My wife is a very serious Catholic and I remember her telling me that she could not get married in the church where she was a member because she had not been a member for over six years. Her father who only misses Mass if he is really sick told her and I will never forget him saying this was "Well, you should have written your wedding request on the envelope that you put the $10,000.00 donation in." I asked him if he had any interest in watching this. He had never heard of Christopher Hitchens, but he watched it and basically said that "The church is always telling you to confess your sins and discretions but good luck getting a priest to do it." And his brother IS a priest. What really impressed him though was how Hitchens never belittled people, nor did he ever act disrespectful to the panel. He liked that because he has always said that the biggest problems that the Catholic Church has ever had all come down to people who break the rules and expect forgiveness for their deeds. As he said, "God may forgive you but I don't have to." And he really liked the parts about Archbishop Law because there he said was the prime example of hypocrisy, "Like when I was 14 and the priest was telling me I will go to Hell if I grab a girl and kiss her, and then a year later they found the priest was having an affair with a married member of the congregation."
I think we all have stories. Our local Italian small community, the Irish priest , having a 'housemaid' , asked everyone to leave their money to the church - guess who he left his to when he died?! and much more.
what an experience that must have been. I've often thought that if everyone experienced this presentation from hitch, the catholic church (at the least) would have to fold up their tent
We lived in Washington between 1981-1985 and Christopher became a very dear friend. In a society dominated by politics, and what had happened that day at the White House, what a relief it was for me to have Christopher talk about poetry and writers whenever he came to us for dinner! I was teaching Italian at the Catholic University of America, while attending courses for a doctorate on French and Italian literature. You were a great friend, Christopher. I still miss you.
No doubt he’s moved on, however often dreams are an amazing way to connect w/ those who’ve passed away. At least that’s how it’s worked w/ my son & dad.
I miss Christopher Hitchens terribly. His wit, brilliant logic, and encyclopaedic knowledge of the subject matter set him almost entirely apart from his peers. Listening to him and Stephen Fry delivering their resounding thumping to the other side in this debate, is one of the highlights of modern public speaking. I count myself as one of the fortunate ones having had the pleasure of hearing the great man speak in person. Long live science, evidence based enquiry, and the truth!
Christopher Hitchens was praised by one of my friends who was the president of the American National Secular Society, he was always kindly to anyone who asked him questions and always stayed to answer any questions that they had! She was very impressed by him!
Bro don’t even comment on his Passing… this is a micro aggression to living people everywhere. He would write a less than complementary profile on what you said. He had to stumble his way to the podium to educate minds like yourself. I hope your shirt is lovely because ‘crushed cardinal’ will be the smartest colour you can muster like a serious grownup person will believe. ‘Given to your number of sins.. you will best off asking for forgiveness for your sins’ - Our Holiness, the Pope. So now we must ask ourselves, was legalized Roman Pontiff torture legalized until our current times? Well I was lightly tortured in jail, but I kept most of my physical and mental faculties. I can’t move my left wrist, but God is going to make it right and vengeance is a silly thought. Watching videos like this has shown me that Mussolini will not make a comeback. “I don’t think Hitler should have a ‘happy birthday’”. It is a severe crisis to admit no adult responsibility for the promotion, protection, and covering up (in 2005) of who the next vicar of Christ on earth will be. This is why I ‘micro dose’ 400mg of LSD when I go to my weekly ‘recovery church’. But ultimately what I need from you as a reader is that about one hour from now, you will actualize the factuality of your forgetfulness of anything I spend the time to type here in this comment. Why is this? Well….. violence was committed in service of the truth.. right? They broke my bones… when will these lawyers give me the payout? Ok… so no justice? I won’t go full terrorist ever because I happen to love my neighbor, but y’all will leave me forgotten an hour from your reading. Is this not a crime scandal? Rwanda… the massacre of their siblings, has had no apology or recompense as Romeo Dallaire would have pleaded for. What have you done for them? I know it’s too hard… but maybe keep the peace with your neighbours? Hitchens is a saint… my God, I saw his portrait in my most defined café memory meeting the first woman I proposed to. And the woman I loved deeply enough to never cut my hair… well I met her when I discovered this man. Regardless, not much of what you read or hear will affect you much, but perhaps I can convince you right now to not pick up that substance you think will fix your depression. I can’t tell you much after that because the best I have is idleness, but they are looking to in-debt you for your needs. I fasted for a month in prison(with violent forcing of needles and food), but you only have to choose to not pick up that inebriate right now. I know it’s hard, but go get some shackles for yourself if you need. He/she significant other won’t help you either. If you have no food… well that’s where I’m at. But people still feed and house me right now so I’m lucky. Anyway… jail is always an option for food and shelter… just don’t kill them, okay? I realize what they do to you. Okay here’s some words I’m done with.. y’all don’t respond okay? I don’t want interaction with other human beings I just want that sweet chemical spray and taser in my cell. Maybe a little forcible robbery and street skin frisks. I promise I won’t go Al Kaida on you, but I’m starting to get scars and I think it’s only been detrimental to the help I need. But I’ll still put on a nice smile for you because love is real and I have it for my neighbour always. I read the bible a lot in jail. I miss being 20 with Jazz bars and smooth Klingons.
I recall as a lil 1st nations' kiddo, in NW Ontario (ca Nada) back in olden days, -when Moby Dick was a still a minnow- that the priest at st Mary seemed like a policeman, scary as heck! And the sisters? 1/2 a century has not dulled the fright they evoked! I once daydreamed how WONDERFUL things would have been If the conquering (conquistador) church acted like Christians, all over planet earth instead of petty thieves,, but, why cry over spilt milk!
@Thomas-sx6mc _"Voltaire was a deist, a believer in God."_ Maybe, but he definitely didn't believe in the God of the Bible, Allah, Yahweh, Zeus, Romulus, etc.
@@patbrennan6572 Honest people won't deny the fact that man made Allah, the God of the Bible, Romulus, Zalmoxis, Osiris, Krishna, Zeus, Satan, Bible, Quran, heaven, hell, angles, Garden of Eden, Adam & Eve, sin, savior, sacrifice, resurrection, parting the Red Sea, walking on water, splitting the moon, UFO sightings, Santa Clause, Tooth Fairy, Superman, Batman, Darth Vader, etc.
What difference has he actually made to this world?? Nothing really... waxing on blah blah blahhh. Talk talk talk.... built nothing, grew nothing...... hot air.... and went to his grave making no difference to any poor person's life.
@@wobblywally-0 why not look into Dr. Bart Ehrmans book on the historicity and then get back to me. By the way, his theory of hallucinations being what the Apostles saw has been debunked by people who know. He’s a textual critic, not a Psychologist
@@michaelbrickley2443 Really? You were born without religion, as every baby throughout the history of our human existence is and has been. You were taught and conditioned from your young age to believe what your parents did, as were those born in Mumbai, in Baghdad, or in Haifa. You (and they) are simply a product of Pavlovian conditioning. Some of us, even if the attempt was made by our parents, managed to think it through at around the age of reason. Your comment shows that unfortunately you were not one who managed to do so. :)
life hasn't showed me very much love in my 42 years... and there isn't much that I've ever had to be thankful for... but having the privilege of meeting Christopher Hitchens is one time i actually felt blessed. here's to you Mr. Hitchens...
Life is perception. How we see Life gives rise to how we feel and experience it. Listen if you can to Alan Watts. Try to learn TM (transcendental meditation). Avoid alcohol and stupid people. But understand that if you are self aware and self reflective then you are going to be lonely. Most people are disappointing. But we have to work hard to find the ones that aren't. Good luck
@IneAdam... Nope! Good riddance sayonara, adios, hasta la vista & bon voyage to the pits of hell. Now the little arrogant twat found that God is Great - that's a final retort for his famous intellectual diarrhea "God is not great". 😅
There are only two species I'm aware of who kill for pleasure. Chimpanzees and humans, and we share 98+% of DNA with the chimps, more than any other species.
@@nothinghere1996 People have the bible and believe it. Lots of religious books and lots of Gods. It’s a toss up of what God you get, by the place you were born. 💙
Is it right to condemn the whole church..would u convict the family of a rapist or murderer..evil is a threat everywhere..even the church..did u ever consider evil is trying to destroy the church from inside
This warms me to my core. Seriously . A person that can break the chains of parental or societal indoctrination is to be revered. It doesnt happen often. Cognitive dissonance gets in the way nine times out of ten. But Hitchens had it. He had the ability to at least foster doubt. A VERY rare trait in a person with regards to deeply held / indoctrinated beliefs. Im so happy for you! That sounds glib but think whats happened here folks.
I cannot believe that monologue did not receive a standing ovation. I half expected the cardinal to remove his frock and denounce Jesus when faced with the full weight of such compelling evidence to warrant the annihilation of religion. I can only assume the crowd was half full of idiots that believe the fairytale and that tempered the fervour. It certainly riled me Up . I need a cigarette after that verbal caning.
@@neontetra1000I feel the exact same way! His passion is so contagious. Hearing all those atrocities lined up like that.. what a man. He knew his stuff.
I SO get that, even if it happened to several of my friends during my 1st year in boarding school in France in 1968, and thankfully I was spared! When it was found out, he was quietly transferred to a parish 30 km away where they had lost their priest, and he rose through the ranks until he died in the 90's. I can only imagine how many others he molested! :(
Yes, great idea. Then when the "separation of church and state" has be abolished, we can get the Bible, Jesus and God back into schools and government where they belong. Good thinking!
@@jeffreyluciana8711they’re already doing that in the south and people are just letting it happen. They should be taxed if they’re brought into schools against the black and white of the constitution.
I discovered Christopher Hitchens about 20 years ago.. right when I was struggling with my faith. I was born and raised Catholic.. but my faith was slipping away. Christopher (along with Dawkins, Harris, and Dennett). was a big reason why I was able to tear off the chains of religion and come out into the light. He was/is my favorite of the "Four Horseman". I've read many of his books. His intelligence and his speaking skills are unmatched. Thank you Christopher, you are greatly missed.
Some people say they would like to have spoken to Christ. I would like to have spoken to Chris Hitchens. I still get goose bumps when I hear him speak...pure brilliance.
@@ThomasMurrell-xr4mt There are some highly intelligent people who are Theists people are very good at compartmentalising, insulting someones intelligence because they are religious is beneath you, i am Atheist by the way.
@@DavidHarvey-po9le so basically, we both agree that Christopher Hitchens was standing up for his friend Stephen Fry? I am not getting why you are commenting?
What about the atrocities of man, the ones who hate religion. Will we just forget about all the killing these evil bastards have done. Let’s start with Hitler, who murdered millions of innocent people because they where Jews.
@@roberthawkes2023 If you want to go back to the beginning, that's if you happen to believe in fairy tales ie the bible, then you will very quickly see that the one person who killed/committed the worst atrocities on humankind was ------------------------- god himself.
Only Hitchens, with his acute intelligence and eloquence, could deliver such extensive Napalm to the face of ignorance. I miss you Hitch, and glad I lived in your time.
As a Christian I certainly can handle having invective thrown in my face but this sounds like what Satan with a degree from Harvard would speak... Nothing but accusation of the "Others" with not a word of condemnation for the evils of atheistic/secular men & women which easily rival & surpass those of Catholics.
@michaelbrickley2443 What you just asked/assumed was never said or implied. You made that leap to the extreme. Calling someone ignorant doesn't automatically make someone else brilliant, nor does it imply it. People such as yourself who cannot use basic logic and rationale thought when they read something and choose to make emotional based leaps of thought are a disgusting scourge to this planet. You allow yourself to be lead in whatever the wind blows. You are mindlessly malicious to free thinkers in this respect
@@Backwoodsmachinist you do go on and on and on. Hmmm. The whole world except a small 10-15% share that doesn’t, believe there is a personal God. Approx. 50% of American Scientists believe in God with the vast majority of them following Yeshua.
@michaelbrickley2443 Even if every human on earth believed in god it still wouldn't have any effect on whether or not god exists. The amount of people that believe something doesn't effect whether it's true or not. Many people believe things that are false.
The path is long and covered in thorns lol How strange I was born in 1942 YES I am old Mother as i found out after 1953 was a Witch 1953 in UK witch craft act removed father went to war became a medic and saved lives even the \Germans and Italians he was Pagan also but i did not know until later
I'm not a person of great intelligence. i had to down load this speach, so that i could digest all that was said. i was raised in a catholic household. since I was about 12 or 13 (I'm now 62), I started to question the things I was told, by not only my family, but by my educators as well. To me, a man of simple thoughts, it just didn't make sense. I thought I was a bit weird in my deliberations. It went against What was accepted. Then I read 'The God Delusion'. It Reinforced the thoughts I had been having all these years.
To be able to speak so clearly, so pointedly and essentially do it without notes is deeply impressive regardless of whether you agree with what he's saying or not. He's was one of the best orators out there
Hitchens was so influential on me as I was questioning my faith, eventually leading me to atheism. Sucks I never got to see him demolish bad religious and political ideas in person. RIP legend
Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to express oneself like that? One of the things that amazed me about Mr. Hitchens was his ability to sound passionate but remain calm, to be respectful in the face of the facts that he related, to be fair, and, quite frankly, to have the guts to do ANY of it! And I agree with others who have commented below that we sure could use his frank and discerning intellect now!
Absolutely. Let's ban abortion and keep on pumping-out more and more humans until there is nothing left of mother earth. The church sits contemplating 'higher' things while the earth as we know it dies.
An unbelievably lucid, logical, historically accurate dissection of where organized religion has gone off the rails. An amazing mind and intellect that leaves one awestruck.
The fact that he still addresses him as “your grace” and even apologizes for saying “Bishop Ratzinger” partway through shows he had more honor in one toenail than most of the people he debated. RIP sir.
I left the catholic church when I found out our priest used my brother for his sexual needs, Father Crowl was his name, he was always pleasant and nice to the girls and no one believed he could do such a thing, until he was moved to another church! This Congress has a lot of Fascists who prove who they are, by talking about freedom while simultaneously trying to pass laws to take them away from us. The people with the most money never have enough, some pay us so little while profiting immensely from our hard work and sweat, They are the people that are trying to bring back slavery for their own selfish greed. Even George Orwell tried to warn us with his books. When will some of us stop being so gullible and believe the loudest squeaky wheel?
Mic Drop! WOW. That was more than a take down or a punch in the gut. That was a heavyweight Knockout! You are sorely missed in this day and age, Mr. Hitchens!
Christopher is/was simply amazing. His reasoning is astonishing. His recall is mind blowing. I have learned so much from this great man. Yes, he will be sorely missed. RIP Christopher.
@@playinhard I truly hope you open your heart to Jesus Christ and get saved. Please, please, open the Bible, beginning with the New Testament, the book of Matthew. Take care.
Hitchens is gifted and possibly one of a kind for this generation. Some people may not know that his mother and her partner (who was a clergyman that was defrocked) took their lives early in 1973. This may be one of the reasons he's studied religion and committed to being a free thinker. He has lifted the veil on many who were indoctrinated, abused, and died by the church.
Well, he's right about a lot of things and not right about some things, it's relative. Love the guy. I am not religious. He's a beacon of light and truth for sure. Mis him dearly ❤
if I could bring back anyone that isn't my mother, it would be this man, an unmatched intellectual and one of the sharpest orators and writers the world has ever known
@@rationalist47 Exactly! I know it sounds untrue, but for the sake of humanity, (and my dislike of religion) I would swap with him. He could start back at 35 with all his knowledge.
Amen to that, Caroline. The world (rather the West) has gone even madder after he left us. And I didn't think that was possible. We live in a truly insane time.
@@mrluke13 The thing I'd like everyone to at least agree on is that only the dead can actually experience the truth. Every person living should stop pretending they have the answers from 'on high', and using it to justify harm. Agnotics say simply we can't prove or disprove the spiritual, and act accordingly, not following any one set of teachings.
@@deanvo503not saying now or anytime soon but much later, you sayed you could listen to him all day. Plenty of room for more lovers of the dark, where he is now.
@Luis Mangiaterra what he was physically is probably in an urn or six feet under the ground, now, what HE REALLY WAS probably disappeared with the death of his brain and the parts of which it was composed but his legacy lives on and continues to influence millions of people, You are a bitter and hurt man because what he said contradicted your beliefs and you come here to leave vile comments, .look within yourself, lest the "darkness" you fear so much come from yourself.
The other side really, really tried! I'll give them that! But they had absolutely no idea who they were facing! The link to the whole debate is in the description of the video, and I would urge everyone to click on it and watch it! :)
And, as Hitchens would be the first to point out, it was the weaknesses, failures, and immoralities of his opponents -- those intangible things that were slaughtered by Hitchens' presentation, not any person's identity or physical well being. On the field of ideas, thoughts, and free discussion, Hitchens mopped his opponents up handily. I'm not quite sure that his opponents would be so kind as to limit their attempt to slaughter Hitchens to such intangible, and therefore "safe" realms -- they might be tempted to reprise some medieval methods such as burning at the stake as punishment for having offended their delicate sensibilities with honorable, factual statements and convincing requests for them to hold themselves more accountable for their actions.
2 more days til 2025. I am almost in tears listening to Christopher speak of the atrocities that still to this day have not been apologised for. Can't change the past yet still, a simple admission of guilt hasn't been muttered from these people of God. So sad.
This video renews my deep belief in secularism, enlightenment and the unflinching pursuit of truth. Hitchens brings me to tears every time. His intellect, eloquence and passion is so missed.
The great Christopher hitchens and the Great Stephen Fry made exceptionally well presented facts as regards the Catholic church. Their combined insight, lucidity, knowledge and precognition of the said subject matter was phenomenally well and factually delivered. Subscribed. 👏🇬🇧👏
That played out like 200-hit hitchslap combo. Hit them with so much truth their ancestors felt it in their graves. Such a brilliant and extraordinary man. Miss you Hitch.
I miss Christopher Hitchens so much! He was a great that never backed down in his beliefs & he expressed his views so eloquently. A true statesman of our time.
Well, I disagree. “The function of [Hitchens’s] antitheism was structurally analogous to what Irving Howe characterized as Stalinophobia. . .the Bogey-Scapegoat of Stalinism justified a new alliance with the right, obliviousness towards the permanent injustices of capitalist society, and a tolerance for repressive practices conducted in the name of the “Free World”. In roughly isomorphic fashion Hitchens’s preoccupation with religion. . .authorized not just a blind eye to the injustices of capitalism and empire but a vigorous advocacy of the same.” Richard Seymour, Unhitched, 2013
When I was younger, I would have gladly thrown away my university education if I had the opportunity to study under Christopher Hitchens. Brilliance Squared.
Yes, we all need a dose of Hitch every now and again and this debate was epic and the pro-Church camp was utterly defeated, resulting in a most embarassing vote at the end.
You're quite welcome! I happen to have lived in New Delhi from the age of 9 to 20 as my father was a US Diplomat at the Embassy there. I loved every minute of my time there! :)
I'm struck with profound emotion having watched this. His fire of attention is like nothing I have ever seen, nor do I believe I ever will again. Towards the middle when he speaks of child abuse in the church with such clarity and conviction, I was brought to tears having gone through sexual abuse myself as a child. Something was dislodged within me in that instant just a few moments ago as I heard and saw the power of his report. How wildly unexpected, and a gift of recognition I have needed and didn't know for a long time.
@@eldonscott9 That's where I started with him and it's brilliant. His biography of Jefferson is excellent as well. He edited a volume called The Portable Atheist which is great.
lazyAZ dog doesn't it feel great lazy dog? I've been an atheist for 20 years and nothing has felt better than coming out of that stifling closet into a free world filled with that breath of fresh air. Christopher Hitchens is my hero and no one has made me feel more confident in my decision to free myself from my religious chains.
@@ivanbremer8662 Except here you are debating about the Christian God. He is different and we both know it. Why is he a mass murderer? If he does not exist then you cant argue from morality. All you have is your point of view which is based on random chemical reactions that i don't need to trust or rely on. For you to be right about Him he must exist otherwise you just gave me a pointless word salad.
@@ivanbremer8662 No one in any position of study doubts that Christ lived and died. The issue is who is he and did he rise again from the dead.. Your position of faith that there is no God lacks any evidence. I will keep it simple for you. You cannot know that as you have not even left your arm chair let alone been round the universe searching for God. You seemed to be very confused about the other "gods" as well. I never mentioned them so why you rushed off on a word salad is pointless. Lastly you gave good reasons to believe in God. Thanks. Has nothing to do with his existence or not.
I didn't get the sense that he was almost moved to tears. Rather it seemed to me he felt vindicated for such atrocities perpetrated against his character for his personal proclivities, which are perfectly natural for him. As well, it was noted, all while covering up the mistreatment of or exploitation of young boys throughout the church's history. I believe Stephen has lived long enough and is intelligent enough to know that these atrocities say more about the perpetrators than their intended targets.
@ Ian Hays: Amoral? Immoral. Disgraceful. Criminal. Uncivilized. Narcissistic. Insane. In need of punishment, a rubber room, castration. The molesters and their protectors should be identified to the public, shamed and punished. Then they should be castrated and educated until they comprehend the harm they have done. Then they should be separated permanently from other humans. Not Amoral. Immoral.
“Crushed Cardinal” is perhaps THE best form of foreshadowing and a simultaneous compliment made in one phrase referencing two people I have ever heard. His grasp of language is simply unmatched.
In the 7 or 8 years since I first discovered his work, not only has Christopher Hitchens inspired me to embrace my own ability to practice logic and reason but has also moved me to improve my public speaking skills and as a result has made me a much more efficient orator 😎 I have never listened to someone with the ability to express thoughts and ideas as succinctly as he did. It's 50% what he's saying and 50% about HOW he says it.
Religion & spirituality have nothing to do with religion. That's because logic and rationality are not in the same domain. Religion is rightly full of myths, parables, metaphors, etc. The Bible is true. And some of it really happened.
I LOVE listening Christopher Hitchens. I am however confused as to why he seems to always attack Christian faith by criticizing the Institutions of the church, which by no means whatsoever represent the average Christian believer who is, on average non-denominational in the 21st century. It would be as if I attacked the medium of music by criticizing the music industry. One is a parasite living on the underbelly of the other.
@mikeyj.philly8940 Mr. Hitchens tended to go after the institutions of religion i.e. the leadership and the overall structure and implementation of said organizations. He was critical of not only Christianity but of Islam and Judaism as well. He was critical of organized religion as a whole.
@@willroberts3991 but most Christians would argue that organization ITSELF goes against the gospel. Jesus famously mocked the apostles for building an official temple where people "go to pray" as if there even needs to be a place for that
@mikeyj.philly8940 But the leadership of said organizations is still that, the leadership. And unfortunately a lot of those leaders do questionable if not outright horrible things under the guise of devine sanction. What Mr. Hitchens points out is the hypocrisy and corruption that permeates much of the leadership of these groups. And yes there are non religious groups that deal with the same issues of corruption but it is the religious institutions that conveniently are able to say that they have a deity on their side that absolves them or justifies their actions. Also take into account the literalists that ignore demonstrable scientific evidence for the world around them when it is inconvenient to their doctrine. Mr. Hitchens did not bemoan people for being spiritual, he simply pointed out that having blind faith in institutions that have for centuries committed terrible acts can be dangerous. The abuse of children, the treatment of women, instances of xenophobia, the list goes on and on. Hitchens never told people to not be spiritual, he just espoused critical thinking and to maybe not give these leaders a free pass because they are supposed men of god.
He must have passed away at a particularly young age. I would guess that perhaps he was not wise enough to forgo the mRNA gene therapy experimental jabs.
@@billsmith-qq9pt oh seriously - why are you here if you are a conspiracy believer? Sometimes I wish that COVID had mutated into something 100% fatal for those who weren't vaccinated THEN we'd see how many forsook their little far right fantasy.
I remember watching this when I was in college, way back in 2011, and I can say it was literally a paradigm shifter in my life. There was my life before this debate and after. It was the day I finally had the courage to fully reject for what I had so long secretly doubted and questioned. It was the first step of me shedding the boy I was raised as and becoming the man I would come to be.
The one most important thing that the R. C. Church did was to remove reincarnation, in the fourth century, from the teachings of Jesus Christ. Reincarnation explains why some are born with very few blessings and others with an abundance of blessings. Reincarnation therefore inspires one to be good not evil, which I think everyone would agree on is a good thing.
Most of what he said happened how many hundreds of years ago. None of us have association with these past figures. Is good to learn from history sure, but to tie someone hundreds of years ago to our present time? He is trying really hard. The Muslims and the West were in constant battle since day one anyway. Who started what to whom is anyone's guess. The West had inquisition, and the Muslim had their own version. Communist also have their inquisition. China is still doing it, and we love doing trades with China. Now, modern day Catholic priest abusing boys is completely wrong. But then we are also doing harm to teenager encouraging them to cut off their organs to change sex. We highly encourage them to change sex, but make it illegal to help them to go back. Vast number of them take hormones even if they don't do operation. Those hormones are not safe. You want to talk about child abuse. Happens on all sides. We live in a wicked world with liars on both sides. Trick is getting to the truth.
I can watch and re-watch Christopher Hitchens again and again. A prophet in our times, sadly departed too soon, and terribly missed. The good ones do indeed die young...
I never tire of watching him either. I am saddened though by the obvious problem he is having catching his breath as he speaks. He is obviously early in his horrific disease. To call him a loser as the other replier to your comment does is bizarre. He clearly understands biblical teachings better than the virgin losers who continued to promote the sick behavior of pedophilia even as they gave insincere apologies for the disgusting molestation of children, particularly young boys, just as they are trying to make sense of their awakening sexual feelings. It's difficult and confusing enough to get through our teenage years without our maturation being interrupted by being molested by repressed mentally ill narcissists who have been given the responsibility of guarding our safety and the task of helping us make our way toward adulthood. They may as well have thrown hand grenades into classrooms full of teenaged boys. Instead, like wild predators the priests of the Catholic Church identified the weaker ones, separated them from the pack and satisfied their own repressed feelings in total disregard for the feelings of those they molested. And in church on Sunday the priest giving the homily will talk of and pretend to apologize for the church's past pedophile sins as he repeatedly assures his congregation that he is speaking about the past, that his wonderful religion has identified and punished the pedophile sinners and taken every precaution (never explained or detailed) to ensure it can never happen again. Who do they think they are fooling? The only ones who believe the apologies are those who have already made excuses for the crimes in the first place. Priests who are guilty of this terrible crime should be arrested and tried in the location in which they committed those crimes; they should never be hidden from the victims and the victim's families. They have the right to confront the criminal just as the accused has the right to face his accusers. And it hasn't been only a few priests, it has been thousands, even tens of thousands.
@@2fast2block I have read pathetic comments and pathetic replies many times over the years, but your pathetic rant takes the biscuit. You have shown yourself up as an ignorant loser "Now, for your tiny brain, we can't get nature and the laws of nature by natural means. " - NOW - for YOUR tiny brain....a short bit of cosmology and a short bit of geography. 1. The net energy of the Universe (that is, the energy of physical "stuff", photons, radiation etc , and the NEGATIVE energy of gravity,) is a BIG FAT ZERO. This means that it is theoretically possible to create EVERYTHING out of NOTHING. The Universe has been claimed as "the ultimate free lunch". In empty space, particles are popping into and out of existence all the time, this van be measured and proved. It does not take a great leap of imagination to consider that, instead of being instantly destroyed, inflation takes over for an infinitesimal time - leading to The Big Bang - and hence everything we see now 2. The origins of life. Life began on Earth only 1/2 billion years after the creation of the Solar System. That is incredibly short. The likeliest theory of primogenesis is geographical, the action of seawater on hot rocks, forming white smokers near mid ocean ridges. The tiny channels within have similar sizes, energy gradient, and chemical gradients as ALL living cells. In half a billion years there is ample time for cells to form and evolution to work its magic. There are numerous lectures on this, one of the best id Prof Nick Lane The geographical conditions that led to life are common throughout the Solar System, and incredibly common throughout the Universe. Given the size of the Universe, it is a safe assumption that single cell life is a common occurrence, with multicell life much less common Neither the Universe, nor life, require a cosmic magician to magic them into existence, especially one as nasty and vindictive as the Christian one. Think the God of the Old Testament is a nice guy? Then just read the Old Testament. Numbers 31 is a good one to start with. Or, as Hitchens showed, just look at the actions of the faithful to spread the word by killing, raping and torturing countless millions. I am just embarrassed to remember I was 42 before I stopped being an active member of my church and discovered I really could THINK FOR MYSELF. Try it, it is quite refreshing
I will “👍🏻” and “❤️” Hitchens’ remarks here on any platform and in whatever year I will find them. Because it is beyond compare and one of the greatest speeches of our age.
My wife is a very serious Catholic and I remember her telling me that she could not get married in the church where she was a member because she had not been a member for over six years. Her father who only misses Mass if he is really sick told her and I will never forget him saying this was "Well, you should have written your wedding request on the envelope that you put the $10,000.00 donation in." I asked him if he had any interest in watching this. He had never heard of Christopher Hitchens, but he watched it and basically said that "The church is always telling you to confess your sins and discretions but good luck getting a priest to do it." And his brother IS a priest. What really impressed him though was how Hitchens never belittled people, nor did he ever act disrespectful to the panel. He liked that because he has always said that the biggest problems that the Catholic Church has ever had all come down to people who break the rules and expect forgiveness for their deeds. As he said, "God may forgive you but I don't have to." And he really liked the parts about Archbishop Law because there he said was the prime example of hypocrisy, "Like when I was 14 and the priest was telling me I will go to Hell if I grab a girl and kiss her, and then a year later they found the priest was having an affair with a married member of the congregation."
I think we all have stories. Our local Italian small community, the Irish priest , having a 'housemaid' , asked everyone to leave their money to the church - guess who he left his to when he died?! and much more.
What you said proves my long-held beliefs that, for the most part, people suck
Priests sin. What’s your point?
Religions are full of hypocrites.
@@kevino.7348the point is religion doesn’t do anything to promote well being and often does just the opposite. Even liars tell the truth now and then.
He is still a treasure, the upside of the internet is having his lectures available to all.
I miss hearing that man speak. An amazing orator with the balls to say what needed to be said. RIP Hitch!
I was there in the audience. What a privilege.. Poet, philosopher and genius. A perfect oration.
what an experience that must have been.
I've often thought that if everyone experienced this presentation from hitch, the catholic church (at the least) would have to fold up their tent
You're lucky! I've attended several talks by Richard Dawkins in NYC, but Hitch was on another level :)
I envy you - i would not say genius as he would - just an advocate of common sense and fact
@@haydenwalton2766 unfortunately we have to be dragged back as a species because of religion - one day we will not
@@discharge29 it’s comments like yours that drag us back
We lived in Washington between 1981-1985 and Christopher became a very dear friend. In a society dominated by politics, and what had happened that day at the White House, what a relief it was for me to have Christopher talk about poetry and writers whenever he came to us for dinner! I was teaching Italian at the Catholic University of America, while attending courses for a doctorate on French and Italian literature. You were a great friend, Christopher. I still miss you.
What happened in the White House?
No doubt he’s moved on, however often dreams are an amazing way to connect w/ those who’ve passed away. At least that’s how it’s worked w/ my son & dad.
Wow, you were incredibly lucky and privileged
I miss Christopher Hitchens terribly. His wit, brilliant logic, and encyclopaedic knowledge of the subject matter set him almost entirely apart from his peers.
Listening to him and Stephen Fry delivering their resounding thumping to the other side in this debate, is one of the highlights of modern public speaking.
I count myself as one of the fortunate ones having had the pleasure of hearing the great man speak in person.
Long live science, evidence based enquiry, and the truth!
Amen, brother! ;)
When Hitchens left us, there was a rush of momentum gained by all things he opposed. We are seeing the effects of his absence all too well now.
The man is brilliant. Period.
We should have saved his DNA so that he could be cloned for ever more.
Imagine what he would have said about America's 45th (crx updated) "president". I miss Christopher Hitchens with all my heart.
Rip Christopher. So badly missed and so very needed today.
Christopher Hitchens was praised by one of my friends who was the president of the American National Secular Society, he was always kindly to anyone who asked him questions and always stayed to answer any questions that they had! She was very impressed by him!
Some people simply don't want to hear the truth. I wish Christopher Hitchens were still among the living.
Bro don’t even comment on his Passing… this is a micro aggression to living people everywhere. He would write a less than complementary profile on what you said. He had to stumble his way to the podium to educate minds like yourself. I hope your shirt is lovely because ‘crushed cardinal’ will be the smartest colour you can muster like a serious grownup person will believe. ‘Given to your number of sins.. you will best off asking for forgiveness for your sins’ - Our Holiness, the Pope. So now we must ask ourselves, was legalized Roman Pontiff torture legalized until our current times? Well I was lightly tortured in jail, but I kept most of my physical and mental faculties. I can’t move my left wrist, but God is going to make it right and vengeance is a silly thought. Watching videos like this has shown me that Mussolini will not make a comeback. “I don’t think Hitler should have a ‘happy birthday’”. It is a severe crisis to admit no adult responsibility for the promotion, protection, and covering up (in 2005) of who the next vicar of Christ on earth will be. This is why I ‘micro dose’ 400mg of LSD when I go to my weekly ‘recovery church’. But ultimately what I need from you as a reader is that about one hour from now, you will actualize the factuality of your forgetfulness of anything I spend the time to type here in this comment. Why is this? Well….. violence was committed in service of the truth.. right? They broke my bones… when will these lawyers give me the payout? Ok… so no justice? I won’t go full terrorist ever because I happen to love my neighbor, but y’all will leave me forgotten an hour from your reading. Is this not a crime scandal? Rwanda… the massacre of their siblings, has had no apology or recompense as Romeo Dallaire would have pleaded for. What have you done for them? I know it’s too hard… but maybe keep the peace with your neighbours? Hitchens is a saint… my God, I saw his portrait in my most defined café memory meeting the first woman I proposed to. And the woman I loved deeply enough to never cut my hair… well I met her when I discovered this man. Regardless, not much of what you read or hear will affect you much, but perhaps I can convince you right now to not pick up that substance you think will fix your depression. I can’t tell you much after that because the best I have is idleness, but they are looking to in-debt you for your needs. I fasted for a month in prison(with violent forcing of needles and food), but you only have to choose to not pick up that inebriate right now. I know it’s hard, but go get some shackles for yourself if you need. He/she significant other won’t help you either. If you have no food… well that’s where I’m at. But people still feed and house me right now so I’m lucky. Anyway… jail is always an option for food and shelter… just don’t kill them, okay? I realize what they do to you. Okay here’s some words I’m done with.. y’all don’t respond okay? I don’t want interaction with other human beings I just want that sweet chemical spray and taser in my cell. Maybe a little forcible robbery and street skin frisks. I promise I won’t go Al Kaida on you, but I’m starting to get scars and I think it’s only been detrimental to the help I need. But I’ll still put on a nice smile for you because love is real and I have it for my neighbour always. I read the bible a lot in jail. I miss being 20 with Jazz bars and smooth Klingons.
he lives forever in our hearts and through his works that we have the privilege of obtaining online
So do I.
I recall as a lil 1st nations' kiddo, in NW Ontario
(ca Nada) back in olden days, -when Moby Dick was a still a minnow- that the priest at st Mary seemed like a policeman, scary as heck! And the sisters? 1/2 a century has not dulled the fright they evoked! I once daydreamed how WONDERFUL things would have been If the conquering (conquistador) church acted like Christians, all over planet earth instead of petty thieves,, but, why cry over spilt milk!
Amen to that.
Nobody ever expressed the truth more honestly or more eloquently. His voice is greatly missed
We sorely miss this brave, brilliant man.
"Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool."
@Thomas-sx6mc _"Voltaire was a deist, a believer in God."_
Maybe, but he definitely didn't believe in the God of the Bible, Allah, Yahweh, Zeus, Romulus, etc.
@@AtamMardes And you omitted hundreds of others, some 900 registered gods.
@@patbrennan6572 Honest people won't deny the fact that man made Allah, the God of the Bible, Romulus, Zalmoxis, Osiris, Krishna, Zeus, Satan, Bible, Quran, heaven, hell, angles, Garden of Eden, Adam & Eve, sin, savior, sacrifice, resurrection, parting the Red Sea, walking on water, splitting the moon, UFO sightings, Santa Clause, Tooth Fairy, Superman, Batman, Darth Vader, etc.
What a great quote!
That’s perfect! He should have a blog!
Humanity needs people like Christopher.. RIP big man. You are greatly missed.
@divinelightshine everything ok my friend?
@divinelightshine Easily one of the dumbest comments i have ever read.
What difference has he actually made to this world?? Nothing really... waxing on blah blah blahhh. Talk talk talk.... built nothing, grew nothing...... hot air.... and went to his grave making no difference to any poor person's life.
@@mikespencer4922are you serious? books, discussion and debate does not affect people?
@@mikespencer4922I can guarantee he done more in 1 year of he's life than you have done in your lifetime.
What a brave, heroic and great man, saying the truth to Catholic officials. Christopher Hitchens is irreplaceable.
Need him now.
Unfortunately, he’s an atheist who probably bever learned the truth. Jesus is the Truth. Shalom
@@michaelbrickley2443 and which Jesus is that? Look up "the legitimacy of the Jesus of Nazareth" and tell me again which Jesus you're talking about.
@@wobblywally-0 why not look into Dr. Bart Ehrmans book on the historicity and then get back to me. By the way, his theory of hallucinations being what the Apostles saw has been debunked by people who know. He’s a textual critic, not a Psychologist
@@michaelbrickley2443 Really? You were born without religion, as every baby throughout the history of our human existence is and has been. You were taught and conditioned from your young age to believe what your parents did, as were those born in Mumbai, in Baghdad, or in Haifa. You (and they) are simply a product of Pavlovian conditioning. Some of us, even if the attempt was made by our parents, managed to think it through at around the age of reason. Your comment shows that unfortunately you were not one who managed to do so. :)
life hasn't showed me very much love in my 42 years... and there isn't much that I've ever had to be thankful for...
but having the privilege of meeting Christopher Hitchens is one time i actually felt blessed.
here's to you
Mr. Hitchens...
Life is perception. How we see Life gives rise to how we feel and experience it. Listen if you can to Alan Watts. Try to learn TM (transcendental meditation). Avoid alcohol and stupid people. But understand that if you are self aware and self reflective then you are going to be lonely.
Most people are disappointing. But we have to work hard to find the ones that aren't.
Good luck
@@lorcanroche2987 Hear hear !
I'm forever jealous. To breathe the same air
@@lorcanroche2987 I will keep drinking and avoid you.
We miss you Christopher Hitchens!!! We really need you here on this planet! Gone too soon.
The Iraqi people might not agree. Ijs
@IneAdam... Nope! Good riddance sayonara, adios, hasta la vista & bon voyage to the pits of hell. Now the little arrogant twat found that God is Great - that's a final retort for his famous intellectual diarrhea "God is not great". 😅
He's in heaven! I'm joking of course, he is dearly missed.
Really. God is not Great is full of errors and indicates the author lacked any semblance of intellectual honesty...Hitchens polemic is moronic.
@@lightatthecape2009 list the errors?
“If god really wanted people to be free of wicked thoughts, he should have taken more care to invent a different species” -Christopher Hitchens.
This man was brilliant- why choose a quote like this, which is anything but?
There are only two species I'm aware of who kill for pleasure.
Chimpanzees and humans, and we share 98+% of DNA with the chimps, more than any other species.
@@nothinghere1996 No proof there was a Jesus. With all the atrocities that go on in the world. I doubt there is a God. ❤️💙
@@nothinghere1996 People have the bible and believe it. Lots of religious books and lots of Gods. It’s a toss up of what God you get, by the place you were born. 💙
Completely misses the point.
More people need to watch this. Many more people. What a brilliant man. This is epic!
Absolutely blasting the Catholic church.. indeed rightfully so.
Is it right to condemn the whole church..would u convict the family of a rapist or murderer..evil is a threat everywhere..even the church..did u ever consider evil is trying to destroy the church from inside
this speech changed my life ... what a man ... what a mind
This warms me to my core. Seriously . A person that can break the chains of parental or societal indoctrination is to be revered. It doesnt happen often. Cognitive dissonance gets in the way nine times out of ten. But Hitchens had it. He had the ability to at least foster doubt. A VERY rare trait in a person with regards to deeply held / indoctrinated beliefs. Im so happy for you! That sounds glib but think whats happened here folks.
I was there in the audience. What a privilege.
I'm very jealous. I would have loved to see him speak at any event, but especially an appearance as iconic as this one
I cannot believe that monologue did not receive a standing ovation. I half expected the cardinal to remove his frock and denounce Jesus when faced with the full weight of such compelling evidence to warrant the annihilation of religion. I can only assume the crowd was half full of idiots that believe the fairytale and that tempered the fervour. It certainly riled me
Up . I need a cigarette after that verbal caning.
@@neontetra1000I feel the exact same way! His passion is so contagious. Hearing all those atrocities lined up like that.. what a man. He knew his stuff.
@@neontetra1000 You are not going to get a snake oil salesman to repent that easily. The cardinal is totally corrupt.
Literal goosebumps watching this
Poet, philosopher and genius. A perfect oration
We need an army of voices like his.
He was (is) an army
As a victim of Catholic Church ‘affection’ for children when I was 12 I wish someone had shown this courage back then
I SO get that, even if it happened to several of my friends during my 1st year in boarding school in France in 1968, and thankfully I was spared! When it was found out, he was quietly transferred to a parish 30 km away where they had lost their priest, and he rose through the ranks until he died in the 90's. I can only imagine how many others he molested! :(
I'm sorry that happened to you. Stay strong.
Really? Or are you just lying to further an entrenched opinion?
I am 64 and at my 6th 7th years of age lived the wrath of nuns and lascivious Catholics.
@@DB-qw6xq his entrenched opinion is that he didn't want to be abused I assume. You troll.
Tax the Churches
Absolutely 😊
Yes, great idea. Then when the "separation of church and state" has be abolished, we can get the Bible, Jesus and God back into schools and government where they belong. Good thinking!
@@jeffreyluciana8711they’re already doing that in the south and people are just letting it happen. They should be taxed if they’re brought into schools against the black and white of the constitution.
@@jeffreyluciana8711 Wow, that was off-the-wall,sir.
He wasn’t just about atheism. He was a beacon of logic and reason
Logic and reason inevitably lead you to atheism.
Atheism is childish lol
I keep asking myself what he would say to our "times".... All those lies and the cruelty. His voice of reason is so missed
Not always.
@@timwatts9371 - At least until some real evidence crops up.
I discovered Christopher Hitchens about 20 years ago.. right when I was struggling with my faith. I was born and raised Catholic.. but my faith was slipping away. Christopher (along with Dawkins, Harris, and Dennett). was a big reason why I was able to tear off the chains of religion and come out into the light. He was/is my favorite of the "Four Horseman". I've read many of his books. His intelligence and his speaking skills are unmatched. Thank you Christopher, you are greatly missed.
Epically orated by a true master of the English language.
And a true master of the debate subject.
Some people say they would like to have spoken to Christ. I would like to have spoken to Chris Hitchens. I still get goose bumps when I hear him speak...pure brilliance.
@Iknowaboutroaches3350 There is no creator, it exists only in your tiny mind. It's really sad that adults believe in this garbage.
@@ThomasMurrell-xr4mt There are some highly intelligent people who are Theists people are very good at compartmentalising, insulting someones intelligence because they are religious is beneath you, i am Atheist by the way.
Me too!
What an intellect! His knowledge and logic live on. He died too soon. I admire and aspire to his eloquence.
Highly intelligent and highly motivated. RIP Hitch. 🙏 🇦🇺 😊
I wish so much that Christopher Hitchens could be a voice in today's society,culture,politics . Such a beautifully brilliant person.
he got out in time not to suffocate in this
he would be cancelled
He is and will always be. UA-cam houses his greatest speeches of which there are many. To live forever
@@offensivebuddist319 by his intellectual descendants
he might just run back to the grave? Things so bad...
Christopher Hitchens, what class, standing up for his friend Stephen Fry. That’s real friendship, and they don’t men like that anymore.
He wasn't standing up for Fry because he was his friend, it was logic and that is why he was his friend, do you see the difference ghost believers?
@@DavidHarvey-po9le so basically, we both agree that Christopher Hitchens was standing up for his friend Stephen Fry? I am not getting why you are commenting?
Wow! What a speech! When the atrocities are listed it makes your skin crawl.
Well done Christopher - you are missed.
What about the atrocities of man, the ones who hate religion.
Will we just forget about all the killing these evil bastards have done.
Let’s start with Hitler, who murdered millions of innocent people because they where Jews.
If you want to go back to the beginning, that's if you happen to believe in fairy tales ie the bible, then you will very quickly see that the one person who killed/committed the worst atrocities on humankind was ------------------------- god himself.
@@4faxache935 ….. looks like your the one that needs a history lesson.
@@4faxache935 ….. how can you say that, you don’t believe that God exists.
Correct, all i'm doing is showing you what your big man done according to his autobiography, his words, not mine.
If Christopher Hitchens (may he rest in peace) ever came after you it's best to just surrender. One of the sharpest minds of mankind.
He wasnt mean he just hated stupid ideologies.
Only Hitchens, with his acute intelligence and eloquence, could deliver such extensive Napalm to the face of ignorance. I miss you Hitch, and glad I lived in your time.
As a Christian I certainly can handle having invective thrown in my face but this sounds like what Satan with a degree from Harvard would speak... Nothing but accusation of the "Others" with not a word of condemnation for the evils of atheistic/secular men & women which easily rival & surpass those of Catholics.
@anne2423, ignorance? As in, no faith in Yahweh is sheer brilliance?
@michaelbrickley2443 What you just asked/assumed was never said or implied. You made that leap to the extreme. Calling someone ignorant doesn't automatically make someone else brilliant, nor does it imply it.
People such as yourself who cannot use basic logic and rationale thought when they read something and choose to make emotional based leaps of thought are a disgusting scourge to this planet. You allow yourself to be lead in whatever the wind blows. You are mindlessly malicious to free thinkers in this respect
@@Backwoodsmachinist you do go on and on and on. Hmmm. The whole world except a small 10-15% share that doesn’t, believe there is a personal God. Approx. 50% of American Scientists believe in God with the vast majority of them following Yeshua.
@michaelbrickley2443 Even if every human on earth believed in god it still wouldn't have any effect on whether or not god exists. The amount of people that believe something doesn't effect whether it's true or not. Many people believe things that are false.
I was born into the Catholic curse through no choice of my own but have since made a full recovery.
The path is long and covered in thorns lol How strange I was born in 1942 YES I am old Mother as i found out after 1953 was a Witch 1953 in UK witch craft act removed father went to war became a medic and saved lives even the \Germans and Italians he was Pagan also but i did not know until later
Heading for hell at a rapid pace!
Very clever, in a snarky boring kind of way.
Full recovery. That's gotta feel freeing. Working on that now
Off to Mass today! And get this: It’s by my own choice yet!!
I'm not a person of great intelligence. i had to down load this speach, so that i could digest all that was said.
i was raised in a catholic household.
since I was about 12 or 13 (I'm now 62), I started to question the things I was told, by not only my family, but by my educators as well. To me, a man of simple thoughts, it just didn't make sense. I thought I was a bit weird in my deliberations. It went against What was accepted. Then I read 'The God Delusion'. It Reinforced the thoughts I had been having all these years.
Agree, and what about islam, even worse
Oh dear. Do you realise how many logical fallacies are in that book. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water and go to Christ.
To be able to speak so clearly, so pointedly and essentially do it without notes is deeply impressive regardless of whether you agree with what he's saying or not. He's was one of the best orators out there
An amazing liar
@@Ornamentmountain point one one lie. Three if you're feeling ambitious.
@@Ornamentmountainan amazing liar? What is he lying about?
@@Ornamentmountain We notice you didn’t specify even one. Who’s lying?
@@Ornamentmountain could you give some examples?
Hitchens was so influential on me as I was questioning my faith, eventually leading me to atheism. Sucks I never got to see him demolish bad religious and political ideas in person. RIP legend
Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to express oneself like that? One of the things that amazed me about Mr. Hitchens was his ability to sound passionate but remain calm, to be respectful in the face of the facts that he related, to be fair, and, quite frankly, to have the guts to do ANY of it! And I agree with others who have commented below that we sure could use his frank and discerning intellect now!
Absolutely. Let's ban abortion and keep on pumping-out more and more humans until there is nothing left of mother earth. The church sits contemplating 'higher' things while the earth as we know it dies.
I think history will honor him through whatever ages we have left to us, as a magnificent voice for reason, clarity of thought, and compassion.
An unbelievably lucid, logical, historically accurate dissection of where organized religion has gone off the rails. An amazing mind and intellect that leaves one awestruck.
The fact that he still addresses him as “your grace” and even apologizes for saying “Bishop Ratzinger” partway through shows he had more honor in one toenail than most of the people he debated.
RIP sir.
Can we all just agree that there is death and nothing else and get on with the relative complexities of trying to get along with each other?
I left the catholic church when I found out our priest used my brother for his sexual needs, Father Crowl was his name, he was always pleasant and nice to the girls and no one believed he could do such a thing, until he was moved to another church! This Congress has a lot of Fascists who prove who they are, by talking about freedom while simultaneously trying to pass laws to take them away from us. The people with the most money never have enough, some pay us so little while profiting immensely from our hard work and sweat, They are the people that are trying to bring back slavery for their own selfish greed. Even George Orwell tried to warn us with his books. When will some of us stop being so gullible and believe the loudest squeaky wheel?
Standing ovation, Mr. Hitchens. Truth to power. RIP.
So moving. He nearly brought me to tears with his passion. What an honor it would have been to see him speak.
Mic Drop! WOW. That was more than a take down or a punch in the gut. That was a heavyweight Knockout! You are sorely missed in this day and age, Mr. Hitchens!
Christopher is/was simply amazing. His reasoning is astonishing. His recall is mind blowing. I have learned so much from this great man. Yes, he will be sorely missed. RIP Christopher.
I wonder how his personal judgement in front of Jesus went for him?
@@richarddiclaudio9554 Bahaha undoubtedly like the one with Santa! :)
@@playinhard or the Toothfairy.
@@playinhard I truly hope you open your heart to Jesus Christ and get saved. Please, please, open the Bible, beginning with the New Testament, the book of Matthew. Take care.
@@TURTLEORIGINAL Nah dude we have Krishna Ram Kali Durga and other 33 crore gods
Hitchens is gifted and possibly one of a kind for this generation. Some people may not know that his mother and her partner (who was a clergyman that was defrocked) took their lives early in 1973. This may be one of the reasons he's studied religion and committed to being a free thinker.
He has lifted the veil on many who were indoctrinated, abused, and died by the church.
Well I'm sure he's with her now.
@@michaelallen1396 He would not believe that.
Well, he's right about a lot of things and not right about some things, it's relative. Love the guy. I am not religious. He's a beacon of light and truth for sure. Mis him dearly ❤
if I could bring back anyone that isn't my mother, it would be this man, an unmatched intellectual and one of the sharpest orators and writers the world has ever known
Aye aye
If possible I would resurrect Hitchens over both my mom and dad, or even myself.
Hitchens _isn’t_ your mother? I’ve always assumed he was.
@@rationalist47 Exactly! I know it sounds untrue, but for the sake of humanity, (and my dislike of religion) I would swap with him. He could start back at 35 with all his knowledge.
@@_..-.._..-.._agreed. He’s so much more important than I could ever be.
Where are all the intellects of today gone? Miss him!
We’re right here!!
All christians should listen to this man
Need ears to hear. Most are stuffed closed.
10 years on this is the best opening to a debate ever made
He is so missed. We need him now more than ever, in this day and age.
Amen to that, Caroline. The world (rather the West) has gone even madder after he left us. And I didn't think that was possible. We live in a truly insane time.
This is the truth!!
I assure you he believes in God now
@@mrluke13 He probably does. And I assure you God agrees with him on everything else.
@@mrluke13 The thing I'd like everyone to at least agree on is that only the dead can actually experience the truth. Every person living should stop pretending they have the answers from 'on high', and using it to justify harm. Agnotics say simply we can't prove or disprove the spiritual, and act accordingly, not following any one set of teachings.
I can watch his lectures all day. My Son introduced me to him and I can’t get enough of him. The world has lost a genius.
Your son do you a great favor.
Paulin Hoffman, you can follow him to where he is right now and you can listen to him some more.
@Paulyn Hoffman u hurt budy?
@@deanvo503not saying now or anytime soon but much later,
you sayed you could listen to him all day. Plenty of room for more lovers of the dark, where he is now.
@Luis Mangiaterra what he was physically is probably in an urn or six feet under the ground, now, what HE REALLY WAS probably disappeared with the death of his brain and the parts of which it was composed but his legacy lives on and continues to influence millions of people, You are a bitter and hurt man because what he said contradicted your beliefs and you come here to leave vile comments, .look within yourself, lest the "darkness" you fear so much come from yourself.
This was not a debate, this was a slaughter 💯
The other side really, really tried! I'll give them that! But they had absolutely no idea who they were facing! The link to the whole debate is in the description of the video, and I would urge everyone to click on it and watch it! :)
And, as Hitchens would be the first to point out, it was the weaknesses, failures, and immoralities of his opponents -- those intangible things that were slaughtered by Hitchens' presentation, not any person's identity or physical well being. On the field of ideas, thoughts, and free discussion, Hitchens mopped his opponents up handily. I'm not quite sure that his opponents would be so kind as to limit their attempt to slaughter Hitchens to such intangible, and therefore "safe" realms -- they might be tempted to reprise some medieval methods such as burning at the stake as punishment for having offended their delicate sensibilities with honorable, factual statements and convincing requests for them to hold themselves more accountable for their actions.
You can't defend organised paedophilia, unless you believe a supernatural being can forgive you - how convenient.
Do you believe in God
2 more days til 2025. I am almost in tears listening to Christopher speak of the atrocities that still to this day have not been apologised for. Can't change the past yet still, a simple admission of guilt hasn't been muttered from these people of God. So sad.
Christopher Hitchens, a man of great intelligence. He is so missed. I listen to him everyday still. Sanity. Thank you respectfully. RIP. ❤️
This video renews my deep belief in secularism, enlightenment and the unflinching pursuit of truth. Hitchens brings me to tears every time. His intellect, eloquence and passion is so missed.
I am 100% sure you know only one face of the so-called (European) Enlightenment.
Poor booze soaked Hitch. His greatest love in life was alcohol and that always darkens a life.
Now he is silent except for screams of terror.
@@Logiconfire did you start writing dramas whilst at nursery school, or is it a later-life effort?
The great Christopher hitchens and the Great Stephen Fry made exceptionally well presented facts as regards the Catholic church.
Their combined insight, lucidity, knowledge and precognition of the said subject matter was phenomenally well and factually delivered.
That played out like 200-hit hitchslap combo. Hit them with so much truth their ancestors felt it in their graves. Such a brilliant and extraordinary man. Miss you Hitch.
I miss Christopher Hitchens so much! He was a great that never backed down in his beliefs & he expressed his views so eloquently. A true statesman of our time.
"I want to have conversations about what is good, what is noble, what is pure and what is true.'' -Hitch.🥰
RIP Christopher. I've read your books.
You are sadly needed now and sorely missed.
I heard many speakers in my 85 years of life, but none better than Christopher Hitchens; he was brilliant.
The brilliance of education at work. A most wonderful human being.
Ifind myself inaweof the depth and breadth of his education.
also homosexual - thankfully in personal closet, not on public parade.
He was a shining light in the darkness of human religious behaviour, and what an oritor, nature giving talent.
Unadulterated, pure and undeniable brilliance. I truly miss Hitch.
In your face! Simply outstanding.
RIP hero of intellect and human values. The world is yet to see a champion like him if ever.
@Manuel Basiri. We probably won't be so fortunate.
There'll never be another. Hitchens was the Charlie Parker of polymaths.
Well, I disagree.
“The function of [Hitchens’s] antitheism was structurally analogous to what Irving Howe characterized as Stalinophobia. . .the Bogey-Scapegoat of Stalinism justified a new alliance with the right, obliviousness towards the permanent injustices of capitalist society, and a tolerance for repressive practices conducted in the name of the “Free World”. In roughly isomorphic fashion Hitchens’s preoccupation with religion. . .authorized not just a blind eye to the injustices of capitalism and empire but a vigorous advocacy of the same.”
Richard Seymour, Unhitched, 2013
We should not look for champions any further than our own heart.
It's sad that the "Four Horsemen" are no longer four ✌️
When I was younger, I would have gladly thrown away my university education if I had the opportunity to study under Christopher Hitchens. Brilliance Squared.
Channel your inner Hitch and guess what he would say to this and to everyone putting a thumbs up here.
Did you not have a pulse back then ?? Cream suit tells it all big show n bigger mouth !!!
Brilliance cubed, even. Or quartic... or ...quintic or decic or ... OK, brilliance squared works.
I miss you terribly Christopher Hitchens. Our world once again needs your voice; we miss you.
Nobody could express thing like CH could, his oratory skills were second to none, a genius and true humanitarian, very much missed ..
Just wanted to cheer myself up so I come here to watch my favorite speaker of all time.
I very often feel that way myself! :)
Yes, we all need a dose of Hitch every now and again and this debate was epic and the pro-Church camp was utterly defeated, resulting in a most embarassing vote at the end.
What a man. So very,very missed.
A great speaker with substance. I am in India and am grateful for being able to hear his speeches. Thank you so much
You're quite welcome! I happen to have lived in New Delhi from the age of 9 to 20 as my father was a US Diplomat at the Embassy there. I loved every minute of my time there! :)
I'm struck with profound emotion having watched this. His fire of attention is like nothing I have ever seen, nor do I believe I ever will again. Towards the middle when he speaks of child abuse in the church with such clarity and conviction, I was brought to tears having gone through sexual abuse myself as a child. Something was dislodged within me in that instant just a few moments ago as I heard and saw the power of his report. How wildly unexpected, and a gift of recognition I have needed and didn't know for a long time.
If you haven't read him he left behind so much. Truly one of the giants.
well written
@@NGEternal Oh, thank you so much.
@@rigneyte I haven’t, would like to start with God is Not Great. Open to recommendations!
@@eldonscott9 That's where I started with him and it's brilliant. His biography of Jefferson is excellent as well. He edited a volume called The Portable Atheist which is great.
I loved and revered this man. We are all exponentially poorer since his passing. What an intellect. He left much too early. I want his voice NOW.
I was a closet atheist until this debate, now I proudly wear it on my sleeve. Thank you Mr. Hitchens.
Listening to him never gets old.
I am certain that is the point, it was and is my experience. As for the truth, I agree with you, truthfully :)
Sam Spade Main reason, family is very religious. Stating my non belief didn’t make for a fun Christmas. :)
lazyAZ dog doesn't it feel great lazy dog? I've been an atheist for 20 years and nothing has felt better than coming out of that stifling closet into a free world filled with that breath of fresh air. Christopher Hitchens is my hero and no one has made me feel more confident in my decision to free myself from my religious chains.
it does feel great, free as a bird :)
join the club brother. Ramen!
Being a Catholic priest in this debate is like being in ground zero of extinction level asteroid impact.
I wonder how his debate with God went...😆
He defeated it with Hitchens's razor.
@@3joewj The dead can't experience anything, not even debates. That's what being dead MEANS.
@@3joewjthe god of which religion-yours?
@TheMadLad99 definitely not the false God. The true God may find him guilty.
I love the way he is so polite to the people he will be debating,then rips apart there argument, brilliant,he is sadly missed!!
there, there
What a beautiful mind. The eloquents of his speach, and undeniable truth of his philosophy is unmatched, and will forever echo throughout history.
Not even close to how long Jesus Christ will last.
@@ivanbremer8662 And He will be still the number 1 most influential God on the planet long after you have gone.
@@ivanbremer8662 Except here you are debating about the Christian God. He is different and we both know it. Why is he a mass murderer? If he does not exist then you cant argue from morality. All you have is your point of view which is based on random chemical reactions that i don't need to trust or rely on. For you to be right about Him he must exist otherwise you just gave me a pointless word salad.
@@ivanbremer8662 No one in any position of study doubts that Christ lived and died. The issue is who is he and did he rise again from the dead.. Your position of faith that there is no God lacks any evidence. I will keep it simple for you. You cannot know that as you have not even left your arm chair let alone been round the universe searching for God.
You seemed to be very confused about the other "gods" as well. I never mentioned them so why you rushed off on a word salad is pointless.
Lastly you gave good reasons to believe in God. Thanks. Has nothing to do with his existence or not.
i love Jesus, and i hate religion. religion is satanic. spirit is like air
Stephen Fry looks almost moved to tears for his being vehemently defended my Hitchens against such amoral corruption. Such a powerful moment.
Ian Hays I, too, am moved to tears.
Ian Hays moved me to tears, as well
I was moved to tears as well.
I didn't get the sense that he was almost moved to tears. Rather it seemed to me he felt vindicated for such atrocities perpetrated against his character for his personal proclivities, which are perfectly natural for him. As well, it was noted, all while covering up the mistreatment of or exploitation of young boys throughout the church's history. I believe Stephen has lived long enough and is intelligent enough to know that these atrocities say more about the perpetrators than their intended targets.
@ Ian Hays: Amoral? Immoral. Disgraceful. Criminal. Uncivilized. Narcissistic. Insane. In need of punishment, a rubber room, castration. The molesters and their protectors should be identified to the public, shamed and punished. Then they should be castrated and educated until they comprehend the harm they have done. Then they should be separated permanently from other humans. Not Amoral. Immoral.
Christopher Hitchens the greatest orator of our time, a man of principle and elegance.
One of the greatest debaters and orators in all of human history
I concur
And when he shared the podium with Prof Richard Dawkins, they were unparalleled
And Stephen Fry ate him and spate him out. Fry was head and shoulders above him on here, particularly as a debater, and even more so as an orator!
“Crushed Cardinal” is perhaps THE best form of foreshadowing and a simultaneous compliment made in one phrase referencing two people I have ever heard. His grasp of language is simply unmatched.
In the 7 or 8 years since I first discovered his work, not only has Christopher Hitchens inspired me to embrace my own ability to practice logic and reason but has also moved me to improve my public speaking skills and as a result has made me a much more efficient orator 😎 I have never listened to someone with the ability to express thoughts and ideas as succinctly as he did.
It's 50% what he's saying and 50% about HOW he says it.
Well said! 👏👏👏
I'm so very sad to say I'm just now discovering him. I wish I would've found this brilliant man years ago.
He also taught me the word 'solipsism', yet I still don't really understand it lol.
Totally agree. Amazing orator. Brilliant. Miss him greatly.
Religion & spirituality have nothing to do with religion. That's because logic and rationality are not in the same domain. Religion is rightly full of myths, parables, metaphors, etc.
The Bible is true. And some of it really happened.
This speech NEVER loses its immediacy!!
Jesus we need this man right now
A brilliant man and incredible orator who's debate skills were impeccable. A voice of reason and critical thinking who is incredibly missed.
I LOVE listening Christopher Hitchens. I am however confused as to why he seems to always attack Christian faith by criticizing the Institutions of the church, which by no means whatsoever represent the average Christian believer who is, on average non-denominational in the 21st century.
It would be as if I attacked the medium of music by criticizing the music industry. One is a parasite living on the underbelly of the other.
@mikeyj.philly8940 Mr. Hitchens tended to go after the institutions of religion i.e. the leadership and the overall structure and implementation of said organizations. He was critical of not only Christianity but of Islam and Judaism as well. He was critical of organized religion as a whole.
@@willroberts3991 but most Christians would argue that organization ITSELF goes against the gospel. Jesus famously mocked the apostles for building an official temple where people "go to pray" as if there even needs to be a place for that
@mikeyj.philly8940 But the leadership of said organizations is still that, the leadership. And unfortunately a lot of those leaders do questionable if not outright horrible things under the guise of devine sanction. What Mr. Hitchens points out is the hypocrisy and corruption that permeates much of the leadership of these groups. And yes there are non religious groups that deal with the same issues of corruption but it is the religious institutions that conveniently are able to say that they have a deity on their side that absolves them or justifies their actions. Also take into account the literalists that ignore demonstrable scientific evidence for the world around them when it is inconvenient to their doctrine. Mr. Hitchens did not bemoan people for being spiritual, he simply pointed out that having blind faith in institutions that have for centuries committed terrible acts can be dangerous. The abuse of children, the treatment of women, instances of xenophobia, the list goes on and on. Hitchens never told people to not be spiritual, he just espoused critical thinking and to maybe not give these leaders a free pass because they are supposed men of god.
@@mikeyj.phillythe gospels advocated for slavery......if we followed the gospel, then slavery might be back, is that any way good for the society?
That was really powerful. It's such a pity he's not with us anymore.
My daughter purchased every book hitch wrote .Loved Hitch.I wish he was here.
A rare truth speaker that the world is the poorer for his passing
He must have passed away at a particularly young age. I would guess that perhaps he was not wise enough to forgo the mRNA gene therapy experimental jabs.
@@billsmith-qq9ptHi stupid, he passed from cancer years ago, take your fake news somwwhere else.
@@billsmith-qq9pt He smoked 🚬
Presumably God had an urgent need to speak to him. And I bet Hitchens converted Him.
@@billsmith-qq9pt oh seriously - why are you here if you are a conspiracy believer? Sometimes I wish that COVID had mutated into something 100% fatal for those who weren't vaccinated THEN we'd see how many forsook their little far right fantasy.
I remember watching this when I was in college, way back in 2011, and I can say it was literally a paradigm shifter in my life. There was my life before this debate and after. It was the day I finally had the courage to fully reject for what I had so long secretly doubted and questioned. It was the first step of me shedding the boy I was raised as and becoming the man I would come to be.
The one most important thing that the R. C. Church did was to remove reincarnation, in the fourth century, from the teachings of Jesus Christ. Reincarnation explains why some are born with very few blessings and others with an abundance of blessings. Reincarnation therefore inspires one to be good not evil, which I think everyone would agree on is a good thing.
@@jeffforsythe9514 Oh, you're a spammer.
I believe in science. The science of mathematics tells us the current natural theories are completely impossible.
@@drooney9104 What does that mean?
Most of what he said happened how many hundreds of years ago. None of us have association with these past figures. Is good to learn from history sure, but to tie someone hundreds of years ago to our present time? He is trying really hard. The Muslims and the West were in constant battle since day one anyway. Who started what to whom is anyone's guess. The West had inquisition, and the Muslim had their own version. Communist also have their inquisition. China is still doing it, and we love doing trades with China.
Now, modern day Catholic priest abusing boys is completely wrong. But then we are also doing harm to teenager encouraging them to cut off their organs to change sex. We highly encourage them to change sex, but make it illegal to help them to go back. Vast number of them take hormones even if they don't do operation. Those hormones are not safe. You want to talk about child abuse. Happens on all sides. We live in a wicked world with liars on both sides. Trick is getting to the truth.
I can watch and re-watch Christopher Hitchens again and again. A prophet in our times, sadly departed too soon, and terribly missed. The good ones do indeed die young...
I never tire of watching him either. I am saddened though by the obvious problem he is having catching his breath as he speaks. He is obviously early in his horrific disease. To call him a loser as the other replier to your comment does is bizarre. He clearly understands biblical teachings better than the virgin losers who continued to promote the sick behavior of pedophilia even as they gave insincere apologies for the disgusting molestation of children, particularly young boys, just as they are trying to make sense of their awakening sexual feelings. It's difficult and confusing enough to get through our teenage years without our maturation being interrupted by being molested by repressed mentally ill narcissists who have been given the responsibility of guarding our safety and the task of helping us make our way toward adulthood. They may as well have thrown hand grenades into classrooms full of teenaged boys. Instead, like wild predators the priests of the Catholic Church identified the weaker ones, separated them from the pack and satisfied their own repressed feelings in total disregard for the feelings of those they molested. And in church on Sunday the priest giving the homily will talk of and pretend to apologize for the church's past pedophile sins as he repeatedly assures his congregation that he is speaking about the past, that his wonderful religion has identified and punished the pedophile sinners and taken every precaution (never explained or detailed) to ensure it can never happen again. Who do they think they are fooling? The only ones who believe the apologies are those who have already made excuses for the crimes in the first place. Priests who are guilty of this terrible crime should be arrested and tried in the location in which they committed those crimes; they should never be hidden from the victims and the victim's families. They have the right to confront the criminal just as the accused has the right to face his accusers. And it hasn't been only a few priests, it has been thousands, even tens of thousands.
Same here,I never get tired of listening to him.
@@2fast2block Don't play the ball, play the man eh?
@@2fast2block Hmm, interesting. I usually find that people who big themselves up are no competition at all. You fall into that category.
@@2fast2block I have read pathetic comments and pathetic replies many times over the years, but your pathetic rant takes the biscuit. You have shown yourself up as an ignorant loser
"Now, for your tiny brain, we can't get nature and the laws of nature by natural means. " - NOW - for YOUR tiny brain....a short bit of cosmology and a short bit of geography.
1. The net energy of the Universe (that is, the energy of physical "stuff", photons, radiation etc , and the NEGATIVE energy of gravity,) is a BIG FAT ZERO. This means that it is theoretically possible to create EVERYTHING out of NOTHING. The Universe has been claimed as "the ultimate free lunch". In empty space, particles are popping into and out of existence all the time, this van be measured and proved. It does not take a great leap of imagination to consider that, instead of being instantly destroyed, inflation takes over for an infinitesimal time - leading to The Big Bang - and hence everything we see now
2. The origins of life. Life began on Earth only 1/2 billion years after the creation of the Solar System. That is incredibly short. The likeliest theory of primogenesis is geographical, the action of seawater on hot rocks, forming white smokers near mid ocean ridges. The tiny channels within have similar sizes, energy gradient, and chemical gradients as ALL living cells. In half a billion years there is ample time for cells to form and evolution to work its magic. There are numerous lectures on this, one of the best id Prof Nick Lane
The geographical conditions that led to life are common throughout the Solar System, and incredibly common throughout the Universe. Given the size of the Universe, it is a safe assumption that single cell life is a common occurrence, with multicell life much less common
Neither the Universe, nor life, require a cosmic magician to magic them into existence, especially one as nasty and vindictive as the Christian one. Think the God of the Old Testament is a nice guy? Then just read the Old Testament. Numbers 31 is a good one to start with. Or, as Hitchens showed, just look at the actions of the faithful to spread the word by killing, raping and torturing countless millions. I am just embarrassed to remember I was 42 before I stopped being an active member of my church and discovered I really could THINK FOR MYSELF. Try it, it is quite refreshing
I will “👍🏻” and “❤️” Hitchens’ remarks here on any platform and in whatever year I will find them. Because it is beyond compare and one of the greatest speeches of our age.
No one ever can come even near to Hitchen’s brilliance & magnificent oratory talents!
Hitchens was brilliant, no one has replaced him yet, a once in a century beacon of light.........."Religion Poisons Everything."
He was a ONCE IN A LIFETIME. I met him once. A true gentleman.