Loras being conveniently unrecognisable could mean that it's an impostor while the real Loras runs off with Aurane Waters to live happily ever after as pirate kings
this is not mentioned in the books. I dont understand how everyone sais Loras is gay in the books, when this is definetely not clear. Can anyone explain?@@joeschmo4646
I don't necessarily think Loras's wounds are a lie. However, I definitly think he will survive and this will have a huge impact on his arc. The loss of his beauty due to the boiling oil will be the equivalent to Jaime losing his hand and GRRM keeps reminding us how Loras is just a younger version of Jaime.
I could see him becoming a new version of The Hound. Burned and scorned by others, it hardens him into someone new. It could be the Sansa and The Hound ending.
@@billcipherproductions1789 There is a theory/ship that Sansa is going to marry The Hound. She's always wanted to marry a night but has been disillusioned by her trauma. The Hound hates knights yet he's the only one to behave like one should with Sansa.
@@AssasiCraftYogUscus What up with Sansa and her being shipped with a guy nearly twice her age, all the time, like Tyrion Lannister (canon), and Willas Tyrell (was almost canon).
@@billcipherproductions1789 Don't forget Littlefinger is also in love with her. The Hound is kinda an unhealthy fanbase thing. The others is because it's meant to show you how gross/predatory medieval marriages were. A lot of what she goes through is meant to disillusion us about medieval courtship I think.
Not to be the pedantic one here, Cersei never had to worry about marrying Loras. He is a Kingsguard after all. Willas was the one she almost had to marry.
There was talk between tywin and kevan that cercei should marry oberyn Martell, but that never happened because of oberyn and tywin both dying. There was never any plot to marry cercei to willas(at least I don't think?), that was a Tyrrell plot for Sansa to marry him. Feast and Dance its just discussed that cercei should return to casterly rock as the Lady of lannister
@@JanYapsThere was talk of that, but Tywin did suggest marrying her off to Willas as means of placating the Tyrells after they married Sansa to Tyrion.
I wish we finally met Willis. One of the most intriguing non-characters,imo. Not only that Sansa,Arianne&Cersei almost married him, he was penfriends with Oberyn (or at least Oberyn said so)despite the fact that O. crippled him and the Tyrell/Martell family feud. Sounds like a guy with his own opinion and loads of spirit and tolerance ! He's also well read,smart and loves animals. I think i'd fancy Willis in real life🤔
I’m on the “Loras is alive but disfiguringly injured” side. The parallels to Jaime are too strong to be a red-herring, and this should serve the same character purpose as Jaime losing his sword-hand.
The parallel is definitely there, but I don't think it would have as much narrative value. In Jaime's case it had a lot to do with leaving his old life behind, abandoning the hand that did many horrible things so that he could start over, a person reborn. Loras just doesn't have such a strong character flaw, he doesn't really need to pay the karmic price, reflect on his life, repent. He's a pretty good dude, just a tad proud/self-important. The worst thing he did in the story was killing Renly's guards in a fit of rage. That was not okay, but in Martin's world it's not the kind of sin that deserves a "rethink-your-whole-life" grade of punishment
@@bfarewell296 Quentin didn't either but GRRM killed him off for a good story, i wouldn't put it behind him to use his favorite 'character loses what they most value' trope on Loras.
idk i feel like its GRRMs style to make this a paralel but this time he DOESNT lose what defines him, in this case his beauty, so we get the other version of Jaimes story in a way. Instead of yet another character losing their identity
Rolland Storm "Bastard of Nightsong" is one of those really cool minor stormland badasses. The dude helped Edric escape and was the only one to stay with Davos when he was arrested for treason. A duel between him and Loras honestly would have been really cool, even if there is not really a POV character to observe it. Speaking of artefacts, given the sort of things Euron is up to, maybe that Celtigar horn said to call krakens forth could be a lot more important than anyone realised.
I don't think it's outlandish that the Tyrells found nothing of value on Dragonstone. It was Stannis's seat for a long time; he would've plundered Dragonstone to finance his armies, and he was pretty impoverished going into the north. If there's anything to be uncovered on Dragonstone, it's probably a secret known only to a Targaryen.
@@QuinnTheGM why wouldn’t he take stuff with him though? If there was anything in the first place to be taken. Stannis isn’t planning on coming back so taking as much valuables as possible to The Wall is in his best interest. If the valuables weren’t already sold by Viserys or Stannis.
@@colincnote2120 that's reasonable, but the Tyrells wouldn't have any reason to consider a pile of very sharp rocks ("ahem, ackshually it's volcanic *glass* so...") to be anything particularly valuable at this point in the story
The thing I find unbelievable is the description of the wounds. A crossbow bolt, another crossbow bolt, a mace to the ribs, AND boiling oil... There's a limit to how much punishment a body can take, no mater how brave and willing the person is. Broken ribs alone should've been enough to f*** him up, let alone after already being pieced by a couple of really sharp pointy sticks. I just can't see someone in that state still being at the front issuing challenges and getting oil poured on him. The wounds are also rather specific and detailed. Not "he was gravely injured and can't be moved" but itemising each specific wound. It's strikes me as someone who's not used to lying trying too hard to sound convincing.
I agree with this statement. The wounds that Loras suffers are simply too many and too grievous for even a tough soldier to take. All of them would have required immediate medical attention due to their severity. Yes, adrenaline can keep someone going but the first wound would have had Loras being sent to their maester or whoever was their medical practitioner.
I’ve never considered Loras actually being dead. I’ve always assumed the Tyrells are protecting their resources waiting for the inevitable conflict to start. I imagine history will repeat itself and the tyrells will not be largely involved in the conflict until it’s too late. Perhaps they join Faegon after he takes kings landing only for a real Targ and 3 dragons comes to remove the king of the reach once again. This would fit George’s style of storytelling well i think
Exactly, the show has influenced the audience to believe the Tyrell's are main players when that was never their purpose. Even D&D got that wrong by the end. The Tyrell's are simply power, they have all the resources, most fertile land, ships, territory, infantry and the love of the commonfolk to simply be immediate strength for whomever they back.
My favourite example of a Schrodinger's Cat character is Davos. In three consecutive books, the fate of Davos Seaworth is ambiguous, and it would have been a valid interpretation of the text to believe he is either dead or alive. In A Clash of Kings, Davos is thrown from his ship and sinks under the Blackwater Bay and we don't hear from him again until the next book; it is very plausible that he could have died then. In A Storm of Swords, we last see Davos about to be executed by Stannis, and then when Stannis arrives at the Wall, Davos is nowhere to be seen and they mention that they had to burn a man to achieve favourable winds; it is very plausible that he could have died then. In A Feast for Crows, Davos is said to have turned up at White Harbor and is promptly said to have been killed, with his head mounted on a spike on its walls; it is plausible that he could have died then. A Dance with Dragons is the first book in which Davos appears and does not potentially get killed off at the end. The perfect set-up for Davos to be the prologue character for The Winds of Winter and getting insta-cannibalised upon setting food on Skagos.
this would be hilarious, but I doubt it. Grrm always has a thing for the underdog and Davos represents the ultimate underdog what with being a smuggler turned lord.
Can't wait for Loras to show up with like two scratches, a bruise, and a tiny burn and be like, "Uh, of course the Maesters didn't want to leech me. I was perfectly healthy?" "But you were struck by two different crossbow bolts!" "Yeah, but they both barely grazed me." "What about the mace?" "Glanced off my armor. Did get a small bruise." "...And the boiling oil?" "Mostly missed. Got a small splash, nothing serious."
There is a theory I heard that Loras may have been injured, but his family exaggerated the wounds to hide him and keep him safe from Cersei. The Knight of Flowers is alive and well but is being kept in the shadows until it was safe for him to reappear. I'm not sure if I buy the theory, but I give it a more likely possiblity than some ASOIAF theories
I believe it was Lady Nym (Nym's Shadow) from Dire Wolf City pointed out that when Cersei calls the small council together late at night Aurane Waters is already in attendance the council chambers when she arrives. Later, Margarie shows up, clothes crumpled and hair all a mess, like she had to get dressed in a hurry. The implication is that Aurane and Margaery had been up late fooling around so Aurane may have had A LOT more contact with the Tyrells (or A Tyrell) than you think 😉 it also ends up being another case of a Valyrian man Cersei finds attractive spurning her for a brunette if true 😂
The tale of Loris's demise at Dragonstone is written in such a way as to cast doubt in the reader's mind with regard to its authenticity. We all know that GRRM likes to repeat story sequences when he can and I suspect we may see one here. Just as Renly's 'ghost' was seen leading the charge in the Battle of the Blackwater, Cersei may come to believe she is seeing the ghost of Loris when he finally surfaces to defend his sister's life and honour.
That would be so funny to read in a Cersei POV. A ghost might just lead her to lose a marble too many. She’d probably think Tyrion was behind all this 😂
The biggest flaw in GRR Martin's writing style, aside from the fact that he never writes, is that he uses death fake outs waaay too much. He has faked out so many deaths in the book it is actually comical. It's way overused by him. I'd say it needs to stop, but given he hasn't written anything in 13 fucking years, I suppose it already has. I feel like he is in a competition with Patrick Rothfuss over who can hold out the longest before releasing a new book. Both of them had the previous books in their respective series released all the way back in 2011 and have been promising a sequel ever since and completely failing to deliver the entire time.
I like your thought that the Tyrells could offer Dragonstone to fAegon. In that council meeting where the Tyrells pleaded for help, Cersei refused to recall the Redwyne fleet, describing Dragonstone as "a dagger at her son's throat" in Stannis' hands. Why shouldn't the Tyrells seize the dagger for themselves, and leverage it to secure a marriage pact, form an alliance, etc? Given Aurane's shady conduct, and that no pro-Lannister source confirms his report about Loras' injuries, I don't believe it. I think it was just an initial step in the Tyrells scheme to give themselves leverage to double-cross Cersei. Any alliance between Aurane and Loras was temporary and born of mutual convenience.
I think the political situation in the realm doesn`t really make that likely. At that moment at time, the Tyrells are easily the most powerful force in westeros, with tens of thousends of men, the redwyn fleet and the reach was left relatively untouched by the war up until now. It would be easy for them to take out Agon, if they`d wanted to. And as long as Tommen is alive, they are bound to him and the lannisters, no matter what the faith or cersei do. If Tommen were to die, if Dorn sides with Agon (they have Myrcella) and if their struggel with the faith and the lannisters continues, it becomes increaslingly likley for them to switch sides, which would put the lannisters in a terrible position.
I do like the theory that he was swapped out and had someone else put in his place, just like Loras did himself with Renly's armour at the Battle of the Blackwater, then it could have been made to seem like Loras was killed even if it was someone else. If whomever it was really was covered in boiling oil, then it's likely he's so disfigured that it'll be impossible to identify who it was. Hence any doubt about his death could be put aside, as a corpse would be present. Then again, it would certainly be an interesting story if he was the one at the battle and did get disfigured, but survived. It would be in line with Martin's theme of turning fairy tale stories on their head like he did with Quentin. The frog prince (Quentin) tried to marry the beautiful princess, but got killed by the dragon, the beautiful knight (Loras) was horribly mutilated and disfigured, etc, etc
Ramsay : probably a disturbing death, like in the show. My favourite people to kill Ramsay are Theon, Wyman and Mance. Roose : this one is tricky, but I think he will survive Ramsay. Probably beheaded by Stannis or Jon as a kingslayer and a traitor but I could see something more fucked up. Roose is a smart creepy guy.
I think that the stories about Loras are a lie to cover up the fact that he is beginning to learn how to become a horse. He will ride in a horse to Margaery’s trial to rescue her.
Looks like a nicely done video. Hope you can do a revive magic video where we see how each person gets revived and what it costs. Cat berric the mountain drogo th white walkers snd so on. It's interesting how george keeps revival fresh
I don't think there's much evidence that Ser Rolland Storm would make a reckless and risky decision like single combat against Loras. Stannis, one of the strictest commanders who has a good eye for competence and loyalty, made him castellan of Dragonstone for a reason. Rolland Storm, even though he betrayed Stannis's trust when he helped Davos ship off Edric Storm, has been described as strong; level-headed; loyal in that he only supported Renly because his trueborn brother and Lord of Nightsong, Bryce Caron, did so, and then supported Stannis after Renly died instead of joining the Tyrells; and he was loyal and competent in successfully commanding Stannis's rear guard at the battle of the blackwater instead of bending the knee and likely receiving lordship of Nightsong since his true born brother, Bryce Caron, was killed in the battle. Lastly, Davos has a good opinion of him and considers him one of the King's men loyal to Stannis.
I agree with you, just because a character is devout and skilled in combat doesn't mean they'd rush head-first into a duel with a member of the kingsguard. Especially when they've been charged with holding a castle, if loras wins storm's garrison is down a commander and that much more likely to surrender whereas if Storm wins the besiegers are down a single kingsguard and still able to starve Dragonstone.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on Victarion's future, as well as if you think Bran will become evil or manipulated into doing evil. Great video, as always, thanks!
Numerous examples of history, this is usually referred to as "Leading from the front". Alexander the Great, Caesar (in times of crisis), and numerous kings and queens of medieval Europe fought in the thick of it. In more recent times, King Albert I, the king of Belgium, famously fought in the front lines during World War I. Can have massive morale benefits for the army, which of course can be offset by the consequences of a ranking official's death. It's been argued that Gen. Jackson's death in the Civil War began the slow tailspin of Confederate fortunes in the war, for example.
Well Loras was the highest ranking dude so nobody really would have been in a position to stop him. At Pike Thoros and Jorah were first through the breached wall and while noteworthy they were not particularly important players in the game of throne. In general it probably gives a morale boost and highborn knights tend to be the most elite fighters, but Loras going first is still pretty reckless.
Actually, it would be just like George to treat Loras like this - the gallant and beautiful knight, but war has no place for such songs and now he's a walking corpse
*Loras is a character that becomes even more interesting when we realize he's cocky like a young Jaime Lannister. I think it would be interesting to see him alive and participating in the Winds of Winter. Tyrells are very cautious. I believe they would keep Loras hidden alongside Margaery to protect her, because we (and them) know Cersei will try to destroy Margaery soon.*
It's not strange that the castellan of Dragon Stone wouldn't duel for control of the fortress. His duty would come first, and that would mean trying to hold the castle against a seige. DS is a very strong castle, and he would have a better chance holding out than risking it all on a one vs. one deul against one of the best swordsmen in Westeros.
Oh, I bet Loras is alive but severely disfigured. So that the title the Knight of Flowers will become somewhat a mockery. I believe eventually Loras will be more disfigured than the Hound. Otherwise, he should make full recovery - as for the ending of Dance with Dragons he is mentioned as one being wounded but out of danger.
anyone else find it ironic that Cersei shows contempt towards Loras for his 'unnatural' romantic inclinations when she hersefl has 3 children by her brother?
Strange I didn't think loras was a big deal on his fate. I just thought he was healing up after a siege Though a video on characters that we think are alive or dead would be interesting on how george takes it from the hound. Tyreck Lannister etc
His wounds were pretty bad. Cersei sent him there to die. IIRC, when she hears the news of his survival, she hopes to herself that he succumbs to his wounds.
@@Naberius359 I'm sure they just said that to make cersie happy. If he died the family would turn their backs already on cersie but loras isn't weak he's gotten a lot of experience
Not a whole lot of healing up from having boiling oil / water poured on you. It was an incredibly effective way to kill someone in an era when infection killed more people than swords or arrows.
@@OllixTV the hound is burned and loras would have top healers around being a royal. His chances are higher and I could see this be his arc of not using his looks to his advantage like when Sansa thought she was special with the flower yet he doesn't remember it Dying would leave a lot from George and even being stuck in bed could give us a lot to work with
I don't think there's anything of value to the southern lords on dragonstone. The only thing of value there is the dragonglass that the watch needs. So when the tyrells say there's nothing of value there it's meant to be a way for the reader to be like "yes there is! They need the dragonglass for the others!" And kind of highlighting how the southern lords are fighting the wrong wars
There are no artifacts on Dragonstone because Stannis obviously scrapped the island clean of any valuables in order to fund his war effort. Especially dragon eggs which are "more valuable than gems"
i saw someone on reddit a while ago that thought Loras had been injured, but not as severely as was put on and was being experimented on by someone like Qyburn or something like that. thought it was a pretty cool idea but i don’t think George would ignore the parallels between Jaime loosing his hand and Loras getting burned as stated in the video :)
No offence but I think you’re a bit off about Roland Storm rejecting Loras’s duel being false, as he was probably mimicking Stannis when he was offered a duel by Cortnay Penrose(which he also rejects).
Fair point, but I think a counter would be that the power dynamics are reversed. Stannis had 20K+ men to besiege the garrison, since it was after Renly died. Cortnay Penrose did not have leverage. However with Stannis crushed at Blackwater and the huge Redwyne fleet besieging Dragonstone it's far more favorable for Rolland Storm to agree to the duel since his enemy is in the dominant position.
Just a crackpot theory Jamie compares himself to Loras Cersei is described as being like Aerys 2nd and Loras is the younger brother and a member of the kings guard idk maybe Loras will be the one to put down Cersei he is the youngest brother. Probably not true but it’s fun to speculate on TWOW.
I love this actually. Carsei is so obsessed with Margaery, but what if it is actually her valonqar - little brother - Loras that she should really be worried about?
I can see the Tyrells faking (or at least exaggerating) Loras' injuries and the casualties they took in capturing Dragonstone. It gives them a great excuse for not sending him or their troops to aid Cersei. Rolland Storm might have wanted to duel Loras, but his duty is to hold the castle. Risking his own life (and however much he might look down on Loras for being gay, must know he's an effective fighter) shouldn't prevail over fulfilling his duties to his liege Lord.
5:12 That just sounds like Rolland Storm having a brain. Why would he accept a duel he'd probably lose when he's in a strong defensive position? Losing Storm's End because he's too proud to refuse a duel would be a failure of duty.
@2:14 Not that (as far as Cersei knows,) there's anything of importance or value on Dragonstone (there's LOTS of dragonglass there, which is extremely important for fighting the Others, but Cersei 1. doesn't know that and 2. wouldn't care if she did know.) Wanting to recapture Dragonstone is something Cersei wants mostly to remove an annoyance (part of the Redwyne fleet is already blockading Storm's End while it's under siege by an army, so clearly the whole fleet isn't even necessary to invest Dragonstone. She just really wants to remove Stannis' last 2 holdings south of The Neck for the symbolic value of the Iron Throne controlling everything south of it. The reason it's purely symbolic is neither Dragonstone nor Storm's End have nearly enough soldiers to be any threat to the armies of the Reach, who are on Cersei's side (though she is pathologically unable to realize this.) Stannis took the vast majority of his troops with him to The Wall.) Overall the whole reason she refuses to budge the Redwyne fleet is all about her hatred of anything Tyrell-related: 1. she doesn't want to do anything to help The Reach and 2. it's Margaery and Loras asking her
If we had dragon eggs or artifacts in Dragonstone, King Robert or King Stannis would have taken them a long time ago. Stannis seam out of finacial resources, what could be highly avoidable if he had som dragon eggs to sell. I think somewhere in ASOS, when he's at the Wall, Davos said that Stannis sold valubles from Dragonstone before leaving, with the belif that it was a matter of time until the crown takes Dragonstone back
I don't find it implausible that even a notably martial and impulsive man would refuse the offer of single combat to settle a siege; it's an incredibly stupid offer to accept. While some people *might* be baited into it to satisfy their honour or ego, we can't take being smart enough to rise above that bait as evidence of anything.
Cercei didn't almost marry Loras in the books, that was in the show. Loras is a knight of the Kingsguard, he can't marry, which is fine with him since he's gay. But in the books, Cercei is almost married to Willas, the eldest of the Tyrell children
Loras is absolutely in perfect health and out of all of the familes in Westeros, the Tyrell's are the most likely to remain; they were never meant to be key players, theyre simply present to be the immediate power for whomever they choose to follow. Their loyalty to the Targaryens will probably be a key factor moving forward, but thats kind of the extent of their involvement. As Margaery states "...we returned to Highgarden to manage the affairs of the Reach as we had for thousands of years... and will for a thousand more. Other great houses take lions and wolves for their sigils and draw their power from the gold in their mountains or the cold of their winters. But mountains run dry, winters yields to spring AND THE ROSE BLOOMS ONCE MORE"
Cool video man. I think Young Griff is Raeghar and Lyanna's son. The blue is a nod to Lyanna, the Blue Rose. Jon is Ned and Ashara's son, they were wed in secret, before he was forced to marry Caitlyn to help the war effort. Ashara is alive in the form of Septa Lemore.
0:26 not trying to be obnoxious but does anyone know why FaB2 is shown in the graphic, while the first is not? Are the two books "stacked" in this graphic or are they so closely tied that they're considered one book?
Everyone who was there to see it are either Tyrell and Redwyne men who are sailing to the Reach or Aurane Waters' crews on the Crown's ships. Aurane was likely playing Cercei from the beginning and greatly exaggerating the events to Cercei would create enough chaos in the aftermath for him to set off. From how George talks about Loras, I doubt that Aurane's account of the events is accurate. Important characters dying off screen has always been something the readers are taught to doubt. Information being slightly off is a core part of the story and side novels.
if winds and dream are never released (the former i’m cautiously optimistic about, the latter is a pipe dream), there’s going to be so much fan fiction….
Roland Storm might have denied to duel with Loras because he knew that his win will bring nothing, except for some extra time maybe. There is no way Cersei would cease her attempts to retake Dragonstone.
Can you pleeeeaaase do a video on Margaery and what role you think she will play and what will happen for her “trial” 🥺 i think the show doesn’t do her justice
I think the rumors of his death have been greatly exaggerated, particularly the boiling oil. I think perhaps Waters just told Cersei what she wanted to hear in order to please her and really nothing more. Tbh, he probably wanted to get in those skirts like pretty much every other one of Cersei’s “trusted male advisors.”
I was just pondering this question after reading AFFC once again. I basically read each series book every year or two to pick up on something I may have missed. IMHO this "grievous" injury is a ruse. Could Aurane Waters be in contact with Faegon and Jon Connington? He served Stannis and I just don't buy this account.
Tbh even when reading it for the first time I never really took the claims that Loras got horribly injured and was dying seriously and still don’t. Unless Winds comes out and proves me wrong I’m sticking to that he’s perfectly fine, but the Tyrells are simply consolidating their strength, including Loras, back home to help with the Ironborn. And I 100% don’t blame them as the crown intentionally does not want to help them and is refusing to believe it’s anything more than the typical raids despite everything saying otherwise. I think it’s very likely we at least hear about him being in the reach next book, as it wouldn’t be long before people start to recognize the most famous young knight in Westeros who also happens to be a kingsguard
Also I forgot to bring up that the news of his supposed injuries and imminent death comes from a man who has no reason to tell the truth and shortly after steals away the royal fleet, so I think it’s most likely this whole story is Uther Sheet and that Aurane himself could also be in cahoots with the Tyrells and Redwynes
GRRM: "Damn it, I'm just not quite sure what to do with this flower. Do I prune him, do I keep him around? Better leave him off the published page for now, then write three versions to see what fits: one where he lives, one where he dies, one where it was all a lie."
I don't think Aurane Waters lied to Cercei, i think he was lied too. You know he wasn't in the battle, probably didn't even leave his ship, so the Tyrell bannermen just "reported what happened" to Aurane, and he told the Queen
He may be alive, but when he comes back he will be disfigured and learn a lesson about vanity (no won't learn that lesson). Or maybe Qyburn will geta hold of him and be brought back as undead thing like the Mountain.
Sorry, but I think there will be something found on Dragonstone everyone seems to be overlooking but very valuable - *dragonglass.* The point here is that all the combatants for the throne are all focused on political power while the menace of the Others grows, and what is truly valuable is scorned by the powerful who should use it for the common good.
I didn’t think Margaery was planning to name a champion at all? Wasn’t Mace Tyrell pretty clear that she planned to have a regular trial to prove her innocence?
Margaery chose trial by combat? I thought i recalled Mace mentioning she was obviously innocent since she did NOT choose trial by combat, implying she was confident the charges would be disproven.
Loras, if alive, does not have to be beautiful to defend his sister - BTW did he not say once that although he is the better lance his brother is the better sword? Of course Garland is not on the Kingsguard. I am starting to like the idea of a disfigured Loras not as new Jamie, but a new Sandor/Hound totally cynical and only out for revenge - OR a new Brienne, as heartbroken as she is over Renly and wanting only to do honest service in a knightly cause.
“Devoted to the warrior” doesn’t mean that Rolland wouldn’t have turned down a duel. A siege and battle is equally as devoted to the warrior as a duel is
Stannis may have a dragon egg or two , either with him or on Dragonstone why else would a Bravosi banker lend Stannis money especially when his position in the North seems so dire. That part has always bothered me.
He's at the same place as Benjen, Tyrek, Gerrion Lannister and Gerold Dayne. Together, they'll take Westeros when the time comes.
Westeros Justice League
Omg, he’s a horse too???
Wait, they're all Euron!?
“Wherever whores go”
They're all Syrio silly
Loras being conveniently unrecognisable could mean that it's an impostor while the real Loras runs off with Aurane Waters to live happily ever after as pirate kings
Doubt it Loras loved Renly deeply and is probably still in grieving, I hate that they made him move on so fast in the show.
He's not in love with Aurane, just in business ( piracy) - maybe. I think he still mourns Renly too.@@joeschmo4646
My names loras tyrell and im gonna be king of the pirates!
HOTD writers stole from this man.
this is not mentioned in the books. I dont understand how everyone sais Loras is gay in the books, when this is definetely not clear. Can anyone explain?@@joeschmo4646
I don't necessarily think Loras's wounds are a lie. However, I definitly think he will survive and this will have a huge impact on his arc. The loss of his beauty due to the boiling oil will be the equivalent to Jaime losing his hand and GRRM keeps reminding us how Loras is just a younger version of Jaime.
I could see him becoming a new version of The Hound. Burned and scorned by others, it hardens him into someone new. It could be the Sansa and The Hound ending.
@@AssasiCraftYogUscus what is the Sansa and the Hound ending?
@@billcipherproductions1789 There is a theory/ship that Sansa is going to marry The Hound. She's always wanted to marry a night but has been disillusioned by her trauma. The Hound hates knights yet he's the only one to behave like one should with Sansa.
@@AssasiCraftYogUscus What up with Sansa and her being shipped with a guy nearly twice her age, all the time, like Tyrion Lannister (canon), and Willas Tyrell (was almost canon).
@@billcipherproductions1789 Don't forget Littlefinger is also in love with her. The Hound is kinda an unhealthy fanbase thing. The others is because it's meant to show you how gross/predatory medieval marriages were. A lot of what she goes through is meant to disillusion us about medieval courtship I think.
Not to be the pedantic one here, Cersei never had to worry about marrying Loras. He is a Kingsguard after all. Willas was the one she almost had to marry.
Yeah, he was probably confused because of the show.
I’ve been watching the show too much, clearly. She dislikes Loras because of Tommen’s affection for him. Good catch!
There was talk between tywin and kevan that cercei should marry oberyn Martell, but that never happened because of oberyn and tywin both dying. There was never any plot to marry cercei to willas(at least I don't think?), that was a Tyrrell plot for Sansa to marry him. Feast and Dance its just discussed that cercei should return to casterly rock as the Lady of lannister
@@JanYapsThere was talk of that, but Tywin did suggest marrying her off to Willas as means of placating the Tyrells after they married Sansa to Tyrion.
I wish we finally met Willis. One of the most intriguing non-characters,imo. Not only that Sansa,Arianne&Cersei almost married him, he was penfriends with Oberyn (or at least Oberyn said so)despite the fact that O. crippled him and the Tyrell/Martell family feud. Sounds like a guy with his own opinion and loads of spirit and tolerance ! He's also well read,smart and loves animals. I think i'd fancy Willis in real life🤔
I’m on the “Loras is alive but disfiguringly injured” side. The parallels to Jaime are too strong to be a red-herring, and this should serve the same character purpose as Jaime losing his sword-hand.
The parallel is definitely there, but I don't think it would have as much narrative value. In Jaime's case it had a lot to do with leaving his old life behind, abandoning the hand that did many horrible things so that he could start over, a person reborn. Loras just doesn't have such a strong character flaw, he doesn't really need to pay the karmic price, reflect on his life, repent. He's a pretty good dude, just a tad proud/self-important. The worst thing he did in the story was killing Renly's guards in a fit of rage. That was not okay, but in Martin's world it's not the kind of sin that deserves a "rethink-your-whole-life" grade of punishment
@@bfarewell296 Quentin didn't either but GRRM killed him off for a good story, i wouldn't put it behind him to use his favorite 'character loses what they most value' trope on Loras.
idk i feel like its GRRMs style to make this a paralel but this time he DOESNT lose what defines him, in this case his beauty, so we get the other version of Jaimes story in a way. Instead of yet another character losing their identity
Rolland Storm "Bastard of Nightsong" is one of those really cool minor stormland badasses. The dude helped Edric escape and was the only one to stay with Davos when he was arrested for treason.
A duel between him and Loras honestly would have been really cool, even if there is not really a POV character to observe it. Speaking of artefacts, given the sort of things Euron is up to, maybe that Celtigar horn said to call krakens forth could be a lot more important than anyone realised.
I don't think it's outlandish that the Tyrells found nothing of value on Dragonstone. It was Stannis's seat for a long time; he would've plundered Dragonstone to finance his armies, and he was pretty impoverished going into the north. If there's anything to be uncovered on Dragonstone, it's probably a secret known only to a Targaryen.
My thought is that Stannis didn’t take anything with him from Dragonstone, so whatever he plundered would’ve likely been present as well.
@@QuinnTheGM why wouldn’t he take stuff with him though? If there was anything in the first place to be taken. Stannis isn’t planning on coming back so taking as much valuables as possible to The Wall is in his best interest. If the valuables weren’t already sold by Viserys or Stannis.
I can’t believe he would have done so or been able to do so given how deep in debt he is to Saan (and presumably others)
The obsidian cache is pretty likely
@@colincnote2120 that's reasonable, but the Tyrells wouldn't have any reason to consider a pile of very sharp rocks ("ahem, ackshually it's volcanic *glass* so...") to be anything particularly valuable at this point in the story
The thing I find unbelievable is the description of the wounds. A crossbow bolt, another crossbow bolt, a mace to the ribs, AND boiling oil...
There's a limit to how much punishment a body can take, no mater how brave and willing the person is. Broken ribs alone should've been enough to f*** him up, let alone after already being pieced by a couple of really sharp pointy sticks. I just can't see someone in that state still being at the front issuing challenges and getting oil poured on him.
The wounds are also rather specific and detailed. Not "he was gravely injured and can't be moved" but itemising each specific wound. It's strikes me as someone who's not used to lying trying too hard to sound convincing.
I agree with this statement. The wounds that Loras suffers are simply too many and too grievous for even a tough soldier to take. All of them would have required immediate medical attention due to their severity. Yes, adrenaline can keep someone going but the first wound would have had Loras being sent to their maester or whoever was their medical practitioner.
I’ve never considered Loras actually being dead. I’ve always assumed the Tyrells are protecting their resources waiting for the inevitable conflict to start. I imagine history will repeat itself and the tyrells will not be largely involved in the conflict until it’s too late. Perhaps they join Faegon after he takes kings landing only for a real Targ and 3 dragons comes to remove the king of the reach once again. This would fit George’s style of storytelling well i think
Exactly, the show has influenced the audience to believe the Tyrell's are main players when that was never their purpose. Even D&D got that wrong by the end. The Tyrell's are simply power, they have all the resources, most fertile land, ships, territory, infantry and the love of the commonfolk to simply be immediate strength for whomever they back.
@@twelve11 D&D got a lot of things wrong.
My favourite example of a Schrodinger's Cat character is Davos. In three consecutive books, the fate of Davos Seaworth is ambiguous, and it would have been a valid interpretation of the text to believe he is either dead or alive.
In A Clash of Kings, Davos is thrown from his ship and sinks under the Blackwater Bay and we don't hear from him again until the next book; it is very plausible that he could have died then.
In A Storm of Swords, we last see Davos about to be executed by Stannis, and then when Stannis arrives at the Wall, Davos is nowhere to be seen and they mention that they had to burn a man to achieve favourable winds; it is very plausible that he could have died then.
In A Feast for Crows, Davos is said to have turned up at White Harbor and is promptly said to have been killed, with his head mounted on a spike on its walls; it is plausible that he could have died then.
A Dance with Dragons is the first book in which Davos appears and does not potentially get killed off at the end. The perfect set-up for Davos to be the prologue character for The Winds of Winter and getting insta-cannibalised upon setting food on Skagos.
this would be hilarious, but I doubt it. Grrm always has a thing for the underdog and Davos represents the ultimate underdog what with being a smuggler turned lord.
Don't do that to my boy Davos
Can't wait for Loras to show up with like two scratches, a bruise, and a tiny burn and be like, "Uh, of course the Maesters didn't want to leech me. I was perfectly healthy?"
"But you were struck by two different crossbow bolts!" "Yeah, but they both barely grazed me."
"What about the mace?" "Glanced off my armor. Did get a small bruise."
"...And the boiling oil?" "Mostly missed. Got a small splash, nothing serious."
There is a theory I heard that Loras may have been injured, but his family exaggerated the wounds to hide him and keep him safe from Cersei. The Knight of Flowers is alive and well but is being kept in the shadows until it was safe for him to reappear. I'm not sure if I buy the theory, but I give it a more likely possiblity than some ASOIAF theories
Then Margaery must be a good actress then if she had tears when Cersei told her. Not that it would surprise me in the slightest.
I mean, Margaery is pointed out as very intelligent in the books, and we've never had a Tyrell POV.
I believe it was Lady Nym (Nym's Shadow) from Dire Wolf City pointed out that when Cersei calls the small council together late at night Aurane Waters is already in attendance the council chambers when she arrives. Later, Margarie shows up, clothes crumpled and hair all a mess, like she had to get dressed in a hurry. The implication is that Aurane and Margaery had been up late fooling around so Aurane may have had A LOT more contact with the Tyrells (or A Tyrell) than you think 😉 it also ends up being another case of a Valyrian man Cersei finds attractive spurning her for a brunette if true 😂
The tale of Loris's demise at Dragonstone is written in such a way as to cast doubt in the reader's mind with regard to its authenticity. We all know that GRRM likes to repeat story sequences when he can and I suspect we may see one here. Just as Renly's 'ghost' was seen leading the charge in the Battle of the Blackwater, Cersei may come to believe she is seeing the ghost of Loris when he finally surfaces to defend his sister's life and honour.
That would be so funny to read in a Cersei POV. A ghost might just lead her to lose a marble too many. She’d probably think Tyrion was behind all this 😂
The biggest flaw in GRR Martin's writing style, aside from the fact that he never writes, is that he uses death fake outs waaay too much. He has faked out so many deaths in the book it is actually comical. It's way overused by him.
I'd say it needs to stop, but given he hasn't written anything in 13 fucking years, I suppose it already has.
I feel like he is in a competition with Patrick Rothfuss over who can hold out the longest before releasing a new book. Both of them had the previous books in their respective series released all the way back in 2011 and have been promising a sequel ever since and completely failing to deliver the entire time.
One great thing the show added that wasnt in the books was Aryas scenes with Tywin Lannister. Those were awesome
I like your thought that the Tyrells could offer Dragonstone to fAegon. In that council meeting where the Tyrells pleaded for help, Cersei refused to recall the Redwyne fleet, describing Dragonstone as "a dagger at her son's throat" in Stannis' hands. Why shouldn't the Tyrells seize the dagger for themselves, and leverage it to secure a marriage pact, form an alliance, etc? Given Aurane's shady conduct, and that no pro-Lannister source confirms his report about Loras' injuries, I don't believe it. I think it was just an initial step in the Tyrells scheme to give themselves leverage to double-cross Cersei. Any alliance between Aurane and Loras was temporary and born of mutual convenience.
I think the political situation in the realm doesn`t really make that likely. At that moment at time, the Tyrells are easily the most powerful force in westeros, with tens of thousends of men, the redwyn fleet and the reach was left relatively untouched by the war up until now. It would be easy for them to take out Agon, if they`d wanted to. And as long as Tommen is alive, they are bound to him and the lannisters, no matter what the faith or cersei do.
If Tommen were to die, if Dorn sides with Agon (they have Myrcella) and if their struggel with the faith and the lannisters continues, it becomes increaslingly likley for them to switch sides, which would put the lannisters in a terrible position.
God damn it! This is good content! The last 3 or 4 videos I've watched from this guy has been exactly the shit I wonder about!
I do like the theory that he was swapped out and had someone else put in his place, just like Loras did himself with Renly's armour at the Battle of the Blackwater, then it could have been made to seem like Loras was killed even if it was someone else. If whomever it was really was covered in boiling oil, then it's likely he's so disfigured that it'll be impossible to identify who it was. Hence any doubt about his death could be put aside, as a corpse would be present. Then again, it would certainly be an interesting story if he was the one at the battle and did get disfigured, but survived. It would be in line with Martin's theme of turning fairy tale stories on their head like he did with Quentin. The frog prince (Quentin) tried to marry the beautiful princess, but got killed by the dragon, the beautiful knight (Loras) was horribly mutilated and disfigured, etc, etc
Great video as always : ) you should do a video on what you think the fate of House bolton will be, and how Roose and Ramsay will meet their end
Ramsay : probably a disturbing death, like in the show. My favourite people to kill Ramsay are Theon, Wyman and Mance.
Roose : this one is tricky, but I think he will survive Ramsay. Probably beheaded by Stannis or Jon as a kingslayer and a traitor but I could see something more fucked up. Roose is a smart creepy guy.
I think that the stories about Loras are a lie to cover up the fact that he is beginning to learn how to become a horse. He will ride in a horse to Margaery’s trial to rescue her.
Looks like a nicely done video. Hope you can do a revive magic video where we see how each person gets revived and what it costs.
Cat berric the mountain drogo th white walkers snd so on. It's interesting how george keeps revival fresh
I really like that topic! I’ll put it on the list of things to cover
@@QuinnTheGM cool
I don't think there's much evidence that Ser Rolland Storm would make a reckless and risky decision like single combat against Loras. Stannis, one of the strictest commanders who has a good eye for competence and loyalty, made him castellan of Dragonstone for a reason. Rolland Storm, even though he betrayed Stannis's trust when he helped Davos ship off Edric Storm, has been described as strong; level-headed; loyal in that he only supported Renly because his trueborn brother and Lord of Nightsong, Bryce Caron, did so, and then supported Stannis after Renly died instead of joining the Tyrells; and he was loyal and competent in successfully commanding Stannis's rear guard at the battle of the blackwater instead of bending the knee and likely receiving lordship of Nightsong since his true born brother, Bryce Caron, was killed in the battle. Lastly, Davos has a good opinion of him and considers him one of the King's men loyal to Stannis.
I agree with you, just because a character is devout and skilled in combat doesn't mean they'd rush head-first into a duel with a member of the kingsguard. Especially when they've been charged with holding a castle, if loras wins storm's garrison is down a commander and that much more likely to surrender whereas if Storm wins the besiegers are down a single kingsguard and still able to starve Dragonstone.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on Victarion's future, as well as if you think Bran will become evil or manipulated into doing evil. Great video, as always, thanks!
I’ll look into bran! I’ve already got a video from about a month and a half ago about Victarion.
Odd that they'd let Loras go in first, but maybe that's just the westerosi way? Thoros and Ned talk about the ironborn rebellion like this
Numerous examples of history, this is usually referred to as "Leading from the front". Alexander the Great, Caesar (in times of crisis), and numerous kings and queens of medieval Europe fought in the thick of it. In more recent times, King Albert I, the king of Belgium, famously fought in the front lines during World War I. Can have massive morale benefits for the army, which of course can be offset by the consequences of a ranking official's death. It's been argued that Gen. Jackson's death in the Civil War began the slow tailspin of Confederate fortunes in the war, for example.
Well Loras was the highest ranking dude so nobody really would have been in a position to stop him. At Pike Thoros and Jorah were first through the breached wall and while noteworthy they were not particularly important players in the game of throne. In general it probably gives a morale boost and highborn knights tend to be the most elite fighters, but Loras going first is still pretty reckless.
Actually, it would be just like George to treat Loras like this - the gallant and beautiful knight, but war has no place for such songs and now he's a walking corpse
*Loras is a character that becomes even more interesting when we realize he's cocky like a young Jaime Lannister. I think it would be interesting to see him alive and participating in the Winds of Winter. Tyrells are very cautious. I believe they would keep Loras hidden alongside Margaery to protect her, because we (and them) know Cersei will try to destroy Margaery soon.*
Why is your comment in bold?
Good video Quinn I hope you feel better soon
Already on the upswing!
It's not strange that the castellan of Dragon Stone wouldn't duel for control of the fortress. His duty would come first, and that would mean trying to hold the castle against a seige. DS is a very strong castle, and he would have a better chance holding out than risking it all on a one vs. one deul against one of the best swordsmen in Westeros.
Oh, I bet Loras is alive but severely disfigured. So that the title the Knight of Flowers will become somewhat a mockery. I believe eventually Loras will be more disfigured than the Hound. Otherwise, he should make full recovery - as for the ending of Dance with Dragons he is mentioned as one being wounded but out of danger.
Always love your videos mate keep up the great work
anyone else find it ironic that Cersei shows contempt towards Loras for his 'unnatural' romantic inclinations when she hersefl has 3 children by her brother?
Strange I didn't think loras was a big deal on his fate. I just thought he was healing up after a siege
Though a video on characters that we think are alive or dead would be interesting on how george takes it from the hound. Tyreck Lannister etc
His wounds were pretty bad. Cersei sent him there to die. IIRC, when she hears the news of his survival, she hopes to herself that he succumbs to his wounds.
@@Naberius359 I'm sure they just said that to make cersie happy. If he died the family would turn their backs already on cersie but loras isn't weak he's gotten a lot of experience
Not a whole lot of healing up from having boiling oil / water poured on you. It was an incredibly effective way to kill someone in an era when infection killed more people than swords or arrows.
@@OllixTV the hound is burned and loras would have top healers around being a royal. His chances are higher and I could see this be his arc of not using his looks to his advantage like when Sansa thought she was special with the flower yet he doesn't remember it
Dying would leave a lot from George and even being stuck in bed could give us a lot to work with
I was looking up for that one!
“The castle is held by the forces of the one true king”
Ah. A fellow StannisMan. I salute you, comrade.
7:27 also Jaime refusing to attend Cersei's call will be even bitter after seeing Loras saving his sister
You’re so right
I don't think there's anything of value to the southern lords on dragonstone. The only thing of value there is the dragonglass that the watch needs. So when the tyrells say there's nothing of value there it's meant to be a way for the reader to be like "yes there is! They need the dragonglass for the others!" And kind of highlighting how the southern lords are fighting the wrong wars
Every plot is a shrodinger plot line since twow will never be released
There are no artifacts on Dragonstone because Stannis obviously scrapped the island clean of any valuables in order to fund his war effort. Especially dragon eggs which are "more valuable than gems"
YYYYuuuuussss...I think he's alive and well. Wonder what Quinn thinks...
i saw someone on reddit a while ago that thought Loras had been injured, but not as severely as was put on and was being experimented on by someone like Qyburn or something like that. thought it was a pretty cool idea but i don’t think George would ignore the parallels between Jaime loosing his hand and Loras getting burned as stated in the video :)
No offence but I think you’re a bit off about Roland Storm rejecting Loras’s duel being false, as he was probably mimicking Stannis when he was offered a duel by Cortnay Penrose(which he also rejects).
Fair point, but I think a counter would be that the power dynamics are reversed.
Stannis had 20K+ men to besiege the garrison, since it was after Renly died. Cortnay Penrose did not have leverage. However with Stannis crushed at Blackwater and the huge Redwyne fleet besieging Dragonstone it's far more favorable for Rolland Storm to agree to the duel since his enemy is in the dominant position.
Just a crackpot theory Jamie compares himself to Loras Cersei is described as being like Aerys 2nd and Loras is the younger brother and a member of the kings guard idk maybe Loras will be the one to put down Cersei he is the youngest brother.
Probably not true but it’s fun to speculate on TWOW.
I love this actually. Carsei is so obsessed with Margaery, but what if it is actually her valonqar - little brother - Loras that she should really be worried about?
Loras is definitly a legit valonqar. But so are Arya, Tyrion, Jaime, Euron, Stannis...
@@unlapras9365even Sansa would count too (she was the younger sister of Robb).
I like how you keep slip ups in your videos it makes it seem like I’m just talking to a friend
Theres a huge mountain on dragonstone called dragonmont. Im sure there are still some drsgon eggs in little crevices and caves.
I can see the Tyrells faking (or at least exaggerating) Loras' injuries and the casualties they took in capturing Dragonstone. It gives them a great excuse for not sending him or their troops to aid Cersei.
Rolland Storm might have wanted to duel Loras, but his duty is to hold the castle. Risking his own life (and however much he might look down on Loras for being gay, must know he's an effective fighter) shouldn't prevail over fulfilling his duties to his liege Lord.
5:12 That just sounds like Rolland Storm having a brain. Why would he accept a duel he'd probably lose when he's in a strong defensive position? Losing Storm's End because he's too proud to refuse a duel would be a failure of duty.
@2:14 Not that (as far as Cersei knows,) there's anything of importance or value on Dragonstone (there's LOTS of dragonglass there, which is extremely important for fighting the Others, but Cersei 1. doesn't know that and 2. wouldn't care if she did know.) Wanting to recapture Dragonstone is something Cersei wants mostly to remove an annoyance (part of the Redwyne fleet is already blockading Storm's End while it's under siege by an army, so clearly the whole fleet isn't even necessary to invest Dragonstone. She just really wants to remove Stannis' last 2 holdings south of The Neck for the symbolic value of the Iron Throne controlling everything south of it. The reason it's purely symbolic is neither Dragonstone nor Storm's End have nearly enough soldiers to be any threat to the armies of the Reach, who are on Cersei's side (though she is pathologically unable to realize this.) Stannis took the vast majority of his troops with him to The Wall.) Overall the whole reason she refuses to budge the Redwyne fleet is all about her hatred of anything Tyrell-related: 1. she doesn't want to do anything to help The Reach and 2. it's Margaery and Loras asking her
These cliffhangers I have been hanging on since 2005.
If we had dragon eggs or artifacts in Dragonstone, King Robert or King Stannis would have taken them a long time ago. Stannis seam out of finacial resources, what could be highly avoidable if he had som dragon eggs to sell. I think somewhere in ASOS, when he's at the Wall, Davos said that Stannis sold valubles from Dragonstone before leaving, with the belif that it was a matter of time until the crown takes Dragonstone back
I don't find it implausible that even a notably martial and impulsive man would refuse the offer of single combat to settle a siege; it's an incredibly stupid offer to accept. While some people *might* be baited into it to satisfy their honour or ego, we can't take being smart enough to rise above that bait as evidence of anything.
Cercei didn't almost marry Loras in the books, that was in the show. Loras is a knight of the Kingsguard, he can't marry, which is fine with him since he's gay. But in the books, Cercei is almost married to Willas, the eldest of the Tyrell children
So Ser Loras is basically just like Han Solo frozen in carbonite.
Loras is absolutely in perfect health and out of all of the familes in Westeros, the Tyrell's are the most likely to remain; they were never meant to be key players, theyre simply present to be the immediate power for whomever they choose to follow.
Their loyalty to the Targaryens will probably be a key factor moving forward, but thats kind of the extent of their involvement.
As Margaery states "...we returned to Highgarden to manage the affairs of the Reach as we had for thousands of years... and will for a thousand more. Other great houses take lions and wolves for their sigils and draw their power from the gold in their mountains or the cold of their winters. But mountains run dry, winters yields to spring AND THE ROSE BLOOMS ONCE MORE"
Loras is too beautiful to be hurt 😢
I for one am happy Victarion was not killed in A Feast. His chapters are some of my favorites.
6:06 it sounds like they say "Mance," unless Mace has some archaic pronuncuation i'm unaware of
Cool video man. I think Young Griff is Raeghar and Lyanna's son. The blue is a nod to Lyanna, the Blue Rose.
Jon is Ned and Ashara's son, they were wed in secret, before he was forced to marry Caitlyn to help the war effort.
Ashara is alive in the form of Septa Lemore.
Nah I don't think injuries are a lie, but it's pretty obvious that he'll survive from a narrative perspective
0:26 not trying to be obnoxious but does anyone know why FaB2 is shown in the graphic, while the first is not? Are the two books "stacked" in this graphic or are they so closely tied that they're considered one book?
Its future releases, and fire and blood part 2 has yet to release
Everyone who was there to see it are either Tyrell and Redwyne men who are sailing to the Reach or Aurane Waters' crews on the Crown's ships.
Aurane was likely playing Cercei from the beginning and greatly exaggerating the events to Cercei would create enough chaos in the aftermath for him to set off.
From how George talks about Loras, I doubt that Aurane's account of the events is accurate. Important characters dying off screen has always been something the readers are taught to doubt. Information being slightly off is a core part of the story and side novels.
Is the siege of dragon stone in the show?? I don’t remember and wouldn’t understand why they didn’t put it in the show.
if winds and dream are never released (the former i’m cautiously optimistic about, the latter is a pipe dream), there’s going to be so much fan fiction….
Roland Storm might have denied to duel with Loras because he knew that his win will bring nothing, except for some extra time maybe. There is no way Cersei would cease her attempts to retake Dragonstone.
Great video
I think Loras’ injuries did happen, but were exaggerated. He’s seriously hurt, probably for life, but he’s not like, super ultra dead
Can you pleeeeaaase do a video on Margaery and what role you think she will play and what will happen for her “trial” 🥺 i think the show doesn’t do her justice
He'll be one of the broken men with POV. George's favourites.
I think the rumors of his death have been greatly exaggerated, particularly the boiling oil. I think perhaps Waters just told Cersei what she wanted to hear in order to please her and really nothing more. Tbh, he probably wanted to get in those skirts like pretty much every other one of Cersei’s “trusted male advisors.”
Im not saying Quentyn is alive, Im saying he might be
I was just pondering this question after reading AFFC once again. I basically read each series book every year or two to pick up on something I may have missed. IMHO this "grievous" injury is a ruse. Could Aurane Waters be in contact with Faegon and Jon Connington? He served Stannis and I just don't buy this account.
Great vids
Alleras ~ A Loras. I won't elaborate, look into it.
I think he was injured, maybe even with oil,
The injuries were just exaggerated to explain his absence
Got you with the like and comment 👍
Tbh even when reading it for the first time I never really took the claims that Loras got horribly injured and was dying seriously and still don’t.
Unless Winds comes out and proves me wrong I’m sticking to that he’s perfectly fine, but the Tyrells are simply consolidating their strength, including Loras, back home to help with the Ironborn. And I 100% don’t blame them as the crown intentionally does not want to help them and is refusing to believe it’s anything more than the typical raids despite everything saying otherwise.
I think it’s very likely we at least hear about him being in the reach next book, as it wouldn’t be long before people start to recognize the most famous young knight in Westeros who also happens to be a kingsguard
Also I forgot to bring up that the news of his supposed injuries and imminent death comes from a man who has no reason to tell the truth and shortly after steals away the royal fleet, so I think it’s most likely this whole story is Uther Sheet and that Aurane himself could also be in cahoots with the Tyrells and Redwynes
GRRM: "Damn it, I'm just not quite sure what to do with this flower. Do I prune him, do I keep him around? Better leave him off the published page for now, then write three versions to see what fits: one where he lives, one where he dies, one where it was all a lie."
This is not funny
I don't think Aurane Waters lied to Cercei, i think he was lied too. You know he wasn't in the battle, probably didn't even leave his ship, so the Tyrell bannermen just "reported what happened" to Aurane, and he told the Queen
He may be alive, but when he comes back he will be disfigured and learn a lesson about vanity (no won't learn that lesson). Or maybe Qyburn will geta hold of him and be brought back as undead thing like the Mountain.
Sorry, but I think there will be something found on Dragonstone everyone seems to be overlooking but very valuable - *dragonglass.*
The point here is that all the combatants for the throne are all focused on political power while the menace of the Others grows, and what is truly valuable is scorned by the powerful who should use it for the common good.
God I Hope he is ok and still as smashing as always! As a gay guy hes always something to Look out for in the Books and in the Show!
I didn’t think Margaery was planning to name a champion at all? Wasn’t Mace Tyrell pretty clear that she planned to have a regular trial to prove her innocence?
Cersei was only supposed to marry Loras in the show. In the books he was already in the Kingsguard and the marriage offer was to Willas.
Margaery chose trial by combat? I thought i recalled Mace mentioning she was obviously innocent since she did NOT choose trial by combat, implying she was confident the charges would be disproven.
imagine if Ned had sent Loras after the mountain like the kid wanted…. he would’ve been cut in half as soon as they came face to face.
Just putting this out there martin has a history of burning people and switching then out
I never read the books but do you think it's leading to Cersei using wildfire to blow up everyone like in the show?
It’s definitely leading to some drastic action by Cersei, which could be blowing up the sept!
I love Queen Margaery so much 🙉
Marjory was going to be judged by the Faith? ....of the Seven...?
Loras, if alive, does not have to be beautiful to defend his sister - BTW did he not say once that although he is the better lance his brother is the better sword? Of course Garland is not on the Kingsguard.
I am starting to like the idea of a disfigured Loras not as new Jamie, but a new Sandor/Hound totally cynical and only out for revenge - OR a new Brienne, as heartbroken as she is over Renly and wanting only to do honest service in a knightly cause.
Simple: Loras is Sir Robert Strong
Nah that’s Sandor Clegane
Nah it's Criston Cole
my theory is that it will not matter if he is dead or alive and he will never play a part in the story again, in fact we will not even find out
"He ain't even hurt."
different mic?
GRRM is a Master of leaving a Characters fate to be unknown
Until then.
“Devoted to the warrior” doesn’t mean that Rolland wouldn’t have turned down a duel. A siege and battle is equally as devoted to the warrior as a duel is
"If Aurane's... Arya... not Aurane's, Arianne's, sorry, their names are similar..."
You make a good point, sir
Stannis may have a dragon egg or two , either with him or on Dragonstone why else would a Bravosi banker lend Stannis money especially when his position in the North seems so dire. That part has always bothered me.
Idk tho I think its just because Cersei stopped paying the bank and thats what they do is fund your enemies when you dont pay
He ain’t dead I believe. He made up that rumor so he could go fight off the iron born in his lands the reach
Anybody half dead are subject to get their fingerbones stolen. Like who has Ned's bones?
Oh i haven't finished A Storm of Swords yet and i feel like this video has spoilers, i shall return later
Good call, spoilers for feast and dance.