Please help me i am gathering information about this topic , i want to know what are the major difficulties you face as a muslim engineer in the work place and what are the solution you think they would help you and make you more comfortable in the workplace
One of the real reasons why women leave engineering is because they don't feel connected as a team in the workplace. Small acts of marginalization due accrue overtime. Having an idea belittled only to find the same idea be applauded when it comes from a male colleague is frustrating. Getting promoted to the same level but receive a smaller paycheck is frustrating. Stopping a joke halfway just because a woman is passing by is frustrating. Having to prod for constant feedback because manager is afraid of hurting your feelings is frustrating. Constantly proving yourself to customers/colleagues/managers that you know as much engineering as any engineers should and you are not a token minority is frustrating. These incremental frustrations add up, and it would make any sane person leave a field.
@@NetSkillNavigator It is not just in the US actually. Even though I come from a country where men and women either become a doctor or an engineer, to continue to elect and work in some fields are harder than the other. Like you see a lot of women in software development or jobs that are done in an office. Harder to find field engineers. And that's where you really get to see the sexism. On top of that add in a niche of engineering that has a fewer percentage of women, the struggles are more. Though I do believe more than sexism it is from an ignorance. While it was a struggle in the beginning, we were soon accepted and actually requested for by different clients. It is that initial barrier and as a fresher the added discrimination because you're a girl and having to learn so much to keep up gets overwhelming and many tend to quit.
I would like to add to this the sexist jokes from your colleagues almost daily, older guys hitting on you, having to constantly prove that you know enough to do the job. If you are not willing to be at least 100% to 150% better than males then you will fail in this field. Average male engineers all over the place, but there is no space for average as a female engineer. At least that is my experience.
It's interesting that the speaker is a project manager now. The challange isnt just to attract women into STEM. But to keep Engineers and Scientists doing Engineering and Science
In my opinion (I'm a male engineering student), being successful as an engineering student is the same for male students or female students: STUDY HARD! Female students might be intimidated or picked on sometimes but just let your grades do the talking!
+Rockstar1376 In theory, both are the same, study the same stuff, et cetera...but in pratical life, it's different. Some professors always think that women are diferent and inferior, even if she go to all classes and shows that do the job like a pro. Many times i faced this. And it's hard, like, "should i really be here?", "what i'm doing?", many times i doubted of my will. Many times i thought about give up. Fortunelly, i did not this. Next semester i'm graduating in Mechanical Engineering, and i'm totally sure of what i'm doing.
+Fernanda Bauer That's great :) You are right about some individuals being sexist; I (and most other male engineering students) will never know what that sort of unfair (sexist) judgement feels like, but well done for sticking to it. I'll be graduating Mechanical Engineering in 2 semesters time, good luck!
This conversation is far more depressing than the real world. If you are reading these, please know that there are far more supportive peers than there are negative misogynists. We are lucky that the scientific community/industry is full of people who want to change these trends. Thanks for sharing!
Well, she's obviously very concerned with her appearance which leads me to believe she cares too much about what others think. Letting the opinions of others control your actions is tantamount to being a slave.
Yes I will and I have because I've also said it about myself. Nobody is immune to the idea that people are responsible for providing purpose and fulfillment.
I am currently 12 year old. I am in a class called Medical Detectives, the class is a S.T.E.M, class or a Science, Technology, Engineering, and math class. We were talking about the fact about 11% of girls become engineers. I am very interested in engineering. I love the fact it involves math and some science. I have always wanted things to build, but due to money problems in my family i dont have anything to use. But I am still trying to keep my focus on my goal. Of course I also have a back up plan in case it doesn't interest me when im older.
how to be an engineer and a women: just study your ass off and drink coffee until 2am like all the other engineering students. end of the day, all that matters is what your exam results are
+Fate Kyougo No, in a society where women are used as mostly sex or beauty symbols, they have to give an extra effort to prove their value as smart or talented people, specially in a men's world.
Not really. In the stem fields, especially as recent graduates, interviews are done by looking at your marks, Job experience, and exams (especially in cs). Nobody knows your gender until the interview. And then they're more likely to hire females (in engineering, For example) to prove they have a diverse work force. And marking is done withoout even knowing the persons name. So I don't see how that stereotype exist. Especially in places where STEMs thrive.
As a Norwegian I find the reaction to the picture absurd. No engineer student (female or male) in Norway, or the team, would recive negative reactions because off it, from the faculty.
I’m so proud of you and your family who support to beat every wall against you. I was in your situation was very difficult to beat all those odds esp. my family tradition and generation of 50 years ago. Eventually, I accomplish their dream not mine, but you encourage me to start now to pursues my dream. Thanks.👏♥️
it's really an advantage for me today that l came across this video am also a student pursing an engineering course, this video is so encouraging wooow l will not give up
Team6OWG You have misinterpreted my comment as you have taken the phrase "gender equality" to imply the antithesis of gender discrimination. Thus you likely thought I had meant to imply that girls are prevented from entering engineering due to active efforts by men to exclude them from it. I did not. I was using the phrase "gender equality" to describe a difference in perceptions on the place of girls and women in society as harbored by girls and women themselves. For example, in many middle eastern and south Asian countries, it's not unusual for girls and women to aspire to be engineers. It does not exist in the mind of their society, or in their minds, as a "male profession". In fact, it is thought of as a gender neutral profession. While in the US people still consider it a male profession.
SepherStar I see, in the US I would just have to say that the women here dont take the risks or see that they are NOT wanted in engineering for some reason.
Team6OWG I don't think women are unwanted in engineering in the US. And I don't think it's about not wanting to take risks either as I don't think engineering is a particularly risky profession. I think that Americans in general just aren't interested in going into an academically tough scientific field, and the interests of American girls and women, as partially influenced by our culture, are directed at other fields.
Hi Cass didn't see your lecture until now.I'm very impressed with you standing up there sharing your life-story with every body.which I'm sure made you a tad nervous . well done and God SPEED on your wonderful journey .i will look forward to your updates on twitter and pinterest..
Imie Anais study hard and focus! Make a study plan and a study group. Talk to your professor if you need any question and use your SI leaders or tutores. Good luck
you know what I love? I am a highschool student and we have classes for engineering. if guys and girls sign up they will push out men to make room for women. they made a limit on how many men could be in there and cut it down to half of the traditional class size of 20 being 10. there where only 3 that signed up so we had one for every other period. now they have made a special women in engineering class. when are we going to realize people pick different things. that is just the case. if girls don't want it so don't give up perfect opportunities you could give to any student who has the drive and passion to work rather than give it to a person based on the way we where born. segregation isn't good for race or gender. also if we need women's engineering classes they could make men's perfume stand classes. so don't complain about it being hard for you when other people have to try and make it around things that give more opportunities. while you may have a long windy road to walk men have to fucking climb mountains.
Although what you commented about can be true, there are many more obstacles for women. Just because you have it 'bad' does not mean other people can't have it worse.
I don't believe there are more obstacles for women. I'm about to study engineering and I've never been discouraged to do so. On the contrary EVERYONE encourages you and says woow an engineer good for you, we need more women engineers. I've never found the fact that it is a male dominated field to discourage me and other women shouldn't either. If women want to study engineering then great, if women want to study social sciences then also great.
@@Katmiobeth You will never (unless you discover you are a trans woman later in life) understand the perspective of a woman who is an engineer. How about believing the narrative of the TED speaker, because she has no reason to lie, and understand that many people from older generations, especially in America, can be discouraging to young women who want to pursue this field? Your privilege doesn't mean you don't have struggles.
@@sarahfalkowski3050 I don't think you understood my comment.. i am a woman engineer. So of course i understand what it's like to be a woman in engineering. And the hard truth is that it has plenty advantages. Since there arent many female engineers and companies are trying to fix their female percentages its much easier to get a job, especially if there"s quotas. So we got what we wanted. Can we stop whining now? Theres always going to be sexist people. The only way to deal with that is for women engineers to work hard and people will see that they're just as good and the bias will disappear. What else exactly do you want to happen? What law do you want passed? We are very lucky to be in the west. If you want to talk about being an underprivileged woman look at the middle east!!
we had 2 females in my engineering class. one of them is now a rocket scientist! so all power to her! but is someone gonna mention how she was flipping everyone off the whole time?! haha
So it's the classic, "Because men are on average more competitive than women, women don't want to be engineers." I'm all for more women in engineering, don't let other people hold you back.
Inspiring and wonderful speech. I'm also confused about whether I should apply for Engineering and pursue my dreams or not due to my worries for Math and general lack of girls. Might sound stupid but I wouldn't like finding myself in a almost male-only enviroment. In my specific case, it would be Computer Engineering. Other than this, I don't know what other options I could have left.
+Vylkeer You can meet girls in different social circles. As for the math, in my honest opinion it's the easiest aspect of engineering! Perhaps I'm just naturally better at math than, say, circuit analysis or thermodynamics, but nonetheless, with a little bit of persistence I think anybody should be capable of at least a passing grade. I can help you with any questions you have regarding the theory if you would like.
+Vylkeer Hi, I'm an engineering student at FSU and I would like to say that I'm actually surprised at the number of girls in Engineering. I was really nervous because I thought that I would be the only girl in a class full of guys but it really isn't as bad as people make it out to be. I would suggest touring the engineering department of the school that you want to go to. You can get a feel for the types of students that go to your school and see how many girls are around the engineering college :)
+Stephanie Graham Thanks for sharing your personal experience with Engineering! I'm glad you've also found many other girls, otherwise it could've been way more difficult and boring for you. As for me, I'm a foreigner student, so although being a great advice, I likely won't be able to follow it. Also, I've reconsidered the whole situation and I'm probably going to apply for Business & Economics, not only for the girl thing but also for the field of study in general. Thanks again :)
Actually muslim countries have more female engineers than US.Dont know why but you would be surprised to see how many women are majoring in computer,electrical,chemical,civil engineerings in here.(they are still minority.30% of every eng is women especially due to mechanical engineering) I am not promoting my country(Turkey) cause for my country sterotypes are harder to break but i think the problem is about the education system.look how many female engineers are there in china
SepherStar lol u must be joking... A good number of the technological advancements made today (at least in the area of computing) have some kind of derivations of American tech. Just look at all the advancements IBM has made, or even taking a look at companies like Microsoft or Apple that dominate international business with their creation and/or integration of new techniques in their hardware or software
It's worse in the US than any other country. The stereotypes are so engrained in American culture , that it's really an uphill climb for women, and not just women but the men in the US, tend to shun STEM, it's sad because the US is very far behind.
ranvideogamer The fact that any technical advancements made today are based on American technology is irrelevant to the fact that there is a declining interest in STEM fields among Americans today. Additionally, the interest in STEM fields among non-Americans is growing, particularly as the economies of countries like India and China advance and higher educations has become more accessible to their citizens. The face of the leaders in technology of the future will not be American.
I work with lots of woman engineers. Not really sure what the big deal is these days. It’s a great career for both boys and girls. In some ways it’s even better for woman as they sometimes get into lead roles because of their better communication skills.
As a minority woman studying nuclear weapons from a social science perspective with not many people looking like myself, I found her talk to be really interesting. I can imagine that her work is really exciting and my only wish is that she spent a little time talking about her own research.
The plague of stereotypes, has to go. Stereotypes have gone both ways. There's this mutli tasking stereotype placed on women, I can't stand it, I have a one track mind, so it does no good to stereotype. It's 2014 and stereotypes have to go.
I don't think anyone implied women are better at it. The thing is, the majority of women doesn't like this and it's being projected into people's minds. It's about breaking stereotypes and subconscious constraints by individuals that like it. And maybe it's not just about women. All of us are expected to do certain things (and we believe it makes sense either consciously or unconsciously) that limit our potential.
I am all for females being encouraged to go into engineering, but the fact is (at least in the UK) that they have it easier. Companies are desperate to make the numbers up and will therefore take a woman over a man in a heartbeat.
many woman involve in engineering industrials and even can dealt with a big machines nowdays..nothin to be surprise....Brain is incredible gift by Allah...but in my own experience as well in marine engineering that i use to deal everyday at site shipyard and ships...still got little prejudice 4 woman strength and capability..i need work hard to proof that i can do same like my others men colleague...however i still believe woman in this world got limit especially on the physical strength ,mental & still front
Women though, have to stop thinking men are in front. Each person is an individual and not a gender stereotype. Women are trying to overcome the myth , of " men are smarter". It has a horrible effect of performance of women. Physical, I know is different, but when someone is stereotyping mental ability, it gets into an area that is strictly at an individual level.
So much cringe. If you feel “intimidated” by a group of guys who know their stuff on a team that requires them to know their stuff, you’re in the wrong field. As a female engineer, I have received nothing but support and respect by my male colleagues. Sexism is no longer a barrier for us to succeed in STEM. Stop blaming men for your lack of self confidence.
So what was so spectacular that got designed or invented? Sounds like many interests and making a choice from an awful situation. Going after every opportunity is what most successful people do to get to where they want to be. Passion for race cars, modelling, dancing and coincidentally being an engineer. I thought a new engine had been invented or some improvement that allowed the car to accelerate 1 second faster.
If a real or difficult problem was solved it would be a very compelling story. Something like solving fermat's theorem was a good read with lots of ups and downs. Or Honda's story where he built a motorbike, piston ring and car. Early on Japan was being bombed, all his failures, how he raised capital and his factory being leveled by an earthquake. Despite all that he persevered anyway. Pushing through all odds.
For getting jobs and promotions, female engineers are given preference over equally qualified male engineers. Nevertheless, that are a few female that will excel at engineering.
getting sick and tired of all that shit an engineer is an engineer you are not anymore than anyone. female engineer = engineer anyone who studies hard enough will achieve the same now if we want to address attention desiring / annoying engineer; thats a different story
Engineering or accountant earn more? Both jobs are repetitive work to be honest Engineering earn about 2.5millions on average even gd gpa, not so much opportunity, stable life maybe How about accountants? Big4 Use UBC3.0 engineering vsUBC3.0accounting to compare life time earning, if both do okay in workplace
I was inspired by this. Then I notice its old so I looked her up wandering how her engineering career is doing. Not so good it seems. Shes is mo longer and Engineer bur a project manager. Why do so many women sell out?
She isn't an interesting person. There are many women in engineering and always have been since the past 15 years. She is obviously a very accomplished person but boring as hell.
She seems like a bit of a narcissist, emphasizes too much on her own gender and not enough on her accomplishments. People like her make it even harder for women in science and engineering to be taken seriously
agreed. if everybody stopped saying 'there's not many girls in engineering, see, go count them up!', all us girls would feel a lot better in engineering/physics/math, etc. Just let us work in peace and quiet without staring! we got there because of hard work, not much else.
The next time you go to class, please take a good look and tell me how many girls do you see and on a side note what good is your college education if you dont even know how to respond to somebody's point of view like an educated person
im getting real tired of these tedtalks about women blaming men for just being men. We can't help be interested in the things that we are interested in and the same goes for women, but you would never hear a guy say that I felt intimidated when a group a women started to talk about make-up and shoes. All im saying is that if all men disappear today woman kind would have nothing to complain about because they would have nothing to compare themselves too.
letsp1ay I don't live in America but black people are disenfranchised in every country around the world, the darker your skin color the more people look down on you.
I think women just don't like to take challenges, they are probably too afraid of failure and that's the reason why I don't see a lot of girls in my math and physics classes but on the other hand biology and chemistry classes are full of girls which show they are more hardworking and persistent.
yes I am and let me also tell you that there are a bunch of female medical doctors in my immediate and extended family; cardiologist, pediatrician, general physician, you name it but we dont have a single female engineer in the family because thats not what they wana do
thanks for the info, that was an eye opener for me:-) Seriously do you really think thats enough, if I started naming male scientists and their achievements, the whole comment page would fill up and the list would still go on and those would all be people the lay man would know of. You ask a 10 year old kid who Issac Newton and Einstein are and he would know the answer, except for Marie Curie I wonder how many people would know the scientists you have named and there is a reason for that.....
So masculine features aren't attractive? Dully noted. XD By the way, if those features are masculine, Nikolai Valuev is feminine. X'D You just see a pretty face spouting "Smart man-people things" and want to resist the evil "wiles". It's okay to call her hot. The redpill society won't come in the dead of night and hack you to pieces.
Look I am not saying that there is something genetically wrong with women that prevents them from excelling in mathematical fields, but because they have different interests. Women are more creative, persistent and I would say have better career goals because hey why would you wana go to grad school to study string theory and all that BS when you can go to med school and become a doctor which not only earns you immense respect in the society but a fortune too.
I'm a minority in engineering too (female, Muslim and black) so I love seeing people like me winning at this! Wohoo!
Please help me i am gathering information about this topic , i want to know what are the major difficulties you face as a muslim engineer in the work place and what are the solution you think they would help you and make you more comfortable in the workplace
Wohoo ??
Sounds like something you people would say.
One of the real reasons why women leave engineering is because they don't feel connected as a team in the workplace. Small acts of marginalization due accrue overtime. Having an idea belittled only to find the same idea be applauded when it comes from a male colleague is frustrating. Getting promoted to the same level but receive a smaller paycheck is frustrating. Stopping a joke halfway just because a woman is passing by is frustrating. Having to prod for constant feedback because manager is afraid of hurting your feelings is frustrating. Constantly proving yourself to customers/colleagues/managers that you know as much engineering as any engineers should and you are not a token minority is frustrating. These incremental frustrations add up, and it would make any sane person leave a field.
I think this is only in da US.. Bcuz in my workplace, we are paid & promoted not based on our genders..
@@NetSkillNavigator It is not just in the US actually. Even though I come from a country where men and women either become a doctor or an engineer, to continue to elect and work in some fields are harder than the other. Like you see a lot of women in software development or jobs that are done in an office. Harder to find field engineers. And that's where you really get to see the sexism. On top of that add in a niche of engineering that has a fewer percentage of women, the struggles are more. Though I do believe more than sexism it is from an ignorance. While it was a struggle in the beginning, we were soon accepted and actually requested for by different clients. It is that initial barrier and as a fresher the added discrimination because you're a girl and having to learn so much to keep up gets overwhelming and many tend to quit.
I would like to add to this the sexist jokes from your colleagues almost daily, older guys hitting on you, having to constantly prove that you know enough to do the job. If you are not willing to be at least 100% to 150% better than males then you will fail in this field. Average male engineers all over the place, but there is no space for average as a female engineer. At least that is my experience.
It's interesting that the speaker is a project manager now. The challange isnt just to attract women into STEM. But to keep Engineers and Scientists doing Engineering and Science
So you could define a time derivative of marginalization and integrate to get the total marginalization per experience?
Engineers are engineers at the end of the day, looks don't matter.
In my opinion (I'm a male engineering student), being successful as an engineering student is the same for male students or female students: STUDY HARD! Female students might be intimidated or picked on sometimes but just let your grades do the talking!
+Rockstar1376 Exactly, you think that because you are a male.
+Gonz@nline Should male and female students think any differently to one another?
+Rockstar1376 In theory, both are the same, study the same stuff, et cetera...but in pratical life, it's different.
Some professors always think that women are diferent and inferior, even if she go to all classes and shows that do the job like a pro.
Many times i faced this. And it's hard, like, "should i really be here?", "what i'm doing?", many times i doubted of my will. Many times i thought about give up.
Fortunelly, i did not this. Next semester i'm graduating in Mechanical Engineering, and i'm totally sure of what i'm doing.
+Fernanda Bauer That's great :) You are right about some individuals being sexist; I (and most other male engineering students) will never know what that sort of unfair (sexist) judgement feels like, but well done for sticking to it.
I'll be graduating Mechanical Engineering in 2 semesters time, good luck!
Good Luck for you, I sincerely hope you suceed!
This conversation is far more depressing than the real world. If you are reading these, please know that there are far more supportive peers than there are negative misogynists. We are lucky that the scientific community/industry is full of people who want to change these trends. Thanks for sharing!
I have a friend who became an electrical engineer, and she did have supportive male friends in the field, but the American men were very misogynist.
Well, she's obviously very concerned with her appearance which leads me to believe she cares too much about what others think. Letting the opinions of others control your actions is tantamount to being a slave.
Aleshia Hayes I really appreciate you saying this.
Michael Magill You would never say that about a man.
Yes I will and I have because I've also said it about myself. Nobody is immune to the idea that people are responsible for providing purpose and fulfillment.
Here's how to succeed as a woman in engineering:
Be a good engineer.
I am currently 12 year old. I am in a class called Medical Detectives, the class is a S.T.E.M, class or a Science, Technology, Engineering, and math class. We were talking about the fact about 11% of girls become engineers. I am very interested in engineering. I love the fact it involves math and some science. I have always wanted things to build, but due to money problems in my family i dont have anything to use. But I am still trying to keep my focus on my goal. Of course I also have a back up plan in case it doesn't interest me when im older.
How about now? :)
After 4 years? Hope u got ur goals :D
how to be an engineer and a women:
just study your ass off and drink coffee until 2am like all the other engineering students. end of the day, all that matters is what your exam results are
+Fate Kyougo No, in a society where women are used as mostly sex or beauty symbols, they have to give an extra effort to prove their value as smart or talented people, specially in a men's world.
Not really. In the stem fields, especially as recent graduates, interviews are done by looking at your marks, Job experience, and exams (especially in cs). Nobody knows your gender until the interview. And then they're more likely to hire females (in engineering, For example) to prove they have a diverse work force. And marking is done withoout even knowing the persons name. So I don't see how that stereotype exist. Especially in places where STEMs thrive.
Fate Kyougo
" they're more likely to hire females to prove they have a diverse work force."
You've answered yourself.
All you proved is that there is advantages for females in Engineering. Congrats.
"All you proved"?, come on, don't be so naive. Learn what a proof is.
As a Norwegian I find the reaction to the picture absurd. No engineer student (female or male) in Norway, or the team, would recive negative reactions because off it, from the faculty.
How I succeeded as a woman in engineering: Don't give up! Cause little girls are watching you.
I’m so proud of you and your family who support to beat every wall against you. I was in your situation was very difficult to beat all those odds esp. my family tradition and generation of 50 years ago. Eventually, I accomplish their dream not mine, but you encourage me to start now to pursues my dream. Thanks.👏♥️
Wow, her team was suspended just because she took a modeling picture with the car? That is crap.
I like her talk, and I applaud her for being so courageous to give it despite the stereotypes !! awesome job!
Ne seri.
You are wonderful in engineering, Cassandra. I will work with you even if I want to study engineering.
it's really an advantage for me today that l came across this video am also a student pursing an engineering course, this video is so encouraging wooow l will not give up
after watch this video, i can take some moral value: " if u believe, u can do it"
im a muslim girl and going for mechanical eng..... I dnt really see anyth wrong with that.
There isn't anything wrong with it. The US just lags in some areas on gender equality.
Edit: And Canada.
The world really.
SepherStar What is lacking in equality? That women CHOOSE NOT TO go in the field?
Team6OWG You have misinterpreted my comment as you have taken the phrase "gender equality" to imply the antithesis of gender discrimination. Thus you likely thought I had meant to imply that girls are prevented from entering engineering due to active efforts by men to exclude them from it. I did not. I was using the phrase "gender equality" to describe a difference in perceptions on the place of girls and women in society as harbored by girls and women themselves. For example, in many middle eastern and south Asian countries, it's not unusual for girls and women to aspire to be engineers. It does not exist in the mind of their society, or in their minds, as a "male profession". In fact, it is thought of as a gender neutral profession. While in the US people still consider it a male profession.
SepherStar I see, in the US I would just have to say that the women here dont take the risks or see that they are NOT wanted in engineering for some reason.
Team6OWG I don't think women are unwanted in engineering in the US. And I don't think it's about not wanting to take risks either as I don't think engineering is a particularly risky profession. I think that Americans in general just aren't interested in going into an academically tough scientific field, and the interests of American girls and women, as partially influenced by our culture, are directed at other fields.
Hi Cass didn't see your lecture until now.I'm very impressed with you standing up there sharing your life-story with every body.which I'm sure made you a tad nervous . well done and God SPEED on your wonderful journey .i will look forward to your updates on twitter and pinterest..
She gives me some hope. Time to take that turn like i'm on a motorbike.
I'm a mechanical engineer student, thank God I have the support of all my classmates! #fresnostate
Imie Anais study hard and focus! Make a study plan and a study group. Talk to your professor if you need any question and use your SI leaders or tutores. Good luck
She made crazy choices, i'd like to have her courage
Anyone bashing her needs to self reflect! No matter. She's a successful women! I applaud her variety!
you know what I love? I am a highschool student and we have classes for engineering. if guys and girls sign up they will push out men to make room for women. they made a limit on how many men could be in there and cut it down to half of the traditional class size of 20 being 10. there where only 3 that signed up so we had one for every other period. now they have made a special women in engineering class.
when are we going to realize people pick different things. that is just the case. if girls don't want it so don't give up perfect opportunities you could give to any student who has the drive and passion to work rather than give it to a person based on the way we where born. segregation isn't good for race or gender.
also if we need women's engineering classes they could make men's perfume stand classes.
so don't complain about it being hard for you when other people have to try and make it around things that give more opportunities. while you may have a long windy road to walk men have to fucking climb mountains.
Although what you commented about can be true, there are many more obstacles for women. Just because you have it 'bad' does not mean other people can't have it worse.
I don't believe there are more obstacles for women. I'm about to study engineering and I've never been discouraged to do so. On the contrary EVERYONE encourages you and says woow an engineer good for you, we need more women engineers. I've never found the fact that it is a male dominated field to discourage me and other women shouldn't either. If women want to study engineering then great, if women want to study social sciences then also great.
@@Katmiobeth You will never (unless you discover you are a trans woman later in life) understand the perspective of a woman who is an engineer. How about believing the narrative of the TED speaker, because she has no reason to lie, and understand that many people from older generations, especially in America, can be discouraging to young women who want to pursue this field? Your privilege doesn't mean you don't have struggles.
@@sarahfalkowski3050 I don't think you understood my comment.. i am a woman engineer. So of course i understand what it's like to be a woman in engineering. And the hard truth is that it has plenty advantages. Since there arent many female engineers and companies are trying to fix their female percentages its much easier to get a job, especially if there"s quotas. So we got what we wanted. Can we stop whining now? Theres always going to be sexist people. The only way to deal with that is for women engineers to work hard and people will see that they're just as good and the bias will disappear. What else exactly do you want to happen? What law do you want passed? We are very lucky to be in the west. If you want to talk about being an underprivileged woman look at the middle east!!
we had 2 females in my engineering class. one of them is now a rocket scientist! so all power to her! but is someone gonna mention how she was flipping everyone off the whole time?! haha
great talk. i want to become a civil engineer and then i want to become a professor of civil engineering. i was inspired by her talk.
So it's the classic, "Because men are on average more competitive than women, women don't want to be engineers." I'm all for more women in engineering, don't let other people hold you back.
She's got a good mindset! Very inspiring!
Inspiring and wonderful speech. I'm also confused about whether I should apply for Engineering and pursue my dreams or not due to my worries for Math and general lack of girls. Might sound stupid but I wouldn't like finding myself in a almost male-only enviroment. In my specific case, it would be Computer Engineering. Other than this, I don't know what other options I could have left.
+Vylkeer You can meet girls in different social circles.
As for the math, in my honest opinion it's the easiest aspect of engineering! Perhaps I'm just naturally better at math than, say, circuit analysis or thermodynamics, but nonetheless, with a little bit of persistence I think anybody should be capable of at least a passing grade. I can help you with any questions you have regarding the theory if you would like.
+Vylkeer Hi, I'm an engineering student at FSU and I would like to say that I'm actually surprised at the number of girls in Engineering. I was really nervous because I thought that I would be the only girl in a class full of guys but it really isn't as bad as people make it out to be. I would suggest touring the engineering department of the school that you want to go to. You can get a feel for the types of students that go to your school and see how many girls are around the engineering college :)
+Stephanie Graham Thanks for sharing your personal experience with Engineering! I'm glad you've also found many other girls, otherwise it could've been way more difficult and boring for you. As for me, I'm a foreigner student, so although being a great advice, I likely won't be able to follow it. Also, I've reconsidered the whole situation and I'm probably going to apply for Business & Economics, not only for the girl thing but also for the field of study in general. Thanks again :)
Actually muslim countries have more female engineers than US.Dont know why but you would be surprised to see how many women are majoring in computer,electrical,chemical,civil engineerings in here.(they are still minority.30% of every eng is women especially due to mechanical engineering) I am not promoting my country(Turkey) cause for my country sterotypes are harder to break but i think the problem is about the education system.look how many female engineers are there in china
Americans in general are not very keen on going into STEM fields. That's unfortunate because we are getting left in the dust technologically.
SepherStar lol u must be joking... A good number of the technological advancements made today (at least in the area of computing) have some kind of derivations of American tech. Just look at all the advancements IBM has made, or even taking a look at companies like Microsoft or Apple that dominate international business with their creation and/or integration of new techniques in their hardware or software
It's worse in the US than any other country. The stereotypes are so engrained in American culture , that it's really an uphill climb for women, and not just women but the men in the US, tend to shun STEM, it's sad because the US is very far behind.
ranvideogamer The fact that any technical advancements made today are based on American technology is irrelevant to the fact that there is a declining interest in STEM fields among Americans today. Additionally, the interest in STEM fields among non-Americans is growing, particularly as the economies of countries like India and China advance and higher educations has become more accessible to their citizens. The face of the leaders in technology of the future will not be American.
I work with lots of woman engineers. Not really sure what the big deal is these days. It’s a great career for both boys and girls. In some ways it’s even better for woman as they sometimes get into lead roles because of their better communication skills.
As a minority woman studying nuclear weapons from a social science perspective with not many people looking like myself, I found her talk to be really interesting. I can imagine that her work is really exciting and my only wish is that she spent a little time talking about her own research.
How to succeed as a woman in engineering: Just don't do anything this girl did and you should be fine.
I dont find your decision crazy at all. Who cares about stereotypes.
The plague of stereotypes, has to go. Stereotypes have gone both ways. There's this mutli tasking stereotype placed on women, I can't stand it, I have a one track mind, so it does no good to stereotype. It's 2014 and stereotypes have to go.
I don't think anyone implied women are better at it. The thing is, the majority of women doesn't like this and it's being projected into people's minds. It's about breaking stereotypes and subconscious constraints by individuals that like it. And maybe it's not just about women. All of us are expected to do certain things (and we believe it makes sense either consciously or unconsciously) that limit our potential.
Omg, so much derping in this video. I'm just glad there are more female engineers out there! XD
I am all for females being encouraged to go into engineering, but the fact is (at least in the UK) that they have it easier. Companies are desperate to make the numbers up and will therefore take a woman over a man in a heartbeat.
So hard work determines your success, not your sexual organs and you can control everything you want if you persist.
many woman involve in engineering industrials and even can dealt with a big machines nowdays..nothin to be surprise....Brain is incredible gift by Allah...but in my own experience as well in marine engineering that i use to deal everyday at site shipyard and ships...still got little prejudice 4 woman strength and capability..i need work hard to proof that i can do same like my others men colleague...however i still believe woman in this world got limit especially on the physical strength ,mental & still front
Women though, have to stop thinking men are in front. Each person is an individual and not a gender stereotype. Women are trying to overcome the myth , of " men are smarter". It has a horrible effect of performance of women. Physical, I know is different, but when someone is stereotyping mental ability, it gets into an area that is strictly at an individual level.
***** There is nothing to deal with because it's BS. People are individuals! Deal with that!!!
She was the one who broke the camera tripod in the first place! :P
She wants to make it all about looks.... I agree with most the posts below... Focus on studying!!
Building a car is not racing
Why was she punished for this and why does the audio in this video not match her lip movement for part of the video? Was it edited? So sad.
You are awesome. :)
Nice i graduated waterloo as a mech eng too ^^ to bad i didnt graduate at the same time you did haha ;P
Her talk is the dullest one I've seen on Ted
What's your deal? You've done nothing but complain. If you don't like a video, move on and watch something else.
So much cringe. If you feel “intimidated” by a group of guys who know their stuff on a team that requires them to know their stuff, you’re in the wrong field. As a female engineer, I have received nothing but support and respect by my male colleagues. Sexism is no longer a barrier for us to succeed in STEM. Stop blaming men for your lack of self confidence.
So what was so spectacular that got designed or invented? Sounds like many interests and making a choice from an awful situation. Going after every opportunity is what most successful people do to get to where they want to be.
Passion for race cars, modelling, dancing and coincidentally being an engineer.
I thought a new engine had been invented or some improvement that allowed the car to accelerate 1 second faster.
If a real or difficult problem was solved it would be a very compelling story. Something like solving fermat's theorem was a good read with lots of ups and downs. Or Honda's story where he built a motorbike, piston ring and car. Early on Japan was being bombed, all his failures, how he raised capital and his factory being leveled by an earthquake. Despite all that he persevered anyway. Pushing through all odds.
For getting jobs and promotions, female engineers are given preference over equally qualified male engineers. Nevertheless, that are a few female that will excel at engineering.
getting sick and tired of all that shit
an engineer is an engineer you are not anymore than anyone. female engineer = engineer
anyone who studies hard enough will achieve the same
now if we want to address attention desiring / annoying engineer; thats a different story
Woman engineer have to dream. And after watching this video, I got it.
Are you +62?
Engineering or accountant earn more?
Both jobs are repetitive work to be honest
Engineering earn about 2.5millions on average even gd gpa, not so much opportunity, stable life maybe
How about accountants? Big4
Use UBC3.0 engineering vsUBC3.0accounting to compare life time earning, if both do okay in workplace
Yup, 2.5 million/year is definitely the average engineer salary.
Software engineering is repetitive? Holy cow.
I choose crazy.
you dont have to get aggro on him, its just a dumb theory.
I was inspired by this. Then I notice its old so I looked her up wandering how her engineering career is doing. Not so good it seems. Shes is mo longer and Engineer bur a project manager. Why do so many women sell out?
She isn't an interesting person. There are many women in engineering and always have been since the past 15 years. She is obviously a very accomplished person but boring as hell.
It was inspiring. :)
She seems like a bit of a narcissist, emphasizes too much on her own gender and not enough on her accomplishments. People like her make it even harder for women in science and engineering to be taken seriously
She is talking to women about women in engineering.
agreed. if everybody stopped saying 'there's not many girls in engineering, see, go count them up!', all us girls would feel a lot better in engineering/physics/math, etc. Just let us work in peace and quiet without staring! we got there because of hard work, not much else.
The next time you go to class, please take a good look and tell me how many girls do you see and on a side note what good is your college education if you dont even know how to respond to somebody's point of view like an educated person
Agreed, I am a female engineer and there is no good arguments made by her.
im getting real tired of these tedtalks about women blaming men for just being men. We can't help be interested in the things that we are interested in and the same goes for women, but you would never hear a guy say that I felt intimidated when a group a women started to talk about make-up and shoes. All im saying is that if all men disappear today woman kind would have nothing to complain about because they would have nothing to compare themselves too.
chris codling Chris, are you black, race-wise? I want you to tell me that racism, affecting job opportunities, does not exist in America.
letsp1ay I don't live in America but black people are disenfranchised in every country around the world, the darker your skin color the more people look down on you.
+chris codling You have no perspective, that is why.
Gonz@nline well im never lived as a women ill give you that
+chris codling Not true. Black people in America are legally privileged
I think women just don't like to take challenges, they are probably too afraid of failure and that's the reason why I don't see a lot of girls in my math and physics classes but on the other hand biology and chemistry classes are full of girls which show they are more hardworking and persistent.
Because maths and physics are considered masculine subjects
yes I am and let me also tell you that there are a bunch of female medical doctors in my immediate and extended family; cardiologist, pediatrician, general physician, you name it but we dont have a single female engineer in the family because thats not what they wana do
thanks for the info, that was an eye opener for me:-) Seriously do you really think thats enough, if I started naming male scientists and their achievements, the whole comment page would fill up and the list would still go on and those would all be people the lay man would know of. You ask a 10 year old kid who Issac Newton and Einstein are and he would know the answer, except for Marie Curie I wonder how many people would know the scientists you have named and there is a reason for that.....
I don't think she's attractive either. Her face looks masculine
Who cares?
***** thirsty
Seriously? I would ask for her number.
So masculine features aren't attractive?
Dully noted. XD
By the way, if those features are masculine, Nikolai Valuev is feminine. X'D
You just see a pretty face spouting "Smart man-people things" and want to resist the evil "wiles". It's okay to call her hot. The redpill society won't come in the dead of night and hack you to pieces.
Ok, she's talking about engineering. What does that have to do with her looks?
Are you a muslim?
Look I am not saying that there is something genetically wrong with women that prevents them from excelling in mathematical fields, but because they have different interests. Women are more creative, persistent and I would say have better career goals because hey why would you wana go to grad school to study string theory and all that BS when you can go to med school and become a doctor which not only earns you immense respect in the society but a fortune too.
Whinge minge.
She’s not wearing any tights