try to enjoy the little things



  • @Spechie
    @Spechie 3 роки тому +678

    thank u king

  • @JREG
    @JREG 3 роки тому +913

    Mfw someone tells me that life isnt a void of horror pain and pointlessness: >:(

  • @unthinkabilities
    @unthinkabilities 3 роки тому +416

    “I was depressed. Life fuel was this mysterious force that seemed like the holy grail. Then I got better. Life fuel is everywhere, be it a warm bed, or a bird on a tree, or a good song, or just a happy memory. If you’re searching for the holy grail you’re on the wrong quest.”

    • @GreenT100
      @GreenT100 3 роки тому +71

      Thank you, ham sandwich.

    • @toric3824
      @toric3824 3 роки тому +12

      Green T I actually can’t stop laughing

    • @worstusernameintheworld9871
      @worstusernameintheworld9871 3 роки тому +7

      @@GreenT100 this was supposed to be a really interesting quote and then I see your repy and I can't stop laughing

    • @joostietoost4220
      @joostietoost4220 3 роки тому +6

      @@worstusernameintheworld9871 it still is, really

  • @vigneshbaburaj
    @vigneshbaburaj 3 роки тому +246

    buy cheeto, find love. 😎👍🏻

  • @doggoboii
    @doggoboii 3 роки тому +221

    is there ever a sisyphus55 without a little camus? i think not.

    • @koulouris7303
      @koulouris7303 3 роки тому +18

      I mean he’s name (sisyphus) is inspired by Camus,so what do you expect😂

    • @doggoboii
      @doggoboii 3 роки тому +4

      Koulouris no i know. that’s part of the “joke” (it’s not really a joke)

    • @mrdaniel511
      @mrdaniel511 3 роки тому +21

      I feel like Camus is the philosopher and writer modern 20 year olds - existential atheists - can most closely identify with, he’s certainly the one I most identify with and more relevant to this world than ever with the death of god de facto but the rise of mindfulness and the yearning to live a positive, meaningful life. He kind of encapsulates modern man in that sense so I can see why he would be so relevant.

    • @karthic1765
      @karthic1765 3 роки тому +11

      @@mrdaniel511 also, i like camus' no bullshit policy in the myth of Sisyphus. You can find a lot of other philosophers talk about life and death, but most of them play with words - "playing games" Camus calls it.

  • @jamal2070
    @jamal2070 3 роки тому +173

    “We only live to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting” - Gibran

  • @pujeetjha8265
    @pujeetjha8265 3 роки тому +236

    I must say Sisyphus55 this video is one of the moments to cherish and live for.

    • @truther249
      @truther249 3 роки тому +4

      I agree, it's beautiful

  • @InfinitiSin
    @InfinitiSin 3 роки тому +297

    That's what I tell to my girlfriend, "Try to enjoy the little things."

  • @claire-wf5lp
    @claire-wf5lp 3 роки тому +91

    This is what I am writing my college application essay over. I had lost hope for myself 2 weeks ago, failing all of my classes and a half finished essay, I wasn’t getting into college. This has given me motivation. My essay is done. Thank you.

    • @camelusdromedarius3789
      @camelusdromedarius3789 3 роки тому +22

      Even if that doesn't work out, I'd advise you to not get tunnel vision. Our current social climate pressures young people into college, but there are other ways of pursuing a career, or just getting a job. 21 y/o myself in the military with plans to become an electrician when I get out. My mother manages a branch of a smaller company and she doesn't have a college degree or any technical skills. My sis got a job as a mortgage loans officer simply through networking. I've a friend from high school who's finally making a name for himself as a photographer. I've another long time friend, a couple years younger than me, who's a supervisor at Starbucks. If college is what you want, I say pursue it, but I'd advise you to not see college and no college as a dichotomy of success or failure. Best of luck to you.

    • @bradywade7123
      @bradywade7123 3 роки тому +10

      Best of luck. Community college is also great if you don’t get into any big time schools. I wish I had done CC before going to a 4 year university

  • @DarkwoodDub
    @DarkwoodDub 3 роки тому +142

    Happines isn't something you chase. Happiness is something that you can only feel. Stop thinking about it and dont chase it. Let it come to you with the warmest hug and the most gentle touch that could be comparable with the touch of your loved one.

    • @chloealfieri7958
      @chloealfieri7958 3 роки тому +4

      damn, i never even thought about that

    • @just_a_guy4788
      @just_a_guy4788 3 роки тому +2

      That is quite wise, thank you

    • @HairEEck
      @HairEEck 3 роки тому +3

      This is some feelgood bs for people that don't suffer from their material or mental conditions

    • @Doctor-Infinite
      @Doctor-Infinite 3 роки тому +1

      Thank you, I needed this

  • @ti2218
    @ti2218 3 роки тому +54

    Buddhism helped me inmensely after falling into a complete and total existential crisis. You don't have to give up your belongings, shave your head and live in a monastery to be a Buddhist either. You can pick and choose which parts of it you want to embrace. It's less of a religion and more of a self-help guide, to be completely honest. And yes, the biggest part of Buddhism is enjoying the little things. Completely abandoning the pain of the past and worry of the future, to be completely present in every waking moment, that is the main goal. Mindfulness is a very beautiful thing if you can manage it

  • @ReynaSingh
    @ReynaSingh 3 роки тому +129

    the world is full of beauty but we don’t take the time to notice the wonder in the trivial moments

    • @minirampbonden7927
      @minirampbonden7927 3 роки тому

      Remember that that's just a thought;)

    • @AlfonzTheGrateful
      @AlfonzTheGrateful 3 роки тому

      Like when something lands a specific way. Or that conversation where it leads to that one hilarious joke.

  • @wolfwiz9973
    @wolfwiz9973 3 роки тому +31

    Sisyphus curing suicidal thoughts with stick figures, existential monologue and a calming voice. Bravo. 💭👏👏

  • @larryfitterman
    @larryfitterman 3 роки тому +37

    Hard to do this during quarantine. Every little thing feels like shit. i go through insane highs and insane lows. I gotta go out, play any sport in a field, just feel alive again. I feel like im in that black mirror episode where everyones just living in a glass box, studying and watching shit to distract myself, then repeating the cycle. I dont even feel sad anymore. Im just numb to everything, i dont know what to do

    • @narrowstone5363
      @narrowstone5363 3 роки тому +8

      Everyone's different. Trying to fix the unfixable is what gave me my insane highs & lows, I've just come to accept that I may never be happy for than a few fleeting minute. Ya know, I can't control my emotions but I can control what I do with them

    • @Stellarrr999
      @Stellarrr999 3 роки тому +9

      Personally, quarantine has shown me that even in isolation, nothing to do, nothing to think about is beauty in itself. I was numb, depressed and anxious for 5 years (grade 6-11) and the ability to sit with myself, not thinking, not theorizing, not worrying about the future has saved me. Peace is the ability to sit with yourself; nothing going on, you can allow yourself to feel whatever you feel and remove the idea that your emotions; “happiness”, anger, sadness.. they don’t define who you are, who YOU are is dependant on what you believe in, your morals and your overall perspective of the world. It’s not how you feel, it’s how you observe. Maybe try imagining that line between; your emotions, your basic brain functions: ) and your “consciousness” (beliefs, experiences that have shaped you into yourself, morals, perspectives, having a closed/ open mind) having a closed mind is one result of stress or trying to control everything around themselves, they can’t let any new information in because they’re too focused on trying to find definite answers (which by the way don’t really exist because given the time they find exceptions to their attempt at labelling something as “good or “bad”. There’s no such thing, it just IS, all you can do is accept that whatever happened has happened and YES there is always room to improve and that’s why humans are so special; we’re always trying to improve, it’s only dangerous when people obsess over improving and don’t actually experience the steps needed to be taken to improve. Happiness isn’t something you find, it’s something you receive from doing the things you love, being involved in something you deem important, and most importantly being stable in those times where it’s just you and your thoughts, separating yourself from the emotion that comes with the experiences people go through, like yes there are positive and negative experiences but the emotion behind the experiences don’t make it a “bad” experience it’s just something we gotta learn from and find the bright side in the fact that we’ve learned. The human brain is for learning, and learning isn’t always sitting down in a class being told 2+2=5, it’s in everyday life our world is here to help us and nurture us, the ultimate lesson to be learnt is by our world. But you can’t appreciate having the world without first overcoming the struggles we face without it. That’s the good in quarantine; it has shown everyone what it’s like to throw your life completely to your social media, not going to see friends, not going out, not doing the things we need to be doing as communities. Now some people are going to fall even deeper into the rabbit hole because they complain about what’s happening without learning from the experience. They see all the bad but none of the good. That’s why we can’t be labelling things “good” or “bad”, because they’re both at the same time until you label them. It’s like quantum mechanics; you can know the exact location of an electron or you can know where it’s headed. Not both, there’s an interesting analogy about this cat that’s trapped in a box with poison, with the box closed we don’t know if it has died or is still alive but once we open it we can eliminate one of the options. The fact of the matter is that things can and will be good and bad but the emotion behind the experience is ultimately defined by your own opinion, if you see it as good you’ll be unbothered, if seen as bad you subconsciously tally that and that only weighs down on you. By avoiding labeling things as either good as bad, you can just accept that they’re there and there’s really nothing we can do about it other than learn from it. And that’s the default state of humans, we learn and then we feel GOOD about learning. It’s like ski hills, you practice on a bunny hill because you don’t know how to ski, nobody is expected to be able to travel through a black diamond on the first attempt ever skiing. That’s one thing people miss. They miss the steps they take to achieve greatness, they expect it just comes. Everything derives from baby steps, you need to build up to it. And that’s where the feeling of achievement comes from as well. You feel great after working hard and it pays off but don’t let that distract you from the suffering and perseverance you encountered before obtaining success, that’s the part of the journey that gives achievement it’s feeling. Overcoming. That’s what we need to do. Humans are amazing at overcoming. I recently learned that our frontal cortex is actually the most recent addition to the brains of humans. It’s responsible for our adaptivity. That’s what really makes us special but it’s also our downfall. When we over think we try and take into account everything that happened, could have happened, everything we could have done differently. And that’s what makes us so upset. Humans always want to strive to be better. But what we don’t realize is that to be better you must live in the moment and be consciously making decisions. We can’t go back and change them so really get involved when you’re face to face with the situation and try your best. That’s all anyone can ask of you, once you’ve said what you’ve said, done what you’ve done.. it’s over. There’s nothing you can do to change that. And that’s okay. We learn from our mistakes and we adapt, then the next time we face a difficult situation you take what you’ve learnt from the last and perform just a little bit better, or maybe everything goes great; who knows. It’s baby steps, that’s whats important we have to be so involved in the steps we must take to achieve greatness that we almost forget the final outcome. When we get focused on what could happen in the future, we get stuck in a loop of not doing our best in the present. And then once we get to overwhelmed we think about the past and then constantly get steamrolled by an ever moving world. If we use this time of quarantine to figure out who ourselves are, we will be so fucking strong coming out of quarantine. That’s when we can make things happen. But we must LEARN NOW and use this time alone to find who we are; what we believe, our morals, what our passion is, our perspective. We need to learn to filter out what’s going on around us from what’s going on inside of us. That’s where I’ve found peace and I believe everyone else is capable aswell

    • @Stellarrr999
      @Stellarrr999 3 роки тому +2

      Take what you want from what I just said, I know it’s a lot lol but it touches on a lot of different topics that are equally interesting as important

    • @santiagoromero6279
      @santiagoromero6279 3 роки тому +1

      Aye bud what part of the world are you in

    • @larryfitterman
      @larryfitterman 3 роки тому

      Simplistic damn, i appreciate all that, really needed it. I have the same mindset, i tell my friends all the time and its sorta like my thing cause its kinda crige that i say it all the time but i cant help it lol. I basically lost 4 years of my life cause i was always in the hospital and always couldnt do anything fun like play my sports, go on roadtrips and sleepovers, teen stuff. I was always sad from G7 - G10, i didnt know who my “real friends” were, heck i didnt know if i could even count on the people who have always been with me and to this day i dont understand why. I realized its cause i kept of thinking of the “what ifs?” and just kept on making it hard on myself. What you said really stuck with me, how we all obsess of being better and great but don’t do anything to work on it. Thank you man, its nice to know im not the only one :)

  • @zionfoster7833
    @zionfoster7833 3 роки тому +5

    a poem I wrote about the little things :
    Sun day morning
    Weighing heavy on my neck
    like the post weekend fatigues
    and hazy back to school mornings of spring.
    Catching up on sleep
    In the seat of your car.
    Just wake me up by lunch.
    People always talk about the little things,
    Well I want a life full of them
    So that I might stand the chance of
    Seeing them grow outside of that box we planted them in.
    And the tears, they’ll only make the soil grow fertile.
    Who ever said lightning never
    strikes the same place twice?
    I swear it was a lie.
    Or, a strike of luck
    That I tripped upon.
    Does time ever really tell the truth?
    I hope I have enough to find out.

  • @Velociferon
    @Velociferon 3 роки тому +7

    Its one of the few things that keeps me going. A nice breeze, a beautiful song, a delicious meal. Small beauties are a delight

  • @neverending9803
    @neverending9803 3 роки тому +25

    these moments may remove the dread of death but they don't remove the dread of living another day. The world is filled with so much suffering, are these moments really all we have? :(

    • @BetterThanYouXuD
      @BetterThanYouXuD 3 роки тому +8

      uhh, i made my own comment about something like this, but i think you should hear it. here it is:
      i think this perspective really sucks. sounds like it comes from some kind of edgelord. he says that the act of enjoying something other than your job doesn't actually matter, and i guess that's true, but it's all about what you do in response to enjoyment that does. If you like something, tell somebody that you do; eventually, you will make a new friend, and how can a new friend be bad? He keeps talking about the future and death, but what about today? Why not try to make today a brighter day? And what about every one who will still be alive after you die? Can't you do something to make their days brighter? There's no use thinking about what happens to you after you die when you can't find out until you do, and there's no use thinking about the future when the possibilities are endless

    • @ninjaassassin27
      @ninjaassassin27 3 роки тому +1

      Be grateful that you have them, lest you live in hope of more that may never come.

    • @neverending9803
      @neverending9803 3 роки тому +2

      ​@@BetterThanYouXuD I think this video is meant to tell people who are so deep in lifes chores that they should just stop and reflect a bit. Life has beautiful moments and life is enough if we could just appreciate these moments and realize that most goals that people strive for are just materialistic and lack meaning. Additionally people look for salvation after death but they wouldnt need to do this if they didnt self impose this horrible lifestyle. Prehaps this video is just trying to emphazise that life is enough, the salvation is life itself i guess.
      but now, this is where i think the video is highly lacking and should have included.
      I agree with what he says, that these moments are beautiful and are enough to make us satisfied with life in a way. But for me, its not like i don't feel like life is enough, i feel that its too much. There is too much pain and hurt. For example: say someone offered you 10 minutes of the most ultimate pleasure in the world for just 1 minute of the worst pain in return. You would probably not take the pleasure. This is because there is an asymmetry between pain and pleasure, they aren't equivalent in measure. The worst pain is so much worse than the best pleasure is good. So what this video doesn't mention is how even these moments can not really act as salvation because of how rotten this world is. We cant just make all the bad go away by focusing on the good. Additionally, i dont believe these moments he describes are inherently good. They are a release of suffering rather than added pleasure.
      he misleadingly presents these moments as something that would make life satisfying but what about those who already feel satisfied with lifes pleasures, already accepted our mortality, but cant look beyond the pain and cant believe that this life is worth it? lifes suffering is not just cancelled out by good things. what are we meant to do?

    • @MechaZombieGamer
      @MechaZombieGamer 3 роки тому +1

      @@neverending9803 I'm in the same situation that you are, I guess. With some slightly different points of view, but still it's kind of the same. I have love in my life and everything is perfect and I try to get the best out of it and enjoy the most little of the things. And I truly am happy, but then every night I'm just overwhelmed by these feelings and I feel like everything is wrong. And then I ask, as you do, what are we meant to do? If we can't be fullfilled by being happy, or enjoying the little things, or whatever, then what are we supposed to do?
      Well my noble human being, here is your answer (I guess): you probably should be in therapy with me. If life is something you can find happiness in, but can't actually have it no matter what, to a degree that it makes you feel sick, then we should probably seek help.
      This video is great and awesome and it brings an astounding view of life. Which may not work for you and that's fine. Maybe we lack something we have not yet attained, or we are just sick. Either way, we keep on living, for some reason, we keep on waking up even though we feel like it's the weirdest thing.
      I hope I have not hurt you in anyway with what I said, and I'm happy that you said this, makes me feel not like a demonic sad edgylord but just as a human being.

    • @neverending9803
      @neverending9803 3 роки тому +1

      @@MechaZombieGamer thanks for replying. I have wanted to try therapy but there's so much stopping me. It's weird because at times I feel like I don't need help because I can function well in society. I know what I need to do to feel better, I just don't want to do it. I live a pretty balanced life and I think I take care of myself. Really the only concern is my social activity, I isolate myself from others and this leads to extreme loneliness but I always rationalize it in the end due to my pessimistic views. I think it's quite likely that a therapist will suggest seeing my friends and family more often and sure, they really do make me happy. It's just that, as you said at the end of the day I'm super overwhelmed with emotions on whatever it is that I'm doing. The less I do, the more lonely I am but also the less overthinking I do. I tell myself I'll see a professional when I actually want to get better but I find it difficult to want anything at all. I feel like I won't even try what a therapist suggest and feel so unnecessarily stubborn lol I don't even know why. Anyway thanks for your input it was sweet of you and I really appreciate it. Nice to know people care.

  • @COLDCHEMICALpresents
    @COLDCHEMICALpresents 3 роки тому +19

    Abandoning hope in an afterlife only to supplant it with a hope that the ephemera of everyday beauty can somehow redeem our suffering is, I suspect, fundamentally misguided. The reason why those writings (such as Camus' exaltations of the sun and the sea) ring hollow is because if such things were truly enough, this video wouldn't exist. I was actually expecting this to be addressed at 3:12. If I took that statement about such moments being our salvation to heart, my feeling would be that of dread. That's as good as it gets? That sounds like philosophical Stockholm syndrome.
    The world _is_ enough, but so long as one experiences it egoistically in terms of I, Me, and Mine, suffering and disappointment are inevitable. It may well be that such everyday pittances as a hummingbird or a rainbow _are_ enough-but only _just_ enough, at best. One need not stoop to hope or delusion to aspire to more. One could argue, in fact, that the only way of truly escaping the hope of salvation-to live fully and completely in the world just as it really, truly is-is to give up on the project of finding any lasting happiness whatsoever.

  • @bgs2004
    @bgs2004 3 роки тому +6

    If I ever see the ad "buy cheeto find love" I will live on them for the next week

  • @garysgroundschool4739
    @garysgroundschool4739 3 роки тому +17

    Hey Sisyphus, thanks for the videos. Makes me feel less alone in my thoughts

  • @julianmuller9567
    @julianmuller9567 3 роки тому +4

    You know, I got diagnosed with heart disease a few days ago and this really helped. I don't mind if I drop in twenty years or tomorrow. I'll just try enjoying the little things until the day comes.

    • @fratgurle9646
      @fratgurle9646 3 роки тому

      You'll go so far that u won't even believe my dude, never stop doing what you love and enjoying life! I had a health issue for nearly all my life, it got really serious for the last 1-2 years but doctors always told me they couldn't find anything wrong and a several months ago i learned that it's not big of a thing to worry if u don't mind and do ur exercises. I'm much better now and i learned appreciating life at that phase. Never stop watching films you love, listening to new albums etc. I know it sounds corny but enjoy life as much as u can and keep improving! That's what i'll be doing at least.

  • @sum1414
    @sum1414 3 роки тому +7

    Although I am quite sensitive to things of beauty all around me. This being forced to get exploited for just making a living, has deadened me toward experiences as such. I don't know how I could regain my being except than to leave, and risk being without means to live. I don't want to die from this, not here and not now.

  • @lldlwsn2861
    @lldlwsn2861 3 роки тому +3

    “You should enjoy the little detours to the fullest. Because that's where you'll find the things more important than what you want.”
    Yoshihiro Togashi

  • @huntert9320
    @huntert9320 3 роки тому +1

    this is why we need weed bruh. it makes those moments just a little more noticeable, almost tells you “hey. this is one of the good times, cherish this”

  • @zeffery101
    @zeffery101 2 роки тому

    I find the phrase "so we go through life as if it's a problem to be solved rather than a mystery to be explored" so ironic for me because here I am, faced with the problem of not enjoying my everyday life and wanting more and trying to solve that problem.

  • @Sillith-Billith
    @Sillith-Billith 3 роки тому +3

    Thank you for the videos on philosophy, they're always intruiging and you make the material a lot more digestible. I've tried to understand the point of absurdism, but whenever I've begun learning
    I could never really grasp that giving attention to the little things instead of always focusing on the overwhelming problems could help.

  • @raymickens440
    @raymickens440 3 роки тому

    I think that was a hummingbird moth which is really cool because they are meant to look like hummingbirds so getting them mixed up would show him effective they are.

  • @pedrongreen
    @pedrongreen 3 роки тому +5

    Life's made of moments we are all too busy to enjoy, a lot to our own fault and 40 years expected of labour. Perhaps to some people religion offers a sense of hope that there's something out there to compensate for the lives they have all lost. Thinking of things this way makes me feel a bit hopeless. At the same time, there is a beauty in coming to these realisation and thinking of what we can do to change that.

  • @noturgamergf1917
    @noturgamergf1917 3 роки тому +3

    Your videos help me out a lot. I have major bipolar depression so when i get into another rut i listen to your videos to get me through it and to get advice. This one is nice. Thank you.

  • @Parkie_Silver
    @Parkie_Silver 3 роки тому +3

    Man, I really needed this. And your last video. I started college this year and it's tough in this virtual world. This is a great channel, and I love the philosophy you cover.

  • @Nbrobst
    @Nbrobst 3 роки тому +2

    I thoroughly appreciate that you make these videos. Hope all is well on your side of existence!

  • @nikevisor54
    @nikevisor54 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks for the reminder to enjoy the fall colours before they're gone

  • @Fredmebo
    @Fredmebo 3 роки тому +1

    Your past two videos have been very cathartic for me. Thank you :)

  • @kettei5408
    @kettei5408 3 роки тому +13

    As much as I want to hate on this video, your doing an outstanding job at nurturing this soul. Even though all it seems like you do is remember random quotes from philosophy textbooks and then try to string it all together. No matter how you do it, your doing great;keep up the good work.

  • @nicht_franz6374
    @nicht_franz6374 3 роки тому

    Thats exactly what my phychologist told me on the topic of depression... He told me to always take the little moments even if theyre only temporarily, hold the close and remember them until the next moment

  • @mixedmusictrash7052
    @mixedmusictrash7052 3 роки тому

    Needed this, I live far from my family, haven't seen them in two years and heavily miss them. This reminded me to not dwell on it, to be thankful for the day and to of course, be thankful for the little things lol

  • @stanthegreatman6592
    @stanthegreatman6592 3 роки тому +29

    This vid comes at such a weird time for me as I'm revisiting Kingdom Hearts DDD and the character Riku examines this dilemma for those that are familiar with the series.
    "Look too hard for one thing, and you miss everything else. And then, the people around you get hurt in the process. Like Xehanort. His single-minded thirst for answers created Ansem. We all have a little of that curiosity in us... So if we're not careful, any one of us could create an Ansem."

  • @sreerajrajindrannair9600
    @sreerajrajindrannair9600 3 роки тому +1

    Love the subtle touch of using only 'little' letters in the tittle.

  • @CatHostage
    @CatHostage 3 роки тому +1

    4:09 “do it for her” vibes

    @DOOMZEDAY 3 роки тому +1

    Food for thought?
    This was a fuckin 6 star 4 course meal for my body and soul.

  • @GardenBoat
    @GardenBoat 3 роки тому

    What a fantastic video. I love Camus and I love every time you speak on his works. Instantly added to my favorites

  • @NolanJohnson423
    @NolanJohnson423 3 роки тому

    Sisyphus videos are some of the little things that make life great

  • @gabrieleck8982
    @gabrieleck8982 3 роки тому +2

    I feel like the little things helps us when ever life gets too big for us. we simply sit back and reflect on the good times we have and try to create more little memories.

  • @mrwane826
    @mrwane826 3 роки тому +8

    What an underrated channel! I Love the content

  • @mickeyberg1387
    @mickeyberg1387 3 роки тому

    I think this is one of my all time favourite videos online.
    this is it.
    I feel like this is one of the most important lessons I could take into my life.

  • @zabijemsa6745
    @zabijemsa6745 3 роки тому +1

    Your videos don't really teach me anything i don't know, but i listen anyway because it's nice to hear those things from someone else.

  • @IAmTehAg
    @IAmTehAg 3 роки тому +1

    I love watching these philosophy videos to reassure me that its okay not to be doing my homework right now
    Fuck i should do my homework right now

    • @waterbottle164
      @waterbottle164 3 роки тому

      dammit why did you have to remind me :(

  • @gavinrode9153
    @gavinrode9153 3 роки тому +2

    this was so, so beautiful. thank you so much for this.

  • @calpoop
    @calpoop 3 роки тому

    Camus has also spoken positively about hope

  • @reit.2502
    @reit.2502 3 роки тому +2

    As a deputy on your discord server I can confirm that lots of your viewers needed this, love your stuff.

  • @andrewluzzatto4232
    @andrewluzzatto4232 3 роки тому

    Bruh I've been trying to put these things to words for years, and you nailed it.

  • @Mathieuasavoie
    @Mathieuasavoie 3 роки тому

    thank you for making this video,
    I truly appreciate that you have put this together

  • @stankinmybank
    @stankinmybank 3 роки тому

    this channel really helps me on my bad days and u need to know ur doing great work!

  • @lliw4934
    @lliw4934 3 роки тому

    This a great perspective to base one's life around, and sadly is one that is easy to forget in the busyness of modern life.

  • @tomclarke2246
    @tomclarke2246 3 роки тому

    i was having a pretty hard time the past few days and this snapped me out of the rut thank you

  • @BigBoy-vp6lp
    @BigBoy-vp6lp 3 роки тому +1

    I really look forward to your videos and today I really needed one, thank you man

  • @PepperoniMage
    @PepperoniMage 3 роки тому

    I really needed this today, thank you.

  • @nalla1782
    @nalla1782 3 роки тому

    This video has the most comedic sketch drawings yet, love to see it

  • @jordanvoskamp
    @jordanvoskamp 3 роки тому

    >Buy Cheeto
    >Find Love
    New screensaver lmfao

  • @Inanedata
    @Inanedata 3 роки тому

    This made me gently weep, thank you.

  • @roogle3878
    @roogle3878 3 роки тому

    This video really helped my come to terms with how I’m feeling about everything, cheers man. love from Australia 🤙

  • @adamfakhari5134
    @adamfakhari5134 3 роки тому

    this was made on my birthday, thank you. :)

  • @David-in4ft
    @David-in4ft 3 роки тому +4

    Bell Notification gang.
    Also love your work sisiphus, keep it up!

  • @metametodo
    @metametodo 3 роки тому

    It's good to say watching a video like this is a moment where I can feel my feet on the ground, in direct contact with "this". I'm glad you're here as well.

  • @Skrelpoid
    @Skrelpoid 3 роки тому

    This is a video I keep coming back to. Because it's just so true

  • @gracefitzgerald2227
    @gracefitzgerald2227 3 роки тому +1

    That was just the thing I needed to hear today.

  • @-pndax3
    @-pndax3 3 роки тому

    Why this video soooo powerful yet so my first grade math sketches at the same time 🤣🥰

  • @metametodo
    @metametodo 3 роки тому

    It's weird how hard it can be to know what we need, and even remember it. To keep in mind the most important things to us, what we truly love the most.

  • @lovre7235
    @lovre7235 3 роки тому

    I need this this video so much today. Thank u man.

  • @50subsfornezukovids4
    @50subsfornezukovids4 3 роки тому

    I love this! Cause you will always want more if you achieve your dream, but the small moments in life is irreplaceable, thx I needed this❤️

  • @beelzebub33
    @beelzebub33 3 роки тому

    this legit slapped me, love u king

  • @FriedFreya
    @FriedFreya 3 роки тому

    I didn't come here expecting to become stricken with so many emotions, but here I am. Thank you for this, Sisyphus.

    • @DrQuaid
      @DrQuaid 3 роки тому

      You have my name

  • @SuperAlphaKirby
    @SuperAlphaKirby Рік тому +1

    Few days ago i managed to convince myself to not commit suicide. After that, i heard a song, called kiss in the rain, by yimura. It's a piano song, and, well, it was beautiful. I always heard beautiful songs like that in my headphones, but that day, i realised that if i died, i wouldn't be able to hear the song ever again. That thought made me weep, it's a small thing, just a song, but in that moment, it was everything. And so was my warm clothes, the texture of the wood, the silence of the night, and blood in my veins. It was real, i was there. It was enough.

  • @churro3588
    @churro3588 3 роки тому

    Wow, I needed that. Thanks as always Sisyphus 55!

  • @evepav9360
    @evepav9360 3 роки тому

    Not quite sure why but the music at the end made me so relaxed it was so pleasant

  • @oliverschoesler600
    @oliverschoesler600 3 роки тому

    Love your videos - you have actually inspired me to read books about philosophy E.g. Mans search for meaning and i'm looking forward to read more books about philosophy in the future. Thank you for your great videos my dude!

  • @collinihood9430
    @collinihood9430 3 роки тому

    I needed this today. I didn't know. The push notification popped up and I knew I needed to watch this video right away.

  • @discon_csert
    @discon_csert 3 роки тому

    As always, needed this.

  • @vinicius-ko7ql
    @vinicius-ko7ql 3 роки тому

    this warms my heart

  • @Rawi888
    @Rawi888 3 роки тому +6

    Ahh yes.
    My dose of “anti-depression” depression.
    Beautiful as always my man.

  • @Rider-fl4gf
    @Rider-fl4gf 3 роки тому

    this is depressing and calming at the same time, i like it.

  • @TToxicom
    @TToxicom 3 роки тому

    holy shit since when did you make videos that dont give me an existential crisis and make me actually feel something

  • @dapeOS
    @dapeOS 3 роки тому

    Your videos are so well done! You definitely deserve more subscribers, keep up the good work!

  • @astora4671
    @astora4671 3 роки тому

    I needed this

  • @mppodleash
    @mppodleash 3 роки тому

    Nice video, I certainly enjoy the concept and had possibility to live by it. Sadly though, I believe there might be people that never get the possibility to enjoy these moments and the productivity and constant push is the only thing that gets them going through time (speaking mostly from personal perspective as a chronic pain sufferer). Nonetheless, the beauty moments from my pre-illness time will stay with me forever.

  • @Pinkfloydpeanutbutter
    @Pinkfloydpeanutbutter 3 роки тому

    Sisyphus, I can honestly say that you put out some of the simplest yet most optimistic videos on UA-cam, and I thank you for that

  • @HopDances
    @HopDances 3 роки тому

    This was one of those small beautiful moments in life

  • @KingJobber
    @KingJobber 3 роки тому

    I needed this one

  • @dominicoriveraquiroz1015
    @dominicoriveraquiroz1015 3 роки тому

    thanks king, it is exactly what i needed

    @W33BN4VIGATOR 3 роки тому

    How to enjoy the little things, when my brain is straight fucked up because of those high amounts of dopamine?

  • @DexieNygma
    @DexieNygma 3 роки тому +2

    This was so nice imma watch it again

    • @DexieNygma
      @DexieNygma 3 роки тому +2

      Maybe this is just one of theese little things.

    • @DexieNygma
      @DexieNygma 3 роки тому +1

      Not the same the second time. But that just underlines how much this video (and this channel dont @ me) is what it describes here.
      What a worth addition to my feed.

  • @tobiashall9421
    @tobiashall9421 3 роки тому +1

    We stare at stars and miss the mountains

  • @lilstarr1756
    @lilstarr1756 3 роки тому

    sometimes i don’t really know i need these videos till they’re made

  • @boerbouwvakker7031
    @boerbouwvakker7031 3 роки тому

    the feeling i got from the conclusion of this video was the conclusion of this video and i'll hold on to it!

  • @Sleezgaming
    @Sleezgaming 3 роки тому

    Your videos never fail to surprise me in the amount of truth they put in words I've previously thought, though it's more of an eye-opening thing.

  • @ruuuku8177
    @ruuuku8177 3 роки тому +1

    Such a beautiful video :) Thank you so much, this is what I needed!

  • @dmac4804
    @dmac4804 3 роки тому

    "You should enjoy the little detours to the fullest. Because that's where you'll find the things more important than what you want."

  • @kushagrasachan8933
    @kushagrasachan8933 3 роки тому

    Hope is a hokum: alternate title

  • @joshb141
    @joshb141 3 роки тому

    OK did you got to writing school? Where? Whose your favorite poet? Writer? Any favorite writing thesis?

  • @lliw4934
    @lliw4934 3 роки тому +1

    You're videos are salvation :')