As ladies, most of us have an unwelcomed view of menstruation, it is considered the worst time of the month. However, this sermon has made me look at menstruation as something sacred. ‘The welcome of life is signified bu the building up of blood.’ Menstruation is our glory as women. It signifies our potential to bear new life.
Then why did GOD demand the women to dwell outside the camp while on it. You cannot rewrite the Bible ever especially based on your worldly wisdom which descended not from above.
Well I got to say, John Piper will really answer any question as biblically as he can to the glory of God. Respect. Actually had this question posed to me once and I had no idea what to say.
Why would you (we) need another idea💡🤔 other than Lev 18:19 (thou shalt not) It is extremely plain without the multitude of words that brought us to 1Cor 7 (which is about prayer not menstruation)
Agreed! It’s only awkward if you allow it to be. It’s normal, natural, and has been happening for thousands of years. I’m not saying we need to hear about it all day/every day/from everyone, but in this space and for this reason, it is not awkward at all. Thanks for sharing your insight, John! It’s much-appreciated! 💙
Such considered, Godly and respectful answers to really difficult topics that are sadly not spoken about at all in churches today. Thank you for this wisdom. God bless Ps John Piper!
All women listening to 11:00 ( I’m a man) It’s brilliantly,beautifully hammered. That time of the month is a celebration of how God wired them sexually and that indeed they have the honor of bringing new life into this world. If it were sinful, that Would suggest abortion. You just Don’t abort Gods blessings :)
To each his own... But I don't understand why someone would opt to have intercourse during menstruation... It can be messy, painful at times and uncomfortable for women during this time
Some find sexual drive increases during menstruation. Others find it very frustrating when 8 days later, still spotting, and wonder if that's still considered on-the-red 🙃
So if both parties willingly agree it's okay. Being considerate of other's feelings is crucial. Women can please their men in another form of sexual activity, and men try not to be insistent in that period.
i kinda always thought of the menstrual cycle as a reminder of our sin, as a punishment along with pain in childbirth in Genesis 3. i mean- in a sinless world, would we still have periods? i really don't know. hearing that it's a reminder of "a woman's glory of bearing and nurturing life in her womb," was so strange because it's something i didn't even come close to considering.
I too think of it as a reminder of our sin. To me there is nothing ‘glorious’ about it. Though it never even bothered me much (I’m 67 now) to most women it was awful, painful and long lasting discomfort. That is not a blessing, but a punishment. But I do believe that the old testament rulings about it are to be heeded: how hygienic is having sex while menstruating? How comfortable? It is medically safe? These two are reason enough to postpone lust to a later date. Let me by no means interfere with each couple’s personal agreements: if there is mutual consent, God does not forbid it. But to me it says a lot about self control and discipline.
As a man I have always viewed it as something special, a time to appreciate your wife and be there supporting her during a time when she is going through a ton of emotions and having struggles we cannot even begin to understand. It genuinely is a gift that needs to treasured because it is a symbol of womanhood and can lead to motherhood. And all of the things I am unable to articulate, but I'm sure you understand. It's not something I see as unclean, and rather an opportunity to extend love. I would be too proud to go to the store to buy sanitary products and ice-cream. lol I don't know if in a sinless world there wouldn't be periods, but a thought too, as you advance in years you also lose the ability to menstruated, which means you have no more ability to create a child. I imagine by all the stories I hear of what women go through when they have become infertile (Through whatever means) that it is a devastation to them, in the Bible we hear about Hannah that was ridiculed and seen that God placed a curse on her for not having children, or or Elizabeth/ Sarah. Hearing this would make me think that the ability to have children/periods would be the opposite, that it is a sign of being blessed.
Wait, Adam sinned too, why would God put all the punishment on Eve? Painful child bearing makes sense as Adam also was effected by the downfall, but periods don't make sense, animals have it, it's the reason why creation was able to reproduce, why would God have it as a punishment?
I had a hard time getting pregnant when I was in my early 20’s a doctor suggested that I should try getting pregnant while I was on my period, my husband and I took her advice and I was able to get pregnant but I did think about that too if it was a sin to be intimate while menstruation.
Godbless ptr. Great treatment on the Issue from the Old testament Consideration to New testament and with practical approach on the Christian marriage.....really helpful advise....
Dear Pastor John. Jesus did not come to do away with the law but to fulfill it. To show us how to walk as He walked. How we love God is by doing His commandments. All Gods commandments are to protect us.
But Jesus' fulfilled the Law of Moses by kind of upgrading it into the Law of Christ (1 Cor 9:21; Gal 6:2). In Matt 5:17 Jesus says that he came to fulfill the Law. But then in the rest of chapter 5 he gives some teaching that conflicts with the Law of Moses. This shows that the fulfillment of the Law involves modifying it to some extent.
No offence family but The Lord didn't upgrade or change anything. He said that not one jot is changed until earth ends. The things that have changed are ordinances, ceremonies, meaning, No PHYSICAL slaying of animals, circumcision, washing, feasts etc. But the SPIRITUAL meaning of every principle, law commandment etc is to be written in our hearts 💕 minds Hebrews 10:16 🧠 Revelation says that the fathers name (character from the word & spirit) is to be written in our foreheads And we become an epistle letter to be read by others 2Cor3 How else shall a person cleanse their way, the word must be hid in the heart ❤ for us to not sin Psalms 119:9- The Lord works in the heart ❤ of the true worshippers by His Spirit and TRUTH. (Laws) John 4 This is how real faith was established from Genesis to Revelation nothing has changed Abel had it but Cain didn't, the wise will have it but the foolish won't Revelation 14 calls it the EVERLASTING gospel EVERLASTING, = not new or changed
One problem with this: in discussing the NT prohibition of homosexuality, it’s often brought up that Jesus Himself is not recorded to have spoken about homosexuality in the red letters. But! The Christian replies, Jesus did talk about sexual immorality a lot, and in His Jewish, law abiding context, that would have included all the Levitical laws pertaining to sexuality. So then, is Piper’s observance of the specific wording in Leviticus, enough to provide an out for sex during menstruation? If it is, could similar arguments be made to preclude other forms of OT sexuality?
People, including John Piper, who try to justify this as a ceremonial command listed in the middle of all the other moral laws of Lev 18 & 20, are just trying to trust Scripture to justify their sinful desires and behaviors. If this was about a ceremonial command, God wouldn't have listed this as a reason for judging the Canaanite pagan nations like He did. Also, his closing statement, "it's about love" is the exact same justification used for homosexuality and adultery today. I'm very disappointed with this reasoning by John.
It's about love between husband and wife. Although he might not state the term husband and wife. But I think he mean it , in his context of this video. He wouldn't not agree too , on the context of homosexuality and adultery too if it was brought to him.
A question I'd never really considered before or heard addressed before. Some helpful and thoughtful points from Pastor John (as always). To me it seems part of old testament purity / Mosaic law, which Chrsitians are free from thanks to the blood/body of Christ. Much like circumcision is no longer required.
Correct in saying that "unclean" is not about dirtiness or sinfulness. English doesn't have suitable words for clean and unclean in the Biblical sense, because we did not have a sacrificial system where the language was developing. A more appropriate word might be "unfit" as in unfit for sacrifice or for heaven, as the Temple represented heaven, or the garden of Eden before the fall. Marital sex is an activity reserved for holy matrimony ... it is supposed to be a holy activity. A Jewish bridegroom says to his bride, "You have become holy to me." Exclusive and set apart. Nothing resulting from sin could be brought into the Temple/God's presence .... So if a person was sick, deformed or bleeding, they could not go into the Temple until they were well and had been purified and baptised. They could go into the synagogue and be embraced, but anyone who touched them would have to be purified (baptised) before going in to the Temple. Being clean and unclean is part of life.... not bad in any way. Mary and baby Jesus/Yeshua were "unclean" for 40 days, but received visitors, and hugs were fine. No sex though till after purification. No blood in marital sex because it is a holy activity and blood is symbolic of the Fall.
Hi pastor John thank you for your comment but there is sin offering and burnt offering for woman’s period Leviticus 15:30 to atone for her. How is it not sin if she has to bring sin offering !? Thank you
I would love to hear more Biblical expositions of the following as I believe they are all relevant to this question. I would also love to know the respected opinions of Sinclair Fergusen, Voddie Bauchem, Paul Washer, Joel Beeke and David Mackereth on this topic. Gn 9:4 lifeblood Gn 15:16 Iniquity of th Amorite Lv 12 lifeblood related to childbirth why a 2403 sin offering for bleeding while having a baby? Lv 15:24 accidental sex? mens unclean Lv 18 mens unclean for others Lv 20 deliberate viol Ez 18 equated to other moral sin Ez 22 equated to other moral sin v10 Ez 36 Jr 31:29 Lm 5 Mt 5 Mt 1 Mt 23 At 15:20 lifeblood Ro 10:4 1 Cor 6 1 Cor 7 Eph 5 Col 2:21-23? Col 3:5? Heb 13:4
Just a speculation and wondering: could a women's monthly cycle be prophetic to our salvation in Christ? Cause if our monthly bleeding is a "fountain of blood" and there is "life in the blood" and Christ is the "fountain of life" in which we are saved by the shedding of His blood and it takes the shedding of blood to prepare our bodies for the potential of new life? I really don't know, but I would love to hear if anyone else could expound upon this!
This is why people say 🙄 that Christians contradict themselves Lev 18:19 says that we should not do it,🩸 but we try to connect 1 Cor 7, which has nothing to do with menstruation. (making a new meaning) Why are our minds sometimes bent on fluidity or funding something new that we destroy the plain thus saith the Lord
At 1:05 the questioner asks Piper to address Lev 20:22&23 where YHWH condemns the actions listed as being the reason that the Canaanites and Amorites are abhorred by God and being kicked out of the promised land. I love to listen to Piper and often recommend him to others but I feel like he is not adequately addressing this question. I'm not saying that a married couple under grace of the new covenant can't have sex while she menstruates I'm just saying that I don't think Piper answered the question in it's specific detail. From what I can tell MacArthur, Piper, Courson, and non reformed preachers in general seem to think that menstrual sex within marriage is condoned under New Covenant. John Calvin and Matthew Henry commenting on Hebrews 13:4 say it's not condoned. Eusebius seemed to think women on their period shouldn't have sex or even participate in the eucharist during her period. The apostolic constitution of 375 AD seems to argue in favor of women freely participating in anything godly while on their period. James R White says for some reason God doesn't want us to have sex while the wife is on her period and we need to just respect that. The guys over at Ligonier say that the prohibitions on period sex in the OT were only referring to ritual cleanliness but that married couples still shouldn't participate in period sex because it is unnatural.
No one has answered why, if the prohibition on sex during a woman’s cycle had to do with mere ritual cleanliness of the Mosaic covenant sacrificial system, the Canaanite nations were being divinely punished and vomited out of the land for such practices? See Leviticus 18:24, 25. Why do the best theologians not ask themselves that basic question?🎉
@@cbtam4333 Dr James White brings up the punishment of the Canaanites for doing all those things in his series on the Moral Code Leviticus 17-27. James White includes period sex in the list. Cameron Coburn says it depends on where you put the book end as far as the context in Leviticus for which things the Canaanites are being judged.
@@AndonJamesTyler good to hear it, but would they make a “book end” argument for bestiality? I don’t think that’s condemned in the New Testament. Yet I don’t know of a single Christian who would condone it. The notion that anything commanded in the Old Testament is automatically inoperative for Christians unless explicitly repeated in the New Testament never made a lot of sense to me. There’s got to be a a better standard to use to determine what is and isn’t applicable. After all, why should God have to to repeat himself in order for us to take him seriously?
I find John Piper's discussion of Lev 20:18, the verse that refers to uncovering a woman's fountain, to be very strange. He says that the prohibition of sex during menstruation in this verse is not about cleanliness, but 'probably a reference to something sacred and profound'. And then he says that he guesses that this process of the fountain of life 'was simply not to be casually observed'. And he says other similar, deep things about this verse. He seems to be building up to a statement that this verse refers to a prohibition from nature against sex during menstruation. But instead of reaching this conclusion, he seems to ignore what he has just said and goes on immediately to say that couples can have sex during menstruation if they want to! I find this very perplexing, and I think he is much too quick to dismiss this verse as potential evidence from nature that sex during menstruation is intrinsically wrong. I am not saying I am sure it is wrong, but this verse needs to be carefully considered.
@@Iamwrongbut He did say that as a general principle we don't have to keep the Old Covenant Law, and that is right. But as he himself said in this episode, some of the individual commands in the Law of Moses are based on nature, such as the prohibition of homosexual practice, and in such cases we should follow the Mosaic Command. It isn't that we are still under the Law of Moses per se. It's just that some parts of the Law of Moses are incorporated into the Law of Christ (1 Cor 9:21; Gal 6:2). What I found very surprising was that John Piper seemed to give some good arguments that the command in Lev 20:18 IS based on nature, but then he just went ahead immediately to say that couples can have sex during menstruation if they want to.
Also, God commanded many laws in the Old Testament because he did not want the Jews doing the same things the heathen nations did, such as boiling a calf in its mother's milk. God wanted his peopel to be so separated to Him, so as to be so totally different from the surrounding nations.
Q:why is there a sin offering for menstruation Lev15:28-30, reason given in vs 33? Lev 18:19 says all are judged. It seems sex during menstruation is a sin for all,and a sin offering is made by Israel just for bleeding.
In 1 Cor 7:19 Paul says: 'Circumcision does not matter and uncircumcision does not matter. Keeping God’s commands is what matters.' (CSB) John Piper clearly sees 'God's commands' in this verse as a reference to commands in the Law of Moses. I would see 'God's commands' in this verse as a reference to God's moral demands in general rather than as a specific reference to the Law of Moses. From what I can see in the commentaries, most scholars also see a general reference.
I have to admit, I still do not get it. I understand that uncleanness is not an issue anymore. But what about Leviticus 20, 18, the reason here is different, maybe the sacredness of life, but why does that not apply today? Because all the other things in the list in Leviticus 20 - adultery, homosexuality and sex with animals - are still prohibited today. Sex with animals is no topic in the NT as far as I know and still I think we agree that it is still prohibited today. Fornication is even mentioned as still relevant in Acts 15, a term probably related to all kinds of sexual sin. Maybe even including sex during menstruation? I have not met anyone believing sex during menstruation was sinful today, but, looking at scripture, it is still hard for me to believe it, although I liked it to be different. And furthermore, God seems to be very serious in Leviticus 20 in stating that the penalty for sex during menstruation was death. So I woul really like to be sure that it is not prohibited before I do it.
Update: Maybe Leviticus 20,18 - even if not mentionend - is also just about uncleanness. Because Leviticus 18,19 is about uncleanness and Leviticus 20 ist just a repetition of the list of sins in Leviticus 18 together with its punishments. That is an indication that it is not relevant anymore today. Another indication is that Paul does not mention the time of menstruation in 1. corinthians 7,5 as another reason for abstination (It is not a proof because Paul might assume it being clear that people abstain during menstruation, but it is an indication).
@@irgendwas3300, there were still plenty of Jewish Christians during Paul’s day, and the Temple was still standing. I find it hard to believe he would have instructed these Jewish believers that it was acceptable for couples to have sex during the woman’s menses, which would have been a direct violation of a well-known Torah command they had been practicing all their lives.
@marriage4life893, most theologians confuse the ritual uncleanness described in laws regarding the proper way to approach God’s visceral presence at the Temple in Jerusalem, with the moral uncleanness of basic sins, including the sexual sins listed in Leviticus 18 and 20. Even Jesus recognized this distinction. Matthew 15:1-20. But for some reason, most theologians have a hard time grasping it. It may be because their position on the applicability of God’s commands in the Old Testament to believers in Jesus Christ in general needs some reworking. If so, that would be a significant undertaking, and thus unlikely to be done easily or any time soon. Still, it’s worth it to continue to ask these types of questions.
I'd say, if you're convicted that doing something may be wrong, then dont do it. Going against your conscience is sin because that's your personal judger of right and wrong. But if you have doubts about whether or not you should eat something, you are sinning if you go ahead and do it. For you are not following your convictions. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning. Romans 14:23 it does specifically say so. New or old covenant, sin is still sin. God doesnt change. Besides, it's very gross and filthy behaviour. Let's have some self control, even if you are married, and just wait the 5-7 days.
What if you still spot 8 days later? Is it still considered the menstruation period? The issue is not always if something is "gross" (let's be honest, deciding what is gross or not is very subjective). What if you thought you were clean, then spotted after sex? For many people there is confusion around it as it's not an on-off switch. Reading further out in those verses, it says everyone should be sure in their own mind. It takes questioning and asking around to be sure though. There's no harm in asking and testing. I appreciate hearing more about the reasoning and about the cleanliness laws, helps to have some sort of framework.
@Young No, adultery and theft are not a matter of opinion. Nor am I saying that there are not moral absolutes. What I was saying is that one's conscience is an important factor in what we choose to do. In Rom 14 Paul lists some things that are intrinsically morally OK. However, he says that if someone's conscience is offended by doing these things - even though Paul recognises that the person is making a mistake in having an offended conscience - it actually becomes a sin to do it. So, quite apart from whether it is intrinsically morally OK to have sex if a woman is menstruating, it is certainly a sin for someone to do this against their conscience.
@Young I think you might have misunderstood my position. I didn't say that having sex during menstruation is OK. I think you may well be correct that it is wrong, although I am not sure about that. If I were married to a pre-menopausal woman, I wouldn't do it. The point I have been making in this thread is a kind of tangential point to do with conscience: If someone has a guilty conscience about doing something, it is a sin for them to go against their conscience even if they are making a mistake about what they think is right and wrong. So, for example, take the issue of eating meat. There is nothing wrong with eating meat in itself. But if someone doubts whether it is OK and eats, they are committing a sin. This is one of the topics that Paul talks about in Rom 14. This person doesn't commit the sin of eating meat, but they do commit the sin of going against their conscience (even though their conscience is mistaken). I am not saying that I am sure that those whose conscience forbids sex during menstruation are mistaken. I think you may well be right about that. But the point I have been making is that QUITE APART FROM WHAT IS RIGHT OR WRONG IN GOD'S SIGHT, if someone goes against their conscience they are sinning.
@Marriage4life I think you have still misunderstood what I believe. I think you are probably right that having sexual intercourse while menstruating is wrong in and of itself. My point was that another relevant issue in decision making is our consciences. If our conscience doesn't allow us to do something, then we shouldn't do it, even if we are not sure if it is wrong in and of itself. So, suppose there is a married person who isn't sure whether it is right or wrong to have sex while menstruating is. That person shouldn't do it, because to do so would be to go against their conscience.
I gotta say that I think that it is still prohibited. It's one of the "that soul shall be cut off from among his people" prohibitions against sexual immorality. So beside that, I heard (take what you will from it) that God designed menstruation so that we'd have mini honeymoons, because she was unclean for a time, and you may return together after eager anticipation of each other's company while abiding by this commandment.
From 9:15 Piper says there's no sacrifice given after menstruation. Leviticus 15:28-30 "When she becomes clean from her discharge, she shall count off for herself seven days; and then she shall be clean. Then on the eighth day she shall take for herself two turtle doves or two young pigeons, and bring them to the tent of meeting. And the priest shall offer the one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering. So the priest shall make atonement on her behalf before YHWH because of her impure discharge."
Leviticus 15,28-30 probably refers to v.25 "if a woman have an issue of her blood many days out of the time of her separation, or if it run beyond the time of her separation". This is probably due to illness. So there must be a sacrifice after illness, but not after regular menstruation. Credit to John McArthur for that insight.
John Piper: 'In a profound sense, then, Christians are set free from the Mosaic Law.' Yes, Paul talks about Christians not being under the Law of Moses (e.g., Rom 7:4, 6; Gal 3:23-25) but being under the 'Law of Christ' (1 Cor 9:21; Gal 6:2). In Matt 5:17 Jesus says that he came to fulfill the Law of Moses (Matt 5:17), and it seems that this fulfillment refers to the transition from the Law of Moses to the Law of Christ. I would see this a bit like the way a caterpillar mutates into a butterfly.
Jesus came to full fill the law not to abolish it. He kept the law perfectly, no one except Him could. But, He said not one tittle of the law would pass away. Ezekiel Chapter 18, verse 6 still applies, as the church is the true Israel of God.
@@YOUGOTIT210 Jesus said that not one part of the Law of Moses would pass away. But we cannot possibly take this as a simple statement of fact that the Law will continue on into the Christian era as something that Christians should obey without modification. For example, the Law contains many instructions regarding sacrifice, such as in the first few chapters of Leviticus. But we know that Jesus has fulfilled and superseded the sacrificial system. So these parts of the Law are certainly not something that we should follow without modification. As I said in my comment above, I see the Jesus' fulfillment of the Law as a transformation of the Law of Moses into the Law of Christ. Jesus didn't just abolish the Law of Moses. Rather, he upgraded it into the Law of Christ. I don't find it at all convincing to say that Jesus' fulfillment of the Law means his perfect keeping of it. And in any case, even if this were true, the New Testament as a whole makes it clear that Christians are not obligated to obey the Law of Moses in unaltered form. You say, citing Ezek 18:6, that the prohibition of sex during menstruation still applies. I think you may well be right, but not simply because it is in the Law of Moses, but because it may be a principle based on nature. Personally, I am unclear on this issue. Finally, you are absolutely right that the church is the true Israel of God, although I think God still has some unfinished business with ethnic Israel.
@@maxaplin4204 The law CAME thru Moses and God sent His Son, the second member of the Trinity to fulfill the law. He kept it perfectly. He was the pass over Lamb of God that took away the sins of the whole world. He is known only to those God the Father chooses to reveal His Son to. No one can come to Him, unless He is drawn to Him (Jesus) by God the Father. Do not separate the law of Moses from it's fulfillment in Christ, because Christ gave the law to Moses. Christ is the eternal God who became flesh and fulfilled what Adam failed to do, to be completely, perfectly obedient to the Father's will. He was fully man and fully God, and as fully man, the second Adam. He is Lord and Savior of the Jew and the gentile, to those under the law and to those without the law. Understand, Jesus spoke in and by the prophets, not just Moses. It is Jesus who is speaking thru Ezekiel and therefore Chapter 18 and verse 6 still applies; because, His words will never pass away. Only the sacrificial system was abolished, because Jesus fulfilled it, when He spoke these last words on the cross, which have so much meaning and depth, that they could be commented upon almost endlessly, "IT IS FINISHED". Not just the sacrificial system was finished, but He has completed His work on earth in taking upon Himself the sins of His people and every sin of the whole world, that there is not a sin that could ever be committed against God by any God hating rebellious individual that He cannot forgive, if by the effectual calling of the Holy Spirit that person comes to Jesus in repentance and faith, which are also gifts to His elect.
Why do people leave out the word "prophets"? Jesus said "I came not to destroy, but to fulfill the LAW AND PROPHETS" (the prophecies written in the "law and prophets" Torah)
@@YOUGOTIT210 I agree that Jesus kept the Law of Moses. But the issue is what Jesus means by saying that he has come to fulfill the Law in Matt 5:17. I don't believe that this is about his keeping of the Law. Rather, it is about his transforming of the Law into the Law of Christ. See, for example, in the same chapter that Jesus actually contradicts the Law in various ways. So the Law permits quite easy divorce, but Jesus restricts when this is allowed (Matt 5:31-32). And the law permits oaths, but Jesus forbids them (Matt 5:33-37). So it is a mistake to say that the Law of Moses remains the same other than the sacrificial system. See also what Paul says in Gal 3:23-25, where he teaches that the Jews were confined under the Law until the coming of Christ. So it is a mistake to say that Ezek 18:6 must automatically still apply because it comes from the Law of Moses (although I think this may be a timeless command based on nature, as I have already said). On this topic, I can recommend Douglas Moo's Essay in Four Views on Law and Gospel (Zondervan, 1999).
*This pastor is lying to you* 1. The covenant God gave to Moses is not done away with. 2. Paul said that covenant has been transferred from stone to the believers heart 2 Cor 3:3, Rom 2:15, Jer 31:31-34, Heb 10:16. 3. All uncleanness is sin Ephesians 5:3, and menstrual cycles are uncleanness Leviticus 15. Giving birth was also uncleanness which is why after a woman gave birth she had to present animal sacrifices such as the sin offering Leviticus 12. Lev 12:7 Then he shall offer it before the Lord, and make [d]atonement for her. And she shall be clean from the flow of her blood. This is the law for her who has borne a male or a female. 8 ‘And if she is not able to bring a lamb, then she may bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons-one as a burnt offering and the other as a sin offering. So the priest shall make atonement for her, and she will be [e]clean.’ I'd love to debate your scholars of Christianity your Piper, McArthur etc. There new testament Christianity [we accept only Matthew through Revelation] VS myself using the Tanakh [Genesis through Revelation]. Your cherry picking scholars would not be able to come against me! They would lose and lose badly.
Try not to shame people for wanting to know what can be done in the marriage. The world has already tried to steal sex. When it was a gift given to married couples.Trust me a lot of married Christians have questions way more shocking.
Not always- If spotting still 8 days later, is it still menstruation? Gets confusing if you see it as a sin, bc it's not like flipping on and off a light switch.
That separation prevented a woman from physically approaching the temple until she was ritually clean again. It didn’t have much practical relevance for Jewish women who lived in the diaspora, far away from the temple, even back then. It has no current practical relevance in the absence of a standing temple, as has been the case for the last 19 centuries, although religious Jewish women continue to practice ritual cleansing after their menses as a mitzvot. Furthermore, the whole idea of ritual cleanliness surrounding the monthly cycle seems unrelated to the prohibition on sex during the monthly cycle, which is listed among the general sins of illicit sex (applicable to the world beyond Israel as well) rather than with the rules of ritual purity associated with the holiness of the temple.
Accept Jesus Christ as you Lord and Savior and you will be saved. John 3:16 (share the good news of the gospel around the world!) Have a wonderful rest of your day/night everyone, may the LORD bless you all, and farewell! ,,.,
This is not how you preach the gospel, zero brownie points. Go out on the streets and preach the gospel, or at least post this comment on Atheist and Muslim videos and have conversation with people.
@@actmrhata5079 that's your opinion. I don't like to compare, but I've listened to some bible teachers in their Q&A, and they could answer questions (interesting topics) in 5mins. Clear, crisp, concise, efficient. You can get a lot in just few minutes. It pains me listening to him answering an interesting topic like that.
Define "rooted in nature", please. Because there is a list of animals that form same-sex couples, and some of these animals ARE WILD. Unless God told him something, Paul would like not have known that because he was a TENTMAKER not a Naturalist. 8:10 Second I tend to find that mention of "menstruation being unclean" quite damaging and offensive. Seriously the last few minutes of this video should have been the entire answer, they simply talk over what they both want and come to a compromise.
Hey I know these group of people and they all know witchcraft, we’ve had issues recently and I pissed them off, I need prayer that all the spells they send will be reversed in Christ name amen.
To all Christians Jesus is God. He's not just love he's WRATH!! HELL wasn't created for no reason. Many of you will NOT enter Heaven. Jesus DIDN'T die so you can continue to sin. Children of God DO NOT continue to sin. (1 John 3:9 GNT "Those who are children of God DO NOT continue to sin".) You're not a child of God if you haven't stopped sinning you're a sinner. Sinners will not enter heaven. Jesus saying ["but the one who DOES the will of my father who is in heaven"] reveals you have to do something to enter heaven. That something is the will of the father. The will of the father is STOP SINNING. Stop sinning or you will be cast into HELL. If you have stopped continue to not sin.
Well you're half right. God indeed has wrath against sin. He delivers us though solely by His grace through faith, which transforms us and makes us new creatures. He justifies us freely as sinners and then keeps us from falling into continual grievous sin. We may slip and sin, but we cannot live in sin as salvation is an actual change, a work of God. Not a coat we put on and can remove at will. We actually become new. Christianity is not man made works salvation. We exchange our sin for Christ's righteousness. We have no righteousness of our own. We are under grace not law. Paul warned of those that would come along trying to put us back under the bondage of law and works.
None of us can stop sinning, not even you. Yes we as Christians do need more fear of the lord in our life's and more reverence. People take God's love for granted, but he also is merciful and know we will falter like the fools we are. Also coping and pasting this comment doesn't really do much.
I believe that the worst sin is hatred. Racism hatred, homophobia hatred (reminder that homophobia is not believing that homosexuality is a sin, but the irrational hatred, violence against and fear of people with homosexual feelings) or sexism hatred. Hatred is blasphemy against God, for it is hatred against what he has created, and is a misuse of the brain God has created to try and justify hatred.
In “MY OPINION” is that this is a rhetorical question by the questioner. Simply because already he/she already seems to believe that whatever is in the OT and is NOT repeated in the NT is NOT a sin issue. Hmm what does ones conscience says!
Why do you feel the need to scrutinize her words in such a way that you claim to know her heart? There is no way that you can know her heart from one sentence. To me it seems that she is wanting him to address that argument because it is a common one when people consider laws in the OT.
Many Christians are still tied to the worldly stuff, basically flesh related things. Is it a sin to eat this, or drink that or do this or that? Read this - Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation without regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. 2Cor7:10 Mankind are born with the law in their heart, but most lost it while growing up.
You should have a separate section for married couples and singles I am single and disgusted by this ew. This is what humans have come to now y'all behaving like animals. learn to develop self control it's a fruit of the spirit. I am super disgusted right now and unsubscribed this channel. Bye.
The menstrual cycle - the period seems to be a time of which a woman rids her body of the eggs that die. When her period occurs, it is when the egg has not been fertilized by sperm and thus, must be removed as it does over a "period of time". So, that moment doesn't seem proper to penetrate your wife as she now flows out of her dying eggs which have ruptured and blood pours out from her womb. Penetrating and climaxing the semen into her by which sperm has no means of fertilizing any egg, thus it becomes simply a matter of pleasure. Pleasure is good with your wife, however, to do so at such a moment may be treating your wife as a sex object and thus he sins against his Wife.
Hello Desiring God admin people…. Just wanted to say that not every question that you get asked needs to be answered. You don’t need to accommodate the culture. Ask yourself - WWWD? What Would Whitefield Do? Dignity and decorum are still important
How utterly ridiculous to think that if a Christian has a question she or he wants answered we should put dignity and decorum before that person’s need to know the answer to something important to them. This isn’t about ‘accommodating culture’ it’s about learning and growing and seeking biblical answers for every question and this lady’s question was quite legitimate. Thank goodness Pastor John approaches all subjects like an adult who seeks biblical truth and who wants to help everyone regardless of the subject, rather than like some embarrassed and shy school child. I think THAT’s what Jesus would do!
@@brandonmack8573 read and understand Leviticus first. Hebrews explains that we still have a priesthood but it's a heavenly one now, still fulfilling the law. Christ is our high priest.
@@brandonmack8573 you're selectively taking verses out of context. Read the whole chapter and also the whole book. 10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: 11 and they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. God promises that later He will write His laws on our hearts and we won't have to teach each other. That's after Christ's return (glorified sinless bodies) when we get the full law hard-coded into ourselves. At that time the covenant will have changed. A change in covenant isn't a change in law but in roles under the law. Adam and Eve had a simple covenant: don't eat from THAT tree and stay in the garden. They broke it and God promised a path for redemption but also kicked them out of the garden. Abraham sought God and His ways. God taught Abraham for about 90 years before making a covenant with him and giving him circumcision as a sign of the covenant. Abraham also knew the law (Genesis 26:5). In Egypt, God remembered His covenant with Abraham and used Moses to renew it. Moses recorded the law but it all still had to be (and still has to be) taught from person to person, generation to generation. Obviously we do not have the law hard-coded into us anymore than Abraham did. Hebrews is a book about the priesthood and how the requirements of the priesthood on earth (Levitical) were shadows of the heavenly promises. Christ is our high priest, therefore a change in the laws relating to priests. This is not a change in the laws relating to just about everything else or to the topic of the video - sex during menstruation. Those laws all still stand. They are expectations for our behavior. The form of our mediator (priesthood) has changed. We go to Christ now and not to a local Levite.
Well i dont think is a sinful act but is a impure act. Is dirty in other words. I guess is a pesonal choice u wanna be dirty or not? I abstain from that but i guess to each their own.
@@jordanpryor4771 if someone still spots 8-12 days later, is it still menstruation? If one thinks she is clean and done, but then spots after sex, did she sin, and make her husband sin? If you think it's a sin, where is the ending line? It's unusual for menstruation to be an on-off switch.
@@nikkisigmon8090 What do you mean by clean and done? What do you mean by did she make her husband sin? Obviously if a man and women are married, and for some strange reason they want to have sex during menstruation, then it’s not wrong. Weird/disgusting, but not wrong.
It’s obviously not silly to the person who asked the question. Glad she got an answer rather than be reprimanded for asking a ‘silly and stupid’ question.
I mean.. It's in the Bible. Your disgust seems to be with the Bible and the topics covered by the Bible, and not with the channel. Though now that I see your other comments on the channel, it looks like you may simply be a troll.
@@lukehumphrey7517 Woah. I'm a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. You can tell alot by Piper by seeing the fruit of his followers. You are an example. I rarely comment on Desiring God. This headline and sermon is disgusting. Tasteless. A sermon Jesus wouldn't teach on that's for certain.
@@basha0810 I did not mean to offend. I'm, one, stating truth: it is a topic covered very explicitly by the Bible. So yes, Jesus would teach on it. He himself aligns perfectly with all God-spoken truth. Again, your issue is with the taste of the Bible. Please don't misunderstand: I'm not trying to be offensive but truthful. Two, I apologize if you are indeed genuine. I glanced (keyword: glanced) at a few of your comments on the channel previously, and it seemed (apart from context), that you already weren't a big fan of Piper. I should not have assumed, and I am sorry for that. Additionally, the argument that you can tell a lot about Piper by looking at his followers seems, to me, to be a flawed one. We could see its flaws when applying it to the followers of Jesus: take Judas, for example. Regardless, I'm a follower of Christ and not of any man.
Who cares if it is considered sinful? Also, monogamy is unnatural for both men and women. It was forced upon us along with an older age of adulthood. We’re adults much earlier. Leave us alone.
As ladies, most of us have an unwelcomed view of menstruation, it is considered the worst time of the month. However, this sermon has made me look at menstruation as something sacred. ‘The welcome of life is signified bu the building up of blood.’ Menstruation is our glory as women. It signifies our potential to bear new life.
A gift❤
Then why did GOD demand the women to dwell outside the camp while on it. You cannot rewrite the Bible ever especially based on your worldly wisdom which descended not from above.
@@Hishelper-2I was always told it was the curse because I am a horrible women. 😂
Well I got to say, John Piper will really answer any question as biblically as he can to the glory of God. Respect. Actually had this question posed to me once and I had no idea what to say.
Why would you (we) need another idea💡🤔 other than Lev 18:19 (thou shalt not)
It is extremely plain without the multitude of words that brought us to 1Cor 7 (which is about prayer not menstruation)
Well, I don't think you can ever get a more complete answer than this. Thanks Pastor John.
Wow, I'm speechless! Such wisdom! Such insight! And the Bible wraps it up so well! To God be the Glory! Thank you pastor John!
No awkward topic. Please let's be real! Thank you John for answering! :-)
Agreed! It’s only awkward if you allow it to be. It’s normal, natural, and has been happening for thousands of years. I’m not saying we need to hear about it all day/every day/from everyone, but in this space and for this reason, it is not awkward at all. Thanks for sharing your insight, John! It’s much-appreciated! 💙
Such considered, Godly and respectful answers to really difficult topics that are sadly not spoken about at all in churches today. Thank you for this wisdom. God bless Ps John Piper!
Thank you! I've addressed that question too, last month. Glad for such a complete, biblical and insightful answer, as you aways do :)
I'm so grateful for the APJ podcast. Thank you for this and many other difficult to talk about, topics.
All women listening to 11:00 ( I’m a man) It’s brilliantly,beautifully hammered. That time of the month is a celebration of how God wired them sexually and that indeed they have the honor of bringing new life into this world. If it were sinful, that Would suggest abortion. You just Don’t abort Gods blessings :)
abortion? Well not exactly she's not pregnant.
im jot sure i understand. can you elaborate
@@KatieAJ well I meant was, pregnancys wouldn’t be allowed. So Thank God they gifted to deliver life :)
This is basically the conclusion my wife and I came to. Also, when discerning which old testament laws to keep, Acts 15 is of great value.
I was actually pondering this exact thing. Thank you very much
To each his own... But I don't understand why someone would opt to have intercourse during menstruation... It can be messy, painful at times and uncomfortable for women during this time
Some find sexual drive increases during menstruation. Others find it very frustrating when 8 days later, still spotting, and wonder if that's still considered on-the-red 🙃
@@nikkisigmon8090 That's interesting... I didn't know... Thanks for sharing
Some women have terrible period cramps during this time of the month, and while it may sound weird, intercourse apparently relieves the pain...
@@nikkisigmon8090whew this is true
So if both parties willingly agree it's okay. Being considerate of other's feelings is crucial. Women can please their men in another form of sexual activity, and men try not to be insistent in that period.
i kinda always thought of the menstrual cycle as a reminder of our sin, as a punishment along with pain in childbirth in Genesis 3. i mean- in a sinless world, would we still have periods? i really don't know. hearing that it's a reminder of "a woman's glory of bearing and nurturing life in her womb," was so strange because it's something i didn't even come close to considering.
I too think of it as a reminder of our sin. To me there is nothing ‘glorious’ about it. Though it never even bothered me much (I’m 67 now) to most women it was awful, painful and long lasting discomfort. That is not a blessing, but a punishment.
But I do believe that the old testament rulings about it are to be heeded: how hygienic is having sex while menstruating? How comfortable? It is medically safe? These two are reason enough to postpone lust to a later date.
Let me by no means interfere with each couple’s personal agreements: if there is mutual consent, God does not forbid it.
But to me it says a lot about self control and discipline.
As a man I have always viewed it as something special, a time to appreciate your wife and be there supporting her during a time when she is going through a ton of emotions and having struggles we cannot even begin to understand. It genuinely is a gift that needs to treasured because it is a symbol of womanhood and can lead to motherhood. And all of the things I am unable to articulate, but I'm sure you understand.
It's not something I see as unclean, and rather an opportunity to extend love. I would be too proud to go to the store to buy sanitary products and ice-cream. lol
I don't know if in a sinless world there wouldn't be periods, but a thought too, as you advance in years you also lose the ability to menstruated, which means you have no more ability to create a child. I imagine by all the stories I hear of what women go through when they have become infertile (Through whatever means) that it is a devastation to them, in the Bible we hear about Hannah that was ridiculed and seen that God placed a curse on her for not having children, or or Elizabeth/ Sarah. Hearing this would make me think that the ability to have children/periods would be the opposite, that it is a sign of being blessed.
Wait, Adam sinned too, why would God put all the punishment on Eve? Painful child bearing makes sense as Adam also was effected by the downfall, but periods don't make sense, animals have it, it's the reason why creation was able to reproduce, why would God have it as a punishment?
I had a hard time getting pregnant when I was in my early 20’s a doctor suggested that I should try getting pregnant while I was on my period, my husband and I took her advice and I was able to get pregnant but I did think about that too if it was a sin to be intimate while menstruation.
Godbless ptr. Great treatment on the Issue from the Old testament Consideration to New testament and with practical approach on the
Christian marriage.....really helpful advise....
God bless you pastor John,I love your answer thanks 🙏🏽🕊️
Dear Pastor John. Jesus did not come to do away with the law but to fulfill it. To show us how to walk as He walked.
How we love God is by doing His commandments.
All Gods commandments are to protect us.
But Jesus' fulfilled the Law of Moses by kind of upgrading it into the Law of Christ (1 Cor 9:21; Gal 6:2).
In Matt 5:17 Jesus says that he came to fulfill the Law. But then in the rest of chapter 5 he gives some teaching that conflicts with the Law of Moses. This shows that the fulfillment of the Law involves modifying it to some extent.
No offence family but The Lord didn't upgrade or change anything. He said that not one jot is changed until earth ends.
The things that have changed are ordinances, ceremonies, meaning, No PHYSICAL slaying of animals, circumcision, washing, feasts etc. But the SPIRITUAL meaning of every principle, law commandment etc is to be written in our hearts 💕 minds Hebrews 10:16 🧠 Revelation says that the fathers name (character from the word & spirit) is to be written in our foreheads
And we become an epistle letter to be read by others 2Cor3
How else shall a person cleanse their way, the word must be hid in the heart ❤ for us to not sin Psalms 119:9-
The Lord works in the heart ❤ of the true worshippers by His Spirit and TRUTH. (Laws) John 4
This is how real faith was established from Genesis to Revelation nothing has changed
Abel had it but Cain didn't, the wise will have it but the foolish won't
Revelation 14 calls it the EVERLASTING gospel
EVERLASTING, = not new or changed
One problem with this: in discussing the NT prohibition of homosexuality, it’s often brought up that Jesus Himself is not recorded to have spoken about homosexuality in the red letters. But! The Christian replies, Jesus did talk about sexual immorality a lot, and in His Jewish, law abiding context, that would have included all the Levitical laws pertaining to sexuality.
So then, is Piper’s observance of the specific wording in Leviticus, enough to provide an out for sex during menstruation? If it is, could similar arguments be made to preclude other forms of OT sexuality?
So, yes, we learn God's righteousness through the Law.
He is magnificently eloquent 💓
People, including John Piper, who try to justify this as a ceremonial command listed in the middle of all the other moral laws of Lev 18 & 20, are just trying to trust Scripture to justify their sinful desires and behaviors.
If this was about a ceremonial command, God wouldn't have listed this as a reason for judging the Canaanite pagan nations like He did.
Also, his closing statement, "it's about love" is the exact same justification used for homosexuality and adultery today. I'm very disappointed with this reasoning by John.
It's about love between husband and wife. Although he might not state the term husband and wife. But I think he mean it , in his context of this video. He wouldn't not agree too , on the context of homosexuality and adultery too if it was brought to him.
A question I'd never really considered before or heard addressed before. Some helpful and thoughtful points from Pastor John (as always).
To me it seems part of old testament purity / Mosaic law, which Chrsitians are free from thanks to the blood/body of Christ. Much like circumcision is no longer required.
Correct in saying that "unclean" is not about dirtiness or sinfulness. English doesn't have suitable words for clean and unclean in the Biblical sense, because we did not have a sacrificial system where the language was developing.
A more appropriate word might be "unfit" as in unfit for sacrifice or for heaven, as the Temple represented heaven, or the garden of Eden before the fall.
Marital sex is an activity reserved for holy matrimony ... it is supposed to be a holy activity. A Jewish bridegroom says to his bride, "You have become holy to me." Exclusive and set apart.
Nothing resulting from sin could be brought into the Temple/God's presence .... So if a person was sick, deformed or bleeding, they could not go into the Temple until they were well and had been purified and baptised. They could go into the synagogue and be embraced, but anyone who touched them would have to be purified (baptised) before going in to the Temple.
Being clean and unclean is part of life.... not bad in any way. Mary and baby Jesus/Yeshua were "unclean" for 40 days, but received visitors, and hugs were fine. No sex though till after purification.
No blood in marital sex because it is a holy activity and blood is symbolic of the Fall.
Hi pastor John thank you for your comment but there is sin offering and burnt offering for woman’s period Leviticus 15:30 to atone for her. How is it not sin if she has to bring sin offering !? Thank you
Bingo. This is cherry picking but that is typical...
Bingo. This is Cherry picking.
Wow! Thank you for such insight.
Thanks for bringing this up,I really need this 🙏🏽💞
I would love to hear more Biblical expositions of the following as I believe they are all relevant to this question. I would also love to know the respected opinions of Sinclair Fergusen, Voddie Bauchem, Paul Washer, Joel Beeke and David Mackereth on this topic.
Gn 9:4 lifeblood
Gn 15:16 Iniquity of th Amorite
Lv 12 lifeblood related to childbirth
why a 2403 sin offering for bleeding while having a baby?
Lv 15:24 accidental sex?
mens unclean
Lv 18 mens unclean for others
Lv 20 deliberate viol
Ez 18 equated to other moral sin
Ez 22 equated to other moral sin v10
Ez 36
Jr 31:29
Lm 5
Mt 5
Mt 1
Mt 23
At 15:20 lifeblood
Ro 10:4
1 Cor 6
1 Cor 7
Eph 5
Col 2:21-23?
Col 3:5?
Heb 13:4
How can I submit a question for pastor John?
"What a bloody awful question" -My British friend
Haha 🤣🤣😭😭
I've always seen this as a hygiene consideration as well as to give the woman break / rest period. (Sorry for the pun.)
Just a speculation and wondering: could a women's monthly cycle be prophetic to our salvation in Christ? Cause if our monthly bleeding is a "fountain of blood" and there is "life in the blood" and Christ is the "fountain of life" in which we are saved by the shedding of His blood and it takes the shedding of blood to prepare our bodies for the potential of new life? I really don't know, but I would love to hear if anyone else could expound upon this!
Only the blood of Jesus can save us...not our own
This is why people say 🙄 that Christians contradict themselves
Lev 18:19 says that we should not do it,🩸 but we try to connect 1 Cor 7, which has nothing to do with menstruation. (making a new meaning)
Why are our minds sometimes bent on fluidity or funding something new that we destroy the plain thus saith the Lord
At 1:05 the questioner asks Piper to address Lev 20:22&23 where YHWH condemns the actions listed as being the reason that the Canaanites and Amorites are abhorred by God and being kicked out of the promised land. I love to listen to Piper and often recommend him to others but I feel like he is not adequately addressing this question. I'm not saying that a married couple under grace of the new covenant can't have sex while she menstruates I'm just saying that I don't think Piper answered the question in it's specific detail.
From what I can tell MacArthur, Piper, Courson, and non reformed preachers in general seem to think that menstrual sex within marriage is condoned under New Covenant. John Calvin and Matthew Henry commenting on Hebrews 13:4 say it's not condoned. Eusebius seemed to think women on their period shouldn't have sex or even participate in the eucharist during her period. The apostolic constitution of 375 AD seems to argue in favor of women freely participating in anything godly while on their period. James R White says for some reason God doesn't want us to have sex while the wife is on her period and we need to just respect that. The guys over at Ligonier say that the prohibitions on period sex in the OT were only referring to ritual cleanliness but that married couples still shouldn't participate in period sex because it is unnatural.
No one has answered why, if the prohibition on sex during a woman’s cycle had to do with mere ritual cleanliness of the Mosaic covenant sacrificial system, the Canaanite nations were being divinely punished and vomited out of the land for such practices? See Leviticus 18:24, 25. Why do the best theologians not ask themselves that basic question?🎉
@@cbtam4333 Dr James White brings up the punishment of the Canaanites for doing all those things in his series on the Moral Code Leviticus 17-27. James White includes period sex in the list. Cameron Coburn says it depends on where you put the book end as far as the context in Leviticus for which things the Canaanites are being judged.
@@AndonJamesTyler good to hear it, but would they make a “book end” argument for bestiality? I don’t think that’s condemned in the New Testament. Yet I don’t know of a single Christian who would condone it. The notion that anything commanded in the Old Testament is automatically inoperative for Christians unless explicitly repeated in the New Testament never made a lot of sense to me. There’s got to be a a better standard to use to determine what is and isn’t applicable. After all, why should God have to to repeat himself in order for us to take him seriously?
I find John Piper's discussion of Lev 20:18, the verse that refers to uncovering a woman's fountain, to be very strange.
He says that the prohibition of sex during menstruation in this verse is not about cleanliness, but 'probably a reference to something sacred and profound'. And then he says that he guesses that this process of the fountain of life 'was simply not to be casually observed'. And he says other similar, deep things about this verse.
He seems to be building up to a statement that this verse refers to a prohibition from nature against sex during menstruation. But instead of reaching this conclusion, he seems to ignore what he has just said and goes on immediately to say that couples can have sex during menstruation if they want to!
I find this very perplexing, and I think he is much too quick to dismiss this verse as potential evidence from nature that sex during menstruation is intrinsically wrong.
I am not saying I am sure it is wrong, but this verse needs to be carefully considered.
Thank you for that, always good to re-think what is being said.
Well he’s saying that you don’t have to keep the Old covenant law because we are under the new covenant.
@@Iamwrongbut He did say that as a general principle we don't have to keep the Old Covenant Law, and that is right. But as he himself said in this episode, some of the individual commands in the Law of Moses are based on nature, such as the prohibition of homosexual practice, and in such cases we should follow the Mosaic Command.
It isn't that we are still under the Law of Moses per se. It's just that some parts of the Law of Moses are incorporated into the Law of Christ (1 Cor 9:21; Gal 6:2).
What I found very surprising was that John Piper seemed to give some good arguments that the command in Lev 20:18 IS based on nature, but then he just went ahead immediately to say that couples can have sex during menstruation if they want to.
Also, God commanded many laws in the Old Testament because he did not want the Jews doing the same things the heathen nations did, such as boiling a calf in its mother's milk. God wanted his peopel to be so separated to Him, so as to be so totally different from the surrounding nations.
Q:why is there a sin offering for menstruation Lev15:28-30, reason given in vs 33? Lev 18:19 says all are judged. It seems sex during menstruation is a sin for all,and a sin offering is made by Israel just for bleeding.
In 1 Cor 7:19 Paul says:
'Circumcision does not matter and uncircumcision does not matter. Keeping God’s commands is what matters.' (CSB)
John Piper clearly sees 'God's commands' in this verse as a reference to commands in the Law of Moses.
I would see 'God's commands' in this verse as a reference to God's moral demands in general rather than as a specific reference to the Law of Moses. From what I can see in the commentaries, most scholars also see a general reference.
There is no division in the Old Testament law between God’s “moral” commands and other types of commands.
@@Iamwrongbut I agree. The division that some make between moral, ceremonial and judicial commands is not one that the Bible ever makes.
Well done on evaluating what the Bible has not answered easily. The answers are there but you need the Holy Spirit's guidance
I have to admit, I still do not get it. I understand that uncleanness is not an issue anymore. But what about Leviticus 20, 18, the reason here is different, maybe the sacredness of life, but why does that not apply today? Because all the other things in the list in Leviticus 20 - adultery, homosexuality and sex with animals - are still prohibited today. Sex with animals is no topic in the NT as far as I know and still I think we agree that it is still prohibited today. Fornication is even mentioned as still relevant in Acts 15, a term probably related to all kinds of sexual sin. Maybe even including sex during menstruation? I have not met anyone believing sex during menstruation was sinful today, but, looking at scripture, it is still hard for me to believe it, although I liked it to be different. And furthermore, God seems to be very serious in Leviticus 20 in stating that the penalty for sex during menstruation was death. So I woul really like to be sure that it is not prohibited before I do it.
Update: Maybe Leviticus 20,18 - even if not mentionend - is also just about uncleanness. Because Leviticus 18,19 is about uncleanness and Leviticus 20 ist just a repetition of the list of sins in Leviticus 18 together with its punishments. That is an indication that it is not relevant anymore today. Another indication is that Paul does not mention the time of menstruation in 1. corinthians 7,5 as another reason for abstination (It is not a proof because Paul might assume it being clear that people abstain during menstruation, but it is an indication).
@@irgendwas3300 look Ez 18:6-9
@@irgendwas3300, there were still plenty of Jewish Christians during Paul’s day, and the Temple was still standing. I find it hard to believe he would have instructed these Jewish believers that it was acceptable for couples to have sex during the woman’s menses, which would have been a direct violation of a well-known Torah command they had been practicing all their lives.
@marriage4life893, most theologians confuse the ritual uncleanness described in laws regarding the proper way to approach God’s visceral presence at the Temple in Jerusalem, with the moral uncleanness of basic sins, including the sexual sins listed in Leviticus 18 and 20. Even Jesus recognized this distinction. Matthew 15:1-20. But for some reason, most theologians have a hard time grasping it.
It may be because their position on the applicability of God’s commands in the Old Testament to believers in Jesus Christ in general needs some reworking. If so, that would be a significant undertaking, and thus unlikely to be done easily or any time soon. Still, it’s worth it to continue to ask these types of questions.
The bestiality and homosexual stuff is in the new testament to
I'd say, if you're convicted that doing something may be wrong, then dont do it. Going against your conscience is sin because that's your personal judger of right and wrong.
But if you have doubts about whether or not you should eat something, you are sinning if you go ahead and do it. For you are not following your convictions. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning. Romans 14:23
it does specifically say so. New or old covenant, sin is still sin. God doesnt change. Besides, it's very gross and filthy behaviour. Let's have some self control, even if you are married, and just wait the 5-7 days.
What if you still spot 8 days later? Is it still considered the menstruation period? The issue is not always if something is "gross" (let's be honest, deciding what is gross or not is very subjective). What if you thought you were clean, then spotted after sex? For many people there is confusion around it as it's not an on-off switch.
Reading further out in those verses, it says everyone should be sure in their own mind. It takes questioning and asking around to be sure though. There's no harm in asking and testing. I appreciate hearing more about the reasoning and about the cleanliness laws, helps to have some sort of framework.
You are right that Rom 14:23 is a very relevant verse on this topic, as it is on many moral issues.
@Young No, adultery and theft are not a matter of opinion. Nor am I saying that there are not moral absolutes.
What I was saying is that one's conscience is an important factor in what we choose to do. In Rom 14 Paul lists some things that are intrinsically morally OK. However, he says that if someone's conscience is offended by doing these things - even though Paul recognises that the person is making a mistake in having an offended conscience - it actually becomes a sin to do it.
So, quite apart from whether it is intrinsically morally OK to have sex if a woman is menstruating, it is certainly a sin for someone to do this against their conscience.
@Young I think you might have misunderstood my position. I didn't say that having sex during menstruation is OK. I think you may well be correct that it is wrong, although I am not sure about that. If I were married to a pre-menopausal woman, I wouldn't do it.
The point I have been making in this thread is a kind of tangential point to do with conscience: If someone has a guilty conscience about doing something, it is a sin for them to go against their conscience even if they are making a mistake about what they think is right and wrong.
So, for example, take the issue of eating meat. There is nothing wrong with eating meat in itself. But if someone doubts whether it is OK and eats, they are committing a sin. This is one of the topics that Paul talks about in Rom 14.
This person doesn't commit the sin of eating meat, but they do commit the sin of going against their conscience (even though their conscience is mistaken).
I am not saying that I am sure that those whose conscience forbids sex during menstruation are mistaken. I think you may well be right about that. But the point I have been making is that QUITE APART FROM WHAT IS RIGHT OR WRONG IN GOD'S SIGHT, if someone goes against their conscience they are sinning.
@Marriage4life I think you have still misunderstood what I believe.
I think you are probably right that having sexual intercourse while menstruating is wrong in and of itself.
My point was that another relevant issue in decision making is our consciences. If our conscience doesn't allow us to do something, then we shouldn't do it, even if we are not sure if it is wrong in and of itself.
So, suppose there is a married person who isn't sure whether it is right or wrong to have sex while menstruating is. That person shouldn't do it, because to do so would be to go against their conscience.
I gotta say that I think that it is still prohibited. It's one of the "that soul shall be cut off from among his people" prohibitions against sexual immorality.
So beside that, I heard (take what you will from it) that God designed menstruation so that we'd have mini honeymoons, because she was unclean for a time, and you may return together after eager anticipation of each other's company while abiding by this commandment.
Why is this even a question? Why would anyone want to have sex during menstruation?
When you’re on your period your hormones levels get really high like extremely high
From 9:15
Piper says there's no sacrifice given after menstruation. Leviticus 15:28-30 "When she becomes clean from her discharge, she shall count off for herself seven days; and then she shall be clean.
Then on the eighth day she shall take for herself two turtle doves or two young pigeons, and bring them to the tent of meeting.
And the priest shall offer the one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering. So the priest shall make atonement on her behalf before YHWH because of her impure discharge."
Leviticus 15,28-30 probably refers to v.25 "if a woman have an issue of her blood many days out of the time of her separation, or if it run beyond the time of her separation". This is probably due to illness. So there must be a sacrifice after illness, but not after regular menstruation. Credit to John McArthur for that insight.
John Piper: 'In a profound sense, then, Christians are set free from the Mosaic Law.'
Yes, Paul talks about Christians not being under the Law of Moses (e.g., Rom 7:4, 6; Gal 3:23-25) but being under the 'Law of Christ' (1 Cor 9:21; Gal 6:2).
In Matt 5:17 Jesus says that he came to fulfill the Law of Moses (Matt 5:17), and it seems that this fulfillment refers to the transition from the Law of Moses to the Law of Christ. I would see this a bit like the way a caterpillar mutates into a butterfly.
Jesus came to full fill the law not to abolish it. He kept the law perfectly, no one except Him could. But, He said not one tittle of the law would pass away. Ezekiel Chapter 18, verse 6 still applies, as the church is the true Israel of God.
@@YOUGOTIT210 Jesus said that not one part of the Law of Moses would pass away. But we cannot possibly take this as a simple statement of fact that the Law will continue on into the Christian era as something that Christians should obey without modification.
For example, the Law contains many instructions regarding sacrifice, such as in the first few chapters of Leviticus. But we know that Jesus has fulfilled and superseded the sacrificial system. So these parts of the Law are certainly not something that we should follow without modification.
As I said in my comment above, I see the Jesus' fulfillment of the Law as a transformation of the Law of Moses into the Law of Christ. Jesus didn't just abolish the Law of Moses. Rather, he upgraded it into the Law of Christ.
I don't find it at all convincing to say that Jesus' fulfillment of the Law means his perfect keeping of it. And in any case, even if this were true, the New Testament as a whole makes it clear that Christians are not obligated to obey the Law of Moses in unaltered form.
You say, citing Ezek 18:6, that the prohibition of sex during menstruation still applies. I think you may well be right, but not simply because it is in the Law of Moses, but because it may be a principle based on nature. Personally, I am unclear on this issue.
Finally, you are absolutely right that the church is the true Israel of God, although I think God still has some unfinished business with ethnic Israel.
@@maxaplin4204 The law CAME thru Moses and God sent His Son, the second member of the Trinity to fulfill the law. He kept it perfectly. He was the pass over Lamb of God that took away the sins of the whole world. He is known only to those God the Father chooses to reveal His Son to. No one can come to Him, unless He is drawn to Him (Jesus) by God the Father.
Do not separate the law of Moses from it's fulfillment in Christ, because Christ gave the law to Moses. Christ is the eternal God who became flesh and fulfilled what Adam failed to do, to be completely, perfectly obedient to the Father's will. He was fully man and fully God, and as fully man, the second Adam. He is Lord and Savior of the Jew and the gentile, to those under the law and to those without the law.
Understand, Jesus spoke in and by the prophets, not just Moses. It is Jesus who is speaking thru Ezekiel and therefore Chapter 18 and verse 6 still applies; because, His words will never pass away.
Only the sacrificial system was abolished, because Jesus fulfilled it, when He spoke these last words on the cross, which have so much meaning and depth, that they could be commented upon almost endlessly, "IT IS FINISHED". Not just the sacrificial system was finished, but He has completed His work on earth in taking upon Himself the sins of His people and every sin of the whole world, that there is not a sin that could ever be committed against God by any God hating rebellious individual that He cannot forgive, if by the effectual calling of the Holy Spirit that person comes to Jesus in repentance and faith, which are also gifts to His elect.
Why do people leave out the word "prophets"?
Jesus said "I came not to destroy, but to fulfill the LAW AND PROPHETS"
(the prophecies written in the "law and prophets" Torah)
@@YOUGOTIT210 I agree that Jesus kept the Law of Moses. But the issue is what Jesus means by saying that he has come to fulfill the Law in Matt 5:17. I don't believe that this is about his keeping of the Law. Rather, it is about his transforming of the Law into the Law of Christ.
See, for example, in the same chapter that Jesus actually contradicts the Law in various ways. So the Law permits quite easy divorce, but Jesus restricts when this is allowed (Matt 5:31-32). And the law permits oaths, but Jesus forbids them (Matt 5:33-37). So it is a mistake to say that the Law of Moses remains the same other than the sacrificial system.
See also what Paul says in Gal 3:23-25, where he teaches that the Jews were confined under the Law until the coming of Christ.
So it is a mistake to say that Ezek 18:6 must automatically still apply because it comes from the Law of Moses (although I think this may be a timeless command based on nature, as I have already said).
On this topic, I can recommend Douglas Moo's Essay in Four Views on Law and Gospel (Zondervan, 1999).
*This pastor is lying to you* 1. The covenant God gave to Moses is not done away with. 2. Paul said that covenant has been transferred from stone to the believers heart 2 Cor 3:3, Rom 2:15, Jer 31:31-34, Heb 10:16.
3. All uncleanness is sin Ephesians 5:3, and menstrual cycles are uncleanness
Leviticus 15. Giving birth was also uncleanness which is why after
a woman gave birth she had to present animal sacrifices such as the sin
offering Leviticus 12.
Lev 12:7 Then he shall offer it before the Lord, and make [d]atonement for her. And she shall be clean from the flow of her blood. This is the law for her who has borne a male or a female. 8 ‘And if she is not able to bring a lamb, then she may bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons-one as a burnt offering and the other as a sin offering. So the priest shall make atonement for her, and she will be [e]clean.’
I'd love to debate your scholars of Christianity your Piper, McArthur etc.
There new testament Christianity [we accept only Matthew through Revelation]
VS myself using the Tanakh [Genesis through Revelation].
Your cherry picking scholars would not be able to come against me! They would lose and lose badly.
I... just thought that would be a logistical nightmare.. messy and gross.
It is pretty gross but some guys want their red wings.
Try not to shame people for wanting to know what can be done in the marriage. The world has already tried to steal sex. When it was a gift given to married couples.Trust me a lot of married Christians have questions way more shocking.
@@Perfectlyradiant_ not having a go at people. Just thinking of all the clean up and laundry that needs to be done after.
I knew a couple that had sex in the shower to clean up the mess.
Not always- If spotting still 8 days later, is it still menstruation? Gets confusing if you see it as a sin, bc it's not like flipping on and off a light switch.
Ok so what about menstrual purification, should women still be separated during their time of month?
That separation prevented a woman from physically approaching the temple until she was ritually clean again. It didn’t have much practical relevance for Jewish women who lived in the diaspora, far away from the temple, even back then. It has no current practical relevance in the absence of a standing temple, as has been the case for the last 19 centuries, although religious Jewish women continue to practice ritual cleansing after their menses as a mitzvot.
Furthermore, the whole idea of ritual cleanliness surrounding the monthly cycle seems unrelated to the prohibition on sex during the monthly cycle, which is listed among the general sins of illicit sex (applicable to the world beyond Israel as well) rather than with the rules of ritual purity associated with the holiness of the temple.
I think the bible say you shouldn't lay with your wife during that time.
It will indeed pay dividends pastor John, it definitely will. 😅
Short answer: no.
Accept Jesus Christ as you Lord and Savior and you will be saved. John 3:16 (share the good news of the gospel around the world!) Have a wonderful rest of your day/night everyone, may the LORD bless you all, and farewell! ,,.,
This is not how you preach the gospel, zero brownie points. Go out on the streets and preach the gospel, or at least post this comment on Atheist and Muslim videos and have conversation with people.
Ellis, copy and pasting that comment isn't a good way to spread and share the Gospel.
Can i pray during my periods?
Lol awkward but helpful!!! Indeed helpful thank you sir!
Why can't piper just answer the question direct to the point?
Because his job is to point you to the Word of God. Not the word of John.
@@actmrhata5079 that's your opinion.
I don't like to compare, but I've listened to some bible teachers in their Q&A, and they could answer questions (interesting topics) in 5mins. Clear, crisp, concise, efficient. You can get a lot in just few minutes.
It pains me listening to him answering an interesting topic like that.
Point blank if it goes against your conscience don't do it.
Define "rooted in nature", please. Because there is a list of animals that form same-sex couples, and some of these animals ARE WILD. Unless God told him something, Paul would like not have known that because he was a TENTMAKER not a Naturalist.
8:10 Second I tend to find that mention of "menstruation being unclean" quite damaging and offensive.
Seriously the last few minutes of this video should have been the entire answer, they simply talk over what they both want and come to a compromise.
It’s the way Scripture handles the topic that you find damaging and offensive?
Lol . You tube after hours lolol oddly enough I’ve wondered about this soooo here I am y’all
Hey I know these group of people and they all know witchcraft, we’ve had issues recently and I pissed them off, I need prayer that all the spells they send will be reversed in Christ name amen.
Is sex OK during menstruation....answer no whole vid
To all Christians
Jesus is God. He's not just love he's WRATH!! HELL wasn't created for no reason. Many of you will NOT enter Heaven. Jesus DIDN'T die so you can continue to sin. Children of God DO NOT continue to sin. (1 John 3:9 GNT "Those who are children of God DO NOT continue to sin".) You're not a child of God if you haven't stopped sinning you're a sinner. Sinners will not enter heaven. Jesus saying ["but the one who DOES the will of my father who is in heaven"] reveals you have to do something to enter heaven. That something is the will of the father.
The will of the father is STOP SINNING.
Stop sinning or you will be cast into HELL. If you have stopped continue to not sin.
Well you're half right. God indeed has wrath against sin. He delivers us though solely by His grace through faith, which transforms us and makes us new creatures. He justifies us freely as sinners and then keeps us from falling into continual grievous sin. We may slip and sin, but we cannot live in sin as salvation is an actual change, a work of God. Not a coat we put on and can remove at will. We actually become new. Christianity is not man made works salvation. We exchange our sin for Christ's righteousness. We have no righteousness of our own. We are under grace not law. Paul warned of those that would come along trying to put us back under the bondage of law and works.
Still copy and pasting then.
None of us can stop sinning, not even you. Yes we as Christians do need more fear of the lord in our life's and more reverence. People take God's love for granted, but he also is merciful and know we will falter like the fools we are. Also coping and pasting this comment doesn't really do much.
Predestination is true. We cannot "prove" ourselves to God by "stopping sinning".
I believe that the worst sin is hatred. Racism hatred, homophobia hatred (reminder that homophobia is not believing that homosexuality is a sin, but the irrational hatred, violence against and fear of people with homosexual feelings) or sexism hatred. Hatred is blasphemy against God, for it is hatred against what he has created, and is a misuse of the brain God has created to try and justify hatred.
In “MY OPINION” is that this is a rhetorical question by the questioner. Simply because already he/she already seems to believe that whatever is in the OT and is NOT repeated in the NT is NOT a sin issue.
Hmm what does ones conscience says!
Why do you feel the need to scrutinize her words in such a way that you claim to know her heart? There is no way that you can know her heart from one sentence. To me it seems that she is wanting him to address that argument because it is a common one when people consider laws in the OT.
It’s comments and thoughts like this that make people hesitant to ask the questions they struggle with because they fear being judged.
The question sounded like a sincere one to me.
@@TheGeorgeology they did not give her name and phone number.
Many Christians are still tied to the worldly stuff, basically flesh related things. Is it a sin to eat this, or drink that or do this or that?
Read this - Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation without regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. 2Cor7:10
Mankind are born with the law in their heart, but most lost it while growing up.
Yes it is because it's very unclean
You should have a separate section for married couples and singles I am single and disgusted by this ew. This is what humans have come to now y'all behaving like animals. learn to develop self control it's a fruit of the spirit. I am super disgusted right now and unsubscribed this channel. Bye.
@Casa Grande good point of view
The menstrual cycle - the period seems to be a time of which a woman rids her body of the eggs that die.
When her period occurs, it is when the egg has not been fertilized by sperm and thus, must be removed as it does over a "period of time".
So, that moment doesn't seem proper to penetrate your wife as she now flows out of her dying eggs which have ruptured and blood pours out from her womb.
Penetrating and climaxing the semen into her by which sperm has no means of fertilizing any egg, thus it becomes simply a matter of pleasure.
Pleasure is good with your wife, however, to do so at such a moment may be treating your wife as a sex object and thus he sins against his Wife.
it is only a sin if the man forces the woman to do it, if she does it willingly its no sin.
Very well written- original comment
At last! A sermon on menstruation! 😑
A issue that affects half the human population, but yes, let’s definitely not have a serious question answered. 🤷🏻♀️
Ez 18 6-9 also talk about this
Hello Desiring God admin people….
Just wanted to say that not every question that you get asked needs to be answered.
You don’t need to accommodate the culture.
Ask yourself - WWWD? What Would Whitefield Do?
Dignity and decorum are still important
is Whitefield one of the apostles?
How utterly ridiculous to think that if a Christian has a question she or he wants answered we should put dignity and decorum before that person’s need to know the answer to something important to them. This isn’t about ‘accommodating culture’ it’s about learning and growing and seeking biblical answers for every question and this lady’s question was quite legitimate. Thank goodness Pastor John approaches all subjects like an adult who seeks biblical truth and who wants to help everyone regardless of the subject, rather than like some embarrassed and shy school child. I think THAT’s what Jesus would do!
False teaching. The law hasn't changed.
What about the book of hebrews?
@@brandonmack8573 read and understand Leviticus first. Hebrews explains that we still have a priesthood but it's a heavenly one now, still fulfilling the law. Christ is our high priest.
@@MrKook Christ fulfilled the law and the mosaic law was done away with
@@MrKook By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear
Hebrews 8:13
@@brandonmack8573 you're selectively taking verses out of context. Read the whole chapter and also the whole book.
10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: 11 and they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.
God promises that later He will write His laws on our hearts and we won't have to teach each other. That's after Christ's return (glorified sinless bodies) when we get the full law hard-coded into ourselves. At that time the covenant will have changed. A change in covenant isn't a change in law but in roles under the law.
Adam and Eve had a simple covenant: don't eat from THAT tree and stay in the garden. They broke it and God promised a path for redemption but also kicked them out of the garden. Abraham sought God and His ways. God taught Abraham for about 90 years before making a covenant with him and giving him circumcision as a sign of the covenant. Abraham also knew the law (Genesis 26:5). In Egypt, God remembered His covenant with Abraham and used Moses to renew it. Moses recorded the law but it all still had to be (and still has to be) taught from person to person, generation to generation. Obviously we do not have the law hard-coded into us anymore than Abraham did.
Hebrews is a book about the priesthood and how the requirements of the priesthood on earth (Levitical) were shadows of the heavenly promises. Christ is our high priest, therefore a change in the laws relating to priests. This is not a change in the laws relating to just about everything else or to the topic of the video - sex during menstruation. Those laws all still stand. They are expectations for our behavior. The form of our mediator (priesthood) has changed. We go to Christ now and not to a local Levite.
Well i dont think is a sinful act but is a impure act. Is dirty in other words. I guess is a pesonal choice u wanna be dirty or not? I abstain from that but i guess to each their own.
What kind of a question is this?
A real one.
@@Perfectlyradiant_ How so? Who would do such a thing?
@@jordanpryor4771 if someone still spots 8-12 days later, is it still menstruation? If one thinks she is clean and done, but then spots after sex, did she sin, and make her husband sin? If you think it's a sin, where is the ending line? It's unusual for menstruation to be an on-off switch.
@@nikkisigmon8090 What do you mean by clean and done? What do you mean by did she make her husband sin? Obviously if a man and women are married, and for some strange reason they want to have sex during menstruation, then it’s not wrong. Weird/disgusting, but not wrong.
@@jordanpryor4771 what do you mean when you asked, "who would do such a thing?"
No but it is disgusting lol
But don't believe me ask the Lord pray on it and he will answer you
No, it's just disgusting!!!
Some people ask silly and stupid questions. This Covid 19 is really messing up people's mind ☹
It’s obviously not silly to the person who asked the question. Glad she got an answer rather than be reprimanded for asking a ‘silly and stupid’ question.
No, but it's gross.
and yet more nonsense about "sin". and hey, more picking and choosing what to follow in the bible.
Thats nasty..
Are you kidding me? Disgusting. I thought this was a headline from mainstream media. Wow. Unsubscribing.
I mean.. It's in the Bible. Your disgust seems to be with the Bible and the topics covered by the Bible, and not with the channel.
Though now that I see your other comments on the channel, it looks like you may simply be a troll.
@@lukehumphrey7517 Woah. I'm a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. You can tell alot by Piper by seeing the fruit of his followers. You are an example. I rarely comment on Desiring God. This headline and sermon is disgusting. Tasteless. A sermon Jesus wouldn't teach on that's for certain.
@@basha0810 It’s not a sermon. It’s Q&A. This is a topic lots of Christians struggle with.
@@basha0810 I did not mean to offend. I'm, one, stating truth: it is a topic covered very explicitly by the Bible. So yes, Jesus would teach on it. He himself aligns perfectly with all God-spoken truth. Again, your issue is with the taste of the Bible. Please don't misunderstand: I'm not trying to be offensive but truthful.
Two, I apologize if you are indeed genuine. I glanced (keyword: glanced) at a few of your comments on the channel previously, and it seemed (apart from context), that you already weren't a big fan of Piper. I should not have assumed, and I am sorry for that.
Additionally, the argument that you can tell a lot about Piper by looking at his followers seems, to me, to be a flawed one. We could see its flaws when applying it to the followers of Jesus: take Judas, for example. Regardless, I'm a follower of Christ and not of any man.
@@lukehumphrey7517 100% this
Who cares if it is considered sinful? Also, monogamy is unnatural for both men and women. It was forced upon us along with an older age of adulthood. We’re adults much earlier. Leave us alone.