Dan you are like a breath of fresh air, I can't express with words how much I apreciate you and your teachings, your voice is extremely needed in this "manosphere world", despite I do agree with many things that the "red pill guys" say, I still think sometimes they go to some extremes where they lose me, but with you it's different, with you there's not this toxicity or the now typical "men vs women war", not even in the comment section of your videos. You are not only teaching us men how to flirt and treat women the right way but also how to be a better man in life as a whole. Please take care You are THE MAN!
Thanks Anónimo - I appreciate that and know what you mean. When a guy isn't getting the results he wants with women and is insecure, he will often lash out at women as though they are the problem. It's sad to see that happening in videos and know that so many young guys are watching that and unnecessarily feeling angry at women. If a man isn't getting the results he wants with women, he needs to fix that problem, rather than trying to blame women. Same goes for anything else in life - a guy has to take responsibility and fix his problems, rather than coming up with excuses or blaming everyone else. Cheers, Dan 👍
...... Yessssssss!!!!! Dan is back! I think the BEST way to attract women is not through dating apps, but more so through meeting ladies organically in person. Then attraction can be built.
Dating apps do work for a lot of guys, but approaching in person is always better for getting the kind of woman you really want. Only problem is that 95% of guys are afraid to approach, so they only ever look at beautiful women and wish. Stop wishing and start fishing. You might hook a real beauty. Cheers, Dan 👍
I've been in the game for years. Sometimes I love to watch some good content just to keep my knife sharp. Dan, your content is the best on UA-cam. Your words are simple, easy to follow and make sense. Great job, and thanks for your work!
Hello Dan my number one dating coach I always hear videos on influencers or people in general that say something along the lines of “don’t chase girls chase your dreams” or “work on yourself first then women will come to you” another thing. I managed to approach a girl at my gym today and I felt so nervous talking to her even though I haven’t been putting your advice into action because of my insecurities an so on.
Yes, it's a nice fantasy to have, but here's the reality: Most dreams take 10+ years to accomplish and most people never make it to the top...not even close. In many developed countries for example, less than 5% of businesses make it past 5 years. So, approximately 95% of businesses fail, even though they have intelligent, motivated people trying to make them work. Likewise, only one person or one team wins the gold medal or trophy in a sports competition. The list goes on. What actually happens for guys who chase their dreams is that approximately 95% don't make it and for those who do, they then end up still not being able to handle a hot woman. So, a less attractive woman who sees that he is successful shows interest and (initially) treats him well and he accepts that. Yet, he could have gotten her without being successful in life first. Always remember that success in life is separate from success with women. If a guy had to be successful in life first before he could get laid or get a girlfriend, then no guy in high school or university, or no guy working a casual or part time job could get a girl. Yet, obviously that isn't the case. If you want to be successful in life, then great - work hard to make that happen and good luck. If you want to be successful at attracting pretty women for sex or relationships, then learn how to do that. BTW: If you do happen to become very successful and wealthy in life and then get a hot girlfriend, you will naturally wonder if she only wants you for your money, which may then make you feel insecure. You should chase your dreams as a man, but don't ever think you can't have hot girls in the meantime, or get a hot wife to settle down with in the meantime. Cheers, Dan 👍
@@DanBacon_ reading that last makes me realize why a lot of rappers say that can’t date normal girl. I’m assuming that they used the same technique that he mentioned (become successful before they get that hot woman) and when they finally get her, they assume it’s only because of the fame. It helps being famous but it doesn’t keep them around
That's right. It's why a lot of celebrities only feel comfortable dating or marrying other celebrities. Millions of guys out there right now are wishing they could become a celebrity to be able to attract hot girls, but it just doesn't end up playing out that way because the guy ends up feeling way too high value for her and worries that she's only with him due to his fame. Get girls now and do other cool things in your life, rather than working hard to become huge in your career to then hopefully get a girl. If you do that, you will naturally worry that she's only with you because you're successful and doesn't truly love you. Very good looking guys also have that problem. Women often want to be with them for their looks (i.e. so she can show him off to her friends and family), so they often don't end up feeling loved for who they are. It's a secret problem that very good looking guys have that most people never know about, or even think about. Cheers, Dan
Awesome video, I had only one point to discuss on but you answered. My point is that personally I will always chose a confident girl over a shy one, because in a long-lasting relationship shy girls bring you a lot of troubles, they are toxic, they are socially awkward, they do not know how to be among people, they are highly insecure, at the first sign of a problem they start to become extremely negative people always finding another problem instead of a solution, but as I said you already answered to my point. Great video Dan!
For sure. I also appreciate confidence in a woman. My woman is feminine, but is also a confident, alpha female who is respected by her peers. Pretty much everyone who meets her likes her and respects her right away. She takes on responsibilities in our life and gets things done properly, which is what I like. Much more beneficial than a shy, insecure, socially awkward woman who might be easier to pick up, but will then often be more of a burden than a benefit to you in life. Cheers, Dan 👍
👍 That's right, but women don't ever tell men about this. It has always been kept a secret by women who understand it. Most women don't know how to articulate/explain it, so they just say, "There's something about him...I don't know...he's hot." The only reason this secret was discussed and explained in the interview in this video is that I brought it up. No one talks about this. I just wish more guys knew about it because it would reduce so much depression, anxiety and insecurity for guys out there when it comes to women. Cheers, Dan
I follow and consume content from several authors and no one is better than Dan in the pick up/ create attraction principles. Following and listening to this man will give you an edge over most men. I have my choice of women and a lot of that is because of Dan's content.
Cheers Angel 👍 So good to hear that you're enjoying your choice of women now. It's such a great stage in life to get to. I thoroughly enjoyed that stage. Eventually, you will meet your perfect girl and may just decide to settle down with her. You will know when you meet her because you just won't want to be with other women anymore. She will feel like more than enough for you. She will also have the right character and values, as well as looks. You will know. Enjoy all the fun times ahead! Cheers, Dan
Hey dan, good to see u. All good with the girl, but still working on mastery of this...i find myself sometimes worrying about not finding a flirty comment asap when starting talking to a new woman, what can i do there. Also I was watching two n half men, and Charlie actually said "the prettier the girl, the lonelier she is..." Ahh myths n facts !! 😬
Simple. Just attract her by displaying confidence, masculinity and charm instead. That's just as attractive to women. You don't always have to come up with something flirty right away. Cheers, Dan
Ahh I see a new video From Dan the Man. I get excited like a kid on Christmas morning. This was yet another great video. I Salute to you for the amazing Teachings and Value you give us. You are the King Mr Bacon 👑🫡
😄 Haha, I can understand what you mean because I still get excited about this topic too. I'm still amazed by it to this day, despite discovering it approximately 20 years ago now. It's a miracle breakthrough to be able to attract a woman simply by displaying attractive traits, rather than leaving it all up to the woman to hopefully pick you based on your appearance. When you know how to display attractive traits, you can enjoy your choice of women and then maintain a beautiful woman's attraction in a relationship. It's also amazing to me that 95% of guys still don't know about this. Most guys think that it's all out of their control and they have to hope that a woman will like them for their looks, or money, or career. It's so much more simple, easy and immediate. Cheers, Dan
Hey Dan, first of all, I wanted to thank you for your mission to help us, the modern men, to become a better and more attractive version of ourselves. You don't know how much you've helped me since I found you a year ago. 👉I also wanted to ask you: What's your opinion about bisexual girls, would you date one?? 👈 Thanks to The Flow I've been meeting hot women and some of them turned out to be bisexual. And with this, I find myself in a very modern problem because, the fact that they find other girls attractive, makes me uncomfortable. Around men I don't doubt my attractiveness, thanks to you I know that with my personality I can make a girl feel more attraction towards me than the other guys. But around women it's different because what bisexual girls find more attractive in a woman it's their physical beauty and femininity and I can't compete with that, nor do I want to. And If I start a relationship with one I know I’ll always be worried when she’s around other hot girls. I really don’t know if I’m just being insecure about it or if my concerns are justified. What do you think? If you could make a video giving some insight about this issue I would appreciate it a lot. Thanks again for all that you do man. Cheers!
I would date one (I never did, as far as I know), but I wouldn't settle down with a woman who really wanted to be with other women sexually. 97% of women aren't into other women, "According to data from the 2018 General Social Survey (GSS), a nationally representative survey of people in the US collected every two years, over 3% of US adults say they are bisexual." According to the School of Law, Williams Institute in California: 3.5% of adults in the USA identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual. If you don't want to be with a bisexual woman, then get another one instead. Approximately 97% of women are only into men. Go for one of those women. Note: It's totally fine if your woman can feel some attraction for another woman (many women can), but being an actual bisexual who sleeps with women and wants to be in a relationship with a woman is another story altogether. Cheers, Dan
As I woman I am attracted to how the man makes ME FEEL not how he looks. More how he looks at ME. Of course being good looking helps but its not key at all
That's right. Good looking guys get a bit more attention initially, so it does help them. However, an average or even below average looking man can make a woman feel an irresistible attraction to how he makes her feel when he interacts with her. She will then look at him as being attractive and will begin to like his physical appearance. She'll see his appearance as cute, handsome, good looking (in his own way) and so on. Cheers, Dan 👍
Although I am not really looking for a woman I can definitely say that confidence is one of the main keys to successfully getting a woman. Here is the problem long term. If you are not a confident guy and you manage to get a great looking woman on an off chance of momentary confidence then you run the risk of losing her later down the road bc of your inability to maintain that confidence. Women see through charades pretty easy bc they are approached with so many angles they have developed the BS radar. Here are two things that will help you with landing a great woman. Being physically fit and a great career. Both are conditional though. You don't have to be great looking. Just be physically fit. Also you don't have to have that successful career right now but just the fact that you have a long term goal for your life and are working towards it will make her want to be involved in that goal. Just don't lose focus and she will chase you but you ultimately have to make the first move.
Joe - you have good intentions with your comment, but you've got it all wrong my friend. You are essentially saying that a guy needs to build up his career (usually very difficult and takes 10-20 years) and be physically fit (years of working out and then consistent workouts for life) to be able to maintain a woman's interest. What you may have forgotten is that most men are able to attract and maintain the interest of beautiful women without having a great career, or great body. It's great to build up your career and maintain a great look physically, but it's not the answer to success with women. Likewise, confidence is 100x easier to build and maintain. So, with your approach to life, you are hoping that by building up a career and spending all that time in the gym, a woman will remain interested in you and not care that you lack confidence. She may be okay about that in the beginning, but she will lose interest if you are insecure. Fix your confidence by understanding how to attract women during interactions and then, anything else good about you is a welcome bonus. Yet, you don't actually need what you are suggesting to get a pretty girlfriend. If a guy needed that, then no guy working a casual or part time would have a pretty girlfriend and no man working an average job, with an average body would have a beautiful wife. The reason you don't see that in the majority of cases, is that most guys think like you and assume they need to do 100 other things (i.e. great career, muscles, great career, great apartment or home, investment property, etc), before a woman will see them as good enough. You are good enough now and just don't know it. If you find it hard to believe about yourself, just watch this for more proof: www.themodernman.com/the-secret-to-success-with-women.html If you still don't believe it after watching that, then you are in denial and it may take a few months for you to realize that it's true. I hope it helps you man. All the best in the meantime. Cheers, Dan 👍
Saw it the other day with my date, a nerd looking young dude with a taller 9/10 girl, he looked like the ginger dude from American pie Something i noticed with myself is like learning to drive shooting down tests is becoming automatic now, realised i naturally did it like 4-7 times the other day
Great to hear that it's becoming natural for you. That's how it works. You literally become more and more comfortable and capable around women every day, which results in them feeling more and more attracted to you and turned on by you. Cheers, Dan 👍
Hey Dan, why do you think that for some guys it is relatively easy to follow your advice and get results quickly while for others that also do follow your advice have such hard time getting consistent results? Do you think that it is always due to a lack of misunderstanding or lack of application that keeps some of the guys not getting lasting results?
If a guy isn't getting results, then it's simply a misapplication of the advice or techniques. For example: If a guy learns how to effortlessly display the kind of confidence that attracts women (taught in The Flow) and he then only does it 50% correctly, then it's not going to work as well as a guy who does 100% right. Women will still feel attracted, but not as much as they will for a guy who does it right. Likewise, if a guy learns how to use humor that attracts women, but then doesn't do it right (i.e. he's too nice with the humor, too harsh, too weird, too awkward), then it's not going to work as well as a guy who does it right. Once you understand how to attract women and see how it works, it's then like unscrewing something with a screwdriver. It's simple, basic and it works logically. You just go through the motions and it works. Yet, if you try to use a hammer to get the screw out, it's not going to work and it will become very messy. You simply have to use the right tool, the right way and it always works. Once you see that, you then know how to use the tool and it becomes a natural, basic thing that you do that gets you the result. You no longer have to hope that something happens. You know that it's going to work and it does. You then enjoy your choice of women or choose your perfect girl to settle down with. Cheers, Dan 👍
what if your girlfriend lost attraction in you for lack of confidence? broke up with you..can you get back with her? can you change to have her see you as confident again?
For sure. Being able to approach a woman and attract her in person makes it 100x easier to get laid or get a girlfriend. 95% of guys cannot do it, so there is basically no competition. Most guys (including good looking guys) only ever LOOK at women, but never approach them. Here's what happened to me when I figured out how to do it: www.themodernman.com/dan_bacon.html Cheers, Dan 👍
My problem is I’m actually a better looking than average guy & I have gotten attention from girls but my pictures suck and the way I carry myself is trash and as soon as I open my mouth they run for the hills
Hi Dan. I'm liking your videos mate. I have one question though, I've seen another guy on youtube saying that the ultimate secret to attract a girl is to tap into all of her emotions, rather than just 1 or 2, so a guy should make her laugh, make her feel anxious, make her feel annoyed, etc in one go......rather than just for example make her laugh. What's your take on it?
For sure. You shouldn't just make a woman feel one kind of emotion. If a guy is interacting with a woman and being a normal, honest person (i.e. not putting on an act of being a super nice guy), then he will naturally make her feel a variation of emotions. What I teach in The Flow naturally makes women feel all sorts of emotions (e.g. happy, anxious, insecure, captivated, calm, nervous, excited, confused, playfully shocked, lustful, amazed, respectful, etc). It all adds up to her feeling absolutely drawn to how much you make her feel and results in her wanting to impress you and hopefully get a chance with you. It's very easy to do as well. You don't ever have to think, "Okay, now make her feel nervous around me" and try to come up with something to say or do. Just use the simple techniques from The Flow and she will naturally feel a wide range of enjoyable emotions that cause her to completely focus on you and want to be with you. It's so easy to do. So easy. Cheers, Dan 👍
I'm 6"2', I don't have a 6 pack, but I'm muscular, I look pretty good (I have a nice face also). Sometimes I catch girls looking at me in public transport, on the street, at the gym, but do you want to tell me that If I will approach them then I will have chance? I never believed that cold approaching actually works and I'm very frustrated because it's been a lot of months since my last relationship. What's your advice?
What would you do Dan if you wanted to attract a woman that used to really like you but you lost contact for two years? I would think to keep it serious, I don‘t know if joking around or asking how she is would be worth it.
FYI: The texts to send in that situation are included in Text Attraction: www.themodernman.com/blog/text-attraction.html In terms of your situation - just know that if she really liked you and you didn't do anything to turn her off and make her hate you, then almost certainly still really likes you. So, if you even send a simple text like, "Hey Sophie 😄 How are you?" you will likely get a good response from her. If you want to make sure she feels attracted, then use one of the text examples from Text Attraction. In terms of it being worth it to contact her - yes, for sure. If you like her and she likes you, then there's nothing more worth it than that. You and her could experience an amazing love together. That is worth it. Do it. Cheers, Dan
@@DanBacon_ there was a ton of attraction, we worked together and about 6 weeks later she moved to a different country to study. There was never any conflict and we never actually dated. Three months after she left I texted her and said to let me know how things are going once in a while and she didn‘t respond. Who knows why. I didn‘t write back since and two years later it‘s been a thorn in my side. Luckily I didn‘t confess any feelings and get sappy so I can say I didn‘t ruin it.
There is too much beatiful women in the world.But there isn't even half of tall, handsome, succesfull millionaire guys available in compared to beautful girls.And there is possibility they preffer normal guys sometimes so this is also good for us.
Dan, I know you made a video of how to make our girlfriends lose weight, but can you please explain further how to make them lose weight especially if our attraction for our GF is decreasing rapidly? I do feel like I'm being taken for granted by my girlfriend because I kept telling her how beautiful she is even though she's getting fatter (she's way too fat at this point) and I'm slowly falling out of love with her. The thing is I'm quite fat myself even though I'm tall, so maybe it's one reason why she's not convinced to lose the weight. I told her one time that I'd feel more attraction for her if she lost some weight, she cried, started to do more walking and eating less, then after some time she quit all that because I told her again she's beautiful and attractive (tried to encourage her and be supportive even though I lied about the attraction). Should I be direct and upfront that my attraction for her is fading away greatly? I don't want to hurt her either but I'm disappointed that she's not even taking much care of her looks for me as she did at the start, and this happens with every girl I met for a longer period of time
Hello Dan! Aubrey here i am a NEW customer to your super system!!! i was blocked everywhere & its been 2 years but i actually managed to get her on a call 3 days ago by watching your free content first and i passed most of the shit test on the first call ( she is so stubborn ) and i somewhat got her to say she forgives me on the call but i asked her to meet and she immediately said no and is super ice cold so far i am in step 3 of the course so i need to get her back on social media and im stuck . any ideas of what i could do next? wait 7 days and re contact her? or...?
Hi Aubrey - great to hear of your progress so far. However, as you probably now realize, there is a reason why Step 3 is before contacting her (Step 4). You needed to do that first. In terms of her not being able to see your social media - post as 'public' rather than 'only friends' and then use the examples of what to text her in the program to get her to re-add you as a friend on FB, or follow you on IG. After completing Step 3, contact her again and if she says no to a meetup, use Option 2 here and be easygoing, but confident about it to ensure you get the meetup: www.themodernman.com/blog/how-to-persuade-my-ex-to-meet-up-with-me-for-coffee.html Cheers, Dan 👍
My girlfriend left me due to depression, though was happy and with me but a few days prior. Is there any advice you have in trying to help her and get her back with that context?
Because she will lose her job if she isn't, but won't lose you. You're the man who loves her and is therefore patient with her. Her job doesn't love her. Cheers, Dan 👍
Hey Dan, I’m trying to spark attraction but she’s just being bitchy and not wanting to talk but I can get a conversation out of her, sometimes. I tried asking for her social, she told me no. We currently have 1 singular way of communication. I called her a funny name in a joking manner, “cutie” and she says “don’t call me that, I don’t want your compliments” what do I do? How do I start again. Was my approach wrong?
Hey Dan! Great content as usual. A question. I am usually good at teasing and creating sparks of attraction with women during most social situations and eventually get laid. However, my biggest challenge is when other guys butt in while we are having a conversation and kinda ruin the dynamics. Sometimes, it could be one man or several men joining the conversation at the same time. How would you deal with such a situation? (Maybe a future video would help as well!) Thanks!
Don't see the other guy(s) as competition. If you do, you will begin to display subtle signs of nervousness and self-doubt, which she will notice. If the other guy(s) seem more confident than you, she will then lose interest in you. So, just always see yourself as the most attractive man in the group and don't question it. She will sense that via your body language and energy, notice the insecurity and self-doubt in the other guy(s) and feel more attracted to you. Cheers, Dan 👍
@@DanBacon_ Thanks for the advice! Loved your The Flow audiobook which I purchased a few years ago! Completely changed my life with women. Thank you! xD
Here it is: www.modernx.com/product/calm-and-clear/ ModernX is my company and I include scientific proof of each ingredient on every product page. Calm and Clear works. Enjoy your new level of confidence/reduced level of anxiety and nervousness! Cheers, Dan 👍
Judging by the photos and videos of you i've seen over the years , you become more ruggedly handsome with age. Like a good , red bearded wine ! lol No kidding.
Haha, cheers man. BTW: It's because I've increased my testosterone. Having increased testosterone literally (proven by science) makes you look more masculine over time. I take this daily: www.modernx.com/product/max-man/ Cheers, Dan
I have tested Chat GPT to see if it is able to give correct dating and attraction advice. It usually only spits out politically correct responses and uses a nice guy approach. Some responses are very good though, depending on what prompts you use. It's a great tool for many things, but in terms of using it to create chemistry with a woman: No. I assume you're asking about that in terms of text as well and I wouldn't advise you to do that at all. I've tested it many times to see what it would come up with and asked for funny responses, but it's just not right. When you read between the lines, the responses often make you look like a guy who is hoping to get a chance with her. It creates the wrong dynamic. If you want texts that create chemistry and make a woman want you that have been created by a human who is actually successful with women (i.e. me), then check out Text Attraction: www.themodernman.com/blog/text-attraction.html Cheers, Dan
Very good video. And let's be honest, we all know that one guy who's not even average - he's downright bloody ugly! And yet, he always pulls the most attractive women. 😁
Exactly 👍 Most guys forget that though when they see a beautiful woman. They automatically assume it would be a no from her. Many beautiful women are actually struggling to get a boyfriend (read the comments from women under this video of mine ua-cam.com/video/aVQb7JoRep0/v-deo.html ) because guys don't approach them, or assume they have a boyfriend. Cheers, Dan
What if you are already somewhat attractive and then she realizes you are confident and charismatic without being arrogant........will she see you as a GOD? Lol
i’m the beauty standard for men and i’m a 10/10 when it comes to picking up women in class or in a job, but i struggle with creating sexual tension when hooking up and meeting women casually. How do i react when a women plays with her phone but dosent move away from me?
Dan you are like a breath of fresh air, I can't express with words how much I apreciate you and your teachings, your voice is extremely needed in this "manosphere world", despite I do agree with many things that the "red pill guys" say, I still think sometimes they go to some extremes where they lose me, but with you it's different, with you there's not this toxicity or the now typical "men vs women war", not even in the comment section of your videos.
You are not only teaching us men how to flirt and treat women the right way but also how to be a better man in life as a whole.
Please take care
You are THE MAN!
Thanks Anónimo - I appreciate that and know what you mean. When a guy isn't getting the results he wants with women and is insecure, he will often lash out at women as though they are the problem. It's sad to see that happening in videos and know that so many young guys are watching that and unnecessarily feeling angry at women. If a man isn't getting the results he wants with women, he needs to fix that problem, rather than trying to blame women. Same goes for anything else in life - a guy has to take responsibility and fix his problems, rather than coming up with excuses or blaming everyone else. Cheers, Dan 👍
...... Yessssssss!!!!! Dan is back! I think the BEST way to attract women is not through dating apps, but more so through meeting ladies organically in person. Then attraction can be built.
Dating apps do work for a lot of guys, but approaching in person is always better for getting the kind of woman you really want. Only problem is that 95% of guys are afraid to approach, so they only ever look at beautiful women and wish. Stop wishing and start fishing. You might hook a real beauty. Cheers, Dan 👍
100%. My ex gfs friend told me once that my ex gf told her that the moment she found me irresistable was when she saw me play guitar.
I've been in the game for years. Sometimes I love to watch some good content just to keep my knife sharp.
Dan, your content is the best on UA-cam. Your words are simple, easy to follow and make sense.
Great job, and thanks for your work!
Hello Dan my number one dating coach
I always hear videos on influencers or people in general that say something along the lines of “don’t chase girls chase your dreams” or “work on yourself first then women will come to you” another thing. I managed to approach a girl at my gym today and I felt so nervous talking to her even though I haven’t been putting your advice into action because of my insecurities an so on.
Yes, it's a nice fantasy to have, but here's the reality: Most dreams take 10+ years to accomplish and most people never make it to the top...not even close. In many developed countries for example, less than 5% of businesses make it past 5 years. So, approximately 95% of businesses fail, even though they have intelligent, motivated people trying to make them work. Likewise, only one person or one team wins the gold medal or trophy in a sports competition. The list goes on. What actually happens for guys who chase their dreams is that approximately 95% don't make it and for those who do, they then end up still not being able to handle a hot woman. So, a less attractive woman who sees that he is successful shows interest and (initially) treats him well and he accepts that. Yet, he could have gotten her without being successful in life first. Always remember that success in life is separate from success with women. If a guy had to be successful in life first before he could get laid or get a girlfriend, then no guy in high school or university, or no guy working a casual or part time job could get a girl. Yet, obviously that isn't the case. If you want to be successful in life, then great - work hard to make that happen and good luck. If you want to be successful at attracting pretty women for sex or relationships, then learn how to do that. BTW: If you do happen to become very successful and wealthy in life and then get a hot girlfriend, you will naturally wonder if she only wants you for your money, which may then make you feel insecure. You should chase your dreams as a man, but don't ever think you can't have hot girls in the meantime, or get a hot wife to settle down with in the meantime. Cheers, Dan 👍
@@DanBacon_ reading that last makes me realize why a lot of rappers say that can’t date normal girl. I’m assuming that they used the same technique that he mentioned (become successful before they get that hot woman) and when they finally get her, they assume it’s only because of the fame. It helps being famous but it doesn’t keep them around
That's right. It's why a lot of celebrities only feel comfortable dating or marrying other celebrities. Millions of guys out there right now are wishing they could become a celebrity to be able to attract hot girls, but it just doesn't end up playing out that way because the guy ends up feeling way too high value for her and worries that she's only with him due to his fame. Get girls now and do other cool things in your life, rather than working hard to become huge in your career to then hopefully get a girl. If you do that, you will naturally worry that she's only with you because you're successful and doesn't truly love you. Very good looking guys also have that problem. Women often want to be with them for their looks (i.e. so she can show him off to her friends and family), so they often don't end up feeling loved for who they are. It's a secret problem that very good looking guys have that most people never know about, or even think about. Cheers, Dan
Awesome video, I had only one point to discuss on but you answered. My point is that personally I will always chose a confident girl over a shy one, because in a long-lasting relationship shy girls bring you a lot of troubles, they are toxic, they are socially awkward, they do not know how to be among people, they are highly insecure, at the first sign of a problem they start to become extremely negative people always finding another problem instead of a solution, but as I said you already answered to my point. Great video Dan!
For sure. I also appreciate confidence in a woman. My woman is feminine, but is also a confident, alpha female who is respected by her peers. Pretty much everyone who meets her likes her and respects her right away. She takes on responsibilities in our life and gets things done properly, which is what I like. Much more beneficial than a shy, insecure, socially awkward woman who might be easier to pick up, but will then often be more of a burden than a benefit to you in life. Cheers, Dan 👍
Good to see your back! 🙏
Cheers Jason 👍
Thanks Dan for coming back. Such an inspiration for me to do better with women
In retrospect I realize that Dan is simply telling us what is common sense to women.
👍 That's right, but women don't ever tell men about this. It has always been kept a secret by women who understand it. Most women don't know how to articulate/explain it, so they just say, "There's something about him...I don't know...he's hot." The only reason this secret was discussed and explained in the interview in this video is that I brought it up. No one talks about this. I just wish more guys knew about it because it would reduce so much depression, anxiety and insecurity for guys out there when it comes to women. Cheers, Dan
Beard is growing well bruv 😆😆 awesome vid as always Dan
Cheers man 😄👍
Man you are amazing, thank you for everything
Cheers Jorge 👍 Glad you enjoyed the vid!
Bless you Dan. You helped change my life not only with woman, but all around
I follow and consume content from several authors and no one is better than Dan in the pick up/ create attraction principles. Following and listening to this man will give you an edge over most men. I have my choice of women and a lot of that is because of Dan's content.
Cheers Angel 👍 So good to hear that you're enjoying your choice of women now. It's such a great stage in life to get to. I thoroughly enjoyed that stage. Eventually, you will meet your perfect girl and may just decide to settle down with her. You will know when you meet her because you just won't want to be with other women anymore. She will feel like more than enough for you. She will also have the right character and values, as well as looks. You will know. Enjoy all the fun times ahead! Cheers, Dan
Hey dan, good to see u.
All good with the girl, but still working on mastery of this...i find myself sometimes worrying about not finding a flirty comment asap when starting talking to a new woman, what can i do there.
Also I was watching two n half men, and Charlie actually said "the prettier the girl, the lonelier she is..." Ahh myths n facts !! 😬
Simple. Just attract her by displaying confidence, masculinity and charm instead. That's just as attractive to women. You don't always have to come up with something flirty right away. Cheers, Dan
The man, we missed you
Always great reminders and awesome techniques! 👍🏽
Ahh I see a new video From Dan the Man. I get excited like a kid on Christmas morning. This was yet another great video. I Salute to you for the amazing Teachings and Value you give us. You are the King Mr Bacon 👑🫡
😄 Haha, I can understand what you mean because I still get excited about this topic too. I'm still amazed by it to this day, despite discovering it approximately 20 years ago now. It's a miracle breakthrough to be able to attract a woman simply by displaying attractive traits, rather than leaving it all up to the woman to hopefully pick you based on your appearance. When you know how to display attractive traits, you can enjoy your choice of women and then maintain a beautiful woman's attraction in a relationship. It's also amazing to me that 95% of guys still don't know about this. Most guys think that it's all out of their control and they have to hope that a woman will like them for their looks, or money, or career. It's so much more simple, easy and immediate. Cheers, Dan
Hey Dan, first of all, I wanted to thank you for your mission to help us, the modern men, to become a better and more attractive version of ourselves. You don't know how much you've helped me since I found you a year ago.
👉I also wanted to ask you: What's your opinion about bisexual girls, would you date one?? 👈
Thanks to The Flow I've been meeting hot women and some of them turned out to be bisexual. And with this, I find myself in a very modern problem because, the fact that they find other girls attractive, makes me uncomfortable.
Around men I don't doubt my attractiveness, thanks to you I know that with my personality I can make a girl feel more attraction towards me than the other guys.
But around women it's different because what bisexual girls find more attractive in a woman it's their physical beauty and femininity and I can't compete with that, nor do I want to. And If I start a relationship with one I know I’ll always be worried when she’s around other hot girls.
I really don’t know if I’m just being insecure about it or if my concerns are justified. What do you think?
If you could make a video giving some insight about this issue I would appreciate it a lot.
Thanks again for all that you do man.
I would date one (I never did, as far as I know), but I wouldn't settle down with a woman who really wanted to be with other women sexually. 97% of women aren't into other women, "According to data from the 2018 General Social Survey (GSS), a nationally representative survey of people in the US collected every two years, over 3% of US adults say they are bisexual." According to the School of Law, Williams Institute in California: 3.5% of adults in the USA identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual. If you don't want to be with a bisexual woman, then get another one instead. Approximately 97% of women are only into men. Go for one of those women. Note: It's totally fine if your woman can feel some attraction for another woman (many women can), but being an actual bisexual who sleeps with women and wants to be in a relationship with a woman is another story altogether. Cheers, Dan
As I woman I am attracted to how the man makes ME FEEL not how he looks. More how he looks at ME. Of course being good looking helps but its not key at all
That's right. Good looking guys get a bit more attention initially, so it does help them. However, an average or even below average looking man can make a woman feel an irresistible attraction to how he makes her feel when he interacts with her. She will then look at him as being attractive and will begin to like his physical appearance. She'll see his appearance as cute, handsome, good looking (in his own way) and so on. Cheers, Dan 👍
Hey allright Dan's back.
Although I am not really looking for a woman I can definitely say that confidence is one of the main keys to successfully getting a woman. Here is the problem long term. If you are not a confident guy and you manage to get a great looking woman on an off chance of momentary confidence then you run the risk of losing her later down the road bc of your inability to maintain that confidence. Women see through charades pretty easy bc they are approached with so many angles they have developed the BS radar.
Here are two things that will help you with landing a great woman. Being physically fit and a great career. Both are conditional though. You don't have to be great looking. Just be physically fit. Also you don't have to have that successful career right now but just the fact that you have a long term goal for your life and are working towards it will make her want to be involved in that goal. Just don't lose focus and she will chase you but you ultimately have to make the first move.
Joe - you have good intentions with your comment, but you've got it all wrong my friend.
You are essentially saying that a guy needs to build up his career (usually very difficult and takes 10-20 years) and be physically fit (years of working out and then consistent workouts for life) to be able to maintain a woman's interest.
What you may have forgotten is that most men are able to attract and maintain the interest of beautiful women without having a great career, or great body. It's great to build up your career and maintain a great look physically, but it's not the answer to success with women.
Likewise, confidence is 100x easier to build and maintain.
So, with your approach to life, you are hoping that by building up a career and spending all that time in the gym, a woman will remain interested in you and not care that you lack confidence.
She may be okay about that in the beginning, but she will lose interest if you are insecure.
Fix your confidence by understanding how to attract women during interactions and then, anything else good about you is a welcome bonus.
Yet, you don't actually need what you are suggesting to get a pretty girlfriend.
If a guy needed that, then no guy working a casual or part time would have a pretty girlfriend and no man working an average job, with an average body would have a beautiful wife.
The reason you don't see that in the majority of cases, is that most guys think like you and assume they need to do 100 other things (i.e. great career, muscles, great career, great apartment or home, investment property, etc), before a woman will see them as good enough.
You are good enough now and just don't know it.
If you find it hard to believe about yourself, just watch this for more proof: www.themodernman.com/the-secret-to-success-with-women.html
If you still don't believe it after watching that, then you are in denial and it may take a few months for you to realize that it's true.
I hope it helps you man. All the best in the meantime.
Cheers, Dan 👍
Saw it the other day with my date, a nerd looking young dude with a taller 9/10 girl, he looked like the ginger dude from American pie
Something i noticed with myself is like learning to drive shooting down tests is becoming automatic now, realised i naturally did it like 4-7 times the other day
Great to hear that it's becoming natural for you. That's how it works. You literally become more and more comfortable and capable around women every day, which results in them feeling more and more attracted to you and turned on by you. Cheers, Dan 👍
The king is back !
👍 Cheers Sezano
Hey Dan, why do you think that for some guys it is relatively easy to follow your advice and get results quickly while for others that also do follow your advice have such hard time getting consistent results? Do you think that it is always due to a lack of misunderstanding or lack of application that keeps some of the guys not getting lasting results?
If a guy isn't getting results, then it's simply a misapplication of the advice or techniques. For example: If a guy learns how to effortlessly display the kind of confidence that attracts women (taught in The Flow) and he then only does it 50% correctly, then it's not going to work as well as a guy who does 100% right. Women will still feel attracted, but not as much as they will for a guy who does it right. Likewise, if a guy learns how to use humor that attracts women, but then doesn't do it right (i.e. he's too nice with the humor, too harsh, too weird, too awkward), then it's not going to work as well as a guy who does it right. Once you understand how to attract women and see how it works, it's then like unscrewing something with a screwdriver. It's simple, basic and it works logically. You just go through the motions and it works. Yet, if you try to use a hammer to get the screw out, it's not going to work and it will become very messy. You simply have to use the right tool, the right way and it always works. Once you see that, you then know how to use the tool and it becomes a natural, basic thing that you do that gets you the result. You no longer have to hope that something happens. You know that it's going to work and it does. You then enjoy your choice of women or choose your perfect girl to settle down with. Cheers, Dan 👍
what if your girlfriend lost attraction in you for lack of confidence? broke up with you..can you get back with her? can you change to have her see you as confident again?
I think cold approach is the cheatcode?
For sure. Being able to approach a woman and attract her in person makes it 100x easier to get laid or get a girlfriend. 95% of guys cannot do it, so there is basically no competition. Most guys (including good looking guys) only ever LOOK at women, but never approach them. Here's what happened to me when I figured out how to do it: www.themodernman.com/dan_bacon.html Cheers, Dan 👍
@@DanBacon_ What a story Dan wow✨
Great vid. Brilliant!
Cheers JG 👍
Ohh wow first like 👏🏽❤
Hi Bella 👍 Glad you enjoyed the vid. Cheers, Dan
My problem is I’m actually a better looking than average guy & I have gotten attention from girls but my pictures suck and the way I carry myself is trash and as soon as I open my mouth they run for the hills
Thank you so much!
Hi Dan. I'm liking your videos mate. I have one question though, I've seen another guy on youtube saying that the ultimate secret to attract a girl is to tap into all of her emotions, rather than just 1 or 2, so a guy should make her laugh, make her feel anxious, make her feel annoyed, etc in one go......rather than just for example make her laugh. What's your take on it?
For sure. You shouldn't just make a woman feel one kind of emotion. If a guy is interacting with a woman and being a normal, honest person (i.e. not putting on an act of being a super nice guy), then he will naturally make her feel a variation of emotions. What I teach in The Flow naturally makes women feel all sorts of emotions (e.g. happy, anxious, insecure, captivated, calm, nervous, excited, confused, playfully shocked, lustful, amazed, respectful, etc). It all adds up to her feeling absolutely drawn to how much you make her feel and results in her wanting to impress you and hopefully get a chance with you. It's very easy to do as well. You don't ever have to think, "Okay, now make her feel nervous around me" and try to come up with something to say or do. Just use the simple techniques from The Flow and she will naturally feel a wide range of enjoyable emotions that cause her to completely focus on you and want to be with you. It's so easy to do. So easy. Cheers, Dan 👍
I'm 6"2', I don't have a 6 pack, but I'm muscular, I look pretty good (I have a nice face also). Sometimes I catch girls looking at me in public transport, on the street, at the gym, but do you want to tell me that If I will approach them then I will have chance? I never believed that cold approaching actually works and I'm very frustrated because it's been a lot of months since my last relationship. What's your advice?
Super helpful
Glad you enjoyed the vid Sebastián 👍 Cheers, Dan
This video is incredible and 100% correct. Thank you very much
Dan The best coach have ever seen. Thanks dude
What would you do Dan if you wanted to attract a woman that used to really like you but you lost contact for two years? I would think to keep it serious, I don‘t know if joking around or asking how she is would be worth it.
FYI: The texts to send in that situation are included in Text Attraction: www.themodernman.com/blog/text-attraction.html In terms of your situation - just know that if she really liked you and you didn't do anything to turn her off and make her hate you, then almost certainly still really likes you. So, if you even send a simple text like, "Hey Sophie 😄 How are you?" you will likely get a good response from her. If you want to make sure she feels attracted, then use one of the text examples from Text Attraction. In terms of it being worth it to contact her - yes, for sure. If you like her and she likes you, then there's nothing more worth it than that. You and her could experience an amazing love together. That is worth it. Do it. Cheers, Dan
@@DanBacon_ there was a ton of attraction, we worked together and about 6 weeks later she moved to a different country to study. There was never any conflict and we never actually dated. Three months after she left I texted her and said to let me know how things are going once in a while and she didn‘t respond. Who knows why. I didn‘t write back since and two years later it‘s been a thorn in my side. Luckily I didn‘t confess any feelings and get sappy so I can say I didn‘t ruin it.
There is too much beatiful women in the world.But there isn't even half of tall, handsome, succesfull millionaire guys available in compared to beautful girls.And there is possibility they preffer normal guys sometimes so this is also good for us.
I wanan buy the flow dan
I know a guy who at times looks in nervous mode, the uncool.
Dan, I know you made a video of how to make our girlfriends lose weight, but can you please explain further how to make them lose weight especially if our attraction for our GF is decreasing rapidly? I do feel like I'm being taken for granted by my girlfriend because I kept telling her how beautiful she is even though she's getting fatter (she's way too fat at this point) and I'm slowly falling out of love with her. The thing is I'm quite fat myself even though I'm tall, so maybe it's one reason why she's not convinced to lose the weight. I told her one time that I'd feel more attraction for her if she lost some weight, she cried, started to do more walking and eating less, then after some time she quit all that because I told her again she's beautiful and attractive (tried to encourage her and be supportive even though I lied about the attraction). Should I be direct and upfront that my attraction for her is fading away greatly? I don't want to hurt her either but I'm disappointed that she's not even taking much care of her looks for me as she did at the start, and this happens with every girl I met for a longer period of time
@@DanBacon_ thank you Dan, I appreciate everything you're doing
Hello Dan! Aubrey here i am a NEW customer to your super system!!! i was blocked everywhere & its been 2 years but i actually managed to get her on a call 3 days ago by watching your free content first and i passed most of the shit test on the first call ( she is so stubborn ) and i somewhat got her to say she forgives me on the call but i asked her to meet and she immediately said no and is super ice cold so far i am in step 3 of the course so i need to get her back on social media and im stuck . any ideas of what i could do next? wait 7 days and re contact her? or...?
Hi Aubrey - great to hear of your progress so far. However, as you probably now realize, there is a reason why Step 3 is before contacting her (Step 4). You needed to do that first. In terms of her not being able to see your social media - post as 'public' rather than 'only friends' and then use the examples of what to text her in the program to get her to re-add you as a friend on FB, or follow you on IG. After completing Step 3, contact her again and if she says no to a meetup, use Option 2 here and be easygoing, but confident about it to ensure you get the meetup: www.themodernman.com/blog/how-to-persuade-my-ex-to-meet-up-with-me-for-coffee.html Cheers, Dan 👍
@@DanBacon_ THE KING HAS SPOKEN!! thank you brother i will keep you updated!! the course is MAGIC! i WILL secure a meetup!
My girlfriend left me due to depression, though was happy and with me but a few days prior. Is there any advice you have in trying to help her and get her back with that context?
Yes, I wrote about that here: www.themodernman.com/blog/my-girlfriend-broke-up-with-me-because-she-is-unhappy-with-her-life.html
Can you make a video about escaping friendzone with a friend?
Here's a video I made a while back: ua-cam.com/video/MrMLsNKEaSg/v-deo.html Cheers, Dan
8:19 how come women can be emotionally stable at work for an 8hr shift,but at home she becomes moody??
Because she will lose her job if she isn't, but won't lose you. You're the man who loves her and is therefore patient with her. Her job doesn't love her. Cheers, Dan 👍
Hey Dan, I’m trying to spark attraction but she’s just being bitchy and not wanting to talk but I can get a conversation out of her, sometimes. I tried asking for her social, she told me no. We currently have 1 singular way of communication. I called her a funny name in a joking manner, “cutie” and she says “don’t call me that, I don’t want your compliments” what do I do? How do I start again. Was my approach wrong?
I'd need more info on how you met to give advice. Cheers, Dan
Hey Dan! Great content as usual. A question. I am usually good at teasing and creating sparks of attraction with women during most social situations and eventually get laid. However, my biggest challenge is when other guys butt in while we are having a conversation and kinda ruin the dynamics. Sometimes, it could be one man or several men joining the conversation at the same time. How would you deal with such a situation? (Maybe a future video would help as well!) Thanks!
Don't see the other guy(s) as competition. If you do, you will begin to display subtle signs of nervousness and self-doubt, which she will notice. If the other guy(s) seem more confident than you, she will then lose interest in you. So, just always see yourself as the most attractive man in the group and don't question it. She will sense that via your body language and energy, notice the insecurity and self-doubt in the other guy(s) and feel more attracted to you. Cheers, Dan 👍
@@DanBacon_ Thanks for the advice! Loved your The Flow audiobook which I purchased a few years ago! Completely changed my life with women. Thank you! xD
Someone invent a confidence nootropic already
Here it is: www.modernx.com/product/calm-and-clear/ ModernX is my company and I include scientific proof of each ingredient on every product page. Calm and Clear works. Enjoy your new level of confidence/reduced level of anxiety and nervousness! Cheers, Dan 👍
Judging by the photos and videos of you i've seen over the years , you become more ruggedly handsome with age. Like a good , red bearded wine ! lol No kidding.
Haha, cheers man. BTW: It's because I've increased my testosterone. Having increased testosterone literally (proven by science) makes you look more masculine over time. I take this daily: www.modernx.com/product/max-man/ Cheers, Dan
@@DanBacon_ Thanks for the tip. I will be looking into it.
Dan why aren’t u monitized?
Dan is bringing home the bacon once again
Dan...u f... beautyfull youtube legend...thanks
Can I create Chemistry with chatGPT ?
I have tested Chat GPT to see if it is able to give correct dating and attraction advice. It usually only spits out politically correct responses and uses a nice guy approach. Some responses are very good though, depending on what prompts you use. It's a great tool for many things, but in terms of using it to create chemistry with a woman: No. I assume you're asking about that in terms of text as well and I wouldn't advise you to do that at all. I've tested it many times to see what it would come up with and asked for funny responses, but it's just not right. When you read between the lines, the responses often make you look like a guy who is hoping to get a chance with her. It creates the wrong dynamic. If you want texts that create chemistry and make a woman want you that have been created by a human who is actually successful with women (i.e. me), then check out Text Attraction: www.themodernman.com/blog/text-attraction.html Cheers, Dan
Very good video.
And let's be honest, we all know that one guy who's not even average - he's downright bloody ugly! And yet, he always pulls the most attractive women. 😁
Exactly 👍 Most guys forget that though when they see a beautiful woman. They automatically assume it would be a no from her. Many beautiful women are actually struggling to get a boyfriend (read the comments from women under this video of mine ua-cam.com/video/aVQb7JoRep0/v-deo.html ) because guys don't approach them, or assume they have a boyfriend. Cheers, Dan
@@DanBacon_ Yeah, I remember that vid. Very relevant to me at the time.
What if you are already somewhat attractive and then she realizes you are confident and charismatic without being arrogant........will she see you as a GOD? Lol
i’m the beauty standard for men and i’m a 10/10 when it comes to picking up women in class or in a job, but i struggle with creating sexual tension when hooking up and meeting women casually. How do i react when a women plays with her phone but dosent move away from me?
Dan the man
Yo 👍
Ayyyyyyye ✌🏽
Hey Jarmelo 👍