I was there.. sorta. After the cut to top 8, I happened to be in the restroom and overheard the Corgi Butt guy complaining to a bud of his, or fiancee, about him and his opponent getting DQ'd, I didn't get the full picture, but he was pretty pissed and seemed genuinely confused that it happened.
I'm a simple guy. I see DesolatorMagic in my notifications, I click. I see a DesolatorMagic vid about cheaters? Lol, I drop everything and start watching!
These rules are in the Magic Tournament Rules. Not informing a judge is covered in Chapter 5 (Tournament Violations), Section 2 (Bribery), paragraph 1. The decision to drop, concede, or agree to an intentional draw cannot be made in exchange for or influenced by the offer of any reward or incentive, nor may any in-game decision be influenced in this manner. Making such an offer is prohibited and is considered bribery. Unless the player receiving such an offer calls for a judge immediately, both players will be penalized in the same manner. Players may not make any offers to tournament officials in an attempt to influence the outcome of a ruling.
Martin Neumann then you should elucidate your problem with the rule. According to the wording of the rule, the Judge’s ruling was correct and proper. This does not mean the rule is worded properly, but the rule gives no room for discretion in this situation. Furthermore, these rules are available in all languages in which MTG cards are printed. The rule should change, but the Judge didn’t have any room to interpret what was a clearly prescribed course of action.
This situation sucks, but even if you thought your opponent was joking or not, you should inform a judge immediately to cover your own ass. Because judges can't prove "intent", the rules don't allow for leeway about "joking". Most people who are playing at larger tournaments should be aware of this because there have been a number of higher profile incidents lately that have pushed these rules into the forefront. Magic Tournament Rules, section 5.2, Bribery: "The decision to drop, concede, or agree to an intentional draw cannot be made in exchange for or influenced by the offer of any reward or incentive, nor may any in-game decision be influenced in this manner. Making such an offer is prohibited and is considered bribery. Unless the player receiving such an offer calls for a judge immediately, both players will be penalized in the same manner."
the law is strict, but still - not even close to be "not open for interpretation". EVERYTHING is open for interpretation, even what I write here is open for interpretation. this is why we need people that use logic and not written law they misread or misinterpret.
Yeah I can collaborate. The guy who mulled to 5 was a douche, show off and cry baby. He felt he was owed that top 8, cause his opponent had zero chance of breaking in "supposedly". The night before I played him in a turbo town game. And he nearly lost his shit against me and the judge when the judge declared I get choose a new target from lost legacy after declaring torrential gearhulk which is an illegal target. His buddy was across from me during side event sealed deck building. We got the whole sob story, then the judge interfered. Sorry for corgibutts.
So Wotc finally decides to crack down on cheaters, and immediately hangs an innocent man. I keep telling my parents I want to play pro at some point, but when this kind of thing happens, why bother. Especially when the same people are showing up in the top so and so. Does mana screw not happen to the "best players"
Matthew, the competitive scene is in turmoil right now. Focus your efforts on being a better player in casual, pre-release, FNM, and commander, and wait until the competitive scene figures out their problems. You will be more competitive and intense when you start.
bdrakePBDA Definitely good advice, especially playing more commander which is actually fun. I build pretty good decks for draft and constructed, but my biggest problem is that the card "mana screw" seems to have been surgically hidden inside my body.
Personally I went to a GP and I didn't know that splitting prizes in the final round was against the rules because I'm used to my LGS. (this was a side event so not too big of a deal). But there was a judge standing right behind me (because I called him over for a question on who would get what prizes if we spilt) and he said "Woah woah woah, that's not allowed but I didn't hear that" he walked off and we split anyways after I apologized to my opponent for asking to break the rules. We ended up splitting anyways and it's not like we were 3-0, we were 2-1-1 at that point and we misread and got shittier prizes than we thought because we split
Asking your opponent to concede isn't against the rules, so the first time the opponent spoke up there was no problem. The video makes it sound like the player was bribed twice.
This is another lesson in "read what you sign" a.k.a know the tournament rules before you begin the tournament, but this is some shit judging by the tournament staff. A judge overheard a conversation of one person offering a bribe to their opponent twice, and instead of just hauling of the offender right away, they let it go. The person who was offered a bribe declined and won the match handily, meaning they had no intent of being apart of the bribery, and *then* the judges decided to drop the law. This whole situation was handled like shit, and an innocent person got fucked.
Usually, our drafts have over 8 people, which would normally add an additional round. By that point, most players want to go home, as well as the owner of the store, so they will automatically split the first place prize if there is no clear winner after 3 rounds, although there normally is. It's probably something like that. There's just not enough time to finish completely.
why anyone thought it was a good idea to disqualify someone on ignorance offense, is beyond me especially when its not part of the actual game and is realistically something that might not be known and especially not when you make someone cry in public
no you're not getting a ticket, granted if you're local you are, but if you're from out of town and there was no other visible indication, the cop is going check out the sign, see that it's graffetti'd, let you go and call the road crew, i know because this happened to me once its not favouritism, its fair rule enforcement because because you no reason to believe this person would have knowingly committed the infraction had they known your job as rule enforcer is to make people follow the rules, punishment is way of doing that but, a stern warning in this case fixes the problem and actual cheater still got caught
this isn't an interpretation the girl committed a lesser crime even if she was aware of the crime the most malicious version of this is "well i'll let this guy loose and he'll get another player disqualified with him in a later match." but then again if the person has the knowledge necessary to know that can happen why not call the judge and just get that guaranteed win and i'll re-iterate, SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! She didn't get an advantage and really what's the point DQing her? SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! Why don't we just disqualify people who are facing people drawing an extra card or knocking over their life dice to get more life without getting caught by their opponent but instead by some judge in the background. After all you can't prove that the opponent didn't see that and therefore they are not reporting a crime and need to be DQed. So really its your interpretation that someone who doesn't report bribery should be DQed and someone who doesn't report deck stacking shouldn't.
To prevent that "Bribe before the match" scenario you should simply maintain the game loss and that solves that problem. That way they have no reason to wait. And again why wouldn't this be applied to people who played against someone who cheated in actual game play where the victimized player didn't see the opponent cheat but a judge did and thinks the victim player should have because "He was obviously cheating". Why aren't both players DQed in those scenarios? you can't prove the victim didn't see his opponent cheat and simply didn't call a judge. There's a reason why in real life we have this wiggle room for ignorance offences cause suddenly you're throwing everyone who was within a mile of some random gang shooting in jail because they could have heard the gun shot and didn't call the cops
okay, but the rule is still wrong. its not necessary, because you don't need to give the other person the win, you can punish the briber and the person who didn't report him still loses and thus has no motivation not to immediately report the briber, punishment serves no purpose here In fact you now can try to bribe someone and if they don't call a judge you can take them out of the tournament, yes that's a stupid idea, but its no stupider than this scenario
and the rules being unjust is somehow better IF the rules are flawed you fix them. You don't need to dq someone for not reporting an unsuccessful bribe. This rule is heaved handed and serves no purpose so long as you maintain any match results on the bribe victims side so they aren't just using it as a way to win the match regardless of the actual gameplay
It is lighthearted and trying to gain an unfair advantage in gaming by exploiting rule enforcement (or lack thereof) is called angle shooting. One of the first tournaments I ever won, I faced a well-known pro in the final and went 2-0 against him...he offered me half of his second place prize package if I would drop a match to him so that he would not lose as many points...so glad no judges heard that noise or we could have both lost if this post from Corgie Butt is legit just because I didn't snitch him out; that's kinda tilt.
I was actually there on Saturday and the judges made it very clear during the announcements at the player meeting that you should not offer anything in exchange for a match result and if someone makes an offer to you, you're to alert them immediately. So, not only did this player either not attend the player's meeting or not pay attention, they likely didn't even bother to skim the tournament rules. As soon as the "joke" was made, they should have called a Judge; It's a shame they didn't know to do this...
Because the announcements at the Player's Meeting and the official Magic Tournament Rules make it very clear that you are supposed to report the offering of a match result in exchange for something to a judge as soon as it happens.
So if I recall the actual protocol for this infraction is actually up to the discretion of the Judge. For the player sharing the story they are actually leaving out some interesting information and that is all players in GP’s just like any other REL event players are reminded in a few different ways and times rules against asking for a player to forfeit in return for any type of compensation is a violation and the players involved can be kicked out, banned or other infractions can be and will be carried out against them. As far as the collusion since the author did not inform the judge(s) they did commit collusion because they are informed on many occasions (as I stated above) during each GP they are not to discuss wether joking or not the fixing of a match to favor one player or another in any exchange of prizes or any other means of compensation.
Magic tournament rules 5.2 thats the rule and it says that both player received and immediate DQ unless a judge is called over immediately there's no wriggle room for intent in that rule because of fear people will abuse it to try and get away with bribery harsh but it is the correct ruling
This disqualification for an ignorance offense is brought to you by ...a party that did/does everthing in its power to fight mandatory background checks. I don't know if that's supposed to be hilarious or sad or infuriating, but it's something alright.
I saw that thread on Reddit as well. According to comments the rules specifically say if you make an offer of bribery it's a DQ, if you do not report an offer immediately it's a DQ. And at the pro level it is expected that you know and understand all the rules, there is even an announcement of such at the beginning of the day. They need to have a zero tolerance policy about it otherwise you could just say "it was a joke" and get away with it. Personally, if I ever made it to a Pro-level event first thing I'd be doing is reading ALL the dam rules. Might take a whole day, but better that then a DQ like that. Sucks for him, but she should have known better, actually should have.
I feel like Jeremy from The quartering should be your Vice President, considering what you both do. Also, we vote in less than a week, so you should really get your write-in campaign in gear, lol.
Heartily= haughty, heavily in regards eg to laughter. Heartedly= the degree of seriousness to which someone makes an assertion or joke. Light heartedly eg in this case would be “only kidding”
Ya know Des, I'm not exactly sure what game that is, but based on the looks of it, you would probably enjoy a pc game called X-Com. There's an old MS-DOS version of the game, but I'm almost sure there's an updated PC version, 'cuz I have it on Xbox 360.
Welcome to comp magic where judges love to jump to conclusions. Best thing he can do is appeal to WOTC. Not sure if they care anymore but it's his only possibility. I've had this happen to a friend and the judge was suspended because he DQ both players because 1 player wanted to do this. If the receive player does not accept then he should not get punished which is the ruling we had. Only with both parties agree can the punishment be this.
Calling bullshit on your story since the rules aren't on your side. If the person offered a bribe doesn't report the attempted bribe then they are punished in the same way as the person that attempted to bribe them per the rules. Nice story though.
In regards to what you said about what is and isn't cheating, to me, if you're not technically cheating, but rules lawyering, that should still be considered cheating. Assuming it's intentional.
Joking or not. If you think it was nothing, then why would you report. Even if they were joking and you felt it did not matter and felt you would of won anyway why would you not just brush it off and laugh at it
Val Bakalar it is also a rule to deal with a situation when you see it happen, not go running off and telling after the fact. At lease that's the impression I got out of the article on it, that the side judge overheard the conversation when it happened
you can find it in the judge regular rules: Serious problems: ..... "Determining match outcomes by incentives, coercion, or outside-the-game methods, or gambling on any part of a tournament." ..... also these fall under this: "Aggressive, violent, harassing or abusive behavior (physical or verbal)." "Intentionally and knowingly breaking or letting an opponent break game or tournament rules, or lying, in order to gain an advantage. “Bluffing” about cards opponents can’t normally see is permitted." "Theft (including things like replacing a card in a draft with one from a player’s binder)." these usually are handeled with disqualifying players. in this case, as hard as it is the judges did handle it right. It seems unfair and it probably is because they were"joking" and the other person thought so too but one just does not joke about this since it is validating the thing that makes magic a game. Playing and not paying for winning. it is already enough to offer your opponent a soft drink for letting you win etc.
Wow it's shit like this that keeps me outta the scene I'm interested in? these mtg players are really this petty?bots hard to beleive that this guy is trying to throw away the tournament for 500 bux? He didn't like the matchup? The judge probably didn't know he was at fault just overheard collusion if the judge overhears the two somehow? And hears back and forth rules are the rules I get the intent part but you can't be ignorant to the rules if that's what the rules state which are not unreasonable judge shoulda heard the "case" and been able to discern what happened..It's sad and pathetic that these guys are chasing this pathetic prize pool anyway and willing to do anything for a little change I'm glad I play poker where a Saturday tournament at one of your local casinos has a bigger prize pool and way way less players and easier to cash...wizards is supposed to put all the buyin money which could be 40 dollars times thousand players plus a little 25k or so on top for a thousand playe
For a thousand players I was saying minimum 65k pot wizards mismanagement of this potential market they could attract untold tens of thousands of players if they big prize pools maybe bigger buyin they would weed out the scumbags and they could pay to have more judges
I was there.. sorta. After the cut to top 8, I happened to be in the restroom and overheard the Corgi Butt guy complaining to a bud of his, or fiancee, about him and his opponent getting DQ'd, I didn't get the full picture, but he was pretty pissed and seemed genuinely confused that it happened.
"Wait, you called that judge an idiot? Let's ban your DCI number!"
I'm a simple guy. I see DesolatorMagic in my notifications, I click. I see a DesolatorMagic vid about cheaters? Lol, I drop everything and start watching!
I concur! :-D
These rules are in the Magic Tournament Rules. Not informing a judge is covered in Chapter 5 (Tournament Violations), Section 2 (Bribery), paragraph 1.
The decision to drop, concede, or agree to an intentional draw cannot be made in exchange for or influenced by the offer of any reward or incentive, nor may any in-game decision be influenced in this manner. Making such an offer is prohibited and is considered bribery. Unless the player receiving such an offer calls for a judge immediately, both players will be penalized in the same manner. Players may not make any offers to tournament officials in an attempt to influence the outcome of a ruling.
yes indeed. it probably seems unfair but that is true since it just is making a game not a game anymore
Thing is he/she did not receive such an offer (since it was thought to be a joke so not an offer)
Martin Neumann then you should elucidate your problem with the rule. According to the wording of the rule, the Judge’s ruling was correct and proper.
This does not mean the rule is worded properly, but the rule gives no room for discretion in this situation. Furthermore, these rules are available in all languages in which MTG cards are printed.
The rule should change, but the Judge didn’t have any room to interpret what was a clearly prescribed course of action.
Martin Neumann making this kind of "joke" (if it was one) is quite inapropriate at any level of tournament
king_ Tesseract they can read your lips....
some research should be done to see WHO was awarded this persons spot in the TOP 8
Mike Lee Neither player actually had a shot a top 8. They were locked out by draws, and the highest either could have gotten was 9th with 36 points.
This situation sucks, but even if you thought your opponent was joking or not, you should inform a judge immediately to cover your own ass. Because judges can't prove "intent", the rules don't allow for leeway about "joking". Most people who are playing at larger tournaments should be aware of this because there have been a number of higher profile incidents lately that have pushed these rules into the forefront.
Magic Tournament Rules, section 5.2, Bribery: "The decision to drop, concede, or agree to an intentional draw cannot be made in exchange for or influenced by the offer of any reward or incentive, nor may any in-game decision be influenced in this manner. Making such an offer is prohibited and is considered bribery. Unless the player receiving such an offer calls for a judge immediately, both players will be penalized in the same manner."
Sounds like the judges wanted to get one of their buddies in the TOP 8
Mike Lee this is exactly what I first thought.
Def. A possibility.
the law is strict, but still - not even close to be "not open for interpretation". EVERYTHING is open for interpretation, even what I write here is open for interpretation. this is why we need people that use logic and not written law they misread or misinterpret.
Yeah I can collaborate. The guy who mulled to 5 was a douche, show off and cry baby.
He felt he was owed that top 8, cause his opponent had zero chance of breaking in "supposedly".
The night before I played him in a turbo town game. And he nearly lost his shit against me and the judge when the judge declared I get choose a new target from lost legacy after declaring torrential gearhulk which is an illegal target.
His buddy was across from me during side event sealed deck building. We got the whole sob story, then the judge interfered.
Sorry for corgibutts.
So Wotc finally decides to crack down on cheaters, and immediately hangs an innocent man. I keep telling my parents I want to play pro at some point, but when this kind of thing happens, why bother. Especially when the same people are showing up in the top so and so. Does mana screw not happen to the "best players"
Matthew, the competitive scene is in turmoil right now. Focus your efforts on being a better player in casual, pre-release, FNM, and commander, and wait until the competitive scene figures out their problems. You will be more competitive and intense when you start.
bdrakePBDA Definitely good advice, especially playing more commander which is actually fun. I build pretty good decks for draft and constructed, but my biggest problem is that the card "mana screw" seems to have been surgically hidden inside my body.
Just run four cloudposts. If the judges give you a hard time just fyte them.
TheBaconlaser That does seem to be the DesolatorMagic approved solution. Just pull out a "Doom Blade" card and paper cut them...IN HALF
Its really buggin me i know ive played this game but i cant remeber what its called. Help!
Yes, it's 'lightheartedly'. And yes, I made an extra effort to check the spelling, punctuation and grammar of my post.
There should have been a comma after "Punctuation" .
If you are a fan of the (apparently, optional) Oxford comma, then yes. (I am.)
I'm calling a judge over. Des!!!??
Light-heartily is present tense.
That is incorrect.
Personally I went to a GP and I didn't know that splitting prizes in the final round was against the rules because I'm used to my LGS. (this was a side event so not too big of a deal). But there was a judge standing right behind me (because I called him over for a question on who would get what prizes if we spilt) and he said "Woah woah woah, that's not allowed but I didn't hear that" he walked off and we split anyways after I apologized to my opponent for asking to break the rules. We ended up splitting anyways and it's not like we were 3-0, we were 2-1-1 at that point and we misread and got shittier prizes than we thought because we split
Asking your opponent to concede isn't against the rules, so the first time the opponent spoke up there was no problem. The video makes it sound like the player was bribed twice.
Bet the judge's buddy got the bump into top 8 because of this
This is another lesson in "read what you sign" a.k.a know the tournament rules before you begin the tournament, but this is some shit judging by the tournament staff. A judge overheard a conversation of one person offering a bribe to their opponent twice, and instead of just hauling of the offender right away, they let it go. The person who was offered a bribe declined and won the match handily, meaning they had no intent of being apart of the bribery, and *then* the judges decided to drop the law. This whole situation was handled like shit, and an innocent person got fucked.
At my LGS the owner/judge usually doesn't even go to top 8 and just tells us to split unless anyone really wants to play on
What are you chopping? And why would he ask that? Why wouldn't you want to have a winner
Usually, our drafts have over 8 people, which would normally add an additional round. By that point, most players want to go home, as well as the owner of the store, so they will automatically split the first place prize if there is no clear winner after 3 rounds, although there normally is. It's probably something like that. There's just not enough time to finish completely.
What game is that your playing in the video?
Starfox 64...no wait, it's C&C 3 Tiberian Wars.
Doesn't gravity "push" downwards?
why anyone thought it was a good idea to disqualify someone on ignorance offense, is beyond me
especially when its not part of the actual game and is realistically something that might not be known
and especially not when you make someone cry in public
no you're not getting a ticket, granted if you're local you are, but if you're from out of town and there was no other visible indication, the cop is going check out the sign, see that it's graffetti'd, let you go and call the road crew, i know because this happened to me once
its not favouritism, its fair rule enforcement because because you no reason to believe this person would have knowingly committed the infraction had they known
your job as rule enforcer is to make people follow the rules, punishment is way of doing that but, a stern warning in this case fixes the problem and actual cheater still got caught
this isn't an interpretation the girl committed a lesser crime even if she was aware of the crime
the most malicious version of this is "well i'll let this guy loose and he'll get another player disqualified with him in a later match." but then again if the person has the knowledge necessary to know that can happen why not call the judge and just get that guaranteed win
and i'll re-iterate, SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! She didn't get an advantage and really what's the point DQing her? SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! Why don't we just disqualify people who are facing people drawing an extra card or knocking over their life dice to get more life without getting caught by their opponent but instead by some judge in the background. After all you can't prove that the opponent didn't see that and therefore they are not reporting a crime and need to be DQed.
So really its your interpretation that someone who doesn't report bribery should be DQed and someone who doesn't report deck stacking shouldn't.
To prevent that "Bribe before the match" scenario you should simply maintain the game loss and that solves that problem. That way they have no reason to wait.
And again why wouldn't this be applied to people who played against someone who cheated in actual game play where the victimized player didn't see the opponent cheat but a judge did and thinks the victim player should have because "He was obviously cheating". Why aren't both players DQed in those scenarios? you can't prove the victim didn't see his opponent cheat and simply didn't call a judge.
There's a reason why in real life we have this wiggle room for ignorance offences cause suddenly you're throwing everyone who was within a mile of some random gang shooting in jail because they could have heard the gun shot and didn't call the cops
okay, but the rule is still wrong. its not necessary, because you don't need to give the other person the win, you can punish the briber and the person who didn't report him still loses and thus has no motivation not to immediately report the briber, punishment serves no purpose here
In fact you now can try to bribe someone and if they don't call a judge you can take them out of the tournament, yes that's a stupid idea, but its no stupider than this scenario
and the rules being unjust is somehow better
IF the rules are flawed you fix them. You don't need to dq someone for not reporting an unsuccessful bribe.
This rule is heaved handed and serves no purpose so long as you maintain any match results on the bribe victims side so they aren't just using it as a way to win the match regardless of the actual gameplay
It is lighthearted and trying to gain an unfair advantage in gaming by exploiting rule enforcement (or lack thereof) is called angle shooting. One of the first tournaments I ever won, I faced a well-known pro in the final and went 2-0 against him...he offered me half of his second place prize package if I would drop a match to him so that he would not lose as many points...so glad no judges heard that noise or we could have both lost if this post from Corgie Butt is legit just because I didn't snitch him out; that's kinda tilt.
"Gravity still goes down" You're gonna give me a fucking stroke man. XD
4 syllables, (Light-hart-id-lee) Light-heartedly
I was actually there on Saturday and the judges made it very clear during the announcements at the player meeting that you should not offer anything in exchange for a match result and if someone makes an offer to you, you're to alert them immediately. So, not only did this player either not attend the player's meeting or not pay attention, they likely didn't even bother to skim the tournament rules. As soon as the "joke" was made, they should have called a Judge; It's a shame they didn't know to do this...
Except it sounds like the other person didn't think it was an offer, so why would they report it?
Because the announcements at the Player's Meeting and the official Magic Tournament Rules make it very clear that you are supposed to report the offering of a match result in exchange for something to a judge as soon as it happens.
So if I recall the actual protocol for this infraction is actually up to the discretion of the Judge. For the player sharing the story they are actually leaving out some interesting information and that is all players in GP’s just like any other REL event players are reminded in a few different ways and times rules against asking for a player to forfeit in return for any type of compensation is a violation and the players involved can be kicked out, banned or other infractions can be and will be carried out against them. As far as the collusion since the author did not inform the judge(s) they did commit collusion because they are informed on many occasions (as I stated above) during each GP they are not to discuss wether joking or not the fixing of a match to favor one player or another in any exchange of prizes or any other means of compensation.
"Hijacking a plane" - This one will get demonetized then! ;D
Desolatormagic I commented on your singing it's honestly pretty good I swear.
So I looked up the Top 8 from GP Houston, the finalist has 17 sideboard cards as posted on their website.
The format was Limited; Sealed and then Draft. In such formats, up to the entire remainder of your pool is your sideboard.
Magic tournament rules 5.2 thats the rule and it says that both player received and immediate DQ unless a judge is called over immediately there's no wriggle room for intent in that rule because of fear people will abuse it to try and get away with bribery harsh but it is the correct ruling
This disqualification for an ignorance offense is brought to you by ...a party that did/does everthing in its power to fight mandatory background checks. I don't know if that's supposed to be hilarious or sad or infuriating, but it's something alright.
It's light heartedly
It's light-heartedly
And I'll take any free win you give me
I saw that thread on Reddit as well.
According to comments the rules specifically say if you make an offer of bribery it's a DQ, if you do not report an offer immediately it's a DQ. And at the pro level it is expected that you know and understand all the rules, there is even an announcement of such at the beginning of the day. They need to have a zero tolerance policy about it otherwise you could just say "it was a joke" and get away with it.
Personally, if I ever made it to a Pro-level event first thing I'd be doing is reading ALL the dam rules. Might take a whole day, but better that then a DQ like that. Sucks for him, but she should have known better, actually should have.
I feel like Jeremy from The quartering should be your Vice President, considering what you both do. Also, we vote in less than a week, so you should really get your write-in campaign in gear, lol.
Heartily= haughty, heavily in regards eg to laughter.
Heartedly= the degree of seriousness to which someone makes an assertion or joke. Light heartedly eg in this case would be “only kidding”
Ya know Des, I'm not exactly sure what game that is, but based on the looks of it, you would probably enjoy a pc game called X-Com. There's an old MS-DOS version of the game, but I'm almost sure there's an updated PC version, 'cuz I have it on Xbox 360.
Welcome to comp magic where judges love to jump to conclusions. Best thing he can do is appeal to WOTC. Not sure if they care anymore but it's his only possibility. I've had this happen to a friend and the judge was suspended because he DQ both players because 1 player wanted to do this. If the receive player does not accept then he should not get punished which is the ruling we had. Only with both parties agree can the punishment be this.
Calling bullshit on your story since the rules aren't on your side. If the person offered a bribe doesn't report the attempted bribe then they are punished in the same way as the person that attempted to bribe them per the rules. Nice story though.
At 18:35 JUDGE!!! I don't care how passive you set the method break the rules you get your fruit.
If I was in that person's shoes there would be some broken bones, but in all seriousness I would have reported the briber or filed a lawsuit.
I agree i would exploded into violence of this bullshit
It's definitely pronounced light-heart-ed-ly
So I live in Washington state and hate Seattle and when you said you would rather kill your self then go to Seattle I laughed my soul out
"No assholes at FNM"
"light Heartedly"
2:37 Sorey
Des nala 2k20 make it magical
In regards to what you said about what is and isn't cheating, to me, if you're not technically cheating, but rules lawyering, that should still be considered cheating.
Assuming it's intentional.
Hi-jacking a plane and bribing someone to lose a game of Magic are nowhere near comparable.
Joking or not. If you think it was nothing, then why would you report. Even if they were joking and you felt it did not matter and felt you would of won anyway why would you not just brush it off and laugh at it
Val Bakalar it is also a rule to deal with a situation when you see it happen, not go running off and telling after the fact. At lease that's the impression I got out of the article on it, that the side judge overheard the conversation when it happened
Lol it's not about the money. But yeah this is crazy. Bribery is perfectly legal in my play group.
Alex Mendoza bribery is legal in legacy....
No one plays, it but it's legal.
The pro tour is a joke anyways.
Vice President KarlsburgReview
That's fucked up....
Nala for pres 2020, Des as VP
Ugin the spirit dragon for your vice prez
Angle shoot...
Zainker for VP!!!!
WOOO! lol
you can find it in the judge regular rules:
Serious problems:
"Determining match outcomes by incentives, coercion, or outside-the-game methods, or gambling on any part of a tournament."
also these fall under this:
"Aggressive, violent, harassing or abusive behavior (physical or verbal)."
"Intentionally and knowingly breaking or letting an opponent break game or tournament rules, or lying, in order to gain an advantage. “Bluffing” about cards opponents can’t normally see is permitted."
"Theft (including things like replacing a card in a draft with one from a player’s binder)."
these usually are handeled with disqualifying players. in this case, as hard as it is the judges did handle it right. It seems unfair and it probably is because they were"joking" and the other person thought so too but one just does not joke about this since it is validating the thing that makes magic a game. Playing and not paying for winning. it is already enough to offer your opponent a soft drink for letting you win etc.
Stick it to them Des!
I like this.
Des2020 with VP Rosewater! Heh
Decideo Mirage orange
Wow it's shit like this that keeps me outta the scene I'm interested in? these mtg players are really this petty?bots hard to beleive that this guy is trying to throw away the tournament for 500 bux? He didn't like the matchup? The judge probably didn't know he was at fault just overheard collusion if the judge overhears the two somehow? And hears back and forth rules are the rules I get the intent part but you can't be ignorant to the rules if that's what the rules state which are not unreasonable judge shoulda heard the "case" and been able to discern what happened..It's sad and pathetic that these guys are chasing this pathetic prize pool anyway and willing to do anything for a little change I'm glad I play poker where a Saturday tournament at one of your local casinos has a bigger prize pool and way way less players and easier to cash...wizards is supposed to put all the buyin money which could be 40 dollars times thousand players plus a little 25k or so on top for a thousand playe
For a thousand players I was saying minimum 65k pot wizards mismanagement of this potential market they could attract untold tens of thousands of players if they big prize pools maybe bigger buyin they would weed out the scumbags and they could pay to have more judges
Best comment ever!!!
Almost first!!
I see your point and totally agree with your assessment of the situation