Closing Arguments Examples: Kick-Ass Closing Arguments Part 1: Closing Argument Template

  • Опубліковано 27 лип 2024
    Kick-Ass Closings: A Guide to Giving the Best Closing Argument of Your Life. This book gives examples of sample closing arguments and teaches lawyers how to create a closing argument template.
    Battlemind: A Military Legal Thriller -
    Closing Arguments Examples: Kick-Ass Closing Arguments Part 1: Closing Argument Template.
    Michael Waddington is a criminal defense lawyer, best-selling author, and trial consultant that defends cases worldwide. Mr. Waddington specializes in defending serious criminal cases including sex crimes, war crimes, military sex crimes, violent crimes, and white-collar crimes.
    Cross-Examination Expert: Subscribe for Cross-Examination Samples
    He also teaches lawyers across the USA how to effectively cross-examine hostile witnesses and win trials. He has taught thousands of lawyers how to deliver closing arguments, powerful opening statements, and
    Trial Strategy and Trial Advocacy Expert: His bestselling book, The Art of Trial Warfare, is a legal strategy guide used by trial lawyers across the USA and taught at various law schools as part of their trial advocacy curriculum.
    Michael Waddington has been reported on and quoted by hundreds of major media sources worldwide and has provided consultation services to CNN Investigative Reports, 60 Minutes, Katie Couric, ABC’s “Nightline,” the BBC, German Public Television, CNN, CBS, the 2010-2012 Golden Globe-winning TV series “The Good Wife,” and various other international media outlets.
    Best-Selling Author on Cross-Examination, Closing Arguments, & Sexual Assault Defense
    Michael & his law partner, Alexandra, literally wrote some of the best-selling books on cross-examination, sexual assault defense, trial strategy, and closing arguments. Pattern Cross-Examination for Sexual Assault Cases: A Trial Strategy & Resource Guide, Pattern Cross-Examination for DNA and Biological Evidence, and Pattern Cross-Examination of Expert Witnesses. All of these books are used by criminal defense lawyers across the United States (civilian and military).
    Expert on Closing Arguments: Subscribe for Closing Argument Samples
    Mr. Waddington’s book, Kick-Ass Closings: A Guide to Giving the Best Closing of Your Life, is the #1 rated book on closing arguments. It has been an Amazon bestseller since it was published in 2018. The book contains nearly 500 pages of Mr. Waddington’s best closings and hundreds of outstanding arguments made by the nation’s top criminal defense lawyers.
    Mr. Waddington’s high-profile cases have been covered by major international media outlets. He has appeared in a major CNN documentary, “Killings at the Canal” and some of his cases have inspired books and movies. These include the Academy Award-winning documentary “Taxi to the Dark Side,” the 2019 feature film, “The Kill Team,” (and the 2013 documentary by the same name), the books “The Good Soldier on Trial,” “Strike & Destroy,” and Brian De Palma’s “Redacted.” (De Palma also directed “Scarface” and “Carlito’s Way”).