When I got lost in a high leveled area and an entire guild found me struggling, and dying every couple feet. They protected me, and led me to a safe town nearby while giving my poor lvl 10 self advice, new gear and items, and assisting me in gaining coin through the nearby quests. When I asked the guild leader why they bothered helping me, he said, “Well, when I first started playing and struggled like you- a veteran helped me along the way. I’m just returning the favor.” That’s my most memorable moment, I’ll never forget the kindness these guys gave me
Similar incident happened to me on Runescape. Someone came up to me and asked me to guess a number between 1-100 and I guess I guessed right because I guessed 78 and he gave me 78k. When I asked why he said something along those same lines but then asked me to pass it on once I have some spare gold to give. Something so small like that stuck with me and I kept my word and passed it on.
The plague infestation was one of the best times in WoW history. Sure, it was a derail, but holy shit did it make the world come to life, as ironic as that sounds.
@@zZzYQ9 it was a blast for people who wanted to participate. It was a nightmare for those that didn't, they really didn't have a choice though. Best bet was to just not play for the duration of the event. I didn't participate, I just avoided the big cities and went to smaller areas for my AH/bank stuff
Nesano. It’s sounds so cool, I am really sad since I was never able to experience it. I hope they will do something like it again, it adds a whole new lvl or realism to the game!
Most memorable moment for me is the seeing the Wrath of the Lich King intro. Arthas Menethil awakening on the Frozen throne with Frostmourne in his hand, rising army of undead, finishing it with Sindragosa's flight. The voice of the singer, the music, the first few words of the song. The epicness of the moment of realisation, that this is THE LICH KING from the grim old storys of Warcraft and that he is coming .... The cold of the Northrend is running on my spine everytime i see it.
Setnja92 I loved that expansion, got a DK as soon as humanly possible and sad to say, didn’t get my kingslayer title until cats came out....I know, I’m lame, lol
The most memorable moment in my long 13 years journey was making friends back in Vanilla. I had a small guild which I created with my school colleagues back then. I never hoped I would create such a big (it was over 100 members, back in the days for me it was huuuuge!) and friendly community, where we mostly logged in to talk, enjoy questing and try to make raids (and mostly fail), but it was really fun! To this day I ocassionally chat with those ppl who are spread across the whole of Europe (I visited 2 of em). It is very nostalgic to look back at those times, and also sad that they won't come back (even with those new classic servers I guess). WoW was/is the game of my life and no substitutes will ever replace that.. IMO it was for many of us the game of our generation with those difficulties we had back then and those made the game special in their way, and that is what we are accustomed to and no other game will ever make us feel the same, but I think it is allright. I had my time as a player, I enjoyed it and I keep my memories of it, and that's what matters. I will never ever try to force these feelings out of myself to try and recreate such an environment where there is no such place to place them in. But I am not sad about it, I am happy that I was in the right time and place to get them :)
Hey man, I feel the same exact and couldn’t have said it more accurately. Sometimes it fkn sucks to know that I won’t ever experience that same feeling of delayed gratification in questing, leveling, dungeons and pvp. Making deep relationships with guild members and scheduling arena battling. Raging....haha raging. Man if i knew that I wouldn’t enjoy the game like I was then...I wouldn’t have ever fucken raged. Well GG no re :( I truly hope and have a glimmer of it, that the game will start receiving more funds and get a revamp or rush of new players
Leaving the Abbey after getting my first quest & going out into Elwynn forest for the 1st time. The music, the setting, the mood, taking it all in in complete amazement, my most memorable moment of WoW. Thank you for yet another great video.
Yes! Thank you for more memories! Unfortunately I had to stop around WoTLK (work, life & other games...). I was in it for the quests & discovery but I will never forget, It's like it gave me exactly what I wanted from that type of game & more :) I will never forget it!
@@victormajida you didn't miss much after wotlk. That being said I just think the story line of it was a bit more interactive than later expansions if that makes sense. Was the last expansion b4 everything end game was easy one would say. I quit playing wow after I killed guldan just because it was personal and after that I felt there was nothing left to kill
a good thing to add that i remember fondly was the living bomb indecent. much like the blood plague indecent, but not as chaotic. people would get the debuff from baron geddon on their pets, bring it to a city, and it would blow up a massive amount of players
Don't forget the whole Nostalrius hype and closure, the petitition and finally the official announcement of classic servers on Blizzcon 2k17! Although it's something offside of the game itself, it's something really great and important in WoW-History, if u ask me.
Another memorable moment for my friends and I, was getting our first epic item. For my Warrior friend it was Sul'thraze the Lasher from Zul'Farrak. For me it was the Unstoppable Force from pvp, and my Hunter friend it was completing the Dungeon 2 set quests.
I remember getting the money and finally being able to use mounts on lvl 40 was quite the event back then. I was really excited for my guild members that got to that point before me. Also when you looked at someone in awe that had a 100% mount. Mounts really felt special to me back then.
Maybe we met? I remember being brand new to the game and seeing a high level Tauren riding around on his kodo in Elwyn Forest. I was quite shocked because it was my first time seeing a Horde player
Have to agree with this, first character i ever created and my brother and I found that Blood Elf Bandit Masks sold for 100g a piece in TBC, so at level 20 we went and hunted them for several hours, having to go through multiple Alliance zones and then staying a very short distance from an alliance city. The memory has been somewhat tarnished by finding out that the server i was on had a very low population (mention this every time but 'recommended' should not be the lowest server pop as it means you have no one to play with or against) and ontop of that there were basically no alliance either. So adds of actually bumping into anyone doing this was low...but at the time any alliance in the distance could of gone into a city and got help. They were found on either The Dark Elf or Draenor starting area and were a vanity twink item. 1 in 10 drop rate, only 1 mob present on the server at any one time but will spawn in one of 20-30 locations in that zone as soon as one dies. We got 4 of them between us which allowed us to get epic mounts the second we hit 40...early TBC that was still a rarity...at least on our server. They also weren't BoE as they had no stats so we also wore them whilst leveling and looked damn cool in the process. One other personal memorable moment happened in a WSG, i had a fully twinked rogue (including the shoulder enchants, 90% of twinks i saw never had those) and i killed 1 whole team of alliance without my team mates having done any healing or damage. A huge amount of this was thanks to being a twink, however, i did do things like quick target swapping so 1 shot a level 10, got auto crit on next hit, jumped to a higher level, got my crit, 1 shot another lowbie and jumped back to the higher level for that crit again. maximising damage rather than wasting it on someone that would of died on an auto attack. Also interupting and prioritising the healer, amazing how few twinks did this as they thought that their damage done was the most important thing. Was called out during a BG once by another twink other Twink: HA, i have done three times as much damage as that newb twink Me: You have 2 killings blows, no flag returns or caps, compared to my 20 KBs, 1 flag return and 1 cap...you have basically just been hitting someone that has been getting healed in midfield all game and contributed nothing to the actual BG other twink: I also found the critical number of players to win a low level WSG is three geared people working together, i went 100-0 (never dropped out of a game either) getting all achievements playing as a geared 19 warlock, with a geared paladin and geared hunter (geared being easily obtainable enchants and gear obtained through normally leveling). I can't remember the exact period i did this but i think it was after they brought in the time limit and we just sat in the flag room for most of the match and then with 5 minutes remaining we moved forward took their flag and returned ours if it had gone missing in our absence (it might of been prior to then and been all 3 flag cap wins but outside of raiding 3 nights a week low level BGs was how i spent my time so it all kind of merges together). We actually had horde players complain at us for 'not playing the game' even though we made sure that there were zero occasions our flag was captured (normally)...just for some reason the other 7 people couldn't get the alliance flag. Then the three of us went up as a group, often unchallenged as we kept to the edge, got the flag and returned it....So many 1-0 wins. TLDR: doing stuff in alliance territory, and being better geared and working with friends in low level BGs.
My favorite moment was playing for the first time with my little brother. He played a gnome mage and I played a gnome warlock. We started probably 2-3 weeks after release and one day while questing out by gnomeregan there was a group assembling outside the entrance. Being that we were new, we got to talking, about what I don’t remember. It truly couldn’t have been anything huge as I was 13 at the time...but whatever we talked about compelled him enough to give my brother and I 1 gold each. My brother and I went wild, like getting a Nintendo 64 for Christmas wild, we couldn’t believe it, we hugged each other, we cried, it was such an awesome moment I’ll never forget. That guy and I kept and contact for a while during vanilla. When he hit 60, he would help my brother and I. We leveled extremely slow because of time constraints etc. But that was my first online “friend”. Some others of which I’m still personally best friends with to this day. But as fate would have it, he would one day just stop playing and I never saw/heard from him again, so if you’re out there Fosgateman, the night elf hunter(BlackRock US), I still love you bro!
I remember at lvl 10, a random lvl 40 gave me a gold coin. It was such a huge moment, and it got me to stay on the server, instead of making a New Character at the realm my friends where playing
Personal most memorable moment in vanilla: Creating dungeon groups by randomly whispering people I didn't know because their class and level range fit what I was looking for. I was in a really small guild that didn't do anything together and i pugged my way up until finding a raiding group after several UBRS runs. It was a whole lot of /who searches.
Haha....i played a priest from the get go, followed by protection warrior, i remember guys like you....honestly players like you were often more fun than running dungeons with guild mates. Though i gotta say to this day I almost flinch when thinking of spending time in westfall.....so many runs through deadmines....
Believe it or not, I ended up being the GM of the top ranked raiding guild of my server. We spent more time ranked 2nd than 1st, but we were 1st while I was GM and that's what matters :P of Kul Tiras (small server that got merged with some others a couple of years ago now).
I remember my first character. A night elf druid. I got onto one of the ships and ended up in SW. I had no idea where I was. Trade chat was going strong and the city was massive. I asked in chat where I was and one responded '' human city ''. I was like ''damn how huge is this game?!'' Of course no matter what game you can never get the same feeling again when you have played the genre for 10-15 years and are no longer 12 years old
My first was a nelf but he never left the starting zone. What I consider to be my really first was a Dwarf warrior. I immediately started wandering around and ended up going through Ironforge, taking the tram to SW. To say I thought this game was massive would be an understatement.
Yea, I'll always remember my first Wow character, I've managed to get level 43 as a Holy priest around start of the TBC time. Then a friend started playing on another server so I had to abandon my poor guy.
"The kobolds have been slain, the wolves were skinne,d and the local Defias threat had been subdued. Mcbride tucks his papers into your front pocket and sends you off to Goldshire; your time in the Abby was over. Past the gate to the Abbey, your eyes widen with the overwhelming freedom. No longer were you cradled in the bosom of the local church; being past the first level, you could finally hold your own against the dangers that dwell around you. As you venture off, the woodland breeze tousles your hair and rustles your Wine-Stained Cloak as you tread along the beaten cobble road. The rays of light shimmering past the leaves above were inviting, yet somewhat betraying. The world of Azeroth was now yours to explore; you gaze about the trees in such wonder and awe. Your Militia weapon stirs in your holster as you head out into the Elwynn Forest - the great green unknown. Now lay down in fetal position, because you will never have this feeling again like in 2004" -Nothaut
Hearing him say "this game was released 13 years ago" and watching this video when its 5+ years old was like a punch in the stomach. I almost gagged lol.
One thing I will always remember is back when I started shortly after Vanilla release I saw one Orc outside of Ogrimmar with a mount and shiny equipment around lvl 50 and it was the craziest thing ever to me I was like "hoooly shit I wanna be as strong as this guy"
Whenever i think about vanilla WoW the first thing that pops into mind is when the undead warlock shows up with an infernal in the cinematic. I just kept thinking ''Wow. i really want to be like this undead guy and run around with an infernal''.
My most memorable moment? Getting my first flying mount. I flew around for what felt like hours, trying all sorts of manuevers and just enjoying the liberating feeling of not being tied to the damned ground. This moment, more than any other, has kept me in WoW.
Flying mounts ruined the exploration element to wow and also the pvp scene. WoW Classic is the best because you are forced to walk on the ground with no flying mounts. Simply is the best mmo ever created.
I had actually purchased my first flying mount BEFORE hitting lvl-cap in TBC. As soon as I had hit cap, I took to the skies. Spent hours just flying around not doing anything important.
It was a bit suspicious, if you were playing a Hunter and you mess with your Tracking skills and Turn on "Track Dragonkin" you can actually see Lady Katrina Prestor in the map as a Dragonkin NPC
I walked in on that one day. Basically I saw a bunch of dead dragonkin everywhere and I asked questions. Then I went on this big wiki crusade looking up everything. This was back in TBC when I first started playing. I actually decided to do the quest chain myself. It was frustrating, took forever but I wanted to do this epic thing while I was getting to level 60. So fucking worth it. That moment walking through Stormwind was awesome.
For me, it was a lot of my class quests in addition to dinging 60. I rolled a lock first, and though newer players won't understand, getting your class abilities was a huge endeavor. They didn't just duke you your new summons/spells. Hell, some of the quests, like to earn your epic mount summon, were sprawling questlines that required you to ask guildies for assistance, as they often weren't feasible to solo. Damn good memories.
As said by many others: Creating my first character. An Orc hunter back in vanilla after one of my oldest friends talked me into playing WoW. Other highlights that come to mind: - My first time in a dungeon (Maraudon) after playing mostly solo up to that point - Joining my first raid guild and eventually beating Ragnaros - Finally beating the Silithus demon for my Rhok'delar bow (while very hungover) - The AQ40 opening event It's all vanilla memories, but I recently got back into playing in Legion a few months ago after taking a break from late BC to WotLK and then from mid Cata to Legion and I'm loving it still. It is a very different game now, but I don't really miss it either. It had it's time and place for me. Also, keep up the good work, MadSeason!
Dude, love how in most of your videos have some kind of old final fantasy or Zelda music in the background. Good explanations too. Spent hours watching your videos man, good shit
I really love this guys channel. He’s that one nerdy guy in your guild who’s monotone and soft spoken and you wanna stop listening but he’s usually right. It ends up being more ASMR coming out having learned something.
Your part talking about hitting 60 in Vanilla, I just realized most of the guilds I've been in for the past few years, no one says "Ding" anymore. Could you imagine people typing "ding" for every level nowadays? Back then, it was a big deal! Hilarious xD personally, I think one of my most memorable moments is the first time I entered the Molten Core. Holy shit that place was huge and, BRD took forever but it was never that massively impressive. MC was just beautiful.
I started playing MMOs with Everquest. That was the true beginning of "DING"! Compared to Everquest, vanilla WOW leveling was insanely fast. I played EQ A LOT for a year and only approached the level cap towards the end of my playing time there. "DING"! was a HUGE event in EQ. I played in the WOW open beta and was amazed at the ease of play. I LOVED IT!
@Jimmy yea but after 50, it was actually a good reason to celebrate.. just for a brief minute at least. U felt like u were one step closer to the end xD
Most memorable for me was when I met a human in Darkshore (I was a NELF druid) and he took me on the IF to SW run. At that point I realized how big the world of warcraft actually was...
I remember hitting lvl 60 with my Prot Warrior, I worked hard, gear was brutal, but I was a tank in Demand. The BOOM- lvl 55 Deathkights made all my work useless and the journey became insignificant. Though I cam back, got my 5 toons to 70, then again to 100...... It became boring because the adventure of the journey was gone.
My most memorable moment was when I hit 70 on my first ever character in a TBC server, went to my first ever raid (I went to Mount Hyjal with only green items lmao), and not knowing what needing/greeding was, I hit the dice on EVERY SINGLE ITEM, and I mean, half of the loot table dropped. I ended up getting 5 or 6 items, and instantly everyone started calling me a ninja (I didn't know what that meant at that time), bashing on me, telling me they'd report me and all. I got scared shitless, logged off, deleted the character and started anew. Ah, the wonders of being a clueless noob.
Been playing for 12-13 years... you make some of the best World of Warcraft videos in all these years... even though I’ve heard all these before, the rendition has a nice effect on me... thanks buddy
I was about level 30 during vanilla and playing alliance when some hordies kited Kazzak to stormwind. Most memorable moment for me watching the entire city get slaughtered over and over and our top raid guild back then wiping trying to take him down.
Loved the video! Brought back many memories i will forever cherish. I remember grinding those eggs to get my netherwing drake mount holy cow! The guildies i had wow all those memories coming back it makes me smile and sad at the same time.
the social part is by far the most important thing in a game like wow . i played hardcore for many years since the final beta 04. and within the first 6months of the game , i found my home , my guild that i raided with for years to come . wasent until the end of MOP were shit hit the fan and the guild fell apart . i quit for a year or so , and when i came back , well , it wasent the same game anymore . kept it going for a few months manking gold as i enjoy farming . and then quitting most likely for good . because i didnt have the social network i used to have the game changed to something i didnt enjoy anymore. but i`m left with a ton of good memories . and i think thats why i keep coming back to your videos , they remind me so much of what was so good . my first character dinged 60 in silithus by grinding mobs , orc shaman . also remember having skinning and dragonscale leatherworking profs , selling at the very start armor kits , and farming golden pearls in Hinterlands , selling to people who was making the mooncloth set , rugged leather was a sweet biproduct that gave me a ton of gold to support me being able to get my epicmount the second i dinged 60 , as number 3 to get an epic mount on the server . sadly i swapped the original epic wolf for the new armored one , and thats been haunting me ever since ;P
My most memorable moment from vanilla wasn't dinging 60, it was running from Darnassus to Stormwind. :) There was a second NE that wanted to go with me and on the way some random 60 escorted us to make sure we were alright... Those two were on my friends list and I'd see them around every once in awhile in the coming years...
Having raided BWL on vanilla was quite something; but my life circumstances changed and I quit the game & sold off my Horde Druid with all the trimmings; it was a sad moment. But now, all these years later- I’m back, level 60 in a couple of days ... and my six year old son by my side perhaps just a day or two later than myself to hit 60. Incredibly, my own father is also on the same server at 70. Living on the other side of the world in real life, but I have a cracking photo of the three of us in Red Cloud Mesa :) superb game, classic all the way 👍🏼
Me playing this game and living the experience during the burning crusade expansion was my most memorable experience. I never played this game to be the best, I played to have fun, which is something completely lost to everyone these days
The most memorable thing for me was starting a Night Elf in Teldrassil, and then running to Stormwind. You had to do it before level 10 and "naked" (ungeared) or you'd get "rez sickness" and trashed gear from all the dying that might happen along the way. You couldn't just fly, because you didn't get flight points unless you actually visited them and spoke to the flight master.
The Scourge Invasion event was incredible. I was still pretty new to the game at the time and tried going to Stormwind to get to Ironforge for a quest or somethin' another. The city was completely abandoned other than the Argent Dawn NPCs and a handful of 70s that hung around the gates to escort people through the city. I followed a Draenei Shaman through, but she got overran by ghouls so I had to book it.
Something about your voice and the cadence with which you talk are pleasing to me. Thank you for the time and energy it takes for you to make these excellent videos.
My fav moment in WOW was when i had collect ed the scarlet crusade armor set after weeks of farming. I was about to log out from Darnassus when suddenly my friend whispered me that the horde was about to attack. I Wonder where could they be? then i saw 40 red names coming close to me and i told my self i will make my stand here. They just stopped and waited fir everyone to arrive 10 people on each line. then they charge in while i just stood there and ran after an undead mage who was filming everything. I talked to the guild i was apart of Immortality was the name and they came in full force bit sadly we died hard. The battle lasted for an hour we at the alliance defended as much as we could until we gave up and i was waiting for te horde to arrive at the city leader and boom they won. before they logged out i took a pic on them and me and i have it as a wallpaper.
I never hit level 60 during true classic, I was a kid and had to play on my brother's account. The most memorable moment for me was getting my first mount though. I think I made it to level 49 before my bro moved out. I remembered those times fondly when I was playing classic wow re-released.
Best xpac TBC and waiting for launch at the dark portal was amazing it was the most players in one area i have ever seen. The hype was real as it was the 1st and unknown xpac.
I loved this video, gosh I feel old, I stopped playing wow before Cataclysm, my brother still plays today, and I asked him to let me create a Rogue in this new wow... and Q.Q I miss so much the old game I use to enjoy mining cooper as a orc in durotar and using my cooper axe for days lol and being proud that I made it myself
Thanks for sharing with us the most memorable stories from vanilla. I'd watch stuff like this all day if I could, so by all means, feel free to make more :) My personal most memorable moments were when I first created my tauren druid and started questing through Mulgore. I had never played a big open world game like this before, so everything felt so exciting.
My current most memorable moment is when I finally got my Netherwing Drake, I was so happy and excited, it was just great. Though I will admit that I did the quests around level 90ish, making it much much easier to do, I still was so excited because I felt like I’d actually worked for the mount and I’d never really done anything like that before, so it’s special to me.
I miss that zombie plague so much, I was young, logging onto my level 21 character, seeing all the ghouls, becoming a ghoul and infecting towns, it was so cool to me at the time
One of my biggest memories is when the dark portal finally opened for the start of TBC. Hundreds and hundreds of players of both factions standing there cheering, shouting, war crying. Epic duels. It really brought the community together in one place at one time.
For me, running into Brill was the most memorable moment of WoW! My first character was an undead warlock. I started in Death Knell and the game seemed kinda good, kinda interesting. I completed a few starter quests and the game sent me running Eastwards to visit some place named Brill. I ran past a bunch of zombies, past some spooky graveyard and then came to what looked to me like an actual city! There were people there mixed in with computer vendors which later I found out were referred to as NPCs. There were quests. I could buy stuff. I could sit in.a chair. I could chat with other players. I have spend a half hour just marveling at all the things I could do just in Brill, I haven't even seen Orgrimmar nor other capitols. It was 2004 for and no other game was like it. The game went from kinda interesting to amazing! It was that moment of seeing Brill that I got why the game was called WORLD of Warcraft.
I was raiding on a high level in vanilla, bc and lk, but since vanilla, i always complained that blizzard was doing so much content that less than 5% of players play and in some cases, less than 1% of players finished to see the end of the story. Killing C'thun and other hard bosses was great, but i would have also been fine for easier difficulty levels before WotLK. I think LFR is a great addition. We still have gear, achievements, titles, and mounts to show who is the best of the best.
Dude just wanted to let you know I JUST started playing WoW for the first time in 2021 and love these videos on how it use to be. I feel like I’m in history class back in school 😂😂😂
- Getting my level 40 mount for the first time. I still remember healing through SM on my Priest when I got it. - Farming (and getting) Rivendares Deathcharger in TBC, when it was the rarest item in the game, 1/5000 - Seeing a Rank 14 geared Warrior for the first time
At this point LFR is a lesser problem compared to titanforging. You can get better gear than normal raiders or even heroic raiders by doing WQs and killing some rares on Argus...
The pre-release event for Cataclysm was Deathwing's destruction in zones as players quested and adventured. While questing in any zone in the pre-launch period (about 6 weeks IIRC) you would hear a huge road or screech (it was VERY loud and startled the hell out of you!), and Deathwing would sweep across about a third of the zone. You were burned up and killed instantly if you were hit. You also got an achievement, "Killed by Deathwing!" People really wanted the achievement, so there were charts posted of where Deathwing last wreaked havoc with people trying to predict which zone would be next. I had 6-8 characters burned to death. It was quite an event! (And Darkshore is still sad to quest in, seeing all your 'old NPC friends' you had played with and quested with for years dead in the sand...) Helping Volcor find Grimclaw...
My most memorable moment was when I made my first PvP kill. I had just reaches level 10 at Darnassus and took the boat over to the next levelling area, just north of Ashenvale, and when I got to the docks, I seen a red name hiding under a dock. A level 11 Orc. I saw this as my first chance to prove myself to the Alliance. As a young Night Elf Hunter, I was ready for adventure and ready for Battle! I unleashed a barrage of merciless arrows and within seconds I seen my first HK on my screen! I was so happy!
I got plenty of moments ever since i starter playing the game but my most memorable moment was when I was in Tanaris as a lvl 47 warrior and my first epic dropped from a random trash mob (Taran Icebreaker). I believed I would be so op at that moment even though I was pure trash lol. It was November 2005 :) Another great moment that sticks with me until today was when I hit lvl 40 and managed to actually gather 80g which was the cost of the riding skill, and at the time was a great feat for a new player with no mains and bought my mount just as i dinged. I just remember all those "Shining Silver Breastplates" from Blacksmithing I had to sell. Lol how did I even pull that out as a 12 year old kid? I had to ignore all the different ranks of the skills from the warrior trainer for about 15 levels to be able to do that lol. Being stuck at 7/8 for the Battlegear of Valor until the days BC came out, as it was so hard to gather a 15 man UBRS back at the time, and that freakin Breastplate of Valor dropped from that Drakkisath guy, final boss of that dungeon, especially if you were a dps warrior and not prot. I did see it drop quite many times, but with all my luck i always lost the roll and it even got ninja'ed a couple of time. Heck I even remember a freakin rogue ninjaing it from me once, I still cant figure out why. Reaching rank 11 to gain the title Commander and getting the epic mount for the price of the lvl 40 one as I never actually managed to gather the 800g required for the real one. I reached rank 11 without a premade group back when the Horde were dominating Doomhammer-PvE and they had like 3 PvP guilds making it impossible for random Alliance pugs which I joined to win a single BG.. I didnt PvP for a looong time after i reached that lol. My first Ragnaros kill with my guild. We didnt get far into BWL, but managing to down Ragnaros after months of failing was the most epic feeling ever. And lastly, this line from countless people: "Dps? LOL warriors are for tanking, NOOB"
I feel so happy and nostalgic every time you put Final Fantasy X OST in your videos. Love your videos so much. Can't wait for another one. Peace and good health.
There are 3 moments that I remember about Vanilla: 1.) I had created a Gnome Mage and was really enjoying playing it. Thank God I was a mage, because in the middle of my 30s level I want to Desolace to quest and blink was the best thing ever since I didn’t have my mount. 2.) Getting my first amount at level 40. Getting all that gold in doing all that leveling, I just rode around for hours afterwards. 3.) I was questing in the Badlands and was getting camped. I had somehow found a group for scarlet monastery but it was taking forever for them to summon me. It was awful, because I was a warrior and didn’t realize how awful I was in the class, especially during PVP. Then after all that, walking into Outland for the first time a couple months after the Burning Crusade was released. I got chills. Battle in front of you, the music, and just all of the work you have done to get there. It was awesome and I made so many more memories with awesome people during the Burning Crusade. Most of that expansion was just me questing and leveling with this super casual guild, off tanking Kara every now and then. Then me and my friends made our own guild and attempted to raid more. That went OK, but Wrath of the Lich King is when I really got to experience extreme raiding while being raid leader for this awesome guild I had joined. Did that through Cata as well, I absolutely LOVED Firelands!. I ended up quitting around the time of MOP. Everything just got too easy.....
I started playing WoW back in Vanilla days, you know, where you had to walk to bg's etc and was a really big fan of stuff like this. But tbh, as WoW's playerbase grew older and couldn't spent as much time in the game as before, the lfr was the right thing to do. Great for grown ups with family and stuff. :)
the prerelease wrath of the lich king event was my favorite! I remember having going to ORG and queuing up for BGs with my buddy and having to hide in the rafters above the people you queued at so that people wouldnt see us and infect us.
i stoped wow back in cataclysme and i just get back 2 months ago, i loved the draenor area, and yes i played vanilla and BC so much, the easy xp and gearing it's somehow good specialy when you got to work and stuff to do
My most memorable moment was begging for 1000 gold in Burning Crusade so I could afford my first mount, and somebody in Goldshire gave me 1500 gold and I was ecstatic
I started in Nov 2004. I was only lvl 52 by the time tbc came out. My most memorable moment was fighting yetis in the caves of feralas, south of Dire Maul. My best friend and I were playing together on the same computer and we were listening to his itunes playlist. We had pulled too many yetis and were running away through the cave when The Beatle's "All the Lonely People" started playing. That is my most clear memory. Loved playing vanilla as a young teen (i wasnt one of those annoying ones, trust me haha)
When I got lost in a high leveled area and an entire guild found me struggling, and dying every couple feet. They protected me, and led me to a safe town nearby while giving my poor lvl 10 self advice, new gear and items, and assisting me in gaining coin through the nearby quests. When I asked the guild leader why they bothered helping me, he said, “Well, when I first started playing and struggled like you- a veteran helped me along the way. I’m just returning the favor.”
That’s my most memorable moment, I’ll never forget the kindness these guys gave me
Holy shit
Who's cutting onions in here!?
Not as severe as this, but people are still very generous in wow, at least now in classic. That spirit lives on.
Similar incident happened to me on Runescape. Someone came up to me and asked me to guess a number between 1-100 and I guess I guessed right because I guessed 78 and he gave me 78k. When I asked why he said something along those same lines but then asked me to pass it on once I have some spare gold to give. Something so small like that stuck with me and I kept my word and passed it on.
did you join the guild?
I hope you never change the style of your intro. It gives me such nostalgia and calmness when I start up one of your vids.
Random Gamer me too so i'll upvote you too
I just thought the same.. Love this guitar Intro followed by the best WoW music and the calm and soothing voice of MadSeason
For some reason it feels like I'm saying hi to an old friend when he starts up. Even when I first started watching his videos.
it reminds me of one of those education videos the teacher would show you in high school or elementary school
He should change the intro and then make a new list the most infamous players in WoW history:
1. MadSeasonShow
The plague infestation was one of the best times in WoW history. Sure, it was a derail, but holy shit did it make the world come to life, as ironic as that sounds.
I remember intentionally trying to infect friends and guildies and hunting them down as a ghoul. Oh the laughs I had!!!
it was the worst event i've ever experienced
I wasn't playing at that time. It sounds like a lot of fun to me, but I can see why some people got pissed off.
@@zZzYQ9 it was a blast for people who wanted to participate. It was a nightmare for those that didn't, they really didn't have a choice though. Best bet was to just not play for the duration of the event. I didn't participate, I just avoided the big cities and went to smaller areas for my AH/bank stuff
Nesano. It’s sounds so cool, I am really sad since I was never able to experience it. I hope they will do something like it again, it adds a whole new lvl or realism to the game!
Most memorable moment for me is the seeing the Wrath of the Lich King intro. Arthas Menethil awakening on the Frozen throne with Frostmourne in his hand, rising army of undead, finishing it with Sindragosa's flight. The voice of the singer, the music, the first few words of the song. The epicness of the moment of realisation, that this is THE LICH KING from the grim old storys of Warcraft and that he is coming ....
The cold of the Northrend is running on my spine everytime i see it.
Setnja92 I loved that expansion, got a DK as soon as humanly possible and sad to say, didn’t get my kingslayer title until cats came out....I know, I’m lame, lol
Josh Hoover Cata cinematic was pretty awesome but not as good as wotlk
Sad that wotlk was a joke. :)
@@lordemarten550 how was wotlk joke? Literally the best expansion of wow ever. Played it for 10 years now on private server.
The most memorable moment in my long 13 years journey was making friends back in Vanilla. I had a small guild which I created with my school colleagues back then. I never hoped I would create such a big (it was over 100 members, back in the days for me it was huuuuge!) and friendly community, where we mostly logged in to talk, enjoy questing and try to make raids (and mostly fail), but it was really fun! To this day I ocassionally chat with those ppl who are spread across the whole of Europe (I visited 2 of em). It is very nostalgic to look back at those times, and also sad that they won't come back (even with those new classic servers I guess). WoW was/is the game of my life and no substitutes will ever replace that.. IMO it was for many of us the game of our generation with those difficulties we had back then and those made the game special in their way, and that is what we are accustomed to and no other game will ever make us feel the same, but I think it is allright. I had my time as a player, I enjoyed it and I keep my memories of it, and that's what matters. I will never ever try to force these feelings out of myself to try and recreate such an environment where there is no such place to place them in. But I am not sad about it, I am happy that I was in the right time and place to get them :)
Hey man, I feel the same exact and couldn’t have said it more accurately. Sometimes it fkn sucks to know that I won’t ever experience that same feeling of delayed gratification in questing, leveling, dungeons and pvp. Making deep relationships with guild members and scheduling arena battling. Raging....haha raging. Man if i knew that I wouldn’t enjoy the game like I was then...I wouldn’t have ever fucken raged. Well GG no re :( I truly hope and have a glimmer of it, that the game will start receiving more funds and get a revamp or rush of new players
very very well said. it was the same for me
My most memorable moment was when I finally got my first lvl 40 mount...
I was the most happy guy in the game at this moment.
Same! I was a paladin initially so I got the freebie. Did a few laps around Ironforge in celebration
Hey! >:( I was the most happy guy in the game at that moment..
when i got mine, i was crying and dancing in the middle of the night :)
Leaving the Abbey after getting my first quest & going out into Elwynn forest for the 1st time.
The music, the setting, the mood, taking it all in in complete amazement, my most memorable moment of WoW.
Thank you for yet another great video.
Yes. Right after you handed in the head of Garrick Padfoot!
Yes! Thank you for more memories! Unfortunately I had to stop around WoTLK (work, life & other games...). I was in it for the quests & discovery but I will never forget, It's like it gave me exactly what I wanted from that type of game & more :) I will never forget it!
Agree! And seeing the gates of Stormwind for the first time.
@@victormajida you didn't miss much after wotlk. That being said I just think the story line of it was a bit more interactive than later expansions if that makes sense. Was the last expansion b4 everything end game was easy one would say. I quit playing wow after I killed guldan just because it was personal and after that I felt there was nothing left to kill
Dont make me cry. This was my First real wow experience. I remember being Stuck below lvl 20 because i was just enjoying the game my own way
If you'd like to see a follow-up, feel free to throw any suggestions my way. Hope you enjoy!
a good thing to add that i remember fondly was the living bomb indecent. much like the blood plague indecent, but not as chaotic. people would get the debuff from baron geddon on their pets, bring it to a city, and it would blow up a massive amount of players
Don't forget the whole Nostalrius hype and closure, the petitition and finally the official announcement of classic servers on Blizzcon 2k17! Although it's something offside of the game itself, it's something really great and important in WoW-History, if u ask me.
Me doing the Shadowmourne questline in Wrath
Another memorable moment for my friends and I, was getting our first epic item. For my Warrior friend it was Sul'thraze the Lasher from Zul'Farrak. For me it was the Unstoppable Force from pvp, and my Hunter friend it was completing the Dungeon 2 set quests.
I remember getting the money and finally being able to use mounts on lvl 40 was quite the event back then. I was really excited for my guild members that got to that point before me. Also when you looked at someone in awe that had a 100% mount. Mounts really felt special to me back then.
Going deep into Alliance territory with my Horde toon for the first time, around level 45. That was memorable for me.
Maybe we met? I remember being brand new to the game and seeing a high level Tauren riding around on his kodo in Elwyn Forest. I was quite shocked because it was my first time seeing a Horde player
South Shore and Tauren Mill fights. Most awesome.
for me its barrens chat, its not insane how it use to be, well trade channel is now new barren chat but its not the same in my eyes.
I had a similar experience, but in reverse. I think in my 20s or 30s I went into the Barrens and flagged myself for PvP. Good times.
Have to agree with this, first character i ever created and my brother and I found that Blood Elf Bandit Masks sold for 100g a piece in TBC, so at level 20 we went and hunted them for several hours, having to go through multiple Alliance zones and then staying a very short distance from an alliance city.
The memory has been somewhat tarnished by finding out that the server i was on had a very low population (mention this every time but 'recommended' should not be the lowest server pop as it means you have no one to play with or against) and ontop of that there were basically no alliance either. So adds of actually bumping into anyone doing this was low...but at the time any alliance in the distance could of gone into a city and got help.
They were found on either The Dark Elf or Draenor starting area and were a vanity twink item. 1 in 10 drop rate, only 1 mob present on the server at any one time but will spawn in one of 20-30 locations in that zone as soon as one dies. We got 4 of them between us which allowed us to get epic mounts the second we hit 40...early TBC that was still a rarity...at least on our server. They also weren't BoE as they had no stats so we also wore them whilst leveling and looked damn cool in the process.
One other personal memorable moment happened in a WSG, i had a fully twinked rogue (including the shoulder enchants, 90% of twinks i saw never had those) and i killed 1 whole team of alliance without my team mates having done any healing or damage. A huge amount of this was thanks to being a twink, however, i did do things like quick target swapping so 1 shot a level 10, got auto crit on next hit, jumped to a higher level, got my crit, 1 shot another lowbie and jumped back to the higher level for that crit again. maximising damage rather than wasting it on someone that would of died on an auto attack. Also interupting and prioritising the healer, amazing how few twinks did this as they thought that their damage done was the most important thing. Was called out during a BG once by another twink
other Twink: HA, i have done three times as much damage as that newb twink
Me: You have 2 killings blows, no flag returns or caps, compared to my 20 KBs, 1 flag return and 1 cap...you have basically just been hitting someone that has been getting healed in midfield all game and contributed nothing to the actual BG
other twink:
I also found the critical number of players to win a low level WSG is three geared people working together, i went 100-0 (never dropped out of a game either) getting all achievements playing as a geared 19 warlock, with a geared paladin and geared hunter (geared being easily obtainable enchants and gear obtained through normally leveling). I can't remember the exact period i did this but i think it was after they brought in the time limit and we just sat in the flag room for most of the match and then with 5 minutes remaining we moved forward took their flag and returned ours if it had gone missing in our absence (it might of been prior to then and been all 3 flag cap wins but outside of raiding 3 nights a week low level BGs was how i spent my time so it all kind of merges together). We actually had horde players complain at us for 'not playing the game' even though we made sure that there were zero occasions our flag was captured (normally)...just for some reason the other 7 people couldn't get the alliance flag. Then the three of us went up as a group, often unchallenged as we kept to the edge, got the flag and returned it....So many 1-0 wins.
TLDR: doing stuff in alliance territory, and being better geared and working with friends in low level BGs.
My favorite moment was playing for the first time with my little brother. He played a gnome mage and I played a gnome warlock.
We started probably 2-3 weeks after release and one day while questing out by gnomeregan there was a group assembling outside the entrance.
Being that we were new, we got to talking, about what I don’t remember. It truly couldn’t have been anything huge as I was 13 at the time...but whatever we talked about compelled him enough to give my brother and I 1 gold each.
My brother and I went wild, like getting a Nintendo 64 for Christmas wild, we couldn’t believe it, we hugged each other, we cried, it was such an awesome moment I’ll never forget.
That guy and I kept and contact for a while during vanilla. When he hit 60, he would help my brother and I. We leveled extremely slow because of time constraints etc. But that was my first online “friend”. Some others of which I’m still personally best friends with to this day.
But as fate would have it, he would one day just stop playing and I never saw/heard from him again, so if you’re out there Fosgateman, the night elf hunter(BlackRock US), I still love you bro!
This is fucking dope
I remember at lvl 10, a random lvl 40 gave me a gold coin. It was such a huge moment, and it got me to stay on the server, instead of making a New Character at the realm my friends where playing
Personal most memorable moment in vanilla:
Creating dungeon groups by randomly whispering people I didn't know because their class and level range fit what I was looking for. I was in a really small guild that didn't do anything together and i pugged my way up until finding a raiding group after several UBRS runs. It was a whole lot of /who searches.
Haha....i played a priest from the get go, followed by protection warrior, i remember guys like you....honestly players like you were often more fun than running dungeons with guild mates. Though i gotta say to this day I almost flinch when thinking of spending time in westfall.....so many runs through deadmines....
Believe it or not, I ended up being the GM of the top ranked raiding guild of my server. We spent more time ranked 2nd than 1st, but we were 1st while I was GM and that's what matters :P
of Kul Tiras (small server that got merged with some others a couple of years ago now).
/who warrior, /who priest and /who mage spam, the main way to get party members outside of spamming capital cities map chat for dudes.
I used to go to the zone where the dj was and post on /general. Good Times. I made a lot more friends then.
I remember my first character. A night elf druid. I got onto one of the ships and ended up in SW. I had no idea where I was. Trade chat was going strong and the city was massive. I asked in chat where I was and one responded '' human city ''. I was like ''damn how huge is this game?!''
Of course no matter what game you can never get the same feeling again when you have played the genre for 10-15 years and are no longer 12 years old
I feel this 1000%, I remember thinking there is no end of this world, up until they added flight to azeroth
It's not exactly the same but give Elden Ring a try. It solidly recaptured that feeling of awe and wonder of where am I and how big is this place?
My first was a nelf but he never left the starting zone. What I consider to be my really first was a Dwarf warrior. I immediately started wandering around and ended up going through Ironforge, taking the tram to SW. To say I thought this game was massive would be an understatement.
Me creating my first character was my most memorable one.
Jessica The Drunk Human warrior was my first character ever made back at Lick Kings times 😀
Yea, I'll always remember my first Wow character, I've managed to get level 43 as a Holy priest around start of the TBC time. Then a friend started playing on another server so I had to abandon my poor guy.
Same here. I got 2 of them to 60 before BC (nearly 3), but I only vaguely remember getting my first 60. Starting that character, well, sure.
Jessica The Drunk what about the first deadmine run?!
"The kobolds have been slain, the wolves were skinne,d and the local Defias threat had been subdued. Mcbride tucks his papers into your front pocket and sends you off to Goldshire; your time in the Abby was over.
Past the gate to the Abbey, your eyes widen with the overwhelming freedom. No longer were you cradled in the bosom of the local church; being past the first level, you could finally hold your own against the dangers that dwell around you.
As you venture off, the woodland breeze tousles your hair and rustles your Wine-Stained Cloak as you tread along the beaten cobble road. The rays of light shimmering past the leaves above were inviting, yet somewhat betraying. The world of Azeroth was now yours to explore; you gaze about the trees in such wonder and awe. Your Militia weapon stirs in your holster as you head out into the Elwynn Forest - the great green unknown.
Now lay down in fetal position, because you will never have this feeling again like in 2004"
Hearing him say "this game was released 13 years ago" and watching this video when its 5+ years old was like a punch in the stomach. I almost gagged lol.
Love watching this genre at night before I sleep, maybe with a cup of tea or coffee.
coffee before bed? you madman
Hot chocolate
It’s just mega chill. Bedtime coffee though, you nutter.
One thing I will always remember is back when I started shortly after Vanilla release I saw one Orc outside of Ogrimmar with a mount and shiny equipment around lvl 50 and it was the craziest thing ever to me
I was like "hoooly shit I wanna be as strong as this guy"
Sam Brown I felt the same way when I saw a warrior in full tier 5 with the Scarab Lord title and on the mount.
I felt the same way when I was lvl 25ish and saw a lvl 35ish with badass shoulder armor lol
You can still experience this on private servers like I do :)
lol, same)
@@syntha8418 Dudes who actually had shoulder armor and even a helmet lol. Getting these items let alone good ones before level 50 was hard yo.
Whenever i think about vanilla WoW the first thing that pops into mind is when the undead warlock shows up with an infernal in the cinematic. I just kept thinking ''Wow. i really want to be like this undead guy and run around with an infernal''.
My first toon was a warlock - so under powered and so much fun. :-)
Hell yeah!
When the FFX music started to play I got a nostalgia overload, WoW and FFX are the two most memorable games from my teenage years.
My most memorable moment? Getting my first flying mount. I flew around for what felt like hours, trying all sorts of manuevers and just enjoying the liberating feeling of not being tied to the damned ground. This moment, more than any other, has kept me in WoW.
Flying mounts ruined the exploration element to wow and also the pvp scene. WoW Classic is the best because you are forced to walk on the ground with no flying mounts. Simply is the best mmo ever created.
I know, it's amazing! A complete game-changer.
I had actually purchased my first flying mount BEFORE hitting lvl-cap in TBC. As soon as I had hit cap, I took to the skies. Spent hours just flying around not doing anything important.
I think a memorable moment was finding out Lady Katrina Prestor, who stood next to child Anduin in Stormwind, was actually Onyxia.
It was a bit suspicious, if you were playing a Hunter and you mess with your Tracking skills and Turn on "Track Dragonkin" you can actually see Lady Katrina Prestor in the map as a Dragonkin NPC
I walked in on that one day. Basically I saw a bunch of dead dragonkin everywhere and I asked questions. Then I went on this big wiki crusade looking up everything. This was back in TBC when I first started playing. I actually decided to do the quest chain myself. It was frustrating, took forever but I wanted to do this epic thing while I was getting to level 60. So fucking worth it. That moment walking through Stormwind was awesome.
For me, it was a lot of my class quests in addition to dinging 60. I rolled a lock first, and though newer players won't understand, getting your class abilities was a huge endeavor. They didn't just duke you your new summons/spells. Hell, some of the quests, like to earn your epic mount summon, were sprawling questlines that required you to ask guildies for assistance, as they often weren't feasible to solo. Damn good memories.
The corrupted plague was the best moment in wow history. Period. Funny and fun as hell. And, it was totally player created.
It predicted the Corona
As said by many others: Creating my first character.
An Orc hunter back in vanilla after one of my oldest friends talked me into playing WoW.
Other highlights that come to mind:
- My first time in a dungeon (Maraudon) after playing mostly solo up to that point
- Joining my first raid guild and eventually beating Ragnaros
- Finally beating the Silithus demon for my Rhok'delar bow (while very hungover)
- The AQ40 opening event
It's all vanilla memories, but I recently got back into playing in Legion a few months ago after taking a break from late BC to WotLK and then from mid Cata to Legion and I'm loving it still. It is a very different game now, but I don't really miss it either. It had it's time and place for me.
Also, keep up the good work, MadSeason!
Being a lvl 19 warlock and accidentally making my first journey into western plaguelands is mine
Dude, love how in most of your videos have some kind of old final fantasy or Zelda music in the background. Good explanations too. Spent hours watching your videos man, good shit
I really love this guys channel. He’s that one nerdy guy in your guild who’s monotone and soft spoken and you wanna stop listening but he’s usually right. It ends up being more ASMR coming out having learned something.
Your part talking about hitting 60 in Vanilla, I just realized most of the guilds I've been in for the past few years, no one says "Ding" anymore. Could you imagine people typing "ding" for every level nowadays? Back then, it was a big deal! Hilarious xD personally, I think one of my most memorable moments is the first time I entered the Molten Core. Holy shit that place was huge and, BRD took forever but it was never that massively impressive. MC was just beautiful.
Ding, indeed! And all the "Congratulations!", "Gratz!" and "Woohoo!" followed.
😂 the good old days
I started playing MMOs with Everquest. That was the true beginning of "DING"! Compared to Everquest, vanilla WOW leveling was insanely fast. I played EQ A LOT for a year and only approached the level cap towards the end of my playing time there. "DING"! was a HUGE event in EQ. I played in the WOW open beta and was amazed at the ease of play. I LOVED IT!
@Jimmy yea but after 50, it was actually a good reason to celebrate.. just for a brief minute at least.
U felt like u were one step closer to the end xD
Most memorable for me was when I met a human in Darkshore (I was a NELF druid) and he took me on the IF to SW run. At that point I realized how big the world of warcraft actually was...
we pulled azuregos into orgrimmar back in vanilla on the server nefarian, he went ham for 12 hours straight. it was beautifull.
I remember hitting lvl 60 with my Prot Warrior, I worked hard, gear was brutal, but I was a tank in Demand. The BOOM- lvl 55 Deathkights made all my work useless and the journey became insignificant. Though I cam back, got my 5 toons to 70, then again to 100...... It became boring because the adventure of the journey was gone.
My most memorable moment was when I hit 70 on my first ever character in a TBC server, went to my first ever raid (I went to Mount Hyjal with only green items lmao), and not knowing what needing/greeding was, I hit the dice on EVERY SINGLE ITEM, and I mean, half of the loot table dropped. I ended up getting 5 or 6 items, and instantly everyone started calling me a ninja (I didn't know what that meant at that time), bashing on me, telling me they'd report me and all. I got scared shitless, logged off, deleted the character and started anew.
Ah, the wonders of being a clueless noob.
lmao oh shit
Noooo xD
LMAO wtf
Been playing for 12-13 years... you make some of the best World of Warcraft videos in all these years... even though I’ve heard all these before, the rendition has a nice effect on me... thanks buddy
Nice video as always! :)
Thanks brother!
I was about level 30 during vanilla and playing alliance when some hordies kited Kazzak to stormwind. Most memorable moment for me watching the entire city get slaughtered over and over and our top raid guild back then wiping trying to take him down.
One of my most memorable moments is a simple one - entering the Inn in Elwynn Forest for the very first time and hearing that memorable music.
Loved the video!
Brought back many memories i will forever cherish.
I remember grinding those eggs to get my netherwing drake mount holy cow!
The guildies i had wow all those memories coming back it makes me smile and sad at the same time.
I remember relocating to The Exodar during the preWrath event. No one was there.
the social part is by far the most important thing in a game like wow . i played hardcore for many years since the final beta 04. and within the first 6months of the game , i found my home , my guild that i raided with for years to come . wasent until the end of MOP were shit hit the fan and the guild fell apart . i quit for a year or so , and when i came back , well , it wasent the same game anymore . kept it going for a few months manking gold as i enjoy farming . and then quitting most likely for good . because i didnt have the social network i used to have the game changed to something i didnt enjoy anymore. but i`m left with a ton of good memories . and i think thats why i keep coming back to your videos , they remind me so much of what was so good . my first character dinged 60 in silithus by grinding mobs , orc shaman . also remember having skinning and dragonscale leatherworking profs , selling at the very start armor kits , and farming golden pearls in Hinterlands , selling to people who was making the mooncloth set , rugged leather was a sweet biproduct that gave me a ton of gold to support me being able to get my epicmount the second i dinged 60 , as number 3 to get an epic mount on the server . sadly i swapped the original epic wolf for the new armored one , and thats been haunting me ever since ;P
My most memorable moment from vanilla wasn't dinging 60, it was running from Darnassus to Stormwind. :) There was a second NE that wanted to go with me and on the way some random 60 escorted us to make sure we were alright... Those two were on my friends list and I'd see them around every once in awhile in the coming years...
Gawds, I remember that run. But I wasn't escorted. The sheer amount of corpse runs was uncanny.
@@olewyrdd When classic came out, I made the run again. Quite nostalgic. :)
Having raided BWL on vanilla was quite something; but my life circumstances changed and I quit the game & sold off my Horde Druid with all the trimmings; it was a sad moment. But now, all these years later- I’m back, level 60 in a couple of days ... and my six year old son by my side perhaps just a day or two later than myself to hit 60. Incredibly, my own father is also on the same server at 70. Living on the other side of the world in real life, but I have a cracking photo of the three of us in Red Cloud Mesa :) superb game, classic all the way 👍🏼
Me playing this game and living the experience during the burning crusade expansion was my most memorable experience. I never played this game to be the best, I played to have fun, which is something completely lost to everyone these days
The most memorable thing for me was starting a Night Elf in Teldrassil, and then running to Stormwind. You had to do it before level 10 and "naked" (ungeared) or you'd get "rez sickness" and trashed gear from all the dying that might happen along the way. You couldn't just fly, because you didn't get flight points unless you actually visited them and spoke to the flight master.
The Scourge Invasion event was incredible. I was still pretty new to the game at the time and tried going to Stormwind to get to Ironforge for a quest or somethin' another. The city was completely abandoned other than the Argent Dawn NPCs and a handful of 70s that hung around the gates to escort people through the city. I followed a Draenei Shaman through, but she got overran by ghouls so I had to book it.
I love the variety of series actually! I started in cata and never knew what the world was like back then. its very fascinating.
Your videos are great man. I dont mind lots of series
Something about your voice and the cadence with which you talk are pleasing to me. Thank you for the time and energy it takes for you to make these excellent videos.
My fav moment in WOW was when i had collect ed the scarlet crusade armor set after weeks of farming.
I was about to log out from Darnassus when suddenly my friend whispered me that the horde was about to attack.
I Wonder where could they be? then i saw 40 red names coming close to me and i told my self i will make my stand here.
They just stopped and waited fir everyone to arrive 10 people on each line.
then they charge in while i just stood there and ran after an undead mage who was filming everything.
I talked to the guild i was apart of Immortality was the name and they came in full force bit sadly we died hard.
The battle lasted for an hour we at the alliance defended as much as we could until we gave up and i was waiting for te horde to arrive at the city leader and boom they won.
before they logged out i took a pic on them and me and i have it as a wallpaper.
Everytime i hear the Barrens theme...i get overwhelmed with emotions. I loved Vanilla and discovering this world was so exciting.
Oh my Lord. The corrupted blood incident is so funny. Like. People are just such assholes.
Nothing was more fun than killing your own faction lol
I never hit level 60 during true classic, I was a kid and had to play on my brother's account. The most memorable moment for me was getting my first mount though. I think I made it to level 49 before my bro moved out. I remembered those times fondly when I was playing classic wow re-released.
The Lich King cinematic video always gives me goosebumps, god damn
Best xpac NA?
Best xpac TBC and waiting for launch at the dark portal was amazing it was the most players in one area i have ever seen. The hype was real as it was the 1st and unknown xpac.
You cannot have too many series, keep putting out the content no matter what and I'll watch my boy Madseason.
I loved this video, gosh I feel old, I stopped playing wow before Cataclysm, my brother still plays today, and I asked him to let me create a Rogue in this new wow... and Q.Q I miss so much the old game I use to enjoy mining cooper as a orc in durotar and using my cooper axe for days lol and being proud that I made it myself
Well in summer classic wow will be released and we will get back our old game.
Thanks for sharing with us the most memorable stories from vanilla. I'd watch stuff like this all day if I could, so by all means, feel free to make more :)
My personal most memorable moments were when I first created my tauren druid and started questing through Mulgore. I had never played a big open world game like this before, so everything felt so exciting.
My current most memorable moment is when I finally got my Netherwing Drake, I was so happy and excited, it was just great. Though I will admit that I did the quests around level 90ish, making it much much easier to do, I still was so excited because I felt like I’d actually worked for the mount and I’d never really done anything like that before, so it’s special to me.
Arthas, my son. Those initial vocals give me chills each damn time!
I miss that zombie plague so much, I was young, logging onto my level 21 character, seeing all the ghouls, becoming a ghoul and infecting towns, it was so cool to me at the time
One of my biggest memories is when the dark portal finally opened for the start of TBC. Hundreds and hundreds of players of both factions standing there cheering, shouting, war crying. Epic duels. It really brought the community together in one place at one time.
Ah, back to my comfort video for the 50th time
Corrupted Blood Plague.... More relevant than ever!
Brought back a lot of good memories. Plz feel free to do another. Great job
Nothing beats the Lich King. I hope they make a wrath server.
card969 amen, if they made a TBC and wrath servers I would be subbed to WoW 24/7
For me, running into Brill was the most memorable moment of WoW!
My first character was an undead warlock.
I started in Death Knell and the game seemed kinda good, kinda interesting.
I completed a few starter quests and the game sent me running Eastwards to visit some place named Brill.
I ran past a bunch of zombies, past some spooky graveyard and then came to what looked to me like an actual city!
There were people there mixed in with computer vendors which later I found out were referred to as NPCs.
There were quests. I could buy stuff. I could sit in.a chair. I could chat with other players.
I have spend a half hour just marveling at all the things I could do just in Brill, I haven't even seen Orgrimmar nor other capitols. It was 2004 for and no other game was like it.
The game went from kinda interesting to amazing!
It was that moment of seeing Brill that I got why the game was called WORLD of Warcraft.
for me the most memorable moment in wow was actually the journey from lvl 1 to 60.
Not a moment,a journey
As an ol'time vanilla player I love your series. Make more. Your quality is brilliant.
Btw, anyone else noticed the Final Fantasy X music theme at the end of the video?
I did
I think it was the Mi'hen Highroad music
Is that a forsen boy?
All the music is from FF not just FFX
Forsen's MOTD, he used the cosmo canyon theme aswell.. made me sad thinking of when grandpa Bugenhagen dies.
I was raiding on a high level in vanilla, bc and lk, but since vanilla, i always complained that blizzard was doing so much content that less than 5% of players play and in some cases, less than 1% of players finished to see the end of the story. Killing C'thun and other hard bosses was great, but i would have also been fine for easier difficulty levels before WotLK. I think LFR is a great addition. We still have gear, achievements, titles, and mounts to show who is the best of the best.
Arthas Lich king theme will always make me smile
My most memorable moment was the server first ragnaros kill in vanilla.
Great telling Voice for listening! Takes me back in time and gave me chills... some great memories! Thanks!
Wailing Caverns first time was epic
Dude just wanted to let you know I JUST started playing WoW for the first time in 2021 and love these videos on how it use to be. I feel like I’m in history class back in school 😂😂😂
I've watched all your video's and don't even play WoW...
Definitely picking up classic when it launches.
The NSA spying on WoW players chat (even whispers) was something i remember well.
Wraths launch day was definitely the most memorable WoW moment for me. Not entirely for good reasons, but i wouldnt have had it any other way.
- Getting my level 40 mount for the first time. I still remember healing through SM on my Priest when I got it.
- Farming (and getting) Rivendares Deathcharger in TBC, when it was the rarest item in the game, 1/5000
- Seeing a Rank 14 geared Warrior for the first time
At this point LFR is a lesser problem compared to titanforging. You can get better gear than normal raiders or even heroic raiders by doing WQs and killing some rares on Argus...
Brekner Catalin totally agree on that. I saw an around 890 paladin yesterday who dropped a 940 set piece in the lfrl mode.
Stop being salty lol
@@ilyarudnitskiy8122 Replying to a 2 years old comment? lol
The pre-release event for Cataclysm was Deathwing's destruction in zones as players quested and adventured. While questing in any zone in the pre-launch period (about 6 weeks IIRC) you would hear a huge road or screech (it was VERY loud and startled the hell out of you!), and Deathwing would sweep across about a third of the zone. You were burned up and killed instantly if you were hit. You also got an achievement, "Killed by Deathwing!" People really wanted the achievement, so there were charts posted of where Deathwing last wreaked havoc with people trying to predict which zone would be next. I had 6-8 characters burned to death. It was quite an event! (And Darkshore is still sad to quest in, seeing all your 'old NPC friends' you had played with and quested with for years dead in the sand...) Helping Volcor find Grimclaw...
i wish they'd do more memorable stuff like this. the pre-legion event was okay, but we need more.
My most memorable moment was when I made my first PvP kill. I had just reaches level 10 at Darnassus and took the boat over to the next levelling area, just north of Ashenvale, and when I got to the docks, I seen a red name hiding under a dock. A level 11 Orc. I saw this as my first chance to prove myself to the Alliance. As a young Night Elf Hunter, I was ready for adventure and ready for Battle!
I unleashed a barrage of merciless arrows and within seconds I seen my first HK on my screen! I was so happy!
14:30 god damnit i forgot that that sound is in every vid
I got plenty of moments ever since i starter playing the game but my most memorable moment was when I was in Tanaris as a lvl 47 warrior and my first epic dropped from a random trash mob (Taran Icebreaker). I believed I would be so op at that moment even though I was pure trash lol. It was November 2005 :)
Another great moment that sticks with me until today was when I hit lvl 40 and managed to actually gather 80g which was the cost of the riding skill, and at the time was a great feat for a new player with no mains and bought my mount just as i dinged. I just remember all those "Shining Silver Breastplates" from Blacksmithing I had to sell. Lol how did I even pull that out as a 12 year old kid? I had to ignore all the different ranks of the skills from the warrior trainer for about 15 levels to be able to do that lol.
Being stuck at 7/8 for the Battlegear of Valor until the days BC came out, as it was so hard to gather a 15 man UBRS back at the time, and that freakin Breastplate of Valor dropped from that Drakkisath guy, final boss of that dungeon, especially if you were a dps warrior and not prot. I did see it drop quite many times, but with all my luck i always lost the roll and it even got ninja'ed a couple of time. Heck I even remember a freakin rogue ninjaing it from me once, I still cant figure out why.
Reaching rank 11 to gain the title Commander and getting the epic mount for the price of the lvl 40 one as I never actually managed to gather the 800g required for the real one. I reached rank 11 without a premade group back when the Horde were dominating Doomhammer-PvE and they had like 3 PvP guilds making it impossible for random Alliance pugs which I joined to win a single BG.. I didnt PvP for a looong time after i reached that lol.
My first Ragnaros kill with my guild. We didnt get far into BWL, but managing to down Ragnaros after months of failing was the most epic feeling ever.
And lastly, this line from countless people: "Dps? LOL warriors are for tanking, NOOB"
14:30 is that the Roblox death sound? 😂
iamdylanbailey Oof
It's a running gag in a lot of his videos.
he used it in the second one :3
Why do I always read someone's comment at the same time what they're commenting about happens in the video?
I feel so happy and nostalgic every time you put Final Fantasy X OST in your videos. Love your videos so much. Can't wait for another one. Peace and good health.
That zombie event seems badass. I want Blizzard to do stuff like that again.
Unfortunately, people found a way to use it as a griefing tool, because -- people. 😔
There are 3 moments that I remember about Vanilla:
1.) I had created a Gnome Mage and was really enjoying playing it. Thank God I was a mage, because in the middle of my 30s level I want to Desolace to quest and blink was the best thing ever since I didn’t have my mount.
2.) Getting my first amount at level 40. Getting all that gold in doing all that leveling, I just rode around for hours afterwards.
3.) I was questing in the Badlands and was getting camped. I had somehow found a group for scarlet monastery but it was taking forever for them to summon me. It was awful, because I was a warrior and didn’t realize how awful I was in the class, especially during PVP.
Then after all that, walking into Outland for the first time a couple months after the Burning Crusade was released. I got chills. Battle in front of you, the music, and just all of the work you have done to get there. It was awesome and I made so many more memories with awesome people during the Burning Crusade. Most of that expansion was just me questing and leveling with this super casual guild, off tanking Kara every now and then. Then me and my friends made our own guild and attempted to raid more. That went OK, but Wrath of the Lich King is when I really got to experience extreme raiding while being raid leader for this awesome guild I had joined. Did that through Cata as well, I absolutely LOVED Firelands!. I ended up quitting around the time of MOP. Everything just got too easy.....
Realizing Teldrassil wasn't the whole map but rather a huge tree starter zone for NE's
Everything with FFX music.. i seriously love you, go on with the awesome work!
I remember the Lich King event. That was one of my favorites.
Dude, your videos are amazing. So much nostalgia.
Blizzard should be paying you.
literally learned alot jus watching ur vids today. thanks for all you do.
I started playing WoW back in Vanilla days, you know, where you had to walk to bg's etc and was a really big fan of stuff like this. But tbh, as WoW's playerbase grew older and couldn't spent as much time in the game as before, the lfr was the right thing to do. Great for grown ups with family and stuff. :)
the prerelease wrath of the lich king event was my favorite! I remember having going to ORG and queuing up for BGs with my buddy and having to hide in the rafters above the people you queued at so that people wouldnt see us and infect us.
For me timing king bangalesh back in the days whas one of the most awedome thing.
Ekeyakee too (wite lion in the barrens)
i stoped wow back in cataclysme and i just get back 2 months ago, i loved the draenor area, and yes i played vanilla and BC so much, the easy xp and gearing it's somehow good specialy when you got to work and stuff to do
My most memorable moment was begging for 1000 gold in Burning Crusade so I could afford my first mount, and somebody in Goldshire gave me 1500 gold and I was ecstatic
Love the music you pick for your videos. I could swear I heard some Suikoden music in one of them. Keep up the great job!
Playing wow and realising I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing :D
I started in Nov 2004. I was only lvl 52 by the time tbc came out. My most memorable moment was fighting yetis in the caves of feralas, south of Dire Maul. My best friend and I were playing together on the same computer and we were listening to his itunes playlist. We had pulled too many yetis and were running away through the cave when The Beatle's "All the Lonely People" started playing. That is my most clear memory. Loved playing vanilla as a young teen (i wasnt one of those annoying ones, trust me haha)
10+ for ffx music :)