  • Опубліковано 21 кві 2020


  • @FrankJames
    @FrankJames 4 роки тому +220

    classic Dave, always staying true to the Bible

    • @Whitespike77
      @Whitespike77 3 роки тому +6

      Loved it!

    • @melissa7777
      @melissa7777 2 роки тому +3

      Greatest story ever told

    • @petersmall1574
      @petersmall1574 2 роки тому +6

      For real, deep down wisdom, it's hard to beat Ecclesiastes
      The Spark Notes version: Same sh*t, different day
      The Talking Heads version: Same as it ever was.

    • @ericstankylekenny
      @ericstankylekenny Рік тому

      @@petersmall1574 French version: Plus ca change, plus ca meme chose.
      Emergency version: . . . - - - . . . : S.O.S.: Same Old Sh*t.

    • @Azz5sd
      @Azz5sd Рік тому +3

      Frank?! You here? Didnt know you are also into OPS. What about a comedy skit with all 512 OPS-Types? 😉

  • @cskandrsgyrgy
    @cskandrsgyrgy 4 роки тому +135

    "Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Isaac Asimov

  • @tengdayz2
    @tengdayz2 4 роки тому +102

    As Dave is focusing on the dogma he already knows, while instinctively tuning out shannon's rant about it. 🤣 Priceless

  • @bumblyjack
    @bumblyjack 4 роки тому +107

    Consume first, Blast last. My worldview is constantly updating. Even the things I know have an asterisk on them. Don't get me wrong: it's not an epistemological nightmare where assume I can't know anything at all with any confidence; it's more that I view my understanding of everything as incomplete. Essentially the Consume first, Blast last motto could be: "There's always more to learn about everything."

    • @natclo9229
      @natclo9229 4 роки тому +2

      Im with you here bud
      Also unsicking other people from not being able to see cog dis and world views
      Left brain is the only way, right brain is the only way flip flop of the consume last does my head in bahaha

    • @cheria9399
      @cheria9399 3 роки тому +2

      I'm consume demon, not last, but I also do that. But I'm obviously more sure of my own judgement because I sleep through it too much. I sort of go around expecting and allowing people to prove me wrong. (My view is complete but it could come undone when new facts overthrow the chain of reasoning.)

    • @sermon1984
      @sermon1984 Рік тому

      I agree

    • @LittleMew133
      @LittleMew133 Рік тому

      Amen, true words. I can agree.

  • @supertouk
    @supertouk 4 роки тому +48

    Now I don't feel so weird for needing to see how a movie or TV show ends before seeing it.

    • @pebblebrookbooks4852
      @pebblebrookbooks4852 4 роки тому +11

      My late husband was like that; he would *ask* pls spoil me. I don't mind being spoiled either, but i ask to be spoiled when i don't have time to finish a movie. He would want to be spoiled when deciding if he want to see a movie or not.

    • @ibanezmonsterg
      @ibanezmonsterg 4 роки тому +1

      That is such a weird approach...and I can confirm that definitely must be a consume last thing since the only difference between my type and his is that the order of blast and consume are swapped. I try to avoid spoilers as much as possible.

    • @dday9433
      @dday9433 4 роки тому +7

      Hmm... I don't "need" to know the ending. But... if I suspect I will disagree with the concepts/moral of the story, I will want to prepare myself ahead of time, and I will debate on whether I want to spend my precious time consuming it. If I deeply respect the author or some other artistic part (the production value, the craft), or I like other work by the same person (I've judged them to be thoughtful and careful) I'd still watch it.

    • @SpookyGhost11
      @SpookyGhost11 4 роки тому

      @Tiago Soares Portugal?

  • @DeezyRYG
    @DeezyRYG 4 роки тому +27 Yeah, Dave was right when he said I’m Consume last in our interview. I definitely resonate with this. And especially the part about every 10 years having this major upgrade to my worldview. I see how drastically different I am from when I was 15 to now 25, which is normal of course, but even 21 to now is a drastic change. And it all happened suddenly. And I don’t necessarily read for confirmation biases. I avoid that if anything. But that “Nothing is new under the sun” is definitely my mentality. Even if I have a new insight, it’s based off of something I already knew. And so I just deepened my previous insights (Auxiliary Ni). And things that contradict then bothers my inferior Ti. Ha. Great video.

  • @annebourgonje
    @annebourgonje 4 роки тому +14

    This is so relatable, I also look for spoilers, my boyfriend thinks I'm crazy, he won't even watch something if he already knows the ending. I love reading, but I only read books if I agree with the author, if I think they are stupid I don't even finish a chapter.

  • @alicealexandrescu4549
    @alicealexandrescu4549 4 роки тому +3

    And this is the video that finally nudges me off the cliff face into paying to access your weekly classes. Thank you Shans frustration clapping.

  • @hjordisbornemark
    @hjordisbornemark 4 роки тому +4

    THANK YOU. I’ve been wanting this video for sooo long to be completely sure that I’m consume last, and yeah, I definitely am.

  • @jeffreysherman8224
    @jeffreysherman8224 4 роки тому +5

    THIS IS MY FAVORITE VIDEO OF YOU GUYS!!! 😍 So goooood!! I love it! Talking about the functions in real life! More, more, more!

  • @bmae3055
    @bmae3055 4 роки тому +4

    The bit at the end about having to know the ending of a movie before you watch it! If there is a movie I want to see I refuse to watch any trailers. It will give away too much, I'll think I have it all figured out and that will take away from the experience. Usually if I like the cast, writer, or production company that's enough to convince me to watch a movie. Sometimes I'll read the overview. I didn't realize that was related to being an Extroverted Observer. 😂😂

  • @caarpoe
    @caarpoe 4 роки тому +24

    So helpful. Been struggling so much with understanding Blast versus Consume and I think this confirms that I got it right. I think 😂 Also super interesting with Gatherers with Consume as a demon. Never understood how that added up, but now I get it. “Updating you world view” is what really drove the meaning of Consume home for me. I say it aaall the time, but I’m learning soooo much from you guys. Thank you!

    • @PuzzleQodec
      @PuzzleQodec 4 роки тому +1

      You got it right, you _think_. That's vintage Consume. :)

  • @ChristianeLevesque
    @ChristianeLevesque 4 роки тому +8

    I am Ne and I have to fight myself falling into the trap of looking for information that confirms what I think is happening all the time. I am a researcher so I have been trained in how to look for more information, but my natural tendency (which is super common) is to ignore stuff that doesn't support my hypothesis. It is a struggle at times to put things that don't line up with my theory in the data review, but I do it. That said, confirmation bias is a major issue in general.

  • @thewhale683
    @thewhale683 4 роки тому +10

    I just thought of something. Your clothing and the background kinda looks like you are on a version of Star Trek... :)
    You guys are both interesting and funny as hell, I am loving it.

  • @4thNebula
    @4thNebula 4 роки тому +2

    This is a good one. I like the videos that help me understand the fundamentals.

  • @tfranc347
    @tfranc347 4 роки тому +10

    Fi/Ne I would say my world view changes every three months or so. Not in like drastic ways, but enough so that my Fi can continue to grow forward I guess. I feel for Dave, cause there are things I want to work with over and over again and build off of, but I also feel for Shannon, because there is a point where I feel like this need to press on for greater understanding. Idk it’s weird

  • @0halibut0
    @0halibut0 4 роки тому +11

    OH MY GOSH. Best video on consume last in the history of the universe. Love Shannon's indignation: DUH DUMBASS.

  • @fleischliebe430
    @fleischliebe430 4 роки тому +1

    I loved this part of the class so much!!!!!!!! to answer Dave's question. Me doubling up on consume: I constantly update my world view. I'm not saying that is necessarily a good thing all the time. I couple of years ago I was so afraid of diving into the flat earth stuff because I was afraid I would believe it hahaha. But I was too curious so I went and consumed it and guess what changed my world view to: Possibly flat - maybe also not flat. Lived with that world view for a 1.5yrs then saw the star link in spring 2020, was sad for a moment cuz I realized the earth was not flat and changed my world view to: not flat.

  • @mysticat7652
    @mysticat7652 3 роки тому +1

    "There IS nothing new under the sun!"

  • @hjordisbornemark
    @hjordisbornemark 4 роки тому +6

    4:53 I’m going through that update right now and it’s SO hard. It hasn’t really happened before and I didn’t really get what was happening, but then I realized that I just had to see some things differently and that I had been holding on to my principals and plans for way too long.

    • @stevemcgee99
      @stevemcgee99 Рік тому

      I’m 50. People said I was having a midlife crisis at 30. But I have gone through a radical change (takes about a year) at least 4 times.

  • @wearejungians
    @wearejungians 4 роки тому +1

    I freaking LOL'd on the FBI "this is an analogy" example hahaha

  • @scilines
    @scilines 4 роки тому +12

    Sounds like my grandma who beat people over the head with her religious beliefs her whole life...and completely renounced them a month before she died 😂

    • @einsame_Maria
      @einsame_Maria 4 роки тому +1

      That sounds like me hahha
      How I kept pushing my (ex) religion and the belief in god on all of my groupmates in University.
      Just to in a span over one year become not only an atheist but an antitheist. It shook my whole world and has changed me forever.
      I used to believe in anything without evidence, I used to jump to conclusions so quickly. And now every time my mind wants to go to that "I know for sure" place, I get a feeling akin to an electric shock, and a voice in my head says "so you think you know for sure, ha.... remember all that stupid shit you used to believe? Now think again"
      It's painful, actually. It's like... I have a habit of breathing through my mouth, and it's bad for the health, so I tried and disciplined myself to breathe through the nose. But I have to be constantly aware of it. And I am, even when i have made it a habit, I'm aware of it. While I'm not aware, when I was never aware that I opened my mouth (just slightly,but still) all the time!

    • @henkster6067
      @henkster6067 4 роки тому +2

      @@einsame_Maria so you say you used to believe things with no evidence. What's your evidence for believing there's no God?

    • @lalakuma9
      @lalakuma9 4 роки тому +4

      The renouncing part is a real gangsta move. Because you'd think that people become more religious right before they die, just in case the religion was right about that whole heaven & hell thing. But not grandma.

  • @morehn
    @morehn 4 роки тому +5

    Being a know it all can be a sign of anxiety.

  • @camilbocaniciu9689
    @camilbocaniciu9689 4 роки тому +12

    make a play last or blast last as new video as specific as this one

  • @LittleMew133
    @LittleMew133 Рік тому +1

    I have sleep first, consume second, so you could imagine the non-doing I have been doing. With consume high, I always want to seek out new views and perspectives to add to my treasure trove of information to that I can predict the next thing that happens (being Ni dom and all).

  • @tysoliman5524
    @tysoliman5524 3 роки тому +1

    You guys are fu%!ng hilarious .. I love you ❤️

  • @dreamluvr1600
    @dreamluvr1600 4 роки тому

    dave is so funny and shan is so pretty 😭 love em!

  • @SnoozeTheRecluse
    @SnoozeTheRecluse 4 роки тому +6

    I relate to Dave so much lol. If history repeats itself, why should I change my worldview to adapt to society?

    • @dustinhawkins7634
      @dustinhawkins7634 2 роки тому +1

      History repeats itself? Sounds like saviour oi opinion 😆

    • @orangeziggy348
      @orangeziggy348 2 роки тому

      Changing your worldview is not adapting to society- it's your own re-envsioning of things in order to live your life differently.

  • @actazrath5878
    @actazrath5878 2 роки тому

    Dang its so important, I need to write these down!

  • @wisamrohilina3006
    @wisamrohilina3006 2 роки тому

    as an INTP who is married to an ISTJ.. I am getting new information here by watching Dave react to a worldview update.. I didn't know that this was a consume last thing. Yesterday I bragged to my husband that I read 4 books on relationships that I think we can discuss, he just shrugged me off and asked to see a proof of behaviour before hand 😪

  • @kasprzynski9
    @kasprzynski9 4 роки тому +3

    I enjoy your content, but I especially love the chemistry between the two of you!😁❤️

    • @dolfdervish8495
      @dolfdervish8495 4 роки тому +2

      @Laura White
      That's exactly what makes them so scientifically objective.

    • @kasprzynski9
      @kasprzynski9 4 роки тому +2

      @@dolfdervish8495 🤣😁 Cute!!

    • @dolfdervish8495
      @dolfdervish8495 4 роки тому

      @Laura White
      Is that you singing?

    • @kasprzynski9
      @kasprzynski9 4 роки тому

      @@dolfdervish8495 no, she's my daughter.

    • @dolfdervish8495
      @dolfdervish8495 4 роки тому +1

      @Laura White

  • @bmae3055
    @bmae3055 4 роки тому +1

    And also, "Can I go Not hear this for awhile?" 😂😂

  • @wolf388
    @wolf388 4 роки тому +10

    My father is a Intuitive Consume Last. He is a very annoying know it all who talks for hours on subjects he doesn’t master. His favorite hobby is to guess the future based on nothing and teach about things he never studied.

  • @deborat
    @deborat 11 місяців тому

    6:11 this is absolutely hilarious. I do the exact same thing and my partner gets annoyed by it. 😂

  • @taugamhorrsod8972
    @taugamhorrsod8972 4 роки тому +1

    It's true ne-dom consume last lmao. I often learn through talking to people because play first and kind of got around getting people to be my executive as well lol.
    Also I consume in a way like I see a realtion between things and I just look if there is truth to that relation or not, but not actually gathering haha. Another consume last thing about me: I watch the exact same anime for the last one and half months everyday. Also I have the same logical system all my life and never changed it, just got better at it (but seriously I slimply can't learn new methods, either I figured it out already or give up pretty fast, I just suck but at the same time this is hilarious to me). I feel so called out and am just lauging my ass off about, thanks for making my day xD.
    But I don't have any worldview tho, I kind of see the logic in everything so It's hard for me to even decide at all. True devilsadvocate because I slimply don't have opinions haha. I'm just kind of floating around everywhere and nowhere at the same time, lol. But my logic with whom I approach things never changed, never updated in the slightest.
    Oh, and I also remember just very random specific events or things and forget about everything else like it never happened. Like I know pi for about 30 numbers since I was 9 but forgot what I've done yesterday. Sometimes also people come up to me and I just can't remeber ever meeting the person. Sounds like I have demenz but I'm only 17 so I don't think it's that lol. I just only take in pretty specific information.

  • @cyberneticbutterfly8506
    @cyberneticbutterfly8506 3 роки тому +1

    My own view on worldview as an INTP is: "Things in the world for which other things needed it to be true *to make it work* must be true to a strong approximation."
    So for instance Newtons Laws must be near-true since construction and flight and other things that are contingent upon those laws to actually work.
    Key: *They work when done by different people in different cultures using different equipment*.
    The big problem people have in making a worldview starting out with science is that recent science is just one experiment or study in one country with same equipment and same methods. So it can be wrong relatively frequently compared to old science that multiple other stuff rely on to actually work.
    If you start out building your worldview from that point as the center alot of things will make a helluvalot of sense.

  • @Geoffrey454
    @Geoffrey454 4 роки тому +2

    I want to hear more about Cesar Milan

  • @simonmeehan362
    @simonmeehan362 4 роки тому

    I am really struggling with this!! I'm pretty damn sure I've got this demon

  • @denzildk
    @denzildk 3 роки тому +1

    i've have consume 3'rd and feel kinda called out : ^)
    I've got to force myself to read books with general information i'd need most of, and also to force myself to not skip entire chapters because i'm pretty sure i know how that works already. (i keep learning new stuff, which is great, but the fact that i actually did not know how it worked when i thought i did just wont sink in)

  • @ravingsofa...6
    @ravingsofa...6 Рік тому

    “I took a shit today. It really made me think about how i look at the world”.
    That’s a personal joke I have with myself because my brain is always focused on new information and updating my world view. I’m always thinking deeply.
    Edit: I’m lead Fi.

  • @gabrielhutcheson9913
    @gabrielhutcheson9913 3 роки тому

    This is a how and why regarding narcissistic personality disorder. I would just add Fi "evil" & evil last.

  • @MidnightAssass1n
    @MidnightAssass1n 4 роки тому

    I have that same worldview crash but instead of every 10 years it’s roughly every 3 months lol

  • @TheNicMMc
    @TheNicMMc 4 роки тому +1

    Even though I don't look for new info for myself, I don't know if I can consider myself having blast in my first or second animal since it takes forever for me to get things done.
    I thought people with high blast like Tai Lopez want to get things done quickly while high consume like Bill Gates would rather take their time. I am wrong?

  • @dday9433
    @dday9433 4 роки тому +1

    I think I finally understand the consume last. I *believe* one of my siblings to be the same type as me (an unverified INTJ), but I could not figure out (for the life of me) why I could not influence his conclusions... even with cold, logically argued solid evidence to the contrary. Arguing with him is like talking through a closed door. He REJECTS and resists information that doesn't already fit. It's maddening. But could that also be "masculine" Ni?

    • @orangeziggy348
      @orangeziggy348 2 роки тому

      yes, sounds like my si consume last friend.

  • @dolfdervish8495
    @dolfdervish8495 4 роки тому +1

    Yo Brainheart...
    You in here!?
    You're ABSOLUTELY Right *&* in The Right.
    Stand your ground.
    You hear me?
    *Stand your ground!*

    • @dolfdervish8495
      @dolfdervish8495 4 роки тому

      @Mr. 8-Bit Doggo
      You read the Brainheart posts too, aye Doggo?

    • @dolfdervish8495
      @dolfdervish8495 4 роки тому

      Mr. 8-Bit Doggo

    • @dolfdervish8495
      @dolfdervish8495 4 роки тому

      @Mr. 8-Bit Doggo
      Brainheart made some good points.
      Funny how their points appear as though they were authored by the same 5-9 people who've ever been willing to question the veracity of Dave & Shan's claims.
      Only, I'd bet it took Brainheart a helluva lot more energy to compose those observations (than most).

  • @kaleidoscopicvoid
    @kaleidoscopicvoid 3 роки тому

    Lol I was just talking about needing to do a system reboot for myself

  • @cherieminer5422
    @cherieminer5422 4 роки тому

    3:55 to 4:25 I'm simply DEAD. OMG xD "Just try to stay true to the Bible. Book reading fools!" ...."Duh, dumbass!" Gosh Shave are hilarious bahaha

  • @TheINTPProblem
    @TheINTPProblem 3 роки тому

    My worldview seems to be working fine 😂

  • @kramasubbareddykramasubbar9886
    @kramasubbareddykramasubbar9886 4 роки тому

    Hey dave I was trying to know my type based on the feedback I got from friend/family via Skype but I don't know to effects of the thinking and feeling coin(Ti and fe \Te and fi vice verse ) in the middle and how can we know the type for example entp (self above tribe and tribe above self (ne fe to si) how can we know the difference

  • @teamthoth
    @teamthoth 4 роки тому

    Roledex brain. It makes sense for me.

  • @SJ-ej3vj
    @SJ-ej3vj 4 роки тому

    How will a Se-dom update their worldview different from Ne-doms?

  • @dawnriddler
    @dawnriddler 2 роки тому

    "I will not watch the movie, unless I know the ending", why is this literally me?! 😭

  • @mikhailvasiliev6275
    @mikhailvasiliev6275 2 роки тому

    Weird. I'm an ISFP so my consume should be high but I relate a lot to the mentality described here.

  • @petersmall1574
    @petersmall1574 2 роки тому

    I'm still learning about these OP concepts, so I'm probably going out on a limb here. But, would it be not incorrect to characterize our contemporary political/media (commercial and social) culture as the functional equivalent of a crack den for individuals who are Blast first, Consume last?

  • @markmanley2184
    @markmanley2184 4 роки тому +5

    Fits perfectly to conspiracy theorists. I just watched the Flat Earth documentary on Netflix and they have 2 experiments made by flat earthers to prove the earth is a disc. Guess what? Both experiments showed its not. What did the first team do? They just said they dont believe the test and try to find ways why this test doesn't prove a round earth. They are seeking for what they want to hear.

    • @dolfdervish8495
      @dolfdervish8495 4 роки тому +1

      @Mark Manley
      I think that's one of the most amazing comments I've ever read on this channel.
      I wonder why.

  • @jovynabong3858
    @jovynabong3858 2 роки тому

    I knew Dave will be fixing the misspelled and autocorrect words right observers? 🤣

  • @catinthepeng2686
    @catinthepeng2686 4 роки тому

    Okay, definitely not consume last or first. If I get new information, after the initial distaste, I begin to look at that information to understand how that fits or doesn't fit with what I already know. And if it doesn't fit anywhere, I start a "new model" in my mind on that angle and learn stuff on it. Sometimes I can find an angle that fits with an older concept or data set I already have much later on.
    For example, I don't entirely buy this "animal concept" that OP has presented, yet I am trying to test it and see if it is valid. This is a relatively new angle to personality theory, and OP in general requires me to think outside of the box on perceptions of different people and the resulting of a very different organization to traditional personality type systems; I see myself coming back not because I agree but because I just wonder about the system itself.
    ... I'm definitely either blast or play last... dang it.

  • @nodistractions5548
    @nodistractions5548 4 роки тому +1

    “Just focus “

  • @qidicet7516
    @qidicet7516 4 роки тому

    It confuse me a bit.
    I didn't go too much into these concept before, but I naturally assumed that consume was higher than blast for me. Since I definitively rather search information to get a confirmation of what I already know, it shakes my conviction a little bit.
    I precise that I am Ne, so it is probably what blurs the line (can Ne users be blast???). I am constantly updating my worldview, but it's like an fragile and momentary expression of how I want to see the world. It's stressful to expose myself to contradictory info, but it is necessary for fairness.
    Is it possibly an effect of a strong Si?

  • @shetheyandkindagay
    @shetheyandkindagay 4 роки тому

    What's a focus?

  • @MrBardun111
    @MrBardun111 4 роки тому

    What does consume last mean?

  • @abbyanderbard
    @abbyanderbard 3 роки тому

    (Also watches all the clips to make sure there are no surprises and that the movie is worth it.) (Also interrupts people because I think I probably already know the answer and want the conversation to get to the point.) WHEN will I stop doubting that I'm an Intj? '-' Never.

  • @ridvantahir3755
    @ridvantahir3755 4 роки тому

    4:23 meme worthy

  • @jhonathanmondragon7162
    @jhonathanmondragon7162 3 роки тому +1

    Lmaooo i also hate watching a whole movie when i can get the info in 5 min. And yeah i dont want a movie that is bad. Lololol.

  • @BekaEllen
    @BekaEllen 4 роки тому +1

    The end of the movie thing, I don't want spoilers cause I'm going to figure out what happens before I see it, that's what's...well it's not even satisfying it's kinda boring but it's fun to be right

  • @SuperCuriouss
    @SuperCuriouss 4 роки тому

    Yea but I have 100 tabs open at all time.. and I can't stop.. it fuels itself.

  • @Brickwilliams
    @Brickwilliams 10 місяців тому

    I watch UA-cam all day but the same damn videos damn near

  • @titemartiniquaise
    @titemartiniquaise 4 роки тому

    Is it similar to me trying to prove to EVERYONE I'm not an ENFP? it's been 3 months, I'm still browsing your videos to prove this

    • @pebblebrookbooks4852
      @pebblebrookbooks4852 4 роки тому

      What type do you think you are? I've watched so many of these type videos i have no idea anymore. I can say i feel nothing in common with Gamma quadrant, i guess. I tend to test as ENTP, ENFP, and INTP. The quarantine has brought out some stereotypically INFJ behaviors tho, like the kind "i-told-you-so" gesture. Here's an extra box of Kleenex. You can wipe yourself with these, too.

    • @pebblebrookbooks4852
      @pebblebrookbooks4852 4 роки тому

      What's wrong w/ENFP? If you believe you are ISTJ, then some good ol' Jungian shadow work is in order, if you want to go "all in".

  • @SJ-ej3vj
    @SJ-ej3vj 4 роки тому

    The very fact that when a person can talk about worldviews and confirms its existence is already ahead of consume last!!! #^#€÷^&#!!!

  • @jerome9626
    @jerome9626 4 роки тому

    E N🖕J // Jumping parental fence
    (That is how much entertainment
    you get for right now) Said in Love!

  • @moddity
    @moddity 11 місяців тому

    I’ve found that i gather well but never really address new shit as new shit. To me it’s like this is all the same shit in a different order of words. reading or buying new shit either gives me mania or new shit to think about. If i don’t learn to accept this truth, i won’t be able to respect consume

  • @johnniedilangcruz9287
    @johnniedilangcruz9287 4 роки тому +2

    I'm wondering why Dave was so surprised here. Well, I mean besides when he said "There's nothing new under the sun" there's another principle: "Mind is always above Matter"
    Ni will always lord itself above Se. For INTJ's like myself, consume is only possible if that sensory information alludes to my principles otherwise, why call myself as an INITJ right? peace! xD

  • @timo4258
    @timo4258 3 роки тому

    Consume>Sleep>Blast>Play for me I think. FF-Ti/Ne-CS/B(P)? (Or FM-Ti/Si, idk yet).

  • @AubreeGames
    @AubreeGames 2 роки тому

    I have a friend who is so completely consume last that it makes her really dumb and arrogant, and nobody has the guts to tell her that she’s doing life wrong if she wants people to actually like her and enjoy being around her

  • @giacomocasartelli5503
    @giacomocasartelli5503 3 роки тому

    Everytime I tried to start reading Arostotle's Rethoric (idk why this book in particular, but ok) I find myself stuck always at the same point thinking: "This dude's wrong af. I can't read this bullshit." And then I ended up watching some marble races on UA-cam

  • @einsame_Maria
    @einsame_Maria 4 роки тому +2

    The whole video I felt embarrassed and attacked because I fit the Oi description so well.
    Especially with:
    New information: comes my way
    Me: You know, why that is? I know, let me tell you.
    But then at the end....I hate spoilers. Actually, if I know the plot, I won't watch whatever was spoiled to me. Because I already know, what comes next. But then I will go and watch the same movie or tv series or just a video over and over again. But it's because I like it.
    I think I might be Consume 3rd, below Play. Because whenever it comes to me getting new information, or just anything knew, I have noticed I find it much easier to do it with someone else, or for someone else. Like, I don't usually Google anything unless it's to look for information that someone else needs. Especially, when I want to prove to them, that I know the answer, or that they should follow my advice.
    My suspicion that I actually might be Ti/Ni/Se/Fe SPC(B) may be real.
    Can I be Ni/Ti/Fe/Se SPC(B)? It's impossible,right? Just because of the order of the functions....

    • @brucelee4763
      @brucelee4763 4 роки тому

      Can I be Ni/Ti/Fe/Se SPC(B)? NO

    • @hannahmathilda7101
      @hannahmathilda7101 4 роки тому +2

      Einsame M
      consume vs blast (getting info or giving info)
      Sleep vs Play (energy preserving or energy exchanging)
      The two opposites cannot be next to each other

    • @henkster6067
      @henkster6067 4 роки тому

      @@hannahmathilda7101 I don't know my type yet, but I know I love blast and consume. I don't think i play much... But I think I play more than sleep when with people.

    • @einsame_Maria
      @einsame_Maria 4 роки тому

      @@hannahmathilda7101 oooh, okey. thank you!
      The only thing I know for sure, is I'm sleep first. I have never noticed it before getting into OP. But it's now painfully obvious to me.
      And also I'm not Play last.
      This is what I'm 99% sure of

  • @actazrath5878
    @actazrath5878 2 роки тому

    I think te(as described by mbti, not like I have it) is pretty hard to do, coz if u speak wrong, then we all know where to look.

  • @subtleGradient
    @subtleGradient 4 роки тому +7

    Do you read books?! SO DO I!
    (Except I don't really)

  • @natclo9229
    @natclo9229 4 роки тому

    World falls apart in a big way for some!
    Thats so true XD
    Im kind of the opposite, Im always looking to update my world view. Although I am often seen exactly how you would predict someone who is always changing to be... so im not that fuxking special

  • @anonnymus1227
    @anonnymus1227 3 роки тому

    Is dave an INTJ, INFJ, ISTJ, or ISFJ?

  • @gigglesmcdounut723
    @gigglesmcdounut723 2 роки тому

    I hate it when people ruin the ending. Like if I'm going to the movies with you I dont want you telling me how it ends or even knowing what's going to happen because it just ruins the whole thing.

  • @hirumakazeko
    @hirumakazeko 4 роки тому

    lmao, like there is no way you wouldn't watch youtube all day especially in this quarantine situation, even for a BLAST

  • @nathanieljohnson5555
    @nathanieljohnson5555 3 роки тому

    Must be why I hate people recommending new stuff to me, not new concepts but new experiences that they like unless I ask for their info dont give it to me, I also dont watch any shows or tv of things I dont already like or think will give me more organizing info about what I already deal with. Because I’m typical B/S/P/C INTJ

  • @mariah5060
    @mariah5060 4 роки тому

    Can i be blast first or second, WHILE being terrible at explaining?? Like... I love explaining, but I'm really bad at it.

  • @j.samuelwaters81
    @j.samuelwaters81 3 роки тому

    Wow, there is way more swearing going on here than I would have ever expected, even if I had been told to do so. I'm down, it just took a bit by surprise

  • @maryann5981
    @maryann5981 4 роки тому

    I will read the last page of a book, if the plot seems to follow the obvious I won't read the book. I have done this my whole life, even as a child. It is a curse.

  • @softly128
    @softly128 2 роки тому


  • @worldwidehappiness
    @worldwidehappiness 4 роки тому +2

    That was completely confusing. I have no idea who they were talking about or what they were claiming.

    • @TuroSaave
      @TuroSaave 4 роки тому

      Do you understand Carl Jung psyche type? Condone, play, sleep, blast are like an intermediate level understanding of it.

    • @AhmadOsamaMusleh
      @AhmadOsamaMusleh 4 роки тому

    • @traditionalgirl3943
      @traditionalgirl3943 4 роки тому

      D = decider, O = observer,
      i = introverted, e = extroverted.
      If you have strong introverted decider(Ti or Fi) with a strong introverted observer Si or Ni) this combination if it tends to undermine you in some way then it is probably a Consume last.
      New information (NE or SE) is screened/organized by the Di which tends to only accept new info that corroborates what the person already accepts as the truth.
      (I am not in their class; this is just how I understand what they are saying.)

  • @MEhatersLove
    @MEhatersLove 3 роки тому

    I didn't see this till you point it out. I watch video games before I buy them. Like way to much than I should. I don't wanna buy a game that suscks.

  • @cyberneticbutterfly8506
    @cyberneticbutterfly8506 3 роки тому

    "They are trying to find stuff to confirm the current worldview"
    Sounds like *VERIFICATION ADDICTION* 🤣🤣🤣.

  • @meanauntrena4667
    @meanauntrena4667 3 роки тому

    To be fair, demon consume for me makes me an askhole and I have to fight cognitive dissonance.

  • @noahmcfarlin2996
    @noahmcfarlin2996 4 роки тому

    Well now I just have no fucking clue whats going on

  • @MeghanLeVota
    @MeghanLeVota 4 роки тому

    LOL. Guily as charged..

  • @TuroSaave
    @TuroSaave 4 роки тому +2

    Isn't the not changing world view thing kind of an Fi thing?

    • @brucelee4763
      @brucelee4763 4 роки тому +1


    • @AhmadOsamaMusleh
      @AhmadOsamaMusleh 4 роки тому +1

      Fi and Ti are the one's criteria or code of right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable, etc. Ni and Si deal with the understanding itself, without judging the thing by right or wrong, without accepting or rejecting; they are just descriptive tools that elaborate and explain world's phenomena, and from them - Si and Ni - any unknown information can thus be guessed. So, it's a terminology game here. By “world view” they mean, as I understand, your understanding of things, not your judgment criteria.

    • @SJ-ej3vj
      @SJ-ej3vj 4 роки тому

      I wonder why Fi have such a bad reputation?

    • @TuroSaave
      @TuroSaave 4 роки тому

      @@AhmadOsamaMusleh but it's about caring about what you value. I guess you can be Fi and flexible in what you value or Fi an inflexible in your values. Fe is tribe above self so it seemed like it would be more open to influence but that feminine feeling.

  • @camomane
    @camomane 4 роки тому

    i am MM-Ni/Ti-CS/B(P)

  • @DoomLegion83
    @DoomLegion83 3 роки тому

    its funny you say exactly 10 years. that is what i have experienced.

  • @mbw6785
    @mbw6785 4 роки тому


  • @patrickvernon4766
    @patrickvernon4766 2 роки тому

    Im trying to learn the concepts but then go beyond it and see each brick. Claim is made, feels right. Read about claim. Is that true? Argue with people. Ehats the best questions to assault it. Concept against another claim. How does it do? I see patterns. Move on to next claim in worldview.

  • @simonmeehan362
    @simonmeehan362 4 роки тому

    I wonder... is a feminine extraverted function 'defending the tribe'. Just a thought.

  • @hjordisbornemark
    @hjordisbornemark 4 роки тому

    Lol I don’t want to know the ending of a movie. Not because I want to be surprised, I just want to kinda show off (usually just to myself) that I get how it’s all going to turn out (Ni Fe blast at the top 🙄)

    • @SpookyGhost11
      @SpookyGhost11 4 роки тому

      Interesting, you want to validate yourself for being "Clever" and "Ti" put the dots together. If that came from someone else it would be even more significant I guess. Watching movies must be a thrilling experience, lmao.

    • @hjordisbornemark
      @hjordisbornemark 4 роки тому

      Spooky Ghost yeah exactly

    • @hjordisbornemark
      @hjordisbornemark 4 роки тому

      Spooky Ghost I also do have masculine Ti I think which makes sense in that matter