This method still works after patch 1.1.2. If something is not working for you (Spawn Times/Horns not collectable) please watch our more detailed Dragon Horn Farming video and repeat the steps in that video EXACTLY as shown. LINK TO DETAILED DRAGON HORN FARMING METHOD EXPLAINED:
You don't need to wait for the shards to land. As soon as it breaks off from the dragon you can rest as the campfire and the shard will appear in the morning still falling from the sky. Saves quite a bit of time over many repetitions.
Zelda is probably in her bubble with Ganon screaming "This moron literally spent a month doing nothing but sitting by a campfire and shooting arrows at a dragon"
i wish that when you get all the korok seeds you can do 3 quests for hestu to get like kokori armor, an armor that lets you turn into a korok by pressing the down button while wearing it, in this form you can use a korok leaf to fly and can turn invisible, it seems op, but getting all the seeds is most likely a thing you do after beating the game sooo
uhm, i dont have any money on me right now, so you mind if i just go farm some rupees by shooting farosh and come back to help your charity real quick??
Taking into account the cost of arrows and the amount of time needed to pick up the horns (estimated 3-5 mins for picking up horns once per hour) this method would be somewhere around 48,700-50,000 rupees per hr (still a lot of rupees).
@@asaaddsafa first you have to beat that island challenge where it strips you of everything you have. Once u beat it out in the waters theirs a tiny tiny island with a pond. Theirs a chest in it
@@iamwhiskey9741 Is this island the one at the most south-east part of the map? I was pretty sure there was a chest with rupees that respawns this exact same way in this island... it was inside a small amount of water or something.. is it the same chest youre refering to?
@@caiodecastro7956 after you beat the island challenge. Facing the island from hyrule go to the far back left. Youl see a tinier island with a small pool. In that pool is a metal chest with arrows
Then farm arrow and bows, arrows are easy to get. Find bokoblins on horses and get them to shoot at you, west of the middle most southern tower and aquire a lot of rupees, and bows are easily aquired in the wild. Look up places to find golden bows easily
Couple of extra tips for this farming spot. I've farmed close to 1000 at this point 1. The horns usually fall in 1 of 3 spots. 2 different spots on the right and 1 on the left were they may roll a little. I almost never had one fall in the water 2. You dont have to wait for the horn to hit the ground before sitting at the fire for the next morning. You only have to wait until it breaks off the dragon 3. Once you hit 33 horns off the dragon it is possible to still collect more without respawning at the shrine in the waterfall. You can actually continue farming like normal except the horns won't glow when struck or falling. The horn will sparkle when it breaks off though so you will know when its okay to sit at the fire again. Just tested this and it still works. I farmed 60 horns without respawning and sitting at the fire immediately after the horn breaks off. Hope it helps someone
newb_slayer69 I’m not gonna whoosh... I’m not gonna whoosh... If you don’t understand, Seath is obviously scaleless. You are basically ripping out all of Farosh’s scales, horns, etc
why would anyone in their right mind give this video a thumbs down. This is an absolutely fantastic way to farm for cash. great information. Thanks for posting
54,000 Ruppees per hour, but let's not include time for getting arrows, bows or the tedious task of hunting down all of the scale that have just scattered like the Dragonballs
There are 2 things can be used to improve this method which makes the farming like 4~5 shards per mins instead of 3: 1. you can camp right next to the lake under any palm tree, they work as rain shelter for camp fire relight and you can use any bow for the farming, with much easier aiming, on any other part too. you don't even to light the fire right away due to the thermal provided by the dragon's spawn itself 2. you only need to wait until the sound effect of the horn shard "poping out", then you can go for next morning, you don't need to wait until it falls onto the ground, the poping event register the shards' trajectory which ensures it doesn't fall into water. The key here is to wait for the shard pop event to trigger THEN do the reloading, if you reload right after you hit the horn and BEFORE it pops, the shard drops into water and becomes unretrievable no matter what you do, i.e. wasted. the only downside to this method is you need to have lightning immune gear (thunder helm or setbonus), or you might get hit by the dragon's lightning ball from time to time another thing to note is if you shoot slightly too early the dragon could actually not 'materialized' yet so your arrows shoot THROUGH it and hits nothing, so better make sure you don't go into dropshot slowmo mode too soon.
EyeOfTheOwler arrows can be had for free. Just find a place w/ Bokoblin archers (usually on horseback). Put the view to overhead. They fire arrows at you and will be on the ground. Pick them up, it adds up rather quickly.
EyeOfTheOwler there's a new exploit now. Teleport to the shrine on Eventide Island (You need to complete the challenge first) and paraglide to a rock formation below it, it's not too tricky to find. Use magnesis to fish out the treasure chest from the water and viola! Ten arrows. Now save and load, and the chest should re spawn. I'm sure there are more in-depth tutorials online.
There's a problem when I do this. When the horn shards land in the water, I can't pick them up once I go after them Edit Nevermind, I just learned why. You have to wait for the horn to actually fly off the dragon (before you sit by the fire again) and start falling, or else it'll glitch into the water and you wont be able to get it
There’s a guy at the stables that buys raw gourmet mean at 500 a pop, he buys three times from you a day, so $1500 for just three pieces of raw meat a pop. Sleep until morning and repeat. $500 multiplied by 21 is $10,500. More than any other npc will give over normal market value. You can get 200 pieces of raw gourmet neat in roughly an hour making roughly 100,000 rupees.
Tailslol 6 to 10 seconds? Come on man, it takes at least 20 just to get through the dialog cues. If you get a strike it's still at least 45 to 60 seconds.
At that location, there is a nearby Silver Lynel which kept killing me until I killed him and now I’m trying to go back to that location.. but there was a blood moon :T
thanks again. this is the best tip i have seen about this game so far. although you really dont need to wait for the piece to fall onto the group to start sitting. i wish i could farm the other two dragon with the same ease.
You make about 3 times more if you use 4 of them and a critter to make a potion and sell the potion. Its usually about 3 times the ruppees of the original items. Just so you know. In example use four lynel guts and any critter to make a potion worth 2400 to 2450 (depends on critter), 4 lynel guts is normally 800 so yah 3 times.
New "Faster" method. Go to the Riverside Stable. Equip anything BUT, a royal guards sword. Overload the menu with Kleric's new overloading method. Desync to royal guards sword. Talk to the lady in the stable "Parcy." You'll get free gems, and you won't get get rid of your sword. BAM, over 39,000 rupees per 17 minutes.
Croisant let’s say I dupe my hylian shield then lose them all somehow. I wouldn’t be able to go to Grante and buy it back for 3k right? (saw it in a Austin John vid)
@@XxDeadlocke You houldn't wait for them all to break. But say you did. (I haven't expirienced it) I'm almost 99.99999% sure you'd still be able to buy it back.
For anyone having trouble getting Farosh to spawn at 5 am! There is a submerged boulder in the northern edge of Riola Springs. Remove it from the pedastals with magnesis and then you should be able to wait at a campfire until 5 am and get Farosh to spawn. Farosh might even spawn immediately upon removing the boulder, no matter what time of day it is. You must do this everytime you go back to the area for a new session (you can safely collect the horns without the boulder getting reset - provided none of the fell that far away)
Hi,This tip still work. But, just one or two thinks - I'm in version 1.5.0 with DLC version 3.0 - Spawn time and location are still ok. - If you shoot with a large radiant, corn drop a each time - Don't spam the campfire (wait morning) if the item is the behind the ground. (if you wait for next morning berfore this, the item drop in the water (and it's lost)). -------In french, 'cause it's my native language : Ce tip fonctionne toujours. Version du jeu en 1.5.0 et les DLC en version 3.0 - Le point de spawn et l'heure de spawn sont les mêmes - Si vous tirez avec angle suffisamment juste, le morceau de corne tombe neuf fois sur dix - Ne cliquez pas sur le feu de camp avant que l'item ne soit au dessus du sol (inutile qu'il est touché le sol, mais l'espèce d'étoile filante qui représente l'item doit être au dessus du sol. Ou doit avoir apparue). Si vous n'attendez pas, l'item tombera dans l'eau une fois que le dragon reviendra (et l'item sera perdu.) Have a nice day.
I took this gentleman's French text to google translate: This tip still works. Version of the game in 1.5.0 and DLC version 3.0 - The spawn point and the spawn time are the same - If you shoot with just enough angle, the piece of horn falls nine times out of ten - Do not click on the campfire until the item is above the ground (no need to touch the ground, but the shooting star that represents the item must be above the ground. Or must have appeared). If you do not wait, the item will fall into the water once the dragon returns (and the item will be lost.)
Experimented a bit and found a few tweaks. First you don't need to be in the cave, just under one of the trees. The one to the left of the fall works well. If you are that close any bow works but if it's not long range you need to take into account the drop, long range ones are still easier. Also Rubber armour prevents any mishap with Farosh's lightning if you that close. It's not lighting the fire that makes the up draft but Farosh so you can do that after. Fire rods, are fine. If Farrosh isn't showing fast travel away and back (zora tunic helps on this trip). I always went to to the Spring of Courage and prayed but that probably isn't necessary. He'll keep showing subsequent days after that. Also can confirm, still work in 1.1.2.
To be should probably include the time it takes to run around and pick up the items and traveling to a shop in the calculation since that is part of the process as well. I'd expect people to continue supporting Snowling because in approximately the same amount of time it takes to shoot the dragon and reset, you could also bowl another strike. That, and it's also not RNG. Then there's no need of any resources and you get the money immediately. It's a good alternate, but considering all the factors, I'd still peg Snowling as the best. Even if it's not as many rupees, it's not more enough for me to waste bow durability and arrows on.
It's actually very convenient to me. I do it when I'm doing other things outside of gaming. Like when I'm getting ready for work, or....getting ready...for work...? Wow...not many things I do outside of gaming lol.
Baikou This method feels more consistent to me. I know its easy but I cant get the right bowling spot down. I prefer just looking and shooting an arrow at the same spot.
exactly! And it's giving fuel to liars who claim to have made 100,000 rupees in a couple hours- only way that's possible is with a hacking device, as clearly they can't make 50,000 legitimately unless they're doing something the game doesn't normally allow, as it takes time to accumulate this!
You m ean pre-patch where you could lift a Dead Guardian with an ice block and it'll continually crap out whatever. Get lucky and its infinite ancient core time.
@@13vatra not as complicated as you might think, when I started I went toward that region by accident (and hated my life, fuck you rain) but already had the max amount of bows you could carry at the start, he prolly just did that
@@mandytran8023 didn't know that, I hadn't heard of this (or tried it, obviously) but I did get a shitload of bows when I started so I wouldn't have doubted this dude if not for that
Still works, you just have to wait for the item to fall to the floor then can reset to morning. Upto some time farosh will not drop anything so just travel back to the nearest shrine and repeat. Super helpful guide man. Love the content. 👌🏽
good to know but i havent had any issues with money in the game yet. im wondering around and grabbing almost every item(s) everywhere i can. that gives me more than enough cash atm.
Problem is, when upgrading all my armor you use up all the items you've collected, so you can't make money off of them anymore. Also, the 4th great fairy fountain costs 10,000 rupees to unlock, and there are in the range of 5-10 (not sure, haven't bought any yet) armour sets you can buy, which will also cost 20,000-40,000 if not more.
Yeah I never had any issues till the end game either. I got away with selling cooked meat dish. 5 pieces of the same meat, cook and sell. I rarely ate the meat myself other than the smallest drumsticks lol
SirJtotheY just price checked the armor shops for the sets that you can only get through shops Ancient set: 6,000 Flamebreaker: 2,700 (not counting chestplate because it's given in a sidequest) Sheikah: 1,800 Hylian: 270 Soldier: 630 Snowquill: 2,100 Jewelry: 2,100 (not counting diamond circlet since there's a free one in one of the mazes) Desert voe: 2,400 Radiant: 2,400 Total: 20,400 rupees Everything else can either be gotten through chests, amiibo, or it's bought with mon instead. Coupled with the amount for the fairy fountains: 12,600 And the full house: 4,400 You would never really need more than 37,400 rupees in the game outside of sidequests that need you to pay or random shop visits. Unless I'm forgetting something else.
This is by far the hardest and most time consuming way to earn rupees. Go to the great hybra snowfield and kill a bunch of rhinos And moose. Cook 5 pieces of meet together and get 200-490 rupees per! Not to mention the dragon may not spawn.
I did great plateau and 2 divine beasts so that I had access to at least a little bit of advanced weaponry, saw this video, and did what took me 10 HOURS ON MY ORIGINAL ACCOUNT IN 20 MINUTES! That’s insane. Thank you!
You make a campfire by using wood and flint. 1. Get some wood. Chop down trees two timesfor this 2. Go to this spot and drop the wood. 3. Get some flint and drop it next to the wood 4. Use a metal weapon and strike the flint
mahyar rashidzadeh sell the diamonds too , in real life they actually hold no real purpose but some how most house hold items do, all it does is sparkle in the light which is cool but in game that's lame
Go get the three silver lynels in the top left corner , THE best weapons for op stats I picked up swords clubs going over 95 dmg and bows every time that go from durability up + to 5shot which puts it at 160 , and you get demon parts plus 10-20 elemental arrows ,every time , but hey it's not bad to play differently than others
There's a couple Lynel triplets I take out. Hebra is one set, but Eldin/Woodland are the other 3. Both triplets give you one of each weapon, as well as elemental arrows.
It's much better to farm the dragon parts from Lake Hylia, if your looking for Farosh scales and such. For Naydra, the archway on route to Mt. Lanayru where you get the memory. For Dinraal, in the canyon around Tabantha Bridge.
Well when i tried this it started raining then i didn't have any flint or a flame weapon then i lost my wood and then i got killed got hit by the dragon's stun thingy then i was hit by lightning and then i released all my rage on the two lynels in hyrule castle
Vulctrah you have to do it in the cave, that way the rain can’t reach your fire, and the dragon’s electricity can’t reach you Also, so that you don’t waste your flint, you should get the great flameblade, near the central tower, across the bridge
***THIS STILL WORKS AS OF DLC 1*** 1. If dragon isn't spawning, make sure you have been to the shrine at the Spring of Courage at least once. 2. If he still won't spawn, save and exit to main menu, then go back in, and he'll start spawning at 5am again.
Fert, it seems to be somewhat iffy whether he will spawn. Yesterday it wasn't working, so I visited the other two dragons, saved, went to the main menu, went back, and he started spawning again.
For anyone who cares: Also works well to find the blue rabbit. Just got almost 500 rupees of it in less than 3 minutes (before it disappeared). If you go into the woods by the fairy in Kakariko Village and see the rabbit, just sneak up on it and get a few shots in, then just travel back to the shrine overlooking the village. The rabbit usually responds not far from the fountain (sometimes right after the archway thing, which is great).
Fancy Link . Yeah, you don't need that many rupees, upgrading armour is done by gathering items, such as monster parts and the secret shop items can all be found so no need to buy. The fairy fountains only cost 13k overall and the house is only 3k.
Ancient arrows and weapons add up quickly in the late game. But yeah, doing an hour of this would net you more money than you'll probably ever need. I still think I'll stick to the bowling game, especially since arrows are a more valuable commodity on the Wii U where you can't just farm them like on the Switch.
A great way from farming rubees is kill silver bokoblins that reward you with a diamond, a Ruby, a topaz, and a sapphire. Also killing any type of talus.
That's what I do just mark the Talus locations on the map and then when the blood moon comes I fast travel to those locations. Sure it's probably slower than the method in the video, but I get along just fine using this
Also after I kill talus at blood moon, I go to Goron City and talk to the Gerudo girl walking through. She's looking for a specific ore every time and she buys for more than anyone else. I sell all of that type to her and then head back to my normal gameplay :)
One slight flaw in this. After about 33 pieces of Frosh accumulate, you won't be able to collect more until you gather them up. This includes pieces that have gone over the waterfall in that total, but you can't collect those once they're out of the area. You sometimes need to leave the area and come back before you can begin scoring drop hits on Frosh again. So it's also good to have the Zora tunic to swim up the waterfall. You'll need either plenty of arrows and a couple of sniper bows or a couple of Twilight Bows besides wood and a flame weapon. Still a great way to pile up a ton rupees, but you will not gather 54000 in an hour. 40000-45000 is more realistic.
It's a good method but if you play normally you barely need Rupee for stuffs. You can sell some ores to NPC for quick cash too since you don't need that ores to upgrade/advance in the game.
Cash Craig I've gone through over 110 hours in the game, and never once used ore to upgrade armor. And the champion weapons you get for one diamond and five flint typically arn't really worth those resources.
Black Spectre alright yeah amiibo armor uses a ton of ore to upgrade. Other than that there are the various jewelry from the shop in Gerudo. But in my opinion, ore is too valuable to sell. At least the rare ore (topaz ruby Saphire diamond). Because they may be with a lot but you don't find them often at all. I sell the heck out of the amber opal and luminous stone because they are everywhere. However, once you get farther, any silver enemy can drop rare ore (I had a couple drop diamonds) so that helps in selling those.
What I've noticed through a lot of trial-and-error, if you let the dragon piece hit the ground before you rest, the peace will never go in the water, as long as you hit him right as he's coming out of the water. Of course, the risk of it going into the water is much higher if you wait too long or hit him in the forward half of his body as he's going down. I've also noticed that a lot of the time if the piece goes in the water it won't let you pick it up. At least on the switch when I play.
just tested today, game is up to date ofc. Everything works fine, I use Ancient bow. Yes, pattern is a bit different, to hit horn you just have to shoot a bit early, just don't ignite the fire and go straight to shooting after loading
thanks for the tip. I found if you stand on top of the taller of the 2 trees in the middle you can increase your speed and accuracy of you don't have a bow with long shot
To anyone still farming rupees, this is not the fastest way. This only makes 54,000 ruppes per hour while another takes 10-30 mins to make 80k with only one ancient part alone. If you're are curious, go to the gerudo highlands. There is this one deactivated guardian that is on top of water. Tip it over with the ice rune or a metal weapon to see what loot it'll drop. For best results, make sure it drops at least cores. Other loot in addition to the cores will add more money. Push it all the way to the gerudo dessert, until it starts spitting out tons of ancient parts. Idk how it works, but there is a guide on it. Keep collecting at the least a stack of cores (999). 999 cores sell for 79,420 rupees, and this can take 10 mins to transport the guardian and another 5-20 mins collecting the parts. This will get you 80k rupees in 15- 30 mins if all you get are cores, but if you get other parts such as shafts, that will get you roughly 120k rupees in 15-30 mins, which is more than 4x faster than this farm. All you'll need is a metal weapon. Big weapons such as the savage lynel crusher work well. You should also bring a small weapon such as a boomerang to help tip it over easily. You are welcome. Edit: The farm won't work if you use the wrong guardian. Check a youtube video to see which ones work.
One method I personally like (even though it’s not even nearly as efficiant as this one) is gliding over the death mountain area and looking for those black sparkly stones. They have tons of gems in them in that area. Also if you’re in the area at night, it’s super easy to spot tons of luminous stone. They sell for 70 rupees a pop so not that much but i personally like the climbing and gliding. In Goron City there’s a Gerudo woman who buys gems in bulks of 10 and pays around 30% more than regular vendors.
So anyone else have a problem with the ones that land in the water? They become unobtainable >:( I lost about 20 as they just floated down the river. I went after them but they were "unclickable". Even if I managed to get one out of the river with the ice block. Kinda peeved, but what can I expect from an exploit.
No it isnt 'fixed' as theres no way to fix something like that.... Both of you are doing the same wrong thing, 'sitting' by the fire too early before the horn has had a chance to fling off and hit the ground... Since you aren't waiting, it's glitching into the water making it unobtainable.
After posting this, I went back and played with it. I don't know what I had done other than go around the map clearing lynels. That said, I found the dragon spawning at six or seven; rather than five a.m.. When I returned to the completed shrine linked to the dragon and interacted with it, it reset the spawn to five a.m. again. Each time I save and close the game, I have to do this to get the dragon on schedule. It has worked consistently, four times, thus far.
Samantha Aughtman i eventually found that when it did this, visiting the dragon's shrine seemed to reset it. eventually, it went back to normal and randomly doesn't spawn once in hundreds of spawns.
I started playing botw again and this time in master mode and it still works flawlessly. Some tips are make sure you stay in bullet time so your arrow hits the horn. You can easily get a flame sword from that skeleton structure above the eldin mountains
whats your point slowfuck? Noone mentioned the release date. He's already played the game more than enough. Collecting excess korok seeds for absolutely no reason is idiotic. Its better to go spend time with a girlfriend or develop a more productive hobby. The game isn't even that fun. It's mostly doing chores.
cbernier3 and with that u have just proved you are a no life congrats 😂 telling people what they should do with their lives? sad so sad is that how u get off at 5 a.m? lmfaoooo 😂😂 sad so so sad
best method so far. it was a little painful to gather everything needed and find the right spot to avoid the rain but totally worth it. Seeing the video looks like its time consuming to gather all the loot but actually isn't. Most of the drop fall on the same location and just a few fall far away.
120 hours of playtime before im starting to get bored. I think i will go beat it soon because of that, but the thing is, i havent played a single player game in nearly over 10 years with that much time. Well worth it. 9.8 / 10
I just put rare/regular ore deposit on the sensor and get tons of gems. Fight silver/white enemies too. They drop gems. Urbosas Fury helps a ton with that.
1. Their is a better spot to shoot from underneath the trees (rain protection) on the left side of Rolia Spring (from opening the map) where you'll have a cleaner and closer shot at the horn. 2. Your calculations are correct you can farm 54,000 rupees in about an hour but that assumes that you have three golden bows and 180 arrows. Breaking down this method a little differently, you can fire 60 arrows with a golden bow before it breaks and can generally fire 60 shots at Farosh in about 20 minutes. Assuming that you hit all 60 shots on the horn, you will net 18,000 rupees in about 20 minutes which would be 54,000 in approximately an hour. You can also use a Phrenic Bow but this will only shoot 45 arrows before breaking.
What happens if a blood moon happens when you're in the middle of this? Will all my horn shards on the ground disappear? I'm saving every so often if I reload to avoid the blood moon will my shards still be on the ground?
I had 50 shards on the ground and experienced a blood moon and I pooped my pants. I can confirm blood moon has NO effect as I was able to collect 10 more after the moon for a total of 60.
Here is a secret to improve the fame. Go to one of the large trees my the water it is flat on top and has enough room for a camp fire. It is a easier shot and the horns always land in the same pile for some reason. Just jump with the updraft to get above the tree take the shot and drop straight down,camp and repeat. Hope this helps
On my first play through I used the gambling and snow bowling methods when I needed Rupees. On my second play through I've just been selling ore I mine after the blood moons. I have more than enough rupees and plenty for the upgrades. There's no need to farm like this.
This method looks really good. So far I farmed my rupees by farming ore in deathmountain (and killing talus all over the map). Unluckily for me, I don't have any much use for any rupee farming method, since I already bought kinda all the stuff there is to buy. The only tasks I have left are a few side quests, maxing all armors and maybe get all of those damned korok seeds. Anyway, a great method you found there!
Noch nicht, aber ich bin auf gutem Wege dahin. Gerade setze ich mir mehr sämtliche Lynel-Spots auf der Karte (ja, ich könnte sie auch auf der Interactive-Map nachschauen, aber meh) und hole die Shrine-Quests nach, die mir noch fehlen. Ich habe zwar alle Shrines gefunden, aber noch immer einige Quests offen, die zu den Shrines führen.
Land Squid 1234 actually random respawn uploaded a guide to farming dragon parts just before beard bear like only an hour or two. I wouldn't say beard war copied him tho
Tailslol That's if you can hit a strike everytime. Then there's the small loading times between stating each new bowling game. IMO this method is more consistent
I'm just noticing that too and was just using this method the other day and used it several times before. I wonder if those dicks (Nintendo) have patched the time the dragon spawns...
So everyone knows this method is great and it works great. I saw a video improving this method slightly making it faster. Wanted to share so anyone using this would know. The only part changing is having to light your fire every morning and you Don't have to wait for the part to hit the ground. So for the camp fire all you have to do is have a torch and light it off the camp fire then drop on the ground next to the camp fire. This will keep the fire going with out having to relight it every morning. When you hit the dragon and you see the hit animation go ahead and sleep to the next morning. The part will fall to the ground as soon as you wake up so this will save time instead of waiting on it to hit the ground before you go to sleep. Any questions let me know. Great content random respawn.
So the *entire* rupee farming method is based on this Dragon Scale farming method, yet you don't explain it at *all*. Genius. And let's not talk about the fact that you first have to grind for arrows and also find a bunch of really good bows, meaning, yes, it *IS* a luck based method. Seriously, how does this guy have 40k subs? Lil' Timmy really be out here getting clickbaited into oblivion.
I’ve seen you complain on multiple comments. Come on dude, if you hate this method so much, just don’t use it. If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say it. Simple ^-^
Being in Master Mode, I find invading enemy bases, almost all of which having white and gold enemies to take down, nets a good enough amount through gem drops
You can get 2400 rupees for mixing in lynol guts/hooves with either the frog "can't remember which one" or another critter. There's a video floating around on it somewhere.
Why bring your shitty-ass opinion in here, then? No one is forcing you to watch these videos, or perform the acts depicted in them. I've never personally had a reason to farm so many pieces at once, but that doesn't mean this video has no basis. You need a CRAPTON of rupees in Breath of the Wild to get everything, so this video exists for people who have no issues using this method. Stop bitching about the content of the videos and start avoiding the ones you don't like. Its not rocket science.
If you post up in the tall tree on the right Front side of the lake, you can make a bonfire on the top of the tree, and the tree protects The fire from the rain, and you're basically like right in front of the Dragon for a super easy shot at the horn. Just so people know, to make it easier.
Actually, there is a much faster way, if you go to ridgeland tower, right below it there will be a house. If you go there you can go bowling, theres a certain spot you can stand in and you will winmevery time, and if you miss, hell usually give you( at the least ) 20 rupees back, unless you miss all of them.
i can confirm as of July 2018, it still works, the trick here is to find your sweetspot, and to make sure you always hit the horn, use your time slow down WHILE you are aiming AND keep holding it down AFTER you launched your arrows to make sure the arrows fly fast enough to the horn, while on time slow down (so basically use the time slow down twice), and as a result, I was able to farm many as 550+ Farosh's Horn, which I got 165,000 rupees (yes its time consuming)
Quick tip: If you are a someone with a spare Twilight Bow (Zelda amiibo exclusive, sadly), then I would say to use it with this method. I know it's a rare item drop, which is why I always keep a spare at my house, but it has a perfect range of 8000 (meaning it shoots perfectly straight) so no aiming or anything. Just shoot for the horn and BAM, horn shard. Also, it has the best durability of all bows in the game (100 I think) so if you're someone who has this amiibo and doesn't mind using it for rupees, then it will make this method a WHOLE lot easier. And a final bonus, it doesn't use arrows. So you won't have to keep refilling.
This method still works after patch 1.1.2. If something is not working for you (Spawn Times/Horns not collectable) please watch our more detailed Dragon Horn Farming video and repeat the steps in that video EXACTLY as shown. LINK TO DETAILED DRAGON HORN FARMING METHOD EXPLAINED:
Random Respawn still work?
Random Res
You don't need to wait for the shards to land. As soon as it breaks off from the dragon you can rest as the campfire and the shard will appear in the morning still falling from the sky. Saves quite a bit of time over many repetitions.
Random Respawn does this still work ?
Random Respawn KaBiii
Zelda is probably in her bubble with Ganon screaming "This moron literally spent a month doing nothing but sitting by a campfire and shooting arrows at a dragon"
Maxwell Brown she handled ganon for a 100 years, whats is one more month or leaa.
Maxwell Brown 😂😂😂
BItch can wait, i need to find my korok seeds
Seriously... Link needs his bling when he goes all white knight for her... she can wait.
i wish that when you get all the korok seeds you can do 3 quests for hestu to get like kokori armor, an armor that lets you turn into a korok by pressing the down button while wearing it, in this form you can use a korok leaf to fly and can turn invisible, it seems op, but getting all the seeds is most likely a thing you do after beating the game sooo
Farosh no longer has horns,scales,or feet...Now it's just a giant naked snake who can apparently fly
ColWilBald This is the greatest comment of all time 👍
Proceeds to do exactly the same to dinraal and naydra, now hyrule has 3 flying snakes just roaming the skies of hyrule
So..... Quetzalcoatl?
@Sam Gullberg I believe you can only do it a certain amount of times before they lose those limbs
For just 37 cents a day, you can stop dragon abuse. RIP Farosh
uhm, i dont have any money on me right now, so you mind if i just go farm some rupees by shooting farosh and come back to help your charity real quick??
3+ years later and this method is still useful. ty for sharing this.
This is the comment I was looking for ^
I’ve been looking for this comment to check it still works lol
@@joshhy4396 that's why I left it cause I was too lol.
I can’t collect all of the pieces that’s felled on the water. I don’t know if it’s a bug or just a new update.
I see all these old comments lol
Taking into account the cost of arrows and the amount of time needed to pick up the horns (estimated 3-5 mins for picking up horns once per hour) this method would be somewhere around 48,700-50,000 rupees per hr (still a lot of rupees).
There is a chest with 10 arrows collect them save game load game and the chest will have 10 more arrows repeat
@@iamwhiskey9741 where is the place at with the arrow?
@@asaaddsafa first you have to beat that island challenge where it strips you of everything you have. Once u beat it out in the waters theirs a tiny tiny island with a pond. Theirs a chest in it
@@iamwhiskey9741 Is this island the one at the most south-east part of the map? I was pretty sure there was a chest with rupees that respawns this exact same way in this island... it was inside a small amount of water or something.. is it the same chest youre refering to?
@@caiodecastro7956 after you beat the island challenge. Facing the island from hyrule go to the far back left. Youl see a tinier island with a small pool. In that pool is a metal chest with arrows
There is a 34 item limit, after that he will no longer drop them. You have to collect the drops then he will be able to drop 34 more.
I was able to get 88 in one run, only because both my Phrenic bows broke. I'm sure I would have been able to get more.
super easy but require a whole ton of arrows and bows
Then farm arrow and bows, arrows are easy to get. Find bokoblins on horses and get them to shoot at you, west of the middle most southern tower and aquire a lot of rupees, and bows are easily aquired in the wild. Look up places to find golden bows easily
i totally forget about the bokoblins on the horse method. to farm arrows
or just buy arrows with the money you just got. Hyrule Castle is a good place to farm good bows.
you can use the glitch where you can get as many arrows as you want
Woah there Sean hostile ain't ya. Perhaps Nintendo deceives you with their shitty products and games. Whoops
this game is so perfect! i always start feelng rich and then someone tells me th next thing costs 80% of what i have
So true
Couple of extra tips for this farming spot. I've farmed close to 1000 at this point
1. The horns usually fall in 1 of 3 spots. 2 different spots on the right and 1 on the left were they may roll a little. I almost never had one fall in the water
2. You dont have to wait for the horn to hit the ground before sitting at the fire for the next morning. You only have to wait until it breaks off the dragon
3. Once you hit 33 horns off the dragon it is possible to still collect more without respawning at the shrine in the waterfall. You can actually continue farming like normal except the horns won't glow when struck or falling. The horn will sparkle when it breaks off though so you will know when its okay to sit at the fire again.
Just tested this and it still works. I farmed 60 horns without respawning and sitting at the fire immediately after the horn breaks off. Hope it helps someone
I can't believe how unmystical and unfun this makes the dragons seem
SelfAwarePedant don't have to do it if you don't want to
they were mystical for like the first ten hours or so.
SelfAwarePedant Now you can explore the mysterious land of the great out doors!
I think the dragons are amazing, they test your speed/accuracy/path planning/and reflexes all at once.. gotta try to get that horn
They were only mystical till i was tired of not being able to level up my shit, lol.
About 200 hours for me.
So this is how syth the scaleless was born
I’m not gonna whoosh... I’m not gonna whoosh...
If you don’t understand, Seath is obviously scaleless. You are basically ripping out all of Farosh’s scales, horns, etc
@tollonis haha yeah, eastern dragon vs western dragon, but its still a solid joke
why would anyone in their right mind give this video a thumbs down. This is an absolutely fantastic way to farm for cash. great information. Thanks for posting
"Let's say you're making a vital email to a colleague, or a post on Facebook that all your friends will see!"
Refract ミラー 404 FFS. I just checked and yes, this is the exact same tune as in the Grammarly ad.
Sounds like the same person
Refract ミラー 404 Zelda is trash
Legend of Zelda > call of duty
"Office depot!" "Office, depot." "Office depot..." Office... DEPOT!"
54,000 Ruppees per hour, but let's not include time for getting arrows, bows or the tedious task of hunting down all of the scale that have just scattered like the Dragonballs
Yup, this is a stupid video with a deceiving title.
its still the most efficient method.
practically it moreso amounts to 20-30k an hour but still impressive
Kingshadowdragon Route what's it?
where do you find this lottery guy?
Kingshadowdragon Route I don't think you can make a claim like that if you don't even own the game.
what would we ever do without you tube...
same thing as 15years ago. buying paper guides
Never too High I used to have to call a hotline lol when I was a kid
ie: crap
just play the game and ask friends that's what I use to do.
A1ru I'm doing this right now. the old bowling way is like 5x slower. thx man great vid
There are 2 things can be used to improve this method which makes the farming like 4~5 shards per mins instead of 3:
1. you can camp right next to the lake under any palm tree, they work as rain shelter for camp fire relight and you can use any bow for the farming, with much easier aiming, on any other part too. you don't even to light the fire right away due to the thermal provided by the dragon's spawn itself
2. you only need to wait until the sound effect of the horn shard "poping out", then you can go for next morning, you don't need to wait until it falls onto the ground, the poping event register the shards' trajectory which ensures it doesn't fall into water. The key here is to wait for the shard pop event to trigger THEN do the reloading, if you reload right after you hit the horn and BEFORE it pops, the shard drops into water and becomes unretrievable no matter what you do, i.e. wasted.
the only downside to this method is you need to have lightning immune gear (thunder helm or setbonus), or you might get hit by the dragon's lightning ball from time to time
another thing to note is if you shoot slightly too early the dragon could actually not 'materialized' yet so your arrows shoot THROUGH it and hits nothing, so better make sure you don't go into dropshot slowmo mode too soon.
Was something changes within the game?
I am asking because the palm tree's do not act as shelter for me when i did this.
Now i just need to spend all my money on more arrows!
EyeOfTheOwler arrows can be had for free. Just find a place w/ Bokoblin archers (usually on horseback). Put the view to overhead. They fire arrows at you and will be on the ground. Pick them up, it adds up rather quickly.
EyeOfTheOwler just travel every stable and buy em off beetle juice with the money you make
EyeOfTheOwler arrows are cheap. you can get 35-40 from beetle for less than 200 rupees
EyeOfTheOwler If you have tarry town unlocked you get 50 for 175
50 for fire ice or electric is 700
And 50 bomb is 1750
EyeOfTheOwler there's a new exploit now. Teleport to the shrine on Eventide Island (You need to complete the challenge first) and paraglide to a rock formation below it, it's not too tricky to find. Use magnesis to fish out the treasure chest from the water and viola! Ten arrows. Now save and load, and the chest should re spawn. I'm sure there are more in-depth tutorials online.
Still works 2019
(Tip:Hit the tip of the horn, the shard will always land on the right side)
Aga Francisco ty for the tip
There's a problem when I do this. When the horn shards land in the water, I can't pick them up once I go after them
Nevermind, I just learned why. You have to wait for the horn to actually fly off the dragon (before you sit by the fire again) and start falling, or else it'll glitch into the water and you wont be able to get it
Saltoon thx
Is it really disappearing? I always collected parts from water.
4+ years later and this tutorial is still working! thanks man
I don't understand. It can't work. The horns despawn the moment you pass the night.
whata bout 5? i just started playing again
There’s a guy at the stables that buys raw gourmet mean at 500 a pop, he buys three times from you a day, so $1500 for just three pieces of raw meat a pop. Sleep until morning and repeat. $500 multiplied by 21 is $10,500. More than any other npc will give over normal market value.
You can get 200 pieces of raw gourmet neat in roughly an hour making roughly 100,000 rupees.
Although this may be the best method, it's more fun to just do the bowling. I'm getting pretty consistent strikes too
Bob bobinson You find bowling fun???
funner than dragon scaling.
Bob bobinson bowling is like 280 every 6 to 10 sec...
Tailslol 6 to 10 seconds? Come on man, it takes at least 20 just to get through the dialog cues. If you get a strike it's still at least 45 to 60 seconds.
Tucker St John you can skip with b typing.
At that location, there is a nearby Silver Lynel which kept killing me until I killed him and now I’m trying to go back to that location.. but there was a blood moon :T
thanks again. this is the best tip i have seen about this game so far. although you really dont need to wait for the piece to fall onto the group to start sitting.
i wish i could farm the other two dragon with the same ease.
You make about 3 times more if you use 4 of them and a critter to make a potion and sell the potion. Its usually about 3 times the ruppees of the original items. Just so you know. In example use four lynel guts and any critter to make a potion worth 2400 to 2450 (depends on critter), 4 lynel guts is normally 800 so yah 3 times.
New "Faster" method. Go to the Riverside Stable. Equip anything BUT, a royal guards sword. Overload the menu with Kleric's new overloading method. Desync to royal guards sword. Talk to the lady in the stable "Parcy." You'll get free gems, and you won't get get rid of your sword. BAM, over 39,000 rupees per 17 minutes.
Yeah that’s the method that I use
Is there a vid on it or smn?
@@XxDeadlocke Ye, its by kleric so just look "Kleric, new infinite rupees farm" an you'll find it.
Croisant let’s say I dupe my hylian shield then lose them all somehow. I wouldn’t be able to go to Grante and buy it back for 3k right? (saw it in a Austin John vid)
@@XxDeadlocke You houldn't wait for them all to break. But say you did. (I haven't expirienced it) I'm almost 99.99999% sure you'd still be able to buy it back.
For anyone having trouble getting Farosh to spawn at 5 am! There is a submerged boulder in the northern edge of Riola Springs. Remove it from the pedastals with magnesis and then you should be able to wait at a campfire until 5 am and get Farosh to spawn. Farosh might even spawn immediately upon removing the boulder, no matter what time of day it is. You must do this everytime you go back to the area for a new session (you can safely collect the horns without the boulder getting reset - provided none of the fell that far away)
Gr3atsaga May the triforce be always with you good human being
Gr3atsaga you're a bloody legend I'm subbing to you
Thank you so much man your a legend
Hi,This tip still work. But, just one or two thinks
- I'm in version 1.5.0 with DLC version 3.0
- Spawn time and location are still ok.
- If you shoot with a large radiant, corn drop a each time
- Don't spam the campfire (wait morning) if the item is the behind the ground. (if you wait for next morning berfore this, the item drop in the water (and it's lost)).
-------In french, 'cause it's my native language :
Ce tip fonctionne toujours.
Version du jeu en 1.5.0 et les DLC en version 3.0
- Le point de spawn et l'heure de spawn sont les mêmes
- Si vous tirez avec angle suffisamment juste, le morceau de corne tombe neuf fois sur dix
- Ne cliquez pas sur le feu de camp avant que l'item ne soit au dessus du sol (inutile qu'il est touché le sol, mais l'espèce d'étoile filante qui représente l'item doit être au dessus du sol. Ou doit avoir apparue). Si vous n'attendez pas, l'item tombera dans l'eau une fois que le dragon reviendra (et l'item sera perdu.)
Have a nice day.
I took this gentleman's French text to google translate:
This tip still works.
Version of the game in 1.5.0 and DLC version 3.0
- The spawn point and the spawn time are the same
- If you shoot with just enough angle, the piece of horn falls nine times out of ten
- Do not click on the campfire until the item is above the ground (no need to touch the ground, but the shooting star that represents the item must be above the ground. Or must have appeared). If you do not wait, the item will fall into the water once the dragon returns (and the item will be lost.)
Experimented a bit and found a few tweaks. First you don't need to be in the cave, just under one of the trees. The one to the left of the fall works well. If you are that close any bow works but if it's not long range you need to take into account the drop, long range ones are still easier. Also Rubber armour prevents any mishap with Farosh's lightning if you that close.
It's not lighting the fire that makes the up draft but Farosh so you can do that after. Fire rods, are fine.
If Farrosh isn't showing fast travel away and back (zora tunic helps on this trip). I always went to to the Spring of Courage and prayed but that probably isn't necessary. He'll keep showing subsequent days after that.
Also can confirm, still work in 1.1.2.
To be should probably include the time it takes to run around and pick up the items and traveling to a shop in the calculation since that is part of the process as well. I'd expect people to continue supporting Snowling because in approximately the same amount of time it takes to shoot the dragon and reset, you could also bowl another strike. That, and it's also not RNG. Then there's no need of any resources and you get the money immediately. It's a good alternate, but considering all the factors, I'd still peg Snowling as the best. Even if it's not as many rupees, it's not more enough for me to waste bow durability and arrows on.
Baikou I hate snowling. it's just boring to me, and the puns get annoying after a while.
It's actually very convenient to me. I do it when I'm doing other things outside of gaming. Like when I'm getting ready for work, or....getting ready...for work...? Wow...not many things I do outside of gaming lol.
Baikou This method feels more consistent to me. I know its easy but I cant get the right bowling spot down. I prefer just looking and shooting an arrow at the same spot.
exactly! And it's giving fuel to liars who claim to have made 100,000 rupees in a couple hours- only way that's possible is with a hacking device, as clearly they can't make 50,000 legitimately unless they're doing something the game doesn't normally allow, as it takes time to accumulate this!
You m ean pre-patch where you could lift a Dead Guardian with an ice block and it'll continually crap out whatever. Get lucky and its infinite ancient core time.
SIck video man, this is a HIGHLY EFFECTIVE method to farmrupees! Love it.
Still working as of December 2nd, 2019.
Shrek Fanatic sure?
William yup did it yesterday
Still working. I do it when I’m bored. The duplex bow works very well. Those are easy to get from the yiga clan members.
@@richardcasmier6795 I like to use the Amiibos and whatever bows come from doing that. Prefer not shooting 2-4 arrows at a time though.
The game stop update some time after late 2018, so any glitches/exploits that aren't fix after that time will still work
thank you, got the last fairy upgrade and will always have a great spot to farm when low on cash. Great guide
I did this for 2 hours as soon as I got off the great plateau and I started the game with 97,000 rupees
Nice strategy
I call shinanigans where did you get all the bows and arrows you'd need for that?
@@13vatra not as complicated as you might think, when I started I went toward that region by accident (and hated my life, fuck you rain) but already had the max amount of bows you could carry at the start, he prolly just did that
Vice But most bows aren’t accurate enough to hit the horns, you need like T3 bows to hit those.
@@mandytran8023 didn't know that, I hadn't heard of this (or tried it, obviously) but I did get a shitload of bows when I started so I wouldn't have doubted this dude if not for that
Still works, you just have to wait for the item to fall to the floor then can reset to morning. Upto some time farosh will not drop anything so just travel back to the nearest shrine and repeat. Super helpful guide man. Love the content. 👌🏽
Oh gee this recent comment made me wanna try it
@@jhoannefrancisco490 very easy to do. Go on and be rich
good to know but i havent had any issues with money in the game yet. im wondering around and grabbing almost every item(s) everywhere i can. that gives me more than enough cash atm.
Problem is, when upgrading all my armor you use up all the items you've collected, so you can't make money off of them anymore. Also, the 4th great fairy fountain costs 10,000 rupees to unlock, and there are in the range of 5-10 (not sure, haven't bought any yet) armour sets you can buy, which will also cost 20,000-40,000 if not more.
Yeah I never had any issues till the end game either. I got away with selling cooked meat dish. 5 pieces of the same meat, cook and sell. I rarely ate the meat myself other than the smallest drumsticks lol
SirJtotheY just price checked the armor shops for the sets that you can only get through shops
Ancient set: 6,000
Flamebreaker: 2,700 (not counting chestplate because it's given in a sidequest)
Sheikah: 1,800
Hylian: 270
Soldier: 630
Snowquill: 2,100
Jewelry: 2,100 (not counting diamond circlet since there's a free one in one of the mazes)
Desert voe: 2,400
Radiant: 2,400
Total: 20,400 rupees
Everything else can either be gotten through chests, amiibo, or it's bought with mon instead.
Coupled with the amount for the fairy fountains: 12,600
And the full house: 4,400
You would never really need more than 37,400 rupees in the game outside of sidequests that need you to pay or random shop visits. Unless I'm forgetting something else.
10,000 for the 4th fairy! And a lot of money for all the arrows.
Naw, find a bunch of horseback Bokoblins and let their volley of missing shots be your guide to arrow heaven.
Minus the cost of the arrows, which are also easy to farm. I am blown away that the horns and scales don't disappear after a few in-game hours. Crazy!
This is by far the hardest and most time consuming way to earn rupees. Go to the great hybra snowfield and kill a bunch of rhinos And moose. Cook 5 pieces of meet together and get 200-490 rupees per! Not to mention the dragon may not spawn.
Jerry Dillon Thanks for this tip bro. Your method also seems less cheap than this Dragon farming
I did great plateau and 2 divine beasts so that I had access to at least a little bit of advanced weaponry, saw this video, and did what took me 10 HOURS ON MY ORIGINAL ACCOUNT IN 20 MINUTES! That’s insane. Thank you!
Still working June 9 2019
Yeah, I'm doing it right now
I was watching not long after this comment so thank god
I’m in the exact same place but no campfire in you need to do something for it to appear or something?
You make a campfire by using wood and flint.
1. Get some wood. Chop down trees two timesfor this
2. Go to this spot and drop the wood.
3. Get some flint and drop it next to the wood
4. Use a metal weapon and strike the flint
@@ldyldy3379 Ahhhh cool! Never knew you could do that! Thank you! :)
your the most kind youtuber out here i like people like u
my favorite method is farming igneo and stone talus, then selling all the loot except for flints, and diamonds.
mahyar rashidzadeh sell the diamonds too , in real life they actually hold no real purpose but some how most house hold items do, all it does is sparkle in the light which is cool but in game that's lame
Jimi Sayin nah fam you use them to repair the goron, Zora, rito, and gerudo special weapons
Go get the three silver lynels in the top left corner , THE best weapons for op stats I picked up swords clubs going over 95 dmg and bows every time that go from durability up + to 5shot which puts it at 160 , and you get demon parts plus 10-20 elemental arrows ,every time , but hey it's not bad to play differently than others
Jimi Sayin I already do lol, right now I'm just trying to finish all the shrines, I have 29 left
There's a couple Lynel triplets I take out. Hebra is one set, but Eldin/Woodland are the other 3. Both triplets give you one of each weapon, as well as elemental arrows.
It's much better to farm the dragon parts from Lake Hylia, if your looking for Farosh scales and such.
For Naydra, the archway on route to Mt. Lanayru where you get the memory.
For Dinraal, in the canyon around Tabantha Bridge.
This method would be more useful if I had more arrows. Looks like I gotta go do some arrow farming.
And find a Phrenic Bow/Golden Bow.
This was really useful! Thank you! I personally like to put my campfire under the tree because it regularly rains in the Faron region.
Well when i tried this it started raining then i didn't have any flint or a flame weapon then i lost my wood and then i got killed got hit by the dragon's stun thingy
then i was hit by lightning and then i released all my rage on the two lynels in hyrule castle
Vulctrah you have to do it in the cave, that way the rain can’t reach your fire, and the dragon’s electricity can’t reach you
Also, so that you don’t waste your flint, you should get the great flameblade, near the central tower, across the bridge
Dude, you have helper me BIG TIME!!!! Your work has to respected in insanely high level! Thank you so much
1. If dragon isn't spawning, make sure you have been to the shrine at the Spring of Courage at least once.
2. If he still won't spawn, save and exit to main menu, then go back in, and he'll start spawning at 5am again.
Can confirm, still works but the price is reduced from 300 to 150 rupees a piece.
Still not working for me. I went to the Spring of Courage and prayed but it still won't spawn at 5am, any tips?
Fert, it seems to be somewhat iffy whether he will spawn. Yesterday it wasn't working, so I visited the other two dragons, saved, went to the main menu, went back, and he started spawning again.
I found a solution I think. I just go to night and wait for him to spawn. As soon as he does I can go to morning and it'll work fine.
cannot for the life of me get it to work
For anyone who cares: Also works well to find the blue rabbit. Just got almost 500 rupees of it in less than 3 minutes (before it disappeared). If you go into the woods by the fairy in Kakariko Village and see the rabbit, just sneak up on it and get a few shots in, then just travel back to the shrine overlooking the village. The rabbit usually responds not far from the fountain (sometimes right after the archway thing, which is great).
But why do you need that much rupees? I am pretty sure most markets have a limit supply of things anyway.
Lol, once you get further into the game trying to upgrade your armor and house, you'll know why you want so many rupees. Also the secret shop.
Fancy Link . Yeah, you don't need that many rupees, upgrading armour is done by gathering items, such as monster parts and the secret shop items can all be found so no need to buy. The fairy fountains only cost 13k overall and the house is only 3k.
Fancy Link ofc to buy some special arrows, unlocking fairy fountains, etc..
The cost of buying all the pictures for your Hyrule Compendium is quite high so at least it's good for that
Ancient arrows and weapons add up quickly in the late game. But yeah, doing an hour of this would net you more money than you'll probably ever need. I still think I'll stick to the bowling game, especially since arrows are a more valuable commodity on the Wii U where you can't just farm them like on the Switch.
Thank you this is the best way to get rupees i watched tons of other videos on it and this one is honestly the best
A great way from farming rubees is kill silver bokoblins that reward you with a diamond, a Ruby, a topaz, and a sapphire. Also killing any type of talus.
That's what I do just mark the Talus locations on the map and then when the blood moon comes I fast travel to those locations. Sure it's probably slower than the method in the video, but I get along just fine using this
Also after I kill talus at blood moon, I go to Goron City and talk to the Gerudo girl walking through. She's looking for a specific ore every time and she buys for more than anyone else. I sell all of that type to her and then head back to my normal gameplay :)
One slight flaw in this. After about 33 pieces of Frosh accumulate, you won't be able to collect more until you gather them up. This includes pieces that have gone over the waterfall in that total, but you can't collect those once they're out of the area. You sometimes need to leave the area and come back before you can begin scoring drop hits on Frosh again. So it's also good to have the Zora tunic to swim up the waterfall. You'll need either plenty of arrows and a couple of sniper bows or a couple of Twilight Bows besides wood and a flame weapon. Still a great way to pile up a ton rupees, but you will not gather 54000 in an hour. 40000-45000 is more realistic.
It's a good method but if you play normally you barely need Rupee for stuffs. You can sell some ores to NPC for quick cash too since you don't need that ores to upgrade/advance in the game.
Mualchon Chatsuwan you need ores to upgrade gear
Austin Martin only certain gear, mostly just the amiibo armor sets.
not at all required, and most people are just better off selling their ore.
Mualchon Chatsuwan You need several diamonds and dozens of each other ore for armor upgrades.
Cash Craig I've gone through over 110 hours in the game, and never once used ore to upgrade armor. And the champion weapons you get for one diamond and five flint typically arn't really worth those resources.
Black Spectre alright yeah amiibo armor uses a ton of ore to upgrade. Other than that there are the various jewelry from the shop in Gerudo. But in my opinion, ore is too valuable to sell. At least the rare ore (topaz ruby Saphire diamond). Because they may be with a lot but you don't find them often at all. I sell the heck out of the amber opal and luminous stone because they are everywhere. However, once you get farther, any silver enemy can drop rare ore (I had a couple drop diamonds) so that helps in selling those.
What I've noticed through a lot of trial-and-error, if you let the dragon piece hit the ground before you rest, the peace will never go in the water, as long as you hit him right as he's coming out of the water. Of course, the risk of it going into the water is much higher if you wait too long or hit him in the forward half of his body as he's going down. I've also noticed that a lot of the time if the piece goes in the water it won't let you pick it up. At least on the switch when I play.
Doesnt work 2019 september. Dragon flies in different pattern than the video now. Plus, the arrows dont reach the horn.
just tested today, game is up to date ofc. Everything works fine, I use Ancient bow. Yes, pattern is a bit different, to hit horn you just have to shoot a bit early, just don't ignite the fire and go straight to shooting after loading
Works for me, dragon flies same pattern, i use a golden bow i got from Gerudo tower
thanks for the tip. I found if you stand on top of the taller of the 2 trees in the middle you can increase your speed and accuracy of you don't have a bow with long shot
To anyone still farming rupees, this is not the fastest way. This only makes 54,000 ruppes per hour while another takes 10-30 mins to make 80k with only one ancient part alone.
If you're are curious, go to the gerudo highlands. There is this one deactivated guardian that is on top of water. Tip it over with the ice rune or a metal weapon to see what loot it'll drop. For best results, make sure it drops at least cores. Other loot in addition to the cores will add more money. Push it all the way to the gerudo dessert, until it starts spitting out tons of ancient parts. Idk how it works, but there is a guide on it. Keep collecting at the least a stack of cores (999). 999 cores sell for 79,420 rupees, and this can take 10 mins to transport the guardian and another 5-20 mins collecting the parts. This will get you 80k rupees in 15- 30 mins if all you get are cores, but if you get other parts such as shafts, that will get you roughly 120k rupees in 15-30 mins, which is more than 4x faster than this farm. All you'll need is a metal weapon. Big weapons such as the savage lynel crusher work well. You should also bring a small weapon such as a boomerang to help tip it over easily.
You are welcome.
Edit: The farm won't work if you use the wrong guardian. Check a youtube video to see which ones work.
One method I personally like (even though it’s not even nearly as efficiant as this one) is gliding over the death mountain area and looking for those black sparkly stones. They have tons of gems in them in that area. Also if you’re in the area at night, it’s super easy to spot tons of luminous stone. They sell for 70 rupees a pop so not that much but i personally like the climbing and gliding. In Goron City there’s a Gerudo woman who buys gems in bulks of 10 and pays around 30% more than regular vendors.
So anyone else have a problem with the ones that land in the water? They become unobtainable >:( I lost about 20 as they just floated down the river. I went after them but they were "unclickable". Even if I managed to get one out of the river with the ice block. Kinda peeved, but what can I expect from an exploit.
I have this problem too. Maybe this exploit fixed. Too bad. :(
No it isnt 'fixed' as theres no way to fix something like that.... Both of you are doing the same wrong thing, 'sitting' by the fire too early before the horn has had a chance to fling off and hit the ground... Since you aren't waiting, it's glitching into the water making it unobtainable.
Wait a few seconds for the shard to hit the ground. this will make it always fall on the ground instead of water
Works great.
, I find that after the first morning you can sit at the fire until noon and night and Farosh will respawn at those times too.
the dragon stopped spawning here for me.
I think maybe they changed how frequently they spawn.
After posting this, I went back and played with it. I don't know what I had done other than go around the map clearing lynels.
That said, I found the dragon spawning at six or seven; rather than five a.m..
When I returned to the completed shrine linked to the dragon and interacted with it, it reset the spawn to five a.m. again.
Each time I save and close the game, I have to do this to get the dragon on schedule. It has worked consistently, four times, thus far.
this was an intended change to stop people from raping and fanaticly farming the shit out of this game.
shawn crannell me too!!!
Samantha Aughtman i eventually found that when it did this, visiting the dragon's shrine seemed to reset it. eventually, it went back to normal and randomly doesn't spawn once in hundreds of spawns.
I started playing botw again and this time in master mode and it still works flawlessly. Some tips are make sure you stay in bullet time so your arrow hits the horn. You can easily get a flame sword from that skeleton structure above the eldin mountains
The great eldin leviathan skeleton?
Yeah I think that was it’s name. It’s close to the place where the fire dragon spawns
@@Kridacle yeah ik where u mean, thanks for the tip. When my 3 gfb break I'll go get another lol
I have 100k rupees, built tarrey town, fully upgraded my house, got all the fairy fountains, and have every armor in the game. Now what?
collect all the korok seeds
get a life?
cbernier3 it's really no that hard to do any of that so u telling him to get a life makes it seem like u really don't have one kinda sad
whats your point slowfuck? Noone mentioned the release date. He's already played the game more than enough. Collecting excess korok seeds for absolutely no reason is idiotic. Its better to go spend time with a girlfriend or develop a more productive hobby. The game isn't even that fun. It's mostly doing chores.
cbernier3 and with that u have just proved you are a no life congrats 😂 telling people what they should do with their lives? sad so sad is that how u get off at 5 a.m? lmfaoooo 😂😂 sad so so sad
I have a lot of fun hunting in the Tabantha tundra and selling juicy steaks, but I'll try it!
Lost 49 Arrow
2 bows
15 min
and I got 2 schub?
best method so far. it was a little painful to gather everything needed and find the right spot to avoid the rain but totally worth it. Seeing the video looks like its time consuming to gather all the loot but actually isn't. Most of the drop fall on the same location and just a few fall far away.
I gave zelda a rim job and she paid me 100k rupees. 5 minutes, done.
100k rupees for a rim job? Zelda must love 100 year old tongues.
quick, efficient, makes both Zelda and Link happy.
Jerstah phucku Zelda is trash
120 hours of playtime before im starting to get bored. I think i will go beat it soon because of that, but the thing is, i havent played a single player game in nearly over 10 years with that much time. Well worth it.
9.8 / 10
I just put rare/regular ore deposit on the sensor and get tons of gems. Fight silver/white enemies too. They drop gems. Urbosas Fury helps a ton with that.
Wouldn't the horns despawn after a certain number
they probably do but people have had like 50 and they didn't despawn.
Jack Craig Zelda is trash
Zelda Is Trash nice bait my dude, how many times have people gotten pissed?
no way, the RAM isn't going to let that number get that high. They're maxing around 30, with people claiming they were as high as 50.
Yeah I only got 20. Then they all are there just can't grab them
1. Their is a better spot to shoot from underneath the trees (rain protection) on the left side of Rolia Spring (from opening the map) where you'll have a cleaner and closer shot at the horn.
2. Your calculations are correct you can farm 54,000 rupees in about an hour but that assumes that you have three golden bows and 180 arrows. Breaking down this method a little differently, you can fire 60 arrows with a golden bow before it breaks and can generally fire 60 shots at Farosh in about 20 minutes. Assuming that you hit all 60 shots on the horn, you will net 18,000 rupees in about 20 minutes which would be 54,000 in approximately an hour. You can also use a Phrenic Bow but this will only shoot 45 arrows before breaking.
What happens if a blood moon happens when you're in the middle of this? Will all my horn shards on the ground disappear? I'm saving every so often if I reload to avoid the blood moon will my shards still be on the ground?
I had 50 shards on the ground and experienced a blood moon and I pooped my pants. I can confirm blood moon has NO effect as I was able to collect 10 more after the moon for a total of 60.
WOW! That really works! You don't really need the twilight bow, you can actually just use a falcon bow, or any other long range bow.
what's on the floor in the background at your house?
Here is a secret to improve the fame. Go to one of the large trees my the water it is flat on top and has enough room for a camp fire. It is a easier shot and the horns always land in the same pile for some reason. Just jump with the updraft to get above the tree take the shot and drop straight down,camp and repeat. Hope this helps
Learns unlimited money glitch.
Already has every single outfit, weapon. All upgrades and tons of arrows.
love it how people complained before that the currency in zelda wasnt good but now there is videos like this lmfao. botw is an amazing game
On my first play through I used the gambling and snow bowling methods when I needed Rupees. On my second play through I've just been selling ore I mine after the blood moons. I have more than enough rupees and plenty for the upgrades. There's no need to farm like this.
You do you. Other people are different.
This method looks really good. So far I farmed my rupees by farming ore in deathmountain (and killing talus all over the map). Unluckily for me, I don't have any much use for any rupee farming method, since I already bought kinda all the stuff there is to buy. The only tasks I have left are a few side quests, maxing all armors and maybe get all of those damned korok seeds.
Anyway, a great method you found there!
Noch nicht, aber ich bin auf gutem Wege dahin. Gerade setze ich mir mehr sämtliche Lynel-Spots auf der Karte (ja, ich könnte sie auch auf der Interactive-Map nachschauen, aber meh) und hole die Shrine-Quests nach, die mir noch fehlen. Ich habe zwar alle Shrines gefunden, aber noch immer einige Quests offen, die zu den Shrines führen.
Did you get this from BeardBear, or...?
Land Squid 1234 actually random respawn uploaded a guide to farming dragon parts just before beard bear like only an hour or two. I wouldn't say beard war copied him tho
beard warrrrrrrrrr
Land Squid 1234 Zelda is trash
Zelda Is Trash I'm not going to sink myself to your level
I don't know how you came across this, but you're a genius. This was super helpful 😎
bowling is like 280 each 6 to 10 sec...
Tailslol more like 60 seconds
Tailslol I'd say about 30 seconds per strike
Tailslol Zelda is trash
To this "Zelda is trash" guy needs to chill and GTFO now
Tailslol That's if you can hit a strike everytime. Then there's the small loading times between stating each new bowling game. IMO this method is more consistent
Dude, you are literally the best. Thanks so much for uploading this video.
OhhHeyYouReadMyName does this still work? It wasn't fixed?
Yep. It works for me.
Dragons are just flying money snakes
Thank you so much for making this video! It really helped me out a lot!
wtf... my dragon dosent spawn 50% of the time
I'm just noticing that too and was just using this method the other day and used it several times before. I wonder if those dicks (Nintendo) have patched the time the dragon spawns...
CokiE mine too :(
CokiE the dragons only spawns at dawn. You have to sit by the campfire after every time you shoot and wait for dawn
So everyone knows this method is great and it works great. I saw a video improving this method slightly making it faster. Wanted to share so anyone using this would know. The only part changing is having to light your fire every morning and you Don't have to wait for the part to hit the ground. So for the camp fire all you have to do is have a torch and light it off the camp fire then drop on the ground next to the camp fire. This will keep the fire going with out having to relight it every morning. When you hit the dragon and you see the hit animation go ahead and sleep to the next morning. The part will fall to the ground as soon as you wake up so this will save time instead of waiting on it to hit the ground before you go to sleep. Any questions let me know. Great content random respawn.
With these changes you can do 4 in a minute. Maybe 5 if you perfected it.
So the *entire* rupee farming method is based on this Dragon Scale farming method, yet you don't explain it at *all*. Genius. And let's not talk about the fact that you first have to grind for arrows and also find a bunch of really good bows, meaning, yes, it *IS* a luck based method. Seriously, how does this guy have 40k subs? Lil' Timmy really be out here getting clickbaited into oblivion.
I’ve seen you complain on multiple comments. Come on dude, if you hate this method so much, just don’t use it. If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say it. Simple ^-^
When I play this video at .75 speed, your voice sounds so soothing.
Just going to go ahead and declare it's patched.. Up vote so others don't waste their time.
This has not been patched. Refer to the pinned comment or the full text guide to troubleshoot the issues you are having.
Random Respawn Trouble shot my issue and fixed it and it works great, thank you.
4 months later and this is still not patched! woo
I tried it today and it still works
Still not patched and likely never everyone dislike this comment so no one else gets cucked
Being in Master Mode, I find invading enemy bases, almost all of which having white and gold enemies to take down, nets a good enough amount through gem drops
Legend of Zelda > Call of Duty
Nintendo switch> Xbox one and Ps4
The Goldenpanda 👏👏👏👏👏👌👌👌
The Goldenpanda They're not even the same Genre wtf? If you compared it to The Witcher maybe then that would have made more sense
Thank you, holy shit. When will people learn to compare things within their own class?
Pepperoni > Cancer
Kung Fu Panda > Dr Pepper
Churro he compared them because they are the most popular games on their respective console he's not an idiot
You can get 2400 rupees for mixing in lynol guts/hooves with either the frog "can't remember which one" or another critter. There's a video floating around on it somewhere.
I wish these videos didn't exist
poopsyman Explanation?
Then dont watch them.
Why bring your shitty-ass opinion in here, then? No one is forcing you to watch these videos, or perform the acts depicted in them. I've never personally had a reason to farm so many pieces at once, but that doesn't mean this video has no basis. You need a CRAPTON of rupees in Breath of the Wild to get everything, so this video exists for people who have no issues using this method. Stop bitching about the content of the videos and start avoiding the ones you don't like. Its not rocket science.
I wish you didn't exist
Why so harsh?
Just downloading this on my Wii U took 7 hours! Definitely worth it😄
If you post up in the tall tree on the right Front side of the lake, you can make a bonfire on the top of the tree, and the tree protects The fire from the rain, and you're basically like right in front of the Dragon for a super easy shot at the horn. Just so people know, to make it easier.
Actually, there is a much faster way, if you go to ridgeland tower, right below it there will be a house. If you go there you can go bowling, theres a certain spot you can stand in and you will winmevery time, and if you miss, hell usually give you( at the least ) 20 rupees back, unless you miss all of them.
i can confirm as of July 2018, it still works, the trick here is to find your sweetspot, and to make sure you always hit the horn, use your time slow down WHILE you are aiming AND keep holding it down AFTER you launched your arrows to make sure the arrows fly fast enough to the horn, while on time slow down (so basically use the time slow down twice), and as a result, I was able to farm many as 550+ Farosh's Horn, which I got 165,000 rupees (yes its time consuming)
Quick tip: If you are a someone with a spare Twilight Bow (Zelda amiibo exclusive, sadly), then I would say to use it with this method. I know it's a rare item drop, which is why I always keep a spare at my house, but it has a perfect range of 8000 (meaning it shoots perfectly straight) so no aiming or anything. Just shoot for the horn and BAM, horn shard. Also, it has the best durability of all bows in the game (100 I think) so if you're someone who has this amiibo and doesn't mind using it for rupees, then it will make this method a WHOLE lot easier. And a final bonus, it doesn't use arrows. So you won't have to keep refilling.