilerde yaşayan halklar geleneklerinde daha katı ve daha bağnaz olurlar, çünkü toprağın verimi 1'e 1.5 zor olur ve yıl boyu sürekli çalışmalarına karşın her zaman açlık tehlikesiyle karşı karşıyadırlar. Böyle bir bölgede kas gücü önemlidir, kadın ikinci planda kalır, hatta insandan ayrı bir mal olarak görülür. Yani bu durumun İslamiyet-Hristiyanlık gibi bir dinle değil doğrudan toprağın verimiyle ilgisi vardır. Tam tersine örneğin bizim Ege Bölgemiz gibi verimli arazilerde 1'e 7-15 veren topraklarda, insanlar daha az çalışarak artı değer elde ederler ve bu da müziğe, sanata, kültüre ve bilime zaman ayırmalarını sağlar. Yine bu nedenle Doğu Anadolu'nun yüksek ve sarp topraklarında sınırlı sayıda tarihi eser varken, Ege'de ya da Marmara'da toprağı kazdığınız her yerde tapınaklar, çeşmeler, mozaikler, heykeller bulunuyor. Onbinlerce yıldır alüvyonlu nehirlerin denize döküldüğü bu topraklar her zaman verimli olmuşlar ve her zaman büyük nüfuslar besleyip oluşan artı değerle bilim ve sanatta sayısız eser vermişler. Özetle burada söz edilen şey kahveler sadece toprağı verimli yerlerde var falan değil. Sanırım İngilizceniz biraz yetersiz, ya da belki benim kelimelerimi yanlış çevirmenizden kaynaklı. O paragrafta 2-3 tane farklı örnekle açıklıyorum. orta Almanya'da toprağın daha verimli olduğu yerlerde kadın erkek daha eşit ve protestan inanışı hakimken, Sicilya'nın volkanik ve çorak topraklarında kadın 2. planda, daha katı adetlere sahip ve ortodoks inanışındalar. Bizlerde de Doğu Anadolu ile Ege bölgesi arasında kadına karşı davranış açısından çok ciddi fark var. Bu da videoda bahsedilen erkeklere özel kahve durumuna yol açıyor. Doğunun zor şartlarında kadın erkekle eş ya da yakın sayılmadığından geri planda ve değersiz, çünkü toprak verimi çok kötü, insanlar geleneklerinde daha katı ve bağnazlar, hayatta kalmaları için öyle olmaları lazım. Ege'de ise topraklar çok verimli, daha kısa süre çalışarak, dışarı da satabilecekleri ürün elde ediyorlar. Hava şartları da uygun. Bu şartlar boş zamanın ortaya çıkmasına ve bu ortamda kadının da el emeği ve işgücü olarak değerli olmasına, insanlarının artı değer sonucu eğitime daha çok zaman ayırabilmelerine ve tüm bir kültür olarak daha gelişmiş olmalarını sağlıyor. English: What you say may be true, they may have made the last Ottoman Sultans taste tea in a past date. However, the fact that a small number of people like the monarchy descended to the public and that glasses are consumed every day in every house in our country is an event that took place during the Atatürk period. Secondly, you are making a wrong inference by looking at today's tea consumption of Turks and Mongols in Central Asia. Yes, for example, Mongolians add black tea grains and salt to their milk and consume a special tea for their breakfast. But this tea came to them from China in the 13th century. In other words, while we, as Oghuz Turks, migrated to Anatolia between the 9th and 10th centuries, they remained in that land. Different geographies encountered black tea on different dates and added it to the traditional food culture. If you are interested in Mongolian culture, they have taken many customs from their interactions with either the Chinese or the Russians, from smelling scents to traditional singing styles, and added them to their own culture. You understood the coffee culture and fertile land in a very strange way, I was surprised how you made such an inference. If you are interested in sociology or history, you know that the development of societies and their interest in art and science, apart from the struggle of daily life, can only be realized by creating surplus value in agricultural production or using other people as slaves. Thanks to the wealth gained by working and producing the slaves they brought from the places they conquered in Ancient Greece and Rome, such beautiful sculptures, philosophy and scientific development were experienced. Or, if you look at the history of every recent ancient empire, you'll see that it has experienced a rise in wealth through conquest or the abundance provided by irrigation techniques such as the Nile River. In short, the productivity of the land is directly proportional to the social life. Peoples living in low fertile and barren lands become stricter and more fanatical in their traditions, because the fertility of the soil is difficult to 1 to 1.5, and they are always in danger of starvation, despite their continuous work throughout the year. In such a region, muscle strength is important, women remain in the background, even seen as a separate property from people. In other words, this situation has nothing to do with a religion like Islam-Christianity, but directly with the fertility of the soil. On the contrary, in fertile lands such as our Aegean Region, in lands that give 7-15 to 1, people get added value by working less and this allows them to devote time to music, art, culture and science. For this reason, while there are a limited number of historical artifacts in the high and steep lands of Eastern Anatolia, there are temples, fountains, mosaics and sculptures wherever you dig in the Aegean or Marmara. These lands, where alluvial rivers flow into the sea for tens of thousands of years, have always been fertile and have always produced countless works in science and art with the surplus value created by feeding large populations. In summary, what we are talking about here is not that coffees only exist in fertile places. I think your English is a bit poor, or maybe it's because you mistranslated my words. In that paragraph, I explain 2-3 different examples. In central Germany, where the land is more fertile, men and women are more equal and protestant belief is dominant, while in the volcanic and barren lands of Sicily, women have more strict customs and orthodox beliefs. There is a very serious difference between the Eastern Anatolia and the Aegean region in terms of behavior towards women. This leads to the special coffee for men situation mentioned in the video. In the difficult conditions of the East, women are not considered equal or close to men, so they are in the background and worthless, because the soil fertility is very bad, people are more strict in their traditions and bigoted, they have to be like that in order to survive. On the other hand, the lands in the Aegean are very fertile, they work for a shorter time and obtain products that they can sell abroad. Weather conditions are also suitable. These conditions enable free time to emerge and women to be valuable as manual labor and labor in this environment, their people to devote more time to education as a result of the added value, and to be more developed as a whole culture.
@@macarsasi5340 AYIP YAHU!' Nerede Ege'de kahve yoktur gibi bir şey yazıyor yahu? Ayıptır günahtır, uzun yazı görünce okuyun yahu! Bu kadar tembel olmayın! Okuduğunu anlayamayan için AYNI ŞEYİ NEDEN 3 DEFA YAZMAM GEREKİYOR? Güzel kardeşim üst mesajda uzunca açıklamışım olayı, üstte Türkçe, altta İngilizce çevirisi yazıyor. İngilizce bilmeyen için Türkçe de yazıyorum ki anlaşılsın diye. Olumlu bir katkınız olmayacaksa kafanızdan abuk sabuk yanlış çeviriler yapmayın lütfen. Bak senin için bir kez daha yazıyorum: Bizim Doğu bölgelerimizde kışlar soğuk, toprak da bereketsiz, bu da daha katı adetlere yol açıyor. Yani toprak ve iklim insanı değiştiriyor. Köy yerinde sosyalleşme alanı olan kahveler de kadınlara kapalı. Kadınlar da kapalı, kadının gezmesi tozması da yasak. Oysa Ege, Marmara ve Akdeniz bölgesinde yükseklik düşük, alüvyonlu nehirlerle beslenen toprak verimli ve iklim de yumuşak, hatta sıcak. Bu şartlar "üretimde artı değer" yaratıyor. Oraların insanı daha az çalışıp kazanıyor, fazlası ona eğitim, kültür ve sanat imkanı sağlıyor. Bu daha eşitlikçi ortam da kadının yaşam şekline etki ediyor. Kas gücü gerekmeyen işlerde çalışarak ekonomik özgürlüğünü sağlıyor, aranan ve değerli oluyor, söz hakkı oluyor "KAHVELERE DE GİDEBİLİYOR" İLLAHİ Bİ KAHVE ARIYORSAN BAK BUNU OKU! Aynı durum Orta Almanya'nın Protestan inancındaki tarımla uğraşan insanlarıyla, tam aksi Sicilya'daki bereketsiz topraklarda Katolik inancındaki insanlar arasında da var. Elbette Güney İtalya bir ada, denizle yani ticaretle çevrili. O zaman bizdeki Orta ve Doğu Karadeniz benzeri bir durum oluşturuyor. Yani Doğu Anadolu'ya göre daha kadının yeri yüksek, Karadeniz Kadını Merttir, Cesurdur, deriz hani. Özetle burada anlayacağınız şey toprağın verimi ve iklimin sertliği kadının yerini düşürüyor. Aksi yükseltiyor.
@@macarsasi5340 BAK YUKARIDA YAZDIĞIMIN BİRE BİR GOOGLE TRANSLATE ÇEVİRİSİ: "Bu konu ve sadece erkeklere özel kahvehaneler aslında toprakla ilgilidir. Ege Bölgesi ve Marmara'da toprak verimlidir, kadın erkek birlikte çalışır ve çoğunlukla eşittir. Ancak Güneydoğu ve Doğu Anadolu'daki bazı verimli ovalar dışında toprak verimsiz ve yaşam koşulları çok serttir. Bu durumda kas gücüne ihtiyaç duyulduğu için erkeklerin egemen olduğu, kadınların söz hakkının olmadığı bir toplum ortaya çıkar. Almanya'da da iyi işlenmiş verimli topraklarınız var. Protestan inancı da kadın ve erkek arasında diğer mezheplere göre daha eşit koşullar yaratmaktadır. Öte yandan Katolik İtalya / Sicilya'da veya İspanya'nın orta kesiminde yine verimsiz topraklar ve erkek egemen toplum var." VE TEKRAR İNGİLİZCESİ: "This topic and men's-only coffeehouses are actually about the land. In the Aegean region and Marmara, the land is fertile, men and women work together and are mostly equal. However, except for some fertile plains in the Southeast and Central Anatolia in the East, the soil is unproductive and living conditions are very harsh. In this case, as muscle power is required, a society where men are dominated and women do not have the right to speak emerges. You also have well-cultivated fertile soils in Germany. The Protestant faith also creates more equal conditions between men and women compared to other sects. On the other hand, in Catholic Italy / Sicily or in the central part of Spain there are again unproductive lands and male-dominated society."
Actually when you ask someone in Turkey that what is tost maschine,they show you sandwich mashine.Also if you go a supermarket and search a tost mashine,you see tost maschine boxes which contain sandwich mashine.We Turkish people say tost maschine to sandwich maschine
They are "men only cafes" because they're mostly escaping from their wives :D Women also meet at house. They are making çay, böreks and cakes and have a gossip about friends, neighbours, relatives or their husbands. Men does same thing at kahvehane (means house of coffee) but issues mostly friends, politics, footbal and economy.
@@Zero-xf1pl Sorduğun iki soru birbirinden farklı şeyler. 1-) Genelinde demek çoğunluk ifade eder yani "Türkiye genelinde çay içilir." cümlesi herkesin çay içtiği anlamına gelmez. 2-) Her insan aynı değildir, bu sebepten ötürü herkes çay içer değil "genellikle" çay içilir diyoruz. Bunu düşünerek bulabileceğini düşünüyorum.
Primarily there was no french fries and pickle (turşu) and lettuce in the doner kebab. As I know doner kebab formerly served with parsley as greenery with sliced tomatoes and onions.
Herkesin evinde tost makinesi var. Galiba senin tost makinesi dediğin waffle makinesi. Türkler olarak waffle fazla tüketimiyoruz, yemek istediğimizde kafelerde ya da waffle satan yerlerden almayı tercih ediyoruz diyelim. En azından çoğu türk öyle yapıyor
cardboard police cars are also so new for Turkey. Our drivers are tend to slow down and be more careful when they see a police car or that flashing police lights.
Just a information about döner.The döner that you eat in germany is Turkish based totally german fastfood. Unluckily german döner meat is tasteless therefore you put vegetables sauces so on. In Turkey if we eat döner, we would like to eat meat, you can find tomatoes, lettuce or maybe pepper but that’s all, we do not prefer to put something which dominates taste of döner. In restaurants you can also order döner on a plate(döner porsiyon) you’ll see a part of plate is only meat, other part is rice, maybe last part of salad☺️
I currently live in Germany. I have pillowcases that I brought from Turkey and they are too small for regular pillows here :D I feel your struggle in a different way :)
İ saw you recently saw on Julia's channel. Your Turkish language skills are getting very good so quickly! You're a quick learner. İt gives me hope :)❤️🇹🇷
o içine gaz basılmış suları nasıl içiyorsunuz cidden insan hayret ediyor birde burada bulunmadığı için üzgünüm diyor benim 1 defa içmemle suyu püskürtmem bir olmuştu. Bu arada bizdeki maden suyu gazlı su değil mineralli soda bil diye söylüyorum.
15:11 Try "Akmina" brand for sparkling water. You can get them in 1 liter plastic bottles around 3 Turkish lira (0.36 US dollars) at supermarkets. They are really good.
Actually, the reason why these men's cafes were opened was when women gathered together in houses under the name of "Golden Day" and ate meals and expelled men from the houses. so the opposite is actually the case
You have forgotten the Busses in Turkey, called dolmuş. The way how you pay your Ticket to the driver eben if you are far away fron hım at the end of the Bus. :) i am from germany to by the way
Dear, Authentic döner does not contain sauces or veggies, that would lead the real amazing taste of meat to be missed, so what you have over there in Germany is a distotrted version of the real döner sandwich
Men's goes to cafes, its call Kahvehane... Women's gather together at homes. Women's normally cook very tasty, lots of diffirent Turkish foods, cold and hot ones and ofcourse desserts... when I was young my mum used to take me withy brother, we used to play with other children who may attend one of this event. Mum's used to call gold day. Every women used to buy 1/4 gold pieces and bring them to person organise that day at her home.
İf you go to cafes for breakfast they give everything french fries include:) but in home real Turkish breakfast tea egg cheese with 4 main variation one of similar with feta cheese other we say tulum(sharp and salty cheese) and taze kaşar (typical well known cheese) eski kaşar (aged cheese) bread butter(2 variations salty or normal butter) or kaymak(creme) jams(rose,orange,strawberry,cherry,tomato etc) honey sometimes people eat sucuk(Turkish type fermented sausage with spices) or pastırma(Turkish type dried meat with cumin and without cumin) kavurma(roasting meat) these three meat can be use with egg in Turkey egg is very important in breakfast using types boiled egg fried egg omelette and scrambled egg with tomato and green pepper Döner actually döner is not fastfood normally döner eating with plate serve real döner restaurants have two main döner variations named döner and iskender döner can be choose with rice and pita bread or only döner meat under pita bread when you eat döner in döner restaurants waiter come with melted butter and asking for do you want iskender serving in plate iskender is döner meat tomato sauce and yoghurt same melted butter asking for want Döner is making daily in this types restaurants and they starting in early hours for lunch time i think they make biggest one döner chef cutting meat before burnt their döner meats mostly 100-150 kg for daily lunch times and dinner times real döner restaurants closing when their döner meat finished Fastfood döner ofcourse differences than this type because they mostly use döner one of meat one of chicken and they mostly serving type with sandwich Fake police and gendarmerie cars are state trolling Turkish citizens:)) when people see lights they start drive slowly in roads Turkish culture if police start radar control other side cars lights up down and warned you everybody understand in next 1-5 km police have radar point and people drive slowly i thşnk state find new way trolling citizens:))ofcourse most of road now speed controlling system when you drive fast they take photo:D
Hey, bin durch hamza auf dich gestoßen und find dich einfach toll! Deine Videos fixieren förmlich und ich hab den Drang sie alle zu schauen🙆♀️ Ich würde dich wirklich gerne begleiten wollen, du besuchst wunderschöne Orte und Städte. Mein Wunsch ist es ebenfalls einmal, kreuz und quer durch die Türkei zu reisen😍 LG Didem
Hallo Franzi, wir finden deine Videos so bewegend und schön dargestellt. Wird die Reihe mit den einzelnen Städten weitergehen ? Freuen uns schon wenn Nr. 31 mit Hatay dran ist !! 🎉🎉🎉
İnsan her yerde insandır dini kültürü inancı ne olursa olsun kabinde merhamet varsa mutlaka iyilik kazanır umarım sende yüreğin kadar güzel bir ömür geçirirsin hep böyle Gül ve dikkatli ol seyahatlerinde otostop çekme limon seni götürür her yere ❤️
Do you eat french fries 🍟 for breakfast? 😀
Yes, we do. Come to Hatay please. We love you. 💙
Yes, yummy. We also have a dish like spanish tortilla de patatas called "patyum". Try it! :)
En sevdiğimiz şey
Oh yea with ketchup and nutella at the same time)
The "men-only-cafes" you mentioned are not unique to Turkey, they exist in Greece in Italy as well. And they're not strictly "men only", any women can go there, but they'd be looked at as a polar bear in the Sahara.
edit: mostly retired old men hang out there and play cards 😆
me and my friends used to hang out and have breakfast before going to school in the morning it's a very warm environment
I'm from turkey and i'd used to go with my dad and drink some 'oralet'
i'm a girl
Mostly old people is going there and The Place is headquarter for them.They are speaking there Politic,economic,problem of some country and They like play a game for example okey,card game,lottery.We are saying in Turkish language "Kıraathane"
Ugh I really hate the cafés .They put their chair in the middle of pavement.As a woman i feel uncomfortable when i walk through the pavement . In my hometown men-only-cáfes located transverse 😂 If i prefer to walk through across pavement there is men-only-cafes too
it s true
Merhaba. BEN Simran. I just started learning turkish language and I m from nepal .I dont know but I love turkey a lot.🇳🇵🇹🇷
hello simran 🙏🏻
@@23bcgamer34 hi how are you?
Hello, Prabesh Gautam .
How is it turkish ?
Fıstıksız tatlılarımız da var ama lütfen. Kazandibi, sütlaç, tavuk göğüsü, muhallebi... Lüften sütlü tatlılarımız atlamayalım :)
Kazandibi dışında hepsinin üstüne fıstık döken pastane gördüm. :D
@@alpercankonak asdfddfhjjkl
@@alpercankonak ben kazandibine koyanı da gördüm :D
Ama antep fıstığı gerçekten guzel. Neye girse yakışıyor.
@@kemalbozca469Tatlıyı geçtim yemeklerde özellikle iskenderin üzerine antep fıstığı.... Bir güzel oluyor varya.
Hi im a Swedish citizen for 20 years.
There is man only cafes in Sweden too, you are mistaken normal Cafe with man-cafe. They drink beer and watch football. But woman is allowed but woman don't go there, same in Turkey.
In Sweden doner served same as in Turkey, i think it is different in germany because people demand salad in it.
In Sweden houses have names and numbers too.
Yes we have corner shops, and big markets too, not only one type as communist russia :))
Yogurt is fruit yogurt here, people know Turkish yogurt as Greek yogurt unfortunately.
Basement flats, because Turkey has many hills in cities, this is why apartment flats are in basement or even more below. Germany is a flat country.
Card board police man you can see here in Sweden shopping centre entrances, to stop theft.
French fries in Turkish breakfast is new, we never had it 10 years ago.
We've got many fizzy waters in Sweden, fruit ones or vitamin ones.
All other things you said i agree with you :))
Great comment but french fries in turkish breakfast is nothing new. I know it since my childhood and i am 32.:)
Never heard or neither had French fries at breakfast. Been to many breakfast places but not even once I have witnessed they serve French fries. What are you guys on for god’s sake? 😂
Well it kinda make sense to eat french fries at breakfast because if you are gonna have carbs breakfast is the perfect time to have it to start your day and have energy
Doener was a product developped in Germany !!!Here you can eat the original!
The first was made in Berlin in the70 of a turkish migrant.
Salad was always!!!!! a part of this fastfood.
These , in Sweden or in Turkey too... without salad are not the original Doener... they are different variations
@@mrsreal5665 Original doner was served in the restaurants, and Turks always eat salad with their meal but as a separate dish. So, Turkish immigrant combined both meat and salad as a fast food sandwich. Fast food was not very popular in Turkey in the 1970's as the pace of life was not that fast.
Ne güzel bir sürpriz! What a nice surprise! I am an old German lady (60+) and fell in love with Turkey in 1982. Never met so welcoming and warmhearted people around the Mediterranean Sea. Discovered the "green paradise" DALYAN - it became my "second home" in countless holidays. I even went to Turkish lessons to be able to communicate with the people there - and your nice video with Turkish subtitles helps me to improve my knowledge. Tes,ekkürler - Thanks - Danke!
@Æ Ben de çoğu zaman çince veya japonca nick alırım bu benim japon olduğum anlamına mı gelir?
@Æ Sariboncuk kelimesindeki sarı , alman olmasiyla uyumlu , dedektiflik yeteneklerini gözden geçirme zamanin gelmiş.
I'm a Brazilian who used to live in Germany and I'm really passionate about Turkey, a country that I've been four times and hope to have the experience of living there for a while as well. It's a country where I feel me at home, besides culture, nature and food I really enjoy the company of Turkish people. I'm currently learning Turkish to make the most of my upcoming trips and possible long stay in the future.
Congrats for the video, so cool to compare the differences!
Germany is a shithole country
@@harifigopedroz7027 what???
@@harifigopedroz7027Went there 5 years ago and People are cold, miserable, and you barely have sunny days. lol
@@tw3ist I think the people are rude not keen on foreigners
@@theancientsancients1769 im in Germany but a Turk , it’s 50 50 , most Racists but For living it’s good
"Kediğ, napıyoğn?"
Mart ayı ya kediler birbirini kovalıyor.
@@batkankurkutlu1611 hayır?
Maden suyu means mineral water. It's different from what you drink in Germany. Sparkling water is not mineral water but carbonated water.
Türkiyede de hepsi mineralli değil diye biliyorum .
@@ozcan5704 mineralli değilse maden suyu etiketi vuramaz. Mineralli sularla ilgili mevzuat var yürürlükte.
@@ozcan5704 Soda ve maden suyu farkı var. Almanya'da zengin yeraltı kaynak suları var mıdır bilmiyorum ama Türkiye'de var, biz onu içiyor. Bu hanımefendi de içine gaz basılmış suları içiyor.
@@Kara_Pabuc kardeşim ben burada var orada yok falan demedim. Türkiyede de gazlı sular vardır orada da mineralli sular vardır demek listemiştim :)
Almanyada su yerine maden suyu iciyorlarmiş dogru mu?
As for as I know, the sparkling waters sold in big bottles in Germany are just water with carbon-dioxide added artificially, similar to soda drinks like Sprite, while "maden suyu" in Turkey is a natural water with very high mineral values, hence they are more expensive than water. Living in Germany for 2 years, I couldn't get used to that water with gas. For me the water is something to "bottom up."
Not true in all cases. Gerolsteiner is one of the natural waters with carbonic acid.
As a non religious turk who grew up in istanbul, I've never once turned down the music for the call to prayer. I've never even seen anyone doing that in my entire life, and I'm over 50. But I suppose more traditional/religious types do that, I personally am hearing about this for the first time!
I grew up in a non religious family and they always turned it off a bit when we pass by car near a graveyard. Never seen my parents prayed or in mosque etc. I think it is about pre islamic beliefs more than islamic ones.
Elin kızı Almanyadan gelmiş Türkiyenin her yerini geziyor. Ben daha il değiştiremiyorum.
2023 te uzaya çıkacağız.. biraz sabret.. uçarak bütün illeri gezersin🙄😳😁🤸
@@japonbalg3057 buna inanan varmı hahahahahahahha
Valla öyle
@@selcuqesgerli Para var lakin sen gittin işe yaramaz bir şeylere odaklandın ve okumadın. Para olan İşlere doğru okuman zoruna gitti. Kolayı seçtin.🤫
@@selcuqesgerli Ozaman yine kendine gol attın. Hem Azerbaijandasın. Hele hele daha işe başvurmamışsın 😂
Hearing "we have" in some parts of the video is totally amazing feeling. It is so nice to feel that you are one of us now.
I hope I am! 😄
Exactly so sweet of her ❤️
@@TravelComic your turkish is better than many of us lol
@@mertkahve7600 Also I haven't been to many of the places she visits :D
@caprice.t damn, I am completely okay to live in netherlands without seeing tourism spots .ddd
lets combine german pillows with turkish blankets for ultimate sleep performance. we can do this, we have the technology
Ommggg yesssss!! 😂😂
Exactly correct. Agreed :)
There are big pillows in Turkey, too but you find them very expensive in luxury stores like Yataş, Bellona, Madame Coco or English Home 😬
@@ozlemdr6076 don't be buzkill. we are trying to form an union. we can achieve so much more together.
@@orcofnbu ne diyon bağyan, bilmiyorsa büyük yastık alabileceği yerleri söyledim
Kediyle Türkçe konuşman tatlılığı...
when I lived in germany, I had the same problem with pillows. They are huge and SQUARE shaped. so if you put your head on upper/middle area you get pillow on your neck and chest (which is so uncomfortable), but if you put your head on lower area why do you even have the rest of the pillow? square pillows are the bane of my existence.
14:13 I think it's because we are using a different word for "toast machine" and it's called "ekmek kızartma makinesi" literally means "bread fryer".
If you ask for a "toast machine" in Turkey you will get a "sandwich maker". If you really want to get a "toast machine" you need to ask "ekmek kızartma makinesi" and it's also common in Turkey.
Man meet up in cafes and women meet up in their houses , woman kick their husbands from the house so their friends will come over :D
🤣🤣 bunlar hep kültür kültür..
ne dedin şimdi bi de türkçesini yazsaydın :D
@@msimsek42 Erkeklere özel kafe var ama kadınların yok diyor videoda. Ben de dedim ki Kadınlar evde buluşuyor, evden kocalarını atıp eve arkadaşlarını çağırıyorlar dedim.
@@ulgen6013 :D :D iyi demişsin. İngilizceyi nasıl öğrendin ya kolay yolu var mı ?
@@msimsek42 Yabancılarla konuşarak.
Soğuk taşa oturma hasta olursun yiğidim
Almanya'nın soğuğuna alışık..Onlara "Türkiye'ye cennet doğa olarak" onların Eourolari muhteşem..😔🙄😁
Tazyikli mazallah.. 😲
@@icepuffer abi tazyikli mazallah ne ya 🤣
@@kroniqque Yalanmı.. :D Soğuk Bi Kere Çektimi Neticeden.. :D Tazyikli Tazyikli.. :D dfghjkl
Kendi çapımda güzel içerikleri çıkartmaya çalışıyorum sizi davet ederim şimdiden teşekkür ederim ☺️ ..
Ülkemizin tanıtımını yaptığınız için Türk halkı adına size çok çok teşekkür ederim.
You are good people. Greetings from Germany
There is a cafe "Hanımlar Aile Çay Bahçesi" in Manisa, Türkiye. There are only women in there and you can find it if you go to Ulupark. English name of there is "Ladies Family Tea Garden"
"women only cafes" are house gathering when men are not home! LOL
Garıların altın günleri var, o da 'women only cafes', erkekleri eve 5 metreden fazla yaklaştırmazlar. Gomşulara sor bak vardır kesin bi altın günü, birine gatıl.
@@coindeveloper3794 kardeşim ne olduda k harfine küstün hayatına k harfini eklemeni öneririm
@@halilbahadrl208 özünden bu kadar uzak galma gardaş
@@coindeveloper3794 sende haklısın
There’s a lot of women only cafes in saudi arabia
Aslında erkek kafesi diye birşey yok . Sadece çay içip gazete okuyan , ardından zaman geçirmek için arkadaşlarıyla kumar oynayan adamlar var . Kadınlar da gidebilir ama bu aktiviteleri yapan kadın bulmak zor 😂
Garı gısmının gayfede işi neymiş?
Eskiden gidiliyordu zaten
@Merdan Akın Eskiden öyle değilmiş..
Yav biz erkekleri çıkarmaya çalışıyoz kadınların ne işi var
Welcome to Turkey
I came from bulgaria for vacation
and then I decided to stay here
perfect country
I love Turkey ❤️🥰
Thank you, respect
Welcome 🙌
Euro is 10 lira, thats why perfect for you 😅
@@cestmoidelavie koptum gülmekten ya 😂😂ama aynen haklısın
Türkiyede yaşama rağmen olumsuzlukları görmezden gelip muhteşem türkçen ile yaptığın paylaşımlarını tebrik edıyorum.çok eğlenceli ve keyifli brovo
This is so cute and puts lots of stuff we do daily without thinking in to perspective :) Very well presented! 😊
Hiç kırmızı olmayan sosis yemedim ve sen kırmızı olduğunu dikkat çekip farklı olduğunu söylediğinde şaşırdım açıkçası 😅
Kırmızı olma sebebi baharatlı olduğu için, millet olarak sevdiğimiz için. Sucuklarda da öyle. Ama tabi artık kırmızı olma sebebi içindeki et olmayan şeyi gizlemek ve et tadı vermek için. Yurt dışında saf et olduğu için ve baharat katılmadığı için sosisler açık renklidir. Kesersen sosisi içindeki nerdeyse eti görürsün.Birde onlarda sanırım bizim sucuklardan yok.
Not:Ne kadar çok “için” yazmışım)
@@lptarik domuz eti olması ilede alakalı biraz bizde haram
@@lptarik den dana etinin keçi etinin koyunun ne zaman beyaz olduğunu gördün ancak yağ olursa ama baharat var
@@bayhanhome7229 Hayır onunla alakalı değil. Almanya’da yaşıyorum be bizim burda türk bakkalında satılan helal sosislerde kırmızı değil.
Actually, i think there are social events that only women are allowed in. They r called "gün" ör"altın günü" but instead of cafes, they take place at a different house every time
yeah 😂😂😂
specifically, there is hamam days too
Women rights are in bad shape over their,hoping it will change.
Merhaba! Gün means day no?
@@kilipaki87oritahitiyes but in this case, it is a special event's name
Also, the mineral water in Turkey, are waters directly from mineral resources, in Europe the mineral water tastes like tap water carbonated, I saw in restaurants in different countries they use soda streams to carbonate the tap water so that's not mineral water, that is why it's more expensive than water in Turkey cuz they only sell natural direct bottled from the source.
Mein voller Respekt Franzi! Echt toll was du machst, ich beneide dich voll. Ich wünsche dir viel Spaß und alles Gute in der Türkei.
Aferim kız sana, Türkiye hakkında sayısız vlog izlemişimdir ama bu en iyisi♡♡
Almanya´da yasayan bir Türk olarak büyük bir zevkle izledim. Tesekkürler güzel analiz yapmissiniz.
merhaba video da birşey merak ettim cinema olayı alt yazı yoksa yabancı dildeki filmleri nasıl izliyorlar öğrenebilir miyim bilginiz varsa eğer 😊
@@meltemsariii Alt yazı yoksa eger Türkçe dublaj izlenir doğal olarak..
@@la_nerdesin demek istediğimi anlamamışsiniz teşekkür ederim cevap için
@@meltemsariii Haaa tamam :):)
Yani Almanyada altyazıdan ziyade direkt almancaya çeviri var demek istemiş. :)
Habe deine Videos gesehen und es fasziniert und macht mich als Deutsch-Türke glücklich von einem deutschen die türkischen Schönheiten und Sehenswürdigkeiten zu hören ohne irgendwelche rassistische Vorwürfe. Ich hoffe deine Zeit in der Türkei wird dir weiter hin gelingen und übrigens in Deutschland gibt es auch in Kinos Untertiteln meistens bei ausländischen orientalischen Filmen.
Giresun/Görele ye gelirsen orda sadece Kadinlar icin Kafe var Okey oynuyor lar Erkekler giremiyor dayak yeme ihtimali var😃 Görele Parki
Bunu ingilizcede yazın gorsun :)
Memlekete gelmek nasip olursa, giderim bende:))
There woman only cafes in black sea area for example in Giresun Görele.
Men not allowed to go in
In Giresun Görele gibt es auch
Frauen Kafes. Hier sind Männer unerwünscht
Cidden varmi ya gerçi 3 yıldır gelmiyorum ama
Actually, there's no such thing as "man only cafe" in Turkey.
There are some types cafes which women don't have interested and there are nothing to do for women. It's like, If you're a women you don't go to a strip club usually.
Those cafes usually only serve black tea and people play card games. Yes, only tea, card games and small talk and intense bad language:) Its not forbidden to women, they just don't go there because it's nonsense:)
In fact, most of man, (I mean very MOST of man) never go to those local cafes. Again, because it's nonsense for most people and it's quiet old fashion and subculture thing. Some old generation retired people still likes it.
hacı oralet de içiyoruz sadece çay değil :D :P
Ich bin Türkin, lebe in Österreich und wusste nicht den Unterschied zwischen Tekel und Bakkal 🤦♀️😂 so viele Sachen hast du so schön erklärt und eine andere Perspektive uns gegeben, dankee! Finde toll das du so ein Video gedreht hast! Wünsch dir alles Gute ♡
Vielleicht können Außenstehende das manchmal besser betrachten. Ist genauso wie Einwanderer in Österreich und Deutschland manche Sachen sehen können die Deutsche oder Österreicher nicht sehen können :D.
14:13 biz ona tost makinesi demiyoruz. Ekmek kızartma makinesi diyoruz.
Ekmek kızartma terimi toast İngilizcede o yüzden fried bread diye bir tabir yok yani bizim yaptığım tost ise bunlar için sandviç 🥪
@@Tony__Montana__ Aynısını tersten söyledin...
You mentioned about Kahvehane which is geniunely ''Kıraathane'' that means ''Okumaevi/ reading house'' . In the Ottoman era, men go those reading houses and they read or some Hatib (reader) read books for them mostly the religious ones. They read books and drink Turkish coffee or tea. This is why we call it Kahvehane or originaly and officially Kıraathane
Kiraathane means Reading House. However, Kahvehane means Coffee House. We use a similar word in Persian. Qahveh-Khaneh, Qahveh: Coffee and Khaneh means house. Kiraat is an Arabic root word means Reading.
@@mehdisoozande8768 In Turkey, kıraathane is the officially used one. But people use Kahvehane. They consider it more modern one
1:40 you should call cats like "pisi pisi pisi". Otherwise don't look you any cat :)
@@dinazormuhittin706 Abi daha rahat anlasın diye işte
@@dinazormuhittin706 Videoda konuştuğu dilden yazdım yani
@@dinazormuhittin706 bildirdiğin için teşekkür ederim öyleyse abi sağol Varol :)
@@dinazormuhittin706 bileni var bilmeyeni var, arkadaş da zaten bu kanalı izleyip Türkiye hakkında bir kaç bilgi toplamak isteyenlere de yaymış, güzel işte
@@minzblatt aynen
Saol azerbaycanlı gardaşımız🇹🇷🇦🇿❤
You dont have to turn of the music while call of prayer.. In old times there was no speaker and the people turned of every sound that every one can hear the call.. Thats the humor..
I havent watched it yet but i support who travels and also introduce my country which is great for us!
Amazing content Franziii. You are rocking girll!! Nearly 100k 💫🙏🏻 Keep it up
Wow Halill i love your video, so good and high quality..
Toast machine is called 'ekmek kizartma makinesi' in Turkish. And many households have it. But what we call a 'tost' is a bit different than what people call a 'toast' in other countries. But you can find those anywhere you go in Turkey.
Dünyanın her noktasinda insanlar ayni. Sadece yaşamlar farkli. Başarilar..
It is good to see that you are enthusiastic about leraning Turkish culture and language.
Kahvaltıda patates kızartması çayla güzel gidiyor. :D
zaten biz türk halkı kahvaltıyı 12 de yapmıyo muyuz 😂
Onu ben bile çozmedim niye var.
@@someoneelse3736 aga ben saat 15 de yapiom kahvalti
@@someoneelse3736 akşam yemeği ile birleştiren me
Ben ilk defa bu kizdan duydum Tr'de kahvaltida kizarmis patates yendigini hahah
"I'm afraid of the sausages.."
Aren't we all...
Hangimiz değiliz ki?
Güzel bir Cem Yılmaz repliği.
Ne demek istiyor orada ya, başkaları daha yazmış ben niye bir şey anlamadım
There is a difference between mineral water and carbonated water. In Europe you order carbonated water which is much cheaper. In Turkey we order mineral water, obviously it is more expensive than carbonated water.
Carbonated water is like shit.
Hab eben eine Gänsehaut bekommen als du so schön über den Gebetsruf gesprochen hast 🥰
Anlatım tarzına ve iyi bakış açına bayıldım yeni videoları sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum :)
You mustn't sit on cold stone 😅 This topic is Turkish mom's saying😅
mustn't diye bir kelime icat ettin tebrikler :D :D :D
@@99Akhi Ne icat etmişim aç bakalım konuyu
@ mustn't kelimesini ilk kez duydum, ama google amca hakkatten öyle kelime oldugunu söylüyor yani birsey ögretmis oldun bana knk sagol
@@99Akhi must + not iste kanka adam neyini icar edicek
Shouldn’t daha mantıklı sanki burda
I'm 13 years old, I'm Turkish, I live in Denizli, I hope you come here and you do your job very well.
Hangi mahallede oturuyorsun.
@@ferman1881. Yenişehir
@@1907_mhmtcm Sıdıka çalışkan ortaokulunu biliyor musun ? Ben ortaokulu orda okudum.
@@ferman1881. Ohaa bende Sıdıka'da okuyom
@@1907_mhmtcm Şansa bak.
neden patates kızartması yiyorsunuz
ben : fantezi zevk alıyoruz
Bu kız kahvaltıda kelle paça yiyenleri görmemiş daha çok şükür cksmammamamwöeöfş
very nice , i living in Germany, new something about turkey too. Thanks!
"Taharet Musluğu" da iyi gidermiş bu videoya.. :)
Belki bilmiyorsundur ama bir çok yabancı ülke de var hatta Japonya ve Kore de suyun sıcaklığını bile ayarlayabilirsin
@@ceren7779 avrupa da yok bosna hersek fransa ukrayna ve italya da yoktu gittiklerim arasında
@@bilgenurkurt7427 Almanya'daki tuvaletlerde de yok yani. Çoğu Avrupa ülkesinde yok hatta hangilerinde var merak ettim doğrusu.
@@aguli7889 Avrupalılar, ABD, Avustralya ve neredeyse tüm Batı kültürü sadece tuvalet kağıdı kullanıyor. O yüzden geçen yıl marketlerde tuvalet kağıdı alma çılgınlığı yaşandı. Bulamazlarsa su kullanabileceklerini hiç öğrenmemişler, duymamışlar, kültürlerinde yok.
Su ile temizlik tüm Asya ülkelerinde yaygın, Japonlar, Koreliler, Çinliler tarihleri daha köklü, geleneklerini anne babadan genç kuşaklara öğreten ve daha duygusal yaşayan, insan ilişkilerine önem veren toplumlarız. O yüzden de Batı'da bireyselcilik, soğukluk varken, bizde Anadolu'da her evde misafirperverlik gösterilir.
Farklı olarak Balkanlar ve Rusya doğuyla yakın ilişkileri sayesinde arada kalabilmiş, bizlerden bu adetleri bir parça kapmış, o yüzden de Batı ülkeleri Rusları ve Ortodoks Balkan ülkelerini Avrupalı kabul etmez. Avrupa'nın kendisi bir kültür ve amaç birliği içinde hareket eder, farklı olanları ise her zaman dışlar ve küçük görürler. Elbette bu kanal gibi Türkiye'ye gelip bizleri çok seven yabancılar da var, ama devlet kültürü ön yargı ve düşmanlık üzerine kurulu, o yüzden sürekli Avrupa Birliği liderlerinden düşmanca açıklamalar duyuyoruz, asla doğuyla bütünleşmeyi düşünemiyorlar, kendilerini bizlerden üstün görmekten vazgeçmeyecekler.
@@selcuksumengen aynen kardes
There are not only movies with subtitles in the cinemas. It's up to you, you have always two options at the cinemas. You can watch the movies with it original languages and subtitles or you can watch the movie in Turkish. You have to say it at the kiosk before you buy your ticket for the movie. There are 7-10 cinemas in the same.complex
The cat noise at 03:26 that you hear is not a problem or crazy sound, that is seasonal flirting call for ladies/gentlmens mean like ''Yea i am here ladies/gentlmans, who wants to join me?''
Bu ülkenin bı genci olarak bizimde yurt dışındaki çeşitliliği ve insanları kesfetmemiz gerektiği yerde çalışmak zorunda birakilmamiz ve daha söylenicek çok sözün olması
We as a younger generation can change the world and try to live in harmony together, what older generations wasn't able to!
There is not women only cafe, but culturally women have "gün" (home meetings) :)
and of course we need come through this behavior in towns and villages, I hope.
*I don't know about the current situation of the men-only cafes but they were using as a labor market in the past for people who don't have a regular job. That's why men meet at those cafes because they are looking for a job for the next day.*
There is no such thing currently, however you are right about rural areas where such a cafe would be the center of the village in the past and this would function also as a means of recruitment of sorts. The main reason however was and still is socializing and it is a healthier choice to let's say bars or pubs like in the west if you ask me.
8:57 Yavrum evladımı yastık diye kırlentle kandırmışlar.
Almanyanin yastiklari gercekten cok büyük ama resimdeki gibi degil daha büyük 😂
If I remember correctly, Having french fries for breakfast has actually started with Turks living in Germany, visiting Turkey in summertime and would ask host family if they have fries as an option. At the time frozen fries were even not very popular, and fries were not something people would have regularly whether they eat at home or outside, so this tradition came from Turks living in Europe in general.
Yogurt is orginally from Turks, so its normal. They used for everything😂
Great video. My dad is from Turkey. I've learned a lot from you
Where are your from other half
05:55 Germans are practices, Turks are emotional
Again, you have prepared a very nice and creative list, you tell that very sweetly. You are always positive and smiling.
I will tell about the events from a historical and social perspective.
02:12 No, you don't have to turn off the music. In the last 20 years, it has spread in many places, especially through the stricter conservative Islamic sects of Southeast Anatolia, and people comply with the pressure from the neighborhood. I was born in Ankara, throughout my childhood and youth, nobody thought of turning off the radio or TV or lowering their voice while calling the call to prayer. But when I came to Istanbul in the early 2000s, I was faced with this pressure, especially by people of Southeast origin.
This topic and men's-only coffeehouses are actually about the land. In the Aegean region and Marmara, the land is fertile, men and women work together and are mostly equal. However, except for some fertile plains in the Southeast and Central Anatolia in the East, the soil is unproductive and living conditions are very harsh. In this case, as muscle power is required, a society where men are dominated and women do not have the right to speak emerges. You also have well-cultivated fertile soils in Germany. The Protestant faith also creates more equal conditions between men and women compared to other sects. On the other hand, in Catholic Italy / Sicily or in the central part of Spain there are again unproductive lands and male-dominated society.
06:20 Tekel (It means monopoly in Turkish) was actually the name of the state-owned cigarette and alcoholic beverage production facility in the past. People who wanted to sell Tekel products would apply to them and buy dealerships. Later, it was privatized during the AKP period and sales permission rules were tightened. As someone who does not like too much alcohol, I am satisfied with the rules that prevent young people from reaching easily. However, excessive hikes to alcohol and cigarettes increase illegal consumption and the deaths of addicts from counterfeit alcohol. It is necessary to find the middle way.
Basket tradition: actually exists in all Mediterranean countries. If you've watched the movies by Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni, it is the same on the streets of Rome, in Greece and France.
Basement windows: in big cities such as Istanbul in Turkey after 1980 experienced problems finding the house. A large number of people migrated from Anatolia to big cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, Adana and Bursa, which created a huge demand for houses. Unlike the Soviet countries of the same period, we do not have much many collective housing, especially in cities such as Istanbul, private enterprises build the houses. This has led to the creation of flats all over the building, including the basements, and the construction of houses that fit every budget.
Tea cultivation was brought to Turkey by Ataturk. He has done very well and tea is very suitable for growing in the Black Sea region. Before that, there was only Turkish coffee coming from Yemen. First, he was aims to increase domestic consumption, he encouraged Turkish people to consume more tea, thus, he aspire to make tea producers make good money and spread tea production area. And he did very well in this goal. Today, tea is drunk in every household in Turkey.
The sausage is actually coming from Europe to Turkey in 1945, perhaps it came from Germany. We traditionally have sucuk and pastirma. Maybe they are produced only in red so that they are not incompatible with them.
In the 1990s, the sale of sausages in the open was banned under European Union harmonization laws. Before that, I remember from my childhood everywhere there were very nice sausages just like you eat in Germany. They were replaced by packaged and tasteless ones in supermarkets.
Paying the postman: This is just like the Tekel issue. In the past, PTT was the only state-owned postal company, first a lot of private competitors emerged doing the same job during the privatization spree, then the government started using PTT for all government payments. Now PTT branches are operated privately like Franchising, but the management is still in the Goverment, it is quite complicated but yes, it has also been a very useful thing.
There are two wrong infos here. First of, Turks weren't introduced to tea (çay) just newly in the 20th century. And neither was the local cultivation of tea as new as you are describing here, it was much earlier in the late 19th century by Sultan Abdülhamid II.
Tea was commonly consumed by Turks far earlier than coffee for probably thousand years since our origin in the Central Asia was close to the actual places where it was grown. Hoca Ahmed Yesevi is said to be the first documented Turkic drinker of tea. And to this day we still have throughout rural Turkey especially in the southern region illegal imports of good Sri Lankan tea, which is for many far better than what is grown locally in the Black Sea area. I am from such a province of Turkey and we definitely prefer Sri lankan (Ceylon old name) tea.
Second. These cafes are EVERYWHERE in Turkey. Not just "fertile" areas or such a thing. Also, your theory doesn't even make sense. Most agricultural regions you don't have the luxury of only employing the men. Hell even teenagers are needed for most work, so of course women are of course common in working these fields. This got nothing to do with men needing a place to socialize. In the west you have pub and bar culture, in Germany they are called Kneipe, where it's mostly men who drink some beer after work or in retirement. And in the south and east, it's such tea houses or cafes. Hard labour or easy lands are pretty much irrelevant to this whole sociological phenomenon.
@@minzblatt Dedikleriniz doğru olabilir, geçmiş bir tarihte son Osmanlı Padişahlarına çayı tattırmış olabilirler. Ancak monarşi gibi az sayıda kişiden halka inmesi ve bugün ülkemizde her evde her gün bardak bardak tüketilmesi Atatürk döneminde gerçekleşmiş bir olay.
İkinci olarak Orta Asya'da Türk ve Moğolların bugünkü çay tüketimine bakarak yanlış bir çıkarım yapıyorsunuz. Evet örneğin Moğollar sütün içine siyah çay taneleri ve tuz ekleyerek kahvaltılarında özel bir çay tüketirler. Ama bu çay 13. yy'da Çin'den onlara gelmiştir. Yani özellikle Oğuz Türkleri olarak bizler 9 ve 10. yüzyıllar arası Anadolu'ya göç ederken, onlar o topraklarda kalmışlar. Farklı coğrafyalar farklı tarihlerde siyah çayla karşılaşmış ve geleneksel yemek kültürüne katmış. Moğol kültürüne ilgi duyarsanız, misafire koku koklamaktan, geleneksel şarkı söyleme şekillerine kadar bir çok adeti ya Çinliler ya da Ruslarla etkileşimlerinden almış ve kendi kültürlerine katmışlardır.
Kahve kültürü ve verimli arazi konusunu çok acayip bir şekilde anlamışsınız, nasıl böyle bir çıkarım yaptığınıza şaşırdım kaldım.
Sosyolojiye ya da tarihe ilgi duyarsanız bilirsiniz, toplumların gelişmesi ve günlük hayatın kavgası dışında sanatla ve bilimle ilgilenmesi ancak tarımsal üretimde artı değer yaratarak ya da başka halkı köle olarak kullanmasıyla gerçekleşebilir.
İşte Antik Yunan uygarlığında ve Roma'da fethettikleri yerlerden getirdikleri kölelerin çalışıp üretmesiyle elde edilen zenginlik sayesinde bu kadar güzel heykeller, felsefe ve bilimsel gelişme yaşanmış. Ya da her yakın eski imparatorluğun tarihine bakarsanız fetihlerle gelen zenginlik veya Nil Nehri gibi sulama tekniklerinin sağladığı bollukla bir yükseliş yaşadığını görürsünüz.
Kısaca toplumsal yaşamla toprağın verimliliği doğru orantılıdır. Düşük verimli ve çorak arazilerde yaşayan halklar geleneklerinde daha katı ve daha bağnaz olurlar, çünkü toprağın verimi 1'e 1.5 zor olur ve yıl boyu sürekli çalışmalarına karşın her zaman açlık tehlikesiyle karşı karşıyadırlar.
Böyle bir bölgede kas gücü önemlidir, kadın ikinci planda kalır, hatta insandan ayrı bir mal olarak görülür. Yani bu durumun İslamiyet-Hristiyanlık gibi bir dinle değil doğrudan toprağın verimiyle ilgisi vardır.
Tam tersine örneğin bizim Ege Bölgemiz gibi verimli arazilerde 1'e 7-15 veren topraklarda, insanlar daha az çalışarak artı değer elde ederler ve bu da müziğe, sanata, kültüre ve bilime zaman ayırmalarını sağlar. Yine bu nedenle Doğu Anadolu'nun yüksek ve sarp topraklarında sınırlı sayıda tarihi eser varken, Ege'de ya da Marmara'da toprağı kazdığınız her yerde tapınaklar, çeşmeler, mozaikler, heykeller bulunuyor. Onbinlerce yıldır alüvyonlu nehirlerin denize döküldüğü bu topraklar her zaman verimli olmuşlar ve her zaman büyük nüfuslar besleyip oluşan artı değerle bilim ve sanatta sayısız eser vermişler.
Özetle burada söz edilen şey kahveler sadece toprağı verimli yerlerde var falan değil. Sanırım İngilizceniz biraz yetersiz, ya da belki benim kelimelerimi yanlış çevirmenizden kaynaklı.
O paragrafta 2-3 tane farklı örnekle açıklıyorum. orta Almanya'da toprağın daha verimli olduğu yerlerde kadın erkek daha eşit ve protestan inanışı hakimken, Sicilya'nın volkanik ve çorak topraklarında kadın 2. planda, daha katı adetlere sahip ve ortodoks inanışındalar.
Bizlerde de Doğu Anadolu ile Ege bölgesi arasında kadına karşı davranış açısından çok ciddi fark var. Bu da videoda bahsedilen erkeklere özel kahve durumuna yol açıyor. Doğunun zor şartlarında kadın erkekle eş ya da yakın sayılmadığından geri planda ve değersiz, çünkü toprak verimi çok kötü, insanlar geleneklerinde daha katı ve bağnazlar, hayatta kalmaları için öyle olmaları lazım.
Ege'de ise topraklar çok verimli, daha kısa süre çalışarak, dışarı da satabilecekleri ürün elde ediyorlar. Hava şartları da uygun. Bu şartlar boş zamanın ortaya çıkmasına ve bu ortamda kadının da el emeği ve işgücü olarak değerli olmasına, insanlarının artı değer sonucu eğitime daha çok zaman ayırabilmelerine ve tüm bir kültür olarak daha gelişmiş olmalarını sağlıyor.
English: What you say may be true, they may have made the last Ottoman Sultans taste tea in a past date. However, the fact that a small number of people like the monarchy descended to the public and that glasses are consumed every day in every house in our country is an event that took place during the Atatürk period.
Secondly, you are making a wrong inference by looking at today's tea consumption of Turks and Mongols in Central Asia. Yes, for example, Mongolians add black tea grains and salt to their milk and consume a special tea for their breakfast. But this tea came to them from China in the 13th century. In other words, while we, as Oghuz Turks, migrated to Anatolia between the 9th and 10th centuries, they remained in that land. Different geographies encountered black tea on different dates and added it to the traditional food culture. If you are interested in Mongolian culture, they have taken many customs from their interactions with either the Chinese or the Russians, from smelling scents to traditional singing styles, and added them to their own culture.
You understood the coffee culture and fertile land in a very strange way, I was surprised how you made such an inference.
If you are interested in sociology or history, you know that the development of societies and their interest in art and science, apart from the struggle of daily life, can only be realized by creating surplus value in agricultural production or using other people as slaves.
Thanks to the wealth gained by working and producing the slaves they brought from the places they conquered in Ancient Greece and Rome, such beautiful sculptures, philosophy and scientific development were experienced. Or, if you look at the history of every recent ancient empire, you'll see that it has experienced a rise in wealth through conquest or the abundance provided by irrigation techniques such as the Nile River.
In short, the productivity of the land is directly proportional to the social life. Peoples living in low fertile and barren lands become stricter and more fanatical in their traditions, because the fertility of the soil is difficult to 1 to 1.5, and they are always in danger of starvation, despite their continuous work throughout the year.
In such a region, muscle strength is important, women remain in the background, even seen as a separate property from people. In other words, this situation has nothing to do with a religion like Islam-Christianity, but directly with the fertility of the soil.
On the contrary, in fertile lands such as our Aegean Region, in lands that give 7-15 to 1, people get added value by working less and this allows them to devote time to music, art, culture and science. For this reason, while there are a limited number of historical artifacts in the high and steep lands of Eastern Anatolia, there are temples, fountains, mosaics and sculptures wherever you dig in the Aegean or Marmara. These lands, where alluvial rivers flow into the sea for tens of thousands of years, have always been fertile and have always produced countless works in science and art with the surplus value created by feeding large populations.
In summary, what we are talking about here is not that coffees only exist in fertile places. I think your English is a bit poor, or maybe it's because you mistranslated my words.
In that paragraph, I explain 2-3 different examples. In central Germany, where the land is more fertile, men and women are more equal and protestant belief is dominant, while in the volcanic and barren lands of Sicily, women have more strict customs and orthodox beliefs.
There is a very serious difference between the Eastern Anatolia and the Aegean region in terms of behavior towards women. This leads to the special coffee for men situation mentioned in the video. In the difficult conditions of the East, women are not considered equal or close to men, so they are in the background and worthless, because the soil fertility is very bad, people are more strict in their traditions and bigoted, they have to be like that in order to survive.
On the other hand, the lands in the Aegean are very fertile, they work for a shorter time and obtain products that they can sell abroad. Weather conditions are also suitable. These conditions enable free time to emerge and women to be valuable as manual labor and labor in this environment, their people to devote more time to education as a result of the added value, and to be more developed as a whole culture.
@@selcuksumengen orayı açık uçlu konuşmuşsunuz ama Ege'de falan kahvelerin olmadığını düşünüyorsanız yanılıyorsunuz. Bir ton var burada.
@@macarsasi5340 AYIP YAHU!' Nerede Ege'de kahve yoktur gibi bir şey yazıyor yahu? Ayıptır günahtır, uzun yazı görünce okuyun yahu! Bu kadar tembel olmayın! Okuduğunu anlayamayan için AYNI ŞEYİ NEDEN 3 DEFA YAZMAM GEREKİYOR?
Güzel kardeşim üst mesajda uzunca açıklamışım olayı, üstte Türkçe, altta İngilizce çevirisi yazıyor. İngilizce bilmeyen için Türkçe de yazıyorum ki anlaşılsın diye.
Olumlu bir katkınız olmayacaksa kafanızdan abuk sabuk yanlış çeviriler yapmayın lütfen.
Bak senin için bir kez daha yazıyorum:
Bizim Doğu bölgelerimizde kışlar soğuk, toprak da bereketsiz, bu da daha katı adetlere yol açıyor. Yani toprak ve iklim insanı değiştiriyor. Köy yerinde sosyalleşme alanı olan kahveler de kadınlara kapalı. Kadınlar da kapalı, kadının gezmesi tozması da yasak.
Oysa Ege, Marmara ve Akdeniz bölgesinde yükseklik düşük, alüvyonlu nehirlerle beslenen toprak verimli ve iklim de yumuşak, hatta sıcak. Bu şartlar "üretimde artı değer" yaratıyor. Oraların insanı daha az çalışıp kazanıyor, fazlası ona eğitim, kültür ve sanat imkanı sağlıyor. Bu daha eşitlikçi ortam da kadının yaşam şekline etki ediyor. Kas gücü gerekmeyen işlerde çalışarak ekonomik özgürlüğünü sağlıyor, aranan ve değerli oluyor, söz hakkı oluyor "KAHVELERE DE GİDEBİLİYOR" İLLAHİ Bİ KAHVE ARIYORSAN BAK BUNU OKU!
Aynı durum Orta Almanya'nın Protestan inancındaki tarımla uğraşan insanlarıyla, tam aksi Sicilya'daki bereketsiz topraklarda Katolik inancındaki insanlar arasında da var. Elbette Güney İtalya bir ada, denizle yani ticaretle çevrili. O zaman bizdeki Orta ve Doğu Karadeniz benzeri bir durum oluşturuyor. Yani Doğu Anadolu'ya göre daha kadının yeri yüksek, Karadeniz Kadını Merttir, Cesurdur, deriz hani.
Özetle burada anlayacağınız şey toprağın verimi ve iklimin sertliği kadının yerini düşürüyor. Aksi yükseltiyor.
@@macarsasi5340 BAK YUKARIDA YAZDIĞIMIN BİRE BİR GOOGLE TRANSLATE ÇEVİRİSİ: "Bu konu ve sadece erkeklere özel kahvehaneler aslında toprakla ilgilidir. Ege Bölgesi ve Marmara'da toprak verimlidir, kadın erkek birlikte çalışır ve çoğunlukla eşittir. Ancak Güneydoğu ve Doğu Anadolu'daki bazı verimli ovalar dışında toprak verimsiz ve yaşam koşulları çok serttir. Bu durumda kas gücüne ihtiyaç duyulduğu için erkeklerin egemen olduğu, kadınların söz hakkının olmadığı bir toplum ortaya çıkar. Almanya'da da iyi işlenmiş verimli topraklarınız var. Protestan inancı da kadın ve erkek arasında diğer mezheplere göre daha eşit koşullar yaratmaktadır. Öte yandan Katolik İtalya / Sicilya'da veya İspanya'nın orta kesiminde yine verimsiz topraklar ve erkek egemen toplum var."
VE TEKRAR İNGİLİZCESİ: "This topic and men's-only coffeehouses are actually about the land. In the Aegean region and Marmara, the land is fertile, men and women work together and are mostly equal. However, except for some fertile plains in the Southeast and Central Anatolia in the East, the soil is unproductive and living conditions are very harsh. In this case, as muscle power is required, a society where men are dominated and women do not have the right to speak emerges. You also have well-cultivated fertile soils in Germany. The Protestant faith also creates more equal conditions between men and women compared to other sects. On the other hand, in Catholic Italy / Sicily or in the central part of Spain there are again unproductive lands and male-dominated society."
If you come to Erzincan, mineral water is extracted from there and there are many beautiful places. You should definitely see them.
Actually when you ask someone in Turkey that what is tost maschine,they show you sandwich mashine.Also if you go a supermarket and search a tost mashine,you see tost maschine boxes which contain sandwich mashine.We Turkish people say tost maschine to sandwich maschine
They are "men only cafes" because they're mostly escaping from their wives :D Women also meet at house. They are making çay, böreks and cakes and have a gossip about friends, neighbours, relatives or their husbands. Men does same thing at kahvehane (means house of coffee) but issues mostly friends, politics, footbal and economy.
"escaping from their wifes" !😂😂😂
Merhaba and love from Falasteen ,kardash
Tea olarak yazsan daha mı doğruydu
Aslında içten içe sevmediği şeyleri anlatmış ama tepki fazla olmasın diye, biraz da şirin görünmek adına küçük yalanlar da söylemiş gibi.😅
@@european5431 genelinde ne demek, her insan aynımı?
demekki bu ülkeyi ve tahammülsüzlüğünü iyi öğrenmiş, bu da akilli bir kiz oldugunun göstergesi
Patates kızartması gibi ygbujugyg valla kahvaltıda çok iyi gidiyo ya
@@Zero-xf1pl Sorduğun iki soru birbirinden farklı şeyler. 1-) Genelinde demek çoğunluk ifade eder yani "Türkiye genelinde çay içilir." cümlesi herkesin çay içtiği anlamına gelmez. 2-) Her insan aynı değildir, bu sebepten ötürü herkes çay içer değil "genellikle" çay içilir diyoruz. Bunu düşünerek bulabileceğini düşünüyorum.
Ne yalanı, kibar bir dille ifade etmiş. Sert ve kesin ifadeler kullanmamış pek. Aşağılama ve aşırı övme de yok.
07:17 Basket Tradition :
You see, we turks are shopping „online“ since many hudert years ! 😉
Hahahaha müthiš 😂
Harika bir kelime şakası 😅😅
Primarily there was no french fries and pickle (turşu) and lettuce in the doner kebab. As I know doner kebab formerly served with parsley as greenery with sliced tomatoes and onions.
Herkesin evinde tost makinesi var. Galiba senin tost makinesi dediğin waffle makinesi. Türkler olarak waffle fazla tüketimiyoruz, yemek istediğimizde kafelerde ya da waffle satan yerlerden almayı tercih ediyoruz diyelim. En azından çoğu türk öyle yapıyor
Tost makinesi onlarda farklı. Bizdeki adı ekmek kızartma makinesi ama türkiye'de pek yaygın değil
@@Misereree a evet galiba
waffle makinesi nasıl aklına geldi😂😂
@H͞҉e͜l̶͠l̵o͘ bilmiyorum beni yaşadığım şehirde yaygın ama acaba o gerçekten bizim dediğimiz gibi tost makinesi mi 😂
@@someoneelse3736 ne blm,direk aklıma o geldi yani onuda sıkıştırıyorsun ya tost gibi ötckmrfkırjdjf
cardboard police cars are also so new for Turkey. Our drivers are tend to slow down and be more careful when they see a police car or that flashing police lights.
Just a information about döner.The döner that you eat in germany is Turkish based totally german fastfood. Unluckily german döner meat is tasteless therefore you put vegetables sauces so on. In Turkey if we eat döner, we would like to eat meat, you can find tomatoes, lettuce or maybe pepper but that’s all, we do not prefer to put something which dominates taste of döner. In restaurants you can also order döner on a plate(döner porsiyon) you’ll see a part of plate is only meat, other part is rice, maybe last part of salad☺️
I currently live in Germany. I have pillowcases that I brought from Turkey and they are too small for regular pillows here :D I feel your struggle in a different way :)
Ezan hakkında söylediklerin çok güzeldi..
@@selcuqesgerli ne demek yani ateist olarak cevap vermek anlamadım
@isak ezan o zamanın koşullarından gelen bir şey zaten, alarm yok bir şey yok tabii
Kediyi at çagırır gibi çağırman da bu farklar arasında ...👍🏼
Çok güldüm bu yorumunuza😄
Kacinci dakika
Almanyada kedi olmadigi icin normaldir
İ saw you recently saw on Julia's channel. Your Turkish language skills are getting very good so quickly! You're a quick learner. İt gives me hope :)❤️🇹🇷
maden suyu soda değildir , maden suyu mineralli sudur, soda ise içine hava basılmış normal su
o içine gaz basılmış suları nasıl içiyorsunuz cidden insan hayret ediyor birde burada bulunmadığı için üzgünüm diyor benim 1 defa içmemle suyu püskürtmem bir olmuştu. Bu arada bizdeki maden suyu gazlı su değil mineralli soda bil diye söylüyorum.
i never turn off the music...
The red sausage is “SUCUK” it’s so different from sausage. So much seasoned and a bit spicy. The color is red due to seasoning
Kein turkisches Frühstück Ohne Pommes 🤤😂 so ein informatives Video 👍🏻Danke
15:11 Try "Akmina" brand for sparkling water. You can get them in 1 liter plastic bottles around 3 Turkish lira (0.36 US dollars) at supermarkets. They are really good.
Actually, the reason why these men's cafes were opened was when women gathered together in houses under the name of "Golden Day" and ate meals and expelled men from the houses. so the opposite is actually the case
You have forgotten the Busses in Turkey, called dolmuş. The way how you pay your Ticket to the driver eben if you are far away fron hım at the end of the Bus. :) i am from germany to by the way
Really?? How is it? I have been in Istanbul many times but never had such experience. Please tell me about it
Dear, Authentic döner does not contain sauces or veggies, that would lead the real amazing taste of meat to be missed, so what you have over there in Germany is a distotrted version of the real döner sandwich
Men's goes to cafes, its call Kahvehane... Women's gather together at homes. Women's normally cook very tasty, lots of diffirent Turkish foods, cold and hot ones and ofcourse desserts... when I was young my mum used to take me withy brother, we used to play with other children who may attend one of this event. Mum's used to call gold day. Every women used to buy 1/4 gold pieces and bring them to person organise that day at her home.
İzlerken çok eğlendim. Çok tatlısınız.
İf you go to cafes for breakfast they give everything french fries include:) but in home real Turkish breakfast tea egg cheese with 4 main variation one of similar with feta cheese other we say tulum(sharp and salty cheese) and taze kaşar (typical well known cheese) eski kaşar (aged cheese) bread butter(2 variations salty or normal butter) or kaymak(creme) jams(rose,orange,strawberry,cherry,tomato etc) honey sometimes people eat sucuk(Turkish type fermented sausage with spices) or pastırma(Turkish type dried meat with cumin and without cumin) kavurma(roasting meat) these three meat can be use with egg in Turkey egg is very important in breakfast using types boiled egg fried egg omelette and scrambled egg with tomato and green pepper
Döner actually döner is not fastfood normally döner eating with plate serve real döner restaurants have two main döner variations named döner and iskender döner can be choose with rice and pita bread or only döner meat under pita bread when you eat döner in döner restaurants waiter come with melted butter and asking for do you want iskender serving in plate iskender is döner meat tomato sauce and yoghurt same melted butter asking for want
Döner is making daily in this types restaurants and they starting in early hours for lunch time i think they make biggest one döner chef cutting meat before burnt their döner meats mostly 100-150 kg for daily lunch times and dinner times real döner restaurants closing when their döner meat finished
Fastfood döner ofcourse differences than this type because they mostly use döner one of meat one of chicken and they mostly serving type with sandwich
Fake police and gendarmerie cars are state trolling Turkish citizens:)) when people see lights they start drive slowly in roads Turkish culture if police start radar control other side cars lights up down and warned you everybody understand in next 1-5 km police have radar point and people drive slowly i thşnk state find new way trolling citizens:))ofcourse most of road now speed controlling system when you drive fast they take photo:D
Loved the yoghurt part. I cannot imagine a Turkish meal , breakfast without of having yoghurt it’s place
Alt yazilı izliyom seni başarılı buluyorum harikasın 😉
Hey, bin durch hamza auf dich gestoßen und find dich einfach toll! Deine Videos fixieren förmlich und ich hab den Drang sie alle zu schauen🙆♀️ Ich würde dich wirklich gerne begleiten wollen, du besuchst wunderschöne Orte und Städte. Mein Wunsch ist es ebenfalls einmal, kreuz und quer durch die Türkei zu reisen😍
LG Didem
The observation with Tekel is not completely correct. You can buy alcohol from supermarkets as well.
Hallo Franzi, wir finden deine Videos so bewegend und schön dargestellt. Wird die Reihe mit den einzelnen Städten weitergehen ? Freuen uns schon wenn Nr. 31 mit Hatay dran ist !! 🎉🎉🎉
Ich danke dir!! Ja geht auf jeden fall weiter 🤗
Das freut uns sehr ! Viel Kraft und viel Spaß dabei du glaubst nicht wie schön es ist diese Reise mit dir gehen zu dürfen 🤗
@@TravelComic komm nach giresun 28 🇹🇷❤️
Event of Cardboard Police Cars started about 4-5 years ago. So I am still excited when I see them 😄
Aus deinem Englisch hört man zu krass diesen deutschen Englisch Akzent lol XD
Feier ich!!!
Zu krass 😂
Irgendwie redet sie wie eine deutschtürkin. Ich glaub sie ist sogar eine..
@@supremeconsciousness1769 Dann wäre die Kultur ja nicht neu für sie…
Ich liebe deine Videos
Endlich mal jemand die das schöne sucht. Weiter so. Du machst uns glücklich!
İnsan her yerde insandır dini kültürü inancı ne olursa olsun kabinde merhamet varsa mutlaka iyilik kazanır umarım sende yüreğin kadar güzel bir ömür geçirirsin hep böyle Gül ve dikkatli ol seyahatlerinde otostop çekme limon seni götürür her yere ❤️