Hope you're all having a wonderful summer! If you enjoyed the video please let me know :) The next video after this one will be a project I am excited about. Stay tuned for that. Also, ban Neeko in solo queue. GLHF !
Your content is genuinely very enjoyable. BGM is fine, Voice to BGM volume ratio is good, LoL history is a fun topic. All good. Maybe consider a QoL update with timestamps. Idk.
Same! I got to raise my hand and feel old when he asked who'd even ever seen Poacher's Knife! I still remember being wowed by the map update, and the old smite buff system was always my favorite era of jungling!
I'm shocked that Burning Tides and the Gangplank rework weren't touched upon more. It was such a hype lore event that connected so many characters together. All the stories, music, skins we got. Gangplank being deleted from the game because he died is such an iconic part of League history. It was a moment Riot really engaged with us and the lore.
They decided to not do that anymore, because GP players complained about the champion being removed, so , no more lore events messing with the actual game.
Bro I remember doing smite tp trynd top, stealing enemy wolves, teleporting to lane and getting first blood only to spam taunt and drink a mana pot... the good ol days
This is just a rose tinted nostalgia glasses take. I started in beta and peaked in game time in Season 5 due to the fact that it was my first year in college, people then called it the worst season ever because of Fiora rework and Juggernaut update screwed the meta. It was the first year since game's inception that concurrent player numbers actually dropped, plus people were really mad about DFG removal. Only people who kinda had fun were jungle mains, thanks to purple smite making every single champ viable in jungle. But it didn't last long because blue smite ganking champs like J4, Elise, Lee Sin, etc dominated the meta for the entire year
Hahaha i totally forgot about that! and Yeah most of the time he completed it, He would 1v5 Penta or Side line and win so fast. Having Sword of the Occult as well was just insult to injury. GGWP!
Yeah, top’s been an island for some time (I honestly take stacking Nasus mid now because it’s better) but back then? Hoooooly crap the whole game could move around top. Nasus wasn’t very good at this time, but Darius was a MONSTER and taking tons of flat AD runes was great for insane lane bullying. Nearly 90ad level 1 was madness on him.
would love that this would be a series, as someone who only started playing in s10 its really fascinating to hear how league worked and looked back in the day
I loved season 4 and 5 so much, I didnt care about winrates or ranking up, it was all about fun and crazy stuff happening every patch or two and I think you nailed why I miss the S4 map. It felt like you were in the clearing of a dense forest and it was really atmospheric, and now its super nostalgic.
Old map feels like a MMORPG , like World of Warcraft to be exact. It really feels like it's another game when you think about the past of league, I kinda miss it, even tho I didn't experienced it as much as others, since I started to play at season 4 and one season later it was over. But yeah, that old map, the simpler champions with point and click attacks, and overall more balanced. A support couldn't just oneshot for example, but now almost every supp does this, they can even get into top 1 or top 2 in damage in a game lol.
@@SilverSoulxd League started getting good right around the time when WoW started getting bad. A good chunk of my friend group came to League from WoW.
ye now it's only what koreans dictate what is meta, (which most likely is not it's just what they are comfortable with and retarded westerners deify them lmao)
Season 5 and Season 6 are the only seasons I remember having "fun" in during my time playing league. Season 5 was my first season, so there's a lot of nostalgia there, but from Season 7 onwards I found the game less and less fun until I finally quit in S10. I come back periodically, play a couple gmes and go "yep, there's my reminder of why I don't play anymore" and I leave it at that. Nothing will ever be as insane or fun to me as the days of S5 and S6.
This was amazing. You briefly mentioned the Bot-Lane Mordekaiser rework which IMO is one of the most fascinating and confusing reworks of all time. Any chance you're ever going to do a Mordekaiser history video? Or maybe a video just about the juggernaut rework? I'm with you that this period of LoL is my most beloved by far and I love hearing you discuss it.
I don't know about the rest of the community, but I believe season 5 to be the golden age of the game just because of the weird rule: if everything is op, then nothing is. It was so fun for casual play, and for ranked there were so many changes in quick succession that experimentation and theorycrafting were the way to progress instead of following the meta.
@@somerandomgamer8504 I tried to play DOTA 2 a couple of times, but game feels super weird after playing league for so long. It's so much slower and with such a big map... You just kinda get used to the fast pace of league after years. Oh and another thing is, there is barely any DOTA 2 content on youtube. Like for example, if I don't know how to use a champ in league, I can search for a guide super fast here and there are tons of them, for every single champion, also guides on wave control and so on. Try that with DOTA2... At least a couple years ago I searched and there were only a couple videos from 2 or 3 years ago, if that. So you just kinda have to learn on your own and that's another drawback in my opinion.
Its so strange seeing this being the "old" league. Been playing this game for so long that the release version is old to me and season 5 is still the "modern" version. I still miss twisted treeline and dominion and many fun game modes that have been removed over the years.
I will never ever forget about Twisted Fate with his teleport as a basic stun and AoE stun, and Heimerdinger being able to have 5 turrets at once and not having to stay near them (and his passive would regen all allies near him, including the team turrets!)
I started playing league in season 5 while i was still in middle school. It might be nostalgia, but i still think that this is the time that playing league was the most fun. I don't play often anymore (a few games every now and then), but i always come back looking for that same feeling i had back then, and realize its hardly the same game anymore. I wouldn't say its better or worse now or then. Just different
Completely agree. The game's entire design philosophy changed. It used to be a game specifically designed around being social, team building, and finding new awesome builds. Now the game is based around being able to play your favorite champion, sticking to your lane, and focusing on your own skill. What changed is that the game simply became corporate. Instead of focusing on cohesion and team experience, they began to focus on individual player experience. The game is so much more streamlined and simple now. It's not bad at all to play, it's just far more focused on getting someone to pick up the game, play for however long they want, and then put it down knowing they had a decent, predictable time.
i really enjoyed season 3 and 4 and i was super hyped about season 5 with all the changes and i had a lot of fun back then. Looking back tho its also the time when the game began to get worse. At that time i didnt feel that way but there it all started and upon the changes they kept making changes i really didnt like. Nowadays i play occasionally with my friends, lol is still a "good" game in its own regards but not even close as fun as season 3 or 4
@@GlizzyGoblin-wu5ps i take tank meta every time compared to the meta we have now. tanks were fine back then bit now we have shit like ornn and ksdante who are tank also also oneshot you
Season 5 was when I played the game the most. They changed the game way too much and I simply cant play it anymore. Im sure its all nostalgia, but still. I just miss when the game had simpler champs in simpler times I climbed from silver to diamond playing nothing but AP ez that season. Good times.
Season 4 till patch 6.9 in season 6 was the best time to get autofilled jungle... The reason? Feral Flare(season 4) and later devourer(season 5 till patch 6.9(RIP😢))
Bro... I can't tell you how much I appreciate you for bringing up those old times. For 12 years now I'm playing this game, and you are the best at bringing up those memories. I sincerely hope you do it more haha
The minimap UI issue IMO was not that they moved it but that they reduced the size of the actual UI elements. I remeber this update It was SUPER hard to see the values. comapred to before where I would glance and know.
You know it's crazy to think about it. I started playing after Braum came out 2014. I went to university. I remember, came back from learning. All the doors in my floor were open at the dorm. And I hear an anthem. Opened my laptop and I got a notification about the warrioers cinematic. Man the epicness. And I got to expreience everything Exil talked about in this video, AND it was my first time experience about league. Now I see why I got so hooked up for many many years.
Its crazy to think I’ve played league for more than half my life. Back in 2012, the game felt so novel, and each year up to 2016-17 the hype just kept getting bigger and bigger.
Season 5 changed a lot, I’ve been playing since season 3. Purple Smite has been reintroduced as the passive on all the upgraded smites today. Also 4.20 weedwick patch will forever go down as one of the funniest patches ever.
I lost so much enthusiasm when they reworked sion. Idk about you but i played a ton of ap sion and it was fun and skillful in its own way but you couldnt play it above diamond that well
I started playing league at the end of season 4, did my placements during preseason and played most of the year in gold 5 I'll never forget how amazing this game felt back then, how hooked I was, how incredible it felt to progress even a little bit. Every little thing I learned, when I applied it in game, I had solid evidence that I was getting better almost every day. Lee sin kicks were like Cod6 quickscopes. When you outplayed a 1v2 or more with a champ like vayne, everyone went crazy in voice and all the moves were named after players. Insec, vayne spotting or gosu moments, madlife hooks, doing an xpeke, trick2g udyr, boxbox riven, the sense of community was there and everyone had fun. Now you go into games and everyone knows all the mechanics a champion is capable of. Hype moments are few and far between and require true perfection, and even this the reaction is 'clean' and that's it. No names are mentioned, nobody calls a backdoor an xpeke, you're more likely to be called tyler 1 for flaming in chat and that's about it. The reward for improvement? Clown games in higher elos with even more broken, miserable and quite frankly delusional teammates than the lower ranks could ever muster , nobody wants to improve, they just want to make you feel bad when they win, and not feel bad themselves, addiction is a hell of a drug i guess The pro scene feels like its in its dying embers, maybe not in the east, but they've always had a different system more suited to brutal efficiency of play, the fun from the game is gone, western players thrive under unique novelty, our best results were when we played creative picks and new strategies, there is nothing new left in league, we'll simply move on to different games which havn't been solved yet. If I could go back and do it all again, I probably would, and maybe I'd be slightly less toxic to my teammates, maybe if we all did that, the game would be different now.
As someone who started in s4 and played religiously year after year, i love videos like this it reminds me of how much fun i used to have back in the day even though i was trash at the game. I peaked gm this season but have played 2 games these last 2 months and have no desire to get back into it. It just feels like a chore playing it, i miss the days where i would look forward to play it cause there was so much fun shit to do in it.
I remember the Bard release. I was determined to main that champ after everyone deciding it was the absolute worst. Made it feel like a challenge of sorts. Made an alt account 'only play bard' and never looked back.
Bard was truly a bit weaker on release, but his main problem it was a champ completly different that we got at that time, people even guessing he was a jungler!! I think that his problem was that people didn't know to play with him, and around him, he needed a lot of months to actually start working on the game.
Season 5 was the season where League went over the peak and begun the slow ride down. Honestly with all the changes made since then I think its fair to say We'll never have a season like the first few seasons, with the Mobility creep, the hyper snowballing, Fights being super quick now due to damage creep, the fact now they treat the champs like they are in a fighting game with bad matchups instead of a MOBA with hard counters. Season 5 kind of feels like it was the beginning of the decline. Mostly brought on by incompetance Don't get me wrong Leagues still in a healthy place but its lost that Season 2-4 Magic and it'll never get it back
I remember season 5 so well, i started playing when Bard got released and it was so much fun, the Bilgewater event is still top 3 events of all time for me (might be nostalgia too) and when i discovered what meta was for the first time and i played smite MF mid. Such a great video!
Exil. One thing. You do it every time. You treat your community like they were not around, not knowing everything right before you say it. We wer around. We do know. We love the content because we love to remember this stuff. No one starts league now and is like "hehehe i wonder what jungle was like". Btw this was the first video were you legit made me feel like riot made so many mistakes. Did DFG and Brutalizer oneshot people? Yes, very often. Did we all fall in love with Deft and Imp because they could play even though these items existed? Yeah, we did. Until the big shift, players had broken angles, that would switch around every patch. So they had to learn and learn again. With people having to adjust their, mechanics their "weak side/strong side" (/role),. The game was much more then a team game. Faker, Uzi, Flame and Dandy... Players would dominate their role matchup with actual commitment, that resulted in kills. Because it was an option. Yet, teams like T1, EDG and Samsung showed, that you could punish that great great individual skill with teamplay. Today, players farm up. A solokill is a big fault by the dead player. Not an actual great play by the Killer. Where is the wish to dominate? When did pve overcome pvp? What pro gets a job for being confident... instead of being just one of five instruments? And most important.. How can a team game survive, when you need to form a team before you can truly experience the game itself? Good video as always, keep it up.
I think a big answer to most of this is that the playerbase as a whole just became so much better. we didn't do much of minion manipulation in season 5 because we didnt understand it. Back in those times only a few people could do lee sin insecs in elo lower then diamond but if you saw it in gold or lower it would have been a smurf now a days even in iron you see players insec. I think that even when you got something like wow classic and we went back to the first patch and played the same thing through the feelings wouldnt be the same a players are so much better mechanically.
2015 was the year i startet playing league. 2015-17 was the best time for me in this game. Didnt touched it since 1 1/2 years because its not league anymore, just some fast paced handy brawler.... really a shame.
I feel so nostalgic watching this. Remembering 4 smites, buffs based on what camp you smite, point and click Warwick, it's just a reminder of fond times but also how much League has grown and improved since that time.
Devourer with rageblade's passive, tier 2 turrets giving shields, Avarice blade GP farming the sh*t out of top lane, machine gun Ryze rework Man that was a WILD season, but it was fun as hell
Man I do miss these days Never really played league again since back then. Spend my teenage years with Instalok and new map after school almost everyday. Even met my first gf on Summoners Rift with Skype. I got back a little recently and its just not the same game anymore. Just shed a tear for a moment with this vid, life indeed was just simplier back then. Love to you all with my season 3 Frejlord axes icon since when the game was great.
You forgot to mention that red smite on release was able to kill Trynd through his ultimate, because it was coded wrong and instead of dealing true damage like it should have, it was dealing pure damage (the kind of damage that the fountain laser deals).
From around the A New Dawn cinematic to pretty much January 1st 2016 is the golden age of League for me. I was actually making a script for a video on it before stumbling upon this. Burning Tides is the only thing I have to say to get people who played then feeling extremely nostalgic, still the best even they've ever done.
I played through that time and I was thinking "It will never be as crazy as this" and I was astonished by the amount of changes (and quite enjoy the chaos). I'm glab to have been part of it.
My nostalgia is for Season 1. Because starting from Season 2, pro players started playing WAY more passively, which is fine, but they knew why and how. All the low elo players emulating them did not. As a Supp main, this made life a living hell. All the ADCs pretty much lost all interest in even playing the game. It was painful.
yeah, the "im gonna sit under tower until 4 crit items" adc meta. glad that riot's been making more aggressive or caster adcs in recent years, its not fun for 1 (sometimes 2) of your team having to wait for 20 minutes to do anything.
@@c.j.8263 Everyone building Kai'Sa as a crit ADC hurt my soul. There's a reason she drastically underperformed for 2 years after release in pro play. They kept building her like she was jhin or caitlyn.
Was actually just talking about cinderhulk the other day with my buddy, used to take it at bot lane as Soraka, could build warmogs right after, and just tank and heal anything the enemy dished out. I miss those days.
Mid-season 5 is when I got into League, and seasons 5 and 6 will forever stay my favourite. Especially the whole Gangplank rework event, and when Ekko came out.
Bro, that year, along 2014, was my best league year, and especially for Kikis and UOL. I was a udyr and off meta jungler player, and that guy made me look and see my playstyle viable on pro play! For the first time i wanted to really learn the game since S2
For me, after watching and enjoying the qualities and truths this video uncovers.. Conclude you to be the Top G of League of Legends Documentaries. (Great editing (visual articulation/point conveying))
I started league right around azir's release (and warriors', I get chills to this day listening to it) so I didn't know I was witnessing the beginning of an era. Old summoner's rift makes me so nostalgic, the jungle monsters, old items and splash arts make the game feel kinda spooky and from a different genre. While I was hearing about the things mentioned in the video (like ww being broken and all the crazy metas) I didn't experience most of them in my games since I didn't even understand many parts of the game, although I became a skarner main 1 month before his rework and when the changes hit live I actually played worse than before while wondering why the hell everyone was saying he was broken lol. Season 5 was a blast because I remember trying all the champions and learning the game.
I remember s3-s5 amd I cant believe it’s been 10 years. I remember watching worlds between classes my freshman year of college and pulling up qtpies stream when I didn’t have class
WOW! I remember sleeping over at my older Cousin for a week every Christmas. We would pull all nighters playing games. Season 5 is the season he introduced me to League. I hot hooked and have been playing ever since. This is so nostalgic, he would of loved to see this.
Season 5 was the season I had downloaded League for the first time. It was right after I saw the New Dawn Cinematic video just by chance on UA-cam. I still remember the Bard Screen when loading the client as it was his release. Ahh, good times.
I remember right after the jungle rework, I was just bored doing ranked and got jungle, which I never really played. So I figured I'd play WW just because it was my first time with him and knew he'd be easy to play. I carried so hard that game I decided to keep at it, and it was the first time I ever hit gold after being hard stuck silver since season 3.
this is the year i started, freshmen year of highschool with new friends and all of us playing League. this is always the game i remember when i think of League of Legends.
It's crazy how I started in season 5, never saw old league, but did see all these changes, pretty much. I remember the bilgewater event fondly, and have my own strong opinions into the direction league has gone afterwards. I'm cautiously looking forward to the removal of mythic items next season.
I remember one of the absolute favorite builds I've ever played, Blue build Ez. Build all items that are blue (especially the jungle item that gave a mini red buff) with smite on Ezreal. Such a fun time Season 5 was.
Tbh the thing that I missed the most from old league was mana potion, that shit was the bomb when you're using an Enchanter, all you need is two of those and you're good for about 20 spells.
man i wish i could go back, season 5 was such a fun season full of experimentation and every game really did feel different. Almost every champ was able to be taken jungle (at least in norms) and you could do off meta builds without getting shit on for it the whole game usually. Seasons 4 and 5 are still the best league has ever been
pre-season 11 was similar, the early jungle pets gave nearly every champion a somewhat healthy and fast clear, even yuumi could solo dragon at level 1 with a jungle pet. off-meta builds got a lot of fresh new toys with the total item rework.
The Thunderlord's Decree pic in the thumbnail makes me laugh since to this day I still remember pressing tab during a S5 game and see everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, running TLD, including Janna. It was the most busted rune in existence for a time. Literally there was no other option 🤣
When I think of my early ARAM days, I remember the Crystall Scar, called All Random All Bot. This is because of the smaller Map and increased GOld and EXP gain. Back then ARAM was a Fun Mode like FInd the Teemo and all that stuff, it wasn't officialy. Later they reused the Tutorial Map as ARAM Map until the Freljord Event turning it into the Howling Abyss we know today.
I can confidently say that map update was one of the main reasons that I was convinced to start playing this game. I’ve been addicted ever since the new map released.
I will never stop being angry at how badly they massacred Kalista. Literally all they needed to do to release Kalista to bring her down a bit was remove the tethered ally % max hp on hit, reduce the E per-spear scaling (basically make it so it would take more spears and longer build up to be able to do the big E chunk), and change the E reset. (maybe have it only partially reset per unit killed, like it refunds 30% CD per unit killed; since on release the E fully reset if it killed even a single unit) But instead, they _gutted_ her entire uniqueness. She was meant to be _the_ kiting ADC, where instead of high damage per auto, she dealt smaller damage autos that built up spears while kiting, so she could use the infinite stacking to eventually do one big E to finish the target, or a Q to carry the spear stacks through to a second target to then E. They forcibly reduced her auto attack speed by lengthening the animation (making her feel way more clunky), removed backhops being farther than forward hops, removed the hop distance scaling on boot tier, made hop animation speed slow based on attack speed slows (more forced clunky-ness), made her auto attacks straight up deal 90% total damage, and made it so she's the only champ in the game whose auto attacks _miss_ if you lose vision of the target while the projectile is mid-flight. Not to mention that period of time where they decided to make her lose like 25% of her AD and attack speed if her chosen ally wasn't within tether range.
Hope you're all having a wonderful summer! If you enjoyed the video please let me know :) The next video after this one will be a project I am excited about. Stay tuned for that. Also, ban Neeko in solo queue. GLHF !
but to be fair madreds back then was the bomb item rush
visual clarity and more child like for kids......................................................... gothic content DIED
But today, Kalista pickers celebrated. We're back at 100% AD Ratio on Attacks!
Your content is genuinely very enjoyable. BGM is fine, Voice to BGM volume ratio is good, LoL history is a fun topic. All good.
Maybe consider a QoL update with timestamps. Idk.
Solid video Gbay99!!!
Season 5 was without a doubt the most fun season I've ever played. Thanks for the rush of nostalgia
it was def the most unique it's and very frusterating at times but sometimes frustration builds charater
Same! I got to raise my hand and feel old when he asked who'd even ever seen Poacher's Knife!
I still remember being wowed by the map update, and the old smite buff system was always my favorite era of jungling!
The new map on the pre season and the most fun i had playing as a jungler
It was my first and definitely the most fun
I'm shocked that Burning Tides and the Gangplank rework weren't touched upon more. It was such a hype lore event that connected so many characters together. All the stories, music, skins we got. Gangplank being deleted from the game because he died is such an iconic part of League history. It was a moment Riot really engaged with us and the lore.
Remember Ruination?
Right now picture that, but the opposite. Instead of shitflinging awful its gold dripping amazing
That was Burning Tides.
Exactly. GP was deleted for, what was it, weeks?
@@channel6ixtycould've sworn it was a week at most. Though the amount of people that complain you would've thought it was a whole year.
@@Looknook1 Imagine being a GP one trick in Ranked and they remove him from the game.
They decided to not do that anymore, because GP players complained about the champion being removed, so , no more lore events messing with the actual game.
I miss being able to drink expensive tea (mana potions) as manaless champions to flex on people
You could do that? Didnt know that
Bro I remember doing smite tp trynd top, stealing enemy wolves, teleporting to lane and getting first blood only to spam taunt and drink a mana pot... the good ol days
@@skojuzija Yeah you can, i used to pick Garen with 2 rejuv beads and 3 mana pots vs Shen just to flex on him for having no sustain.
@@KnightPezzthat's a giga chad move tbh, was it in the Era of the top jungle lvl 1?
Not only is the season 5 nostalgic, but it is also objectively one of the best in history. The sheer amount of interesting stuff that happened..
now they can't even release a new gamemode on schedule xd
@@BuzzyBri and meta are looks like troll, like ivern top mid support, stattik on 60% of mages etc XD
@@scorpdelord883true. Feels like clown fiesta
This is just a rose tinted nostalgia glasses take. I started in beta and peaked in game time in Season 5 due to the fact that it was my first year in college, people then called it the worst season ever because of Fiora rework and Juggernaut update screwed the meta. It was the first year since game's inception that concurrent player numbers actually dropped, plus people were really mad about DFG removal. Only people who kinda had fun were jungle mains, thanks to purple smite making every single champ viable in jungle. But it didn't last long because blue smite ganking champs like J4, Elise, Lee Sin, etc dominated the meta for the entire year
@@Bellicose a rare moment when lee sin was in meta
never forget "I'm stacking my sated devourer" never gank master yi
Yeah but he could 1v5 once it was done lol. I miss that item so much. Sated Devourer Skarner and Vayne jg. Rip
@@dramamine755 i miss vayne jungle
Hahaha i totally forgot about that! and Yeah most of the time he completed it, He would 1v5 Penta or Side line and win so fast. Having Sword of the Occult as well was just insult to injury. GGWP!
Udyr, Shivana, Yi, Warwick, Jax, and Vayne
@@franklynp.9135 I hit plat my first season playing ranked by abusing devourer udyr lmao
Season 5 will always be my favorite, it just felt like every lane could make an impact on the game
Yeah, top’s been an island for some time (I honestly take stacking Nasus mid now because it’s better) but back then? Hoooooly crap the whole game could move around top. Nasus wasn’t very good at this time, but Darius was a MONSTER and taking tons of flat AD runes was great for insane lane bullying. Nearly 90ad level 1 was madness on him.
season 5 was the season that I started playing and will always be very dear to me. but it was a clusterfuck, and I love that
oh man this video made me so happy and so sad to watch, Happier times - thanks Exil.
Hope Riot can recapture some of this
I really hope they don't, because it looked awful lmao
would love that this would be a series, as someone who only started playing in s10 its really fascinating to hear how league worked and looked back in the day
Oh how Ive missed these long format documentaries. As someone that only started in season 9 I feel nostalgic for something I never experienced
I loved season 4 and 5 so much, I didnt care about winrates or ranking up, it was all about fun and crazy stuff happening every patch or two
and I think you nailed why I miss the S4 map. It felt like you were in the clearing of a dense forest and it was really atmospheric, and now its super nostalgic.
Old map feels like a MMORPG , like World of Warcraft to be exact. It really feels like it's another game when you think about the past of league, I kinda miss it, even tho I didn't experienced it as much as others, since I started to play at season 4 and one season later it was over. But yeah, that old map, the simpler champions with point and click attacks, and overall more balanced. A support couldn't just oneshot for example, but now almost every supp does this, they can even get into top 1 or top 2 in damage in a game lol.
@@SilverSoulxd League started getting good right around the time when WoW started getting bad. A good chunk of my friend group came to League from WoW.
ye now it's only what koreans dictate what is meta, (which most likely is not it's just what they are comfortable with and retarded westerners deify them lmao)
Season 5 and Season 6 are the only seasons I remember having "fun" in during my time playing league.
Season 5 was my first season, so there's a lot of nostalgia there, but from Season 7 onwards I found the game less and less fun until I finally quit in S10. I come back periodically, play a couple gmes and go "yep, there's my reminder of why I don't play anymore" and I leave it at that. Nothing will ever be as insane or fun to me as the days of S5 and S6.
So true bro
I can say from experience season 6 was indeed not fun, tank Yasuo, tank ekko
This was amazing. You briefly mentioned the Bot-Lane Mordekaiser rework which IMO is one of the most fascinating and confusing reworks of all time. Any chance you're ever going to do a Mordekaiser history video? Or maybe a video just about the juggernaut rework? I'm with you that this period of LoL is my most beloved by far and I love hearing you discuss it.
Season 5 will always be hyper nostalgic for me as I started playing the game in early season 5
I remember this season so fondly, how can't I? I peaked in D1 this season and totally swore off of ranked afterwards
I don't know about the rest of the community, but I believe season 5 to be the golden age of the game just because of the weird rule: if everything is op, then nothing is. It was so fun for casual play, and for ranked there were so many changes in quick succession that experimentation and theorycrafting were the way to progress instead of following the meta.
If you want "if everything is OP, nothing is", DOTA 2 exists.
@@somerandomgamer8504 I prefer dota2 to league since some years ago anyway, and that might just be one of the reasons why.
Thats what makes league disgusting right now, back then there were 5 or 6 champs op but You were able to play around them due to not absurd mechanics
@@enzorossi9853 yep unlike today where op champs are extremely frustrating to play against
@@somerandomgamer8504 I tried to play DOTA 2 a couple of times, but game feels super weird after playing league for so long. It's so much slower and with such a big map... You just kinda get used to the fast pace of league after years. Oh and another thing is, there is barely any DOTA 2 content on youtube. Like for example, if I don't know how to use a champ in league, I can search for a guide super fast here and there are tons of them, for every single champion, also guides on wave control and so on. Try that with DOTA2... At least a couple years ago I searched and there were only a couple videos from 2 or 3 years ago, if that. So you just kinda have to learn on your own and that's another drawback in my opinion.
Season 5 full ap teemo jumscaring people from invis in bronze will be the most fun video games ever bring me
Its so strange seeing this being the "old" league. Been playing this game for so long that the release version is old to me and season 5 is still the "modern" version. I still miss twisted treeline and dominion and many fun game modes that have been removed over the years.
I will never ever forget about Twisted Fate with his teleport as a basic stun and AoE stun, and Heimerdinger being able to have 5 turrets at once and not having to stay near them (and his passive would regen all allies near him, including the team turrets!)
Those are way older than Season 5, though.
I do remember this. I FUCKING LOVED IT! Mordekaiser was great, and this was just after the Kassadin 99% ban rate.
I started playing league in season 5 while i was still in middle school. It might be nostalgia, but i still think that this is the time that playing league was the most fun. I don't play often anymore (a few games every now and then), but i always come back looking for that same feeling i had back then, and realize its hardly the same game anymore. I wouldn't say its better or worse now or then. Just different
Completely agree. The game's entire design philosophy changed. It used to be a game specifically designed around being social, team building, and finding new awesome builds. Now the game is based around being able to play your favorite champion, sticking to your lane, and focusing on your own skill.
What changed is that the game simply became corporate. Instead of focusing on cohesion and team experience, they began to focus on individual player experience. The game is so much more streamlined and simple now. It's not bad at all to play, it's just far more focused on getting someone to pick up the game, play for however long they want, and then put it down knowing they had a decent, predictable time.
Outstanding video brotha!
i really enjoyed season 3 and 4 and i was super hyped about season 5 with all the changes and i had a lot of fun back then. Looking back tho its also the time when the game began to get worse.
At that time i didnt feel that way but there it all started and upon the changes they kept making changes i really didnt like.
Nowadays i play occasionally with my friends, lol is still a "good" game in its own regards but not even close as fun as season 3 or 4
Exactly this.
Same thought...peak league was s3 and 4
God I miss season 6 singed. 5 was rough. I was so bad during 3 & 4
Tank meta ZZZZZZzzzzz
@@GlizzyGoblin-wu5ps i take tank meta every time compared to the meta we have now.
tanks were fine back then bit now we have shit like ornn and ksdante who are tank also also oneshot you
I started playing league since season 5. It didn't feel that crazy until you brought back all the memories haha. Thanks for the nostalgia
Thank you for the nostalgia Exil. Makes me happy to know someone feels the exact same way about league and it’s seasons.
Season 5 is when I started playing and man what a ride it was
When exil uploads its a pleasure to see his videos
Season 5 was best for me as i started playing that season. I remember being so hyped for the project skins
Season 5 was when I played the game the most. They changed the game way too much and I simply cant play it anymore. Im sure its all nostalgia, but still. I just miss when the game had simpler champs in simpler times
I climbed from silver to diamond playing nothing but AP ez that season. Good times.
Season 4 till patch 6.9 in season 6 was the best time to get autofilled jungle... The reason? Feral Flare(season 4) and later devourer(season 5 till patch 6.9(RIP😢))
Bro... I can't tell you how much I appreciate you for bringing up those old times. For 12 years now I'm playing this game, and you are the best at bringing up those memories. I sincerely hope you do it more haha
Man what a sad life :( I truly feel sorry for you
idk how long you been playing but i think it would be so cool to see a vid about the very first 3v3 map, and i do mean the VERY first 3v3 map
Tank Ekko, Yasuo and Fizz were season 6 classics
I remember that, ekko was so damn hard to kill lmao
That's how we learned why we can't have AP juggernauts champs.
Sad that Riot didnt learn about that and released juggernaut Galio later, but well
@@MasterAnimit yes it was annoying
@@tommikun4437 yes and did shittons of damage aswell
The quality of this guys videos is insane, keep it up
Glad you enjoyed :)
The minimap UI issue IMO was not that they moved it but that they reduced the size of the actual UI elements. I remeber this update It was SUPER hard to see the values. comapred to before where I would glance and know.
You know it's crazy to think about it. I started playing after Braum came out 2014. I went to university.
I remember, came back from learning. All the doors in my floor were open at the dorm. And I hear an anthem. Opened my laptop and I got a notification about the warrioers cinematic.
Man the epicness. And I got to expreience everything Exil talked about in this video, AND it was my first time experience about league. Now I see why I got so hooked up for many many years.
Its crazy to think I’ve played league for more than half my life. Back in 2012, the game felt so novel, and each year up to 2016-17 the hype just kept getting bigger and bigger.
What a sad, pathetic life :(
Season 5 changed a lot, I’ve been playing since season 3. Purple Smite has been reintroduced as the passive on all the upgraded smites today. Also 4.20 weedwick patch will forever go down as one of the funniest patches ever.
Riot killed all the fun in order to make the pro level balanced.
lmao you're stupid
I lost so much enthusiasm when they reworked sion. Idk about you but i played a ton of ap sion and it was fun and skillful in its own way but you couldnt play it above diamond that well
@@Orwellian444 old AP Sion stun + shield exploide was so much fun! and with AP Poppy you was able to completely humilate the botlane at the time!
i could watch an entire 5 hour long video of this. brings back so many memories. S4 and S5 were my most favorite seasons.
I started playing league at the end of season 4, did my placements during preseason and played most of the year in gold 5
I'll never forget how amazing this game felt back then, how hooked I was, how incredible it felt to progress even a little bit. Every little thing I learned, when I applied it in game, I had solid evidence that I was getting better almost every day. Lee sin kicks were like Cod6 quickscopes. When you outplayed a 1v2 or more with a champ like vayne, everyone went crazy in voice and all the moves were named after players. Insec, vayne spotting or gosu moments, madlife hooks, doing an xpeke, trick2g udyr, boxbox riven, the sense of community was there and everyone had fun.
Now you go into games and everyone knows all the mechanics a champion is capable of. Hype moments are few and far between and require true perfection, and even this the reaction is 'clean' and that's it. No names are mentioned, nobody calls a backdoor an xpeke, you're more likely to be called tyler 1 for flaming in chat and that's about it. The reward for improvement? Clown games in higher elos with even more broken, miserable and quite frankly delusional teammates than the lower ranks could ever muster , nobody wants to improve, they just want to make you feel bad when they win, and not feel bad themselves, addiction is a hell of a drug i guess
The pro scene feels like its in its dying embers, maybe not in the east, but they've always had a different system more suited to brutal efficiency of play, the fun from the game is gone, western players thrive under unique novelty, our best results were when we played creative picks and new strategies, there is nothing new left in league, we'll simply move on to different games which havn't been solved yet.
If I could go back and do it all again, I probably would, and maybe I'd be slightly less toxic to my teammates, maybe if we all did that, the game would be different now.
As someone who started in s4 and played religiously year after year, i love videos like this it reminds me of how much fun i used to have back in the day even though i was trash at the game. I peaked gm this season but have played 2 games these last 2 months and have no desire to get back into it. It just feels like a chore playing it, i miss the days where i would look forward to play it cause there was so much fun shit to do in it.
I remember the Bard release. I was determined to main that champ after everyone deciding it was the absolute worst. Made it feel like a challenge of sorts. Made an alt account 'only play bard' and never looked back.
Bard was truly a bit weaker on release, but his main problem it was a champ completly different that we got at that time, people even guessing he was a jungler!! I think that his problem was that people didn't know to play with him, and around him, he needed a lot of months to actually start working on the game.
Bard was the loading screen when I started!
Season 5 was the season where League went over the peak and begun the slow ride down. Honestly with all the changes made since then I think its fair to say We'll never have a season like the first few seasons, with the Mobility creep, the hyper snowballing, Fights being super quick now due to damage creep, the fact now they treat the champs like they are in a fighting game with bad matchups instead of a MOBA with hard counters. Season 5 kind of feels like it was the beginning of the decline. Mostly brought on by incompetance
Don't get me wrong Leagues still in a healthy place but its lost that Season 2-4 Magic and it'll never get it back
I remember season 5 so well, i started playing when Bard got released and it was so much fun, the Bilgewater event is still top 3 events of all time for me (might be nostalgia too) and when i discovered what meta was for the first time and i played smite MF mid. Such a great video!
One thing.
You do it every time.
You treat your community like they were not around, not knowing everything right before you say it.
We wer around. We do know.
We love the content because we love to remember this stuff.
No one starts league now and is like "hehehe i wonder what jungle was like".
Btw this was the first video were you legit made me feel like riot made so many mistakes.
Did DFG and Brutalizer oneshot people? Yes, very often.
Did we all fall in love with Deft and Imp because they could play even though these items existed? Yeah, we did.
Until the big shift, players had broken angles, that would switch around every patch.
So they had to learn and learn again.
With people having to adjust their, mechanics their "weak side/strong side" (/role),. The game was much more then a team game.
Faker, Uzi, Flame and Dandy... Players would dominate their role matchup with actual commitment, that resulted in kills.
Because it was an option. Yet, teams like T1, EDG and Samsung showed, that you could punish that great great individual skill with teamplay.
Today, players farm up.
A solokill is a big fault by the dead player. Not an actual great play by the Killer.
Where is the wish to dominate?
When did pve overcome pvp?
What pro gets a job for being confident... instead of being just one of five instruments?
And most important..
How can a team game survive, when you need to form a team before you can truly experience the game itself?
Good video as always, keep it up.
I think a big answer to most of this is that the playerbase as a whole just became so much better. we didn't do much of minion manipulation in season 5 because we didnt understand it. Back in those times only a few people could do lee sin insecs in elo lower then diamond but if you saw it in gold or lower it would have been a smurf now a days even in iron you see players insec. I think that even when you got something like wow classic and we went back to the first patch and played the same thing through the feelings wouldnt be the same a players are so much better mechanically.
thanks for the nostalgic trip, from my early middle-highschool days and attending the season 5 worlds. cheers
2015 was the year i startet playing league. 2015-17 was the best time for me in this game. Didnt touched it since 1 1/2 years because its not league anymore, just some fast paced handy brawler.... really a shame.
League trash after that.
The quality of the video , and the editing from 0 - 30 seconds was very good job
Wow.. what a time to be playing League. This is so nostalgic. Great Video!
I feel so nostalgic watching this. Remembering 4 smites, buffs based on what camp you smite, point and click Warwick, it's just a reminder of fond times but also how much League has grown and improved since that time.
Devourer with rageblade's passive, tier 2 turrets giving shields, Avarice blade GP farming the sh*t out of top lane, machine gun Ryze rework
Man that was a WILD season, but it was fun as hell
The new map changes on S4/S5 made League of Legends becoming from a Blizzard Warcraft theme to a Tencent mobile them
Man I do miss these days
Never really played league again since back then. Spend my teenage years with Instalok and new map after school almost everyday. Even met my first gf on Summoners Rift with Skype.
I got back a little recently and its just not the same game anymore. Just shed a tear for a moment with this vid, life indeed was just simplier back then.
Love to you all with my season 3 Frejlord axes icon since when the game was great.
You forgot to mention that red smite on release was able to kill Trynd through his ultimate, because it was coded wrong and instead of dealing true damage like it should have, it was dealing pure damage (the kind of damage that the fountain laser deals).
From around the A New Dawn cinematic to pretty much January 1st 2016 is the golden age of League for me. I was actually making a script for a video on it before stumbling upon this. Burning Tides is the only thing I have to say to get people who played then feeling extremely nostalgic, still the best even they've ever done.
Season 5 has so many good memories for me. I also remember the turret shields for when you were getting stomped too hard lol
Ah nice an Exil video for breakfast. Season 5 was my first real season of league too, awesome subject material!
I played through that time and I was thinking "It will never be as crazy as this" and I was astonished by the amount of changes (and quite enjoy the chaos). I'm glab to have been part of it.
I love the nostalgia for me in this year- you present it well!
This is when I was a few months into the game and addicted. I’d be playing while watching qtpie stream. Man, the good ole days.
My nostalgia is for Season 1. Because starting from Season 2, pro players started playing WAY more passively, which is fine, but they knew why and how. All the low elo players emulating them did not. As a Supp main, this made life a living hell. All the ADCs pretty much lost all interest in even playing the game. It was painful.
yeah, the "im gonna sit under tower until 4 crit items" adc meta. glad that riot's been making more aggressive or caster adcs in recent years, its not fun for 1 (sometimes 2) of your team having to wait for 20 minutes to do anything.
@@c.j.8263 Everyone building Kai'Sa as a crit ADC hurt my soul. There's a reason she drastically underperformed for 2 years after release in pro play. They kept building her like she was jhin or caitlyn.
19:45 s5 pro mata in midlane is so fun to watch. faker pawn godv⋯ having around 40 different champs picked in midlane is so insane
Season 5 was when i started to play this game and i think i would have never played it if they kept the old map
This was back towards the end of my time playing, feels like yesterday! Thanks for the memories.
Was actually just talking about cinderhulk the other day with my buddy, used to take it at bot lane as Soraka, could build warmogs right after, and just tank and heal anything the enemy dished out. I miss those days.
Mid-season 5 is when I got into League, and seasons 5 and 6 will forever stay my favourite.
Especially the whole Gangplank rework event, and when Ekko came out.
Ty for making this video
Brought back so many memories
I started just when season 4 ended so season 5 Will always be special
No wonder I still recall to these days, you made me remember lots of stuff. League was so funny back then haha.
As someone who started in Season 1 these videos are wild.
Makes me miss so much about this game.
Makes me want to try coming back.
the players suck ass rn if you take the time to learn some of the new stuff you could probably wipe the floor with them
i started playing 2015, and i think game is now better than ever
Bro, that year, along 2014, was my best league year, and especially for Kikis and UOL. I was a udyr and off meta jungler player, and that guy made me look and see my playstyle viable on pro play! For the first time i wanted to really learn the game since S2
For me, after watching and enjoying the qualities and truths this video uncovers.. Conclude you to be the Top G of League of Legends Documentaries.
(Great editing (visual articulation/point conveying))
I have been playing since 2011 on/off and i can literally remember all you talked about, such a great trip down memory lane
this was a great video man. Nostalgic for sure. ABOUT TO INT TURN UPPP
I started league right around azir's release (and warriors', I get chills to this day listening to it) so I didn't know I was witnessing the beginning of an era. Old summoner's rift makes me so nostalgic, the jungle monsters, old items and splash arts make the game feel kinda spooky and from a different genre.
While I was hearing about the things mentioned in the video (like ww being broken and all the crazy metas) I didn't experience most of them in my games since I didn't even understand many parts of the game, although I became a skarner main 1 month before his rework and when the changes hit live I actually played worse than before while wondering why the hell everyone was saying he was broken lol. Season 5 was a blast because I remember trying all the champions and learning the game.
I remember s3-s5 amd I cant believe it’s been 10 years. I remember watching worlds between classes my freshman year of college and pulling up qtpies stream when I didn’t have class
14:38 Hey guys, Spirit of the Law here.
WOW! I remember sleeping over at my older Cousin for a week every Christmas. We would pull all nighters playing games. Season 5 is the season he introduced me to League. I hot hooked and have been playing ever since. This is so nostalgic, he would of loved to see this.
This video gave me Nostalgia😢 ❤
Season 5 was the season I had downloaded League for the first time. It was right after I saw the New Dawn Cinematic video just by chance on UA-cam. I still remember the Bard Screen when loading the client as it was his release. Ahh, good times.
I remember right after the jungle rework, I was just bored doing ranked and got jungle, which I never really played. So I figured I'd play WW just because it was my first time with him and knew he'd be easy to play. I carried so hard that game I decided to keep at it, and it was the first time I ever hit gold after being hard stuck silver since season 3.
this is the year i started, freshmen year of highschool with new friends and all of us playing League. this is always the game i remember when i think of League of Legends.
It's crazy how I started in season 5, never saw old league, but did see all these changes, pretty much. I remember the bilgewater event fondly, and have my own strong opinions into the direction league has gone afterwards. I'm cautiously looking forward to the removal of mythic items next season.
This makes me come back to my first year of League. So much fun moments. Amaizing vid
As someone who never played the old summoners rift, I always prefered the old colors. They feel nicer on my eyes
Season 4 :(
Bruh the BG music for Buther's Bridge...slaps hard!
I remember listening on it on repeat while playing Summoner's Rift.
Good times!
I remember one of the absolute favorite builds I've ever played, Blue build Ez. Build all items that are blue (especially the jungle item that gave a mini red buff) with smite on Ezreal. Such a fun time Season 5 was.
Nice video, great work !! (That moment i saw Paw on Ahri reminds me so many things !
Tbh the thing that I missed the most from old league was mana potion, that shit was the bomb when you're using an Enchanter, all you need is two of those and you're good for about 20 spells.
man i wish i could go back, season 5 was such a fun season full of experimentation and every game really did feel different. Almost every champ was able to be taken jungle (at least in norms) and you could do off meta builds without getting shit on for it the whole game usually. Seasons 4 and 5 are still the best league has ever been
pre-season 11 was similar, the early jungle pets gave nearly every champion a somewhat healthy and fast clear, even yuumi could solo dragon at level 1 with a jungle pet. off-meta builds got a lot of fresh new toys with the total item rework.
The Thunderlord's Decree pic in the thumbnail makes me laugh since to this day I still remember pressing tab during a S5 game and see everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, running TLD, including Janna. It was the most busted rune in existence for a time. Literally there was no other option 🤣
Always good to see an exil upload, hope ur doing well big dog
When I think of my early ARAM days, I remember the Crystall Scar, called All Random All Bot. This is because of the smaller Map and increased GOld and EXP gain.
Back then ARAM was a Fun Mode like FInd the Teemo and all that stuff, it wasn't officialy.
Later they reused the Tutorial Map as ARAM Map until the Freljord Event turning it into the Howling Abyss we know today.
I can confidently say that map update was one of the main reasons that I was convinced to start playing this game. I’ve been addicted ever since the new map released.
i was randomly watching ur video and just realized that ur exile or exiled riven how time flies crazy
Season 5 was peak league so many great times and memories thanks for bringing them back
I honestly would love to see a video talking about twisted treeline, i loved that game mode when i first started playing league and im sad its gone
I started playing the game at the start of season 5, this video was so nostalgic holy crap
I will never stop being angry at how badly they massacred Kalista.
Literally all they needed to do to release Kalista to bring her down a bit was remove the tethered ally % max hp on hit, reduce the E per-spear scaling (basically make it so it would take more spears and longer build up to be able to do the big E chunk), and change the E reset. (maybe have it only partially reset per unit killed, like it refunds 30% CD per unit killed; since on release the E fully reset if it killed even a single unit)
But instead, they _gutted_ her entire uniqueness. She was meant to be _the_ kiting ADC, where instead of high damage per auto, she dealt smaller damage autos that built up spears while kiting, so she could use the infinite stacking to eventually do one big E to finish the target, or a Q to carry the spear stacks through to a second target to then E.
They forcibly reduced her auto attack speed by lengthening the animation (making her feel way more clunky), removed backhops being farther than forward hops, removed the hop distance scaling on boot tier, made hop animation speed slow based on attack speed slows (more forced clunky-ness), made her auto attacks straight up deal 90% total damage, and made it so she's the only champ in the game whose auto attacks _miss_ if you lose vision of the target while the projectile is mid-flight.
Not to mention that period of time where they decided to make her lose like 25% of her AD and attack speed if her chosen ally wasn't within tether range.