The Right Kind of Crazy | CLINT EMERSON

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024


  • @colleenposey9552
    @colleenposey9552 4 роки тому +9

    It’s easy to gravitate to Clint Emerson interviews. Great tips that even women can initiate into their daily routine. Clint is not too hard on the eyes, not too long winded, and never boring with his added humor. He’s juuuussssttttt right to take tips from. 🙈🙉🙊

  • @RunwithBrad
    @RunwithBrad 4 роки тому +9

    The Clint Emerson interviews are some of my favorite. I ordered his book as soon as I finished the podcast. So far fantastic read. His sense of humor really funny to me.

  • @johnheigis83
    @johnheigis83 3 роки тому +2

    Live the art of kindness, over the aged beast, named honor!

  • @elizabethdayrit4733
    @elizabethdayrit4733 3 роки тому +1

    It is refreshing to see how Mr. Clint Emerson is not sporting a beard of any kind. It shows how good looking he really is. Also he is very honest about things he did during the time he was with the team. It shows how human he really is. Impressive.

    • @dafnneperez9577
      @dafnneperez9577 3 місяці тому

      He is really good looking! So handsome and smart!

  • @markgreen7738
    @markgreen7738 2 роки тому

    Actually just read the book and it's amazing makes me regret not joining the military the brotherhood and teamwork was always appealing

  • @connieguzman8721
    @connieguzman8721 3 роки тому +1

    Ooh.. Clint should start a comic book.

  • @ChefSidorov
    @ChefSidorov 4 роки тому +4

    Great podcast! Great book! 🙏🙏🙏

  • @davidallen9814
    @davidallen9814 3 роки тому

    Great interview!! So glad I found order of man.

  • @johnheigis83
    @johnheigis83 3 роки тому


  • @ColinBunston
    @ColinBunston 3 роки тому +2

    Are they filming at a trade show? Odd spot to film a podcast, can hear people in background, people happlessly walking through film path.

  • @JohnBeckHofmann
    @JohnBeckHofmann 4 роки тому +1

    did you not google the title of your book before you chose it? you named it the same as Adam Steltzners already best selling book from 2016.

  • @unwilligeeinzelganger5404
    @unwilligeeinzelganger5404 4 роки тому +2

    Follow the herd .... when you know the herd is right.

  • @musicgaines7170
    @musicgaines7170 4 роки тому +3

    My girls the right kind of crazy

  • @johnheigis83
    @johnheigis83 3 роки тому

    Release the Beasts, from within !

  • @unwilligeeinzelganger5404
    @unwilligeeinzelganger5404 4 роки тому

    Re: 100 Deadly Skills: I must admit that I'm having trouble with correlating the chapter on having the E&E tube shoved up my a$$ with my daily routine, ....but otherwise, a very cool and informative book!

  • @johnheigis83
    @johnheigis83 3 роки тому

    There's a system "We" can use!
    "We the people...!"/"We..." the problem!
    "we" humans, got lazy, and let govs do our "duty" for us, w/ our "toys"!
    Please help us fix this! By Christmas!
    There's one extra way! Please consider!
    Young folks must employ this, too! "We" needs you!
    (A vet asking you millions of other Vets, to provide our backbone!)!
    Here; in a 21st century context! [Note: paraphrasing!]!
    For comprehensive contingencies managing!
    "Civil defense is emergency [contingencies] management!" (EMI / FEMA)!
    Using; CEM / [Comprehensive Contingencies Management: cyclical phases of: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery (EMI / FEMA)!
    Through an IEMS / Integrated [contingencies] Management System, which includes all sectors: private, public, and government (EMI / FEMA)!
    FEMA recommends we maintain secondary EOCs ( [contingencies] Operations Centers)!
    "We" can use that ! To build our own, for "We", as the "4th Branch!"
    And; "We" don't need anyone's permission!
    Over the decades, our govs have claimed everything "civil defense" as under "Civil Defense"; thus, under gov's authority and controls! And, "they" are not likely to let go of such absolute power!
    Thus; now it's called, "DHS / Dept. of Homeland Security, which is in authority over FEMA!" [Note: your local DES Director can launch an FBI investigation on anyone, from spite, alone! Thus; Nazi capabilities and tactics!]!
    Folks, "civil defense" is "civilian", thus, any human cashing a government paycheck, may be "civil government", but that $$$ represents a serious conflict of interest, especially for any person appointed as DES, or DHS Director, by the newly elected "party!"
    [Note, instances: A good FEMA Director, James Witt, ousted! Or; "Project Impact", w/ the goal, "to build disaster resistant communities!", ended by GW Bush! (Yes! It needed improvement; but, it focused on getting folks actively involved in our community's "civil defense" system!]!
    Thus; how to get back in, to take it back, and make it a good, civilian, perpetual, social system!
    Your/ our system is simple!
    Build a neutral / objective, liaison / logistics, "matrix " NGO!
    Where We" can plug in all the basic systems we need: internet capabilities, data, academics, etc.
    [Thus; a suggested name must equal it's goal, mission, and objective s! One that connects all sectors, again... Clean and democratic!
    I highly recommend, the name: DES Support Systems! More later.].
    (Imagine having your own NASA type control center capabilities; with, hands-on learning potential, within academics!
    Imagine clicking an icon, that takes you to your own contingencies management site, for any issues: maps, charts, graphs, reports, studies, data, surveys, polls, etc! A place to plug in your views!)!
    Start with, we millions of Vets, for a quick backbone! We are civilians, who know stuff, like tactics, strategies, a professional system!
    (And; I might add, the reason most of us departed after our first tour = hate for anything smelling like tyranny... bullies holding power ! Vet are only a quick place to start, where all can get involved, as part of a system with nominated / elected leadership, from among our best! Folk won't follow anyone less, in this!).
    What I'm proposing is the contingencies management system FEMA recommends!
    It's our back way, back into, "their" system; while, such actually belongs to "We"; since, "we" ain't welcome through the front!
    "We" got lazy, and let "them" take over our responsibilities!
    "We" can take it back, very quickly... Basically, over night, from our homes!
    This NGO will provide us with an easy projects management capability, where we can all pick our areas of interest, and can contribute our voices!
    Where ""We" can map our governments, pick them apart, streamline them, clean out the excess, the filth, for an efficient respectable republic!
    From within a "Project" (eg, voting), "we" can then choose a "Mission" area to study, and to contribute (who, when, where, what, which, why, how...)!
    Reviving this system will restore gov. oversight for "We"!
    = Project - Whistles Blower
    - a buffer!
    = A place to speak our minds, in complete continuous safety, with folks we chose to be available trusted options, to represent them, as middle buffers, who work to resolve issues. Not appointed by gov, "to help!"
    Note, the spy saying, "safety in enemies midst!"
    This is our way, to send in trustworthy folks, to "infiltrate" "their" systems, to end corruption!
    Thus; the legally accepted way! Point blank, and deliberately, in "their" faces! Now! By you and me! Over night!
    Again; "their" system belongs to all of you! By birth!
    However, "We" must preserve a system of "Professional First Responders", too! Thus, "We" needs both!
    Thus; those under paycheck type restrictions, with the rest of us helping out, as we should be, anyway!
    "DES" is "Disaster & Emergency Services" (= gov / "Professional Responders").
    We can be the DES "Support Systems" (thus; access, again!)!
    However, it's for humans, which means, inclusion! Thus; all !!!
    (I recommend a movie, for understanding. While the movie excludes "politicians", our's can not! In this, "We" must stomp ego out of it ... = no titles, labels, etc.
    When the movie ends, I invite you to help to create a contemporary version of that portrayed system!
    I suppose, in a great way, "We" can take up where they're drama left off, but I real life!
    "Meet John Doe", w/ Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwick).
    Note this!
    DHS is potentially illegal, because it's built on "the Civil Defense Act of 1950." Which states nothing of the private sector! Thus; along the way, we got lazy and let gov take over our responsibilities in "civil defense!"
    And; bad leaders have turned it into a gestapo, against us, in the name of "emergency management!"
    Also note, the old 1964 Civil Defense manuals!
    Thus; "active and passive civil defense being integral to national security posture!"
    - "active" = "armed" "Minute....."
    - "passive" = facilities, personnel, Coms, etc.
    Thus; I highly recommend the Swiss example, built into our republic! Immediately!
    The gapping hole, the way in: FEMA is desperately trying to get folks involved in community [contingencies] management, to help!
    They created the CEM, the IEMS, EOCs, for all of this, to serve us
    Which is their plea for "all sectors to be involved: public, private, and government"!
    (Find a dictionary:
    - "civil" = non military, non police, non eclesia, ...!
    - "civil defense"...!)
    However; note the 1776 concept!
    "Minute man, woman, kid, elder"
    = neighborhood incident management !
    = comprehensive contingencies management...
    Bring it into a 21st century context! Among us!
    To provide a simple basic way to have voice!
    "A well regulated [ comprehensive contingencies management system s]] being necessary to the [national security posture] of a free state, the right of the people to [employ a Swiss type system won't likely be] infringed!"
    [Note: I'm a Vet, '73-78, age 64, but I have not ever owned a firearm! Thus; I can't be call militia, since such is kind of a prerequisite... ! ... Or not???
    I managed Armories, so l must claim, knowledge and experience, thereof! Nevertheless; stand the f... by, if "My Lady's" liberty is threatened!
    I'd rather do so through our accepted legal way!)
    This is the only way, to be accepted by DES, for us to gain complete access!
    "Their" system actually belongs to "civil defense"! To you!
    Look into the different titles it's had, since the 1940s!
    Read the dissertation about it, by: Boyce Wayne Blanchard. And; about his ride in FEMA, at EMI.
    Thus, FEMA development of grad degrees in such fields; and, requiring BAs, for EOC Directors...!
    Along the way, "their" system was no longer interested in "civilians"! You'll usually find the door bolted, now. The only way in is by invitation or appointment, by gov officialdom!
    We can build our own. They need us, too!
    [I'm old and tech ignorant! But, I have tons of incredible info you need!
    I need to pass it on!
    I can support all I've written here, and have support letters and recommendations!]
    Also; most military personnel receive NCB Warfare Recon, in basic! "We" need those capabilities: to monitor, detect, contain, decontaminate, and rescue humans from it!
    Use us to initiate a backbone... A standard!
    Please note: to those who have served in FET ! "We" need you to help us set this up, here, among mother's, sisters, daughters, grandmothers, families, neighborhoods...!
    Help us recon this virus, as well as other diseases, and to "clear areas", until "We" are safe, and beyond! Help us contend with contingencies!
    "Project" examples: ...
    operations, personnel, projects, admin, finance (grant writers, for goodies "We" need for nailing down truth), our web sites (for info and participation, in this "4th Branch" system), surveys, polls, voting, community profiles [utilities, transport systems (roads, rails, shipping...), medicine, S&R, liaisons, security,, sewage, power, solid waste, storm drains, logistics ,(personnel, supplies, equipment, livestock, transport, storage, e), map government (so we can itemize where, and to who, our tax dollars go .....!...
    Thus; Disaster & Emergency Services (Professional s) with "Support Systems" ("We") = better NCB Recon against chemical, biological, radiological, conventional warfare (corner diseases, pollution... !...)],...
    continental security, ... even Bigfoot (trust me!), Archeology (so folks can fill in what they've witnessed. I've seen stuff, for instance..), Anything! Everything!
    Standing by! Semper Fidelis!

  • @top6ear
    @top6ear 4 роки тому +1

    There is some gross hazing. Mostly high school football team stories. Not my thing. Army is different. The Russians haze on a whole other level.

    • @ChefSidorov
      @ChefSidorov 4 роки тому

      Russian hazing in the army leads to a lot of suicides.

  • @renee-mariekrug1889
    @renee-mariekrug1889 4 роки тому

    Tough job...shudder

  • @yourmom1302
    @yourmom1302 3 роки тому

    Lol didn't expect movie spoilers in this one.