I used t go home nd call everything nautical terms and sounded crazy....That is why I often do not use all nautical terms when I talk in my videos so I hope yu understand. I AM very very familiar though as I have sailed for a good time. I just find it hard to turn on and off the ways of talking so I try to keep it as I do when home.....
My late wife called going on a cruise "being in jail , with a chance of drowning" and by these cabin commenters I know it was good we never went on one! She would have hated it!!
I just received my MMC and twic card, I served on 2 ships in the US Navy, I am also a retired correction officer..I'm having a hard time finding maritime work, would like know how you got a job on a container ship, maybe I'm doing something wrong, I definitely need advice
Yes I don't understand I have a another tour of a cabin that is newer than this one I don't know why this one is getting the most recommendation. Also there are so many videos on the channel as well
I never would’ve guessed that a single crew member on a container ship would get such nice, spacious accommodations. I would expect a bare bones, narrow room with a double bunk and community showers. I guess cruise ships are fighting for any extra space possible for a paying passenger. Nice setup.
The thing is the ships have gotten bigger and bigger and yes the accommodations I've gotten better with time I'm remembered working on all the ships where the rooms were nowhere near as nice so I have seen a drastic change
cargo ships have very small crew, no more than 20 even for biggest, that's why space is much more than passenger or military ship where crew is at around 100 times bigger
The thing is both are completely different concepts. A cruise ship tends to try to get their passengers outside so that they can spent their money in cafes, casinos, restaurants etc. They want the passengers to come out and get into the open areas with other passengers. (Well the bigger cruiseships that is) Container Ships on the other hand are manned by the crew alone and the occasional tourist coming on board. But all in all the crew stays in their cabins, mess or fitness room. So in order to keep morale high the crew cabins there are more spacious to make up for the lack of other opportunities to relax. I guess it also depends on the person itself which one of the two concepts are more appealing.
Augusto Huertas facilities on a cruise ship are much better than a container vessel, a lot more responsibly operating a ship with 20 crew rather than 2000
I love that room. I’m very scared of water, so I won’t be looking for a job like that, but that is a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Thanks for the tour.
This is not a common stateroom. It's incredibly modern, spacious and comfortable compared to most crew quarters on fishing boats, cruise ships and tugs. In fact, I'd guess that about 90% could fit in this guy's bathroom. Being away from home for weeks or months at a time, it's nice that Maersk takes care of it's crew by providing them a room like this.
As an ExxonMobil company man, I worked the Crane PVS's Maesk Winner (Nigeria) and Maersk Normad (Western Australia). My accommodations, and my on office on the bridge, were first class with a ocean almost ever where I looked! The food was really great, especially the raw Austrian oysters aboard the Nomad. I'll never forget the trip from Perth to Karatha, 3 days, 1200 km; I made it 12 times round trip aboard the Nomad. Except for a single light, the Normad was dark at night. One night, 30 miles off western Oz, the captain showed me the Milky Way; simply incredible. In 2007, offshore Nigeria (Erha Field), my onshore super call indicating pirates were heading our way, the M Winner captain immediately suspended all operations and headed to sea. We were safe. I retired in 2016, but my experiences with the M Winner and M Nomad will never be forgotten; not ever ever. John f/TX
Thank you so much for taking time to make this great comment and yes it is amazing to be able to see the Milky Way at sea. It sounds like what he might have shown you is the galactic plane. I see it all the time and it is amazing
This is luxury! I figured they’d give you a hammock and a foot locker. 😅 I worked on a river cruise ship 20 years ago and all we had was bunkbeds and showers down the hall. Six guys in a room. (only a 230 foot 100 passenger ship though)
That room is so much like my first efficiency apartment. Overall close to the same size. I was just starting out on my so did not have a lot "stuff" so the whole thing worked for me. Many homes since but I still reflect back to those efficiency style living and those were some of my favorite days.
Hot damn! That room is bigger than most Tokyo apartments! I know, I just saw a video of one! I also noticed you have a ton of storage wow! Funny thing, until recently, I always thought CRUISE ships looked just like this, but smaller cabins. I was very surprised to see cruise ships are floating hotels! Did not know that was even possible.. Most of my life my dad was on military ships and so my experience seeing a ship was always a military or mercy ship, which look like this only very cramped. This must be a luxury cargo ship..
I spent 20+ years in the US Navy and I would have LOVED to have berthing like this while at sea! I'm glad you have your own really nice space to call your own while steaming.
Lucky you on a Danish ship. I worked on a small Swedish oil tanker in the 1960ties in east Asia Indonesia no air-conditioning but my cabin had 2 portholes that could be kept open. I loved it!
Wow !! Definitely more space than I thought you would have. I guess it's important to keep you guys as comfortable as possible. My son and I recently built a large Lego version of one of your ships.........without living quarters, lol. Thanks for the tour.
Being in the Navy, this is absolute luxury lol. I dont regret joining, but if i had known this was an option outta high school, i would choose this. I am starting the process now to become a mariner, i miss being out at sea
I've been in hotel rooms smaller than that. Looks comfy. I live near Charleston SC and I see Maersk containers on trucks 🚚 heading that way all the time.
Looks really cozy! But the fluorescent lighting makes it cold. I am sure you can get a little lamp with more relaxing light. Nice Himalayan lamp though!!
It was a bittersweet moment watching the calendar for me. Apparently, my father passed on the following week. Just as I entered the hospital when they called a code blue. I was in shock when it was the room number that my father was in. I still remember going the emergency stairs. I did not want to believe it. But all the medical staff stood there and my fear came a reality. I miss my dear father so much. But he and my late mom helped me into getting a home that I can call now - MY OWN. For them: THE LAST BIRTHDAY GIFT OF MY PARENTS WHO WERE BORN IN JANUARY - THE FINAL MORTGAGE PAYOFF. 🙏🏼🙏🏼
It looks like a very clean, neat, and cozy room. I'm just terrified of the ocean because I'm aware that the weather can change at any time. My husband is still trying to get me on a cruise ship, but I won't do it. 😅
Thanks, I used to work for Mærsk at Giralda Farms, NJ. I did data management for North America. Lots of familiarity with the overall operation, but I never had any way to tie the raw numbers to actual people. This is really interesting and helpful.
This is a really great video thank you, as a college student I've told myself that if I really hate my job once I graduate then I'll try and find my way onto a cargo ship. It seems like you have more room than I do in a dorm although you don't share it with another human being and all their stuff. I always wondered what sorts of accommodations cargo ships had for the crew.
Not bad at all. Quite a good standard. We had similar cabins in P & O Bulk Shipping back in the 70s. Good sized bed, shower and toilet, good furniture but no tv or fridge. We only had one multi-standard tv in the wardroom. When I got to 2nd Engineer, my cabin had a bath & shower, a fridge, and a short wave radio so I could listen to BBC World Service (It was crap then and still is now) but I usually took my own FM radio so I could receive the C & W and easy listening stations on the USA east coast (like WHIM at Providence, RI and WLIF at Baltimore, MD). At that time, computers were the size of large refrigerators, so no laptops, but I did have a typewriter the size of a printing press! On one occasion during that time, a few of us were invited aboard a vessel in the Persian Gulf that was crewed by a ship management company (might have been D******m, but can't remember for sure) and it was awful- dirty, cramped and no A/C. I certainly hope things improved for those guys.
Thank you for sharing this video. I’ve always wondered what container ship quarters looked like. It looks VERY nice! Much better than what I had when I served in the US Navy. Again, thank you.
My late grandfather was employed by Mærsk. His job was to choose all the art that goes on the walls inside the ships and on oil rigs... So he probably chose the art for your walls.
Very comfortable looking cabin. I was a Radio Officer on British Deepsea Trawlers on Icelandic trips which had my cabin directly next to the radio room behind the bridge. My cabin was basic with a bunk and storage space but was probably half the size of your cabin but was comfortable enough for my needs aboard. I had a porthole in my cabin which used to leak like a sieve in very rough weather which was most of the time in winter months off Iceland. Apart from the Skipper who had his own cabin and heads etc all the other ships officers had their own cabin but had to share the showers, sinks and heads. This was back in the late 1960's early 1970's. Time at sea was approximately 21 days with 3 days shore leave. Trawlers today are much better and larger and stay at sea a lot longer up to six months at a time on freezer ships before returning to port.
Excellent. Thanks. Very good intro to the room, I get the sense of the size and the feel of it. Lot better than some hotel rooms, nice that you have windows.
Wow. That living space is so super clean. My efficiency apartment is a little bigger, but very old and run down. But, hey, wherever you lay down and rest is Home! ✝️
Good sized cabin. I was a trainee deckhand on the fist ship to go between the Falklands and South America after the war (this was '89) and my cabin was half that for 2 of us. My abiding memory was of one VERY rough crossing from Stanley to Punta Arenas in Chile. The weather was so bad i put a load of life jackets under the outer edge of mt mattress to raise it up and create a "V" for me to sleep in against the bulkhead. Had to sleep feet forward as the ship came down some of the waves pretty vertically and it was easier hitting the forward bulkhead with your feet and flexing at the knee rather than landing on your head! (Learned that the hard way!) 2 day crossing took 6 days and the novelty of the rough weather wore off pretty quick.
You look to be a Red Dwarf fan, for who else would bring it aboard on DVD? My top three favorites are: "Bodyswap", "Better than life", and "Quarantine".
Hey Jeff, great video. I'm a longshoreman (woman) and I'm the foreman on the ship. I love my job and love being on Deck. I always wondered how your sleeping quarters are. Thanks for that. Now next time I'll peek in the windows. Lol jk.
I like your lil' cabin, lol. For me I think you have the perfect sized cabin. Plenty of storage and a private head (bathroom for your land lubbers, lol)
Wow, you got a lot of room to yourself with a ton of private amenities. That is real nice and also thanks for keeping it simple and not going to technical on us! :D
Never seen this kind of thing before. Thank you for going to the trouble of making a video for us land lubbers . It seems quite nice altogether. Bless you as you travel the seas.
At least your bed is pointed the correct way! The wonderful engineers that designed our ships, thought it would be a great idea to put the beds athwartship! You think it's hard sleeping when the weather is rough, try doing it when your laying athwartship! I like how they have your bunk in your room, at least then it's easy to put something under the mattress and wedge yourself up next to the bulkhead, no can do with our beds, they are in the middle of the stateroom with the head of the bed up next to the bulkhead. Whoever designed our ships, obviously has never slept on one during high seas! Fair Winds and Following Seas my friend. 😁
When I worked in a National Park I shared a room less than that size with three other people. It was like that in every room on the hallway. We had a common bathroom for about 30 people and one television for 110 of us. Room and board was 16.3% of wages.
I love the comments from the navy guys. I did an enlistment on a destroyer, now I work as an engineer on ships. Civilian side realizes(most of the time) you have to keep your crew comfortable in order to perform, the navy could care less if you hot rack with the entire crew.
Rooms are much larger than a cruise ship, but consider the fact that container ships travel the Great oceans and all its turbulence, whereas the cruise ship usually hugs the shallow coast lines of the respective countries. You think the crewman of the container ships deserve a little more comfort?
I think everyone deserves to be comfortable but when you go on a cruise you might be there for 5 or 7 days and pretty much only sleep in the room but when you are on a ocean going vessel you might be three or four months out here at Sea so yes you definitely need a comfortable space. For us, it's not just a little short vacation, but it's where we spend half of our year 😎🚢⚓️🌊
I used t go home nd call everything nautical terms and sounded crazy....That is why I often do not use all nautical terms when I talk in my videos so I hope yu understand. I AM very very familiar though as I have sailed for a good time. I just find it hard to turn on and off the ways of talking so I try to keep it as I do when home.....
My late wife called going on a cruise "being in jail , with a chance of drowning" and by these cabin commenters I know it was good we never went on one! She would have hated it!!
They hiring?
Do you have to share room's on there?
I just received my MMC and twic card, I served on 2 ships in the US Navy, I am also a retired correction officer..I'm having a hard time finding maritime work, would like know how you got a job on a container ship, maybe I'm doing something wrong, I definitely need advice
Your room actually looks incredibly comfortable
Everyone else just get this video in their recommended 5 years later? Sweet room! This is twice the size of my old Brooklyn apartment 😂
Yes I don't understand I have a another tour of a cabin that is newer than this one I don't know why this one is getting the most recommendation. Also there are so many videos on the channel as well
I never would’ve guessed that a single crew member on a container ship would get such nice, spacious accommodations. I would expect a bare bones, narrow room with a double bunk and community showers. I guess cruise ships are fighting for any extra space possible for a paying passenger. Nice setup.
It usually depends on your job on the ship the more important the bigger the room
The thing is the ships have gotten bigger and bigger and yes the accommodations I've gotten better with time I'm remembered working on all the ships where the rooms were nowhere near as nice so I have seen a drastic change
cargo ships have very small crew, no more than 20 even for biggest, that's why space is much more than passenger or military ship where crew is at around 100 times bigger
The thing is both are completely different concepts. A cruise ship tends to try to get their passengers outside so that they can spent their money in cafes, casinos, restaurants etc.
They want the passengers to come out and get into the open areas with other passengers. (Well the bigger cruiseships that is)
Container Ships on the other hand are manned by the crew alone and the occasional tourist coming on board. But all in all the crew stays in their cabins, mess or fitness room. So in order to keep morale high the crew cabins there are more spacious to make up for the lack of other opportunities to relax. I guess it also depends on the person itself which one of the two concepts are more appealing.
NemeanLion I'm in the Navy and I expected the same. Now I'm just jealous.
Love the Red Dwarf DVD’s. Loved that show! Watched it all the time.
I have 0 clue how this was recommended to me, but I am glad it was, this was real interesting and something I didn’t know that I wanted to know
Well I hope you enjoyed it and please come back to the channel another time we have so many videos here... thank you so much for your comment🌲🌲🌲
I’ve stayed in motels that didn’t have rooms as nice as yours! Thanks for this video.
Lol...many hotels suck
That room is a mansion compared with the cruise ship crew rooms.
Space isn't nearly as restricted on container ships, as there are very few people. In fact, you can pay to travel on many of them.
It is very nice and spacious 👍😎
Augusto Huertas facilities on a cruise ship are much better than a container vessel, a lot more responsibly operating a ship with 20 crew rather than 2000
Or paying customers
Augusto Huertas there are only 3 in any ship. The rest are small.
RED DWARF!!!! YES!! The perfect series for being stuck on a massive ship.
I love that room. I’m very scared of water, so I won’t be looking for a job like that, but that is a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Thanks for the tour.
Glad you liked. I'm not sure why everybody sees this older video and I had another one posted later of a room that was actually even nicer
Cool video. I have never seen the inside of a ship's cabin before and didn't expect it to look like a regular apartment.
This is not a common stateroom. It's incredibly modern, spacious and comfortable compared to most crew quarters on fishing boats, cruise ships and tugs. In fact, I'd guess that about 90% could fit in this guy's bathroom. Being away from home for weeks or months at a time, it's nice that Maersk takes care of it's crew by providing them a room like this.
As an ExxonMobil company man, I worked the Crane PVS's Maesk Winner (Nigeria) and Maersk Normad (Western Australia). My accommodations, and my on office on the bridge, were first class with a ocean almost ever where I looked! The food was really great, especially the raw Austrian oysters aboard the Nomad. I'll never forget the trip from Perth to Karatha, 3 days, 1200 km; I made it 12 times round trip aboard the Nomad. Except for a single light, the Normad was dark at night. One night, 30 miles off western Oz, the captain showed me the Milky Way; simply incredible. In 2007, offshore Nigeria (Erha Field), my onshore super call indicating pirates were heading our way, the M Winner captain immediately suspended all operations and headed to sea. We were safe. I retired in 2016, but my experiences with the M Winner and M Nomad will never be forgotten; not ever ever. John f/TX
Thank you so much for taking time to make this great comment and yes it is amazing to be able to see the Milky Way at sea. It sounds like what he might have shown you is the galactic plane. I see it all the time and it is amazing
Play videogames alone in a Ship cabin is Priceless. A great experience for Someone who is a Gamer and Seafarer!
Heyyyy please come check my channel out, I’m trying to reach 1K subscribers! 💜
Exactly bro I'm also a gamer. When I sailed
Can't imagine what this room be like during a storm at sea, you have this area of calm and tranquility, while everything crazy outside.
The main thing is just make sure everything is secure...
Love it. It's like a tiny house! Or a playhouse or fort. Who doesn't love them?!
Yes you try to make it like home because that's essentially what it is while you're there
That's a decent amount of space for one person. It's nice having your own bathroom.
Yes, I like having my own space to relax.
This is better than most motel rooms and it's probably twice as clean.
Hello I’m one of the lashing crew of the port of Antwerp MPET , I have worked a lot on your ship. I have subscribed to your channel👍🏻
This is luxury! I figured they’d give you a hammock and a foot locker. 😅 I worked on a river cruise ship 20 years ago and all we had was bunkbeds and showers down the hall. Six guys in a room. (only a 230 foot 100 passenger ship though)
Like I tell everyone when you are on a thousand foot long ship and only have a crew of about 20 there is plenty of room for a good cabin size
That room is so much like my first efficiency apartment. Overall close to the same size. I was just starting out on my so did not have a lot "stuff" so the whole thing worked for me.
Many homes since but I still reflect back to those efficiency style living and those were some of my favorite days.
Yes, often , most simple times in life are the ones that have the most happy memories. Thank you for sharing.
Wow! When I was in the U.S. Navy, I had a bunk and a locker. That was it! If I had more time i might think about a year or two in the Merchant Fleet.
Nearly 60 years old now. Seen a lot of life's options, this seems like a pretty good one.
It is an adventure for sure, but not an easy job.
Ah, I see you have Red Dwarf DVDs. Good man.
He's got great smeggin' choice in comedy.
Series I-IV. Quality choices. Presumably V is in the player.
"You call those triangular sandwiches? Did you use a set square? I think not!"-Kryten
cplcabs I was going to make the same comment until I skimmed down and saw your own. Red Dwarf is classic.
No idea how I got to this video, but when I saw the Red Dwarf dvd's instant thumbs up from me. Also I found his room to be more than tidy enough!
That room looks more comfortable,spacious, and more accommodating that an expensive cruise liner room. Way awesome!!!!
So true.
Men just need a game system, chair, and TV and we're good lol. This looks like every dorm/apartment I've lived in since I turned 18.
Hot damn! That room is bigger than most Tokyo apartments! I know, I just saw a video of one! I also noticed you have a ton of storage wow! Funny thing, until recently, I always thought CRUISE ships looked just like this, but smaller cabins. I was very surprised to see cruise ships are floating hotels! Did not know that was even possible.. Most of my life my dad was on military ships and so my experience seeing a ship was always a military or mercy ship, which look like this only very cramped. This must be a luxury cargo ship..
Thanks for the tour of your cabin. Looks very comfortable for one person. I could live with that for a few months.
It’s a comfortable home away from home. 😎🚢⚓️🌊
I spent 20+ years in the US Navy and I would have LOVED to have berthing like this while at sea! I'm glad you have your own really nice space to call your own while steaming.
I couldn't do it. I need my space. I like being by myself. Thank you for your service!
Lucky you on a Danish ship. I worked on a small Swedish oil tanker in the 1960ties in east Asia Indonesia no air-conditioning but my cabin had 2 portholes that could be kept open. I loved it!
Danish company, but Maersk Line Limited American crewed ship...
Thats a far more generous space than I would have expected.
Ships don't have huge crew sizes so there is plenty of room to have a decent sized cabin
Wow !! Definitely more space than I thought you would have. I guess it's important to keep you guys as comfortable as possible. My son and I recently built a large Lego version of one of your ships.........without living quarters, lol. Thanks for the tour.
Being in the Navy, this is absolute luxury lol. I dont regret joining, but if i had known this was an option outta high school, i would choose this. I am starting the process now to become a mariner, i miss being out at sea
Yes nothing like fresh sea air
Red Dwarf, great show!
That's what I noticed. He has all the seasons from the looks of it.
Good choice of DVD's. Red Dwarf. As a Brit I totally approve.
I've been in hotel rooms smaller than that. Looks comfy.
I live near Charleston SC and I see Maersk containers on trucks 🚚 heading that way all the time.
Yes I pull into the port of North Charleston all the time
That’s actually pretty sweet. Looks cozy.
Jeff, what a spacious layout. It's perfect! Thank you for showing this.
Yes, but the one i posted later from a different ship was even better...
Red Dwarf collection! Nice! Also it's really neat and quite roomy compared to what I thought and you've got video games, that's awesome.
World's largest container ship watching Red Dwarf. How appropriate.
love Red Dwarf!
Love how you have all of Red Dwarf stashed away in your personal drawer, pretty fitting.
I love Red Dwarf....I often imagine I am on the mining ship as I work. It makes it better, lol.
I was at sea for 18 years and never had cabin as nice as yours.
Looks really cozy! But the fluorescent lighting makes it cold. I am sure you can get a little lamp with more relaxing light. Nice Himalayan lamp though!!
When I am on a ship I never used the overhead fluorescent lights only the more cozy lights like you said I only had those on to record the video
It was a bittersweet moment watching the calendar for me. Apparently, my father passed on the following week. Just as I entered the hospital when they called a code blue. I was in shock when it was the room number that my father was in. I still remember going the emergency stairs. I did not want to believe it. But all the medical staff stood there and my fear came a reality. I miss my dear father so much. But he and my late mom helped me into getting a home that I can call now - MY OWN. For them: THE LAST BIRTHDAY GIFT OF MY PARENTS WHO WERE BORN IN JANUARY - THE FINAL MORTGAGE PAYOFF. 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Thank you so much for sharing that and I wish you all the best
Was very glad to see you had those windows. Actually, very nice set up. thanks for sharing.
It looks like a very clean, neat, and cozy room.
I'm just terrified of the ocean because I'm aware that the weather can change at any time. My husband is still trying to get me on a cruise ship, but I won't do it. 😅
I'm sure a cruise would be extremely smooth compared to out in the middle of the ocean... you should try it
This beats my cabin onboard a Celebrity Cruise ship. My cabin wasn't a quarter of what you had....and I had to share it with another person!!
Wow, sounds tight
Thanks, I used to work for Mærsk at Giralda Farms, NJ. I did data management for North America.
Lots of familiarity with the overall operation, but I never had any way to tie the raw numbers to actual people.
This is really interesting and helpful.
This is a really great video thank you, as a college student I've told myself that if I really hate my job once I graduate then I'll try and find my way onto a cargo ship. It seems like you have more room than I do in a dorm although you don't share it with another human being and all their stuff. I always wondered what sorts of accommodations cargo ships had for the crew.
No complaints it's decent
There is something so comforting on a ship with your own cabin. Lottsa good nights sleep there I suppose.
Not bad at all. Quite a good standard. We had similar cabins in P & O Bulk Shipping back in the 70s. Good sized bed, shower and toilet, good furniture but no tv or fridge. We only had one multi-standard tv in the wardroom. When I got to 2nd Engineer, my cabin had a bath & shower, a fridge, and a short wave radio so I could listen to BBC World Service (It was crap then and still is now) but I usually took my own FM radio so I could receive the C & W and easy listening stations on the USA east coast (like WHIM at Providence, RI and WLIF at Baltimore, MD). At that time, computers were the size of large refrigerators, so no laptops, but I did have a typewriter the size of a printing press! On one occasion during that time, a few of us were invited aboard a vessel in the Persian Gulf that was crewed by a ship management company (might have been D******m, but can't remember for sure) and it was awful- dirty, cramped and no A/C. I certainly hope things improved for those guys.
Thank you for sharing this video. I’ve always wondered what container ship quarters looked like. It looks VERY nice! Much better than what I had when I served in the US Navy. Again, thank you.
Hi, I just got picked up for a job with Crowley, I'm going to a container ship, Thank you for the video and it gives me some idea what to expect.
1st time seeing your channel, the algorithm pushes it here, great room, good bed AND couch, need a bigger tv ha
I should bring a projector... Thanks for the comment and for watching
Nice,it’s like a hotel room that’s the nicest quarters I’ve seen
There is another cabin tour I showed on the channel of another ship I was on a while after this video and the cabin is even much nicer
My late grandfather was employed by Mærsk. His job was to choose all the art that goes on the walls inside the ships and on oil rigs... So he probably chose the art for your walls.
Very comfortable looking cabin. I was a Radio Officer on British Deepsea Trawlers on Icelandic trips which had my cabin directly next to the radio room behind the bridge. My cabin was basic with a bunk and storage space but was probably half the size of your cabin but was comfortable enough for my needs aboard. I had a porthole in my cabin which used to leak like a sieve in very rough weather which was most of the time in winter months off Iceland. Apart from the Skipper who had his own cabin and heads etc all the other ships officers had their own cabin but had to share the showers, sinks and heads. This was back in the late 1960's early 1970's. Time at sea was approximately 21 days with 3 days shore leave. Trawlers today are much better and larger and stay at sea a lot longer up to six months at a time on freezer ships before returning to port.
Excellent. Thanks. Very good intro to the room, I get the sense of the size and the feel of it. Lot better than some hotel rooms, nice that you have windows.
Love the red dwarf collection ❤
Best show ever....😎
Wow. That living space is so super clean. My efficiency apartment is a little bigger, but very old and run down. But, hey, wherever you lay down and rest is Home! ✝️
I go to my next ship July 9. If the room is good I will share again and try to make more marine related footage....TY for your comment.
I was a cargo ship passenger many years ago. I have vivid memories of my picture window looking out on the backs of containers.
Great crew cabin. I had no idea it would be this nice. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for watching there are a lot of other videos on the channel if you're interested to see more
Good sized cabin.
I was a trainee deckhand on the fist ship to go between the Falklands and South America after the war (this was '89) and my cabin was half that for 2 of us.
My abiding memory was of one VERY rough crossing from Stanley to Punta Arenas in Chile.
The weather was so bad i put a load of life jackets under the outer edge of mt mattress to raise it up and create a "V" for me to sleep in against the bulkhead.
Had to sleep feet forward as the ship came down some of the waves pretty vertically and it was easier hitting the forward bulkhead with your feet and flexing at the knee rather than landing on your head!
(Learned that the hard way!)
2 day crossing took 6 days and the novelty of the rough weather wore off pretty quick.
I remember times when I did the "V" as well in storms.....ship quarters have improved over time 100%
Looks pretty comfy compared to other accommodations I've seen. Very cool💯
Yes, and I had another cabin tour that was newer than this older video, and the cabin on that ship was even better
I approve of the DVD collection.
Red Dwarf is my all time favorite....
There are thousands of college kids who would absolutely love to have a dorm room that's as nice and spacious as that 👍
A room that moves, lol
“this is a couch you can sit on....” lol-thanks buddy for the explanation. That one puzzled me. Nice video.
Smegnhell...Red Dwarf!!!
Nice room. Thanks for showing us.
Thanks 😊 that was interesting to see for us who have never worked at Sea on a ship.
red dwarf dvds ............that show is dope
Best show ever😎
Impressive ! i'd never guess you would have such a nice room - thanks for sharing !
thank you for watching. I made it because so many asked to see what it looks like where we sleep....Thanks
2:11 Red Dwarf DVD's, nice! A man of good taste!!
Wow, that is spacious! I'd love to live in something that size right now! Looks like you got it made. 🙂👍
You look to be a Red Dwarf fan, for who else would bring it aboard on DVD? My top three favorites are: "Bodyswap", "Better than life", and "Quarantine".
Awesome episodes!!!
Better than life was awesome....
A Red Dwarf fan, You Rock :-)
Best show ever....smeggin hell🤣
It's better than the last cabin I had on a cruise ship.
Good room. Great to see Red Dwarf videos in the locker. Hours of hilarious entertainment there.
Hey Jeff, great video. I'm a longshoreman (woman) and I'm the foreman on the ship. I love my job and love being on Deck. I always wondered how your sleeping quarters are. Thanks for that. Now next time I'll peek in the windows. Lol jk.
I'm impressed by how nice that room is...
Yes the rooms are generally good size because we only have Crews of about 20
I like your lil' cabin, lol. For me I think you have the perfect sized cabin. Plenty of storage and a private head (bathroom for your land lubbers, lol)
Yes I don't always use the nautical terms, lol....I should make a video about sea terms, lol.
That makes my cabin on my first and last Princess cruise look like an Army pup tent.
I guess on cruise ships people only spend little time in their cabin just to sleep and get ready for dinner or something
Wow, you got a lot of room to yourself with a ton of private amenities. That is real nice and also thanks for keeping it simple and not going to technical on us! :D
My dad always cherished his time as a merchant marine. Treated like kings. He's in a nyt best seller called Super Ships.
His stories were legendary.
That looks really nice..comfy.. I certainly wouldn’t complain. 😀
A lot better than what I expected.
It's a comfortable home away from home😎🚢⚓️🌊
Cosy enough by the looks,everything you need pretty much. Thanks for Sharing.
love the video i worked on a boat on the chicago ship and sanitary cannal. I was thinking about the old days watching this. thanks so much.
Never seen this kind of thing before. Thank you for going to the trouble of making a video for us land lubbers . It seems quite nice altogether. Bless you as you travel the seas.
: "Aha excellent, a man of taste!"
My all time favorite show. Love it
A nice room and you deserve it! It's hard work on a big ship!
Yes it is hard work and the room is not bad...Happy New 2024🥳🥂
At least your bed is pointed the correct way! The wonderful engineers that designed our ships, thought it would be a great idea to put the beds athwartship! You think it's hard sleeping when the weather is rough, try doing it when your laying athwartship! I like how they have your bunk in your room, at least then it's easy to put something under the mattress and wedge yourself up next to the bulkhead, no can do with our beds, they are in the middle of the stateroom with the head of the bed up next to the bulkhead. Whoever designed our ships, obviously has never slept on one during high seas! Fair Winds and Following Seas my friend. 😁
Nice cabin, it’s much bigger than what I’d thought it be, cool video, thanks for sharing.
RED DWARF DVDS in the cabinet!!!! WInning!
Just remember, gazpacho soup is served cold. ;)
Smoke me a kipper skipper 😎 best show ever!!
That is a mansion, my locker in the navy was smaller than his small one, for everything I had.
Fellow Veteran Thank You for your Service .
Thank you. Interesting, and a nice place for one person.
Yes, it’s comfortable. 😎🚢⚓️🌊
I’m jealous... very nice stateroom. I did 4 years in the US Navy and I shared with 109 people ⚓️
When I worked in a National Park I shared a room less than that size with three other people. It was like that in every room on the hallway. We had a common bathroom for about 30 people and one television for 110 of us. Room and board was 16.3% of wages.
Wow.... sounds tough
OMG Red Dwarf my favorite show of all time 😊
Me as well. I was just watching some yesterday out here at sea
I am looking directly at the red dwarf dvds that you have in your cabinet you have good taste
Ahhh smeg!! Yes my all time favorite show.....
gosh, are you a captain? that berth is amazing..greetings from australia and thanks for the upload
I love the comments from the navy guys. I did an enlistment on a destroyer, now I work as an engineer on ships. Civilian side realizes(most of the time) you have to keep your crew comfortable in order to perform, the navy could care less if you hot rack with the entire crew.
Rooms are much larger than a cruise ship, but consider the fact that container ships travel the Great oceans and all its turbulence, whereas the cruise ship usually hugs the shallow coast lines of the respective countries. You think the crewman of the container ships deserve a little more comfort?
I think everyone deserves to be comfortable but when you go on a cruise you might be there for 5 or 7 days and pretty much only sleep in the room but when you are on a ocean going vessel you might be three or four months out here at Sea so yes you definitely need a comfortable space. For us, it's not just a little short vacation, but it's where we spend half of our year 😎🚢⚓️🌊