People don't really say Thanks a bunch. Mostly people say Thanks a lot. I own you one basically means I own you one favour. People mostly say You are a life saver......Not you are my life saver. Or probably saying something like : You saved my life. Of course, most used way is : Thanks man, you helped me a lot. You can also say something like : oh, you came to my rescue, you are my hero. If you are a girl, you can also say something like : You are my knight in shiny armour. If you helped someone and you think it is your duty, you can say : That is my job or that is in my job description
OMG, I am doomed, how am I suppose to remember all these? I thought this was going to be a walk in the park, but now…. see what you guys have done to me! I feel so small and illiterate; perhaps I need to go back to elementary school to start learning English all over again. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I am extremely grateful for your new reinforcement. I hope that I can learn more English before returning back to hell. Anyway, I owe you one, cheers mate.
Melody 老師,妳的教學很活潑,對毎日生活很實用,妳的熱心教導,對我的英文會話改善很多。really appreciate! Thanks a lot!
用粵語講解的英文節目 好親切 可以每天早上一遍刷牙洗面吃早餐一邊學d有用的英文用法
Never thought about it in such a thorough and detailed manner. Thanks a bunch!!
第二句太長通常thank you I really appreciate it已經足夠 😍🌹
I sometimes use “no worries” or “no problem” as a response to “thank you”
依個教學會幫到大家唔會只用thank you and you welcome!!! 👍🏻
Melody你所教的用語好實用 請問 (not at all)是否可以隨便使用
Hi Melody, Thanks for teaching😊
我住在加國, 你以上教的英文有些在北美洲很少用. I only always use such as No worries or much appreciated.. 至於Thanks a bunch好似未聽過!
Exactly 一聽就知佢係FOB
有人說把 evening 錯讀成 even_ning 是個低級錯誤,可 能是 Melody 在兒時第一次學習這個字的發音時,一個值得她信賴的英語老師教的,以至她把這個發音牢牢的記在腦海裡,其二是她可能沒有在英語國家生活過,很少和 native speaker 在自然的交談中講這個常用的字,其實很多香港人甚至老師也會說成是 even_ning,甚至係 yeven_ning 或yefen_ling (衣焚零)。
正確的發音應該是 eve_ning 而不是 even_ning, 可能是詞源方面與 eve 有關, "evening" 指的是一天中的晚上,而 "eve" 指的是一天的结束或开始。因此,"evening" 的發音保留了 "eve" 的部分。
沒有 人在各方面都可以百分百準確,包括很多老外亦把 pronunciation 讀成 pronounciation, Chicago 讀成 Chi_cago 而非 Shi_cago 等等。
我這評語不是有意貶低這條片子,相反我在此片得益甚多,例如 “拘拘小事,何足掛齒” 在這裡可以選擇用 Don't mention it。
希望 Melody 在此百尺竿頭,更進一步以至教學雙長。
我自己Thank會用Thanks a billion講比較多;而You‘re welcome會用No worries同Don’t mention it就比較多(仲有it‘s nothing同my pleasure)
My appreciation is beyond expression for your useful learning material
Glad to hear that!
Teacher’s pet…… 🤪
Thanks a lot again ! Lots of kisses!❤❤
i owe you one. i am much obliged .........
Melody, 請問you came to my rescue 講成you came to rescue me 有分別嗎?
Thanks for your video, I really appreciate it. A little suggestion, zoom out a little bit.😆
very useful. Really appreciate it.
No prob!
Thank you Melody💗 I really like your videos. They are really helpful. 😊🙏🏻
Of course!
@@MelodyTamUA-cam 甚少見到的靚女, 你的教導, 我等更易入腦!
Thanks a bunch!
thank you for your sharing!
Melody:my pleasure😊💕🤣
You’re right 🤣🤣🤣
I'm very grateful 😊
Meloday, thanks for sharing......👍👍👍
No prob!
Thank you,I reallyappreciate for your sharing.
It is very helpful
👍🏻practical 👍🏻
Thanks a bunch
So grateful for your video. My pleasure to be your audience
My pleasure too!
@@MelodyTam眉清目秀, 唇红齒白, 年轻好笑容, 想殺死人嗎?
Thank a lot.
其实用You're welcome 都冇問題,不必多多花巧!
time 5:51 thanks a brunch ? typo ?🤔
good video😊👍👍
Thanks a bunch for giving me a ride to the airport,其中的bunch打成了brunch.
can we use no worry or no problem?
People don't really say Thanks a bunch. Mostly people say Thanks a lot.
I own you one basically means I own you one favour.
People mostly say You are a life saver......Not you are my life saver. Or probably saying something like : You saved my life.
Of course, most used way is : Thanks man, you helped me a lot.
You can also say something like : oh, you came to my rescue, you are my hero. If you are a girl, you can also say something like : You are my knight in shiny armour.
If you helped someone and you think it is your duty, you can say : That is my job or that is in my job description
OMG, I am doomed, how am I suppose to remember all these? I thought this was going to be a walk in the park, but now…. see what you guys have done to me! I feel so small and illiterate; perhaps I need to go back to elementary school to start learning English all over again. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
How about it is my honour …….?
@@ShikLam666 mostly you would say that when you are a boy and you have done something for a girl and she thanks you.
@@cellchow2339 You mean when I am chasing a beautiful girl like ….you? 🥹
thanks a bunch 😍💯💯💯
You are my beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
Uh… so much to memorize 😵💫, better stick with- thank you, appreciate all your efforts kindly. 🤓
当我说谢谢时,我英国的朋友经常会说:“not a problem mate” 或 “Lovely”
有时当人家拿东西给我时,我也用 “Lovely”代替“thank you”
To express thanks, l like to say "you are an angel sent by God". What do you think about this?
Don’t make me puke
Cheers mate, we say thank you in Manchester
Can i use " No Worries" ?
I really appreciate it
Don't mention it
Thanks a ton/No worries
thanks a bunch for your teaching♥
Of course!
Thanks for sharing, I learn a lot of thing for your channel.🙏🙏
Melody 越来越漂亮啦。Any time
Appreciate your compliment!
At your disposal any time.
thanks a lot
我聽過有人這樣說:Thank you very much indeed. 請問indeed 係咩意思?這是怎樣用法?
" I'm much obliged to you"
"evening"的發音不是"依墳零", 是eve+ning
同意這是個低級錯誤,可 能是她在兒時第一次學習這個字的發音時,一個值得她信賴的英語老師教的,以至她把這個發音牢牢的記在腦海裡,其二是她沒有在英語國家生活過,很少和 native speaker 在自然的交談中講這個常用的字,其實很多香港人甚至老師也會說成是 even_ning,甚至係 yeven_ning 或yefen_ling (衣焚零)。
沒有人在各方面都可以百分百準確,包括很多老外亦把 pronunciation 讀成 pronounciation, Chicago 讀成 Chi_cago 而非 Shi_cago 等等。
我這評語不是有意貶低這條片子,相反我在此片得益甚多,例如 “拘拘小事,何足掛齒” 在這裡可以選擇用 Don't mention it。
大把教育界,現在都教錯學生,仲係教學生,見到A.E.I.O.U 全部轉響音,咁点解下一站大學,(next station unversity)冇用響音,weeken 咪一樣到現在都是教讀week,end,一直既教育只為考試.
Thank you! I appreciate it 🙏
I am extremely grateful for your new reinforcement. I hope that I can learn more English before returning back to hell. Anyway, I owe you one, cheers mate.
No sweat!
The pleasure is all mine, my dear
普通話係跨國詐騙語言+跨國丐幫語言,講普通話會影 cheap 呢個頻道
仲有 No worries 都常用
"Thanks a million" 都係表達感謝嘅非正式方法之一
I’m living in Manchester and people usually say ‘cheers, mate’ instead of saying thank you
Cheers m8
Melody, 你好叻, 使我学到唔少英文。
口语的谢谢还可以说thanks a lot.
Really 係多餘的,只會代表平時自己是假意的。
社交在乎容易溝通,在巴士、火車或其他場合,英國人通常也祗是説’Thank you’ 和’You are welcome’。唔信,多些搭車和參與活動吧看看吧。
Sometimes I heard people saying cheers love😅
係英國成日聽到本地人講Thank you😅
Not at all?
thank is no big deal.
i used to say thanks a million , may be this phrase is out dated
No sweat 解釋錯了
但我系美国基本见所有老外都是讲thank you😂
對,在美西岸老番通常講thank you 或 I appreciated you.
使乜咁複雜,我不嬲都講句um hmm或者ah huh就當You are welcome嘅
eVENing 露餡了,完全沒有native feel. 連comment這個字都讀錯lol. 真是fresh off the boat
I don’t like use this word,
don't mention it
That is american wordz