To think a hammer, the _worst_ weapon in 2, now has the most consistent way to break enemies like the _best_ weapon in 2. Truly a redemption arc for hammers in the series.
Technically Noah Ouroboros' is the most consistent because he can brute-force by just having more breaks, also in the same way QTPi did, unless the Break rate drops to like 5%. It is however less versatile for needing a Level 3 Interlink, but it also affects all enemies, which can lead to some great CA gauge and infinite-AoE damage if you with even a few enemies.
Can you tell me how to get interlink level 3? I dont really understand so the lauch, smash etc that needed level 3 interlink are pretty unusable for me
@@puffingpanda7003 for some reason it only explains if you go into the VR Tutorials. You get levels by using fusion arts. Well, that’s what it tells me atleast because it never raises the level when I use them.
A small addition that could be added to these class guide videos would be how well the AI uses the class build, or a class build that the AI could use efficiently if not. Great videos, keep 'em coming.
One advantage of running Hammerhead is that it's a side positional, just like flashback, meaning you don't have to drift back and forth to position yourself properly and can just chill to the monster's side. On top of that you can now have both of these as a fusion art since they hit the same side, and have maximum voltage and cross impact as another fusion art to apply both of your buffs at once.
@@AlexT7916 that might be a possibility, but still like how can u know almost everything even the legendary accessories in just a span of weeks lol? it's just he seems he doesn't sleep anymore.
Ah, she's the fully realized Tora of the game. Massive burst dps and access to the full combo chain by herself. Or with a bit of help if you want power charge. Nice.
These are very nice. The time and dedication you must put into this game since its release to make these videos is really mind-blowing. I've been squeezing in as much playtime as I can but it's a huge game and I'm taking my time with it. Just recruited Zeon and Teach at the beginning of chapter 3. The Moebius B fight was a bitch on hard but I pulled it off after 10 or so tries. This video made me reconsider the value of positional Arts that make everyone run out of your buff circles. The combat mechanics of the game are truly interesting and non-trivial to figure out.
@@Blearcord she's someone with low self esteem and lack of confidence that projects the opposite because it is what she wants to be. I'd say she has plenty of strong character moments, even if they are often shared with or motivated by the words and actions of other characters I'd say that is in-character for her as well.
I've dubbed my post-game team for XC3 "The Swamp" because I have 3 ogres that all have break, topple, and launch as their master arts, so they're just constantly smacking the enemy around while my flash fencer spams smash with mighty beat + hidden thorn fusions.
I was very surprised by this class. Thought the attacks and arts would be slow af like in the previous game, but it's actually pretty satisfying to play in this one !
Hmm, I'd probably swap Giant Swing for Hammerhead. Having both positionals be on the side cuts down on time spent moving. Giant Swing isn't beating Big Impact in power multiplier (for the concern of what best to use Power Charge on outside of talent arts), and the reaction effect isn't preferable over a lower cooldown imo. Additionally, if you use Flashback and Hammerhead as a fusion art, it jumps your Talent Art gauge by 2 at once without having to interrupt the combo. Then you could move Cross Impact to be fused with Maximum Voltage, getting both arts' benefits in one for fusion arts and chain attacks
@@CatherinetheMewsthebestMTB Ah, you caught me. I had them mixed up. I meant get rid of Big Impact (front blowdown) for Hammerhead (side attack up) for synergy with Flashback and low cooldown
@@CatherinetheMewsthebestMTB pretty sure there's an item OR skill (can't remember) that allows one more positional. Not sure if it is accessible to Sena under Ogre though (if it's a skill). Of course that requires giving up one other item or skill, but might be worth it for the lack of walking anf more consistent talent gauge
The problem with this is that your Agnes arts will be incredibly slow to recharge if you are missing a lot of autoattacks with the slow autoattack speed of this class. Edit: You could argue that it doesn't matter during topple/launch, though, and Flashback will come back regardless, but it will slow getting your talent art back by a bit.
Once we get to the Hero classes, could you mention what their special skill in Chain Attacks does? I know it is too late for Soulhacker, but it may be good for the rest.
Pretty much all of them have some niche use. Mostly depends on your party setup which ones are best since none of them are going to be optimal for damage
@@itsSmiv Commented this before I realized how consistent she is in chain attacks. Honorable mentions to Gray and Machine Assassin for their unique chain attack silliness, though
So Ogre is probably one of the best classes in the game. Also really loving soulhacker as my smasher so far. After the soulhacker guide i got a lot of the unique monsters hunted and then started using it. Noah as a soulhacker healer, eunie a soulhacker evade tank and lanz as the striker smasher so far. Can't wait to see how you make lone exile work cause that class feels like an attack class diguised as a defender class. Doesn't feel like theres much choice for tanks so hopefully the dlc makes some better ones. Also Segiri as your chosen hero is kind of busted in chain attacks if you constantly end with her. That 150% means if you end on 99 each time you get bravo, amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing assuming you get her back which about 90% of the time you will meaning you can easily get other party members back that might not have in the chain attack. I find segiri to be the best hero in the game for chain attacks.
For me Sena has a full Smash combo completely on her own with a Gust Bracelet and Capable Hands so she can immediately start dribbling the enemy like a basketball right out the gate.
I love using sena to set up launches during a chain attack and then doing massive damage using noah to smash later in the chain attack when the damage ratio is high, so satisfying but kinda hard to get noah to get in the position to be smashing
I had noticed the combo potential of Sena early on, but i prefer maximizing her combo potential rather than her damage, just for extra safety. That's why i prefer running Dance of Barrages on her alongside Break Brooch (and a dex accessory + gem to actually hit with the breaks). Still gonna borrow some of the ideas you presented here, so thanks for the guide as always :D
"Getting you're talent gauge up is important, because you wanna be able to smash as much as you can" You can say that again. I'm not sure what a talent gauge has to do with it, but you're spot on for the rest of it lol
I'm still impressed with how you managed to max out all your gems without losing your sanity. I max out one or two a day and have to take a good break from playing! Ahem- great guide as always Enel!
@@danielmoreira7085 Just run everyone as a Soulhacker with different builds. Farms all the requirements simultaneously. Gems though, yeah that shits dumb.
Thanks for the guide! I built a Burst team for item farming right after watching this video and tried it against Dreadwyrn Nizoont and I learned that you can, very rarely, get Nopon Coins (gold and silver) and at least one type of the shards needed for the weapon upgrade quests for the beginner classes (which seems useless but might have dlc uses or something). Not sure if this is common knowledge, but it was news to me, so I thought I'd share. Also, random, but when you need items for gathering quests I've heard a lot of people fast travel to a new map and back when they want to reset items. If you die the items reset, and most areas in the game seem to have tall cliffs, lol.
I'm still in chapter 4 right now, but I'm finding the Ogre class to be a lot of fun! For now, I've been using it where the Giant Swing is paired with another front positional art. I gave her the accessory that boost the master art's gauge by 50%. Within a few seconds, I use the fusion art and instantly gain my talent art in one attack.
Thanks for your in-depth guides, made me want to start my prep for the challenge mode… once I recover from the emotional damage inflicted by this game 😭
Enel, I LOVE your channel and think you are an incredible and talented content creator - especiallu w the XB series. Im just soo so conflicted because i feel the XB series shouldnt be about min maxing. idk. someones gotta do it I guess and you're the best
Hmpf didn’t think ogre was that cool until now. Nice I’ll try it. Though I am surprised a lot of those attacks landed without any dexterity in the build.
I accidentally did the break/reaction spam strat vs a certain annoying healer binding hero quest boss and never did it again lol cause I noticed that flashback was a master art and liked ogre a lot
Huh, I definitely didn't think ogre would have such utility either. Kind of wrote it off cause of slowish attacks and long cooldowns, and I only use Max Voltage as a master art cause it's so long, but with this kind of build I see how it can be pretty strong
I don't even try playing Heavy Guard as Defender I just use it like a high HP Attacker. You can't maintain aggro to save your life but a lot of the class's arts are pretty high-damaging with low cooldowns when at max level. Slap on Ring O' Roses, Dance of Barrage and a Nopon Strap and meme your way to victory.
@@wilnich592 Really? Heavy Guard was the class that seemed to maintain aggro by far the best out of all the defenders for me. I still didnt use it because the other ones were just way better and more fun in every other way though
I wrote off most of the starter classes because boy were they not fun to play at the start(except Zephyr) but once you get master arts and stuff it seems the starters really come into their own.
Honestly the only problem I’ve ever encountered with over is the fact it deals so much damage it practically gets agro even quicker then most of my tanks. So in order to combat it I changed the critical hit stuff for both ultimate qigong, covert attack, and disperse bloodlust to hopefully make up for the loss in power slightly while also giving it the ability to let the defenders still draw agro. But it says a lot about the class when it’s damage is so good that it can get to that point.
I been testing today before seeing this video cause I noticed how consistent this class is on breaking enemies It’s soo good that honestly it’s probably the best class to use as an attacker since you can get high damage + break consistently which is important to deal damage and survive At least for me cause I don’t have all the classes and broken stuff unlocked yet
Great guide as always. But as for what class to do next, after the starting 6 at least, well….. *LIFESAGE LIFESAGE LIFESAGE LIFESAGE LIFESAGE LIFESAGE!!!!*
Do “combos” specifically refer to Break, Topple, Launch/Daze, Smash/Burst? I’ve seen some of Sena’s Interlink bonuses increase damage during combos, and I can’t tell if her damage is increased from the moment they’re inflicted with Break to the moment the combo ends or if her damage is increased on each art that she contributes to furthering the combo.
Her interlink stuff mentions combo reactions. That is the same category as for her skill so blowdown, knockback, break, topple, launch, daze, smash and burst. You can test this by just chaining two reaction skills and seeing the numbers climb up
I think they buffed Sena more. The art cooldowns are down by 1 unless I have a weird accessory or something? At least Maximum Voltage has a cooldown gauge of 8 instead of 9.
Beat the main game last night and I didn’t do Sena’s Ascension quest yet ‘cause I didn’t think Ogre was that good early game. I’ll give it a another go when I’m done with everything else.
Ah yes Ogre the Agnus class with the Flash Fencer trade of giving the opposite classes on of the most broken arts in the game. Power charge from Flash fencer and Unblockable from Ogre, truely lovely combo
I probably would prefer the launch art instead of topple so I don’t have to worry about the ai using not using launch when I don’t want them to and also fits on more team set-ups.
Great vid Thanks! You mention a couple times how you can only have 2 positionals. Would you consider swapping a skill for the one that allows an extra positional so you can have a better art and charge smash even faster?
Everyone with the Expansion Pass, be sure to replace the Break Brooch with the Accomplished Vambraces from Challenge Mode. 5 percentage points more than even a legendary Break Brooch!
Awesome guide. I too missed the value of her combo reaction skill. Have you tried Full Metal Jag eva tanking yet though? Has gotten me to lvl 180 Ceratinia on hard so far and feels pretty bonkers.
@@primemetroid4427 So it's art evasion not agility. using aerial slash, and quick draw as regular arts with 2 FMJ attack arts (doesn't matter which 2 they all work) tied to wide slash and jackal claw gives 4 evasion arts (2 reg, 2 fusion) and the FMJ talent art. Then using the crit recharge skill from martial artist and a fraternal band (50% recharge when non-tank is targeted) along side signifier and troubadour recharge buffs. you can pretty much be evading 100% of the time. you might need to get in an auto attack now and then if buffers die to AoE but bosses give plenty of chances for that. Doing this means everyone can use the recharge when non-tank is targeted skills/accessories. I also like to have at least one party member running the troubadour talent art that refreshes all party arts cuz the AI seems quite good at using it when you need it. It's a really fun playstyle and does require occasionally paying attention to when the boss is free for you to sneak in an auto attack but has gotten me through almost everything on hard and when it's flowing feels pretty broken :P
I've consistently used the master art stance and the physical art dmg up on pretty much every tank or attacker it made sense for. Ogre's not fun in the early game with how slow it is, but mastering it with everyone helps a lot later
@@dinotaco4651 Agreed, plus you'll likely run out of better options for class EXP in the early game anyway. Ogre is to physical damage-dealers what Tactician is to ether damage-dealers (although you do get a slightly weaker version of Overfall with only class level 1).
If Jet Pauldrons is really just a damage additive instead of multiplying the Smash effect damage like it implies, it truly has no purpose existing next to Fiber Wraps.
It's her. the girl with the gall
Love that line lol
I get that line way too often
@@calebbraun9505 feels like that for all of the lines smh
@Hompalompadompalus that's funny. I bass boost my home theater after battles so my down stair tenants can feel the gall
The girl with the gall and the disproportionately large maul
To think a hammer, the _worst_ weapon in 2, now has the most consistent way to break enemies like the _best_ weapon in 2.
Truly a redemption arc for hammers in the series.
Technically Noah Ouroboros' is the most consistent because he can brute-force by just having more breaks, also in the same way QTPi did, unless the Break rate drops to like 5%.
It is however less versatile for needing a Level 3 Interlink, but it also affects all enemies, which can lead to some great CA gauge and infinite-AoE damage if you with even a few enemies.
@@mezzome8028 Pretty sure at least one other Ouroboros has a Break Art, can't name who off the top of my head but I'm certain one of them does
Can you tell me how to get interlink level 3? I dont really understand so the lauch, smash etc that needed level 3 interlink are pretty unusable for me
@@puffingpanda7003 for some reason it only explains if you go into the VR Tutorials. You get levels by using fusion arts. Well, that’s what it tells me atleast because it never raises the level when I use them.
@@puffingpanda7003 whenever you use a fusion art you get some arbitrary amount of points. Use the tactics to prioritize fusion arts
A quick note: Having Hammerhead on makes the AI stay to the side which increases the frequency of breaks if you arent controlling.
A small addition that could be added to these class guide videos would be how well the AI uses the class build, or a class build that the AI could use efficiently if not. Great videos, keep 'em coming.
You can tell yourself how the Ai will use it by turning on auto battle
@@jstar3382 I saw someone say that the played party member ai will cancel during autobattle. So maybe not.
@@heroinhero it's extremely inconsistent. Sometimes AI will cancel, usually they don't.
Lanz's voice clip of "Maximum Voltage" lives rent free in my head, manz popping off.
I'm glad I'm not the only one
Same lmao
One advantage of running Hammerhead is that it's a side positional, just like flashback, meaning you don't have to drift back and forth to position yourself properly and can just chill to the monster's side. On top of that you can now have both of these as a fusion art since they hit the same side, and have maximum voltage and cross impact as another fusion art to apply both of your buffs at once.
That's exactly how I use Sena!
The fact that you're able to crank these out so fast at such a high level of quality is honestly mind boggling tbh, thanks for all your great work
That's a speedrunner for you ! Everything is speed !
@@AlexT7916 enel is not human man. how can u get a godlike characters is just 1 week?
@@mr.leroysmith7012 He might have gotten his copy earlier and he's a world level speedrunner for the Xeno series
@@AlexT7916 that might be a possibility, but still like how can u know almost everything even the legendary accessories in just a span of weeks lol? it's just he seems he doesn't sleep anymore.
im pretty sure he got the game early and plays it 24/7
God I love her so much 😂
The handsome legend returns once more. Ogre needs a squeaky toy hammer skin in the dlc.
Nah the spring loaded hammer from botw with boosted knockback
So true
Ah, she's the fully realized Tora of the game.
Massive burst dps and access to the full combo chain by herself. Or with a bit of help if you want power charge.
thats basically every class in the game but this class just breaks o much more
even machine assassin and tactician?
These are very nice. The time and dedication you must put into this game since its release to make these videos is really mind-blowing.
I've been squeezing in as much playtime as I can but it's a huge game and I'm taking my time with it. Just recruited Zeon and Teach at the beginning of chapter 3. The Moebius B fight was a bitch on hard but I pulled it off after 10 or so tries. This video made me reconsider the value of positional Arts that make everyone run out of your buff circles. The combat mechanics of the game are truly interesting and non-trivial to figure out.
Let’s go probably my favorite character so far sena glad to see the oger class on here
But she barely has any character unfortunately, they did her so dirty. Even in her side story she is pretty irrelevant.
@@Blearcord she's someone with low self esteem and lack of confidence that projects the opposite because it is what she wants to be. I'd say she has plenty of strong character moments, even if they are often shared with or motivated by the words and actions of other characters I'd say that is in-character for her as well.
@@Ryodraco i have completed the game thanks, she is by far the least developed out of the main 6
@@Blearcord let them have their favorite character damn
I feel like flashback pairs well with hammerhead since they're both on a pretty low cooldown and both triggered from side attacks.
It’s still funny for me that Sena’s default class is called “ogre” when Sena it’s literally the opposite lol
@@markxv2267 small, tiny lady.
It's because it's all "ogre" for them
@@wJermell0 If this was twitter you would be getting multiple death threats
bruh her muscle is pack a punch for real lol
I've dubbed my post-game team for XC3 "The Swamp" because I have 3 ogres that all have break, topple, and launch as their master arts, so they're just constantly smacking the enemy around while my flash fencer spams smash with mighty beat + hidden thorn fusions.
I was very surprised by this class. Thought the attacks and arts would be slow af like in the previous game, but it's actually pretty satisfying to play in this one !
Hmm, I'd probably swap Giant Swing for Hammerhead. Having both positionals be on the side cuts down on time spent moving. Giant Swing isn't beating Big Impact in power multiplier (for the concern of what best to use Power Charge on outside of talent arts), and the reaction effect isn't preferable over a lower cooldown imo. Additionally, if you use Flashback and Hammerhead as a fusion art, it jumps your Talent Art gauge by 2 at once without having to interrupt the combo. Then you could move Cross Impact to be fused with Maximum Voltage, getting both arts' benefits in one for fusion arts and chain attacks
You can't have more than 2 positional attacks, big impact and flashback is already 2, so giant swing is a filler
@@CatherinetheMewsthebestMTB Ah, you caught me. I had them mixed up. I meant get rid of Big Impact (front blowdown) for Hammerhead (side attack up) for synergy with Flashback and low cooldown
@@CatherinetheMewsthebestMTB pretty sure there's an item OR skill (can't remember) that allows one more positional. Not sure if it is accessible to Sena under Ogre though (if it's a skill). Of course that requires giving up one other item or skill, but might be worth it for the lack of walking anf more consistent talent gauge
@@cldpt it's a skill, from full metal jaguar. but it'll reduce her damage output a good amojnt
About that dexterity thing, you could also use the item that makes your fusion arts never blocked or missed
The problem with this is that your Agnes arts will be incredibly slow to recharge if you are missing a lot of autoattacks with the slow autoattack speed of this class. Edit: You could argue that it doesn't matter during topple/launch, though, and Flashback will come back regardless, but it will slow getting your talent art back by a bit.
@@celestialspark5697 true, but there you could use another item slot for the item that increases your accuracy every time you miss
Once we get to the Hero classes, could you mention what their special skill in Chain Attacks does? I know it is too late for Soulhacker, but it may be good for the rest.
I feel like that would be better off as a video in itself all about Heroes and which of them are the best to use.
Pretty much all of them have some niche use. Mostly depends on your party setup which ones are best since none of them are going to be optimal for damage
@@dinotaco4651 nah, ashera is definitely the best.
@@itsSmiv Commented this before I realized how consistent she is in chain attacks. Honorable mentions to Gray and Machine Assassin for their unique chain attack silliness, though
Sena when
when she steals the gall
Good job uploading almost every day, that's downright impressive
Sena is more than an Ogre class she has layers.
thanks for your guide man. They really helped me out a lot, even on XC 1 and 2 so keep it up!
I initially though Noah had a monopoly on smash arts but hitting 1mil outside of a chain attack is pretty insane
So Ogre is probably one of the best classes in the game. Also really loving soulhacker as my smasher so far. After the soulhacker guide i got a lot of the unique monsters hunted and then started using it. Noah as a soulhacker healer, eunie a soulhacker evade tank and lanz as the striker smasher so far. Can't wait to see how you make lone exile work cause that class feels like an attack class diguised as a defender class. Doesn't feel like theres much choice for tanks so hopefully the dlc makes some better ones. Also Segiri as your chosen hero is kind of busted in chain attacks if you constantly end with her. That 150% means if you end on 99 each time you get bravo, amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing assuming you get her back which about 90% of the time you will meaning you can easily get other party members back that might not have in the chain attack. I find segiri to be the best hero in the game for chain attacks.
For me Sena has a full Smash combo completely on her own with a Gust Bracelet and Capable Hands so she can immediately start dribbling the enemy like a basketball right out the gate.
Bro I love these guides, please keep them coming!
Damn it’s such a cold title of video xD such as the girl with the gall
Wait this isn’t a video on Shrek. You lied to me. Monolith Soft would never do this to us.
Gotta love Maximum Voltage chaining with the Flash Fencer Power Charge, good to see I can still use this class later
XC3: Hammer’s Revenge
I love using sena to set up launches during a chain attack and then doing massive damage using noah to smash later in the chain attack when the damage ratio is high, so satisfying but kinda hard to get noah to get in the position to be smashing
I had noticed the combo potential of Sena early on, but i prefer maximizing her combo potential rather than her damage, just for extra safety. That's why i prefer running Dance of Barrages on her alongside Break Brooch (and a dex accessory + gem to actually hit with the breaks). Still gonna borrow some of the ideas you presented here, so thanks for the guide as always :D
Nice guide. I was having a hard time figuring out a good master art set for her kit.
Edit: glad to see topple locking has more or less returned
the shield hammers are good now dear god
"Getting you're talent gauge up is important, because you wanna be able to smash as much as you can"
You can say that again. I'm not sure what a talent gauge has to do with it, but you're spot on for the rest of it lol
You can get a purple break brooch from a unique enemy in the hovering reefs area. I think it's an ekidno.
Ok it's named Blazing Carlos in the most bottom left part of that map.
I love the Shrek Class.
I'm still impressed with how you managed to max out all your gems without losing your sanity. I max out one or two a day and have to take a good break from playing!
Ahem- great guide as always Enel!
He managed to max out every Soulhacker art and skill, his patience is immense.
@@danielmoreira7085 Just run everyone as a Soulhacker with different builds. Farms all the requirements simultaneously. Gems though, yeah that shits dumb.
@@CalebPorter1105 Burst setups speed up any farm tremendously, similar to low damage driver combo setups in XC2.
0:20 Attention! Sena!!!
Love senna but think I've skipped her base class too much... this helped alot and I see the immediate difference. Thanks again
Thanks for the guide! I built a Burst team for item farming right after watching this video and tried it against Dreadwyrn Nizoont and I learned that you can, very rarely, get Nopon Coins (gold and silver) and at least one type of the shards needed for the weapon upgrade quests for the beginner classes (which seems useless but might have dlc uses or something). Not sure if this is common knowledge, but it was news to me, so I thought I'd share.
Also, random, but when you need items for gathering quests I've heard a lot of people fast travel to a new map and back when they want to reset items. If you die the items reset, and most areas in the game seem to have tall cliffs, lol.
Going in and out of training drills serves the same purpose and is a lot faster since you dont have to back track. It’s what i do
So that's what the shards are used for! I've had over ten of each, wondering what they're for
Awesome video! Question, at about 10:56, what Launched the enemy? I did not see an ability being used by Sena? Did someone else have Launch?
yes i have launch on multiple characters
Thank you! Doesn't look like I have too many options early on (chp 4 here.) Thanks again for the video!
Thanks again, I hope you continue to make more guides.
Hey guys, did you know Sena is the girl with the gall? Because I didn't.
I'm still in chapter 4 right now, but I'm finding the Ogre class to be a lot of fun! For now, I've been using it where the Giant Swing is paired with another front positional art. I gave her the accessory that boost the master art's gauge by 50%. Within a few seconds, I use the fusion art and instantly gain my talent art in one attack.
Thanks for your in-depth guides, made me want to start my prep for the challenge mode… once I recover from the emotional damage inflicted by this game 😭
So, this is the power of someone with "Gall"...
Ogre is probably my favorite of the starting six classes!
Godfrey, Kasandra, Electra, Finch, Poppibuster: You always act like you're better than me!
9:30 this is true, soulhacker sena with emperor of violence has 1825 attack
Enel, I LOVE your channel and think you are an incredible and talented content creator - especiallu w the XB series. Im just soo so conflicted because i feel the XB series shouldnt be about min maxing. idk. someones gotta do it I guess and you're the best
Thanks for the guide!
when i saw this was uploaded, i stopped what i was doing and YIPPEE
Hell yeah
Watching an eighth of Dreadwyrm's health get chunked from one smash looked satisfying!
Hmpf didn’t think ogre was that cool until now. Nice I’ll try it. Though I am surprised a lot of those attacks landed without any dexterity in the build.
Hadn’t seen the upgraded hammer before, hilarious how much of the menu screen it takes up
I accidentally did the break/reaction spam strat vs a certain annoying healer binding hero quest boss and never did it again lol cause I noticed that flashback was a master art and liked ogre a lot
the word is said as broach, like coach, please enel
Huh, I definitely didn't think ogre would have such utility either. Kind of wrote it off cause of slowish attacks and long cooldowns, and I only use Max Voltage as a master art cause it's so long, but with this kind of build I see how it can be pretty strong
I forgot about the reaction resist down skill, too, which really pulls it all together
based and yippeepilled
Was this video before the brokenness of Ultimate Qigong was discovered? I can't imagine not running it on any phys attacker.
hey you can get solis ring as soon as you enter Erythia, quickstep and careful maneuvers are required
Ogre is actually useful it seems.....unlike heavy guard which somehow outmemes the hammers from xenoblade 2 somehow its even worse.
Wide slash variable turret is funny tho
@@omensoffate The Xenoblade equivalent of Rotom-Fan.
I don't even try playing Heavy Guard as Defender I just use it like a high HP Attacker.
You can't maintain aggro to save your life but a lot of the class's arts are pretty high-damaging with low cooldowns when at max level. Slap on Ring O' Roses, Dance of Barrage and a Nopon Strap and meme your way to victory.
@@wilnich592 Really? Heavy Guard was the class that seemed to maintain aggro by far the best out of all the defenders for me. I still didnt use it because the other ones were just way better and more fun in every other way though
@@iwanthisokatofuckmesilly5222 That's interesting, because in my case, Zephyr is way better at holding enemy aggro than Heavy Defender.
I wrote off most of the starter classes because boy were they not fun to play at the start(except Zephyr) but once you get master arts and stuff it seems the starters really come into their own.
sword fighter is shockingly satisfying when you have IB and six arts lol. air slash hits different
Zephyr and swordfighter werent bad
Giant Swing is a 2 hit, and both hits have the knock back chance. Honestly more consistent than you would think
This is really helpful
I was using a similar setup on Incursor with Glitter Stream + Flashback and a Break Brooch but this is probably even more consistent yeah
Honestly the only problem I’ve ever encountered with over is the fact it deals so much damage it practically gets agro even quicker then most of my tanks. So in order to combat it I changed the critical hit stuff for both ultimate qigong, covert attack, and disperse bloodlust to hopefully make up for the loss in power slightly while also giving it the ability to let the defenders still draw agro. But it says a lot about the class when it’s damage is so good that it can get to that point.
Next video Must be Lanz
or maybe Taion probably Lanz!
solo topple lock is back? IT'S ALL OGRE NOW!
The blunz video
Nice video enel
I been testing today before seeing this video cause I noticed how consistent this class is on breaking enemies
It’s soo good that honestly it’s probably the best class to use as an attacker since you can get high damage + break consistently which is important to deal damage and survive
At least for me cause I don’t have all the classes and broken stuff unlocked yet
5:52 omg now it makes sense that I got soooo many combos with break on her when doing the story
I just like to hit the funny blowdown button and bonk my enemies out of existence
Great guide as always. But as for what class to do next, after the starting 6 at least, well…..
The race for best girl in this game is a close one
It really is.
Do “combos” specifically refer to Break, Topple, Launch/Daze, Smash/Burst? I’ve seen some of Sena’s Interlink bonuses increase damage during combos, and I can’t tell if her damage is increased from the moment they’re inflicted with Break to the moment the combo ends or if her damage is increased on each art that she contributes to furthering the combo.
Her interlink stuff mentions combo reactions. That is the same category as for her skill so blowdown, knockback, break, topple, launch, daze, smash and burst.
You can test this by just chaining two reaction skills and seeing the numbers climb up
I think they buffed Sena more. The art cooldowns are down by 1 unless I have a weird accessory or something? At least Maximum Voltage has a cooldown gauge of 8 instead of 9.
Beat the main game last night and I didn’t do Sena’s Ascension quest yet ‘cause I didn’t think Ogre was that good early game. I’ll give it a another go when I’m done with everything else.
Missed opportunity to use a Sena Shrek edit
She's the girl with the gall!
Didn't even know you could choose who attacks during chain attacks. I should've paid more attention to the 1000 tutorials
Ah yes Ogre the Agnus class with the Flash Fencer trade of giving the opposite classes on of the most broken arts in the game. Power charge from Flash fencer and Unblockable from Ogre, truely lovely combo
No wonder ring blades and shield hammers were so bad last game, they were using them in the wrong class!
I probably would prefer the launch art instead of topple so I don’t have to worry about the ai using not using launch when I don’t want them to and also fits on more team set-ups.
ahhh, if we had more skill slots we could get an extra and combo the break art with the other side positional art
The best is Sena shouting Topple in combat
Last time i've hit something really hard with a huge hammer, i ended up in jail !
You accidentally left the timestamps from the Soulhacker mega guide in the description of this video
I'm surprised you didn't opt to direct the team to go for the Smash combo explicitly with ZL + Dpad left
there's still benefit to daze and burst especially against superbosses to get rid of enrage.
@@EnelXC ahhhhh
Great vid Thanks! You mention a couple times how you can only have 2 positionals. Would you consider swapping a skill for the one that allows an extra positional so you can have a better art and charge smash even faster?
Everyone with the Expansion Pass, be sure to replace the Break Brooch with the Accomplished Vambraces from Challenge Mode. 5 percentage points more than even a legendary Break Brooch!
bonk class is fun
Awesome guide. I too missed the value of her combo reaction skill. Have you tried Full Metal Jag eva tanking yet though? Has gotten me to lvl 180 Ceratinia on hard so far and feels pretty bonkers.
Is this using the full metal jag QuickDraw master art on something like zephyr tank or do you do something else?
@@primemetroid4427 So it's art evasion not agility. using aerial slash, and quick draw as regular arts with 2 FMJ attack arts (doesn't matter which 2 they all work) tied to wide slash and jackal claw gives 4 evasion arts (2 reg, 2 fusion) and the FMJ talent art.
Then using the crit recharge skill from martial artist and a fraternal band (50% recharge when non-tank is targeted) along side signifier and troubadour recharge buffs. you can pretty much be evading 100% of the time. you might need to get in an auto attack now and then if buffers die to AoE but bosses give plenty of chances for that. Doing this means everyone can use the recharge when non-tank is targeted skills/accessories.
I also like to have at least one party member running the troubadour talent art that refreshes all party arts cuz the AI seems quite good at using it when you need it. It's a really fun playstyle and does require occasionally paying attention to when the boss is free for you to sneak in an auto attack but has gotten me through almost everything on hard and when it's flowing feels pretty broken :P
@@cryinapie2387 nice thanks! I’ll have to try this when I’ve built the pieces.
Spark! I need to read those class skills instead of blindly put some random stuff. That 45% added to reaction success is bonker!
How would you rate Ogre’s master ability compared to the others at level 10? It seems like it would essential for dps, at least in early game
I've consistently used the master art stance and the physical art dmg up on pretty much every tank or attacker it made sense for. Ogre's not fun in the early game with how slow it is, but mastering it with everyone helps a lot later
@@dinotaco4651 Agreed, plus you'll likely run out of better options for class EXP in the early game anyway. Ogre is to physical damage-dealers what Tactician is to ether damage-dealers (although you do get a slightly weaker version of Overfall with only class level 1).
If Jet Pauldrons is really just a damage additive instead of multiplying the Smash effect damage like it implies, it truly has no purpose existing next to Fiber Wraps.