TRIGGER WARNING: The REAL PROBLEM with dating in 2023

  • Опубліковано 29 лис 2022
  • Modern women are blamed for many of the problems with dating in 2023. Dating apps, sexual liberation and feminist lies have all opened the door for men to take the red pill and recognize that women are less datable in 2023 than ever before. However, many male groups including incels, black pills, and MGTOW's have adopted potentially dangerous philosophies for men's rights as a counter-movement to feminism. Many of their complaints are valid, but I do not believe that all of their principles align with their desires.
    #redpill #mgtow #dating


  • @CommandoMaster
    @CommandoMaster Рік тому +5

    Guys are getting more lonelier and desperate due to lack of dating options in their lives. They are struggling to even get a date with a girl. Girls have way too many options with social media/dating apps, that they have increasingly high standards, and no reason to settle. It's also hard to say to women to guard themselves better, because they are controlled by their emotions, and will sleep with a guy if they "feel" like it in the moment.

  • @AaronD313
    @AaronD313 Рік тому +3

    It’s just demoralizing bro. So many ghosts on dating apps. I don’t know how to text to get them interested I just try to have a normal conversation but I’m assuming I’m too boring or something. It’s just demoralizing as hell

    • @gailainsley6939
      @gailainsley6939 Рік тому

      Well, what do you say? I’m sure some guys that I’ve matched with feels the same. I stop responding and can’t quite put my fingers on why I do but it usually is because I don’t think they are serious and only want to h00k up. I don’t have proof of this but if the conversation is super casual and not about asking deep questions such as what my morals, values or future goals are then I lose interest in the conversation. If they ask for my number very quickly I delete as well as I’m aware many just want to collect numbers.

    • @christianmoreno7390
      @christianmoreno7390 9 місяців тому

      Men are logical. This is boring for women. They need to be stimulated emotionally. Say shit that you would say to your friends when nobody is watching. Offensive stuff that makes you seem like you don’t give an f

  • @ramoxygendc
    @ramoxygendc 5 місяців тому

    Each of these advices is acceptable to certain extent. Why? Is because once you achieve what you want, your sacrificing yourself to her when she doesnt sacrifice herself to you. If you notice, nowadays, women are mainly attracted to those men who spoil their lover to a higher extent each day instead of appreciating the little gestures like gifting them something nice here and there. Tell em you love or you care about them because I have to admit. Its not about being so high-up be well known and paid well. Its about improving yourself and being yourself. Though, whoever comes to you and says, "I like you for who you are." Thats a true keeper to love because true relationships comes from compatiblity. Not authority.

  • @Hans-qr9px
    @Hans-qr9px Рік тому +2

    You said men need to put in some effort. However, any effort seems useless. What should men do?

  • @gailainsley6939
    @gailainsley6939 Рік тому +1

    I love these tips. Soo true

  • @No_Luv_Mays
    @No_Luv_Mays Рік тому +1

    Dating is dead. When the economy fails and a big war comes women going to need us men. Let her defend herself and be her own man

  • @razzendahcuben
    @razzendahcuben Рік тому +1

    Glad to see promiscuity being called out. I waited until marriage to have sex. Rejecting women, even gorgeous women, before that are some of my best memories. No amount of sex would have eclipsed the satisfaction of self control.

    • @christianmoreno7390
      @christianmoreno7390 9 місяців тому

      Respect. I’m in the same boat. Not married yet, but waiting til marriage. How did you find your wife?

  • @smilesfordays8946
    @smilesfordays8946 Рік тому

    Physically attrative females arent by default high value to a man they just, on the surface make him appear higher value to people who know nothing about the man or woman ,when in fact that highly attactive woman may give the man very little peace, satisfaction or value. The term high value means nothing unless it is referenced by the observer. If a woman is valued by many men do to her looks that still doesnt give her high value untill she adds value to a single man, her value is directly relatated to her sevice to one man or a cause. If she cant commit to one or be valued by one man she is by default of lesser value than a woman who can because the commited woman brings higher value and is valied higher. Who values who and what value does the person bring is the question. A gorgeous woman who is not loyal to any man and brings nothing to the table by definition is low value or a liability. For example most billionairs have below average to unnatractive wives. That is because the woman bought real value to the man other than gorgeous looks. Inteligent high level men will not marry a woman who presents herself as a liability despite her looks a woman who is a liabilty ussually wont pass the wife test to a high achieving man who has a more encompassing view of value than looks or even how much a woman earns. Value. If you subtract income, will be based on tangibles such as skills, then mostly intangibles such as loyaltly, respect, empathy, intelligence, honor, love patients etc. The problem with dating coaches is.that they falsly claim a man who brings high income, looks will attract his mythical high value gorgeous woman, when in fact a man who had income looks and character may attract some pretty woman most likely his problems wont be solved because in this culture you can't create higher intangible traits in a woman like honor, loyolty, repect, faithfulness and you cant even purchase those traits woman in modern western culture especially the United States so the so called high value man will not be much better off than the guy riding the bus.

  • @chris_hawk
    @chris_hawk 10 місяців тому +1

    Sorry DM Dating, but your words do not change much in the grand scheme of dating. First of all, a large percentage of young women have already slept with 5+ men, and those are not girls I want to be in a relationship with (I'm virgin btw). Second of all, young men overwhelmingly lack purpose these days, because we keep on being fed the same sh*t by society and the media: success means making a six-figure salary, driving fancy cars, and hanging out with hot women. But what if you see through the cr*p and want no part of it? Then what? You become an outcast, and no girl will even glance at you. Even if you're a loyal friend. Even if you have a moral code. Even if you have good manners, it means nothing in this capitalistic world. I can't say for certain, but you seem to be promoting the "alpha-male" lifestyle, which will never calm your inner spirit. In order for young men to desire to be their best selves, there must be some promise or noble goal, no? Many young men would be happy simply finding a girl that can respect them and show them some love. But sadly, that is now out of reach for the men who desire to chase what really matters in life, which is love and purpose. We have also murdered God, and put up idols that tell us to chase money because that is what makes us "valuable men". I don't need a "high-value woman", what I desire is a women who can respect me and also respect herself.

  • @Callieforniiaa
    @Callieforniiaa Рік тому

    Uh men are difficult too, most men seem to just want sex and not really put time into a relationship. I would be the best girlfriend for allot of men, I don’t mind paying for dates or going Dutch, I’m not pushy, I don’t want money from men, I take care of myself. I have a career. But men just want to hook up and it’s sad Af

    • @botskikawottski1337
      @botskikawottski1337 8 місяців тому

      The men that you actively pick just want to have sex. Majority of men want to build a life with a woman they can trust. But to most women those men do simply not even exist because they are not 8.5+/10 handsome.