Added st MP, b+HP link and associated combos Added HK donkey to LP DP in corners Added donkey kick ender for denjin charge Added EX donkey to B+HK and EX donkey > lv 2 > Lv 1 Added f+HK confirm to EX air tatsu Added EX fireball to lv 2 super Added cr MK to hashogeki Added a couple clips I forgot from the OG (HP xx HK works on crouch, and cr LP to MK tatsu Might have been some other things, I forget.
Bafael's content for SFV was something that always made me jealous of SF players. While I never got that into SFV, I am very excited for SF6. Realizing that means I am going to get videos like this for a game I might play long term makes me so happy. Appreciate you.
glad to see you following the model of the omega and 3s guide vids in combining the best aspects of the old BNB and character guide videos. the voiceover makes the combos more compelling and easier to understand
@@Bafael I am the kind that needs to visually see the buttons I need to press in succession in order to learn a combo, is there any plan to include images of the combo in future videos?
yo bafael, wanted to thank you for making all these guides. it’s so funny hearing that iconic voice again that i used to listen to when trying out third strike combos all those years ago. keep up the good work!!
Glad you put it out more polished, and having the (better this time) commentary. Reminds me of some of my criticism on that KOF vid I poked you about on 15's release, thinking about it now. Good stuff, keep it up.
a thing to keep in mind about any drive rush combo, assuming this hasn't changed since the beta, is that any mid-combo drive rush--including a neutral drive rush from parry--incurs an additional 15% scaling modifier that applies on top of normal combo scaling. this modifier can only apply one time, so any additional drive rushes don't scale your combo worse than any other kind of follow-up. there's a LOT of implications from this that add interesting wrinkles to optimal routing. one consequence of this, combined with low medium kicks additionally having double scaling as starters, is any combo from low fwd drive rush will do really weak damage. this, plus a number of other balance decisions, feels very targeted at how the SFV meta played out fur a lot of its lifespan. several characters in SFV were top tier fur YEARS on the back of a single confurmable low poke outpurrforming basically every other normal lower-tier characters had. in SF6, you can't confurm your low visually without a situation to react to, if you autopilot cancelling it to a special you can get blown up by drive impact, and if you drive rush to confurm it your combo does very low damage. some cammy players i've talked to have disagreed with me very loudly about this, but i think it is an extremely welcome change. this makes me wonder if the reason ryu seems to have such high damage on a lot of his moves and routes compared to some other chars is partly making up fur the fact that he lacks any kind of long, quick, cancellable poking normal that ISN'T his 2MK--a lot of combos you do with him are going to end up with really harsh scaling out of the gate. OTOH, the fact that the scaling only applies the one time means that a combo structure where you start with two REALLY big hits--fur example, ryu punish counter 5HK into 5HP--then drive rush, and repeat drive rushes until you are burned out, can do really serious damage. your biggest hits at the start are unaffected by the drive rush scaling, and the scaling penalty only applies once, so the additional drive rushes aren't making things any worse. it also means normals that connect from drive rush as a STARTER have really potent damage potential. it seems like there's some concern over whether level 1s will really be worth using in combos but i think part of that comes from how often people at this stage of the game are doing combos that scale REALLY badly due to an overreliance on 2MK drive rush as a starter. if you go and try something with ryu like a raw drive rush 5MK, 2MK, level 1, the supurr at the end does really appurreciably more damage than ending with tatsu. i am very interested to see how things shake out with this system. there are a lot of intricacies that make the idea of choosing an "optimal" combo EXTREMELY difficult. i will say that in the beta, i was using level 1 as a combo ender and utility option more than maybe any other player i saw, and 2MK drive rush less than most players i saw, and i was doing purrty well. i didn't land that many big CA combos but i was often ahead on resources since i was using drive rush cancel fur combos less often and was rarely sitting on 3 supurr stocks and therefore not building more of that resource. my hope fur this game is that a lot of the decisions surrounding resource end up in an area where you often want to be spending a medium amount of what you have to minimize the amount of time you spend not gaining meter.
Level 1 in general seems like a hugely efficient way to tack damage on minor conversions if Ryu doesn’t want to save bar for some reason because it’s not Drive meter to risk Burnout and takes a chunk out of the opponent’s Drive meter. I also agree about your thoughts on crMK and that the biggest reason why Ryu will do fat damage imo is that fwdHP is a god tier normal in SF6.
Nice breakdown, I was noticing some similar things playing the beta and watching some of the tourneys we've had so far I think adding more scaling and making raw hit confirms from 2MKs across the board is a great freaking change, in V they kind of tried to balance them by making them stubby af, but the few times where you had a Karin, Cammy, Luke, etc. that actually had one with decent range, it was so good that it pretty much defined the whole gameplan of that character, and to be quite frank, it was very frustrating to play against, since 2MKs are made to limit your movement. It's worth noting that every cancelable 2MK seems to be -6 on block, so they're risky up close, Ken can punish them with his lvl2 really consistently even from afar, and if you dRush into a 2MK they are -2ob at best. The fact that dRush only seems to scale combos the first time it's used is very interesting, I presume they want people to potentially gamble all of their drive into a big 6+ bar combo for the kill, at the risk of not killing the opponent and having to finish the fight on burnout. And about lvl1 supers, I think they're definitely worth doing as enders at times, not necessarily for the damage, but for how they interact with the drive gauge, since they buy you some time to build yours, while reducing the opponent's drive by a bit, some lvl1s are also really good at pushing the opponent away or reseting the neutral when you're far from the corner, it seems like they'll be super useful for finishing big expensive combos, since they give you space to regen the drive spent, this is very true for lvl2s and 3s as well, but lvl1s are extremely cheap by comparison, they let you play super lame if needed. I played Juri during the beta, and using her lvl1 as an ender allowed me to build some stocks while still keeping the threat of a Feng Shui activation on the table, and if needed, I could still build a lvl3 rather quickly. also, completely unrelated to everything else, but the purr thingy you do is really cute lol
@@meathir4921 fireball level 1s also just have good utility since they can go through other fireballs. i did that a lot with luke level 1, ryu can purrobably do similar!
@@nickkiller-0710 thank you! it is a very fun way of speaking. people tend to be nice and clawmpliment me on it which makes me happy! and if someone is rude about it it tends to be a good way to tell i shouldn't worry about what they have to say haha
An interesting extension you can do from Denjin Hashogeki is Raw dRush into cr.Fierce>Ex Donkey>Heavy DP>lvl3, you have to delay the cr.Fierce a tiny bit tho If you block a DP and start your combo with a Punish Counter Roundhouse, Fierce into Hashogeki and then do this combo, it does a fuckton of damage, but even with a more common starter, it's still pretty beefy while looking stylish as all hell Extensions like that can pretty useful since Denjin Hashogeki is plus on block and might catch people by surprise, so it's a good opening to optimize
Thank you for including some practical mid screen combos that don’t eat all 6 bars. All the early combo vids out now are mostly about how to get to burnout as fast as possible. I like swag too, but most of the time you just need some good 2 bar damage!
When you lose all of your drive you can't gain more until the grey bar fills back up. While the grey bar is filling up you're stunned for longer after blocking, you can't use drive (of course), and if you get drive impacted in the corner you get immobilised for a few seconds (stunned)@@Nietori
Pulling this off after certain moves is pretty tough on pad the timing window is strange why cant we just imput it when a ex move is happening instead of at the end of a move sometimes it just does not come out.
Drive rush in to crouch LK also links into crouch MP. Crouch MP has better conversations then CR MK link ST LK. The range is worse but it is something to consider against a hesitant opponent because it means overhead or low can lead to an easier level 3 for very little meter use.
you can go into character guides and just click the super one, then during the explanation press select and you can just practice nonstop with no timer or anything
I was sf4 player from launch onto ultra. Got 5 on release and refunded it instantly. I know it got better. I just didn't care I was dissapointed in capcom. Played the demo for 6 and stuck with it as was satisfied that game would have more care and it did. not really bothered about the content outside of the online pvp
worth noting, stlk surprisingly has longer range than both stmp and crmp. obviously not strictly damage optimal but lets you confirm off a distant stmp, crmp, f.hp, CH jab
If you launch the opponent (heavy/denjin charge hashogeki) and are in or near the corner, do drive rush heavy punch, then heavy donkey kick. You lose a slight bit of damage compared to heavy DP, but it gives you a safe jump which can be massive
Not sure if it is optional but after ex hashogeki, with denjin charge, you can do dash crouch heavy punch xx light hashogeki link into light Super 1. Works everywhere. In the corner you can link into HP shoryuken. You might have covered it already in the video, but Combos are much more complicated in sf6 and it's hard to remember everything you covered. :)
2:12 Idk if it’s optimal, but you can also drive rush a normal into shoryu into lvl 3, but you gotta use medium shoryu, i’m pretty sure hard shoryu always whiffs in that scenario
7:55 I don't understand how he's getting the cancel off after crouching mk there. I try it and hit cancel (mp + mk) dash and nothing happens. Is that not the right input?
Just curious, any changes from this vid to release? About to put in the work to get really consistent and want to make sure its at least semi optimal lol
For Drive rush, After any MP or HP he can combo st hk to CRHP Its his most optimal from drive rush if he does not extend further and ends with HP shoryu CRHP-stmp-crmp is also a wonderful punish too if you do not have time to punish counter w jump in or sthk. Theres still a lot of things people dont know about Ryu us "beta" people know. He can also in corner combo HP shoryu off of punish counter HK Donkey and stlk on punish counter combos into ex donkey. Great in situations where you need to punish -5 moves as his stlk is 5 frames. Best example is Kens stmk
I think st HK whiffs on crouch, right? I was doing that combo before but I thought HP to b+HP did the same damage while also being faster and not whiffing on crouch.
@@Bafael a lot of his normals force stand, sthk, st hp, crhp, i believe all force stand. not 100% sure but most of the time i will either do that or crhp-stmp-crmp for confirms after drive rush
@@Bafael So, I have "ways" to test and after any drive rush conbo you want to do cr hp-stmp-crmp if you plan to end w shoryuken for the combo. If you plan to do denjin extensions, super 2, super 1 etc its pretty back and forth. You gain or lose like 200-300 dmg difference depending on enders but its super not worth it to memorize stuff. 200 dmg is less than a jab anyway. Point being, crhp-stmp-crmp should be noted for punish counters and drive rush extensions. tldr
Man thank you I needed to know the bread and butter for ryu I mean I know to do combos but I wanted know to the links and confirms that u can use and different situations
2:43 this is not a timing thing, just wanted to point out its a corner combo :) Had tried it extensively before seeing this video. There is a certain max range you can do it from and it will always land as long as the opponent is rolling to the corner. The point you did it at is I think the maximum distance from the wall that you can perform this combo from what I found :)
Any reason to not simply link standing medium punch with standing medium punch instead of the crouching version? No damage difference as far as I can tell, but are there combos that require the crouching medium punch for extensions?
A few. F+hp, st mp to shoryu can't be canceled to lv3 for example because the shoryu doesn't hit on its first active frame, but it works after cr mp. Cr mp has less pushback which makes it marginally more consistent in scenarios like that.
Consistently great as ever, thanks a heap. Having trouble with the SA2 combos which are extended in the corner (5:05) while playing with the Guides section as a training mode - the dummy doesn't seem to roll in the same way. Not sure if it's just my timing.
In the light normals section you said that there is no available cancel to donkey kick. But I am 100% sure you can cancel a "light donkey kick" from a "standing light kick" .
Oh, I didn't try that. Thanks. Regardless I probably wouldn't put it there since it doesn't work in any of his light normal confirms. It would be useful for something like a counter hit MK or something to st LK to LK donkey kick. Otherwise I think you'd only be confirming it from stuff like st MP.
@@Bafael just tried it in the beta. Medium Hashogeki to light Shoryu does 20 extra damage. Not a huge difference, but worth checking out if it makes a difference.
When you mentioned raw drive rush crouch medium kick as a pairing to DR overhead that was interesting. But did you know you can do raw drive rush crouch lk into stand mp crouch mp. I'm not sure what does more dmg, but the latter is certainly faster.
Is the follow up after his charged lv2 a distance thing? Because I absolutely can't get it to work unless they hit the corner before they finish rolling & I noticed they hit the corner here too.
is there any reason to cancel OD donkey kick with charged Lvl 2 and link Lvl 1 aside from it looking really cool? Is the damage better than just doing SRK ➡️ Lvl 3, or is the higher damage option dependent on scaling and/or having Denjin Charge? (I think I read that Denjin Charge increases Lvl 2's damage)
It does a tiny bit less than heavy shoryu-lv3, but a bigger bit more than medium donkey kick-lv3. Unless your level 2 is denjin charged. That is an even bigger bit more damage than heavy shoryu-lv3.
Did light tatsu to dp go away? I've been fiddling very briefly with the demo and I can't get it to hit. As a massive Street Fighter scrub, that little combo always made me feel like a cool kid :(
Will you make this vind of video for other Characters too later on? Because I don't like to play Ryu, but the video is great. Fast explanation and then the clip. Nice Man:)
this is my first street fighter game do you have any tips in regard to timing? i feel like i’m messing up on easy stuff and the games eating my inputs?
The game won't eat your inputs but it's hard to know what your mistakes are until you have good access to training mode. Generally speaking there's no upper speed limit for cancels so just do them as fast as you can
Demo doesn't show damage so you'd have to calculate visually, which is annoying. I'm sure Bafael will show damage when the actual game releases with a true training mode.
The damage is similar but stand roundhouse whiffs on crouching opponents IIRC. st HP is also faster so it combos after cr MK xx drive rush for example, while st HK doesn't. To me it seems st HP to b+HP is better.
Off topic but do you plan on making those long baf style "how to play x" vids for sf6? Kinda miss em, iirc you never did all chars for 4 and 5. Also hope bad balance returns too someday
What was updated from the last vid?
Added st MP, b+HP link and associated combos
Added HK donkey to LP DP in corners
Added donkey kick ender for denjin charge
Added EX donkey to B+HK and EX donkey > lv 2 > Lv 1
Added f+HK confirm to EX air tatsu
Added EX fireball to lv 2 super
Added cr MK to hashogeki
Added a couple clips I forgot from the OG (HP xx HK works on crouch, and cr LP to MK tatsu
Might have been some other things, I forget.
@@Bafael thx for the patch notes
the game launches and everyone is a warlord ryu
Don't worry. Street Fighter is a normie franchise so we will be fine
No amount of optimized combos will prepare people for some dude mashing Drive Impact on neutral
Fr man, we are all gonna have an optimal pocket ryu😂
@@Sorrelhas This is gonna be me. '23-ers unite!
@@Sorrelhas It’s me, I’m people.
Bafael's content for SFV was something that always made me jealous of SF players. While I never got that into SFV, I am very excited for SF6. Realizing that means I am going to get videos like this for a game I might play long term makes me so happy.
Appreciate you.
Your commentary fills in the blanks I had, thanks great job I subbed.
This is DEFINITELY the best Ryu sf6 beginner combo guide. Starts small and breaks everything down. Sick stuff.
Pretty inconsistent, but if you get the 2nd hit of air tatsu as an air-to-air, you can juggle after it in the corner.
glad to see you following the model of the omega and 3s guide vids in combining the best aspects of the old BNB and character guide videos. the voiceover makes the combos more compelling and easier to understand
Yeah I've tried to shift my format to a best of all worlds and these are the things people endorsed minus the things people begrudged.
@@Bafael I am the kind that needs to visually see the buttons I need to press in succession in order to learn a combo, is there any plan to include images of the combo in future videos?
@@genaxide input display will be on for all the future ones so just use that.
@@Bafael bet, I'll be waiting for your new videos with input display thanks bruv
yo bafael, wanted to thank you for making all these guides. it’s so funny hearing that iconic voice again that i used to listen to when trying out third strike combos all those years ago. keep up the good work!!
Glad you put it out more polished, and having the (better this time) commentary. Reminds me of some of my criticism on that KOF vid I poked you about on 15's release, thinking about it now. Good stuff, keep it up.
a thing to keep in mind about any drive rush combo, assuming this hasn't changed since the beta, is that any mid-combo drive rush--including a neutral drive rush from parry--incurs an additional 15% scaling modifier that applies on top of normal combo scaling. this modifier can only apply one time, so any additional drive rushes don't scale your combo worse than any other kind of follow-up. there's a LOT of implications from this that add interesting wrinkles to optimal routing.
one consequence of this, combined with low medium kicks additionally having double scaling as starters, is any combo from low fwd drive rush will do really weak damage. this, plus a number of other balance decisions, feels very targeted at how the SFV meta played out fur a lot of its lifespan. several characters in SFV were top tier fur YEARS on the back of a single confurmable low poke outpurrforming basically every other normal lower-tier characters had. in SF6, you can't confurm your low visually without a situation to react to, if you autopilot cancelling it to a special you can get blown up by drive impact, and if you drive rush to confurm it your combo does very low damage. some cammy players i've talked to have disagreed with me very loudly about this, but i think it is an extremely welcome change.
this makes me wonder if the reason ryu seems to have such high damage on a lot of his moves and routes compared to some other chars is partly making up fur the fact that he lacks any kind of long, quick, cancellable poking normal that ISN'T his 2MK--a lot of combos you do with him are going to end up with really harsh scaling out of the gate.
OTOH, the fact that the scaling only applies the one time means that a combo structure where you start with two REALLY big hits--fur example, ryu punish counter 5HK into 5HP--then drive rush, and repeat drive rushes until you are burned out, can do really serious damage. your biggest hits at the start are unaffected by the drive rush scaling, and the scaling penalty only applies once, so the additional drive rushes aren't making things any worse.
it also means normals that connect from drive rush as a STARTER have really potent damage potential. it seems like there's some concern over whether level 1s will really be worth using in combos but i think part of that comes from how often people at this stage of the game are doing combos that scale REALLY badly due to an overreliance on 2MK drive rush as a starter. if you go and try something with ryu like a raw drive rush 5MK, 2MK, level 1, the supurr at the end does really appurreciably more damage than ending with tatsu.
i am very interested to see how things shake out with this system. there are a lot of intricacies that make the idea of choosing an "optimal" combo EXTREMELY difficult. i will say that in the beta, i was using level 1 as a combo ender and utility option more than maybe any other player i saw, and 2MK drive rush less than most players i saw, and i was doing purrty well. i didn't land that many big CA combos but i was often ahead on resources since i was using drive rush cancel fur combos less often and was rarely sitting on 3 supurr stocks and therefore not building more of that resource. my hope fur this game is that a lot of the decisions surrounding resource end up in an area where you often want to be spending a medium amount of what you have to minimize the amount of time you spend not gaining meter.
Level 1 in general seems like a hugely efficient way to tack damage on minor conversions if Ryu doesn’t want to save bar for some reason because it’s not Drive meter to risk Burnout and takes a chunk out of the opponent’s Drive meter.
I also agree about your thoughts on crMK and that the biggest reason why Ryu will do fat damage imo is that fwdHP is a god tier normal in SF6.
Nice breakdown, I was noticing some similar things playing the beta and watching some of the tourneys we've had so far
I think adding more scaling and making raw hit confirms from 2MKs across the board is a great freaking change,
in V they kind of tried to balance them by making them stubby af, but the few times where you had a Karin, Cammy, Luke, etc. that actually had one with decent range, it was so good that it pretty much defined the whole gameplan of that character, and to be quite frank, it was very frustrating to play against, since 2MKs are made to limit your movement.
It's worth noting that every cancelable 2MK seems to be -6 on block, so they're risky up close, Ken can punish them with his lvl2 really consistently even from afar, and if you dRush into a 2MK they are -2ob at best.
The fact that dRush only seems to scale combos the first time it's used is very interesting, I presume they want people to potentially gamble all of their drive into a big 6+ bar combo for the kill, at the risk of not killing the opponent and having to finish the fight on burnout.
And about lvl1 supers, I think they're definitely worth doing as enders at times, not necessarily for the damage, but for how they interact with the drive gauge, since they buy you some time to build yours, while reducing the opponent's drive by a bit, some lvl1s are also really good at pushing the opponent away or reseting the neutral when you're far from the corner, it seems like they'll be super useful for finishing big expensive combos, since they give you space to regen the drive spent, this is very true for lvl2s and 3s as well, but lvl1s are extremely cheap by comparison, they let you play super lame if needed.
I played Juri during the beta, and using her lvl1 as an ender allowed me to build some stocks while still keeping the threat of a Feng Shui activation on the table, and if needed, I could still build a lvl3 rather quickly.
also, completely unrelated to everything else, but the purr thingy you do is really cute lol
@@meathir4921 fireball level 1s also just have good utility since they can go through other fireballs. i did that a lot with luke level 1, ryu can purrobably do similar!
@@nickkiller-0710 thank you! it is a very fun way of speaking. people tend to be nice and clawmpliment me on it which makes me happy! and if someone is rude about it it tends to be a good way to tell i shouldn't worry about what they have to say haha
@@DEClimax It's not cute - it's creepy beyond belief.
Yes, I wanted to start small with like 2 hit combos so thanks for this
I've been watching your street fighter guides forever man, still the best out there! Thanks again for all you do!
An interesting extension you can do from Denjin Hashogeki is Raw dRush into cr.Fierce>Ex Donkey>Heavy DP>lvl3, you have to delay the cr.Fierce a tiny bit tho
If you block a DP and start your combo with a Punish Counter Roundhouse, Fierce into Hashogeki and then do this combo, it does a fuckton of damage, but even with a more common starter, it's still pretty beefy while looking stylish as all hell
Extensions like that can pretty useful since Denjin Hashogeki is plus on block and might catch people by surprise, so it's a good opening to optimize
Thank you for including some practical mid screen combos that don’t eat all 6 bars. All the early combo vids out now are mostly about how to get to burnout as fast as possible. I like swag too, but most of the time you just need some good 2 bar damage!
What is burnout? Sorry if that sounds like a dumb question...
@@Nietori It's when you spend your entire drive meter and your character goes all gray. It's disadvantageous.
When you lose all of your drive you can't gain more until the grey bar fills back up. While the grey bar is filling up you're stunned for longer after blocking, you can't use drive (of course), and if you get drive impacted in the corner you get immobilised for a few seconds (stunned)@@Nietori
I love how there is so many combo routes in this game and creativity for the player. Can't wait to see what the other characters can do, thanks Baf 👍
You can land heavy Hashogeki after EX charged Hashogeki for some nice juggles after, for example light hashogeki to medium dp.
Not specifically a combo option, but if you land Light Tatsu, whiff a jab, then do f+MP, you can link out the f+MP if it hits.
I feel like it’s also worth noting that any combo into heavy or Denjin Hashogeki can lead into EX Donkey Kick.
What the hell is a donkey kick
@@jcd5238 it is down forward kick
@@jcd5238 a.k.a. Joudan Sokutogeri, it was HCF+K in SFIII and SFV, now QCF+K in SF6
@@lordgalahad thanks for the lore
@@jcd5238 In this game, it’s called High Blade Kick, if you prefer that name.
You can do Forward > Forward `+ Parry to skip the parry startup animation for drive rush.
I find forward parry forward to work best for me.
@@BreadBeardFGC Gotta try that, thanks.
@@Vidyadude happy huntin
Pulling this off after certain moves is pretty tough on pad the timing window is strange why cant we just imput it when a ex move is happening instead of at the end of a move sometimes it just does not come out.
@@brandonrice1124 Do you mean you have a hard time doing a Drive Rush after parrying something? If so then yeah it's a bit tricky but it's a skill
Thank you so much for this video. I learned so much!!! 🥰
Drive rush in to crouch LK also links into crouch MP. Crouch MP has better conversations then CR MK link ST LK. The range is worse but it is something to consider against a hesitant opponent because it means overhead or low can lead to an easier level 3 for very little meter use.
Thanks so much for your content Bafael!
In the EX donkey kick combos, you can do Drive Rush St. HP, MP Hashogeki, and juggle that into level 1.
you can go into character guides and just click the super one, then during the explanation press select and you can just practice nonstop with no timer or anything
It's good to have Ryu with a wide toolkit again. Launch SFV was almost cruelly austere, locking existing abilities behind V.
I was sf4 player from launch onto ultra. Got 5 on release and refunded it instantly. I know it got better. I just didn't care I was dissapointed in capcom. Played the demo for 6 and stuck with it as was satisfied that game would have more care and it did. not really bothered about the content outside of the online pvp
Your content is what I waited for!
Your Sakura guide helped me winning some tournament matches!
ryu feels SO interesting and dynamic in 6, though that extends to all of the characters it seems
Excellent video, very well explained, keep them coming, very helpful, thanks thanks
worth noting, stlk surprisingly has longer range than both stmp and crmp. obviously not strictly damage optimal but lets you confirm off a distant stmp, crmp, f.hp, CH jab
Ah, I forgot,
new SF means new breakdown videos like this.
Another thing to look forward to~
If you launch the opponent (heavy/denjin charge hashogeki) and are in or near the corner, do drive rush heavy punch, then heavy donkey kick. You lose a slight bit of damage compared to heavy DP, but it gives you a safe jump which can be massive
I can’t believe Ryu finally has sauce
Not sure if it is optional but after ex hashogeki, with denjin charge, you can do dash crouch heavy punch xx light hashogeki link into light Super 1. Works everywhere. In the corner you can link into HP shoryuken. You might have covered it already in the video, but Combos are much more complicated in sf6 and it's hard to remember everything you covered. :)
This is the kind of guides that i like to the point but more then just showing combos . Im subscribing
Thx Baf you’re a legend x
Really wish the demo had the training mode to actually learn combos. Gotta find a work around until then
2:12 Idk if it’s optimal, but you can also drive rush a normal into shoryu into lvl 3, but you gotta use medium shoryu, i’m pretty sure hard shoryu always whiffs in that scenario
Me at first:
"9 minutes for bnbs??????"
A moment later:
"....oh wait, it's Bafael?"
* Clicks immediately *
super keen to watch your sf6 stuff. god bless
like this one way more than the old combo guides bc baf is talking to us in his lovely voice
7:55 I don't understand how he's getting the cancel off after crouching mk there. I try it and hit cancel (mp + mk) dash and nothing happens. Is that not the right input?
You just do f+f during the cr mk. No need for mp+mk
My fav rn is denjin charge. So fwd hp,mp,ex hashogeki,super geki,drive low mk, ex tatsu into shoryu
Just curious, any changes from this vid to release? About to put in the work to get really consistent and want to make sure its at least semi optimal lol
I'm not aware of any differences
Not sure if people realize but 4HP -> drive rush -> 6MP is a combo... ;)
Cool that you added the things I suggested.
For Drive rush, After any MP or HP he can combo st hk to CRHP
Its his most optimal from drive rush if he does not extend further and ends with HP shoryu
CRHP-stmp-crmp is also a wonderful punish too if you do not have time to punish counter w jump in or sthk.
Theres still a lot of things people dont know about Ryu us "beta" people know.
He can also in corner combo HP shoryu off of punish counter HK Donkey
and stlk on punish counter combos into ex donkey. Great in situations where you need to punish -5 moves as his stlk is 5 frames. Best example is Kens stmk
I think st HK whiffs on crouch, right? I was doing that combo before but I thought HP to b+HP did the same damage while also being faster and not whiffing on crouch.
@@Bafael a lot of his normals force stand, sthk, st hp, crhp, i believe all force stand. not 100% sure but most of the time i will either do that or crhp-stmp-crmp for confirms after drive rush
@@Bafael So, I have "ways" to test and after any drive rush conbo you want to do cr hp-stmp-crmp if you plan to end w shoryuken for the combo.
If you plan to do denjin extensions, super 2, super 1 etc its pretty back and forth.
You gain or lose like 200-300 dmg difference depending on enders but its super not worth it to memorize stuff. 200 dmg is less than a jab anyway.
Point being, crhp-stmp-crmp should be noted for punish counters and drive rush extensions. tldr
@@yourstillwithme good research
Thank you for this
For the life of me, after all these years of playing sf, I still can’t combo from a crouching MP into a shoryuken for the life of me.
Start by holding d/f. Hit MP, then quickly do down, d/f, and punch. This is a "crouching shoryuken" motion and it makes it significantly easier.
Man thank you I needed to know the bread and butter for ryu I mean I know to do combos but I wanted know to the links and confirms that u can use and different situations
feels like the game dropped early
this is nice to see
1:11 I wonder if the drive rush recovers quickly enough to also throw blocks into the mix to call out reversal DPs?
Can I say that Drive Rush lets u do counter hit links?
And most punish counter links. It adds +4 like a punish counter but won't do the bonus effects like knockdown or crumple
2:43 this is not a timing thing, just wanted to point out its a corner combo :)
Had tried it extensively before seeing this video.
There is a certain max range you can do it from and it will always land as long as the opponent is rolling to the corner.
The point you did it at is I think the maximum distance from the wall that you can perform this combo from what I found :)
Oops, thought I was out of the corner but I guess I wasn't.
Okay, this is what I thought. It's disappointing. It comes oh so close out of the corner, but they stop rolling just as the hadouken gets there.
@@Bafael 👍👍👍
Any reason to not simply link standing medium punch with standing medium punch instead of the crouching version? No damage difference as far as I can tell, but are there combos that require the crouching medium punch for extensions?
A few. F+hp, st mp to shoryu can't be canceled to lv3 for example because the shoryu doesn't hit on its first active frame, but it works after cr mp. Cr mp has less pushback which makes it marginally more consistent in scenarios like that.
u are more goated than 100 watermelons because of this guide and more
Consistently great as ever, thanks a heap.
Having trouble with the SA2 combos which are extended in the corner (5:05) while playing with the Guides section as a training mode - the dummy doesn't seem to roll in the same way. Not sure if it's just my timing.
Are you getting enough charging? The super changes properties the more you charge it.
@@Bafael Ah that may be it - I’ll try again when I get some more time on the game 🫡
In the light normals section you said that there is no available cancel to donkey kick. But I am 100% sure you can cancel a "light donkey kick" from a "standing light kick" .
Oh, I didn't try that. Thanks. Regardless I probably wouldn't put it there since it doesn't work in any of his light normal confirms. It would be useful for something like a counter hit MK or something to st LK to LK donkey kick. Otherwise I think you'd only be confirming it from stuff like st MP.
That makes sense, anyways I love your stuff. You just got a new subscriber today.
Do you mind typing them out?
as a new player, a luke guide would be preety kewl
This isn't even just a good beginner guide, it's great for seasoned players like me too. Thanks!
4:28 which is mor optimal: light hashogeki to medium shoryu or medium hashogeki to light shoryu?
Didn't know the second one worked so IDK
@@Bafael just tried it in the beta. Medium Hashogeki to light Shoryu does 20 extra damage. Not a huge difference, but worth checking out if it makes a difference.
Purrr, my Sf6 Ryu combos❤👇🏾
Suprised i didn't see you mention you can hit confirm CA from denjin charge hadoken.
So glad my longtime main is now OP af ;3
I miss that guitar strumming intro from all the SFV bnb vids
When you mentioned raw drive rush crouch medium kick as a pairing to DR overhead that was interesting. But did you know you can do raw drive rush crouch lk into stand mp crouch mp. I'm not sure what does more dmg, but the latter is certainly faster.
Yours sounds better TBH I should have mentioned it.
i keep connecting my hit but the combo counter keeps resetting i dont know what im doing wrong.
In the beta rush c.hp hashogeki does more dmg. Dunno in the demo
Okay but how do you do the lighting release thing that ryu does ?
I don't know what you mean. If you mean the denjin charge, it's down, down +punch
@@Bafael yeah that denjin charge but i figured it out & thank you
anybody got advice on canceling into tatsu from air MP. I havent been able to do it.
That abrupt ending though
What am I doing wrong? The first corner combo isn't working for me - I can't link 5MP into 2HP and then the LDP isn't coming out after the DK
it's 4HP you're linking into, and the uppercut only combos after heavy version of donkey kick
I wonder if hashougeki would be good for oki since it is plus on block
How are u executing 3:13 i cant drive rush after hashogeki on the single player demo
Hold mp and mk and just mash forward
@@Bafael ah ty.
I know this is probably simple, vut any tips for fHP->cMP->DP? Most of the time keep getting fireball
can we get an updated updated one
At 0:22, I can’t get my second Back HP to link with the first. Is this no longer doable?
it's st MP to b+HP, not b+HP to b+HP.
Oops that would explain it. 🤦♂️
Sorry, I'm new to SF and I'm wondering what's the benefit of doing sMP, crMP instead of just sMP, sMP for the basic combo?
They're pretty much interchangeable. I think cr mp might have a bit more range but I'm not sure of that
@@Bafael Ok, thank you :)
crMP has more damage
Is the follow up after his charged lv2 a distance thing? Because I absolutely can't get it to work unless they hit the corner before they finish rolling & I noticed they hit the corner here too.
Yeah as it turns out it's just a corner thing, I hit the corner without realizing it. Sorry.
@Bafael No worries. This is still a fantastic resource. Some stuff here I didn't know existed and it'll be a great for optimizing my combos. Thanks.
how are you guys playing in like training mode? only person I can use during tutorials is Luke
go to the character tutorials for the level 3 super then there's a button to try it out. You can treat it like training mode.
is there any reason to cancel OD donkey kick with charged Lvl 2 and link Lvl 1 aside from it looking really cool? Is the damage better than just doing SRK ➡️ Lvl 3, or is the higher damage option dependent on scaling and/or having Denjin Charge? (I think I read that Denjin Charge increases Lvl 2's damage)
It does a tiny bit less than heavy shoryu-lv3, but a bigger bit more than medium donkey kick-lv3. Unless your level 2 is denjin charged. That is an even bigger bit more damage than heavy shoryu-lv3.
you can combo from rush cr lk into cr mp... please check it out...
Yeah, st MP too which is better I think.
@@Bafael yeah. That's right.. More option for low approach
Taking us to school since SF4. Can we get a BNB combo guide for Marisa as well?
How about a video detailing classic,modern and dynamic control schemes?
Will do, once the game is out probably.
anyone made a list of these?
Did light tatsu to dp go away? I've been fiddling very briefly with the demo and I can't get it to hit. As a massive Street Fighter scrub, that little combo always made me feel like a cool kid :(
go play ken or presumably akuma who will both have it
Tnx for video..will u do one for Luke?
Does anyone know how much throw protection this game has?
dude you need to do a redo of this in launch
I plan to, yes. With more info since I don't have training mode features like frame data.
Will you make this vind of video for other Characters too later on?
Because I don't like to play Ryu, but the video is great. Fast explanation and then the clip. Nice Man:)
If he doesnt its a guarantee 5 other people will
I'm gonna do everyone ye
I’ve seen that you can drive rush from LK leading to a combo. Is that true?
Yes, drive rush st lk combos into stuff.
Pls do a luke bnb too.
this is my first street fighter game do you have any tips in regard to timing? i feel like i’m messing up on easy stuff and the games eating my inputs?
The game won't eat your inputs but it's hard to know what your mistakes are until you have good access to training mode. Generally speaking there's no upper speed limit for cancels so just do them as fast as you can
just consistent practice is key here.
What would have made things more fun to watch is a few indicators for each combo: Meter used, CA levels used, total damage.
Demo doesn't show damage so you'd have to calculate visually, which is annoying. I'm sure Bafael will show damage when the actual game releases with a true training mode.
@@feri7mble Fair enough. I was trying to eyeball it but the hopelessly misguided slanted design thwarted efforts at precision.
Looking for optimal modern Ryu combos, any luck?
I only know how to play classic
Is it better to do standing roundhouse crouching fierce or standing fierce short uppercut from a drive rush?
The damage is similar but stand roundhouse whiffs on crouching opponents IIRC. st HP is also faster so it combos after cr MK xx drive rush for example, while st HK doesn't. To me it seems st HP to b+HP is better.
@@Bafael Thank you, this video and your reply are helping me a lot with combo optimisation with Ryu.
Drive rush for 1 bar seems really strong
Players will adapt it happens in every street fighter game but capcom will nerf some things tho.
Off topic but do you plan on making those long baf style "how to play x" vids for sf6? Kinda miss em, iirc you never did all chars for 4 and 5. Also hope bad balance returns too someday
It'll probably be more stuff like this so a bit similar but more heavily edited
Do you plan on making one of these for luke? I love your breakdowns
How good of an anti-air would b+HP be ? The angle seems pretty nice for right on top of you, unless the activate frame and hitbox are bad ?
It's quite good for close jumps but b+HP has more horizontal reach so it's usually better unless they're right above you.
@@Bafael Aight, thanks for the confirmation man, waiting the Luke video impatiently.