  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • #christianity #christian #church #bible #atheism #atheist #religion #god #jesus #williamlanecraig #apologist #apologetics
    I found yet another clip of christian apologist William Lane Craig in which he talks loads of nonsense about the christian god. Let me take his arguments apart...
    Here are my other videos about William Lane Craig
    • William Lane Craig's M...


  • @peanutt82004
    @peanutt82004 26 днів тому +31

    Its like mom saying: You can have anything you want for dinner, as long as its what i cooked this evening.

    • @york8629
      @york8629 26 днів тому +1

      How in the hell does people listen to this man garbage? How does he know what god’s will is? Your comment is exactly right.

  • @wickedrayvn7053
    @wickedrayvn7053 26 днів тому +15

    I was forced to attend a Missionary Baptist church all my childhood until I was 14 & I finally said "NO!" I had so many questions that our preacher couldn't answer. The main 1 is "if God was all loving & all forgiving why then is the Bible the bloodiest book ever written?"

    • @goldenalt3166
      @goldenalt3166 26 днів тому +1

      The Bible is certainly the most difficult thing to explain under modern Christianity.

    • @stevewebber707
      @stevewebber707 17 днів тому

      To be fair, part of the reason the bible is so bloody is that it was written by and about people. So it's not so strange that some people were so violent. That God is also excessively violent is where it fails hard. It shows God being made in man's image, rather than the reverse.
      One of the aspects of the bible that I find particularly disturbing, is the stories that didn't happen, yet depict horrendous violence.

    • @samuelschick8813
      @samuelschick8813 11 днів тому

      @@stevewebber707, When Christians say God is against abortion and loves children, I like to point out a few things to them.
      1.) Numbers 5: 11-31 is an abortion being performed in a temple by a priest. Christians will try to say it's not an abortion but " A tes to see if wife is faithful".
      2.) God murdered thousands of newborns, toddlers and unborn in his global flood.
      3.) God commands the Israelites/Hebrews to cut open the wombs of pregnant women when they sack a city.
      4.) God commands all males regardless of age to be killed when the Israelite/Hebrew sack a city.
      5.) God commands all females regardless of age to be killed except virgins when the Israelite/Hebrews sack a city.
      The biblical God is not as child friendly as Christians love to claim he is.

    • @samuelschick8813
      @samuelschick8813 11 днів тому

      @wicke, And yet Christians will insist that is not brainwashing or indoctrination. I grew up in a religious family on dad's side. Grandmother would get up at 5am everyday since 1928 and read a chapter or 2 of the Bible till the day she passed in 1996. ALL the women were forbidden to cut their hair and had hair no shorter than waist and to the ankles depending on age. Women were forbidden to wear pants and had to wear either a dress or skirt with a blouse and those had to be below the knee.
      Dad's brother ( James) was an ordained minister and every Sunday meant getting up at 4 to 5 am for the drive to where he was preaching. His sermon started at 7 am till noon for lunch then back a 1pm till 3 or 4 pm depending on how the spirit had a hold of him. I did get out of going to church, but that is another story. If you asked uncle James a question he would simple say " Don't ask questions, just believe". Uncle James never allowed a TV or ashtrays in his house because " They are tools of the Devil" and always had a radio on 24/7/365 tuned to a gospel channel. He would not enter a room if it had a TV in it and it was on.
      Thanksgiving and Christmas everyone would gather at grandmothers house and dad had the house next door. From the couch we could see the back door of grandmothers house. So after eating we would head over to dad's house to watch TV with dad sitting on the couch. James would be at grandmothers house talking and it happened every time. Uncle James would come out the back door and head to the house we were in watching TV. Dad " Turn off the TV, here comes your uncle James". Then out came the guitar, banjo and steel guitar and the jam session would start. I always found it rather odd, in a manner of speaking. All uncle James listened to on the radio was religious channels yet knew all new and popular songs.

  • @StephenLittlewood-vu7re
    @StephenLittlewood-vu7re 26 днів тому +23

    For the religious sheep, all prayer has to be sacrilegious, as it's a declaration that their god's perfect plan is flawed and they'd like him to amend it in line with their 'superior' (selfish) wisdom. Besides, all wars, suffering, death and other misery are all part of god's plan - as he states in the holy drivel: (Isa.45 [7] "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.")

    • @foppishdilletaunt9911
      @foppishdilletaunt9911 26 днів тому +7

      You’re precisely correct. Intercessory prayer proves by its practice that their tri-omni god is not omniscient or omnibenevolent and the conclusion of the Epicurean Trilema applies.
      Mark 11:24
      Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.😂

  • @freddan6fly
    @freddan6fly 25 днів тому +10

    The most powerful being in the world that created the world and all species, can't pay the phone bill so he can call the atheist experience on Sunday and provide evidence for his existence. Makes sense.

  • @philo5227
    @philo5227 26 днів тому +23

    "If the answers to prayer are merely what God wills all along, then why pray?"

    [Dan Barker, "Losing Faith in Faith: From Preacher to Atheist"]

    • @Superman679
      @Superman679 25 днів тому +1

      Sorry but George Carlin said it first and best...."What about the divine plan ? God thought of a plan, thought it was pretty good and put it into action, and for thousands of years it rolled along, then you come along and start praying for shit. What if what you pray for isn't in his plan ? Do you want him to change his plan for you ? What kind of plan is it if some schmuck with a two dollar prayer book can come along and fuck up your plan ? Suppose you don't get what you pray for, what do you say ? It's his will, thy will be done. Fine, if it's his will and he is going to do what he wants to do anyway, why bother praying in the first place ? Seems like a giant waste of time to me " Watch the real bit here....

    • @justincredible.
      @justincredible. 25 днів тому +1

      Makes them feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

    • @danielkeizer4174
      @danielkeizer4174 15 днів тому

      "what good is a devine plan. If any idiot with a prayer book can come along and mess with your plan." George Carlin.

  • @Dan_C604
    @Dan_C604 26 днів тому +14

    God knows what you need but he wants you to BEG for it!! 😂

  • @vosch8229
    @vosch8229 26 днів тому +13

    I've been praying for a long time for something and never received. I was always looking for the problem at myself. It would have helped a lot if I had heard an explanation or just a definitive "no" from God. But I never knew if I would have keep on praying, changing something in my life, or what else.
    Now I don't pray anymore, don't believe in God anymore. Made my life better.

    •  26 днів тому +4


    • @godsire6217
      @godsire6217 23 дні тому +2

      Welcome back to sanity. 😎✌️

    • @samuelschick8813
      @samuelschick8813 11 днів тому +1

      Had a debate with a Christian who insisted prayer worked. Her claim was that she had seen several people healed when a prayer circle was formed around them. So I asked her what they do when prayer does not work, it went like this:
      Her: " Prayer always works. I have seen several people healed by prayer at home."
      Me: " And what do you do if prayer does not work?"
      Her: " We take them to the hospital."
      Me: " What do you do there?"
      Her: " We hold a prayer circle around them."
      Me: " And what if they still die then what?"
      Her: " Prayer only works if everyone in the room is a believer. If just one person in the room does not believe, then prayer will not work."
      Me: " So prayer didn't work at home or in the hospital so prayer does not always work. Then God sides with the non believer over all the faithful in the room."

    • @vosch8229
      @vosch8229 10 днів тому

      @@samuelschick8813 Good answer, but at least they take the person to the hospital at some point in time. From what I heard, that's not always the case.

  • @jackthebassman1
    @jackthebassman1 26 днів тому +9

    “When two or more are gathered together in prayer etc………” (paraphrased) in other words to ask “him” to change “his” eternal, unchangeable plan…… enough said!

  • @MichaelJones-xk3rb
    @MichaelJones-xk3rb 26 днів тому +9

    The prayed for granny makes a remarkable recovery whilst the 4 year old dies of childhood leukemia despite being prayed for, and this is God's will? Prayer is a way of taking to yourself and the result is a toss up.

    • @danielkeizer4174
      @danielkeizer4174 15 днів тому

      Remember if it doesn't come true it's "mysterious ways" and "Gods will" so why pray for anything in the first place? It's going to be a win for god regardless.

  • @The5armdamput33
    @The5armdamput33 26 днів тому +7

    * I toss a coin into a wishing well....
    "I wish for whatever is going to happen in the future!"

  • @badatheist9948
    @badatheist9948 26 днів тому +13

    low bar bill.

    • @freddan6fly
      @freddan6fly 26 днів тому

      Genocide promoting LBB.

    • @derekallen4568
      @derekallen4568 25 днів тому +4

      Don't be so disrespectful. It's Dr Low Bar Bill.

  • @Alejandroigarabide
    @Alejandroigarabide 26 днів тому +6

    God: don't kill each other. Only I control life and death. It is my specific will that you humans DO NOT kill each other.
    Also God: No matter how much you pray, I won't stop people from killing each other in wars and crimes because it's not my will to stop them.
    Deadpool: Well, that's just lazy writing.

  • @DeathKhan
    @DeathKhan 26 днів тому +12

    This is my reasoning for being anti-theist as opposed to just atheist. If the god of the Bible came down and announced to the whole world he was real and proved it without any doubt, I would have no choice but to *believe* he existed, but no way in any universe would I worship the sadistic monster. People can worship as they please, but I'm against the idea of an "all-powerful" being that allows such things to happen due to its "divine will."

    • @britaom3299
      @britaom3299 26 днів тому +2

      I always wonder why Christ-stains INSIST that this god of theirs NEEDS to be worshipped. What's the point? Why worship it?
      What, if you don't, their god will then get pizzed off and eff you up or something? Nice soul ya got there; shame if something were to happen to it!!
      Oh, wait, that's the answer! They ultimately worship because they will avoid being tortured. It's ultimately just fear and selfish gain and greed, all under the guise of Christian humility and selflessness.
      And another consideration: what does "worship" even entail? Getting down on your hands and knees and kissing up to the Big Guy? Again, what's the point of THAT? No matter how you slice it, it's all ultimately selfishness, narcissism, and greed.

    • @DeathKhan
      @DeathKhan 26 днів тому +5

      @@britaom3299 "We just want to save you from the lake of fire that we all deserve."
      "The lake of fire that your god created and says we deserve, yes."
      It's painful looking back at how horribly brainwashed I was as a kid, and thinking of how many CHILDREN are psychologically tortured by this nonsense every day. I've got lots of fun mental health issues, and I lay quite a few of them at the feet of "the Good News."

    • @page8301
      @page8301 26 днів тому +3

      @@DeathKhan Even worse, that kind of psychological torture leaves scars that affect people even if they leave their faith behind. I have listened to atheists and agnostics who despite leaving their faith behind still struggled with the concept of hell and a deep seated irrational fear of it even many years later. This is outright sinister.

    • @Garrison169
      @Garrison169 25 днів тому +1

      If God proved to you that he was real, you wouldn't believe it, you would KNOW it.

    • @DeathKhan
      @DeathKhan 25 днів тому +2

      @@Garrison169 Excellent point, yes. Belief would no longer be a factor. I would simply be opposed to the idea of this sadistic being.

  • @justbarelysociable2211
    @justbarelysociable2211 26 днів тому +5

    I've seen dozens of videos where it was said that William Lane Craig is the best and brightest of Christian apologists. If this is true, I'm surprised that Christianity hasn't already collapsed.

    • @freddan6fly
      @freddan6fly 25 днів тому +3

      Timescale. It is collapsing albeit slowly. I live in Sweden where belief in Christianity has gone from more than 90% to 12% of the population in 50 years.

  • @samuelschick8813
    @samuelschick8813 11 днів тому +1

    "What we are praying for is not God's will." That right there debunks Christian claims that God gave us free will.

  • @ArKritz84
    @ArKritz84 26 днів тому +12

    Given WLC's initial statement... What's the point of praying again? 🤔

    • @chickenpants
      @chickenpants 26 днів тому +1

      My thoughts exactly.

    • @nathanmckenzie904
      @nathanmckenzie904 26 днів тому +1

      I asked that Sunday school once.. i got kicked out of class

    • @ArKritz84
      @ArKritz84 26 днів тому +2

      @@nathanmckenzie904 if only they knew they were doing you a solid... 🙄

    • @nathanmckenzie904
      @nathanmckenzie904 26 днів тому +1

      @@ArKritz84 true story

    • @maggiebarrett7300
      @maggiebarrett7300 23 дні тому

      He should listen to Tim Minchin’s “Thank you god” - it brilliantly exposes the lunacy of praying.

  • @kotronics_arts
    @kotronics_arts 26 днів тому +4

    Welcome back!! Good to hear melodious voice again!

  • @oscarmudd6579
    @oscarmudd6579 25 днів тому +4

    Not a very bright dictator but makes promises that can't be delivered or refused.

  • @freddenker9537
    @freddenker9537 17 днів тому +2

    This Christian God would get a life sentence from any secular judge...I'm sure of that...he's lucky that no one knows which cloud he's hiding on...

  • @LadyOfTheEdits
    @LadyOfTheEdits 26 днів тому +6

    You're back!!! 😊

  • @jugatsumikka
    @jugatsumikka 26 днів тому +6

    So, William argumentation can be summarise as "praying is meaningless as everything will happen according to god's will, with or without prayers". I sound to me like a non-interventionist god, so I would like to ask how is it different from no god at all?

    • @goldenalt3166
      @goldenalt3166 26 днів тому

      He could still be interventionist just not intercessionist. It's like having a king running the country. If you can figure out what he's trying to do, you can join or stay out of his way. Of course, if your answer to want he wants is "it's a mystery" then you've got nothing.

  • @furiousinsects6386
    @furiousinsects6386 25 днів тому +4

    Thanks for the video. Craig demonstrated within he's own faith that Prayer makes zero sense whatsoever even if Christian God eixsted (which we know doesn't).

  • @Garrison169
    @Garrison169 25 днів тому +1

    The reason God appears to work in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform, is that there are no wonders being performed.

  • @tommonk7651
    @tommonk7651 16 днів тому +1

    I have argued for decades that there is no reason for prayer. If your deity has a plan, everything that happens is according to that plan. Are you gonna change your deity’s mind by simply asking? Prayer is completely useless….

  • @gatorboymike
    @gatorboymike 17 днів тому

    Matt Dillahunty once said something like, "Pray to me, and I can one hundred percent guarantee that I will do what you pray for, if I was already going to do it in the first place."

  • @sheri226
    @sheri226 26 днів тому +3

    Those starving children & children with cancer are just praying for the wrong things.

    •  26 днів тому +1

      Wow, that is very powerful... I should remember that one!

  • @stevewebber707
    @stevewebber707 17 днів тому

    Even when I was a Christian, intercessory prayers didn't make sense.
    They fall into two categories.
    Things we want and God doesn't, so there will be no help.
    Things God wants, and he should have already done.
    And that's putting aside the issue that we can't demonstrate God ever doing anything whatsoever.

  • @andrewede7154
    @andrewede7154 24 дні тому +1

    Once a respected scholar (his work on time was quite good even if no physicist would ever use it), Bill is just a Christian sophist with a refined vocabulary.

  • @55Quirll
    @55Quirll 25 днів тому +2

    So will, we have no Free Will, we are just doing what god wills and not what we want, and if god is all knowing he would know what we would be asking/praying for long be fore we asked/prayed for it.

  • @badatheist9948
    @badatheist9948 26 днів тому +3

    he makes up scripture too

  • @vegasflyboy67
    @vegasflyboy67 26 днів тому +2

    The Christian God still wants you to beg grovel at its feet. Now pay up! The God can create the universe, but it can't create a dollar bill.

  • @tomsenior7405
    @tomsenior7405 26 днів тому +3

    I have never prayed to any of the Christians gods. There is no sodding point.

  • @bobmudge4836
    @bobmudge4836 23 дні тому

    How helpful of WLC to provide a Christian explanation of why prayer is pointless.

  • @captainkelley2339
    @captainkelley2339 26 днів тому +3

    I give you free will. But, you'd better use it to do all the things I want you to do and none of the things I don't or there's gonna be so much torture.

  • @oddviews
    @oddviews 26 днів тому

    The people who know best about the futility of praying are those engaging in it and who know for 100% of the time they achieve nothing!

  • @justincredible.
    @justincredible. 25 днів тому +2

    Praying is like saying to their "all-mighty god", I don't like your plan! Change it for ME. As megalomaniac as their supposed god.

  • @rossbingbong
    @rossbingbong 26 днів тому +5

    PRAY FOR ANYTHING IN MY NAME.........conditions apply 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • @foppishdilletaunt9911
    @foppishdilletaunt9911 26 днів тому +3

    All PhDs are not created equal. All gods are not created equal.
    Mark 11:24
    Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

    • @danielkeizer4174
      @danielkeizer4174 15 днів тому

      Except for the kids dying from cancer. They just aren't important enough...

  • @danielkeizer4174
    @danielkeizer4174 15 днів тому +1

    "Pray for anything, but what about the Divine Plan? Remember that? The Divine Plan. Long time ago, God made a Divine Plan. Gave it a lot of thought, decided it was a good plan, put it into practice. And for billions and billions of years, the Divine Plan has been doing just fine. Now, you come along, and pray for something. Well suppose the thing you want isn't in God's Divine Plan? What do you want Him to do? Change His plan? Just for you? Doesn't it seem a little arrogant? It's a Divine Plan. What's the use of being God if every run-down shmuck with a two-dollar prayerbook can come along and fuck up Your Plan?" George Carlin...

  • @justincredible.
    @justincredible. 25 днів тому +3

    So, why pray??!?!?!

  • @aralornwolf3140
    @aralornwolf3140 25 днів тому +2

    Here I thought you were going to cover what some Pope said...

  • @samuelschick8813
    @samuelschick8813 11 днів тому

    Who else do Christians take seriously and cite that boggles the mind? Ron Wyatt.

  • @GalaxySid
    @GalaxySid 26 днів тому +2

    Why is wlc so successful? His last original thought most likely happened in the last century and is destroyed and laughed at like all the other old crap. BUT. Like so many other guys like him he has perfected the art of sounding confident and clever to people who already agree with him. And if we already agree, why question anything?

    • @page8301
      @page8301 26 днів тому +1

      Simple, he preaches to the choir and they appreciate that this "doctor" makes it seems as if their irrational nonsense has any kind of scientific and philosophical "basis" when in reality, it does not. Worse, even when Billy boi has been exposed by the likes of physicists like Dr. Sean Carroll they do not believe it and Low Bar Bill can just continue to spread his utter nonsense.

  • @JamesRichardWiley
    @JamesRichardWiley 26 днів тому +2

    You invent "God" so "God" can tell you what to do.
    The difference between a believer and a non believer.

    • @sthed6832
      @sthed6832 25 днів тому +1

      No, you invent god so that you can tell other people what to do, but mask it as commands from God. As we've seen from thousands of immoral preachers and priests, they do whatever they want.

  • @diomedes1604
    @diomedes1604 26 днів тому +1

    This DR man speaks so much but he doesn’t say anything. 🤡.

  • @darkfalcon7856
    @darkfalcon7856 26 днів тому

    Low Bar Bill's point is a more formal "sometimes the answer to your prayers is no" which kinda makes praying pointless... An all-loving god would see a larger prayer rate than 25-50%

  • @darrylelam256
    @darrylelam256 26 днів тому

    Its like going to a restaurant and being told they can order anything on the menu, but the chef is only going to make what he wants.

  • @oddviews
    @oddviews 26 днів тому +1

    If one believes in gods, there is no other option than to spew nonsense to defend them.

  • @billybobwombat2231
    @billybobwombat2231 20 днів тому

    Understand narcissistic personality disorder, understand the christian god

  • @micheal2993
    @micheal2993 26 днів тому

    I prefer to think I have free will. If "God" has already planned everything, then nobody has free will. In the beginning . . . God decided if he was going to answer your prayers today. In the beginning . . . God already predetermined if you were going to heaven or hell. Why bother?

  • @justincredible.
    @justincredible. 25 днів тому +1

    Religion; otherwise decent people defending atrocities!

  • @tgriffin3059
    @tgriffin3059 10 днів тому

    As opposed to what? A God who really needs you to be okay with that?

  • @bobwilson3980
    @bobwilson3980 23 дні тому

    The 1st commandment says that my bad the 1st two say that.

  • @davidbudge8359
    @davidbudge8359 26 днів тому +1

    Hitchens was right heaven is North Korea

  • @justincredible.
    @justincredible. 25 днів тому +1

    he's a psycho!

  • @andrewridge4978
    @andrewridge4978 26 днів тому

    It might have to be an indictment of the British educational system. He completed his doctorate in England.

  • @johndemeritt3460
    @johndemeritt3460 26 днів тому

    Here's a question that I have yet to see Christian apologists -- excuse me, "excusigists" to use Mister Deity's term -- address: how is it that Adam and Eve brought evil into the world if God planted a "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" right in the middle of the Garden of Eden? This implies -- I'd even go so far as to say demands -- that we should conclude that God created evil before He created the Garden. Evil existed in the world BEFORE God began creating life: why else would there be a tree whose fruit would impart knowledge of good AND EVIL?
    Add to that the fact that this God allegedly told one of his prophets that He (God) CREATED evil -- and said so explicitly (Isaiah 45: 5-7). I ain't makin' this $h!t up, folks! If ya believe The Bible is literally true, ya gotta take God at His word: HE created Evil.

  • @fadishihadeh1747
    @fadishihadeh1747 25 днів тому +2


  • @4ozscoop
    @4ozscoop 26 днів тому +1

    Jesus once said if you believe you've received what you prayed for, then you have received it.

    • @citizenVader
      @citizenVader 26 днів тому +2

      Jesus was never here. It's a myth

    • @mikemeredeth4573
      @mikemeredeth4573 26 днів тому +4

      Jesus didn't say that. An anonymous author of the gospels says that Jesus said that. Big difference

  • @DuXQaK
    @DuXQaK 26 днів тому

    You do go on a bit

  • @RomanSzegner
    @RomanSzegner 26 днів тому

    What about Allah? Isn‘t Islam even worse! 🤔

    • @tomasverner5354
      @tomasverner5354 26 днів тому +6

      This video is about William Craig. He is not a muslim.

  • @deniss2623
    @deniss2623 26 днів тому

    Well, S.O.S., if your omnipotent Creator and Sustainer really is a dictator, then that makes you completely powerless, does it not?
    But in reality you have a choice, whether to live in harmony with Him or separate from Him.
    Which do you want, my friend?

    •  26 днів тому +8

      Hi Denis (I suppose that is your first name...), thanks for your comment, please explain to me that if your god were to exist, what would be the problem with me being seperated from him? I am trying to understand what choices he is offering me.

    • @deniss2623
      @deniss2623 26 днів тому
      I think you and I have spent long enough iimpotently kicking against reality and truth. Things are what they are. If God is God, and He is our Creator, the Source of all goodness, then we can indeed opt to separate from Him, but we forfeit all goodness in doing so. Goodness does not exist apart from God. It does not come from anywhere else.
      Does this make sense to you?

    • @philo5227
      @philo5227 26 днів тому +11

      It is not "living in harmony" with someone with (allegedly) infinite power over you who says, "worship me, or suffer for all eternity". That is not a "choice" - it's an abusive relationship.

    • @mikemeredeth4573
      @mikemeredeth4573 26 днів тому +8

      ​@@philo5227 denis doesn't realize he's a victim of Stockholm syndrome, i guess

    • @pansepot1490
      @pansepot1490 26 днів тому +3

      @@deniss2623 you are projecting, my friend. The only one “kicking against reality” is you. Your god is a figment of your imagination and your feelings apparently can’t accept that fact. Have a good day.