WP to this Sion he played safe during laning phase, minimized deaths and yea he let some cs go but now hes scaled and is working with his team to win the game! Well played to this Sion!
@@ethosterros9430 he is unironically stronger with this trolly method. ive played both normal sion and int sion. The extra gold and HP u get from proxying is not to be under estimated, but it comes at the price of a stronger enemy top laner/ jg due to the whole inting part and enemy top getting full farm once they can sustain waves.
It really is no fun at all to have to face this. You gain a ton of money brainlessly shoving your head against a turret, you get a ton of gold from plates, turrets and minions, all while feeding to reduce your own bounty to 100g. And then with all your money, you one shot enemy bot lane. This really isn't behavior that should be rewarded. You're not engaging with anyone. Your bounty should be reset with minion kills if you're feeding
Love him or hate him, Baus definitely pushed new tactics to the forefront. What I love about these kinds of plays is how it forces the other to think and not just play the same way to deal with yours. Baus' tactics epitomizes fighting on your own terms and maximizing your gains instead of complaining about how weak champ is or how op another one is, encouraging thinking outside the box. He uses the cards he's been dealt with to maximum efficiency and it definitely shows in how it ruins the other team's (or if you're using it incorrectly, your team) rythm. I think people just hate it because of how poorly copycats imitate it in their low elo games and makes it harder for their team to cope. The way I see it, the more someone plays it the more they expose this tactic's weaknesses. Every game can be a learning opportunity and if a loss helped you learn something new then it's not much of a loss, in my humle low elo opinion.
baus's sion is trading deaths to accelerate his gold till he outscales. bad imitators go oh boy I'm going to give my enemy 300 gold so i can take 3 extra cs while getting nothing out of it. Baus didn't make this strat there were a few singed players in the earlier seasons who did something similar. The same thing happened back.
@@dazeen9591 that's applying the tactic poorly then. In an ideal situation, as shown in the video, your pressure would soak up the other lanes' attention and allow your teammates some breathing room if they were behind. Though, I can definitely understand your sentiments if I was on the receiving end of the other fed lanes' beating. As someone who repeatedly versus'd Baus's copycats, however, I think it becomes a race for resources on who can get ahead and then quickly close out the game before Sion becomes ultra tanky. As soon as they did their solo dance in the other lane, I called for my team to quickly sweep the Sion's teammates off the board, since he'll prioritize his own gain anyways, before rapidly rushing towards their base. It ultimately depends on how the team needs to respond correctly whenever a dilemma is presented.
One thing you should mention (Bausffs used to mentioned this on stream) is we should only die before level 7-8 because you can almost instant respawn after a good death 😎
@@chiki5152you solo'ing them with smart plays and cs or you getting jungle help? 60% wr all you in laning phase or are your opponents just not as smart as you and youre just better or you getting help from other sources to win lane?
Great analysis of the Baus play style and love to see someone else implement it in their games. Also, this play style is mega broken because it allows you to take so much go for pretty low risk since you don't lane most of the time vs your opponent and if the jungler decides to come and waste time on chasing you it is going to allow your jungler to impact the other side pretty easily or at least counter jungle. After that it is Thanks for the great explanation and it is pretty easy to understand when it is shown in this way! Love your content so please keep the great work! 😊
This is such a great high level breakdown of how to play Sion this way, thank you. I don't play anymore but I love Worlds LCS and great videos like this
It's almost as if the Korean player is actually utilizing the build and playstyle to a proper degree and not allowing a 7-0 enemy top laner to go around railing his teammates
The Korean worship in League is insane. You could see EUW challengers doing the same build for 9 months. If some youtuber catches a masters Korean trying out the same build it's suddenly a 200IQ new Korean strategy.
@@oldmanhopes3627 Maybe you wanna read some comments and initial replies before coming to that conclusion. As I said, the way this guy is playing the strat vs Baus (Who for the record, has one of the most bat shit insane fanbases ever, as shown but much of this comment section) is that he isn't leading his team into fighting a 7-0 top laner while he goes and jerks his dick. It's a lot more refined and isn't leaving his team in shambles. There's a reason a lot of the time during Baus' streams his W/L counter is always higher on the loss side of things. But then again, there's no point in arguing when people sit there saying Baus going AP Irelia isn't troll so
@@anasianinasia9582 it's the same playstyle... it's not "more refined" lol. have you ever seen baus offstream? whenever he's not playing for his stupid viewers he performs just like and even better than this kr random.
@@equinoxnemesis6170 no bro they are overrated asf l've seen stuff like jgl going afk cuz top didn't leash ff'ing even when they have 2 drake and gold lead unless ur in GM or Chall this shit continues
@@reketsuq2794 both of those extremes are also very untrue you go to kr challenger you will find every player does his best to win every game, doesn't matter if their top is inting they will try their best yes, there might be 1 or 2 greifers who give up but you will find those kind of players in every ELO/server; KR doesn't have more of them. the whole "kr players lose mental faster" is a myth that originated from some dumb YT who told people kr players only play in internet cafes lmao
This is an actual reason to rework Sion for a 2nd time. The second I saw the Urgot shutdown ~ 7:52 I said 'BS'. There've been side issues I've always found with Sion regarding his champion identity (Is he a Tank? Is he a Juggernaut? Is he an Assassin since he also scales with AD and Lethality items?), the amount of versatility he gets is too ridiculous and is now affecting to the traditional gameplay and performance in League. Even if you fully counter him since people begin to blind pick him, there's a high chance he'll get ahead due to the amounts of scaling he gets regardless of his build, and also will proceed to deny any sort of punishment by proxying, by inting so then can take a plate, a couple or clear the remaining wave with his passive and sometimes even murder you in return. All I can ask is for Riot to fix this ASAP. Even as bigger priority than Trundle's on-going chaos.
Yes and it's precisely the issue I have with him. When he dies he doesn't really get punish, he goes on a frenzy that helps him exceed in putting pressure and gathering extra XP/Gold@@shichikayasuri2628
Most of the value here is in the early game and if you have a champ with great waveclear like him its a net negative for sion. He gets punished, there's still gold & xp from the kill that's been made . Most of it is matchup knowledge at the end. And i'd say that his passive is the only unique thing about him and its way less problematic than every new champs thats been out after 200 years@@Jaykmeit
Sion is a juggernaut, people keep misunderstood bruiser for juggernaut when sion is the og rework juggernaut. A juggernaut is a jack of all trade which mean he's both a tank and an assassin, his weakness being him immobile and clunky. Sion is a raidboss juggernaut which mean he will be either supper tanky or his Aoe and dmg is equivalent of illaoi. Int sion is a playstyle that give champ actual identity. All champ should be design around a strong gimmick just like him so every game is actual interesting and every champ their own identity.
You can see in that clip that Sion has a sunfire vs the Urgots hammer + boots + kindle, Sion also has 30 more CS than Urgot so likely has an exp lead, and has taken a plate whereas the Urgot hadn't. So even though Sion is 1/4 vs 0/4, he's on par with exp, has actually backed to spend his gold whereas Urgot is prob sitting on a bunch of gold, so Urgot is obviously going to lose that fight. Leads mean absolutely nothing if you don't actually spend the gold.
9:56 he did not use the baus R cancel combo, is when you press R again to cancel it just before you with the oponent, so you have the KNOCK UP up cc but also a little stun cc right after the knock up
@@cripplingcaffeineaddiction3847Sion has no counterplay. He's a braindead champion with a degenerate, uninteractive playstyle who cannot be countered because he doesn't even have to lane.
@@cripplingcaffeineaddiction3847 Same goes for those korean challengers he's oneshotting? :) Or you think they also have skill issues, cause they can't deal with him?
@@DarkBullet17 at challenger level champs either prevent a late game sion from ever getting near them or they don't. The champ has a highly telegraphed Q which has all his damage and a easily dodged R he is only using for split pushes. Sion needs like 30 mins of gameplay to even be able to hit a high dmg heartsteel proc. So yes u are having a skill issue.
For that play style he has been playing Volibear. Good 1v1 sustain kill pressure, with the tower dmg from attack speed passive like Trundle. But unlike Trundle, he has more wave clear, more mobility in leap and bear run. And to top it all off for Baus, an ult that damages towers lol
Just played this as my first match in like 4 months. I went 13/5 with an unspeakable amount of damage to structures. It was a laugh riot and I wasn't even doing it that well. Barely managed any signifcant proxies. Just lots of constant pressure.
Good, hope more people play this and success with it to a point Riot just remove this Sion passive or at least make it so the death timer only start counting after sion is dead dead. Bro's alive for another 12 seconds, get all minions XP while being only level 3 with a dorans shield. Proceed to insta respawned after zombie form finished. If there's legit 0 consequence after a champ dies, there's a problem.
you literally give 300 gold and death exp to the enemy laner. TP cooldown is 6 minutes, you don't just randomly die in lane over and over again and expect to catch every wave. Die 2+ times without TP and you lose at least 1 wave/death.
I once had a Akali getting first blood on me, then she did E my Zombie form, started the running into my zombie form, my zombie forms was gone before she arrived, so it just redirected to base fountain as I was instantly alive in base again so she just died under Fountain for using E against my Zombie form in lane.
honestly a little messed up how sion can legit hard int and still be so strong unlike any other champion. pretty sure AdoisNL had a game like that recently as gangplank
This strategy is only used because sion loses almost every single top matchups. People complain because they don't know what to do with their lane bully champion once the sion is no longer in lane
Thebausffs is statistically the player that had most direct nerfs in the history of the game. Absolutely NO ONE influences the balancing of this game as much as this guy single handedly does, not even Faker himself.
Tilterella was the og Sion main that got him nerfed to the ground until hullbreaker got added to the game. Also, a lot of players came to mind that affected way more the meta, like Yassuo building tank yasuo back in the day, or the pros that came with bruiser assasins with red jg item, Faker making riot realize what a monster Ryze was, the Cassiopea r animation cancel, the lot of pros that broke hullbreaker on solo lanes, FPX ex-midlaner that popularized tanks on mid, Dopa breaking soloq introducing new wave management tactics... man, the list go on and on. Also, the guy that said Faker hasn't changed the meta don't know what tf he's talking about. The fact that he knows where to ward comes literally from Faker. Backing on bushes instead of towers, taking advantage of terrain to hide the champ models, animations cancels, the whole mid meta during his first four years, back timers, roam timers, applying pressure in sidelanes before objectives... These kids just want to hate on someone lol
@@sidradeave they always said faker is mid af, washed up yada yada yada but He get more trophies and influence on the game than their favorite player. if being faker fanboy is cringe or anything like that then I don't mind being cringe in their eyes since it doesn't change the fact that man is the goat of the game and all the fans know it well.
The difference I see here is they don't get gank way too often by "every" lane, everyone knows who baus is so everyone is already ready for he's shenanigans.
Jax is a counter? Why? (Obviously because the items he can build but he's easier to 1v1 at first too) And aatrox? I'm obviously not a huge otp but I do have good winrate with tank sion and well, I hate aatrox because I play on 200 ping so the Qs are impossible to dodge, but in my experience, aren't champions like Gwen who can perma dodge Qs and have %hp damage the biggest counter (plus she can also splitpush which puts you at a huge disadvantage)? Because your video says the way to win against those champions is to force the early proxy, but the example you showed worked bc Hecarim pathed botside AND you have to land the lvl 1 Q (which nowadays many players are aware of). If the enemy player is good at killing you and can enable ganks, and the enemy jungler focuses you with quick ganks, it's hard to win (sounds kinda obvious but it's very common if they expect the inting/proxy strat)
if it was that effective everyone would play it and it would be in meta... And you barely see sion. These tactics need some coordination and the player to actually know what he is doing in order for all of it work. Seems like playing casually is less work and still you can do as good. I dont think they should nerf it
This really depends who you are versus on the lane. If you are vs camille, she will give very high dmg to you and you never win 1vs1 mid game. You also cant escape her with ult at all. This might work but only in specific matchups. Proxing is more useful if you can utilize tempo advantage gained from it, turret damage by minions doesnt matter that much, first turret is dead every game anyway. Camille would just ignore you proxying, buy sunderer, and from this time you wouldnt be able to play the game anymore
This guy is like offstream baus. The on stream baus plays for entertainment,he does shitty deaths for the lolz Besides if he actually covered his map,half of the backseaters cant talk about seeing ganks from a mile away And besides, I've started playing league last month,and got to emerald,with tank sion from watching his guides and vids for the past 3 years,so its definitely works for a newbie like me
A fight with a urgot as sion is the most fun to go against i just build jak sho thornmail sunfire with sorc shoes urgot is dying while you standing and not losing much hp
i mean its just a play style due to riot stupid bounty system and that if you can farm like a god its easy especially sense tp is a thing. cause you can do this strat with volibear as well
You know it's a Baus fan because he's using the lumberjack skin!
Or it's baus himself with his smurf offscreen
in Korea server LOL probably with 200+ ping@@ImWoo-wo6hq
@@jacfgerfung3658 Didn't he say he's back in korean in his stream
@@ImWoo-wo6hqHe's not, I think it was something referring to the time he was in Korea. Not that he's literally in Korea right now.
or its just any baus main cuz this skin existed before even baus was born
WP to this Sion he played safe during laning phase, minimized deaths and yea he let some cs go but now hes scaled and is working with his team to win the game! Well played to this Sion!
Yea sion is so strong if u dont troll
@@ethosterros9430 he is unironically stronger with this trolly method. ive played both normal sion and int sion.
The extra gold and HP u get from proxying is not to be under estimated, but it comes at the price of a stronger enemy top laner/ jg due to the whole inting part and enemy top getting full farm once they can sustain waves.
LOLOLOL @@ethosterros9430
It really is no fun at all to have to face this. You gain a ton of money brainlessly shoving your head against a turret, you get a ton of gold from plates, turrets and minions, all while feeding to reduce your own bounty to 100g.
And then with all your money, you one shot enemy bot lane.
This really isn't behavior that should be rewarded. You're not engaging with anyone. Your bounty should be reset with minion kills if you're feeding
@@cephon6198 not to mention the counter kills with passive. Its insane teamfight value too cuz u cant just ignore it
The Bausen's law prove to be true again.
He should int irl
@@dazeen9591 fr
Said your toplaner dying for the 25th time
Good deff
Love him or hate him, Baus definitely pushed new tactics to the forefront. What I love about these kinds of plays is how it forces the other to think and not just play the same way to deal with yours. Baus' tactics epitomizes fighting on your own terms and maximizing your gains instead of complaining about how weak champ is or how op another one is, encouraging thinking outside the box. He uses the cards he's been dealt with to maximum efficiency and it definitely shows in how it ruins the other team's (or if you're using it incorrectly, your team) rythm.
I think people just hate it because of how poorly copycats imitate it in their low elo games and makes it harder for their team to cope. The way I see it, the more someone plays it the more they expose this tactic's weaknesses. Every game can be a learning opportunity and if a loss helped you learn something new then it's not much of a loss, in my humle low elo opinion.
Baus's tactic epitomizes in getting carried by your teammates somehow holding out in a 4v5, including fed enemy top laner, for 30+ minutes.
@@dazeen9591I mean you get carried by your team mates every game but you're still not at the elo where baus is
I see one major diff with Baus's approach to the strat, let's see if you get it
baus's sion is trading deaths to accelerate his gold till he outscales. bad imitators go oh boy I'm going to give my enemy 300 gold so i can take 3 extra cs while getting nothing out of it.
Baus didn't make this strat there were a few singed players in the earlier seasons who did something similar. The same thing happened back.
@@dazeen9591 that's applying the tactic poorly then. In an ideal situation, as shown in the video, your pressure would soak up the other lanes' attention and allow your teammates some breathing room if they were behind. Though, I can definitely understand your sentiments if I was on the receiving end of the other fed lanes' beating.
As someone who repeatedly versus'd Baus's copycats, however, I think it becomes a race for resources on who can get ahead and then quickly close out the game before Sion becomes ultra tanky. As soon as they did their solo dance in the other lane, I called for my team to quickly sweep the Sion's teammates off the board, since he'll prioritize his own gain anyways, before rapidly rushing towards their base. It ultimately depends on how the team needs to respond correctly whenever a dilemma is presented.
One thing you should mention (Bausffs used to mentioned this on stream) is we should only die before level 7-8 because you can almost instant respawn after a good death 😎
VERY important tip for that strategy!
is that still true? He mentioned something with the fact that the death timers changed few weeks back
That changed recently. Death timers are changing for next season or maybe they already did with the hwei release. Can't quite remember.
I love how every single top video ends with counters: Jax, and any other champion
tbf Jax gets destroyed by Yorick Quinn and Illaoi
@@Youngs1998 from personal experience being a grandmaster that has 60% wr on jax, no, not really
@@Youngs1998 Hmm it's probably better to google stats first before commenting stuff like this
@@Youngs1998 yorick is free matchup for jax.
vs quinn try maxing q and rushing cdr boots.
illaoi yeah she is destroying him if she is good no doubt
@@chiki5152you solo'ing them with smart plays and cs or you getting jungle help? 60% wr all you in laning phase or are your opponents just not as smart as you and youre just better or you getting help from other sources to win lane?
Like Baus shows really well what focusing on urself and having good mentality can do for u.
It's really impressive how calm is Baus
It's not how calm baus is, he just doesn't care if he lose.
Even Korea couldn’t hold back
Great analysis of the Baus play style and love to see someone else implement it in their games. Also, this play style is mega broken because it allows you to take so much go for pretty low risk since you don't lane most of the time vs your opponent and if the jungler decides to come and waste time on chasing you it is going to allow your jungler to impact the other side pretty easily or at least counter jungle. After that it is
Thanks for the great explanation and it is pretty easy to understand when it is shown in this way! Love your content so please keep the great work! 😊
one thing he didn't mention is that if you play with lumberjack skin you get %15 percent bonus dmg
source: trust me bro
This is such a great high level breakdown of how to play Sion this way, thank you. I don't play anymore but I love Worlds LCS and great videos like this
i dont play much league these days, but the level of detail in the description of both micro and macro decisions is quite lovely. Well done!
The thing with dying/going baussy is, as long as you death generates more advantage than you give to your enemy, it's worth everytime.
western players do inting sion: cringe, fanboys, feeders
korean players do inting sion: smart, genius, insightful
Know the difference
It's almost as if the Korean player is actually utilizing the build and playstyle to a proper degree and not allowing a 7-0 enemy top laner to go around railing his teammates
The glazing is crazy
The Korean worship in League is insane. You could see EUW challengers doing the same build for 9 months.
If some youtuber catches a masters Korean trying out the same build it's suddenly a 200IQ new Korean strategy.
@@oldmanhopes3627 Maybe you wanna read some comments and initial replies before coming to that conclusion. As I said, the way this guy is playing the strat vs Baus (Who for the record, has one of the most bat shit insane fanbases ever, as shown but much of this comment section) is that he isn't leading his team into fighting a 7-0 top laner while he goes and jerks his dick. It's a lot more refined and isn't leaving his team in shambles. There's a reason a lot of the time during Baus' streams his W/L counter is always higher on the loss side of things. But then again, there's no point in arguing when people sit there saying Baus going AP Irelia isn't troll so
@@anasianinasia9582 it's the same playstyle... it's not "more refined" lol. have you ever seen baus offstream? whenever he's not playing for his stupid viewers he performs just like and even better than this kr random.
its actually crazy knowing KR players have a rep losing mental and spaming ff when one of the laners dies more than once
I mean that’s the margin of error. The game is over if you know how to use a lead. Guys in hyper high Elo it is in fact over.
@@equinoxnemesis6170 no bro they are overrated asf
l've seen stuff like jgl going afk cuz top didn't leash
ff'ing even when they have 2 drake and gold lead
unless ur in GM or Chall this shit continues
And in the west we have people holding games hostage for 50 mins despite being down 30 kills.
@@declaringpond2276 well, both extremes are clearly bad
@@reketsuq2794 both of those extremes are also very untrue
you go to kr challenger you will find every player does his best to win every game, doesn't matter if their top is inting they will try their best
yes, there might be 1 or 2 greifers who give up but you will find those kind of players in every ELO/server; KR doesn't have more of them.
the whole "kr players lose mental faster" is a myth that originated from some dumb YT who told people kr players only play in internet cafes lmao
Thanks, I just needed that one last push to quite league
Thank you and good riddance.
bausens law at it again
Great, now you can instead play HotS like me!
Thanks for the video, now I can implement it in emerald, wish me good luck
Good luck !
woo another dobby video, always makes my day :) keep it up!
Thank you ! Have a great day too
And the fact that you made a video on it means I have to ban Sion for the next 3 months in my solo queue games. Thanks a lot man.
This style of sion gameplay feels like how would fight in the lore
Holy hell that Trundle literally went super saiyan at the end. Still wasnt enough.
"dying and dying over and over again" but he's lvl 18 with 3 deaths...
He mistook a pro for baus lol. This guy does his strat without the deaths. The strategy seems to work best because of the proxy farming.
he's using the lumberyack too
7:25 "Sion iS the one who wins platings"
Gj the video is amazing like always
As always, amazing video dobby. May you please do a video regarding Gabungking? I would love to see your analyzation of him.
This is an actual reason to rework Sion for a 2nd time. The second I saw the Urgot shutdown ~ 7:52 I said 'BS'. There've been side issues I've always found with Sion regarding his champion identity (Is he a Tank? Is he a Juggernaut? Is he an Assassin since he also scales with AD and Lethality items?), the amount of versatility he gets is too ridiculous and is now affecting to the traditional gameplay and performance in League. Even if you fully counter him since people begin to blind pick him, there's a high chance he'll get ahead due to the amounts of scaling he gets regardless of his build, and also will proceed to deny any sort of punishment by proxying, by inting so then can take a plate, a couple or clear the remaining wave with his passive and sometimes even murder you in return. All I can ask is for Riot to fix this ASAP. Even as bigger priority than Trundle's on-going chaos.
Item diff nothing out of the ordinary here, dont look at the score to judge if someone strong, judge it based on items he has
Yes and it's precisely the issue I have with him. When he dies he doesn't really get punish, he goes on a frenzy that helps him exceed in putting pressure and gathering extra XP/Gold@@shichikayasuri2628
Most of the value here is in the early game and if you have a champ with great waveclear like him its a net negative for sion. He gets punished, there's still gold & xp from the kill that's been made
. Most of it is matchup knowledge at the end. And i'd say that his passive is the only unique thing about him and its way less problematic than every new champs thats been out after 200 years@@Jaykmeit
Sion is a juggernaut, people keep misunderstood bruiser for juggernaut when sion is the og rework juggernaut. A juggernaut is a jack of all trade which mean he's both a tank and an assassin, his weakness being him immobile and clunky. Sion is a raidboss juggernaut which mean he will be either supper tanky or his Aoe and dmg is equivalent of illaoi.
Int sion is a playstyle that give champ actual identity. All champ should be design around a strong gimmick just like him so every game is actual interesting and every champ their own identity.
You can see in that clip that Sion has a sunfire vs the Urgots hammer + boots + kindle, Sion also has 30 more CS than Urgot so likely has an exp lead, and has taken a plate whereas the Urgot hadn't. So even though Sion is 1/4 vs 0/4, he's on par with exp, has actually backed to spend his gold whereas Urgot is prob sitting on a bunch of gold, so Urgot is obviously going to lose that fight. Leads mean absolutely nothing if you don't actually spend the gold.
thank you for giving so much respect to my favourite streamer
9:56 he did not use the baus R cancel combo, is when you press R again to cancel it just before you with the oponent, so you have the KNOCK UP up cc but also a little stun cc right after the knock up
this got fixed
@@menamedwert556 when Riven does it it's a feature when Sion does it it's an exploit
@@glacialblast2588 i would even say its a bug
They called him crazy for being right
now watch as they imitate his greatness
Great balance with a 6-10k hp tank with a heartsteel, hitting for 1/2 hp with 1 auto and oneshooting towers. Respect rito.
Lol sion has plenty of counterplay you got a skill issue if you think he is op.
@@cripplingcaffeineaddiction3847Sion has no counterplay. He's a braindead champion with a degenerate, uninteractive playstyle who cannot be countered because he doesn't even have to lane.
Same goes for those korean challengers he's oneshotting? :) Or you think they also have skill issues, cause they can't deal with him?
@@DarkBullet17 at challenger level champs either prevent a late game sion from ever getting near them or they don't. The champ has a highly telegraphed Q which has all his damage and a easily dodged R he is only using for split pushes. Sion needs like 30 mins of gameplay to even be able to hit a high dmg heartsteel proc. So yes u are having a skill issue.
nah this shit is op af and need to be nerfed asap @@cripplingcaffeineaddiction3847
I wish bausf use trundle coz he can destroy the turret faster and have a good trade to enemy in 1v1
But only 1 tp and zero waveclear until ravenous
He cant, he will only play champ with S+ wave clear or he can't do his thing.
For that play style he has been playing Volibear. Good 1v1 sustain kill pressure, with the tower dmg from attack speed passive like Trundle. But unlike Trundle, he has more wave clear, more mobility in leap and bear run. And to top it all off for Baus, an ult that damages towers lol
He was playing AP Jax bc of similar proxy and waveclear potential lmao
Bro really woke up one day and decided that kr server had been too peaceful
Just played this as my first match in like 4 months. I went 13/5 with an unspeakable amount of damage to structures. It was a laugh riot and I wasn't even doing it that well. Barely managed any signifcant proxies. Just lots of constant pressure.
Good, hope more people play this and success with it to a point Riot just remove this Sion passive or at least make it so the death timer only start counting after sion is dead dead.
Bro's alive for another 12 seconds, get all minions XP while being only level 3 with a dorans shield. Proceed to insta respawned after zombie form finished. If there's legit 0 consequence after a champ dies, there's a problem.
you literally give 300 gold and death exp to the enemy laner. TP cooldown is 6 minutes, you don't just randomly die in lane over and over again and expect to catch every wave. Die 2+ times without TP and you lose at least 1 wave/death.
I once had a Akali getting first blood on me, then she did E my Zombie form, started the running into my zombie form, my zombie forms was gone before she arrived, so it just redirected to base fountain as I was instantly alive in base again so she just died under Fountain for using E against my Zombie form in lane.
love all your vids, will we be seeing a Hwei video after the champ stabilises?
Sure !
honestly a little messed up how sion can legit hard int and still be so strong unlike any other champion. pretty sure AdoisNL had a game like that recently as gangplank
Gangplank just straight up spawns extra gold out of thin air with Q
This strategy is only used because sion loses almost every single top matchups. People complain because they don't know what to do with their lane bully champion once the sion is no longer in lane
the baus special is a sight to be seen. is glorious.
Tip if you wanna try this don't do it against yorick, you'll just lose your turret while you're proxying.
Yorick doesn't need minions to push after level 6
You know people are reviewing games with pen and paper and actually calculating things. League is actually a science NGL. Very impressive!!!
Thebausffs is statistically the player that had most direct nerfs in the history of the game. Absolutely NO ONE influences the balancing of this game as much as this guy single handedly does, not even Faker himself.
Faker hasn't influenced any nerf, tho. he's mid at best. just another challenged player.
I'd say second most as the first still goes to Faker. He forced so many direct nerf in the past during his prime even tho not anymore.
Tilterella was the og Sion main that got him nerfed to the ground until hullbreaker got added to the game.
Also, a lot of players came to mind that affected way more the meta, like Yassuo building tank yasuo back in the day, or the pros that came with bruiser assasins with red jg item, Faker making riot realize what a monster Ryze was, the Cassiopea r animation cancel, the lot of pros that broke hullbreaker on solo lanes, FPX ex-midlaner that popularized tanks on mid, Dopa breaking soloq introducing new wave management tactics... man, the list go on and on.
Also, the guy that said Faker hasn't changed the meta don't know what tf he's talking about. The fact that he knows where to ward comes literally from Faker. Backing on bushes instead of towers, taking advantage of terrain to hide the champ models, animations cancels, the whole mid meta during his first four years, back timers, roam timers, applying pressure in sidelanes before objectives...
These kids just want to hate on someone lol
@@sidradeave they always said faker is mid af, washed up yada yada yada but He get more trophies and influence on the game than their favorite player. if being faker fanboy is cringe or anything like that then I don't mind being cringe in their eyes since it doesn't change the fact that man is the goat of the game and all the fans know it well.
@@bharatcarballo5144 bro forgot he is the reason old and new ryze keeps getting nerfed.
Super cool analysis that wants me to play lol again
the baus god
Dobby is there going to be a video on the new Hwei champion?
Tilterella was the OG sion inter \ lethality sion , glad that style is revived
and InvertedComposer was the first well-known player to proxy with Singed
baus was the og going lethality sion
tilt was not the OG lethality sion
@@immendez6320Baus credit Tilterrella for the idea
still is nowhere as devastating a 0/50 Yone running it down with Hullbreaker and Botrk.
the more things change, the more things stay the same
The difference I see here is they don't get gank way too often by "every" lane, everyone knows who baus is so everyone is already ready for he's shenanigans.
Bro showed up at baron like the Final Hidden Raid Boss and destroyed the enemy team as if Baron was the Mini Boss begging for help lol
Don't forget to Stream without delay and map cover with maximum map size.
So your team hates you more than before.
i can smell this video
Look at the performance!
actually this was a better version of bausff .., or this was was bausff offstream ?
Thanks, this is so informative.
This is actually better than Baus gameplay
bar on the floor + korean
lol they just simply pick out the best gameplays for the clip.
Yeah, he definitely improved on the macro threefold. You could tell they don't have as much experience tho by the difference in micro XD
@@geffi3077 what are you talking about? He's literally challenger???
@@snakerat4161 doesnt mean his gameplays are better than baus.
Baus's literally challenger too.
Here we go again BigBrother
now some boosted individuals who have no clue what they are doing are gonna run my games down but very nice vid
As the bausen spreads the good word, prosperity was washed upon its recipients.
also he gets more value from having the same cs as the laner due to his gain in hp per cs passive and cull, if it is a cull matchup
As a baus enjoyer, i say that dark seal also is a fucking counter to this strat
Keeping this guy from farming is like trying to keep Barney out of the bar
I love inting sion, gotta be one of my favourite forms of brain damage
3ple heartsteel proc sounds so satisfying
Very well edited video. Lots of great info presented in a succinct manner. Thanks for sharing.
can you do makkro next? thanks
oh my i have never been this early
to be honest, shoving waves and ignoring deaths as long as you get platings and farm sounds exactly like my illaoi gameplay XD
Brand new to game as of today and am amazed!goodbye shooter and racing games ,HF so GD freaking much going on!!
at least now we know how he got to master with sion
lowelo detected
you know baus was like top 10 in october right?
@@snadderolsen9834 until they nerfed the sh*t out of hullbreaker, right?
@@snadderolsen9834he wasn't tho?
@@sidradeave they took 15 armour and mr off at lvl 18, it's not a huge nerf. next season tho HB will be a lot worse on sion
im sure thats what rior had in mind when they created Sion rework. looks like fun
That Trundle as in the end tho 😂
Will cs matter when you win? 🎉
Waiting for the Hwei vid
I am currently making it, please wait a moment ;)
You know it's boutta be real when some KR challenger took a master's strat on ranked games
Bausff uses his E on the first minion of wave before charging Q+W so he oneshot the wave
Gwen is by far the biggest counter.
Jax is a counter? Why? (Obviously because the items he can build but he's easier to 1v1 at first too) And aatrox? I'm obviously not a huge otp but I do have good winrate with tank sion and well, I hate aatrox because I play on 200 ping so the Qs are impossible to dodge, but in my experience, aren't champions like Gwen who can perma dodge Qs and have %hp damage the biggest counter (plus she can also splitpush which puts you at a huge disadvantage)? Because your video says the way to win against those champions is to force the early proxy, but the example you showed worked bc Hecarim pathed botside AND you have to land the lvl 1 Q (which nowadays many players are aware of). If the enemy player is good at killing you and can enable ganks, and the enemy jungler focuses you with quick ganks, it's hard to win (sounds kinda obvious but it's very common if they expect the inting/proxy strat)
Ok, but shouldn't this eventually be nerfed if it's THAT effective and has little to no counterplay? Just asking, looks pretty amazing.
if it was that effective everyone would play it and it would be in meta... And you barely see sion. These tactics need some coordination and the player to actually know what he is doing in order for all of it work. Seems like playing casually is less work and still you can do as good. I dont think they should nerf it
A based bausen's law enjoyer
Baus says if you can choose your own death, you go heartsteel, if you canot, you go bamis.
What a fun gameplay to deal with
Some people will never reach challenger while this mfs do it while inting. Such gigachads
Can you talk about Hail of Blades Janna?
Gracias por este video y lo sacaste muy rápido! Muchas gracias :), yo estoy implementando el trundle top
Never been this earrly but oh no here we go again
This really depends who you are versus on the lane. If you are vs camille, she will give very high dmg to you and you never win 1vs1 mid game. You also cant escape her with ult at all. This might work but only in specific matchups. Proxing is more useful if you can utilize tempo advantage gained from it, turret damage by minions doesnt matter that much, first turret is dead every game anyway. Camille would just ignore you proxying, buy sunderer, and from this time you wouldnt be able to play the game anymore
if there was a strategy that worked into any matchup or strategy that is called broken. Doesnt mean the strat isn't legit
6:53 As baus fan "You must die on purpose" he will hold the time with Grave , get the wave then get Grave
That clip was Baus not sure why this channel thinks it was another sion player.
@@wildmanwild The clip was in context to the example, wouldn't matter whom the clip was from.
vayne is counter too i assume?
Idk but Aatrox is one of Baus's favorite matchups
Agree, he kill any aatrox with ease and outscale them too
Baus used to permaban Aatrox
This guy is like offstream baus.
The on stream baus plays for entertainment,he does shitty deaths for the lolz
Besides if he actually covered his map,half of the backseaters cant talk about seeing ganks from a mile away
And besides, I've started playing league last month,and got to emerald,with tank sion from watching his guides and vids for the past 3 years,so its definitely works for a newbie like me
A fight with a urgot as sion is the most fun to go against i just build jak sho thornmail sunfire with sorc shoes urgot is dying while you standing and not losing much hp
The Funny thing is the Trundle Meta Video did not work against the Bausen's Law
dematerial- what now? They just giving out support starter item passives now?
"same formula of dying again and again" *shows clip of sion being 5/3/4 with 300 farm*
That's how Tier 3 subscriber looks like 👍
10:57 you cant kill him fast enough to prevent your nexus from being destroyed xD
be ready when u have a teammate who have lumberjack sion and phase rush and cull item
Не ну челленджера BausFFS мы все знаем прекрасно
i wonder how well this would work if they fixed sions death timer at lvls 4-8 currently bugged and lower then intented
i mean its just a play style due to riot stupid bounty system and that if you can farm like a god its easy especially sense tp is a thing. cause you can do this strat with volibear as well
I mean regardless of whether it should exist or not. abusing it is still a strat. I don't see how riots incompetence undermines it
@@ratio1037 whole heartedly agree
and what to do if it's a singed proxying your lane too?