Don't forget to like the video so that it gets recommended to others 🙏🏾🗣️ Also comment down below, your favorite old champion? 🎤 Editor Notes: Katarina had three versions. Current One, 2nd one (Talked about in Video), 1st Katarina had a different W.
So many to choose from but I really miss the old Katarina. Not necessarily because she was better back then but because she was my first main. The ward jumps and all, good old days...
My favorite old champion was Sion. His ult was so busted in team fights where you had allies as melee champs and you full heal the whole team in the fight.
New Graves is cool too. They just shouldnt have balanced him as a jungler. They intended him as a Botlaner like he was before obviously. But then people figured out that his E resists would last infinitely while attacking monsters and his Shots knockback the monsters while also having a pretty decently fast clearspeed. So riot at some point just said yea i guess we have to kill botlane Graves and balance him as his new most popular role jungle... And instead of doing that they could have made the graves kit not work with jungle so well by making his autos go through minions, so like a swain Q basically. Would be better in lane and way worse in jungle. So far - being a graves jgl main since season 5 with 2 million points mastery points having experienced every ups and downs of the champion... hes just a disaster to balance... he is either turbo broken like right now or turbo useless like the 20 patches before... no in between... riot then when hes broken has no clue on what to nerf and then they nerf the E resists countless times... nerf the Q damage... that all basically does nothing until they nerfed the items that made him so powerful... What they actually should nerf is his Autoattacks... its 404% AD scaling on level 18 with IE... and its not that hard to get 3 autos off when someone facechecks the bush... so 3 quick autos 1200% AD scaling in a matter of 1 or 2 seconds... And everytime riot sees this 1200% AD scaling they think... oh damn that E Armor needs a nerf. And whenever he is too weak the rare occassions he got buffs were almost always AD increases or Autoattack buffs... like crit damage increases... and thats why we ended up with a 1200% AD damage in a matter of 2 seconds. I personally think that the Graves passive is bugged and they cant even change it except the crit damage part... the level scaling part is bugged because they never really changed it for like 10 years now or so. But yeah thats it Tl;dr: Graves autos can deal up to 1212% AD scaling damage in a matter of 1 or 2 seconds. Everytime riot sees this the first thing they do is nerf the Armor on E or ult cooldown😂 and he never had to become a main jungler if riot did 1 change now hes balancing "nightmare" at least for riot I think it would be fairly simple.
loved old graves, tried to love new graves but cant, dont like the aa and the new q, also vs alot of champs nowadays hes just useless, you can easily block his autos and kite him
I miss old league in general, the map design, the way it looked, how it felt playing - not every champion had a full kit built into a single skill. If they released an OG version of league like S3 or so it would be amazing in my eyes.
I used to play League since the release in late 2009. It is funny to me when I hear about "old champions" and see Graves listed. Makes me feel old myself lol
Im loving this series. I started playing in season 11, but most of my research in league was actually about the old version, because its just so interesting to learn how this game was back then! So i knew most of this stuff, but people who arent absolute nerds can learn a lot from ur series. Really fun editing too, love it. California girls were unforgettable
i use to main old swain she was ez to play against the only problem that i remember is if the game go late swain have no damage late game but still she has one stun free kill that can f penta you
Great video man! Love the nostalgic feeling I get. Simpler times indeed.. About the Kit for Katarina you talk about in the video, that is the first rework of her. Before that, she had a whole other W ability that would amplify her Q and E. Very interesting.
I don't care how many parts you make and how redundent it might get, everytime I see this type of content I'm gonna enjoy it to the fullest as if for the 1st time I know about it ❤❤
The old Galio was my main.. and I quit LoL back then because of the rework ;( I used to have so many great games with him.. strong early poke in lane because of high base dmg on Q and then the tankiness from Ws and huge 1K dmg AoE ults were crazy (my build was Rod of Ages, Spirit Visage, Zhonya's, Rabadon's Deathcap and Void Staff + mr boots
Just found this series, and as someone that joined at the end of Season 1, this series takes me back. I remember loving Janna's kit immediately when I picked up the game, so I also took a shining to Galio because of how similar they were. Galio's Q was basically an AoE version of Janna's W, they could both shield their allies, Galio's E was basically taking half of Janna's Q and Passive and combining them, and where Janna's ult kept allies safe by pushing enemies away and healing allies, Galio's kept allies safe by taunting enemies inward and damaging them. I thought it was a little weird how much overlap old items had. Faerie Charm still existed, but so did Meki Pendant, another item that only granted mana regen. No idea why they thought that having overlap like that was beneficial. And for the previous videos I checked out: I remember having a 100% accuracy rating on the Tribunal back in the day, I remember the runes that were tier 2.5 and holiday themed, __________ As for stuff not yet covered in this series, there were a couple items I fell in love with in the early days of League. I quickly found Will of the Ancients and would often pick that up as a late game item to help my team stay alive more easily. I don't remember the numbers, but since early League didn't have amazing items available for supports, it read to me as "nearby allies are able to heal themselves with their abilities" which seemed plenty supportive to me. Then once ARAM came around, 2 more items caught my eye: Mana Manipulator and Eleisa's Miracle. Back before they added the Mark/Dash summoner spell, poke comps were consistently oppressive in ARAM. Now imagine if a purchase made early in the game made it so that poke comps never ran out of mana. Then when late game rolled around, you could purchase Eleisa's Miracle without having to worry about it taking up an inventory slot since it consumed itself and gave you the stats once you leveled up a couple times. Very useful back when the health relics only healed 1 person and surviving a late game fight just meant that you'd still be low health/mana when the enemy team respawns. So many bullshit abilities... Whose idea was it to give Leblanc a burst spell that also silenced her target? Also, I feel like the fan content was much more front and center back then. Songs, animations, some I still go back to even now. Keyori's song The Deeps, Life Eazy's animated LOL Cartoon Ezreal and squad, SummonerShowdown's... Summoner Showdown.
Man, my friend and myself were talking about old league literally like 2 days ago. I love watching this series, helps to relive the golden days that will never happen again. Oh and California girls.
For a minute I thought you'd talk about my beloved Akali. I made it to Diamond back in S5-S7 playing Akali exclusively and after the rework I pretty much stopped playing the game, even if new Akali was stronger, I didn't care
btw i just subscribed, as a player that first came in touch with lol on panda annie login screen myself these are big loads of nostalgia ..ah i know the past is the past but i miss that game, it's just not the same anymore and it never will be, because something can only be new once, happy and grateful to have experienced the first seasons and years of this game, i still tear up a little when i hear the lissandra login screen was so magical back then, it felt so special when new things came out, people just tried around and like nobody flamed people for trying around because they didn't know better themselves, people just explored the game together, that was the most wholesome time lol ever had, the whole communication either team or even with enemies was completely different ..the times when special events launched, when the winter and halloween map launched, when there was a halloween mode on twisted and you could get those unique icons.. when those events came on it REALLY felt like a special time, it really felt like seasonal and gave those seasonal vibes that're totally missing today ..and back then when skins were actually special because there weren't so much of them yet, when one of the only things you could do was gifting mystery skins to friends and it was the biggest hype ever (also getting an icon for gifting a skin while christmas, i remember tho) ..i could write several essays about the old days in league, there are things pushing the big nostalgia buttons making me wish this time back, like just hearing the old match found sound, the old champ pick music, the ranked q music, seeing the old loading screen, the old launcher, influence points instead of blue essences, the runes, the grind to lvl 30 to finally unlock rankeds .. it was indescribable
@@kayzaac with how the game was back then yeah I understand that statement lol. If that version of Kat was in league now she would be pretty bad tho. I hope she does get reworked again in the future to be closer to her original form with some tweaks, playing the dagger mini game isnt as fun imo but still a hell of a lot stronger
thank you for bringing up graves, i really dont play him but remember him being adc and when my friends didnt remember that i thought it was some mandela bs
I loved old Greaves. The fact that after you get one or two kills you can just go mid lane and burst enemy AP carry... It was so much fun and satisfaction.
I used to play Katarina all the time, but with her new update and changing her abilities, I don't play her anymore. I really hope riot brings back the old Katarina!!!!
The old runes system was a real banger back in the days. You really had to farm the game, making you learn it to have decent pages, and the concept of stats runes instead of interactions with the gameplay was way better imo. It was just about ennemy spells and yours, how you manage the duel. Not all that actual bullshit making you lose a 1v1 even if you played better, just bc you didnt look at the guy during 10sec and didnt notice his rune's cd is back.
i will forever miss old galio. w shield would grant you so much health if you put it on a teammate diving under turret, or a jungler struggling with wraiths
Poachers dirk was unironically a really good item that rewarded you for farming and was the perfect fix for punishing junglers who constantly gank. I got to high elo and beat a challenger nidalee with poachers before my ban in S9. Really sucks.
The old Galio was something else man, even though the new one feels more smooth to play... That ult was so hard to land but when you did it was a thing of beauty. Great video as usual, hoping to see the next one sooner than later 🔥YOO - I JUST GOT THE END OF THE PREMIERE AND I GOT A SHOT OUT!!!? WHAT THE HELL?? California Girls truly rock XD
@@Psycatrice I think ARAM was much better for old Galio than just regular summoners rift tbh... Other than flash you had no gap closer but since everyone just perma teamfights in ARAM those 5 man ultimates were so clutch with old Galio...
Bro, next time please talk about old Karma. I feel like I was one of three people on EUW who mained her before she got relaunched and there's still a big part of me that misses her cause she way just a much more interesting character than the one we have today. Great video as usual by the way!
It's funny you said that cause Karma was supposed to be in this video but the script was almost as long as this entire video. I might make a solo video for her.
Talk about old irelia, she had a unique mechanic on her E that made her such a clutch champ. Plus she had true damage that made her shred tanks. Also you have to mention old anivia. Nobody remembers she actually played differently
I started in season 5 and I feel I barely missed the peak of League, I got to experience a lot of the great things that have been removed, but I wasn't very good or knowledgable about the game so a lot of it didn't mean much for me. I remember playing a lot of old Katarina and Akali though, they were fun. And I swear to god if they don't bring back Treeline or another 3v3 mode before the end of 2025, I'm rushing over to Riot HQ to make them
as someone who got into league post - graves rework, I would have loved old graves, ADC is such a miserable role to be autofilled into, feels like there's no option for people who don't want to play a glass cannon
hey good thing u showed the old kat champ spotlight!. That 2nd version of kat tho on her Shunpo she would also receive i believe a 50 or 75% damage reduction from any source for .5 or.75 seconds. There was a top 5 plays channel called Protatomonster that posted weekly top 5 plays and one of the plays on one of the episodes was the Katarina version talked in this video got a multi ikill of some sorts but was extremely low and there was a Karthus on the enemy team. Right before Requiem hit she shunpod to an ally gaining the damage reduciton and ended up surviving. I dont know if anyone else has a core memory like this but back in the day this was absolutely godlike to see. CALIFORNIA GIRLS BABY
Hell yeah before watching this one I went back and watched the other two. Loved um. Started playing around the time Brand was released and I'd give anything to go back to old league. I still remember being in college fucking off on the computer looking at the patch notes for season two not paying attention to shit. I used to read every single line of the patch notes like it was a bible, the game was truly different back then.
the older Katarina W used to be a buff that improved your next Q or E, for Q it would apply grieving wounds + dmg wouldn't be reduced on dagger jumps, for E it would give a flat %dmg reduction, pretty use it was just 15%, so W+Q was what was used the most
When i picked up old graves, he instantly became my favorite champion. Sadly though, 2 weeks later the rework was dropped. i'm still mad California Girls
1. I started in season 2 (2012), and.. I LOVED Graves. Something died in me, after those changes. I can't tell you how many pentas I got with him. But at least a few. SUCH FUN CHAMPION. I wish they would give him back his old kit. I don't play league since 2020 or so, but I'd back for fun just after giving him what he has. 2. Galio would be a MONSTER champion on competitive scene (MSI, Worlds etc.), so with today knowledge, he is the metaphore of Neeko+Renata. It would be too much for todays pro scene. 3. Mastery pages, and Rune pages were determining a serious players, from a freaks. You had to be ready for scenario, if you wanted to really climb in ladder. Today, you don't have to do anything, league is doing it for you. Including all timers of buffs, drakes, and so on.
Now kiddos, sit down as I tell you about the items "Heart of gold" and "philosophers stone". Items that increased your passive gold income, the supports way of getting some gold xD Nice videos man, quite the nostalgia trip
Oh man the zzrot... Brought back memories. Good ones, when I used to have fun with friends. I miss the runes, even tho it was an awful system, especially for new players. That 1% CRIT chance at lvl 1 was always fun to land. California Girls.
Watching zz rot almost made me cry 🥺 i miss it so badly i wish i could play back in s4-5-6-7-8 but no more than that , i hate everything after it used to love the game so much back then . I have ao many memories of ending games with zz rot and baiting people to it. Now i only have blue trinket for it. I also miss the old jungle camps , back then when if u smited each camp had different benefits , like the ghosts from raports etc ... And slow items damn.. old sorakw old yorick old tarix old poppy swain , damn i really miss old leavue i would trade all champions that we have now for them easy. Twisted treeline 😢 and game events besides damn stupid urf etc .. i am talking doomed bots siege defence hexakill domination , domination with xerath, that co-op vs ai think we had i miss all of em. Now its just urf urf urf urf one for all urf urf urf one for all urf urf.... Only thing i do is play aram nowdays sadly... Thank you for your video u remind me good happy times of league
The W of Katarina you described is already the newer one, the original old Katarina actually had a different w, which felt like Varus' cause it upgraded her next q or e she used. Apart from that, good video, very nostalgic :)
Let's talk old Talon, man I miss that dude. straight OP sometimes with the *teleports behind you* "nothing personal kid" with a silence. and W was even better for poking because the blades returned faster. no leap on Q sure but man, he was still fun. It was either him or ashe that I played for the first time.
Don't forget to like the video so that it gets recommended to others 🙏🏾🗣️
Also comment down below, your favorite old champion? 🎤
Editor Notes:
Katarina had three versions. Current One, 2nd one (Talked about in Video), 1st Katarina had a different W.
So many to choose from but I really miss the old Katarina. Not necessarily because she was better back then but because she was my first main. The ward jumps and all, good old days...
Great Video!! I so so loved Old poppy, it was my main. I even played her with the devourer smite in the JG!
@@zacharybeaulieu4459next time I talk about reworks poppys next for sure
Thanks for another video like this :)
Maybe talk about the good old Akali or Maokai next Video?
My favorite old champion was Sion. His ult was so busted in team fights where you had allies as melee champs and you full heal the whole team in the fight.
The rework on Graves broke my love for this game forever. He was a perfectly balanced champion. His autos were super fun.
New Graves is cool too. They just shouldnt have balanced him as a jungler.
They intended him as a Botlaner like he was before obviously. But then people figured out that his E resists would last infinitely while attacking monsters and his Shots knockback the monsters while also having a pretty decently fast clearspeed.
So riot at some point just said yea i guess we have to kill botlane Graves and balance him as his new most popular role jungle...
And instead of doing that they could have made the graves kit not work with jungle so well by making his autos go through minions, so like a swain Q basically. Would be better in lane and way worse in jungle.
So far - being a graves jgl main since season 5 with 2 million points mastery points having experienced every ups and downs of the champion... hes just a disaster to balance... he is either turbo broken like right now or turbo useless like the 20 patches before... no in between... riot then when hes broken has no clue on what to nerf and then they nerf the E resists countless times... nerf the Q damage... that all basically does nothing until they nerfed the items that made him so powerful... What they actually should nerf is his Autoattacks... its 404% AD scaling on level 18 with IE... and its not that hard to get 3 autos off when someone facechecks the bush... so 3 quick autos 1200% AD scaling in a matter of 1 or 2 seconds...
And everytime riot sees this 1200% AD scaling they think... oh damn that E Armor needs a nerf.
And whenever he is too weak the rare occassions he got buffs were almost always AD increases or Autoattack buffs... like crit damage increases... and thats why we ended up with a 1200% AD damage in a matter of 2 seconds. I personally think that the Graves passive is bugged and they cant even change it except the crit damage part... the level scaling part is bugged because they never really changed it for like 10 years now or so.
But yeah thats it
Tl;dr: Graves autos can deal up to 1212% AD scaling damage in a matter of 1 or 2 seconds. Everytime riot sees this the first thing they do is nerf the Armor on E or ult cooldown😂 and he never had to become a main jungler if riot did 1 change now hes balancing "nightmare" at least for riot I think it would be fairly simple.
His Auto animation was satisfying af
Nothing wrong with the new Graves
loved old graves, tried to love new graves but cant, dont like the aa and the new q, also vs alot of champs nowadays hes just useless, you can easily block his autos and kite him
i used to adc main graves 😢
i got goosebumps hearing the match found sound
Just wanna say thank you for this series. Most of us who played during seasons 1-4 are nostalgic as fuck for those days
@Sitback Hope you can keep it coming dude, have a good one :)
@@ButtersOhh thanks Brodie, Imma try 😅 enjoy your day too
ORIGINAL TWISTED TREE LINE best times broooo old music old splash art scary game
I miss old league in general, the map design, the way it looked, how it felt playing - not every champion had a full kit built into a single skill. If they released an OG version of league like S3 or so it would be amazing in my eyes.
Only thing I would add is lane selection. I don’t feel like ctrl v mid every lobby before entering at the right moment.
I used to play League since the release in late 2009. It is funny to me when I hear about "old champions" and see Graves listed. Makes me feel old myself lol
I joined at renekton release, and he became my favourite champ till this day lol, i consider champions from s07 new still lol
Yooo that’s kinda pog (thanks for the nostalgia)🕊️
Psss: these items looks cursed back in the days
Im loving this series. I started playing in season 11, but most of my research in league was actually about the old version, because its just so interesting to learn how this game was back then! So i knew most of this stuff, but people who arent absolute nerds can learn a lot from ur series. Really fun editing too, love it. California girls were unforgettable
Spent the last good chunk of an hour watching your videos. What a nice trip down memory lane. Thanks man, it was fun.
Old Katarina was the reason why no one else played any champion when playing in mid
Malza players liked to play against her lol.
she needed qss to counter you, that's like a lot of money early to deny just a champ.
@CsabaGamings I remember people also pick Akali to counter her back then
@@doctoroflolo well Akali wasn't really a counterpick but she was as broken as Katarina. Same with Zed.
i use to main old swain she was ez to play against the only problem that i remember is if the game go late swain have no damage late game but still she has one stun free kill that can f penta you
Great video man! Love the nostalgic feeling I get. Simpler times indeed..
About the Kit for Katarina you talk about in the video, that is the first rework of her. Before that, she had a whole other W ability that would amplify her Q and E. Very interesting.
I don't care how many parts you make and how redundent it might get, everytime I see this type of content I'm gonna enjoy it to the fullest as if for the 1st time I know about it ❤❤
Twin shadows + Glacial Augment was absolutely crazy to make picks out of nowhere in the jungle, loved that stuff
I completely forgot about that item. This will be added to the list.
As a guy that did not play LOL until 2018/2019 I love to watch these dives into the older stuff I did not experience.
This channel was a game I found crazy u hit 10k alr bro congrats
The old Galio was my main.. and I quit LoL back then because of the rework ;(
I used to have so many great games with him.. strong early poke in lane because of high base dmg on Q and then the tankiness from Ws and huge 1K dmg AoE ults were crazy (my build was Rod of Ages, Spirit Visage, Zhonya's, Rabadon's Deathcap and Void Staff + mr boots
Just found this series, and as someone that joined at the end of Season 1, this series takes me back.
I remember loving Janna's kit immediately when I picked up the game, so I also took a shining to Galio because of how similar they were. Galio's Q was basically an AoE version of Janna's W, they could both shield their allies, Galio's E was basically taking half of Janna's Q and Passive and combining them, and where Janna's ult kept allies safe by pushing enemies away and healing allies, Galio's kept allies safe by taunting enemies inward and damaging them.
I thought it was a little weird how much overlap old items had. Faerie Charm still existed, but so did Meki Pendant, another item that only granted mana regen. No idea why they thought that having overlap like that was beneficial.
And for the previous videos I checked out: I remember having a 100% accuracy rating on the Tribunal back in the day, I remember the runes that were tier 2.5 and holiday themed,
As for stuff not yet covered in this series, there were a couple items I fell in love with in the early days of League. I quickly found Will of the Ancients and would often pick that up as a late game item to help my team stay alive more easily. I don't remember the numbers, but since early League didn't have amazing items available for supports, it read to me as "nearby allies are able to heal themselves with their abilities" which seemed plenty supportive to me.
Then once ARAM came around, 2 more items caught my eye: Mana Manipulator and Eleisa's Miracle. Back before they added the Mark/Dash summoner spell, poke comps were consistently oppressive in ARAM. Now imagine if a purchase made early in the game made it so that poke comps never ran out of mana. Then when late game rolled around, you could purchase Eleisa's Miracle without having to worry about it taking up an inventory slot since it consumed itself and gave you the stats once you leveled up a couple times. Very useful back when the health relics only healed 1 person and surviving a late game fight just meant that you'd still be low health/mana when the enemy team respawns.
So many bullshit abilities... Whose idea was it to give Leblanc a burst spell that also silenced her target?
Also, I feel like the fan content was much more front and center back then. Songs, animations, some I still go back to even now. Keyori's song The Deeps, Life Eazy's animated LOL Cartoon Ezreal and squad, SummonerShowdown's... Summoner Showdown.
Man, my friend and myself were talking about old league literally like 2 days ago. I love watching this series, helps to relive the golden days that will never happen again.
Oh and California girls.
You deserve more man these vids are fire
Yo honestly from someone playing since 2012-2013 this brought tears to my eyes. Great content bro.
i gotchu
ever since i watched your first old league vid, i went back and watch all ur other videos. ur the goat bro
@@crawdad1903 I appreciate it my boy
For a minute I thought you'd talk about my beloved Akali. I made it to Diamond back in S5-S7 playing Akali exclusively and after the rework I pretty much stopped playing the game, even if new Akali was stronger, I didn't care
Brother I mained alkali morde and ryze and now none of them even exist
Same. Loved her and now she's gone
@@Monstufpud they need to release sort of a LoL Classic where we can revisit these old states of the game
Old Akali my beloved.
btw i just subscribed, as a player that first came in touch with lol on panda annie login screen myself these are big loads of nostalgia ..ah i know the past is the past but i miss that game, it's just not the same anymore and it never will be, because something can only be new once, happy and grateful to have experienced the first seasons and years of this game, i still tear up a little when i hear the lissandra login screen was so magical back then, it felt so special when new things came out, people just tried around and like nobody flamed people for trying around because they didn't know better themselves, people just explored the game together, that was the most wholesome time lol ever had, the whole communication either team or even with enemies was completely different ..the times when special events launched, when the winter and halloween map launched, when there was a halloween mode on twisted and you could get those unique icons.. when those events came on it REALLY felt like a special time, it really felt like seasonal and gave those seasonal vibes that're totally missing today ..and back then when skins were actually special because there weren't so much of them yet, when one of the only things you could do was gifting mystery skins to friends and it was the biggest hype ever (also getting an icon for gifting a skin while christmas, i remember tho) ..i could write several essays about the old days in league, there are things pushing the big nostalgia buttons making me wish this time back, like just hearing the old match found sound, the old champ pick music, the ranked q music, seeing the old loading screen, the old launcher, influence points instead of blue essences, the runes, the grind to lvl 30 to finally unlock rankeds .. it was indescribable
Been watching since you only had a few thousand. Congrats on 10k! You deserve it bro.
Thank u brotha, nothing but up from here 🙏🙏
Bro u make the vids so interesting to watch and ur voice is soothing af pookie
U put ur soul in the making and it shows, keep ‘em up🏆
Thanks broski, that's why it takes so long. I don't wanna upload anything subpar 🤘
You know its a good day when gramp talk about old league again
was waiting for this a whole day worth it
I miss old OLD katarina. Lol It was the first character i picked up when i started playing the game in 2009
same :(
Maaaaaan screw the old Katarina. There's a lot of things I don't remember about old league, but I definitely remember that ho'.
@@kayzaac with how the game was back then yeah I understand that statement lol. If that version of Kat was in league now she would be pretty bad tho. I hope she does get reworked again in the future to be closer to her original form with some tweaks, playing the dagger mini game isnt as fun imo but still a hell of a lot stronger
These videos remind me of the good old days just miss yorrick as he was a beast prework
you deserve 100x the amount of subscribers. so high quality content
Thank You Broski
thank you for bringing up graves, i really dont play him but remember him being adc and when my friends didnt remember that i thought it was some mandela bs
Awesome man. You should do a video on every change that ever happened to Udyr, ever.
I loved old Greaves. The fact that after you get one or two kills you can just go mid lane and burst enemy AP carry... It was so much fun and satisfaction.
oh shit i didn't notice you uploaded yesterday
I love that traz a glock edit, you got another subscriber
I never played with it, but just from talking to friends I've found that old graves ir probably the most missed version of a champion ever
Old Katarina could also ward jump with her E which made her really strong.
I feel like if I played pre-rework Fiora I would've been crying for eternity because she looks super fun and badass.
was watching part 2 again yesterday and then this pops up haha
Man you know you are old when he talks about "old" kata, and you are thinking "that's new old"
yeah people been letting me hear it 😭😭😭
I used to play Katarina all the time, but with her new update and changing her abilities, I don't play her anymore. I really hope riot brings back the old Katarina!!!!
The old runes system was a real banger back in the days. You really had to farm the game, making you learn it to have decent pages, and the concept of stats runes instead of interactions with the gameplay was way better imo. It was just about ennemy spells and yours, how you manage the duel. Not all that actual bullshit making you lose a 1v1 even if you played better, just bc you didnt look at the guy during 10sec and didnt notice his rune's cd is back.
Facts, I went over the runes in my Vol 2 video 😎
i will forever miss old galio. w shield would grant you so much health if you put it on a teammate diving under turret, or a jungler struggling with wraiths
Poachers dirk was unironically a really good item that rewarded you for farming and was the perfect fix for punishing junglers who constantly gank. I got to high elo and beat a challenger nidalee with poachers before my ban in S9. Really sucks.
Poachers gave you another win con to play to. Especially against inexperienced junglers 😩😩
The old Galio was something else man, even though the new one feels more smooth to play... That ult was so hard to land but when you did it was a thing of beauty. Great video as usual, hoping to see the next one sooner than later 🔥YOO - I JUST GOT THE END OF THE PREMIERE AND I GOT A SHOT OUT!!!? WHAT THE HELL?? California Girls truly rock XD
I used to looooove getting old Galio in ARAM, it was just so much fun for me.
All my friends would ditch him, so I Gladly took him x).
@@Psycatrice I think ARAM was much better for old Galio than just regular summoners rift tbh... Other than flash you had no gap closer but since everyone just perma teamfights in ARAM those 5 man ultimates were so clutch with old Galio...
Bro, next time please talk about old Karma. I feel like I was one of three people on EUW who mained her before she got relaunched and there's still a big part of me that misses her cause she way just a much more interesting character than the one we have today. Great video as usual by the way!
It's funny you said that cause Karma was supposed to be in this video but the script was almost as long as this entire video. I might make a solo video for her.
Talk about old irelia, she had a unique mechanic on her E that made her such a clutch champ. Plus she had true damage that made her shred tanks. Also you have to mention old anivia. Nobody remembers she actually played differently
old Yi, Sion, Talon and Riven would be great also bc of the Yi and Sion ap version. i loved it :D
Congrats for your 10K🎉🎉🎉🎉
I started in season 5 and I feel I barely missed the peak of League, I got to experience a lot of the great things that have been removed, but I wasn't very good or knowledgable about the game so a lot of it didn't mean much for me. I remember playing a lot of old Katarina and Akali though, they were fun. And I swear to god if they don't bring back Treeline or another 3v3 mode before the end of 2025, I'm rushing over to Riot HQ to make them
Bruh I main Galio and Katarina so them being back to back is hilarious to me
Damn your channel is so good man I literally thought you had over 100k subs till I checked the sub count keep going tho
:3 ty brotha
ah yes, the Brain'rot Portal and the Banner of Condemnation combo. Good Old Days
These vids make me feel like I'm still there, thank you 😭
As a heimerdinger main back then, i was so sad when they changes it to make his turrets deactivate if you arent near them
the golden days, truly the funnest league has ever been
Technically Katarina had 2 reworks. I still prefer the original and the version with 1 rework.
as someone who got into league post - graves rework, I would have loved old graves, ADC is such a miserable role to be autofilled into, feels like there's no option for people who don't want to play a glass cannon
hey good thing u showed the old kat champ spotlight!. That 2nd version of kat tho on her Shunpo she would also receive i believe a 50 or 75% damage reduction from any source for .5 or.75 seconds. There was a top 5 plays channel called Protatomonster that posted weekly top 5 plays and one of the plays on one of the episodes was the Katarina version talked in this video got a multi ikill of some sorts but was extremely low and there was a Karthus on the enemy team. Right before Requiem hit she shunpod to an ally gaining the damage reduciton and ended up surviving. I dont know if anyone else has a core memory like this but back in the day this was absolutely godlike to see.
Hell yeah before watching this one I went back and watched the other two. Loved um. Started playing around the time Brand was released and I'd give anything to go back to old league. I still remember being in college fucking off on the computer looking at the patch notes for season two not paying attention to shit. I used to read every single line of the patch notes like it was a bible, the game was truly different back then.
Close but no cigar meme was peak
the older Katarina W used to be a buff that improved your next Q or E, for Q it would apply grieving wounds + dmg wouldn't be reduced on dagger jumps, for E it would give a flat %dmg reduction, pretty use it was just 15%, so W+Q was what was used the most
Oh yeah, I shoulda included this 😢
Loved old Shen and old Irelia
please do a another one with more reworked champs and items, I love these
Yeah def going to go through more reworks and items dw 🤙
bro the og mario party music
that shit angelic fr 😭🕊
iykyk mario party 1,2,3 were my shit
@@Sitback idrfw mario party 2 but mario party 1 and 3 are fucking goated literally the most fun mario partys 🙏🕊
When i picked up old graves, he instantly became my favorite champion. Sadly though, 2 weeks later the rework was dropped. i'm still mad
California Girls
there was old school league like 6 or 7 years ago but riot shut it down😔
This videos are lit wtf how you only have 10k subs?! People are weird
Vlad's passive does work vice versa. the bonus' just don't stack with themselves.
I misspoke. Galio's passive didn't work both ways. Vlad did.
0:34 boff da links
0:38 boff does videos
0:41 dey boff gas
the game will never be the same
8:25 daaamn don't tell me this wasn't scripted, that cassio ult flash was mad tho
the goat has uploaded once again.
Our day is blessed
1. I started in season 2 (2012), and.. I LOVED Graves. Something died in me, after those changes. I can't tell you how many pentas I got with him. But at least a few. SUCH FUN CHAMPION. I wish they would give him back his old kit. I don't play league since 2020 or so, but I'd back for fun just after giving him what he has.
2. Galio would be a MONSTER champion on competitive scene (MSI, Worlds etc.), so with today knowledge, he is the metaphore of Neeko+Renata. It would be too much for todays pro scene.
3. Mastery pages, and Rune pages were determining a serious players, from a freaks. You had to be ready for scenario, if you wanted to really climb in ladder. Today, you don't have to do anything, league is doing it for you. Including all timers of buffs, drakes, and so on.
Nice video !! I remember the old karma :( I really miss her stupid healing and damage on her shield after she ulted
I had a whole script for her but didn't have time to add her to this video.
I think urgot and sion were supposed to be the first champion to talk about in terms of before vs after since they are compltely different
@@riccardomosena4162 karma and mordekaiser too but I didn't have enough time to make them
Love your vids bro, Would love to see the most broken shit/strats in vol 4. From season 1 till 4/5, like ap yi and devourer
@@weazy4294 I will make a video on worst metas in history
season 4 fizz 30/0/0 mastery, redpot start heal ignite was my funniest video game experience, I never experienced nothing like that since
as someone who flexes Graves into ADC NOWADAYS he would’ve been so fun 😂 but that is super wild as well
FUCKIN SWEET! I was waiting for this video ong... this series is so good, pls keep doing it (if u can! do what u want ofc)
Can't stop, won't stop 😎
UA-cam got me here and really hit me with nostalgic, so "California Girls"
Real G's will know that there used to be an even older version of katarina, whereby her W was a buff that gave heal reduction to her other abilities.
Caliefornia Gurlz we're unforgettable 🥳
Now kiddos, sit down as I tell you about the items "Heart of gold" and "philosophers stone". Items that increased your passive gold income, the supports way of getting some gold xD Nice videos man, quite the nostalgia trip
Oh man the zzrot... Brought back memories. Good ones, when I used to have fun with friends.
I miss the runes, even tho it was an awful system, especially for new players. That 1% CRIT chance at lvl 1 was always fun to land.
California Girls.
Watching zz rot almost made me cry 🥺 i miss it so badly i wish i could play back in s4-5-6-7-8 but no more than that , i hate everything after it used to love the game so much back then . I have ao many memories of ending games with zz rot and baiting people to it. Now i only have blue trinket for it. I also miss the old jungle camps , back then when if u smited each camp had different benefits , like the ghosts from raports etc ... And slow items damn.. old sorakw old yorick old tarix old poppy swain , damn i really miss old leavue i would trade all champions that we have now for them easy. Twisted treeline 😢 and game events besides damn stupid urf etc .. i am talking doomed bots siege defence hexakill domination , domination with xerath, that co-op vs ai think we had i miss all of em. Now its just urf urf urf urf one for all urf urf urf one for all urf urf.... Only thing i do is play aram nowdays sadly... Thank you for your video u remind me good happy times of league
The W of Katarina you described is already the newer one, the original old Katarina actually had a different w, which felt like Varus' cause it upgraded her next q or e she used. Apart from that, good video, very nostalgic :)
imagine a void touched dragon, one of the bonuses of killing it is you team gets a zzrot spawn at set locations on the map
I 100% agree with your opinions :)
Ι will never love a champ more than the old Galio
Let's talk old Talon, man I miss that dude. straight OP sometimes with the *teleports behind you* "nothing personal kid" with a silence. and W was even better for poking because the blades returned faster. no leap on Q sure but man, he was still fun. It was either him or ashe that I played for the first time.
Talon is on the list.
Evelyn stun from invis. kass having a silence ahhh the golden days.
Got tears in my eyes because of Graves. Give him back his damn cigar
@@alperensayin8251 apparently he has it now. I didn't even notice
I really miss Poppy and Fiora :(
Man i miss old league, the map and graphics and everything
gotta look at old Sion! Old ap sion literally broke the game
already on da list 😎
im gonna be honest reworked uydr is literally the same in his kit, compared to other chams who actually got everything taken away
I was talking about the def not udyr skin not the actual champ
Galio was my main, fucking loved picking him into LeBlanc and Katarina.
Ah man I loved the old Katarina, I had my first penta with her :,)
Do old Taric pls