Contrary to much of the trash regurgitated here, Pope Pius XII was a genuine hero, responsible for saving as many as 860,000 Jewish lives. That was more than any individual or organization combined! From the time Pius was Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, Hitler considered him an enemy. Pius directed every Catholic Church, monastery, convent, and charity to give comfort and shelter to Jews. His Vatican residence and summer palace, Castel Gandolfo, housed many Jewish refugees - in fact, Jewish babies were born on his carpets! He used Vatican Radio to blast Nazi fascism. When Pius died in October 1958, he was praised by Golda Meir, Chaim Weizmann, Moshe Sharett, and other Jewish leaders and organizations. Rather than accepting “Hitler’s Pope” and other such scurrilous garbage as gospel, we would do well to seek out the work of Ronald Rychlak, William Doino, Sister Margherita Marchione, Michael Hesemann, Gary Krupp, and Rabbi David Dalin. They’re not covered in the mainstream media, lest they disrupt the accepted anti-Catholic narrative. Check them out, or continue to bask in your ignorance!
He is one of 2 Popes I would like to see beatified. The other is Leo XIII. Pius has suffered from a character assassination at the hand of Stalinists, partly because in 1949 he issued a strongly worded condemnation of Marxism-Leninism. In this he stated unequivocally that it is impossible to be both a Christian and a communist. It is a pity so many people still believe the Stalinist lie, that he was 'Hitler's Pope'.
True but his influence extended beyond Italy. Examples of which were contacting the ruler of Hungary to tell them not to deport Jews. He intervened with both Franco and Salazar to get Jews safe passage through Spain and Portugal as a means of escape. Pius XII sent top secret messages to the president of the Dominican Republic Rafael Trujillo asking him to accept Jewish refugees. According to the former Israeli consul to Milan Pinchas Lapide the Catholic church helped to save 850000 Jews at that time.
True, but he also helped many, many nazi war criminals escape from Europe. Better read a little deeper into this guy's history. A 'Man of God" helping mass murderers?
Bullshit. He supped with Hitler for the 10% religious tax, turned a blind eye to the Concentration Camps and provided safe passage to South America for many NAZIS. Pius was evil.
golda meir planted a 700,00 tree forest in Israel & named it in the onor os Pius XII for saving many jews.who are you gonna believe her or some anti. Catholic bigots,hmmm??? Make sense !!!!
The catholic church under this Pope`s leadership aided numerous of nazi war criminals to escape after the WWII. That is a fact, and even though some people are trying to whitewash his legacy as Hitler`s Pope, you have got to accept the facts. He never came out against Hitler or Holocaust, he made a pact with Hitler, and he helped nazi war criminals to escape. There is a reason why the Vatican is trying forget this Pope.
Heard about this documentary. Glad I finally got to see it. Recently made public documents confirm Pius XII helped the Jews during World War II and opposed Hitler. Cornwell and Falconi were wrong. Paul Johnson was a great historian. Still he was wrong about Pius XII, the last good Pope.
@@johnbrowne2170 a man who called Nazis "false prophets with the pride of Lucifer." The Nazis boycotted Pius XII's coronation as they rightly saw him as an enemy. Pius XII was regularly in connect with the German resistance knowing full well they were trying to overthrow Hitler. Pius XII made 40 public speeches on German soil against the Nazis while the papal nuncio in Germany. Israel sent their philharmonic orchestra to play in honour of Pius XII on the 10th anniversary of the end of world war 2. Golda Meir paid a heartfelt tribute to pius XII when he died. The Jewish people would not do things like this for someone pro nazi.
@@johnbrowne2170 Pius XII gave a radio address on August 1, 1941, for example, that is far from convoluted or ambiguous: A great scandal is presently taking place, and this scandal is the treatment suffered by the Jews; that is why I desire that a free voice, the voice of a priest, should be raised in protest. In Germany, the Jews are killed, brutalized, tortured because they are victims bereft of defense. How can a Christian accept such deeds?. . . . These men are the sons of those who 2000 years ago gave Christianity to the world.
@@paulebreowong2790 You’ve spread your blithering nonsense all over this site. As Proverbs advises us, “Do not waste time arguing with a fool, lest you become one yourself.”
As he was to me too. It's been all downhill because of those popes who came after him. My sorrow is having lived through their papacies, as not one showed the courage of a true Apostle of Christ.
Pie XII le dernier Pape de l'Eglise Catholique Apostolique et Romaine avant l'occupation de la secte conciliaire moderniste et néo protestante ! Un Prêtre Catholique non conciliaire
Pope Pius XII was a great Pope,one of the greatest in history of the Church. Unfortunately his papacy was during one of the most difficult eras in international relations. He had to make difficult decisions in order to hold the Catholic Church in place. Those who are ignorant of the history of the Church only focus on the agreement which he had to make with the Nazi regime while he was Vatican Secretary General ( minister of foreign affairs ). They ignore the fact that not only did he personally save over 800,000 Jews, but that he took part in a secret plot, together with Protestant pastor, Dietrich Boenhoffer, and senior German generals, to assassinate Adolf Hitler.
@@paulebreowong2790 It seems there are conflicting estimates, but yours is as good as the other stats. It's good to see you believe that God exists; although, I'm having trouble figuring out why you hate and blame God for some one else's actions/efforts, good, bad or indifferent. Would you mind telling us why you loathe Him so much?
@@nifty1940 Until now, nobody could answer my question, who liberated Auschwitz, your grandma ? Was Pope Pius XII Hitler's Pope ? Nobody knows, but nobody can deny that Vatican did not join Allied to fight Nazi.
You are talking rubbish. Pope Pius X11 saved some 800 Jewish lives. He filled all the monasteries, Abbeys and Convents and Catholic zHospitals in Italy as well as the Vatican with Jews dressed as religious. They were given kosher food and taught the rudiments of Catholic prayers and practices in order to save them from the gestapo. I research and have written 2 books available on Amazon regarding details of Pope Pius the X11. Before WE2 started he had go many years been Nuncio in Germany and had preached 40 Sermons on the evils of the Nazis and the cruelty treated to the Jews. In Lourdes he preached to a massive crowd a sermon condemning Hitler’s Nazi Germany’s atrocities committed against the Jewish people in such strong terms that all journalists wrote articles on this condemnation of Germany’s Nazis towards the Jews. During his papacy in WW2 he managed to save some 800,000 that is some eight hundred thousand Jewish lives. After war ended he was visited by many high ranking Jewish rabbis and Israel’s President Golda Meier and other important Jewish dignatries who thanked him for his great work in saving hundreds of thousands of Jews. Towns such as Assisi had convents and monasteries filled with Jews dressed as Catholic clergy. I have researched and written 2 books which are available through Amazon on the treatment of the Jewish people before and during WW2. NGOME THE PLACE I LOVE and LIVING WITH HOPE IN TIMES OF WAR AND TERROR. Remember you will be judged by Almighty God for your baseless comments on a very holy and brave Pope who will one day be canonised for his great endeavours to save the lives of Italy’s Jews and the Jews of other nations in Europe.
Le PAPE Pie XII 1939-1958 le 262 Papes au Vatican Rome de St-Pierre a 1959!!. Biography 1 heure en Noir et Blanc de Vatican Rome le 9 Mars 2024 vu sur UA-cam Internet Claudette 82 ans 💟🌍☘️♥️Sherbrooke . ✝️
He tried to save Rome's Jews but mad no efforts for the Poles, French, Austrians and so many others. He also didn't require convents and religious orders to return to their relatives and extended families Jewish orphans they had hidden during the war. A boy who became eventually the Cardinal of Paris, was such an orphan.
Yes when the political leaders wanted to kill their enemies and love their subjects, they forgot that al belong to a human race and all need these leaaders' administration for the survival. But for the Pope all humans wrere one God's children. And the chestised Jews needed his protection. Jesus served the person of Pope Pius XII to be His visible Vicar to estblish peace.
@@paulebreowong2790 he faced communist gunmen while in Germany without flinching. He openly criticised Nazis in 40 public speeches while the papal nuncio in Germany. That doesn't sound like a coward.
A chicken could critize Nazi, also a dog, Pope Pius XII was chicken and dog, he and his chicken Vatican didn't join Allied to fight the War, God was chicken and dog too.
@@wonjubhoy Communist gunmen ? See, Commie didn't kill him but liberated Auschwitz won Second World War, needed no Pius XII, God, or your great grandma.
Pope Pius XII was without any doubt one the famous Popes in History. But what are we to make of Pope Francis? Can Pope Francis be trusted? Because there's been controversy surrounding him and his lifestyle and some Catholics don't find him trustworthy.
I thought the same thing! Sir John Gielgud had obviously only seen Anglican ministers! It made me realise the difference in the whole comportment of Catholic priests compared to Anglican.
"And Hitler was vowing to destroy Christianity throughout Europe " Ha ! A Catholic who was never EXCOMMUNICATED ,who practiced and studied the occult .and the pope said nothing about it .and that is your opening line .I Hope this gets better .
Sister Pascalina was a German nun who became housekeeper and secretary to the Italian Archbishop Eugenio Pacelli after he was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Bavaria in 1917. She stayed with him in those roles for more than 40 years, including when he became Pope Pius II from 1939 until his death in 1958. Pascalina more or less ran the Vatican. On the night he was elected pope, Roncalli told her to pack her bags and get out - and take the parrot with her.
He had little political imagination; he actually believed what his beloved Germans told him before and during the war. He had spent the early years of his priesthood among Germans and the Fascisti, of course eventually becoming attached diplomatically to Berlin in the 1930s. He refused to believe the Nazis capable of the sorts of crimes in which they specialised. What you say is not backed up by any evidence. There is overwhelming proof of his anti nazi attitude in the video I posted.
The Nazis themselves boycotted his coronation. A nazi newspaper said "the election of Pacelli is not regarded with favour in Germany because he was always opposed to national socialism." A nazi described Pius XII as the mouthpiece of the Jewish war criminals. Golda Meir paid a glowing tribute to pope Pius XII when he died in 1958 and she was the most famous Jewess of the 20th century.
We owe a lot to Pius XII. He modified the rules on fasting before Communion. This allowed for Mass to be offered in the evening, acknowledging that some Catholics, nurses for example, need to work Sunday mornings. More recently Sunday evening Masses have been largely replaced by vigil Masses on Saturdays, but that is a different matter. This change also encouraged more frequent reception of the Sacrament. We also must thank him for the Holy Week Liturgy as we know it. He reintroduced the ancient liturgy on Holy Thursday and the Vigil on Holy Saturday night. Previously the only Mass on Holy Thursday was the Chrism Mass in the Cathedral and the Holy Saturday Mass was in the morning, which made Holy Saturday liturgically the day of Resurrection rather than its eve. When the new liturgy was promulgated by Paul VI it retained Pius's liturgy for Holy Week, the only significant change was allowing vernacular language instead of Latin. He should certainly be beatified.
Before reading 90%of the comments to this video, please bear in mind Umberto Eco's opinion on the internet. It easy to find and applies to the vast majority of English-speaking comments.
So what about his 40 condemnations of the Nazis in public speeches when he was the papal nuncio for Germany? He also drafted the 1937 encyclical Mit Brenneder Sorge, a very strong condemnation of nazi Germany, which pope Pius XI gave his approval to. You seem ignorant of these facts.
You don’t know what you’re talking about. He spoke out so much against the Nazis and Hitler that they sought a way to kidnap Pius and even assassinate him!! He saved 100s of thousands of Jews I know my friend Sol Abeles delivered the gold that ransomed the Italian Jews
What did he do for the world but sit and look peeved! What did he do for the Jews??? Nothing!!! The Catholic Church could have helped end World War II, but because of its stupid leadership, it chose to not get involved. He is the perfect image of helplessness and detachment from the world!
He helped to save 850000 Jews according to the consul of Israel Pinchas Lapide, more than any other religious or secular organisation. He was involved in diplomatic efforts to prevent world war 2. The fact that war started wasn't his fault.
The Catholic Church is a religion - the only army they have is the Swiss Guards in their Michelangelo uniforms. But you don’t want to discuss honestly, you prefer to hate.
@@kateguilfoyle5155 Middle Ages religious attitudes about the world are not needed at the present time! Young people are refusing to enter the doors of the Catholic church because they are not motivated to run to the Catholic Church, sit in a pew, and let the priest do everything. What about Jesus! He reached out to people, washed feet, and died on the cross. Other than put themselves on a pedestal, priests are merely scaring people and ignoring Jesus and His message of love. You can have it!
Well, as a Dutch historian I can say it is more complicated than that: he helped thousands of Roman jews to hide in monasteries, and church property. But he never clearly condemned the killing of Jews in public. And that stick to his name for ever. But we in Holland had a brave bishop in Utrecht. He condemned the ill treatment and killing of Jews. As a revenge all catholic Jews were rounded up and gassed immediately. This shocked the timid pope. I am glad I was not standing in his shoes at that time. It must have been a horrible time.
@@johannesnicolaas I am a Roman Catholic theologian with with a PhD. I have degrees in Biblical Studies and Roman Catholic Church History. All the bishops of Europe were brave, but Pius XII was not. He said behind the scenes that he was preserving the Church. But he let Jews die. Our Brothers in faith were left to perish. My family had relatives die in the Shoah. My maternal grandfather was Kohainim. I come from Catholic/Jewish Heritage. The monasteries had room to save people. Pius XII I'd on the bad side of history.
,Quanto hai scritto è falso...lo dimostrano le testimonianze di milioni di ebrei europei salvati per ordine di pioXII in chiese monasteri e ovunque e lj stessa Gokda Mayer e il Gen.DYAN RIMGRAZIARONO PUBBLICAMENTE IL PAPA CHE CONVERTI ' AL CATTOLICESIMO LO STESSO Rabbino Capo di Roma che nel 1945.. lascio' il Tempio per convertirsi con nome di Eugenio Jacobs. Come il Papa..❤❤❤ viva il santo papa Pacell..😂❤❤
Sorry to say but choosing a pontiff is so anti democratic, who knows who votes for a pope,I think that church gowers or believers should vote for a leader
You should tell them that - I’m sure they will do what you say. Wait? No - it was actually a method started by the Apostles & is 2,000 years old. But I’m sure you know what you are talking about…
@kateguilfoyle5155 well actually the conclaves were something added much later as to prevent people bribing and becoming pope as you could have not even been a priest to become pope: Concerns around political interference led to reforms after the interregnum of 1268-1271 and Pope Gregory X's decree during the Second Council of Lyons in 1274 that the cardinal electors should be locked in seclusion cum clave (Latin for 'with a key') and not permitted to leave until a new pope had been elected.
Anti Christ. When they give themselves the honourable title of pontifex maximus and vicar of Christ that's enough of the names of blasphemy in revelation of John chapter 13.
All this is blasphemy, glorifying a human being like this and giving him names, status and titles he should fear, abhor and shun to take to himself, being shapen in iniquity and in sin did his mother conceive him, like the rest of mankind! The whole 'pope'idea is an ignorant misinterpretation of Matthew 16:18
@@margaretharypkema9290 ‘we’ is the Catholic Church. That is “us”. It was written by the Apostles, from whom all priests are descended and it was collated by the Catholic Church - that is, those bishops descended from the Apostles, together with the Pope.
Pius XII gave a radio address on August 1, 1941, for example, that is far from convoluted or ambiguous: A great scandal is presently taking place, and this scandal is the treatment suffered by the Jews; that is why I desire that a free voice, the voice of a priest, should be raised in protest. In Germany, the Jews are killed, brutalized, tortured because they are victims bereft of defense. How can a Christian accept such deeds?. . . . These men are the sons of those who 2000 years ago gave Christianity to the world.
Contrary to much of the trash regurgitated here, Pope Pius XII was a genuine hero, responsible for saving as many as 860,000 Jewish lives. That was more than any individual or organization combined! From the time Pius was Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, Hitler considered him an enemy. Pius directed every Catholic Church, monastery, convent, and charity to give comfort and shelter to Jews. His Vatican residence and summer palace, Castel Gandolfo, housed many Jewish refugees - in fact, Jewish babies were born on his carpets! He used Vatican Radio to blast Nazi fascism. When Pius died in October 1958, he was praised by Golda Meir, Chaim Weizmann, Moshe Sharett, and other Jewish leaders and organizations.
Rather than accepting “Hitler’s Pope” and other such scurrilous garbage as gospel, we would do well to seek out the work of Ronald Rychlak, William Doino, Sister Margherita Marchione, Michael Hesemann, Gary Krupp, and Rabbi David Dalin. They’re not covered in the mainstream media, lest they disrupt the accepted anti-Catholic narrative. Check them out, or continue to bask in your ignorance!
Thankyou Thomas!
Merci pour ces vérités.
@@francois-xaviermalauzat3983 Je vous en prie, Francois-Xavier.
@@PeterGojuk You’re most welcome, Peter. Hopefully the truth will out. It is well past time for Pope Pius XII to be made a Saint.
Absolutely, thank you Thomas! Sr Pascalina book "His Humble Servant" and Fr Ch. T. Murr book is also very good.
He is one of 2 Popes I would like to see beatified. The other is Leo XIII. Pius has suffered from a character assassination at the hand of Stalinists, partly because in 1949 he issued a strongly worded condemnation of Marxism-Leninism. In this he stated unequivocally that it is impossible to be both a Christian and a communist.
It is a pity so many people still believe the Stalinist lie, that he was 'Hitler's Pope'.
Stalin lied what ? It wasn't your great grandmother or Vatican liberated Auschwitz.
Stalinist did not lie, tell me who liberated Auschwitz, your great grandma ?
Vatican is twofaced! Helped Nazis to escape to Latin America...and has a lot of blood on rheir hands
All the Popes after him have publicly begged God's forgiveness for Pius XII's inaction during WWII.
@@markgordon5387 Are you sure? Benedict XVI declared him venerable.
One of the greatest Pontiffs in the history of the Church.
@@davidstankiewicz2049he helped to save 850000 Jews from certain death at the hands of the Nazis.
@@davidstankiewicz2049 he helped to save 850000 Jewish lives.
@@davidstankiewicz2049 by helping to save 850000 Jews from certain death.
U don't know history.
அருள் நிறைந்த மரியாயே வாழ்க கர்த்தர் உம்முடனே.
Amen and amen in Jesus name.
An amazing biography of one of the greatest Popes. I'm surprised that the biography was so positive. Mike Wallace no less.
U don't know history.
@@paulebreowong2790 wrong
@@madonnahood3381 Yes, I am Wong, please answer my question, who liberated Auschwitz, your great grandmother ?
Historical revisionism about Pius XII started in 1960s
Pius X was best Pope of 20th Century. Leadership vacuum in Church since Pius XII death. Vatican 2 is a failure
My favourite Pope, even though I was a few months old when he died. ❤
So you don`t like Pope Francis??
@@yellyman5483 Considering that the man openly spits on the Tridentine Mass, it's no wonder many Catholics don't like him.
Pius XII saved many, many Jews from the Nazis during the German occupation of Italy during WW2.
True but his influence extended beyond Italy. Examples of which were contacting the ruler of Hungary to tell them not to deport Jews. He intervened with both Franco and Salazar to get Jews safe passage through Spain and Portugal as a means of escape. Pius XII sent top secret messages to the president of the Dominican Republic Rafael Trujillo asking him to accept Jewish refugees. According to the former Israeli consul to Milan Pinchas Lapide the Catholic church helped to save 850000 Jews at that time.
True, but he also helped many, many nazi war criminals escape from Europe. Better read a little deeper into this guy's history. A 'Man of God" helping mass murderers?
How many Italian Jews were turned over to the Nazis?
Hahahah, what a chicken ! He should tell his God to save.
Bullshit. He supped with Hitler for the 10% religious tax, turned a blind eye to the Concentration Camps and provided safe passage to South America for many NAZIS. Pius was evil.
One of my all-time favourite Pope's. This was the golden age of the Pius pontification.
The Pope saved the lives of thousands of Jewish people and now you deny it! There is a lesson there!
golda meir planted a 700,00 tree forest in Israel & named it in the onor os Pius XII for saving many jews.who are you gonna believe her or some anti. Catholic bigots,hmmm??? Make sense !!!!
Thanks Patrick well said. Blessed Pope Pius XII, pray for US
and signed a pact with Hitler
Hahahah, are you joking ? Saved thousands of Jewish people, thanks you agreed that God and Pius XII are chicken.
The catholic church under this Pope`s leadership aided numerous of nazi war criminals to escape after the WWII. That is a fact, and even though some people are trying to whitewash his legacy as Hitler`s Pope, you have got to accept the facts. He never came out against Hitler or Holocaust, he made a pact with Hitler, and he helped nazi war criminals to escape. There is a reason why the Vatican is trying forget this Pope.
He was a very holy man. Walk in his shoes.
Excuse me, holy what ? Where were him and his God in The Rape Of Nanking ?
Yes holy and saintly. What the hell has the rape of Nanking got to do with anything?@@paulebreowong2790
you walk in your iwn and build a ewlationship with God
@@Celticmist-qz6ve Haven't you built ? Please show me, such as upload an image that you were with God.
Great biography best wishes that's all good voice. 😊
che trionfo l'inizio con tutte le campane a distesa!
Heard about this documentary. Glad I finally got to see it. Recently made public documents confirm Pius XII helped the Jews during World War II and opposed Hitler. Cornwell and Falconi were wrong. Paul Johnson was a great historian. Still he was wrong about Pius XII, the last good Pope.
Amen. This was a holy man. He will be canonized one day with gods grace🙏🙏
He wa a good pope,a good statesman and leader againest communism.
not!!! he allowed 1000s of jewish Italian citizens to die in germanys death camps.
wake up and READ some history
But pro Nazi.
@@johnbrowne2170 a man who called Nazis "false prophets with the pride of Lucifer." The Nazis boycotted Pius XII's coronation as they rightly saw him as an enemy. Pius XII was regularly in connect with the German resistance knowing full well they were trying to overthrow Hitler. Pius XII made 40 public speeches on German soil against the Nazis while the papal nuncio in Germany. Israel sent their philharmonic orchestra to play in honour of Pius XII on the 10th anniversary of the end of world war 2. Golda Meir paid a heartfelt tribute to pius XII when he died. The Jewish people would not do things like this for someone pro nazi.
@@johnbrowne2170 Pius XII gave a radio address on August 1, 1941, for example, that is far from convoluted or ambiguous:
A great scandal is presently taking place, and this scandal is the treatment suffered by the Jews; that is why I desire that a free voice, the voice of a priest, should be raised in protest. In Germany, the Jews are killed, brutalized, tortured because they are victims bereft of defense. How can a Christian accept such deeds?. . . . These men are the sons of those who 2000 years ago gave Christianity to the world.
At 6:35, note that the man on the far right is Giovanni Battista Montini, the future Pope Paul VI
Montini who bought and sold jewish properties and provided passports to more than one nazi escapee, who payed for these passports?
L'artefice della rovina
The Traitor PaulVI.
Pope Pius X11 was a True Pope in every aspect.❤️🙏🏻❤️.
Did he win Second World War ? No Vatican didn't join Allied.
Didn't he allow your great grandmother bless holy biscuits ?
I was alive when he was the Pope.
@@colinmccarthy7921 Praise your God saved you, but failed 300,000 in The Rape Of Nanking, 1,000,000 in Auschwitz. And please answer my question.
@@paulebreowong2790 You’ve spread your blithering nonsense all over this site. As Proverbs advises us, “Do not waste time arguing with a fool, lest you become one yourself.”
Thank you we can see Pope Pius xii wearing the Tiara or Three Crowns.
I`m glad the current pope is not wearing tiara`s and crowns.
Pope Pius 12th Cardinal Eugino Pacelli we thank you for Consecrating Russia on 7th July 1952 to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Perhaps the pontiff blessed the wrong Russia. Perhaps Kiev Rus was meant and NOT Moscow.
It was only a partial consecration.
Unfortunately, Heaven didn't see it that way, as Holy Mother Mary warned!
God bless him 🙏 ❤️
2.03.1939 - 63 urodziny Eugenio Pacceli ....1876 - 2.03.915 Rzym ..urodziny Sw Benedykta V....2.03.1810 ..urodziny Leona XIII ...2.03.1917 Komenskoje Moskwa Matka
Boża Wszechwładna ...ratuje 1812 Moskwę przed Napoleonem ...
Leo XIII looks like a bit of a character
Most Catholics never heard that PiusX11 saw Jesus.
O God, grant us a Pius XIII!
Most enlightening! Pray do one on Pius XIII the greatest American pope.
Pius XIII isn't true pope.
Salve! Pontífice Maximus! Beato Pio Xll de venerável e felicíssima memória Rogai por nós!👏👏🇧🇷🇧🇷
St. Piux XII ! Pray for us🙏🙏🙏
Last catholic pope. ❤ He should be canonized! But modernists are against it!
Rome is the New Jerusalem and the Eternal city.
La Salette Secret says when Rome Disappears two cites will also Disappear.
Venerable Pope Pius XII pray for us
Best Pope in my lifetime
Your life is a tragedy, I am terribly sorry.
As he was to me too. It's been all downhill because of those popes who came after him. My sorrow is having lived through their papacies, as not one showed the courage of a true Apostle of Christ.
@@nifty1940 What courage did he show ? Wash Hitler with God's soap ?
Sao Nuno de Santa Maria pray for us in Jesus Name
He is a great Pope!
Perhaps the last great pope.
God has more great Popes for our world. Pray for Us and our children.
Pie XII le dernier Pape de l'Eglise Catholique Apostolique et Romaine avant l'occupation de la secte conciliaire moderniste et néo protestante ! Un Prêtre Catholique non conciliaire
Legendary vintage voice of most of old documentaries
Pope Pius XII was a great Pope,one of the greatest in history of the Church. Unfortunately his papacy was during one of the most difficult eras in international relations. He had to make difficult decisions in order to hold the Catholic Church in place. Those who are ignorant of the history of the Church only focus on the agreement which he had to make with the Nazi regime while he was Vatican Secretary General ( minister of foreign affairs ). They ignore the fact that not only did he personally save over 800,000 Jews, but that he took part in a secret plot, together with Protestant pastor, Dietrich Boenhoffer, and senior German generals, to assassinate Adolf Hitler.
Hahahahah, saved 800,000 ? What an impotent God.
Ahhh, please do a fact check on your details.
@@nifty1940 800,000 were from the above, it proved God is impotent, very useless.
@@paulebreowong2790 It seems there are conflicting estimates, but yours is as good as the other stats. It's good to see you believe that God exists; although, I'm having trouble figuring out why you hate and blame God for some one else's actions/efforts, good, bad or indifferent. Would you mind telling us why you loathe Him so much?
@@nifty1940 Until now, nobody could answer my question, who liberated Auschwitz, your grandma ? Was Pope Pius XII Hitler's Pope ? Nobody knows, but nobody can deny that Vatican did not join Allied to fight Nazi.
Pius the X11 and Saint Pope John Paul 11 gave us stability and hope.
May he live in glory!!
In hell, is your mother there ?
You are talking rubbish. Pope Pius X11 saved some 800 Jewish lives. He filled all the monasteries, Abbeys and Convents and Catholic zHospitals in Italy as well as the Vatican with Jews dressed as religious. They were given kosher food and taught the rudiments of Catholic prayers and practices in order to save them from the gestapo.
I research and have written 2 books available on Amazon regarding details of Pope Pius the X11.
Before WE2 started he had go many years been Nuncio in Germany and had preached 40 Sermons on the evils of the Nazis and the cruelty treated to the Jews.
In Lourdes he preached to a massive crowd a sermon condemning Hitler’s Nazi Germany’s atrocities committed against the Jewish people in such strong terms that all journalists wrote articles on this condemnation of Germany’s Nazis towards the Jews.
During his papacy in WW2 he managed to save some 800,000 that is some eight hundred thousand Jewish lives.
After war ended he was visited by many high ranking Jewish rabbis and Israel’s President Golda Meier and other important Jewish dignatries who thanked him for his great work in saving hundreds of thousands of Jews. Towns such as Assisi had convents and monasteries filled with Jews dressed as Catholic clergy.
I have researched and written 2 books which are available through Amazon on the treatment of the Jewish people before and during WW2.
Remember you will be judged by Almighty God for your baseless comments on a very holy and brave Pope who will one day be canonised for his great endeavours to save the lives of Italy’s Jews and the Jews of other nations in Europe.
I think you mean he saved 800,000 Jewish lives, not just 800
I agree with every word you said. You may find the United Nations conference called remember the Holocaust interesting.
Le PAPE Pie XII 1939-1958 le 262 Papes au Vatican Rome de St-Pierre a 1959!!. Biography 1 heure en Noir et Blanc de Vatican Rome le 9 Mars 2024 vu sur UA-cam Internet Claudette 82 ans 💟🌍☘️♥️Sherbrooke . ✝️
Hahahahaha, u follow an impotent God saved 80,000 Jews, was your great grandmother there ?
He tried to save Rome's Jews but mad no efforts for the Poles, French, Austrians and so many others.
He also didn't require convents and religious orders to return to their relatives and extended families Jewish orphans they had hidden during the war. A boy who became eventually the Cardinal of Paris, was such an orphan.
Saint Robert Bellarmine pray for us.
Is it true he required the priests to kneel when they were talking to him over the telephone?
Yes when the political leaders wanted to kill their enemies and love their subjects, they forgot that al belong to a human race and all need these leaaders' administration for the survival. But for the Pope all humans wrere one God's children. And the chestised Jews needed his protection. Jesus served the person of Pope Pius XII to be His visible Vicar to estblish peace.
Protected how many ? 10,000,000 ? What a chicken Pope.
@@paulebreowong2790 he faced communist gunmen while in Germany without flinching. He openly criticised Nazis in 40 public speeches while the papal nuncio in Germany. That doesn't sound like a coward.
Hahahah, thanks you supported me, Pope Pius XII no doubt a coward, a chicken.
A chicken could critize Nazi, also a dog, Pope Pius XII was chicken and dog, he and his chicken Vatican didn't join Allied to fight the War, God was chicken and dog too.
@@wonjubhoy Communist gunmen ? See, Commie didn't kill him but liberated Auschwitz won Second World War, needed no Pius XII, God, or your great grandma.
Santo Súbito!!!!!
Pope Pius XII was without any doubt one the famous Popes in History. But what are we to make of Pope Francis? Can Pope Francis be trusted? Because there's been controversy surrounding him and his lifestyle and some Catholics don't find him trustworthy.
I think that Pope Francis can be trusted. The media, definitely not.
Pope Francis is a true Franciscan. No ruby slippers for the pope of the people.
@@karenmadrigal2835he’s a Jesuit not a Franciscan
@@karenmadrigal2835 Gee, I wonder what the Jesuit Founder thinks of that slip up.
The video forgot to say that US and GB airfares destroyed MonteCassino Abbey.........
So you'd rather have let the Nazis and Facists keep ruling Italy to this day ?
@@livefreeordie5534I do not think that was his point
God bless you. The saintly Pius XII was part of the reason why I became catholic 😊❤
Would like to see something on Cardinal Spellman and his operations!
We just published one documentary, but it was blocked by owner who do not permit re-publiaction of it.
Not the 1983 portrayal by john gielgud!
I thought the same thing! Sir John Gielgud had obviously only seen Anglican ministers! It made me realise the difference in the whole comportment of Catholic priests compared to Anglican.
I saw him visiting Rome
Wow i am born 1999 and he is my favorite pope who made a big impression on me. i wish I would have made that experience❤
"And Hitler was vowing to destroy Christianity throughout Europe " Ha ! A Catholic who was never EXCOMMUNICATED ,who practiced and studied the occult .and the pope said nothing about it .and that is your opening line .I Hope this gets better .
Napoleon was excommunicated and it acheived nothing.
Not the point .You are to expel the unrepentant immoral brother until he repents ,simple. for the sake of the Church .
@@markmartinbattle5318 Pius XII made 40 Anti Nazi speeches on German soil when he was the papal nuncio there.
One would assume, since Eugenio Pacelli in the least, 10 years Nunzio in Berlin, a german Loggia is well installed in the Vatican.
He liked the German people but detested the Nazis. He condemned them in 40 public speeches while the papal nuncio in Germany.
You probably believe all sorts of Conspiracies and theories--'cause you're SMARTTTTT Your Mommy told you
Sister Pascalina was a German nun who became housekeeper and secretary to the Italian Archbishop Eugenio Pacelli after he was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Bavaria in 1917. She stayed with him in those roles for more than 40 years, including when he became Pope Pius II from 1939 until his death in 1958. Pascalina more or less ran the Vatican. On the night he was elected pope, Roncalli told her to pack her bags and get out - and take the parrot with her.
Do you mean Pope Pius XII - not Pope Pius II? Good information.
Roncalli was not as nice as some people thought
Read a book about her. Excellent. Book title is "The Godmother
Hahahaha, nun was a housekeeper, shut up.
He had little political imagination; he actually believed what his beloved Germans told him before and during the war. He had spent the early years of his priesthood among Germans and the Fascisti, of course eventually becoming attached diplomatically to Berlin in the 1930s.
He refused to believe the Nazis capable of the sorts of crimes in which they specialised. What you say is not backed up by any evidence. There is overwhelming proof of his anti nazi attitude in the video I posted.
The Nazis themselves boycotted his coronation. A nazi newspaper said "the election of Pacelli is not regarded with favour in Germany because he was always opposed to national socialism." A nazi described Pius XII as the mouthpiece of the Jewish war criminals. Golda Meir paid a glowing tribute to pope Pius XII when he died in 1958 and she was the most famous Jewess of the 20th century.
And how about you? Do you believe yet the sort of Horrific Crimes that the Communists so diligently and consistently and continue to Specialize?
He was wheres waldo before pope
Nolan Lakes
Piousness was the furthest thing from his mind.
Lol. That priest bullying little boy at 3.00 min. Not surprised.
We owe a lot to Pius XII. He modified the rules on fasting before Communion. This allowed for Mass to be offered in the evening, acknowledging that some Catholics, nurses for example, need to work Sunday mornings. More recently Sunday evening Masses have been largely replaced by vigil Masses on Saturdays, but that is a different matter. This change also encouraged more frequent reception of the Sacrament.
We also must thank him for the Holy Week Liturgy as we know it. He reintroduced the ancient liturgy on Holy Thursday and the Vigil on Holy Saturday night. Previously the only Mass on Holy Thursday was the Chrism Mass in the Cathedral and the Holy Saturday Mass was in the morning, which made Holy Saturday liturgically the day of Resurrection rather than its eve. When the new liturgy was promulgated by Paul VI it retained Pius's liturgy for Holy Week, the only significant change was allowing vernacular language instead of Latin.
He should certainly be beatified.
Hahahahaha, did he allowe your mother be a priest ?
@@paulebreowong2790 What iis your point? What exactly do you mean?
@@paulebreowong2790 What is yourpoint? Whatever do you mean?
@@michaelhaywood8262 My point is, your mother could not be a priest, married and born you. Catholic church is decades left behind woman liberation.
Hahahaha, liturgy is symbol, and symbol is not real. The holy biscuit is still a piece of biscuit, no Jesus there.
Hall Barbara Martinez Timothy Anderson Cynthia
Before reading 90%of the comments to this video, please bear in mind Umberto Eco's opinion on the internet. It easy to find and applies to the vast majority of English-speaking comments.
@invisible.fatman puedo hablar en inglés y español, un poco de francés e italiano.. supongo que como gringa también
Ok lang
Hitlers Pop
Wasn't he Hitler's Pope?
Shouldn't you educate yourself and stop repeating long-debunked platitudes?
They wasn't the who'
Popes are of Esau-Edom .. Vatican is Cana'an ... Genesis 36:2
A difficult time, he did not speak out against Hitler.The church came first.
So what about his 40 condemnations of the Nazis in public speeches when he was the papal nuncio for Germany? He also drafted the 1937 encyclical Mit Brenneder Sorge, a very strong condemnation of nazi Germany, which pope Pius XI gave his approval to. You seem ignorant of these facts.
In fact he helped many Nazis flee Germany at the end of the war.
You don’t know what you’re talking about. He spoke out so much against the Nazis and Hitler that they sought a way to kidnap Pius and even assassinate him!! He saved 100s of thousands of Jews I know my friend Sol Abeles delivered the gold that ransomed the Italian Jews
@@johnbrowne2170he did nothing of the sort. That’s communist propaganda, which says a lot about your leanings!!
@@johnbrowne2170 it was alois hudal who did that not Pius XII.
And what about his beautiful blue eyed, petite Bavarian Frauline Pasquelina? The bishops despised her. She was called La Popessa!
What did he do for the world but sit and look peeved!
What did he do for the Jews??? Nothing!!!
The Catholic Church could have helped end World War II, but because of its stupid leadership, it chose to not get involved.
He is the perfect image of helplessness and detachment from the world!
He helped to save 850000 Jews according to the consul of Israel Pinchas Lapide, more than any other religious or secular organisation. He was involved in diplomatic efforts to prevent world war 2. The fact that war started wasn't his fault.
@leoinsf Do your homework, please.
@@CaeremonialeRomanumthere are undeniable photos of the clergy saluting Adolf Hitler with the nazi's salute during WW2!
The Catholic Church is a religion - the only army they have is the Swiss Guards in their Michelangelo uniforms. But you don’t want to discuss honestly, you prefer to hate.
@@kateguilfoyle5155 Middle Ages religious attitudes about the world are not needed at the present time!
Young people are refusing to enter the doors of the Catholic church
because they are not motivated to run to the Catholic Church, sit in a pew, and let the priest do everything.
What about Jesus! He reached out to people, washed feet, and died on the cross.
Other than put themselves on a pedestal, priests are merely scaring people and ignoring Jesus and His message of love.
You can have it!
Looks like something, fresh out of the black lagoon!
Պոպ փիս դա ինչ է?
Pius XII was not a good Pope. Too much has come out in the years after his papacy. Others did good for the Jews. Not him.
Rubbish. You’ve been brainwashed by Easy German Communist propaganda
Well, as a Dutch historian I can say it is more complicated than that: he helped thousands of Roman jews to hide in monasteries, and church property. But he never clearly condemned the killing of Jews in public. And that stick to his name for ever. But we in Holland had a brave bishop in Utrecht. He condemned the ill treatment and killing of Jews. As a revenge all catholic Jews were rounded up and gassed immediately. This shocked the timid pope. I am glad I was not standing in his shoes at that time. It must have been a horrible time.
@@johannesnicolaas I am a Roman Catholic theologian with with a PhD. I have degrees in Biblical Studies and Roman Catholic Church History. All the bishops of Europe were brave, but Pius XII was not. He said behind the scenes that he was preserving the Church. But he let Jews die. Our Brothers in faith were left to perish. My family had relatives die in the Shoah. My maternal grandfather was Kohainim. I come from Catholic/Jewish Heritage. The monasteries had room to save people. Pius XII I'd on the bad side of history.
,Quanto hai scritto è falso...lo dimostrano le testimonianze di milioni di ebrei europei salvati per ordine di pioXII in chiese monasteri e ovunque e lj stessa Gokda Mayer e il Gen.DYAN RIMGRAZIARONO PUBBLICAMENTE IL PAPA CHE CONVERTI ' AL CATTOLICESIMO LO STESSO Rabbino Capo di Roma che nel 1945.. lascio' il Tempio per convertirsi con nome di Eugenio Jacobs. Come il Papa..❤❤❤ viva il santo papa Pacell..😂❤❤
Corrigindo pio doze e venerável não foi declarado beato ainda mas recebem inúmeras graças por sua intercessão!
The one whose corpse exploded, parading from Castelgandolfo to St Peter.
Not surprising.
Sorry to say but choosing a pontiff is so anti democratic, who knows who votes for a pope,I think that church gowers or believers should vote for a leader
The Church is NOT. A democracy! It is the Kingdom of Christ on Earth. The pope is his vicar, the key/bearer. Democracy is the rule of the mob!
You should tell them that - I’m sure they will do what you say. Wait? No - it was actually a method started by the Apostles & is 2,000 years old. But I’m sure you know what you are talking about…
@kateguilfoyle5155 well actually the conclaves were something added much later as to prevent people bribing and becoming pope as you could have not even been a priest to become pope: Concerns around political interference led to reforms after the interregnum of 1268-1271 and Pope Gregory X's decree during the Second Council of Lyons in 1274 that the cardinal electors should be locked in seclusion cum clave (Latin for 'with a key') and not permitted to leave until a new pope had been elected.
Anti Christ. When they give themselves the honourable title of pontifex maximus and vicar of Christ that's enough of the names of blasphemy in revelation of John chapter 13.
Hitler’s pope by John Cornwall.
The myth of Hitler's pope by Rabbi David Dalin.
The uneducated...
@@R.C.A.TGuest what. No one takes the place of Jesus.
@@elainemoreland3908 where do you get the idea someone is taking the place of Jesus???
Communist propaganda which has been refuted
All this is blasphemy, glorifying a human being like this and giving him names, status and titles he should fear, abhor and shun to take to himself, being shapen in iniquity and in sin did his mother conceive him, like the rest of mankind!
The whole 'pope'idea is an ignorant misinterpretation of Matthew 16:18
Ah these Protestant rantings.
@@CaeremonialeRomanum "Rantings"??!
What you should say is, we Roman Catholics, care more about our traditions than what the bible days.
@@margaretharypkema9290 we wrote the bible.
@@kateguilfoyle5155 Who is "we"?
@@margaretharypkema9290 ‘we’ is the Catholic Church. That is “us”. It was written by the Apostles, from whom all priests are descended and it was collated by the Catholic Church - that is, those bishops descended from the Apostles, together with the Pope.
Not just any naz1, but Pious Naz1, wow. His name is definitely not in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
Nazis boycotted his coronation and considered overthrowing him. You don't do that if you think someone supports you.
Pius XII gave a radio address on August 1, 1941, for example, that is far from convoluted or ambiguous:
A great scandal is presently taking place, and this scandal is the treatment suffered by the Jews; that is why I desire that a free voice, the voice of a priest, should be raised in protest. In Germany, the Jews are killed, brutalized, tortured because they are victims bereft of defense. How can a Christian accept such deeds?. . . . These men are the sons of those who 2000 years ago gave Christianity to the world.