Watch the Full Podcast on Patreon with a Free 7 Day Trial: Follow Father Peter Here: Father Peter's Publishing Company:
@@RuslanKD a beautiful discussion. Let’s talk about Orthodox fasting from a medical perspective next! I wrote the book on exploring it! Let’s see how this theology manifests! Dr Pete, MD
@RuslanKD pleasese pin this comment because you misquoted Tim Keller in a way that made him heretical. The quote is "a fallible list of infallible books"
Agreed. Father Peter captures the fullness of revelation of Orthodox Christian faith in the above statement in conjunction with: "You gotta do it here if you're gonna have it there."
@@aliyamathiesen7290 congratulations on your conversion🙏🏻 did you know that the Russian Orthodox Church was excommunicated from the other Orthodox Churches?
@@aliyamathiesen7290 My mistake. The Russian Orthodox Church has denounced the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and supported the Russian military in its actions against Ukraine.
@@aliyamathiesen7290It's not true but come on. Their Bishop accepted a Tank as a gift from Putin and he sustains a war of conquest while the Russian Orthodox Priests makes Moscow's propaganda in the churches of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. They where not excommunicated but their relationship with the other Orthodox churches will need a lot of healing
I want to make sure I understand what you are saying. You left a Cristian Church to go to a church that worships statues, and bows down to a man. You might want to reconsider that move.
@@TheOrthodoxWorld so you think he needs humbled because he thinks differently than you How very Christian of you. Just because you say it as you think nicely doesn't make it not a condemnation and put down
@@TheOrthodoxWorld the truth is not judgmental it sets you free from judgment day, John 14:6 King James Version 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Ruslan, try to get Fr Josiah Trenham on one day as well. He wrote a book called rock and sand, and its amazing. I feel y’all’s conversation would be amazing. Thank you for bringing Fr Peter on. He is one of our great ones. Very humble and sincere man.
Orthodox Christianity is so deep. It's never ending. 100% has the fullness of the faith. People are converting from Protestantism in huge numbers. Glory to God ☦️
Православие - ересь Евангельское христианство - жизнь по слову и по духу - это жизнь. И тут даже не протестантизм Жизнь по слову и по духу исследуйте писание. Истина вас освободит и не ручайтесь за еретическую мерзость Не навлекайте на себя гнев Божий
Да вы правы православное "христианство " ,если его можно назвать христианством очень глубоко - до самого ада Поэтому бегите от туда Это также сильное обольщение как и ислам как и идолопоклонство - блуд. Почему блуд потому что православие изменило Истинному Богу и избрало идолы и поклонение им
I asked God to guide me to where I can worship my Lord Jesus Christ, and He lead me to the Orthodox Church. Scales are slowly peeling. I love my church. Lord, Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen 🙏
Me too, when I was Protestant I prayed to god daily to not allow me to be led astray and to worship Him the way HE wants me to and to reveal Himself more fully to me IF I didn’t have it right already. I am now a catechumen in the Orthodox Church and my 4 month old baby is being baptized later this month. Glory to God. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me a sinner 🙏🏻
@@catherinethompson6531 crazy how you asked to be guided to worship him the correct way and then came to the conclusion that OC was the right way. Almost like you got what you prayed for. I’d highly recommend looking into psychology of religion.
Protestants had the awareness to break from the beast. The beast that fractured from the church. It was just a matter of time before y’all made your way back around. ❤️☦️
Went from being an athiest to believing in God 100% only 3 days after my first divine liturgy. (I hadn't researched it hardly and knew next to nothing about the faith before going). My whole family quickly converted. God is present abundantly in the Orthodox church.
@@bri8872 жаль что вы ничего не исследовали Потому что православие такое же как и ислам идолопоклонство , то что Бог ненавидит . Православные говорят что знают Бога. Но Бог знает ли их Они делаю что Богу неугодно , думая что правы соблюдая свои религиозные обряды ,тем самым почитая своих лжерелегиозных лидеров и проатцов и оскверняя истинную веру и не почитая Бога. Бегите из православия Да там есть может быть люди, которые вероятно любят и ищут Бога , и если это искренне то они должны выйти от туда Потому что православие да и ещё и католицизм намешан то двойной удар по вере. Эта смесь похуже ислама. Сколько католицизм уничтожил истинных верующих. Ищите живую церковь Иисуса Христа Евангельскую церковь Иисуса Христа которая живёт по писанию ,а не по обрядам языческим Католики, ладно не буду обижать людей католицизм это религия поклонения лжебогам идолам Чтобы не оставлять своих идолов которые идут из древних римских мифологий , католицизм своею дерзкою косматою рукой воздвиг их в" святые" и дал им новые имена. И многие в мире следуют за этим почитая эти всех "святых" Поисследуйте историю да и в интернете много инф. Библия говорит гибнет народ от неведения. Виноваты будут и те кто обольстил и те кто дал себя обольстить.
@@ShockedSquirrelhere don't lose heart! It took a lot of pain and time to bring me to the point of being able to turn to God as a lifelong athiest. It can take time.
Eastern Orthodoxy (officially known as the Orthodox Catholic Church) is the truest and only unchanged Church founded by Christ. Converting from Eastern rite Roman Catholicism to the Orthodox Catholic Church was the greatest decision of my life. The grass truly is much greener on the other side
@@partlysimpson5154 The Orthodox Church is less concerned with being seen on the streets and more concerned with being found in the heart. Preaching, healing, and casting out demons are fruits of faith, but they are done where God leads, whether in the streets or in the stillness of a soul seeking Him. The Church's mission is to make saints, not to put on displays, trusting that in every quiet prayer and every hidden act of love, Christ's Gospel is preached and His healing is made known.
Thanks! This was such an interesting and edifying conversation. I watched it in parts while traveling for work and had to replay so many sections because it was super interesting. Thank you for bringing such a great and respectful conversation
Depends on the Priest. Ordination is not an inoculation against error. Better statement might be everyone need to spend some time in an Orthodox Church, Vespers the Liturgy.
Peter Heers is not an Orthodox priest. The Orthodox churches in America have confimed publicly several times that he has NO canonical status in ANY Orthodox church.
@@anthonycarlisle6184 You are working in the wrong direction as the entire “vampire” myth is of 18th century origin. Vespers in Latin and the original Greek Esperinos simply means evening or dusk. “Evening Prayer Service” has essentially been shortened to “evening”. Using a different language, English, allows us to adapt that word and no longer say the “prayer service” part, but everyone knows that that’s what it means. Regardless, the Church used Vespers for at least 1,700 years prior to the myth. The word “gospel” isn’t a religious term either it was a secular proclamation of a conquering general, king or emperor should we have new language for it, or about a thousand others?
@@SaltShack Vampire is a mythological creature from Serbian mythology, and has nothing to do with German, French or any other language, mythology and tradition.
Became Orthodox in 1996. Came from a protestant welyan- arminian tradition. Orthodoxy is the Christianity that all faithful Christians want. The fullness of the faith.
As a orthodox christian ☦️ convert from islam with My family and many family friends. All Muslims will see the truth like we did. Bless you ☦️☝️ Have a great day.
@@davidandbernadettegockowsk9077 And what you do, think, say is shaped by what you're determined to become. You aren't a slave to your thoughts and you aren't a mere puppet with no control over your actions. You set your goals, and your actions (what you say is action) change accordingly if you give yourself to becoming what you set out, and your actions and goals eventually change your thoughts. Trust in the process.
@@smintinaoxana7288 7 days since your statement, and still not explaining anything. I think you know what people think of you. It's either you say what's in your mind, either there's no mind there. Just a tape recorder. cheers mate
Great debate, Father Peter Heers and his ability to explain Orthodoxy in depth is truly priceless, he has helped me as an Orthodox understand what it means to be a true Orthodox. May God bless him and his works 🙏
волим слушати ове подкасте, и протестанте и католике волим слушати зато што ми помаже видјети перспективу и упоредити моја Теолошка мишљења са другима. anyway, God bless you brother 🙏🏽 ☦️
Father Peter Heers really takes his role as a Priest seriously. The guy knows his stuff. My Priest is friends with him and I love his brother John. The Heers brothers are awesome!
One of the best most substantive podcast/conversations/dialog on Christianity. As a Christian for 50 yes I am exploring the Orthodox Church and this was such a blessing! Thank you both!
you just like religion, but no direct connection with God! religion is a works based concept that condemns you to hell! and don't get me started on the idolatry.....
Listening to Ruslan and Fr. Peter, it's almost like watching someone in a law court versus someone in a hospital. Ruslan, with his Protestant background, approaches faith with a more forensic mindset-focused on legal frameworks like justification, grace, and atonement in a very structured, almost courtroom-like manner. Meanwhile, Fr. Peter embodies the Eastern Orthodox view, which feels more like being in a spiritual hospital. Orthodoxy emphasizes healing, transformation, and the therapeutic process of salvation, where the goal is the restoration of the soul and union with God rather than simply a legal declaration of righteousness. It will likely take several more podcasts for Ruslan to fully grasp the Eastern Orthodox worldview. The East’s approach is deeply rooted in ancient tradition, mysticism, and a holistic understanding of salvation that transcends Western categories. It’s not about just winning a case but undergoing a lifelong process of spiritual healing and communion with God. The more Ruslan engages with Eastern Orthodox thought, the more layers of this profound, sacramental worldview will unfold and help millions of those watching.
You’re the second person I’ve seen refer to church as being like “spiritual hospital”. I like the analogy. The other person referred to Protestantism as like a mall, which I thought was also apt. Especially since a lot of nondenominational churches reside in strip malls.
I think this idea of Western legalism needs to be returned to the cemetery of incorrect assumptions where it belongs. Not the notion itself, but the notion that it's wrong somehow to be rational in approaching Scripture, or faith, or that rationalism inherently negates or must exist without mysticism. In fact, we cannot have a full appreciation of faith without both. It's one of the most tired, overused, and uninteresting arguments in favor of Eastern Orthodoxy that I hear regularly in Orthodox parishes.
I'm surprised it took Ruslan so long to get an Eastern Orthodox priest like Fr. Peter on the podcast! This conversation was long overdue and incredibly eye-opening. When East meets West, it's clear there’s a wealth of wisdom and tradition to explore. This is just the tip of the iceberg, and I hope to see more interviews with Eastern Orthodox voices in the future. It's exactly what the West needs right now to deepen its understanding of Christianity's roots. Great job, Ruslan-keep bringing these important conversations to light!
Вы правы множество мудрости и традиций Об этом ещё сказано в писании Душевная мудрость- сатанинская и почитание бабских басней и религиозных традиций которые идут из сатанинских языческих глубин. Поэтому бегите из православия и католицизма и не увлекайтесь мягкими речами православных обольстителей которые двигаются под рукой сатаны
I started out as a Catholic for many years ~> then a Protestant “non denominational”, ~> and finally found the most beautiful one true church, ORTHODOXY. I love the Bible so much and started to learn church history and what came first…the church or the Bible? I then realized the church was first and I was curious on who exactly out together that Bible I love with my whole heart…I discovered it was the unwavering and unchanging Orthodox Church. I now am living as an Orthodox Christian praise be to Christ ☦️ Ruslan, when will you join orthodoxy? I love all Gods people and I know you do too. Thank you having this discussion with Father Peter. He is a phenomenal representation of Orthodoxy ❤️
I admit the Greek Liturgy is beautiful sadly there was a Melkite Church around the corner where I grew up and didn’t realize it was actually in communion with Rome. So I didn’t attend but for the wrong reason. Anyways it’s Antiochian and St Chrysostom liturgy.
Не дай Господь чтобы это видео не обольстил о ни одного человека. А лишь Твоя Истина Боже спасла и освободила каждого и православного и католика и мусульман чтобы Боже твоя истина сделала их свободными Найди их Господь спаси и освободи по милости Твоей во имя Иисуса Христа Вот это спасает
Excellent interview I'm Serbian Orthodox and all of u who are converting to Orthodox Christianity WELCOME MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS God bless you all☦️☦️☦️🙏🏻
Orthodox inquirer here ✋ This was very good. Thank you Father Peter for doing this interview and thank you Ruslan for asking the tough questions that many protestant have.
My family and I are Catechumen and soon to be baptized after the birth of our daughter. It brings tears to my eyes often for how grateful I am to become part of the Orthodox church and set my family on a firm foundation of becoming humble servants of Jesus Christ. Lord have mercy. ☦
Discovering and participating in the Divine Liturgy at an Orthodox parish finally made everything click. I now know I’m apart of the church established at Pentecost. Glory to Christ!
@foodforthought8308 Pentecostalism was formed by Charles Fox Parham in 1873 in the United States and has nothing to do with the Church founded on the Pentecost day - the Orthodox Church. People branched and scattered into hundreds and thousands of denominations. But the original stem of the Church of Christ is the Orthodox Church.
My priest condemns most priests that have any online presence. His church is full of people because of Fr. Peter, Abbot Tryphon, and Fr Josiah Trenham though, so 🤷🏻
Православие тяжёлая сеть сатаны Простым от туда легко выйти но те кто дал себя обольстить тяжело выбрать Так как они прилепились к Христианству , но по сути ничего от Истины не имеют Не все кто говорить Господи ,Господи спасутся А верующий в Истинного Бога Иисуса Христа по писанию и исповедующий чистое Евангелие и собственным свидетельством своей жизни до конца останется верным спасётся Потому что спасен е совершается в течении жизни Писание говорит исследуй себя и писание Вникай в себя и в учение
I would argue orthodox is more accepting. Orthodoxy understands we are all humans and we aren’t perfect where I feel Catholics are very commit sin and you will be punished. Where orthodoxy makes you look deep inside yourself why you committed that sin and if you truly believe you will abstain from that sin you will be forgiven
My entire family of 12 converted from Protestantism to Orhodoxy in 2020. Best decision we ever made. It took a couple of years to get there because I had such bad romaphobia but once I began researching and listening to the early fathers I could no longer deny the faith. :)
@evertaj2438 which one? I see a lot of different branches in orthodoxy itself in SA, and I'm new to Orthodoxy. I appreciate Eastern Orthodoxy but I'm open to hear what your opinion is if you wouldn't mind sharing :)
@@divanvanniekerk Orthodoxy consists of two main branches: Eastern Orthodoxy and Oriental Orthodoxy. Eastern Orthodoxy is the largest and most widely recognized branch, encompassing Patriarchates such as Russian, Greek, Romanian, Bulgarian, and Serbian. These are not separate branches but administrative divisions within Eastern Orthodoxy, each overseeing specific regions or cultures. All Eastern Orthodox Churches are in full communion, allowing members to participate in sacraments, such as confession and Holy Communion, across any church, regardless of nationality. For example, I had access to Greek, Russian, and Serbian Orthodox churches. Out of convenience and a preference for the priest, I frequently attended the Greek Orthodox Church and was baptized there. However, my godfather-an essential role in Orthodox baptism, even for adults-is Serbian Orthodox, demonstrating the unity and shared practices across Eastern Orthodoxy. In contrast, Oriental Orthodoxy, which includes Coptic, Syriac, Assyrian, and Ethiopian churches, developed independently due to historical isolation during the Islamic era and other factors. When referring to "Orthodoxy," it typically means Eastern Orthodoxy. Converts in the West, lacking their own Patriarchates due to the faith's relative obscurity, are integrated into existing ones. Over time, as more converts join, distinct Western Patriarchates may emerge.
This Orthodox priest espouses the essence of faith that I accepted when I was accepted into Orthodoxy from Roman Catholic faith. Salvation and theosis is only realized through the faith of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in His submission to the Will of the Father.
Awesome. Love this guy's consistency and patience. It can be easy to come off badly when you know more about what you are talking about than the other person, but he didn't. Praise the Lord.
Thanks you so much for having Father Heers. I have beeen blessed to listen to numerous podcasts by him and he has helped me dearly in my journey of Orthodoxy. My wife and I were baptized last February after being Charismatic for 40 years. We are continually being filled by the richness of the Eastern Faith!
@@Brak0777 I grew up charismatic so 25 years or so being involved in ministry and living as a long term missionary oversees. I never in my life thought I’d find a richer more true expression of the Christian faith but as soon as I started diving into EO theology and understanding, and how they live, I knew I found the true faith established by Christ. If I may ask what’s the biggest things that drew you in, or pulled you away from the charismatic faith?
I'm an American who grew up in a secular home. I found Christ after my wife and I had our child. Been going to my wife's protestant church for several years since. I have found truth in Orthodoxy and will be attending my first Divine Litirugy in January 2025.
Father Peter's patience throughout this could only have come from a spirit of love. If Ruslan keeps genuinely seeking Truth, he is going to eventually have an actual experience wirh Christ (which he hasnt yet had) and, when that happens, having had this conversation is going to help him so much. Glory to God! ☦️
@@davidandbernadettegockowsk9077Christ calls Peter the Rock? If so doesn’t Christ call Peter Satan 115 words later in the same chapter of the same Book? You can even ignore the original Greek Translation, 1,000 years of History and where all the other Apostles received the powers to bind and loose and have thrones to Judge the 12 Tribes of Israel, but if you don’t apply literary consistency the Bible becomes Koranic and can affirm or deny anything you want it to.
@@davidandbernadettegockowsk9077 1.Peter started the Antiochian Church. 2. Peter went to Rome 3. Rome killed Peter 4. Rome said: Look at me, I am Peter now. Seriously now tho, what makes Rome the stone and not Antioch by this logic?
@@clivejungle6999 The schism is for clergy and not laity. We are together as one Church. This issue is between Ukraine, The Ecumenical Patriarch and Russia.
Its not about what your doing, its about he who lives within you. For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him alone be all glory now and forever, amen.
Back in the 80s my grandfather was a reverend of the Episcopalian church, based in Santa Cruz, and he was too liberal. He was fired and took his flock with him as he departed. Just interesting to hear around the same time (and area) Fr Peter's parents went the opposite way! Thank God, besides all that, I'm also Orthodox now ☦️
Santa Cruz California? There's someone in my parish here in Santa Cruz CA that was an Episcopalian priest and became Orthodox as well. Wonder if it's the same person. Haha
Orthodoxy is the one and true church, established by God and has apostolic succession. If you want the full of Christianity then you found home. Glory to Go d❤
@@returnfreedom He's right Orthodoxy is just older protestantism. Catholics are Christ's church and the Pope is the Vicar of Christ, going all the way back to Saint Peter.
@@frankenbran85 the Roman Catholic Church disagrees w you as it recognizes the Orthodox Catholic Churches sacraments as valid and communes Orthodox people without initiating them.
@@bobbobberson5627 I never said the Orthodox Church doesn't have valid sacraments but they did split, I wanna see the reunification personally but all I hear is hate towards the Catholic Church so I don't know if that can happen.
I'm a Protestant but I love all my Orthodox brothers and sisters. Praise be to God for your lives and may God continue to use you according to His will
@adambajgora2266 while his overall views of orthodoxy i agree and love but his view on coptic churc is very very wrong. We do not believe Christs nature is 2 we do believe that for not one moment was his nature was seperated, something we recite, and his note about us rejecting Theosis is completely wrong.
I go to a non denominational church and the holy spirit has been guiding me to orthodox Christianity. I want something fulfilling and original to what the apostles taught, but can never get down with catholicism. Every time I have a doubt about a certain orthodox belief I find answers in the bible, or through prayer! I have convinced my mom to try out a greek orthodox church (an hour away) with me. We haven't went yet, but please pray for me and my mother that we would be guided through the holy spirit, and that the church would be filled with the holy spirit! My heart is in orthodoxy ❤ I just know that the lord is pushing me and many other young men into orthodoxy for a reason. I trust that the lord will guide me into the right church, and will guide me and my mother to the truth ❤ thank you lord for awakening me and my mother. God bless ❤
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@@RuslanKD a beautiful discussion. Let’s talk about Orthodox fasting from a medical perspective next! I wrote the book on exploring it! Let’s see how this theology manifests! Dr Pete, MD
@RuslanKD That was such an insightful discussion of you to have a talk with the Orthodox Ruslan version💭🙈
we have plenty of Papist Bishops on Orthodox church ...
This was an awesome convo, it could've listened to yall talk all day.
@RuslanKD pleasese pin this comment because you misquoted Tim Keller in a way that made him heretical. The quote is "a fallible list of infallible books"
" it's not about what you're DOING it's about who you're BECOMING"
The best line of this episode.
A voluntary brainwashed convert?
Brate Marsovac - gde (as we would say - at white timestamp) si tacno to cuo?
Exactly 💯💯💯
Agreed. Father Peter captures the fullness of revelation of Orthodox Christian faith in the above statement in conjunction with: "You gotta do it here if you're gonna have it there."
I’m being baptized next month, followed by my girlfriend, then we’re being married 10 days later. Glory to God!
Glory to God!
Glory to Jesus Christ! Many years to you and your soon to be wife!
Ο Θεός να σας ευλογεί πάντα.
Slava Bogu☦️🇷🇸
Congratulations 🎉God bless you both. ❤
I am a former Presbyterian being baptized into the Russian Orthodox Church on Saturday! Pray for me brothers and sisters ☦️
@@aliyamathiesen7290 congratulations on your conversion🙏🏻 did you know that the Russian Orthodox Church was excommunicated from the other Orthodox Churches?
@@angelamorales534 that’s not true
@@aliyamathiesen7290 My mistake. The Russian Orthodox Church has denounced the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and supported the Russian military in its actions against Ukraine.
@@aliyamathiesen7290It's not true but come on. Their Bishop accepted a Tank as a gift from Putin and he sustains a war of conquest while the Russian Orthodox Priests makes Moscow's propaganda in the churches of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. They where not excommunicated but their relationship with the other Orthodox churches will need a lot of healing
I left Protestantism and found Orthodoxy. I am currently a Catechumen and will be baptized before Pascha in 2025. Praise be to god!
I want to make sure I understand what you are saying. You left a Cristian Church to go to a church that worships statues, and bows down to a man. You might want to reconsider that move.
@@dontliveinsin Very Judgemental. May God bless you and give you a humble heart.
@@TheOrthodoxWorld so you think he needs humbled because he thinks differently than you How very Christian of you. Just because you say it as you think nicely doesn't make it not a condemnation and put down
@@TheOrthodoxWorld the truth is not judgmental it sets you free from judgment day, John 14:6
King James Version
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Ruslan, try to get Fr Josiah Trenham on one day as well. He wrote a book called rock and sand, and its amazing. I feel y’all’s conversation would be amazing. Thank you for bringing Fr Peter on. He is one of our great ones. Very humble and sincere man.
I second that! Patristic nectar!
Fr. Josiah would be an epic interview.
Not a good book that actually is honest
@@AllforOne_OneforAll1689 because it refutes protestantism
Orthodox Christianity is so deep. It's never ending. 100% has the fullness of the faith. People are converting from Protestantism in huge numbers. Glory to God ☦️
Православие - ересь
Евангельское христианство - жизнь по слову и по духу - это жизнь.
И тут даже не протестантизм
Жизнь по слову и по духу исследуйте писание. Истина вас освободит и не ручайтесь за еретическую мерзость
Не навлекайте на себя гнев Божий
Да вы правы православное "христианство " ,если его можно назвать христианством очень глубоко - до самого ада
Поэтому бегите от туда
Это также сильное обольщение как и ислам как и идолопоклонство - блуд.
Почему блуд потому что православие изменило Истинному Богу и избрало идолы и поклонение им
@@smintinaoxana7288 Stop receiving bs from american missionaries and praise ur ancestors!!
@@costealucia5357 No!
amen and amen!
I asked God to guide me to where I can worship my Lord Jesus Christ, and He lead me to the Orthodox Church. Scales are slowly peeling. I love my church.
Lord, Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen 🙏
Me too, when I was Protestant I prayed to god daily to not allow me to be led astray and to worship Him the way HE wants me to and to reveal Himself more fully to me IF I didn’t have it right already. I am now a catechumen in the Orthodox Church and my 4 month old baby is being baptized later this month.
Glory to God. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me a sinner 🙏🏻
God pls guide me
@@PowWowDAO keep praying this, put your trust in Him that He will guide you to his peace. Believe. God bless you.
@@catherinethompson6531 crazy how you asked to be guided to worship him the correct way and then came to the conclusion that OC was the right way. Almost like you got what you prayed for.
I’d highly recommend looking into psychology of religion.
Thank God
So many protestants are leaving the church and finding Orthodoxy. We are tired of wash down worship and being spiritually starved.
I think you mean leaving Protestantism and finding The Church
What is this
Protestants had the awareness to break from the beast. The beast that fractured from the church. It was just a matter of time before y’all made your way back around. ❤️☦️
Fast food Christianity is good intro into the full worship
Went from being an athiest to believing in God 100% only 3 days after my first divine liturgy. (I hadn't researched it hardly and knew next to nothing about the faith before going). My whole family quickly converted. God is present abundantly in the Orthodox church.
Your entire atheist family quickly converted to orthodoxy with zero hesitation? Likely story.
@@bri8872 жаль что вы ничего не исследовали
Потому что православие такое же как и ислам идолопоклонство , то что Бог ненавидит .
Православные говорят что знают Бога.
Но Бог знает ли их
Они делаю что Богу неугодно , думая что правы соблюдая свои религиозные обряды ,тем самым почитая своих лжерелегиозных лидеров и проатцов и оскверняя истинную веру и не почитая Бога.
Бегите из православия
Да там есть может быть люди, которые вероятно любят и ищут Бога , и если это искренне то они должны выйти от туда
Потому что православие да и ещё и католицизм намешан то двойной удар по вере.
Эта смесь похуже ислама.
Сколько католицизм уничтожил истинных верующих.
Ищите живую церковь Иисуса Христа
Евангельскую церковь Иисуса Христа которая живёт по писанию ,а не по обрядам языческим
Католики, ладно не буду обижать людей католицизм это религия поклонения лжебогам идолам
Чтобы не оставлять своих идолов которые идут из древних римских мифологий , католицизм своею дерзкою косматою рукой воздвиг их в" святые" и дал им новые имена.
И многие в мире следуют за этим почитая эти всех "святых"
Поисследуйте историю да и в интернете много инф.
Библия говорит гибнет народ от неведения.
Виноваты будут и те кто обольстил и те кто дал себя обольстить.
@@bri8872 cooooool 🙏🏼
If such happened oh I wish I had that 😢❤
@@ShockedSquirrelhere don't lose heart! It took a lot of pain and time to bring me to the point of being able to turn to God as a lifelong athiest. It can take time.
Eastern Orthodoxy (officially known as the Orthodox Catholic Church) is the truest and only unchanged Church founded by Christ. Converting from Eastern rite Roman Catholicism to the Orthodox Catholic Church was the greatest decision of my life. The grass truly is much greener on the other side
If it's so do you preach gospel, cast out demons, and heal the sick on streets those who are in need?
@@partlysimpson5154 The Orthodox Church is less concerned with being seen on the streets and more concerned with being found in the heart. Preaching, healing, and casting out demons are fruits of faith, but they are done where God leads, whether in the streets or in the stillness of a soul seeking Him. The Church's mission is to make saints, not to put on displays, trusting that in every quiet prayer and every hidden act of love, Christ's Gospel is preached and His healing is made known.
Thank God!!! ☦️
@@TsarOrthodoxBro_II arent u worried about saving others? Jesus said, make diciples😊
Eastern Catholicism was our gateway drug to Orthodoxy ☦️
Thanks! This was such an interesting and edifying conversation. I watched it in parts while traveling for work and had to replay so many sections because it was super interesting. Thank you for bringing such a great and respectful conversation
Wow thank you so much!
Everyone needs time with an Orthodox priest ❤☦️
Depends on the Priest. Ordination is not an inoculation against error. Better statement might be everyone need to spend some time in an Orthodox Church, Vespers the Liturgy.
Peter Heers is not an Orthodox priest. The Orthodox churches in America have confimed publicly several times that he has NO canonical status in ANY Orthodox church.
Vesper means vampire in Latin
@@anthonycarlisle6184 You are working in the wrong direction as the entire “vampire” myth is of 18th century origin. Vespers in Latin and the original Greek Esperinos simply means evening or dusk. “Evening Prayer Service” has essentially been shortened to “evening”. Using a different language, English, allows us to adapt that word and no longer say the “prayer service” part, but everyone knows that that’s what it means. Regardless, the Church used Vespers for at least 1,700 years prior to the myth. The word “gospel” isn’t a religious term either it was a secular proclamation of a conquering general, king or emperor should we have new language for it, or about a thousand others?
@@SaltShack Vampire is a mythological creature from Serbian mythology, and has nothing to do with German, French or any other language, mythology and tradition.
Became Orthodox in 1996. Came from a protestant welyan- arminian tradition. Orthodoxy is the Christianity that all faithful Christians want. The fullness of the faith.
@@micahjobbins7041 would love to learn more current Protestant in the same denomination as you were
As a orthodox christian ☦️ convert from islam with My family and many family friends.
All Muslims will see the truth like we did.
Bless you ☦️☝️
Have a great day.
Lets hope they do before its too late😓
May God bless you my brethren🙏
@Sammy-be5dc Many Christians who accept Islam say the same, they say they have found the truth.
Welcome home 🫶🏻☦️
Glory to God🙏🏻☦️
@@Sammy-be5dc There is no truth in Christianity.
"It's not what you do its what your becoming." 100% truth
You “become” by what you think, say, and do though so…
@@davidandbernadettegockowsk9077 exactly, which is ultimately rooted and a manifestation of the hearts situation.
@@davidandbernadettegockowsk9077 And what you do, think, say is shaped by what you're determined to become. You aren't a slave to your thoughts and you aren't a mere puppet with no control over your actions. You set your goals, and your actions (what you say is action) change accordingly if you give yourself to becoming what you set out, and your actions and goals eventually change your thoughts. Trust in the process.
Greetings from a Greek Orthodox .Thoroughly enjoying listening to the Father!
Какого отца вы слушаете?
отца лжи?
@@smintinaoxana7288 7 days since your statement, and still not explaining anything. I think you know what people think of you. It's either you say what's in your mind, either there's no mind there. Just a tape recorder. cheers mate
@@HansKst good day which statement are you talking about please write specifically, I wrote a lot of things
@@HansKst God is my protector from those who insult me I forgive you
@@smintinaoxana7288 ellaborate
Thank you. Greetings from an Ethiopian orthodox Christian 🇪🇹☦️
Great debate, Father Peter Heers and his ability to explain Orthodoxy in depth is truly priceless, he has helped me as an Orthodox understand what it means to be a true Orthodox. May God bless him and his works 🙏
волим слушати ове подкасте, и протестанте и католике волим слушати зато што ми помаже видјети перспективу и упоредити моја Теолошка мишљења са другима. anyway, God bless you brother 🙏🏽 ☦️
So smart man. Lord help him in the most difficult time
Быть истинным православным не значит быть истинным христианином и истинным дитем Божьим
I thought the guy on the left of the thumbnail was Ruslan dressed as an old man. They look alike low key 😂
Haha that cracked me up 😂😂
I thought the same! 😅
I was about to comment it's ruslan next chapter after midlife crisis😅
They for sure look alike. I thought the same thing! ✊❤️
Thank you 👏🏾 👏🏾👏🏾I thought the same thing
I am Serbian Orthodox mother. Love and blessing to my Russian Orthodox sisters and brothers .
Blessings to all orthodox,
Our prayers are with you and the whole region! 🙏☦️
Bless your sister.
Just Russians? Ok
@@njnikusha It's okay, nothing in bad spirit brother
Im converting to Orthodoxy. Im a cathecumen
Glory to God 🙏 ☦️🙏
Welcome home!
Many years ☦️🙏
Good choice
Ruslan talking to his future self. Lol
best comment i've seen xD - similar personality and everything
Yes it’s wild..👍🏽💥🙏🏽
Even the facial features!!
I thought I was the only one that thought this 😂
This was literally my thoughts
Father Peter Heers really takes his role as a Priest seriously. The guy knows his stuff. My Priest is friends with him and I love his brother John. The Heers brothers are awesome!
He spoke at a conference at my local parish early this year and I was sad that I missed it because I didn’t Start going to the church until June
Except for naming his bishop right ?
@@jg7923 He has a bishop. The Bishops are just feuding over who did the proper procedure.
“9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.” Matthew 23:9
@@ghost-user559 the protestant sect that was invented some five hundred years ago said what?
For 14 years I wandered the world of potassianism then studying church history I became Orthodox and that was 37 years ago. And I am home for good.
One of the best most substantive podcast/conversations/dialog on Christianity. As a Christian for 50 yes I am exploring the Orthodox Church and this was such a blessing! Thank you both!
I appreciate a respectful conversation. Respect to interviewer for have an open heart and actually listening and asking valid questions.
I became a catechumen yesterday after months of moving my wife and I to a location that has a parish! Glory to God!
@@TheEthangates5 welcome to the arena! God bless you and your wife.
Welcome home 🫶🏻☦️
You and your wife are so inspiring, wish you all the best.Greetings from Serbia, tomorrow we are strating our Cristmas fast.
My family and I are Orthodox converts from Protestantism and it has been an incredible journey and my experience with God has become much richer.
you just like religion, but no direct connection with God! religion is a works based concept that condemns you to hell! and don't get me started on the idolatry.....
@@gabrieltomoiaga212 Orthodoxy is direct connection with God! Why do you think Christ gave us a Church for ?
@@Nemearte take a break! Religion is man made using God as an excuse to justify man's doctrines not God's will!
Listening to Ruslan and Fr. Peter, it's almost like watching someone in a law court versus someone in a hospital. Ruslan, with his Protestant background, approaches faith with a more forensic mindset-focused on legal frameworks like justification, grace, and atonement in a very structured, almost courtroom-like manner. Meanwhile, Fr. Peter embodies the Eastern Orthodox view, which feels more like being in a spiritual hospital. Orthodoxy emphasizes healing, transformation, and the therapeutic process of salvation, where the goal is the restoration of the soul and union with God rather than simply a legal declaration of righteousness.
It will likely take several more podcasts for Ruslan to fully grasp the Eastern Orthodox worldview. The East’s approach is deeply rooted in ancient tradition, mysticism, and a holistic understanding of salvation that transcends Western categories. It’s not about just winning a case but undergoing a lifelong process of spiritual healing and communion with God. The more Ruslan engages with Eastern Orthodox thought, the more layers of this profound, sacramental worldview will unfold and help millions of those watching.
he should talk with sam shamoun, not onl about othodoxy but generally leaving this western protestan view and all other views that stem from it
You’re the second person I’ve seen refer to church as being like “spiritual hospital”. I like the analogy. The other person referred to Protestantism as like a mall, which I thought was also apt. Especially since a lot of nondenominational churches reside in strip malls.
I think this idea of Western legalism needs to be returned to the cemetery of incorrect assumptions where it belongs. Not the notion itself, but the notion that it's wrong somehow to be rational in approaching Scripture, or faith, or that rationalism inherently negates or must exist without mysticism. In fact, we cannot have a full appreciation of faith without both. It's one of the most tired, overused, and uninteresting arguments in favor of Eastern Orthodoxy that I hear regularly in Orthodox parishes.
@@SC-vd4ry as a former Lutheran, the scholasticism/rationalism that papal protestants inherited from Aquinas/Augustine etc is not a trope but a fact.
@@cybersludge the Church is referred as the “hospital for the healing of the body and soul, it’s not a court room” by St. John Chrysostom.
I'm surprised it took Ruslan so long to get an Eastern Orthodox priest like Fr. Peter on the podcast! This conversation was long overdue and incredibly eye-opening. When East meets West, it's clear there’s a wealth of wisdom and tradition to explore. This is just the tip of the iceberg, and I hope to see more interviews with Eastern Orthodox voices in the future. It's exactly what the West needs right now to deepen its understanding of Christianity's roots. Great job, Ruslan-keep bringing these important conversations to light!
Вы правы множество мудрости и традиций
Об этом ещё сказано в писании
Душевная мудрость- сатанинская и почитание бабских басней и религиозных традиций которые идут из сатанинских языческих глубин.
Поэтому бегите из православия и католицизма и не увлекайтесь мягкими речами православных обольстителей которые двигаются под рукой сатаны
@@smintinaoxana7288 So where and what do you suggest for Christians?
@lindamorgan2678 I propose to begin communication in the name of Jesus Christ and together come to salvation and freedom in Christ
He's not a Russian priest. Also there are plenty of great Russian priests.
This interview was great!! Thank you Fr. Peter ☦️☦️
@@MankinaZoomer very much so!
I started out as a Catholic for many years ~> then a Protestant “non denominational”, ~> and finally found the most beautiful one true church, ORTHODOXY.
I love the Bible so much and started to learn church history and what came first…the church or the Bible? I then realized the church was first and I was curious on who exactly out together that Bible I love with my whole heart…I discovered it was the unwavering and unchanging Orthodox Church. I now am living as an Orthodox Christian praise be to Christ ☦️
Ruslan, when will you join orthodoxy? I love all Gods people and I know you do too. Thank you having this discussion with Father Peter. He is a phenomenal representation of Orthodoxy ❤️
Then,What's Next 😅 ❔
Denominations doesn't do anything much (unless for those false cult faiths)
It is one's walk,relationship and intimacy to 'God'
If you believe what the Orthodox Church teaches then you are lost.
@userJohnSmith huh?
@userJohnSmith he could have wound up Hindu or Muslim and affording to the pope that's valid.
What is so beautiful about this church?
I thank god I was born into a Greek family with parents who taught us the orthodox religion and the fear of the god ♥️☦️
I admit the Greek Liturgy is beautiful sadly there was a Melkite Church around the corner where I grew up and didn’t realize it was actually in communion with Rome. So I didn’t attend but for the wrong reason. Anyways it’s Antiochian and St Chrysostom liturgy.
I’m so grateful God led me to his Orthodox Church. May he have mercy on us, and work through this conversation to reach more people ☦️
Не дай Господь чтобы это видео не обольстил о ни одного человека.
А лишь Твоя Истина Боже спасла и освободила каждого и православного и католика и мусульман чтобы Боже твоя истина сделала их свободными
Найди их Господь спаси и освободи по милости Твоей во имя Иисуса Христа
Вот это спасает
Excellent interview I'm Serbian Orthodox and all of u who are converting to Orthodox Christianity WELCOME MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS God bless you all☦️☦️☦️🙏🏻
God bless you dear ☦️🇬🇷⛪️
Thanks for this great talk. Greetings from a Romanian Orthodox.
Romanian orthodox too?! Old world is divided up just as bad as protestants in the new.
Presbyterian here. We miss you
I am an Orthodox and I learned a lot from this
Much love from Ethiopian Orthodox ❤
Orthodox inquirer here ✋ This was very good. Thank you Father Peter for doing this interview and thank you Ruslan for asking the tough questions that many protestant have.
My family and I are Catechumen and soon to be baptized after the birth of our daughter. It brings tears to my eyes often for how grateful I am to become part of the Orthodox church and set my family on a firm foundation of becoming humble servants of Jesus Christ. Lord have mercy. ☦
Discovering and participating in the Divine Liturgy at an Orthodox parish finally made everything click. I now know I’m apart of the church established at Pentecost. Glory to Christ!
Your pentecostal?
@@foodforthought8308no, pay attention
@foodforthought8308 Pentecostalism was formed by Charles Fox Parham in 1873 in the United States and has nothing to do with the Church founded on the Pentecost day - the Orthodox Church. People branched and scattered into hundreds and thousands of denominations. But the original stem of the Church of Christ is the Orthodox Church.
@@loizospapaloizou9494 Wait.... sp St. Paul wasn't Pentecostal? I'm so confused...
@@foodforthought8308are you being deliberately vague and confused?
Thank you Lord for preserving your Holy Orthodox church🙏☦️
Thank God for Fr Peter Heers ☦
Anyone who condemns Fr Peter as an unloving zealot has not met him in person.
Being called a zealot in the age of apostacy isn't the worst thing! 😅
My priest condemns most priests that have any online presence. His church is full of people because of Fr. Peter, Abbot Tryphon, and Fr Josiah Trenham though, so 🤷🏻
Our Spiritual Father gave us a blessing to listen to/watch Father Peter Heers@@joachimjustinmorgan4851
@@joachimjustinmorgan4851 I hope this priest isn’t your spiritual father since clearly he is misguided on something incredibly basic
Please explain what you mean, I know nothing. @@IlluminedOne
If Orthodoxy was easy, everyone would be an Orthodox.
@@Orthodox.Q In Romania
Православие тяжёлая сеть сатаны
Простым от туда легко выйти но те кто дал себя обольстить тяжело выбрать
Так как они прилепились к Христианству , но по сути ничего от Истины не имеют
Не все кто говорить Господи ,Господи спасутся
А верующий в Истинного Бога Иисуса Христа по писанию и исповедующий чистое Евангелие и собственным свидетельством своей жизни до конца останется верным спасётся
Потому что спасен е совершается в течении жизни
Писание говорит исследуй себя и писание
Вникай в себя и в учение
@@samimelente9977 Romanians go to church and drink and beat their families right after, nothing to do with orthodoxy, very few live by the book
I would argue orthodox is more accepting. Orthodoxy understands we are all humans and we aren’t perfect where I feel Catholics are very commit sin and you will be punished. Where orthodoxy makes you look deep inside yourself why you committed that sin and if you truly believe you will abstain from that sin you will be forgiven
lulz, not everyong choices to do easy thing, your silly son.
Orthodoxy is the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
except it's not you split from Christ's but I pray you guys come back home. You guys are just older protestants.
@@frankenbran85 How would that be if Rome is the one who defected from the other 4 patriarchates? In the age of the internet this is east to verify.
Close… but that only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades
@@davidandbernadettegockowsk9077 Bet your part of the pachamama pope apostates
@hxplxss1835 Roman catholic here. I wonder who has the keys 🔑 🤔 oh wait Matthew 16 verse 18. Hehe hehe.
Ruslan not only do yall look alike..yall have similar mannerisms and facial expressions 😮 …that’s yo family! I’m convinced😂
@@Helen-jy6br and the voice too..
Literally !!!!!
Lol.. I agree 😂
Father Peter is enlightened, centered and focused. He easily answered all of Ruslan KD's questions, with kindness, thoughtfulness and patience.
Many of us SO LOVE Fr Peter Heers!!!! He is a tremendous blessing!
I converted to Orthodoxy! I love what God is doing. ❤ love you all 🎉❤
He is very correct,he says the truth and does not try to "please " the ears.I am very happy to listen to him.
My entire family of 12 converted from Protestantism to Orhodoxy in 2020. Best decision we ever made. It took a couple of years to get there because I had such bad romaphobia but once I began researching and listening to the early fathers I could no longer deny the faith. :)
What “Protestantism) did you convert from? Just curious.
We are blessed to have you in our times Father Heers!
Grew up calvinist in South Africa, was baptized into the Orthodox Church last year.☦
@evertaj2438 which one? I see a lot of different branches in orthodoxy itself in SA, and I'm new to Orthodoxy. I appreciate Eastern Orthodoxy but I'm open to hear what your opinion is if you wouldn't mind sharing :)
@@divanvanniekerk Orthodoxy consists of two main branches: Eastern Orthodoxy and Oriental Orthodoxy. Eastern Orthodoxy is the largest and most widely recognized branch, encompassing Patriarchates such as Russian, Greek, Romanian, Bulgarian, and Serbian. These are not separate branches but administrative divisions within Eastern Orthodoxy, each overseeing specific regions or cultures. All Eastern Orthodox Churches are in full communion, allowing members to participate in sacraments, such as confession and Holy Communion, across any church, regardless of nationality.
For example, I had access to Greek, Russian, and Serbian Orthodox churches. Out of convenience and a preference for the priest, I frequently attended the Greek Orthodox Church and was baptized there. However, my godfather-an essential role in Orthodox baptism, even for adults-is Serbian Orthodox, demonstrating the unity and shared practices across Eastern Orthodoxy.
In contrast, Oriental Orthodoxy, which includes Coptic, Syriac, Assyrian, and Ethiopian churches, developed independently due to historical isolation during the Islamic era and other factors.
When referring to "Orthodoxy," it typically means Eastern Orthodoxy. Converts in the West, lacking their own Patriarchates due to the faith's relative obscurity, are integrated into existing ones. Over time, as more converts join, distinct Western Patriarchates may emerge.
@evertaj2438 Appreciate the time you took to write this brother.
I think Ruslan did a very good job asking Fr. Peter questions without having a motive or portraying him in a bias light. God Bless 🙏☦️
This is an awesome episode! I love seeing both sides be respectful but having a conversation. Glory be to God ☦️☦️☦️☦️
Can’t wait for Fr. Peter’s documentary 🔥🙌
This Orthodox priest espouses the essence of faith that I accepted when I was accepted into Orthodoxy from Roman Catholic faith. Salvation and theosis is only realized through the faith of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in His submission to the Will of the Father.
Amen. Many years to you. I left the Roman church for Orthodoxy. Glory to God.
Awesome. Love this guy's consistency and patience. It can be easy to come off badly when you know more about what you are talking about than the other person, but he didn't. Praise the Lord.
Fr peter teaching ruslan like a real father would teach his teenage son.
Plot twist.. Fr Peter is Ruslan’s father 😳 . The resemblance ain’t coincidental
@RuslanKD thank you for having Fr. Peter on! There are a massive number of us former Protestants who have returned home to Orthodoxy.
Love from Orthodox Christian.
God bless you! Magda-Greece ❤
Thanks you so much for having Father Heers. I have beeen blessed to listen to numerous podcasts by him and he has helped me dearly in my journey of Orthodoxy. My wife and I were baptized last February after being Charismatic for 40 years. We are continually being filled by the richness of the Eastern Faith!
@@Brak0777 I grew up charismatic so 25 years or so being involved in ministry and living as a long term missionary oversees. I never in my life thought I’d find a richer more true expression of the Christian faith but as soon as I started diving into EO theology and understanding, and how they live, I knew I found the true faith established by Christ.
If I may ask what’s the biggest things that drew you in, or pulled you away from the charismatic faith?
Wonderful episode ❤️❤️❤️ Regards from Serbian Ortodox Christian.
Switching to Orthodoxy, protestantism don't got the truth.
Not even sure what you are trying to say??
So close!
You can't just switch? It's a long journey.
Orthodoxy thinks Jesus is coming back, when he already returned in 70ad.
Big ups to bring Father Peter Heers on. Thank you Ruslan. ☦️☦️☦️
I'm an American who grew up in a secular home. I found Christ after my wife and I had our child. Been going to my wife's protestant church for several years since. I have found truth in Orthodoxy and will be attending my first Divine Litirugy in January 2025.
Aww! I wish you could attend the Nativity service this year, but it is as God wills, always.
I hope it speaks to you like it spoke to me when I first went
@DIOGENEShound may God's blessings remain upon you always.
Glory to God!
Father Peter's patience throughout this could only have come from a spirit of love.
If Ruslan keeps genuinely seeking Truth, he is going to eventually have an actual experience wirh Christ (which he hasnt yet had) and, when that happens, having had this conversation is going to help him so much.
Glory to God! ☦️
That is a bold judgement/assessment to make
@@Cheo.Mstop looking at men then. Look only toward the holy trinity
@theelement6255 I don't even understand how that's a response to my comment...
Ruslan, I respect you a lot for just having on Fr Peter.
Thank you Ruslan! It’s nice to have representation of my faith on your show. God bless you
Orthodoxy is the deepest understanding of Christian faith. Period.
Or more simply, Orthodoxy is the Christian faith.
Yes, besides the Catholic Church as it was founded by Christ on Peter… but otherwise pretty close there!
@@davidandbernadettegockowsk9077Christ calls Peter the Rock? If so doesn’t Christ call Peter Satan 115 words later in the same chapter of the same Book? You can even ignore the original Greek Translation, 1,000 years of History and where all the other Apostles received the powers to bind and loose and have thrones to Judge the 12 Tribes of Israel, but if you don’t apply literary consistency the Bible becomes Koranic and can affirm or deny anything you want it to.
1.Peter started the Antiochian Church.
2. Peter went to Rome
3. Rome killed Peter
4. Rome said: Look at me, I am Peter now.
Seriously now tho, what makes Rome the stone and not Antioch by this logic?
Then how did they get the second coming wrong? They think Jesus is coming back when he already returned in 70ad.
Why do I get the sense this guys about to say "Ruslan... I am Your Fatherrrr"😂
@@sdm101869 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Orthodoxy honestly is clearly the one true church come back to the true church Ruslan
It is not even one within itself, the leader of the Russian Orthodox (40% of all EOs) just declared holy war against Orthodox Ukraine.
@@clivejungle6999 unlike religions like Islam we don’t have religious wars the Russian Ukrainian dispute is land based not religion based
@@GeorgeFares-kk6mc Tell that to Putin's Patriarch or the Orthodox churches during the Balkan genocides in the 90s.
@@clivejungle6999 The schism is for clergy and not laity. We are together as one Church. This issue is between Ukraine, The Ecumenical Patriarch and Russia.
@@ridingthecosmos6273 You are killing each other...some unity
Alithos Anesti! 🌹
He truly risen
Truth has risen 🙏☦️
Glorify Him!
The Priest took us to church, school, and clarified so many things missing in protestant circles. 🔥☦️
Like what? Just curious
@@get_spanked240yes! What Protestant circles (since all non-orthodox are lumped into one group🙄) and what things? I’m curious too
I'm in protestant circle and I've heard and agree with pretty much everything he said
Yes I learnt a lot and I can’t see my self in this community….just feels original and lot of beautiful similarities
Father peter of Orthodox Ethos god bless you ☦️☦️
I’m so happy you finally got somebody with the answers
"Κύριε Ιησού Χριστέ, ελέησόν με" 🙏 May God bless Father Peter
"It's not about what you're doing, it's who you're becoming." So True
Its not about what your doing, its about he who lives within you. For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him alone be all glory now and forever, amen.
LOVE Father Peter Heers!
Wonderful conversation. I had very similar questions for our parish priest when converting to Orthodoxy!
Thank you, Ruslan. This was a joy
I watched this to hear what Fr. Peter Heers had to say in such a conversation. I'm glad I did. He (Fr. Peter) never disappoints.
Child of God here! And I love this conversation ❤ Very clear and understandable!
My family converted to Orthodoxy in 1993 🕯
Back in the 80s my grandfather was a reverend of the Episcopalian church, based in Santa Cruz, and he was too liberal. He was fired and took his flock with him as he departed. Just interesting to hear around the same time (and area) Fr Peter's parents went the opposite way! Thank God, besides all that, I'm also Orthodox now ☦️
Santa Cruz California? There's someone in my parish here in Santa Cruz CA that was an Episcopalian priest and became Orthodox as well. Wonder if it's the same person. Haha
Great talk. Father Peter helped me when I reached out to him with a problem. I appreciate him very much, and I enjoyed this talk. Thank you - s
Orthodoxy is the one and true church, established by God and has apostolic succession. If you want the full of Christianity then you found home. Glory to Go d❤
@CJP.-pq3kr NO.
@@returnfreedom He's right Orthodoxy is just older protestantism. Catholics are Christ's church and the Pope is the Vicar of Christ, going all the way back to Saint Peter.
@@frankenbran85 the Roman Catholic Church disagrees w you as it recognizes the Orthodox Catholic Churches sacraments as valid and communes Orthodox people without initiating them.
@CJP.-pq3kr no
@@bobbobberson5627 I never said the Orthodox Church doesn't have valid sacraments but they did split, I wanna see the reunification personally but all I hear is hate towards the Catholic Church so I don't know if that can happen.
Im glad Ruslan you finally have come in contact with OC ... there ia nothing else like being part of it.
Greetings from Serbian Orthodox ❤
I'm a Protestant but I love all my Orthodox brothers and sisters. Praise be to God for your lives and may God continue to use you according to His will
Much love to you, my Protestant friend, may you always be blessed by the Lord's calling for you
Truly Fr. Peter is Apostle of our times, always preaches the truth of the living God our Savior Jesus Christ. May God grand to Papa Petros many years+
@adambajgora2266 while his overall views of orthodoxy i agree and love but his view on coptic churc is very very wrong. We do not believe Christs nature is 2 we do believe that for not one moment was his nature was seperated, something we recite, and his note about us rejecting Theosis is completely wrong.
This was amazing and very insightful I am Roman Catholic and y’all did a great job explaining the difference
Greetings from a Serbian Christian orthodox 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Awesome discussion! Father Peter articulated, clarified, and solidified a lot of beliefs ❤
I go to a non denominational church and the holy spirit has been guiding me to orthodox Christianity. I want something fulfilling and original to what the apostles taught, but can never get down with catholicism. Every time I have a doubt about a certain orthodox belief I find answers in the bible, or through prayer! I have convinced my mom to try out a greek orthodox church (an hour away) with me. We haven't went yet, but please pray for me and my mother that we would be guided through the holy spirit, and that the church would be filled with the holy spirit! My heart is in orthodoxy ❤ I just know that the lord is pushing me and many other young men into orthodoxy for a reason. I trust that the lord will guide me into the right church, and will guide me and my mother to the truth ❤ thank you lord for awakening me and my mother. God bless ❤
What a great conversation, thank you for this
God bless Fr. Peter and the Orthodox Church ☦️