The gradual increase of stress can be incorporated in MANY different ways! Increasing weight is one option, but there are several other methods that are discussed in this segment. Enjoy :)
YO Alex, If restricting Rest between sets is a form of Progressive Overload due to increased fatigue, is a calorie restriction also a form of increasing stress? Shouldnt it be possible to progess on a calorie deficit? Of course it will not be optimal as a classic bulk but it is still a form of increased stress.
AlphaDestiny I like how articulate you are. So cool how you get all your points across unscripted, as far as I can tell. Plus you don't talk to your audience like they're dumb. I'm not saying other youtubers do that, it's just appreciated.
Michael L well I don't think 125k is a lot, at least if you want to monetize your channel. Other fitness channels have 1kk+ and ain't got no good content at all.
Erik Hansen so true. If everything is held equal then yes adding weight is the fastest way to a certain point. Also sometimes it’s not practical or even do able. Unless you have calibrated plates, fractional and can ensure your not changing your form, always adding weight to the bar isn’t going to achieve progressive overload.
+non yobussiness Adding weight and reps is the simplest tool of progressive overload, it is alot easier than progressive range of motion, for example, decreasing your arch with 1cm every week. Which one is more convenient? That is why getting bigger will ultimately always mean getting stronger for natural lifters.
Dick above the knee I’m not arguing against that. I clearly stated it’s usually optimal but I pointed out barriers and situations where it’s not ideal or doable. I’m not sure why you wrote your comment tbh. I’m not sure if English is your first language but it looks like you either don’t understand my comment or you’re trying to make an argument where there isn’t one which I find bizarre.
It all comes down to increasing the amount of work you do. Increase intensity, you're increasing work done. Increasing volume, you're increasing work done. Same goes for increasing frequency, range of motion, etc. More work = progressive overload
For certain exercises like ez bar skull crushers i do 6-12 reps and try to increase reps by 2 each session but on my other push day i do dumbell skullcrusehrs and do 10-14 reps and increase reps by 1 each session. Is that good
Mark Blakeley with clothes off yeah as people know you have muscle but when wearing clothes you look skinny and people dont know you have muscle. Bear mode people know it!
I was legitimately going to comment that progressively overload isn't only just adding on weight, but there are other ways like you covered on in the video... Goes to show you should always watch the video first! Great work alex
+AlphaDestiny im also interested in the subject.i alwayd hear that you mention it but im not sure what it is.some basic guidelines would be more than enough for me
Look up Migan.. Team3Dalpha Videos. He is the person who named it Nucleus Overload.. It's bad ass and it works. Just be open to training a totally different way.. I did it at 52 years old and put size on my quads..
Totally true. lifting heavy is relative and plays on various variables. I've tried everything for traps, then I followed your advice for last couple of weeks preparing for my show, THE GAINS WERE EXPONENTIAL comparing with 3 years of shrugs and progressive overload approach.
HassTheMass I like hitting traps heavy in off the rack with low reps ... shrugs with medium weight and reps and upward rows with light weight high reps, mind 15 reps at 80 kg is still heavy. Hitting from every angle is best, you wil find different exercises respond to different rep ranges.
This is great advice! I started to train like this doing very high reps with low rest and I’m happy with the gains i have stared to see. And surprisingly my strength has also gone up!
This is one of the best videos in my opinion. It really makes you laugh doesn't it hahaa. The world was a more positive place till the Internet come along.
I've been really enjoying your videos for the past year or so. You seem more open-minded and less combative when laying out your arguments. Maybe it's the beard improving your judgement xD One of your recent videos convinced me to dig deeper into the Westside hole, and I'm in love with this method of training. Westside might be a powerlifting gym, but Louie Simmons definitely thinks of his system as a method of general athletic conditioning and preparation. I'm making size and strength gains like crazy, and I definitely feel like most of it comes from all the higher volume assistance work. I'm not a powerlifter, and I feel like training as one has caused some of my current injuries.
Alex you're so right. I thought the only way to build was to do all sets 12-10-8-6. I'm glad you're advice is telling people instead of doing JUST a 5*5, but change weekly to 6*3, 8*3, 6*8 rpe 6, 8*1 rpe 8. Appreciate your stuff, glad I bought your program
Not one of the things that worked best, but worked really good was the advice you gave in one of your videos. The one where you talk about ego lifting, helped me alot. For instance, when you're supposed to do a set of 5x25, you have to chose a weight you can actually do for 25 reps and not end up doing 20-17 for most sets. Thank you for that one.
I''m actually pretty happy to see you preaching that, man. Improving form instead of simply putting more weight on the bar like you used to preach back in 2016. I'm guessing those rings really did you a nice job when it comes to progressive overload through leverage.
I totally agree. I just realized that myself like a month ago by going back to bodybuilding style training after a long period of strenght training. You have to know what you are doing If you want it to work in fact, but this comes with the experience, knowing your own body is crucial.
Yes, absolutely true. Incorporate all types of progressions, even the one that you don't like; light weight, heavy weight, high reps, explosive movements, calisthenics ets., eat right and you will become a hell of a beast.
I think the best way to do progressive overload is to try to increase the reps until you hit a certain number of reps(at least 12).Then switch to a weight that will drop you bac down to say 6 and then rebuild.
Hey man love the content on nutrition and actual exercise sports science. Went to school for that so I appreciate the debunking of junk science. I am training more than ever and this channel provides great info and motivation!
I use to do high volume in the early stages of lifting. I decided to switch to more compound heavy movements and lowered my rep range. I also dedicated myself to tracking my lifts. Along with nutrition, this is when results started to show dramatically.
For me because of skinny fat small shoulder width (wide hips/small shoulder width): Squats in 3's to keep growth there but not get quad sweep huge past my shoulder's Don't focus on bench and focus on OHP in sets of 3/5/9 lat-pull or weighted pull up in sets of 5-8 As a skinny fat (wide hips/small shoulder width) the accessories i mainly chose were: Side lateral 10-15 face pull 12-15 curl 8-15 incline cgbp 8-15 (sometimes pull down 8-15)
Awesome alex really opening up the various ways to increase stress in every exercise or sets and reps to get stronger. I think training bodybuilding helps understand how to apply stress in various ways which can help improve performance as well
Old Time Strongmen also sported what I like to call the "Classic Mustache" and man does it look good. They also had sharp minds. I want to get as many books from these guys as I can.
What has worked best for me was definitely when I switched to a push pull leg split with a traditional form of bodybuilding training. Essentially a lot of volume. What I’m doing now is basically just heavy training, a lot of heavy compound lifts. I’ve gotten a lot stronger and bigger as of recent.
Not always about predicted 1rm is Alex’s real message. Sure increasing 1rm is great, but so is progressing with these methods and reaping the benefits in the long term which will raise your general strength therefore raising your predicted 1rm.
Love the videos man. I just wish you would answer our questions more often. We love hearing from you and it's super helpful to have some guidance, because there's SO much wrong and misleading information out there. I know you're working hard on these vids, but I wish you would spread some love by answering more questions from time to time.
Answer questions more often? Bro I'd love to but I have over 120,000 people here and receive hundreds of emails a week. I can't be coaching every single person 1 on 1, it's impossible and I'm not here to do that. I do weekly Q&As, but anything custom after that point is going to come at a price.
Thanks for the reply. I very much appreciate the work you put into this channel, and I understand that coaching 120,000 people 1 on 1 is ludicrous. However, there are an average of 600 comments per vid, and a small percentage of them are questions. Maybe you can answer a couple questions every day in your spare time? I think that answering short questions in your spare time is one of the best ways to build up your fanbase, because few bigger youtube channels do that. It also proves to your viewers that you care about them, and it might bring in more subscribers.
I already do that homie. Please see my comment section I spend a lot of time here. It should be obvious to anyone that I care about you guys, I answer more questions than most fitness youtubers.
I see that you do answer our questions. Thing is, I've been asking simple questions for months and very very rarely get an answer. I watch every video as soon as it comes out, but when it comes to getting questions answered, I get nothing. I feel like most people who comment are the same way. Regardless, I am happy that you do answer our questions at the rate that you do.
I also want to say. Thanx Alpha your the best. Everything you tought me made me make progress in the gym and to look fuckin big. With these 3D delts i developed from ur lifts
Alex dude. You have a duty to show your subscribers the Rack chin. Ever since Dante (DC Training) showed me how to do them, they are the no1 staple for lat width(and lat thickness). Better than pullups for a variety of reasons.
Training footage , like the ones you did when you bulked . It's more motivating and yes new exercise as well. I know you are cutting but we don't want you to hit new numbers everyday. Your content is on excellent side
I find that doing heavy sets of singles trips etc then dropping the weight to do more sets and reps has really helped me put on size stronger I got the bigger I got
Hight intensity for bulking (12 10 8 rep range) less sets. For a couple of months. 4500 - 6/8000 cals High volume for cutting (10 12 15 rep range) more sets. For a couple of months. 2500 cals - maintenance some times intensity some times volume (8 10 12 15) rep range. More or less sets. Till bulking or cutting, normally a couple of months to 6 months. 3000 - 3500 cals. Drop sets, forced reps, negatives in all types of training, some times 21s or half reps to full reps back to half just to catch muscle out and shock it. Splits. Cut. chest back. Legs. Shoulders arms. X 2 . 1 day off. Maintenance. chest bis. back tris. Off. legs. shoulders traps. chest back. Off. Bulk. Chest bis. Back tris. Off. Legs. Off. Shoulders traps. Off. Change splits to shock muscle and burn more or less cals as frequency goes up or down and more or less rest days (to recover) more recovery days = a cal surplus and more growth.
Approaching my 64th birthday. After 5 years of consistent training I've built a decent physique at 248 lbs with skinfold caliper estimates of body fat in the 11% range. Your points in this video very helpful. I'm finding it harder and harder to increase the weight I lift because of joint issues and slower recovery. The year I've been working on my execution, form, and mind-muscle connection and find that I have to lower the weight 10 to 20 lbs to really hit all the cues. I know I'm still progressing and improving. It's just not showing up in the weights.
You gotta remember you’re old now so things will be much much slower for you. Your testosterone is much lower, your recovery will take much longer etc but regarding your joint pain I would recommend doing an ATG or zero programme by kneesovertoesguy guy. With certain movements you can specifically strengthen you joints, tendons and ligaments in a much more advanced safe way compared to bodybuilders and powerlifters
I used to only lift like a bodybuilder, all my lifts were low numbers but high intensity. Recently I've changed to strength training for numbers, and the numbers go up with low reps. After a few months hitting bigger numbers I'll add in more reps at those numbers and go back to bodybuilding style lifts.
5 X 20 pushups. 3-5 second rest. Elbows full tucked in by sides. Hands even pointing out a bit. Hits upper chest better to and zero shoulder pain, like you get when elbows are out further.
yeah exactly, you can absolutely get stronger by doing 'hypertrophy style' training, however a lot of people don't actually track their workouts and tend to forget what they lifted week to week, as well as the tendency to change things TOO often (by that I don't mean specific exercise rotation, I mean changing things just for the hell of it). The study by Schoenfeld showed that 10 x 3 and 3 x 10 produced the same hypertrophy, yet the 10 x 3 group gained more strength. However surely, the 3 x 10 group would have gained strength potential, but as they worked with lower percentages they weren't as neurally efficient and would require a 'peaking' phase to realise this strength.
I'm 14 months in. The first year I did high volume, high frequency training. Got way bigger and strength went up. But I definitely gained a ton of size. I looked stonger than I am. Then I lowered my volume considerably and I'm doing 3x5's and 3x3's. In the past 2 months my strength has exploded. I guess I'm putting all the size to good use.
dccsnare bro it’s not rocket science, do 3-5 sets of seated calf raises ( pause at the bottom and squeeze at the top, don’t jerk, very controlled) do 3-5 sets of standing calf raises same principle. You’re gonna wanna vary volume and intensity. Maybe one day a week so 5 sets of 15-20 and the other day 3 by 10.
I ran German volume training, 10 sets of 10. And I blew up at that point. Made the mistake of changing the lifts to more "body building movements" and progress slowed. The second time I ran it I stuck to big compound movements. Honestly just squating, DL, benching, rowing and OHP 10 sets of 10 with 50% of your 1 RM is hard as shit, especially when you've been training below 5 reps per set for most of those lifts. I used a timer to count 90 sec in between sets. Every time I could hit all ten sets of ten reps I added 5lbs to the lift the next time. Sometimes 10 if it was really easy. I sprinkled in some isolation work after the big lifts but it was probably shitting in the wind cause that 10*10 just ruined me. First and last time I ever did a quasi bro split. It definitely worked with that amount of volume recovery time was a few days at least. The foundation that the program built I think allowed me to make some pretty easy strength gains afterwards.
I like to train in a "chaotic" type of way because of the principle of progressive overload. Of course I have a bias towards adding more weight to the bar because, let's admit it, that's just deeply satisfying, but occasionally I'll find I don't feel like it or I simply can't, so I'll end up having a volume-dominant workout with reps upon reps, and other times I'm just in the mood to just lift heavy and for reps , so I'll warm up to heavy-heavy sets with high rep sets, and then perform cluster sets with heavy weights.
The gradual increase of stress can be incorporated in MANY different ways!
Increasing weight is one option, but there are several other methods that are discussed in this segment. Enjoy :)
I trimmed it about a week ago. Haven't lost any gains in fact my beard thickness is better than ever.
AlphaDestiny Majestic thumbnail tho
YO Alex, If restricting Rest between sets is a form of Progressive Overload due to increased fatigue, is a calorie restriction also a form of increasing stress? Shouldnt it be possible to progess on a calorie deficit? Of course it will not be optimal as a classic bulk but it is still a form of increased stress.
@AlphaDestiny Let's see some training footage, it's been a while!
I like how articulate you are. So cool how you get all your points across unscripted, as far as I can tell. Plus you don't talk to your audience like they're dumb. I'm not saying other youtubers do that, it's just appreciated.
I don't understand why u ain't got more subscribers....
You are one of the fews that are not bullshitting around here.
Keep it up man.
João Drapala 125,000 isn't a lot? He's got tons of subscribers
Michael L well I don't think 125k is a lot, at least if you want to monetize your channel.
Other fitness channels have 1kk+ and ain't got no good content at all.
Michael L but if all he wants is to spread knowledge, then I agree that 125k is a whole lot!
Because he is being real and people like hearing stupid shit like "6 pack in just 2 weeks with this special exercise" like stfu and put in the work
Politics brother politics
This guy snapped. Releasing content very frequently. No complaints over here though!
You're sounding real professional now
I liked the way you phrased it in NE; "when performance increases, hypertrophy will occur."
Erik Hansen so true. If everything is held equal then yes adding weight is the fastest way to a certain point. Also sometimes it’s not practical or even do able. Unless you have calibrated plates, fractional and can ensure your not changing your form, always adding weight to the bar isn’t going to achieve progressive overload.
Erik Hansen simple logic man.
+non yobussiness Adding weight and reps is the simplest tool of progressive overload, it is alot easier than progressive range of motion, for example, decreasing your arch with 1cm every week. Which one is more convenient? That is why getting bigger will ultimately always mean getting stronger for natural lifters.
Dick above the knee I’m not arguing against that. I clearly stated it’s usually optimal but I pointed out barriers and situations where it’s not ideal or doable. I’m not sure why you wrote your comment tbh. I’m not sure if English is your first language but it looks like you either don’t understand my comment or you’re trying to make an argument where there isn’t one which I find bizarre.
+non yobussiness I just added something informative to the discussion, my bad for tagging your name. Have a nice day.
10 videos in 1 week. We all appreciate this a whole lot Alex. Thank you
Alex you’ve become much more open minded these past few months, and your channel is showing it..keep up the good work
Jacob Groppel how was he not open minded before ? I think he’s always been a open minded figure in the industry
Jacob Bonfante I never said he wasn’t before
My boy Alex pumping out the quality content.
Madd Matt jooooocey content
so in very basic terms progressive overload is just making your training harder over time
It goes up and down... it's harder when you first up something, and then it gradually gets easier until you up it again... rinse, repeat!
It all comes down to increasing the amount of work you do. Increase intensity, you're increasing work done. Increasing volume, you're increasing work done. Same goes for increasing frequency, range of motion, etc. More work = progressive overload
For certain exercises like ez bar skull crushers i do 6-12 reps and try to increase reps by 2 each session but on my other push day i do dumbell skullcrusehrs and do 10-14 reps and increase reps by 1 each session. Is that good
@@amarpalsohal9575 no
Alex is the best in the business by far and even for his standarts, this video is vintage. So good, so true every inch of it. Never change, bro.
Looking pretty lean
Bruce Bane lean look is the best look
Mark Blakeley with clothes off yeah as people know you have muscle but when wearing clothes you look skinny and people dont know you have muscle.
Bear mode people know it!
I think that this is true until you become more advanced. Also depends on your insertions and the clothes that you wear.
I was legitimately going to comment that progressively overload isn't only just adding on weight, but there are other ways like you covered on in the video... Goes to show you should always watch the video first! Great work alex
Do nucleus overload next
Like you want me to cover the topic?
+AlphaDestiny im also interested in the subject.i alwayd hear that you mention it but im not sure what it is.some basic guidelines would be more than enough for me
Look up Migan.. Team3Dalpha Videos. He is the person who named it Nucleus Overload.. It's bad ass and it works. Just be open to training a totally different way.. I did it at 52 years old and put size on my quads..
I read about it in your program, but further clarification would be awesome.
Yes can you cover nucleus overload please
Totally true. lifting heavy is relative and plays on various variables. I've tried everything for traps, then I followed your advice for last couple of weeks preparing for my show, THE GAINS WERE EXPONENTIAL comparing with 3 years of shrugs and progressive overload approach.
HassTheMass When you mean following advice for last few weeks.. are you implying the volume work is much more higher?
HassTheMass I like hitting traps heavy in off the rack with low reps ... shrugs with medium weight and reps and upward rows with light weight high reps, mind 15 reps at 80 kg is still heavy.
Hitting from every angle is best, you wil find different exercises respond to different rep ranges.
Yes, also I changed my workout routine for the traps.
Yes I don't do a standard approach now, I found various movements that allows me to lift heavier and maintain the form.
This is great advice! I started to train like this doing very high reps with low rest and I’m happy with the gains i have stared to see. And surprisingly my strength has also gone up!
Quality as usual!
Gym Addict there will always be haters no matter how good a video is there will always be some dislikes
This is one of the best videos in my opinion.
It really makes you laugh doesn't it hahaa.
The world was a more positive place till the Internet come along.
I've been really enjoying your videos for the past year or so. You seem more open-minded and less combative when laying out your arguments. Maybe it's the beard improving your judgement xD
One of your recent videos convinced me to dig deeper into the Westside hole, and I'm in love with this method of training. Westside might be a powerlifting gym, but Louie Simmons definitely thinks of his system as a method of general athletic conditioning and preparation. I'm making size and strength gains like crazy, and I definitely feel like most of it comes from all the higher volume assistance work. I'm not a powerlifter, and I feel like training as one has caused some of my current injuries.
Alex you're so right. I thought the only way to build was to do all sets 12-10-8-6. I'm glad you're advice is telling people instead of doing JUST a 5*5, but change weekly to 6*3, 8*3, 6*8 rpe 6, 8*1 rpe 8. Appreciate your stuff, glad I bought your program
Your 10x10 body weight pull up video makes this point quite nicely
1:07 Use pause reps
1:16 increase reps and sets
4:33 increase range of motion
One of your best videos yet
Consistent uploads of quality content right here. Keep it up Alex!
I always knew you had great traps, but this video they're POPPING. that crazy volume you've been doing on rack pulls is paying off!
Another quality video. Just hit the notification bell.
Man thanks for everything, your program changed my life
I second that
Gary Walker do you have a link to the program?
UnknownUser Novice program:
This man Alex is grinding!! Keep up the good work bro we all appreciate it
Not one of the things that worked best, but worked really good was the advice you gave in one of your videos. The one where you talk about ego lifting, helped me alot. For instance, when you're supposed to do a set of 5x25, you have to chose a weight you can actually do for 25 reps and not end up doing 20-17 for most sets. Thank you for that one.
I''m actually pretty happy to see you preaching that, man. Improving form instead of simply putting more weight on the bar like you used to preach back in 2016. I'm guessing those rings really did you a nice job when it comes to progressive overload through leverage.
Great Info!! Alex ROCKS!
I totally agree. I just realized that myself like a month ago by going back to bodybuilding style training after a long period of strenght training. You have to know what you are doing If you want it to work in fact, but this comes with the experience, knowing your own body is crucial.
fantastic video...U can get super strong short rests with higher reps....The whole low rep bias is over...Doing a volume day can kick your ass
I’ll definitely consider becoming more strict on my form and range of motion as a form of progression. Thanks Alex !
I like the vibe of this video. Informative and doesnt come off cocky like your other videos lol.
Yes, absolutely true. Incorporate all types of progressions, even the one that you don't like; light weight, heavy weight, high reps, explosive movements, calisthenics ets., eat right and you will become a hell of a beast.
I think the best way to do progressive overload is to try to increase the reps until you hit a certain number of reps(at least 12).Then switch to a weight that will drop you bac down to say 6 and then rebuild.
serioushamster true! Old school. Simple. Logical. And effective
I liked Arthur Jones HIT recommendation of 2 second positive, 4 second negatives then extending the set with 2 forced reps or 2 rest/pause reps.
You are absolutley right alex.
Hey man love the content on nutrition and actual exercise sports science. Went to school for that so I appreciate the debunking of junk science. I am training more than ever and this channel provides great info and motivation!
Loving the daily upload
100% truth 0% bs listen to this man!
It is easier to stay positive about your training and progression if you try to get better in different things that you have mentioned here
Thanks, buddy. Sound advice as always 💪🏻
Best youtube channel ever thank you very very very much alex
Well said brother 👏🏽👏🏽
Sets, reps, bands, drop sets, static holds, forced negatives, rest intervals
I'm ready Alex, today is the day that i get naturaly enhance even though I ain't natural lol i strongly belong in your philosophies.
The realest fitness channel on youtube.
I use to do high volume in the early stages of lifting. I decided to switch to more compound heavy movements and lowered my rep range. I also dedicated myself to tracking my lifts. Along with nutrition, this is when results started to show dramatically.
Rep goal system has been one of the most effective way of progressive overload for me
You tha real MVP
Very interesting topic as always my man
For me because of skinny fat small shoulder width (wide hips/small shoulder width):
Squats in 3's to keep growth there but not get quad sweep huge past my shoulder's
Don't focus on bench and focus on OHP in sets of 3/5/9
lat-pull or weighted pull up in sets of 5-8
As a skinny fat (wide hips/small shoulder width) the accessories i mainly chose were:
Side lateral 10-15
face pull 12-15
curl 8-15
incline cgbp 8-15
(sometimes pull down 8-15)
Awesome alex really opening up the various ways to increase stress in every exercise or sets and reps to get stronger. I think training bodybuilding helps understand how to apply stress in various ways which can help improve performance as well
great video alex
I think that your arms look better in the thumbnail than they have ever before
You are a great motivator
Looking fab my dude
Old Time Strongmen also sported what I like to call the "Classic Mustache" and man does it look good. They also had sharp minds. I want to get as many books from these guys as I can.
Keep on the good knowledge!
Thanks for the video. I love your in depth videos even though Im not a guy who likes to lift crazy heavy all the time.
After a 100 reps of rack pull at 405, aim for 101 reps of rack pulls at a shorter time.
Indeed, that's progression!
However, I'm shooting for much higher than that. My short term goal is 500x100. I also want to do 20x20 with 500
+AlphaDestiny where this super high rep method came from?i saw nether doing it
Sam Ernill! Check his channel out :) he's like Nether's padawan :D
Joshua Blay this comment has not aged well
What has worked best for me was definitely when I switched to a push pull leg split with a traditional form of bodybuilding training. Essentially a lot of volume. What I’m doing now is basically just heavy training, a lot of heavy compound lifts. I’ve gotten a lot stronger and bigger as of recent.
I work from MEV to MRV by adding sets each week and progressing in RPE. Works amazing for building muscle.
I run PFS in FRD through the method I like to call PPC! Oh, and my DER is better than your FYR!!!
Not always about predicted 1rm is Alex’s real message. Sure increasing 1rm is great, but so is progressing with these methods and reaping the benefits in the long term which will raise your general strength therefore raising your predicted 1rm.
See reflections of jj Anderson’s thinking in this, you the buges, and jj are the best bro
Love the videos man. I just wish you would answer our questions more often. We love hearing from you and it's super helpful to have some guidance, because there's SO much wrong and misleading information out there. I know you're working hard on these vids, but I wish you would spread some love by answering more questions from time to time.
Answer questions more often? Bro I'd love to but I have over 120,000 people here and receive hundreds of emails a week. I can't be coaching every single person 1 on 1, it's impossible and I'm not here to do that. I do weekly Q&As, but anything custom after that point is going to come at a price.
Thanks for the reply. I very much appreciate the work you put into this channel, and I understand that coaching 120,000 people 1 on 1 is ludicrous. However, there are an average of 600 comments per vid, and a small percentage of them are questions. Maybe you can answer a couple questions every day in your spare time? I think that answering short questions in your spare time is one of the best ways to build up your fanbase, because few bigger youtube channels do that. It also proves to your viewers that you care about them, and it might bring in more subscribers.
I already do that homie. Please see my comment section I spend a lot of time here. It should be obvious to anyone that I care about you guys, I answer more questions than most fitness youtubers.
I see that you do answer our questions. Thing is, I've been asking simple questions for months and very very rarely get an answer. I watch every video as soon as it comes out, but when it comes to getting questions answered, I get nothing. I feel like most people who comment are the same way. Regardless, I am happy that you do answer our questions at the rate that you do.
I also want to say. Thanx Alpha your the best. Everything you tought me made me make progress in the gym and to look fuckin big. With these 3D delts i developed from ur lifts
Alex dude. You have a duty to show your subscribers the Rack chin. Ever since Dante (DC Training) showed me how to do them, they are the no1 staple for lat width(and lat thickness).
Better than pullups for a variety of reasons.
I think nucleus overload can also affect muscle gains pretty significantly.
Training footage , like the ones you did when you bulked . It's more motivating and yes new exercise as well.
I know you are cutting but we don't want you to hit new numbers everyday.
Your content is on excellent side
In the Jeff seid workout Programm video you already showed us the Pokémon Trap Trick at 1:12 xD
Using more ROM, a different angle, different exercise, slower reps, using bands,
and there are even more ways
When is the calf video coming out?
Hassan Abdulhadi he already did one many years ago.
Hassan Abdulhadi and the day after NEVER!
Do calf jumps
excited for this!
I find that doing heavy sets of singles trips etc then dropping the weight to do more sets and reps has really helped me put on size stronger I got the bigger I got
Hight intensity for bulking (12 10 8 rep range) less sets. For a couple of months. 4500 - 6/8000 cals
High volume for cutting (10 12 15 rep range) more sets. For a couple of months. 2500 cals -
maintenance some times intensity some times volume (8 10 12 15) rep range. More or less sets. Till bulking or cutting, normally a couple of months to 6 months. 3000 - 3500 cals.
Drop sets, forced reps, negatives in all types of training, some times 21s or half reps to full reps back to half just to catch muscle out and shock it.
Cut. chest back. Legs. Shoulders arms. X 2 . 1 day off.
Maintenance. chest bis. back tris. Off. legs. shoulders traps. chest back. Off.
Bulk. Chest bis. Back tris. Off. Legs. Off. Shoulders traps. Off.
Change splits to shock muscle and burn more or less cals as frequency goes up or down and more or less rest days (to recover) more recovery days = a cal surplus and more growth.
Are you doing this full time now Alex? 1 video a day it seems lately and I ain’t complaining!
good informative video, keep it up
Alex is the realest dude on UA-cam
Approaching my 64th birthday. After 5 years of consistent training I've built a decent physique at 248 lbs with skinfold caliper estimates of body fat in the 11% range. Your points in this video very helpful. I'm finding it harder and harder to increase the weight I lift because of joint issues and slower recovery. The year I've been working on my execution, form, and mind-muscle connection and find that I have to lower the weight 10 to 20 lbs to really hit all the cues. I know I'm still progressing and improving. It's just not showing up in the weights.
You gotta remember you’re old now so things will be much much slower for you. Your testosterone is much lower, your recovery will take much longer etc but regarding your joint pain I would recommend doing an ATG or zero programme by kneesovertoesguy guy. With certain movements you can specifically strengthen you joints, tendons and ligaments in a much more advanced safe way compared to bodybuilders and powerlifters
How fast can i achieve a 17-18 inch neck?
I'm losing weight but don't wanna end up with a pencil neck.
AlphaDestiny every day nucleus overload method with high reps or heavy weight 3 times a week?
guh yeah rather nucleus overload but some heavy sets are fine as well
What could you do? Like bodyweight 100-200 neck curls every night for some months?
16 inch to 17 in 2-3 months or so for me. Plateaud at 15kg neck curls because I don't know how to do it
Ask your girl how she got a thick neck...
Love your Videos god damn
I used to only lift like a bodybuilder, all my lifts were low numbers but high intensity. Recently I've changed to strength training for numbers, and the numbers go up with low reps. After a few months hitting bigger numbers I'll add in more reps at those numbers and go back to bodybuilding style lifts.
5 X 20 pushups. 3-5 second rest. Elbows full tucked in by sides. Hands even pointing out a bit. Hits upper chest better to and zero shoulder pain, like you get when elbows are out further.
Damn good video mate
HIT man, the old Nautilus protocols are hard to beat for the best results imo.
try out a nucleus overload transformation of biceps
yeah exactly, you can absolutely get stronger by doing 'hypertrophy style' training, however a lot of people don't actually track their workouts and tend to forget what they lifted week to week, as well as the tendency to change things TOO often (by that I don't mean specific exercise rotation, I mean changing things just for the hell of it).
The study by Schoenfeld showed that 10 x 3 and 3 x 10 produced the same hypertrophy, yet the 10 x 3 group gained more strength. However surely, the 3 x 10 group would have gained strength potential, but as they worked with lower percentages they weren't as neurally efficient and would require a 'peaking' phase to realise this strength.
You inspired me to do 100 reps for my rack pulls during my workout today
Increasing total tonnage over time, reps and sets don't matter as long as i hit the total tonnages each training.
Time under tension is a bitch but you get strong asf,
i appreciate u bro
I'm 14 months in. The first year I did high volume, high frequency training. Got way bigger and strength went up. But I definitely gained a ton of size. I looked stonger than I am. Then I lowered my volume considerably and I'm doing 3x5's and 3x3's. In the past 2 months my strength has exploded. I guess I'm putting all the size to good use.
Touch and go,paused rep,paused rep for 1 sec,add weight and repeat my proggresion.
Personally I love taking something like a 3-rep max and adding a rep a workout and making it a 10-rep max, then increasing weight, rinse, repeat
Alex, I NEED that calf video. I need variation, I am determined to get good calves, fuck genetics.
dccsnare bro it’s not rocket science, do 3-5 sets of seated calf raises ( pause at the bottom and squeeze at the top, don’t jerk, very controlled) do 3-5 sets of standing calf raises same principle. You’re gonna wanna vary volume and intensity. Maybe one day a week so 5 sets of 15-20 and the other day 3 by 10.
Jeff cavalier has videos about Calves and even full workouts just for calves
I ran German volume training, 10 sets of 10. And I blew up at that point. Made the mistake of changing the lifts to more "body building movements" and progress slowed. The second time I ran it I stuck to big compound movements. Honestly just squating, DL, benching, rowing and OHP 10 sets of 10 with 50% of your 1 RM is hard as shit, especially when you've been training below 5 reps per set for most of those lifts. I used a timer to count 90 sec in between sets. Every time I could hit all ten sets of ten reps I added 5lbs to the lift the next time. Sometimes 10 if it was really easy. I sprinkled in some isolation work after the big lifts but it was probably shitting in the wind cause that 10*10 just ruined me. First and last time I ever did a quasi bro split. It definitely worked with that amount of volume recovery time was a few days at least. The foundation that the program built I think allowed me to make some pretty easy strength gains afterwards.
I like to train in a "chaotic" type of way because of the principle of progressive overload. Of course I have a bias towards adding more weight to the bar because, let's admit it, that's just deeply satisfying, but occasionally I'll find I don't feel like it or I simply can't, so I'll end up having a volume-dominant workout with reps upon reps, and other times I'm just in the mood to just lift heavy and for reps , so I'll warm up to heavy-heavy sets with high rep sets, and then perform cluster sets with heavy weights.