I really like how you post the deck building portions of your stream. Hearing your thought process is interesting and most people seem to cut this part out for youtube.
Great work Jens! I love how you made the deck-tracker back to the way it was before. The way you edit it is so much more sleek and cleaner compared to the premade program that tracks the deck. As Thrall would say, "That's Incredible!"
Oh, never mind, it cut in the middle of the video. Got lazy Jens? I'm just kidding, editing that stuff takes a lot of time and effort, but I'm glad you returned to the way it was before, even if it was only for a little part of the video.
Wait, do you mean Hoborg? www.google.hu/search?q=hoborg&safe=off&client=firefox-b&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjB8pml2JvNAhVBAZoKHfACAxQQ_AUIBigB#mhpiv=4 Yeah, there he is. He's pretty cool.
For the love of Trump Jens please put a link to the deck tracker in the descriptions so people can stop asking and when they ask get yelled at to read the description
Whether he's a furry or not shouldn't change your outlook on him. It's like those people who are best friends with someone then find out they are bisexual/gay and proceed to never speak to them again.
Except, unlike those other things, Furryies are just some weird, deviant, internet-invented community with no basis in the real world. It is not some inherent sexual preference, it is a choice, and it is a choice that gets them outcast. As it should.
I actually enjoy playing with Tempo Mage. The problem is that the deck is squeezed between oponents that are too much faster or too much slower. Sometimes Zoo and Aggro Hunter puts dowsn too many ways to cause damage and the Tempo Mage lacks efficient solutions. Sometimes Priests and Warriors hold all cards for late games, which are much better than the Tempo Mage late cards.
I think a certain mage deck could be really good. It'd be made of a lot of cheap minions, some early removal, and a whole lot at mage's plethora of good big cards. The new 6drop that summons a 3drop is really good, much better than the cheese that is the Mana Wyrm + Flamewalker deck. It alongside Blizzard, Flamestrike and Flame Lance control the board extremely well. Cabalist's Tome and Ethereal Conjurer give mage a whole lot of card advantage. Abstain from running 2 of every one of these lategame cards and throw in a couple legendaries for some flexibility and I think that's a real deck!
I legitimately played dragon Mage and got to about rank 3 last season, although my list was a little more refined than this and didn't run Yogg-Saron haha, it's honestly pretty viable though.
Can someone please explain me the great appeal of water elemental? I've been having a hard time seeing the great value in that card, yes it freezes, and yes, it has a big pool of health that will allow him to freeze more than once if you have the tempo in your side. But it always feels extremely slow to play, and very awkward to fight against an astablished board. Not to metion that 3 damage is usually too much or too little, which makes it even more awkward to use against a board. I'd really love to hear someone's opinion because I still have trouble seeing the strengths of this card. It just feels so lukewarm for me.
On the other side though, 6 health is pretty hard to cleanly kill on turn 4/5, which often means that water elemental can trade with multiple minions. Plus, the fact that it freezes means that the opponent has to sacrifice multiple minions that not only get damaged, leading you to be able to kill it easily the next turn, but also miss their next attacks, since they're frozen. It's good value.
Caleb Yip Thing is, usually, they'd either ignore it if they are aggro, or efficiently deal with it with spells. So real value can be obtained mostly if they have no good answer, or when it's your turn and you are not behind. It's not a card that brings a lot of impart on the board on 4, and it's even sadder to drop at higher mana counts. It's just that it seems strong in very specific ideal situations, and even then the impact doesn't leave a mark.
Even if they deal with it with spells, a four mana card still eats up a fireball/polymorph or a SW:pain, which is a pretty good trade because it spends their entire turn in the case of fireball and gives you the opportunity to catch up. It's not an amazing card by any means but definitely one of the stronger early drops that mage has.
In terms of raw value, Water Elemental is extremely overpowered. In play, it isn't as good as its value distribution would imply, but it's still pretty good. 3/6 is a nice statline in most cases. It deals with 2/3's and everything else with a worse attack:health ratio than that. It usually trades with two minions, and it's hard to kill 1:1. That's usually pretty common with higher cost minions simply due to how health and attack ratios work in Hearthstone, but for a 4-drop, Water Elemental is great. The additional effect would make it extremely overpowered if it was a neutral minion, but since it's a class card, it can get away with an effect worth about 1 point; which is pretty much what the freeze effect is worth. It's nice on a lot of boards, because it can easily freeze higher cost minions played many turns after, and it can also freeze the enemy hero to protect your board against a hero with weapons. Overall, it's pretty good, but it's mainly because the stat distribution is good. As far as formulas and raw value goes, it's by no means overpowered, but it's a solid card. One of Mage's signature cards, it usually finds a place in most decks, except extreme control decks like freeze mage.
the answer to the question of why play reno mage when you can play renolock is simply that mage is a different class with different cards that you might want to play with instead!! one thing being 'better' than the other does not mean the second thing is bad
the key is to hogger m8. you have to build a deck around hogger.. or at least one that uses hogger. i love that card and i feel like theres some hidden potential. nobody expects him, too.
No links for the source of the picture? It's only the most interesting part of this video. I don't even know if Trump played a game, I saw a thumbnail and blacked out.
i really don't like the grey frame around the deck list. My favorite was honestly the one he used before the automatic programme. still great content though ;)
Not really - just bad matchups against some decks, but certainly not dead. It is actually bad against less decks than it was pre-expansion such as druid, but now has a weak matchup against shaman. The main thing about freeze mage is that it has really polarized matchups basically.
It's a third-party program, I don't know the name, but it automatically types in the name of the card and the name of the artist who drew the art and then clicks the card, he uses it to build from decklists.
I was doing something else while the beginning played and for a little bit I thought he was drafting an arena deck and he got three legendary cards in a row
Captain Bondega It's not edited, during 4:15 he keeps moving his mouth while the cards are being inserted into his deck. It's Hearthstone Deck Tracker.
GabeTheChosenOne It'll kill them both in two turns which is the only issue and you don't want to waste time with healing. That said, you could always throw Blood Warriors in the deck for a laugh. Personally, I'd play a more Control Warrior and use him as another board clear and presence. That said, I don't like Control much so playing Baron Geddon your way sounds a bit more fun. :)
+al2156 It doesn't work well, for the reasons you said, but getting a full board damaged for the Berserker buff is pretty fun when it works. Any card recommendations to get a deck started?
GabeTheChosenOne Hmm, I'm not the best player but let's think. Sounds like it might just be a general sort of fun Enrage style deck so including Raging Worgen and the Armani/Aberrant Berserkers might not be a bad idea. Axe Thrower from BRM is kinda fun as well. Then Whirlwind effects to activate those Enrages/Buff the Frothing so your Whirlwind/Ravaging Ghoul might be good. Revenge is a little iffy because that goes up to 3 damage at a certain point (Like, 12 health?) so maybe use that sparingly. Shield Block might be good - Card Draw and extra armour to let you live longer along with Armoursmith. Execute always good. That's what springs to mind initially.
I'd take out Faceless and put in Brann + a torch. Maybe take out 1 blizzard and add the other torch as well. Double synergy with yogg and makes fatigue wins easier. Brann is too good not to play with all these battlecries I think. Or maybe not, what do I know. Edit: Nvm he took out arcane intellect. Maybe brann's too greedy.
Roughly 30 minutes is pretty good for an original* deck. All depends on how well you know the meta *I say original but he did have other decks to base it off of
Tracking is the worst card. Yeah, it's great for when you dig for that one crucial card, but you just throw away two other. Always happy when I see hunters use tracking. Two fewer cards to worry about.
I really like how you post the deck building portions of your stream. Hearing your thought process is interesting and most people seem to cut this part out for youtube.
Great work Jens! I love how you made the deck-tracker back to the way it was before. The way you edit it is so much more sleek and cleaner compared to the premade program that tracks the deck. As Thrall would say, "That's Incredible!"
Oh, never mind, it cut in the middle of the video. Got lazy Jens? I'm just kidding, editing that stuff takes a lot of time and effort, but I'm glad you returned to the way it was before, even if it was only for a little part of the video.
The decktracker usually takes a few games to get the whole deck programed in. That's why he sometimes edits the first few games.
+Specs Talking to yourself?
who are the heathens that skip the deck building. listening to Trump ramble on and theorizing is one of my favourite Heathstone thing
Never skip the kripp
Bold choice for a thumbnail...
And guys, thats how Wylis became Hoboard.
Rip Hoboard, 0:00 - 28:28
I don't watch GoT, but I still feel the pain from this :(
Wait, do you mean Hoborg?
Yeah, there he is. He's pretty cool.
hobord/hobard logically
Interesting choice of thumbnail there Trump.
Well he doesnt edit these videos yourself
Jens does the editing, ask him about it.
Had to search for a while what u meant, don't find anything odd about the thumbnail...
Have a closer look:
+Ryno Swart Thats awesome lol
For the love of Trump Jens please put a link to the deck tracker in the descriptions so people can stop asking and when they ask get yelled at to read the description
shit dud
seems like it's a big issue impacting your life that people are asking about deck tracker
Gah, I know the feeling. Happens to me all the time.
Especially when I reply to people or acknowledge shit and people realize how much I care.
But I actually like to converse with people on the internet though despite what the media says
Takes guts to make such a thumbnail. I respect it!
Good guy Jens, putting the "Skip the Kripp" button at the beginning.
It's just a skip annotation.
It's only a Kripp Skipp when a Kripperino gives you a time stamp in the comment section.
"Hold the board boys!"
that bloody cracked me up:D
cool to see you mention strifecro, you two are the only people i watch for hs on here
i loved the "or do you? OR DO YO?!?!" part :)) 7:26
Dragon TF thumbnail with pants and shirt-rippage, Trump is going extra spicy for this brew.
Get your facts straight people! He is a scalie, not a furry.
Dat thumbnail tho.
Trump is a furry confirmed
Whether he's a furry or not shouldn't change your outlook on him. It's like those people who are best friends with someone then find out they are bisexual/gay and proceed to never speak to them again.
Except, unlike those other things, Furryies are just some weird, deviant, internet-invented community with no basis in the real world. It is not some inherent sexual preference, it is a choice, and it is a choice that gets them outcast. As it should.
Johnny Chester Sexuality isn't a choice
Thank you for the video Trump.
I actually enjoy playing with Tempo Mage. The problem is that the deck is squeezed between oponents that are too much faster or too much slower. Sometimes Zoo and Aggro Hunter puts dowsn too many ways to cause damage and the Tempo Mage lacks efficient solutions. Sometimes Priests and Warriors hold all cards for late games, which are much better than the Tempo Mage late cards.
the definition of cool changed a lot since i was in high school
Cool is kind of a neutral word that gets it's meaning abused a lot if you think about it.
Dat Scaly picture of Trumpo though, it's actually pretty well drawn. I kinda want to know who the artist of the picture.
Great editing as always!
I think a certain mage deck could be really good. It'd be made of a lot of cheap minions, some early removal, and a whole lot at mage's plethora of good big cards.
The new 6drop that summons a 3drop is really good, much better than the cheese that is the Mana Wyrm + Flamewalker deck. It alongside Blizzard, Flamestrike and Flame Lance control the board extremely well. Cabalist's Tome and Ethereal Conjurer give mage a whole lot of card advantage. Abstain from running 2 of every one of these lategame cards and throw in a couple legendaries for some flexibility and I think that's a real deck!
games start at 14:13
Gameplay starts at 14:35
Cult Sorcerer definitely fits in with Tempo Mage.
also anyone notice the graphic change at 20:04?
dragon decks turned me into a scaly thanks brian kibler
Bold choice for a thumbnail, Cotton. Let's see how it pays off.
Still yet to see any-one make an inspire deck work. It seems like it should be really powerful for classes that would use their hero power a lot.
"You may want to add more spells" 'well we do have zero of the,' Lolololol
My cousin talks all the time about how he is a grindr mage, but I think he performs a different kind of magic...
He makes it all disappear so convincingly
Ha gay
Trump can you please make another series of "Trumo Deck Teachings" because a lot of decks got changed. Ty :D
I played a Mage in Arena with 3 faceless summoner and I got 5 injured blademasters in a row from them. It was glorious.
I legitimately played dragon Mage and got to about rank 3 last season, although my list was a little more refined than this and didn't run Yogg-Saron haha, it's honestly pretty viable though.
Can someone please explain me the great appeal of water elemental?
I've been having a hard time seeing the great value in that card, yes it freezes, and yes, it has a big pool of health that will allow him to freeze more than once if you have the tempo in your side. But it always feels extremely slow to play, and very awkward to fight against an astablished board. Not to metion that 3 damage is usually too much or too little, which makes it even more awkward to use against a board.
I'd really love to hear someone's opinion because I still have trouble seeing the strengths of this card. It just feels so lukewarm for me.
On the other side though, 6 health is pretty hard to cleanly kill on turn 4/5, which often means that water elemental can trade with multiple minions. Plus, the fact that it freezes means that the opponent has to sacrifice multiple minions that not only get damaged, leading you to be able to kill it easily the next turn, but also miss their next attacks, since they're frozen. It's good value.
Caleb Yip Thing is, usually, they'd either ignore it if they are aggro, or efficiently deal with it with spells. So real value can be obtained mostly if they have no good answer, or when it's your turn and you are not behind. It's not a card that brings a lot of impart on the board on 4, and it's even sadder to drop at higher mana counts. It's just that it seems strong in very specific ideal situations, and even then the impact doesn't leave a mark.
Even if they deal with it with spells, a four mana card still eats up a fireball/polymorph or a SW:pain, which is a pretty good trade because it spends their entire turn in the case of fireball and gives you the opportunity to catch up. It's not an amazing card by any means but definitely one of the stronger early drops that mage has.
Caleb Yip Ok, that makes more sense, thank you :)
In terms of raw value, Water Elemental is extremely overpowered. In play, it isn't as good as its value distribution would imply, but it's still pretty good.
3/6 is a nice statline in most cases. It deals with 2/3's and everything else with a worse attack:health ratio than that. It usually trades with two minions, and it's hard to kill 1:1. That's usually pretty common with higher cost minions simply due to how health and attack ratios work in Hearthstone, but for a 4-drop, Water Elemental is great.
The additional effect would make it extremely overpowered if it was a neutral minion, but since it's a class card, it can get away with an effect worth about 1 point; which is pretty much what the freeze effect is worth. It's nice on a lot of boards, because it can easily freeze higher cost minions played many turns after, and it can also freeze the enemy hero to protect your board against a hero with weapons.
Overall, it's pretty good, but it's mainly because the stat distribution is good. As far as formulas and raw value goes, it's by no means overpowered, but it's a solid card. One of Mage's signature cards, it usually finds a place in most decks, except extreme control decks like freeze mage.
Misplay at 24:10, should have used frostbolt to hit fiery bat then finish off hound master with drake
He starts playing at 14:13
Probably my favourite fun fact yet
the answer to the question of why play reno mage when you can play renolock is simply that mage is a different class with different cards that you might want to play with instead!! one thing being 'better' than the other does not mean the second thing is bad
What does he use to build thode decks that fast?
it's called hearthstone deck tracker
Velocity 9
Years of training with hundreds of females has made trumps fingers faster than light itself
+Bruno Afram flash reference?
+Prasun Chapagai May the speed force be with you
chill out with the thumbnail comments trump doesn't edit these youtube videos Jens does
The thumbnails peaked.....we are witnessing the fall.
How the hell do you put a skip button in arena videos and not in this?? 14:20 is gameplay.
There is a skip annotation, though... Maybe you had those turned off?
+Draedaja or maybe you're on mobile.
Or maybe your too dumb to just skip through until you see the gameplay
+Skipperino Kripperino put Skipperino, you should know the glory of easily skipping ahead to the gameplay more than anyone!
Turns out descriptions are preeeeeetty helpful
14:13 To skip deck buidling
What deck tracker is that? Does it show the roaring torches or is that Jens?
i'm so glad i'm not the only person to call it "wrath of the old gods" lol
Chris Lewis but you know...hobo means a homless ....
Night Power Look up Game of Thrones origins of Hodor, and you'll understand :P
hold this L
hold this L
How does the deck make itself in game? Example @ 4:12
14:30 actual gameplay
the key is to hogger m8. you have to build a deck around hogger.. or at least one that uses hogger. i love that card and i feel like theres some hidden potential. nobody expects him, too.
What does actually "slow" mean about Forgotten Torch?
No links for the source of the picture? It's only the most interesting part of this video. I don't even know if Trump played a game, I saw a thumbnail and blacked out.
i really don't like the grey frame around the deck list. My favorite was honestly the one he used before the automatic programme. still great content though ;)
I've seen alot of freeze mage in constructed latly. So could you make a video about it
Freeze mage is dead imo
Not really - just bad matchups against some decks, but certainly not dead. It is actually bad against less decks than it was pre-expansion such as druid, but now has a weak matchup against shaman. The main thing about freeze mage is that it has really polarized matchups basically.
Hi Trump! When will you do f2p series again?
where was that thumbnail from?
What program do you use to do the deck saving and loading and things?
It's called a hearthstone deck tracker.
How do you build the decks so fast? I see you paste something in the search bar but I dont know how you do it :(
It's a third-party program, I don't know the name, but it automatically types in the name of the card and the name of the artist who drew the art and then clicks the card, he uses it to build from decklists.
it's called hearthstone deck tracker.
HEARTHSTONE deck tracker does that and it is the overlay, I use it
What happened to two videos per day?
"Scaleys were a mistake" - Jens 2016
What's the purpose of Yogg? Fun and a probable boardclear?
cult sorc is amazing though, arcane blast cult sorc is so strong
Skip? Why would we skip Trump? Wrong channel, Jens.
14:15 starts games, ur welcome
Malygos - Arcane blast deck ?
I was doing something else while the beginning played and for a little bit I thought he was drafting an arena deck and he got three legendary cards in a row
trump what about a freeze zoo deck
I'm a free to play player and I obtained enough coins to unlock 1 wing of a solo adventure. Which one should I buy?
I would do league of explorers so you can make some Reno decks
+Tyler Johnston also go for anything that will have longevity in standard...yeah League of Explorers
Both LoE and BRM will leave Standard next year. It doesn't make a difference which one you buy considering that aspect.
25:14 Carrion, my wayward grub-grub.
how did he enter all those cards so fast?
Which deck tracker does trump use?
The Hearthstone deck tracker.
Can someone please tell me which deck tracker Trump uses?
how does the autofill deck programm called?copy-paste-add in search I mean
Hearthstone deck tracker
Skipperoni Trumperoni 14:13
How he chooses the cards is edition or how does he do it that fast?
Hearthstone Deck Tracker
Captain Bondega It's not edited, during 4:15 he keeps moving his mouth while the cards are being inserted into his deck. It's Hearthstone Deck Tracker.
Does Trump create and use macros to recreate his decks later on?
why does trump think reno mage is bad? I made a reno mage and it's one of my best decks got 18-2 W/L rate on ladder with it so far
16:15 can someone explain why he didnt hit face ?
There was a taunt in the way
So is yogg actually really good or are people just playing him a lot because it's an awesome card..?I really can't tell
how does he paste the deck in like that??
how he does that thingy when building decks
He uses hearthstone deck tracker
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know of any good uses for Baron Geddon? Pulled him out of a pack, and I don't know what he's good for.
Think he's usually run in Warrior decks.
+al2156 That's how I'm gonna try him out, he seems to be good with Armorsmith and Frothing Berserker.
GabeTheChosenOne It'll kill them both in two turns which is the only issue and you don't want to waste time with healing. That said, you could always throw Blood Warriors in the deck for a laugh.
Personally, I'd play a more Control Warrior and use him as another board clear and presence. That said, I don't like Control much so playing Baron Geddon your way sounds a bit more fun. :)
+al2156 It doesn't work well, for the reasons you said, but getting a full board damaged for the Berserker buff is pretty fun when it works. Any card recommendations to get a deck started?
GabeTheChosenOne Hmm, I'm not the best player but let's think. Sounds like it might just be a general sort of fun Enrage style deck so including Raging Worgen and the Armani/Aberrant Berserkers might not be a bad idea. Axe Thrower from BRM is kinda fun as well. Then Whirlwind effects to activate those Enrages/Buff the Frothing so your Whirlwind/Ravaging Ghoul might be good. Revenge is a little iffy because that goes up to 3 damage at a certain point (Like, 12 health?) so maybe use that sparingly. Shield Block might be good - Card Draw and extra armour to let you live longer along with Armoursmith. Execute always good. That's what springs to mind initially.
Can someone please explain what "lock" means in Zoolock and Renolock? :(
Warlock. Zoo Warlock. Handlock is called that because you have a large hand to capitalise on Twilight Drakes and Mountain Giants.
And Renolock is a Reno Jackson deck.
+al2156 OH I SEE HOW haha. I understood the decks but never knew what lock meant. Thank you!
Because they are warlock decks, the lock comes from warLOCK.
***** No problem! :)
How did he do that? @ 4:13
StrifeCro is very cool, imo.
I can't believe no one uses polymorph boar. I guess it's not that good, but it's my favorite card.
why everyone talking about the thumbnail i didn't get it
I would add to the fun fact "Never played Yogg in a deck named after it" as well LOL
Thumbnail gave me ultra-cancer
gave me a boner
+DouchebagAssholeify no, that's called a tumour. pls see a doctor to also check for ebolaids.
+DouchebagAssholeify Thanks for being the only funny comment in relation to the thumbnail.
I'm undergoing chemo.
DouchebagAssholeify Congrats, you now have super-ultra cancer. :P
14:12 Skipperino Trumperino
I'd take out Faceless and put in Brann + a torch. Maybe take out 1 blizzard and add the other torch as well. Double synergy with yogg and makes fatigue wins easier. Brann is too good not to play with all these battlecries I think. Or maybe not, what do I know.
Edit: Nvm he took out arcane intellect. Maybe brann's too greedy.
Roughly 30 minutes is pretty good for an original* deck. All depends on how well you know the meta
*I say original but he did have other decks to base it off of
+Nicholas Curcuru No he's talking about how he's putting all the cards immediately in
Hearthstone deck tracker. Pc only doe
Trump is a pianist, he can tip very fast.
I just remembered how short cut commands work XD
Was I the only one who wanted him to play the deck helper deck on ladder? :D
He's building a constructed deck... Like an arena deck...?
waiting for control sham?
SHAMAN you for thinking control shaman
Best deck making EU/US/Korea
"Help me deck builder" 😂😂😂
16:18 When you forget to attack 😅😅
Can anyone tell me how trump adds the deck that fast?
Hearthstone deck tracker or dragon magic
Omg I was in chat and gave trump the idea for this deck lol!
maybe Drug - Soran 4.20 is the best name ? !
Tracking is the worst card. Yeah, it's great for when you dig for that one crucial card, but you just throw away two other. Always happy when I see hunters use tracking. Two fewer cards to worry about.
simeik Hope you've changed your mind by now.
why does the internet had to teach me the meaning of furries...
Whatever you do, DONT Google brony rule 34......
Holy fuck why did you "make" me google that shit :S
Don't search spyro subway...
None of that is even close to the bottom of the barrel.