The Dark Side of Adventist History: Racial Color Lines

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @exorcisingellen
    @exorcisingellen 2 місяці тому +23

    Just found this page. Took about two years to study my way out, starting back in 2010 or so. 3rd generation. Grandpa was president of the Kentucky/Tennessee GC for awhile, grandma worked at the EGW Estate when they lived in Maryland. Keene, TX

    • @ThePhatLady
      @ThePhatLady 2 місяці тому

      this is what Ellen wrote 200 years ago
      Chapter 24-The Color Line
      I have some things to say in regard to the colored people of the Southern States of America and the relation that we should sustain to them. So long were they under the curse of slavery that it is a difficult problem to know how they should now be treated.
      When God's workers allow His Spirit to work upon their minds, much will be accomplished in the saving of souls. The Lord is our helper. He will guide us in all matters if we will trust in Him. One thing is certain: We must have faith in God-faith that He will arrange matters in a way that will enable us to work successfully. No one ever trusted God in vain. He will never disappoint those who put their trust in Him.
      We are to avoid entering into contention over the problem of the color line. If this question is much agitated, difficulties will arise that will consume much precious time to adjust. We cannot lay down a definite line to be followed in dealing with this subject. In different places and under varying circumstances, the subject will need to be handled differently. In the South, where race prejudice is so strong, we could do nothing in presenting the truth were we to deal with the color line question as we can deal with it in some places in the North. The white workers in the South will have to move in a way that will enable them to gain access to the white people.
      It is Satan's plan to call minds to the study of the color line. If his suggestions are heeded, there will be diversity of opinion and great confusion. No one is capable of clearly defining the proper position of the colored people. Men may advance theories, but I assure you that it will not do for us to follow human theories. So far as possible the color line question should be allowed to rest.
      The cities of the South are to be worked, and for this work the best talent is to be secured, and that without delay. Let white workers labor for the white people, proclaiming the message of present truth in its simplicity. They will find openings through which they may reach the higher class. Every opportunity for reaching this class is to be improved.
      Let colored laborers do what they can to keep abreast, working earnestly for their own people. I thank God that among the colored believers there are men of talent who can work efficiently for their own people, presenting the truth in clear lines. There are many colored people of precious talent who will be converted to the truth if our colored ministers are wise in devising ways of training teachers for the schools and other laborers for the field.
      The colored people should not urge that they be placed on an equality with white people. The relation of the two races has been a matter hard to deal with, and I fear that it will ever remain a most perplexing problem. So far as possible, everything that would stir up the race prejudice of the white people should be avoided. There is danger of closing the door so that our white laborers will not be able to work in some places in the South.
      I know that if we attempt to meet the ideas and preferences of some of the colored people, we shall find our way blocked completely. The work of proclaiming the truth for this time is not to be hindered by an effort to adjust the position of the Negro race. Should we attempt to do this we should find that barriers like mountains would be raised to hinder the work that God desires to have done. If we move quietly and judiciously, laboring in the way that God has marked out, both white and colored people will be benefited by our labors.
      The time has not come for us to work as if there were no prejudice. Christ said: “Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” Matthew 10:16. If you see that by doing certain things which you have a perfect right to do, you hinder the advancement of God's work, refrain from doing those things. Do nothing that will close the minds of others against the truth. There is a world to save, and we shall gain nothing by cutting loose from those we are trying to help. All things may be lawful, but all things are not expedient.
      The wise course is the best. As laborers together with God, we are to work in the way that will enable us to accomplish the most for Him. Let none go to extremes. We need wisdom from above; for we have a difficult problem to solve. If rash moves are made now, great mischief will be done. The matter is to be presented in such a way that the truly converted colored people will cling to the truth for Christ's sake, refusing to renounce one principle of sound Bible doctrine because they may think that the very best course is not being pursued toward the Negro race.
      We must sit as learners at the feet of Christ, that He may teach us the will of God and that we may know how to work for the white people and the colored people in the Southern field. We are to do as the Spirit of the Lord shall dictate, and agitate the subject of the color line as little as possible. We must use every energy to present the closing gospel message to all classes in the South. As we are led and controlled by the Spirit of God we shall find that this question will adjust itself in the minds of our people.
      Let us individually seek the Lord. Let those whose religious experience in the past has been only a surface work, draw near to God. Repent, repent, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out.
      When we are prepared to take hold of the work in earnest we shall be better able than we are now to deal with the questions involved in this work. Let every believer do his best to prepare the way for the gospel missionary work that is to be done. But let no one enter into controversy. It is Satan's object to keep Christians occupied in controversies among themselves. He knows that if they do not watch, the day of the Lord will come on them as a thief in the night. We have no time now to give place to the spirit of the enemy and to cherish prejudices that confuse the judgment and lead us away from Christ.
      It will take money and earnest, persevering effort to do that which needs to be done among the colored people. Every man needs now to stand in his lot and place, confessing and forsaking his sins, and working in harmony with his brethren. God's workers are to be of one mind and one heart, praying for the impartation of the Spirit and believing that God will fulfill His word.

    • @Vincent-gc3cu
      @Vincent-gc3cu 2 місяці тому +1

      What caused you to leave the church after your two year study, if you dont mind me asking?

    • @Neil-ef9xi
      @Neil-ef9xi 2 місяці тому +1

      @@Vincent-gc3cu Truth either brings repentance or it causes separation because it conflicts with how a person wants to live their life.

    • @exorcisingellen
      @exorcisingellen 10 днів тому

      @@Vincent-gc3cu I couldn't stay any longer. Felt that since I was no longer ignorant of the churches hogwash, God would no longer "wink" if I stayed, with me knowing it was all a lie. The White Lie by Walter Ray, and Seventh-day Adventism Renounced by D.M. Canright helped immensely.

  • @BramptonAnglican
    @BramptonAnglican 2 місяці тому +16

    A great video. It frustrates me when Adventists try to claim Ellen wasn’t racist. She very much was one

    • @morpeter76
      @morpeter76 2 місяці тому +1

    • @morpeter76
      @morpeter76 2 місяці тому +1 👀👀👀

    • @morpeter76
      @morpeter76 2 місяці тому +2

      Check it out

    • @morpeter76
      @morpeter76 2 місяці тому +1

      Adventist defense league
      Egw racist woman

    • @morpeter76
      @morpeter76 2 місяці тому

      @@bekisto82 no SDA

  • @ReverendThunder
    @ReverendThunder 2 місяці тому +25

    Piece by piece the facts are being unearthed.

    • @coachdanferreira
      @coachdanferreira 2 місяці тому +5

      I wish you could have your books translated to Portuguese so I could buy and hand them out here in Portugal. God bless

    • @ReverendThunder
      @ReverendThunder 2 місяці тому +5

      @@coachdanferreira blessings bro. There's a Dr who is actually doing that.

    • @coachdanferreira
      @coachdanferreira 2 місяці тому +4

      @@ReverendThunder That is amazing news. I'll keep my eyes peeled for those books.

    • @ReverendThunder
      @ReverendThunder 2 місяці тому +2

      ​@@coachdanferreiraI'm not sure of his progress, but here's a chapter he had translated and posted. He's doing them chapter by chapter I think.

    • @damonking76
      @damonking76 2 місяці тому

      kjvJERIMIAH 16:9@[MACCABEES 1,3:48-51]!!!
      [MACCABEES 1,3:48-51]

  • @coachdanferreira
    @coachdanferreira 2 місяці тому +25

    Oh boy... I wonder what would happen to the SDA membership numbers if this information were spread throughout the Continent of Africa in the local languages.

    • @coachdanferreira
      @coachdanferreira 2 місяці тому +8

      @@mosessemondo7776 exegete those texts using the HGM and you will come to a very different conclusion. I guarantee you.

    • @coachdanferreira
      @coachdanferreira 2 місяці тому +6

      @@mosessemondo7776 oh, so you are copying and pasting comments. Good. I can do that too. Here you go: you avoided what I suggested you do in relation to what Paul said about slaves and masters and tried to switch the topic to EGW. Stay on topic.

    • @charnelallan7159
      @charnelallan7159 2 місяці тому +2

      Preconceived ideas from her OWN WORDS? R U LIVING UNDER A ROCK? COGNITIVE DISONANCE IS UR DIAGNOSIS😮​@@mosessemondo7776

    • @charnelallan7159
      @charnelallan7159 2 місяці тому +6

      ​@@mosessemondo7776But hello? The just READ from HER WRITINGS 😮

    • @charnelallan7159
      @charnelallan7159 2 місяці тому +4

      ​@@mosessemondo7776Go ahead exégètes HER statements for us prove us wrong? Dont run

  • @OfFarmandCountry
    @OfFarmandCountry 2 місяці тому +11

    Yep, this conversation was inevitable. I and my family members dealt with pure D racism in a conservative GA congregation and their schools. Why anyone would want to continue being Adventist with all the evidence EGW freely gives is beyond my mortal understanding. It's idolatry.. Get out while you can people. God wants so much more for you...

    • @rsdaarud
      @rsdaarud 2 місяці тому +3

      Boot EGW out-keep the Blacks!!

    • @kimberlyweldon340
      @kimberlyweldon340 2 місяці тому

      I am confused. I had heard she was a woman of color. Even next to her husband. She looks mixed. It was said she gave cash out of her own pocket to black adventist pastors.
      I woukd say that the slavery from the transatlantic slave trade did not end until 200 years after she walked the earth.

    • @markhayes87
      @markhayes87 2 місяці тому +1

      ⁠​⁠​⁠@@kimberlyweldon340Yes you are confused EGW was not of mixed race. She was white. Slavery ended in 1865 and EGW died in 1915. I fed dogs with the money from my pocket. What does that prove.

    • @morpeter76
      @morpeter76 2 місяці тому

      @kimberlyweldon340 look at Adventist defense league on EGW the races women
      I would put the link
      But they erase it
      If you don't believe me, copy a link of ADL and paste and it will be deleted i have tried so many times

    • @morpeter76
      @morpeter76 2 місяці тому


  • @wordoftruthchannel3984
    @wordoftruthchannel3984 2 місяці тому +10

    Can we buy pastor Thunder better sound, I need to hear him clearly.

  • @charnelallan7159
    @charnelallan7159 2 місяці тому +25

    Adventism is falling halleluyah❤❤❤

    • @morpeter76
      @morpeter76 2 місяці тому +3

      I hate to bust your bubble bu but it's the fastest growing group
      So your hallelujah is for the SDA'S amen

    • @charnelallan7159
      @charnelallan7159 2 місяці тому +1

      REALLY ? ASK RANDY SKEETE.😮​@@morpeter76

    • @BramptonAnglican
      @BramptonAnglican 2 місяці тому +4

      Amen. It can not survive on false gospel.

    • @Vincent-gc3cu
      @Vincent-gc3cu 2 місяці тому +2

      The gospel can't survive on falsehoods, only the truth.
      This is why we have gone from a handful of Christians in the early 1840's, to over 20,000,000 Adventists today!
      This is what proclaiming the Truth can do for a movement.
      Our SDA message is not a cookie cutter message like other denominations, which is why we are resonating around the world.
      Praise The Lord!

    • @charnelallan7159
      @charnelallan7159 2 місяці тому +1

      How many factions r there within adventism ?
      Im sure Jéhovah 's Witness, mormons can say the very same😮​@@Vincent-gc3cu

  • @BramptonAnglican
    @BramptonAnglican 2 місяці тому +3

    Let’s keep praying Adventists wake up from the racist theology

  • @KaoXoni
    @KaoXoni 2 місяці тому +5

    If there is any present truth at all, it can only be eternal Truth (capital T) in application to the present lies. True prophets addressing the issues of the day speak God's. unchanging Truth to present falsehood, they always have. It was the bread and butter of their day job from Genesis to Revelation. It can't be the other way around.

    • @ThePhatLady
      @ThePhatLady 2 місяці тому

      Ellen wrote this 200 years ago
      Chapter 24-The Color Line
      I have some things to say in regard to the colored people of the Southern States of America and the relation that we should sustain to them. So long were they under the curse of slavery that it is a difficult problem to know how they should now be treated.
      When God's workers allow His Spirit to work upon their minds, much will be accomplished in the saving of souls. The Lord is our helper. He will guide us in all matters if we will trust in Him. One thing is certain: We must have faith in God-faith that He will arrange matters in a way that will enable us to work successfully. No one ever trusted God in vain. He will never disappoint those who put their trust in Him.
      We are to avoid entering into contention over the problem of the color line. If this question is much agitated, difficulties will arise that will consume much precious time to adjust. We cannot lay down a definite line to be followed in dealing with this subject. In different places and under varying circumstances, the subject will need to be handled differently. In the South, where race prejudice is so strong, we could do nothing in presenting the truth were we to deal with the color line question as we can deal with it in some places in the North. The white workers in the South will have to move in a way that will enable them to gain access to the white people.
      It is Satan's plan to call minds to the study of the color line. If his suggestions are heeded, there will be diversity of opinion and great confusion. No one is capable of clearly defining the proper position of the colored people. Men may advance theories, but I assure you that it will not do for us to follow human theories. So far as possible the color line question should be allowed to rest.
      The cities of the South are to be worked, and for this work the best talent is to be secured, and that without delay. Let white workers labor for the white people, proclaiming the message of present truth in its simplicity. They will find openings through which they may reach the higher class. Every opportunity for reaching this class is to be improved.
      Let colored laborers do what they can to keep abreast, working earnestly for their own people. I thank God that among the colored believers there are men of talent who can work efficiently for their own people, presenting the truth in clear lines. There are many colored people of precious talent who will be converted to the truth if our colored ministers are wise in devising ways of training teachers for the schools and other laborers for the field.
      The colored people should not urge that they be placed on an equality with white people. The relation of the two races has been a matter hard to deal with, and I fear that it will ever remain a most perplexing problem. So far as possible, everything that would stir up the race prejudice of the white people should be avoided. There is danger of closing the door so that our white laborers will not be able to work in some places in the South.
      I know that if we attempt to meet the ideas and preferences of some of the colored people, we shall find our way blocked completely. The work of proclaiming the truth for this time is not to be hindered by an effort to adjust the position of the Negro race. Should we attempt to do this we should find that barriers like mountains would be raised to hinder the work that God desires to have done. If we move quietly and judiciously, laboring in the way that God has marked out, both white and colored people will be benefited by our labors.
      The time has not come for us to work as if there were no prejudice. Christ said: “Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” Matthew 10:16. If you see that by doing certain things which you have a perfect right to do, you hinder the advancement of God's work, refrain from doing those things. Do nothing that will close the minds of others against the truth. There is a world to save, and we shall gain nothing by cutting loose from those we are trying to help. All things may be lawful, but all things are not expedient.
      The wise course is the best. As laborers together with God, we are to work in the way that will enable us to accomplish the most for Him. Let none go to extremes. We need wisdom from above; for we have a difficult problem to solve. If rash moves are made now, great mischief will be done. The matter is to be presented in such a way that the truly converted colored people will cling to the truth for Christ's sake, refusing to renounce one principle of sound Bible doctrine because they may think that the very best course is not being pursued toward the Negro race.
      We must sit as learners at the feet of Christ, that He may teach us the will of God and that we may know how to work for the white people and the colored people in the Southern field. We are to do as the Spirit of the Lord shall dictate, and agitate the subject of the color line as little as possible. We must use every energy to present the closing gospel message to all classes in the South. As we are led and controlled by the Spirit of God we shall find that this question will adjust itself in the minds of our people.
      Let us individually seek the Lord. Let those whose religious experience in the past has been only a surface work, draw near to God. Repent, repent, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out.
      When we are prepared to take hold of the work in earnest we shall be better able than we are now to deal with the questions involved in this work. Let every believer do his best to prepare the way for the gospel missionary work that is to be done. But let no one enter into controversy. It is Satan's object to keep Christians occupied in controversies among themselves. He knows that if they do not watch, the day of the Lord will come on them as a thief in the night. We have no time now to give place to the spirit of the enemy and to cherish prejudices that confuse the judgment and lead us away from Christ.
      It will take money and earnest, persevering effort to do that which needs to be done among the colored people. Every man needs now to stand in his lot and place, confessing and forsaking his sins, and working in harmony with his brethren. God's workers are to be of one mind and one heart, praying for the impartation of the Spirit and believing that God will fulfill His word.

  • @bbsvchic
    @bbsvchic 2 місяці тому +1

    👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 if this won't wake people up I don't know what will

  • @Dwrankoheart
    @Dwrankoheart 2 місяці тому +3

    I was born a seventh day Adventist and, I hear about these racial differences but it,s at the highest level ,but never experienced it, a matter of fact Ellen G white is known to have African American roots

    • @rutebighaus8972
      @rutebighaus8972 2 місяці тому +1

      Hitlɛr had Jewish roots too.

    • @Dwrankoheart
      @Dwrankoheart 2 місяці тому

      @@rutebighaus8972 That,s what they say but, Hitler only believe in the Jewish roots because of his nose otherwise it cannot be proven.

    • @energeticremedies
      @energeticremedies 2 місяці тому +1

      she was Jewish

  • @vegacool1
    @vegacool1 2 місяці тому +7

    Darwin taught Ellen.

  • @JockeyMans-nx1eh
    @JockeyMans-nx1eh 2 місяці тому +5

    My SDA wife dumped me in 1987. In 2005 the same tried to convince me that my coloured fianceé is a bastard and is not "welcome in God's presence".

  • @louischan344
    @louischan344 2 місяці тому +2

    Christ, in whose genealogy you can also find Judah and Tamar, Rahab the harlot, David and Bathsheba etc, can light our darkest side. We are only saved by His Grace and be a light to others instead of highlighting their defects.

  • @kimberlynichole7402
    @kimberlynichole7402 Місяць тому

    I once was interested in this denomination because I really liked the teachings of Doug Batchelor and on the surface the SDAs seemed like it might be something to look into. However, I attended a Saturday service and found that it was not a service filled with the Holy Spirit. Maybe it was just that particular service. I don’t know. It seems like legalism

  • @shervinmarsh2456
    @shervinmarsh2456 2 місяці тому

    Went to Highland Academy in TN. A white sophomore was prevented officially from dating a black junior. That was 1979.

  • @brotherbraids
    @brotherbraids 2 місяці тому +3

    I think quoting some of the messed up stuff EG White says to SDAs is the ultimate troll 😆

  • @billtakeuchi3613
    @billtakeuchi3613 Місяць тому +1

    Just to let you know LNG White was visited by a spirit. Some people call angels she believe was God, but we know the spirit of a iniquity always when they speak to people, male or female they always will give them a false action. God already has his word written down he believes that that was God speaking to her so God speaking to her every day and convincing her that the Bible is wrong almost like the Mormons an angel came down and spoke to him just like Mohammed an Angel came down and spoke to him whenever we have angelic beings speaking to us we know it is of the devil so remember humans The book is finished. Jesus has died across and died for all our sins and the canon is been put together so now the devil right now is to do what teachers, false prop, false religions, hatred, last murder within the body of Christ and in the world, remember Satan has two places you dwell in Heels in the bar in the streets, and he also dwell in the church there is not one devil there were many devils and their job is to watch us and if they can camp us they will, and sometimes they interrupt human life and speak to them kind of convince us that their God we truly got her rebuke them They come by thoughts they come by and they come by visions if safety can go into Peter’s mind and speak to him, he has the part to speak to anyone we Christians must fight a good fight and not listen to evil, and not to do evil and learn to love one another.

  • @rsdaarud
    @rsdaarud 2 місяці тому +3

    God does love diversity. It is evident throughout creation.

  • @Imcuke
    @Imcuke 2 місяці тому +1

    The Bible literally had verses on slavery and tells slavers to listen to their master. If someone was arguing against that you’d add context. So why can’t we do the same with EGW?

    • @answeringadventism
      @answeringadventism  2 місяці тому +1

      @@Imcuke that’s literally what was done in the stream this clip is from. The out of context excuse is so old, tired and lazy.

    • @Imcuke
      @Imcuke 2 місяці тому

      @@answeringadventism does the “context excuse” get old, tired and lazy when pertaining to the actual scriptures? Truth is truth no matter what. If context gives the full portrait of what was trying to be said then that’s just it. Given the time 100% of what she said pertaining race makes sense.

    • @michelledaley28
      @michelledaley28 2 місяці тому +1

      Adventists always defend Ellen, no matter what she does which speaks to their idolatry. I doubt they defend Jesus half as much

  • @louischan344
    @louischan344 2 місяці тому

    Even if you try to spray a nightingale black, its song will still remain clear and harmonious.

  • @CarlosRodriguez-fr6ww
    @CarlosRodriguez-fr6ww 2 місяці тому

    Actually when i look at EGW she looks mixed ,like she has some black , indian,etc..

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 2 місяці тому

      The digital encyclopedia-that-shall-not-be-named on this platform says one dude researched & found her to have African American ancestry & another found her to have Anglo Saxon. She actually looks like a lot of Dutch people I've seen; even Van Gogh's "potato eater" paintings have her look although somewhat caricatured on his part. But anyway. Being American, who really knows. We are a melting pot.

  • @Calatriste54
    @Calatriste54 2 місяці тому +7

    Sure would like Doctor Ben Carson to watch this video, and others..

    • @coachdanferreira
      @coachdanferreira 2 місяці тому +5

      ​@@mosessemondo7776exegete those texts using the HGM and you will come to a very different conclusion. I guarantee you.

    • @coachdanferreira
      @coachdanferreira 2 місяці тому +6

      ​@@mosessemondo7776you avoided what I suggested you do in relation to what Paul said about slaves and masters and tried to switch the topic to EGW. Stay on topic.

    • @coachdanferreira
      @coachdanferreira 2 місяці тому +7

      ​@@mosessemondo7776 That is the craziest thing I have ever heard... You are assuming that the Bible cannot be understood unless you have EGW to interpret it for you. That is pure heresy.

    • @coachdanferreira
      @coachdanferreira 2 місяці тому +6

      @@mosessemondo7776 you clearly have not gone into any historically based biblical commentary on the topic of slavery in the Bible, specifically what Paul was referring to. Once you do, you will get your answers. I will not spend my time educating you on the topic when you have enough internet to message me but are too lazy to actually go study the topic by yourself. Again, stick to the topic, I am not talking about EGW.

    • @charnelallan7159
      @charnelallan7159 2 місяці тому +5


  • @rsdaarud
    @rsdaarud 2 місяці тому +9

    News flash: Jesus wasnt white!

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 2 місяці тому +2

      Why do you think that is important to state? We started with Adam and Eve, presumable the same skin tone and ancillary physical features. From those two, ostensibly we now have approximately 8 billion genetic variations.

    • @kathleenking47
      @kathleenking47 2 місяці тому

      He was middle eastern loking

  • @henryhondo8421
    @henryhondo8421 2 місяці тому +1

    If EGW statements were meant to preserve life then "Sunday keeping" to save lives will be okay 😂😂

    • @kathleenking47
      @kathleenking47 2 місяці тому +1

      St Paul, brought Sunday keeping
      Since, that's when Jesus resurrected

  • @drluk1523
    @drluk1523 2 місяці тому

    😂Small quotes out of context to say Egw was racist is pathetic. The whole christianity has an ugly history as well. Peter had to be shown a vision regarding eating anything- to mean anti-racism to treat each one equally. The reason anti-adventists try to paint Egw as a racist is to try evoke racial hate on her

  • @rutebighaus8972
    @rutebighaus8972 2 місяці тому +1

    And she didn't realize Jesus was not white, by the way.

  • @kimberlyweldon340
    @kimberlyweldon340 2 місяці тому

    Get saved? There was seperate bible for the slaves. So you could not just say get saved. They thought they were save as a "slave master".

  • @kimberlyweldon340
    @kimberlyweldon340 2 місяці тому

    If I am enslaved. I woukd want to know if slavery will continue in heaven.😢

  • @okwijames947
    @okwijames947 2 місяці тому

    What is instituted by God can never fail, because from one moon to another all flesh will worship God on Sabbath Isaiah 66:22-23 and we Are just practicing what began in Genesis 2:1-3 but the institution of the earthly Sabbath will definitely fall sun worship will not triumph coz it is a legislated Sabbath

    • @charnelallan7159
      @charnelallan7159 2 місяці тому +1


    • @okwijames947
      @okwijames947 2 місяці тому

      @@charnelallan7159 will be keeping resurrections as well?????

    • @nonconformist4802
      @nonconformist4802 2 місяці тому +1

      Again you have zero answers for your perverted convictions

  • @drluk1523
    @drluk1523 2 місяці тому

    😂😂. The very quotes has no racial test in them,its just like you guys claim the Pauls approach to gentiles was quite different.

  • @Mordpeek
    @Mordpeek 2 місяці тому

    The caller is clearly derangef.

  • @denkatoriministry7009
    @denkatoriministry7009 2 місяці тому

    Yall killing me with these lies. You guys effer raid about teh white star. I think not. But continue trow more sand on us.

    • @charnelallan7159
      @charnelallan7159 2 місяці тому +2

      Ur already in thé sand. You r suffering from COGNITIVE DISSONANCE

  • @morpeter76
    @morpeter76 2 місяці тому

    Truth Treason in th empire of lies
    1 jn 2:3¶And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
    4He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 2 місяці тому +5

      Read the entire concept presented in context. Proof-texting is a tool for error-based misunderstandings.

    • @charnelallan7159
      @charnelallan7159 2 місяці тому +2

      Is the topic about commandement keeping?
      Stick to the script dont run

    • @morpeter76
      @morpeter76 2 місяці тому

      You're stil lying

    • @jimbob1644
      @jimbob1644 2 місяці тому +1

      ​@@morpeter76do you have no sin right now?

    • @damonking76
      @damonking76 2 місяці тому

      kjv MATTHEW 5:17-18!!!WORDS OF "!?JESUS?!"\YAHSHUA!!!

  • @ThengmuRongpi-xw9zc
    @ThengmuRongpi-xw9zc 2 місяці тому

    It is not falling brothers it is fulfilling .. Hopefully I m still convince amalgamation is being done by some.. scientist trying to create a super human ..

  • @kimartist
    @kimartist 2 місяці тому

    Where is Jason now?

    • @livingroom822
      @livingroom822 2 місяці тому +3

      He responded on the Advent Defense League. Did you see it?

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 2 місяці тому +1

      ​@@livingroom822 Negative. I do not patronize that channel.

  • @ThePhatLady
    @ThePhatLady 2 місяці тому +2

    Look at the whole chapter Ellen wrote 200 years ago
    Chapter 24-The Color Line
    I have some things to say in regard to the colored people of the Southern States of America and the relation that we should sustain to them. So long were they under the curse of slavery that it is a difficult problem to know how they should now be treated.
    When God's workers allow His Spirit to work upon their minds, much will be accomplished in the saving of souls. The Lord is our helper. He will guide us in all matters if we will trust in Him. One thing is certain: We must have faith in God-faith that He will arrange matters in a way that will enable us to work successfully. No one ever trusted God in vain. He will never disappoint those who put their trust in Him.
    We are to avoid entering into contention over the problem of the color line. If this question is much agitated, difficulties will arise that will consume much precious time to adjust. We cannot lay down a definite line to be followed in dealing with this subject. In different places and under varying circumstances, the subject will need to be handled differently. In the South, where race prejudice is so strong, we could do nothing in presenting the truth were we to deal with the color line question as we can deal with it in some places in the North. The white workers in the South will have to move in a way that will enable them to gain access to the white people.
    It is Satan's plan to call minds to the study of the color line. If his suggestions are heeded, there will be diversity of opinion and great confusion. No one is capable of clearly defining the proper position of the colored people. Men may advance theories, but I assure you that it will not do for us to follow human theories. So far as possible the color line question should be allowed to rest.
    The cities of the South are to be worked, and for this work the best talent is to be secured, and that without delay. Let white workers labor for the white people, proclaiming the message of present truth in its simplicity. They will find openings through which they may reach the higher class. Every opportunity for reaching this class is to be improved.
    Let colored laborers do what they can to keep abreast, working earnestly for their own people. I thank God that among the colored believers there are men of talent who can work efficiently for their own people, presenting the truth in clear lines. There are many colored people of precious talent who will be converted to the truth if our colored ministers are wise in devising ways of training teachers for the schools and other laborers for the field.
    The colored people should not urge that they be placed on an equality with white people. The relation of the two races has been a matter hard to deal with, and I fear that it will ever remain a most perplexing problem. So far as possible, everything that would stir up the race prejudice of the white people should be avoided. There is danger of closing the door so that our white laborers will not be able to work in some places in the South.
    I know that if we attempt to meet the ideas and preferences of some of the colored people, we shall find our way blocked completely. The work of proclaiming the truth for this time is not to be hindered by an effort to adjust the position of the Negro race. Should we attempt to do this we should find that barriers like mountains would be raised to hinder the work that God desires to have done. If we move quietly and judiciously, laboring in the way that God has marked out, both white and colored people will be benefited by our labors.
    The time has not come for us to work as if there were no prejudice. Christ said: “Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” Matthew 10:16. If you see that by doing certain things which you have a perfect right to do, you hinder the advancement of God's work, refrain from doing those things. Do nothing that will close the minds of others against the truth. There is a world to save, and we shall gain nothing by cutting loose from those we are trying to help. All things may be lawful, but all things are not expedient.
    The wise course is the best. As laborers together with God, we are to work in the way that will enable us to accomplish the most for Him. Let none go to extremes. We need wisdom from above; for we have a difficult problem to solve. If rash moves are made now, great mischief will be done. The matter is to be presented in such a way that the truly converted colored people will cling to the truth for Christ's sake, refusing to renounce one principle of sound Bible doctrine because they may think that the very best course is not being pursued toward the Negro race.
    We must sit as learners at the feet of Christ, that He may teach us the will of God and that we may know how to work for the white people and the colored people in the Southern field. We are to do as the Spirit of the Lord shall dictate, and agitate the subject of the color line as little as possible. We must use every energy to present the closing gospel message to all classes in the South. As we are led and controlled by the Spirit of God we shall find that this question will adjust itself in the minds of our people.
    Let us individually seek the Lord. Let those whose religious experience in the past has been only a surface work, draw near to God. Repent, repent, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out.
    When we are prepared to take hold of the work in earnest we shall be better able than we are now to deal with the questions involved in this work. Let every believer do his best to prepare the way for the gospel missionary work that is to be done. But let no one enter into controversy. It is Satan's object to keep Christians occupied in controversies among themselves. He knows that if they do not watch, the day of the Lord will come on them as a thief in the night. We have no time now to give place to the spirit of the enemy and to cherish prejudices that confuse the judgment and lead us away from Christ.
    It will take money and earnest, persevering effort to do that which needs to be done among the colored people. Every man needs now to stand in his lot and place, confessing and forsaking his sins, and working in harmony with his brethren. God's workers are to be of one mind and one heart, praying for the impartation of the Spirit and believing that God will fulfill His word.