This guy is exactly what I'm looking for he's straight to the point spits pure facts no run around no fast talking making sure you understand what he's saying 🙏 love the vid
I’m a diamond appraiser and fine colored gemstones stones dealer! And I must say, you nailed it when it comes to identifying items. Pictures just doesn’t do anyone justice in terms of knowing what it is! I must have it in hand to give it a good assessment. Thank you! You’re really good at what you do!
Hey Tim....sorry to ask here but my Mom passed away a year ago and she had a collection of raw gemstones, where would one go to get them appraised? I've checked with the jewelry stores and pawn shops near me and none of them deal with raw gemstones.
Aloha Shawna! First of all I’m sorry for lost. I’ll try and help you get some answers. Let see, when you say rough gemstones. What kind are they? Or do you know. And are they big minerals or crystals? Lmk
@Tim Le thank you so much, it's been tough losing her but it's getting easier to focus on the memories I have with her rather than the fact that she's gone! I'm not positive what they, some are minerals and some are crystals. I tried downloading an app to identify by picture but it will give a different gem on separate pictures so not sure how accurate it is. Is there a pen or something I could purchase to test them? They do look like almandine and pyrope, maybe a few rubies.
By far top of the list for MOST informative video you’ve made Daniel ( in my opinion of course ) Proper educational resources and a willingness to learn is EVERYTHING!
I enjoy the fact you are trying to help people learn. Everyone starts somewhere and learn at different paces. I remember all those half dollars I had with the shelf doubling/machine doubling and thinking wow...look at all my double die halves I have. LOL Well, as i said your videos are great and I know I'll to continue to make mistakes in the learning process but it definitely is fun learning what is this and what it isn't.
Thanks again Daniel for your time... He takes his valuable time to do these videos for us; Plus answering questions on the forum. There is a plethora of information on the internet not to mention sites specifically run for errors etc. I at least try and exhaust all my options before I post a question.
Daniel just wanted to let you know you have something going on with you microphone. The last few videos we can hear a buzz in the background. Just thought you should know. Much love and respect! Great video my friend!
Perfect video! Sensational job of teaching Daniel. Some of the best information/training I've seen to date by anyone. Vital information for coin collectors particularly new to the hobby such as myself. Thank you for sharing your knowledge to viewers like me who enjoy learning from a reliable expert like you. God bless you.
I just wanted to say when I first ran across ur channel, I thought u were harsh and a know it all, I just started coin collecting and didn't know anything. Now I go ur channel first. The video I stumbled on was harsh because people were getting ripped off and I didn't understand. I like that u care about people and have binged watched every video I missed. Thanks you for ur channel. I always learn something. I lean on ur info for what's true and what's BS out there. Thank u and I'm sorry I was so wrong with my first thoughts on u and ur channel, ur invaluable.
Great show and Grave information because I'm just starting to get into this cuz I have nothing better to do. I see you in town retired, and I found it very informative. Thank you very much.
I definitely trust Daniel's professionalism more than... I've listened to on other sites! Thank you Daniel for sharing your invaluable knowledge with us.
Heating and toning. Amen. Makes perfect sense. Since first hearing and actually looking at a coin under magnification, seeing the detailed craftsmanship present in the image. It's like fine art with a press. Crazy right!
You are far from ignorant. You KNOW what you're talking about! I appreciate your knowledge and the fact that you share it . Thank You, You are awesome Daniel👍
Thanks for another helpful video! My coin collection is about 60% ancient Greek/Roman and 40% modern. I've kept my ancient silver/copper/bronze coins in acid free paper flips for over 25 years, no problems at all with damaging or toning the coins. I like to use flips because I enjoy taking the ancient coins out and holding them, which does not hurt them. Modern coins may react differntly to acid free paper flips, I don't know. Some paper flips have been made with acid during the manufacturing process and this can damaga a coin, just a PVC plastic flips can cause damage with long term storage.
Like I have said before. If you stare at your coins too long you start thinking every coin has an error. Especially if you are looking through a loop too long. My favorite are the people that artificially tone a beat up eagle or silver coin and then try and sell it on Ebay for hundreds more than the scrap value. I purchased a 1986 slabbed artificially toned ASE in a NGC holder for $43. Then I broke the ASE out of the slab and used hot water and baking soda to remove the fake toning. What I was left with was a decent 1986 ASE with a scratch on it and now the original finish is off in some places. Not from the baking soda but from the original fake toning process. You have to be really bored to start soldering your coins and then pretending you have mint errors. What a waste of time.
Far as I know here in Juneau, Alaska, we only have two coin sellers..a pawn shop and jewelry store lol, and all the rest of thr collectors are in you help so much. I love YT lol!
OMGosh!! If that is all true, you are my savior. I have hoarding and can't rid myself of anything off looking. I now can easily get rid of some baggage. Still keeping all coppers Thanks again KK
extremely helpful!! Unfortunately, I made the mistake of getting into the hobby with too much enthusiasm to purchase coins I found fascinating because of history, however my knowledge was in human history not coin history. I lacked the education of the historical foundation of how currency came to be over the years. I sunk thousands of dollars into purchasing items on eBay, luckily not every purchase was a loss. I found one of your videos online and have been hooked since. This video in particular would have saved me a few hundred dollars but I'm not upset that I lost that money because like you I now have many examples (on hand) of what to look for. Your videos and suggestions to other reputable sites have made my past "bad" experiences help others. They too may make a few purchase mistakes but for every mistake is an opportunity to learn a better way for the future. Thank you the help you have given to this novice collector.
Nice Video. I had a strange-looking Kennedy coin and made the mistake of submitting a question on CONECA but do not have a microscope/camera pic of the coin. I was almost scolded and someone ended up telling me I was experiencing Pareidolia or imaging things, but I decided to take my coin to a Coin Dealer and I was right. I was so pleased to learn that I wasn't seeing things.
CONECA knows more than the dealer and how I know is you’re still calling it strange. If the dealer knew what you had he would have given you some proper terminology. Paradolia isn’t a disease or a sin, we all do it, the difference is when you hang onto what you see as something actually from the mint.
Daniel, first of all, thanks for sharing your time and knowledge. Time laps-6:28, if you would enlarge that point and you see an edge that resembles a dime or maybe a British coin. I was mislead by a collector/Dealer/Shop owner recently. Told just pocket change after just seeing and not really inspecting. Was hoping for more but said pretty much have a nice day and used the 4.50 for gas to get back home. I have 5 coins left. Could you and if so how do I send photos and in what type setting or tone is best "ie" normal, soft, sharp? Thanks again for your time. I totally understand your audience is astronomical and I'm surely not alone. Keep it up for our sake.❤
I'm holding 1. I mean, this thing is ERRORED TO HELL. Like, so bad, I'm more worried it's too ugly to sell. I thought it was a 1995 penny on aluminum. Nope, when I use the negative camera, suddenly, a completely different coin begins to show under/mixed in. I can't tell what, but I'm thinking maybe a dime. It has a normal D mint mark, the 2 addional D mints (I'm assuming since I Just see a D on each side where they shouldn't be, but are much harder to see. It has words and rim patterns similar to dimes. Ain't no way someone f@$ked up this bad on purpose.
😂😂😂 ..the uglier the better I guess😂 I have a few of those coins labeled "WEIRD ONES" 😂😂😂ABOUT TIME someone gives us the good news about those coins ☺️☺️🙏@@lunaballuna
You just answered my question,,,, I have what looks like a copper quarter, But after watching your VERY INFORMATIVE VIDEO, I now know that I did find it buried in the ground, So you just told me the Reason it is a copper color now. Oh well,,, I did have a few minutes of thinking It might have been worth something... PLUS, There is no 1787 1999 copper Philadelphia State Quarter. Thank You AGAIN...
This video was so very helpful!! Thank you for sharing and educating us! Now I won’t waste my time wondering and obsessing over these haha. You are by far the best coin expert out here on the web. I just got into coins, not as a collector, but just for fun and hopefully making some extra money. I have already learned so much and it’s both fascinating and intriguing! I’d much rather learn from an expert than read tons of books especially when I don’t plan on becoming an expert or collector. Unless the universe has different plans for me 😂 Thank you again for such detailed explanations and a non BS approach! You’re not here to lie and give false hope to hundreds of thousands and thousands and thousands of people making them believe everyone is gonna find the holy grail. Keep up the great work!!
This is the only coin channel I subscribe to, & rarely watch any other. Many of them hype up too much stuff, making people believe they have something special, when they don't. I don't get exited when I see something odd. But I will look it up, and then find out it's nothing special.
I have found a thicker penny from 2015 , it has silvery color around the ridge of both sides . It is very noticeable for it's thickness , the silver edge is also notably seen and that's what made me take a second look
I keep a small scale for coins and a magnet near my desk. I think for a lot of coin videos, certain people just read the title and then think they have something. One thing I dislike is when I go to buy a GEM+ steel cent and I get a replated cent. I have had that happen a few times trying to get a D-P-S for my album. Thanks for another video.
Hey Daniel, Thanks. I have been collecting for years, and have allot of stuff that is just like you showed. I am kind of upset that I really do not have anything of value, but still worth keeping just for the uniqueness of the coins.
Daniel thank you for sharing your knowledge of coins with the world. You are very knowledgeable and always thoroughly explain why things are the way that they are. Keep doing what you are doing because you do it so well 🤙🤙
Hey those weird colored quarters were mine once. Lol. I found both of them in the same roll. Put them in the small envelope cause I couldn't find my plastic or cardboard flips. Thanks again Daniel!
I literally just posted 65 dime on coin community, I wish I had see this video prior to that . Thank you for time and effort its still gold in 2023 ty again
Thank you for this video, I am glad I didn’t go to a coin shop looking foolish, I have a lot of coins that are exactly what your talking about in the video.
Those unusal or toned coins you showed there are still pretty cool. I personally save them, I have noticed some interesting toning naturally, anyway value is in the eye of the buyer 👍😃
Your right observation and lessons first . thanks for your service I appreciate your help ive😢 been watching a year maybe more it's three coin mentor's excuse me but I'm only calling it as I see it
Thank you for the video. Sorry, for being so late to the conversation. I never even thought about plated coins being sold on the secondary market. Just my opinion (which I sincerely admit is not as well educated as yours), but I think that some modern collectors are a little bit different than more established collectors when it comes to toned or "unique" coins. I think some people are buying coins because of they way they look, but not according to a grading scale, according to eye appeal only. Sort of they way people appreciate artwork. This of course is going to mess up traditional pricing guides. Kind of like how a Jackson Pollock is worth tens of millions of dollars when everyone knows a child could paint a piece similar to his. If people are willing to pay it, people are going to charge it. That's just my thought. I welcome yours.
You big dummy! Lol you are definitely in the top 10% of knowledgeable and honest people in the business. Appreciate you sharing the knowledge and just keepin it real cause some ppl are just out of hand with coins and need to be told there wrong and educate themselves.
I bought an unopened bag of state quarters from a dealer. They were Rhode Island state quarters. Some of them have the golden tone on both sides of the coin. That being said, would you still expect the golden tone to be caused by mistake even if they were sealed by the mint? I can't find any examples of them other than the ones on your video in the envelope or the experimental planchets used by mint with other states.
I remember years ago, in Highschool, our Chem teachers would have people change coin colors to silver or gold (fake material based off color) most often pennies.
Thank-you watching Your utube channel.....talking to over the phone......ifound a dime designed as a penny....but when measured it and weighted it I can clearly see its a fake....8ll he like u and take it out 9f circulation....keep up 5he good work
In my area, Loomis wrappers are on most all of our rolled coin . I like getting rolls of pennies to hunt thru, but don't know if said pennies are worth it. They appear painted or something. Could u explain why that is? Thanks
If you have coin questions please use our coinhelpu community. Please do not send emails or PMs, watch the video and post your question per the video steps. Thanks
I have a 1944 cent that weighs 2.79 g but it look kind of copperish my husband’s dad had it many years how can i tell if it is a light weight planchett or a dime planchet or 14:07 anything else
I can't help you with a question like this in a UA-cam video comment section, some coins need to be seen and some in hand. I don't offer that kind of service.
I used to sell Winged Liberty Dimes on Ebay, and would advertise that they came with a free gift. My price was a Buy it now for $2.99 shipping included. I was sort of like an old Paul Mason commercial, I will sell not a dime before it's time for $2.99. For the free gift I would take a copper penny, put it on the gas stove, and burn the colors into it, and throw it into water! My pennies would look better than anything Daniel has shown you here, beautiful artificial rainbow tones. You too can be a Coin Doctor!
Your 'in the ground' coins look rather like those that I'd scoop out of the water fountain / pond at the local ice cream shop when I'd clean out the fountain while working there. I'd clear out the drains every few months, so it didn't take long for them to get that way.
I bought an old roll of pennies and like 7 1940s looked strange, almost brassy...very nice looking...I just saved them, now I find out that 1940s were (a few) were struck on eauidorian planchets.....they weigh close....don't know what to do also have double denomibation....with USpenny snd what appears to be some kind if UK design on it's a 1948......
Daniel can you help me out on how the grading is done? I have a 1992 closed am with a little rainbow colors no scratches. If you can't help me please let me know that also. Thank love your videos
I also have a bunch of Lincoln pennies that have been stamped with dates and pictures. Are their any that actually bring values based on the particular stamping or picture on the penny? Are these Masonic?
I just picked up a 1999 and a 2000 "24 gold plated" set. I know better to get these types of coins. I couldn't pass up on the price at a antique shop of $5 for the pair. I know they aren't worth anything but I couldn't pass it up. It's silly that these things go even exist. I'm sure another sucker before me ( and me for purchasing them) paid up for these.
Good afternoon Mr Daniel; What’s your suggestion on a scale ? You have a make and model you prefer ,? Would appreciate it . If not understand , you busy man ,Thank you
Have researched wrong planchet errors and double denomination errors. Can't find anything about my find. Have a 1956D penny split before strike with a centavo struck on it. Ever heard of that?
I actually appreciate the Fact that you burst my bubble regarding damaged coins that I thought could’ve been mint errors. Thank you brother.
This guy is exactly what I'm looking for he's straight to the point spits pure facts no run around no fast talking making sure you understand what he's saying 🙏 love the vid
When it comes to coins I rely on you and a couple others for knowledge! Knowledge is power
I’m a diamond appraiser and fine colored gemstones stones dealer! And I must say, you nailed it when it comes to identifying items. Pictures just doesn’t do anyone justice in terms of knowing what it is! I must have it in hand to give it a good assessment. Thank you! You’re really good at what you do!
Hey Tim....sorry to ask here but my Mom passed away a year ago and she had a collection of raw gemstones, where would one go to get them appraised? I've checked with the jewelry stores and pawn shops near me and none of them deal with raw gemstones.
Aloha Shawna! First of all I’m sorry for lost. I’ll try and help you get some answers. Let see, when you say rough gemstones. What kind are they? Or do you know. And are they big minerals or crystals? Lmk
@@shawnateegarden2815 I can probably take a look and point you in the right direction.
@Tim Le thank you so much, it's been tough losing her but it's getting easier to focus on the memories I have with her rather than the fact that she's gone! I'm not positive what they, some are minerals and some are crystals. I tried downloading an app to identify by picture but it will give a different gem on separate pictures so not sure how accurate it is. Is there a pen or something I could purchase to test them? They do look like almandine and pyrope, maybe a few rubies.
عندي عملات فيها أخطاء اريد بيعها
By far top of the list for MOST informative video you’ve made Daniel ( in my opinion of course ) Proper educational resources and a willingness to learn is EVERYTHING!
I enjoy the fact you are trying to help people learn. Everyone starts somewhere and learn at different paces. I remember all those half dollars I had with the shelf doubling/machine doubling and thinking wow...look at all my double die halves I have. LOL Well, as i said your videos are great and I know I'll to continue to make mistakes in the learning process but it definitely is fun learning what is this and what it isn't.
Thanks again Daniel for your time...
He takes his valuable time to do these videos for us; Plus answering questions on the forum. There is a plethora of information on the internet not to mention sites specifically run for errors etc. I at least try and exhaust all my options before I post a question.
Thank you
I ordered a walking liberty from you and I am so excited to get it!!!!! Love your channel have learned so much from you! Thank you!
Thank you!!!
Daniel just wanted to let you know you have something going on with you microphone. The last few videos we can hear a buzz in the background. Just thought you should know. Much love and respect! Great video my friend!
Perfect video! Sensational job of teaching Daniel. Some of the best information/training I've seen to date by anyone. Vital information for coin collectors particularly new to the hobby such as myself. Thank you for sharing your knowledge to viewers like me who enjoy learning from a reliable expert like you. God bless you.
Always learning!
One of the most informed coin dealers on utube😊
Thank you for clearing some of this up for me!
I just wanted to say when I first ran across ur channel, I thought u were harsh and a know it all, I just started coin collecting and didn't know anything. Now I go ur channel first. The video I stumbled on was harsh because people were getting ripped off and I didn't understand. I like that u care about people and have binged watched every video I missed. Thanks you for ur channel. I always learn something. I lean on ur info for what's true and what's BS out there. Thank u and I'm sorry I was so wrong with my first thoughts on u and ur channel, ur invaluable.
Just fyi, I still don't know much, I'm very much learning.
Thank you
Who are the best friends start out like this? When I first met you? I thought you were an asshole. lol, three my closest buddy started out that way
Have a great day Sir! Thank you for teaching All of us!
Great show and Grave information because I'm just starting to get into this cuz I have nothing better to do. I see you in town retired, and I found it very informative. Thank you very much.
I definitely trust Daniel's professionalism more than... I've listened to on other sites! Thank you Daniel for sharing your invaluable knowledge with us.
Heating and toning. Amen. Makes perfect sense. Since first hearing and actually looking at a coin under magnification, seeing the detailed craftsmanship present in the image. It's like fine art with a press. Crazy right!
Take me to church Daniel 😊. You are the best.!
You are far from ignorant. You KNOW what you're talking about! I appreciate your knowledge and the fact that you share it . Thank You, You are awesome Daniel👍
Thanks for another helpful video! My coin collection is about 60% ancient Greek/Roman and 40% modern. I've kept my ancient silver/copper/bronze coins in acid free paper flips for over 25 years, no problems at all with damaging or toning the coins. I like to use flips because I enjoy taking the ancient coins out and holding them, which does not hurt them. Modern coins may react differntly to acid free paper flips, I don't know. Some paper flips have been made with acid during the manufacturing process and this can damaga a coin, just a PVC plastic flips can cause damage with long term storage.
Like I have said before. If you stare at your coins too long you start thinking every coin has an error. Especially if you are looking through a loop too long. My favorite are the people that artificially tone a beat up eagle or silver coin and then try and sell it on Ebay for hundreds more than the scrap value. I purchased a 1986 slabbed artificially toned ASE in a NGC holder for $43. Then I broke the ASE out of the slab and used hot water and baking soda to remove the fake toning. What I was left with was a decent 1986 ASE with a scratch on it and now the original finish is off in some places. Not from the baking soda but from the original fake toning process. You have to be really bored to start soldering your coins and then pretending you have mint errors. What a waste of time.
Good Morning Daniel!!🍵 Good job!!
Far as I know here in Juneau, Alaska, we only have two coin sellers..a pawn shop and jewelry store lol, and all the rest of thr collectors are in you help so much. I love YT lol!
Glad to be of help.
Always enjoy your videos and appreciate the time and effort you put forth. Thanks, Daniel!
Great video Daniel,thank you for all the info you share! See yeah soon...
OMGosh!! If that is all true, you are my savior. I have hoarding and can't rid myself of anything off looking. I now can easily get rid of some baggage. Still keeping all coppers Thanks again KK
extremely helpful!! Unfortunately, I made the mistake of getting into the hobby with too much enthusiasm to purchase coins I found fascinating because of history, however my knowledge was in human history not coin history. I lacked the education of the historical foundation of how currency came to be over the years. I sunk thousands of dollars into purchasing items on eBay, luckily not every purchase was a loss. I found one of your videos online and have been hooked since. This video in particular would have saved me a few hundred dollars but I'm not upset that I lost that money because like you I now have many examples (on hand) of what to look for. Your videos and suggestions to other reputable sites have made my past "bad" experiences help others. They too may make a few purchase mistakes but for every mistake is an opportunity to learn a better way for the future. Thank you the help you have given to this novice collector.
Nice Video. I had a strange-looking Kennedy coin and made the mistake of submitting a question on CONECA but do not have a microscope/camera pic of the coin. I was almost scolded and someone ended up telling me I was experiencing Pareidolia or imaging things, but I decided to take my coin to a Coin Dealer and I was right. I was so pleased to learn that I wasn't seeing things.
CONECA knows more than the dealer and how I know is you’re still calling it strange. If the dealer knew what you had he would have given you some proper terminology. Paradolia isn’t a disease or a sin, we all do it, the difference is when you hang onto what you see as something actually from the mint.
So very informativr! Glad you are willing to share your knowledge! Thank you.
Daniel, first of all, thanks for sharing your time and knowledge. Time laps-6:28, if you would enlarge that point and you see an edge that resembles a dime or maybe a British coin. I was mislead by a collector/Dealer/Shop owner recently. Told just pocket change after just seeing and not really inspecting. Was hoping for more but said pretty much have a nice day and used the 4.50 for gas to get back home. I have 5 coins left. Could you and if so how do I send photos and in what type setting or tone is best "ie" normal, soft, sharp? Thanks again for your time. I totally understand your audience is astronomical and I'm surely not alone. Keep it up for our sake.❤
I'm holding 1. I mean, this thing is ERRORED TO HELL. Like, so bad, I'm more worried it's too ugly to sell. I thought it was a 1995 penny on aluminum. Nope, when I use the negative camera, suddenly, a completely different coin begins to show under/mixed in. I can't tell what, but I'm thinking maybe a dime. It has a normal D mint mark, the 2 addional D mints (I'm assuming since I Just see a D on each side where they shouldn't be, but are much harder to see. It has words and rim patterns similar to dimes. Ain't no way someone f@$ked up this bad on purpose.
😂😂😂 ..the uglier the better I guess😂 I have a few of those coins labeled "WEIRD ONES" 😂😂😂ABOUT TIME someone gives us the good news about those coins ☺️☺️🙏@@lunaballuna
Thank you. You answer what needs to be said.
You just answered my question,,,, I have what looks like a copper quarter, But after watching your VERY INFORMATIVE VIDEO, I now know that I did find it buried in the ground, So you just told me the Reason it is a copper color now. Oh well,,, I did have a few minutes of thinking It might have been worth something... PLUS, There is no 1787 1999 copper Philadelphia State Quarter. Thank You AGAIN...
This video was so very helpful!! Thank you for sharing and educating us! Now I won’t waste my time wondering and obsessing over these haha.
You are by far the best coin expert out here on the web. I just got into coins, not as a collector, but just for fun and hopefully making some extra money. I have already learned so much and it’s both fascinating and intriguing! I’d much rather learn from an expert than read tons of books especially when I don’t plan on becoming an expert or collector. Unless the universe has different plans for me 😂
Thank you again for such detailed explanations and a non BS approach! You’re not here to lie and give false hope to hundreds of thousands and thousands and thousands of people making them believe everyone is gonna find the holy grail. Keep up the great work!!
This is the only coin channel I subscribe to, & rarely watch any other. Many of them hype up too much stuff, making people believe they have something special, when they don't. I don't get exited when I see something odd. But I will look it up, and then find out it's nothing special.
Another great video Daniel, thank you for teaching the Internet about the reality of off color coin scams.
NO WAY DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT😂🤣😂🤣😂.... Thank you for educating these crazy people... 👍👍
I have found a thicker penny from 2015 , it has silvery color around the ridge of both sides . It is very noticeable for it's thickness , the silver edge is also notably seen and that's what made me take a second look
I always enjoy your videos. I also learn so much, thanks
Thank you so much I’m starting to understand now
I keep a small scale for coins and a magnet near my desk. I think for a lot of coin videos, certain people just read the title and then think they have something. One thing I dislike is when I go to buy a GEM+ steel cent and I get a replated cent. I have had that happen a few times trying to get a D-P-S for my album. Thanks for another video.
I've learned a ton of information from you and several other people. The weight of a coin, tells the tale.
Really love your videos!!!! Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Hey Daniel, Thanks. I have been collecting for years, and have allot of stuff that is just like you showed. I am kind of upset that I really do not have anything of value, but still worth keeping just for the uniqueness of the coins.
Hey there Mr. Daniel. I was wondering when will you be hosting your next Auction. Have Blessed and wonderful Day and Weekend.
I don't have any plans yet.
In the past two years I have seen a lot of these I also am very familiar with ground coins I have found a few of those my self great explanations !!
Very helpful information, thank you so much for making this video!!
Thank you for what you do again Thank you
Daniel thank you for sharing your knowledge of coins with the world. You are very knowledgeable and always thoroughly explain why things are the way that they are. Keep doing what you are doing because you do it so well 🤙🤙
Hey those weird colored quarters were mine once. Lol. I found both of them in the same roll. Put them in the small envelope cause I couldn't find my plastic or cardboard flips. Thanks again Daniel!
More great info, thanks Daniel.
I literally just posted 65 dime on coin community, I wish I had see this video prior to that . Thank you for time and effort its still gold in 2023 ty again
Thank you for this video, I am glad I didn’t go to a coin shop looking foolish, I have a lot of coins that are exactly what your talking about in the video.
Good video i.m new at this learned more from watching this one video then the others out there thanks
Love your presentations. Learned so much. Wish I would have started early in life.
Thank you.... you definitely explained what I needed to know!!!
It seems like I find something new every time I watch your videos that's a good thing I'm learning a lot from you thank you
Now I got to get my coins out of storage. And look again. Thanks
Enjoy watching your video Brother, cause you give out a lot of great info!!! thanks for sharing with us!!!
I learn a lot from you I am collecting coin about yeah yeah and a half and I appreciate you❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for the information.
I found a 2005 Ocean In View Nickel the other day that is red - brown . I was wondering what caused that color ... thanks for clearing that up for me.
Those unusal or toned coins you showed there are still pretty cool. I personally save them, I have noticed some interesting toning naturally, anyway value is in the eye of the buyer 👍😃
I just love the info' you share, if it wasn't for you, I may have sent off a lot!! Thanks again!❤
Lol, I get them every time in clean my cup holder in my truck, coffee stained!!
Your right observation and lessons first . thanks for your service I appreciate your help ive😢 been watching a year maybe more it's three coin mentor's excuse me but I'm only calling it as I see it
Another great video
Thank you for the video. Sorry, for being so late to the conversation. I never even thought about plated coins being sold on the secondary market. Just my opinion (which I sincerely admit is not as well educated as yours), but I think that some modern collectors are a little bit different than more established collectors when it comes to toned or "unique" coins. I think some people are buying coins because of they way they look, but not according to a grading scale, according to eye appeal only. Sort of they way people appreciate artwork. This of course is going to mess up traditional pricing guides. Kind of like how a Jackson Pollock is worth tens of millions of dollars when everyone knows a child could paint a piece similar to his. If people are willing to pay it, people are going to charge it. That's just my thought. I welcome yours.
Great video, Daniel! Thank you for sharing! I was wondering. What are your thoughts on the state quarters struck on an experimental planchet?
You big dummy! Lol you are definitely in the top 10% of knowledgeable and honest people in the business. Appreciate you sharing the knowledge and just keepin it real cause some ppl are just out of hand with coins and need to be told there wrong and educate themselves.
Lol. Thanks
I bought an unopened bag of state quarters from a dealer. They were Rhode Island state quarters. Some of them have the golden tone on both sides of the coin. That being said, would you still expect the golden tone to be caused by mistake even if they were sealed by the mint? I can't find any examples of them other than the ones on your video in the envelope or the experimental planchets used by mint with other states.
Thankyou!! Great video, very helpful.
I learned a lot from this, thanks again!
Always a great job ty soo much
Love how you say colors lol. Your awesome Daniel ?
I remember years ago, in Highschool, our Chem teachers would have people change coin colors to silver or gold (fake material based off color) most often pennies.
Thank-you watching Your utube channel.....talking to over the phone......ifound a dime designed as a penny....but when measured it and weighted it I can clearly see its a fake....8ll he like u and take it out 9f circulation....keep up 5he good work
Great information!
In my area, Loomis wrappers are on most all of our rolled coin . I like getting rolls of pennies to hunt thru, but don't know if said pennies are worth it. They appear painted or something. Could u explain why that is? Thanks
Hopefully I will meet you in person this Sunday
I will not be at Greenhills but I will be at Sharonville the following weekend.
People don't check weight tolerance for pennies. By the Usmint the tolerance for pennies is 0.13 plus or minus
Great video,thank you 👍🙏🏻
I have a 1960-D penny without the outer copper! Looks plated! It is magnetic though and DD. What do you think
If you have coin questions please use our coinhelpu community. Please do not send emails or PMs, watch the video and post your question per the video steps. Thanks
@@CoinHELPu Hi! I have a 1960-D penny without the outer copper. Is silver. It is magnetic though and Dd. What do you think! Thank you
Daniel thank you that was a great video
I have a 1944 cent that weighs 2.79 g but it look kind of copperish my husband’s dad had it many years how can i tell if it is a light weight planchett or a dime planchet or 14:07 anything else
I can't help you with a question like this in a UA-cam video comment section, some coins need to be seen and some in hand. I don't offer that kind of service.
One of the many rules of coin collecting is " when you think you have something special just know you probably don't."
The gold looking ones have been heated up with a butane torch
I used to sell Winged Liberty Dimes on Ebay, and would advertise that they came with a free gift. My price was a Buy it now for $2.99 shipping included. I was sort of like an old Paul Mason commercial, I will sell not a dime before it's time for $2.99. For the free gift I would take a copper penny, put it on the gas stove, and burn the colors into it, and throw it into water! My pennies would look better than anything Daniel has shown you here, beautiful artificial rainbow tones. You too can be a Coin Doctor!
Thank you, I appreciate the video's, it helps me a lot an now I know a little what's good an not good
Thank you for this video. 👍
Your 'in the ground' coins look rather like those that I'd scoop out of the water fountain / pond at the local ice cream shop when I'd clean out the fountain while working there.
I'd clear out the drains every few months, so it didn't take long for them to get that way.
These were cleaned afterward as well.
I bought an old roll of pennies and like 7 1940s looked strange, almost brassy...very nice looking...I just saved them, now I find out that 1940s were (a few) were struck on eauidorian planchets.....they weigh close....don't know what to do also have double denomibation....with USpenny snd what appears to be some kind if UK design on it's a 1948......
Hi, I was just sitting here wondering if there is a 1993 wide A.M Lincoln penny?
It is the difference in terms; Novelty v Numismatic.
Daniel can you help me out on how the grading is done? I have a 1992 closed am with a little rainbow colors no scratches. If you can't help me please let me know that also. Thank love your videos
You can submit your coin to ANACS coin grading company. You can call them and print off a form.
I also have a bunch of Lincoln pennies that have been stamped with dates and pictures. Are their any that actually bring values based on the particular stamping or picture on the penny? Are these Masonic?
I just picked up a 1999 and a 2000 "24 gold plated" set. I know better to get these types of coins. I couldn't pass up on the price at a antique shop of $5 for the pair. I know they aren't worth anything but I couldn't pass it up. It's silly that these things go even exist. I'm sure another sucker before me ( and me for purchasing them) paid up for these.
Good afternoon Mr Daniel; What’s your suggestion on a scale ? You have a make and model you prefer ,? Would appreciate it . If not understand , you busy man ,Thank you
I don’t use them by brand.
Have researched wrong planchet errors and double denomination errors. Can't find anything about my find. Have a 1956D penny split before strike with a centavo struck on it. Ever heard of that?
I know someone that got scammed with those novelty coins...hard to break it to them