I was 18 when this came out. Remember always waiting and getting excited for the next Arnold movie to come out. Sadly I dont think anyone these days can replicate Arnolds bigger than life status. Those were great times to be alive.
I love the first scene. I am Hungarian, this was recorded in our capital, Budapest. The criminals are also played by Hungarians: Arnold throws one away - he is Norbert Növényi, an Olympic wrestler. (Moscow, 1980 Gold) The other who plays Victor's brother is Gábor Koncz, our famous actor.
Laughed when Belushi character explained Miranda law to Arnold, "You can't even touch his ass." "I don't want to touch his ass; I want to make him talk." Then proceeds to throw the man, ass and all, up against the wall with his arm behind his back with hand being twisted.
Such a great film, especially for its time, and what a storyline it has. A great soundtrack, legendary cast, intense scenes, just an icon of a film. Really nice going back and seeing the prime of films like these, especially these legends like Arnold. Worth watching for sure. O'Ross, Fishburne, and Belushi were also amazing. Not much I can say, without spoiling it.
In Russia we see it as one of the greatest comedy of all times. Somewhere on the level of “naked gun” because there are no Russians. Everybody speaks broken Russian with odd swears. Also there is no Russian culture. It’s like a fantasy of a man who knows that Russia exists, but have never seen anything Russian and never talked to Russians. And all the knowledge comes from American propaganda made by similar people who also do not know anything about Russia. So, this fantasy about a country made by someone who never heard anything about that country looks extremely funny, because it does not have any resemblance to the real life There are a lot of such movies. From contemporary one “Red Sparrow” is also a great comedy try to find on UA-cam “BadComedian - Red Sparrow” I believe it has English subtitles
What a contrast, Arnold and Bellucci, both were amazing in this movie and the whole movie was nothing short of amazing. Ed played his role to the perfection, his expressions were flawless 👍🏼
200 лет назад в Израиле не было палестинцев; Арабы стали появляться в Израиле после того, как там начали селиться евреи-сионисты. Николай Васильевич Гоголь - 1848. Из письма к Жуковскому (02.28.1850), в которой Гоголь описывает свои впечатления от паломничества в Палестину: Отмечая, что в древности это была «возможно» цветущая страна, Гоголь пишет: «но теперь, когда редко, редко можно увидеть пять-шесть оливковых деревьев по всему склону горы, цвет их земли такой же сероватый и пыльный, как самые скалы гор, когда только тонкий слой мха и пятнистые клочки травы зеленеют посредине этой голой, неровное каменистое поле, и после каких-то пяти-шести часов пути вы натыкаетесь на арабскую хижину, прилипшую где-то к горе, больше похожую на глиняный горшок, печку, нору животного, чем на человеческое жилище - как можно узнать страну молока и меда в таком месте? Представьте себе, что посреди такого запустения Иерусалим, Вифлеем и все восточные города выглядят как беспорядочно сложенные груды камней и кирпичей; представьте себе Иордан, тощий посреди голых горных окрестностей, кое-где затененный мелкими ивовыми кустами; представьте себе среди такого запустения у подножия Иерусалима долину Иосафата с несколькими камнями и гротами, как бы гробницы царей Иудейских». «В самом деле, я не знаю, что я могу рассказать вам о Палестине, что натолкнуло бы вас на благие мысли и побудило бы вас взяться за перо и свое стихотворение с вдохновением». Марк Твен - 1867. «Симпс за границей» Палестину по праву можно считать царицей среди земель, само появление которых вызывает уныние. Его горы бесплодны и уродливы, их цвета тусклы. Долины представляют собой неприглядные пустыни с чахлой растительностью, от которой веет меланхолией и убожеством. Мертвое море и Галилейское море сонно оцепенели среди пустынных гор и равнин, где не на что опереться взору - здесь нет ничего яркого или бросающегося в глаза, нет нежных пейзажей, дремлющих в пурпурной дымке или усеянных тенями плывущих по небу облаков. Все контуры резки, все линии четкие; Перспективы здесь нет - вдалеке все так же лишено очарования, как и вблизи. Безрадостный, мрачный и скорбный край. Тем не менее, некоторые из его обрывков и клочьев должны быть прекрасны в цветущей весне - тем более красивы, что они окружены со всех сторон голой пустыней, у которой нет ни конца, ни края. Мне бы очень хотелось увидеть весной берега Иордана, и Сихем тоже, и Ездрилон, и Аялон, и берега Галилейского моря - но даже весной все они показались бы просто игрушечными садами, посаженными вдали друг от друга в бескрайней пустыне. Палестина - пустынная и неприглядная земля... Палестина больше не принадлежит нашей повседневной жизни; Прозаический мир. Она отдана поэзии и легендам - это страна грез..
I was in elementary school when I saw this movie with my uncle. I always thought that the powder in the guy's leg was his bone turned to powder after being broken.
Well, the scene is the neverending amusement for Russian speakers like me, because in Russian cocaine spells like kokain and reads somewhat like kuh-kah-EEN. In Russian language there are noun cases like in Latin. It is obvious for Russian speakers that in the initial script the asking line was different, it probably looked like, "What can you prove it with/by?" so that it required the use of instrumental case of the noun kokain in the answer, which is kokainom (kuh-kah-EEN-uh-m). They initially meant such kind of dialogue, probably: - How can you prove it? - By cocaine! Russian language is not that far from English, as one might think.
in fact arnold has stunt double.....and by chance looks so much like arnold......he is in the movies the most.....met him in the london comic con......i do all the dabgerous stufff arnie gets all the big bucks and going on like that lol...........
arnold actually used a stunt double for most of his movies, the man was big but not dumb, if he's power lifting something that's arnold, if he's getting beat up, that's peter kent
I really love the song: Benya Hooligan ! I an addicted to it 😁 I also love how the props people mocked up a Beretta 92 to make a mythical Russian gun of a style the Russians never made. Or how a single shot derringer fired 3 times.
My old man loved this movie, its a very underrated film, a classic police movie from the 80s, if Arnold keep doing this roles and keep acting like that he would be even more amazing.
I always thought this film deserved a sequel after the fall of the Soviet Union. Some great action and a good cast. Must be the TV version where they went out of their way to not show you the lovely and talented Gretchen Palmer who helped out Arnold at the hotel.
15 years when this came out, freedom with my moped and buddies.. NO worries. Man, it was always the boys at my dads place... We taught this was the best... Arnold was King. Best times😊
you know that the words "testimony" and "testicles" have a common Latin root. When ancient Romans swore to tell the truth in court, they touched their balls.
Никаких палестинцев в Израиле 200 лет назад не было арабы начали появляться в Израиле после того как там начали селиться евреи сионисты. Николай Васильевич Гоголь - 1848 год. Из письма Жуковскому (28/02/1850), в котором Гоголь описывает впечатления от своего паломничества в Палестину: Отмечая, что в древние времена это была, "возможно", цветущая страна, Гоголь пишет:" - но теперь, когда редко, редко встретишь пять-шесть олив на всей покатости горы, цветом земли своей так же сероватых и пыльных, как и самые камни гор, когда одна только тонкая плева моха, да урывками клочки травы зеленеют посреди этого обнаженного, неровного поля каменьев, да через каких-нибудь пять-шесть часов пути попадается где-нибудь приклеившаяся к горе хижина араба, больше похожая на глиняный горшок, печурку, звериную норку, чем на жилище человека, - как узнать в таком месте землю млека и меда? Представьте же себе посреди такого опустения Иерусалим, Вифлеем и все восточные города, похожие на беспорядочно сложенные груды камней и кирпичей; представь себе Иордан, тощий посреди обнаженных гористых окрестностей, кое-где осененный небольшими кустиками ив; представь же себе посреди такого опустения у ног Иерусалима долину Иосафатову с несколькими камнями и гротами, будто бы гробницами иудейских царей». «Право, не знаю, - что могу сообщить тебе такого о Палестине, что бы навело тебя на благодатные мысли и побудило тебя вдохновенно приняться за перо и свою поэму»". Марк Твен - 1867 год. "Простаки за границей" Палестину по праву можно считать царицей среди земель, одним своим видом наводящих уныние. Горы ее бесплодны и некрасивы, их краски тусклы. Долины - это неприглядные пустыни с чахлой растительностью, от которой так и веет тоской и убожеством. Мертвое море и море Галилейское сонно цепенеют среди пустынных гор и равнин, где не на чем отдохнуть глазу, - здесь нет ничего яркого или поражающего, нет ласковых пейзажей, дремлющих в лиловой дымке или испещренных тенями проплывающих в небе облаков. Все очертания резки, все линии четки; здесь нет перспективы - в отдалении все так же лишено очарования, как и вблизи. Безрадостная, угрюмая и скорбная земля. Впрочем, иные клочки и лоскутки ее, должно быть, прекрасны в расцвете весны, - тем прекраснее, что со всех сторон их обступает голая пустыня, которой нет ни конца ни края. Я очень хотел бы увидеть берега Йордана весной, и Сихем тоже, и Ездрилон, и Аиалон, и берега моря Галилейского, - но даже и весною все они показались бы лишь игрушечными садиками, посаженными далеко друг от друга в бескрайной пустыне. Палестина - край заброшенный и неприглядный ... Палестина уже не принадлежит нашему будничному; прозаическому миру. Она отдана поэзии и преданиям - это страна грез.
" What about that sag of shit lying on the sidewalk " " He lives here " I always loved that lines! Belushi and Arnold were great in this movie,too bad that they never made a sequel.
@@hoze1235 John Belushi died from an overdose, James Belushi( Red heat) it's alive and kicking, he has 66 years old, and he's John Bellushi's small brother.
This film is even more communist than President Biden with his wacky 95% income tax, forced equal wages for all workers, free housing, state ownership of Starbucks and all those other crazy extreme communist policies that the Democrats are currently implementing in the USA ... 👁👁 )👅( and I love it!
@@southlondon86 Hmm let's see 48 Hrs... that's that James Remar fella I think... he was in...that and... that movie the Dream Team (bad guy) and I could look up some others but not trying to. BHC... that guy who always played a baddie!!! Octopussy and I think Rambo! Predator isn't it an urban legend who was in that damn suit... JCVD but then it wasn't him... some tall fella. Either way come on it's not just 5 but ya gotta give me this! Kind of like that dude with the eye who is a bad guy in every movie these days!!! :) :)
@@southlondon86 I really should be more descriptive and respectful because I like his work... Callan Mulvey is his name. Always plays a tall guy who beats people up. I always thought his eye was kind of a 'focus' of his look, but I'm sorry for his accident. He was in Captain America Winter Soldier, Batman v Superman, 300...
As a Russian, I always paused the scenes with Arnolds Russian lines and laughed my ass out. Hilaruios to hear "hooligans", "durak" and other stuff from him. And the uniform was great on him
Moskva is Budapest :) Film made in Hungary. Hungarian actors :) Half leg actor is Norbert Növényi. He is olympic wrestler. Gold medal at 1980's Moskva olympic game.
Basic intimidation psychology, you see it in sports all the time particularly basketball, when Jordan switched to guarding someone who was on a hot streak, they would always start to miss, not because he defended well, but because they knew he was Jordan.
I think James Balushi was hilarious. Especially when he said, " you look like my friend Hagler - I LOST MONEY ON HAGLER!!!" And the black girl, I certainly have to give her a thumbs up, she saved Arnold.
I do not know how many of you know , but Arnold Schwarzenegger was pissed as not he got the role of Rambo, so Andy Vajna told him not a worry and put him in the Red Heat.
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone were rivals at the time at box office and didn’t like each other back in 70s and 80s before they came friends by the 90s.
😂 I can imagine the commiserating between them and calling each other friends after. “It was business ya know? I was Rocky and you were the Terminator. You got action roles and I got them too. Let’s let bygones be bygones and share the wealth together. You want a beer or a milk? You want to hit my gym while we’re at it?”
All of today's movies are dog shit awful super political pushing gay ,trans,black,anti Christian views anywhere anytime they can and movies now show soft girly males feminine ,feminists,pro woman wanna be man films the usual anti Hitler films etc list goes on.
I really enjoyed this movie when I was a kid. Also, great reading comments from Russian natives about Hollywood and Russia portrayal... especially movies that came out during the cold war.
I loved Arnold's one liners. Once he threw a bad guy off a cliff and when asked what he did to the dude he replied "I let him go." Then in Predator he threw a knife straight through a guy, pinning him to a wood post to which Arnold tells the dead man, "stick around." Now this one, "he lives here." Good stuff Arnold.
He was a good actor in 48 Hours and Another 48 Hours as Officer Ben Kehoe who was the main character Jack Cates ( Nick Nolte) best friend and fellow officer who ends up the main villain and drug lord along with Ed O’Ross who was another bad cop and main villain Viktor in Red Heat. Brion James had some other memorable roles in Sylvester Stallones Tango & Cash, Striking Distance and The Fifth Element both with Bruce Willis and Blade Runner with Harrison Ford.
I was saddened to hear that he died. I saw him in a lot of movies in the 80s and 90s. I loved seeing him as the wimpy drug mule in "Tango & Cash." He nailed that role very well.
Arnold walking in Red Square at the end was unique as up to that time the Soviets were not granting film permits to Western production companies. In that year, this movie and Gorky Park both got permits.
Just realised why you see Arnies films. Its to see how he delivers his lines as its either funny or painful ,but never dissapoints!! Weird haha Worth the price of admission just to see and hear all the jokes and seriousness which is mixed into his films.
This movie has a bad habit of showing bad guys getting a shot off at Arnie but never hitting him before they get shot themselves. Krazy. The fight scene in the Sauna house is the best scene.
Ed O’Ross who played the main villain played many bad guys in his films including Itchy in Dick Tracy, Another 48 Hours as a corrupt cop along with Red Heat co star Brion James as another corrupt cop and was in Universal Solider, Red Heat, Lethal Weapon and was even a villain in episode of Walker Texas Ranger.
This movie is so jam-packed with action, that it makes a lot of other action movies look like child's play! As for the movie "Child's Play"-No offense meant there, Chucky! (See what I did there)?!? Also:Love the thick, almost cannon-sounding effects that are heard, every time someone fires a pistol here. The background music is definitely kickin', too!
A hardcore Georgian criminal wouldn't have the name Rostov. I loved it when I was a kid. Years later I learned Russian and bought the DVD for kicks. Arnold Schwarzenegger sounds like Russian with cerebral palsy. I'm not exactly at the level of Tolstoy myself. Russians told me I got a funny accent па Русский.
This movie is just another reason why we love and miss the 80s. FYI: Arnie is the only guy that can play a Russian character that is believable even though he has a Australian accent;)
Wow!!! Hell yea!! This is one great movie from the 80's I have on blu ray? This is one of the great scenes in that movie? I love this movie. Jim Bullushi and Arnold Swartzenegger. The best. Truth
I was 18 when this came out. Remember always waiting and getting excited for the next Arnold movie to come out. Sadly I dont think anyone these days can replicate Arnolds bigger than life status. Those were great times to be alive.
So true.
Absolutely 👍
We knew that when an Arnold movie came out, specially those large budget science fiction ones it was one good time to watch!
I love the first scene. I am Hungarian, this was recorded in our capital, Budapest. The criminals are also played by Hungarians: Arnold throws one away - he is Norbert Növényi, an Olympic wrestler. (Moscow, 1980 Gold) The other who plays Victor's brother is Gábor Koncz, our famous actor.
Wow !!!
Hungarians are amazing: actors, mathematicians,…
@@Danieljordan2 Thank you! :)
The fact that they acted in your country while still under the Soviet eras, or because Gorbachev already let loose the state's border
@@Danieljordan2 Zsa Zsa Gabor, greatest Hungarian who ever lived
One of his most underrated films. So many classic one liners.
Laughed when Belushi character explained Miranda law to Arnold, "You can't even touch his ass." "I don't want to touch his ass; I want to make him talk." Then proceeds to throw the man, ass and all, up against the wall with his arm behind his back with hand being twisted.
He lives here!
"I swear on my balls", pretty much won the trophy for me.
Awesome movie. I have the VHS and dvd. I was wandering when this going to be recommended on my page
The best of the best.red heat
Somehow I see this as an inspiration for Rush Hour.
Two cops, one who's more talkative while the other keeps calm, analyzes and knows how to fight.
I feel that formula dates to way earlier than that. 48 hours, for example was similar
Wow I had forgotten about this movie. Solid cast Arnold and Jim how could the world live without this team.
Arnold Schwarzenegger's character in this movie was right:"Soviet method is more economical"!
J'ai au moins mes quarantes deux ans
It was a mostly silly movie, but quite brutal.
@@ronaldshank7589 Yes, he was right. The Soviets did defeat the Nazis, after all, LOL! xD
@@ronaldshank7589 Agreed but after he leaves who gets to deal with the red tape and lots of it. Lmao
One off my best arnold schwarzenegger films
Spihk Heartbust!? Go now quickly & just explain that the People on the planet earth Bozeman Hotmail Recipient is a Rebel!!
Such a great film, especially for its time, and what a storyline it has. A great soundtrack, legendary cast, intense scenes, just an icon of a film. Really nice going back and seeing the prime of films like these, especially these legends like Arnold. Worth watching for sure. O'Ross, Fishburne, and Belushi were also amazing. Not much I can say, without spoiling it.
No matter how Arnie lost his marbles over THE BUG, I will always love him.
In Russia we see it as one of the greatest comedy of all times. Somewhere on the level of “naked gun” because there are no Russians. Everybody speaks broken Russian with odd swears. Also there is no Russian culture. It’s like a fantasy of a man who knows that Russia exists, but have never seen anything Russian and never talked to Russians. And all the knowledge comes from American propaganda made by similar people who also do not know anything about Russia.
So, this fantasy about a country made by someone who never heard anything about that country looks extremely funny, because it does not have any resemblance to the real life
There are a lot of such movies. From contemporary one “Red Sparrow” is also a great comedy try to find on UA-cam
“BadComedian - Red Sparrow” I believe it has English subtitles
What a contrast, Arnold and Bellucci, both were amazing in this movie and the whole movie was nothing short of amazing. Ed played his role to the perfection, his expressions were flawless 👍🏼
@@gunnyakdo1653 James Belluci bro 👍🏼
@@gunnyakdo1653 James’s last name is spelled Belushi.
200 лет назад в Израиле не было палестинцев; Арабы стали появляться в Израиле после того, как там начали селиться евреи-сионисты. Николай Васильевич Гоголь - 1848. Из письма к Жуковскому (02.28.1850), в которой Гоголь описывает свои впечатления от паломничества в Палестину: Отмечая, что в древности это была «возможно» цветущая страна, Гоголь пишет: «но теперь, когда редко, редко можно увидеть пять-шесть оливковых деревьев по всему склону горы, цвет их земли такой же сероватый и пыльный, как самые скалы гор, когда только тонкий слой мха и пятнистые клочки травы зеленеют посредине этой голой, неровное каменистое поле, и после каких-то пяти-шести часов пути вы натыкаетесь на арабскую хижину, прилипшую где-то к горе, больше похожую на глиняный горшок, печку, нору животного, чем на человеческое жилище - как можно узнать страну молока и меда в таком месте? Представьте себе, что посреди такого запустения Иерусалим, Вифлеем и все восточные города выглядят как беспорядочно сложенные груды камней и кирпичей; представьте себе Иордан, тощий посреди голых горных окрестностей, кое-где затененный мелкими ивовыми кустами; представьте себе среди такого запустения у подножия Иерусалима долину Иосафата с несколькими камнями и гротами, как бы гробницы царей Иудейских». «В самом деле, я не знаю, что я могу рассказать вам о Палестине, что натолкнуло бы вас на благие мысли и побудило бы вас взяться за перо и свое стихотворение с вдохновением». Марк Твен - 1867. «Симпс за границей» Палестину по праву можно считать царицей среди земель, само появление которых вызывает уныние. Его горы бесплодны и уродливы, их цвета тусклы. Долины представляют собой неприглядные пустыни с чахлой растительностью, от которой веет меланхолией и убожеством. Мертвое море и Галилейское море сонно оцепенели среди пустынных гор и равнин, где не на что опереться взору - здесь нет ничего яркого или бросающегося в глаза, нет нежных пейзажей, дремлющих в пурпурной дымке или усеянных тенями плывущих по небу облаков. Все контуры резки, все линии четкие; Перспективы здесь нет - вдалеке все так же лишено очарования, как и вблизи. Безрадостный, мрачный и скорбный край. Тем не менее, некоторые из его обрывков и клочьев должны быть прекрасны в цветущей весне - тем более красивы, что они окружены со всех сторон голой пустыней, у которой нет ни конца, ни края. Мне бы очень хотелось увидеть весной берега Иордана, и Сихем тоже, и Ездрилон, и Аялон, и берега Галилейского моря - но даже весной все они показались бы просто игрушечными садами, посаженными вдали друг от друга в бескрайней пустыне. Палестина - пустынная и неприглядная земля... Палестина больше не принадлежит нашей повседневной жизни; Прозаический мир. Она отдана поэзии и легендам - это страна грез..
@@harshbhai11 We hear Belluci we think big hearts. We are simple men !!
I was in elementary school when I saw this movie with my uncle. I always thought that the powder in the guy's leg was his bone turned to powder after being broken.
And what did u think when Arnie turned on the TV and saw porn?
I thought it was baby powder instead
Well, the scene is the neverending amusement for Russian speakers like me, because in Russian cocaine spells like kokain and reads somewhat like kuh-kah-EEN. In Russian language there are noun cases like in Latin. It is obvious for Russian speakers that in the initial script the asking line was different, it probably looked like, "What can you prove it with/by?" so that it required the use of instrumental case of the noun kokain in the answer, which is kokainom (kuh-kah-EEN-uh-m). They initially meant such kind of dialogue, probably:
- How can you prove it?
- By cocaine!
Russian language is not that far from English, as one might think.
This was ARNOLD in his prime! Still young enough to do all the action with minimal stunt doubles, and enough experience to handle comedy.
in fact arnold has stunt double.....and by chance looks so much like arnold......he is in the movies the most.....met him in the london comic con......i do all the dabgerous stufff arnie gets all the big bucks and going on like that lol...........
arnold actually used a stunt double for most of his movies, the man was big but not dumb, if he's power lifting something that's arnold, if he's getting beat up, that's peter kent
He lived there.
THIS A GREAT MOVIE FROM THE 80's..... i love it.....
Arnolds the BEST at what he does....Even blends in as a Russian. GENIUS.
Russian Terminator
I love how the gunshots sound like cannon fire.
Ya i was thinking that, wtf? The actual gun sounds woulda worked just fine. This scene is like an arcade game.
That`s a Walter Hill trademark i think.
Well they are in a confined space and Denko is shooting a .44 Magnum revolver.
Those pistols are small cannons and shoots as cannons in small rooms...
Thats because Soviet pistols do sound like cannon fire :D
The whole movie is the best scene!
Absolutely true
I really love the song:
Benya Hooligan !
I an addicted to it 😁
I also love how the props people mocked up a Beretta 92 to make a mythical Russian gun of a style the Russians never made.
Or how a single shot derringer fired 3 times.
@@carminemurphy1275 have hi
My old man loved this movie, its a very underrated film, a classic police movie from the 80s, if Arnold keep doing this roles and keep acting like that he would be even more amazing.
I always thought this film deserved a sequel after the fall of the Soviet Union. Some great action and a good cast. Must be the TV version where they went out of their way to not show you the lovely and talented Gretchen Palmer who helped out Arnold at the hotel.
The Hollywood love train age
15 years when this came out, freedom with my moped and buddies.. NO worries. Man, it was always the boys at my dads place... We taught this was the best... Arnold was King. Best times😊
Saw this as a 90s kid growing up. Missing the good old days.
True. Nowadays it's just reboots, prequels, sequels and franchises.
It was a funny surreal movie.
YEAH! 90'S !
The interrogation scene is Classic. "I swear to my balls i don't know" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
you know that the words "testimony" and "testicles" have a common Latin root. When ancient Romans swore to tell the truth in court, they touched their balls.
Very underrated movie from Walter Hill. It works because Arnold played his character straight, which gives the movie a lot of credibility.
Hhjhhhhhh hhhuhhbh ahí v bb ho
Credibility? Are you crazy? Walter Hill is lier.
Никаких палестинцев в Израиле 200 лет назад не было арабы начали появляться в Израиле после того как там начали селиться евреи сионисты. Николай Васильевич Гоголь - 1848 год.
Из письма Жуковскому (28/02/1850),
в котором Гоголь описывает впечатления от своего паломничества в Палестину:
Отмечая, что в древние времена это была, "возможно", цветущая страна, Гоголь пишет:" - но теперь, когда редко, редко встретишь пять-шесть олив на всей покатости горы, цветом земли своей так же сероватых и пыльных, как и самые камни гор, когда одна только тонкая плева моха, да урывками клочки травы зеленеют посреди этого обнаженного, неровного поля каменьев, да через каких-нибудь пять-шесть часов пути попадается где-нибудь приклеившаяся к горе хижина араба, больше похожая на глиняный горшок, печурку, звериную норку, чем на жилище человека, - как узнать в таком месте землю млека и меда? Представьте же себе посреди такого опустения Иерусалим, Вифлеем и все восточные города, похожие на беспорядочно сложенные груды камней и кирпичей; представь себе Иордан, тощий посреди обнаженных гористых окрестностей, кое-где осененный небольшими кустиками ив; представь же себе посреди такого опустения у ног Иерусалима долину Иосафатову с несколькими камнями и гротами, будто бы гробницами иудейских царей».
«Право, не знаю, - что могу сообщить тебе такого о Палестине, что бы навело тебя на благодатные мысли и побудило тебя вдохновенно приняться за перо и свою поэму»".
Марк Твен - 1867 год.
"Простаки за границей"
Палестину по праву можно считать царицей среди земель, одним своим видом наводящих уныние. Горы ее бесплодны и некрасивы, их краски тусклы. Долины - это неприглядные пустыни с чахлой растительностью, от которой так и веет тоской и убожеством. Мертвое море и море Галилейское сонно цепенеют среди пустынных гор и равнин, где не на чем отдохнуть глазу, - здесь нет ничего яркого или поражающего, нет ласковых пейзажей, дремлющих в лиловой дымке или испещренных тенями проплывающих в небе облаков. Все очертания резки, все линии четки; здесь нет перспективы - в отдалении все так же лишено очарования, как и вблизи. Безрадостная, угрюмая и скорбная земля.
Впрочем, иные клочки и лоскутки ее, должно быть, прекрасны в расцвете весны, - тем прекраснее, что со всех сторон их обступает голая пустыня, которой нет ни конца ни края. Я очень хотел бы увидеть берега Йордана весной, и Сихем тоже, и Ездрилон, и Аиалон, и берега моря Галилейского, - но даже и весною все они показались бы лишь игрушечными садиками, посаженными далеко друг от друга в бескрайной пустыне.
Палестина - край заброшенный и неприглядный ... Палестина уже не принадлежит нашему будничному; прозаическому миру. Она отдана поэзии и преданиям - это страна грез.
@@СергейВампир-л6в...what’s happen with you ? You made à mistake by posting your message in the wrong topic ? 😂😂😂
" What about that sag of shit lying on the sidewalk "
" He lives here "
I always loved that lines!
Belushi and Arnold were great in this movie,too bad that they never made a sequel.
Belushi died from an overdose so they couldn't make a sequel
@@hoze1235 John Belushi died from an overdose, James Belushi( Red heat) it's alive and kicking, he has 66 years old, and he's John Bellushi's small brother.
@@sebasith1978 thought this was the guy who died
@@hoze1235 James Belushi starring with Arnold in Red Heat is still alive, man.
"Soviet way is more economical" Damn right ! XD
Yeah, Comrade
in which second?
This film is even more communist than President Biden with his wacky 95% income tax, forced equal wages for all workers, free housing, state ownership of Starbucks and all those other crazy extreme communist policies that the Democrats are currently implementing in the USA ...
and I love it!
совершенно верно товарищ!
This movie was primarily to glorify Arnold, but Jim Belushi was awesome in it. I enjoyed his scenes much more.
“The Miranda Act means you can’t even touch his ass”
“But I do not wish to touch his ass, I wish to talk to him”
gotta love the 80's atmosphere...
1:13 I love how in the 80's all the bad guys in all the movies were played by a total of like 5 actors :)
48 Hrs? Predator? Beverly Hills Cop?
@@southlondon86 Hmm let's see 48 Hrs... that's that James Remar fella I think... he was in...that and... that movie the Dream Team (bad guy) and I could look up some others but not trying to. BHC... that guy who always played a baddie!!! Octopussy and I think Rambo! Predator isn't it an urban legend who was in that damn suit... JCVD but then it wasn't him... some tall fella.
Either way come on it's not just 5 but ya gotta give me this! Kind of like that dude with the eye who is a bad guy in every movie these days!!! :) :)
@@splatbubble “dude with the eye” sir, which movies is he in?
@@southlondon86 I really should be more descriptive and respectful because I like his work... Callan Mulvey is his name. Always plays a tall guy who beats people up. I always thought his eye was kind of a 'focus' of his look, but I'm sorry for his accident. He was in Captain America Winter Soldier, Batman v Superman, 300...
And always Russian back then, the cold war days.
Gotta love the white overcoat
Arnie's underrated movie.
One of Arnold's best!
Thank you for the video ! Greetings from Saint Petersburg, Russia ! )
Gun battles in this look (and sound) terrific. Hill really is one of the best.
"Cocainum!" is the best line in movie history.
Yes Cocainum very nasty this Cocainum
The parking space scene was priceless. >_
I think this is an underated film!
As a Russian, I always paused the scenes with Arnolds Russian lines and laughed my ass out. Hilaruios to hear "hooligans", "durak" and other stuff from him. And the uniform was great on him
This movie shoot in Soviet Union ??? 🤔🤔🤔
@@shahrulamar5358 some scenes like the Red Square
@@itistime5699 Arnold was suitable for this role because he is Eastern European. 🇵🇪 🇵🇪
Кокаинум))) капитализма😉
Arnold enters the room, like a UBER BOSS, and everyone shivers.
Happy with myself
*KGB enters the chat....*
I`m Ukrainian so i can understand russian, and damn, this movie has to be watched in original - it is so funny and memeable XD
шикарное кино, мать его!
Рагулям это кино смотреть нельзя.😂
Not only you can understand russian, you've been speaking it your entire life.
Moskva is Budapest :) Film made in Hungary. Hungarian actors :) Half leg actor is Norbert Növényi. He is olympic wrestler. Gold medal at 1980's Moskva olympic game.
Sick old school film right here!
One of the best movies ever made.
One of Arnold's best movies!
Весь фильм- сплошная клюква. И без улыбки его смотреть трудно. Привет из России.
Привет из Бельгия, Володя!
When movies were fun and not just shaky cameras and occult imagery :0)
Джина красотка...
Один из лучших фильмов со Шварцем.
I will go on record and claim that this is Jim Belushi's best movie, character, and performance.
For me it’s a toss up between this and K-9 as Jim Belushi’s best work. Barring anything outside of those, dead!
I would say the blues brothers
It’s between The Principal and Gang Related for me.
@@sg4l542That was John Belushi, he died of an overdose
@@sg4l542wrong Belushi.
I love how they one shot every other cop but when it comes to Arnold, every shot is not even close. Plot Armor at its finest.
Basic intimidation psychology, you see it in sports all the time particularly basketball, when Jordan switched to guarding someone who was on a hot streak, they would always start to miss, not because he defended well, but because they knew he was Jordan.
I grew up in the 80s in Chicago so this was part of my childhood...every arnold movie was.
I remember seeing this in the theatre. One of my favorite Arnie films from his early years. Funny pairing.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is THE giant of action cinema. Brilliant film.
Ever since I saw this, I’ve ALWAYS wanted that pistol Schwarzenegger uses in this film! Looked so badass!!
Think it's just a modified prop desert Eagle.
Looks like another version of The 9MM Bereta with the extended barrel!
This is a great movie, with great actors and it has a good story line. Movies today haven't got it down.
I thought the opening scene in the bath house with Arnold holding the hot rock would have been included.
Opening is just like that scene in Terminator two, da.
I think James Balushi was hilarious. Especially when he said, " you look like my friend Hagler - I LOST MONEY ON HAGLER!!!" And the black girl, I certainly have to give her a thumbs up, she saved Arnold.
I see this guy doing anything serious, I always have total recall.
I do not know how many of you know , but Arnold Schwarzenegger was pissed as not he got the role of Rambo, so Andy Vajna told him not a worry and put him in the Red Heat.
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone were rivals at the time at box office and didn’t like each other back in 70s and 80s before they came friends by the 90s.
😂 I can imagine the commiserating between them and calling each other friends after. “It was business ya know? I was Rocky and you were the Terminator. You got action roles and I got them too. Let’s let bygones be bygones and share the wealth together. You want a beer or a milk? You want to hit my gym while we’re at it?”
@@scottknode898 They are from the same generation with Mr Trump and Mr. Clinton.
@@shahrulamar5358 lol
Благодаря этому фильму мы сейчас говорим "Какие ваши доказательства?!"
Но еще чаще: "Что будет с нашей страной?"
Arnold did very well working with other actors in his movies.
RED HEAT is one of Arnold's best films. A favourite of mine. James Belushi is great in this too & so is Ed O'Ross as bad guy Victor.
"Soviet method is more economical." I laughed my ass off.
Whenever Arnold walked into a room you knew there was gonna be trouble.
Ahh late 80s and early 90s movies. Total awesomeness today’s rubbish just can’t touch.
All of today's movies are dog shit awful super political pushing gay ,trans,black,anti Christian views anywhere anytime they can and movies now show soft girly males feminine ,feminists,pro woman wanna be man films the usual anti Hitler films etc list goes on.
I really enjoyed this movie when I was a kid. Also, great reading comments from Russian natives about Hollywood and Russia portrayal... especially movies that came out during the cold war.
Always remember: "Soviet method is more economical"
Arnold is the most funniest tough guy ever
I loved Arnold's one liners. Once he threw a bad guy off a cliff and when asked what he did to the dude he replied "I let him go." Then in Predator he threw a knife straight through a guy, pinning him to a wood post to which Arnold tells the dead man, "stick around." Now this one, "he lives here." Good stuff Arnold.
@@LesterMoore ...." I promised to kill u at the last !!!, I lied !!". Commando.😁😁
Brion James “streak” was married to my wife’s cousin Maxine, he was a nice guy, he is in so many awesome films, RIP Brion
He was funny in The Wrong Guys.
He was a good actor in 48 Hours and Another 48 Hours as Officer Ben Kehoe who was the main character Jack Cates ( Nick Nolte) best friend and fellow officer who ends up the main villain and drug lord along with Ed O’Ross who was another bad cop and main villain Viktor in Red Heat. Brion James had some other memorable roles in Sylvester Stallones Tango & Cash, Striking Distance and The Fifth Element both with Bruce Willis and Blade Runner with Harrison Ford.
I was saddened to hear that he died. I saw him in a lot of movies in the 80s and 90s. I loved seeing him as the wimpy drug mule in "Tango & Cash." He nailed that role very well.
I also remember him in "Blade Runner". A very good actor
Such a good actor😢 loved him in any roles He played.
Arnold walking in Red Square at the end was unique as up to that time the Soviets were not granting film permits to Western production companies. In that year, this movie and Gorky Park both got permits.
I forgot how much I enjoyed this movie
❤The chase between🎉 Arnold and Victor is more faster n interesting🎉 💪💪💪💐💐💐🎉
Just realised why you see Arnies films. Its to see how he delivers his lines as its either funny or painful ,but never dissapoints!! Weird haha
Worth the price of admission just to see and hear all the jokes and seriousness which is mixed into his films.
Yes! Hello childhood. Thanks for that!
This movie has a bad habit of showing bad guys getting a shot off at Arnie but never hitting him before they get shot themselves. Krazy. The fight scene in the Sauna house is the best scene.
I thought the Bathhouse scene would be included very picturesque
The Communator.
Ti spiezzu in due ahahaha
In Russia People are terminated by Vodka, the real Terminator 😁
Plus Cocainum.
Это не терминатор, это "Дядя Стёпа"
So original movie.
Now that's an expensive leg!
😁🤣😁😂😂you see that too😁🤣😂
It’s cocainem
@@actionfigurescollectionssu7854 Real fake Russian would be Kokainum. Correct would be кокаин or kokain.
Do you know Miranda? Lol, classic!!
Ed O’Ross who played the main villain played many bad guys in his films including Itchy in Dick Tracy, Another 48 Hours as a corrupt cop along with Red Heat co star Brion James as another corrupt cop and was in Universal Solider, Red Heat, Lethal Weapon and was even a villain in episode of Walker Texas Ranger.
He was one of the good guys in The Hidden (at least at first)
He also was in the film Hoodlum with Tim Roth.
@@LesterMoore Laurence Fishburne is in this movie and was also in Hoodlum. Also, the black guy who answers the pay phone was in Hoodlum as well.
Ed O'Ross is Victor Rostavili in this movile (Виктор Роставили)
Ray Barone's dad played a pretty good, stereotypically angry and always stressed out police captain.
Those 80's Spandau Ballet jackets look very hard to fight in!
“Please don’t wake up my friend,he is dead tired.”Arnold in the movie Commando,when he broke the guys neck on the airplane.🤣🤣🤣
I must say Anorld has some great acting skills especially playing that part .....face on point
Arnold is in his prime..Damn, no one never ever matches Arnold.
What a Film , Thank You For Sharing
Отличное кино,Арнольд и Белуши великолепны!!!
Многие ругают этот фильм за клюкву, но я считаю, что это шедевральное кино!
Let’s be real… Arnold is the super soldier every major government wants and needs
nah the super soldier the world needs is dolph lundgren 6.5 feet tall,160 iq,and stronger than arnold in his prime.
Wakakak....not accurate....
Just I see The Terminator perfect!
Wow., I love Arnold in this scene.. He's so good through out the whole movie. I love it.! Bring more of Arnold's best scene.! I like this video ❤️👍.!!
" I have car under control ! " 😀
This movie is so jam-packed with action, that it makes a lot of other action movies look like child's play!
As for the movie "Child's Play"-No offense meant there, Chucky!
(See what I did there)?!?
Also:Love the thick, almost cannon-sounding effects that are heard, every time someone fires a pistol here. The background music is definitely kickin', too!
Comrade, Red Heat movie was so impressive, amazing and great. Respect *StudiocanalUK*
A hardcore Georgian criminal wouldn't have the name Rostov. I loved it when I was a kid. Years later I learned Russian and bought the DVD for kicks. Arnold Schwarzenegger sounds like Russian with cerebral palsy. I'm not exactly at the level of Tolstoy myself. Russians told me I got a funny accent па Русский.
Looks like he’s about to say “I need you’re clothes and the keys to your motorcycle.”
We, in USSR, sow it and loughed out loud at "soviet people" as americans understand 😂
What did the movie get wrong or exaggerate?
@@justme-kr7lx all 😂
It's look like stupid joke
Arnold save the world one more time
This movie is just another reason why we love and miss the 80s. FYI: Arnie is the only guy that can play a Russian character that is believable even though he has a Australian accent;)
Oi,cobber,that's not Australian.
Australian hahahaha
Austrian accent i would say.😄
Gday mate!
And in parallel universe, Schwarzenegger would go on to play Crocodile Dundee😂😂😂😂😂😂
“He lives here”, that’s been in my head for a few weeks now!! Lol
the best Arnold
after Conan and before Terminator
I always loved Arnold Schwarzenegger movies everyone I like when he says I will be back he's a great actor
I love that the cocainum scene is the first one shown...😊😊😊
Wow!!! Hell yea!! This is one great movie from the 80's I have on blu ray? This is one of the great scenes in that movie? I love this movie. Jim Bullushi and Arnold Swartzenegger. The best. Truth
Old movie gun shots sound like entire artillery cannons firing from a pistol
Lol, true
That gray suit is fire 🔥