I can't even really think of an accurate / appropriate allegory or metaphor for the drivers to the trains. Like....are they their brains? Free will? Consciousness?
What's even the point of giving the trains faces and brains? They'll just be annoying and do stuff like what henry did! If henry could control himself then why do they need to hire the drivers???
Fun fact: R.W. Awdry actually planned to write Herny out of the series because the illustrator kept drawing Henry wrong, but thanks to the fans Henry was kept in, in fact Awdry wrote a book on why was drawn wrong, later in the series Henry got into a crash while taking the "Flying Kipper" and repaired with a new body, the one Awdry wanted. (P.S. some theorist believed that if was written out, that crash would be the last time Henry would appear before going to the works).
Well first off, Henry came out of the tunnel like a week later when Gordon burst his safety valve and Henry & Edward had to take the express for him. Also this story was basically to be a metaphor when children are sent to their rooms to think about what they have done and what they could've done better.
Season 5 was overall terrifying, why? Haunted Henry was eerie, Duncan gets spooked was nightmare inducing and Toby's faces in Toby's discovery... it was messed up
“Rusty and the Boulder” and episodes from around the same period were creepier on purpose because they were like Halloween stories for kids. I don’t like those episodes as much as the regular episodes, but that is what the producers were aiming for, which is why they are more creepy than the more typical stories.
Scrapyards are addressed in the second season; engines used to be scrapped when they became obsolete. Such was the case with a traction engine, or would have been if the Vicar hadn't saved him, or his former owner hadn't polished him up. Later, only diesels worked at the Scrapyards; you never see scrapped diesel parts at a scrapyard. One could at least say the Fat Controller confined most diesels to this grisly area so they wouldn't scare the steam engines.
The scrapyards are a possible end for the engines, but not an inevitable one. Sir Topham Hat owns much of the Sodor Railway, but not all of it. There are other railways that use the scrapyards more often. On numerous occasions, Sir Topham Hat saved engines from other railways who were going to be scrapped, such as Oliver and Stepney. He saved Toby and Henrietta when their railway was closed, and he started the search party that found and saved Duke. Sir Topham Hat is not a monster like this video tries to make him appear. He is, overall, just a wise man who has to make decisions regarding the engines. If there is a way for him to show mercy, he does.
If the frame of a vehicle is no good and you have a replacement. _What do you with the old one?_ Keep the old rusty and broken thing that poses a danger? Absolutely not.
Ryuga 706 Even though they are sentient objects, they are still pieces of railway equipment. Therefore, they must comply will the rules and regulations of the railway set forward by whatever governing entity. You have to keep in mind that they possess the ability to crush and maim people, even if they don't mean to. Because, they have no full control over their physical self. Yes, they have free will. Which they can therefore chose what they wish to do. However, they are owned by they railway. In order to get fuel, maintenance, painted to prevent rust, and other necessities. They must simply show their worth for it. By doing jobs and performing tasks they are told to do. How can they get around this? They're sentient, but are also still machines. They need care to prevent from rusting away, falling apart, or breaking. They cannot just get essentials for nothing without working for them. If they were automotive or road based, maybe it would be more lazed. Because the roads belong to the public per say. While the rails are owned by the railway. Which governs what can and cannot run on certain sections. And also what can and cannot operate on them. Private parties and companies may own certain sections. But it is the railway that's in full control. I'm pretty sure The worthy Fatt... The Fatt Controller wishes to be more lenient, as he has compassion and admiration for his equipment. But he has a railway to run. He a director, and therefore has to direct. He to has duties to perform in whatever way he is told. He has standards set forward that he must follow them. Otherwise he'll lose his railway or have to resign his position. His obligations and business partnerships would be at stake if he were very lazed and let the engines did whatever m. Not to mention the island is apart of the U.K. Therefore it should be more in question of who actually owns the railway. As it was stated British Rail owned some part of it.
Except rusty is a diesel who most of the steam engines like partly because he is one of the few diesels in the show who if the trains where human wouldn't be found guilty of multiple attempted murders he just makes a lot of jokes that are either rude or inappropriate and nobody seems to care even sir topham hat
The old stories were supposed to be a realistic rendition of life on a railway. And trains aren't sentient in real life so nobody cares about them. Also, can I not mention the little narrow gauge engine that suddenly tumbled off a bridge to its doom and was never found?
Any episode that doesn't have that annoyingly catchy sing a long song at the start of every song. (the 2, 4, 6, 8 song) is considered good in my opinion. i think the show died out after series 6 or 7, however it started to get good again around series 17 or 18, when they started bringing back fan favourite characters like Duck, Bill, Ben, Donald and Douglas. Sir Handel was also strangely absent for many series as well, but has since returned. most of these characters had been absent for the last 10 series or so before hand. Series 20 tries to bring the series back to its old roots, by giving us 3 orignal stories from the orignal Rev. Awrdy books based on the miniture railway series (not to be confused with the narrow guage engines). Tit for tat, mikes whistle, and can't remember the last one.
The idea of the scrap yard was implemented to describe and actually date the series. The idea was to set the railway in the 50's and 60's in England. At that time in England British Railways were pushing steam traction out the door so, large amounts of steam locomotives were being pulled out of service and scraped. That is why Thomas and his friends are so scared of the scrap yard.
For Number 5, there is a slight mistake here. The shed that is shown to contain Duke when he was buried was just one he was stored in for the time before he was rescued. It wasn't the shed Smudger was sat behind to act as a generator. Smudger was kept at a different shed most likely nearer to the Main Station the Narrow-Gauge Engines were working out off and stayed for most of their time before the railway closed and Falcon (Sir Handel) and Stuart (Peter Sam) were sold off. Most likely Smudger was just parted down and sold off as part of the railway closing. So still a pretty gruesome death for him though.
Glad I wasn't the only one who thought that. Maybe old Rock got tired of bashing his brains in against fortress doors and decided to take his anger out on the trains
The only episode of “Thomas the Tank Engine” that I remember is the episode where Thomas goes out without anyone and he ends up crashing into someones house and ruining their breakfast
What's also so strange about that part was how are these people more concerned about their breakfast that their FRICKIN' HOUSE?!? I mean, Thomas utterly TRASHED their home and all they gripe about is their FOOD?! :D
I'm a huge Thomas fan, and I'm not going to even debunk these knowing I could, but I would like to add something you missed. You mention Stepney getting pushed by the 2 Diesels (called "Arry & Bert" BTW) in attempted murder, and then you bring up that they go about their lives as usual, you forgot to mention one other crucial detail. Not only did Arry and Bert not get punished for essentially killing off an engine, but you do realize that Arry and Bert do this as a job! I'm not kidding, they live and work at that scrap yard! Bios of the two also say they earn the name of "The Grim Messengers of Doom"! They are essentially undertakers who go a step further.
I mean, Henry’s punishment is the equivalent of shutting a child up in their room. S.C Ruffey got put back together. He got pulled apart by accident, but the catalyst for all this was because he was bullying and taunting the other engines. Boulder is a rock. Nothing to it. It rolled down a hill. The face is used to personify the Boulder so we can empathises with it if we choose.
You know, the funny thing about Boulder is why they bothered to prop him up on another mountain at the end when they could have just smashed it up and sent it down to be used.
So, I'm one of these British 80s kids who grew up watching this show (Ringo version), and people nowadays wonder why I have absolutely no problem with movies like Watership Down and its overtly graphical violence and take on death, and the supposedly horrific imagery of the Skeksis and The Dark Crystal... This show was apparently far darker than I remember it being...
Lucky Mushroom Productions, exactly! The show in it’s earlier format was much more realistic to life and appealed to adults as well as children. I used to be an avid Thomas fan, but after their transfer to Hit Entertainment, I lost interest. The reason I lost interest being that the episodes began to become monotonous, using the same plots over and over again, and leading virtually nowhere. The earlier episodes were much better, and they are the timeless ones.
you guys do know it was a preist that made thomas in the first place to get his sermons to conect to the kid so yah some wrath of god shit is bound to be there lol
Alexandria Murphy 72 (STUDENT) Those are some good points, I admit. But I still prefer Thomas to a lawless world where everyone is a douche and you can kill anyone and everyone and not even get the slightest punishment for your actions. It may just be a game, but sociopaths who play it can become potential serial killers and have. I have yet to hear of anyone inspired by Thomas & Friends to kill 50 people “just because they felt like it.”
Here are few things that he didn't think about 1st. Couldn't Henry come out of the other end since the Fat Controller didn't brick up the other end of Ballahoo Tunnel (Henry's Tunnel) 2nd. Stepney wouldn't be scrapped since he is a privately owned engine by the Bluebell Railway 3rd. If the boulder is haunted/possessed then Gordon is dead since the face mask used on the boulder was his
W.P.A ALLEN No.60114 I agree with your first two thoughts. I would like to mention If this boulder is haunted/possessed, then I think Timothy the ghost Engine would be the culprit for the boulders odd behavior.
1st. (1) yes but he was abandended by his crew 2nd. (3) yes but arry and bert don't know that 3rd. (5.0) that's like saying boco and daisy are closely related because they have the same face also 4th. (5.5) we have no proof smudger ever existed
What about the movie where a train had a massive claw and it was running the trains down and killing them, but Thomas destroyed the rail and killed the train.
Nugget// Baconbot17 After watching that movie countless times as a child, allow me to clarify some things: 1) the bridge the trains were chased to was very old and weak, weak enough for the weight of 2 steam engines running over it to make it crumble. How exactly they ended up on that part of the line, idk, but they got there. 2) Thomas himself didn’t destroy the rails. He did cause the bridge to crumble apart further after Lady ran across it first. But it was the diesel’s own weight that broke the rails. 3) the diesel didn’t die. He landed on a garbage barge that carries him offscreen. In fact iirc, he comes back in a later episode, claw and all. I was gonna say the diesel didn’t kill any trains....but I don’t remember if that was alleged to or not, not to mention he did threaten to drop Conductor off a bridge from his grip in his claw....
F.G.Candy The Animatronic Cat Oh believe me, I know his name; watched the Magic Railroad so many times as a child that it’s been imprinted in my memory forever XD. Didn’t know Diesel 10 came back in an animated film tho, interesting!
Cosmic Trash he was being unreasonable and an inconvenience. He stopped in the tunnel because it was raining and he thought the rain would mess up his paint. Sir Topham Hatt had enough of his insubordination so he blocked him in the tunnel. Had he not needed an extra train later on, who knows how long he would've left Henry in there?
I’m a thomas fan and I’m gonna be honest. Yeah the shows fucked up. But it’s also so cool with these kind of gritty stories! Plus these are the really the only episodes that take it to this extreme. Go to seasons 3-5 and you’ll see Thomas in it’s full beautiful glory.
This is what made Thomas good. Not all of those little kiddy crap that makes them not so creepy for kids. Some of the episodes like "Duncan Gets Spooked" is a creepy one, but it's good for little kids because they should know that feeling of being scared. Sure the story Rusty told may have been made up. But is it really? They show what happened to the old engine that fell off the bridge, you could see it happen, it looked so realistic, what if it was real? The bugs that light up that were released shaped into an engine, what if the ghost of the engine was controlling the bugs to look that way? It's all so mysterious and helps you develop the knowledge and feeling of fear.
Like Other Controllers Trains From The North Western Railway Have To Follow What The Fat Controller Sayed And Plus The Fat Controller Never Scraped His Trains Instead He Took Very Good Care Of Them And Plus The Trains From The North Western Railway Are Not Sudarian(They Call Sodor People Sudarian) All Of Them Are From Other Parts Of The World(Mostly The UK Because Sodor Its Part Of The UK) And The Scrap Yards Belong To British Rail
Devin swanson Like Other Controllers Trains From The North Western Railway Have To Follow What The Fat Controller Sayed And Plus The Fat Controller Never Scraped His Trains Instead He Took Very Good Care Of Them And Plus The Trains From The North Western Railway Are Not Sudarian(They Call Sodor People Sudarian) All Of Them Are From Other Parts Of The World(Mostly The UK Because Sodor Its Part Of The UK) And The Scrap Yards Belong To British Rail
chibi hungary Like Other Controllers Trains From The North Western Railway Have To Follow What The Fat Controller Sayed And Plus The Fat Controller Never Scraped His Trains Instead He Took Very Good Care Of Them And Plus The Trains From The North Western Railway Are Not Sudarian(They Call Sodor People Sudarian) All Of Them Are From Other Parts Of The World(Mostly The UK Because Sodor Its Part Of The UK) And The Scrap Yards Belong To British Rail
Honestly, Henry being left in the tunnel was a bit extreme. Just shut him up in the shed when it stops raining and then just let him go. Henry was supposed to be let there forever. If Gordon hadn’t broken down, he would have been left there for the rest of time.
My high school English teacher hated Thomas the Tank Engine because it brainwashed children into being completely the same with no free thinking what so ever. I thought she was overreacting but damn.
Honestly, I just watched it for the train crashes. I couldn't have cared less about the Imperialist overtones and if I actually wanted to learn something I just watched Sesame Street or Mr. Rogers when it wasn't taught in school.
At first I was like, "Thomas? Nah... you're stretching it." Then, at three minutes in, I went, "Oh... shit... I remember now... music still's pretty good though."
Is no one gonna talk about the dvd for thomas called "Percy Takes a Plunge" where he's literally submerged in tar and dying for the whole movie until he was saved.
I loved Thomas the Tank Engine as a kid, it was one of the first cartoons I ever watched(not the new bullshit one that has actual voice acting and animation but these old narrated ones) and it still holds a special place in my heart. The memes obviously make me laugh as I love that one of my fave childhood characters are still relevant to an older demographic as jokes but this honestly made me quite surprised and also very eye opening, holy shit man.
THANK YOU, BrownTaxi on the exact same way that was my first childhood cartoon I've ever seen in all 50 of these things which I did not even started watching this when I just immediately wanted to put a comment down and say all of this is unacceptable if I could hack into the system and delete this old thing I would so do that right now but I can't but I'm glad you put this down.
Alright let me get my list 1.He said that the boulder ran into a station and is like a killer which is wrong the boulder actually ran into an engine shed and it also wasn't a killer it simply rolled along the line after it fell from the mountain due to the quarry work making the mountains shouder too much and causing it to fall down and also the thing with the boulder having a face in some parts is supposed to be a mystery type of thing as it's never revealed that it's actually alive as we are supposed to be left wondering about it and also the boulder ep was an episode from S5 which had more mysterys in some eps 2.The scrapped engines are left laying around at the scrapyard because that's what's done in an actual scrapyard it's not some type of warning 3.Bulstrode didn't only complain one time it's literally mentioned before the transition to him that he never stops complaining and after the accident they just had enough and left him on the beach 4.S.C. Ruffey was rebuild after he broke apart in the TVS ep
TheGermanofSodor your corrections are mostly things he admits tô be speculating on. And complaining a fee times is still no reason for such treatment...
Counterpoints: 1: still doesn’t explain why this boulder almost conveniently chased after a train with crazy kinetic speed and nearly killed someone. I say nearly because someone could’ve been there. The fact that the face is a mystery doesn’t exclude its creep factor. 2: Yes, but they’re still sentient trains. If they’re sentient why’re they still treated as disposable objects? 3: Still a highly over reactive punishment to someone constantly complaining. 4: refer to point 3, they’re sentient things: being rebuilt after being smashed to bits is still most likely a horrifying if not mentally scarring experience.
Okay, Dude, I have a couple bones to pick with you. 1. Yeah, there's a playset called "Henry's Tunnel" because for the rest of the entire series that tunnel, which returns to regular use, is referred to as "Henry's Tunnel," just like this hill that Gordon got stuck on is always called "Gordon's Hill." It is not necessarily meant to be used to re-enact that specific story. 2. Even though it is spelled S period C period Ruffy, the character's name is pronounced "Scruffy." I mean, did you listen to the narration for "Toad's Stands By"? 3. Okay...I mean, yeah, kinda. I know they're anthropomorphic, but they're still trains. That's just what happens when rail equipment becomes outdated. And Sir Topham Hatt was really only authoritative like that in the first couple episodes...you know, when the stories were still "finding themselves." 4. That is not a station. That is a shed. Also regarding Sir Topham Hatt...see #3. 5. Huh...actually hadn't noticed how often that happens. But, dude, the stories take place in, like, the early 1900's. In the case of Smudger, that's kinda how punishments were enacted. And once again, that is a shed. I mean, this "Grandpuff" they actually say that Smudger is "behind the shed." And the shed that Duke was left in, the one buried in the landside, is not even the same shed. Different shed. 6. I thought that this was going to be about the actual scary themed episodes, like "Rusty and the Boulder" and "Stepney Gets Lost" which you did mention, but there were episodes like "Duncan Gets Spooked" and "Haunted Henry" that scared the living crap out of me when I was little! Kinda disappointed that isn't what you were talking about in this episode.
I'll nitpick some of those bones. 1. The Henry's Tunnel set comes with the wall xD 3. The show at that stage was adapting the books. In fact they didn't move into primarily new material until series 4-5. 5. While true he got the location of Smudger wrong, he WAS still most likely abandoned possibly never to be found. The Arlesdale railway was build over the old Mid-Sodor so perhaps he might have been discovered later on but as far as canonical information goes, it seems unlikely. Also; good on you for bringing up Duncan Gets Spooked and Haunted Henry. Those episodes really creeped me out, too. The red signal, fogman's coat, and shadowy figure in the station in HH were terrifying.
Diamond Kittens Gaming In one of the books, an engine falls off a mountain and they use his parts to repair other engines. Basically the Thomas version of cannibalism. It was never adapted to television.
Why does everybody think that Sir Topham hat is Kim John Un? He is such a sweet and loving guy, he is just a parent disciplining his many giant metal children on wheels.
Yeah, I used to be a superfan, so I know that in a different season, you saw Bulstrode on the beach, but.. HE HAD NO FACE!!!! - Edit. To all those saying ReUsEd PrOp!!! I KNOW IT'S PARODYING HOW SHIT THIS VIDEO IS SHUT UP
Just saw this video and while I could care less about all the explained-in-post racism or whatever, I do believe I must've repressed the demonic face of that damn boulder. It all came flooding back, I distinctly had a nightmare about that face.
SquidChiefGaming I think that one might be different. Not sure but that might’ve been it. I watched a goofs and didn’t see much of a ghost. But that trains name is Diesel 10
@@justinbryan6249 It might have been the episode A Bad Day At Castle Loch. Donald and Douglas gets trapped near a lake and during the foggy night, they mistake the silhouette of a repair crane to a monster.
Thomas is a show that shows the problems you bring if you aren't careful. Plus, notice how these are the older episodes. Times have changed since then. The stories aren't as 'dark' as they were back then. Watch the new ones, then tell me if it's 'scary'. Times were different back then, when there wasn't as many things to be as careful as the are now.
Videos like these are why "Thomas The Tank Engine" is so mindless and dull these days. Teaching kids that we live in a world of rules and consequences isn't a bad thing because it's a fact of life. Back in the day, the show had a clear message of the importance of being useful, and to find joy in helping others reach a goal (such as when you work at a job). Without the consequence of being "sent away" for being lazy, obnoxious, or a troublemaker (as you would at a job), the message has no teeth. I'd rather arm my children with a small dose of reality than lie to them and leave them unprepared.
Elijah Bailey agreed, it's pretty messed up. I mean life does have consciences and bad things happen but this T.V show is supposed to be for kids right?! Plus who puts messed up deaths or punishments in it when they know kids will be watching.
so what you're saying is that you didn't watch the video and instead just commented, I think there's a serious side to this video but I think for the most part it's meant as satire...
I saw this two years ago and I was AMAZED by it. I rethought the whole show and how it is a dystopia. I started to watch every episode with the original intent of finding examples of that, but then it turned into just a challenge to watch every episode. So this video created my Thomas fandom phase.
I will always wonder why he quit after series 2. Michael Anglis did the brittish narration for nearly 20 years after Ringo quit. now thats some dedication.
i feel sorry for Ringo. he's forced to re-narrate those episodes using terms american audiences could understand. the worst case of all, is that the "Troublesome trucks", where renamed "Troublesome freight cars". it doesn't have the same ring to it, and doesn't roll of the tongue. at least the american version of a season 1 episode had that hilarious blooper where a different voice says "Look out out for the train" XD
That first one was dark af especially when the other trains go passed with them looks on the faces and the sad face of Henry as the happy music starts to play.
Careful, Dorkly, you're not allowed to call him the Fat Controller anymore - that's sizeist - it's Sir Topham Hat now. And you can't call them steam trains anymore, either - that's fuelist and automotivist - they're Rankine cycle railed vehicles now.
0:35 The Sad Story of Henry Ends with a Train Walled up Forever 4:17 Vehicles are Brutalized and Dismembered all the time 6:07 A Train Stumbles into a Mass Grave and is Almost Murdered 8:04 The Tale of the Living Boulder who wants to Destroy Everything 9:55 The Rude and Annoying are Instantly Doomed to a Humiliating Punishiment for all Enternity
Oh hey you guys mentioned the Boulder episode...and you put it in a new light as well... Seriously though that whole bit you did is some seriously good shit for fan fiction. Although I don't agree with the "authoritarian" themes, I found this quite enjoyable. The video actually had effort put into it unlike those fake news articles by The Newyorker and some other companies.
Rick Sanchez Yes Mr. Sanchez there is! We're a strange bunch but at least none of us have jumped up on counters and screamed like little children demanding Mcnugget sauce.
Are you KIDDING ME? Henry is let out in the NEXT EPISODE. If you'd researched this bloody show more, you would've seen Henrt get out in the next episode. The break van's death was an accident. Trains are what the engine pulls. The engines are the steam engines, diesels. etc. The fat controller is WAY NICER than you think he is and he's actually AGAINST scrapping. S. C. Ruffy is put back together at the end of the same episode he was pulled apart. The fat controller closed the quarry. He didn't keep it on hold. Smudger's tale was possibly just a STORY that Duke told Stuart and Falcon so they would behave.
I've never quite understood how much control the train drivers have over the engines...
I mean, in one episode a driver crashes Gordon through a station and the driver is reprimanded. Every other time though, it’s always the trains fault.
I can't even really think of an accurate / appropriate allegory or metaphor for the drivers to the trains. Like....are they their brains? Free will? Consciousness?
What's even the point of giving the trains faces and brains? They'll just be annoying and do stuff like what henry did! If henry could control himself then why do they need to hire the drivers???
I'm pretty sure they have them for common sense. If they breakdown they got the driver to help them out
In real life the engineer has control over everything as for the locomotives and the conductor is in control of the consist
It was time for Thomas to leave. He had seen everything.
He aint leavin'. The franchise has not been milked into oblivion yet. He's coming back as "big world big advertures"
*big stupid big mistake
R.I.P. Childhood
Engineer Skalinera it's a fucking joke, look it up.
You lied you talked about Thomas
“Henry decides he’s going to hang out in a tunnel rather then let his paint job get ruined by the TRAIN”
Henry has a point right?
I mean who would want a *TRAIN* of rain?!
Haha get it?! CUZ RAIN
@@maikomaigy6420 THE DOOR NOW!!😡
ni06no uNO U
*look out for the train*
Fun fact: R.W. Awdry actually planned to write Herny out of the series because the illustrator kept drawing Henry wrong, but thanks to the fans Henry was kept in, in fact Awdry wrote a book on why was drawn wrong, later in the series Henry got into a crash while taking the "Flying Kipper" and repaired with a new body, the one Awdry wanted. (P.S. some theorist believed that if was written out, that crash would be the last time Henry would appear before going to the works).
Actually Awdry wanted Henry to be an Atlantic.
I think Henry wouldn't be mentioned in the RWS like other characters if Awdry had removed Henry from the RWS.
I had the Henry’s tunnel toy. I never knew what it’s use was for until now.
The Doge News Channel like finding a weird sex toy in your parents' bedroom
You could have used Legos to reenact the episode!
Yousexythang I made it uneven you pissed?
Well first off, Henry came out of the tunnel like a week later when Gordon burst his safety valve and Henry & Edward had to take the express for him. Also this story was basically to be a metaphor when children are sent to their rooms to think about what they have done and what they could've done better.
Yousexythang you are legendary... Just legendary
Oh wow I remember Rusty and the Boulder
It was freaking terrifying
And that's what made it awesome
Season 5 was overall terrifying, why? Haunted Henry was eerie, Duncan gets spooked was nightmare inducing and Toby's faces in Toby's discovery... it was messed up
Really? I loved that one as a kid.
“Rusty and the Boulder” and episodes from around the same period were creepier on purpose because they were like Halloween stories for kids. I don’t like those episodes as much as the regular episodes, but that is what the producers were aiming for, which is why they are more creepy than the more typical stories.
Darkspyre yeah
Thomas might already be insane if he can just sit there smiling
This mad me pmsl 😂
The Narrator: “But no-one was hurt.”
The show: *Literally has a LIVING train cart fricking pulled apart STILL LIVING*
Narrator:I Say That All Of The Time
That narrator always pulls up to save our asses
Narrator and plot can't save you boys HAHAHAHAHAAAAaA🔪
Jatwon Dunn also the narrator: luckily no one was hurt
@@harryfoley2294 what the f###
No one was spared, not even the children.
*smiling Gordon*
Good times.
*MMM* "I like children..."
@@skarloey2653 call the police
Gordon was my favorite
Scrapyards are addressed in the second season; engines used to be scrapped when they became obsolete. Such was the case with a traction engine, or would have been if the Vicar hadn't saved him, or his former owner hadn't polished him up.
Later, only diesels worked at the Scrapyards; you never see scrapped diesel parts at a scrapyard. One could at least say the Fat Controller confined most diesels to this grisly area so they wouldn't scare the steam engines.
The scrapyards are a possible end for the engines, but not an inevitable one. Sir Topham Hat owns much of the Sodor Railway, but not all of it. There are other railways that use the scrapyards more often. On numerous occasions, Sir Topham Hat saved engines from other railways who were going to be scrapped, such as Oliver and Stepney. He saved Toby and Henrietta when their railway was closed, and he started the search party that found and saved Duke. Sir Topham Hat is not a monster like this video tries to make him appear. He is, overall, just a wise man who has to make decisions regarding the engines. If there is a way for him to show mercy, he does.
Professor Pyne that is an excellent response
If the frame of a vehicle is no good and you have a replacement. _What do you with the old one?_ Keep the old rusty and broken thing that poses a danger? Absolutely not.
Old Offy 440 They are Still Sentient Though. Which makes me wonder. Why don't they have any rights.
Ryuga 706 Even though they are sentient objects, they are still pieces of railway equipment. Therefore, they must comply will the rules and regulations of the railway set forward by whatever governing entity. You have to keep in mind that they possess the ability to crush and maim people, even if they don't mean to. Because, they have no full control over their physical self. Yes, they have free will. Which they can therefore chose what they wish to do. However, they are owned by they railway. In order to get fuel, maintenance, painted to prevent rust, and other necessities. They must simply show their worth for it. By doing jobs and performing tasks they are told to do. How can they get around this?
They're sentient, but are also still machines. They need care to prevent from rusting away, falling apart, or breaking. They cannot just get essentials for nothing without working for them. If they were automotive or road based, maybe it would be more lazed. Because the roads belong to the public per say. While the rails are owned by the railway. Which governs what can and cannot run on certain sections. And also what can and cannot operate on them. Private parties and companies may own certain sections. But it is the railway that's in full control.
I'm pretty sure The worthy Fatt... The Fatt Controller wishes to be more lenient, as he has compassion and admiration for his equipment. But he has a railway to run. He a director, and therefore has to direct. He to has duties to perform in whatever way he is told. He has standards set forward that he must follow them. Otherwise he'll lose his railway or have to resign his position. His obligations and business partnerships would be at stake if he were very lazed and let the engines did whatever m. Not to mention the island is apart of the U.K. Therefore it should be more in question of who actually owns the railway. As it was stated British Rail owned some part of it.
That boulder... Classic
I even have a toy of that.
I _HAD_ a toy of it. It got lost and we still can't find it to this day.
I want a toy of it. If I can't find it i'm gonna get some duct tape
Uhhh, WTF
Arun Pabuwal bcc
Arun Pabuwal same
Henry: "You know how you get villains? This is how you get villains!"
Thomas: Hi! Im the positive main character
Sirtophamhat: *Hippity hoppity you are now my property*
Bunny Boy yeet
Hippity hoppity sentient beings are property
That Rhymes
*hippity hoppity get off my property*
"They get killed and gutted for parts."
Well, that explains why Douglas shudders at the very word "scrapped."
256NatLiz No it's not, It is because he was gonna be scarp but His Twin saves him.
Shed 17
This show creeped me out as a kid but I still continued watching it.
I didn't choose the *chug* life, the *chug* life chose me!
Dexter Morgan hell yea.
Dexter Morgan the old Thomas and Friends scares me. But the new ones doesn’t
The idea that Thomas is something authoritarian is:
I remeber that XD
We’ll have to send a delegation!
David Cappadoccia What a lie to me. I still love Thomas and Friends.
I’m with Brndon lu
I’m a Thomas and friends lover
I'm surprised you didn't mention in blatant racism between steamies and diesels. :V
haha "racism"
Except rusty is a diesel who most of the steam engines like partly because he is one of the few diesels in the show who if the trains where human wouldn't be found guilty of multiple attempted murders he just makes a lot of jokes that are either rude or inappropriate and nobody seems to care even sir topham hat
andrew hardman We aren't racist, our friends a diesel.
And most of the diesels are black.
@Daniel Z Dialga Im not a trainist but..
The old stories were supposed to be a realistic rendition of life on a railway. And trains aren't sentient in real life so nobody cares about them.
Also, can I not mention the little narrow gauge engine that suddenly tumbled off a bridge to its doom and was never found?
Autistic Foamer no one cares
Oh that? That was just a story made up by Rusty to spook Duncan xP
Autistic Foamer well trains that stare at you with a gigantic smile isn't really realistic
TheBrodsterBoy *fat conductor Mr. Tophamhat
+Autistic Foamer But the trainz have emotions, and they feel pain! They do!
I remember when Thomas was good back in the 80's/90's/early 2000's. Tbh, anything non CGI. I enjoyed those episodes.
Any episode that doesn't have that annoyingly catchy sing a long song at the start of every song. (the 2, 4, 6, 8 song) is considered good in my opinion. i think the show died out after series 6 or 7, however it started to get good again around series 17 or 18, when they started bringing back fan favourite characters like Duck, Bill, Ben, Donald and Douglas. Sir Handel was also strangely absent for many series as well, but has since returned. most of these characters had been absent for the last 10 series or so before hand. Series 20 tries to bring the series back to its old roots, by giving us 3 orignal stories from the orignal Rev. Awrdy books based on the miniture railway series (not to be confused with the narrow guage engines). Tit for tat, mikes whistle, and can't remember the last one.
Anything before the CGI episodes is good.
seasons 1-7 were great. then it sucked until season 17. Now it's gonna suck again after they change the entire show.
robocon2 Agreed. They ruined it with actual animation.
Andrew B I wasn't alive but I loved those along with the 80s
I have a theory: the Boulder is smudger’s spirit
Actually, the face of the boulder looked like Godred's face more than anything. Maybe it's his spirit?
Nope. I believe Smudger became Bertram.
I know.
@@uwusallday4826 I'd say it looked more like Gordon.
The idea of the scrap yard was implemented to describe and actually date the series. The idea was to set the railway in the 50's and 60's in England. At that time in England British Railways were pushing steam traction out the door so, large amounts of steam locomotives were being pulled out of service and scraped. That is why Thomas and his friends are so scared of the scrap yard.
Commander Gaming hi
Commander Gaming
Beeching cuts
Apparently the 50s and 60s weren't much better than 1984 :P
Thomas fills up on *nightmare fuel* at the train station.
Darkness Prevails Replying in case this blows up
Dude u r every where lol
Darkness Prevails so that's what Henry's "special coal" was made of.
Isn't The Fat Controller just the best guy ever?
Is that a don't starve reference?
Thomas' bodycount has a bodycount.
Dorkly Thomas the tank engine was my favourite tv show as a kid so try me lol.
Dorkly Gee thanks for the Halloween fibes when its not Halloween
That one episode with the ghost was the scariest thing and would keep me up at night when I was three.
Idksc the rubbing man meat
Dorkly I knew 1 and 3 so I don’t mind :3
I remember those toys of the train tracks. *THOSE WHERE LIT*
I know man, I still have him
I have lots and lots of bluetracks hidden somewhere
They still make them
For Number 5, there is a slight mistake here. The shed that is shown to contain Duke when he was buried was just one he was stored in for the time before he was rescued. It wasn't the shed Smudger was sat behind to act as a generator. Smudger was kept at a different shed most likely nearer to the Main Station the Narrow-Gauge Engines were working out off and stayed for most of their time before the railway closed and Falcon (Sir Handel) and Stuart (Peter Sam) were sold off. Most likely Smudger was just parted down and sold off as part of the railway closing. So still a pretty gruesome death for him though.
At least it ended
*Luckily, no one was hurt.*
Absolutely no one was hurt. Dear Leader Kim Jong Hatt says so.
Dbananaguy53 Unluckly its always a lie.
Dbananaguy53 I was hurt from this video 📹 😥
The boulder is from rock of ages
Yes he is, and he got a high score.
Indiana Jones
Finn O Brien yes
Glad I wasn't the only one who thought that. Maybe old Rock got tired of bashing his brains in against fortress doors and decided to take his anger out on the trains
Gunter glieben glauchen globen
Wow, I did not realize how metal this show was.
My childhood was awesome.
What do you mean metal?
@Cherry Dayz metal. Brutal. Hardcore. Awesome. \m/
This people when you to stop watching Thomas and friends
Me: **wants to stay inside because of a storm**
Me: **gets locked inside as a result**
_seems legit_
Not because of the storm it was because he didn't wanted to ruin his paint and remember he was pulling some express coaches
@@NegroWeko No no no no, you are addicted.
@@world2nothing I hope you are being sarcastic or something
* breaks in and saves you and get the episode banned
The only episode of “Thomas the Tank Engine” that I remember is the episode where Thomas goes out without anyone and he ends up crashing into someones house and ruining their breakfast
Just Another Lazy Trash Panda That Episode Is Called: Thomas Comes To Breakfast
The reactions from the people in the house were pretty funny.
Just Another Lazy Trash Panda why is this funny to me
What's also so strange about that part was how are these people more concerned about their breakfast that their FRICKIN' HOUSE?!? I mean, Thomas utterly TRASHED their home and all they gripe about is their FOOD?! :D
Yeah i spent my childhood with seeing thomas and friends!
Edit: Thanks for 120 Likes👍
Edit: It was actually ‘by’ instead of ‘with’ sorry for the typo
Pokémon Master Pratyaksh *thomas in hell
Pokémon Master Pratyaksh HOW DID YOU SURVIVE
onyx I.X i like creepy and scary things bro!
Fact: s.c.ruffey in the railway series was never put back together
He was scrapped
@Seth Yearwood wait really
Swatappens when you piss off a Scott
I'm a huge Thomas fan, and I'm not going to even debunk these knowing I could, but I would like to add something you missed.
You mention Stepney getting pushed by the 2 Diesels (called "Arry & Bert" BTW) in attempted murder, and then you bring up that they go about their lives as usual, you forgot to mention one other crucial detail. Not only did Arry and Bert not get punished for essentially killing off an engine, but you do realize that Arry and Bert do this as a job! I'm not kidding, they live and work at that scrap yard! Bios of the two also say they earn the name of "The Grim Messengers of Doom"! They are essentially undertakers who go a step further.
Holy *_SHIT_*
Yare Yare Daze Holy Shit Indeed!
Yare Yare Daze Bad Word
**ahem** geek **ahem**
Jk lol GG i used to be a huge Thomas fan too
Holy shit i remember that fucking boulder!!
Dat 1 Black guy You Know
And now we have _Rock of Ages!_
Same. The fucking boulder.
Hannibus 42 boom!
WHO DOSENT REMEMBER THE FUCKING BOULDER!? This shit was my childhood! Well, WAS...
I mean, Henry’s punishment is the equivalent of shutting a child up in their room.
S.C Ruffey got put back together. He got pulled apart by accident, but the catalyst for all this was because he was bullying and taunting the other engines.
Boulder is a rock. Nothing to it. It rolled down a hill. The face is used to personify the Boulder so we can empathises with it if we choose.
You know, the funny thing about Boulder is why they bothered to prop him up on another mountain at the end when they could have just smashed it up and sent it down to be used.
what about bulstroke the barge
presumably he's still on the beach to this day
In the original RWS story, S.C. Ruffey was (presumably) scrapped.
Somebody needs to pin comment this is the new voice of reason
I heard Smugger Died
When the robot chicken parody wasn't as dark as the original show
It was more funny than dark but it deserves to be sued
@@cheevlubs4540 sued?
Thomas ain't dark, the brainless theorists think it is
So, I'm one of these British 80s kids who grew up watching this show (Ringo version), and people nowadays wonder why I have absolutely no problem with movies like Watership Down and its overtly graphical violence and take on death, and the supposedly horrific imagery of the Skeksis and The Dark Crystal...
This show was apparently far darker than I remember it being...
BYERE im born in 2003 I watched it too I always remembered it as a happy and funny show...
I grew up on Tomas the tank engine and because it was Scotland I got the ringo version and I remember watership down
Why is this making me want to re-watch the whole Thomas the tank engine series
That's what made Thomas so different from other kids shows. It shows that life isn't all sunshine and rainbows, and you get punished for your actions.
Lucky Mushroom Productions, exactly! The show in it’s earlier format was much more realistic to life and appealed to adults as well as children. I used to be an avid Thomas fan, but after their transfer to Hit Entertainment, I lost interest. The reason I lost interest being that the episodes began to become monotonous, using the same plots over and over again, and leading virtually nowhere. The earlier episodes were much better, and they are the timeless ones.
As for those who think that Thomas is creepy and scares children, then why do you let your kids play video games like Grand Theft Auto? LOL
you guys do know it was a preist that made thomas in the first place to get his sermons to conect to the kid so yah some wrath of god shit is bound to be there lol
Alexandria Murphy 72 (STUDENT)
Those are some good points, I admit. But I still prefer Thomas to a lawless world where everyone is a douche and you can kill anyone and everyone and not even get the slightest punishment for your actions. It may just be a game, but sociopaths who play it can become potential serial killers and have. I have yet to hear of anyone inspired by Thomas & Friends to kill 50 people “just because they felt like it.”
Lucky Mushroom Productions In real life, death shouldn't be wished on people who are just rude.
Him: "Homicide? Lococide? "
Me: lomicide? What about hococide? Are those good?
Here are few things that he didn't think about
1st. Couldn't Henry come out of the other end since the Fat Controller didn't brick up the other end of Ballahoo Tunnel (Henry's Tunnel)
2nd. Stepney wouldn't be scrapped since he is a privately owned engine by the Bluebell Railway
3rd. If the boulder is haunted/possessed then Gordon is dead since the face mask used on the boulder was his
W.P. ALLEN No.60114 okay, your hypothesis for 3 is kinda dumb
W.P.A ALLEN No.60114 I agree with your first two thoughts. I would like to mention If this boulder is haunted/possessed, then I think Timothy the ghost Engine would be the culprit for the boulders odd behavior.
D49 fan07 if he has enough steam left he’d be able to leave.
Bunny23723 I keep having to say this... TIMOTHY ISNT CANON HE NEVER HAS AND NEVER WILL.
1st. (1) yes but he was abandended by his crew
2nd. (3) yes but arry and bert don't know that
3rd. (5.0) that's like saying boco and daisy are closely related because they have the same face
also 4th. (5.5) we have no proof smudger ever existed
What about the movie where a train had a massive claw and it was running the trains down and killing them, but Thomas destroyed the rail and killed the train.
Nugget// Baconbot17
After watching that movie countless times as a child, allow me to clarify some things:
1) the bridge the trains were chased to was very old and weak, weak enough for the weight of 2 steam engines running over it to make it crumble. How exactly they ended up on that part of the line, idk, but they got there.
2) Thomas himself didn’t destroy the rails. He did cause the bridge to crumble apart further after Lady ran across it first. But it was the diesel’s own weight that broke the rails.
3) the diesel didn’t die. He landed on a garbage barge that carries him offscreen. In fact iirc, he comes back in a later episode, claw and all.
I was gonna say the diesel didn’t kill any trains....but I don’t remember if that was alleged to or not, not to mention he did threaten to drop Conductor off a bridge from his grip in his claw....
You mean the magic railroad?
Nugget// Baconbot17 you mean Diesel 10? Well, he did return in Day of the Diesels
Marshimus Prime Actually he returned in the animated film "Day of the Diesels". And his name was Diesel 10
F.G.Candy The Animatronic Cat
Oh believe me, I know his name; watched the Magic Railroad so many times as a child that it’s been imprinted in my memory forever XD. Didn’t know Diesel 10 came back in an animated film tho, interesting!
Henry literally just wanted one break and this is what he gets?
Cosmic Trash he was being unreasonable and an inconvenience. He stopped in the tunnel because it was raining and he thought the rain would mess up his paint. Sir Topham Hatt had enough of his insubordination so he blocked him in the tunnel. Had he not needed an extra train later on, who knows how long he would've left Henry in there?
It was always like this when i worked at Morrisons
milestone380 Him not wanting his paint being messed up is very reasonable tf are you talking about?
Cosmic Trash lesson learned always obey ur slave master
+Space Whale It is rather unreasonable considering that his stopping in the tunnel would disrupt the railway's economy.
*Genre: **_comedy_*
Yes, because this video is sooooo funny.
Nah, not really
Yeah funny I’m not sure about that
UA-cam is drunk
Your cursed
I’m a thomas fan and I’m gonna be honest. Yeah the shows fucked up. But it’s also so cool with these kind of gritty stories! Plus these are the really the only episodes that take it to this extreme. Go to seasons 3-5 and you’ll see Thomas in it’s full beautiful glory.
those were the good old days
This is what made Thomas good. Not all of those little kiddy crap that makes them not so creepy for kids. Some of the episodes like "Duncan Gets Spooked" is a creepy one, but it's good for little kids because they should know that feeling of being scared. Sure the story Rusty told may have been made up. But is it really? They show what happened to the old engine that fell off the bridge, you could see it happen, it looked so realistic, what if it was real? The bugs that light up that were released shaped into an engine, what if the ghost of the engine was controlling the bugs to look that way? It's all so mysterious and helps you develop the knowledge and feeling of fear.
Fat controller reminds me of kim jong un..
Thename's NoName same
Like Other Controllers Trains From The North Western Railway Have To Follow What The Fat Controller Sayed And Plus The Fat Controller Never Scraped His Trains Instead He Took Very Good Care Of Them And Plus The Trains From The North Western Railway Are Not Sudarian(They Call Sodor People Sudarian) All Of Them Are From Other Parts Of The World(Mostly The UK Because Sodor Its Part Of The UK) And The Scrap Yards Belong To British Rail
Devin swanson Like Other Controllers Trains From The North Western Railway Have To Follow What The Fat Controller Sayed And Plus The Fat Controller Never Scraped His Trains Instead He Took Very Good Care Of Them And Plus The Trains From The North Western Railway Are Not Sudarian(They Call Sodor People Sudarian) All Of Them Are From Other Parts Of The World(Mostly The UK Because Sodor Its Part Of The UK) And The Scrap Yards Belong To British Rail
chibi hungary Like Other Controllers Trains From The North Western Railway Have To Follow What The Fat Controller Sayed And Plus The Fat Controller Never Scraped His Trains Instead He Took Very Good Care Of Them And Plus The Trains From The North Western Railway Are Not Sudarian(They Call Sodor People Sudarian) All Of Them Are From Other Parts Of The World(Mostly The UK Because Sodor Its Part Of The UK) And The Scrap Yards Belong To British Rail
*Korea is in confusion and delay*
The scrapped engines were just the old models from the first seasons repainted
thegreatcalvinio somehow that makes it worse. They are being constantly replaced with new versions of themself
Some where from TUGS. Such as the goods engine, and Puffa.
PapíDimmi Deep.
That’s more messed up
firekram uh..not really? It's just the production theme wants to have better models when the old models don't start working well for the show lol
Not a single person:
Like, seriously, nobody:
hey i have the cd of that first ep! wait whats a cd again?
leo233357 you mean DVD
Cool Down
leo233357 Compact Disc, it's called that because before discs used to be large and weren't as clean as a compact disc.
It's a me Mario I believe they were/are called laser discs my dad has a rather large collection of them.
What about the old VHS tapes I have?
Rip my boi smudger
Spencerplay 135 Tru
Hey Sonichu
Sonic and pikachu pro pic... nice
He became The Old Warrior.
Spencerplay 135 I never knew smuger existed till I saw this video
Freaking Smudger. He’s still there to this day, they say.
Damn i feel bad for Smudger. Just because he was a jerk doesnt mean he should be mentally broken and tortured and most of all forgotten.
Howdy Folks! Gaming it’s even darker than that. After his engine failed, apparently the Quarry flooded and he drowned, with no wheels to escape...yeah
He deserved it. I think they should have him scrapped. Speaking of scrapping, the scrapyard diesels were my favorite villains 12 years ago.
There is a comfort thinking he became Bertram.
"I think he deserved his punishment. Don't you?"
That line is so fucking unsettling.
Honestly, Henry being left in the tunnel was a bit extreme. Just shut him up in the shed when it stops raining and then just let him go. Henry was supposed to be let there forever. If Gordon hadn’t broken down, he would have been left there for the rest of time.
He stopped in a tunnel with almost 100 passengers away from a station. He deserved it ,plus he was let out the next episode
Hey dorkly you forgot the episode with the ghost train that fell down the big bridge with some troublesome trucks and he was never found again
What do you expect? I bet they drive cherry pickers to work
Oh my god, I forgot about that episode. It was cool and scary.
U met the untold story of Timothy
That one should have been on the list.
Jack Cornick that was an accident smugers punishment was an unnecessary execution
*"F O R K I D S"*
Waffle TC Nastalgia Critic also had a meme that said "You know, for kids!" As well
" *_P B S K I D S_* "
*4 K I D S A N I M E*
4kids, lol
My high school English teacher hated Thomas the Tank Engine because it brainwashed children into being completely the same with no free thinking what so ever. I thought she was overreacting but damn.
She was overreacting
Well, thomas has never EVER taught abc's. But it has gotten pretty kid Showy. Seasons 8-16 suck. It's a hell of a lot better now though.
Honestly, I just watched it for the train crashes. I couldn't have cared less about the Imperialist overtones and if I actually wanted to learn something I just watched Sesame Street or Mr. Rogers when it wasn't taught in school.
Its gotten a little better, not a lot, but improvement is noticeable
Kids shows back in our day were hardcore, and no even saw it that way
At first I was like, "Thomas? Nah... you're stretching it." Then, at three minutes in, I went, "Oh... shit... I remember now... music still's pretty good though."
That music deadass goes with every rap song.....
Mike O Donald and Junior Campbell are amazing
Thomas was my childhood. I had/ still have all the play sets including the one with the bolder.
I had the boulder trackmaster one. We lost the boulder himself like a decade ago
Is no one gonna talk about the dvd for thomas called "Percy Takes a Plunge" where he's literally submerged in tar and dying for the whole movie until he was saved.
That... that is an entirely wrong recollection. Because mine tells me that it was a collection of episodes, not a movie.
That was an episode collection DVD...
Tbh, I loved those episodes. Now I'm questioning them.
I loved Thomas the Tank Engine as a kid, it was one of the first cartoons I ever watched(not the new bullshit one that has actual voice acting and animation but these old narrated ones) and it still holds a special place in my heart. The memes obviously make me laugh as I love that one of my fave childhood characters are still relevant to an older demographic as jokes but this honestly made me quite surprised and also very eye opening, holy shit man.
I would not call the old episodes a cartoon exactly
THANK YOU, BrownTaxi on the exact same way that was my first childhood cartoon I've ever seen in all 50 of these things which I did not even started watching this when I just immediately wanted to put a comment down and say all of this is unacceptable if I could hack into the system and delete this old thing I would so do that right now but I can't but I'm glad you put this down.
BrownTaxi I saw Thomas the tank engine to remember my childhood and then I see a bus get turned into a chicken coop
I don't like the new CGI series as well I perfur the models
Thomas might be on drugs.
@@ExplixGD shit
Not True👍🏻
To imagine talking trains is meaning to be on drugs
At least you mentioned some things people always forgot when they talk these eps
But there are still quite a lot of things you got wrong
Alright let me get my list
1.He said that the boulder ran into a station and is like a killer which is wrong the boulder actually ran into an engine shed and it also wasn't a killer it simply rolled along the line after it fell from the mountain due to the quarry work making the mountains shouder too much and causing it to fall down and also the thing with the boulder having a face in some parts is supposed to be a mystery type of thing as it's never revealed that it's actually alive as we are supposed to be left wondering about it and also the boulder ep was an episode from S5 which had more mysterys in some eps
2.The scrapped engines are left laying around at the scrapyard because that's what's done in an actual scrapyard it's not some type of warning
3.Bulstrode didn't only complain one time it's literally mentioned before the transition to him that he never stops complaining and after the accident they just had enough and left him on the beach
4.S.C. Ruffey was rebuild after he broke apart in the TVS ep
TheGermanofSodor exactly
TheGermanofSodor your corrections are mostly things he admits tô be speculating on. And complaining a fee times is still no reason for such treatment...
1: still doesn’t explain why this boulder almost conveniently chased after a train with crazy kinetic speed and nearly killed someone. I say nearly because someone could’ve been there. The fact that the face is a mystery doesn’t exclude its creep factor.
2: Yes, but they’re still sentient trains. If they’re sentient why’re they still treated as disposable objects?
3: Still a highly over reactive punishment to someone constantly complaining.
4: refer to point 3, they’re sentient things: being rebuilt after being smashed to bits is still most likely a horrifying if not mentally scarring experience.
Okay, Dude, I have a couple bones to pick with you.
1. Yeah, there's a playset called "Henry's Tunnel" because for the rest of the entire series that tunnel, which returns to regular use, is referred to as "Henry's Tunnel," just like this hill that Gordon got stuck on is always called "Gordon's Hill." It is not necessarily meant to be used to re-enact that specific story.
2. Even though it is spelled S period C period Ruffy, the character's name is pronounced "Scruffy." I mean, did you listen to the narration for "Toad's Stands By"?
3. Okay...I mean, yeah, kinda. I know they're anthropomorphic, but they're still trains. That's just what happens when rail equipment becomes outdated. And Sir Topham Hatt was really only authoritative like that in the first couple episodes...you know, when the stories were still "finding themselves."
4. That is not a station. That is a shed. Also regarding Sir Topham Hatt...see #3.
5. Huh...actually hadn't noticed how often that happens. But, dude, the stories take place in, like, the early 1900's. In the case of Smudger, that's kinda how punishments were enacted. And once again, that is a shed. I mean, this "Grandpuff" they actually say that Smudger is "behind the shed." And the shed that Duke was left in, the one buried in the landside, is not even the same shed. Different shed.
6. I thought that this was going to be about the actual scary themed episodes, like "Rusty and the Boulder" and "Stepney Gets Lost" which you did mention, but there were episodes like "Duncan Gets Spooked" and "Haunted Henry" that scared the living crap out of me when I was little! Kinda disappointed that isn't what you were talking about in this episode.
Robbie Steinmetz Yeah I keep on Forgetting my Second Favorite Character, is pronounced Scruffy. :/ and not S.C.Ruffey
I'll nitpick some of those bones.
1. The Henry's Tunnel set comes with the wall xD
3. The show at that stage was adapting the books. In fact they didn't move into primarily new material until series 4-5.
5. While true he got the location of Smudger wrong, he WAS still most likely abandoned possibly never to be found. The Arlesdale railway was build over the old Mid-Sodor so perhaps he might have been discovered later on but as far as canonical information goes, it seems unlikely.
Also; good on you for bringing up Duncan Gets Spooked and Haunted Henry. Those episodes really creeped me out, too. The red signal, fogman's coat, and shadowy figure in the station in HH were terrifying.
not to mention that the Sodor railway company has the worst safety rate in the world.
i have never seen so many train crashes in one place!
Nils Steyaert that's the new series, the old series had a more safe railway
not necessarily; crashes became more apparent(and more unrealistic) in season 5, which aired in 1997, when they stopped adapting The Railway Series.
Yet no train dies
Diamond Kittens Gaming In one of the books, an engine falls off a mountain and they use his parts to repair other engines. Basically the Thomas version of cannibalism. It was never adapted to television.
Nils Steyaert You don't know about CSX, do you?
Why does everybody think that Sir Topham hat is Kim John Un? He is such a sweet and loving guy, he is just a parent disciplining his many giant metal children on wheels.
Yeah, I used to be a superfan, so I know that in a different season, you saw Bulstrode on the beach, but..
- Edit.
To all those saying ReUsEd PrOp!!!
Kai & Zane Fan 300
Maybe he's asleep.
No, they just recycled his prop
Man, that sounds metal as heck.
link to screenshot
I mean, the stories were written by a Reverend who wanted to teach Christian morals to children. The Bible ain't exactly G-rated
Owen Meschter The Reverend Actully Want To Teach Railway Realism To Children
Owen Meschter facts the bible is rated OG
He was a British railway preservationist after all.
Your not wrong about that.....
Neither is the rest of our history. No matter which religious belief you follow. Even evolutionists have a dark outlook on our origins.
The boulder literally traumatized me as a kid.
Just saw this video and while I could care less about all the explained-in-post racism or whatever, I do believe I must've repressed the demonic face of that damn boulder. It all came flooding back, I distinctly had a nightmare about that face.
Lol they reused gordons face and put it on a boulder
*Shed 17 and Project G1 flashbacks*
Link to g 1 plz?
@@dubuyajay9964 Just search up Project G1 on UA-cam
Wasn't there one where a train fell off a bridge into a river like a half mile below and then turned into a ghost?
Teeser yeah and It was fucking terrifying
Teeser yeah I remember that I think it was from a movie tho
Teeser Wasn't it that one with the crane on its roof?
SquidChiefGaming I think that one might be different. Not sure but that might’ve been it. I watched a goofs and didn’t see much of a ghost. But that trains name is Diesel 10
Teeser yeah that episode scared me as a kid
This still isnt even close to as creepy as Spongebob.
Teh Savage Derpy Unicron Cat That Is Blue That episode with the worm giving birth... OH MY GOSH, DISGUSTING
BlueSkyhawk14 your Hot
maybe this will help.
Spongebob was kinda meant to be creepy for older kids. Thomas the Tank Engine is a kids show about morals that apparently takes place in Nazi Germany
@@HailNeatoBurrito Thomas's roots are in British railways
Considering how dark this show used to be, I was lowkey expecting an episode about the trains being used to transport holocaust victims!
Maybe they were... >_0
I mean, does take place around the 1940's...
Dexter Morgan the scrapyard is basically an extermination camp for engines and rolling stock when you think about it
I mean, they're basically slaves soooooo, it's still pretty dark
Henry doesn’t want the rain to ruin his paint
There needs to be a sequel video to this. I loved it
I agree.
I second that!
Me to
That one episode with the ghost was the scariest thing and would keep me up at night when I was three.
Noah X Peep! Peep!
*Starts to have Vietnam Flashbacks of that episode*
"its the ghost! take ma back! take me back please!!" -dunkin
The one with the ghost at the bridge?
Thediamond planet god yes...
RIP upload schedule
There was an upload schedule?
Elias Games Lol
Elias Games
Elias Games I go u 300
There are more other creepy Thomas the tank engine episodes. Some of them in this list are not even creepy.
only thing that creeps me out is the expressions on their faces
@ibrahim .o I remember an episode where Thomas saw a sea monster peaking out of the water, during a dark foggy night. And nobody believed him.
@@HenrikofEldenbright I don't know, I hope someone can find that episode and give me the information.
@@HenrikofEldenbright I saw that episode as a kid in the early 2000s. Somewhere between 2000 to 2003.
@@justinbryan6249 It might have been the episode A Bad Day At Castle Loch. Donald and Douglas gets trapped near a lake and during the foggy night, they mistake the silhouette of a repair crane to a monster.
Well do the already scrapped engines have faces? No.
TroublesomeTruckFan1996 you can see the faces were ripped off
TroublesomeTruckFan1996 I think their faces disappeared before their deaths came
@@thenamesmichael7335 right so what happens is when the claw from the smelters grabs hold of the engine it claws the life out of the engine
@@themonopolyguy4365 good material for a creepasta
@@Glitcheonwriter that's the darkest thing I've seen down here
*Insert Thomas the Tank Engine Meme here*
Sees a mass grave, a train getting crushed, and attempted homicide.
*Thomas had to go, he had seen everything*
Its Thomas the fucken tank engine
Luxra don’t forget his German cousin, Gustav the railway gun
As a 26 year old man named Thomas, it's kinda hard to forget about this show. :/
Smash me off the tracks, papa Thomas
Right? Everyone thinks they're so clever when they call you "Thomas the Tank Engine".
“Dorkly digs and reads too deeply into 5 Thomas the Tank Engine episodes”
And entirely misses the point lol
hmmm are you sure about this
Who remembers when Thomas the Tank Engine was the shit?
wasn't a thing in my country, so no. i was probably too busy watching jaspion, changemen, or ninja jiraiya instead
Neo Machine Me!
Hell yeah!
Hell yeah, he was my life. Now hes a fucking meme to me, but thats even better.
Thomas is a show that shows the problems you bring if you aren't careful. Plus, notice how these are the older episodes. Times have changed since then. The stories aren't as 'dark' as they were back then. Watch the new ones, then tell me if it's 'scary'.
Times were different back then, when there wasn't as many things to be as careful as the are now.
Dorkly is fake news.
that's why I'm done with this pathetic Dorkly 'fandom'
TrackMFan 'HarwickRyanStudios' What if Henry in the next episode wasn't Henry, but was a replacement Henry? 🤔
Gracie J But what if that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard? 🤔
That is possible with the flying kipper crash though. Wilbert says it is while Christopher disagrees.
Videos like these are why "Thomas The Tank Engine" is so mindless and dull these days. Teaching kids that we live in a world of rules and consequences isn't a bad thing because it's a fact of life. Back in the day, the show had a clear message of the importance of being useful, and to find joy in helping others reach a goal (such as when you work at a job). Without the consequence of being "sent away" for being lazy, obnoxious, or a troublemaker (as you would at a job), the message has no teeth. I'd rather arm my children with a small dose of reality than lie to them and leave them unprepared.
Brock Beard so you would rather do the same thing in a different way
Brock Beard 👏
Elijah Bailey agreed, it's pretty messed up. I mean life does have consciences and bad things happen but this T.V show is supposed to be for kids right?! Plus who puts messed up deaths or punishments in it when they know kids will be watching.
so what you're saying is that you didn't watch the video and instead just commented, I think there's a serious side to this video but I think for the most part it's meant as satire...
Brock Beard thank you I miss the old Thomas and friends episodes
I saw this two years ago and I was AMAZED by it. I rethought the whole show and how it is a dystopia. I started to watch every episode with the original intent of finding examples of that, but then it turned into just a challenge to watch every episode. So this video created my Thomas fandom phase.
how was the fandom?
Ringo Star voice over was for British version of the show, of those who are wondering
Yep before it was ruined on its trip over the Atlantic...
I will always wonder why he quit after series 2. Michael Anglis did the brittish narration for nearly 20 years after Ringo quit. now thats some dedication.
He narrated Season 1 in the US.
he actually did narrate the US dub of Season 1-2, but only in the first season of that shitty spin-off Shining Time Station, before George took over.
i feel sorry for Ringo. he's forced to re-narrate those episodes using terms american audiences could understand. the worst case of all, is that the "Troublesome trucks", where renamed "Troublesome freight cars". it doesn't have the same ring to it, and doesn't roll of the tongue. at least the american version of a season 1 episode had that hilarious blooper where a different voice says "Look out out for the train" XD
Don't care how messed up this was, Thomas still my #1 childhood show.
Herculean Warrior me thomas is my #2 childhood show my 1 is Spongebob
Same here, although this video is very stupid if you think about it.
Honestly same.
Henry was blocked up in 1922 basically due to selfish reasons and was let back out in 1923 after Gordon burst his safety valve.
I was watching "Thomas The tank engine: Shed 17" and my childhood is ruined, this makes it worse.
This video makes sense tbh
Yikes. The creepypasta one with the cyborgs?
When I was a child basically the episodes with Diesel were the worst
ChosenGamer TJ Those where scary af
Haunted HeneH?
ChosenGamer TJ Diesel 10 used to terrify me
ChosenGamer TJ I agree
ChosenGamer TJ yeah same
Top 10 anime overreactions of all time
Neyoriquans God help us, An Ancap.
Neyoriquans so true
It wasn't all bad on the Island of Sodor. The trains were on time.
That first one was dark af especially when the other trains go passed with them looks on the faces and the sad face of Henry as the happy music starts to play.
Ruffy? Ruffey? Ruffy? Ruffey? ARE YOU SERIOUS.
There are periods after S and C.
The ghost train freaked me out when I was a kid
Jacob Barnes same here. A long long time ago...............
It was the dragon that scared me shitless
Careful, Dorkly, you're not allowed to call him the Fat Controller anymore - that's sizeist - it's Sir Topham Hat now. And you can't call them steam trains anymore, either - that's fuelist and automotivist - they're Rankine cycle railed vehicles now.
That sounds even more offensive
MrJohnnyJohnster iii
MrJohnnyJohnster: Back then he was
0:35 The Sad Story of Henry Ends with a Train Walled up Forever
4:17 Vehicles are Brutalized and Dismembered all the time
6:07 A Train Stumbles into a Mass Grave and is Almost Murdered
8:04 The Tale of the Living Boulder who wants to Destroy Everything
9:55 The Rude and Annoying are Instantly Doomed to a Humiliating Punishiment for all Enternity
actually, he wasn't walled up forever, they let him out 1 episode later
Oh hey you guys mentioned the Boulder episode...and you put it in a new light as well...
Seriously though that whole bit you did is some seriously good shit for fan fiction. Although I don't agree with the "authoritarian" themes, I found this quite enjoyable. The video actually had effort put into it unlike those fake news articles by The Newyorker and some other companies.
Nick TF89 are you actually a fan of thomas? Is there a fandom for this shitty cartoon?
there's a fandom for EVERY shitty cartoon that's ever been made, including yours :)
Well, now, let's try to be fair. It's not like your fanbase is any better right now, "Rick Sanchez."
Rick Sanchez Yes Mr. Sanchez there is! We're a strange bunch but at least none of us have jumped up on counters and screamed like little children demanding Mcnugget sauce.
Nick TF89 I still couldn't believe that when I saw it.
DID YOU KNOW: The famous voice actor for the narrator in Thomas was part of a underground rock band called The Beetles.
Deus Dex Not really, they were only a copy of Zombeatles, but without zombies which clearly makes them the inferior version
"Shit, I remember having Henry's tunnel."
Omg same XD still have it somewhere XD
Are you KIDDING ME? Henry is let out in the NEXT EPISODE. If you'd researched this bloody show more, you would've seen Henrt get out in the next episode. The break van's death was an accident. Trains are what the engine pulls. The engines are the steam engines, diesels. etc. The fat controller is WAY NICER than you think he is and he's actually AGAINST scrapping. S. C. Ruffy is put back together at the end of the same episode he was pulled apart. The fat controller closed the quarry. He didn't keep it on hold. Smudger's tale was possibly just a STORY that Duke told Stuart and Falcon so they would behave.