AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate 2020 (PASS THE EXAM!)

  • Опубліковано 11 січ 2025

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2,2 тис.

  • @freecodecamp
    @freecodecamp  5 років тому +1165

    ⭐Course Contents - PART 1 ⭐
    (Part 2 is a reply to this comment.)
    ☁️ Introduction
    🎤 (0:00:00) Meet your Instructor
    🎤 (0:01:12) Why Get the Solutions Architect Associate
    🎤 (0:07:31) Exam Guide Overview
    ☁️ S3
    🎤 (0:14:42) Introduction
    🎤 (0:16:59) Storage Classes
    🎤 (0:19:17) Storage Class Comparison
    🎤 (0:21:12) Security
    🎤 (0:23:17) Encryption
    🎤 (0:24:41) Data Consistency
    🎤 (0:25:45) Cross-Region Replication
    🎤 (0:26:23) Versioning
    🎤 (0:27:51) Lifecycle Management
    🎤 (0:28:40) Transfer Acceleration
    🎤 (0:29:26) Presigned URLs
    🎤 (0:30:53) MFA Delete
    ⌨️ (0:31:50) Follow Along - Create & Delete a Bucket
    ⌨️ (0:33:48) Follow Along - Upload Files & Make Public
    ⌨️ (0:36:42) Follow Along - Versioning
    ⌨️ (0:42:45) Follow Along - Encryption
    ⌨️ (0:44:55) Follow Along - CLI
    ⌨️ (0:50:09) Follow Along - Lifecycle Policies
    ⌨️ (0:52:42) Follow Along - Cross Region Replication
    ⌨️ (0:55:24) Follow Along - Bucket Policies
    📓 (0:58:39) S3 CheatSheet
    ☁️ Snowball
    🎤 (1:05:26) Snowballl
    🎤 (1:07:19) Snowball Edge
    🎤 (1:08:41) Snowmobile
    📓 (1:09:27) CheatSheet
    ☁️ VPC
    🎤 (1:11:08) Introduction
    🎤 (1:11:30) Core Components
    🎤 (1:13:09) Key Features
    🎤 (1:15:15) Default VPC
    🎤 (1:16:38) Default Everywhere IP
    🎤 (1:17:22) VPC Peering
    🎤 (1:18:57) Route Tables
    🎤 (1:19:56) Internet Gateway
    🎤 (1:20:57) Bastions / Jumpbox
    🎤 (1:22:30) Direct Connect
    ☁️ VPC Endpoints
    🎤 (1:23:24) Introduction
    🎤 (1:24:35) Interface Endpoints
    🎤 (1:25:42) Gateway Endpoints
    📓 (1:26:19) Cheatsheet
    ☁️ VPC Flow Logs
    🎤 (1:27:04) Introduction
    🎤 (1:28:13) Log Breakdown
    📓 (1:29:09) Cheatsheet
    ☁️ NACL
    🎤 (1:30:14) Introduction
    🎤 (1:31:52) Use Case
    📓 (1:32:30) Cheat Sheet
    ☁️ Security Groups
    🎤 (1:33:43) Introduction
    🎤 (1:35:26) Use Cases
    🎤 (1:37:45) Limits
    📓 (1:38:39) Cheat Sheet
    ☁️ NAT
    🎤 (1:39:56) Introduction
    🎤 (1:40:42) NAT Instances vs NAT Gateways
    📓 (1:42:45) Cheatsheet
    ☁️ VPC Follow Along
    ⌨️ (1:44:30) Create VPC, IGW, Route Tables and Subnets
    ⌨️ (1:56:58) Launch an EC2 Instance
    ⌨️ (2:02:03) Groups, NACL and Bastion
    ⌨️ (2:14:59) NAT
    ⌨️ (2:18:24) VPC Endpoints
    ⌨️ (2:22:33) Flow Logs
    ⌨️ (2:25:24) Cleanup
    ☁️ IAM
    🎤 (2:27:38) Introduction
    🎤 (2:27:51) Core Components
    🎤 (2:30:22) Types of Policies
    🎤 (2:31:22) Policy Structure
    🎤 (2:33:48) Password Policy
    🎤 (2:34:14) Access Keys
    🎤 (2:34:59) Multi-Factor Authentication
    ⌨️ (2:35:47) Follow Along
    📓 (2:50:37) Cheat Sheet
    ☁️ Cognito
    🎤 (2:52:30) Introduction
    🎤 (2:53:12) Web Identity Federation
    🎤 (2:54:17) User Pools
    🎤 (2:56:19) Identity Pools
    🎤 (2:57:32) Sync
    📓 (2:58:12) Cheat Sheet
    ☁️ AWS CLI & SDK
    🎤 (2:59:30) Command Line Interface (CLI)
    🎤 (3:00:59) Software Development Kit (SDK)
    🎤 (3:02:08) Programmatic Access
    ⌨️ (3:03:17) Follow Along - Cloud 9 and CLI Setup
    ⌨️ (3:07:57) Follow Along - CLI
    ⌨️ (3:12:31) Follow Along - SDK
    📓 (3:20:41) CLI & SDK Cheat Sheet
    ☁️ DNS
    🎤 (3:21:46) Introduction
    🎤 (3:22:35) Internet Protocol (IP)
    🎤 (3:24:03) Domain Registrars
    🎤 (3:25:06) Top-Level Domains
    🎤 (3:26:06) Start of Authority (SOA)
    🎤 (3:27:11) A Records
    🎤 (3:27:52) CNAME Records
    🎤 (3:28:36) NS Records
    🎤 (3:29:29) Time To Live (TTL)
    📓 (3:30:00) Cheat Sheet
    ☁️ Route 53
    🎤 (3:31:36) Introduction
    🎤 (3:32:24) Use Case
    🎤 (3:33:32) Record Sets
    🎤 (3:25:05) Routing Policies
    🎤 (3:36:19) Simple Routing Policies
    🎤 (3:37:13) Weighted Routing Policies
    🎤 (3:38:15) Latency Based Routing
    🎤 (3:39:23) Failover Routing Policies
    🎤 (3:40:32) Geolocation Routing Policies
    🎤 (3:41:05) Geoproximity Routing Policies
    🎤 (3:42:57) Multi-Value Answer Policies
    🎤 (3:43:25) Health Checks
    🎤 (3:44:30) Resolver
    📓 (3:45:07) Cheat Sheet
    ☁️ EC2
    🎤 3:47:14) Introduction
    🎤 3:48:48) Instance Types
    🎤 3:50:52) Instance Sizes
    🎤 3:51:42) Instance Profiles
    🎤 3:53:01) Placement Groups
    🎤 3:54:31) Userdata
    🎤 3:55:26) Metadata
    📓 3:56:12) EC2 Cheat Sheet
    ☁️ EC2 - Pricing
    🎤 (3:48:05) Introduction
    🎤 (3:58:23) On-Demand Instances
    🎤 (3:58:59) Reserved Instances
    🎤 (4:01:32) Spot Instances
    🎤 (4:03:17) Dedicated Host Instances
    📓 (4:04:49) EC2 Pricing Cheat Sheet
    ☁️ AMI
    🎤 (4:07:40) Introduction
    🎤 (4:08:51) Use Cases
    🎤 (4:10:08) Marketplace
    🎤 (4:11:00) Create an AMI
    🎤 (4:11:19) Choosing an AMI
    🎤 (4:13:21) Coping an AMI
    📓 (4:13:46) AMI Cheat Sheet
    ☁️ Auto Scaling Groups
    🎤 (4:15:13) Introduction
    🎤 (4:15:51) Capacity Settings
    🎤 (4:17:02) Health Check Replacements
    🎤 (4:18:23) Scaling Policies
    🎤 (4:20:12) ELB Integration
    🎤 (4:21:03) Use Case
    🎤 (4:22:05) Launch Configuration
    📓 (4:23:36) Autoscaling Groups Cheat Sheet
    ☁️ ELB
    🎤 (4:25:04) Introduction
    🎤 (4:25:52) Rules of Traffic
    🎤 (4:28:03) Application Load Balancer (ALB)
    🎤 (4:28:54) Network Load Balancer (NLB)
    🎤 (4:29:25) Classic Load Balancer (CLB)
    🎤 (4:30:27) Sticky Sessions
    🎤 (4:21:24) X-Forwarded-For Header
    🎤 (4:32:21) Health Checks
    🎤 (4:33:23) Cross-Zone Load Balancing
    🎤 (4:34:17) Request Routing
    📓 (4:35:28) ELB Cheat Sheet
    ☁️ EC2 Follow Along
    ⌨️ (4:37:17) Launching an Instance
    ⌨️ (4:47:25) SSH Into Instance
    ⌨️ (4:53:47) Encrypted Snapshots
    ⌨️ (4:57:44) Creating an AMI
    ⌨️ (5:02:19) Working with ASGs
    ⌨️ (5:26:05) Register a Domain
    ☁️ (Elastic) File System (EFS)
    🎤 (5:29:44) Introduction
    ⌨️ (5:41:01) Mounting EFS
    📓 (5:49:50) EFS Cheat Sheet
    ☁️ (Elastic) Block Store (EBS)
    🎤 (5:50:37) Introduction
    🎤 (5:52:23) Volume Types
    🎤 (5:55:15) Medium HDD
    🎤 (5:56:27) Medium SSD
    🎤 (5:57:08) Magnetic Tapes
    🎤 (5:57:50) Moving Volumes
    🎤 (5:58:44) Encrypted Root Volumes
    🎤 (6:00:05) EBS vs Instance Store Volumes
    📓 (6:02:27) EBS Cheat Sheet
    ☁️ CloudFront
    🎤 (6:04:05) Introduction
    🎤 (6:05:20) Core Components
    🎤 (6:06:24) Distributions
    🎤 (6:08:52) Lambda@Edge
    🎤 (6:10:25) Protection
    ⌨️ (6:12:31) Create a Distribution
    ⌨️ (6:16:18) Serve S3 Files From Distribution
    ⌨️ (6:19:26) Create an Invalidation
    📓 (6:21:02) CloudFront Cheat Sheet

    • @freecodecamp
      @freecodecamp  5 років тому +303

      ⭐Course Contents - PART 2 ⭐
      ☁️ RDS
      🎤 (6:23:16) Introduction
      🎤 (6:23:55) Encryption
      🎤 (6:24:37) Backups
      🎤 (6:26:02) Restoring Backups
      🎤 (6:26:57) Multi-AZ
      🎤 (6:27:57) Read Replicas
      🎤 (6:28:56) Multi-AZ vs Read Replicas
      ⌨️ (6:30:19) Follow Along - Create an Instance
      ⌨️ (6:41:42) Follow Along - Performance Insights
      ⌨️ (6:43:11) Follow Along - Reserved Instances
      ⌨️ (6:45:38) Follow Along - Working with Snapshots
      ⌨️ (6:52:35) Follow Along - Aurora Serverless
      📓 (7:00:11) RDS Cheat Sheet
      ☁️ Aurora
      🎤 (7:02:14) Introduction
      🎤 (7:03:12) Scaling
      🎤 (7:03:45) Availability
      🎤 (7:04:16) Fault Tolerance & Durability
      🎤 (7:04:39) Replicas
      🎤 (7:05:17) Serverless
      📓 (7:06:56) Aurora Cheat Sheet
      ☁️ Redshift
      🎤 7:07:58 Redshift
      ☁️ DynamoDB
      🎤 (7:19:37) Introduction
      🎤 (7:21:36) Table Structure
      🎤 (7:22:13) Consistent Reads
      📓 (7:23:54) DynamoDB Cheat Sheet
      ☁️ CloudFormation
      🎤 (7:25:04) Introduction
      🎤 (7:27:03) Template Formats
      🎤 (7:27:50) Template Anatomy
      🎤 (7:30:50) QuickStarts
      📓 (7:31:40) CloudFormation Cheat Sheet
      ☁️ CloudWatch
      🎤 (7:33:34) Introduction
      🎤 (7:34:12) CloudWatch Logs
      🎤 (7:35:24) CloudWatch Metrics
      🎤 (7:36:16) CloudWatch Events
      🎤 (7:37:09) Custom Metrics
      🎤 (7:38:25) CloudWatch Alarms
      🎤 (7:39:10) CloudWatch Dashboards
      🎤 (7:39:43) Availability
      🎤 (7:40:42) Agent & Host Level Metrics
      ⌨️ (7:41:47) CloudWatch Follow Along
      📓 (7:51:56) CloudWatch Cheat Sheet
      ☁️ CloudTrail
      🎤 (7:54:07) Introduction
      🎤 (7:55:37) Event History
      🎤 (7:56:26) Trail Options
      🎤 (7:57:23) CloudTrail to CloudWatch
      🎤 (7:57:58) Management vs Data Events
      ⌨️ (7:59:15) Follow Along - CloudTrail Overview
      ⌨️ (8:00:17) Follow Along - Create a Trail
      ⌨️ (8:03:28) Follow Along - CloudTrail to CloudWatch
      ⌨️ (8:04:02) Follow Along - Athena
      📓 (8:06:30) CloudTrail Cheat Sheet
      ☁️ Lambda
      🎤 (8:07:52) Introduction
      🎤 (8:09:02) Use Cases
      🎤 (8:10:30) Triggers
      🎤 (8:11:38) Pricing
      🎤 (8:13:05) Interface
      🎤 (8:14:15) Defaults and Limits
      🎤 (8:16:22) Cold Starts
      📓 (8:18:16) Lambda Cheat Sheet
      ☁️ SQS
      🎤 (8:19:47) Introduction
      🎤 (8:22:40) Use Case
      🎤 (8:23:39) Limits & Retention
      🎤 (8:24:38) Queue Types
      🎤 (8:25:50) Visibility Timeout
      🎤 (8:27:12) Short vs Long Polling
      📓 (8:28:30) SQS Cheat Sheet
      ☁️ SNS
      🎤 (8:30:36) Introduction
      🎤 (8:33:40) Topics
      🎤 (8:34:29) Subscriptions
      🎤 (8:36:15) Application As Subscriber
      📓 (8:37:01) Cheat Sheet
      ☁️ ElastiCache
      🎤 (8:38:40) Introduction
      🎤 (8:40:50) Caching Comparison
      📓 (8:42:21) ElastiCache Cheat Sheet
      ☁️ High Availability (HA)
      🎤 (8:43:03) High Availability (HA)
      🎤 (8:46:26) Scale Up and Scale Out
      ☁️ Elastic Beanstalk
      🎤 (8:47:35) Introduction
      ⌨️ (8:49:33) Follow Along - Overview
      ⌨️ (8:50:35) Follow Along - Prepare Archive
      ⌨️ (8:54:32) Follow Along - Upload Archive
      ⌨️ (8:56:36) Follow Along - Create a Web App
      ⌨️ (9:01:11) Follow Along - Cleanup
      📓 (9:02:49) Cheat Sheet
      ☁️ API Gateway
      🎤 (9:03:46) Introduction
      🎤 (9:04:58) Key Features
      🎤 (9:05:34) Configuration Part
      🎤 (9:09:35) Caching
      🎤 (9:10:09) CORS
      🎤 (9:11:36) Same Origin Policy
      📓 (9:12:41) Cheat Sheet
      ☁️ Kinesis
      🎤 (9:14:49) Introduction
      🎤 (9:15:35) Data Streams
      🎤 (9:17:06) Firehose
      🎤 (9:18:55) Video Streams
      🎤 (9:19:41) Data Analytics
      📓 (9:20:26) Cheat Sheet
      ☁️ Storage Gateway
      🎤 (9:22:25) Introduction
      🎤 (9:23:41) File Gateway
      🎤 (9:24:34) Volume Gateway
      🎤 (9:27:36) Tape Gateway (VTL)
      📓 (9:28:52) Cheat Sheet
      ☁️ Serverless Follow Along
      ⌨️ (9:30:09) Follow Along - Overview
      ⌨️ (9:30:38) Follow Along - Setup Bucket
      ⌨️ (9:34:45) Follow Along - SNS
      ⌨️ (9:37:27) Follow Along - DynamoDB
      ⌨️ (9:39:44) Follow Along - ACM, CloudFront, Route53
      ⌨️ (9:49:48) Follow Along - Cloud 9 and Review Lambda
      ⌨️ (9:54:48) Follow Along - Create and Test Lambda
      ⌨️ (10:07:29) Follow Along - API Gateway
      ⌨️ (10:15:34) Follow Along - Testing Production
      📓 (10:16:55) Follow Along - Cleanup
      ☁️ Summary
      ⌨️ (10:20:57) Booking Your Exam

    • @fahadbawazir1771
      @fahadbawazir1771 5 років тому +3


    • @FordExplorer-rm6ew
      @FordExplorer-rm6ew 5 років тому +6

      Are these the certifications that matter getting hired?
      Should've showed us from the start but thabk u

    • @abhidhatrak1
      @abhidhatrak1 5 років тому +24

      guys please make a video on microsoft azure. there is no comprehensive guide for azure.. i am facing plenty of difficulties in work.

    • @gaatutube
      @gaatutube 5 років тому +9

      @@abhidhatrak1 Just giving thumbs-up to this 👍 ... Found several courses on AWS ... but no decent (complete) course for Azure Solution Architect. (AZ-300/301).

  • @coco4321
    @coco4321 4 роки тому +2865

    Just the Cheat Sheets for those doing last day review (Like me). Thank you for this Course!!
    📓 (0:58:39) S3
    📓 (1:09:27) Snowball
    📓 (1:26:19) VPC Endpoints
    📓 (1:29:09) VPC Flow Logs
    📓 (1:32:30) NACL
    📓 (1:38:39) Security Groups
    📓 (1:42:45) NAT
    📓 (2:50:37) IAM
    📓 (2:58:12) Cognito
    📓 (3:20:41) CLI & SDK
    📓 (3:30:00) DNS
    📓 (3:45:07) Route 53
    📓 3:56:12) EC2
    📓 (4:04:49) EC2 Pricing
    📓 (4:13:46) AMI
    📓 (4:23:36) Autoscaling Groups
    📓 (4:35:28) ELB
    📓 (5:49:50) EFS
    📓 (6:02:27) EBS
    📓 (6:21:02) CloudFront
    📓 (7:00:11) RDS
    📓 (7:06:56) Aurora
    📓 (7:23:54) DynamoDB
    📓 (7:31:40) CloudFormation
    📓 (7:51:56) CloudWatch
    📓 (8:06:30) CloudTrail
    📓 (8:18:16) Lambda
    📓 (8:28:30) SQS
    📓 (8:37:01) SNS
    📓 (8:42:21) ElastiCache
    📓 (9:02:49) Elastic Beanstalk
    📓 (9:12:41) API Gateway
    📓 (9:20:26) Kinesis
    📓 (9:28:52) Storage Gateway

    • @hasanal-aradi5162
      @hasanal-aradi5162 4 роки тому +18

      Thanks Bro for the effort

    • @PriyAnvesh
      @PriyAnvesh 4 роки тому +3


    • @jhansiguntupalli3461
      @jhansiguntupalli3461 4 роки тому +8

      Hey Bro, Thanks a lot... Just took screen shots at the timing for quick revision. Highly appreciate your effort..

    • @petersilveroli8299
      @petersilveroli8299 4 роки тому +2

      Thank you sir

    • @omglumpia
      @omglumpia 4 роки тому +1

      thanks heaps

  • @Basukinathkr
    @Basukinathkr 5 років тому +3267

    People who mark 'unlike' should know how much time consuming and frustrating effort this man has put here to make this content available to everyone for free. If you don't like it, simply ignore it. Why press unlike?

    • @Supperconductor
      @Supperconductor 5 років тому +79

      Some people get joy of tearing other people down. SMH

    • @Jaywil
      @Jaywil 5 років тому +35

      I wish UA-cam released their names and we trace them

    • @abhinav9469
      @abhinav9469 5 років тому +14

      Do you really expect them to have such understanding. They are idiots that's why they do such acts. Such people would always exist no matter how good anything/anyone does for society. Ignore such elements ,😊

    • @suchittt
      @suchittt 5 років тому +7

      Agreed man. I really fail to understand those ppl. 😊

    • @williampoole3663
      @williampoole3663 5 років тому +12

      People who unlike this mans work should be arrested.

  • @nandakishore5198
    @nandakishore5198 2 роки тому +59

    you for this Course!!
    📓 (0:58:39) S3
    📓 (1:09:27) Snowball
    📓 (1:26:19) VPC Endpoints
    📓 (1:29:09) VPC Flow Logs
    📓 (1:32:30) NACL
    📓 (1:38:39) Security Groups
    📓 (1:42:45) NAT
    📓 (2:50:37) IAM
    📓 (2:58:12) Cognito
    📓 (3:20:41) CLI & SDK
    📓 (3:30:00) DNS
    📓 (3:45:07) Route 53
    📓 3:56:12) EC2
    📓 (4:04:49) EC2 Pricing
    📓 (4:13:46) AMI
    📓 (4:23:36) Autoscaling Groups
    📓 (4:35:28) ELB
    📓 (5:49:50) EFS
    📓 (6:02:27) EBS
    📓 (6:21:02) CloudFront
    📓 (7:00:11) RDS
    📓 (7:06:56) Aurora
    📓 (7:23:54) DynamoDB
    📓 (7:31:40) CloudFormation
    📓 (7:51:56) CloudWatch
    📓 (8:06:30) CloudTrail
    📓 (8:18:16) Lambda
    📓 (8:28:30) SQS
    📓 (8:37:01) SNS
    📓 (8:42:21) ElastiCache
    📓 (9:02:49) Elastic Beanstalk
    📓 (9:12:41) API Gateway
    📓 (9:20:26) Kinesis
    📓 (9:28:52) Storage Gateway

  • @holyfudgeitszhenwei
    @holyfudgeitszhenwei Рік тому +186

    Passed the exam today. Big thanks for uploading this to the world, it was genuinely really helpful!
    FYI to others taking the exam, 98% of the contents are still relevant in 2023 (SAA-C03). The changes are mostly just new stuff has been added to AWS that was not covered in this video.

    • @Ravisingh-dl3jr
      @Ravisingh-dl3jr Рік тому +2

      what were those topics and if other few resources which you can mention

    • @lixFTW
      @lixFTW Рік тому

      U only prepared from this lecture?

    • @SyedHyder-o2x
      @SyedHyder-o2x Рік тому +1

      Apart from this lecture, What were resources you used to prepare for the certification?

    • @LincolnMaurice
      @LincolnMaurice Рік тому +1

      Some of these workflows have definitely changed since the video, especially the S3 UI.

    • @futurenoogler9829
      @futurenoogler9829 Рік тому +1

      Thanks a lot. Was wondering if the materials outdated.

  • @lennychen5219
    @lennychen5219 4 роки тому +414

    Just passed the exam with 811 this weekend! I watched your video and did 6 practice tests on Udemy - it only took me three weeks with zero experience with AWS. Thank you so much for this content!

    • @sajinprasad8711
      @sajinprasad8711 2 роки тому +1

      Dude how can we take practice tests in udemy

    • @madeuinheavan108
      @madeuinheavan108 2 роки тому +2

      @@sajinprasad8711 you gotta buy them bro

    • @seetsamolapo5600
      @seetsamolapo5600 2 роки тому +5

      Three weeks without doing the certified cloud practitioner cert? Which course(s( did you do on Udemy?

    • @hab5598
      @hab5598 2 роки тому +1

      @@madeuinheavan108 any programming knowledge is required for aws?

    • @brandonflys668
      @brandonflys668 2 роки тому +8

      @@madeuinheavan108 so it’s 2 years later from your original comment. What path did you take? Do you have a Solutions Architect job? Did you go on to the professional cert? I have so many questions lol. I’m trying to make a massive career change going from a non-tech job into cloud computing

  • @snaniceworld
    @snaniceworld 3 роки тому +75

    Hello everybody, I'm here to tell you that I passed my exam today. I watched this video and used some exam practice questions.

    • @cloudSamson2025
      @cloudSamson2025 3 роки тому +1

      hello, i intend to write this exam in the coming months, please has this certification helped with landing a job for the role? thanks

    • @snaniceworld
      @snaniceworld 3 роки тому +6

      @@cloudSamson2025 yes after I passed my exam I had like 4 interviews. 1 failed, 1 I was still waiting for response, 2 job offers than I chose one.

    • @cloudSamson2025
      @cloudSamson2025 3 роки тому

      @@snaniceworld thanks so much for your reply. please could you refer me to the practice questions you explored. thank you

    • @gasmikaouther6887
      @gasmikaouther6887 2 роки тому

      Please which platform did you use for exam ?

    • @ravis1357
      @ravis1357 2 роки тому

      @@snaniceworld do they ask for DevOps too? Is it part of of AWS Sol Arch job?

  • @cesarochoa5593
    @cesarochoa5593 3 роки тому +444

    I have used the material and contents shown in this video with some tests from udemy to prepare for the exam and passed it yesterday ON FIRST TRY (6-oct-2021). Big thanks, it really helped me a lot.

    • @tabrezshaik
      @tabrezshaik 3 роки тому +4

      Hi Cesar. Just want to knonw if you are fresher or have prior experience in AWS , bcoz i am new to AWS but Have knowledge on servers, linux admin, networking basics and more.

    • @cesarochoa5593
      @cesarochoa5593 3 роки тому +2

      @@tabrezshaik Prior to exam i had some hands on experience, but most was during study practices

    • @fffdddmp
      @fffdddmp 3 роки тому

      Was the test hard

    • @nagar.gourang
      @nagar.gourang 3 роки тому +1

      @@cesarochoa5593 can you please provide me the link for that Udemy exam /resource other than this video it would be very helpful brother

    • @cesarochoa5593
      @cesarochoa5593 3 роки тому +2

      @@fffdddmp somehow yes. You need to learn a Lot of aws stuff

  • @damienh.4599
    @damienh.4599 2 роки тому +3

    Very high quality course, I used it intensively to prepare my certification (which I got at 1st attempt), Thanks to share ;-)

    • @jenniferperez4144
      @jenniferperez4144 2 роки тому

      Thank you, I was wondering if I should study from this for the current exam before the switch. This helps.

    • @JaimeChen-fx2uc
      @JaimeChen-fx2uc 2 роки тому

      Hi, is this course usefull for the SAA-C03? Should I take another one or study with this course and complement it with another one, if this is the case, wich courses will you recomendo me and also were can I get a free exam simulation?

  • @Zerobrofan
    @Zerobrofan 2 роки тому +264

    Failed my test with 682/1000. This cert really does require careful studying and understanding of AWS services (especially of VPCs which where I most struggled). I watched this video completely along with a TON of practice questions and some AWS white papers. Not gonna let this demotivate me though. We all learn from mistakes.
    Keep learning everyone!

    • @artemrevelsky
      @artemrevelsky 2 роки тому +22

      Don't be down on yourself. I failed my CCNA course twice before passing it, I was sooo close the second time.

    • @puna770
      @puna770 2 роки тому +12

      dont give up retry again

    • @catchwreck928
      @catchwreck928 2 роки тому +5

      @@artemrevelsky is the ccna even worth it the whole reason im over here
      is to avoid teh ccna

    • @nubscrub
      @nubscrub 2 роки тому +1

      @@catchwreck928 If it has anything to do with the work you're interested in, then it depends how you want to position and market yourself, and the type of leverage you want to have to negotiate your roles and salaries. You'd be pissed if someone less experienced than you surpasses you just because they put the work in that you didn't.

    • @hassansyed6087
      @hassansyed6087 2 роки тому +6

      Don't give up ! Now you have seen the material, you understand the questions and the angle they are taking
      You will pass this !

  • @JenningsChan-z3z
    @JenningsChan-z3z 2 роки тому +29

    12/14 passed the exam!
    Very appreciate for your courses! I only spent the examination fee because I took all the SAA-C03 test resources in UA-cam and of course this course. Very helpful and informative.

    • @stellaetta2811
      @stellaetta2811 2 роки тому +5

      Congratulations! Pls share the links to the other resources you used

    • @iceya4155
      @iceya4155 2 роки тому

      congrats and it would be appreciated if u could share the links of your labs and other resources used for others to pass as well

    • @dangdrjay3011
      @dangdrjay3011 Рік тому

      Doesn’t share any resources pretty based

  • @innfi9815
    @innfi9815 4 роки тому +344

    I've studied SAA for roughly 2weeks with this video and had the exam today. passed. Thank you Andrew!

    • @ShyVacations
      @ShyVacations 4 роки тому +7

      Hi. Just wondering if you studied with just this video or if you also had other sources?
      Also, congrats on passing! ;-)

    • @innfi9815
      @innfi9815 4 роки тому +17

      @@ShyVacations Thanks :) For me this video alone makes me ready for most of the topics.
      I've seen some stuffs from other channels too but they had problems like less clear english, less details, etc.

    • @saadkhan1994
      @saadkhan1994 4 роки тому +1

      @@innfi9815 Did you first go for CCP or directly started SAA? Can you please share your prior relevant experience?

    • @innfi9815
      @innfi9815 4 роки тому +10

      @@saadkhan1994 I've been developing game server based on AWS for 2+ years. My experience is mostly on ec2, rds, elasticache (redis), dynamodb, and network facilities such as subnets, routing tables, gateways, etc.
      This lecture helps me to fill out my "blank areas" like IAM, Cloudwatch, ELB, and so on. So from my point of view if you are beginner to AWS (and other cloud services), CCP will help you a lot for SAA.

    • @Baba-so6fh
      @Baba-so6fh 4 роки тому +3

      @Vinh Nguyen no you don’t. just hands on experience and understanding the theory

  • @ankushsood987
    @ankushsood987 3 роки тому +87

    I completed and passed in first attempt following this video today. So you can still pass in 2021 by studying from this video. Also you will need some more materials like practice tests and all. But this is just enough for moderate level understanding.

    • @davidobi2581
      @davidobi2581 3 роки тому +1

      Hi, I will be writing the exam next month. Any advice?

    • @biswajitmeher1653
      @biswajitmeher1653 3 роки тому

      do you have the dumps bro? or any guidance would be really helpful

    • @Peachesryt
      @Peachesryt 3 роки тому

      This is what l needed

    • @Peachesryt
      @Peachesryt 3 роки тому

      How about Jobs ?, did you have a background in IT ?

    • @mengvue628
      @mengvue628 3 роки тому

      Where can I take a practice test?

  • @jashwanthbhargauv3366
    @jashwanthbhargauv3366 2 роки тому +12

    Passed my exam scoring 852 ... prepared for 3 weeks along with practice tests only from Whizlabs.... Thanks for this video...

  • @djhelbert
    @djhelbert Рік тому +31

    I just passed the exam and I did use this video as a resource. My suggestions are to add more in depth content for EMR, Snowball (compute), and Glue. Knowing the differences between Shield and WAF also important. AWS skill builder is also a good resource since they have many free courses that go into greater detail.

    • @KnowledgeHous
      @KnowledgeHous Рік тому +2

      So you would say its still pretty relevant even after 3 years? I already finished Maareks Course but I feel like I still need more knowledge to pass the exams, Im hitting 55-60 on the Tutorial Dojo Mock tests

    • @djhelbert
      @djhelbert Рік тому

      Most of the course is helpful. I recommend using multiple resources to prepare for the exam. @@KnowledgeHous

    • @magicrecapss
      @magicrecapss Рік тому

      @@KnowledgeHous did you finally pass ?

  • @rajvashisht4677
    @rajvashisht4677 4 роки тому +6

    Passed my exam just watching this video twice, no need of dumps. Thanks a lot Andrew... God Bless Always...

  • @danreyes4642
    @danreyes4642 Рік тому +7

    I passed the exam last month by watching this free learning. Thanks again Andrew Brown! CCP to CSA-A in just three months. More power to you.

    • @michguir8610
      @michguir8610 Рік тому

      Congrats Dan!. Any advice you can give me? Im planing on taking the exam next week. Did the exam change much compared to the course? I ask this because it is from 3 years ago, maybe it is a bit outdated.

    • @danreyes4642
      @danreyes4642 Рік тому +1

      @@michguir8610 Try practicing on free dumps, the content in this video is still valid since core services are tackled here. Mind the time because all questions seem to consume energy on thinking.

  • @MayurPatil
    @MayurPatil 4 роки тому +98

    High respect for this dude. Putting 10+ hours courses free for people really takes a lot. Thanks for being there for us. Just a simple suggestion: Your voice gets cut when going for next section.Otherwise, everything is fine.

  • @Freeman937
    @Freeman937 3 роки тому +67

    I have been studying for around 6 weeks and watched this video yesterday and today I passed my SAA exam. Thank you for the great effort!

    • @jamanj2186
      @jamanj2186 3 роки тому

      Hi mate.. I’m also preparing for that. So just wanna know anything else you recommend/required after this video before exam(any practice test or any material) ? Please let me know. Thanks

    • @sakhawatali9481
      @sakhawatali9481 3 роки тому

      @Josef Ibrahim, what was your primary source?

    • @Adamfaysal.A
      @Adamfaysal.A 3 роки тому

      congratulations on passing the exam man! I'm also studying this course and I just wanna know if you have done a practice exam before you took the SAA exam if you did could you share any material or any information if that's possible?

    • @russellbennett6609
      @russellbennett6609 3 роки тому +5

      I passed the exam last week, this video alone is nowhere near enough. Didn't get a single question asking for facts and figures, they ask about best architectures for systems. Need to have good knowledge of S3, EFS and EBS and their advantages/disadvantages. VPCs, load balancers, security groups, route53 and cloud front came up a lot.

    • @Adamfaysal.A
      @Adamfaysal.A 3 роки тому

      @@russellbennett6609 if this video didn't help that much where did you study from?

  • @fahimishrak2731
    @fahimishrak2731 Рік тому +3

    Just the Cheat Sheets for those doing last day review (Like me). Thank you for this Course!!
    📓 (0:58:39) S3
    📓 (1:09:27) Snowball
    📓 (1:26:19) VPC Endpoints
    📓 (1:29:09) VPC Flow Logs
    📓 (1:32:30) NACL
    📓 (1:38:39) Security Groups
    📓 (1:42:45) NAT
    📓 (2:50:37) IAM
    📓 (2:58:12) Cognito
    📓 (3:20:41) CLI & SDK
    📓 (3:30:00) DNS
    📓 (3:45:07) Route 53
    📓 3:56:12) EC2
    📓 (4:04:49) EC2 Pricing
    📓 (4:13:46) AMI
    📓 (4:23:36) Autoscaling Groups
    📓 (4:35:28) ELB
    📓 (5:49:50) EFS
    📓 (6:02:27) EBS
    📓 (6:21:02) CloudFront
    📓 (7:00:11) RDS
    📓 (7:06:56) Aurora
    📓 (7:23:54) DynamoDB
    📓 (7:31:40) CloudFormation
    📓 (7:51:56) CloudWatch
    📓 (8:06:30) CloudTrail
    📓 (8:18:16) Lambda
    📓 (8:28:30) SQS
    📓 (8:37:01) SNS
    📓 (8:42:21) ElastiCache
    📓 (9:02:49) Elastic Beanstalk
    📓 (9:12:41) API Gateway
    📓 (9:20:26) Kinesis
    📓 (9:28:52) Storage Gateway

  • @lawrencebelyeu1560
    @lawrencebelyeu1560 4 роки тому +6

    Hey Andrew Passed on the 06/12/2020 with a 926 score using this webinar. Didnt pass it the last 2 tries but that was before i found you class. Thanks your class made it so clear and precise.

  • @tundebadmus1
    @tundebadmus1 3 роки тому +26

    I passed my SAA exam 2 days ago (11/16/2021). I watched this training 2 times and did some hands-on practice in my AWS account to gain full understanding of the services. Then I took practice questions from AWS and other sources to prepare for the exam. Thank you so much Andrew for making this available for free.

    • @nelsonajayi6997
      @nelsonajayi6997 3 роки тому

      congratulations Tunde! I am looking for good material with which I can prepare for this exam but I noticed this was prepared for SAA-CO1; did you use any other material to take care of the difference between SAA-CO1 and CO2?

    • @tundebadmus1
      @tundebadmus1 3 роки тому +4

      @@nelsonajayi6997 Thank you Nelson. I watched this video and did couple of practice using my AWS account. I also read alot of AWS whitepapers. That did it for me to prepare for the SAA CO2 exam. And I recommend taking practice questions to gain confidence for the exam. I took AWS practice test and Cloud Guru (UA-cam series 1-14) practice test to prepare for my exam. I hope this helps. Wishing you all the best!

    • @nelsonajayi6997
      @nelsonajayi6997 3 роки тому +2

      @@tundebadmus1 thank you for your informative and quick reply

    • @johnagapi5970
      @johnagapi5970 3 роки тому

      Is this the only resource you used? do you have any prior experience? This course is 2 years old. Is this still up-to-date?

  • @evarryl447
    @evarryl447 3 роки тому +17

    Please note there is a slight mistake 1:33:15 - NACL are stateless, that doesnt mean that if you specify allow inbound, outbound is automatically allowed as well. Stateless means that the it doesn't remember any previous connections, hence only look at each and every connection at isolation.

    • @BrOaDWiNK
      @BrOaDWiNK 3 роки тому

      "if you specify allow inbound, outbound is automatically allowed as well"
      This is one of the definitions of Stateful,
      but you are right, NACL are stateless

    • @evarryl447
      @evarryl447 3 роки тому

      @@BrOaDWiNK Yup i was quoting what he mentioned!

  • @vidyadharms
    @vidyadharms 2 роки тому +15

    I passed the SAA-C02 on 31st March. I used this course to revise and is still relevant. I used acloudguru course and whizlabs practice tests and was able to get a 781/1000 on the exam :). Thanks Andrew Brown for such an amazing video...Keep doing good work!!!

  • @yogenderpal
    @yogenderpal 3 роки тому +2

    I passed the cloud practitioner exam within a week using his videos. Greta Content. Thanks, Andrew Brown. The worlds are changing.

  • @vidyasagar2243
    @vidyasagar2243 3 роки тому +83

    Yesterday(02/08/2021) I passed the exam. This is one of the sources I used to gain knowledge and some practice tests to pass the exam. Thanks Andrew for the free content.

    • @msujonbd
      @msujonbd 3 роки тому +8

      Bro, could you please list the other sources that helped you? I want to take this exam, but don't know what is the best way to learn.

    • @geethageethamadhuri1116
      @geethageethamadhuri1116 3 роки тому

      Hiii....vidya sagar... u passed the exam last month.. I also want to write the SAA exam... but how to approach , preparations don't know.. can u pls guidelines for me...

    • @abhinavravish
      @abhinavravish 3 роки тому

      Hi Vidya.. Congratulations on clearing the SAA-C02. Will it be possible to share the practice tests ??

    • @anisdhouieb9918
      @anisdhouieb9918 3 роки тому

      Congratulations, could you please tell us how did you prepare the exam, what are the other sources that you used ??? Thx in advance

    • @dougbones7095
      @dougbones7095 3 роки тому

      Did you get a job yet

  • @roshansapkota9636
    @roshansapkota9636 8 місяців тому +4

    Thank you for such a great content.
    Passed the exam today.
    Questions were focused on:
    Security groups, subnets, and NACLs
    S3 Gateway
    File Gateway
    AWS Organisation and Control Tower (managing multiple accounts across different departments)
    One question Comparing Route53 policy (asked which one does not direct to unhealthy hosts)
    On-premise to cloud migration solution
    Two questions were for Amazon Neptune
    One question was for Amazon Fsx
    One/Two questions for Redshift
    One question for Transfer Family and the way to integrate on-premise Active Directory for access
    Some questions for three-tier web application (high availability and subnet configuration)
    Few questions for WAF and firewall rules
    Most questions provided different solutions for a use case and asked which one has the least operational overhead or the most cost effective
    All the best guys!

    • @aya2222
      @aya2222 8 місяців тому

      Hi, congrats!!!! I'm thinking of taking this course or any udemy course. Can you tell me if you used any other materials for exam preparation?

    • @IrnBrummmmmmm0
      @IrnBrummmmmmm0 5 місяців тому

      So u used this and what else?
      I thought u cant pass with only this video since he made a new video

  • @VideoWow7184
    @VideoWow7184 4 роки тому +9

    Thank you so much for the course Andrew. I passed the SAA-002 exam today with 811 points on the first try. I found your course a valuable resource, I actually watched it three times over, over the course of 2.5 months of study. A great course, and its Free!!

  • @LocuraRosa987
    @LocuraRosa987 5 років тому +120

    You all have a place in heaven. Thanks for all this free educational content

  • @willguibr210680
    @willguibr210680 4 роки тому +53

    Dude, I just want to say, that these videos is a public service in a time of crisis. What you're doing is extremely useful and will be for the years to come. Keep up the Canadian spirit. Great vibes from Vancouver, BC.

    • @saswatamandal9950
      @saswatamandal9950 4 роки тому

      Hi, please guide , after going through this video should I take SAA C01 or C02 exam ? What else should I study to pass the exam ?

  • @brgautam
    @brgautam 3 роки тому +7

    I did this course to get an understanding aws. Then did a couple of practice exams and I managed to clear the exam first time. It's a great course and I would recommend this.
    Thank you very much for the course

    • @bardzoWrednyyy
      @bardzoWrednyyy 3 роки тому

      Wow! that is awesome. I assume you were watching this course multiple times? I've heared that AWSAA questions are tricky...

    • @brgautam
      @brgautam 3 роки тому +2

      I did the whole course once. After that, I knew the timestamps of what I wanted to see again. Over time, I've been referring back to those timestamps whenever I had questions.
      Coming to questions, in my experience, if you know your way around the platform you should be able to answer most of the questions. This especially helps you eliminate options in confusing questions.

    • @brinaechanel4236
      @brinaechanel4236 3 роки тому

      Congrats On Passing🎉! Question Did You Have To Do CCP First Or Was This The Only Thing You Watched Before The Exam ?

    • @brgautam
      @brgautam 3 роки тому +2

      @@brinaechanel4236 No. This is the first certification I did.
      Coming to the exam, apart from this course, I did practice papers from tutorials dojo in udemy. After that, I got my hands dirty in aws with the case studies on the website. That made me more familiar with the platform.

    • @rachnaar2054
      @rachnaar2054 3 роки тому

      hi, can you pls share your email? i needed some help on the same. and Congrats :)

  • @ruturaj118
    @ruturaj118 11 місяців тому +3

    You are great. I cleared 2 exams by studying from your channel. Thank you!

  • @m.p4357
    @m.p4357 4 роки тому +235

    I passed the exam with nearly no background in AWS. Scored 940 and 80% of my study came from this video. I'm really thankful to this guy.

    • @sauravagrawal8191
      @sauravagrawal8191 4 роки тому

      M. P for how many days you took to prepare for this exam?

    • @m.p4357
      @m.p4357 4 роки тому +5

      @@sauravagrawal8191 I haven't timed it, but my best guess is between 40-60 hrs

    •  4 роки тому

      Wow lovely man. You are such an inspiration for me.

    • @technospaxe
      @technospaxe 4 роки тому


    • @m.p4357
      @m.p4357 4 роки тому +2

      OpenTeqno techEra actually i had done the cloud practitioner previously, also with exampro

  • @bandarihema3313
    @bandarihema3313 4 роки тому +5

    Happy to share , I have certified AWS solution architect associate exam . Thanks exampro .I will account this course as one of the best courses I have taken . I would highly recommend this course .

  • @manishaverma1110
    @manishaverma1110 2 роки тому +10

    Thank you so much Andrew for preparing this wonderful content. I passed the exam today and it's all because of this video. God bless.. thanks again.

    • @JaimeChen-fx2uc
      @JaimeChen-fx2uc 2 роки тому

      Hi, is this course usefull for the SAA-C03? Should I take another one or study with this course and complement it with another one, if this is the case, wich courses will you recomendo me and also were can I get a free exam simulation?

  • @mohannadhajjar5572
    @mohannadhajjar5572 4 роки тому +18

    Just passed the exam yesterday, i appreciate your effort and time spent on preparing such a great video. wish you guys all the best and success

    • @Afro_Updates
      @Afro_Updates 4 роки тому

      After watching the video did you use any dumps because i bought some on udemy

    • @saswatamandal9950
      @saswatamandal9950 4 роки тому +1

      Congratulations Mohannad, please guide , after going through this video should I take SAA C01 or C02 exam ? What else should I study to pass the exam ?

    • @zoyafathima2981
      @zoyafathima2981 4 роки тому

      Congratulations ....

    • @zlatannehru
      @zlatannehru 3 роки тому

      @Mohannad Hajjar - Could you please provide the steps that your followed to crack this exam. It will be helpful for others

  • @lennyiswise
    @lennyiswise 5 років тому +1561

    I want to celebrate it here since I got no one to talk to about this

    • @sergeybobryka6638
      @sergeybobryka6638 5 років тому +12

      Congrats!!! Could you tell us in what areas most of the questions are focused?

    • @lennyiswise
      @lennyiswise 4 роки тому +29

      @@sergeybobryka6638 the questions are taken from a pool in each category so each exam will be completely different but in my exam most of the questions are about utilizing VPC like NACL, ACL, IGW, NAT

    • @127.
      @127. 4 роки тому +6

      Congratulations! 🙌

    • @nadzranasinghe8205
      @nadzranasinghe8205 4 роки тому +4


    • @hasithDissanayake
      @hasithDissanayake 4 роки тому +7

      Awesome congratulation! What other materials did you use?

  • @sreevidyachembra3206
    @sreevidyachembra3206 3 роки тому +3

    Thank you Andrew.I pass cloud practitioner and Solution architect in 1 month and your videos have a big role.Kudos

  • @anilsmedi
    @anilsmedi 2 роки тому +12

    Today,9th Dec i have Cleared my AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C03.
    Thank a ton and i learned a lot of Course Certification badge.

    • @dinkylakhani2461
      @dinkylakhani2461 2 роки тому +1

      Can you please tell me your exact preparation strategy and resources?
      Also, if you could provide practice test resources .....

    • @zeeshawnali4078
      @zeeshawnali4078 2 роки тому +3

      Was this course up to date ?

    • @RCAReaction
      @RCAReaction 2 роки тому

      Is this the course you need for the AWS architect

  • @ruixue6955
    @ruixue6955 4 роки тому +2

    7:40 exam guide
    10:11 domain 3
    10:53 design cost-optimized architectures
    11:27 design operationally-excellent architectures
    13:36 whitepaper
    14:46 S3
    15:01 what is *object storage*
    15:52 S3 object
    17:03 storage class
    17:30 standard infrequently accessed (IA)
    17:51 one zone IA

  • @gedeonnokbak760
    @gedeonnokbak760 2 роки тому +1

    Hi everyone, I passed my AWS Certified Solution Architect exam using this course. Thank you so much Andrew for all the time you spent designing this great video. I highly recommend this video to everyone.

  • @Turak_64
    @Turak_64 3 роки тому +22

    I passed the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam yesterday and just wanted to say thanks for uploading this course. It was a great source of revision and really help me prepare of the exam.
    One big tip I'll give for people planning to this this exam, the questions are nearly all scenario based. Do at least 1 practise exam to get used to how the questions are presented. Once you have read a few, you get a feel for them and they almost seen to follow the same pattern. The answer can often obvious, once you read the question and properly. It's all about understanding what they're asking for, pay attention to key words that will give you clues.

    • @farzadlearning5003
      @farzadlearning5003 3 роки тому

      Hey Simon,
      thanks for sharing your experience. Would you please tell us if this video was the only source (+ practise exam) you used for passing? if not is that possible to share other ones as well, please? Thanks so much and Congrats again for this achievement bro.

    • @Turak_64
      @Turak_64 3 роки тому +2

      ​@@farzadlearning5003 I always use at least 2 sources as a minimum. For this exam I was on Architecting on AWS 3 day online course, ran through the Technical Essentials online course on Amazon's own learning website, this UA-cam video and a few other shorter videos for extra bits of info one some of the services.

    • @farzadlearning5003
      @farzadlearning5003 3 роки тому

      @@Turak_64 Thanks so much for your reply and the details. Would you please share with me the links of those courses if they are still available? Thanks in advance

    • @Turak_64
      @Turak_64 3 роки тому +1

      @@farzadlearning5003 I don't think I can on YT comments, but just search for the exam name and you'll find plenty

  • @parthphalke4444
    @parthphalke4444 2 роки тому +66

    I passed the SAA-C02 on 6th feb. I used this course to revise and is still relevant. I used whizlabs course and practice tests and was able to get a 918/1000 on the exam :). Thanks Andrew Brown for this one.

    • @jimcheriyan1801
      @jimcheriyan1801 2 роки тому

      Congratulations Parth on clearing the exam. I see that u still would have whizlab membership since u have cleared the exam. So it would be of great help to me if u could share with me the login details privately

    • @bsingh3891
      @bsingh3891 2 роки тому

      Congratulations how much time you prepared for exam?

    • @parthphalke4444
      @parthphalke4444 2 роки тому +1

      @@bsingh3891 a month

    • @bsingh3891
      @bsingh3891 2 роки тому

      @@parthphalke4444 wow. That's too fast. U must have previous experience right?

    • @parthphalke4444
      @parthphalke4444 2 роки тому +1

      @@bsingh3891 No, I didn't have any hands-on experience. I had only cleared my cloud practitioner exam prior to this one.

  • @nicholaswillcox
    @nicholaswillcox 5 років тому +17

    Thank you guys for doing these courses. I know how much time y'all put into setting this all up so...thank you very much.
    I passed my CCP in November and am currently working on the SAA, CDA, and SOA all at the same time since there is so much service overlap and plan on passing them in 2020 so to say that these videos are literally invaluable is a gross understatement, but I'm not sure there is a word in the english language to express the level of gratitude for what you guys do.

    • @nicholaswillcox
      @nicholaswillcox 5 років тому +1

      At the ISP where I work, we are already setting a customer or two up with 100Gb DIA circuits. I wonder how long till AWS starts offering those for Direct Connect services.
      A sign of how large technology is scaling this day in age.

    • @oluwaseunmichael5333
      @oluwaseunmichael5333 5 років тому

      Hi Nicholas, can you share the resources you used in passing the CCP? Thanks.

    • @nicholaswillcox
      @nicholaswillcox 5 років тому +1

      @@oluwaseunmichael5333 Udemy and UA-cam.

    • @nicholaswillcox
      @nicholaswillcox 5 років тому +4

      The CCP exam is a high level overview of all the services, billing, and support in AWS. You don't have to get into the fine details, but knowing the basics of the services and their capacities is necessary.

    • @oluwaseunmichael5333
      @oluwaseunmichael5333 5 років тому

      @@nicholaswillcox Thanks so much for the reply.

  • @whiteowl7798
    @whiteowl7798 4 місяці тому

    Passed the test first try from this video and some extra studying. THANK YOU. 2024

  • @gchha2
    @gchha2 3 роки тому +22

    Just finished watching this whole video. This was exactly I was looking for to revise the whole exam topics in a brief and precise way. Thanks for such an amazing video.

  • @sumanths7533
    @sumanths7533 3 роки тому +5

    Hi Andrew and FCC, just came here to thank you guys. Passed my SA exam just minutes back solely by watching this video as the root material and practicing few practice papers. Great work guys!

    • @hello-ox5rf
      @hello-ox5rf 3 роки тому +1

      So this still worked well for 2021? Congrats

    • @sumanths7533
      @sumanths7533 3 роки тому +1

      @@hello-ox5rf It did for sure JK but make sure to refer some practice papers before attempting the exams.

    • @danieljayseelan2156
      @danieljayseelan2156 3 роки тому

      @@sumanths7533 can you tell us where you took the practice papers from?

  • @yatharthjuneja
    @yatharthjuneja 4 роки тому +22

    This is one of the best videos of preparation for the exam. Thanks, Andrew for such a nice and thorough demonstration, this is like a quick tour of the Solutions Architect role and how to pass the certification. You are AWESOME.

  • @jeffer8762
    @jeffer8762 4 роки тому +6

    I really must leave a comment, this 10 hours video really give alot of insight of what you expect for a SA-A certification. Passed the exam on first try . looking forward to AWS specialty courses

    • @priyasuthar840
      @priyasuthar840 4 роки тому

      I also want to learn AWS , Can you please tell how you passed , did you learn only through this course ?

    • @jeffer8762
      @jeffer8762 4 роки тому

      @@priyasuthar840 yes i only use this as the primary course, and i did purchase some practice question on udemy.

    • @mominagha1
      @mominagha1 4 роки тому

      @@jeffer8762 only this video u meant?

  • @nsn2vu
    @nsn2vu 4 роки тому +7

    I passed my exam today. I appreciate all the efforts put to this add free video. I must say this UA-cam video was way better than acloud guru subscription. I always fell asleep watching acloud guru boring instructor.

    • @mohammednaashif800
      @mohammednaashif800 4 роки тому +1

      I am going to do AWS course pls can you recommend some studies

    • @ZainAbbas12
      @ZainAbbas12 4 роки тому +1

      Did you pass SAA-C02 or SAA-C01...? I have also taken acloud guru course on udemy, do you think I should go through this as well? And did you take any practice tests as well?

    • @AlrosAvellana
      @AlrosAvellana 4 роки тому +1

      other than this video what other resources did you use?

    • @nsn2vu
      @nsn2vu 4 роки тому

      @@AlrosAvellana I did go through the white papers and jon bonso practice tests..

    • @nsn2vu
      @nsn2vu 4 роки тому

      @@ZainAbbas12 ull benefit more from this.

  • @mikosoft1980
    @mikosoft1980 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you thank you thank you! I passed the second AWS certification because of your videos in just 1.5 months with practice! Now am a cloud practitioner and solutions architect!!! Keep up the great work!

    • @Lasagna564
      @Lasagna564 4 роки тому

      which other material did you use?

  • @ulysses1904
    @ulysses1904 5 років тому +10

    Thank you very much for your work here. My goal for 2019 was to finally get out of IT support after many years and get a SQL developer job, which I did. Now my goal for 2020 is to get the AWS Solutions Architect certification and get "credit$" for all those years in IT. Your video is an enormous help.

    • @krishmakarimi3677
      @krishmakarimi3677 5 років тому

      Hi, I am also in IT support but I would like to change for something better. What cert did you get for SQL developer job?

    • @ulysses1904
      @ulysses1904 5 років тому

      @@krishmakarimi3677 I got the MS 70-461 Writing SQL Queries cert

    • @krishmakarimi3677
      @krishmakarimi3677 5 років тому

      ulysses1904 congratulations. What was your study material and how long did it take you?

    • @ulysses1904
      @ulysses1904 5 років тому

      ​@@krishmakarimi3677 1 year of studying. Just search for "Microsoft 70-461" here on UA-cam and start watching all the videos, especially the collection of 149 videos by user Kudvenkat. Be sure to download the developer version of MS SQL server. I think there now may be a newer version of that 70-461 exam so check the Microsoft website.

    • @krishmakarimi3677
      @krishmakarimi3677 5 років тому

      ulysses1904 great thanks. Better paid job than support I guess? But it’s not needed for AWS CSA, correct?

  • @bors07021982
    @bors07021982 4 роки тому +5

    passed my AWS Architect Associate exam today. Used this video, Udemy practice exam pack and some AWS Documentation for training. This video and Udemy was pretty helpful and some questions were pretty similar. Thank you for providing this free resource.

    • @vivekrane4422
      @vivekrane4422 4 роки тому

      Which udemy trainer will u suggest, pls reply

    • @jesustugade8185
      @jesustugade8185 4 роки тому

      which udemy practice exam did you use? thanks.

  • @sarangaram7216
    @sarangaram7216 Рік тому +6

    Andrew .. Thank you so much for putting this together so well. This laid a very nice foundation to all the concepts and how they fit. I passed my exam a few days ago.

  • @MVPMoe4ever
    @MVPMoe4ever 3 роки тому +2

    I really don't understand how you can watch this video and click the unlike button unless you do not understand English. I learnt a lot from this and the simplicity even makes it clearer. Shame on the people that click dislike this video. You are discouraging others from using a valuation lesson video like this to further reinforce their AWS knowledge. If you are new to AWS, please watch this video. it will help you a lot. Thank you guys for putting this together. Very helpful.

  • @saebyeok0225
    @saebyeok0225 2 роки тому +5

    I passed SAA CO2 a weeks ago ! Thanks Andrew. I will continue this journey until i got professional level! Those concept on your lecture helped me to understand overall service of AWS

  • @sameernazim
    @sameernazim 4 роки тому +5

    I recently passed my SAA CO2 with no previous AWS experience and would like to thank Andrew Brown and Free Code Camps for this resource. This video definitely helped a great deal in helping me pass my exam!

    • @itsjaltarang
      @itsjaltarang 4 роки тому +1

      Great Sameer !! Just used this course ? Orany other exam pack or useful reference material used ?

    • @sameernazim
      @sameernazim 4 роки тому +1

      @@itsjaltarang hello! In addition to this course I used acloudguru's course, tutorials dojos cheat sheets and whizlabs practice exams

    • @itsjaltarang
      @itsjaltarang 4 роки тому +1

      @@sameernazim Thanks !! based on your experience do you think this 10 hours and question papers would be sufficient?

    • @sameernazim
      @sameernazim 4 роки тому +1

      @@itsjaltarang sure no problem. It depends on how confident you feel going into the exam..its best to over prepare than to go under prepared. In my experience in addition to the courses the practice exams help alot because the exam questions are similar. Also reading the FAQs helps out

    • @itsjaltarang
      @itsjaltarang 4 роки тому +2

      @@sameernazim Cool, appreciate prompt responses and wish you all the best !!

  • @newyorker6669
    @newyorker6669 5 років тому +50

    I really love all the guys at free code camp. Seriously, I mean wow. So very grateful, and thankful for their existence. I have leaned more from paid courses regarding javascript, and react however, this one, in particular, is invaluable along with all the the content. Beau is also a great teacher!

  • @yogenderpal
    @yogenderpal 3 роки тому +16

    A big thanks for this tutorial Andrew Brown. I just cleared SAA within a week. Two Certifications in two weeks using your free videos. This is great public service you have done by bringing these free tutorials. Some advice to people who are planning to take SAA:
    Try to consume all the question resources free ones and paid ones too. I took Whizz labs paid practice test - but the exam was more difficult then whizz labs tests even. Try to write down the things which are new in the Mock tests which are not covered by Andrew Brown. I had zero previous AWS experience except the CCP exam which I passed a week ago from Andrew Browns video. In addition, Andrew browns videos might not be enough resource, try to consume every free resource in UA-cam. I was working with these videos 12-14 hours a day writing everything down (maybe that's why it took me so much hours per day), but you don't have to target it in one week. Its impossible to pass in one week.

  • @nikhilgupta5082
    @nikhilgupta5082 3 роки тому +4

    This video was exactly what I needed for the final prep, along with Neal Davis' practise tests. Successfully passed the cert this October with a non-engg background and

    • @manishchaturvedi7908
      @manishchaturvedi7908 3 роки тому

      Congrats!!! Does this video covers SAA-C02 as well? What all you used for preparation? Thanks

  • @ForamOza
    @ForamOza 2 роки тому +10

    Hi Andrew thank you so much!! I passed the exam 2 days ago. This course was very helped full.

    • @meghakhabrani6888
      @meghakhabrani6888 2 роки тому +1

      Hi foram please help me with the videos u had gone through to pass the exam. Or the courses u took Please

    • @WinterBlessings
      @WinterBlessings 2 роки тому +1

      Did you write down all the notes or only the cheer sheets what about how long did you study? Thanks

    • @ForamOza
      @ForamOza 2 роки тому +2

      @@meghakhabrani6888 Hi Megha.. I revised this whole course twice also I referred to Udemy practice tests. Good Luck!

    • @barrilitosinfondo4817
      @barrilitosinfondo4817 2 роки тому

      @@ForamOza Thank you for the reply

  • @harrishmurugesan8869
    @harrishmurugesan8869 2 роки тому +32

    Hey Community, i took my AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam yesterday(July 31st, 2022) and i've passed it in the first attempt! All thanks and credits goes to the AWS GOD Andrew Brown for making this amazing content for FREE. I'm here to say this content is still relevant for the SA-C02 exam and i used this video and practice tests on Whizlabs. If you watch the Follow Along closely and pay attention to the various options that Andrew Brown talks about during the follow alongs, you'll be good to go for this exam.

    • @cloudcyber7866
      @cloudcyber7866 2 роки тому

      Congratulations, please i sent you a message.

    • @hardtailfails
      @hardtailfails 2 роки тому

      I’m so confused I watch this video twice and wrote notes down and when I took the test it was so much more in detail and way more difficult didn’t understand any of the questions and I’m pretty sure I failed is this the only video you watched?

    • @harrishmurugesan8869
      @harrishmurugesan8869 2 роки тому +6

      @@hardtailfails Yes. This is the only video i watched. So in the exam they will be asking scenario based questions. You’d have to think what would be the best way to architect the system. Some question might be asking for lowest cost solution and others might ask the fastest possible solution regardless of cost. You’d have to think based on these given conditions, what would be the best option

    • @hardtailfails
      @hardtailfails 2 роки тому

      @@harrishmurugesan8869 yeah that’s what I saw it was not what I was expecting I didn’t take any practice test

    • @harrishmurugesan8869
      @harrishmurugesan8869 2 роки тому +3

      @@hardtailfails why wouldnt you😅

  • @mvlalmo
    @mvlalmo 4 роки тому +5

    I followed this video as part of my preparation and I passed yesterday. Thank you !!

    • @shjshj7810
      @shjshj7810 4 роки тому

      Dear which guide are you study or you have dumps

    • @riddhimaraj_20
      @riddhimaraj_20 4 роки тому

      Which type of questions asked

  • @zwstyles621
    @zwstyles621 4 роки тому +53

    Used this course to study over a two week period. Wrote the exam today and passed. Thank you Andrew! I am hoping you will do a 40 hour video for the Professional course as well!

    • @vdoslayer
      @vdoslayer 4 роки тому +2

      just this video enough to pass? thanks

    • @mindys.4632
      @mindys.4632 4 роки тому

      Congratulations! Did you just watch this video and pass the exam?

    • @lemont9061
      @lemont9061 4 роки тому

      Do u hav previous aws exp?

    • @elsawainblum6496
      @elsawainblum6496 3 роки тому


    • @seetsamolapo5600
      @seetsamolapo5600 2 роки тому

      How many hours did you study for daily?

  • @Funkyman831
    @Funkyman831 2 роки тому +64

    Things to note that this particular course is missing if you plan on taking the SAA-CO3:
    Machine Learning

    • @TheSpeechkiss
      @TheSpeechkiss 2 роки тому +1

      Hey Funkyman,
      What did you do to cover those topics ? Any good sources ?

    • @Funkyman831
      @Funkyman831 2 роки тому +2

      @@TheSpeechkiss I got my SAA Cert a couple weeks ago. Adrian Cantril's course and Tutorial Dojo's practice exams

  • @maiglobotron
    @maiglobotron 2 роки тому +1

    3 year down still very useful and relevant.
    Just passed my exam. Thank you so much for the video!

    • @maiglobotron
      @maiglobotron 2 роки тому

      Yes! 807/1000.
      I like his tutorial. That's why even though it's been 3 years I still used this course. The concept is the same, just aws ui changed a bit.

    • @stellaetta2811
      @stellaetta2811 2 роки тому +3

      Did you use any other material? What about practice test? Kindly share.

  • @donrajak4853
    @donrajak4853 Рік тому +3

    Thanks Andrew for this wonderful course, I was able to pass the Associate Architect exam yesterday evening.

  • @heinerkallweit6666
    @heinerkallweit6666 4 роки тому +5

    Passed the exam today and the course really was a big help! Few things I had to learn separately (or I just missed that they are covered): Global Accelerator, Secrets Manager, Step Functions
    And I recommend to go through one of the collections of past exam questions.

  • @natanaelsilva8
    @natanaelsilva8 4 роки тому +10

    Took courses with certified trainers from AWS... gotta say I learned more with you. Thank you!

  • @zubizaccount
    @zubizaccount 3 роки тому +1

    I had some hands on experience for some services, no other preparation. Found this video this past weekend and passed on the same weekend. This helped. Would recommend if you are looking for something quick.

    • @mayankk2800
      @mayankk2800 3 роки тому

      only this video or some other notes as well?

    • @johnagapi5970
      @johnagapi5970 3 роки тому

      Is this the only resource you used? do you have any prior experience? This course is 2 years old. Is this still up-to-date?

  • @AlwangaStacy
    @AlwangaStacy Рік тому +2

    Passed my exam this week. This content is really helpful and helped me pass my exam

    • @naveenkumarvlogs6198
      @naveenkumarvlogs6198 Рік тому

      Isn’t this video enough to learn all the syllabus in 2023 ? Please reply I am waiting for it …..

    • @IrnBrummmmmmm0
      @IrnBrummmmmmm0 5 місяців тому

      Can u answer the guys question?

  • @cswkmab
    @cswkmab Рік тому +3

    Thanks a lot. The content is still much relevant for SAA-C03. I have passed the exam after watching this video plus some other resources. e.g. Power Hour Architecting on AWS

  • @quinvit
    @quinvit 4 роки тому +21

    I passed the exam yesterday with 20 hours learning. Thank you so much.

    • @jayantapanigrahi4920
      @jayantapanigrahi4920 4 роки тому +2

      Qui Nguyen man you are really awesome. I can barely get into a video before I get distracted.

    • @saikiran-xo5we
      @saikiran-xo5we 4 роки тому

      Only with this playlist your able to crack ?

    • @muffinbutton1484
      @muffinbutton1484 4 роки тому +2

      do you have much IT experience overall?

  • @LincolnMaurice
    @LincolnMaurice Рік тому +3

    From 1:58:00, the IAM config has moved. It's now buried in the "Advanced Details" section, beneath the "Configure Storage" section.

  • @luizrpaes7797
    @luizrpaes7797 4 роки тому +2

    I passed on October 6th, 2020 on AWS Certifified Solutions Architect Associate. Thanks a lot for this video it helped me to understand better how to apply concepts and put focus what is really important, buy the way the resumes on the end of every subject was amazing, congratulations.

    • @nejdoun
      @nejdoun 4 роки тому

      Hello Luiz, congrats, if this video can only helping passing the exam, or there are others courses or elements you may recommand for me; thanks

    • @luizrpaes7797
      @luizrpaes7797 4 роки тому

      I saw a whole set of videos that you can find in Udemy, CloudGuru and I have done whizlabs over than 500 questions. But this video is nice because is resumed, has focus in the most important subjects and make integration from aws resources. Good luck!

  • @stephanenoutsa
    @stephanenoutsa 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks a lot for this course! I passed the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam yesterday on my first attempt mostly thanks to this video. Thanks again!!

    • @blackstatham
      @blackstatham 2 роки тому

      Congratulations on your exam , can you share other resources

  • @LaxmiNarayanaJena-ej6df
    @LaxmiNarayanaJena-ej6df Рік тому +7

    I think, time is up for a refresher on this course, it's more than 3 years..

  • @ElvisCubby
    @ElvisCubby 4 роки тому +7

    Thanks for the course guys, it's really great! It was part of my last-minute preparation.
    I just passed the exams(SAA-C02)

    • @mohammadbayat1635
      @mohammadbayat1635 4 роки тому

      did you take the cpp exam before SAA?

    • @ElvisCubby
      @ElvisCubby 4 роки тому

      @@mohammadbayat1635 No pls, I just took SAA straight.

    • @peelygotdrip
      @peelygotdrip 4 роки тому

      @@ElvisCubby how long it took to prepare wth this course?

  • @vishwasw
    @vishwasw 4 роки тому +16

    Just passed the exam. This video is sufficient. Thanks a million!!

    • @danishkhalid9193
      @danishkhalid9193 4 роки тому

      Is this video enough to pass the exam or did u study from different webs or books. Help me please

    • @vishwasw
      @vishwasw 4 роки тому +1

      @@danishkhalid9193 If you can make sense from this video, then this is sufficient. It depends on your background. I also purchased practice tests for this exam from udemy. They have a lot of questions to check your knowledge once you finish this video.

    • @tejaswaghmare2525
      @tejaswaghmare2525 4 роки тому

      How much time u took to pass the exam n can u tell me how much one can earn per annum after the certification...

    • @varunpalva
      @varunpalva 4 роки тому

      Can you share the udemy question Bank you are referring to above.

    • @vishwasw
      @vishwasw 4 роки тому +2

      AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams
      Be an AWS Solutions Architect! AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Tests with new SAA-C02 topics!
      Rating: 4.6 out of 5
      (16,258 ratings)

  • @axiomdj
    @axiomdj 3 роки тому

    Very precise. I prepared for the test following your videos. I am now a proud certified professional. Thank you.

  • @didier8080
    @didier8080 3 роки тому

    I passed my Exam this weekend using this video and the Udemy course ( I have about a year with hands on exp). I will say the exam was harder then what I anticipated be prepared to read paragraph format questions. Also read the questions carefully, sometime an answer can work but the question is asking for the specific answer for their requirement. MOST RESILIENT, MOST COST Effective etc.

  • @bewithgeno
    @bewithgeno 4 роки тому +4

    I passed with an 829 on my first try. Thank you for this wonderful video!

    • @mindys.4632
      @mindys.4632 4 роки тому +1

      Congratulations! Please help me! Do you mind telling me how long and what exactly did you studies to pass? Please and thanks!

  • @dougsmith6886
    @dougsmith6886 3 роки тому +6

    Thanks so much for taking the time to put this together and make it available for others Andrew! Nice format of high level intro, followed by super cheat-sheets and follow-alongs - it certainly helped me pass! Massive gratitude!

  • @aniketbhalla1521
    @aniketbhalla1521 8 місяців тому +26

    Anyone still watching in 2024, do like.

  • @zakiabouchi3953
    @zakiabouchi3953 2 роки тому +1

    NACL is stateless, meaning any change applied to an incoming rule isn’t automatically applied to an outgoing rule.
    SG is stateful, which means any changes which are applied to an incoming rule is automatically applied to a rule which is outgoing.

  • @An-Engineered-Journey
    @An-Engineered-Journey Рік тому +1

    I was having the hardest time understanding VPC concepts with paid courses and that’s why I only have a cloud practitioner cert. after going through your course I FINALLY understand it. Ty!!

  • @kushcatable
    @kushcatable 4 роки тому +5

    I have passed SAA exam yesterday. This video is great artifact and covered pretty much all the areas for the exam. Thank you Andrew for this wonderful video and much appreciated you make this video freely available..

    • @muffinbutton1484
      @muffinbutton1484 4 роки тому

      What is your IT background? Curious if this is doable for someone who has very little IT experience

  • @jackyip5440
    @jackyip5440 4 роки тому +5

    1:33:37 - Correction: NACLs - any allowed inbound traffic will not automatically be applied for outbound traffic

    • @altravels7426
      @altravels7426 4 роки тому

      Yes, NACL is statless as opposed to Security Groups which are stateful!

    • @miked2560
      @miked2560 4 роки тому

      Yes, I was going to mention this as well, but see that you have it covered. 👍🏼

  • @RK-wk6zn
    @RK-wk6zn 3 роки тому +4

    Thanks a lot for your efforts and this video! I cleared SAA today with the help of this . I was in search for a complete free training material and then I found yours. I was impressed with the way you explained the things. I tried the things on Aws free account along with that. Keep up good work👍

  • @YawadoudouAllahou
    @YawadoudouAllahou 2 роки тому +1

    Many thanks to u sir, I passed my solution architect and my cloud practitioner exam. I do learn much things from you.God bless*

  • @jasonli7845
    @jasonli7845 4 роки тому +2

    Just passed the exam yesterday. Thank you so much for the video which makes it possible for me to achieve this within one week.

    • @sumanthperuri6579
      @sumanthperuri6579 4 роки тому

      bro can you tell me what are the other resources you used to pass the exam it will helpme alot

  • @snehithy2332
    @snehithy2332 4 роки тому +3

    Passed my exam yesterday. This video really helped me and especially cheat sheets. Questions will be very tricky and all are scenario-based.
    A big Thank You :)
    Good luck everyone

  • @danieljing9319
    @danieljing9319 4 роки тому +36

    I passed with 923 on my first try last week. it's time to get another one, aim at developer certification. thanks for this helpful video

    • @ramanisowmya
      @ramanisowmya 4 роки тому +1

      Congrats! Can you tell how long you prepared and which courses, resource and practice tests you used. TIA

    • @danieljing9319
      @danieljing9319 4 роки тому +10

      @@ramanisowmya Not much learning materials, basically,I just watched the AWS white paper, this video and some other videos on youtube. I prepared for almost 1 month, I had no experience with AWS before。SAA is more about AWS resource concept and make ur design more reasonable.

    • @muffinbutton1484
      @muffinbutton1484 4 роки тому

      but what is your total IT background?

    • @deepanshuchaudhary6354
      @deepanshuchaudhary6354 4 роки тому

      which exam u choose
      aws solution architect -retiring
      aws solution architect new

    • @zoyafathima2981
      @zoyafathima2981 4 роки тому

      @@deepanshuchaudhary6354 can Freshers take up this course .. please guide

  • @abhinavkumargupta8963
    @abhinavkumargupta8963 4 роки тому +4

    Thanks a ton! Re-visted complete course in just 1 day!! Exam on 7th March 2020. :)

    • @vernonneile
      @vernonneile 4 роки тому +1

      @ABHINAV KUMAR GUPTA How did your exam go. Other than this video what other resources did you use?

    • @mindys.4632
      @mindys.4632 4 роки тому

      Did you passed?

  • @ansarieramangalathmohammed1022
    @ansarieramangalathmohammed1022 4 роки тому +1

    I become AWS skilled from this Video.... Excellent ...Approciated your effert ...

  • @asheshsingh3030
    @asheshsingh3030 4 роки тому +2

    I have been using some AWS services for a while now but needed a guide for others that I am not familiar with. This is pure gold!

  • @cissecuba
    @cissecuba 2 роки тому +4

    Passed the AWS Associate C03 yesterday. Your video helped me a lot.

    • @JaimeChen-fx2uc
      @JaimeChen-fx2uc 2 роки тому

      Hi, is this course usefull for the SAA-C03? Should I take another one or study with this course and complement it with another one, if this is the case, wich courses will you recomendo me and also were can I get a free exam simulation?

    • @cissecuba
      @cissecuba 2 роки тому +1

      @@JaimeChen-fx2uc I mainly used a cloud guru. This course helped me refresh the knowledge.

  • @kmouss1
    @kmouss1 4 роки тому +4

    I just wanted to say thank you as I used this online course recording for my study and prep and I have just passed the course this weekend. Great content and the cheat sheets were really helpful to do final reviews just before the exam :)

    • @trendx285
      @trendx285 4 роки тому

      How long did it take you to prepare and pass and with what background. Congrats to you as well. Good luck on job hunt.

  • @bensimpson9500
    @bensimpson9500 4 роки тому +4

    I passed today. I used this course, a cloud guru and Jon Bonso’s practice exams. They haven’t sent me my score just yet but I passed! I found this course to be invaluable for going over the key topics.

    • @joqiao400
      @joqiao400 4 роки тому

      Ben Simpson congrats!! Did you have to go to a testing center? How’s that like nowadays, I’m thinking to take that exam also.

    • @bensimpson9500
      @bensimpson9500 4 роки тому

      @@joqiao400 I'll be honest with you I took mine at home. I had a very good testing experience at home. They send you the acceptable things that can remain in the room with you when taking it and they make you take some pictures for the proctor of the room. I think I might just do that for each certification I get.

    • @joqiao400
      @joqiao400 4 роки тому

      Ben Simpson Thanks for sharing! Did you have to share your screen? I’ve also checked online for more home exams details. Gotta make sure the network connection is healthy.

    • @bensimpson9500
      @bensimpson9500 4 роки тому

      The only difference in the webpage is we obviously are not taking the Cloud Practitioner exam.

  • @prathyuakkala8290
    @prathyuakkala8290 2 роки тому +1

    Passed the exam.. thank you for the course.. Definetly recommend few practice exams with this..