@@ihavethisforgiveawaysyes7408 Galio still has a taunt, a gale, a teamfight ult (albeit global now) and the dash is just his old movespeed buff modernized to be a little more interesting and also faster, because mobility meta. If anything he resembles his previous iteration more than other reworks have.
A few days ago I had an enemy top laner Aatrox give up first blood to my top laner. His first comments were "Why did i not revive?" I feel bad for him to this day.
Haha, this hurt so much, I just came back to the game after maining aatrox from release to mid season 7 when I quit, was super confused with post-rework, and then ult-f4'd when i didn't revive.
I rejoined LoL about 2 weeks ago after not playing for about 3 or 4 years. I kept in touch with the new releases and reworks (some reworks made me come back and I expect good things from Fiddlestick's rework) and although I knew Aatrox had been reworked, I was actually really surprised he didn't revive anymore, I thought to myself, there must be a special features or maybe a combo ... SOMETHING that made him revive but nope it's gone. I never played him before but that just felt weird, I was so used to him reviving that to me it feels like they ripped him from his core identity.
@@DauragonC.Mikado I agree man, just returned to LoL to see the changes Riot made, and it will never be the same LoL I used to play. Luckily some heroes like Mundo still have similar old kit, which Riot should not do changes too much. Kinda killing the returning players who do not have much time to invest in re-learning new combos
Once Zilean gets reworked, I want a new game mode called "Time Warped Rift" or something, where you can play old champs, buy removed items, see the old map... Yep.
There's a project called chronoshift, you can play champs even from beta. Riot said they don't want to make something like that because of the code of the game, when people in their free time can do it? Bullshit.
Aatrox released a few days after I started playing League. He was the first champion I ever bought for my account. For years I played him, from season 3 to season 7 he was most most played champion and I maintained a 60% winrate on him. When Riot "reworked" him, it felt like an old friend had died. Rest in peace, buddy. I still miss you terribly.
It's tragic, isn't it? I hate the new Aatrox and I don't even main him. New champ design is becoming so horrible to play against. Sett with his disgusting kit, Senna with hers.. I'm still waiting for a new Yauo/Riven/Zed level skill champ. Ones that can kill you and make you think "Damn, nice (out)play!" instead of just clicking you and press 1 or 2 buttons and you're dead.
@@creaketh old aatrox was so fun this one feels terrible even tho i mained him for like 2 seasons and was pretty good at him, completely stopped playing the champion and tbh nobody plays him and i think his pick rate will keep on decreasing because of how broken champions they are adding to the game sett viego seraphine senna when she is ahead gwen etc
What hurts to me the most, was the lie. They stated they were simply going to change his e and q and perhaps give him a better model...and then they changed his entire gameplay loop and his voice and everything...this was stated on the forum.
Yeah they were totally fucking dishonest. They just said they were gonna scrap his entire kit, but they fucked his lore, they fucked his voice, they fucked his model, they fucked his personality, they fucked everything. Fucking assholes.
When I see people that cant use 1% of their brain in league I laugh just like you guys who cant play the new aatrox who isnt really that complicated you guys just are bad I guess
Riot Murdered every champion I have Mained since the Beginning. Old Soraka Top, Old Yorick, Old Galio, Old Kayle. I had over 60-75% winrate on those champs. The Reworks completely changed their playstyle. I liked the Old Aatrox once I managed to understand how to play him. From a Blood Thirst to Go in flash pop ult and become maniac auto attacking, kiting and playing arround W. To a Clumsy stuck in animation Flanking Champ.
@@MartinBuzon i play the game since season 2 and i like all the champion updates mostly beacause they made them more difficult to play. Like almost all of their champ updates made the champs more demanding and i think this makes it a good change.
@@ΝίκοςΠαπαγιάννης-φ4φ Making them more difficult to play doesn't mean, changing the whole concept of the champion and what makes them fun to play.... Please try to be reasonable.
Maybe if RITO would just apply a movespeed debuff during his Q cast instead of rooting him and reduce both cd and lifesteal from his E for balancing, maybe he wouldn't be so god damn awful. I too am sad that Aatrox is no longer what he once was.
I was just thinking yesterday how I found the character's lore really cool back when I started playing and wondering if anybody still played him. Guess not 😬
I think he is cooler after the rework to be honest, but I it is a feels bad that Champs you love playing all the time gets changed and don't feel right anymore
@@yusufh7278 especially now he feels weak. the only times it was strong was on release because of the revive and when they gave him a mini rework in season 9 in the end they removed more of his kit. i really don't like his new q just my opinion, easily can be dodged and weak spots do no damage
He still lives in our hopes and dreams. There is a chance for him to come back, even if it is a small chance. Maybe not as Aatrox, but as the 4th darkin.
Riot could literally revert Aatrox and make a new champ and say "Oh yeah this guy that feels just like new Aatrox is someone who managed to escape Aatrox's grasped or something lmao"
the aatrox struggle always reminds me of what happened to twisted treeline. Riot made zero changes for 3 years to the gamemode, wondered why playerbase for it kept dropping, then removed it
@@juanmanuelvelasaldivar7888 it's not that I hate the rework the problem is that I loved the old kit and they didn't tweak it but they totally deleted it.
I remember my first time just getting into league. A friend of mine was gushing over champs I should try. Going on and on about people like garen, yasuo, gnar at the time. And all the while I simply pointed on the roster list and said "and who's this?" Her reply was "oh that's aatrox. He looks cool but hes actually really bad and not played at all" from that day forth I grinded the points needed to unlock aatrox for free and quickly proceeded to get my ass handed to me on a silver platter. I lost a lot. And I learned a lot. As the years went on I became an aatrox main. Every intricacy of his kit I learned to master. And people loved and hated me for what I was able to do with a garbage champion. He is to this day the highest champion with mastery on my account. If I ever come back to league I will make a new account as to not tarnish the record that aatrox holds on my original account. Old aatrox will forever be my favorite champion league ever made me. Sorry for the long read.
Feels bad man. I too played old aatrox a lot. Now, its nerfed to the point that it isnt even playable and its just way too boring. They didnt keep anything of what made old aatrox so fun to play like diving onto the entire team and pressing R to heal for a ridiculous amount and never actually die thanks to the awesome lifesteal when u were a bit fed... really miss old aatrox.
I would like to correct this isnt Aatrox, this is QQQtrox the elo ender, when the rework drop a lot of aatrox mains actually write riot a ticket to remove their mastery points including my hard earned 670k as a protest. This could be said the worst rework riot actually did, in fact this rework is so bad this makes the poppy rework look fantastic. I believe this is the rework was done while they are are smoking bong that they are so high and stupid when they designed it. Aatrox used to be a very good initiator/hypercarry now he is just a stupid hit or miss cc fighter that can be fully counter by a 900 gold item. Pre rework aatrox culls Olaf's ass but now olaf walks over him and ignore 100% off his kit
RIP when Aatrox was released I just came back from camp with my highschool. Once we were home we all Skyped and played a game man I loved release aatrox it was awesome
Every time League has a "Help Us Improve" option on the home screen, I always tell them to bring back old Aatrox, even if it has to be a new champion with his old mechanics.
@@tristanbryan3067 yeah but she is a little different, she doesnt sacrifice life for combat and has to be changing between life steal/more damage, she is more about think when to enter with berserk and killing everything
The most sad thing about it was that just before the rework, he was very good. He was top tier at toplane if i'm right and a good pick in competitive play. So basically, just when he actually worked and was good from a long time of being kinda shit, they just nah lets rework. Donghuap made a video about the Aatrox rework where he mentioned this and talks about it more.
You know the crazy part about all of this is they could add old Aatrox and it would still make sense in the lore. They might have to change some voice lines but since he turn their bodies and corrupts them he could technically just be two different time periods or two different people. Plus that would be really interesting in my opinion if they did that
Technically speaking, Morde is the only one to be able to have invincibility against 4 enemy champions ASIDE from what his ult targets. Oh, and he stays thete until the timer runs out, or either duelist's HP runs out. (Because its just a forced duel.)
Morde's ult should be Poppy's However I understand why his ult needed to be drastically changed. A point and click half your health DOT is not exactly engaging gameplay.
@@in_vas_por8810 Mordekeiser was a bad rework, yes. He did keep a lot of his identity though, and I don't think they could ever balance the ghost on a new champion. He was my second most played toplaner after Aatrox ironically, and now Voli is being reworked too :')
@@Aldoz Bro you can tell if you had played the old Morde he is now a completely different champion and has nothing of the old one that made him fun, that's why Mid Mordekaiser doesn't play him anymore. Although I have to admit he did feel like one of those champions that is either really weak or completely broken depending on his buffs
He was more fun and balanced then he is right now. He sucks right now, tanks beat him, mages beat him, ranged champions beat him. Picking any other bruiser is better then picking aatrox.
I remember hearing his voiceover, and then "Where is the art? why is he just screaming while in the past he was very polite? why no Trynda interactions? It's ok he is very angry due to Twilight aspect locking him away, but old one was unique, he just turn the tides of some wars while being a total gentleman with his quotes I feel his personality was similar to Jhin, but Aatro wasn't that crazy, he was amazing, his dark flight was WOW he literally crashed at the enemies. I was literally waiting for a pool party skin where he uses his wings as some big signs, as hinted in one splash art, but until today we got nothing, just garbage skins for him that literally are all the same, worst victorious I can't say I hate new Aatro, but I really miss the old one
@Karl Bischoff The old Aatrox was not broken, Guinsoo's Rageblade was. While the item was broken all the champions that synergized with it dominated the meta. Espacially Aatrox. If they had just fixed the item he would be the same tier pick as Riven or Maokai. Aka, decent.
Old Varus lore was simply amazing, now is ok but couldn't just be "Varus took the bow hidden in the ionian temple and awoke the Darkin?" why changing it so much, now his lore makes no sense with who he was
@@thomas86800 That's not a bad idea, Varus has a bow, that's enough, only that his history was altered stupidly, the "guy that protected Ionia" was amazing, he stand against his enemies who killed his people and his only option was to use the darkin bow. When Varus was confirmed to be a Darkin that was amazing too, I remember thinking WOW THEN VARUS WAS TAKING CARE OF A DARKIN WEAPON WITHOUT KNOWING IT But now two hunters that were dying... that makes no sense, old Varus had control of the darkin powers, now it's really confusing, what is Varus doing at the moment in Runeterra? what are his goals? Old Varus was better
@@nicolasarroyo1746 because you make those questions, it confirms that everything Riot did after Aatrox remake about darkins was wrong. making them weapons and then recycling champions. lets be real, they was lazy, they also needs woke content. like Aatrox, Varus was just another victim.
ironically varus needs a rework now cause his passive name and his w and r actually dont make any sense to his lore character, not to mention he vaulted in his lore (mobile adcs are usually cancer but still give the man his dues)
I still miss this elegant, poised, mysterious swordsman that viewed battle as an art form. From his dialogue to his animations, poses- everything. I personally loved the old design purely from an aesthetic standpoint and his identity as a character was totally annihilated. The way his old sword bent and stretched and pulsed to this big, heavy, blunt greatsword. From elegant to brutish. Calm to rage-fueled. I’m still so salty about this.
I will never forget when Aatrox came out. I was playing him all day, full crit, attack spead and lifesteal😂. Those were good days. From time to time I come here to watch this video and remember pre-reworked Aatrox :/
Unfortunately, you cannot do builds like those because even morons with no idea how to build characters can oneshot you with support champs because of how high the base damage is and if you go up against actually dangerous champion - full offence old Aatrox person would die before finishing the Q animation.
Many years ago, maybe 2 or 3, i was just starting to play league of legends, and among all the roster of champions at the time aatrox was the one that caught my eye the most, maybe it was because he was at the top of the alfabetical list every time i opened the store, or that complicated sword and visuals of the splash art, and when i read his lore and saw his abilities i knew i had to main the guy alongside the old warwick, he was the first champion i had to save in game money to buy, and i loved every single game i played with him, he was my first and only pentakill. But, after the rework, something just stopped clicking with the champion, he seemed directionless to me, from being pretty straightfoward and fun to somewhat clunky and ability reliant, more so when his ability to revive was removed, this was not the same almost mythical demon of war i first glanced when i started playing league. I am not blind to the improvements made however, i can see how he fits better in the current state of the game, but the nostalgia of an undying warrior wielding a demonic sword of a unseen and unforgetable design is still there. I will continue playing this new aatrox, just to somehow honor my past self in some way, i am not about to give up on the name of Aatrox as he once stood in my memory, because pain is temporary, victory is forever.
I feel that, I still try to play him over and over again, hoping to feel what I used to feel when I played him before the rework, just to remember that I won't feel that again
I feel like riot is systematically removing auto attack based fighfers from the game and shifting them towards ability bursting. Aatrox is most significant, but also Irelia was totally changed in style and even xin to a lesser extent. All champs o mailed and loved that riot had to drastically change.
Yeah i agree, i feel like what riot is doing rn is making champs’ mechanics more “modern” and sophisticated, allowing for more outplay and combo potential. Take Warwick for example, his old Q used to spin around, heal, and his R is not a skillshot. Now his q has two ways to cast, attached, dodging cc(Much better 1 v 2s) , and instant cast, which does not displace the champ. His R a skillshot, rewarding the player for his/her aim. Irelia as well, her ult used to shoot out 3 projectiles, now the ultimate synchronizes with her Q and has a much greater potential in teamfights. Honestly i like (most) of what riot is doing. Because if the game is not updated constantly, it would lose its players as time goes on...
at least Irelia and Xin main gameplay still the same , Irelia change more but she still go in and slash down her target. But why Tryndamere still the same??? That piece of anti fun champion still running around with RNG kit(which league champ ain't suppose to have). Free heal , free crit , huge slow , even more mobile than aatrox , 5 second of unkillable so he can drive tower without even thinking. When his core problem is the same as old aatrox , But why the hell he still a thing???
18:14 "So, where does this leave us now?" Nowhere. For me, Aatrox just doesn't have a identity anymore. When I was a kid and saw my brother scrolling through the champions page, and i saw old Aatrox and 10 year old me was like: DUUUDE THAT CHARACTER IS SO COOOL, I WANT TO PLAY WITH HIIIIIM! And now, when 13 year old me saw the rework announcement, i was overwhelmed with joy. "I waited so long for this!" I said. And then, days before my 14th birthday, he arrived. And i almost cried. What i was seeing, just wasn't Aatrox. It was just some generic skill based champ that Riven mains would play. That cold personality of old Aatrox, thinking of war as some form of art, was just incredible. And just like that, it's gone. Then they turn him into a rage machine, just like Tryndamere or Sion. I loved old Aatrox's kit, loved the self heal/ Hp for damage play style. "They did good with every other rework, why would they mess up now....?" i said. In later patches, i saw his revive removed. And i just, stopped playing. I didn't even care anymore. Then, i never played League of Legends ever since. They just destroyed the only champion i truly liked. And, like you said, he will never come back. Rest in peace Aatrox, the only champion i ever mained in League of Legends. Sorry for the long text, and to whoever sees this, have a good day.
How can a complete stranger so perfectly express how I feel? I too haven't played since the rework ..... disgusted, disappointed to the core, I walked away. By random youtube chance did I stumble upon this video, only to find a kindred spirit. Glad to see my boy is remembered. Good day to you too, Sir
"Patience, Aatrox! Patience! Your freedom will come!" "I am but an unholy copy of life... A mockery of its freedom... And born in the cruel betrayal of the noble ideals I would've served." By:Aatrox
People are really not objectives... Actual Aatrox had really good quotes, and a very good personnality. His entire existence is a torture for himself, and act like he embrace his darkin side... But he can't.
Technically, this whole premise of video is a lie. Its not a first time they removed a champion. What about Sion? He was a juggernaut with huge boost to autoattack and no mobility *at all*. They turned him into full tank with hints of juggernaut. Mordekaiser? He was a undead lord who enslave souls and turn them directly against enemy. And looking from another approach, Gangplank? He was literally removed from the game for lore reasons. No. Aatrox isn't only champ removed from the game.
@@TGCitizen sions still has the "gains health by killing" still has a shield that explodes and still has CC on Q even though it is applied differently Gangplank still deals DoT with his passive, fires a gun with his Q, heals with his W and his ult is the same as the original one, only instead of being an area where random balls fall, it affects a the complete area Morde still has an area of metal surrounding him that gives MS, a Q that empowers his mace to deal damages even though now is a skillshot, he still has passive shield, but now he has to rise them instead of just getting it for free and his ult still is a "point and click enjoy your life 'cause now you are dead"
@@va11ejo funny thing about old Yorick is that all his abilities used to do the same thing, while being low counterplay ones. Probably old Yorick is THE worst designed champion of the game. He still was kinda fun because of it lol
I find this video really interesting because I started playing league recently. Aatrox(rework) was one of the first champs that caught my eye and one of the first I picked up. I loved him and now he is one of my favorite champs in every aspect(lore, voice lines, model and splash, gameplay), but he's so removed from the people who he really belonged to.
Old Aatrox was the champion I wanted to main before I got into playing league but just before I got to actually play he was reworked into something completely different from the champ I loved to watch and wanted to play. I miss him dearly
Watching this makes me realize how much I truly miss old Aatrox. He was my number 1 main pre-prerework, and the prerework was so good and i loved all of it. Now with "Boris" I can't play the champion at all and would honestly choose to take my m7 off of my account if I could
Pantheon was also reworked heavily. Old Panth was a gigachad Spartan warrior, who would crash you with his buttcheeks. New Panth is a flashy diva with some complicated lore that no one, not even the writers, really understands.
Aatrox Before Rework: "This Battle will be my Masterpiece!" "Pain is temporary, Victory is forever!" "They will greet you as a hero!" "TRYNDAMERE, MY GREATEST CREATION~!" Aatrox after rework: "ARRRGGG!" "RAAAWWWRRR~!" "SMAAAASH~!" "ME CRUSH YOU! RAAAARRR!"
Well, that's embarrassing... I barely even started making the video you encouraged me to make (which will never reach your quality level) and you already made a new one. You are fast :D But thanks to the fact that you answered my question in your Q&A 50 people subscribed to me, many of them wrote supportive comments and they all seem to be waiting for the video that I'm currently making (I really don't want to disappoint them ;-;). This is huge and once again thank you so much. It really shows how great is the community you've built :D I mean look at this... your comment section consists mostly of people praising your content, telling jokes or simply commenting the video. No toxicity, no flame. That is really awesome!
IKR !! I mean he's my favourite league of legends content creator ever, besides his voice is soo relieving that it makes me question my sexuality from time to time 😂
Wikwil, start slow then as you get more experience you'll be just as fast. Don't worry my friend, I'm suscribed. I saw you Question on the Q&A thanks for your time and all the best
The saddest moment I witnessed in my life was when the french streamer Yoonns was asked if he would like the old Aatrox to come back and he answered : Every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every year do I wish for the old Aatrox to come back.
(For context) : Yoonns payed so much of the old Aatrox he was at 692 553 points on him the day before his rework. He played him full crit and had a move called the "Spéciale Yoonns" which was when he killed using the aoe of his ult.
This is all gone end up with the lore reasoning that attrox' fighting style changes depending on who wields he blade, and then they are gonna make him like some weird Mokujin where every time you play him he uses a random "form", except based on all his different versions instead on "other characters"
@@Zeklore not really but yeah, an extreme rework we got here too but at least this one was justified by the fact that old Sion had some true problems, Riot tend to remove point to click stuns (like old Taric's one) and that old ultimate was really strange and might be overpowered to these days, not even saying that old Sion had a stupid passive ability
@@makathebaka8768 what the youtuber means with removed is to have a kit that resembles nothing about his pre-rework kit, jax still had a lamp and still jumps from enemy to enemy smashing them with his increasingly faster auto attacks and the lamp on fire + his ult passive
@@spacehitler4537 he's no longer tagged as top or mid because his play rate is so low. api sites have more data on kalista top and lulu mid than they do on swain. no one is playing him because he's shit in lane. his changes have managed to make him less popular than pre-rework and unintentionally turned him into a mediocre support.
@@iMoD190 When people bring up stats like this I just think of stuff like Sion jungle. It hardly shows up on his pick rates, but that doesn't mean he's shit in the role. It just means that a large portion of players prefer him that role. Swains kit has alot of nice utility which many feel is wasted in a solo lane, but if you synergize with a jungler you can still take advantage of this aspect of his kit.
Honestly if they did that I would be so happy I used to absolutely love old aatrox he got me to gold and I just really clicked with the playstyle I miss my old main
I literally started the game on Aatrox. The third week after his original release (his free-to-play week). This was, of course, back when new players had the same free champion pool as everyone else. As soon as I had the IP to, I bought him. I proceeded to play him almost exclusively because he was incredibly unique and had a playstyle I adored. I was overjoyed when they put out the mini-rework and made him an amazingly viable champion with almost his entire feel and playstyle intact (I did personally love the health-throttling aspects that got taken out). After they put out the full rework, I tried to keep playing Aatrox, but ended up stopping completely, and eventually stopped playing top lane almost entirely. I just don't have a fighter/bruiser with a playstyle that fits me anymore.
I’m sad I didn’t get to play old yorick. I was young at the time and had the mind set “if it doesn’t look cool, I’m not playing it!” Boy did I miss out on fun moments with him. Love the current yorick, but damn.
When you did the time line for the patch changes i was like wow, But not surprising due to the fact that i remember with old talon, i believe it was maybe almost 2 years after his release (honestly forgot how long it was) that it had turned out his passive was never on, Once turned on it dealt insane damage and they had to nerf it before throwing it live, couldnt believe how they never noticed an ablilty (or passive) that was never working for so long. O also great video!
RIP Galio, a champion who was also removed but unlike Aatrox has been completely forgotten. Really miss dominating mid mages with him by healing off their damage. He kept nothing from his old kit, unless you consider his new taunt comparable to his old R which it definitely isn't. Old Galio fit a nice niche, new Galio is just meh. Of course, with the current items old Galio might've been too op.
I was a mono aatrox before the rework, and the feeling of playing him was amazing. The on hit animation and sound... dude.. it felt really nice to third hit with his W on. I remember surprising full health enemies when i was below 100 hp with that absurd life steal and it was the greatest feeling ever. I miss that champ :(
Saddest thing about that rework was they changed him completely. Just when he was shit for years and they just reworked when old aatrox actually became viable
@@ShaneStapler Im not aatrox main but I loved jax and tryndamere basically champs that are auto based and jump in and blow ppl up and die with them. Aatrox was so fitting to my ideal playstyle and finally got buffed to be viable and just got removed. I only played him for few weeks consistently only to have my new fav champ taken away.. im still sad man
I still cant wrap my head around why they scrapped the "Whipsword" that made him so iconic... They could have fixed his kit by: -Making his Ult Autos AOE (kinda like twitch, but in a cone) -Make his old Q work like Galios current E
No he was perfect. The golden age was after his passive rework when they introduced the stacks but still nerfed into oblivion. You really had to think and know every matchups. Only thing is that he should have been invincible while in the air as he jumped.
@@Sul_Shadw i would not call it golden age, as it only lasted a month. Also, he climbed from being the worst toplaner to being the absolute best toplaner in a single patch, due to changes toTitanic Hydra. (This is not a good sign for champions health) But yes, there was absolutely no reason for them to literally delete the champion. The Aatrox rework could also have been a completely new champion and no one would have complained. The old Aatrox had his problems tho, especially when i try to imagine him in the current meta with the new items. All he needed were small adjustments, and maybe a new E.
@@ButterNuss. The golden age I refer to is the period after patch 7.5-6 till the season 8 where Aatrox became popular, it lasted about 5 month or more I think. I am not really sure how the Titanic buff happened as I stopped playing league before that and only came back in 2019 when I discovered Aatrox didn't existed anymore. After this, I stopped playing league and couldn't find another champ to otp so I have no idea about the current state of the game and the new items. Imao the E was fine, it provided not only a poke but an engage(and an escape, negligible but still). And allowed for an alternative poke/burst strat if maxed first(not my play style though). To me only the Q need a adjustment as written in my previous comment
It still baffles me why, when the mini rework was so successful, they didn't just make a new champion with all of the coding etc. they did for the full rework. The community loved min-rework aatrox and they probably would have made a lot of goodwill by saying "surprise! we're not reworking him anymore and you get a shiny new champion a little later instead."
He doesn't really talk about it, but pre-rework Aatrox had some serious balance issues that made him troublesome to balance. The biggest problem was the whole drain tank on autos aspect. During that time period all the prominent Drain Tank champions were getting reworks. Warwick was reworked. Swain was reworked. Vladamir was reworked a long time ago. In general Drain Tanks were being reworked because of their fest and famine style of play. Drain tanks have a large amount of their defense locked in sustain. The problem this causes is if a drain tank stays alive they never die because they their kit just endlessly sustains and if they fall behind they're incredibly weak because they do not have the time to sustain and stay alive. This creates a very problematic scenario where said champions have very polarizing game play. The main champion that has his problem is Dr. Mundo once he gets ahead or if your team doesn't have the damage he's borderline impossible to kill. But the problem with all these champions is that their sustain is not tied to their ultimate but basic abilities and passives which just further examplifies this problem. Riot changed this by shifting power away from being a drain tank and making it more conditional. A lot of Vladamir's vamp comes from his empowered Q as opposed to the regular Q he had and some of it was moved to his ultimate. Warwick moved away from being entirely around healing though he still retains elements of it and defensive power was moved to his E. Swain got a time based ult instead of one he could activate whenever he wants and healing elements were moved to his W and CCing enemies. The second problem is kind of that he had this stat-checky bruiser element to him. Every single champion in this game relies on items to an extent, but these auto attack carries rely on it the most. Basically because he was so reliant on AAs this made him scale really well with numbers and certain items when they show up. The problem with those champions that tend to be solely reliant on AAs is that they scale super well with certain items, more so than most champions. Do you remember pre-rework Irelia, pre-rework Xin Zhao, pre-rework Kayle, and to an extent Jax, Tryndmere, and Yi. The balance of these champions was highly reliant on the items they synergize with. Every time certain items, Guinsoos and Triforce for an example, these champions had a tendency to break harder than most because their damage is based on AAs. Most of these champions were changed to have their power be expressed through different way. The power on Irelia's W was moved to her passive and relies on her hitting abilities to activate the buff. Kayle's power was gated by level so she would break at certain periods but became less reliant on items. They are changed to have skill expression outside of their AAs and take a reliance away from items. Having one of these elements is fine. There are a lot of stat checky champions in the game and they have weaknesses that can be exploited. Hell, that's what ADCs are. But the problem is when you have both. For Aatrox, everything lined up perfectly in season 8. Guinsoos and Conqueror had come out. This made him obscenely strong when he got his items and when he's ahead he doesn't die and kind of kills everything which is not good for balance, especially when he has a revive on his passive. The problem is what happens when those two factors are changed? I believe Guinsoos was just a broken item at the time and Cong was over tuned. Aatrox rose to prominence because of these two changes which were overtuned so when these things were changed he would just fade back to oblivion. That's not something that the rework fixed, he was more playable but he was still absurdly unpopular didn't gain traction until certain changes pushed him all the way to the top. The choice was to gate his vamp through changing it to ability focus through his Q. This way players would have a chance to outplay it by dodging and give him a higher skill expression by hitting it. A lot of the nonsense that Riot would have had to tackle after the rework would've happened if they wanted to keep Aatrox in a general viable state. A lot of it addressed problems like sustain during laning which were problems on his kit before hand but now they could address them in a different way because of the rework... Even if that would take forever because Aatrox just had so many problems before hand that they're still tinkering til now. I want to end this by saying that Riot admits that changing Aatrox in the way they did was wrong. That it went against what the core community wanted and that was something they would regonize and respect more in the future. Since than they have been trying to adhere more to a champion's core gameplay intact and try to modernize it to the best of their abilities.
Probably a pure coincidence/accident. His balance changes came too quickly before his already planned rework. (I think Riot has long-term and short term dates for projects, Aatrox rework being long-term so it couldn't just have been cancelled or changed) He was really underrated, complicated and boring. Many champions do well even if they aren't popular at all. Aatrox didn't. He only did well with a mini-rework, and yet, it didn't change almost anything. He was still underrated, complicated and boring. I understand why people don't like the rework. I personally prefer it a lot. But he needed the rework, even if it meant for the whole champion to change (like Swain, Poppy and Morde reworks). Aatrox is in a great spot, fun and viable, but slightly undertuned and needing some changes to become really good.
@@shatteredskys560 Yeah, and look at where they got him. He's sitting at a universal 46-47% WR. Pre-rework does have problems, but this rework is just as bad, if not, more problematic. Old Aatrox's drain tanking was gated to every 3rd auto attack. Not only that, his stacking mechanic was also something you had to pay attention to. Unlike Yi, I'd argue Aatrox was a less cancerous statcheck as he had a much more obvious window when he was powerful. You couldn't just jump in with Q and expect to win. If you jumped in without stacking properly, you were most probably going to die. Without his stacks, oldtrox was super abusable and easily killable. That's why you had to play aggressive when you saw him without any stacks. Also, oldtrox's stance system is what I think separated good players from the bad ones. The good Aatrox players knew when to switch from heal to damage in between fights. And let's be honest, Aatrox was already fine with his mini-rework, as dedicated mains knew how to properly fight and build with him. Even before the conqueror/BorK/rageblade cancer, he had a pretty modest winrate and was often built with trifirce/steraks. Conq/Bork/Rageblade is what definitely broke him. Newtrox on the other hand has access to draintanking with every time he hits a champion regardless of what he hits them with. Q, autos, you name it. Only made worse by the fact it gets amplified during his ult, which makes him frustrating to fight. Newtrox's revive though, is what I think was one of the biggest offenders. Press R and you can play like a mindless ape with also increased AD. With oldtrox, you at least had to meet a certain condition with stacks, but with newtrox, you only had to press r to win. It was absolutely stupid, to the point that they had to rework it and eventually remove it. One of the reasons why it worked on old aatrox was because he had to be in your face to do damage and heal with autos so you had to dedicate. New aatrox was a mid ranged fighter, making him far more obnoxious with his healing and revive while he can just choose when to fight you. Those are just my 2 cents. Yes, I still have a bit of bias towards old aatrox, but its just so frustrating how they've been treating this champ like garbage, both old and new. It slightly killed my motivation for playing league. Not only that, but the mains are being treated like a joke, and boy is it not fun. If there's one good thing that came out of this, I can say its the fact that riot were faced with a reality check that no one likes getting their champion getting removed. The Pantheon rework is proof of that.
Shattered Skys but you missing one detail with old Aatrox it's really easy to counter his healing, all you have to do is ganbang him or if your smart you can just bait him to proc his blood well then run away while with other that you mention there's no way you can escape them vlad was a ticking time bomb swain was just press ult and heal Warwick have his R and his E to chase you down
Whats wrong with singed?! He doesnt need a rework, the rework He got for his passive really made him feel great and didnt make choose between spending gold on a useless stat or having No passive. Singed is in a great spot and honestly shouldnt ever need a rework, only balance changes.
@@Ariverfish so am I, He might Not be in the best spot in the current Meta, but thats simply how is kit functions, Sometimes He does very well, Sometimes He doesnt. That doesnt mean He is a badly designed Champion. Champions are supposed to have weaknesses and varying viability.
I remember buying the Mecha skin because it was basically playing Jehuty from ZotE. I didn't even like Aatrox, but after grinding my expertise I started dominating on Diamond. Old Aatrox was such a difficult glass cannon, with his shitty cc'able Q, his amazing E, and that heal/dmg proc. It forced you to take so many decisions while always on the thin line, dealing insane damage and avoiding death with a well timed W... The rework totally ruined the champ. It was one of those hidden gems nobody cared to play at decent Elo, but I got so much better as an overall player, because I learned so much about both macro/micro just by struggling to figure out how to make him competitive...
BubbleHasAProblem yeah I agree his new kit is so fun. It’s really sad cause I want to be able to play the old one as well as the reworked one but that will never happen
A rule I learned from TF2: “If it looks cool, sounds cool, it is probably shit” Damn, Aatrox’s rework trailer got me worked up, then I see how bad Riot treated the champion that it is not even worth picking him up. But you know the best thing about this? Pantheon got a mini rework that made him better in every way.
@@aragoku1 i just dont like the passive change, i dont like having execute damage at 50% enemys hp, i dont like being literally invulnerable to all damage for 2.5 secs without any sort of timing, his r is crap now and i cant take him ap for the memes either, q is pretty crappy now without passive :(
Riot needs to make a game mode where its like the opposite of PBE, and you go back to previous season's to play champions how they were made and updated over the course of the seasons. I truly think a lot of people would enjoy this.
Breaks my heart, I still remember the first time I played aatrox. At first just in love with his theme and aesthetic, but after hours of playing I fell in love with the bastard son of riot and I've never been able to have the same feeling with the new Aatrox...
What about Swain? Playing him feels no where near how old Swain used to be. You might argue that his ult is similar but it just feels different and wrong in practice compared to old Swain.
I loved old swain. his kit was full of damage over time and overall I still miss him to this day. New swain is cool as far as design and everything else goes but I really miss him being that DOT machine that he used to be. his ult change didnt bother me, it was the rest of the kit that I dont really like anymore.
I honestly wish riot reverted the reworks for a little bit like have an event where reworks are reverted and you can play your old favorite champion the you like them. Or maybe in champ select you can select if you want the rework on or the old champion on this would make their game so much more fun with some champs
I quite like the idea of having the choice between pre- or post-rework in champ select. I doubt it would be a good idea, though; reworks more often than not change a champs’ counters, and since the opposing team probably wouldn’t know if you’re going old or new school until lock-ins were complete, that would be hellish for them to predict. The event idea is much more sensible. Widdle the champ select down to only those who have been reworked, and give them all their old forms back. This would be for people who do not wish to play competitively, but just want to indulge in the nostalgia.
@@patrickhallett6220 Yea I want killer instinct Katarina back. I'd love to slap down people with 1k dmg Shunpo's, nuking an entire team with 800dmg bouncing blades, or pressing R and deleting whole teams while spell vamping to the max with WotA. I miss those days.
If they have a game mode like that I will start playing again...seeing old champs with their old skills back...I will be feeling like I am playing the real champs and not a fake re make
I srsly wish they'll just make another character like the old Aatrox, his w was my favorite ability in the whole game, I still do like his rework a lot though.
i liked the old aatrox in the jungle. i actually played him for quite some time after his release. the sustain in the jungle was awesome, the clearpseed was decent and the ganks were good aswell with his q gap closing knockup and his slow
"And now finds himself in a bit of a wierd spot." - stands in Alcove ^^
1st champion riot ever removed forgets about galios existence just like everyone else
Galio still has a taunt, a gale, a teamfight ult (albeit global now) and the dash is just his old movespeed buff modernized to be a little more interesting and also faster, because mobility meta. If anything he resembles his previous iteration more than other reworks have.
@@ihavethisforgiveawaysyes7408 Poppy and Sión were complete new champs
A few days ago I had an enemy top laner Aatrox give up first blood to my top laner. His first comments were "Why did i not revive?" I feel bad for him to this day.
Haha, this hurt so much, I just came back to the game after maining aatrox from release to mid season 7 when I quit, was super confused with post-rework, and then ult-f4'd when i didn't revive.
I rejoined LoL about 2 weeks ago after not playing for about 3 or 4 years. I kept in touch with the new releases and reworks (some reworks made me come back and I expect good things from Fiddlestick's rework) and although I knew Aatrox had been reworked, I was actually really surprised he didn't revive anymore, I thought to myself, there must be a special features or maybe a combo ... SOMETHING that made him revive but nope it's gone. I never played him before but that just felt weird, I was so used to him reviving that to me it feels like they ripped him from his core identity.
@@DauragonC.Mikado I agree man, just returned to LoL to see the changes Riot made, and it will never be the same LoL I used to play. Luckily some heroes like Mundo still have similar old kit, which Riot should not do changes too much. Kinda killing the returning players who do not have much time to invest in re-learning new combos
This happened to me too I was so sad
Joseph Ryan lol “ult-f4”
Are you like an alternate reality version of Toast, who says “ult” like “alt”?
His nerf is the same as his lore. Betrayed for once he ascended through ranks only to be dragged back into the abyss.
Underrated comment
Take your meds
@@violethill4454 lol. I bet you have lots of friends
Once Zilean gets reworked, I want a new game mode called "Time Warped Rift" or something, where you can play old champs, buy removed items, see the old map... Yep.
There's a project called chronoshift, you can play champs even from beta. Riot said they don't want to make something like that because of the code of the game, when people in their free time can do it? Bullshit.
@@darkskyxgames Well, that's interesting🤔
We can forget about it, its like budget thinking, lets only look at pro play and keep it balanced.. sigh just sell riot games
@@darkskyxgames well it’s illegal. Literally.
@@Korrupted_dust its a fan project. i doubt they make any money from it
Aatrox released a few days after I started playing League. He was the first champion I ever bought for my account. For years I played him, from season 3 to season 7 he was most most played champion and I maintained a 60% winrate on him. When Riot "reworked" him, it felt like an old friend had died. Rest in peace, buddy. I still miss you terribly.
It's tragic, isn't it? I hate the new Aatrox and I don't even main him. New champ design is becoming so horrible to play against. Sett with his disgusting kit, Senna with hers.. I'm still waiting for a new Yauo/Riven/Zed level skill champ. Ones that can kill you and make you think "Damn, nice (out)play!" instead of just clicking you and press 1 or 2 buttons and you're dead.
@@creaketh old aatrox was so fun this one feels terrible even tho i mained him for like 2 seasons and was pretty good at him, completely stopped playing the champion and tbh nobody plays him and i think his pick rate will keep on decreasing because of how broken champions they are adding to the game sett viego seraphine senna when she is ahead gwen etc
@@mehmetabdullah250 Yep riot only cares about money now
Feel you
I still miss old Aatrox, his gameplay now I'd horrible, Is like a beat down cheap riven, just that everything is worse
DontRemakeAatrox has not played League of legends since the aatrox rework.
That's so sad :c
I was also an Aatrox main I quit for 2 years came back this season 9 but the joy is never the same
i did the same.
Don't blame him
Exil is that guy in class that everyone wants to have in their presentation group
Lol that's so true
"Today well be holding s Presentation about World War 2 but first id like to talk about Pro Guides"
"Fight and be remembered or die and be forgotten!" I miss you my friend..
Oryx to Nokris and Crota when they let the Vex into his Throne Room.
I'll remember The Aatrox as one of my best experiences 👍👍
We all will remember our sweet prince.
I mean technically he still says that line
This battle will be my masterpiece...
What hurts to me the most, was the lie. They stated they were simply going to change his e and q and perhaps give him a better model...and then they changed his entire gameplay loop and his voice and everything...this was stated on the forum.
They wanted to keep his resurrect but it was too much of a problem in terms of balance. But the still changed almost everything
@@ДюсековИльяс I'm not even talking about his resurrect. That was just the straw that broke the camels back.
@@shadows_star yeah
@@ДюсековИльяс they kept nothing . Just made a new champ and slapped the name Aatrox over it ... sad .
Yeah they were totally fucking dishonest. They just said they were gonna scrap his entire kit, but they fucked his lore, they fucked his voice, they fucked his model, they fucked his personality, they fucked everything. Fucking assholes.
everyone gangsta untill the deer from summoners' rift start talking
ok eu ri disso
I laughed so hard at this comment lmao
Trick2g : thats the deer !!!
André da Costa tru tru
Me: I want to play aatrox
Riot: We have aatrox at home
I don't get it
Aatrox at home:
When I see people that cant use 1% of their brain in league I laugh just like you guys who cant play the new aatrox who isnt really that complicated you guys just are bad I guess
@@ermindedic3706 its just not as fun or the same as the champ released lmao
The worst thing they did to Aatrox is giving him some love before killing him off and replacing him.
The firstlove after 5 year too.
@@nabkill0134 yup before that aatrox was good only in season 3 atleast jungle aatrox back then was op as shit still my favorite jungler
Faker even played him professionally just few weeks before the rework I think. I was even thinking of buying Aatrox right then and there
felt like a breakup to aatrox fans like myself... I remember 2016-2017 I loved aatrox that I played him more than 37 games in a row
people would not have been that mad had they not fixed him before ruining him again.
i would still complain though as i really liked him.
Aatrox was literally murdered. I miss his revive, life steal signature, his philosophical quotes!
This was such a unique champion!
Except he still has all of those just not his revive?
@@2g4u56 nah man his original lines/quotes were far better before. Riot did Aatrox no justice
Riot Murdered every champion I have Mained since the Beginning. Old Soraka Top, Old Yorick, Old Galio, Old Kayle. I had over 60-75% winrate on those champs. The Reworks completely changed their playstyle. I liked the Old Aatrox once I managed to understand how to play him. From a Blood Thirst to Go in flash pop ult and become maniac auto attacking, kiting and playing arround W. To a Clumsy stuck in animation Flanking Champ.
@@MartinBuzon i play the game since season 2 and i like all the champion updates mostly beacause they made them more difficult to play. Like almost all of their champ updates made the champs more demanding and i think this makes it a good change.
@@ΝίκοςΠαπαγιάννης-φ4φ Making them more difficult to play doesn't mean, changing the whole concept of the champion and what makes them fun to play.... Please try to be reasonable.
Aatrox went from:
"Look how I massacre this boy" to
"Look how they massacred my poor boy"
Maybe if RITO would just apply a movespeed debuff during his Q cast instead of rooting him and reduce both cd and lifesteal from his E for balancing, maybe he wouldn't be so god damn awful. I too am sad that Aatrox is no longer what he once was.
NMG 11 Yea I agree ;(
@@NMG.11 Go back to how his Q cd worked, Give back his E stacks and this champ is good imo.
NMG 11 Aatrox right now is al but awful. If you play him well to the point of almost scripting, he can still be God-Tier.
Aatrox from devil may cry to devilman crybaby he lost all his identity
I feel for the Aatrox fans. I felt this way when Mordekaiser got reworked. I miss the ghost dragon to this day
yeah they shouldve kept the enemy champ ghost on as part of his current ult, mostly because after he ults its just the same buff as trundle
@Bruh Momentum riot games is all about money now
Yorick pls
Them olds Kits where my absolute otp Champs i basicly only played them prerework. Now i never Play them cuz the new mit is so much less fun..
Tahm Kench
I used to play him before the rework, I loved it and when I saw his rework, I felt terrible for the mains that were finally happy
I was just thinking yesterday how I found the character's lore really cool back when I started playing and wondering if anybody still played him. Guess not 😬
I think he is cooler after the rework to be honest, but I it is a feels bad that Champs you love playing all the time gets changed and don't feel right anymore
Same as my swain
Bro he got so many changes but nobody said he is not playable as old tommorow i will go attack speed crit damagr and damage and see if it works
@@yusufh7278 especially now he feels weak. the only times it was strong was on release because of the revive and when they gave him a mini rework in season 9 in the end they removed more of his kit. i really don't like his new q just my opinion, easily can be dodged and weak spots do no damage
The only thing that carried over from my old Aatrox, to the new one is Mastery 7. It doesn’t even say i got it from old Aatrox. RIP
I have more mastery with Aatrox than most of his mains, and haven't played him since the removal of Aatrox in favor of Boris.
Honestly , I don't understand why Riot don't reset masteries in these situations like come on. I look like a noob with new AA.
Same here.... also an attrox main ....easy kill for yasuo way back time......but they nerfed him alot....miss his q like malphite. Ss..
Same for me with Mordekaiser. First champ I got to M5 when he was a botlaner.
He still lives in our hopes and dreams. There is a chance for him to come back, even if it is a small chance. Maybe not as Aatrox, but as the 4th darkin.
I hope so, if they want to preserve the actual champion named aatrox i just ask them to fine another mame and give me my old legend back
@@briancastiglione3887 name him St'Aatrix hahahaha Void-based Darkin lol. Name fits the Kai'Sa development well.
I’m thinking maybe the new bruiser champ will be like old Aatrox
@@briancastiglione3887 it will really hurt me... but you are right
Wait did they literally remove him from the game?
As someone who played Aatrox before the rework, they should've just released the rework as a new champion.
Can we revert Aatrox and put the rework as a new champ called Boris?
I agree that aatrox helped me bear over confident Warwicks that came outa the wood work as soon as he updated.
I was main of old Aatrox. Now after 3 years i have the same mastery points as i had before rework bcs this new Aatrox is just trash.
Riot could literally revert Aatrox and make a new champ and say "Oh yeah this guy that feels just like new Aatrox is someone who managed to escape Aatrox's grasped or something lmao"
''and hes pretty balanced right now''
*you hear hashinshin crying in the distance*
More like screaming
hashinshin sometimes makes solid criticism of the game but he goes way overboard most of the time tbh
@@diegoseba12 He's not meant to even be in diamond lmao he deserves silver.
Chode ???
@@steviejrr ???
the aatrox struggle always reminds me of what happened to twisted treeline. Riot made zero changes for 3 years to the gamemode, wondered why playerbase for it kept dropping, then removed it
Imagine an Aatrox main from season 4 coming back at season 9, literally my first reaction was:"Wtf happened to him its totally different".....
that happend to me, but i love the rework
@@juanmanuelvelasaldivar7888 it's not that I hate the rework the problem is that I loved the old kit and they didn't tweak it but they totally deleted it.
that is what happend to me
@Spark at least volibear somehow resembles his older self, the new Aatrox only resemble the old one by his red/black color palette, nothing else.
Wtf riot fix your game this is bugging so much
Aatrox was no longer aatrox
He became QQQtrox
LRDK hahahahhaha I want his revive back that was what made him aatrox
Da Arkus more like W Q E Q Q
Auto Attack = AA + troxx = aatrox will always be remembered 2020 happy new year🎆
Ur right they should've change the name to qqtrox
Well if you use the azerty keyboard. It is AAtrox
I remember my first time just getting into league. A friend of mine was gushing over champs I should try. Going on and on about people like garen, yasuo, gnar at the time. And all the while I simply pointed on the roster list and said "and who's this?" Her reply was "oh that's aatrox. He looks cool but hes actually really bad and not played at all" from that day forth I grinded the points needed to unlock aatrox for free and quickly proceeded to get my ass handed to me on a silver platter. I lost a lot. And I learned a lot. As the years went on I became an aatrox main. Every intricacy of his kit I learned to master. And people loved and hated me for what I was able to do with a garbage champion. He is to this day the highest champion with mastery on my account. If I ever come back to league I will make a new account as to not tarnish the record that aatrox holds on my original account. Old aatrox will forever be my favorite champion league ever made me. Sorry for the long read.
Feels bad man. I too played old aatrox a lot. Now, its nerfed to the point that it isnt even playable and its just way too boring. They didnt keep anything of what made old aatrox so fun to play like diving onto the entire team and pressing R to heal for a ridiculous amount and never actually die thanks to the awesome lifesteal when u were a bit fed... really miss old aatrox.
"And people loved and hated me for what I was able to do with a garbage champion" The feels man
I would like to correct this isnt Aatrox, this is QQQtrox the elo ender, when the rework drop a lot of aatrox mains actually write riot a ticket to remove their mastery points including my hard earned 670k as a protest. This could be said the worst rework riot actually did, in fact this rework is so bad this makes the poppy rework look fantastic. I believe this is the rework was done while they are are smoking bong that they are so high and stupid when they designed it. Aatrox used to be a very good initiator/hypercarry now he is just a stupid hit or miss cc fighter that can be fully counter by a 900 gold item. Pre rework aatrox culls Olaf's ass but now olaf walks over him and ignore 100% off his kit
Same story here lol
RIP when Aatrox was released I just came back from camp with my highschool. Once we were home we all Skyped and played a game man I loved release aatrox it was awesome
Every time League has a "Help Us Improve" option on the home screen, I always tell them to bring back old Aatrox, even if it has to be a new champion with his old mechanics.
doesn't that just mean you love his kit more than the champ itself? I wasn't able to play old aatrox but his kit looks overpowered
@@hotboat7054it's not op it's surprisingly balanced because you'll suck if you don't know what your doing unlike Samira
@@IamNotABlockOfCheesehonestly the new champ Briar looks a little similar
@@tristanbryan3067 yeah but she is a little different, she doesnt sacrifice life for combat and has to be changing between life steal/more damage, she is more about think when to enter with berserk and killing everything
Old Aatrox mains: he exist only in my memory now
I'm crying sooooooooooo badly for the old one
dude I fell you too. The OG Aatrox was my most played champ ... Never liked the rework tbh. AND HE LOST HIS DAMN WINGS HAAAAAAAA
i mained aatrox before the rework, its sad that with the old aatrox gone, i feel like the league is not the same anymore :(
I remember good old days when I could solo dragon with him at lvl 2
The most sad thing about it was that just before the rework, he was very good. He was top tier at toplane if i'm right and a good pick in competitive play. So basically, just when he actually worked and was good from a long time of being kinda shit, they just nah lets rework. Donghuap made a video about the Aatrox rework where he mentioned this and talks about it more.
Exil: *saying Aatroxs skins looks like chromas*
Me: *looks at Zac*
How to use different fonts?
@@busystudent6858 put * before and after your text
Looking at xerath
@@Krisliet they have been spitted on Xerath so hard
@@keleee *Thank you*
You know the crazy part about all of this is they could add old Aatrox and it would still make sense in the lore. They might have to change some voice lines but since he turn their bodies and corrupts them he could technically just be two different time periods or two different people. Plus that would be really interesting in my opinion if they did that
Remember when Poppy could be invincible to 4 players for 6 seconds?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Chad Roemer yea, and they gave her ult to the new Mord smh
@@10k-l1r At least you could save your ally.
Now if he's ulted you can only pray he will survive for enough time
Technically speaking, Morde is the only one to be able to have invincibility against 4 enemy champions ASIDE from what his ult targets. Oh, and he stays thete until the timer runs out, or either duelist's HP runs out. (Because its just a forced duel.)
Morde's ult should be Poppy's
However I understand why his ult needed to be drastically changed. A point and click half your health DOT is not exactly engaging gameplay.
Bring back old Poppy campaign
Mordekaiser: Remember when I had ghost slaves?
I'm mad at the title of this video. Morde did not need to be touched, and people need to remember.
@@in_vas_por8810 Mordekeiser was a bad rework, yes. He did keep a lot of his identity though, and I don't think they could ever balance the ghost on a new champion. He was my second most played toplaner after Aatrox ironically, and now Voli is being reworked too :')
@@Aldoz Bro you can tell if you had played the old Morde he is now a completely different champion and has nothing of the old one that made him fun, that's why Mid Mordekaiser doesn't play him anymore. Although I have to admit he did feel like one of those champions that is either really weak or completely broken depending on his buffs
@@in_vas_por8810 I agree
@@hylash5444 800K Old Mordekaiser here :c
"Are you getting ganked in your own lane?"
As opposed to...?
counter ganking and pre lane ganking. f*cking xins
As opposed to getting ganked in your teammates' lanes XD
Getting ganked while in your mid's lane. Get back top, Darius
New meta in Iron 4.
Man I loved Aatrox on release. That lifesteal/damage w change was the best. Now he’s just someone that we used to know
everybody gangsta til the summoners rift deer start talking
Aatrox to riot: "You won't let me live...
you won't let me die!"
That's actually his lore after rework lol ironic
CG-Blight that is literally the exact opposite of ironic.
Aatrox was actually viable,after having never been, right before rework, this is peak irony
Because his numbers were high af
He was more fun and balanced then he is right now. He sucks right now, tanks beat him, mages beat him, ranged champions beat him. Picking any other bruiser is better then picking aatrox.
@@TheUnholybringer hes fun though
@@Key.Fantasy thats his only upside..if you sre looking to climb i wouldnt recommend him unless you are as good as hashinshin on him or in low elo
So was old aatrox :p
I remember hearing his voiceover, and then "Where is the art? why is he just screaming while in the past he was very polite? why no Trynda interactions? It's ok he is very angry due to Twilight aspect locking him away, but old one was unique, he just turn the tides of some wars while being a total gentleman with his quotes
I feel his personality was similar to Jhin, but Aatro wasn't that crazy, he was amazing, his dark flight was WOW he literally crashed at the enemies.
I was literally waiting for a pool party skin where he uses his wings as some big signs, as hinted in one splash art, but until today we got nothing, just garbage skins for him that literally are all the same, worst victorious
I can't say I hate new Aatro, but I really miss the old one
Same here my bud. I cant understand why new ver is so argressive and screams so much, but the old one is just badass
They are interactions with trynd
Just now coming back after quitting years ago. Look how they massacred my boy.
New Aatrox is really fun though
@@greytakumi3823 no
Grey Takumi no
Grey Takumi no
@@greytakumi3823 fk no. U guys couldn't see how they massacred my boy
Do you guys think Aphelios will be as hard to balance as Aatrox seems to be over the years?
Yeah, I think so.
his kit is so awkward that i dont know how he will be balanced
He’s gonna be the most broken mofo of all time:
Yeah .I expect him to dominate and to get gutted 3 months in.
I loved the old Aatrox, its voice, its looks, and his old Q, specially when I played it with a Zephyr.
Hope they bring back zephyr. They did promise a season of item updates.
I always played him as an ad caster. It was delicious
Now we are stuck with Boris, the vodka ender
@Karl Bischoff The old Aatrox was not broken, Guinsoo's Rageblade was. While the item was broken all the champions that synergized with it dominated the meta. Espacially Aatrox. If they had just fixed the item he would be the same tier pick as Riven or Maokai. Aka, decent.
"And now they have given us rhaast"
Varus: "am I a joke to you?"
Old Varus lore was simply amazing, now is ok but couldn't just be "Varus took the bow hidden in the ionian temple and awoke the Darkin?" why changing it so much, now his lore makes no sense with who he was
they recycled Varus, because they're lazy to create another darkin to fill the five darkins role.
@@thomas86800 That's not a bad idea, Varus has a bow, that's enough, only that his history was altered stupidly, the "guy that protected Ionia" was amazing, he stand against his enemies who killed his people and his only option was to use the darkin bow. When Varus was confirmed to be a Darkin that was amazing too, I remember thinking WOW THEN VARUS WAS TAKING CARE OF A DARKIN WEAPON WITHOUT KNOWING IT
But now two hunters that were dying... that makes no sense, old Varus had control of the darkin powers, now it's really confusing, what is Varus doing at the moment in Runeterra? what are his goals?
Old Varus was better
@@nicolasarroyo1746 because you make those questions, it confirms that everything Riot did after Aatrox remake about darkins was wrong. making them weapons and then recycling champions.
lets be real, they was lazy, they also needs woke content. like Aatrox, Varus was just another victim.
ironically varus needs a rework now cause his passive name and his w and r actually dont make any sense to his lore character, not to mention he vaulted in his lore (mobile adcs are usually cancer but still give the man his dues)
when you said the next documentary was about aatrox in your q&a i didn't expect this so soon lol
hahha well here it is! Hope you enjoy!
Its cus when you hear Aatrox you're used to waiting a long time
@@alvaroesteche9917 lolol
Old aatrox is better than the latest one.
Exil : No other champion has received this many changes
Riot : Hold my Angry blue boi!!!
I hear about they want to rework him again.
It's like a yearly blue boi update
@@alexgeorge1421 They should, he's one of the lest skill expressive mid lane carries atm. Just go E+Q and melt the entire enemy team in teamfights.
@@tudi1999 Q+E+Q.
Better nerf Irealia
I still miss this elegant, poised, mysterious swordsman that viewed battle as an art form. From his dialogue to his animations, poses- everything. I personally loved the old design purely from an aesthetic standpoint and his identity as a character was totally annihilated. The way his old sword bent and stretched and pulsed to this big, heavy, blunt greatsword. From elegant to brutish. Calm to rage-fueled. I’m still so salty about this.
I feel like if they ever went back and showed Aatrox before he became a darkin, he’d be like his old self in his swordstyle and traits.
I will never forget when Aatrox came out. I was playing him all day, full crit, attack spead and lifesteal😂. Those were good days. From time to time I come here to watch this video and remember pre-reworked Aatrox :/
Unfortunately, you cannot do builds like those because even morons with no idea how to build characters can oneshot you with support champs because of how high the base damage is and if you go up against actually dangerous champion - full offence old Aatrox person would die before finishing the Q animation.
Many years ago, maybe 2 or 3, i was just starting to play league of legends, and among all the roster of champions at the time aatrox was the one that caught my eye the most, maybe it was because he was at the top of the alfabetical list every time i opened the store, or that complicated sword and visuals of the splash art, and when i read his lore and saw his abilities i knew i had to main the guy alongside the old warwick, he was the first champion i had to save in game money to buy, and i loved every single game i played with him, he was my first and only pentakill.
But, after the rework, something just stopped clicking with the champion, he seemed directionless to me, from being pretty straightfoward and fun to somewhat clunky and ability reliant, more so when his ability to revive was removed, this was not the same almost mythical demon of war i first glanced when i started playing league.
I am not blind to the improvements made however, i can see how he fits better in the current state of the game, but the nostalgia of an undying warrior wielding a demonic sword of a unseen and unforgetable design is still there.
I will continue playing this new aatrox, just to somehow honor my past self in some way, i am not about to give up on the name of
Aatrox as he once stood in my memory, because pain is temporary, victory is forever.
Same here
I still main him but... the old spark just isnt there
I feel that, I still try to play him over and over again, hoping to feel what I used to feel when I played him before the rework, just to remember that I won't feel that again
holy shit you should be a story teller mate
This video made me realize how much I missed old Aatrox's Q and E.
Same for me, but for his ult and W.
Old aatrox's Q is kinda preserved in his 3rd q+e combo. And his old E is just his first q now
@@avarise5607 feels like a bonk more than a divebomb
old Q W E was amazing!, They could have used old E visuals, that skill wasn't very powerful but I loved it
I feel like riot is systematically removing auto attack based fighfers from the game and shifting them towards ability bursting. Aatrox is most significant, but also Irelia was totally changed in style and even xin to a lesser extent. All champs o mailed and loved that riot had to drastically change.
Yeah i agree, i feel like what riot is doing rn is making champs’ mechanics more “modern” and sophisticated, allowing for more outplay and combo potential. Take Warwick for example, his old Q used to spin around, heal, and his R is not a skillshot. Now his q has two ways to cast, attached, dodging cc(Much better 1 v 2s) , and instant cast, which does not displace the champ. His R a skillshot, rewarding the player for his/her aim. Irelia as well, her ult used to shoot out 3 projectiles, now the ultimate synchronizes with her Q and has a much greater potential in teamfights. Honestly i like (most) of what riot is doing. Because if the game is not updated constantly, it would lose its players as time goes on...
@@alanhe9721 idunno, I feel like they could just add more new champs instead of drastically changing old ones
F for old Sion
at least Irelia and Xin main gameplay still the same , Irelia change more but she still go in and slash down her target.
But why Tryndamere still the same??? That piece of anti fun champion still running around with RNG kit(which league champ ain't suppose to have). Free heal , free crit , huge slow , even more mobile than aatrox , 5 second of unkillable so he can drive tower without even thinking. When his core problem is the same as old aatrox , But why the hell he still a thing???
@@alanhe9721 OG warwick was such a goat. The AP builds on that one.
18:14 "So, where does this leave us now?" Nowhere. For me, Aatrox just doesn't have a identity anymore. When I was a kid and saw my brother scrolling through the champions page, and i saw old Aatrox and 10 year old me was like: DUUUDE THAT CHARACTER IS SO COOOL, I WANT TO PLAY WITH HIIIIIM! And now, when 13 year old me saw the rework announcement, i was overwhelmed with joy. "I waited so long for this!" I said. And then, days before my 14th birthday, he arrived. And i almost cried. What i was seeing, just wasn't Aatrox. It was just some generic skill based champ that Riven mains would play. That cold personality of old Aatrox, thinking of war as some form of art, was just incredible. And just like that, it's gone. Then they turn him into a rage machine, just like Tryndamere or Sion. I loved old Aatrox's kit, loved the self heal/ Hp for damage play style. "They did good with every other rework, why would they mess up now....?" i said. In later patches, i saw his revive removed. And i just, stopped playing. I didn't even care anymore. Then, i never played League of Legends ever since. They just destroyed the only champion i truly liked. And, like you said, he will never come back. Rest in peace Aatrox, the only champion i ever mained in League of Legends. Sorry for the long text, and to whoever sees this, have a good day.
Brother ❤️
How can a complete stranger so perfectly express how I feel? I too haven't played since the rework ..... disgusted, disappointed to the core, I walked away. By random youtube chance did I stumble upon this video, only to find a kindred spirit. Glad to see my boy is remembered. Good day to you too, Sir
Completely agree bro
I felt this way about Galio
@@nautilume7114 you were a old galio otp? 😮
"Patience, Aatrox! Patience! Your freedom will come!"
"I am but an unholy copy of life... A mockery of its freedom... And born in the cruel betrayal of the noble ideals I would've served."
It's the old aatrox inside of him trying to escape
Nobody cares about those lines haters just gonna spam his jokes as edgy/dumb.
People are really not objectives... Actual Aatrox had really good quotes, and a very good personnality. His entire existence is a torture for himself, and act like he embrace his darkin side... But he can't.
Technically, Kog'Maw was also removed once with a patch, they accidentely deleted him from the game files xD
there was also gangplank when he died lmao
@@haruharaharuko1222 was more like a forced vacation
Technically, this whole premise of video is a lie.
Its not a first time they removed a champion.
What about Sion? He was a juggernaut with huge boost to autoattack and no mobility *at all*. They turned him into full tank with hints of juggernaut.
Mordekaiser? He was a undead lord who enslave souls and turn them directly against enemy.
And looking from another approach, Gangplank? He was literally removed from the game for lore reasons.
No. Aatrox isn't only champ removed from the game.
@@TGCitizen sions still has the "gains health by killing" still has a shield that explodes and still has CC on Q even though it is applied differently
Gangplank still deals DoT with his passive, fires a gun with his Q, heals with his W and his ult is the same as the original one, only instead of being an area where random balls fall, it affects a the complete area
Morde still has an area of metal surrounding him that gives MS, a Q that empowers his mace to deal damages even though now is a skillshot, he still has passive shield, but now he has to rise them instead of just getting it for free and his ult still is a "point and click enjoy your life 'cause now you are dead"
The old Yorick who wasn’t even on free rotation: •_•
You still have a champ that "summons" something and deals most damage with
Crusty Doodlesack I remember that I had been playing for almost 1 year when I first saw a Yorick. Didn’t even knew what his abilities did
New Yorick still has similiarish playstyle and theme. Same with Karma btw. Aatrox rework was literally turning Tryndamere into Riven.
@@alephviga645 so elise is yorick, got kt
@@va11ejo funny thing about old Yorick is that all his abilities used to do the same thing, while being low counterplay ones. Probably old Yorick is THE worst designed champion of the game. He still was kinda fun because of it lol
I find this video really interesting because I started playing league recently. Aatrox(rework) was one of the first champs that caught my eye and one of the first I picked up. I loved him and now he is one of my favorite champs in every aspect(lore, voice lines, model and splash, gameplay), but he's so removed from the people who he really belonged to.
Old Aatrox was the champion I wanted to main before I got into playing league but just before I got to actually play he was reworked into something completely different from the champ I loved to watch and wanted to play.
I miss him dearly
Watching this makes me realize how much I truly miss old Aatrox. He was my number 1 main pre-prerework, and the prerework was so good and i loved all of it. Now with "Boris" I can't play the champion at all and would honestly choose to take my m7 off of my account if I could
Aatrox: i wanna use my blood for abilities
Riot: no
I can hear pantheon's celestial laughter a miles away..
Pantheon was also reworked heavily. Old Panth was a gigachad Spartan warrior, who would crash you with his buttcheeks.
New Panth is a flashy diva with some complicated lore that no one, not even the writers, really understands.
Aatrox Before Rework:
"This Battle will be my Masterpiece!"
"Pain is temporary, Victory is forever!"
"They will greet you as a hero!"
Aatrox after rework:
He use to talk like a fucking viking going into battle. An absolute warrior through and through.
Best design for me it was my favorite champion but they change him for money
So, pre rework aatrox was shit? Whats your point?
Seems like y'all sleeping on actual good quotes he has rn than he has back then
Oh man, i've heard those lines in my head as i read them. Im really missing my bro. League hasnt been the same without him for me.
Well, that's embarrassing... I barely even started making the video you encouraged me to make (which will never reach your quality level) and you already made a new one. You are fast :D
But thanks to the fact that you answered my question in your Q&A 50 people subscribed to me, many of them wrote supportive comments and they all seem to be waiting for the video that I'm currently making (I really don't want to disappoint them ;-;). This is huge and once again thank you so much. It really shows how great is the community you've built :D I mean look at this... your comment section consists mostly of people praising your content, telling jokes or simply commenting the video. No toxicity, no flame. That is really awesome!
IKR !! I mean he's my favourite league of legends content creator ever, besides his voice is soo relieving that it makes me question my sexuality from time to time 😂
@@mohammeddehares5973 oh thank goodness, thought I was the only one haha
Wikwil, start slow then as you get more experience you'll be just as fast. Don't worry my friend, I'm suscribed. I saw you Question on the Q&A thanks for your time and all the best
The saddest moment I witnessed in my life was when the french streamer Yoonns was asked if he would like the old Aatrox to come back and he answered : Every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every year do I wish for the old Aatrox to come back.
Zeekee you’re a lucky kid
Wow so sad
C’est triste 😔
(For context) : Yoonns payed so much of the old Aatrox he was at 692 553 points on him the day before his rework. He played him full crit and had a move called the "Spéciale Yoonns" which was when he killed using the aoe of his ult.
This is all gone end up with the lore reasoning that attrox' fighting style changes depending on who wields he blade, and then they are gonna make him like some weird Mokujin where every time you play him he uses a random "form", except based on all his different versions instead on "other characters"
a rework turn Aatrox into a undead riven and now the cummunity think the real Aatrox is dead
manga reader executioner Glp os that you? Xd
Cummunity sounds like the name if a really interesting porno
@Baxi Tabaxi lol is that really how bad Aatrox is now?
I'm thinking about buying him and using him in rank.
Aatrox is fine atm, pretty solid mid game bruiser
I still remember and still feel the anger whenever i think of the rework .
Old Aatrox mains are martyrs .
I miss the old Aatrox when i could just build AD+Attack Speed, one Hydra and just demolish any ADC like "#ADCin2017lul"...
@@zerovermilion8715 just building him ad and attack speed wasn't the right to play him tho
I remember when I'd gotten enough life steal in the jungle to always use extra damage w and not lose any hp. Rip.
I mean, to be fair, old sion was basically removed from the game
@@Zeklore not really but yeah, an extreme rework we got here too but at least this one was justified by the fact that old Sion had some true problems, Riot tend to remove point to click stuns (like old Taric's one) and that old ultimate was really strange and might be overpowered to these days, not even saying that old Sion had a stupid passive ability
"Health cost removed so you wouldn't end up dying to your own kit because god forbid you just wanted to play the game" I CRIED XDD
The first champ I main became the last champ I want to play
*Only Champion Riot Has Ever Removed*
Urf the Manatee: "Am I a joke to you?"
He was devoured by warwick, he was never in the game
Jax was actually removed back when dodge runes existed, GP was temp removed for lore too.
@@makathebaka8768 what the youtuber means with removed is to have a kit that resembles nothing about his pre-rework kit, jax still had a lamp and still jumps from enemy to enemy smashing them with his increasingly faster auto attacks and the lamp on fire + his ult passive
Og sion xD
This ppl are some amateurs, aatroxx is an existing champ, just reworked. And rip urf...
The Graves rework was up there with this. Went from an ADC to jungle.
gmanjr123456 galio as well
swain is just a support now.
@@iMoD190 You can still play him mid or top yah goober. You're not entirely bound to the tags above champ select.
@@spacehitler4537 he's no longer tagged as top or mid because his play rate is so low. api sites have more data on kalista top and lulu mid than they do on swain. no one is playing him because he's shit in lane. his changes have managed to make him less popular than pre-rework and unintentionally turned him into a mediocre support.
@@iMoD190 When people bring up stats like this I just think of stuff like Sion jungle. It hardly shows up on his pick rates, but that doesn't mean he's shit in the role. It just means that a large portion of players prefer him that role. Swains kit has alot of nice utility which many feel is wasted in a solo lane, but if you synergize with a jungler you can still take advantage of this aspect of his kit.
Imagine aatrox having two form like kayn old and new aatrox
That WOULD be interesting
thats actually a cool idea
Wow i love this idea. Yes please!!
would just end up with one of them being stronger and you wouldnt see the other at all
Honestly if they did that I would be so happy I used to absolutely love old aatrox he got me to gold and I just really clicked with the playstyle I miss my old main
I literally started the game on Aatrox. The third week after his original release (his free-to-play week). This was, of course, back when new players had the same free champion pool as everyone else. As soon as I had the IP to, I bought him. I proceeded to play him almost exclusively because he was incredibly unique and had a playstyle I adored. I was overjoyed when they put out the mini-rework and made him an amazingly viable champion with almost his entire feel and playstyle intact (I did personally love the health-throttling aspects that got taken out). After they put out the full rework, I tried to keep playing Aatrox, but ended up stopping completely, and eventually stopped playing top lane almost entirely. I just don't have a fighter/bruiser with a playstyle that fits me anymore.
I love how all these people are QQing over newer champ reworks. I'm sitting here wishing I could play old Yorick again with his useful ghouls back.
Tell me about it. I mean the rework is cool and all, but old yorick resonated differently with me idk
@@eraldidisho4325 old yorick was League's closest champ to a Meepo type hero from DoTA
I’m sad I didn’t get to play old yorick. I was young at the time and had the mind set “if it doesn’t look cool, I’m not playing it!” Boy did I miss out on fun moments with him. Love the current yorick, but damn.
I'm out here missing old Urgot, that was one sexy beast.
Does noone remember the good old akali from season 6? (before the minirework on passive and shroud?) no just me ? okay.. :'c you're missed Akali
Udyr: "I'm still out here guys..."
Atleast he has all, stun, shield, attack speed, movement speed
@@recruit7416 Oh yeah, thats why he is the best champion in the game right? right...
@@stephensun8460 He doesn't need to be the best
The only autoattacking champ we have left..
@@itscanyonevesimp máster yi says helo
When you did the time line for the patch changes i was like wow, But not surprising due to the fact that i remember with old talon, i believe it was maybe almost 2 years after his release (honestly forgot how long it was) that it had turned out his passive was never on, Once turned on it dealt insane damage and they had to nerf it before throwing it live, couldnt believe how they never noticed an ablilty (or passive) that was never working for so long. O also great video!
Wow are you serious?! The coders really messed up.
I was wondering why it suddenly felt like Talon was busted. Now I know.
RIP Galio, a champion who was also removed but unlike Aatrox has been completely forgotten. Really miss dominating mid mages with him by healing off their damage. He kept nothing from his old kit, unless you consider his new taunt comparable to his old R which it definitely isn't. Old Galio fit a nice niche, new Galio is just meh. Of course, with the current items old Galio might've been too op.
Old galio was my second favorite champ ever
Galio doesn't even look the same anymore, not remotely
They deleted A Sol..... And Urgot..... and Mordekaiser.... and Yorick.... and Poppy....
Riot employee: Lets release a darkin!
Riot HQ: There is Aatrox
Who's Aatrox?
I just dont get the joke
It's because it's a completely different champion and they could have made... well... a completely new champion instead of reworking Aatrox
@@helios1087 Renekton and Nasus? 😂
@@a.arrondel6379 Nasus is an ascended, Renekton is an ascended made mad by Xerath. The darkins are ascended who have been corrupted by the void.
I was a mono aatrox before the rework, and the feeling of playing him was amazing. The on hit animation and sound... dude.. it felt really nice to third hit with his W on. I remember surprising full health enemies when i was below 100 hp with that absurd life steal and it was the greatest feeling ever. I miss that champ :(
Saddest thing about that rework was they changed him completely. Just when he was shit for years and they just reworked when old aatrox actually became viable
same happened with galio tbh
@@ShaneStapler Galio had allstar winrate for 4 years before he was reworked (highest average winrate between every patch a year)
@@ShaneStapler Im not aatrox main but I loved jax and tryndamere basically champs that are auto based and jump in and blow ppl up and die with them. Aatrox was so fitting to my ideal playstyle and finally got buffed to be viable and just got removed. I only played him for few weeks consistently only to have my new fav champ taken away.. im still sad man
Their all bastardos
Yeah they changed his kit but he still has the same idea about him, he is still a drain tank, that is his identity
I still cant wrap my head around why they scrapped the "Whipsword" that made him so iconic...
They could have fixed his kit by:
-Making his Ult Autos AOE (kinda like twitch, but in a cone)
-Make his old Q work like Galios current E
No he was perfect. The golden age was after his passive rework when they introduced the stacks but still nerfed into oblivion. You really had to think and know every matchups. Only thing is that he should have been invincible while in the air as he jumped.
@@Sul_Shadw i would not call it golden age, as it only lasted a month. Also, he climbed from being the worst toplaner to being the absolute best toplaner in a single patch, due to changes toTitanic Hydra. (This is not a good sign for champions health)
But yes, there was absolutely no reason for them to literally delete the champion. The Aatrox rework could also have been a completely new champion and no one would have complained.
The old Aatrox had his problems tho, especially when i try to imagine him in the current meta with the new items.
All he needed were small adjustments, and maybe a new E.
@@ButterNuss. The golden age I refer to is the period after patch 7.5-6 till the season 8 where Aatrox became popular, it lasted about 5 month or more I think. I am not really sure how the Titanic buff happened as I stopped playing league before that and only came back in 2019 when I discovered Aatrox didn't existed anymore. After this, I stopped playing league and couldn't find another champ to otp so I have no idea about the current state of the game and the new items.
Imao the E was fine, it provided not only a poke but an engage(and an escape, negligible but still). And allowed for an alternative poke/burst strat if maxed first(not my play style though). To me only the Q need a adjustment as written in my previous comment
Shoutout to the old Aatrox Mains” He shall always be remembered
I was one
I played it and still miss it. Aatrox now is terrible
I missed old aatrox :(
Still hoping for riot to revert the rework or release a new champ with the same/similar kit
He's always loved and never forgotten
"That was your shortest, saddest story yet"
- Dan Avidan
From a popular battle kid video.
But I think it works here too.
Dan's a treasure
@@97fez Thanks. Also, ggs on MHW. Great game.
@@c4nvm hey thanks :)
"are you getting ganked in your own lane?"
as opposed to getting ganked in someone else's lane?
Dont call me out
Aatrox has a special place in my heart since he was the first champ i ever picked
"The day I lost my identity"
Old aatrox:" fight and be remembered as a hero..."
New aatrox:" COME"
Orsabell peace is the biggest lie of the history
Pain is temporary, Victory .. Is FOREVER!
Thomas the Tank Engine yes
New Aatrox: **The cries of an angry russian on mass amounts of cocaine**
It still baffles me why, when the mini rework was so successful, they didn't just make a new champion with all of the coding etc. they did for the full rework. The community loved min-rework aatrox and they probably would have made a lot of goodwill by saying "surprise! we're not reworking him anymore and you get a shiny new champion a little later instead."
Yeah. Easy double win for Riot if they'd done it.
He doesn't really talk about it, but pre-rework Aatrox had some serious balance issues that made him troublesome to balance. The biggest problem was the whole drain tank on autos aspect. During that time period all the prominent Drain Tank champions were getting reworks. Warwick was reworked. Swain was reworked. Vladamir was reworked a long time ago. In general Drain Tanks were being reworked because of their fest and famine style of play. Drain tanks have a large amount of their defense locked in sustain. The problem this causes is if a drain tank stays alive they never die because they their kit just endlessly sustains and if they fall behind they're incredibly weak because they do not have the time to sustain and stay alive. This creates a very problematic scenario where said champions have very polarizing game play. The main champion that has his problem is Dr. Mundo once he gets ahead or if your team doesn't have the damage he's borderline impossible to kill. But the problem with all these champions is that their sustain is not tied to their ultimate but basic abilities and passives which just further examplifies this problem.
Riot changed this by shifting power away from being a drain tank and making it more conditional. A lot of Vladamir's vamp comes from his empowered Q as opposed to the regular Q he had and some of it was moved to his ultimate. Warwick moved away from being entirely around healing though he still retains elements of it and defensive power was moved to his E. Swain got a time based ult instead of one he could activate whenever he wants and healing elements were moved to his W and CCing enemies.
The second problem is kind of that he had this stat-checky bruiser element to him. Every single champion in this game relies on items to an extent, but these auto attack carries rely on it the most. Basically because he was so reliant on AAs this made him scale really well with numbers and certain items when they show up. The problem with those champions that tend to be solely reliant on AAs is that they scale super well with certain items, more so than most champions. Do you remember pre-rework Irelia, pre-rework Xin Zhao, pre-rework Kayle, and to an extent Jax, Tryndmere, and Yi. The balance of these champions was highly reliant on the items they synergize with. Every time certain items, Guinsoos and Triforce for an example, these champions had a tendency to break harder than most because their damage is based on AAs. Most of these champions were changed to have their power be expressed through different way. The power on Irelia's W was moved to her passive and relies on her hitting abilities to activate the buff. Kayle's power was gated by level so she would break at certain periods but became less reliant on items. They are changed to have skill expression outside of their AAs and take a reliance away from items.
Having one of these elements is fine. There are a lot of stat checky champions in the game and they have weaknesses that can be exploited. Hell, that's what ADCs are. But the problem is when you have both. For Aatrox, everything lined up perfectly in season 8. Guinsoos and Conqueror had come out. This made him obscenely strong when he got his items and when he's ahead he doesn't die and kind of kills everything which is not good for balance, especially when he has a revive on his passive. The problem is what happens when those two factors are changed? I believe Guinsoos was just a broken item at the time and Cong was over tuned. Aatrox rose to prominence because of these two changes which were overtuned so when these things were changed he would just fade back to oblivion. That's not something that the rework fixed, he was more playable but he was still absurdly unpopular didn't gain traction until certain changes pushed him all the way to the top.
The choice was to gate his vamp through changing it to ability focus through his Q. This way players would have a chance to outplay it by dodging and give him a higher skill expression by hitting it. A lot of the nonsense that Riot would have had to tackle after the rework would've happened if they wanted to keep Aatrox in a general viable state. A lot of it addressed problems like sustain during laning which were problems on his kit before hand but now they could address them in a different way because of the rework... Even if that would take forever because Aatrox just had so many problems before hand that they're still tinkering til now.
I want to end this by saying that Riot admits that changing Aatrox in the way they did was wrong. That it went against what the core community wanted and that was something they would regonize and respect more in the future. Since than they have been trying to adhere more to a champion's core gameplay intact and try to modernize it to the best of their abilities.
Probably a pure coincidence/accident.
His balance changes came too quickly before his already planned rework.
(I think Riot has long-term and short term dates for projects, Aatrox rework being long-term so it couldn't just have been cancelled or changed)
He was really underrated, complicated and boring.
Many champions do well even if they aren't popular at all. Aatrox didn't. He only did well with a mini-rework, and yet, it didn't change almost anything. He was still underrated, complicated and boring.
I understand why people don't like the rework. I personally prefer it a lot. But he needed the rework, even if it meant for the whole champion to change (like Swain, Poppy and Morde reworks).
Aatrox is in a great spot, fun and viable, but slightly undertuned and needing some changes to become really good.
@@shatteredskys560 Yeah, and look at where they got him. He's sitting at a universal 46-47% WR. Pre-rework does have problems, but this rework is just as bad, if not, more problematic.
Old Aatrox's drain tanking was gated to every 3rd auto attack. Not only that, his stacking mechanic was also something you had to pay attention to. Unlike Yi, I'd argue Aatrox was a less cancerous statcheck as he had a much more obvious window when he was powerful. You couldn't just jump in with Q and expect to win. If you jumped in without stacking properly, you were most probably going to die.
Without his stacks, oldtrox was super abusable and easily killable. That's why you had to play aggressive when you saw him without any stacks.
Also, oldtrox's stance system is what I think separated good players from the bad ones. The good Aatrox players knew when to switch from heal to damage in between fights. And let's be honest, Aatrox was already fine with his mini-rework, as dedicated mains knew how to properly fight and build with him. Even before the conqueror/BorK/rageblade cancer, he had a pretty modest winrate and was often built with trifirce/steraks. Conq/Bork/Rageblade is what definitely broke him.
Newtrox on the other hand has access to draintanking with every time he hits a champion regardless of what he hits them with. Q, autos, you name it. Only made worse by the fact it gets amplified during his ult, which makes him frustrating to fight.
Newtrox's revive though, is what I think was one of the biggest offenders. Press R and you can play like a mindless ape with also increased AD. With oldtrox, you at least had to meet a certain condition with stacks, but with newtrox, you only had to press r to win. It was absolutely stupid, to the point that they had to rework it and eventually remove it. One of the reasons why it worked on old aatrox was because he had to be in your face to do damage and heal with autos so you had to dedicate. New aatrox was a mid ranged fighter, making him far more obnoxious with his healing and revive while he can just choose when to fight you.
Those are just my 2 cents. Yes, I still have a bit of bias towards old aatrox, but its just so frustrating how they've been treating this champ like garbage, both old and new. It slightly killed my motivation for playing league. Not only that, but the mains are being treated like a joke, and boy is it not fun. If there's one good thing that came out of this, I can say its the fact that riot were faced with a reality check that no one likes getting their champion getting removed. The Pantheon rework is proof of that.
Shattered Skys but you missing one detail with old Aatrox it's really easy to counter his healing, all you have to do is ganbang him or if your smart you can just bait him to proc his blood well then run away while with other that you mention there's no way you can escape them vlad was a ticking time bomb swain was just press ult and heal Warwick have his R and his E to chase you down
The old Aatrox... I still miss him to that day...
Meanwhile, Singed is just farting all over the rift.
Still a unique champ that can be strong in his own right. :P
And they also removed his war crimes...
Whats wrong with singed?!
He doesnt need a rework, the rework He got for his passive really made him feel great and didnt make choose between spending gold on a useless stat or having No passive.
Singed is in a great spot and honestly shouldnt ever need a rework, only balance changes.
@@semurobo Bruh, I'm literally a singed player.
@@Ariverfish so am I, He might Not be in the best spot in the current Meta, but thats simply how is kit functions, Sometimes He does very well, Sometimes He doesnt.
That doesnt mean He is a badly designed Champion. Champions are supposed to have weaknesses and varying viability.
Renamed my Aatrox rune page "discount Riven" when he was reworked
Budget riven haha
More like better riven
@@marcocheng2736 Good meme.
No matter how u look at aatrox u can say that he is stronger than riven but we all know that riven is better champion to main then aatrox
like old aatrox wasnt knock off jax
Hey, Exil, would you consider making a video about the Twisted Treeline map, now that Riot removed it?
Rip TT
I still miss the original pre-rework TT :,(
who would have thought... разпознах те от facebook
I remember buying the Mecha skin because it was basically playing Jehuty from ZotE. I didn't even like Aatrox, but after grinding my expertise I started dominating on Diamond.
Old Aatrox was such a difficult glass cannon, with his shitty cc'able Q, his amazing E, and that heal/dmg proc. It forced you to take so many decisions while always on the thin line, dealing insane damage and avoiding death with a well timed W...
The rework totally ruined the champ. It was one of those hidden gems nobody cared to play at decent Elo, but I got so much better as an overall player, because I learned so much about both macro/micro just by struggling to figure out how to make him competitive...
Haven't played league in months
I almost got a heart attack thinking aatrox literally got removed
i mean he kinda did.
God same i really enjoy his rework and he is super fun to play
BubbleHasAProblem yeah I agree his new kit is so fun. It’s really sad cause I want to be able to play the old one as well as the reworked one but that will never happen
Me too I was about to rage I love that champ
BubbleHasAProblem just play riven you uncultured post rework players. Old aatrox was the shit and now he’s just edgy riven.
Imagine if Ryze got reverted to his first rework which was absolute madness but Aatrox would still be left unchanged lmao
Reworked Pantheon line when he meets Aatrox in game: Aatrox,the World Ender,but from death comes life.
Pain is temporary, old Aatrox's removal is forever.
A rule I learned from TF2:
“If it looks cool, sounds cool, it is probably shit”
Damn, Aatrox’s rework trailer got me worked up, then I see how bad Riot treated the champion that it is not even worth picking him up.
But you know the best thing about this? Pantheon got a mini rework that made him better in every way.
But panth is so boring to play now :((to me)
@@Emeowy how is it less fun than before?
@@aragoku1 forgot to write to me sry
@@aragoku1 i just dont like the passive change, i dont like having execute damage at 50% enemys hp, i dont like being literally invulnerable to all damage for 2.5 secs without any sort of timing, his r is crap now and i cant take him ap for the memes either, q is pretty crappy now without passive :(
@@Emeowy This is the worst I have read on this comment section... da fuk...
"What happened to you, my darkin?"
He got stabbed by pantheon
this is sparta
Aatrox killed his god he don't give a damn about that pansy
Riot needs to make a game mode where its like the opposite of PBE, and you go back to previous season's to play champions how they were made and updated over the course of the seasons.
I truly think a lot of people would enjoy this.
facts 🤝🏻
They should do a weekly rotation of the old season and everytime they get to the start again they do another patch of the seasons.
I would honestly love that. I want to see an old Poppy/Karma botlane.
They'd never do that as it would split the league community
They've admitted that the game's code is too dogshit to have a mode that brings back old characters and that they don't keep older builds of the game.
Breaks my heart, I still remember the first time I played aatrox. At first just in love with his theme and aesthetic, but after hours of playing I fell in love with the bastard son of riot and I've never been able to have the same feeling with the new Aatrox...
What about Swain? Playing him feels no where near how old Swain used to be. You might argue that his ult is similar but it just feels different and wrong in practice compared to old Swain.
I loved old swain. his kit was full of damage over time and overall I still miss him to this day. New swain is cool as far as design and everything else goes but I really miss him being that DOT machine that he used to be. his ult change didnt bother me, it was the rest of the kit that I dont really like anymore.
New swain is just a low cd mini burst. I'm not even sure if his ult does DOT because I've never seen anyone die from it.
I really hate Lucius Malfoy.
For me they deleted Swain and put the harry potter villain in place.
He doesn't even limp anymore.
@@SefricFrampus Lucius malfoy exatly that how he looks like lmao
I honestly wish riot reverted the reworks for a little bit like have an event where reworks are reverted and you can play your old favorite champion the you like them. Or maybe in champ select you can select if you want the rework on or the old champion on this would make their game so much more fun with some champs
Or different "Styles" or variations of a champion like in mortal kombat
I quite like the idea of having the choice between pre- or post-rework in champ select. I doubt it would be a good idea, though; reworks more often than not change a champs’ counters, and since the opposing team probably wouldn’t know if you’re going old or new school until lock-ins were complete, that would be hellish for them to predict.
The event idea is much more sensible. Widdle the champ select down to only those who have been reworked, and give them all their old forms back. This would be for people who do not wish to play competitively, but just want to indulge in the nostalgia.
@@patrickhallett6220 Yea I want killer instinct Katarina back. I'd love to slap down people with 1k dmg Shunpo's, nuking an entire team with 800dmg bouncing blades, or pressing R and deleting whole teams while spell vamping to the max with WotA. I miss those days.
If they have a game mode like that I will start playing again...seeing old champs with their old skills back...I will be feeling like I am playing the real champs and not a fake re make
@@balance555 i absolutely agree. I'd love the old OP bullshit. Like one shot poppy and rengar, terminator sion, and dodge chance jax
I srsly wish they'll just make another character like the old Aatrox, his w was my favorite ability in the whole game, I still do like his rework a lot though.
i liked the old aatrox in the jungle. i actually played him for quite some time after his release. the sustain in the jungle was awesome, the clearpseed was decent and the ganks were good aswell with his q gap closing knockup and his slow