He says that he opposes those of who subscribe to the Biblically presented supralapsarian approach to reality; this approach is readily seen in passages like Genesis 1:1, so I suppose what Flowers is saying in this video clip is that he doesn't agree with the Bible or its followers.
TRUTH & LIFE Im not talking about Calvin. Supralapsarianism is simply the Biblical position. God is God, and He creates and ordains all things or else He is not God.
He says that he opposes those of who subscribe to the Biblically presented supralapsarian approach to reality; this approach is readily seen in passages like Genesis 1:1, so I suppose what Flowers is saying in this video clip is that he doesn't agree with the Bible or its followers.
why do you think just because one doesnt agree with calvinism or whatever type one wants to adhere to , one must disagree with the bible ?
Im not talking about Calvin. Supralapsarianism is simply the Biblical position. God is God, and He creates and ordains all things or else He is not God.
but God doesn't ordain all things , the bible is clear that things happen that He didnt want to happen or make happen
So, Paul was lying in Ephesians 1? Or was he just mistaken? Or, third option, you misunderstand the text?
so you think that everything that happens , is because God makes it happens ?